HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0600057_GEO THERMAL_20150506AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Edward and Jennifer Hickman .5104 White Oak Drive Lumberton, NC 283 52 Subject: Permit Rescission UIC Permit No. W10600057 May 6, 2015 Geothermal Heating/Cooling Wate1eturn Well Robeson County "' Dear Mrs. and Mrs. Hickman: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary / Reference is .made to your request for rescission of the subject Geothermal Heating/Cooling Water Return Well Permit located at the above referenced address. Staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office has agreed that a permit is no longer required. Therefore, in accordance with your request, Underground fuje~tion Control (U1C) Permit W10600057 is rescinded, effective immediately. If in the future, you wish to operate a Geothermal Heating/Cooling Water Return Well injection system, you must first apply for and receive a new permit. Operating a geothermal heat pump injection system without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms available to the state. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call Michael Rogers at (919) 807-6406. Attachment( s) cc: Fayetteville Regional Office -WQROS Central Files -Permit No. WI0600057 Robeson County Environmental Health Dept. Sincerely, ~j_.LJ"is <t'\ Jay Zimmerman, P.G., Director '{ Division of Water Resources 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh , North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: 919-807-6464 , I Internet: http://www.ncwater.org An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer -Made in part by recycled pap er Permit Rescission Form Information to be filled out bv Central Office: Facility Name: Edward and Jennifer Hickman (SA 7 geothermal injection well) Permit Number: WI0600057 Regional Office: Fayetteville County: Robeson Date Rescission Requested: Letter from Edward Hickman, homeowner, dated 28 April 2015 and permit rescission application, received in Fayetteville via email on 28 April 2015. Permit Expiration: 06/30/2015 Received Original Request: Central Office XX Regional Office Form of Received Request: [Rj Letter Signed Annual Fee Invoice Other Information to be filled out by Re gion: Please Check Appropriately: ~ite Visit Performed D Groundwater Concerns Addressed Render Decision for Rescission of the Above Referenced Permit: ~pproved D Denied Note: If approved this permit will become inactive in the BIMS database and will not be billed through the division billing system. ~ Rtffi9EIVED/DENR/DWR Complete if Approved: l_y1 Rescind Immediately M~~A\ O 5 2015 Reason for A pp roval: The Hickman residence installed two wells for use with the " tt 'io/~onal installed. Both wells were drilled to 103 ', with screens set at 86' to 100'. The injectio · ~8flffiiion accept the volume of water (approx .. 20 to 25 gpm for three units) discharged to it due to the confined aquifer (Black Creek) and the groundwater table being at 12' below ground surface at time of boring. There is approximately 13' of storage volume in the injection well and once the system was operational, water was flowing out of the well. The driller and HV AC contractor received approval from the City of Lumberton to discharge the effluent water to the White Oak drive stormwater system and operate the groundwater source HVAC system as a "pump and dump". It's the regional office's understanding that the injection well received water from the HV AC system for approximately two days (most of it flowing out of the well onto the yard), until a underdrain was installed to discharge the water to the curb (see photo from site visit on 29 April 2015). 1 The proposed injection well is currently being used for irri atian of the yard and landscaping at the Hickman residence; hence there are no wells to be aban oned at this time. Based upon site visits to the Hickman residence on 29 April 2015 and the request for rescission letter provided to the Division by Edward Hickman; permit W10600057 should be rescinded. 1f you need additional information don't hesitate to contact Jim Barber at 910-433-3340. Reason for Denial; Not Applicable Signature of Certifier: � L, f �t Date Certified • '5- ,, S Return Completed and Signed Form to Groundwater Protection Unit, Aquifer Protection Section REDENED1DENRIDWR Mai 5 wapperation� r: _ E t _ y``` y /r. njection ell « r stormwater drain r` -p #HHi an 5104 White oak or. pit q _ r r � i � '�20i5 Gpegle � O l��1p �� l / � I f� i993 i4°'s9'4?A1' ❑ ]s=59 L2?0"l9 elev I9JR—eye.alt�?3J .. ~~E __ -;,-:;~~wn on plate 5 F , hown on plate 6 F-s G ' shown on plate 7 G- H -H' shown on plate 8 J -J' shown on plate 9 J' -J" shown on plate 10 K -K' shown on plate 11 L-L' shown on plate 1: ' L" shown on plate 1, ' d R -R' L -. . N' N." p _ p, an M' N-N', ·-, M -~hown on plate 14 ACME Mapper 2.1 - 5.4 km NxNE of Lumberton NC - Page 1 of 1 Y a �7 1 - , - H � a- - 4 w ■ . . • • ;ter - - — -�I�1/ . .. ' [{{jj — ` r f s dens f Fait y r '•� j - • - A i ��� irk - - w ORION* { • C f �ry • r \ 1 II • 7 • r y- adi ch T djo • r� . - r 95 .�} lie -416 Redwood H lb f4 N ittp://mapper-acme.com/ 0 UiZ p is �I ^--'- -- -uifer 128 ------------------ Lev, CL Black IK I 10.3'*GX4� UPPor Cam - - L + 161 - - -----� J 94 Fear confining - aaUifer �� )0 30 ON 200 Ktn SEA LEVEL -200 -300 i NdN RESIDENTIAL wELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'arolina Department of Environment and Nuturai Resources- Division of Water Quality ,L CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # •_ 11 1. WELL Q00TRACTOR' Well Contractor (indiOd t) Name �' .fir �-/sf�.;✓ ,��r.! �.� Well Con actor Company Name Street Address Lj E .y 1 F_ru () City or Tc*n State Zip Coda 1110 6 73 - Zi ?- i Area code Phone number 2, WELL INFIORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS OTHER.ASSQCIATED PERMIT#(9 apptic�be) 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ NEunicipallPublico industrialiCpmmeraal p Agricultural Q Recovary ❑ Injedion IrrigafionQ -der Q {fist use DATE DPJ4F-D 4. WELL LOCATION: LA",fe- (Street ?Jame. wmbers. Cornmun$y. SubdM,ion, Ed No., Pan7ei, Zip Code) CITY: L f/ n-�i+r' e COt1NTY sl} 5 r TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING. (check appropriate pox) ❑Slope CIVailey ❑Flat 013009a t7Other LATITUDE ' DMS OR 3x.Xxx7Cx) XXX DO LONGITUD4 75 " ❑MS OR 7x-x]WOcx) XX DID Lathudellongjtude source: E13PS 01"opographic map pocaffon of WO must be shown on a USGS ropo rasp andattached to this firm if nor using GPS) 6. FACILITY (Name of ft buskress where the well Is located.) Facility Nartre Facility Id: (it applicable) Street Address 4/G City or Towh State ZIP Cade `] — V 4! L F_ Con ct Name Mali N Addraiss CHy or Town ' - - a - State 7Jp Code 'li i o 1 Z -7 7 '1 0 Area Code Phone number 6. WELL. OETA(L.S: a. TOTAL DEPTH: t03 r b, DOES WELL R9PLACE MST] NO WELL? YF-5 CI NQ tf C- WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _ 13 _ FT. (Usa •*' if Above Top of Casing) /`11 c Ak) d. TOP OF CASING IS - - -41- - FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of rasing terminated actor below land surface may require a varianca In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0116. e. YIELD fgpmj: METHOD OF TEST A,(" f. 131SINFECTION: Type �T�— Amount ' L g. WATER ZONES (depth): Topes 5ottom-_,&Ja_ ToP Bottum Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom^ _ Thlcknoss/ 7, CASING: Depth diameter Welght Material Top Top Bottom Ft. S. GROUT: Depth Material Method Tops 0 SotLam ,Ko Top Bottom Ft. - Top Bottom Ft. - -- 9_ SCREEN: Depth ❑iarneter Slot Size Material YflP_ im Bettorn__,�+�-In. - -5�- , In - Top Bottom FL in- in- i qp Bottom FI. in. In. fit. SANDIGRAVEL PACK Depth Size Material Top_lo—Bottam-,?'M Ft.�ef,,?, A"ed . Top Bottom Fl. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Fohnatfort description /,. 1� A& �w h 1 _.�1. r — - 12, REMARKS' I po HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TMIS YVELL WAS CONSTRUCTED W ACCORDANCE YM-H 15A HCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRLCn0N STANDARD$, AND TMT A COPY OF THIS REDORD W DEENP137ADED TO THE WELL OWNER, SIG NAT E�R fifE�f C W CDiJTRACT4R t]A7E PRINTED NAME OF PER50N .,ANSTRUCTING THE WELL Form � t 3; j iDX1-13F W Fir u liljl lllfolrn�tivn Praee fs7,g; vb . 2 g'1 Re Ptshrib : (1919) 407430D r' 1y DN RESIDENTIAL w,,LL coNsTRucnoni REcowo trolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality L, CONTKACTOR CERTIFICATION # � 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Well ntraclor (IndW I) Name Well Contractor Company Name r Street Address - t-1`'S1 F.-� 10 NL Z 7S 16 City or Town state Zip Code it 14, 673 7-1F Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: Vj 10 L(� S 7 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(dapplicable) srm WELL ID *(If applicable) 3, WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Municipal/Public C1 IndustrtalrCommerdal EI Agricutturai Q Recovery M Injection t- Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list rise DATE DWLLED t% I 10 4. WELL LOCATION: (Street Narm Mmrbam. Cornmanity, Subdivision, Cvl Nm, Parcel, Zip Cade] CITY: L V "h s-: At n COUNTY . a i e 5 TOPOGRAPttIC l LAND SETTING- (0a* appropriate boo ❑ Slope C Valley ❑ Flat CI Ridge ❑ Other LATITUDE 36 w " Dms oR 3x.x)=xxXXX DO LONGITUDE 75 " DM3 oR 7x.xxx xxr(xx DO Lafitudellong'rtude source; IDGPS !]Topographic map {IvooVon of well must be shown an a USG fcpo reap and$dfached to this form ff not uainq GFSj 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) Facility Name Facility IDtlt (if applicable) .510& -)" auk D= Street Address 1 cal-%W,r 466- City or Towh Stale Zip Code Sir L.F Ca cl Name r I T TO MLCott #4-k M ItIng Address r + { l 7 City or Town State Zip Cade LL1,ca _y •� -7� - 2 ?' 0 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAJLS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_ j03 b. DOES WELL REPLACE gUSITNG WELL? YES ❑ NO t1 c, WATER LEVEL 8efow Top of Ciraing; ! 3 FT_ (Use'+' if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING 15 ^ { FT. Above land Surface' 'Tap of casing terminated aVor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, e. YIELD {gpmj:. w METHOD OF TEST _ A. e- f, DISINFECTION; Type � f� __ Amount r � : 9, WATER LOVES (depth): Top Bottom- -ia_ Top Bottom Tap Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom ThlaknesW 7. CASING: Depth Diameter W010111 Material Top 0 Boftom� Ft. I Top l�t3 _ Battom—&,�Ft._� Top Uottom Ft. 8, GROUT: Depth Material Method To d Bottom Z40 Ft. �t � Top Bottom Ft. Tap Bottom Ft. 9, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Tap firs 9atiom- Ay - 4—i—ln. _jo­ in. RW "36 Tap Bottom Ft_ in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SANDrGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material TopYrBattom IraS- Ft_ IYve� - Tap Bottom Ft_ Top bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Mtom Formation Description 112+ REMARKS: r i DO HJ:REBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED 1N ACCOR DANCE 'IMP I 15A NCAC 7C, WELL CMTRUCT*N STANDARDS. AN07MT A COPY Of 7+05 RECORD HAS OEEVRCP DED TO THE WELL OWNER. SiGNATZKE`0Fr CER FLED VVEK CONTRACTOR DATE 1�Ai" 1! r - PRINTEO NAME OF PERSOIJNSTRUCTING THE WELL �[p� 11i�S.�f111 of°1t1(B T�$ll� Inf4TfitAtion f�rOCeS,^In Form CWtb . n 9, Rev, 2/09 ail 61, phone' ; W*410743 0 Ro gers, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Rogers, Michael Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:25 PM Henson , Belinda; Barber, Jim WI0600057 Edward Hickman, Geothermal Well Geothermal Water Return Well.pdf Please find attached a permit rescission request. Please let me know if it is OK to rescind. You can conduct a site inspection prior to recommending rescission if you wish. Let me know. Thanks. From: sally.richardson [mailto:evhdentall @bellsouth.net] Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:08 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subje(:t:: Edward Hickman, Geothermal Well Mr. Rogers, I am sending the attached information per Dr. Hickman's request. Sally Richardson Office Manager Edward Hickman, DDS, PA 720 Oakridge Blvd Lumberton, NC 28358 Office: 910-738-8444 . Fax: 910-671-8251 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail transmission may contain confidential or legally privileged information that is intended only for the individual or entity named in the e-mail address. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance upon the contents of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you received this e-mail transmission in error, we apologize for the error. Please reply to the sender so that arrangements can be macle for proper delivery, and then please permanently delete this message from your e-mail system. Thank you. 1 EDWARD V. IDCKMAN, D.D.S., P.A. 720 Oak Ridge Boulevard Lumberton, N.C. 28358 April 28, 2015 NC DENR -Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Attention: Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Hydro geologist Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Dear Mr. Rogers, I am sorry about the delay responding to your notice. I have talked with the HV AC company that put the geothermal system in and the well in question is not being used. There evidently was too much water pressure in the aquafer to discharge the water back into the ground. With the city's permission we are discharging the waJer into the storm drain. This well is no longer being used as a geothermal injection well and I wish to rescind the permit. I was told to write an explanatory letter to you. If there are any questions please contact me at 910-258-1867. For any technical questions I would recommend you contact Steve Cole, President of Simmons Heating and Cooling, at 910-610-3363. Sincerely, __ ./ / ~~=:l Edward Hickman, DDS THEOAKS OFFICE (910) 738-8444 FAX (910) 671-8251 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS In Accordance With the Provisions of 1 SA NCAC 42C .0224 GEOTHERMAL HEATING/COOLING WATER RETURN WELLS] These'well(s) inject groundwater directly into the subsurface as part of a geothermal heating and cooling system CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: New Application JKModification �rinit Rescission Request* *For Permit Renewals or Rescission Request, complete Pages l and 4 (signature page) only Print or hype Information and Mail to the Address on the Last Page. Illegible Applications Will Be ReturnedAs Incomplete. DATE: --I , 14 _20 PERMIT NO. -tV. MoW j_7 (leave blank if New Application) A. CURRENT WELL USE AND OWNERSHIP STATUS (leave blank if New Application) I. Current Use of Well a. Continue to use as 40 eothermal Well Drinking Water Supply Other Water Supply b. Terminate Use: If the well is no longer being used as a geothermal injection well and you wish to rescind the permit, check the box below- If abandoned, attach a copy of the Well Abandonment Record (GW-30)_ `es, I wish to rescind the permit 2. Current Ownership Status Has there been a change of ownership since permit last issued? ❑ YES J% NO If yes, indicate new owner's contact information: Name(s) ---- — -- Mailing Address: _ City: _ State: Zip Code:-- _ County. Day Tele No.: Email Address.: B. STATUS OF APPLICANT (choose one) Non -Government: Individual Residence T Business/Organization Government: State Municipal County Federal C. WELL OWNER(S)IPERMIT APPLICANT -- For individual residences, list owner(s) on property deed. For all others. 'list name of entity and name of person delegated authority to sign: __ fir# ;.-.2,,J f/, if,�„� Mai l ing.Address: / C�'r?_ tlkki City: L: _ _ _ State: it`!C_Lip Code:.„es_J _ County: Day Teie No.:. Qju_--'7 3�:- _' Y' `�—l1 Cef1 No._ 10 _ 12-5 1<' - z E1WJi,, A3d[ess:.ilh�I�� �T� y.� Fax No.: Geothermal Water.Retm-n Welt Permit Application (Revised Jan 2015) Page l N NOTE, Inmost cases an aerial photograph of the properly parcel snowing properly limes and structures can be obtained and downloaded from the applicable costnty GIS website 1ypkafly, the property can be searched by owner name or address. The location of the wells in relation to property boundaries, houses, septic tacks: other wells, err- can then be drawn in by hared Also, a `layer' can be selected showing topographic contours or elevation data M. CERTMCATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) 15A NCAC 02C .0211(e requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: 1. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer, 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official; 4. for all others: by all the person(silisted on the property deed. If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent to sign this application on their Behalf "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I art► aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. r agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit_" Signature of Property Owner/Applicant ..,Print of Type Full Name Si re of Pr a rty Owner AppIidant V1, - Ar "I Print or Type Full Name Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Print or Type Hull Name - Submit two copies of the completed application package to: Division of Water Resources Water- Quality Regional Operations $gtion (WQRQS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1E636 Telephone (91:9) 807-6464 Geothermal Water Return Wel[ Permit Application (Revised Jan 22015) Page 4 rn:Tarrell Graham (19198076496) 13.27 0210111 2G M T-05 Pg 01•03 To: Fax: 19198076496 Re; Flrorn: Tarrell Graham Pages: 3 Dais; Feb 01, 2012 Urgent For Review Please Comment Please Reply For Information Comments: To Whom It May Concern, My office recently received a letter from your department requesting GW1s for' Pmt W10600057 Edward & Jennifer Hickman SFR Pmt W10400130 Kimball Hall Building, Charlotte Hawkins Our records show that the GW1 forms for Hickman were sent on 8I18110 but I have attached them to this fax. I am not sure why you didn't receive them but appreciate the opportunity to resubmit. do not show any customer history under the name Hawkins and will require more information to locate that form. Our billing and accounts system does not sort projects by permit number so I need other details. If you would email me additional information about the Hawkins request I will be glad to assist and locate the request information asap. Thank you. Tarreii Graham Graham and Currie Well Drilling tarreil@grahamcurrie.com www.myfax.com RECEIVED 02-01-' 12 13:12 FROM- FAX TO- NC DENR P&S P001/003 m:Tarrell Graham (19199076490) 13:27 02101112GMT-06 PQ 02-03 1 r aN1 R—ESID ENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nonh Carolina Depamncnl of Environment and Neluml Resources. Division of WacerQuality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 1. WELL CrONTRACTOR: -,Vile! n�clor (Indiuid n Name %� ell Cordrtactor Company Name Street Addireas City or Toon State tp Coee iq 6 73 2V I Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFIPIRWTiON: j„ 1 L V wELLC0N3 RVCTTON PERMITS -� OTHER A$S(PCIATE❑ PERMITI(It appikabte) SFTE WELL Ilp xM ap04-.wa) W r. L.L. ]. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitanng ❑ MurflcipsYPublic 0 industnaVOOMmerdal ❑ Agricultural p Recovery 0 Infection IrrigsfionD Other 0 (list use DATE DRILLED /`i Ito 4. WELL LDCATION: 61 3Y,; ie- (tlO" Nmre. NWbere. Colrlmurily, 5uttd+Ase0, . ot Na., Parcel, Zp Code( CITY: fY U Mill If ^ COUNTY_ It] e5 r I TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SMING; (awe appropriate boxy ❑Slope ❑Valey ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑ether LATITUDE 36• DMS aR 3x.xxXxxxxxx DD LONGITLICIE r3 ° �' " t7AA5 OR 7 .x7 xxxxx% Do t-alitudellongftude source: UPS propographlc map (lacaUan of well must be shown on a USGS lopo map andaltached to this form if not using GPSJ S. FACLfTY (Name of the business where the well Is located,) C1. w � la , � Z .. ,V% Fac ty Namet Facllity ID# (if appitcable) .1i Street Address L,f6N► 44r City or Town Stale Zip Code �F v� e Con at Name i? 8`'0 l l f"'', MailirgAddralsa ------ �y, - J j Z City or Town State Zip Code tA ;,, . Area code thane number S. WELL DETA4L S-. a. TOTAL DEPTH: 103 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL? YE5 LI NO c. WATER L-VEL Below TDp pf Casing: _ 3 FT. (Il,tse •+' if Above Top of Casing( d. TOP OF CASING IS _ ft _ FT. Above Lao Surface' 'Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C D118. e. YIELD igpml- METHQQ OF TEST— �_r - f. DISINFECTION: Type— Jy Amount ' r. g. WATER ZONES (deplh): Topes Bottarn�bp Top Bottom Top 89llonf_ — _ i Top Batlarrl Top Bottom Top Bottom Thlrkrmssl T. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight malarial Tap 0 8odom--Ve— FI.- Tup� t3ot om- Ft- Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROAT; Depth Material Method Tap— Bottom Z0 Ft.—Aty a Top Bottom Ft. ToF BollorrFt. _ ^� 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Topes_ Bottom_ Ft.-ln- ­ja_ in. Top Bottom Ft. in. In. -- Top Bottom Fl. in- In- 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material oP.�LLBottorn� Ft.1 Yt ve r Top Bottom Ft. Top Sodom Ft. 11, DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description Q 1�� _1 Ala_ - I _ dead — —-1 �d — -- .,��I_zax 12, REMARKS: I PC MEREW CERTIFY THAT TRS WELL WAS CONSTRICTED IN ACCORDANCE MTN 13R NCAC 7C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANW03. AND THAT A Wit OF 7lO RECORD MS SEENPA VICED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNAT E O CER FIED —CONTRACT—OR DATE PRINTED NAME Or PERSON IO STRUCTING THE WELL Form GW 1 b il��wweryltrtilnn•;in_.i]Ivt4lrsn At' WAtar {3rrality . tnfmrregiinn prmraadlnn ..__ CEIVED 02-@1-' 12 13 J2 FROM- FAX 'TO- NC DENS P&5 ' P002/003 rrr:Tarrell Graham (ISI B076486) 13:27 0=1112GMT-05 Py 03-03 NUN RESIDENTIAL wELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Caroliaa Department of £n►•ironment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 1. VYIELL CDHTiiACTOR: �, _- Twep waft (1�f& e- 11di AD N � 1�e; -uteri Centraclor Company Name c V4L Y r 5 Street dress z 75 16 City or Town State ZIP Code 11_0J 613 - Z I I � Area code Pkme number 2. WELL INFORIIWTION: �►! l t: ` L' i VVELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMFT#t'dappFmble) SrTE WELL ID #cif epplicew) W t, t,t_ tt 2 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) MoMoring ❑ Municipa1/Pubfs'c0 IndustriatlCommerdal 0 Agriculturat 0 Recovery 0 injection > r IrrVat}onlD Other ❑ [list se DATE DRILLED 4. WELL LOCATION: (SImet Name. Nw►bera, Commuriiy. Su6d union, Ns., partaal, 2)p Cndel CriY: _ t- u rt n C• � e n COUNTY _ - a� e S r'1 TOPOGRAPHIC r LAND SETTING: (check sppropfte b�kx) E)Skt w (2Valley OFIM ❑Ridge 00ttrer LATfTUDE 3$ -OMSOR 3x.XXXXxxxxx DD LONGITUDE 75 • DMS OR 7x..xxxxxxxxx DD L.atiludellangitLde sources BPS OTopographic map (1901ion o(well must be sf+own on a USGS lopo map andah'ached to mis form V not using GPS) 6. FACELM (Name of the business where the well is located.) FaclltyName Facility Ira# (if applicable) Steel Address Lti,n bexlar City or Town State Zip Code Conrad Name 11-7 ro ""l`G ARaiNng Address Z X �5 City or Town Stale Zip Code Ito ,L -7 Area code Phorm number IL VALL VETAA-S: a. TOTAL, DEPTH: 103 b. OM WELL REPLACE E)USTiNG WELL? YES 0 NO I� e. WATER LM Below To of Casing: �FT. {Use'*' if Above Top of Ca3ing= d. TOP OF CASING IS 4,1-- FT. Above Land Surface' 'Tap of casing terminated ayor below land surface may require a Va►isr►ee in accordance with I SA NCAC 2C ,0118. @. YIELD jgIsmj:. k _ METHOD OF TEST : r C DISINFECTION: Type Amount ' c q, WATER ZONES Idept4 . Top_ !SJ2 - BottomTop Bottom Top BOHOM Top BUdOrn Top Bottom Top Bottum Tttickneesl 7, CASING: Depth Diameter weigh materiel Top D Bottom 5' -- Ft.` Top /Gd - Botlom-,j&3 Ft.� ToA Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth maleriat Method Tope t3attam .y Ft Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top Sodom_& L Ft.—a.Lin. -*Jd. in. Ae— Top_ Bottom FI. in. in- Top— Bottom Ft. in. in, 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sine Materlal Top_2,CL_Boltem-,&j_FI. /YJ __Z;mtet Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft- 11. DRILLING LOG Tap Bottom Formations Description 12. REMARKS_ DO HER ENY CERTIFY 1HAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRICTED IN ACOORQALvCE +mT H I5A WAC 2C,'4YELL CO%TRt1CTION STANWDS. AND TiIAT A COPY OF THIS REODRD HAS MVFtqVI0ED TO THE WELL DANER, SIGNAA E'O CER PIED W G CONTRACTOR DATE LAW;dr 11010el PRINTED NAME OF PERSON 111ONSTRUCTING lI• EWELL Pi- RiiF7dilo73f%eYfririit►flnntn.l!1iv[clran of Hralnre].,arlfi. _ I�Fn..n a#i,yn Dm�eeetiri. Form W-lb _ ECEIVED 02-01-' 12 AJ2 _ FROM- _ FAX __ _ TO- NC DENS P&5 P003/003 Permit Number WI0600057 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Heating/Cooling Water Return Well (5A7) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name Edward & Jennifer Hickman SFR Location Address 5104 White Oak Dr Lumberton Owner Owner Name Edward Dates/Events NC V 28358 Hickman Orig Issue 07/15/10 App Received Draft Initiated 05/12/10 Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 07/19/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Tarrell Graham 4532 Hwy 73 West End NC Major/Minor Minor Region Fayetteville County Robeson Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Edward V. Hickman 5104 White Oak Dr Lumberton NC Public Notice Issue 07/15/10 Effective 07/15/10 27376 28358 Expiration 07/30/15 _R_e~g'-u_la_t_e_d_A_ct_iv_i_ti_e_s ________________ -'-'R=e=a=u=e=s=te=d=/-'-'R=e=c=e-'-'iv'--'e=--=d=----=Eco_v=e=-=-nt=s"'------------- Heat Pump Injection Additional information requested Outfall NULL Waterbody Name RO staff report requested Additional information rece ived RO staff report received Stream Index Number Current Class 06/04/10 06/18/10 06/18/10 07/09/10 Subbasin Pe r mit Number WI0600057 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Heating/Cooling Water Return Well (5A7) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name Edward & Jennifer Hickman SFR Location Address 5104 White Oak Dr Lumberton Owner Owner Name Edward · Dates/Events NC V Orig Issue App Received 05/12/10 Reg ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL 28358 Hickman Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 07/14/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status In review Project Type New Project Version Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Tarrell Graham 4532 Hwy 73 West End NC Major/Minor Minor Region Fayetteville County Robeson Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Edward V. Hickman 5104 White Oak Dr Lumberton NC Public Notice ·11iij lo Effective Re o uested/Received Events Additional information requested RO staff report requested Additional information received RO staff report received 27376 28358 Expiration 7/3115 06/04/10 06/18/10 06/18/10 07/09/10 Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin A~A -..~--~-~-NCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beveriy Eaves Perdue Governor Edward and Jennifer Hickman 5104 White Oak Dr. Lumberton, NC 28358 Re: Issuance of Injection Well Permit Permit No. WI0600057 Coleen H. Sullins Director July 15, 2010 Issued to Edward and Jennifer Hickman Robeson County Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hickman: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with your application received May 12 , 2010, and additional information received June 18, 2010, I am forwarding Permit No. WI0600057 for the construction and operation of a SA 7 geothermal underground injection control (UIC) well heat pump system located at the above referenced address. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until June 30 , 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein. Please notify Jim Barber with the Fayetteville Regional Office two business days prior to construction of the geothermal well. · Also, per permit condition Part 11.5, the injection, well must be constructed to a depth such that it is injecting water into the same aquifer that the source well is drawing from. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well for the stated purpose, you should submit an application to renew the permit four months prior to its expiration date. As indicated in the permit, this permit is not transferable to any person without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality. If you have any questions regarding your permit or the Underground Injection Control Program please call me at (919) 715-6166. Best Regards, ~a~ 'Michael Rogers, P .G . (N"::: FL) Environmental Specialist cc: Art Barnhardt-Fayetteville Regional Office Central Office File -WI0600057 Robeson County Environmental Health Dept. AQUIFER PROTECT ION SECTION i636 Mail Service Cente r, Raleigh , North Carolina 27699-1636 Location : 2728 Capital Bou levard, Raleig h, North Carolina 27604 Phone : 919-733-3221 I FAX 1: 919-715-0588 ; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 I Customer Service : 1-877-623-6748 Interne t: www.ncwaterauality.org An Equ al Opportunity I Affirm aliv e Action Employ er None C 1. orth aroma J\)aturall!f NORTH CAROLINA 1 �1�►►� f ;Z�1►fu I ��� 1� f���I1�311'►1 �►ff I[K�]� fu' !_1�X� [��►� DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Edward and Jennifer Hickman FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A TYPE 5A7 INJECTION WELL, defined in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0209(e)(3)(A), which will be used for the injection of heat pump effluent. This injection well is located at 5104 White Oak Dr.. Lumberton, Robeson County come NC 28358, and will be constructed and operated in accordance with the application May 12, 2010, and conformity with the specifications and supporting data received June 18, 2010, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this permit. This permit is for Construction and Operation of an injection well shall be in compliance with Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0100 and .0200, and any other Laws, Rules, and Regulations pertaining to well constructs on and use. This permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until June 30, 2015, and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth M' Parts 1 through IX hereof. Permit issued this the day of �U-4.q .2010 Z'10-r'Ztl� -9-7 Z-611, Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. WI0600057 PART I -WELL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit and with the standards and criteria specified in Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells (15A NCAC 2C .0200). Any noncompliance with conditions of this permit constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and is grounds for enforcement action as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-94. 2. This permit shall become voidable unless the facility is constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 3. Each injection well shall not hydraulically connect separate aquifers. 4. Each injection well shall be constructed in such a manner that water from land surface cannot migrate into the gravel pack or well screen. 5. Each injection well shall be secured to reasonably insure against unauthorized access and use. Each well shall be permanently labeled with a warning that it is for injection purposes and the entrance to each well must be secured with a locking cap. 6. Each injection well shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use. 7. Each geothermal injection well shall have permanently affixed an identification plate according to 2C .0213(g). 8. A completed Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) must be submitted for each injection well to: Aquifer Protection Section -UIC Staff 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 and Aquifer Protection Section -Fayetteville Regional Office Systel Building 225 Green St., Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 (910) 433-3300 GW-1s must be submitted within 30 days of completion of well construction. Copies of the GW-1 form(s) shall be retained on-site and available for inspection. PART II-WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. At least forty-eight ( 48) hours prior to constructing each injection well, the Permittee shall notify the Aquifer Protection Section-Underground Injection Control (UIC), Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166 and the Fayetteville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section (APS) Staff, telephone number (910) 433-3300. 2. Within 30 days of injection well completion, Permittee must contact the Fayetteville Regional Office APS Staff in order to have samples collected at the source well and injection well. WI0600057 2 3. Continued operation of the injection system will be c!ontingent upon the effluent not impacting groundwater quality. The water quality of the effluent cannot be that of a lower quality than the influent, which results in a degrading of water quality of the aquifer. 4. The injection well system must be constructed with sampling ports so that system influent and effluent may be sampled. 5. The injection well must be constructed to a depth such that it is injecting water into the same aquifer that the source well is drawing from. PART III-OPERATION AND USE GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature, volume of materials and rate of injection, as described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality (Director). In the event there is a desire for the facility to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit amendment request must be submitted to the Director, including any supporting materials as may be appropriate, at least 30 days prior to the date of the change. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Perrnittee of the responsibility of complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other local, state, and federal agencies, which have jurisdiction. Furthermore, the issuance of this permit does not imply that all regulatory requirements have been met. PART IV -PERFORMANCE ST AND ARDS 1. The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwater which will render it unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facility fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure •Of the injection zone to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality such as the repair, modification, or abandonment of the injection facility. 2. The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Perrnittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwater resulting from the operation of this facility. PART V -OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The injection facility shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Permittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized by the permit. WI0600057 3 3. At least forty-eight ( 48) hours prior to the initiation of the operation of the facility for injection, the Permittee must notify by telephone the Aquifer Protection Section-Underground Injection Control (UIC), Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166 Notification is required so that Division staff can inspect or otherwise review the injection facility and determine if it is in compliance with permit conditions. PART VI -INSPECTIONS 1. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Water Quality may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the injection facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this pennit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or injection fluids. 2. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-90. 3. Provisions shall be made for collecting any necessary and appropriate samples associated with the injection facility activities. PART VII -MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, or soil sampling) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure surface and ground water protection, will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall report by telephone, within 48 hours of the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence, to the Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 433-3300, any of the following: (A) Any occurrence at the injection facility that results in any unusual operating circumstances; (B) Any failure due to known or unknown reasons that renders the facility incapable of proper injection operations, such as mechanical or electrical failures; 3. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted to the Director by the Permittee. 4. In the event that the permitted facility fails to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART VIII -PERMIT RENEW AL The Permittee shall, at least 120 days prior to the expiration of this permit, request an extension. WI0600057 4 PART IX -CHANGE OF WELL STATUS .. 1. The Pennittee shall provide written notification within 15 days of any change of status of an injection well. Such a change would include the discontinued use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Pennittee must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose that well must be permanently abandoned according to 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(l), Well Construction Standards. 2. When operations have ceased at the facility and a well will no longer be used for any purpose, the Permittee shall abandon that injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0214, including but not limited to the following: (A) All casing and materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if the Director finds such removal will not be responsible for, or contribute to, the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (B) The entire depth of each well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealin~ operations. (C) Each well shall be thoroughly disinfected, prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (D) Each well shall be completely filled with cement grout, which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe which extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled. (E) In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, the casing shall be ·perforated opposite the gravel pack, at intervals not exceeding 10 feet, and grout injected through the perforations. (F) In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, each well shall be abandoned in such a manner that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinking water and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. (G) The Permittee shall submit a Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(l) within 30 days of completion of abandonment. 3. The written documentation required in Part IX (1) and.(2) (G) shall be submitted to: WI0600057 Aquifer Protection Section-DIC Program DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 5 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: 07/02/10 To: A quifer Protection Section Central Office Central Office Reviewer: M. Ro gers Regional Login No: ?? County: Robeson Permittee: Mr. Edward Hickman Project Name: Hickman Residence Application No.: WI00600057 L GENERALINFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): IZI New D Renewal D Minor Modification D Major Modification D Surface Irrigation D Reuse D Recycle D High Rate Infiltration D Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon D Land Application of Residuals D Attachment B included D 503 regulated D 503 exempt D Distribution of Residuals D Surface Disposal D Closed-loop Groundwater Remediation IZI Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? IZI Yes or D No. a. Date of site visit: 07/01/10 b. Person contacted and contact information: NI A c. Site visit conducted by: Jim Barber d. Inspection Report Attached: Ill Yes or~ No"J~ 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? IZI Yes or D No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: __ e. Regulated Activities/ Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): __ ._ For Dis posal and Injection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information a pp lies to . co pv and paste a new section into the document for each site , or attach additional pa ges for each site) a. Location(s): 5104 White Oak Drive . Lumberton NC 28358 b. Driving Directions: From the Fayetteville Re gional Office travel to Lumberton on 1-95 South. U pon enterin g Lumberton ci ty limits , take exit 33 (H wy 301/Fayetteville Road) into Lumberton pro per. Drive app rox. 2 miles and tum left onto Oakridge Blvd. (Oakrid ge subdivision). Turn left onto White Oak Drive and 5104 is on the ri ght, just past Red Oak Court. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Northeast Lumberton . NC O-23-NW ) d. Latitude: 34.663896 N Longitude: -78.989532 W (a pp rox. location of in jection well in front vard) IL NEW AND MAJOR MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS (this section not needed for renewals or minor modifications, skip to next section) Description Of Waste (S) And Facilities FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 0.doc 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 1. Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: __ 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? D Yes D No D N/ A. If no, please explain: __ ._ 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? D Yes D No D N/A. Ifno, please explain: __ 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? D Yes D No D N/ A. If no, please explain: __ 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. 0Yes 0No0 NI A. If no, please explain: __ 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrient) acceptable? D Yes D No D N/ A. If no, please explain: __ 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? D Yes D No D N/A. If yes, please attach a niap showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part N: __ 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? D Yes or D No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: __ 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? D Yes D No D N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: __ 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? D Yes D No D N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) IIL RENEW AL AND MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS (use previous section fo r new or maior modification systems) Descri ption Of Waste{S) And Facilities 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? D Yes or D No. Operator in Charge: __ Certificate #: __ Backup-Operator in Charge: __ Certificate #: __ 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation ( e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? D Yes or D No. If no, please explain: __ FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 O.doc 2 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? 0 Yes or O No. If no, please explain: __ 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit ( drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explain: __ 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? D Yes or D No. Ifno, please explain: __ 6. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? D Yes or D No. If no, please explain: __ 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? D Yes D No D N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: __ 8. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? 0 Yes O No ON/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 9. Are there arty buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? D Yes or D No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: __ 10. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? D Yes or D No. Ifno, please explain: ____ _ 11. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? D Yes or D No D N/A. If no, please explain: 12. Has a review of all self-monitoring data been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? [8J Yes or 0 No ON/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: __ _ 13. Check all that apply: D No compliance issues; D Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; 0 Current enforcement action(s) 0 Currently under SOC; 0 Currently under JOC; D Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV, NOD etc): ____ _ 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? 0 Yes D No D Not Determined D N/ A.. If no, please explain: __ 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? 0 Yes or D No D N/A. If yes, please explain: __ FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 0.doc 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Descri ption OfWell(S) And Facilities-New, Renewal, And Modification 1. Type of injection system: [8l Heating/cooling water return flow (5A 7) D Closed-loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) D In situ remediation (51) D Closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L/"Non-Discharge") D Other (Specify: ) 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? D Yes [8l No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? D Yes [8l No What is/are the pollution source(s )? ___ ._Wh __ a_t _is_th_e _d_is_tan_c_e_o_f~th_e_in..,.ie~c~t~io_n_w~e~l~l{=s~) =fr~o=m~t=h~e_.p~o~ll~u~ti~on source(s )? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? 15' +/-ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: D Good 12:1 Adequate D Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: [8l Low D Moderate D High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? D Yes D No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: __ 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? [8l Yes or D No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. In jection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only : 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? D Yes D No. If y es , explain: 2. For closed-loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? D Yes D No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of anv tvp e ). will continued/additional/modified in jections have an adverse im pact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? D Yes D No. If yes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: __ FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 0.doc 4 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Address: Certification number: __ 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July2010 .doc 5 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT V. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet -if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? D Yes [8J No. If yes, please explain briefly._._. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason 7. Recommendation: D Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; D Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; D Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; [8J Issue; D Deny. If deny, please state reasons: __ ~,~R~-/J 8. Signature ofreport preparer(s): ----~-""'-""'+--------+~-,,J<--U--"--'C-"'=:;,,c___ '---__________ _ c:r;,.__ ~ ForL A,z.,r BAQ»/#lfUJT Signature of APS lgional supervisor: Date: 7/ (Q ID ~ :. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS A brief site visit was made to the site on 1 July 2010 to determine if the information provided b y Graham & Currie Well Drillin is a reasonable re resentation of the ro osed site for the installation of a water su FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 0.doc 6 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT well (for a geothermal heating/cooling system) and a in jection well for the return of said water back to the formation that it was pum ped from. The pro ject site is in a residential neibhorhood in the City of Lumberton. Houses in the vicini ty of the pro ject site are of like construction with no unusual uses or features (i.e. auto body shop. mechnical re pair sho p. oil change station. etc.). It doesn't a pp ear that the proposed activi ty will have a adverse impact to the surrounding area. Groundwater flow would a pp ear to be toward Fivemile Branch that is located a pproximately 300' north of the proposed proiect site . with the supp ly well being located outside of the 500 ear flood plain and the in jection well being in the 500 year flood plain. In reviewing the NC Flood plain Mapp ing website. the outermost extent of the 100 year flood plain a pp ears to be in White Oak Drive. The injection well is in the y ard of the Hickman residence (landscaped area) and will be a pprox. 20' +/-outside of the the indicated 100 year flood plain. If the in jection well is pro perl y constructed b y Graham & Currie; there should be no im pacts to groundwater resources if floodwaters where to reach the injection well. Greater im pacts would come from landscape activities at the residence. i.e. a pplication of fertilizer, herbicides. pesticides and landscaping activities that involve excavation. FORM: APSARRHickmanResidenceLumberton WI0600057July201 0.doc 7 Haaress 5i u4 vvnite VaK ur Uo sic maps Lumberton, NC 28358 I Get GoogEe Maps I Text the word "GP bp + a' •e� Harker ¢ Ten Mile B[��irii?f Dr a Gar�ns f- of Faith BOB fee R� 3 mee W T C � PZ fl �rl•d uill:lr: �il�l � � � '� uJrSic f11 lriil !? Cr l ran 7 r O Q In Spanl��t _n CJ:t srrd�e Biv ��+o�� r'+ng Ri�ri far$ . eel �. r _ 02010 Gang e - Map data Ii II ••✓--::---.... II :s.:::-,:.:~.:;-:::,,,11 . \ I • 0 -----------0.5 Mi 0 -------• 2000 Ft -I -· • ,IS- 0 31/. (,b '3 81'i -7 B, 98C(53. 7 --- / --~ / ( ' I ' ., ', 11 Map provided by MyTopo.com { " 't ,,,,. , J Hickman Residence: W10600057 f' 0.2 PCT ANNUAL CHANGE FLOOD him r „WI,,0 At ArIN � rr * Myi fiandislg,-Hks Off's (AE j i MCIVr Fivadirl;-flaodway JAC.) ■ tOOVr ilaad q-NoUEs f.*I V 1.0&�Y Mud-Ve.lat* Zane iVdr VE k V tWvt S wIlawll'-laading(AGat ANI L9 S00yr futLwe [arrdl&aA Mading jx Futae r 540yf Fbudiq 15haded ra 1 1 DFIR 1 Grid Crraa 3ae%n3 �r Riwlts and.5itaM. Ca.asW SDuMdt r� c¢��i Bnnirr Rtaour+ee AE RES►�E.s.►GF 1AJJ rZ CiloAJ W •.0 Sd� jrR �cdD,a.A�q�.c SUPPLY w F-cL ovT of sO yri Cco-amp[,4/.0 Mkt rM) Ur6nn AtA3 ® Cie 7trribriod ko adwions hitr lm* Filth n-r-.r �i Figh:sa; �--t� hi7h•n?r5 1 &*n hnnrl i - - 7rnnxcis ■ Flyd �, Gr1rrMnd., Fi>rcsf� E'exrr; and Open ,'`pant vw. M A p a 4 -wet - ...I fa, AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: June 18. 2010 To: D Landon Davidson, ARO-APS l:8J Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS 0 Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS D Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS 0 David May, W aRO-APS 0 Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS 0 Sherri Knight, W-SRO-APS From: Michael Ro!!ers Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: {919) 715-6166 Fax: {919 ) 715-0588 E-Mail: Michael.Ro gers@ncmail.net A. Permit Number: WI 0600057 B. Owner: Edward and Jennifer Hickman rt 11~-Pity(Qp~t~ii~n;: 0::: : : .. ·.· fZI Proposed D Existing D Facility D Operation D. Application: I. ?.~i#!it:7'fj,~: D Animal D SFR-Surface Irrigation □ Reuse D H-R Infiltration D Recycle D L'E Lagoon D GW Remediation (ND) 'l:8J UIC -SA 7 Geothermal well For Residuals: □ Land App. 0 D&M D 503 0 503 Exempt D Surface Disposal D Animal 2. fr~)e.ci 1'ype: l:8J New O Major Mod. 0 Minor Mod. 0 Renewal O Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: D I would like to accompany you on a site visit. I NOTE: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above-referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within, please take the following actions: l:8J Return a Completed APSARR Form and attach laboratory analytical results, if applicable. D Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. D Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. D Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office-Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. ~ /J _ /. / _ RO-APS Reviewer: ~ / ""-,~ W?_Jy-;:::/1 Date: ~ FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 NORTH·•CAROLINA DEPARTMENT.OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATIONFORPERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USEA WELL FORINJECTION WITH A GEOT:BERMALIIEATPUMP SYSTEM TYPE SA 7 "OPEN LOOP" INJECTION WELL {S) ( check one) __ New Permit Application Renewal ---Modification oAIB: S / 1 f lo 20 __ PERMIT NO.: ~~~~?f: {leave blank if NEW permit application) .. A. PROPERTY OWNER/PERMIT APPLICANT Name of eacbowner listed on property ·deed •. for.a business.or government c:tgency, state name of entity and name of person delegated authority to sign application on behalf of the business/agency: ______ _ 1:::;.fu ✓1 ·-ad . t,~. llu k/1,,,, ,-1 b/-,, IE:/J,•: .. Fe-:-£ r2 • Ai£ c,.t,.:Mn;v {l) Mailing Address:. 57tJ <./ l1)H ;re 1/.4-1< )a City: /4-A-<1/2tN'f'>u£& State:,M__ Zip Code: J:-8·3 S-¥ County: h u k.t,.,,:,-, Home/OfficeTe1eNo.: CJ/tJ-739-.";r'¥</t/ CeUNo.: 91',1 c2 s"]5/S&' 7 Fax No. /t/11-EmailAddress:£J(IIDtf:/l,ir'/ft..Pf!?bcll5oerft-.': &:<1 i (2) Physical Address of Well Site (ifdifferenttban above):_. "'::? .... .,-... &: .... --T .... ,_~_----------..-- City: _________ State: __ Zip Code: ______ County: ___ _...._ Home/Office TeleNo.: ----------~Ce=ll~N~· o~.: _________ _ Fax No. __________ Email Address: _____________ _ B. PROPERTY>OWNERSHIP.DOCUMENTATION Provide legaldecumentation of prQperty ownership, such as a ~ct, deed, article of incorporation, etc .. and aPLAT map showing the property. This infonnation may be obtained from county Register of Deeds or:01s website. C. AUTHORIZEllAGENT, IF ANY If the property owner/permit applicant wants to authorize someone·else· to sqpi the permit on their behalf. then attach a signed letter from the property. owner/permit applicant. specifying and authorizing their .igent (well driller, •heat pmnp contractor, or other type of contntctor/agent) to sign this application on their behalf. CompanyName: ~> 5LM17,yv.s /k-"'°,..v? c :,alaa: HCcfte,.,-/ T ,vC::• ContactPerson~t'/4 .... w u!C ~mail Address: <ct1/c <2 '>a,,&,;4 ,,,.._ C a~ Address; // 7:5"0 · tu re I / tl:1 ' City: ,/41:rtt,lflJlL6 u L/;_, State: M'.:.zip Code: .21f; $-2. County: _:iu t2-&v?' OfficeTeleNo.: :Vd'.J-?iG cJ-7'$".t-Fax No. 71/1'.1 ,'.? 77 S'7Z:¥CellNo.: 71/v t;:_;/o ~ )G ~ Website Address ofCompany; if any: _____________________ _ 06/07/2010 16:05 9106718251 DR. HI Cl<MANS CFFI CE PAGE 01 Dr. Edward Hickman and Jennifer Hickman, wife 5104 White Oak Drive Lumberton NC 28358 May 4, 2010 To whom itmay concern: RECEIVED/ DENR / D'hO Aquifer Pro\edmn Section JUN 1s ao.JA Ott, st Nnr uo,io;s UOfJ09J0Jd .18J!Jlb\f ")MO I ~N30 / 03Al303ij Simmons Heating Cooling Electrical, Inc. witl represent me, Dr. Edward Hickman, as my agent forthe sole purpose of instiiHing a geothermal HVAC and hot water systems. Stephen W. Cole, President of Simmons' or Tarrefl Graham with Graham and Currier Welt Drillers, is authorized to repr-esent my interests and to s,gn ap.propriate documents for this project. Sincerely, D. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION C❑mpany Name: + L U lr-a 1� k.�l�y- - Well Drilling Contractor's Name: N f�o& 0 G_ gA 14fA NC Comractor Certification No.: k-< ? 3 A Contact person: SAME Company Website: WWW. n ra-k••, .4rr1: (L . LvM Email Address: OaNTVILO.� C+ +C40k-W V Address: � 5 3 Z �J L 4 w X 13 City: LJ�IST- EAW State: NL Zip Code: Office Tele NoA0-C -7 3 - Z I �-i FaxNo.`�16'6 -L't 5 7 � ? 3 -Vl _County. /0,1-00A£ Cell NO 10-6 * 18 T E. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than Driller) Company Name, v •-- _ -- - s?,:: � C ... /",Z". Contact l?erson:� Company Webske: WWW. - - s.� ; • - Eanail Address: ! L - t.cr� Address: City: -__, ram .. �.�._ - State [dip Code: ' S— County: Office Teie No., : L G FaxNo. :�� rrs ��cr Cell Na. - - -:'. 4,-5 F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) C. WELL USE Will the injection wells) also be used as the supply well(s) for the following? (1) The injection operation? YES NO �- (2) Personal consumption? YES NO 0 x WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA _PROPOSED Well(s) to be constructed for use as wi injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. EXISTING Well(s) being proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below to the best of your knowledge. Attach a copy of the Well Construction Record (Form OW-1) if available. 61 fib Z Well Construction Date.: t- � Number of Depth of each boring (feet): V N 1:Iu0,-.+hj Well casing. Is the wells) eased? YES 1�-� If yes, then provide the raging information below. b -7 Type: Galvanic steel Slack steel Plastic V Other (specify) Casing thickness: diameter (inches): _LaCdepth: from C)� to__LQ6 feel (relative to land surface) Casing extends above ground _ inches S (b) NO (3) Grout material surrounding well casing: (a) Grout type., Cement Bentonite* _1L Other (specify) 413v setwring bentonite omut a vmiance is hereby requtxted to 15A NCAC 2C: ,0213fdwl)tA), which requires a content grout. ~ (b) Depth of groat arotmd well casing (relative to land surface): from C) to ZQ feet ( 4) Well Screen or Open Borehole depth (relative to land surface); from 5 0 to 1 0 feet (5) N.C. State Regulations (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) require the Pennittee to make provisions for monitoring wellhead processes. A faucet on both Influent (groundwater ent.ering heat pump) and Effluent ( water being injected back into the well) lines is required. Will there be a faucet on: (a) lnfluentline? Yes V,No__ (b) Effluent line? Yes~ No __ (6) Source Well Construction Information. If the water source well is a different well than the injection well, attach a copy of the well construction record (Fonn GW-1). If Form GW-l is not available, provide the following data: From what depth. formation, and type of rock/sediment wits will the groundwat.er be withdrawn? (e.g. granite, lim~one, sand, etc.) Depth: S O -] D Formation: $ I). r' 0 Rock/sediment unit: ________ _ NOTE; THE WELL DRILLING OR HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR CAN HELP SUPPLY THE DATAIF THIS INFORMATION IS OTHERWISE UNA VAJLABLE. L OPERATING DATA (]) (2) (3) (4) Injection Rate: Injection Volume: Injection Pressure: Injection Temperature: J. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT Average (daily) /</, gallons per minute (gpm). Average (daily)/)., 'lGiegauons per day (gpd). Average (daily) 6'.D pounds/square inch (psi). Average (January) '-1(1.. Q F. Average (July)~° F. Attach a schematic diagram or cross--section of the well construction that shows the total depth, length of casing, extent of grout, stickup, location of influent/effluent sampling ports, etc. If this is a modification, show the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufactmer's brochure may provide supplementary infonnation if needed. K. LOCATION OF WELL(S) (1) Attach a site map (can be drawn) showing: houses and other structures, property lines, surface water bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination. and the orientation of and distances between the proposed injection welt(s) and any other existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within l 000 feet of the geothenna1 heat pump well system. Label all featw-es clearly and include a north arrow. (2) Attach a scaled topographic map of the area extending l/4 mile from the property boundary that indicates the facility's location, a north arrow, and the map name. NOTE: In most cases, an aerial photogn,ph of the property parcel showing property lines and struelllr~ can be ob'llliMd and downloadea from tire applicabl.e cOUllty GIS website. 1ypically, the property can be setUC•ell b_v owner nmne or address. The location of the wells in relatwn to property boulldalit!s, houses, septic tanks, other wdls, etc. can then be drawn in by hand. Also, a 'layer' C/111 be st!lectnl showing topographic contollrs or t!levatitm dl1III. L. CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) NCAC 1 5A 2C A? 11(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as fellows: 1. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer, I for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected ofcial; 4. for all others. by the well owner. If an authorized agent is signing on behaff of the applicant, then submit a letter signed by the applicant that names sod authorizes their agent as specified in Part C of this permit application. "1 hereby certify. under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am. familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, t [relieve that the information is true, accurate and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. 1 agrve to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable. abandon the injection. well and ail related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." --� Si tore mperty OwmerlApplicant Print or Type Full Name Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Fu11 Name t� Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Print or Type Full Name Submit TWO signed copies of the completed application package and all attachments to: WC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 Quadrangle View Page 1 of 1 A Zoom In (to 1.3,951) Map Zoom Out (to 1:35,563) — - - Re -center mat+ Controls: Zoom To Scale 24000 Refresh mars Zoom Full Extent of Quad h W " IN ❑ LMW Wodmnol Usr'$ Uvowsph maps Downk Image base: 4 j Return ID Mart Print i•ietp I LG"!nL Northeast Lumbe- Con# http:l'gis.enr.state.nc.us"topovlewer/quadmap _I SP 5/4/2010 t5,/D t TM s Tu lnl No. . Vaiird by _ by FILED R OF 0 FILED R OF D VIM L. LOCICL> AR VJCM L. LOCKLEAR 03 JAN -b P tt. I U M DEC -b P 2 42 ROBESON COUNTY ROEILSON COUNTY Pei rdld.eU%,rWo 'a07Z.. —P— d rsnt Afai1 ■fYv a IaBJr! f3.91rkilrrdr>w p.lra.1/ti6. Laahss� liC 1t153 7M wsR pcgrse4 by Sul lL SYkIdrM $+dAeWk3A+a@ir dM iadv[ I NORTH CAROWNA GENERAL WARRAWY VM T1A8t] m=&2wHm1bw4xti tTmdbn a>w Q" Idwvd V. Hbdmm aid w6e Jemdfer C. Hielcum WwAM V. Hkiwan aad wWc J�lhs G. srm=r, v&h tWx its► rwi+� s�•y [✓�"� U++t �r f""w.�M.�Ei.....A-....u�a..L:�...i.i.......iw �,.b. u....w«a.,.s..4 -- '[4dtaiip�kmshrnmrsea rwreQnasedtwdaandios9�+�,ddi+dher, ad.h�.os..#auias. aaa shaGias3+rdc. wrll�sen� wwoY ux , stt a ..rrie �rmdmlx, � ery etx Grae�x ux seodr� of � u �r aK..a � wee Pam= dos 1u�, bagiq sn ad oo ssey w,m Wo Gmurfn ka sib k all sitar amum hx or puce) of load slums, in Oe Cky of Lawb,,•— m .lmmAw*m TowmlvA bAms E c3r�y,?Sx cvolamandsme wumwlyaucr w allowws Six5c6oAttt A a► A dled, uwzq orarsa herein 4y mf:rcrum, 71,G�ilwc.fiwlS .SQ17TI ►im-wi uu bLC aw A— om + � t�\ i� ! � .a �I � ' $ \' )I\ [ � � q •. � ! f | , . t �� f ! || � |f |� ■ � E � f � ! � f i� k � �I ƒ ! 0 sw C.:, - Ad � � f r,} i ry�pr�l, i i ,8 tg,-dl ofLotNumber TRIitTY-SEVEN (37), as sbown on m mD safl0ed, "Osktidge Subdwitaon, Section II," prnisarod by Andmon Bngiaeer M & Auocixtca;'P.A. defted SeptestMs 1, 1993, and rzoordedin Book aOffimW Maps 33, LLpage23. Robeson CoudyRegistry, rcftmFwe to which asap in hereby madefor a moreportiwLr description ofaid lot toed for the purpaaaof inwxporxling the Mm in.this dteeriptian as tfft mictne wwaAiUy sa forth.twein. The %boon described a aoavgcd subjetx to boat certain Doclarabon of Restrictive Covenants and CQaffitiaea, dated March 4, 1992aad mem io" Book7$5, at p4e793. Robmw County RqOst►y, and tMt sxaiaia Firal SupplenmW Oecia[tt m of Restrictive Ltd Protective Covenants and Conditioaa, dated Seplarnber 1, 1993 sad rct4ordcd in Book $06, at page 127, Mbc* a Cotetty Registry. Imo: 1,ying and beirsg in the City ofIssmberton, Robeson Comty, North C rolina, about 53 feel west of WiDow OADri m:huts. 150•feat south of Whits Oak Drive, bounded by col 37 Oakndge on The wakti by:LnL 54 on the muth4 Lot 40 on the went and the: remainder of Lest 52 an the e+SL BEGfhlNWG at an adating iron stake, the-mustean=- orm of Lot 37 OakridgFSubdivision Stxcdoa II(MapBook 39,PmV 25), the southwest wrnw ofLut 47 Oakridge5ubdivision Ststaimt 111 (map -Book 33, Pige 96) and a emir of the original I -at 52 Omslt i Subdiviaion Sectiorrtll, and runem from Wd paint ofbegkwwsg is a new line South 4 degrees 24 mimetes 49 seovnds west 146,25 feet to as iron stake set in tc soother, ks+e of i.ot 52, the northern am of Lat S4; thw= with the comnm h t: of J ma 52 and 54 'North 79 dagsars 57 ad uaoa 03 moottda weal 97,0I fmi to an t dong iram stake its as eaarm Iim Qf L4t 40, a anwoon comer of Lots 52 and 54; therm with and tsaumu !unto€Lot 40-Noah 11 dq pm 02 m mrtm 57 at condaFast=00 erect to an exmtiingirmtt azlM themes agaittwithan coMem Lot ofl of 40 North 4 dry 58rrtim#a49 scmnds Wear 59.80 fea to ut *dding iron Lske in eke southtmt I m of Lot 37. a cretmm corner of Lots 40 and 52. thmw wath the sovtwm lint. of Lot 37, the adtthom time omot. 52, North 63 dgp-aw FAst 110 00 fee[ to the point of hegimung, co=Mng 0,24 oar, more of less - Bring a portion of Lot 52 OakrWV Subdivision, Sedioa Ill.as ahavm oa a plat recorded in Map Book 33, Page 96, Robeson Cmity Reglury, ibia let, beng tewhalf (%) of a lot in theOakiidgo Subdivistsn,.shall be m bycd to orm4mX4VAI of the lam assnsartwmLu e*Med from time to tune by ThcOakttdgo Awoaaiion of i umbmm Ltd- Subjem to that certain Dcdatttion ofRest►ictiveand Pmtcvtivc Covenants. and Cooditiona, dated October 26, 1994, sad rmovicd-io Book MY. LL page I31, $abeann.Couoty R*wy, aud.subjw to eammerttz shorn an the plat hereinafter refuted to. 0 {{ e� I _ F 111�r, ,i t .! E7CPLANAnON STATEMENT TO CORRECT OBVIOUS MINOR ERRORS] MANE IN AN INMUMENT AS ORWINALLY RECORDED RE' BOOK PAGE lZAT RECORDED IN4THE COUNTY REGISTRY NAMES OF ALL[PanES TO THE ORIGINAL INTRUMEW: G![ANT8R5; GtJ�� Y• A w F a1 rt Y r+4 GRANTEES. STATE OF NORnJCARQL24A COUNTY OF _ Ag&jjtl_ VWE, The tbdwrri� asreay actifY dW lhs fol owwo awmc m w r®dr m die ■b." r>mod rworded knnmwc m ao vrd wish the pmvW= ofO.S, 47.34.1 r4i6W Suns 30, ] 996- IaESCR LION OF CORREMON (Sr. coft-4 4- THIS, THE • r DAY OF A-]," 24u (SEAL) IL (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAi.y This expWaaw zamrst wgethar wet$ the JP&At inatruaKxrt duSy it '� o'etpck M this die _ deY of 20,�' andpap shown oa the Eru page 8 f. - L/ Register of Oteds LWA.rru: Assmam 141werafnimb 6 FUtm k Relum Well Disposal of WaterFunme Well WaW Potable Witter Line wo lmwm Well Pressure lank Flel� Carte of ❑ischaoge Line ' f Depression } ` Injector Head Cane Df Impression — — — r• -- — — —State Water Level — — — -- — — — — — — - •� — — — Drop Pipe Extending 8aekpmssure VafvO To 86ow Static Water• Level Keep 01110arge tine �} 3tl61T19f�11e Under Pressure ` 1 PMP ON screed - -0- Screen Area Must Afimmum 50' [,sataffan 9atween Suppty or R&um Wof! and Sepik Tank Draifft etd, Dry WE be Twice that a1 SUP* well WFrs WnMPFFsrn~o Fnrornnlinnnl 4(%Hi1 inncprv�Finn Wsv Fart W-Avnp IN ARM ')AWA71LJZ"7 fKim .yFax - Tarrell Graham To: Michael Rogers (19197150588) 09:34 06115110GMT-04 Pg 13-13 s. I J r r• J f l p A�O,rrON � yl. O 00 I 'I %Q H iTEF t7A]t b i!WE 6a' 9111) LQmKeR7iati,. BWC., L❑T 4'-- 37 iRoEi.L- aJ eou,,rry ScALE ? = 20' Ro gers, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mr. Rogers, Tarrell Graham [tarrell@grahamcurrie.com] Friday, June 18, 2010 9:56 AM Rogers, Michael grahamcurriebackup@gmail.com 5A7 Permit Application Hickman Simmons HVAC 5A7 Permit.pdf; Simmon HVAC Site Plan 8 x 11.pdf Per our phone conversation J have attached a 5A7 Permit application. Thank you. Tarrell Graham Project Manager Graham & Currie Well Drilling (0) 910.673.2921 (F) 910.673.2747 (C) 910;638.8955 www.gr ahamcurrie.com tarrell@,gr ahamcurrie.com Please visit our website at www.m-ahamcurrie.com for information on our services. This electronic message and its attachments are forwarded to you for convenience and "for information only." Them• with limitations, conditions and further explanations omitted in the interest of brevity and time constraints. The conte any attachments may be preliminary and incomplete, subject to review and revision. This electronic message and a are the property of Graham & Currie Well Drilling Co., Inc. and may contain information that is confidential or other information this electronic message contains is intended solely for the use of the one to whom it is addressed, and an) electronic m~ssage and destroy all copies. E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor ( Database version: 6.14880 http:/ / www.pctools.com / spvware-doctor-antivirus / 1 A QUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW RE QUEST FORM Date: June 18 . 2010 To: □ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS IZI Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS □ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS D Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS □ David May, WaRO-APS 0 Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS □ Sherri Knight, W-SRO-APS From: Michael Ro!!ers · · Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6166 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E-Mail: Michael.Rogers@ ncmail.net A. Permit Number: WI 0600057 B. Owner: Edward and Jennifer Hickman C. Facjlity/Operation: __ ._. IZI Proposed D Existing □ Facility D Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: D Animal D SFR-Surface Irrigation □ Reuse D H-R Infiltration D Recycle D 1/E Lagoon D GW Remediation (ND) IZI UIC-5A7 Geothermal well For Residuals: D Land App. D D&M D 503 D 503 Exempt D Surface Disposal D Animal 2. Project Type: IZI New D Major Mod. D Minor Mod. D Renewal D Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: D I would like to accompany you on a site visit. I NOTE: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above-referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within, please take the following actions: IZI Return a Completed APSARR Form and attach laboratory analytical results, if applicable. D Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. D Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. D Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification.· Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office-Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: -------------------Date: _____ _ FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor A.VA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director June 2 , 2010 Edward Hickman Jennifer Hickman 5104 White Oak Drive Lumberton, NC 28358 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No . WI0600057 Edward & Jennifer Hickman SFR Injection Heating/Cooling Water Return Well (SA 7) Robeson Dear Dr. & Mrs. Hickman,: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on May 12, 2010. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Michael Rogers. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing P!!rmit applications, the Division requests your a~sistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 -90 days after receipt of a complete application. · · If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rogers at 919-715-6166, or via e-mail at michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to http ://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/documents/dwg ornchart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, ~~ for Debra J. Watts Supervisor cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Simmons Heating Cooling Electrical, Inc (Stephen Cole -11780 McColl Rd, Laurinburg, NC 28352) Permit Application File WI0600057 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 I Customer Service: 1-BTT-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterguality .org · An Equa l Opportunity I Affirmaiive Action Employer N°~i..c 1· 01u1 aroma /Vatura!ly NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION WITH A GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP SYSTEM TYPE 5A7 "OPEN LOOP" INJECTION WELL S (check one) New Permit Application Renewal Modification DATE: PERMIT NO.: WI ►I4] (leave blank if NE permit application) A. PROPERTY OWNF"ERMIT APPLICANT Name of each owner listed on property deed. For a business or government agency, state name of entity an name of person delegated authority to sign application orbehalf of the busineWagency:.. } T C ��•. (1) Mailing Address: r� D z �. �•r Tc fiat -- r-� City: /-64r2.•AvState:4d__ ip Code: County: G ��s � • - Home/Office Tele No.: Cell No.: 91Z 2,;YJgi `i Fax No. E m a i I Address: ,!!F J1I-1-L�G (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than tbove): City: State; lip Code: County: Home./Office Tele No.: Celt No.: Fax No. _ -Email Address: _ B. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTATION Provide legal documentation of property ownership, sulh as a contract, deed, article of incorporation, etc, and a PLAT map showing the property. Ttris information rr}ay be obtained from county Register of Deeds or GI5 website. C. AUTHORIZED AGENT, IF ANY If the property owner/permit applicant wants to authori someone else to sign the permit on their behalf, then attach a si eded letter from the property owner/permit tpplicant specifying and authorizing their agent (well driller, heat pump contractor, or other type of contractor agent) to sign this application on their behalf. Company Name.: 5 y Contact Person: ::5, y . Em ' 1 Address: Address: ` U ce 1, t, City: Z,*,4,aZZ Z State: Zip Cod z County: Office Tele No.. f _.-� 7 S' Fax No. t `� Cel! No. 'r.fD (�fG Website Address of Company, if any: REC&VED / VENR / 0VV0 A4UlF�R a�4n�xr�Fi�,y SFC710N D. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION Company Name:Well Drilling Contractor's Name: t� EN 6rA Q G NC Contractor Certification No.: k-C Z313 A Contact Person. SJAtotg Company Website: WWW. +S r s-�, v, ++_Lwrri G , LwM Ernail Address_ 131?wf6&0Q C&46Ao+co01i.w Address: q 3 3 Z N 4 w� Z 3 City: we,- 51- FJw14 � - State: NL Zip Code: IA County: 1"`846 Office Tele No.10"C 1 3- Z I Z t Fax No. RI# - 6 7 3- Z 71 Z Cel i No 1 io-4 *M-1$ T E. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if Company Name. d' erect than Driller) C'nniart Aprenn• --- Company Website: W W W. _ - - '- - - r . !J.`" Email Address: Address: --�-� •1...,� City: �;_ , r��'ct�T G, State:,&:�'-Zip Code: :2=EE6 County; Office Tele No.:�yy : ? G Fax No. %G� Cell No. 'f1; J 7 F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) G. WELL USE Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for the following? (1) The injection operation? YES NO ` (2) Personal consumption? YES NO y- Nr WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA PROPOSED Well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. EXISTING Well(s) being proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below to the best of your knowledge. Attach a copy of the Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) if available. Iz— (1) Well Construction Date: (J Number of borings: Depth of each boring (feet): V N K Na w �J (2) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (a) YES if yes, then provide the casing information below. Type: Galvanized steel Black steel Plastic Other (specify) Casing thickness; diameter (inches): depth: from Casing extends above ground inches (b) NO to feet (relative to land surface) (3) Grout material surrounding well casing: (a) Grout type: Cement f Bentonite* Other (specify) ,-,,*By selecting beaunite grout, a variance is hereby requested to I5A NCAC ZC .D213(d)(l)(A), which requires a cement type grout. (b) Depth of grout around well casing (relative to land surface): from to feet (4) (5) Well Screen or Open Borehole depth (relative to land surface): from ____ to ___ feet N.C. State Regulations (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) require the Permittee to make provisions for monitoring wellhead processes. A faucet on both Influent (groundwater entering heat pump) and Effluent (water being injected back into the well) lines is required. Will there be a faucet on: (a) Influentline? Yes No __ (b) Effluent line? Yes No (6) Source Well Construction Information. If the water source well is a different well than the injection well, attach a copy of the well construction record (Form GW-1). If Form GW-1 is not available, provide the following data: From what depth, formation, and type of rock/sediment ·units will the groundwater be withdrawn? (e.g. granite,·limestone, sand. etc.) Depth: Formation: ______ Rock/sediment unit: _______ _ NOTE: THE WELL DRILLING OR HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR CAN HELP SUPPLY THE DATA IF THIS INFORMATION IS OTHERWISE UNAVAILABLE. L OPERATING DATA (l) (2) (3) (4) Injection Rate: Injection Volume: Injectioa Pressure: lnjectiom Temperature: J. INJECTION-RELATED EQUIPMENT Average (daily) /<j gallons per minute (gpm). Average (daily) IJ, 'IG,Ogallons per day (gpd). Average (daily) &..CJ pounds/square inch (psi). Average (January) l/ ;)._ ° F, Average (July)~° F . Attach a schematic diagram or cross-section of the well construction that shows the total depth, length of casing, extent of grout, stickup, location of influent/effluent sampling ports, etc. If this is a modification, show the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information if needed. K. LOCATION OF WELL(S) (1) Attach a site map (can be drawn) showing: houses and other structures, property lines, surface water bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination, and the orientation of and distances between the proposed injection well(s) and any other existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 1000 feet of the geothermal heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arr0w. (2) Attach a scaled topographic map of the area extending 1/4 mile from the property boundary that indicates the facility's location, a north arrow, and the map name. NOTE: In most cases, an aerial photograph of the property parcel showing property lines and structures can be obtained and downloaded from the applicable county GIS website. Typically, the property can be searched .by owner name or address. The location of the wells In relation to property boundaries, houses, septic tanks, other wells, etc. can then be drawn in by hand. Also, a 'layer' can be selected showing topographic contours or elevation data. L. CERTEFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) NCAC 15A 2C .021 1(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: I . for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer; z. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official; 4. for ail others- by the well owner. If an authorized agent ks signing on behalf of the applicant. then submit a letter signed by the Applicant that names and authorizes their agent as specified in Part C of this permit application. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." Sigi tore - roperty Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name rSignature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name J �G Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Print or Type Full Name Submit TWO signed copies of the completed application package and all attachments to: UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 RECEIV01 DENR I DW4 A0 UJFFR-PRf1TFrTI0N SECTION MAY 12 2019 Dr. Edward Hickman 5104 White Oak Drive Lumberton NC 28358 May 4, 2010 To whom it may concern: Simmons Heating Cooling Electrical, Inc. will represent me, Dr. Edward Hickman, as nay agent for the sole purpose of installing a geothermal HVAC and hot water systems. Stephen W. Cole, President of Simmons' is authorized to represent my interests and to sign appropriate documents for this project. Sincerely, Dr. Edward Hickman Witness: Date: f� RECEIVFD I DENR 1 ON AQUIRM aanTprTiniq �FCTION MAY 12 2010 Quadrangle View L ca�jL ■ V L 1 CO Zooln in (to 1:3,951) Map 0 Zoom Out (to 1:35,563)-_-- Controls: �D Zoom To Scale 24000 C;f Zoom Full Extent of Quad V— %$ 4' zj /4 S 0 Re -center map 0 Refresh An ❑ USM cpmdmngi botwAaiies teas wpowapth OWWS Downit Image AR, rase: r I R r MartPrint . Northeast Lumbe-. L . _. i.; : HeiP: i Coal http:llgis.enr.state.nc.us/topovieweriquadmap.jsp 51412010 IZ5/D iixr3sa Twit $ Tat W No., YeriRd by _ 2n— i FILED R OF 0 VICHI L. LOCKLEAR M JAN -b P ir, 14 ROBESON COUNTY His r - 7? Air 013 15 FILED R OF D V1CIU L. LUCRLEAR MDEC -6 P 247. ROBESUN COUNTY Parse! ldartifM No. County — the _ day of W albs nmdiaS to gad B. SirkidawL P. O. Box I6M Lmbeiftak MC ZM9 This ltsrCanmr was prgkgtad by xw H. StricWsad NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED MISDM node Dmmnber f, =& by and bxsrcca IdwardV, i3kkmaa and trife]mhifEr C HkltmL% Eduard V. Hkltkku a and rife Jaudfer G. giddowk with rV% of aarrisnrehip Addre>m: 5-1 ar/ DAE 'G U xr L—ice out �1J] nw dwlgrcpiiun Crmwr and Crams r mW bmen dmU tadudr oriel puuM their herT, >ax»>. aM -p* and shall iW%ift singalar, phsr-A traaG&rc, faniahc a naft ar cOrdi pil by Dosser[ WMQMW f, do the Gramm, for awahoble cmp*wmdon pud by the Grantee, die m o of wbwh is hadry m*wwWlpd, has and by bm presL— ryas grog bargain, sell and carry unto fhe GrmMin fat *npfc, all lira[ cartain IN or patsd of land situ" irk ft csly of Immberron , [araberfaa i mndkrA Robam C4wW. Nash Carolina and unre Nrtsadahy dasnibed as fulloua See Sdicdulc ilaltWW, incorparated herein by mfemnce- K C. aw Area F" X. 10 Ir" t*MW ry iktk +- iIto N.C. Bw A� NM 0 The pkopmW humnabow dmm'bW was ea7 pared by UmnWr by inamtsrmt raawded in Book. Page, RohmDrt Ca>ily RegimY A I.ap rhrwiRg the 9M 6OUbdd pr OWY it9MXvdad in Hook , P■ta TAD HAVE AND TO HOLD the ap rmW lot or pawl of land lad ail VMkges W app otenUm= Ihaeta belonghg to the Oramw in fee -n*. AM the ❑rakgnr vwmm SwUh the Gnudx, rtM [mrdor iSteivad oftdc p=axnn fa.ompk has the nj�kttn axwey the same ht fix Uftoc, Wu ttlk ii mui Wbk aad One and dm of all uiam aka Bad" Grardor sn•St warr■nt ad dcfesd the tick agtioo the hnrha efatm of all pawm wbwmcva amp fug[ lht: cg=pwm Geteauanrt stains Title to the preputybumbabove dexrtbed is ujbpa to Ih61r117uwW exoVba r RJ W[FI�i9 wfII+RF.�F, the l.x�lrs has htsn�ses hia 4mdbkd saal, er i[wtperate, i]n Quad This iasWxr:nt m he aged in W oxpaate nine by its miy ui otirmand>b mal to behmvL b aMW byudmityof* Ogre! of Dkt mm dwdry and ym fau sbdm watned {�pots;e?Iap�e] 1'nsidm! Samtrj i'[�o,pa*ra 9aal) r;RFnL7 ROWAAA V. M IOCKMAN mT—ffl!n (sm) SEAL-STAI& NDRTII LAR("I.% RAmm Ovwq- ILI Public of dte Gamy sod state jiwgP --,N da FOWAS0 Y. HLCMAN AND PaVIL Gmwr ps■mwy bt.ypv Fedu dry and saDwwidiged the moeoaitn Ulm— wftmmyhmdw dFoi p� d& iu 6 SEAL -STAMP NMTH CAROLDL'Lr saheaa Cm.9y. kdexnl�iKat+wrrn+WxafdwComly mdScatcafmcmwkamrywrpw + lyapp=WWberoe tka dw ■ 4 adegw'lei3jfld the bmCEk nt tt knoiq vlst..L wi1i my hwd ¢Td otilc+ll a" or Ow. dud W ra MY — mw_ !Tl— NaemY Pbtm The Gst fim4l) eI �' •� ? ltht:e lobe OTT& Thn i Aft=cit Led Lacatdimha=& Yrqpftdmidw temd6W 81 kuwao*w d PW tiown mft ON ptr hqt o[. �/�•- // �r' ,d 6T�t4pt7FF1}SFOR i�-'iJGr� C[HyrdfY W _ }a.k+�•e;/S�if • ' �.- DgWA-9AM-RejmWofDmh. KC.BurAw gaa74,7oUM r�r�s�.■I.�en.crirAtiati Sckedlule A ltxct U• Being all of1,ut Number THIRTY-SEVEN (37), as shown on snap entitled, "Oakridge Subdivision, Section II," prepared by Anderson Engirmwing ,& Axwoatea, P.A. dated September 1, 1993, and recorded "ook ofpfficiai Maps 33, at page 25, Robeson County Registry, reference to which map is hereby made for a n►m particular description of ald lot and for the purpose of inoorporat* the same in this description as if the tune ware rally set forth herein. The above described is conveyed subject to that certain Federation of Restrictive Covemmu and Conditiona, dated March 4, 1992 and recorded in Book 735. at page 783, Robeson Canty Registry, sod that certain F orat Supplernen 3 Declaration of Restrictive wo Prolc aive Covenants and Conditions, dated September 1, 1993 and recorded in Book W. at page 127, Robeson County Regialry, Trad.22 Lying and being in the City of Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina, shod 63 fact west of WilIow Oak Drive, about l50 feet south of White Oak Drive, bounded by Lot 37 Oakridge on the nortit, by Lot 54 on the youth, Lot 40 on the west and the remainder of Lot 52 on the vast. BEGINNING at an existing iron stake, the mast restem wrrw of Ix 37 O&Mdge Subdivision Section f1(Map Book 33,Page 25), the southwest corner ofLot 47 Oakridge Subdivision Section FII (Map Book 33, Page 96) and a corner of the origins! Lot 52 Oalaidgo subdivision Soctian Ut and runs from said point of beoning" a ntnv line South 4 degrees 24 minutes 49 uconds west 146.25 feet to an iron stake sal is to southern line of Lot 52, the northern line of Lot 54, thence with the common line of Lots 52 and 54 !North 78 degrees 57 nfsnutes. 03 sacoads west 87.01 Feet to an 47isting iron stake is an eMem fine afLot 40, a common corner oftots 52 and 54, thence with and eastern life ofiLot 40 N&& I deffees 02 minutes 57 saeonds East 20.00 feet to sn existing iron slake thaueagain with an auertr lineofLot 40 North 4 degrees $8 minutes 49 seconds West 59.80 feet to in todWq inn stake in the southern fine of Lot 37, a common corner of Lots 40 and 52; thence with the aouthcm tiro of Lot 37; the northern, line of Lot 52, North 63 degrees East t 10.00 feet to the poira of heg'vuting, containing 0,24 acre, mare or tern. Bring it portion of Lot 52 Dakridge Subdivision, Section W as shown on a plat recorded in Mop Book 33, Page 96. Robeson County Registry, i his lot, being ono -half (14) of a tot in the Waidge 5ubt ivisioq shag be subject to one-half ('h) of the tot ammmenu t hergcd from time to time by The Oaicridge Association of Lumberton, l.td. Subject to that certain X3eeiaration of AeaOctive and Prateotiva Covenants and Conditions, dated Datobrr 26, 1994. and recorded in Soak 849, at page S31, Robeson County Registry, and subject to aasemertts shown on the plat hereinafter: referred to. 0 �/,3 EXi.: dFrl0Sl-1 EXPLANATION STATEME14TTO CORRECT OBVIOUS MINOR ERROR(5) MADE RV AN INSTRLRCPI'T AS ORIGINALLY RECORDED RE: BOOK �. RECORDED IN THE _ _ �� 6r COUNTY REGISTRY NAMES OF ALL PAR71ES TO THE ORIGINAL ZrFRUMENT: 1 GRANTORS:d- GRANTEES: L.s'"srr� Y, .+mod +/ dr a STATE OF NOR CAROLINA COUNTY OF feu UWE. The Lhtdmigned, hereby certify that the Cvilowing correctiuus are made is dm above named recorded uutrummt m accordance with the provisions of G.S- 47.36.1 ratified June 30, I986, OFSCRM'nON OF CORRECTION (S): Z2 THIS, '[YI£AY OF 2fl� ($FAL) i51~AL] E ($EAL) This expLamAk is =Cemmt eogedter witb the attach u+sttuEneM duly arded at o'clock Mthisthe dayof- 2v4a� m and page shown an the first page f. ey Register of feeds /Assistant Rillisier of Deeds 1 Retum Well disposal of VYIateffumace Well Water Supply Potable Water Line Well Ratum Pressure y.. - Tank -1 Welt Pump' —a-- Corte of ' -- - - Discharge Line 1 Depression Injection Head o--i ,r Cone at Impression — — —. —. — — — — — --Static Water Level— — — # Drop Pipe Extending Backpressure Vaive TD 1 Below Static Water Level Keep Discharge Line Submersible Under Prepsure Pump well Screen F � Screen Area Mml Minimum $0' lsolatlon Between Supply or Return Well end Septic -rank. Drainfiefd, Rry We be Tice that of Supply well VJr(4r7 Wnta►Firrmnoo bttornnrinrrrnt onnn f nneorva+inn Wac Tenn Wavno M AARM 7. DIA7R.4"I fl"ri Aan rr,yry ti Em P, i 1LS- oD e r VJ H iTE OAK DRIVE 60' R/W LOT 37 C 0 Lt NT� = 1�a ��Sar�] CvU NTy L � m��i2To. r•1 y_ F� • L . Sc-ALE, -1-" ' 2 0 ' I'M