HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090597 Ver 5_CCEP Lot 8 Geotech Report_20210318& III Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 PREPARED FOR Samet Corporation 5420 Wade Park Blvd Suite 104 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 PREPAI S&ME, Inc. 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 November 9, 2020 I I= November 9, 2020 Samet Corporation 5420 Wade Park Blvd Suite 104 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Attention: Mr. Blake Malpass Reference: Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 NC PE Firm License No. F-0176 Dear Mr. Malpass: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) is pleased to submit this geotechnical exploration report for the referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with our proposal 13-2000430 dated October 1, 2020. This report presents a brief discussion of our understanding of the project, results of the exploration, and our geotechnical conclusions and recommendations regarding the proposed construction. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please contact us with any questions, or if you need additional information. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Alyson K. Aarons, P.E. Project Engineer ,,lyll 11 „ ,,,,' .10 = 34358 11-9-2C `/H A NP��•`'. Senior reviewed by J. Adam Browning, P.E. Kevin A. Nadeau, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer NC Registration No. 34358 S&ME, Inc. 13201 Spring Forest Road I Raleigh, NC 27616 I p 919.872.2660 I www.smeinc.com Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 Table of Contents III 1.0 Project and Site Information 1 2.0 Regional Geology 1 3.0 Exploration Program 2 4.0 Subsurface Conditions 3 4.1 Topsoil 3 4.2 Residual Soils 3 4.3 Partially Weathered Rock 3 4.4 Auger Refusal Materials 3 4.5 Water Levels 4 5.0 Laboratory Test Results 4 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 5 6.1 Earthwork 5 6.1.1 Site Preparation — General 5 6.1.2 Subgrade Evaluation 6 6.1.3 Drainage Feature 6 6.1.4 Excavations 6 6.1.5 Overexcavation for Utilities and Foundations 7 6.1.6 Particle Size Control 7 6.2 Groundwater and Surface Water 7 6.3 Structural Fill 8 6.3.1 Fill Induced Settlement 9 6.4 Slope Stability 9 6.5 Foundation Recommendations 10 6.5.1 Bearing Depth and Dimension 10 6.5.2 Settlement 10 6.5.3 Footing Evaluations 11 November 9, 2020 ii Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 6.6 Floor Slabs 11 6.7 Seismic Site Classification 11 6.8 Retaining Wall Parameters 11 6.8.1 General 11 6.8.2 Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls 12 6.8.3 Cast -In -Place Concrete Walls 13 6.9 Pavements 13 6.9.1 Asphalt Pavement 14 6.9.2 Concrete Pavement 14 7.0 Limitations of Report 15 Appendices Appendix I —Figures Appendix II — Soil Test Boring Logs Appendix III — Laboratory Results November 9, 2020 iii Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 1.0 Project and Site Information This report is based on the following information: III Email communication between you and Mr. Kevin Nadeau (S&ME) between September 24, 2020. Additional Boring Location Exhibit (PDF drawing and AutoCAD file) prepared by CE Group dated September 14, 2020. We understand Samet Corporation is in early design phase for a new business park in Sanford, North Carolina. The business park will include 17 parcels ("lots") which will include building structures ranging in size from about 40,000 to 150,000 square feet. Development will also include, stormwater control structures, asphalt parking and driveways, and cut/fill slopes. Lot 8 will include an approximate 117,133 square foot building with space to accommodate an approximate 85,216 square foot future expansion. We understand the building will likely be single -story metal -framed structure with concrete slab -on -grade. We estimate maximum column, wall, and slab loads of 200 kips, 4 kips/ft, and 150 psf, respectively. Site grading within the building footprint will require maximum cuts and fills on the order of 7 feet and 12 feet, respectively. Site grading within other areas of the site will require maximum cuts and fills on the order of 25 feet and 12 feet, respectively. A cut slope with a max height of about 35 feet and slope inclination of 3 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) is planned on the west/northwest side of the site. A fill slope, with a max height of about 10 feet and inclination of 3H:1V is planned on the eastern side of the site. No retaining walls are shown on the provided exhibit. At the time of our reconnaissance, the site was generally moderately to heavily wooded. A drainage feature was observed on the eastern side of the site but was dry at the time of our site visit. Some previously cleared access trails were present within the site 2.0 Regional Geology ® Blue Ridge Belt • Raleigh Belt Charlotte Belt ❑ Coastal Plain • Carolina Slate Belt ❑ Kings lountain Belt ▪ !metPiedmonl Q Triassic Basin 1. Murphy Belt ▪ Eastern Slate Belt ❑ Yillon Bell The site is located on the western edge of one of several trough shaped basins that are present within the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The basins were formed during the Triassic and early Jurassic periods as a November 9, 2020 1 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 I I IMMIF I result of faulting and regional subsidence. Over time, the basins were filled with sediment eroded from the adjacent igneous and metamorphic formations. Although the basins may be grouped into areas having distinguishable geologic characteristics, locally the area is simply referred to as the Triassic Basin. Sedimentary sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and conglomerates are the predominant rock types within the Triassic Basin. Igneous intrusions (dikes and sills) are present within the sedimentary rocks in many areas. Near the ground surface, the Triassic rocks and igneous intrusions are often discontinuous with depth. The Triassic rocks can be present as relatively thin layers and the intrusions in the form of boulders. Typical soils within the Triassic Basin consist of silts, clays and clayey/silty sands. Near the surface the silts and clays are often moderately to highly plastic. Where present, residual soils formed by weathering of igneous intrusions can be of a softer/wetter consistency than surrounding Triassic sediments (silts and clays). In many locations, the transitional zone between soil and rock is not well defined. Locally, the transitional zone is termed partially weathered rock (PWR). For engineering purposes, partially weathered rock is considered as residual material in which standard penetration test N-values exceed 100 blows per foot. Partially weathered rock can be penetrated with some difficulty by power augers. 3.0 Exploration Program Our geotechnical field evaluation included the performance of nineteen soil test borings (B-1 through B-19). Approximate boring locations are shown on the attached Figure 2, Boring Location Plan. Boring locations were established in the field by S&ME using a hand-held GPS and should be considered approximate. Borings were drilled using a CME 550 drill rig mounted on an all -terrain vehicle. Borings were advanced using 31/4-inch inside -diameter hollow stem augers to depths ranging from approximately 8 to 21 feet below the existing ground surface. Split -spoon soil samples were taken at approximate 21/2-foot intervals above a depth of 10 feet and then at 5-foot intervals below 10 feet. Standard penetration tests were conducted using an automatic hammer in conjunction with split -spoon sampling in general accordance with ASTM D1586. Water level measurements were attempted immediately after drilling within all borings and after a period of about 24-hours after drilling within select borings. Borings were backfilled with auger cuttings and closed in accordance with our standard borehole closure protocol prior to demobilization. Test Boring Records and a Generalized Subsurface Profile showing specific subsurface information from each boring are included in Appendix I. Stratification lines shown on Test Boring Records and the Subsurface Profile are intended to represent approximate depths of changes in soil types. Naturally, transitional changes in soil types are often gradual and cannot be defined at exact depths. Representative split -spoon samples and two bulk samples were returned to our laboratory for visual classification and testing. Soils were classified in general accordance with Unified Soil Classification System guidelines. Laboratory testing include natural moisture content, Atterberg limits, and grain size testing for general classification purposes, as well as standard Proctor and California Bearing Ratio testing on the bulk samples. Laboratory testing was performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. November 9, 2020 2 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 4.0 Subsurface Conditions 4.1 Topsoil A surficial layer of topsoil, approximately 3 to 4 inches in thickness, was encountered at each boring location. Actual topsoil depths will be greater than those shown on boring logs in wooded areas due to removal of tree root mat. Topsoil is typically a dark -colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and is unsuitable for engineering purposes. Topsoil depths provided in this report are based on measurements made during drilling and should be considered approximate. We note that the transition from topsoil to underlying natural soils may be gradual. 4.2 Residual Soils Residual soils were encountered underlying topsoil at each boring location. Residual soils encountered were generally comprised of sandy and elastic silts (USCS classification of ML and MH), low plasticity clays (CL), and silty sands (SM). SPT N-values within residual soils ranged from 3 to 63 blows per foot (bpf). Residual soils were generally observed relatively dry to wet. Laboratory testing on the bulk samples indicated natural moisture contents 5.2 to 8.4 percent wet of optimum. Relatively low -consistency soils that may be unstable under proofroll were encountered near final subgrade elevations in cut areas or near existing site elevations in fill areas at boring locations B-4, B-15, B-16, B-17, and B-19. Borings B-7, B-14 and B-16 were terminated in residual soils at their planned depths. 4.3 Partially Weathered Rock Partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered within most borings at depths ranging from about 3 to 17 feet below the existing ground surface and were generally sampled as silty sand and sandy silt. PWR was encountered above planned subgrade elevations in the pond and loading dock/parking areas at borings B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, and B-7 through B-12. Boring B-7 encountered a 4-foot layer of PWR at a depth of 8 feet before returning to residual soil to boring termination. Standard penetration test values in partially weathered rock ranged from 50 blows in 6 inches of penetration (50/6") to 50 blows with no apparent penetration (50/0"). Partially weathered rock materials were generally observed as relatively dry to moist. Borings B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-12, B-13, B-15, B-17, and B-19 were terminated in PWR without encountering auger refusal. 4.4 Auger Refusal Materials Auger refusal materials were encountered in borings B-5, B-6, B-8 through B-11, and B-18 at depths ranging from approximately 8 to 21 feet below the existing ground surface. Note that boring B-18 transitioned abruptly from soil to auger refusal at a depth of about 13 feet below the ground surface. Auger refusal may be indicative of less weathered PWR, boulders, or the top of parent rock. November 9, 2020 3 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 4.5 Water Levels III Water was encountered in borings B-15 and B-17 at depths of about 6 and 9 feet below the ground surface, respectively. Cave depths were recorded between 41/2 to 13 feet below the existing ground surface. Cave depths can sometimes be indicative of water levels. Perched water is known to exist in this geology and should be expected in unexplored areas of the site. Additionally, surface water that is not effectively gravity -drained, can become perched resulting in horizontal water movement based on local surface slopes. Groundwater levels should be expected to fluctuate with seasonal changes and with rainfall and evaporation rates at other times of the year. 5.0 Laboratory Test Results A summary of laboratory test results is presented in the table below. Individual laboratory test results are included in Appendix III. Table 5-1 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Boring No. Sample Depth (ft) Natural Moisture Content (%) Atterberg Liquid Limit Limits Plasticity Index Grain Size Percent Sand Analysis Percent Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) Standard Opt. Moisture Content (%) Proctor Max. Dry Unit Weight (pcf) CBR' (%) Swell USCS B-4 1 — 21/2 23.5 31 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- CL B-5 1 — 21/2 26.4 62 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- MH B-6 31/2 — 5 22.6 35 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- CL B-7 131/2 — 15 7.8 -- -- 14.3 85.7 -- -- -- -- ML B-9 1 — 21/2 21.7 -- -- 10.8 88.4 -- -- -- -- ML B-9 6 — 701/2 11.0 -- -- 31.9 58.6 -- -- -- -- ML B-12 0 — 5* 17.4 33 13 -- -- 12.2 121.0 3.3 2.2 CL B-13 1 — 21/2 30.0 70 36 -- -- -- -- -- -- MH B-15 1 — 5* 25.2 46 21 -- -- 16.8 106.0 -- -- CL B-16 1 — 21/2 23.2 41 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- CL I Corrected CBR value at 0.1 inches of penetration. The sample was compacted to approximately 98% of its standard Proctor maximum dry density, near its optimum moisture content. The sample was soaked for approximately 96 hours under a surcharge of approximately 100 pounds per square foot. * Bulk Sample November 9, 2020 4 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The following sections provide our conclusions and recommendations regarding site development and building foundation support. The recommendations herein are based upon review of test borings, our understanding of the proposed construction, engineering analyses, and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. If assumed structural loads, site grades or structure locations are different from those indicated, we should be provided the opportunity to review and comment upon the recommendations of this report so that they may be confirmed, extended, or modified as necessary. Based on our review of the provided project information, results of our exploration, and our experience with similar conditions, the site is adaptable for the proposed project. The primary geotechnical issues at this site will include: Site Preparation — Clearing and stripping of vegetation and topsoil will be required. Our borings indicate topsoil thicknesses of approximately 3 to 4 inches; however, stripping depths on the order of 8 to 12 inches should be anticipated. Low -consistency soils that may be unstable under proofroll were encountered in borings near final subgrade elevations. In addition, natural moisture contents of the bulk soil samples tested in the laboratory were significantly wet of their optimum moisture content. Drying of soils to improve subgrade stability and reuse on -site soils as structural fill will likely be required. Rock Excavation — Partially weathered rock (PWR) and/or auger refusal materials were encountered within anticipated excavation depths in some borings. The elevations at which rock will be encountered during site grading within this geology are highly variable. Ripping and/or blasting might be required within unexplored areas. Groundwater Control - Perched water is known to exist in this geology and should be expected in unexplored areas of the site. Surface water that is not effectively gravity -drained, can becomes perched resulting in horizontal water movement based on local surface slopes. Building Support — Buildings can be supported on conventional shallow foundations after proper site preparation. The following sections present more detailed conclusions and recommendations. 6.1 Earthwork 6.1.1 Site Preparation — General Initial site preparation should include clearing of trees, grubbing of stumps, stripping or organics and topsoil, and removing any other deleterious materials. Borings performed for this exploration indicate topsoil of about 3 to 4 inches in thickness. Greater thicknesses of topsoil (i.e. potentially 8 to 12 inches) should be expected in wooded areas. Logging operations often disturb the upper soils, mixing topsoil with undisturbed soils below, thus increasing stripping depths. This is especially true if logging occurs during wet conditions. Site grading will be difficult during periods of extended rainfall that generally occur during the winter and early spring months. Near -surface soils are moisture sensitive, and when wet, will tend to rut and pump under construction equipment traffic. In addition, these soils are difficult to dry during wet weather conditions. To reduce November 9, 2020 5 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 I I IMMIF I potential earthwork problems, site preparation and grading should be scheduled during drier summer months, if possible. If grading during wet weather is attempted, repair of near -surface soils and possible use of select off -site borrow will be necessary to adequately prepare subgrades for new construction. Heavy rubber -tired construction equipment should not be allowed to operate on exposed subgrades during wet conditions. Even during drier periods of the year, we recommend that exposed subgrades be sloped and sealed at the end of each day to promote runoff and reduce infiltration from rainfall. Water should not be allowed to pond on exposed subgrades. To further reduce potential deterioration of exposed subgrades, construction traffic patterns should be managed to limit equipment passes across the site. An all-weather surface may be necessary for heavy construction traffic to reduce degrading the soil subgrade during construction. Options for stabilizing all weather surfaces include compacted crushed stone or chemical (lime) stabilization. 6.1.2 Subgrade Evaluation After initial site preparation is complete, the exposed subgrade of areas to receive fill and areas near final grades should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer or their representative. This evaluation should include proofrolling with a full loaded tandem -axle dump truck or similar rubber -tired construction equipment. Any areas that deflect excessively and cannot be densified by rolling should be repaired by undercutting to suitable soils and replacing with compacted structural fill or ABC stone. Depending on prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction, drying, discing, and recompaction of soils may be a suitable alternative to undercutting. This will be a field decision at time of grading. Relatively low -consistency soils that may be unstable under proofroll were encountered near final subgrade elevations in cut areas or near existing site elevations in fill areas at boring locations B-4, B-15, B-16, B-17, and B-19. 6.1.3 Drainage Feature A drainage feature is present in the eastern -central portion of the site. We expect undercutting of soft/wet alluvial (water -deposited) soils within drainage features will be required. Undercut depths on the order of 2 to 4 feet should be anticipated. We recommend replacing undercut materials along drainage features with French drains. French drains promote site drainage by utilizing the natural site features and drainage patterns. French drains should consist of washed stone (NCDOT #57) wrapped in a non -woven geotextile. French drains should gravity drain and daylight in low- lying areas are be tied into the stormwater system. 6.1.4 Excavations Borings indicate that excavations will likely extend through moderate to high -consistency soils, PWR, and auger refusal material. Moderate to high -consistency soils can be excavated using backhoes, dozers, and other types of typical earthmoving equipment. PWR and auger refusal material were encountered above planned subgrade elevations in the pond and loading dock/parking footprint at borings B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, and B-7 through B-12. Additional PWR should be expected within planned excavation depths in other unexplored areas of the site. Where partially weathered rock is encountered during excavations, more weathered portions of the partially weathered rock can sometimes be November 9, 2020 6 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 I removed by using a large trackhoe, such as a CAT 330 equipped with new rock teeth, or large dozers, such as a CAT D-8 pulling a single -tooth ripper. The excavation of partially weathered rock can be slow and incompatible with the construction schedule. The use of hydraulic equipment (hoe ram, rock hammer, etc.) or rock blasting should be anticipated for removal of the harder (less weathered) partially weathered rock and auger refusal material. Prior to any blasting being performed, we recommend that a pre -blast survey be performed of any nearby structures and that all blast vibrations be monitored. The depth of blasting should be carefully controlled. Over - blasted materials should be removed to expose sound materials prior to fill placement or foundation construction. This recommendation is made because over -blasted materials can settle significantly due to the weight of new fill or building loads. The contractor should control blasting to keep vibrations below acceptable levels. Excavations should be sloped or shored in accordance with local, state and federal regulations, including OSHA (29 CFR Part 1926) excavation trench safety standards. The contractor is usually responsible for site safety. This information is provided only as a service and under no circumstances should we be assumed responsible for construction site safety. 6.1.5 Overexcavation for Utilities and Foundations Past experience indicates that it is typically more efficient and economical to remove difficult excavation materials in mass form as opposed to local excavation. Therefore, we suggest that consideration be given to mass excavating PWR materials to a specified depth below finish floor elevation during the mass grading process. On past projects it has been effective to mass excavate PWR materials to depths of approximately 3 to 4 feet beneath the finish floor elevation (or the depth of expected utility line or footing installation) and then backfill to design subgrade elevation using soil as structural fill. Utility line and footing excavation can then be performed through soil. 6.1.6 Particle Size Control Excavated partially weathered rock and rock should be broken down to acceptable particle sizes before being used as structural fill. We recommend that the maximum particle size of fill not exceed 3 inches within the structural fill beneath buildings, and within 3 feet of final subgrade in pavement areas. At fill depths greater than 3 feet below final subgrade in pavement areas, the maximum particle size should not exceed 6 inches. When placing rock materials in fill areas, soil must be used to fill any voids, especially where larger particle materials are used. Rock pieces should not be stacked on top of each other, which could create void spaces and lead to raveling of the soil fill. In addition, the rock formations in this geology have the potential to slake (weather rapidly) or soften when exposed to water, thereby creating volume change resulting in post -construction settlement. 6.2 Groundwater and Surface Water Groundwater was not encountered within the majority of our borings during this exploration. Borings B-15 and B- 17 encountered water at depths of approximately 6 and 9 feet, respectively. These water levels are below anticipated excavation depths within the building footprint. Although not encountered in other borings, perched water is known to exist in this geology and should be expected in unexplored areas of the site. Surface water that November 9, 2020 7 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 is not effectively gravity -drained, can become perched resulting in horizontal water movement based on local surface slopes. Groundwater and perched water elevations can be expected to fluctuate due to seasonal variations in rainfall, evaporation, and other factors. The contractor should be prepared to control any groundwater during construction. Proper control of surface water will be critical to reduce water infiltration into pavement subgrades. At locations where surface water may build behind the curb (i.e. landscaped slopes and islands), we recommend constructing an edge drain behind the curb that is outleted through the curb to daylight on top of the pavement. At locations where surface drainage flows from crushed stone onto pavement, we recommend constructing an "asphalt dam" to prevent water from infiltrating through the stone section beneath asphalt pavement. The dam should consist of a minimum 6-inch width of asphalt from the top of pavement to a minimum of 3-inches below the bottom of stone base. The dam should extend across the entire crushed stone width. To reduce surface water infiltration into foundation bearing soils, we recommend all soil surfaces that abut the building be properly compacted and sloped a minimum 5% away from the building. Where sufficient elevation difference and space are not available, we recommend constructing a subdrain immediately adjacent to the building exterior wall. To prevent water infiltration to the foundation bearing soils, line the entire building side, bottom, and lower 4 of the trench side opposite the building with an impermeable liner. Seal all liner joints. Place a 4-inch diameter perforated, corrugated plastic pipe surrounded by #57 stone encapsulated by geotextile filter fabric in the liner. Periodically discharge the subdrain with a solid pipe discharging to the stormwater system. 6.3 Structural Fill After site preparation, fill placement operations can proceed. Based on the boring logs, the majority of onsite soils should be able to be reused as structural fill. On site soils may be used as fill provided the maximum particle size meets the requirements of section 6.1.6 of this report, and the material has less than 3 percent organics and no deleterious materials. Highly plastic soils (plasticity index of greater than 30 percent) should not be used within the upper 2 feet beneath pavements, within 3 feet beneath building subgrades, or behind retaining structures. The bulk samples tested in the laboratory were approximately 5 to 8 percent wet of their optimum moisture content. Thus, moisture manipulation will likely be required to utilize the soil as structural fill. Structural fill soil should be placed in 8 to 10-inch thick lifts and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (MDD) (ASTM D 698). The top 12 inches beneath pavements and structures should be compacted to at least 98 percent. The moisture content of structural fill should be maintained at +/- 2 percent of the materials' optimum moisture content. In addition to meeting the compaction criteria, compacted fill must be stable under heavy rubber -tired construction equipment. For some materials, this may require that the moisture content be controlled to a greater tolerance than described above. Fill placement and compaction should be observed by a qualified soil technician working under the supervision of the geotechnical engineer. An appropriate number of soil density tests should be conducted to confirm that adequate fill compaction is achieved. November 9, 2020 8 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 6.3.1 Fill Induced Settlement III Planned site grading will require up to about 12 feet of structural fill to establish planned subgrade elevation within the building footprint. The weight of new structural fill will cause underlying soils to consolidate, and the mass weight of the new fill will cause the lower parts of the new fill to compress as well. Settlements of new fill masses should be monitored. After structural fill placement, at least three settlement hubs should be installed on the placed fill surface within the building area. We recommend placing the hubs in the general areas shown in the image below. Elevations of the settlement hubs should be measured at least twice weekly by a licensed surveyor and results provided to the geotechnical engineer for evaluation to determine when settlement has stabilized. Once fill has stabilized, the fill could be cut out to allow for construction of the retaining/foundation walls. Foundation and slab construction should not begin until monitoring has confirmed that settlement has stabilized. N. `: vv` v,:v'',1v 1'1''irivvv�sV)'li''1''r 1 ) .�f ��t=i}1A�rirfhii1*r rrrri- �►\ '' \\\\01 0�1100 \I\\\1`\\ I1\1 \1\1\ ♦vvvvv ,� t' 1 l v.1vIvyvIvvVv'v\.y''v\vvvv . :\� .\,Ili \1\1 \ irn�x9cw � \ \.`\\111 G11► \ \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ 1\\ — — 1 {chioNBAD wrry:3Np \ \ \ 1 laSettlemenl Huns! 6.4 Slope Stability The soil stratigraphy within the Durham Triassic Basin is characterized by bedding planes that are inclined, dipping downward in a southeasterly direction. Therefore, an excavation made parallel to the direction of the dipping soil layers (i.e., northwest -southeast direction) would have the lowest probability of sliding, with all other variables constant (i.e., slope geometry, soil properties, and pore pressure). When the orientation of excavations is otherwise, special attention must be given to the dipping of inclined layers into the cut'. 1 Analysis of Slope Failure in Overconsolidated Fissured Residual Soils: A Case Study. S. Putrich et.al November 9, 2020 9 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 I As previously discussed in this report, the geologic setting of this site (Triassic) is known for perched water conditions. Perched groundwater can manifest in cut slope instability due to degradation of slope soil. If perched water is encountered during construction of cut slopes, S&ME should be advised so that we may provide additional slope drainage recommendations as necessary (i.e. toe drains and/or chimney drains). Cut and fill slopes should be constructed at inclinations of 3(Horizontal):1(Vertical) or flatter for long term stability and erosion control. Slopes should be vegetated as soon as possible to reduce surface erosion. Slopes of 3(H):1(V) or flatter are typically required to allow mowers and other landscaping equipment to operate safely. During the grading of the site, any natural slopes that exceed 4(H):1(V) should be benched prior to receiving fill materials. Experience indicates that it is difficult to achieve adequate compaction near the surface of fill slopes. To improve compaction and reduce potential sloughing, fill slopes should be overbuilt beyond the design geometry and cut back to firm material following compaction. The soils at the site will be susceptible to erosion from rainwater runoff, particularly when used as fill. Rainwater should be diverted away from the crest of slopes. If seepage is observed along permanent cut slopes, flattening of the slope angle, installation of a toe drain, or other measures may be required to improve long-term stability. 6.5 Foundation Recommendations Building foundations can be supported on shallow spread footings designed for an allowable net soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). This bearing pressure assumes that footings will bear in approved natural soils or compacted structural fill, and that the site is prepared as recommended herein. This includes undercutting low -consistency soils, properly placing and compacting structural fill, and allowing settlement due to fill to occur prior to foundation construction. If water collects in any excavations, it should be removed promptly. Care should be exercised during construction of foundations in order not to disturb bearing soils and reduce their bearing strength. Concrete for the footings should be placed as soon as practical following excavation. If concrete placement is delayed, placement of a concrete "mud mat" on exposed bearing soils should be considered. 6.5.1 Bearing Depth and Dimension Footings should bear at least 18 inches below exterior grade to avoid frost penetration and develop the design bearing capacity. Continuous wall footings should be at least 18 inches wide and isolated column footings should be at least 24 inches wide. This recommendation is made to prevent a localized or "punching" shear failure condition which can occur with very narrow footings. 6.5.2 Settlement Based on conditions encountered by this exploration, anticipated structural loads, our current understanding of site grading and provided the site is prepared as recommended above, we expect that maximum total settlements beneath footings will be 1 inch or less. Differential settlements are expected to be 1/2 inch or less. November 9, 2020 10 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 6.5.3 Footing Evaluations The bottom of footing excavations should be evaluated by the project geotechnical engineer (or a soils technician working under their direction) using a hand auger and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) to gauge the consistency of subgrade soils and determine that subsurface conditions beneath foundation elements agree with those encountered in the soil borings. Foundation subgrades that are unstable should be over -excavated and replaced with washed (NCDOT #57) stone. The acceptability of #57 stone for use as over -excavation backfill must be evaluated on a case -by -case basis during construction considering the potential for undermining due to future adjoining excavations, underground repair work, interference with subdrains, etc. Washed stone should be available to immediately backfill over excavation and not left open and exposed to rainfall where pooling within the stone can occur. 6.6 Floor Slabs A properly prepared subgrade should be suitable for slab -on -grade support. We recommend a 4 to 6-inch thickness of compacted dense graded aggregate (NCDOT ABC gradation) beneath the slab to enhance uniform slab support. A vapor retarder should be included in the slab design if vapor penetration is an unacceptable condition. The slab subgrade should be evaluated by proofrolling with overlapping passes of a loaded tandem - axle dump truck or similar pneumatic tire vehicle with a minimum weight of 20 tons immediately prior to placement of concrete. Provided subgrade materials are stable under proofrolling, a modulus of subgrade reaction value (k-value) of 100 psi/inch may be used for slab -on -grade design. 6.7 Seismic Site Classification Based on our test borings and Section 1613 of the North Carolina Building Code 2018 Edition, the site is a Seismic Site Class D. 6.8 Retaining Wall Parameters 6.8.1 General Proposed retaining walls must be designed to resist lateral earth pressures from backfill. In addition to the lateral stresses from the backfill, the walls may be subjected to surcharge loading from adjacent traffic, stockpiled materials, or stresses from nearby footings or floor slabs. If present, these surcharge stresses should be resolved into appropriate lateral stress distributions and added to the earth pressures outlined below. Walls should have adequate factors of safety against overturning, sliding, and global failure. We recommend placing a drainage medium, such as washed stone (NCDOT #57) wrapped in geotextile fabric or a prefabricated geocomposite drain, behind any wall. The drainage medium should be connected to a footing drain or weep holes to reduce potential buildup of hydrostatic pressure due to surface water, perched water, or utility leaks. Backfill soils placed behind retaining walls should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the soil's standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) and within 2 percent of optimum moisture. Soil types suitable for wall backfill are presented below. Operating heavy compaction equipment within 5 feet behind the retaining November 9, 2020 11 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 structures can create lateral earth pressures far in excess of those recommended for design. As such, we recommend that hand -operated equipment be used within 5 feet from walls. 6.8.2 Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls Off -site soils such as clean sands, stone screenings, ABC stone, or washed stone, are recommended for use as reinforced backfill (backfill containing mechanical reinforcement or geogrid) behind MSE walls. On -site soils with fines (silt/clay) contents of greater than 25 percent should not be used as backfill within the reinforced zone. Depending on several factors (i.e., geogrid length, compaction conditions of backfill, and others), use of silts or clays as backfill could cause wall instability. It is our opinion that silt and clay backfill cause more long-term lateral deflection of the backfill mass (and wall face) when compared to granular soil backfill. Excessive lateral deflection could cause leaning of the wall face and development of cracks behind the wall (e.g., cracking of ground surface or asphalt behind the wall). Cracks behind the wall can create a path for surface water infiltration into the backfill. Water infiltration into the backfill can create loss of backfill strength (i.e. soil strength lower than the design strength) and lead to wall instability (i.e. possible wall failure). Provided that granular soils are used as reinforced backfill, a friction angle of at least 30 degrees should be available for reinforced backfill, provided that the backfill is properly compacted in accordance with our recommendations. The above friction angle would correspond to an active earth pressure coefficient Ka of 0.33. This coefficient assumes a level backfill surface behind the wall. The following unit weights should be available for various backfill types. 95 pounds per cubic foot for compacted washed stone 110 to 120 pounds per cubic foot for properly compacted sands 140 pounds per cubic foot for properly compacted ABC stone Once a backfill material is selected, sufficient laboratory testing (i.e., grain size analysis, standard Proctor and triaxial testing) of the backfill should be performed prior to construction, or empirical judgments made, to verify design soil parameters for reinforced fill. The parameters in the table below are applicable for retained soils (i.e. soils behind the reinforced zone). The parameters assume that retained soils are properly compacted in accordance with recommendations presented previously. Table 6-1- Recommended Parameters for Retained Soil Parameter Value Friction Angle, (degrees) 25 Cohesion, c (psf) 0 Active Coefficient Earth Pressure (Ka) 0.41 Moist Unit Weight (pcf) 130 November 9, 2020 12 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 6.8.3 Cast -In -Place Concrete Walls III & On -site low plasticity clayey sands, silty sands, sandy clays, and sandy silts or off -site soils consisting of the same soil types, can be used as backfill behind cast -in -place concrete walls. Backfill soils should have a maximum plasticity index of 20 percent. On -site CH and MH soils should not be used as wall backfill. The lateral earth pressure coefficients presented on the following table assume no wall friction between the wall and soil backfill (S = 0 degrees) and are based on placement of properly compacted backfill and a level backfill surface. Table 6-2 — Recommended Parameters for Cast -In -Place Wall Backfill Parameter Value Friction Angle, q (degrees) 25 At -Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient (Ko) 0.58 Active Coefficient Earth Pressure (Ka) 0.41 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient (Kp) 2.46 Moist Unit Weight of Backfill (pcf) 130 Ultimate Friction Coefficient Between Wall Foundations and Bearing Soils 0.3 6.9 Pavements Pavement design procedures are based on AASHTO "Guide for Design of Pavement Structures" (1993) and associated literature. At the time of this report, traffic loading information was not available. For our analysis, we considered standard duty pavement with an 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESAL) value of 5,000 and a heavy- duty pavement with an ESAL value of 125,000. Table 6-3 Assumed Traffic Loading for Pavement Design Trip Generator Heavy Duty Pavement [Daily Trips] Standard Duty Pavement [Daily Trips] Tractor Trailers 8 -- Cars 100 100 Fire trucks 1* -- Garbage Trucks 2** -- Small Delivery Trucks 2 2 ESAL 20 -year Design Value 125,000 5,000 * Assuming one fire truck per month **Assuming two trash pickups per week If these assumed values are not realistic for the anticipated traffic, please notify us so that our design analysis can be evaluated. November 9, 2020 13 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 The pavement analysis was based on an initial serviceability index of 4.2 (4.5 for concrete), a terminal serviceability index of 2.0 and a 20-year design life. 6.9.1 Asphalt Pavement Based on past experience and laboratory data, a design CBR value of 3 percent was used for pavement design. Recommendations for the standard and heavy-duty pavements are provided in the table below. Table 6-4 - Asphalt Pavement Sections Material Type Standard Duty Heavy Duty Asphalt Surface Course 2 inches S-9.5B 1.5 inches S-9.5B Asphalt Intermediate Course 2.5 inches I-19.0C ABC Stone Base 6 inches 8 inches All materials and construction methods should conform to the 2018 edition of the NCDOT "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures." In -place density tests of subgrade soils and crushed stone base course should be performed by a qualified soils technician and the area should be thoroughly proofrolled under his observation. Asphaltic concrete should conform to Section 610 in the 2018 edition of the NCDOT "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures." Sufficient testing and observation should be performed during pavement construction to confirm that the required thickness, density, and quality requirements of the specifications are achieved. Although our analysis was based on traffic loading for a 20-year design life, our experience indicates that pavement maintenance is necessary due to normal weathering of the asphaltic concrete. Normal weathering (i.e., oxidation) causes asphalt to become more brittle resulting in loss of tensional strength. This loss in strength can cause minor cracking which provides access for water infiltration into the stone base and subgrade. As the degree of saturation of the subgrade increases, the strength of the subgrade decreases leading to pavement failure. Routine maintenance in the form of sealing, patching, and maintaining proper drainage is required to increase pavement life. It is not uncommon for overlays to be required after 10 to 12 years. 6.9.2 Concrete Pavement The concrete pavement design was performed using the same design traffic as in the heavy-duty asphalt pavement areas (125,000 ESALs). The compressive strength of the concrete was assumed to be 4,000 psi. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 100 pci was used for design assuming 6 inches of compacted ABC stone. Project plans indicate a preliminary heavy-duty concrete pavement section of 7 inches of concrete over 4 inches of compacted ABC stone. We have evaluated this alternative section and find it to be acceptable. We have assumed that load transfer across contraction (saw) joints will be handled by aggregate interlock. Aggregate base course should meet the material and compaction requirements stated in the "Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement" section above. November 9, 2020 14 Geotechnical Exploration Report CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 I We understand that concrete pavement is planned for areas near loading docks and dumpster pads. The table below presents our recommended concrete pavement section thicknesses; however, the section shown on the plans (listed as Alternate Concrete Section below) is acceptable if preferred. Table 6-5 - Concrete Pavement Section Material Type Thickness Alternate Concrete Section Air Entrained Concrete (4000 psi) Aggregate Base Course (ABC) stone 6 inches 6 inches 7 inches 4 inches Maximum Joint Spacing 12 feet in all directions 14 feet in all directions Saw joints should be cut to a depth of at least'/4 of the thickness of the concrete pavement to promote shrinkage cracking along the joint. The ABC stone should be compacted to at least 98 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. 7.0 Limitations of Report This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice for specific application to this project. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based upon applicable standards of our practice in this geographic area at the time this report was prepared. No other representation or warranty either express or implied, is made. We relied on project information given to us to develop our conclusions and recommendations. If project information described in this report is not accurate, or if it changes during project development, we should be notified of the changes so that we can modify our recommendations based on this additional information if necessary. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on limited data from a field exploration program. Subsurface conditions can vary widely between explored areas. Some variations may not become evident until construction. If conditions are encountered which appear different than those described in our report, we should be notified. This report should not be construed to represent subsurface conditions for the entire site. Unless specifically noted otherwise, our field exploration program did not include an assessment of regulatory compliance, environmental conditions or pollutants or presence of any biological materials (mold, fungi, bacteria). If there is a concern about these items, other studies should be performed. S&ME can provide a proposal and perform these services if requested. S&ME should be retained to review the final plans and specifications to confirm that earthwork, foundation, and other recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. The recommendations in this report are contingent on S&ME's review of final plans and specifications followed by our observation and monitoring of earthwork and foundation construction activities. November 9, 2020 15 Appendices Appendix I -Figures SITE VICINITY MAP CCEP LOT 8 ENTERPRISE PARK DRIVE SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DATE: 10/23/2020 PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NO. 1 1305-20-121 J III Qo VNI1O21VJ H1210N '42103NvS 3A1214 >121dd 3S121d2131N3 8 101 d3JJ NV'Id NOI1VDO1 1S 11 lZI-OZ-SO£l N38Wf1N 1J3fONd cn N = n 0 C m z N 'ON 32ifDId in Z m O CC 0 m 0 D Z 0 Z m -0 C 0 m G � O m A W I -1 2 -1 m m m D m c Z m D � Z 0 � D Om �H p0 0 m o D p D Z = m D 0 0 0 0 D Z 0 Ll z D r- z 0 0 z 0 z D Z 0 ri ri z • uoge)o1 6uuoe sal I!°S z ELEVATION (feet-MSL) 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 B-1 B-2 1���� 50/3C 10 1111 13 IIII IIII 63 11 50/6" 50/5" HC HC (II 50/4" I11 50/3" Illl\l� 50/2" I�I,f 50/5" BT@19' BT@19' POND FG = 247' B-7 B-5 I 14 1111 1111 II 13 B-3 5 �I N B-6 IIII33 `1 12 50/511Ct III 23 B-4 HC 50/4" �I� I 50/0" II HC p 50/4" BAT @ 8 94 1111 57 20 1111 HCIIII "It 5 111142 53 BR @@ 17' 0/0 BT @ 20 LOADING DOCK / PARKING B-8 N HC 50/6" 50/0" 50/5" 50/2" 56 BT @ 10' 1 1 1 1 50/0 SITE 50/2" FG = 272' AR@13' BT @ 13' FG = 268' B-9 10 14 30 29 HC 50/3" 50/0" AR @ 21' BT@21' B-10 N 12 27 50/5" B-12 50/4" N 50/2" AR @ 18.5Q/1 RT )1R5' HC FG = 270' FG = 272' B-11 N 50/3" AR @ 16 13/0" BT @ 16' FG = 270' FG = 274' HC BUILDING FG = 272' B-13 B-16 B-14 N 8 8 21 28 HC 35 — t I 1\1 50/5" BT @ 19' 6 8 50 24 59 58 BT @ 20' B-15 j A 4 7 HC 20 28 5 8 9 15 19 25 .- 21 BT @ 20' 50/5" BT @ 19' B-17 N HC 1 B-18 B-19 l N 7 6 20 HC 12 28 50/3" 27 BT @ 9'50/2„ AR @ 1350/0" 22 BT @ 13' 30 50/2" 50/4" BT @ 19' ■ Topsoil CL, Low Plasticity Clay MH, High Plasticity Silt SM, Silty Sand ® ML, Low Plasticity Silt BT Boring Termination Depth Partially Weathered Rock AR Auger Termination Depth N = Standard Penetration Test resistance value (blows per foot). The depicted stratigraphy is shown for illustrative purposes only. The actual subsurface conditions will vary between boring locations. Elevations are approximate. 1 24-hr Groundwater Level HC Hole Cave Depth 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 Diagram: Generalized Subsurface Profile JOB NO: 1305-20-121 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 DATE: LOCATION: Sanford, North Carolina 11/5/20 III Figure 3 Appendix II - Soil Test Boring Logs PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-1 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 265.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 19.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 11' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-4 inches HC - 260.0— - - - 255.0— 250.0 — - SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 1 SS-6 mc 2 5 8 5015° 50/4" 50/2" 4 6 21 6 7 42 = 10 13 63 o/5^ 0/4" RESIDUUM: ELASTIC SILT (MH) stiff, brown, moist 5 SANDY SILT (ML) stiff, tan and brown, moist - - - SANDY SILT (ML) very hard, tan and brown, relatively dry 10 15 i �( �11 � 1 I 111 11 1 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt >♦50/2" Boring terminated at 19 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-2 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 265.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 19.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 10' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-4 inches HC - 260.0— - 255.0— 250.0— - SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 Q SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 i 1 5 32 50/2" 50/3" 50/5" 2 7 50/6" 4 7 = 6 14 0/6" ;50/2" .50/3" 050/5' RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) firm, reddish brown, moist 5 10 15 SANDY SILT (ML) stiff, reddish brown, moist 1 � L`I ..61 I 1 11 1 �� 1� 11 1 11 0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt Boring terminated at 19 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-3 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 276.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 9.5 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 4.5' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-3 inches / HD 271.0— _ SS-1 1 SS-2 SS 3 SS-4 1 4 12 50/4" 14 7 5014" 50/5" 16 23 0/4" RESIDUUM: SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH) very stiff, reddish brown, moist- ig PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK 111 111 relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown silty fine sand 150/4" z 650/5' i Relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt Boring terminated at 9.5 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 11= PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-4 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 273.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 6' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE rTopsoil-3 inches / HC - - 268.0— - 263.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 1 3 10 11 2 3 17 24 2 4 25 5015" ` = 4 7 42 0/5" RESIDUUM: LEAN CLAY (CL) soft, brown, moist, trace rootlets 5 SANDY SILT (ML) firm, brown, moist, trace to little roots SANDY SILT (ML) hard, reddish brown and tan, relatively dry- PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown and tan sandy silt 10 Boring terminated at 10 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-5 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 280.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 8.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 6' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE _ - 5 — Topsoil-4 inches He - 275.0— - SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 X SS-4 2 2 5014° 50/0" 2 4 3 8 - 5 12 o/a" RESIDUUM: SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH) firm, brown, moist, trace roots D (ML) stiffSAN, brownYSILT a nd tan, moist PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK moist, sampled as: brown and tan sandy silt Boring terminated at 8 ft due to auger refusal .50/0" NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-6 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 275.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 13.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 8' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-3 inches HC 270.0— - - - 265.0— SS-1 �� SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 2 2 4 7 50/0" 1 2 8 22 2 4 12 31 3 6 20 53 RESIDUUM: SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH) soft, brown, moist, trace roots 5 / CLAY WITH SAND (CL) firm, brown, moist, trace roots - - SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, brown, moist 10 SANDY SILT (ML) very hard, brown, relatively dry •0/0" Boring terminated at 13 ft due to auger refusal NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-7 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 284.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 12' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-4 inches HC - 279.0— - 274.0— - 269.0— 264.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 SS 3 SS-4 R SS-5 SS-6 1 5 5 12 50/5" 20 23 7 6 15 26 29 7 7 18 31 27 • 14 13 33 0/5 57 56 RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) medium dense, reddish brown, fine, moist 5 ELASTIC SILT (MH) stiff, brown, moist .I SANDY SILT (ML) hard, reddish brown, relatively dry 10 r i d r PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt - - 15 — RESIDUUM: SILT (ML) very hard, reddish brown, relatively dry 0 20 Boring terminated at 20 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-8 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 283.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 17.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 8' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE III Topsoil-4 inches HC 278.0— _ _ 273 0 — 268.0— - SS 1 SS-2 Q SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 2 5 50/0" 50/5" 50/2" 50/0 3 50/6" 3 - 6 0/6„ .50/5" RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) firm, brown and tan, moist 5 1 0 15 �( 11 1 �� 1 �� I 10 ,If PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: brown sandy silt .50/0" >♦50/2" Boring terminated at 17 ft due to auger refusal i50/0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-9 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 293.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 21.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 12' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , ,6080 N VALUE _ - 5— - - 10 — Topsoil-4 inches / HC - 288.0— - 283.0— 278.0— 273.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 1 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 3 5 12 10 50/3" 50/0" 5 7 14 17 5 7 16 12 ` = 10 14 30 29 0/3" 050/0" RESIDUUM: SILT (ML) stiff, light brown and reddish brown, moist ` SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, brown and tan, relatively dry - - - Reddish brown 15 20 I 1 1 ( 1 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt Boring terminated at 21 ft due to auger refusal NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-10 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 292.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 18.5 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 11' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-4 inches HC - 287.0— - 282.0— - 277.0- - SS-1 1 SS-2 1 SS-3 Q SS-4 SS-5 Q SS-6 �50/1" 3 10 12 50/4" 15 6 14 50/5" 50/2" 6 13 r 12 27 0/5" 0/4" •50/1" RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) stiff, brown, moist 5 10 15 SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, brown, relatively dry - 1:- �� 1 � `I I 'il 1 , 1 �1 � 1 11 Ir 1 11 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: brown and tan sandy silt - .50/2" Boring terminated at 18.5 ft due to auger refusal NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-11 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 280.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 16.0 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 8' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE 5 10 15 Topsoil-4 inches HC 275.0— - 270.0— 265.0- - SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 Q SS-4 X SS-5 X SS-6 — 1 1 23 50/4" 50/3" 50/0" 2 2 50/5" 2 3 4 5 0/5" 450/4" r50/3" *50/0 RESIDUUM: ELASTIC SILT (MH) soft, brown, moist ELASTIC SILT (MH) firm, brown, moist i �� I 1 11 \'') ,Il 1 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt Boring terminated at 16 ft due to auger refusal NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-12 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 283.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. Bulk sample collected from auger cuttings from 1'-5'/ DRILL RIG: CME 550 BORING DEPTH: 13.5 ft DRILLER: R. Studnicky WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 7' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 2'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE 5 - 10 - rTopsoil-4 inches / HC - - 278.0 - 273.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 -2 SS-3 R - SS-4 SS-5 �50/1" 2 6 50/5" 50/4" 2 11 8 14 ` = - 10 25 0/5" 0/4" r0/1" RESIDUUM: CLAY WITH SAND (CL) stiff, brown, moist CLAY WITH SAND (CL) very stiff, brown and tan, relatively dry - I 1 ` `I I I PARTIALLY HD relativelydry,WEATsampledEREas: brownROCK and tan sandy sllt - - Boring terminated at 13.5 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-13 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 270.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 19.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 12' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE _ Topsoil-3 inches HC - 265.0— - 260.0— - 255.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 1 SS-5 1 SS-6 1 3 2 6 8 11 50/5" 4 2 9 13 14 4 6 12 15 21 $ 8 21 28 35 0/5" RESIDUUM: ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND (MH) firm, brown, moist, trace roots - 5 — - - 10 — SANDY SILT (ML) firm, brown and tan, moist - - SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, purplish brown, relatively dry _ - - 15 — SANDY SILT (ML) hard, purplish brown, relatively dry PARTIALLY WEATHERED a relatively dry, sampled as: brownROCK sandy silt Boring terminated at 19 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-14 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 269.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 13' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE _ 5 - - A Topsoil-3 inches / FiC 264.0 - 259.0— - 254.0— - 249.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 I� SS-4 SS-5 1 SS-6 2 2 21 9 9 12 3 3 22 9 21 23 3 5 28 15 38 35 _ _ 6 8 50 24 59 58 RESIDUUM: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) firm, brown, moist - SANDY SILT (ML) hard, reddish brown, relatively dry- - 10 — SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, purplish brown, relatively dry - - 15 — - SANDY SILT (ML) very hard, purplish brown, relatively dry - - - Reddish brown 20 Boring terminated at 20 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-15 DATE DRILLED: 10/14/20 ELEVATION: 264.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. Bulk sample collected from auger cuttings, from approx. 1 -5'. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 19.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: 6' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE Topsoil-3 inches 1 - 259.0— - - 254.0— 249.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 1 SS-3 SS-4 1 SS-5 1 SS-6 2 3 4 5 5 50/5" 2 3 8 12 9 2 4 12 16 12 4 7 20 28 21 0/5" RESIDUUM: LEAN CLAY (CL) soft, brown, moist 5 - 10 — - 15 — A LEAN CLAY (CL) firm, tan and brown, moist - SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, reddish brown, wet ;PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK wet, sampled as: brown silty fine sand Boring terminated at 19 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-16 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 270.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 12' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE _ 5 - - - 10 — j A Topsoil-3 inches / HC 265.0 - - 260.0— - 255.0— 250.0— SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 1 SS-5 1 SS-6 1 2 3 3 3 6 T 2 3 4 6 9 10 3 5 5 9 10 15 - - 5 8 9 15 19 25 RESIDUUM: LEAN CLAY (CL) firm, brown, moist _ SANDY SILT (ML) stiff, reddish brown and tan, moist _ - - 15 — SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, reddish brown and tan, moist 20 Boring terminated at 20 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-17 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 260.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 19.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: 9' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE 5 10 d Topsoil-3 inches / 1 - 255.0— - - 250.0— 245.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 1 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 138 SS-6 X 2 2 6 T 50/4" 3 2 9 10 50/2" 3 3 13 20 ` 6 5 22 30 0/2" RESIDUUM: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) firm, brown, moist - SANDY SILT (ML) very stiff, reddish brown and tan, moist to wet 15 t i,_ Ss PARTIAL wetsampledLY as:WEATHEREDreddishbrownROCKsandy silt-- 1150/4" Boring terminated at 19 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-18 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 268.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 13.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 9' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 10 20 30 , 6080 N VALUE jTopsoil-3 ASANDY inches / HC - - 263.0- - - 258.0— SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 1 SS-4 SS-5 �50/0" 2 3 8 6 3 6 12 10 4 14 16 17 ` ` - 7 20 28 27 0/0" RESIDUUM: LEAN CLAY (CL) firm, brown, moist 5 10 SILT (ML) very stiff, brown, moist, trace roots - - - Reddish brown and yellow - - Boring terminated at 13 ft due to auger refusal NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: CCEP Lot 8 Sanford, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1305-20-121 BORING LOG B-19 DATE DRILLED: 10/15/20 ELEVATION: 268.0 ft NOTES: Boring locations and elevations should be considered approximate. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 9.0 ft DRILLER: T. Williams WATER LEVEL: Caved dry at 5.5' 24 hr HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: M. Hartman SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: 3'/<" H.S.A. DEPTH (feet) GRAPHIC LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL ELEVATION (feet-MSL) SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE TYPE 1st 6in/RUN #�W 0 2nd6in/REC m0 00 3rd6in/RQD STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (blows/ft) /REMARKS 1,0 2,0 30 , 6080 N VALUE _ Topsoil-3 inches HC - 263.0— - - SS-1 1 SS-2 SS-3 SS 4 2 3 11 38 3 5 33 50/2" 3 7 5013" - 6 12 0/3" •50/2 RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) firm, brown, moist - 5 — SANDY SILT (ML) stiff, reddish brown, moist - z PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK relatively dry, sampled as: reddish brown sandy silt Boring terminated at 9 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASiTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS GRAPH LETTER COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE •- CLEAN k. GRAVELS P. •• III •-III 4. •' 4. �•� �/ S�• S ? ?'� GW WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES ° ,° (LITTLE OR NO FINES) )o 000000 0 . ° b. pOo DC GP POORLY -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES 0`) GRAVELS WITH FINES 00 o ° �0 0 U p GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES SAND AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION. PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE CLEAN SANDS o SW WELL -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES (LITTLE OR NO FINES) •. SP POORLY -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS WITH FINES SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) :. .. : c�+ v7v CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND CLAYS ML INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS — — OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY SILTS AND CLAYS MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 CHPLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS Appendix III - Laboratory Results Form No: TR-D2216-T265-2 Revision No. 1 Revision Date: 08/16/17 LABORATORY DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT ASTM D 2216 a AASHTO T 265 III S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/26/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Test Date(s): 10/25 - 10/26/2020 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Sample by: S&ME Sampling Method: Bulk & Split Spoon Sample Date(s): 10/14/2020 Drill Rig : N/A Method: A cm) ❑ B (o.1 %) Balance ID. 20977 Calibration Date: Oven ID. 1454 Calibration Date: 4/5/2020 11/29/2019 Boring No. Sample No. Sample Depth Tare # Tare Weight Tare Wt.+ Wet Wt Tare Wt. + Dry Wt Water Weight Percent Moisture ft. grams grams grams grams % B-4 SS-1 1 - 2.5 34.90 130.06 111.98 18.08 23.5% B-5 SS-1 1 - 2.5 52.87 129.15 113.23 15.92 26.4% B-6 SS-2 3.5 - 5 45.67 116.25 103.26 12.99 22.6% B-7 SS-5 13.5 - 15 8.35 185.60 172.77 12.83 7.8% B-9 SS-1 1 - 2.5 8.13 157.52 130.90 26.62 21.7% B-9 SS-3 6 - 7.5 8.88 187.90 170.23 17.67 11.0% B-12 Bulk 0 - 5 48.61 173.11 154.69 18.42 17.4% B-13 SS-1 1 - 2.5 45.60 100.81 88.07 12.74 30.0% B-15 Bulk 1 - 5 45.87 188.14 159.47 28.67 25.2% B-16 SS-1 1 - 2.5 38.78 128.87 111.88 16.99 23.2% Notes / Deviations / References AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Laboratory Manager 10/26/2020 Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC. 27616 Moisture Table.xls Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Boring #: B-4 Sample #: SS-1 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown CLAY Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool 1801 5/21/2020 LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Tare #: A Tare Weight 21.19 21.30 21.18 16.73 16.71 B Wet Soil Weight + A 35.35 32.55 34.27 25.81 26.04 C Dry Soil Weight + A 32.02 29.86 31.07 24.32 24.48 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.33 2.69 3.20 1.49 1.56 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 10.83 8.56 9.89 7.59 7.77 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 30.7% 31.4% 32.4% 19.6% 20.1% N # OF DROPS 30 23 15 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 19.9% ? One Point Liquid Limit 34.0 - N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 33.0 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 © 32.0 23 0.99 29 1.018 C. 24 0.995 30 1.022 CIJ io 25 1 31.0 .000 li NP, Non -Plastic 0 Liquid Limit 31 e 3 30.0 Plastic Limit 20 Plastic Index 11 29.0 1 1 Group Symbol CL 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 3.2% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Laboratory Manager Signature Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-4 SS-1 (1-2.5ft) Plxls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Boring #: B-5 Sample #: SS-1 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown SILT Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool 1801 5/21/2020 LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit A Tare Weight 13.39 21.25 20.93 21.10 11.12 B Wet Soil Weight + A 23.68 32.08 31.63 29.40 20.95 C Dry Soil Weight + A 19.82 27.88 27.43 27.31 18.55 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.86 4.20 4.20 2.09 2.40 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 6.43 6.63 6.50 6.21 7.43 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 60.0% 63.3% 64.6% 33.7% 32.3% N # OF DROPS 32 22 17 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 33.0% ? 66.0 - One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 65.0 " 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 64.0 22 0.985 28 1.014 c • 23 0.99 29 1.018 U 63.0 cu 24 0.995 30 1.022 62.0 25 1.000 o NP, Non Plastic 0 61.0 Liquid Limit 62 e 60.0 Plastic Limit 33 Plastic Index 29 59.0 1 1 1 I fGroup Symbol MH 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 1 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 0.3% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Laboratory Manager Signature Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-5 SS-1 (1-2.5ft) Plxls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-6 Sample #: SS-2 Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 3.5 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown CLAY with Sand Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 S&ME ID # Cal Date: 1801 5/21/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Tare #: A Tare Weight 13.60 20.61 21.07 21.35 20.91 B Wet Soil Weight + A 23.65 31.37 33.49 30.28 29.42 C Dry Soil Weight + A 21.10 28.57 30.09 28.70 27.90 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.55 2.80 3.40 1.58 1.52 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 7.50 7.96 9.02 7.35 6.99 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 34.0% 35.2% 37.7% 21.5% 21.7% N # OF DROPS 30 24 16 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 21.6% ? One Point Liquid Limit 39.0 N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 38.0 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 ' 37.0 c 23 0.99 29 1.018 CL 24 0.995 30 1.022 cu 36.0 L. 25 1.000 ., 0 ° 35.0 NP, Non -Plastic Liquid Limit 35 e Plastic Limit 22 34.0 Plastic Index 13 33.0 1 1 Group Symbol CL 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 8.2% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-6 SS-2 (3.5 - 5ft) PI.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No TR-D6913-GR-01 Revision No. 1 Revision Date: 9/5/17 Single sieve set SIEVE ANALYSIS OF SOIL ASTM D6913 III S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: Project Name: 1305-20-121 CCEP Lot 8 Record Date: 10/21/2020 Lab Report #: 1 Client Name: Samet Corporation Date Received: 10/21/2020 Received By: Location: La b Site -Borehole Sampled by: S&ME Boring #: B-7 Date Sampled: 10/14/2020 Sample #: SS-5 Log/Sample Id. 381 Sample Description: Red -Brown SILT Type: SS Elev/Depth (ft): 13.5-15 ft. 100% - 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 3 ' 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #140 #200 0% 1- ♦ 100.00 10 00 ♦ • Millimeters 1.00 • ♦ 0.10 0.01 Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Method: B Procedure for obtaining Specimen: Moist Maximum Particle Size Gravel Liquid Limit Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture 3/8" 0.0% ND ND ND Coarse Sand Medium Sand Plastic Limit Bulk Gravity (C127) Natural Moisture 1.1% 4.3% ND N/A 7.8% Fine Sand Silt & Clay Plastic Index % Absorption 8.9% 85.7% ND N/A Notes / Deviations / References: ND=Not Determined. Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/28/2020 Date S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-7 SS-5 (13.5-15ft) Grainsize.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No TR-D6913-GR-01 Revision No. 1 Revision Date: 9/5/17 Single sieve set SIEVE ANALYSIS OF SOIL ASTM D6913 III S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: Project Name: 1305-20-121 CCEP Lot 8 Record Date: 10/21/2020 Lab Report #: 1 Client Name: Samet Corporation Date Received: 10/21/2020 Received By: Location: La b Site -Borehole Log/Sample Id. 381 Sample Description: Tan -Brown SILT Sampled by: S&ME Boring #: B-9 Type: SS Date Sampled: 10/14/2020 Sample #: SS-1 Elev/Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 3 ' 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #140 #200 • 0% ♦ 100.00 10 00 ♦ • Millimeters 1.00 • ♦ 0.10 0.01 Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Method: B Procedure for obtaining Specimen: Moist Maximum Particle Size Gravel Liquid Limit Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture 3/8" 0.8% ND ND ND Coarse Sand Medium Sand Plastic Limit Bulk Gravity (C127) Natural Moisture 1.4% 1.6% ND N/A 21.7% Fine Sand Silt & Clay Plastic Index % Absorption 7.8% 88.4% ND N/A Notes / Deviations / References: ND=Not Determined. Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/28/2020 Date S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-9 SS-1 (1-2.5ft) Grainsize.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No TR-D6913-GR-01 Revision No. 1 Revision Date: 9/5/17 Single sieve set SIEVE ANALYSIS OF SOIL ASTM D6913 III S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: Project Name: 1305-20-121 CCEP Lot 8 Record Date: 10/21/2020 Lab Report #: 1 Client Name: Samet Corporation Date Received: 10/21/2020 Received By: Location: La b Site -Borehole Log/Sample Id. 381 Sample Description: Red -Brown Sandy SILT Sampled by: S&ME Boring #: B-9 Type: SS Date Sampled: 10/14/2020 Sample #: SS-3 Elev/Depth (ft): 6 - 7.5 ft. 100% - 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 3 ' 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #140 #200 0% 1- ♦ 100.00 10 00 ♦ • Millimeters 1.00 • ♦ 0.10 0.01 Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Method: B Procedure for obtaining Specimen: Moist Maximum Particle Size Gravel Liquid Limit Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture 9.5% 3/4" Coarse Sand Medium Sand ND Plastic Limit ND Bulk Gravity (C127) ND Natural Moisture 11.6% 11.1% ND N/A 11.0% Fine Sand Silt & Clay Plastic Index % Absorption 9.2% 58.6% ND N/A Notes / Deviations / References: ND=Not Determined. Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/28/2020 Date S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-9 SS-3 (6-7.5ft) Grainsize.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D1883-T193-3 Revision No. 2 Revision Date: 08/11/17 CBR (CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO) OF LABORATORY COMPACTED SOIL ASTM D 7883 S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/31/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/31/2020 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-12 Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 0 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Red -Brown CLAY with Sand ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density: 121.0 PCF Compaction Test performed on grading complying with CBR spec. Optimum Moisture Content: 12.2% % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 3.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 3.3 CBR at 0.1 in. 3.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 3.3 • I 90.0 80.0 Corrected Value at I 70.0 .2" 60 0 Corrected Value at .1" F po., 50.0 y E 40.0 v7 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 • • ♦ 0.00 0.10 ♦ ♦ • y • • ♦ 0 20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Strain ( inches) I CBR Sample Preparation: The entire gradation was used and compacted in a 6" CBR mold in accordance with ASTM D 1883, Section 6.1.1 Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 42 Final Dry Density (PCF) 116.2 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 118.5 Average Final Moisture Content 15.3% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 12.7% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 16.3% Percent Compaction 97.9% Percent Swell 2.2% Soak Time: 96 hrs. Liquid Limit 33 Surcharge Weight 20.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 101.9 Plastic Index 13 Notes/Deviations/References: Test specimen compacted to 98% at optimum moisture. Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position 10/31/2020 Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-12 Bulk (0-5ft) CBR.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-12 Sample #: Bulk Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 0 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Red -Brown CLAY with Sand Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 S&ME ID # Cal Date: 1801 5/21/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Tare #: A Tare Weight 13.56 21.12 21.16 21.07 21.30 B Wet Soil Weight + A 26.21 31.15 33.62 30.62 31.47 C Dry Soil Weight + A 23.19 28.60 30.40 29.00 29.75 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.02 2.55 3.22 1.62 1.72 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 9.63 7.48 9.24 7.93 8.45 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 31.4% 34.1% 34.8% 20.4% 20.4% N # OF DROPS 33 21 16 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 20.4% One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 35.0 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 34.0 • c 23 0.99 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 cu 33.0 25 1.000 � .5 0 32.0 NP, Non -Plastic Liquid Limit 33 e' Plastic Limit 20 31.0 Plastic Index 13 j 30.0 1 1 Group Symbol CL 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 5.6% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-12 Bulk (0-5ft) Plxls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D698-2 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: 07/25/17 Quality Assurance MOISTURE - DENSITY REPORT S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 S&ME Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/26/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Test Date(s): 10/24-10/26/2020 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-12 Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 0-5 Sample Description: Red -Brown CLAY with Sand Maximum Dry Density 121.0 PCF. ASTM D 698 - - Method A Optimum Moisture Content 12.2% Soil Properties Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures i IL Natural Moisture 17.4% Jail I\ 1 1 1 1 1 2.650 100% Saturation Content \ Curve Assumed 130.0 \ Specific 2.650 \ Gravity \ Liquid Limit 33 \ Plastic Limit 20 \ Plastic Index 13 125.0 \ U \\ • % Passing a 3/4" 100.0% \ 120.0 100.0% 98.8% Q#4al 71\ #10 ND \ #40 ND 115.0 \ \ #60 ND I #200 ND I I \ 1 \ 110.0 I \ \ \ Oversize Fraction I I \ I \ Bulk Gravity I \ 105.0 I \ % Moisture 0.0 5 0 10.0 15.0 20.0 I 25.0 % Oversize Moisture Content (%) I MDD O Opt. MC Moisture -Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction 0 Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: Mechanical Rammer 0 Manual Rammer p Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) 0 #4 Sieve 0 3/8 inch Sieve 0 3/4 inch Sieve 0 Moist Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation O References / Comments / Deviations: ND=Not Determined. ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort o/\ Mal Krajan, ET — - Laboratory Manager 10/26/2020 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME,Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-12 Bulk (0-5ft) Proctor.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-13 Sample #: SS-1 Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown SILT with Sand Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 S&ME ID # Cal Date: 1801 5/21/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit A Tare Weight 13.52 21.29 13.66 12.47 11.02 B Wet Soil Weight + A 23.70 32.61 25.73 21.06 20.75 C Dry Soil Weight + A 19.54 27.96 20.60 18.91 18.30 D Water Weight (B-C) 4.16 4.65 5.13 2.15 2.45 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 6.02 6.67 6.94 6.44 7.28 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 69.1% 69.7% 73.9% 33.4% 33.7% N # OF DROPS 30 25 17 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 33.6% ? 75.0 - One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 74.0 " • 20 0.974 26 1.005 0.979 27 1.009 73.0 22 0.985 28 1.014 c 23 0.99 29 1.018 Cf.) 24 0.995 30 1.022 I. 71.0 . \ 69.0 by.o Plastic Limit 3421 Plastic Limit 34 Plastic Index 36 68.0 1 1 1 I fGroup Symbol MH 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 1 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 5.7% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-13 SS-1 (1-2.5ft) PI.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-15 Sample #: Bulk Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown CLAY Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 S&ME ID # Cal Date: 1801 5/21/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit A Tare Weight 21.17 13.48 21.31 16.72 21.17 B Wet Soil Weight + A 33.10 24.65 31.93 24.48 29.78 C Dry Soil Weight + A 29.40 21.10 28.44 22.93 28.05 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.70 3.55 3.49 1.55 1.73 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 8.23 7.62 7.13 6.21 6.88 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 45.0% 46.6% 48.9% 25.0% 25.1% N # OF DROPS 30 23 15 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 25.1% ? 51.0 - One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 50.0 " 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 49.0 22 0.985 28 1.014 c 23 0.99 29 1.018 48.0 . 24 0.995 30 1.022 1.. 47.0 25 1.000 \ Plastic Limit 25 Plastic Index 21 44.0 1 1 1 I 1 Group Symbol CL 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 4.9% Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Signature Laboratory Manager Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-15 Bulk (1-5ft) Plxls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D698-2 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: 07/25/17 Quality Assurance MOISTURE - DENSITY REPORT S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 S&ME Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/26/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Test Date(s): 10/24-10/26/2020 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Boring #: B-15 Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1-5 Sample Description: Tan -Brown CLAY Maximum Dry Density 106.0 PCF. ASTM D 698 - - Method A Optimum Moisture Content 16.8% Soil Properties Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures 120.0 IL Natural Moisture 25.2% 1 1 1 I 2 650 100% Saturation Content \ Curve Assumed 115.0 \ Specific 2.650 \ Gravity \ Liquid Limit 46 \ Plastic Limit 25 \ Plastic Index 21 110.0 \ w \\ % Passing a• \ 3/4" 100.0% \ 105.0 l \ 3/8" 100.0% 1 #4 96.9% Q i \ \\ #70 ND ali 1 \ #40 ND 100.0 1 \ 1 \ #60 ND 1 \ \ #200 ND 1 1 \ 1 \ 95.0 1 \ 1 \\ Oversize Fraction 1 1 1 \ Bulk Gravity 1 90.0 1 % Moisture 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 I 30.0 % Oversize Moisture Content (%) I MDD O Opt. MC Moisture -Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction 0 Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: Mechanical Rammer 0 Manual Rammer p Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) 0 #4 Sieve 0 3/8 inch Sieve 0 3/4 inch Sieve 0 Moist Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation O References / Comments / Deviations: ND=Not Determined. ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort o/\ Mal Krajan, ET — - Laboratory Manager 10/26/2020 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME,Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-15 Bulk (1-5ft) Proctor.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 Revision No. Revision Date: 8/28/17 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, & PLASTIC INDEX ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 0 III1111, S&ME, Inc. Raleigh: 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Project #: 1305-20-121 Report Date: 10/29/2020 Project Name: CCEP Lot 8 Client Name: Samet Corporation Client Address: Test Date(s) 10/25 - 10/29/2020 Boring #: B-16 Sample #: SS-1 Sample Date: 10/14/2020 Location: Site -Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Tan -Brown CLAY Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 20977 4/5/2020 Grooving tool 1801 5/21/2020 LL Apparatus 1803 8/2/2020 Oven 1454 11/29/2019 Pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Tare #: A Tare Weight 21.27 13.24 13.59 21.22 13.74 B Wet Soil Weight + A 33.00 26.01 25.68 32.13 27.41 C Dry Soil Weight + A 29.61 22.29 22.01 30.02 24.78 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.39 3.72 3.67 2.11 2.63 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 8.34 9.05 8.42 8.80 11.04 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 40.6% 41.1% 43.6% 24.0% 23.8% N # OF DROPS 30 24 15 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2216 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 23.9% ? One Point Liquid Limit 45.0 N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 44.0 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 4 43.0 c 23 0.99 29 1.018 U 24 0.995 30 1.022 cu 42.0 N41.0 25 1.000 �, 0 ° NP, Non -Plastic Liquid Limit 41 e 40.0 Plastic Limit 24 Plastic Index 17 39.0 1 1 Group Symbol CL 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops 100 Multipoint Method One -point Method ❑ Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation ❑ Air Dried 0 Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: 1.1 % Notes / Deviations / References: ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Mal Krajan, ET Technical Responsibility Laboratory Manager Signature Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 10/29/2020 Date S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road B-16 SS-1 (1-2.5ft) PI.xls Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1