HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029360_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018Permit No.= N00029360 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PE R M I T To Discharge Wastewater Under the NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina. General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulga ed and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Town of Winat hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at to receiving waters Wingate Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Union County Meadow Branch in the 'Yadkin. River Basin iz accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. on This permit shall become effective APR 3 0 7982 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight APR 3O; .1987 Signed this day of APR 3 02 al Signed By l(t-'' '�`. i EE FLEMINC, JR. Robert F. Helms, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission M1 & I1 Permit No. NC0029360 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Town of Wingate is hereby authorized to: Continue. to operate a ten million gallon lagoon with. a design capacity of 0.33 MCD located at the Wingate Wastewater Treatment Plant (Note Part III., Condition No. C of this Permit) , and 2. Discharge from said treatment works into Meadow Branch which is classified Class C. Enter into contract for construction and construct additional. facilities which may be required in order to comply with final effluent limitations, subject to Part III, Condition No. C of this Permit. Gerd% June This Statutes " S 2i And the U. S. anY Parts table to y officer u of this Pei e such de nd opl i cation rig her eil pursuant to d the * randof ntal Protection ApendY This Perm does nd dle be required by t o i9 3-53.. his Pei` s ation an ediud' Director wi petifit issue .t F11 be final and Pei ttob not cal rr of to Si rnce1y yours Ori(jinal Srgned By W. LEE F EMING„ !fit. a er t F. helms tor iced NPDES Permit al. this Pe i arin for dery contended iedi0 d> Permits f u A. (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING, REQL REMENTS - FINAL During the period beginning at the date of issuance and lasting until expiration. the pennittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001. Such discharges. shall be limited and a4nitored by the pennittee as specified below: _Effluent Characteristics Flow, (MGD BOD, 5 Day, 20°C 11.2 (24.8) 16.9 (37.2) 9 mg/1 NH3 as N 3.7 (8.3) 5.6 (12.4) 3 mg/1 TSS 37.5 (82.6) 56.2 (123.9") 30-mg/1 Feca Coliform (Geometric Mean) 1000/100 ml 6.0 mg/1 Discharge • l iday_ . Aday" MolthlY 'Vat_ Dissolved Oxygen (Minimum) Settleable Matter Temperature CO[) Total Residue Residual Chlorine * rnitations 01..yherLgi Un.its t(Sepenyify4 month 1249 (0.33) 13.5 mg/1 4.5 mg/1 45 mg/1 2000/100 ml 6.0, mg/1 Sample Locations: I - Influent, E - Effluent, U - Upstream, and D. - Downstream Monitoring Requirements Mesurement **Sa e *Sample Frequency, Location Daily Quarterly Composite I,E,U Annually Composite T,E, Annually Composite I,E Quarterly Grab E,U,D Daily Grab Daily Grab Daily Grab E,U,D Quarterly Composite E,U,D Annually Composite I,E Daily Grab ** All stream samples shall be grab, Instantaneous I or E *** Daily means every day on which a wastewater dischargeoccurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Daily stream sampling frequency may be reduced at each sampling station to one (1) time per week except during the months of June, July, August, and September, when the frequencymust be no less than three (3) times per week at each sampling station. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 8.5 standard units shall be monitored quarterly at I,E,U,D by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. The temperature of the effluent shall besuch that it will not Louse a temperature in the receiving stream of 50F above the ambient stream water temperature. d Part I Permit No. NC SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee shall achieve compliance with the effluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: NOT APPLICABLE 2. No later than 14 calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule of compliance, the permittee shall submit either a report of progress or, in the case of specific actions being required by identified dates, a written notice of compliance or noncompliance. In the latter case, the notice shall include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement. M4&I4 Part I Permit No. NC "Act}' used herein means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, As Amended. "OEM" used herein means the Division of Environmental Management of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. "EMC" used herein means the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. MONITORING AND REPORTING 1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. 2. Reporting Monitoring results obtained during the previous months) shall be summarized for each month and reported on a Monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM No. MR 1.0, 1.1, and 1.4) , postmarked no later than the 45th day following the completed reporting period. The first report is due on JUL 1 5 i552 . Duplicate signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Definitions a. The monthly average, other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of all the composite samples collected in a one - month period. The monthly average for fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of samples collected in a one -month period. b. The weekly average, other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of all the composite samples collected during a one -week period. The weekly average for fecal coliform bacteria is the ge©metric mean of samples collected in a one -week period. c. Flow, MO/day (MGD): The flow limit expressed in this permit is the 24 hour average flow, averaged monthly. It is determined as the arithmetic mean of the total daily flows recorded during the calendar month. d. Arithmetic Mean: The arithmetic mean of any set of values is the summation of the individual values divided by the number of individual values. M5 Part l Permit No. NC e. Geometric Mean: The geometric mean of any set of values is the Nth root of the product of the individual values where N is equal to the number of individual values. The geometric mean is equiva- lent to the antilog of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms of the individual values. For purposes of calculating the geometric mean, values of zero (0) shall be considered to be one (1). f. Composite Sample: A "composite sample" is any of the following: (1) Not less than four influent or effluent portions collected at regular intervals over a period of 24 hours and composited in proportion to flow. (2) Not less than four equal volume influent or effluent portions collected over a period of 24 hours at intervals proportional to the flow. (3) An influent or effluent portion collected continuously over a period of 24 hours at a rate proportional to the flow. Grab Sample: A "grab sample" is a single influent or effluent portion which is not a composite sample. The sample(s) shall be collected at the period(s) most representative of the total discharge. 4. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to the EMC regulations published pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143-215.63 et seq, The Water and Air Quality Reporting Act, and to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act As Amended, and Regulation 40 CFR 136. 5. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requiretents of this permit, the permittee shall record the following information: a. The exact place, date, and time of sampling; b. The dates the analyses were performed; and c. The person(s) who performed the analyses. M6 PART' Permit No. NC 6. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(s) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit, using approved analytical methods as specified above, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM No. MR 1.0, 1.1, and 1.4) Such increased frequency shall also be indicated. The DEM may require more frequent monitoring or the monitoring of other pollutants not required in this permit by written notification. 7. Records Retention All records and information resulting from the monitoring activities required by this Permit including all records of analyses performed and calibration and maintenance of instrumentation and recordings from continuous monitoring instrumentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer if requested by the Division of Environmental Management or the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. M7 PART T .I Permit No. NC MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS 1. Change in Discharge All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any anticipated facility expansions, production increases, or process modifications which will result in new, different, or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported by submission of a new NPDES application or, if such changes will not violate the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by notice to the DEM of such changes. Following such notice, the permit may be modified to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited. 2. Non compliance Notification If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any effluent limitation specified in this permit, the per- mittee shall provide the Division of Environmental Management with the following information, in writing, within five (5) days of becoming aware of such condition: a. A description of the discharge and cause of noncompliance; and b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; or, if not corrected; the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence of the noncomplying discharge. Facilities Operation The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible all treatment or control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. 4. Adverse Impact The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to navigable waters resulting from noncompliance with any effluent limitations specified in this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge. 5. Bypassing Any diversion from or bypass of facilities necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit is prohibited, except (i where Mg&I7 PART II Permit No. NC unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or (ii) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities necessary for complaince with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this permit. All permittees who have such sewer bypasses or overflows of this discharge shall submit, not later than six months from the date of issue of this permit, detailed data or engineering estimates which identify: a. The location of each sewer system bypass or overflow; b. The frequency, duration and quantity of flow from each sewer system bypass or overflow. This requirement is waived where infiltration/inflow analyses are scheduled to be performed as part of an Environmental Protection Agency facilities planning project. 6. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the State or navigable waters of the United States. Power Failures The permittee is responsible for maintaining adequate safeguards to prevent the discharge of untreated of inadequately treated wastes during electrical power failures either by means of alternate power sources, standby generators or retention of inadequately treated efflu- ent. Should the treatment works not include the above capabilities at time of permit issuance, the permittee must furnish within six months to the permitting authority, for approval, an implementation schedule for their installing, or documentation demonstrating that such measures are not necessary to prevent discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes. Such documentation shall include frequency and duration of power failures and an estimate of retention capacity of untreated effluent. Onshore or Offshore Construction This permit does not authorize or approve the construction of any onshore or offshore physical structures or facilities or the undertaking of any work in any navigable waters. M9 PART II Permit No. NC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow thF! Director of the. Division of Environmental Management, the Regioral Administrator, ard/or their authorized represen- tatives, uponthe presentations of credentials: a. The enter upon the permittee's premises where an effluent source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and b. At reasorable tines to have access to and copy any records required to be kcot under the terms and conditions of this permit; to inspect any monitcring equipment or monitoring method required in this permit; and to sarnple any discharge of pollutants. 2. Transfer off or Control This permit is not trarsferable. In the event of any change in control or ownership of feeilities from which the authorized discharge emanates or is contemolote, the permittee shall notify the prospective owner or controller by letter of the existence of this permit and of the need to obtain a permit 1r the flame of the prospective owner. A copy of the letter e.hal: he fcrwarded to the Division of Environmental Management. . Availability of Reperts Except for data determined to be confidential under N. C. G. S. 143-215. 3(a)(2) or Section 338 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1318, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Division of Environmental Management. As required by the Act effluent data shall not te considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement oe any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as proviriec fer in N. C. G. S. 143-215.6(b)(2) or in Section 309 of the Federa Act. 4. Permit ModificatIen After notice and oeoortunity for a hearing pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143- 215.1(b)(2) and 7.. S. 14-215.1(e) respectively, this permit may be modified, suspende,i, er revoked. in whole or in part during its term for cause includlno, ut r5t limited to, the following: a. Violation of eny terms or conditions of this permit; b. Obtainiro thie permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully re6evant fects; or c. A chanq in any condition that requires either a temporary or permaoent reduction or eliteination of the authorized discharge. M 10 & 1 9 PART II Permit No, NC 5. Toxic Pollutants Notwithstanding Part II, B-4 above, if a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit, this permit shall be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. 6. Civil and Criminal Liability Except as provided in permit conditions on "Bypassing" (Part II, A-5) and "Power Failures" (Part II, A-7), nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143-215.6 or Section 309 of the Federal Act, 33 VC 1319. 7. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under N. C. G. S. 143-215.75 et seq. or Section 311 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1321. 8. Property Rights The issuance of thjs permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or ary exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights; nor any infringement of Federal,State or local laws or regulations. 9. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circum- stance, is held invalid, th,, application of such provision to other cir- cumstances, and the reminder nf this permit shall not be affected thereby. M 11 & 1 10 PART II Permi t No. NC 10. Expiration of Permit Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the expiration date. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date, the permittee shall submit such information, forms, and fees as are required by the agency authorized to issue permits no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date. Any discharge without a permit after the expiration will subject the permittee to enforcement proce- dures as provided in N. C. G. S. 143-215.6, and 33 USC 1251 et seq. 11. Industrial Pretreatment Standards Permittee shall require any industrial dischargers into the per itted system to meet Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part4o3 promulgated in response to Section 307(b) of the Act. The permittee shall provide semi-annual reports to the permitting agency regarding the pre-treatment requirements which have been imposed on each major contri- buting industry and the results achieved therefrom. Other information may be needed regarding new industrial discharges and this will be requested from the permittee after the permitting agency has received notice of the new industrial discharge. A major contributing industry is one that: (1) has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average work day; (b) has a flow greater than five percent of the flow carried by the municipal system receiving the waste; (c) has in its waste a toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as defined in standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Act; (d) has significant impact either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the treatment works or the quality of its effluent. Any change in the definition of a major contributing industry as a result of promulgations in response to Section 307 of the Act shall become a part of this Permit. M 12 PART III Permit No. NC PART III OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. Requirement, for Effluent Limit ions on Pollutants Att Industrial Users 1. Effluent limitatio n from this discharger are listed. in Part I of this permit. It is apparent that other pollutants attributable to inputs from major contributing industries using the municipal system may also be present in the permittee°s discharge. At such time as sufficient information becomes available to establish .limitations for such pollutants, this permit may be revised to specify effluent limitations for any or all of such. other pollutants in accordance with best practicable technology or water quality standards. 2 Under no circumstances shall the permittee allow introduction of the ,following wastes into the waste treatment system: a. Wastes which create a. fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works b. Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works. c. Solid or viscous substances i_n amounts which cause obstructions to the flow in sewers or interference with the proper operation of the treatment works. Wastewaters at a flow rate and/or. pollutant discharge rate which is excessive over relatively short time periods so as to cause a loss of treatment efficiency. Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the treatment works resulting in interference but in. no case heat in such quanntiti s that the temperature at the treatment works influent exceeds 40 C. (104 F') unless the works are designed to accomodate such heat. (After August 25, 1981) With regard to the effluent requirements listed in Part I of this permit, it may be necessary for the permittee to supplement the requirements of the Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part 403) to ensure compliance by the permittee with all applicable effluent limitations. Such actions J. y the permittee may be necessary regarding some or all of the major contri- buting industries discharging to the municipal system. The permittee shall require each major contributing industry pre-treatment standards or any other applicable requirements promulgated pursuant to Section 307 of the Act to submit to the permittee per' notice (at intervals not to exceed 9 months) regarding specific actions taken to achieve full compliance with the requirements of Section 307. Starting on the permittee shall submit semi-annually to the permit issuing authority a report summarizing the progress of all known major contributing industries subject to the requirements of Section 307 towards full compliance with such requirements. Such report shall include at least the following information:. PART TII Permit No. NC a. A narrative summary of actions taken by the permittee to ensure that all major contributing industries comply with the requirements of Section 307. b. The number of major contributing industries using the treatment works, divided into SIC group categories. c. The number of major contributing industries in full compliance with the requirements of Section 307, or not subject to these requirements (e.g., discharge only compatible pollutants). d. A list identifying by name those major contributing industries presently in violation of the requirements of Section 307. 4, Immediately upon issuance of this permit, the permittee shall establish and implement a procedure to obtain from all major contributing indus- tries specific information on the quality and quantity of effluents intro- duced by such industrial users. The following information shall be reported to the permitting agency on a quarterly basis beginning ; quarterly reports reflecting no change from the previous quarter may simply relate this fact, without submitting repetitive data. a. Section IV, Standard Form A shall be completed and submitted for each major contributing industry. b. Information on the municipal facility as a whole is to be reported on the monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM - No. MR 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). Once the specific nature of industrial contributions has been identified, data collection, and reporting requirements may be levied for other parameters in addition to those included on Form (DEM No. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). 5. Based on the information regarding industrial inputs reported by the permittee pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the permittee will be notified by the permitting authority of the availability of industrial effluent guidelines on which to calculate allowable inputs of incompatible pollutants based on BPT for each industry group. Copies of guidelines will be provided as appropriate. Not later than 120 days following receipt of this information, the permittee shall submit to the permitting authority calculations reflecting allowable inputs from each major con- tributing industry. The permittee shall also require all such major contributing industries to implement necessary pre-treatment requirements (as provided for in 40 CFR, Part 403), providing the permitting authority with notifications of specific actions taken in this regard. At that time, the permit may be amended to reflect the municipal facility's effluent requirements for incompatible pollutants. M 14 PART 111 Permit No. NC B. Previous Permits All previous State water quality permits issued to this facility, whether for construction or operation or discharge, are hereby revoked by issuance of this permit. The conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions of this permit authorizing discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System governs discharges from this facility. C. Construction No construction of wastewater treatment facilities or additions thereto shall be begun until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management and written approval and Authorization to Construct has been issued. If no objections to Final Plans and. Specifications has been made by the DEM after 30 days following receipt of the plans or issuance of this permit, whichever is latter, the plans may be considered approved and construction authorized. D. Certified Operator Pursuant to Chapter 90A of North Carolina General. Statutes, the permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. Such operator must hold a certification of the grade equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities. M 15 & 112 aging hoist the on Y e C � hod o u TOW \1 Cc WINGATE Box 367 Phone 704-233.4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 October 2, 1980 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources & Community Development 1119 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Gentlemen: GEORGE G. GERDING, Mayor MATHA EL HAMILTGN, Clerk The Town of Wingate has recently "tied -on" to the Monroe/Union County 201 Waste Treatment System. We have ceased discharge into our lagoon facility(see enclosed effluent sheet) and plan to dismantle existing equipment at said site. Please recend our NPDES Permit No. NC 0029360. TOWN COMMISSIONERS WAYNE F. EDWARDS WILLIAM C MASON TONY MAYE If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact. John -A. Eudy, Public Works Director Wingate. Very truly yours, The Town of Wingate Ma ha H. Hamilton, Town Clerk. encl DAILY PLANT DATA UPSTI1EAM. )isr�Ivcd Oxygen � Tempe DAILY PLANT DATA COWNSTREAM Dissolved Ogy ear a Unlessnt such demon take n 0 e rego Al ensueofone h nt th disch Permit does req ir welch b required 4no have questions concer Of*at; Signed bY KNIGHT '.. Xnight. Office EPA Permit No. NC©029360 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT To Discharge Wastewater Under The NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Town of Wingate is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Wingate Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Union County to receiving waters Meadow Branch in the Yadkin River Basin in accordance with effluent limita conditions set forth in Parts I, I ions, monitoring requirements, and other and III hereof. This permit shall become effective This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on JUN 3 yve '96 E Signed this day of Ongirl Signed by W. E. KNIGHT W. E. Knight, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission M 1 & I 1 Page of Permit No. NC 0 Q 2 9 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Town of Wingate is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate a ten million gallon lagoon with a design capacity of 0.33 MGD located at the Wingate Wastewater Treatment Plant (Note Part III, Condition No. C of this Permit), and Discharge from said treatment works into Meadow Branch which is classified. Class C. Enter into contract for construction and construct additional facilities which may be required in order to comply with final effluent limitations, subject to Part III, Condition No. C of this Permit. A. (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - INITIAL During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting until June 30, 1977 the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirernents Monthly eekly Avg . Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Frequency. L:cation K bs/day) Other Units (Specify) *** Measurement ** Sa le Sample Flow M3 (MGD) 1249 (0.33) Daily Instantaneous 1, or E BOD, 5 day, 20° C 49.9 (110.1) 74.9 (165.1) 40 mg/1 60 mg/1 Quarterly Composite I,E,U,D NH3 as N Annually Composite I,E TSS 49.9 (110.1) 74.9 (165.1) 40 mg/1 60 mg/1 Annually Composite I,E Fecal Coliform Quarterly Grab E,U,D Dissolved Oxygen Daily Grab U,D Settleable Matter Daily Grab E Temperature Daily Grab E,U,D COD Quarterly Composite E,U,D Total Residue Annually Composite I,E * Sample Locations: I Influent, E-Effluent, U-Upstream, and D-Downstream ** All stream samples shall be grab. *** Daily means every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Daily stream sampling frequency may be reduced at each sampling station to one (1) time per week except during the months of June, July, August, and September, when the frequency must be no less than three (3) times per week at each sampling station. The temperature of the effluent shall be such that it will not cause a temperature in the receiving stream of 5°F above the ambient stream water temperature. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 10,0 standard units and shall be monitored quarterly at I,E,U,D by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. A. (2). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - FINAL During the period beginning July 1, 1977 and lasting until expiration the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Kq/day bsid4Y) Other Units (Specify) Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Monthly Avg. weekly Avg. Flow M (MGD) 1249 (0.33) BOD, 5 Day, 20°C 6.2 (13.8) 9.4 (20.6) 5 mg/1 NH3 as N 2.5 (5.5) 3.8 (8.3) 2 mg/1 TSS 37.5 (82.6) 56.2 (123.9) 30 mg/1 Fecal Coliform (Geometric Mean) 1000/100 nil Dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mg/1 (Minimum) Settleable Matter Temperature COD Total Residue Residual Chlorine 7.5 mg/1 3 mg/1 45 mg/1 2000/100 mi 6.0 mg/1 * * * Monitoring Requirements Measurement ** Sample * Frequency Type Location I or E Daily Quarterly Annually Annually Quarterly Daily Daily Daily Quarterly Annually Daily Instantaneous Composite Composite Composite Grab Grab Grab Grab Composite Composite Grab * Sample Locations: I -Influent, E-Effluent, U-Upstream, and D-Downstream ** All stream samples shall be grab. * * * I,E, U,D I,E I ,E E,U,D U,D E E,U,D E,U,D I,E E Daily means every day on, which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Daily stream sampling, frequency may be reduced at each sampling station to one (1) time per week except during the months of June, July, August, and September, when the frequency must be no less than three (3) times per week at each sampling station. puvwx standard units and The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 shall be monitored quarterly at I,E,U,D by grab samples oz ,.• 0 There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. -1h The temperature of the effluent shall be such that it will not cause a temperature in the receiving stream of 5°F above the ambient stream water temperature. 0 Part I Page of Permit No. NC 0 0 9 3 6 0 SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee shall achieve compliance with the effluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: The permittee shall comply with the final effluent limitations on or before July 1, 1977. 2. No later than 14 calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule of compliance, the permittee shall submit either a report of progress or, in the case of specific actions being required by identified dates, a written notice of compliance or noncompliance. In the latter case, the notice shall include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement. M 4 & 14 Part I Page Of Permit No. NC "Act" used herein means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, As Amended. "DEM" used herein means the Division of Environmental Management of the Department of Natural and Economic Resources. "EMU' used herein means the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. C. MONITORING AND REPORTING 1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. 2. Reporting Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and reported on a Monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM No. MR 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3), postmarked no later than the 45th day following the completed reporting period. The first report is due on J57: 5 Vi7 . Duplicate signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 . Definitions a. The monthly average, other than for fecal conform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of all the composite samples collected in a one - month period. The monthly average for fecal conform bacteria is the geometric mean of samples collected in a one -month period. b. The weekly average, other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of all the composite samples collected during a one -week period. The weekly average for fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of samples collected in a one -week period. c. Flow, M /day (MGD): The flow limit expressed in this permit is the 24 hour average flaw, averaged monthly. It is determined as the arithmetic mean of the total daily flows recorded during the calendar month. d. Arithmetic Mean: The arithmetic mean of any set of values is the summation of the individual values divided by the number of individual values. MS Part I Page of Permit No. NC e. Geometric Mean: The geometric mean of any set of values is the Nth root of the product of the individual values where N is equal to the number of individual values. The geometric mean is equiva- lent to the antilog of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms of the individual values. For purposes of calculating the geometric mean, values of zero (0) shall be considered to be one (1). g. Composite Sample: A "composite sample" is any of the following: (1) Not less than four influent or effluent portions collected at regular intervals over a period of 24 hours and composited in proportion to flow. (2) Not less than four equal volume influent or effluent portions collected over a period of 24 hours at intervals proportional to the flow. (3) An influent or effluent portion collected continuously over a period of 24 hours at a rate proportional to the flow. Grab Sample: A grab sample" is a single influent or effluent portion which is not a composite sample. The sample(s) shall be collected at the period(s) most representative of the total discharge. 4. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to the EMC regulations published pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143-215.63 et seq, The Water and Air Quality Reporting Act, and to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the Federal Water Pollution, Control Act, As Amended, and Regulation 40 CFR 136, 5. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the permittee shall record the following information: a. The exact place, date, and time of sampling; b. The dates the analyses were performed; and c. The person(s) who performed the analyses. M 6 PART I Page of Permit No. NC 6. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the locations) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit, using approved analytical methods as specified above, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM No. MR 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3) Such increased frequency shall also be indicated. The DEM may require more frequent monitoring or the monitoring of other pollutants not required in this permit by written notification. 7. Records Retention All records and information resulting from the monitoring activities required by this Permit including all records of analyses performed and calibration and maintenance of instrumentation and recordings from continuous monitoring instrumentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer if requested by the Division of Environmental Management or the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. M7 PART II Page of Permit No. NC A. MAliAGEMEs"T REQUIREMENTS 1. Change in Discharge All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that. authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any anticipated facility expansions, production increases, or process modifications which will result in new, different, or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported by submission of a new NPDES application or, if such changes will not violate the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by notice to the DEM of such changes. Following such notice, the permit may be modified to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited. 2. Non compliance Notification If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any effluent limitation specified in this permit, the per- mittee shall provide the Division of Environmental Management with the following information, in writing, within five (5) days of becoming aware of such condition; a. A description of the discharge and cause of noncompliance; and b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; or, if not corrected; the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence of the noncomplying discharge. Facilities Operation The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible all treatment or control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. 4. Adverse Impact The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any adverse impact to navigable waters resulting from noncompliance with any effluent limitations specified in this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge. Bypassing Any diversion from or bypass of facilities necessary with the terms and conditions of this permit is prohi maintain c ed, except p iance where M8&I7 PART II Page of Permit No. NC unavoidable to prevent loss of life or severe property damage, or ii) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities necessary for com,piaince with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this permit. All permittees who have such sewer bypasses or overflows of this discharge shall submit, not later than six months from the date of issue of this permit, detailed data or engineering estimates which identify: a. The location of each sewer system bypass or overflow; b. The frequency, duration and quantity of flow from each sewer system bypass or overflow. This requirement is waived where infiltration/inflow analyses are scheduled to be performed as part of an Environmental Protection Agency facilities planning project. 6. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the State or navigable waters of the United States. `. Power Failures The permittee is responsible for maintaining adequate safeguards to prevent the discharge of untreated of inadequately treated wastes during electrical power failures either by means of alternate power sources, standby generators or retention of inadequately treated efflu- ent. Should the treatment works not include the above capabilities at time of permit issuance, the permittee must furnish within six months to the permitting authority, for approval, an implementation schedule for their installing, or documentation demonstrating that such measures are not necessary to prevent discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes. Such documentation shall include frequency and duration of power failures and an estimate of retention capacity of untreated effluent. 8. Onshore or Offshore Construction This permit does not authorize or approve the construction of any onshore or offshore physical structures or facilities or the undertaking of any work in any navigable waters. M9 Page of Permit No. NC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow the Director of the Division of Environmental Management, the Regional Administrator, and/or their authorized represen- tatives, upon the presentations of credentials: a. The enter upon the permittee's premises where an effluent source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and b. At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; to inspect any monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in this permit; and to sample any discharge of pollutants. 2. Transfer of Ownership or Control This permit is not transferable. In the event of any change in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharge emanates or is contemplated, the permittee shall notify the prospective owner or controller by letter of the existence of this permit and of the need to obtain a permit in the name of the prospective owner. A copy of the letter shall be forwarded to the Division of Environmental Management. Availability of Reports Except for data determined to be confidential under N. C. G. S. 143-215. 3(a)(2) or Section 308 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1318, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Division of Environmental Management. As required by the Act effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the im osition of criminal penalties as provided for in N. C. G. S. 143-215.6(b(2) or in Section 309 of the Federal Act. 4. Permit Modification After notice and opportunity for a. hearing pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143- 215.1(b)(2) and G. S. 143-215.1(e respectively, this permit may be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during its term for cause including, but not limited to, the following: a. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit; b. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or c. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge. M 10 & I 9 PART II Page of Permit No. NC 5. Toxic Pollutants Notwithstanding Part II, B-4 above, if a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit, this permit shall be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. 6. Civil and Criminal Liability Except as provided in permit conditions on "Bypassing°" (Part II, A-5) and "Power Failures" (Part II, A-7, nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance pursuant to N. C. G. 5. 143-215.6 or Section 309 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1319. 7. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under N. C. G. S. 143-215.75 et seq. or Section 311 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1321. Property Rights The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal,State or local laws or regulations. 9. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circum- stance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other cir- cumstances, and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. I 10 PART II Page of Permit No. NC 10. Expiration of Permit Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the expiration date. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date, the permittee shall submit such information, forms, and fees as are required by the agency authorized to issue permits no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date. Any discharge without a permit after the expiration will subject the permittee to enforcement proce- dures as provided in N. C. G. S. 143-215.6, and 33 USC 1251 et seq. 11. Industrial Pretreatment Standards Permittee shall require any industrial dischar trs into the permitted system to meet Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part 128) promulgated in response to Section 307(b) of the Act. The permittee shall provide semi-annual reports to the permitting agency regarding the pre-treatment requirements which have been imposed on each major contri- buting industry and the results achieved therefrom. Other information may be needed regarding new industrial discharges and this will be requested from the permittee after the permitting agency has received notice of the new industrial discharge. A major contributing industry is one that: (1) has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average work day; (b) has a flow greater than five percent of the flow carried by the municipal system receiving the waste; (c) has in its waste a toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as defined in standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Act; (d) has significant impact either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the treatment works or the quality of its effluent. Any change in the definition of a major contributing industry as a result of promulgations in response to Section 307 of the Act shall become a part of this Permit. M 12 PART Page of Permit No. NC PART II1 OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. Requirements for Effluent Lim1tations on Pollutants Attributable to Industrial Users 1. Effluent limitations from this discharger are listed in Part I of this permit. It is apparent that other pollutants attributable to inputs from major contributing industries using the municipal system may also be present in the permittee's discharge. At such time as sufficient infor- mation becomes available to establish limitations for such pollutants, this permit may be revised to specify effluent limitations for any or all of such other pollutants in accordance with best practicable technology or water quality standards. 2. Under no circumstances shall the permittee allow introduction of the following wastes into the waste treatment system: a. Wastes which create a fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works. b. Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works. c. Solid or viscous substances in amounts which cause obstructions to the flow in sewers or interference with the proper operation of the treatment works. d. Wastewaters at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge rate which is excessive over relatively short time periods so as to cause a loss of treatment efficiency. With regard to the effluent requirements listed in Part I of this permit, it may be necessary for the permittee to supplement the requirements of the Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part 128) to ensure compliance by the permittee with all applicable effluent limitations. Such actions by the permittee may be necessary regarding some or all of the major contri- buting industries discharging to the municipal system. The permittee shall require each major contributing industry subject to pre-treatment standards or any other applicable requirements promulgated pursuant to Section 307 of the Act to submit to the permittee periodic notice (at intervals not to exceed 9 months) regarding specific actions taken to achieve full compliance with the requirements of Section 307. Starting on JUL ' Z,:,7 the permittee shall submit semi-annually to the permit issuing authority a report summarizing the progress of all known major con- tributing industries subject to the requirements of Section 307 towards full compliance with such requirements. Such report shall include at least the following information: PART a. A narrative summary of actions taken by the per that all major contributing industries comply w of Section 307. The number of major contributing industries u works, divided into SIC group categories. Page of Permit No. NC ttee to ensure h the requirements ng the treatment The number of major contributing industries in full compliance with the requirements of Section 307, or not subject to these requirements (e.g., discharge only compatible pollutants). d. A list identifying by name those major contributing industries presently in violation of the requirements of Section 307. 4. Immediately upon issuance of this permit, the permittee shall establish and implement a procedure to obtain from all major contributing indus- tries specific information on the quality and quantity of effluents intro- duced by such industrial users.. The following information shall be reported to the permitting agency on a quarterly basis beginning ; quarterly reports reflecting no change from the previous quarter may simply relate this fact, without submitting repetitive data. a. Section IV, Standard Form A shall be completed and submitted for each major contributing industry. b. Information on the municipal facility as a whole is to be reported on the monthly Monitoring Report Form (OEM - No. MR 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). Once the specific nature of industrial contributions has been identified, data collection and reporting requirements may be levied for other parameters in addition to those included on Form (DEM No. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). 5. Based on the information regarding industrial inputs reported by the permittee pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the permittee will be notified by the permitting authority of the availability of industrial effluent guidelines on which to calculate allowable inputs of incompatible pollutants based on BPT for each industry group. Copies of guidelines will be provided as appropriate. Not later than 120 days following receipt of this information, the permittee shall submit to the permitting authority calculations reflecting allowable inputs from each major con- tributing industry. The permittee shall also require all such major contributing industries to implement necessary pre-treatment requirements (as provided for in 40 CFR, Part 128), providing the permitting authority with notifications of specific actions taken in this regard. At that time, the permit may be amended to reflect the municipal facility's effluent requirements for incompatible pollutants. M 14 PART II Page of Permit No. NC © 0 2 9 3 ►0 Previous Permits All previous State water quality permits issued to this facility, whether for construction or operation or discharge, are hereby revoked by issuance of this permit. Receipt of the permit constitutes notice of such action. The conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions of this permit authorizing discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimi nation System governs discharges from this facility. C. Construction No construction of wastewater treatment facilities or additions thereto shall be begun until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management and written approval and Authorization to Construct has been issued. If no objections to Final Plans and Specifications has been made by the DEM after 30 days following receipt of the plans, the plans may be considered approved and construction authorized. D. Certified Operator Pursuant to Chapter 90A of North Carolina General Statutes, the permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. Such operator must hold a certification of the grade equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities. E. The Town of Wingate shall allow no new sewer connections to the Wingate wastewater treatment facility without authorization from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 12 NPDES NO: in a u t Char Flow HOD, NBA TSS Fecal Col Dissolved Settleal Te tur en 49.9 4 ATTAC NT to the ENFORCE ENT COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE LETTER INTERIM EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND °y NITORINO REQUIREMENTS cnn ng effective date of permit and lasting until Final Efflq Schedule of CFiance contained in A ct.:.nt 1l to the En is authorized to discharge f utfall er`; e 11..,lt d and r:'nitordd by the ittee as specified below: 0.1 74.9 10.1 165.1) 74.9 155.1 40 mg 60 mg/1 The tempera ure of the effluent shall be such that it evil stream of 5 F above the ambient stream water temperature. The pH shal l not be less than 6.0 standard units or great small bernitored quarterly at I,'E,U,D by gran 1es. atiy Qu rtrly Annually Annually Q<wrterly oai1X s beco,. effective t Compliance Schedule Instaotane 9� osite E; roans Campos i to Grab Grab. Daily Grab y =; Grab E,U g Quarterly Composite E,U,D Annually not cause a temperature in the receiving U U,D Composite I,E. than 9.0 standard units and There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foa in other than trace amounts.. sle Locations. I influent, E-Effluent, U-Upstream, and D-Downstream '** All stream samples shall be grab. y means every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Daily stream SA ling frequency may be reduced at each s r ling station to one (1) time per week except during the months of June, July, A st, and S ptember, to uency t be no less than three (3) times per k at each sampling station. E PDES N SCE SCHEDULE LE TER SSCIIEDuLC OF C p i NCE Submapply atio for a Step it Grant (Plans and Specifications) it id Months following EPA approval of 201 Facilities planninequ aments for :either the total or the segmented portion of the plan pertaining to the rriittee Co late and submit the final Plans and Sp ions a a Step 111 Grant within 12 months after the Step li Grp begin Construction within six months after a Step ill G Attain operational level(Meet the months after the Sten 111 Grant i Submit a report of progress every 9 months date of this permit and lasting until atta limitations as given in Part I.A. Meet all her terms and conditions oft Permit except a,s provided above. Meet d11 the e and cepditions Letter and the ttac nts thereto. apply for is offered. t is offered: Lions) 24 nnInc; upon the effective ent of final effluent ce Schedu NOPMH CANOLINA OEPTL OP HATO:PAL ECON0MIC HPSNOPoom ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COmm7ssrmm NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DIcOMARGF - SHORT FORM A To tie filed only by municipal wastewater dischargers ACENCY USE Co not attempt to complete this form before reading the accompanying instructions Please print or type I. Name of organization responsible for facility 2. Address, location, and telephone number of facility producing discharge: A. Name WINGATE WASTEWATER LAGOON B. Mailing address: 1. Street address 2. City WINGATE. State NORTH CAROLINA P.O. BOX 367 TOWN OF WINUATE ovaigt UNION 3, County 5. ZIP 28174 C. ca t t'm miOp. Meadow Branch 2 00' Agwutream from S.R. 1751 city, , Near Wingate, 4. State _ N. C. , Telepho704 233-4411 cne N0. Area Code if all your waste is discharged into a publ icly owned waste treatment fasci 1 ty and to t,fle of your knowledge you are not required to obtain a discharge permit, oroctied Ito tem 3. Otherise proceed directly to item 4. 3, f yoo meet the conon state41 above check hare 0 and supply the infohmatdA asNed d'or tdelowd. After cemplasing hese 'itefes, please complete the date, title. and sideleure. Ibocks below end returl this fordn to the proper reviewing offise thout coaeletkog the ramlairder of tee :94,9-m, A. Dame of orginizattoh reszmpsible for receiving waste B. Faci ty. receiving waste: 1. Name 2. Street address 3, County Union 3. C-y. S. State 0voe of treatment; F 9= 'Pied B .4:11 Prishari Intermedi 4 te . Secondary E, 9\41vanced .22 5 „A CPs Picw (0imerege daily) 4itM*7 t (astual;: 4.7 0-29,9 0.0 39-64,9 C.. ard'.9-94.9 D. 0 P5-94,9 E 9n cr more PoemMation seoved: =4 200-499 C.= 500-999 D. 2t , SiCO - 4,999 E, 5=94Q-9,999 9, Ei I;04.913C; or cora em, mcieer od ,20 1 c: 2 C a E. itci 1 E Li 5 F 6 or bore 4. County +at :1. 111sissHils, slsr rissaT S:rsi—.)r. s3t11:,,Ate A,atArs 'tn1y MiXi7r1 13. If ,Ati frlatld on.00f,,ted, !s discharged to 7alaces ctiliar than su-f,,!sa oiOe ao fossatie, s?rsIr ins toinoa torata Bt!I clay) ei.,t.t1,17BitB t,,tr ! , f 21 :B1 flrc. X X ."1 t1,1. rt,lt,swr osiisa‘,,stion Ficw MGD, (million gallons si,f ovfaratino, dayl •• h:i.01-11,n4910,.C5-0.091 i0.5-13,99 i 1 0-4. 9 • • • (3) ; ' (5) :s sls-i!ss retoofa,d ao a waterway? ., ro 12, a, ioi oiioPiw* industrial waste: artitximatai owfwfar as ir,tustrial distharsvers into systal 11. Tirs )i sewer s,',osaso: f wasia,tary : oaiwioal sanitary' aol aSarr! and af7ooroas syss 14, Sr i:iri)Sng watar or wia:ara Mea4olu Mranch... Caeo r a°osoirsis contaSo so 'Li !:a sa:73fioisi for your iischare to imotain low rooii !ass, firsais: ammonia, alLifirom, iwiry f3sofliioni cnOPer sasoory. nic!4,e1,o msOanois. I cs,rfv ilf fafssi liar 1,iao asoroaion contan?al oo toe ap,f, ticn 2,A1 trrls: 7.S 11 rs rrty ias "nri• sst.ch inforratior is triae, somnitaf, anal 1aCsursi:is. r't rr, C Vpar(ro T'loV 1 97 ,o-w-ww.wo io . , for of!ssa: ,-Sascaossiaraf-, flles or rect.:17:2n ta =inr.an!...nea under Artiala 21 ar naTalacions t.:77a- ':,:.:aantarann,anzal (1711,1"=i1.35C71. "inssil)sZen11.irs7 t)-1)21111 ssTS risns ta,i7oeria iSS 177 r=n2ns fa:aanaarn:e any rs)cirrriSr717 Orr =17itOTSIM ())SsriAnSe rs:S aethca. toor7ilisiorin.d rn*:,ana'zan aadaa- Arna(aaa :1 an raalaantins of ta,a aa'.7fn'nn:nntai. Y=47amen sanal o!' a. 7is4..eneanor nanaaan7-aLa n Etna nca Hrsinsiinr=rt :;SZ tS1 1).17)SS 17.1.1.ntS)3 CS- 1)17 ISSiS„ SSts.riC1.11 1n) -St. iss).7.1_,Ss7=:. Ss nrinr. 777a Cr '1::-.77!=e77,7 5 ya173, -77)1, PART II T I IN E.CTI0tM OF PROPOSED WASTEWATER TR, TMENT PLANTSITE Place Visited: Town of Wingate Wastewater Lagoon Wingate, North Carolina 2. Oate March 12, 1976 3. by: Ralph E. Whitesel 4. Persons contacted: F. Bernard 1e1ms, Mayor ction to Site: The Wingate. Lagoon can be reached by traveiin les north of the intersection of SR 1751 and SR 1758. At point turn right (from SR 1758) on a farm road and travel .B east, to the lagoon. The bearing and distancR to the proposed point of effluent discharge is: W 80 27' 00 N 35 1l0' 45" 7. Size: The lagoon has a design capacity of 8. Topography: Rolling 9. Location of Nearest Dwelling: None within lO feet 10. Receiving Stream: Meadow Branch (a) Classification: C (b) Minimum 7-Day, 10-Y ar Discharge at Site: 0.0 cfs. (c) Usage: Fishing, boating, wading and any other usage except for bathing or as a source of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes. PART 1 -)ESC IPTI&N OF EXISTING TREATMENT % RK The lagoon serving Wingate has a vol gallons and a surface area of approxima provides a 30-day retention t'l ,:for the No chlorination of the efflunt is provided. LVPLU kT ION AND RECOMMENDATION_ Technical Services has determined that t foliowing waste load allocation will protect the ter duality o llranch: Flow E ately 10 000,000 es. The lagoon ow of0.33MOD. TSS< Since the Town of Wingate cannot copy effluent limitations by July ` , 1977, an Enforcement Co iance 5chedole Letter must be prepared for Wingate. gate is 'included in the he 201 plan, the discha net by building an i La the fi nrue syst . The to be upgraded to receive thi y 201 Plan. As proposed existing lagoon will be se r to connect Wingate pater Treatment Plant is astewater flow. The Monroe part of the Union County 201 Plan is scheduled for Step II grant application by April, 1977. A Step 111 grant application for the new Wastew-ter Treatment Plant end inter- ceptor sewers is scheduled for April of 1978. These dates. have been obtained fro;, the "Construction Grants Funding List's dated June 17, 1976. These dates will be used to proJect the compliance schedule included in the. Enforcem nt Compliance Letter. A review of the monthly monitoring reports for Wingate indicates that the lagoon should be capable of complying with the following effluent limitations Flow BADS TSS The above effluent ations in the draft Per a .33 MG 40 mgr'l 40 mg/1 e included as initial Bari irr lir�itations in the ECSL. NPUES NO: ATTACHMENT I to the ENFORCEMENT COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE LETTER INTERIM EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning effective date of permit and lasting until Final Effluent Limits become effective in accordance with the Schedule of Compliance contained in Attachment II to the. Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letter, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall Serial Number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the peniiittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow M3 (MOD) 30D, 5 day, 20°C NH.3a N TSS Discharge Limitations Kg/day clbs/dal) Monthly A.Ly_a. Weekly 49.9 (110.1) 74.9 (165.1) 49.9 (110.1) 74.9 (165.1) Fecal Coliform (Geometric Mean) Dissolved Oxygen (Minimum) Settleable Matter 1emperature COD Monitorjn Reg uirenients Other Units (Specify)Measurement ** Saniple * Sample Monthly Aval_ Weekly Avq. Freqncy )e Location 1249 (0.33) Daiiy 40 mg/1 60 mg/1 Quarterly Annually 40 mg/1 60 mg/1 Annually Quarterly Daily Daily Daily Quarterly Instantaneous I, or E Composite I,E,U,D Composite I,E Composite I,E Grab E,U,D Grab U,D Grab Grab E,U,D Composite E,U,D Tota Residue Annually Composite I,E The temperature of the effluent shall be such that it will not cause a temperature in the receiving stream of 50F above the ambient stream water temperature. The p11 shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored quarterly at I,E,U,D by grab samples. There shall be nodischarge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Sample Locations: I -Influent, [-Effluent, U-Upstream, and D-Downstream ** All stream samples shall be grab, aily means every day on, which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Daily stream sampling frequency may be reduced at each sampling station to one (1) time per week except during the months of June, duly, Au(just, and September, whenthe frequency must be no less than three (3) times per week at each sampling station. NPOES NO: ATTACHMENT II to the ENFORCEMENT COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE LETTER SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE Submit an application for a Step II Grant (Plans and Specifications) within three months following EPA approval of 201 Facilities Planning requirements for either the total or the segmented portion of the plan pertaining to the permittee. 2. Complete and submit the final Plans and Specifications and apply for a Step III Grant within 12 months after the Step II Grant is offered. 3. Begin Construction within six months after a Step III Grant is offered. 4. Attain operational level (meet, the final effluent limitations) 24 months after the Step III Grant is offered. 5. Submit a report of progress every 9 months beginning upon the effective date of this permit and lasting until attainment of final effluent limitations as given in Part I.A. Meet all other terms and conditions of the Permit, except as provided above. 7. Meet all the terms and conditions of the Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letter and the attachments. thereto. 143' d C Perry. 712 r line T of Wingate xi tio! Ponce County, North Carol i il► Mr. Pe This wil cknowled e LiiSrisi of Envir would be elicdl ire Wing is t understanding the Torn of in Oc . .r iaaand east Ater generated araawi de system for tr , s in Monroe. As t it would be advisable fob e Town to .eve toe i u to any sale of the property. with Mr. no State or to the cc: Frank C. Cockinos TA:se a n in into the ful is of liquid, k the dam prior ehrer of our Leg 1 Affairs Ses bons or Statutory requirements t sod sale tions or d additte 1 iof a e Adki° orme at ourMooresvi D. Rex Pend ts Y. P. E. gyring Ezzy& �y sitfotrzeeys cz _faux 8 N. HAYNE STREET P. C7. BOX 712 MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA 28110 D0eLAi _ C. PERRY Ft, 1—/GO B4JNOY May 18, 1981 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P. E. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources andCommunity Development P. 0. Box 950 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Town of Wingate Abandonment and sale of oxidation pond Dear Rex: TELEPHONE 1‘7041 24B-2510 It has been sometime since I talked business with you, but fortunately this occasion is under better circumstances. The problem, however, is still concerning Wingate's lagoon. Due to the Town's limited resources the Board has decided that the best thing to do with the fifteen acres upon which the lagoon is located is to sell the property as soon as possible. As you know, Wingate has now connected cr to Union County's sewer collection and treatment system and has not used its own lagoon since October of last year. Both the original property owner from whom the lagoon property was purchased, and an adjoining land owner are in- terested in purchasing the fifteen acres. Please advise me as soon as possible as to any requirements under the law and your regulations which must be complied with by the Town prior to sale. I would appreciate very much your reply as soon as possible. Than`you very much. truly, Donald C. Perry Attorney Town of Wingate, N. C. cc: Mr. Frank C. Cockiness OIVISI1N OF EnIROAEATAL 1A1A5E1ENT October 21) 1930 MENOVADUM TO: P -2r,1 C(11-1,1. $ I . agley U. %ex. G1 also SUNECT: Review of UC/ICR Systems Towns of larshville andWinga _ Union County, lorth Carolina EPA Project !o. C371379-05 A revIcw of the subject !iCJIC71 S sterls has beenconducted by this Office. 3.17,.ed on our reviekl, it appears that tbe U.C/IC:7=: Systaios for the Towns of arshvflle and '.,!iylate adequately address puidliue criteria. This Office is not. a4are of corditions or situations that. :,-ay exist it have not ben anr2sscd in the subject reports. If you havc questions reyarding thisn3ttr, la-2 aviSe. Dr:se DIVISION October 9, 1980 Mr. J. Douglas Iiatchcock Adminiatrative Assistant Union County Public Works Dept. P. 0. .Box 987 Monroe, North Carolina 28110 SUBJECT; U.C../I.C.R. System Union County Town of Marshville "1 ca of Wingate ct C370379-05 Dear Mr. 13at k: This is to acknowledge receipt of two subject. Efforts are being made to process as possible. DEPT. OV NATURAL RESOUECES AND UNITY D"vE;I.Oi'i±r7krr OCT I of the above manta as soon If you have questions or comments concerning this matter, please direct them to Mr. Greg Bagley, of our staff, at 733-2930. Sincerely, Orsits by �1ARSH LL R ACKI Marshaigin��ll gneRac}cey, Coordinator Monitoring Management GB t db ccs Mr.. Walter D. Taft, Jr. Nr. David Conner Mooresville Regional office Authur Young & Company TO: THRU: DIVISION OF 'ENV1RO.NNENTAL MANAGEMENT Monitoring F"anagenient 205-g October 9, 1980 RAND Mooresville Regional Office Marshall Rackley FROM: Greg Bagleyf SUBJECT: System Union County, Town of Marshvill.e, Town of Wingate EPA No. C370379-05 Attached please find one (1) copy of the above subject item. Please make comments and recommendations and return both the comments and document to this office within ten (10) days from date of receipt. At that time, your comments and recommendations, along with any com- ments and recommendations 1 might have, will be forwarded to EPA. If you have questions concerting this ma time will be necessary, please do not he GB/s,gw Attachment er, or if additional review tate to call at 733-2930. WINGATE, NORTH CAROL NA USER CHARGE (UC) RATE SETTING SYSTEM FOR THE TOWN OF WINGATE ART UR YOUNG & COMPANY ARTHUR YOUNG COMPANY 1800 NCNB PLAZA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28080 The Honorable George G. Herding Town of Wingate Post Office Box 367 Wingate, North Carolina 28174 Doar Mayor fierdlagt September 30, 1980 Tbe. attabbed repbrt represeUtsitfie.. results...0f our projeet• tb-60Velpp. a.. sewer :-148.01' charge. tAte, 8.0ttlift si em fbr the leWn of Wingate, ThiS repert tatablishes current... sever chargOS As wail as a.. methane:logy to. he. aged 1 n pdating.nSer ChafgeS for future porfoday Tbe rePert intIndeSA. isigbitleaat mbunt of fletAAT IS fniendeU toprovide an understanding of bath th metbedolOgy used nd the predictable iffipatt of dopt lon of those recommena The rePort is divided Into five sebtlensa duct:fon dlanasses the'. ndobground oftbe: aSer tbarge-Sateni. and naderfying Systeme develoPtentv Sect0h IT svmmAii risisS proposed FY. 1981 Charges and the imbast these Ch.dr$WS. nave: on .variens., el i ses o 1 r eust om rs Settlens 111 nd IV demonstrate thOf ..t.'ileItiOdialegy. used 1 develop. the. user charges.Theflflr 1 section. discusses...the. PfilIngand lec- 1100 process. for user chargeS u 1 deMenSIrateS protoduree to. be__ 1ol1owed41 11 e i figaS i1 gbeeSeary to. fillarge. for bfgP. wasfesa.. Tbe. proposeA user 1 irgc tr 6 54 ned 1 retever coats thrpugh dens. :30A 1:081. Afrer. the, propesed YY 1981 charges. had. beep tinaliweif In 11is report, UnIon County ralsed Its variable. 1r' to. the TO: 4 gallon. 1 cr. ensure ehellarged .r r1e rapran Vitals or dart r cnu vetSOS'. pr*r .2r)1 321 r 1 000 aaf"ticirrt re Hennes Glgate.the prcapd cad in this enortrt rust be adjusted accordingly. ar, the. apptoprtate adjustmbut to 1iut fed An pp c n d i . 11I c Tb*U h u 1 t rn cr n i t rat C u" i bbStS and, At. r ec r °, d u trn nt should tac made to the user charges, In addition to technic hniu l as- -lancepro id d by Frank C. Co k nos & Asdoetat , Inc., le Iarojeet has required i nif cant par cipation by the Town of Wingkt.h staff. We aPeceefate the timeand effort 1rich all1~1avolved have d v)t d to this project. We ppr ci t the Sp r°tunity of being of avice to the Torun of Wingate. If you have ny questioquestionsabout this report, please contact Mr Gerar ; Raftelis or Mr. Iim n t 3'- VE r t uty yours, I1 ( RAT SET'I J C BY FI' I FOR THE TOWN OF WINGATE INTRODUCTION TABL OF CONTENTS A. To n of Wingate Sewer Operations 13. Principles of the C1se Charge System Page C. Reliance on Engineering and Financial Hat in User Charge System Development FIBER CHARGE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS USER CHARGE COST DETERMINATION FOR SEWER IR IC e PA User Charge Requirements Proposed Method of Cast. Il ter m1n t:ior and Rate Setting Step 1 * Identitication of Sewer Cost 1. Tram of Wingate Crests 2. Union County/Monroe Costs I. IsI"f RPM IN 'PIt N OF E° 1981 a 4Cri1 USER CHA.RGES BI Step 2 - Cost and Hevenue Deterrr Sp elfin eries Step 3 Ike ,err in .than of Monthly Fiwed erviee Charge Step 4 Deter min .tion of Vol re Charges and High Strength Surcharges Al , COLLECTIONS AND OTHER R ACCOFYI'IN FOR. ER CHARGES APPENDICES tion for 14 1S 25 25 26 26 34 'ling and Co lention of Prop sed i ser Charges 34 her User Cha ge AeAccount i rrg 39 Exhibit I- _ 6 1-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-4 IV-5 IV6 V-1 V-2 V V-4 TOWN OF USER CHARGE RAT LIST OF dIitIT5 iGA'1E ` `J I C SYSTEM AND APPENDICES "tithe Prnped 5e rer Geer Char; Pr a t ed User Charg s User Charge Cost D e xnination Schematic Page 9 10 17 User Char, e Rev nue Requirements - FY 1981 18 19 er Operationand Maintenance Cent General. Fund Cost Operations Capital 116Plgeemed1 Debt 20 21 R,uirement 1Y1981 - 1 1983 22 Capital Trnproy n Cal F V 1981 Costs to be, Charged to 24 Calculation of Sewer Tap Charge 28 Remov .1 of Specific 5er i e Rev ues 29 Calculation of Monthly Sewer 5erv%ee Charge 30 Determination of Cu to Costs 51 Removal of Fixed Monthly Charge Revenue 32 3 ula.tionr of Vol Schematic High St Indus1 errrent Centrillutio on County/Mon oe own of Wingate Attributable to Sewer Con butt T1 Charge 40 to Questio nal re 41 Hi h Strength Cu'torner Ledger 42 of Billing and Collect nfor en th Surcharge BIDE SS and Nitrogen Pounds Co pu,atior Sheet 43 Appel e gh n n th Bill Title Page mp e of the Calculation of lndust 'al Monitoring and Billing Charge FY 1 1 Volume Charge - Amendment 45 46 48 A. Town o INTRODUCTION ingate S Operations For the past eight years, the Town of Wingate has provided wastewater treatment services to its customers inside the Town and in bordering areas. The original system was owned and oper- ated by Wingate College and was built primarily to service the college area. In 1972, Wingate College deeded the wastewater system to the Town of Wingate, which expanded the system to provide service outside of the college area. Since 1974, Wingate has participated in the wastewater facilities planning program for Union County. Under the program, treatment operations will be phased out in Wingate, and sewage will be transported through outfalis on unincor- porated Union County to the recently constructed Monroe plant. Of the total 1.828 MGD (million gallons per day) design flow of the Union County collection facilities, .647 MGD has been designed for Wingate's use. Initial Wingate flows are estimated at approximately 219,000 gallons per day. Phase out of Wingate's treatment operations and connection with the Monroe facility is expected to occur in September, 1980. As a stipulation of having received federal funds, EPA regulations required both Union County and the City of Monroe to develop an approved system of User Charges (UC). Under EPA regulations, a user charge system must be an equitable method whereby each user (or class of user) pays his proportionate share of operations, maintenance and replacement (OM&R) costs. In addition, EPA regulations require that if a project is a regional treatment system accepting wastewater from other municipalities, the municipalities receiving waste- water treatment services shall adopt EPA approvable systems of user charges. Thus, the Tower of Wingate must adopt EPA approvable user barge systems. The Town of Wingate will be billed by Union County on a monthly basis for the costs associated with both transport- ing the Town's sewage to the Monroe facility and its subse- quent treatment. The, monthly hill will consist of a fixed charge and a variable charge. These charges are described in the report developed by Henningson, Durham, & Richardson Engineers, Inc. (FMR) entitled Union County-Marshville User Charge/industrial Cost Recovery System and dated September 14, 1979. B. Principlesof the User Charge System As a basis for developing the components of the systems, several principles of cost determination have been identified. These principles follow: Requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency CEPA-T7- All requirements of EPA regarding systems development have been considered in the design of the Wingate system. These requirements relate primarily to the identification of costs to be recovered by user charges and the methodology of determining user charges. Enterprise Concept - The sewer collection and treatment activity is viewed as an enterprise operation. A methodology for recovering all sewer operating costs as well as capital costs is included to assist the Town of Wingate in the rate setting process. Rate Setting SystemsThis systems design results in a rate setting system in that it defines a rate structure and a methodology through which the actual rates can be adjusted periodically to ensure continued coverage of sewer costs by the revenues generated through the rate system. The entire system should be viewed as an on -going process which self -adjusts to changes in services, costs and consumption levels. User Charge Cost Determination - In keeping with the enterpise concept, all costs associated with providing sewer services are identified. These costs include: Town of Wingate Costs: •• Sewer Operations - Includes costs related to operating and maintaining the collection facilities within the Wingate Service area. .0 General Fund Costs - These costs are included in the General Fund budget of the Town of Wingate and are directly or indirectly associated with sewer operations. Capital Replacement - An annual replace- ment fund contribution has been estab- lished to provide for the replacement of capital items which have a value greater than five hundred ($500) dollars and an expected life of greater than one year. Capital Costs: Debt Service - Repayment of debt incurred in initial development of Town of Wingate sewer system. Wingate College Reimbursement - This amount relates to repayment of money that was loaned to the Town by Wingate College for use in making improvements to the sewer system and which is being repaid in annual installments. Capital Improvements Contribution - Represents an annual contribution that provides funds to be used for improvements to the system. Union County Monroe Costs Customer Costs - Represents costs incurred by Union County related to meter reading, billing and customer services. Fixed Costs - Includes a portion of the debt service incurred for construction of the Union County collection facilities and the Monroe wastewater treatment plant as well as certain Union County operations which are fixed in the short term - Variable (Volume) Costs - Represent transporta- tion and treatment costs incurred to carry Town of Wingate sewage to the Monroe treatment plant where it will be treated and disposed of. User Char ;e Rate Structure - The user charge struc- ture consists of three basic types of charges: 1) specific service charges, 2) monthly minimum service charges, and 3) commodity charges. These charges are described below: Specific Service Charges - These are charges to recover the cost of specific services (such as a sewer tap) which benefit a specific customer or class of customers. The cost of these specific services will be charged to the customer(s) receiving benefit from the service. Monthly Minimum Service Charge - This charge is similar to the existing minimum charge in that it establishes a minimum amount that will be charged monthly to each customer. The proposed minimum. charge will recover two types of fixed costs: .a Customer Costs - These costs relate to the basic servicing of a customer's account, even if no sewer services are used. Included are a portion of meter reading, meter maintenance, billing, collections, and customer service costs. Availability Costs - These costs are, those resulting from making sewer facilities available and keeping them ready to serve. These costs include: Town of Wingate debt service. Wingate College Ileimburserent. Union County/Monroe fixed cha:rge. The minimum charge will provide no usage allowance. This philosophy is recommended to more equitably° match costs with usage at the lower consumption levels. Commodity Charges - These are charges to recover the costs of sewer operations which are a function of the volume of sewage treated. These charges will include the following Volume Charges - Volume charges for sewage will recover the costs associated with sew- age having a domestic level of wastewater pollutants (HOD, SS, etc.). The volume unit charge will be expressed in $/thousand gallons, and will be at a uniform rate. (EPA regulations disallow a declining block rate, except in unusual "cost justified" situations.) Volume of sewage discharge will be assumed to be 100 percent of water intake unless special meter devices have been installed by the customer, or unless special sewage volume calculations are used as approved by the Town. •+ High Strength Charges - These will be high strength surcharges for treatment of sewage which is higher in strength than domestic sewage. These surcharges will be based upon the following wastewater parameters and related concentrations in domestic sewage: Aiocherni rya1 oxygen demand (}3©D) 250 milligrams per liter. Suspended solids (SS) - 250 milli- grams per liter. Nitrogen (NH3-N) - 16 milligrams per liter. These high strength surcharges are "pass - on" charges developed by the City of Monroe and represent charges to the Town, or customers of the Town, for sewage that requires additional treatment costs above that level necessary for domestic strength. sewage. User Charge Recovery Periods - Proposed sewer user charges have been developed using fiscal year (FY) 1981 (July 1, 1980-June 30, 1981) budgeted costs. It is recommended that these charges he adopted as soon as possible in view of the fact the Town will begin to incur substantial additional costs when the connection to the Union County line is complete in September, 1980. The user charges developed will have to be revised by the Town at the end of FY 1981, or sooner if Union County and/or the City of Monroe change their rates. Ref lance on Engine( ring and Fir in User (hare( System purlotarr n A significant amount of has beet incorporated in dive Arthur Young rartpany has roiled for providing technical data inco nancial and nngineering data ping this user charge system. on tyre following sources poratrd in this report: Town of Wing . per ennui. Frank C. Cockinos5 1 nnin son, Darnram and (Developers of report arhillc r Char stems and ate Sept ici to Inc. Richardson Engineer , anttld Union Coun Industrial Cost Recove rib r, 1970). Union County Public Works epartmnt In addition, cost and r venue prof cti ns employed err this report should not be construed as tat ;a nt of fact The .curacy of any flnacreial forecast is dependent nt: on the o ceuro nee of future events which cannot be assured. : iraancl.a casts may be affected favorably car unfavorably nY many rcrors such as water usage, employee relations, governmental regulations or controls, inflation rates, levels of infil- trat io n and inflow, and general cdnoarn c conditions There- fore, the actual financial result achieved during the for ca:t period in this report (extending through h June, 1981) may vary from the forecasts. II. USER CHARGE SYSTEM - FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section provides a. summary of thefindings and recom- mendations for sewer user charges. A summary of the impact of the user charges is also given. The methodology of how these proposed charges were developed is provided in Sections III and IV. User Charge Recommendations Proposed sewer user charges are presented in Exhibit II-1. The proposed charges are designed to recover costs for fiscal year (FY) 1981 (July 1, 1980 through June 30, 1981). Future user charges should be updated at least annually as theoperating budget is prepared and finalized. It should be emphasized, however, that even with annual user charges, costs and revenues should beclosely monitored and rates updated as appropriate. The annual user charge update .is recommended for the following reasons: One year user charges attempt to match current sewer costs with sewer revenues. As a result, customers are more closely charged the cost of providing service. There is some uncertainty regarding the actual flows (including infiltration and inflow) that will occur in the next year. Therefore, we feel the Town will be able to develop a more refined user charge as an operational history regarding flows is established. The Board of Commissioners will be able to annually assess the impact of various levels of budgeted costs on sewer user charges, and consequently, the impact on sewer customers. Union County and Monroe will both be updating their charges at regular intervals. The Town of Wingate will need to be able to modify their rates as these costs change. The proposed FY 1981 charges will have a significant i.rnpact on all classes of customers. The actual. impact of these proposed user charges on different classes of sewer customers is presented in Exhibit 11-2. The major impacts include: Those resi.dentia.l customers with low levels of discharge (2,000 gallons per month) will realize an increase in their bulls of approximately 200 percent. The monthly bill of the average residential customer (6,000 gallons per month) within the Wingate Town limits will increase by approximately 96 percent. Commercial and industrial customers will realize changes in their monthly bills ranging from a decrease of 5 percent to an increase of 174 percent. The increase in sewer charges for all customers the following factors: due to The newly constructed Union County collection facilities and the Monroe treatment plant will result in a higher degree of treatment quality and, therefore, additional operating and maintenance and debt service costs for customers of the system. The proposed user charges are developed to fully cover certain costs which are not recovered under the current user charge system. These costs include: General Fund costs associated with sewer operations. Capital Replacement. Capital lrnprovements. �9san��alti r9aa7imaas*a Ch��' Inside -Town Outsido-Town side -To Gent 8j180 Gal It rt" 411 0%*dr 10 500 Gal: tau t 8 c00 All Der 10 00 Ga 4 inch sewer tap roe;u 4 inch tapr the Town Gorr „Omar e $4.30 (Fi 2d'11Ci7 a:ltn .45 (First 2r(}Ct Gallcn 4271,G"atu0 03/1« J} aS 4 in tap esaata serstes in de Town c: tsld Town C>z'rl used Saar r Y 19 Irrslde> Town de 'Town ryes Town: Town: lde Town Out de Town Insides Town Outs. a.de ` 0wd,, .7571,000 4 T ch Tap $23 Greater tLa4 Idche tactual Cast uch as t1e casts assdclated with mr,rir crier pavement) ttlan h.S0 addltica�a; ccrosts. larrnderette> CI raeti 11 1/2 in, meter) Drugs Candle Mfg. Rc Win 4a;te College 13 C Ci F. Trailer lark ( inch 011 Ct, npany 1 Rs. resent tcta$ 1 Average discharge sands of 2, ii1311 4,000 6,000 8,000 0,000 A TOWN t11` SFt CRAW; ES ACT CA3 Pi. FY19, nthly boy - 9kr°prisr:d 'Dr renti 119-9 81y 6ewea Fixed Charge Charge Per Meter Charge Charge 2"0,200 180.04 4.87 0 32.06 12.81 944 1,478.60 -p- 2,000 4,Ca00 6,000 80000 1.0, 000 1 1, 000 7,200 xed charge based 0 6.45 6.45 9.29 , 13 14.97 17.81 122.81 etc 34.83 11 0 0 11 6,00 7.50 40.48 19.8, 1,456;0o: 2,643. 16.1 3,;00 38.31 4.30 18,81 6.00 21,31 7.5t3 22.81 2.50 117,3 Tata1 Increase 2lerrease 7 7.36 280 132 96 74 55.50 .1 8,46 374 8.42 26 7.05 5 165.01 79 8 86 10,39 i. 52 7.68 6.34 5.00 28 (5) 5.40 20.71.. 6.88 3 A. EPA User Charge R. CHAR;E COST DETERM FOR SEWER SERVICES qurr+ vents i A T I O N The purpose of a user charge system is t:o provide a financing mechanism to ensure that sewer operations are self- sufficient and that each user of the sewer system pays his proportionate share of operations, maintenance and replacement (OM&.R) costs based upon the volume and strength of his sewage. To a large extent, the sewer cost determination and rate setting methodology for the recommended user charge system has been mandated by EPA.. The following general user charge requirements have been sumrn ri ed from the EPA regulations published in the September 27, 1978 Federal Register. Operation, maintenance, and replacement (OM&R) costs for waste treatment must be distributed to users (or user classes) in proportion to the total loading of each user (or user class). User charge systems must generate sufficient revenue to offset OM&R costs. Excess revenues collected from a user (or user class) should be applied to the costs of OM&R attributable to that user (or user class) for the next year and the rate adjusted accordingly. For the first year, estimates of OM&R costs may be based -upon past experience or other rational methods may be used. Users discharging toxic pollutants which result in increased costs of treatment shall pay for increased costs. Costs of O'M&,R for all flow not directly attributable to users (i.e., infiltration/inflow) must be distributed among all users based upon either: The same manner as costs for OM&R. One or any combination of the following: Volume. Land area. Number of hookups or discharges. *0 Property valuation (system based on ad valorem tax). The user charge system must be incorporated in one or more municipal legislative enactments or other appropriate authority. If the project accepts wastewater from other jurisdic tions, then the jurisdictions receiving waste treatment services must adopt user charge systems in compliance with Federal guidelines. Each user must be notified at least annually as to what part of the customer's user charges relates to waste- water treatment services. The user charge system shall take precedence over any existing terms or conditions of agreements or contracts between the grantee and users. The grantee shall review, at least every two years, the wastewater contribution of users and user classes, the total costs of operations and maintenance of the treatment works, and its approved user charge system. The User Charge sYNtem ban he divided into three components to include: • Cost determination. • Development of user charges. • Billing and collections. Sections III and IV of this report will address the first two components - cost determination and development of user charges. Billing and collections is addressed in the Section V. Proposed Method of Cost Determinatiet and Rate Settin As depicted in Exhibit. III-1 he Cost Determination Schematic, sewer cost determination and rate setting is a four step process:' Identification of all sewer costs which are incurred in providing wastewater service (Step 1). Isolation of costs associated with specific services which are to be fully recovered through revenue charges to customers utilizing these services (Step 2). Determination of those costs related to customer ser- vice and having sewer facilities ready to serve Wingate customers; these costs then become the basis for the monthly fixed service charge (Step 3). Allocation of the remaining costs (commodity costs) to wastewater treatment parameters (Volume, BOD, SS, etc.) and translating these costs into unit charges (Step 4). The identification of all sewer costs (Step 1) is discussed this section. Section IV deals with Steps 2, 3 and 4 of the cost determination and rate setting process - determining charges for specific services, monthly customer services, and treatment of the wastewater commodities (Volume, BOD, SS, etc.). Exhibit III-1 should be referred to while reviewing each step of the cost and rate determination process. C. Identification of Sewer Costs FY 1981 revenue requirements of $134,359, associated with providing sewer services, have been identified in Exhibit. I11-2. These costs - Town of Wingate sewer costs, and Union County/Monroe costs to be charged to Wingate - are discussed below: Town st Town of ngate sewer costs include sewer operations cost, General Fund costs attributable to sewer operations replacement costs, and capital costs. These costs are included in the annual, budget and relate directly or indirectly to sewer operations. Sewer Operations - These direct wastewater costs relate t o the operation and maintenance of the Town's sewer system. Exhibit III-3 identifies the projected FY 1981 operations cost to be $33, 465+. General Fund Costs These costs are included in the General Fund budget: of the Town of Wingate and directly or indirectly benefit sewer opera- tions. Following the enterprise concept, a. portion of these costs has been allocated to sewer operations using an appropriate allocation basis. Exhibit 111-4 identifies these costs: as totaling $5,355 for FY 1981. Capital. Replacement. - These costs relate to depre- csation of capital items which have,a value greater than five hundred dollars ($500) and an expected life greater than one year. Examples of these items would be trucks, large motors, and pumps. Annual contributions equal to depreciation (adjusted for inflation) would be made to a special fund and expenditures from this fund would be made to replace these capital items. The replacement fund would help to guard against widely fluctuating rates since annual contributions to the fund would be made to anticipate replacement, rather than funding replacement on a needs basis. Exhibit 111-5 identifies the replacement contribution for FY 1981 to be $3,514. Capital Costs - These costs :inclde repayment of debt relat ed to the sewer system and the establish- ment of a capital improvement s fund for the purpose of providing funds for improvements and minor extensions to the sewer system within the Town of Wingate. Debt Service - Exhibit III-6 identifies debt service costs of $30,600 for FY 1981. This debt service amount represents the repayment of a portion of the debt incurred by the Town in the initial development of the sewer system. Wingate College Reimbursement - Exhibit 111-6 also identifies $15,000 as having been bud- geted for payment to Wingate College. This amount relates to the repayment of money loaned to the Town by Wingate College for certain improvements to the utility system and which is being repaid in annual install- ments. Capital improvements - This amount represents five percent of total revenues that is restricted for improvements to the system. Examples of expenditures that could occur from this fund include minor extensions to the system, the purchase of mobile radios, an additional vehicle, etc. Exhibit 111-7 identifies FY 1981 capital improvement costs to be $4,638. 2. Union County/Monroe Costs As a result of 201 planning, Union County has con- structed the necessary force mains and/or gravity sewers to transport wastewater from the Town of Wingateto the City of Monroe wastewater treatment plant for treatment and disposal. The costs associated with providing col- lection, treatment, and disposal of the Town of Wingate's sewer wastewater discharge are identified in Exhibit III 8. The costs are contained in three components - (1) customer costs; (2) availability costs; and (3) variable or volume costs. Customer Cos Customer costs of $1,615 are iden- tified in Exhibit 111-8. These are costs incurred independently of consumption and include the cost of billing, collection, meter reading and customer service. Fixed Costs - These costs include debt service on the Union County and Monroe facilities and other d i r t 1 l '.'ost of Union Crrunit and Mon o which are fixed 1.n short run. Fixed cost of $20,176 are project for FY 1981. Variable (volume, r t Sewer d1. r h r from the. Town of Wingate wi t1be metered . r t r* the Union County collection system. Eadt month the Town will be billed for the sewage ,hat flows through this meter at the. rate of ; 251 per 1,000 gallons. This charge includes .1. 1, gal- lons City of Monroe charge for treatment of sewage and a S.071/1,000gallons riiorr County 1r° nsp r tat, hart charge. Total volume costs of $20,036 are projected for FY 1981. TOWN OF WINGATE User Charge Cost Determination Schematic — STEP 1 - SEWER COST IDENTIFICATION — TOWN OF WINGATE COSTS Direct Sewer Costs • Operations Maintenence & Replacement (OM&R) • Capital Costs General Fund Costs � T —STEP 2 - ALLOCATION OF SPECIFIC SERVICE COST Specific Service Costs • Sewer Taps • Other Services Cost Per Service Union County/Monroe Charges • Customer Costs • Fixed (Availability) Costs • Vallable Costs — STEP 3 - ALLOCATION OF MINIMUM SERVICE COSTS M1lnlrnrdnl Service Costs Ustomer Service Costs Allocation Equally la Each Account • Town LPttlt Service • Wingate College R e 1 m b a rS en ie n 1. • Union Co unly/Monr Fixed Charges Allocation 1 By Meter Size Minimum Monthly Cost Per Customer By Meter Size ( _ STEP 4 - ALLOCATION OF_ COMMODITY COSTS Commodity Costs Volum• Cof9 Pr" 1000 G•Ioon� OM&R • Coliectlon • Treatment • Disposal • Capital Improvement All ocallon C©e1' Pec POW./ Of rl00 SS I Cantor Coil card P•� Pow" Po!, Pound of SS rr ODuer Exhibit 111-2 TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM USER CHARGE REHT,NUE REQUIRBIENTS FY 1981 Town of Wingate Budgeted Cost FY 1981 Support Costs Exhibit Operations, Maintenance & Replacement COM&R) Cost' Sewer Operations General ind Cots Replacement Contribution Major Capital Costs Debt Service Wingate College Reimbursement Capital Improvements COntribution Total Wingate Costs Union CountylMonroo Customer Costs Fixed Costs Variable (Volume) Costs 33,465 111-3 5,355 III4 3,514 111-5 30 600 1116 15, 000 111-6 4,628 111-7 92 562 1,615 III-8 20,176 III-8 ET 0, 036 III-8 Total Union CotintyMMonroo Costs 41 , 827 Total Revenue Requirements 8134 , 389 -18- Exhibit TOWN OF WINGATE SER CHARGE SYSTE OPE T1ONS AND MAINTENCOST FY 1 Se prat i enanee FY 81 Salaries & Wages ICA faxes Health insurance Retirement 1 , 863 l 1, 051 31 9 1 Engineering Fees 500(2) Equipment & Maintenane Supplies, Meter Purchases installation 1,; 5 5 Truck & Equipment (Repairs . Maintenan e 1,922(4) Truck quipment (Gas & 0'1)1, 373(4) Total 465 Sa les and wages, FICA taxes, health ins and retirement crit are alic Bated to sewer on the basis of r mpl a ee sE salary costs attributable to sewer er .tion .. Included in this ca.t.e a y are the salaries and related fringe benefits of one laborer and a portion of the salaries of the Town Clerk, the Pub Works Director and a part-time meter reader. The e items are 100% related to sewer operations. Meter purchases and installation costs allocated between water and sewer era the basis of ewer annountws to total water and sewer accounts. } Represents 25 of budgeted truck and e uiprnent e pen es $1 , 000 allocated solely to sewer plus 5% associated b meter reading allocated to sewer on the basis of sewer accounts to total water and sewer accounts. Exhibit II1-4 TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM GENERAL FUND COSTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO SEWER OPERATIONS FY 1981 COST ITEM FY 1981 BUDGET Salary (Mayor) 8 600 Salary (Commissioners) 1,200 Office Supplies & Postage 3,000 Telephone 650 General Expense (miscellaneous) 1,500 Surety Bond (Clerk) 450 Office Utilities 800 Building Repairs & Maintenance 300 Dues & Subscriptions 1,500 Insurance 6,000 Legal 1,000 Audit 2,300 Travel 500 Advertising Expense 200 Materials & Supplies 2,500 a TT_ (g2,500 COSTS ALLOCATED TO SEWER (I) $ 138 276 869(2) 150 345 104 184 69 345 1,380 230 529 115 46 375 (1) All costs except "office supplies & postage" are allocated on the basis of "salries allocated to sewer divided by total Town salaries." (2) "Postage & office supplies" expenses related to sewer billing are allocated directly to sewer with remainder allocated on the basis of "salaries allocated to sewer divided by total Town salaries." -20-- 1972 1976 1117 o tm 135 Elroy 360 0 0b'aCk Wet. Pumping t d att 00 I, OO° 5, Cu00 tot000 152000, 000 npla60777 at adarribtutiext by Itir year t.:. extarc$ tet cvrrauat ATE USIA Ca§iXIiC E S ' 7E; CAI TAL 11EPI,A6;E:c4E T C'Cti:" 15.C1`1QN Depr Page 2-222 $ 7, 500 7, 500 11q 00.. 27, 000 7, 70U 1, 700 5,900 15, 000 Expo 13 10 15 ed a " Y0 750 773 PO ldrat Ion 257 157 257 175 TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT FY 1981 - FY 1983 Exhibit 111-6 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT FY 1931 -FY 1982 FY 1983 oui SwnilwrM Sewer Bond (1) Principal $ 6,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 Interest 24,600 24,200 23,950 Total 30,600 31,300 30 950 Add: Wingate College Reimbursement(2) Total Annual Debt Payback 000 (1) Represents debt incurred by the Town of Wingate in the initial development of the sewer system. Debt service requirements on this bond will expire in the Year 2013. (2) This amount relates to the repayment of money loaned to the Town by Wingate College for certain Improvements to the utility system and which is being repaid to the college, in annual installments. This repayment is calculated by multiplying the ratio of Wingate College water purchases to total Town water purchases times the Town's annual debt service requirement. -22- Ex 4 it TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM CAP . IMPROVEMENT O TR ION FY 1981 FY 1981 Town of 6' .n ate Sewer Cost, 8.1 Improvements Capital 1 proverrr uis Contribution Total Town of Wingate Sever Costs 2) S',934 28 Computed from casts prented in Exhibit 2. The sewer capital trr roi : 1 nt contribut . rn is stab -, 1.1 h d at of total revenues. Since in this methodot.o revenues are equated to costs, the capital improvement ontribution is computed at total Town of Wingate costs (including the capital improvement contribution.) The capital improvement fund is used for improvements, minor extensions, and additions to the system as the To sees fit;, The ICY 1981 capital i pro e ent cont rhution is follows: Capital Improvement nntrihution - CI, CI - .05 ($87,934) I CI $4,397 4- .05 CI .95CI$4,397 I - 3- a putd as Pr ,des $lfl;a Volume c 450 2302? (2) by Hennarlgs(an4 C1u volume charge ores City rnf Mc)nrae c dent service costs FY 1981 art calculate To t a 1 14° 7fr,, U2 820,03l Flow x Un3 ins x 5-2 2 2 33 kern Aron tb report a:n xtie:d 1lichardsors, Engineer , Pnc.. drat. 00,0 gallons is c<srnpcs County-M , 000 ga Union ncpe trans ur Char go Per 4827 shvllle U:ewr° Char l duP'1rYa1 cr 34, 19+' , gallons Union Count = change and and treatment 1acliiie Total snn IV. DETERMINATION OF Y 19R1 SE'%EH USER CHARGES Section III dealt with Step 1 of the cost determination and rate setting process, that is identifying all costs associated with providing sewer services. This section deals with Steps 2 through 4 of this process and translates sewer costs into user charges. These steps include: Step 2 - Cost and revenue determination for specific service charges. Step 3 - Cost and revenue determination for the fixed monthly service charge. Step 4 - Cost and revenue determination for monthly volume charges and high strength surcharges. A. Step 2 - Cost and Revenue Determination for Specific Services. After having identified all sewer costs, the next step is to establish specific service charges sufficient to recover the cost of providing certain services for a customer. For FY 1981only one specific service charge, a sewer tap fee, has been developed. Sewer Tap Fee The Town of Wingate, at the customer's request, will construct a lateral from the main collection line to the property lineof the customer. The customer is responsible, at his own expense, for extending the lateral from the property line to his house or business. In Exhibit IV -I, the charge for the connection has been calculated to be $238 for a four(4)-inch line. Revenue from sewer taps in FY 1981 is projected to be $2,380. Removal of Specific Service Revent In Exhibit IV-2 revenues from. providing specific services are removed from. total costs. The remaining costs, $132,009, have to be recovered through monthly fixed service charges and volume charges. -25- Step 3 - Det on The. monthly fixed y Fixed ervFice Charge 2.e charge minimum charge the recovers customer and availability costs as discussed below: Customer Service Costs - These costs are a function of the number of customer accounts. These costs include the Union County/Monroe customer costs and Town of Wingate costs associated with meter reading and maintenance, billing, collections, and customer service. Total customer costs of $12,493 are identi- fied in Exhibit IV-4. Customer costs are allocated equally to each account. Availability Costs - Avallab.ility costs are those. amounts that relate to the cost of keeping the sewer facilities "ready to serve." Availability costs should be allocated to individual customers based on the potential demand that each customer places on the system. These costs include: To of Wingate debt, sery Wingate College reimbu.rsemerzt.. Fixed Union County/Monroe costs (includes debt service and certain other costs which are fixed in the short term.) In Exhibit. IV-3, monthly fixed service charges are developed for Town of Wingate customers. These charges vary according to the size of the customer's water meter (meter size reflects potential. demand on the. system.) Those customers living outside the Town will pay higher minimum charges based upon a higher portion of debt service being borne by those customers. The minimum charge will provide for no usage. This philosophy is being adopted to more equitably snatch costs with usage at the lower discharge levels. C. Step - Detterrn'nation of Volume Char *es and TH Strength Surcharges After the revenues generated by specific service and monthly fixed service charges have been removed from the total sewer costs, the remaining costs have to be recovered -26- threngh. SOMMOAIWY thargeSt Which.. axe. nevelopen as :a futittkoh: of the volume and strength of sewage treated. In Exhibit Ill -5, total commodity costs of $53,749 are identified. The total projected FY 1981 commodity costs are then divided by expected FY 1981 billable gallons of discharge to arrive at the projected volume of 8.75 per 1,000 gallons. Surcharge rates have been developed by the City of Monroe to recover the costs of treating high strength sewage- These surcharges are currently $.02616, $.01594 and 8.18558 per pound of BOD, SS. and Nitrogen treated respectively. The Town of Wingate will be subject to these surcharges if high strength wastes are detected at the Towns junction with the Union County transmission lines. :of high Strength wastes IS tegPeSted- If in. thefuturpfh ghstrPIlgtb at s Aro chargefl thetTewn conld consider cOnAntitibg a Monitoring to .dOtett thrsew:6t .oustornerT(s7)•ho aTp ling high. Strength. sewags. -27- and, Coot- of ' oi Pub ep ($10.00 flat Di root Labor To a1 Di r ct p `Fro k f '-3t) krace Ca:arp3rr^s or rcur aair sppa that rrxguicr sub, ctt r sapped Qom ,N$ gr 40 1 paxtch the aal trequrrcm` tr uld 00,00 1. .Q0 och 42,00 Q arat1cy d d 2'reurs rl houro hours $7.7 cysts rl Public ak'urho id ir ctar wasp Laborer.. Town of Wingate Op ance ep 1 am t G.R Costs Sewer Grt .marl TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM RE OVAL OF SPECIFIC SERVICE RF VENUES FY 1981 General Fund Costs Replacement Contribution Canal Costs Debt Service Wingate lege Capital Improvec Contribute ons burse r Total Wingate Costs Budget d 1Y 1981 Budgeted Specific Service; Sewer Gusts Less FY 1981 Revenue Specific Service Sewer Costs (Sewer Ta Revenues 3465 (,SS 5,355 514 39 a 60 15,000 4,628 92 562 80) 11ni. n Coon t y / nro Customer Costs- 1, 615 Fixed Costs .0 17 Variable (Volt/me) Costs 20,086 Total union County/ Monroe Costs 827 Total R v nu RRurcannts 3, SS.. 380) Ten s er taps at $238 Per to (Exhibit - egpecexpected i FY 19814 085 355 514 30,600 15,000 ,SS 90,182 1,615 20,1'7E3 036 137 32 099 7033IS or WINGATE 08fU Cn33 1 SYSTEM DETERMINATION OY CUSTOMER COSTS FY 1981 FY 1981 BasiA far DeterminTnE Cosl Salaries & Kages $ 6,371 Repreifints portion of Town Cierk and. metier reader fialaries niffiated. en tsfsifi of sewer accounts fe total ifnfnr and sewer 3c:counts. FICA Taxen 407 Fringe benefit amount., cale:Tflated basmd un naihries allocated to customer ccstsi Health Insurance 301 Fringe bonefit Wtount Calculated based on salaries allocated to. customer costs. Rottrement 235 Fringe, benefit amount calculated based on salaries allocated to customem costs. Meter Purchases & Installation 1,225 Total meter purchases and installation cost times ratio of seatem accounts to total water and se9em accounts. 7Mmck & Equipment (Repairs & Maintenance) 172 Five (5) percent of total budget amount times ratio of sewer accounts to total shier and sewer acciounts. Truck & ExtstPmest (hos & Oil) 123 Fire (5) percent 01 total Endgmt alEtihnt times ratio of shwer accounts to total water and sewer aecounts. hhohMhel: ThMetIrioo Pp.$1433.1,to4 Pthht3h2 .96( :94316.. Other Wingate Customer Costs Union 33as513/Monroe Cpstomer Costs Total Customer Costs (1) From Exhibit 111-2. 337 Total postage and printing cosAs times the ratio of sewer hills to 70Lot water and sewer bills. 11706 General fund n=ests (less postage and printing) times ratio of salaries allocated th Customer cost to total salaries allocated to sewer, 2161,678 IJ615 (1) R12 493 t-AI 1-TqT1-1x3 TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTEM REMOVAL OF FIXED MONTHLY CHARGE REVENUE FY 1981 Budgeted FY 1981 Sewer Costs Less Fixed Monthly Specific Service Service Charge Revenues (1) Revenue Town of Wingate Op(,'?rat 1c)ns, tdainten'anc,o & Replacement (0M&R) Costs Sewer 01)orations $ 31,085 $ ('81$26) G(-,(ner al Fund Costs 5355 (2,043) Replacement Contribution 3,514 Capital, Cost,(,,,'; Debi, Service 30,600 (30,600) 7111gate College Re1mtairsement 15,000 (15,00() Capital Improvements Contribution 4 628 Total Wingate Costs 90 182 (56769) FY 1981 Commodity Costs $ 22,259 3,312 3,514 47628 33,713 Union CounimiMonroe Customer Costs 1,615 (1,615) Fixed Costs 20,1'76 (20,176) Variable (Volume) Costs 20,036 20,036_ Total Union County/ Monroe Costs 41 827 (217791) 20 036 Total Revenue Requirements (1) From Exhibit IY-2. 132009 $(78,260 ) Embffilit TOWN OF WINGATE USER CHARGE SYSTP11 CALCULATION OF VOL,UME CHARGE Fly 1981 Town of Wingate Operations, iCiaintenance Replacement (0M&R) Costs Sewer Operations General Fund Costs Replacement Contribution. FY 1981 Ifj1A Coimnodity Cests(1) User Charge Capital Costs Debt Service Wingate College Reimbursement Capital 'improvements Contribution Total Wingate Costs $ 22,259 $ 22,259 3,312 3,312 3,514 3,514 4 628 :3, 713 Union County/1,4iant'oe Customer Costs Fixed Costs Variable (Iirblume) Costs 20,036 Total. Union County/ Monroe Costs 201036 Total Revenue Requirements S)31 749 Estimated FY 1961 Edllable Gallons of Sewage F 1981 Cost per 1,000 gallons FY 1981 Charge Per 1,000 Gallons (rounded) (1) From Exhibit 1V-5. (2) 29,085 20,036 20,036 $49 121 71,857,000 gallons 71,857,000 gallons $.7480/1,000 $.6836/1,000 gallons gallons $.75/1,000 gallons $.69/1.000 gallons The EPA user charge includes operating, maintenance and replacement costs which, according to federal regulation, must be recovered from users of the system on a proportionate basis. V. BILLING, COLLECTION, AND OTHER ACCOUNT1NG FOR USER CHARGES In order to implement the user charge system, it is necessary to integrate the proposed rate structure with the billing, collection, and accounting system of the Town. In some cases, accounting procedures must be revised, and new accounting entries and forms must be introduced. This section will subdivide the discussion into two areas to include: Billing and collection of proposed user charges. • Other user charge accounting. A. BILLING AND COLLECTION OF PROPOSED USER CHARGES As a part of the user charge structure, several changes have been recommended for implementation in Fiscal Year 1981. The recommendations relate to the following user charges: Monthly sewer service. Sewer taps. Industrial monitoring and billing charge and high strength surcharges. Procedures, forms, and accounting entries necessary to implement charges related to these services are described below: 1. Monthly Sewer Service The current sewer charge consists of a monthly minimum charge (includes 2,000 gallons of discharge) and a declining rate volume charge based on the amount of discharge (esti- mated as 100 percent of the water meter reading). This charge is the same for all customers inside the Town limits. Under the current sewer charge system, both the minimum charge and the volume charge are 50% higher for customers outside the Town limits. The proposed monthly sewer user charge is composed of a minimum service charge (by meter size) and a volume charge. The minimum service charge is a set amount charged monthly to each of the Towns customers irrespective of discharge volume.. Outside Town customers pay a higher minimum charge based on their 50% more in debt service costs than inside -Town c:ustome rs. Added to the fixed minimum charge is a volume charge based upon a flat rate per 1,000 gallons of discharge. The volume charge is the same for customers both inside and outside the Town limits. The following accounting entry should be made to record sewer service revenue: Accounts Receivable $10,000 Sewer Service Revenue $10,000 (To record the billing of $10,000 for sewer service revenue. Sewer service revenue is composed of minimum service and volume charges). If desired for additional management information, "Sewer Service Revenue" could be subdivided into customer service and volume revenues. 2. Sewer Taps There are certain costs incurred by the Town associated with tapping a. customer into the sewer system. A sewer tap involves the construction of a lateral from the collector line to the customer's property. The property owner is charged with the cost of this service. Sewer tap charges are collected at the time the customer applies for service. Under the proposed'user charge structure, sewer tap revenue should be segregated from water tap revenue and the following accounting entry would record sewer tap revenue: Cash $238 Sewer Taps & Connection Fees $238 (To record sewer tap revenue of $238). Industrial Monitoring and Billing Charges and High Strength Surcharges At present the Town does not monitor the discharge of any of its industrial or commercial customers nor does the Town levy any high strength surcharges based on the volume and strength of a customer's discharge. As a result of the up- grading of sewage treatment under the 201 grants, program, customers that discharge high strength wastes will be required to pay a surcharge to cover the additional costs of treating these wastes. When the Town begins discharging into the Monroe treatment facility, it will have its sewage discharge monitored on a regular basis. While no high strength wastes are expected initially, if they are detected by monitoring, Union County will charge. the Town for the costs of treating this waste based on the concentrations exceeding the following parameters (related surcharges are also given): Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODY -above 250 mg/liter ($.02616/1b.) Suspended Solids (SS) -above 250 mg/liter ($.01594/lb.) Nitrogen (NH3N) above 16 mg/liter ($.18558/lb.) If significant high strength discharge does occur, the Town should consider monitoring the discharge of its indus- trial and commercial customers. The Town, at present, does not have a laboratory or anymonitoring capability and, therefore, would likely have to contract for monitoring services. If monitoring does become necessary it is recommended that the customers being monitored pay for the actual costs of the process. An example of how a monitoring charge might be calculated is shown in Appendix A. (This methodology would be used if the Town acquired its own sampling and laboratory equipment.) The high strength billing and collections process is depicted in Exhibit V-1. ng a. 3 for sewerservice, customer should co stewrrter eltrest io Upon eorrrlrl d1 original of file while Director. rn of trl e copy 1' Public h � t C u t orre ° CtCrcwr applying any lndrrstr iai or oomre'dial . pi et.e . two copy industrial s presented in Exhibit rrs1nat ion as to whether �ndustrl i n pll.e t�on, the Eton is placed in an industrl.n.1 routed to the Public Works, rs Director makes a deter- surcharge is applicablem The copy of the application is then matched with the original and returned to they industrial file. If the du surcharge, prepared a n example to be sub eet: to a high strength trength customer ledger gill be nt.ined in a speetal hi ling file the ledger is presented i Exn1d 3 and; contains the following information: Name and address of Indust I customer. Sewer t count nu er ndar°d lndustrl_al C1.ss1. fi et:on 111g i font ;tlon- Date of trilling Bllirtg 1riod. steer d18l:hare nrrountss* Ga110118 of volume') r. lorrnds of BOO.) carts of SS., ltourrds of. rrltroger High strength sureharge. -�- HO s zre drge: SS scir*e.hnrge NTT:, sure.ha 1E (SIC) lumber. Monitoring and i .1 ig r. Customer's outt.n'd ng b1 none. ing s t.r._ nni or z rip.. ha ndw. r ", first step in the sr determine they pounds of high and/or nitrogen discharged by high sCrean th customers. The computation sheet to determine high strengthpounds and procedures n completing the computation sheet is rr nted in Exhibit - d4 The sheet is re ared by personnel performing the nonitoring g Strength :Barge bi .i' ength i, The manual high strength bill presented in Exhibit and contains the following information: ar and a. idr Of the z rr 1 tr.i.al'co Date of u Conger bl 11 tng • Billing thief')t sra. B i 1 ng "r`i d. 555 cha.r e,f SS surcharge. troen c: go. Industrial monitoring and billing eta r d. Tot aCarl due the Town of Wingate. As the bil1 is repar d the high '.tr a th; custo ledger is posted to r fleet the ateounts rec i °ab1 . The t l" o irig eccauritint entry would be used t �ee rd ndrr trial. ncarritoring and high strength billing: Accounts Re d e i a:b i e -Monitoring and High Strength Monitoring evc ruts High Strength Sewer Revenue d 0 To rector°d the billing n olltng and high tr rth sure ear e . Collect ou of lndrr trial Mcrni.trrrirr� t rd ll rr Str err t nonnt toring and high , , the co ll 'lions are re rded by errt:ry _.m Surcharges - Airrd strength collections ledger is pasted and the followiarg aPcaunt.I Ca, h Ara ty()tin Recr31 able nir ing and Ib ti I' record teeiat of 92 cal monitor ir artd igh strength surchar t a 20 THFR USER CHARGE ACCOUNTING Summary of User ChargeAce()upt This e ticrn summarizes the add:.t nna . ac cunt that rr be used it) order to trr lenent tcharge y t Orr e asterisk by an account identi "lei a rr account that i currently not part of the charge of a co nt's,. Two asterisks by the d ernt indicates an ting count that has been retitled, Sewer Seririce Reyenue. Se er Taps rrd Conneon Fee Accounts Receivable - ntt° ing and High Srrrgth. Monitoltingeenue. €gib Ster th Sewer Fteyeraue. P RIP ARATRRN OF APRLICAI Ptah FOR SEWER SER°EIGG RRLPIRRATtfl Ckf STIIENRWRE FOR ;... SNtAStE, RUES E RINNAERE. MA to TO D TE&rRIRr Es 3:I1SI'&MR RAS PROCESS RIR Sit PR(PAR¢ HIGH S RENu;TN cus—.. IOWA LIMP RRRRI CURIO 1t1.NA .. ER CHAR( I I IJS`1 .IAL WASTE QI S 'I . N AIR Song at. Company T Address R prs rrtat v Hours of opeTationiday Nos. Tit 1e phone No. Days of operation/ employees: SriNo I Shift No. 2 Shif No.3 SIC Number Description hu ness Sections to be rplejed by a t What waste products are di po d to: Sw Are reap, atr I. ng :Indus r : S€ fr Othe I discharge to sewer: Int r€rrittient QuadfiWY/fiwY Est. r measured__ ed Are °a'3 ,s pretreated? so, which and how: Plant Sewer Connections to Wingate Sewer S}ter showing r nections available? Water used 9 San Air Condition ng Process Water Jacketed CoolingWater_ Other — Pe od of max. water use Period of rainwater use Water disposal other tharr ewer pd gpd p gpd S eddy F r ulat::d Amount Arnun Anunt da; fng Add fess upanv aid n rte, Nor al Carolina 28 174 781 Billing Period rrt EIOD 1981 250 -0- 417 TOWN OF S 1. GA I'1 USE. C GE SYSTEM U'TI1IAL WASTE URCH, RG H1C STRENGTH CUSTOMER LEDGER ry e Addr XYZ ComPallY 1234 Main Street Wingate, North oll.n . 28174 gh trength ?ounds Nitrogen 10 Strength urchamgm Nitrogen 10 -0- 6 1, 1 Ac 1 Sewer Aceoui t #58 SIC #2101 Mointc ring rrdoutstandingI Billing Charge :h Credit 883 .70 $92.20 2.20 Submitted by: TOWN 'I E USER GE SYSTEM DOD, SS .+. •NTTROGEN POUNDS IPI'A I SHEET Title Clerical it b Acco t Uigh Strength Number Industry 58 Company 4rxthl."ti eater Volume in 1, 00 gallons) Month Title b GTH POUNDSUN 250 49 pany 150 continued) ed a Hi.gta Strengtt d XYZ t tewater Cbncentration tti b S h Pounds D SS Nitrogen D SS Nitrogen 250 4501 10 450 35 16 250 d ng Resu1 ) 0on er Discharge) r) (Me rrthl pany: D= 55 /i - 25 /1) 8.p000,000) (50, 000 gallon / nth) = 0 ads 50 /1 51 /i) x 8.34/1,000,000 (250,000 gallons/month) 1pounds Nitrogen (22 mgAl - 16 / 1)x (8. 3 / 1, 000, ) 50,000 gallons/ .. nth) N. 10 pounds TOWS PF SER: HII P2DCEDU1E5 TOCOMPLETE COMPVTATION. SHEET EXHIB.IT Puge 2 of 1. At tbefeb. ef the. betinhfOrblell stibbt ti gni:toing: infermatAon is. previttedk 04,te. tit1 the. Ear i$ .greggreg, :The. :month forWhIch• t1e. high-Strenth bharj#;. rearess. Th( r &rn 0.0A. 'title, .01 the PekS91-Per.tilTMbg the. iri a1eiIeeliftletin; .404 SubtAtting the worksheet. The name and title, of the person performing the clerical check of the calculations. n In columns #1 and #2, the industry's account number and name are listed respectively. Column #3 identifies the monthly wastewater volume that has been used for billing the industry monthly sewer charges (this information must be obtained from the billing records). 4 Concentrations of BOP, SS and nitrogen in milligrams of the industry's wastewater; this data is obtained from monitoring results. glgstevgtor enneentratinnst hi gh strength pnunds. o ....ailt* SS ang nttrngen. Are ogtonlgteg; these pnunds.. are used to prepare the hitt.. Thb. IhAuetriag' meniforiug an-d bi 1 rze is 411ded to the high Ysthggtb: '..$4rnhgrges. tn arrive nt the fetal mnont. -Ono the. f wr 1 WInggtet S10N OF ENV1 ME4 k VDU T A C. Turns FROM: SUBJECT: os the D. Rex Gleason NPDES Permit No. NC 0029360 Town of Wingate Union County suggested letter for th Permit. E ciobe c This letter is in response to a letter received fr tuber 3 1901 (copy enclosed) requesting that this The Tow of Wingate has 'connected onto the ne and has caseJ< discharging from its wastew, ter trey it is rec ` noted that the Director sign thy, enclosed the Permiotherwise will remain in effect until of June 3 If you shout d have any Enclos^°e JTH:se ENTAL MANAGEMENT 1980 ra w' ors Perm c County ntor &goon. Tereore er and: thus rescind expiration date The Honor Town of W Post Office Wingate' 'Nor ti Carolina 281 4 Ge3 arMayor Gird i ng This 1a i r eons a ta► ur let rg st authoron to connect ten system it the TiT of Wingate. Since dwellings: into a xistin underway a,pnllution arat of the wastes received in the To Management his no objection to you the request that the connections be If i can he of further assistanic A:se May13 Request fa Torn of as Union Cou of April 23 ing your proposal since ter ch will a the Di action. is Yours very trly, final SignedBy TGRNAGE, JR. S; irtgci or 41 r Ten (10) Taps gate wherein you existing sewer Nnne t the f Wingate has ate tarp tent ironmentel concur in N O V NGA1 E Box 367' Phone 704-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 April 23 1980 GEORGE G. GERDENG, Mayor MATHs1 id. HaAMILTON,. Cleric TOWN COMMISSIONERS Mr. Rex Gleason N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Development Division of Environmental Management 119 North Main Street Mooresville, North. Carolina 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason I would like to request your help with a problem we have . WAYNE F. EL?WARDS AIL LLAM C. MASON ONY?AYE The T©wn of Wingate has been restricted from any more sewer taps. At this time, we are waiting for completion of 201 Sewer Project by Union County. We will then be tied into this system and have no problem. Mr. Bill Summerlin, Public Works Manager for the county assures me the completion date will be in mid June. The basic needs of the town for taps at this time are increasing. Since we are assured that we are going into 201 in June, I would to like to request a permit for ten(10) more taps. This would certainly help us at this time. I would appreciate any help you can give me with this problem. Very truly yours, The Town of Wingate. Honorable' B of Wingate ffceBox 3 " tig f 74 Er cT TT'ge Evaluation hai oft NAL SINM CO i;"I Respo VALU TICJN i ;SPEC IGN REPOaT ' chedir:e ;ICI;.dTI Permit' E pi.ratioa Dace ed.le FACILITY EVALUATION 1. Records and Reports 4. Fla% Measureme 2. Operation and Laboratory Proeed&es Maintenance 6. Sludge Dis asal Practices Saab Iina Procedure 7. Aitern to o.rer. t � , Day Aver e meat NPDES Permit Daily 'marks OEM: L`I ITA'TtO S -. Para eter --Con a 3OD b. SS c. +BEd factory n toxin: Dat F.. RECQzTMIEN ATIO 'S I prave O&M ,Follow-up Letter / No Action Modify Permit Enforcement Action Further Info. Other Follow-up Inspection RE ACEY DI CO < •tEw S ,.i FROM SUBJECT. DIVISION OF Ef`3VIR0NMENTAMANAGEMENT UM TO: A C. Turnage, D. Rex Gleason Request for Ten (l0) Sewer Taps Town of Wingate Union County By letter of the Town of connect ten (10 matter has been College stabi ing only The averat gallons per 2600 to of the total was information the Wastewater Tr approximately e �a ated April 1ii 1,, The Honorable 0eor e. 'z. Gerdi irnq:te requested authorization for the Town of Win additional residences to the Town's sewer system. T ,viewed ty the staff of the Mooresville Regional Cffi a i t '. r;{ i,r'4n:. e 5„ 3"-*" s t treat tics •rare . 1r ponds a tre''ffluent flow, f r rr t re Town. of Win The tear (li additional re ns per day' to the syst m. f` flow going to {the Town o nector sewer fry the Plant is under const (3) to six (6) months. ayor . to s waste atar in t e old Wl pate fitly overload a rri are provid i ty is totally u acceptable. approximately 310;000 s will add approximately a Arrr „ at 1y one percent fern. As,/'�additional' o ther'` on e coral td. in ec upon rrr d rrforrrration contained above. rater constitutes r ra.ir ratel;ir one percent Of the and tyre connector~ to e between Wingate and Monroe will be operational in , the next three ' (3) o six (6) +Honors, it is the Moores vl l l e Regional Offi ce's recommendation that twee lown be authorizer to crake a maxinum of ten (10) taps. lb additional aas''should be considered until the wastewater from the Town of Wingate is beano transported to the area ide wastewater treatment plant in Monroe. TA:se e added atar, di $ your nomm t th » : 11■ au ha 14$ 1 79 ions # &f * t #: zing 1$t< request' denc tit+ t x tof, Jr. is :et for Ten (10 Town of Wingert Union County d't you Tom i1.iz t,ion po t t. Ti Town of Wing t 1a t :t 1y cos will ati^ p t y 2500 bteiy one perk tote co r Taps 4, 1979, he Tom o ti cati9 on, To to c ^ ;; .0 ben dis*u 1 'O'fftt 8 its - 1 �tiy o Ily unacceptable, 1h OU ,g .It per . + " 4 4(:OO lions per d. to flow going to t war from ti t etion wi .1 to the Town o tfWing* 11 fro* _.iSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Office of Director Date Attached referred to Copies of attached sent to for information Please re are reply for my signature (bY Sec. Lees signature dr. Jones' signature Dr. Griigg's signature Indicate carbon copies to indicate blind carbon copies to Please draft reply for Governor's signature ( by In taking action., cdinate with Please prepare draft reply for my signature (by Please answer with copy to me Copies also to Please handle this Please note and file Please note and return to me For your information Your comments please (by Let's discuss Please review and make c (Coordinate review with ARKS: JUN 191919 LNViRON , LN TAL OPERATIONS TOWN QF WINGATE Box pm Phone 704-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 June 14, 19RE( Dow. of Env t nnnmental Raleigh, It C. ¥r. A. F. McRorie, Director N. C. Dept. of Natural. Resources & Community Dev. Division of Environmental Management P. Q. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. McRorie: Mayor Helms has talked in regards to request nections. The Town of for the following: Katie Lee Austin Allan Presson Frank Tice Willie Hammond Mary Lowe John E. Perry Richard Harrington Rose Bracey Steve Little Henry Howell F. U RN*}W HELMS, twee Re: Sewer Tap Request JOEN B. MANGUM, Cluic ith you on several occasions r additional sewer tap con- ingate has on hand tap request Thank you for your attention 311 S. Main St. Love St. S. Main St. Booker St. Burris St. 117 E. Wilson St. Burris St. 125 Dianne Dr. 120 Gwyn St. Hwy. 74 and consideration. Very truly yours, The Town of Wingate Matha H. Hamilton. clerk. TOWN OF NGATE Box 367 ne 704-233-4411 ATE, N. C. 28174 ber 18, 1 97 9 Ms. Melinda Wilson North Carolina Department of Natural Resources 1119 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Dear MB. Wilson: F. BERNARD NELMS'. MaYar WWWANMenifffaX TOWN COMMISSIONERS GEORGE G. GERDINt;. W LLIA'M C. MASON W R. SELLERS The Town of Wingate acknowledges letter from Mr. Overcash relative to Violation/Compliance Evaluation Analysis. We feel that the high readings are a result of heavy rains prior to the time that samples were taken. We are making all effort to correct the situation. Our maintenance workers have been instructed to be more thorough in their cleaning program at the Lagoon and hopefully the SOD and TSS will be in compliance this period. Very truly yours, The Town of Wingate Maths H. Hamilton. Town Clerk. cc: Mayor F. He y 0th MVW : ss AUL by as fires Co PLIA«CE EVALUATION IXS? TT TCT? .ITI 1.=yea a1 a, u3 KC\ Rle r AT O& Records \5\ Repot( Operation an! Maintenance Sam9±i«, Procedure apt\ &Iw 30 UENT LIMrrATIONS The Bonnrable George G. Town of Wingate P. O. Box 867 Wingate, North. Cali ins Dear Mayor n ON ENVI OA 7ANA Mayor brry i5, 18€ This is ire esponse to year letter of I utary i , 9 80, w you request authori ation to connect f fteen i5 e astir g dwe the x.isting sewer system in the Town ongate. Since your lira posit is to connect existing dw 111:ins into an existing sewer system since the Town of Wingat has underway a pollution to snt Project which wii,l assure adequate treatment of the wastes received in the Town's system, the Division of E'yiro rent i Management hss no objection. to your propo as action. I; then fore, concur in the request that the connections be de. If I can be of further*assistance* incrly yours, i by J R. L. BCN Neil . Grigg Director L. P. dent Dick Peat{ TOWN OF WINGR CEI V E Box 367 Phone 7O423-4411 JAN :?''L! 1980 W1NGATE,, N. C. 28174 January 21, 1980 Dr. CH ENVIRON(oLN14, RALEIGH, N „ Mr. A. F. McRorie Director N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Dev. Division of Environmental Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. McRorie: GEORGE G. GFRDING, Mayor MATHA If HAMILTON, CIark TOWN COMMISSIONERS WAYNF E. EDWARD'S WILLIAM C. MASON TONY MAYE oii,TRAr I was recently elected to the office of Mayor of the Town of Wingate, N. C. I find that things are always different. looking in, than when you are in a position of looking out. We just started a. community development project in a section, of our town called Highland Park. Talbert-Cex. Associates are incharge of the entire project. This section of town has access to our sewer and water lines but all houses are not tapped into the, sewer or in many cases do not have bath -room facilities. There are eighteen (18) houses in this target area and of the e fifteen(15) need taps. I find that until the 201 county sewer project is complete, that there is to be no more taps. These are not new houses and were in the original projection at the timeof our sewerage needs. I need to be enlightened on this problem. , I had just. assumed that since it is just a remodelingproject that there would beno question about their tapping into the existing system. We want to do what is legally right. Therefore in order to proceed with this project; are we, right in checking with you. first and how should we, proceed.? Wehave already started the rehabilitation program and there is a more positive attitude on the part of the citizens. I will belooking forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours, The Townof Wingate ,Georg G. erding, mayor. 17. 1979 CT1 Authorisation for Sewer Connections Town of Wingate Union County r H staff of our Moor'esvi11 RA io re;1 C ed your projected sewer conne rated that twenty.fi (25) cony od of The ; staffa after re Wingate x;uded ) con t to its sewer Sys' that or ut Jan' tewater d to ed you and 980. You duping this d current to 1980. a the d by the Town T et ate is authorised s existing s r syste a the thorisation is in addition to Division. Tn the event wry, 1, 1980 the staff wi urther $ war taps. M RO!RT North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor MEMORANDUM TO: L. P. Benton, Jr. THROUGH: Richard R. Peace, Jr.: FROM: D. Rex Gleason SUBJECT: Howard N. ee, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Request for Sewer Connection Town of Wingate Union County JAN N NENTAL In the past the Mooresville Regional Office has authorized. the Town of Marshville to make a limited number of residential connections to the existing sewerage system. These authorizations were granted after the Town had demonstrated good faith by conscientious operation of the existing waste- water treatment plant by promptly submitting the required self -monitoring data, and by making the limited number of taps available to all residents of Marshville. It is expected the Town of Wingate can be handled in the above manner until the areawide system is available. The staff of the Mooresville Regional Office feels very strongly a restrictive statement is needed in many, perhaps not all, permits. issued for situations similar to the Town of Wingate. This restriction prevents annexing an area to provide sewers to land that otherwise could not be developed. It has given this Office a lever to insure the existing facilities were operated in the best manner possible, and to insure promptsubmitting of required self- monit©ring data. The Town of Wingate was not monitoring and/or reporting correctly until their requests were not recommended due to insufficient data, and immediately the situation was corrected. The flow at Wingate has reduced to a reported 0.08, 0.15, and 0.17 MGD according to the last three months self -monitoring (August to October, 1978). The facility is also meeting secondary limits according to the self -monitoring data, and producing a reported NH3 as N of less than 0.5 mg/1 and TSS of 4 mg/1. It would appear that these values are extremely low (demonstrating a high degree of treatment) for a lagoon. As of this writing, a sampling inspection has not been made on the facility. It should be noted a minimum of twenty-tive (25) connections were requested. The following comments are offered. gI 119 North Main Street, Moorewilfe„ N C. 28115 "rth7phorle. 7041664 4627 rr Equal Opportlin 1. 4 .,'TrilUN4re .4 c,,i rr:= "R7,rstGh,y r /1111111111r— L. P. Benton, Jr. Page Two January 5, 1979 1. The Town is not emphasizing growth and approximate ten houses are being planned. 2. The Areawide Treatment Plant is to be completed in May, 1979. 3. The Areawide Collection System should be available to Wingate by December, 1979. 4. The Town of Marsh Ile has been allowed fifteen taps per year. 5. The data on the Wingate plant has nut been verified. 6. It is not the intent of the staff to stiffle the Town of Wingate. With these facts at hand, the staff has no objection to the authorization of fifteen (15) connections to the Town of Wingate Wastewater Treatment Plant. ,3 TO . THROU H: chard R FROM: SUBJECT: This rding i ngate Ord Hi users. y letter approval was given. 1979 calendar year. The however, it . as the race;, connections he limited, to system at that time indicate achieving secondary:tree, indicated the plant -Was Add1 T,,.of Wingate County* 3or The 3dPOES Permit is the following °f`itr Flow BAD TSS A review o cates the Mo January, 1979 February, 1979 March, 1979 April, 1979 July, 1978 *Most ,.,cent nse to your of reside ern e rs, tr ection OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 2', 1979 uest or our 1 customers of this Off additional res r uary 17, 1979* to MayorF e TOM" to connect 15 ref s.t fr^aa a t£tayor Helms lotion of this )Pfic The evil uati oa of the that th a. ste later levels of oper tinn. Th o operating within its design u et to the Town requires the faci nt 1irnttationS Ave 0.33 40 m /`l 40 itoring ar nc user. Juri g tare llow 25 connection rat er of prate wastewater t facilities were clatr, submitted acity of 0.33 MGD. ions tt i t comply kiy Averae 60 mg/1 60 m9/1 submitt by the Town 0. 4.5 11 11 8.5 mg 7. 3 trtq% 1 PT.. P. Benton, Jr. Page Two June 29, 1979 As is evident fm the above, the facility was i violation of the flow Cation for themonths of February and March, 1970, and in violation of 0 for the two quarters reported during 1979. 'aye to these violations, fice could not rec, nd additional connections to the wastewater t syst , as any additional flow would not improve the situation. ously, th additional flow from ten residential users would be relatively nificant (approxt tely 4000 gpd). Furthermore, the Town of Wingate nvolved in construction of a s r line to con ; t its sewerage system to the City of lnroe's astewater tr nt cyst . Upon connection of Wingate's system to flonr e, the discharge from Wingate's wastewater trwatmont plant will cease. It is expected that the connection will be made within the next nine (9) ' ^fin"ths. In light of th facts that the increased flow should not have a significant adverse effect, and the discharge from the Wingate plant will he of a shoat duration, this Office has no objections to the connections, provided ty,t the connections can be approved in light of the fact that Permit violations have been reported. If a have questions re ariing this matter pl as ado DRG:ss FRANK C. COCKINOS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 3863 CHARLOTTE, N. C. 28203 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 950 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attention: Mr. John Caldwell Reference: Town of Wingate Dear Mr. Caldwell: 600 LEXINGTON AVENUE (704) 372-4464 February 28, 1979 Your department's letter dated February 16, 1979 to Honorable Mayor F. Bernard Helms was forwarded to this office for reply. As we discussed by telephone, Wingate is not presently in an active Step 2 201 program.. Two meetings were held on this subject. The first on September 13, 1978, with Mr. Rex Gleason and Mr. Dave Adkins. The second on September 25, 1978, with Ms. Laura Childress, Mr. Richard Peacely, Mr. Dave Connors and Mr. Vern Harris. It was understood that Wingate's position was to connect to the County system upon completion. The recent construction program for the sewer collection system to serve Wingate covered most areas in and around Wingate. All flows were directed to the stabilization lagoon.. Union County has taken bids to construct a series of pump stations, force mains and gravity interceptors east of Monroe, North Carolina. As these lines cross the Wingate outfall, the County's Contractor will connect the new lines to the existing Wingate system. It is anticipated that con- struction will start this spring with the completion date of the entire Richardson Creek Basin being sometime in late 1980. The intergovernmental agreement between Wingate and Union County was executed on October 16, 1978. Should this letter not surfice as a progress report, please advise. Very truly yours, FRANK C. COCKINOS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Frank. C. Cock nos, P.E. FCC:jj cc: Town of Wingate, Mr. Don Perry This office the North Caroline your appal Encloses cc t Nr. Fronk k Dick o o Treat Lagoon JCC:sju LUA`r i+ COUNTY v1410N Responsible ftfflcial 9.. Facilrty epresentat ve J • 12. NPDES CO'"; IANCE SCHEDULE FACILITY EVALUATION l.. Records and Reports 2. Operation and Maintenance 3. Sam ling' Procedure PRODUCTION PATL 30 Dav By NPDES Permit Daily EFFLUENT LIMITATION Parameter Per�rit Con.di V I N S MUNICIPr. Title MAYOR TitL OP A Permit f' 1.-ye GE Schedule Na T[ Sats STATE C5K r , Tel.e. No. 4411 . o e Via, _. Basin Code - `` N.A. Remarks _.=Unsatisf.ac ory 4. Flow Measurement ) 8. 5. Laboratory Procedures 6. Sludge Disposal Practices 7. Alternate Power Current �.K. "V&. Pally S b.,s `da Max ..Cone . RECOMMENDATIONS Improve O&M No Action Modify Permit Further Info. Other Fo En Fo ch. r Conc o.._up Letter rcercrent Action ow -up Inspection R 0,OMPtstgG v(r +'-f EcFLu . 2. T1-! PFAA t`t r E l5 1M CpMPi_fA+ae._E E.-r FORT 11,1 f E C L. PECTED B COE'NTS Dischart ) 9. Other DATE ENF 3RCEMIENT-DIVISI0 U S E ONLY COMPLIANCE STATUS omp l i Original Signed By l David W. Conner MEMO FROM: SUBJECT: DIVISION OF EN 1701 TA L.P bn n Richard P. Peace, Extension in Compile e Sc1 du1 To ors rvi11e1 NPOES e GitNo.. gate, "'PpFS Penh MC In Union County n to the by. stsf twa vi11 201 The va ni the lead the engineers add aordinq of, Contract of c .nfO for th a Towns o VOW aum 'onal If milli a. en t cyy con, Submit, an a ' i �i n l : thr"en months, -ulre°C' en` s f. r i° h lining to the, pennittee.. C p1ete and s ab3e it the final P1n s . Stet 111 Grant within 1 months A Men within six month cr the k. een To,=ns ". add. 'tido mite' a 3x BOB ldule a t i ors Planning n of the plan d ply for ant is efferd Grant is off nna1 level ; t the final ef"f'1utatiens) 24 the Step II i Crrrt is offered.. gress every 9 ► onths beginni d lasting until attain e in Part I. A. effective uent, L P. Banta Page Two November 9 6. Meet above. 7. Meet al Sched0 Towns be reiis L'hone on hvii Ie and Simi for the Town cal n constec n 1 eta cons tr Connect to the a available' Stated' t all the and c ndi tion of a Permit, cept as P i ded and conditions of t the attachments th with Mr. Frank e indicates th h►ri11e en r before id dr before love collection system as soon as, It beco s t. . msy firi " tn"the surface watar o the £nforc to. noses 10 ins vial conditions : F E Honoral le J. Town of Marshyl 201 North Elm Street Marshville NC 28103 Mayor Gaddy: This letter is i,n response to your letter of Se5, 1978, providing formation on the current status of the Town of Marshville s construction to be impl tot in accordance with the Union. County 201 Facility Plant e ECSL issued tb the Town in conjunction with its NPOCS Permit. It my will be in the interest of the Town of Marshville, Union County, and Mate if the contractura l probl x:: were ^ r rked out bet n the County and T at an early date. By copy of this letter, I em Mooresville, to review the status and to make recdations torx. lance schedule in the. Town"s st for an extens i on If you status of Mr. Peace4s review Robert A. C Dick Peace requesting Mr Dick Pea.c+a, Regional Superviser of the Town of Marshvlles construction efforts as to the a appropriateness of extending the ECSL. You may anticipate early action on your need assistance or have any questions concerning please contact him at 704/6 -4627. A. F. McRorie Director January 16, 1979 iven .ynu by . A. C. Tu he Town o ugate e aye iven on nnv authorization* Meyers of the ati n an hopefully we will develop a p as they arise. Appruv 1 of this one connection nis evaluation and should not he construed ddi..ti n t connections will he approved pending the evaua :ion:.: i e can e of further assistance, please het Dick Peace A. C. Turnage PPMF To P. wiz T arable p'. of Winya:te x 367 e, N. C. 2174 erd Helms, be r 20, piration of Temporary Certificateso for Mr. ce is made to the attached copy of our which you re dvined of the expf,r^ation date of the t to the operator designated by you to be in reaponsi'ble c treatment plant. Attached to our letter were document. the necessary steps to provide a certifi, d operator to opera order to remain in compliance with the provisions of Article the General Statutes of North Carolina. ddreased to you in icate toes d. our wastewater you in taking our facility in Chapter 90-A of indicate that as of this date you have not responded to you comply w° General statutes by .lanuery 10, 1979, or that the Was titer Tre tent Plant Operators Cert rovisione of the North f au make arrangents; to tion Co scheduled to begin at i0t00 a.m. on that data, to explain your Should you fail to comply or to meet with the C ` ieeion on the above date, this matter will be referred to the Environme Manes ent with a recommendation for appropriate enforc nt Your pr ptattention to this c€xmp1i,ance with the State law. If we Attachment cc: Mooresville► Regional 0 ►LC tvk tter will pr assist you in any way, ely your 1). L. Coburn, Certification C isst+ to obt advise. n DI "IS MEMO Ut i TO: i P. Beaton, Jr. THRO'!JGI FROM: SUBJECT: hard Peace, Rex Gleason Request for Sewer Connection Tower of Wi►rgate Union County the past the, -Moor- vi le Regional i of °tiars'viille to make a limited number of re rxisti r se erage system. These aut rorizati hadddemonstratpdi good faith,by conscientious water treatment dart promptly' submitting' the , and by making the li rtad number of tapsavailable, I t is, x e t. tt the Town r; ' Wingate Call ll be handled the asea 'lrle system, is av itable. The. staff of' the restrictive statement, 4 for situations similar annexing an area to pro It has given this Office in the best manner ,passih monitoring data. The Town of their requests we the situation was swill r r it r°ra, ceded i rl any e Town. ewer', , and elate gas not monitoring not recommended due to rrected. The flow at Wingate has reduced t according to the last thr ; months self-mo The facility is also meeting secondary lirni data, and producing a reported NH3 as N of It would appear that these values are extr of -tree t) for a lagoon. As of this wri been made on the facility. OF ENV ROI January ice has auth tial connect e granted a 4TA MAI� 5M T 1979 he Ton the h Town. the ,e stirs w ste- ul rimed self- trring data, all residents of M rshville, e .shove manner until ice fee raps existing Alt sr �i very s'sr" ts issued on prevents i r rrt be (levelape , ',re operated red self-. an dor relrorting erret`1y until nsdf°flclet data, and immediately sorted 0.08, 0.1S, and 0.17 ing (August to October, 19761). ts according to the self-rry ni:taring less than 0.5 moil and TSS of 4 mg/1. lyllow (demonstrating a high degree ting, a sampling inspectiorr has not It should be noted a minimum of twenty-five (25) redrerested. The followings conts are r;ffered. ections we L. P. Benton, Jr. Page Two January 5, 1979 Th* Town is not a asizing growth an aimately ten houses are being planned. The Areawide Tree nt Plant i to be completed in tay, 1979. The Are wid Collection Systemshould be available to Wingate by Decerber, 1979. The To., of arshyille has allowed fifteen taps per year. The data on the Wingate plant teas not been verified. 6. It is not the intent of the staff to stiffly °t n Town of "Wingate With these facts at hand, the staff has no objection to the authorization of fiften (1 connections to the Town of Wingate W,ast ater Treatment Plan J DTA ss 1A2.0 U TO: FRU1' SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Make Additional Connections to Sewer Systems U IV I SIGN OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 14, 1978 Mr. Dick Peace Mr. L. P. Bent Attached hereto is a letter from J. E. Hinkel, City Manager, City of Monroe, requesting authorizations to make approximately fourteen (14) connections to 1 °Ionroe's system during the next few months. We have had. similar requests from the Mayor of the Town of Wingate and can expect similar requests from the Mayor of the Town of Marshvill.e. It. is requested that your staff contact Mr. Hinkel and Mayor Helms, establish the number of taps deemed to be necessary during the period of time required to bring the systems into compliance. After establishing the total number of connections that are deemed to be necessary, conduct an evaluation of the impact of the connections on the system. After completing the impact analysis, provide us with. your recommendation concerning these natters. In addition, a similar contact and evaluation is appropriate for the Town of Marshville. Permits prepared in the Mooresville Regional Office have generally contained a restrictive clause that prohibited any additional connections to existing sewer systems, while permits prepared in other regions of the State generally allow normal residential growth with the limitation being placed on in -town versus out-of-town or existing systems versus new systems or both. (As a general rule, little impact has been noted relative to normal residential growth in a munici- pality Restrictions which require connection by connection approval tends to simply work a hardship on the municipality and increases the staff's work load. Please do not consider this me z randum as a relaxation of the Division's control relative to wastewater discharges to inadequate systems. It is simply intended to point out that there are areas of reasonableness which the staff should consider in making these findings and that these areas of reasonableness should be a part of permit restrictions.. It is certainly reasonable that the agency should on a case by case basis consider any additions of industrial wastes or major subdivision developments including multiple family apartment developments. If you wish to dis- cuss this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. In the meantime, an evaluation of the above referenced system is requested. Attachment Mayor Fred C. Long Council Members Thomas L. Gordon H, Nair Helms Harold S. Helms Billie Kerr N.H. Mann H. Duke Parker City Manager J. E. Hinkel December 8, 1978 Mr. A. R. McRorle, Director N.C. Department of. Natural Resources & Cornmuni ty ➢evel oprnent P.O. .Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Subject: Permit No. 4691 - Monroe Dear Mr. McRorie: ETIQ1 The Monroe Waste Treatment Plant Project is well underway. The Contractor's latest estimated completion date is May, 1979. Screens, aerators, and drying beds are inooperation. 0neaeroeic digestor is ready to be put in operation. These facilities have had a very substantial beneficial effect on the degree of treatment achieved at the Waste Treatment Plant. A very aggressive pretreatment program for industries has been implemented. Implementation had been brought about by amendment to the Monroe Sewer Use Ordinance requiring more stringent effluent limits for industries and by assigning enforcement responsibility to Mr. John Rollins, who has become extremely well qualified in this field. Industries are cooperating extremely well with the City of Monroe, and all major industrial effluent problems have been solved. DEM representatives from Mooresville assisted in development of the Sewer Use Ordinance and met on several. occassions with groups of industrial representatives and the City. This effort has had a beneficial effect on influent to the Monroe Plant. The Inflow -Infiltration Project is more than 56% complete and very definitely has reduced peak flows. Several major inflow problems have been found and are in progress of being corrected. The overall effect of these major efforts are reflected in data shown in copies of the last two monitoring reports attached. Post Office Box 69 - Monroe, North arofina 28110 - 704/283-8165 Page A. R. ilicRorie, Direr o haves cu requests for donne to Ins an subject t area, and respectfbily request that we he permitted o connect these to avoid use of septic tanks and t °nate existing septic tank problems, We also request ion for an additional tern connections ns to rieet expected request t in the next several months. Singer l, ty Manager cc: fir. Rex Gledson 'IkR METER SAMPLE MIEASUR.EMENT SAMPLE ASUREMENT SAMPLE ASUREM ENT SAMPLE 1,SUREMENT SAMPLE E.A$URFMENT SAMPLE U RE•'MENT AVERAGE PERM IT N QUANTITY OR ADIN (54ti1) MAXIM UM t1Ad'lC TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OF.FJC!^"G' TFIIS DOCUMENT'S' SIGNED 'i,tIC!C,M1 N}'T ----°-- ---^. --t INGLY A I,. SE CERTIFICATION ON SUPt'ORTING CLJME IT:S OR INTENTIONAL, ANYMONITOMING CI:VICE QR McTII=OD OFFENSES, SEE IS L,I.S.C, 6 fool AND 33 ILS,C, ties under these statutes map tac fines up to $10,600 TYPED OR PRINTED lanprisonnaent of between 6 munth.r and 5 years.) EI_. ,M INA'T3tDN S`ee TEM «4•,0k,c) po MONI'F;CRINC:. PERIOD Pw/ i �! £€]� CLAY d YEAR_ M UNITS ENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference off ctt N THAT iES REP TAM4EFi ARE CR I'£I .MINIMUM iTY C'.?IT s (4 -. AVER,O\(3EE MAXIMUM URE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIV ER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ructions before .zrn UNITS TELEPHONE j A RTi E R I EAI MO DAY F. BERNARD HELMS, Mayor JOHN B. MANGUM, Clerk Mr. A. F. licRorie Director TOWN OF WINGATE Box 367 Phone 704-233-4411 ATE, N. C. 28174 ber 18, 1978 Division of F.nvironmea*ement North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. O. Box 28687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611. Re: Town of Wingate NPDES Permit No. NC 0029360 Dear Sir: TOWN COMMISSIONERS GEORGE G. GERDING WILLIAM C. MASON W. R. SEJJ FRS Wingate has, as of October 16, 1978, contracted with Union County whereby Union will treat Wingate's waste water under the 201 program. The Town. respectfully requests permission for a minimum of twenty-five (25) connections to our present system at the very earliest possible time. The following reasons are given in support of this request.. 1.. Wingate is a small town th a small tax base, mai.n.ly, due to the area occupied by Wingate College, a not -taxable entity. At the time Wingate's sewer collection and treatment_ system plans were approved by your department, the - above fact was fully disclosed and discussed. The additional user fees and tax revenue from new homes is Most essential to Wingate in order that the Town's debt be paid. 2. There will be no future industrial users connected. to the present system. 3. Residential or domestic waste water will be the type user to be connected. 4. Since the lagoon was constructed in the 60's by Wingate College, the Town of Wingate, since taking over operation of the lagoon, has installed. chlorination facilities and the effluent _is now being chlorinated. 5. The lagoon was originally designed for 330,000 gallon capacity, and the average daily f only 250 6. Wi gate now has two houses will be completed within the next two weeks, and there are approximately ten. more in the planning stage by property owners. Some lots will not meet required percolation standards, and Wingate's sewer ordinance requires homes to be connected. to its system where the line is within, 200 feet of the residence. Mr. A. F. McRorie -2- December 18, 1978 7. Other surrounding communities have been allowed connections by your department, although they have long been in violation of permits and department regulations issued by DAM. 8. Wingate is not emphasizing growth, but is concerned about its future ability to pay its sewer connected debts from revenue derived from a sewer system that is "struggling" on a user pay basis - a system of pay which Wingate was led to believe could depend on future connected residences and resulting additional user fees, as well as increased property tax. revenue. The Town will be glad to supply you with any additional information needed. We sincerely hope that you consider our request as reasonable under the circum- stances, and respectfully request a prompt affirmative response from your department. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, F. Bernard Helms Mayor FBH/dp cc; Mr. D. Rex Gleason Chief Wastewater Engineer North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Mooresville Regional Office 1119 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Mr. Frank C. Cockinos Frank C. Cockinos & Associates, Inc. 600 Lexington Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Mr. Donald C. Perry Town Attorney for Wingate Smith, Smith, Perry & Helms Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 782 Monroe, North Carolina 28110 HE Al JOHN B. MANGUM. Clark Mr. A. F , IcRor i.e Director Division of Environmenta::fanagement North, Carolina Department of Natural Resources and. Community Development P. U. Box 28687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 TOWN aF WINGATE Phone '44-93-4411 ATE, N. C. 28174 ember 18, 1978 Re: Town of Wingate NPI'.)ES Permit. No. NC 002q .60 Dear Sir: TOWN NERS GEORGE G. GEBtING WILLIAM C. MASON W. R. SELLERS., Wingate has, as of October 16, 1978, contracted with Union County whereby Union will treat. Wingate's waste water under the 201. program. The Town respectfully requests permission for a minimum of twenty-five (25) connections to our present system at the very earliest possible time. The following reasons are given in support of this request: 1. Wingate is a small town with a small tax base, mainly due to the area. occupied by Wingate College, a non-taxable entity. At the time Wingate's sewer collection and treatment system plans, were approved by your department, the above fact was fully disclosed and discussed. The additional user fees and tax. revenue from new homes is most essential to Wingate in order that the Town's debt be paid. 2. There will be no future industrial users connected to the present system. 3. Residential or domestic waste water will be the type user to be connected. 4. Since the lagoon was constructed in the 60's by Wingate College, the Town of Wingate, since taking over operation of the lagoon, has installed chlorination facilities and the effluent is now being, chlorinated. 5. The lagoon was originally designed for 330,000 gallon capacity, and the average daily flow is now only 250,000. 6. Wingate now has two houses that will be completed within the next two weeks, and there are approximately ten mare in the planning stage by property owners. Some lots will not meet required percolation standards, and Wingate's sewer ordinance requires homes to be connected to its system where. the line is within 200 feet of the residence. !IIIIIFIFF-Mr.A. F. McRorie -2- December 18, 1978 7. Other surrounding communities have been allowed connections by your department, although they have long been in violation of permits and department regulations issued by DEM. 8. Wingate is not emphasizing growth, but is concerned about its future ability to pay its sewer connected debts from revenue derived from a sewer system that is "struggling" on a user pay basis - a system of pay which Wingate was led to believe could depend on future connected residences and resulting additional user fees, as well as increased property tax revenue. The Town will be glad to supply you with any additional information needed. We sincerely hope that you consider our request as reasonable under the circum- stances, and respectfully request a prompt affirmative response from your department. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, F. Bernard Helms Mayor FBH/dp cc: Mr. D. Rex Gleason Chief Wastewater Engineer North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Mooresville Regional Office 1119 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Mr. Frank C. Cockinos Frank C. Cockinos & Associates, Inc. 600 Lexington Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Mr. Donald C. Perry Town Attorney for Wingate Smith, Smith, Perry & Helms Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 782 Monroe, North Carolina 28110 ff SAL "A I Y under which this Office could s fly Additional i LAW OFFIC:E5 OF 1 SMITH, PERRY to HELMS ,711ES' N MAYNE EsTR E MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA 28110 f—I.ENRY SMITH FIENAY B. SNUTH,„I R. DONALD PERRY WILLIAM H L.A October 19, 1978 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Regional Engineer North Carolina Department of Natural Resources & Community Development Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 P 0, FS C) X 782 TELEPHONE 2k3.3 -15555 AREA CODE 70. 4. Re: Town of Wingate County building permits and tap ons to sewer collection system. Dear Mr. Gleason On Monday, October 16, 1978, the Town of Wingate entered into a written agreement with Union County, pursuant to 201 plans, for the County to treat Wingate's waste. water. Enclosed is a copy of the agreement for your records and review. This contract was entered. into, after considerabletime and dis- cussion, and upon certain. alterations to the original draft as proposed by Union County. We wish to thank you and the other State personnel who assisted us in this matter. Wehope that the agreement will indicate to you and your depart- ment that the Town is expeditiously and earnestly proceeding to comply with your regulations. It is only with your help that we were able to, secure a reasonable contract with Union County by which our citizens, we think, can afford to live with. Mayor Helms and the Town Board has ask that I request from you that the Town be allowed to permit at leasttyegty-fivecon- nectioak, to its system within the next few months. Several people have already purchased lots upon whichto build, immediately, but cannot do so. In addition, we know of at least two homes al- ready under construction. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Ag , thank you very much: ly, Donald Cflerry Attorney or Wingate DCP:me enclosure STATEtllNONE by and and TOWN pump de UNION COUNTY w apolitica� tuber. 1978 1 t'i l,rtic al is at <ycta z, ehilV 1 11 tac f t t w a< k i 1° the: } J�; to a ask° t m� ,..a apt, r� t . t 1 to c-a. 646,780 gaT.lcatas• per day, the d1 ld addi they will negotiate the ty, keeping .in mind the limitation imposed by the slze of UraiotL $ lines, Wingate°s needs, its contract with Monroe and the obligation of Union to serve other areas of Union County.. To furnish Wingate at its post office address not later than the 10th day of eaeh month an ed statement for the serva.ces rendered Wingate during the preceding month, which statement will be computed in accordance with the formulas hereinafter set otxt is dais c°:caatract. 3. Union shall have the right tea convey through Wingate"s sewerage system (where feasible, considering line size, apparatus, flow and capacity, and all ether matters affecting Wingate s capability to permit such) wastewater from any part of Union s sewerage system to the wastewater treatment plant, provided that Union will regulate its customers so that the rate o, flow shall not exceed rates specified by this contract or amendments thereto and it s'i`aali not affect GATE AG To own,, ES operate and rnaint:ra_ ry to c.oliect and transport sewage within its service area to points i f connection with Union's sewerage system, utcd to adopt the same regulations regarding. the discharge of wastewater into its system as the Sewer Use Ordinance agreed upon by Monroe and Union provides and its approved by appropriates Federal and State agencies. 2. To pay to Union not 20th day c i' ch mouth for treatment esf the total flow discharged to and treated by the Union system, said charge to be determined in accordance with the followictp; fury uia: System 0 & M Costs Total 0 & :M Wingate Measured Flos (Total Measured V ows) System 0 & M costs and maintenance costs of point to Monroecs tre teta and ma,itttenarce costs) Total operation ich extends from Win ection plant and the portion of Monroe°s treatment plant which is assigned to the COUnty'. The ordinary and usual. costs of operating the system will be used alert ri.th actual. administrative costa of the County 'that portion attributable revenues spent which are facilities will commence at such time. as Union incurs costs. (a) Where the new facilities being. constructed were financed in whole or in part by the issuance of bonds or anther obi_lgat ious of Union, then Wingate shall pay to Union annually the pro--ra to indebtedness due on said bonds or other o ligations applicable to the facilities assignee to Wingate by Union. (h) Where all or any part of the faci.l1.ti..es were paid for with funds any ved by 'Union in the .form gr from the state or federal government at lity, a portion of wbic is being assigned to Wingate there shall. be no charge to Wingate for that portion of said facility that was paid for by Union. t'rouo grants received by Union to build said facility or :lines. e There ail or any part of the facilities being assigned by Union to Wingate were previously built easy purchased by Union from funds other than grants made by the state or federal. government or governments for the specific for the specific purpose of constructing the par Unicin basis any tat covery t t by Union, putt' d' en 0 tagate teilltc date appt er'tenemiest ry hatAL " &1buret-last °. ad sad g. thereto w be The be cistern sewer rand ppU Af there` dt Said e by 11i debate: h tit 1t t ttad ap utte1 lag tut 'O Ctd OUt Said d frets t n by e pe t .t .y off. than ve* year available o use, funds tt pad any port xt are a xPr t xtdbat- h n a0Ya x t funds used to vex Indust xx users the industry. Fo u*Poses 0T re onto slY xx$ .e r other mun cit a tx d towns. d r cos and ppara apaci dx Sd vx4tiar t y be 1 x lud d ,t suet ?..y Pxad th n Union d area x.axr 1.nt xaxxd t .xxxzcy 1. x xxtbe l d ;z are u, of me} r t . on d d tarxaa ' drag0 enst0 4 :° by Un .o . x°u d t:h C IL xx 0aa to Wingat such c r d t acan] tca x xax tx n gar other u . xxx shall PsY xa.1 ofsuch r at t otx xld °'t- dot i 1a txxnding- any pr vions d a° in, t d and .xhe .ixaix approve the sale of bonds that would produce funds 'with which to build the facilities needed for the implementation of said contract, then and in. either event onion would have no liability under the terms of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting under authority of the respective governing bodies, have caused this contract to be executed in duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties, this. the day and year first above written. Attest: Clerk Attes Clerk UNION COUN By: NORTH ,CAiOLINA Roy ". Ric dson, Jr. , Chairtn Union County Board of Commissioners TOWN OF WINGATE Bernard Helms, mayor S I AM of NORTH. CAR d l,INA COUNTY O' UNION This is to certify that before me, a Notary Public of said county, personally appeared this day Barbara W. Moore, with whom '1 am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, says that she is Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners for Union County and that Roy W. Richardson, Jr. is the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for Union County; that she knows the common seal of the said County and the name of the County was subscribed thereto and said common seal was affixed, all by'order of the Board of County Commissioners for Union County and that the said. instrument is the act and deed of said County. Witness my hand and notarial seal this ,/j.`'day of October, 1978_ My commission expires: My tonwnis4ori Expires April 2, 1 Origin al. S David David Grant :C Ftven ki v'iCk. Nose* disturbed areas ed MEMORAW THROUGH: TO: L. P. Banta Jr. 8ichard co, xG1es CT: Via tel ant c( Helms of the Town a. request to the Divi connections to the Tomo .to -the procedures t dvised that flatter ent i Ranagemento since tie Town's the Division of M ;y'n r" Helms, it was Connections. T the Mayor t t A s.up ry} ssolved M Env Xistln Owed he sent I,!'thori restricts t4ril nee a,l C"c„ate con!. r 5 y via 1 November 1 1 e rp 1"4-ei This memorandun you ar wary t rdt, ink additional nn ctin rs without a thorough t 's Wastewater Trea, u nt Plant and existing 'egsa st from Mayor Helms is received, this Off priate review if so requested. If you have any questions raga] ORG:ss DIVISIONoIENVITIONMENT.A November arson rr Nov b r 1978 vir s le rned tP t the Tay r ent ement to PI %k t May e pi ease 1878 rd submitting be gr l uaticn of Once 4 6 7' A RIVER BASIN F1F.Pt?RT..Tot ARO, i:'SRO, 1€RO, C/ k d ral �a °rRDr TS, BM OTHER COLLECTOR, BOD RANGE CHLORINATED Station No. ate Begin 349 C©liform, MF Fecal Collform, MF Total, Conform, TTube Fecnl.31511 Conform, Tube Totalatgoa ,1tW0d5?E "rota) 500 Volatile ,12ez Fixed 510 Residue. Suss.ended sso Volatile 535 Fixed a Acidic to, .Acidity to pH 8.3 Alkalinit to .H 8.3 trtlint , to :H 4.5 'roc eeo ns Fo1Ttt Temp. Secchi Disk M 1 Hr., Set. Solids Flow Cloud Cover Atmos 9-78 Time Begin Cored UniO N. C. DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES; b COMMi1NITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD/LAB FORM WATER SEDIMENT ['TISSUE STATION LOCATI REMARKS Date End Aiili LENT COMPLIANCE INTENSIVE 5. Time End A es e.,i. 1oo2 uS: Ch'1 a Trt322to u8/11, Chl a Corr 32211 Color (True) p9 Formal deb yde 71aao Croase and Oils 556 n4111. Ila'rdr oos. Total Qoo m� 1 MtAS 39Lt9 mg/1_ Phenols aa7so ux/le Sulfate v45 Sulfide 745 S ecific Cond 96 11uk1 d Fish s'h Severity Depth (35 DB DMB pH Unit:, A7.kal.infty To pH 18/3 To .. '. 4s 7 8 ,'41' 4t",1 Salinity S/L R.P. r St 7da3o"5 a•t$47 ! 5 . S. 65 Ft on kind Direction Wtnd Force T.... From North ilezxufc rt eam Stage LAB NtD"1B1:R DATE RECEIVED RECEI4rD EY DATA ENTRY BY .. CK DATE REPORTED Value Type T, S, or, 8 Mn - tiara, 'noose co53 n [ in 1902 Acidity To pH /41.5 To pH /4.5 y nil -Grease Severity 72034 Aua1 t l c Sui,pert *ce ,f ium Se p Type NXX Turbidity Hach ETU Flow, MGD vloatins Debris Severit DIVA MEMO IL i TO: L. P. Be rtorr, Jr. <ic=r e ce, Jr. FROM: SUBJECT: Pea t . i£i i;3 Town «eras to ator Extorrslon to Logy Dr v Union County, for t r f rol i r°ra F. srrrvic _ext n, a p is in dete was in fact Approval 173 Mayor extension on Unbeknownst to tyre o arty dui ldi or that WI ngate s dPDES Permit restricted a.dditiorra1 onoections to the sewer system, building permits were given to a we, T. ik Lorry, Jr. , and a Mr. Jerry Thomas to construct: horses in that area. The °ore likewise unaware that their sewer line Permit (o. 4893) would li it con section to only the duplex, promised the homeowners that they could connect. Mr. L ry and Mr. Thomas have c leted construction. of their homes, but are unable to occupy the dwellings because of no sewer facilities. The subject duplex h,w s been constructed for several years and is presently being served by a septic tank -nitrification field system. The two new he s are located in an area where soil conditions and percolation rates are unsuitable for construction of a subsurface system At a meeting in the Tower on September 13 1978, Rex Gleason and Dave Adkins of this Office, met with Mayor Helms, Council mbers, and the Towns Engineer to discuss this as well as other matters. It was requested in the meeting that if the owner of the duplex signed a release, whereby the duplex would not connect to the Towns system, then could approval to connect the other two residences be obtained. Mr. Gleason suggested that the Town make.. a written request to that effect, and p ,, P wt review would be given the matter. L P. Benton, dr. Page Two Sept ber 15, 1978 In its review of Mayor Helms' request, this Office has co selted wit the Union County Health Department regarding the condition of tyre septic t ,nI systemserving the duplex. According to the Health Department, the septic tank system has been working satisfactorily and they d© not anticipate any probl ; with the system, as the soil conditions where the cyst. is located is different than that where the homes are located (i.e. w soil conditions are acc r tab e at the duplex). Furthermore, connection of the two h ; s in lieu of the duplex should not result in any increased wastewater flow to the Town's sewer system. In light of this Office's evaluation of the matter it is recant/ended that Permit No. 4393 be amended to authorize connection of the private homes of Mr. Lowery and Mr. Th*:as instead of connection of the duplex on Lowery Drive. it is requested that a decision on this matter be expedited. Attached is a suggested letter for tr. Mcorie's sinaturr amending the subject Per iit If you , aver further questions, please advise Attachment; TOWN OF WIN GATE Box 367 Phone 2 3344 1 WINGA R C.2m74 EBER.NARD HELMS, Mayor TOWN CO asWNERS of R e m GERDING moI . C. MASON W. m SELLERS JOHN B. MANGUM,CleR S {c?z r ate t9 2at3 truct t t\\ t?«c e it Ji i it t\ t2 the ?r a ? 2 %?a>t£9ct t a 5 »a2 a S > Je t»e ?iIle -r a . hex del r st)c atdrOor 13, love It is anticiorteH tinat if. the Lowery sae Thoras res:dences era allowed to tap on to the lino, the itkorsesed flot :into 'W'Inhtte's syster uill tau inhrreA flow. that noull he produced by a ins -an of the Outteltx, bacente there arc only two aeoalo the Towery farily and three annole the Teodes ferilys none of whod ere et hore Ourin the hey. 7r. '-'f..":71F3 baintioal of Windato Fiedentary f3coaI !tra. :hones t7; F teacher in the Thhion Co'nsty Sichool 3yhtert and their snail c4-i3U is kept by F bnlysitter in. ahoSher of the town, while ,.1%!r. and Tn-s. Lowery htve no children ana ara both edployed away fred hode. Your pronpt action on this request will lee Treatly apnreciated by all persons cncerned especially dus te the fast ofthe incressed firterinel lurdso -elated upon these people dde to n3 fault of their awn. Thank you very ',mph. Sincere7y yours, teattutsrd. Tfapor a to„ 'Wed .th Can -cline lames B. Hunt, Jr, Governor Howard. N„ Lee Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMLN1 OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATORS CERTIFICATION COMMISSION The Honorable F. Bernard Town of Wingate P. O. Box 367 Wingate, N. C. 28174 P.0, Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Telephone (919) 7334404 October 17, 1978 SUBJECT: Temporary Certificate Number: 1745 Issued on: December 20, 1977 To: Mr. John A. Fully Dear Sir: Commission Members D.L. Coburn Chairman Ray E, Shaw, jr. Vice Chairman Mary 011ie Bumgarner j, Earl Daniels jtneph R. Fluharty, Sr. Donald E. Francisco, Ph,D, J. C. Outlaw This is to advise that subject Temporary Certificate, issued to the operator designated by you to be the Operator in Responsible Charge of your wastewater treatment facility has an expiration date of December 20, 1978. This places upon you the responsibility of taking necessary steps to provide a properly certified operator to operate your facility in order to remain in compliance with the provisions of Article 3, Chapter 90A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Please be reminded that it was your responsibility to encourage your Operator in Responsible Charge to make every effort to become permanently certified by examination during the Temporary Certification period. If your operator has achieved permanent certification, please advise this office accordingly. If not, please advise of reasons for failing to comply with this requirement. You should be advised. that the Certification Commission expects every facility owner to have their Operator in. Responsible Charge properly trained and certified by examination and hold. a certificate grade equal to that of the plant classification or higher. The Certification Commission will be extremely reluctant to renew a Temporary Certificate, if the above efforts have not been made. In addition, the Commission will only consider issuance of Temporary Certification when the supply of permanently certified operators is inadequate within the area of the facility or in casesof extreme extenuating circumstances. Persons being issued Temporary Certification must possess, the required experience and education to be eligible to take examination for the grade equivalent to the plant classification. In regard to the above, it isimportant that you take the necessary steps to meet the requirements set forth herein prior to the expiration of your operator's Temporary Certificate. 2 Please know that the staff of this office stands ready to assist you in this endeavor in any way possible; therefore, if you have any questions or if we may be of service to you, please advise us. Sincerely yours, D. L. Coburn, Chairman Certification Commission Enclosures cc: South Piedmont R DLC:vk Box 367 Phone 704-233 4415 WINGAT E, N. C. 2 3174 JOHN A. MANGUM. Clerk September A. F. lCl'or e Director' Division o: Environmental Maragem.ent th Carolina Department of Natural Rosa .erces & Community Development P. C. 13ox 28687 Raleigh North Carolina 27611 Re NPDES Permit NO. NC 0029360. Town of Wingate, Union Co. , N. C. Dear Mr. 1c.Rorie: TOWN COMMISSIONERS URGE G. GIs RDING WILLIAM C. MASON W. R. SELLERS By letter of September ` , 1978 from Mr. D. l ex. Gleason, Regional Engineer, the. Town of Wingate. was informed that the Town had violated the terms and conditions in the ECSL of NPDES Permit No. C 29360. As discussed at the meeting with Mr. Gleason, September 1.3, 1978 we advised at that time that Wingate was not aware of the "triggering" date. of the grant agreement between Union County aid EPA. The facts are t:at Wingate has never at any time been notified of such, that Union County has .received all the infor- mation pertaining to such and has failed to communicate with us regarding same. 1 .iu,gate's engineer, Frank C. Coc'ki.nos of Charlotte, N. C., made the statement to Mr. Gleason that he believed that he had at some time in the past received a copy of the grant agreement; however, Mr. Cockinos, upon returning to his office, has looked through all his files and has concluded that neither he nor he, as Wingate"s engineer, ever received a copy of the. grant agreement or noti- fication of any "triggering" date. In short., Union County has been designated the "lead. agency" and as a consequence has received all correspondence without forwarding any copies or information. to Wingate. Regarding the proposed contract that Union County has requested Wingate. to. execute, which contract proposes that Union County collect Wingate's waste water and provide treatment therefor, Wingate never received a copy of the written contract until duly 1978. Union County did not approve and execute its own proposed contract until June 28, 1978, which date appears on the contract notary acknowledgement. Consequently, Wingate never had the opportunity to review the contract prior to our receipt of same in July. Furthermore, Wingate has not yet been invited to meet with Union County officials, since receipt, of the contract, for the purpose of making suggested changes, which we believe to be very pertinent as fax as the future rights of our citizens. Some. of the provisions presently contained in the proposed contract and with which Wingate believes it cannot adopt are. as follows: 1..-The contract states that Wingate shall pay to Union the "actual cost' incurred in connection with transporting, monitoring and treatment, etc. Wingate is concerned that this provision omits facts which might rev al what or how the actual costs will, be determined, plus the fact that there Page 2 - Mrn McRorie is no estimate given, nor is there any maximum. 2. Union County is given the right to use Wingate's lines at noexpense to the County. Thus, Wingate would not have control over its own lines, Union County could use the lines to full capacity, thus eliminating Wingate's expansion or even decreasing Wingate's present use. 3. The contract refers to "the Sewer Use Ordinance agreed upon by Monroe and Union" and also refers to another agreement between Union and Monroe pertainingto sewer treatment. Wingate has never received anyinformation concerning either of these documents, although the proposed contract would make Wingate subject to both. 4. The contract states that in event of expansion/annexation by the Town, that Wingate would pay Union County for grant funds received and used for construction of the annexed. lines, although Union County would have only twelve and one-half per cent of the cost invested in same. There are numerous other details set out in the proposed contract that need to be discussed, clarified, and perhaps changed. The local construction program for Wingate is complete. The only additional. con- struction workneeded is the connection from the existing Wingate intercepter to the proposed Union. County pump station to beconstructed by Union County. In other words, Wingate has nu design or construction work to do under the Step II and Step III 201 program. 4, We respectfully suggest that a meeting be set up to be attended by you, Mr. L. P. Benton, Mr. Rex Gleason, Wingate's Mayor and Board of Commissioners, members of the 201 Task Force and Grant Section of your department, Wingate's engineer, Mr. Frank C. Cockinos, and our legal counsel, Donald C. Perry. At this meeting, we ask for the privilege of discussing with you the subject of this letter and asking your advice with regards to our problems here in Wingate. Thank you very much for your kind attention to this matter, and we look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours very truly, F101 B. Helms, Mayor Town of Wingate, N. C. FBH:d cc: Mr. D. Rex Gleason Regional. Engineer 1119 North Main Street Mooresville, N. C. 28115 Mr. Frank C. Cockinos Frank C. Cockinos & Associates, Inc. 600 Lexington Ave. P.O. Box 3863 Charlotte, N. C. 28203 cc: Mr. Donald C. Perry Smith, Smith, Perry & Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 782 Monroe, N. C. 28110 VAL 'MT Mayor undarat coar4tructad, Envi by a Nr« T. to th ;T of the d■ ■ th T. of to you #h.till # or Ot t o ! DR :ss F. BERNARD HELMS, JOHN LI, MANGUM, Clerk". TOWN OF WINGATE Box 367 Phone 7O4233-4411 W1NGAT, N. C. 28174 September 11, 1978 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Regional Engineer Division of Environmental Management Mooresville Regional Office 1119 North Main. Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Your letter of Septem Alleging violations o #NC 0029360 Dear Mr. Gleason: r 5, 1978 NPDES Permit TOWN COMMISSIONERS GEORGE G. GERDING WILL,IAM C, MASON W. Ft, SELLERS As follow-up to our telephone conversation of today, thank you for agreeing to meet here in Wingate with our town officials on Wednesday, September 13, 1978, at 10:00 a.m. We wish to reiterate our desire to comply with any legal requirements established by your department and regarding Wingate's sewer system, and look forward to meeting with you to discuss all problems. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours very truly, F. Bernard Helms Mayor FHH/fib cc: Mr. Donald C. Perry Mr. Frank C. Cockinos to it 44 as this or 3? It i t;or R 1r i ter s list@& SIGNFD B Z North Carolina Depar m nt a Natural & Ecanorn c Resources JAMES B. HUNT, JR., GOVERNOR . HOWARD N. LEE, SECRETARY NEMO T : Mr. W.S. HoffmAn Head, Engineering Branch FRCYA: D. Rex Gleason Regional Enginyaar SUBJECT Procedure 4 Evabia''inn Based upon a request for a Permit to construct sir lines, Mr. has conducted the following evaluation of the facilities; which a as a result of the propos wastewater .from eJater eceiviug a SOUTH PIEDMONT FIELD OFFICE. N. MAIN STREET RESVILLE 281)5. NE, 704664-4627 1) Name or the Wastewater Treat nt Plant to receive the wastewater: 2) Design 3) Present e a) Average w b) Average Mt ly vo load 0Average weekday plant efflciencg: ADD Red''' ,TSS Redd d) Status of compliance with Water Qnarl ty St' e) Permit status: Etsr 4) Anticipated quanti nthly ngreport Co_L.:Jnu • Paga Mr. W_ S_ CC 5) nown apprav2 . voluras of t,-ast?water t p;r tom: Central Files mr a;. t. , Wa Not t .•; Car c o Rest Hon. F. Bernard Helms, Mayor. Town of Wingate P. O. Box 367 Wingate, North Carolina 28174 P RftT C Department o Natural munity Development Howard N Lee, y pitl'li1k7 F 1',NYI!Ni*r�.EN1Al MANAGEMIRN,i... June 7, 1978 of Wingate ewater - Lowery Drive Union County Dear Mayor Helms: Receipt of the 1`ollc'winl document ; submitted for the above project is > re acknowledged: X Application for a P detailed Engineering .... Specifications You will r'mer,J:at: ions, comments or other a be r3t°_.e as:irv, 3 2"ie"r to theissuance of a 'permit. Th. ! plans r ;n c-. to 1,he wastewater treatment: facilities pro - any manner comma Department nt or increase in vc Pluarae of wastewater ted :iocune.nts Applic.atia +n for a Perrntt* Ilettangirieeri.nc; Plans Specifications Recommendations of Ref ono Other held in abeyance pending receipt cer Procedure #4 *If -hecked, AppJJcation Forms arc enclosed which should be filled out in accordance with the instruct' n on the Application and mane( to: Division of Environmental,. Manage -- Permits and Engineering Branch, P. O. Box 27687, Raleigh, Quality f Tina 761.1. Mr. Rex Gleason Mr. Vernon New ir. W. Lee Fleming, .Jr. Sincerely, -44 Hoffman, Head and Engineering Branch ty Section Enclosures VSn/im May 29 19 78 TO NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONM\ITAL MANAGFMMT COMMISSION DEPAR'IMEr OF NATURAL AND ECONOMLC RESOURCES. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, application. is. hereby made by Boardof Commissioners •f board, individual of Inc Town of Wingate of (Name. of city, village, town, sanitary district or establishment) Union , in the county , to the North Carolina Environmental Management (Location of P .,t Commission, Department of Natural and Economic Resources for the approval of the accom- panying plans, specifications, and other data submitted herewith covering the construction of Sewer System Extensions and for a "Permit" for the discharge of _sewa e (sewage, industrial waste or other wasres) from the sewers (sewers, pretreateent faciliUes, or treatment plant) serving Town of Win ate (Name of nunicipa1itvristitutiori or industry,etc.) (Name of treatment plant) or ground waters, tributary to Meadow Branch into Wingate lagoon (Name of water course) approximately_6600 South (upstream) of SR 1006 (Location of treatment plant) The plans for the proposed works have been prepared by Frank C. Cockinos (Engineering Firn) at Associates, Inc. of 600 Lexington Avenue, Charlotte, N.C. 2820 (Address) It is estimated that treatment works will provide adequate capacity to serve the Town of Wingate for a period of 40 years, at which time it is estimated the average. daily sewage or waste flow will not exceed 4,000 gallons. It is further expected that the treatment works will affect over- all reductions in pollution. as follows: B.O.D.(5-day 20°C) %, suspended solids %, total. solids —7 coliform bacteria %, aad toxic. materials*. The cost of the proposed works is estimated to be: sewers. $17,200 , pumping stations The works will be completed. , treatment plant $ on or before December 1 , other $ 1978 The applicant hereby agrees that the prop)sed works will he constructed in strict accordance with he approved plans and specifications or subsefluently apptoved changes therein and further agrees to place its operiittion under the care of a competent person and to maintain and operate the plant according to the best .icicepted practice and in accordance with the plans 3nd specifications approved bv,i the Conunission Sigre F Bernard Reims Title Mayor 0. Box 367 maning Add wss: Winglate„ N_C ea74___ Specd`v peicentage for fox:R." sul)stalIce, using,ldiiwival she..s. if necessi„try., July 21, • Original Signed by L. R BENTON, JR. Eta of Wing*t ater Ext ry Drive Collected e t ter from of iv. soh*Xi discharged into the Town Town of Wingate Wastewater NPDES Permit limitations and unfit written ao e t sn been ctor of the Division of Enviro tat w° * e t for additional the fT . 4893 0 day of Original g L. , P KNTON, JR- F. McRoris* Director Envir^onta1 ag, y of the hrotar of sources as dui 1978. 41 wON F. BERNARD HELMS, IMF+ JOHN H. MANGUM, Clerk TOWN OF W NGATE Box 367 Phone 704-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 July 17, 1978 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Regional Engineer Division of Environmental Management P. Q. Box 950 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: Subject: Compliance Sampling Inspection Wingate Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit NC 0029360 Union County, NC TOWN COMMISSIONERS GEORGE G. GERDING WILLIAM C. MASON W. R. SELLERS This letter is in response to your letter of June 30, 1978. 1. It appears that our present secondary treatment system is not capable of meeting the testing limits contained in the permit. 2. The Town of Wingate has applied for a Section 301 (i) (1) extension. Sampling frequencies have been changed from weekly to daily. (Our operator, John Eudy, was at school the week that DEM sampled.) I wish to express to you our willingness and desire to meet any and all standards that we possibly can. Please feel free to call me anytime. Very truly yours, F. Bernard Helms Mayor FBH/jbm cc: File SOD Range Seed Ch1 on nated is Sampling Peint Co u 2 4 STATE OF NOM CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Remarks Time. Temperature D. O. t Satarration Turbidity Secchi Disk C Hach FTU Meters Salinity Stream Stage Hydro F1ec, Strew Flow Cloud. Cover 6 }'t Ft. ilaat tl1 s . CFS Severity Floating Debris 0 Severity. Se Atmos. Detergent Suds I?ead Fish ity Severity Severity Arsenic OD Chi a tricltrnmatic Coliio r MF Fe c Chi a dorret ted. Coliiorm tiF Total Pheophytin.4. Coliform Tube Fecal Cdlor (true) Coliform Tube Total Cr Hexavalent Res.idue,Total Cyanide .��.�..,�.V©lati3e Flnoride�,_..�,.�, Fixed Formaldehyde Residt€a, Suspended Grease & 411s Vo1ai 1e _. hardness tzttai .� .. Fixed w onols Acidity to pH 4.5- I sin Aeig Soap Soap Ality to Al°lirtiiy Alkaltt itv to isli 4.5 Spe ific Cota4u Lance Reed by --------- Time Reed LA NO on ik T or S pll Units Alkalini ty p11 Phenol to 8.3 Total to 4.5 Chin to 4.5 Total to itatiw i ind 111r tion Wind; Force Turbidity lees lrem North Beaufort Severity Color Silt nr Se toe t Susp. Severity ed. Severity Identity 1 Hour Settleable Sol. t7�e lud"ge 1H as Ag 5i3ver S Antimony Al�. Al stirtum n � Tin eu ti4a M Ba - deriusa__ V Vanadium P1 as P (orrho, "Dial as F Ca - Calciu ty Cadiutu TnC Total Organic Carbon Co Cobalt Cr. Total - Chrom1 Cu Copper num BOO5 Mg/L 6 COD Mg/L pH Units 8 Arsenic llg/L Phenols Jg/L 2 Acids pH 4.5 Mg/L Coliform MF Fecal /100 m1 y Colifsr MF Tote /100 ml Coliform Tube Fecal /100 ml to Alkalinity to 8.3 pH 8.3 pH 4.5 /L Mg/L Mg/L Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a Trichromatic Corrected IJg/L )Jg/L Pheophytin a Color (true Units yg/L WATER QUALITY LA NO. LABORATORY REPORT pate Rp't Coliform Tube Total /100 ml Chloride Mg/L Chromium Hexava'lent }Zg/L s N Mg/L 4 Resin Acid Sulfate Soap Mg/L Mg/L TKM as N Mg/L Ag Al JJg/L 1Jg/L 6 Mg Mg/L 8 REMARKS Mg/L NO2 + NO3 ORT as N PO4 Mg/L Mg/L Mn Mo 1Jg/L JJg/L Mg/L ( Pesticides ) Sulfide Specific Conductance JJMHOS / cm P P, Total as P Mg/L Mg/L Cd LSg/L Pb Lig/L 7 Re Total Volati'l Mg/L Mg/L 9 Cyanide Mg/L 1 5 Co Ug/L ry St Jg/L 9 due Fluoride Mg/L d Data Entry By Ck Formaldehyde Mg/L Residue Suspended Volatile Fixed Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Grease & Oils Mg/L rdness Mg/L MS,A S Mg/L Cr, Total Cu JJg/L Sn )Jg/L Im_ Ug/L V Fe Ug/L Zn Mg 1.1g / L Li TOC Mg/L DM-2A 7.76 Collector v _ an Range Seed _ Ch1orited_ 2 4 Sampling Point Conductivity u MHOS Floating Debris Severity Temperature D. O. C Date STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND GNOMIC RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Sampling 1»ocat,ion Remarks Time % Saturation Turbidity Hach FTU Hydro tlec Dam Di. C or-Atmos. Detergent Suds Dead Fish verity Severity Severity MF Fecel MF Total Stream Flora Cloud Cover Severi ty hrometic. TKN as Saepl ng Date Reed Reed .by Time Rec°d LAB NO T or 5 Depth i ty pH Ac Total to 4.5 Min to 4.5 1tatioi idind Di reciFicn Rand Ftr ce Turb Res From iiorti Beaufort Seve Susp. Seve pH 1 Hour Settleable So Sludge Severity rquatic vegetatitar Sport Mediu Severity Ag Silver Sb - Antimony Al - Alurrt'i6e�.�.__�. S.._� n -Tin e.. Mrium .md _ l€ Ganacit rm e.. Here hl n - zinc Coliform Tube Fecal Color (true$ R, Total as P..11_..._,c81ci6m ti _... 4 Coliform Tube Total Cr l"6eavalent Cd - Cadmium' TL!C Tota1 Dr nic Carbon Residue , Total nio obalt Vol atile ..�...,. _....._._ . _��v...., Fluorid e mW�.�..._�� ._._._._. a.�...� Cm�'fotal� Cyade CC Chromium i'etieid Fixed FormaldehydeCop Cuu M Re idue� .�.�.......�n. �..��,� Suspended �.� . ����... ... �..,._...�.� rose & Oils Fe ito total ng - mercury Lithuts pH Acidity to pH 4,5 1d1ty A to pH R 5uli d A1k unity to pH 4.S Specific Cori a�u~�vue Nickel Lead pH Units 8 WATER QUALITY LAB NO LABORATORY REPORT COD Coliform Coliform Col iforsrn Coliform MF Fecal. MF Total Tube Fecal Tube Total Mg/L /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml /100 ml Acidity to pH 4.5 pH 8.3 Mg/L Mg/L Arsenic Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a Trichromatic Corrected 1Jg/L )lg/L J1g/L Phenols Resin Acid Sulfate Soap Ug/L Mg/L Mg/L TKN as N Mg/L Al jig/L Aikalin pH 8.3 Mg/L y to H 4.5 Pheophytin a Color (true) Units Jg/L Chloride Mg/L Chrom Hexavaient }Jg/L Sulfide Mg/L NO2 + NO3 ORTHO as N PO4 as P Mg/L Mg/L !Jg/L ( Pesticides ) Specific Conductance )JMHOS /con P, Total as P Mg/L Ca Cd Ug/L Pb Ug/L Residue Total Volatile Mg/L Mg/L 9 Cyanide 5 Co Ug/L 7 5b Ug/L 9 d M Date Rp't Data Entry By Ck Fluo Mg/L de Formaldehyde Cr, Total Ug/L Sn }Jg/L Mg/L Residue Suspended Volatile Fixed Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Cu Jg/L V Fe )Jg/L Zn Ug/L Mg/L Hg Hardness MBAS Mg/L Li JJg/L TQC Mg/L STORET No marks CA A AND ECDNO V VlROii ENTAL MANAGEMENT Sampling Location: T or S Depth Time % from rt. bank ratTitiiaieli�: Seccii Disk Conduct ity Salinity Stream Stage �drts Etas. t u 10 Gil Ft. Dam his. CFS Sev Floating Debris Odor-Atmos. Detergent Suds Dead Fish Severity Severity Severity Severity 4 stu5 Arsenic Ch1 a tridwoa Lolftorm tF Feoa1 Cb1 a correct otiformt7F Total Fhe phyt1n a Cotiforrs Tube Focal otortrue: Colifo Tote Total Cr He avaten Bess iu Total Cyanircde i eed Forrrmldehida it s'l iue, Suspended Grease A Di' yolatsle. Hardtes.,t PH - F'ilehs Atidity to 4 5 A l attic! Acl di ty to,.. h 8 3M_, Sulfate Alkalinity to isi :3 Su fide 41k41initY to pH 4. peoi-iic C Uotan oud C TT,id as N G8 3 as G3 FD4,. p (ortho) P. Total as P pH Units Rrecipit Alkalinity pH Acid pH 1 hour of to 8.3 Total to 4,5 Piir to 4.5 Total to i3.3 Settleatla i63reotion i n F r e. 9u�d t .��1= rise: udge S No rtis Beteafort Severity Severity ...._-Siltrt iw S dIuent uat1C Y�etatto'w Susp. Severity Secs. Severity ldartit oport t4edium Severity Ag - Silver Al 14ihAluminum Ba - Barium Beryllium Cd ltaimismn TO C - Total Organic Carbon Total Ch_romiue pestieides a Copper ry pH Units 8 Arsenic C T yg/L 1j COD llg/ Coliform ME Fecal /100 m1 Coliform MF Total /100 mi Coliform Tube Fecal /100 mi Acidity to Alkalinity to pH 4.5 pH' 8.3 pH 8,3 pH 4.5 Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L. y'll a Chlorophyll a Pheophytin a Color (true Corrected Units »g/L Resin Acid Soap Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L ORTHi1 PO4 as P Mg/L. yg/L. Sulfide Specific Conductance MHOS/cm P, Total as P Mg/L ).lg/L WATER QUALITY LABORATORY REPORT Coliform Tube Total /100 ml de Mg/L Chromium Hexavalent yo. :Ug/L Total Mg/L 7 9 Residue Volatile Fixed M'g/L Mg/L LAR NO Date Rp°t Data Entry By Ck ._ ..._ Residue Cyanide Fluoride Formaldehyde Mg/L 1 3 5 Co ilg / L 7 Sb 1lg/L 9 Mg/L Mg/L Cr. Total Cu Jg/L iig/L Sn V yg/L )Jg/L Suspended Mg/L Vole Mg/L Crease !V Oils Hardness Mg/L Mg/L. Fe Ug/L Zn Hg MBAS Mg/L Li lig/L TOC Mg/L Unit Rp't To Field Off{ Cell e fir 808 Range Seed 2 STOREY No. Sampling Temperature Pint C Conduct{ u MHOS ity Stream 5 Floating Debris Odor-Atmas« Severity Severity 4 Colifo UIF Fecal Col if©r^cn MF Total Coliformr Tube Fecal Colifrrrrr Tube. Total Rofduea Total... w__ Volatile Fixed Residua Suspended Voltile�. Ati'di ty to pH 8.3 lkplinity to pH8i 3 Alk to pH 4.5 Detergent Suds Severity STATE OF NORTH C:A'ROI,INA D[ PA RTM E NT OF NATURAL AND E ONOMIC KEG DIVISION OF ENVIIIONMENTbL. MANAGEMENT S Re Dam Dls« FS Sev Dead Fish Severity Are 1r Cyanids F©rmutl0 by in Acid Soap i di ty Ssecchi Dusk F1rr Clout K H a s U O a Pnrk Total es..... Date Rec' �. ...:.w,.� Rec'd by - . - Tine Rec'd LAB NO T or S Depth pH Units A1ka Precipitation 1md Direction Inches From Hrrrth or ty mufa Rol dity pH T Hour o 4.5 Min to 4.5 Total to S;3 Settleable Sol. Ag - Silver Al - A1uminum Da w: Barium De - lleryl11uir Cd Cadmnlst Co — Cobh Cr« Total Cet M Copper. Fe Iran Tu Seve oi1�.m Sever QmratiC veetat1on Suport Riediue Severity s ..nemony SnmTin ii Vadiumm TOC - Total 0 Festic3des Mg/L 6 pH Units 8 Arsenic )Jg/L Phenols )g/L COD fig/L Col MF /1J form ecai Acidity to pH 4,5 pH 8,3 Mg/L Mg/L Chlorophyll a Trichroanatic pg/ L Resin Acid Soap Mg/L 2 NH3 AS N TKN as N 4 Mg/L Mg/L, Al Mn Mg/L ,Ug/L 8 REMARKS Coliform MF Total /100 ml Col iform Tube Fecal /100 ml Alkalinity to pH 4„5 Mg/L Chlorophyll a Pheophytin a Corrected: JJg/L Ug/L Sulfate Mg/L NO2 + N as N Mg/L Ug/L JJg/L Sul fide /L Units Specific Conductance pMH©S /cm ORTHO P, Total as P 1104 as P Mg/L Ug/L Mg/L Pesticides } Mg/L. Ca Mg/L Ni Jig/L WATER QUALITY LAB NOe LABORATORY REPORT Coliform Tube Total /100 ml Chloride Mg/L Chromium Hexavalent Jg/L Cd Ug/L lug/L Residue Total Volatile Mg/L Mg/L 9 Cyanide Mg/L 5 Co Ug/L 7 Sb Jig/L 9 Fluoride Mg/L Date Rp"t Data Entry By Ck Residue Volatile Mg/L Formaldehyde Mg/L Cr, Total Cu JJg/L ug/L Sn._w.w __! V Ug/L Ug/L Suspended Mg/L Mg/L Fe pg/L 2n Ug/L MO / L Hg Fixed Mg/L MBAS Mg/L Li TOC Mg/L 0M-,2R 7.76 iib`A IN I t4` A"r lAROUNA NA AL ANt N Mt STORCT 11 Sampling T rope D. O. Saturation Turbidity Secchi Disk, Point C Hach FTIJ Meters Corsdudtivity Salinity Straaar Stage hydro Cleo. treaar 1 awr Clclad Cover u iillilS 5/L ty Floating Debri4 UBor t Detergent Suds a Fish Severity Severity Severity 5eyeity Coliitarrs IiF 'ecal' Caltiortl of Total Colforasv be Fecal ColifoJvr Tuba Total_... ., Fixer Arsenic Color ;( idea, Sdapende Grease Ael' di ty to pit 4,5 Acidity topnR3 I Alkalinity to pli BNS. Alkelitlity to pH 4.5 Chloride Thiel a 02 pH Units NT Date Rec'd Rec ^ d by Time Rec`d ...- LAB Alkay PM Acidit,y pit 1 hour Phenol to 64.3 To two 4.5 !din to 4.5 total i3. Settleatli o on blind Dimetion Fo do Turlridit O' Ryon! North ilealiort Soveity Sa - Aluminum Be - Beryllium Ca - Calcium Cd Ca Co - Cobalt Cr, Total WNChromium ead Sludge Severity d ntity Supert.iledi r everlty' - Anttnony Tin Vanadium pH Units Arsenic %lg/L CUD pH 4.5 Mg/L Coliform MF Fecal /100 rn1 Acidity to pH 8.3 Mg/L Coliform MF Total /100 and Colifor+n Tube Fecal. /100 mi Alkalinity to pH 8,3 pH 4,5 Mg/L Mg/L y. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a Pheophytin a Trichrornatic Corrected rig/L ALL )Jg/L Phenols Resin Acid Sulfate Soap Ug/L Mg/L Mg/L NH3 as N TKN as N N + NO3 Mg/L Mg/L Ag Al jJg/L pg/L 6 K Mg/L Mn Mo pg/L Ug/L Sulfr'de Mg/L ORTHO PO4 as P Mq/L Ug/L ( Pesticides ) Color (true Units Specific Conductance UMHOS /cm P. Total as P Mg/L Ca Mg/L IJg/L WATER QUALITY LABORATORY REPORT Coliform Tube Total /100 rnl Chloride Mg/L gg Chromium Hexavaient pg/L Total 7 Cyanide Mg/L 1 Residue Volatile Mg/L Fluoride Mg/L Cd Co Cr, Total Uq/L U'g/L Jg/L 7 Pg/L Sb Sn Jg/L pg/L 9 LAB NO. Date Rp't iDaata Entry By Fixed Mg/L Formaldehyde Mg/L Cu V Ck Residue ended. Volatile Fixed Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Fe Zn Oils Hardness MBAS Mg/L Hg 1Jg/L Li Jig/L TOC Mg/L re Mr. Paul JT EPA Union WLL:ss ACTION PDES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION EEPO Coding do tra ffrsrl P fl rk s Test pal INSPECw PAC POES YR M qyp DA TYPE TO TYPE ;.? fS d A'C5ITIQNAL ECTION A Permit. Summary NAME AND A OF FACIL REMARKS PON 0EFtCLAL TITLE ed X(;PIRAT'e"N DATE AN E IRATE FACILITY RPRESE:NTA"'t"i dE TITLE PE-#i. NE SECTION B • Effluent Character's "PARAMETER/ OUTFALL SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT' AMPLE EASUREMENT PERM IT REQUIREMENT PERMIT lE,CYUIREMENT SAMPLE. MEASUREMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT UCFIE',MENT fustian f,S= MINIMUM AVERAGE M G M. ADDITIONAL, NT THIN PERMIT REQUIREME DS AND REPORTS T VERIFICATION SECTION D - Comments SECTION E 1rl tian/Rev SIGNATUR CTEOBY INSPECTEC REV'E4ED BY EPA f: FI O f 1 f I EP A trasat'asi�e tcl;I`r A a Not erplf a1 Z CtPEti.u�. ATION AN: MAINTENANCE F SAMPLING I*RC�C I i EN. � OY CPMPLIANCE SCI�tE�k'JLC LASCiRATiYRYPRACT F',CiVvMEASUREM OTHER: ©RM T- ENTS AGENCY iA HICHISCB$O PA iaE f CIF 4 ERMIT NO. COLOR OTHER TI II I I i a ntfFR ewin Water Obsery Itron OIL SHEEN TURBIIITY VISIBLE FOAM a M and Nt Complete as appropri4te 1°arr cnptan iris aE TI ON Art - Sampllnq k spe tiuro Prtoceduree ersd O serrra itvros (fit rt r r e rPa aaxt r rl ra e clt d GRAB SAMPLES OBTAINED COMPOSITE OBTAINED Q FLOW PROPORTIONED SAMPI AUTOMATIC SAMPLER USEC SAMPLE SPLIT WITH PERMITTEE CHAIN OF CUSTODY EMPLOYED SAMPLE OBTAINED FROM FACILITY SAMPLING OE, $CE 7COMP©SITING FREQUENCY SAMPLE REFRIGERATED DURING COMPOSITING: YES DNO SAMPLE REPRESENTATIVE OF VOLUME AND NATURE OF DISCHARGE., CTII N N - Ana lytl e# i sultt (A Uac t r # or t cf"nec PRESERvATIQN EPA Form 3560-3 9-77h PAGE 4 OF lr. BERNAR'D HELMS, Meyer( JORN B. MANGUM. Clerk TOWN OF W NGATE Box 367 Phone 764-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 April 28, 1978 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Regional Engineer Division of Environmental Management 1119 North Main Street Mooresville_, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: In response to your letter concerning the NPDES Permi for the Town of Wingate wastewater treatment plant, action has been taken: TQWN COMMISSIONERS GEORGE G. [,HERDING WILLIAM C. MASON W. R. SELLERS compliance he following The segments that were monitored semi-annually will be and are being sampled quarterly as requested. The flow meter, chart and chlorine has been added to the waste treatment facility. And, the daily samples as required will begin immediately. If I may be of further assistance, contact this office. Very truly yours, F. Bernard Helms Mayor FBH/jbm cc: Mr. Paul J. Traina, EPA Union County Health Department T " Town :Post. Wii'nte r nos ct.d Airi 4 opor 74 end . C Y of the by r.V4i1 p' xlttry and en �-fens were ooVie' The plant +Gfit rifl9 d Please 404 0n bo 1f yvu hit rasa below, Enolay ally q Mr. Paul Trs1 # EPA Union County Health Department EN {'A 1MA Compliant: s Eva Town of 41 n Union Coun. North 11na n.Anly Plant Cvalon on Analysis 'Avis i f. vati nsi Pei by Aori 24, 1n, SC . s COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION REPORT Responsible Off a. a faay Average Fay :IPD 5 pez^t t Daily Max. TATS�3'CS 1. *'PeanitC 7-.Day Avery Conc.. lbs7tl INSPECit.D €3Y: EPA Form T- 9-76) 7-Dail Ara NO DATE Telephone No. c. 1 slclav Conc. f Follow-up Letter n'forcement Action Follow—up inspection ) Comp PAGE 1 OF 12 CT 2 74 of Temporary Certtf Cr; Reference Is made to the attache you wore advised of the at Onerator de t by you t r cnt p i nt d to our t t t essary r,n cam; era1 Statutes xho yo date, you will recommendation far ap c DEC h y Section Fie this 1977 f of s of Art A4 C Y your waste.4atmr you ta1/4tIrt ur f It' Chapter 9 -A of date you have not res an d to Cohirn, C`e r f t f l cat i on Comas t mther action to o taia my way, please advise. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT of NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATORS James B. Hunt, jr. GOVERNOR Howard N. Lee SECRETARY CERTIFICATION COMMISSION P. 0. BOX 27687 RALEIGH,NORTHCAROUNA27611 TELEPHONE 919,) 733-4404 Town Clerk Town of Wingate Bar 367 Wingate, North Carolina 28174 SUBJECT: Dear Sir: October 5, 1977 Temporary Certificate Number: Issued On: To: June 14, 1976 John A. Eudy 1555 COMM rS. ON 1[MBFF B CHAI!RMAN, AW VICE CHAIRMAN, EARL DANIELS JOSEPH R. I:LAMAR-TY, SR. DONALD E. FRANCISCO DALE EULL GAYLER RAY E. SHAW, This is to advise that subject Temporary Certificate, issued to the operator designated by you to be the operator in responsible charge of your wastewater treatment facility has an expiration date of This places upon you the responsibility of taking necesaff ;#epl9R.provide a properly certified operator to operate your facility in order to remain in compliance with the provisions of Article 3, Chapter 90A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. To assist you in this matter, we are attaching copies of the following documents for your use: 1. Excerpts of the Certification Commission's Regulation pertaining to Temporary Certification and Temporary Certification. Renewal. (Note limitations on eligibility for Temporary Certification for both individuals and wastewater treatment plants, and steps to take in requesting Temporary' Certification Renewal.) 2. Application for certification to be used in requesting either a Temporary Certificate Renewal or obtaining active certification by other appropriate means for the operator designated by you to be the operator in responsible charge of your treatment facility. (Note fee schedule contained in Section A. 5. of application.) In the event your present operator is not eligible for Temporary Cer- tification Renewal, it will be necessary for you to either designate another operator who is eligible to receive a Temporary Certificate or to obtain an operator who is already properly certified in a grade equivalent to the classification of your treatment facility. Your urgent attention to this matter is hereby requested. If we can assist you in any way, please advise. Enclosures cc: Water Quality DLC:vk Sincerely yours, 1 D. L. Coburn, Chairman Certification Commission ion Field. Offices F. Bernard 14 Env ri17 Form git 1917 Al i be At cc: A. Cart nags nt. u George W. January' 1970 To Mfl1a . Sampling andMonitoring for i i ty 444Ou`1 m 1 ber EMI( E:° EF9000 EF ,O2 114 W. C. Kni girt Di rector . dew Branch err rrtranc Plant Pump At Effluent of Trio r Pond Three Miles on Vorth Side of £ri ride on SR 1006 on eadowr a rrrrh F. aerna He Pa q Two. January 7., 1976 In alancewith Ti t .060( a Sum arRow Y r re Fax oral 'Eingirte.o.r .etsi s trt Cos Di vitt� of Of f Post `floe x 'J S .OBE T RobertA. ter goal you have t Ir. rtal Survey Report PART I Annual Survey Report for 1976 required for persons subject to G.S. 143--215.1 and to be submitted tq the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, P. Q. Box 27687, Raleigh, North. Carolina 27611, for each separate waste dischge ?': to the waters of the State. (Name o barging' wastewater) C /v/o N (Location;, acility - City and CauntyY (Class of wastewater treatment plant) (State Perri (NPDES Permit #) (No. persons served b le() fl (2 z5Q P'c� Q1v5 De� sign capacity of treatment works) !� 75 _ 1GD (Projected average daily flow for the next 1.2 anths any significant change expected in char NO DO NGI" COMPLETE THIS SPACE Plant. Upstream Influent Effiuent Downstream Downstream of waste received during the next 12 months? Check as appropriate and provide information where requested: The waste is disposed of by a septic tank -nitrification field type system. Wastewater is discharged to the surface waters and is composed of domestic sewage only. (If checked, enter SIC #9199 in column 2 of Part III and complete Part III in accordance with instructions). Waste discharged contains industrial or other wastes (If this block is checked complete Parts I.i and III). herehy certify that the information contained in this report (including Parts Il and III, if . ppl l attic) hi true and complete to the beat of my knowledge and. belief, and that no waste in &xPeny of the capacity of the facility, or which the facility cannot adequately treat, is or will be received into the facility unless in accordance. with a permit or other appropriate document issued by the Environmental Management Commission or except by reason of naturally. occuring conditions which are beyond control. ure t/ Title Date TOWN OF WINGATE. P. O. OX 367 WINGA.TE, N. C. 8174 g Address !0• (Please prin arise charge of facility) I (Please print name 0/WC ATE WA (Please print name of trea r ti N.C. ENVIRONMENPAL MANAGECO M 1 S ON Part II ANNUAL SURVEY REPORT ex or-responaA sible person in a�. certificate # plant and loca List below the standard industrial Classificationassignedto sewage, if present in the waste received for treatment, and the name of each industrial establishment contributing toxic materials, in toxic quantities, And also each industrial establishment contributing an average daily wastewater influent of 1% or more of the design flow of the facility or 100,000 gallons per day or more, whichever is less. Opposite each industrial establish- ment named, enter the process or processes from which the wastes originate, the 4-digit standard industrial classification (SIC) number applicable to the process or activity and the approximate daily volume of waste discharged by the establishment. Name of Establishment Process from Which Wastewater is Dis- charged 4-Digit SIC No. Approximate Daily Wastewater Volume GPD Te STORET TS) NUMBER S 5050 00403 arure l u0010 00300 Tur idit (Candle) ( .T.U,) 00070 T.U.) 00076 Turbidity (l . Settleable tte (zll) 0045 Dissolve COD c Co Ph ea Total. Ph rsph© us Total Residue Tot. Sus+►eded Residu ete-.etts (MAS) (sl) 35260 dual Chlorine(il) 50060 00310 t 1) 00335 o00rt ) 3166 Total MPN) 31506 on Fecal (IPN '100 .1,) 31614 ehyde (cr'l) 71SS0 ©il (n'l) 0050 00500 'EY REPORT - PART T T, T ATMENT PLANT N OF SAMPLING SICATION OF FACILITY 7) MOST EQUE" INSTRUCTIONS FOR CO NC PART III - CiAL SURVEY REPORT 1. Fill in the name of owner or Company name, treatment plant name and location and the Class (I, II, III, or IV) of your water pollution control facility as rated by the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Commission of Certification. 2. Under "Frequency of Sampling'° llat in column (2) the SIC number associated with the main waste received at your plant. In the adjoin- ing colums enter all other SIC numbers listed in Part II of this re- port. (If more column are needed, continue on another Annual Survey Report - Part III sheet, until all appropriate SIC numbers are listed.) NOTE: Should analyses be required for parameters not listed in column (1) of Part III, list such parameters in the blank spaces provided in column (1), as well as the appropriate Storet Number for such parameters. The appropriate Storet Numbers may be obtained by contacting the Field Office of the Division of Environmental Management in your area. Turn to the SIC Tables in Section 12 of the Regulation and fill in the appropriate frequency of sampling (i.e. daily, weekly, etc.) under each SIC number for the tests required., In column (7) headed "Most Frequent Time" write the sampling frequency for each test from the SIC number columns that requires the. most fre- quent sampling for that test. Samples must be collected and tests made for each parameter for which an entry is made in column (7) and with the frequency indicated by the entry unless otherwise provided by Regulation No. 2-71. If there are any questions about this section or any other portions of this report, please feel free to contact the field office near your facility: Asheville (704) 253-3341 Winston-Salem (919) 765-6300 Mooresville (704) 664►-4627 Raleigh (919) 829-2314 Fayetteville (919) 485-8117 Washington (919) 946-6481 Wilmington (919) 762-3394 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CO ISSI'flii RALEIGH ION FOR APPROF A CCi^;PLETE OR INTERIM MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM, Two Copies Are To Be: Submitted Third Copy Should Be Retained By Ap)licant TO: Division of Environmental Management Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of No as amended and Regulation 2-71 dais amended by the Environmental. heteby de, by / e fC/S 141fQ./2 Sa t/�i� Nam of Respo ible f1eia1), County of EN , at �(��j L]!4? if (Show Post Office,,Add to monitor and report wastewater discharges ?J Liv (Identify effect of such discharge upon receiving waters. Management Commission, application is n e , in the ustry) pproval of a program and the GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: If you are requesti"ng-approval of a Monitoring and Reporting System fully capable of complying with the provisions of Regulation 2-71, complete Sections I and III below. If approval of an interim Monitoring and Reporting System, is requested, complete this form in accordance with Section. II.. In addition check one of the foll©wing:, N'Request approval of a fully capable Monitoring and Reporting System - _ Request'approval of an interim Monitoring and Reporting System (NOTE: You must have provided justification to the staff�fora not installing a fully capable system).. SECTION I A. Equipment: Give detailed description for any of the items listed below which will be a part of your monitoring system: Qq° V blotch 2. Flow Measuring Device Re rding Devices Proportiona 4. Other Instruments which are Integral Part of Monitoring System LOCATION OF SAMPLING POINTS: Give detailed description of the exact location of the following sampling points: Influent Effluent (1) Upstream 4. Downstream SAMPLE COLLECTION: Give a detailed description of the method to be used for collecting samples at each of the following locations. For samples which will be composited, also list methods of compositing and describe the type of automatic compositing equipment, if any, which will be used: Influent 4. Downstream D. LABORATORIES: List below the name if known of the laboratory or laboratories in which each of the analytical determination listed in Part III, column 7 of the Annual 'Survey Report will be made.. Each laboratory performinganalysespursuant to the Monitoring and..Repbrting Regulatiion must be approved by the Division' of`Environmenlal ManagementOf the Department of Natural and`Economic Resources. If you plan:t.o perform, the, required analyses, in your own iaboratory!,indicate,below by check block #'1.You must)then apply to theDivision of 'Envir©nmerftal Management to`feave your laboratory approved., If you,plan to use a commercial .laboratory, indicate the name below in block #2. After July 1, 1975;'Comm°erciiiLaboratories must be certified by the Division of Environmental Management pursuant to EMC Regulation 11-1. Information on the certification program may be obtained by writing or telephoning the Laboratory Section of the Division of Environmental Management..* If a particular laboratory has not been chosen, check block #3, indicating that an approved laboratory will be used. If block #3 is checked, the name of the laboratory must be, forwarded to the Division of Environmental Management prior to submitting samples to the laboratory for analysia. (1) U - Analyses will be performed in laboratory operated by the owner, municipality, or industry which has been approved by the Division of Environmental Management. Analyses will be performed in the following commercial laboratory which has been approved by the Division of Environmental Management. � �Y � � +Mf ►� - yOAAT© e.5; (2) [. r- SECTION II ttd ysis will be performed in an approved laboratory, and the name of such laboratory be forwarded to the Division of Environmental Management at a later date. A. EQUIPMENT - Complete Section I, parts A, 1-4 with respect to the indicated items that will be used for interim monitoring purposes. B. Describe the method proposed to monitor rate of flow during the interim period: Location of Sampling Points: Complete Section I, parts B, 1-4 Sample Collectlora: Complete Section I, parts C, 1-4 with respect to those sampling methods and/or equipment to be used during the interim period. Laboratories: Complete Section I, parts D. 1-3 * North Carolina Department of Natural Division of Environmental Management Laboratory Section Post Office Ilox 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Telephone # (919) 829-3908 nd Economic Resource's (2), F. Time Schedule: For those persons requesting approval of an interim Monitoring and Reporting System, the following time schedule must be completed: A Monitoring and Reporting System fully capable of complying with the provisions of Regulation 2-71 will be provided in accordance with the following schedule: Submit final plans and specifications on or before Begin construction or installation on or before 3. Complete construction or installation on or befo . Date on which first report to be submitted SECTION ITT SearrtiVec The applicant hereby certifies that the above information is true and complete to the best of his knowledge and that if approval of an interim system is requested, the proposed action will be carried out in accordance with the proposed time: schedule contained herein, and with such amendments thereto as may be agreed upon by both the applicant and the Division of Environmental Management, Department of Natural and Economic Resources, and further agrees to submit progress reports at regular intervals, and as requested, relative to steps being taken toward accomplishing the necessary actions. *1( DATE f?‘ TOWN OF WINGATE P. O. BOX 367 fSIGNED WINGATF., 4, C. 28174 (City, Corporation, or other Official Name TITLE al Directly ponsible) (3) Pr' NORTH ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Raleigh PERMIT For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or 0 (Page er aster of In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General. Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO FOR THE pursuant to the application received W 23 19 74, and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data, subsequently filed. and approved by the Department of Natural and Economic Resources and considered a part of this Permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until 19 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: N STATE STREAM 3AG PERMIT For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial wastes, or Other Wastes ORIM C ROLI A SANITATION COMMITTEE In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Caro- lina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO FOR THE in accordance with the application dated the plans, specifications, and other supporting data, a tation Committee and are considered a part of thisPermi This Permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: Permit issued this the _ Permit No. 6-25-66-814 day of ____ d efiled of ni with Sani. North Carolina Department of Natura & Economic Resources JAMES E. HOISHOUSER, JR., GOVERNOR • GEORGE W. LITTLE, SECRETARY Mr. F. Bernard Helms, Mayor Town of Wingate Box. 367 Wingate, North Carolina 28174 Dear Mr. Helms: This is to acknowledge receipt on Report and Proposal, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT W. E. KNIGHT Dlireeter Box 27687, Raleigh 27.511 Telephone 919 829-4740 Sept er 16, 1976 SUBJECT: Initial Annual Survey Report and Monitoring Proposal Sub- mitted Pursuant to N.C.A.C. Title 15, 2B. 0500 -76 of the subject As soon as the appropriate reviews are completed, we shall advise you with respect to approval of your Proposal- If you should have any questions, in the interim, please advise. Sincere Robert A. Carter, Bead Water Quality Operations Branch cc: South Piedmont Field Office dbs wed T s dd sectionof and fie ins The p� was lines i n thesecond ci . VISION F E Vi s ENTAL GEM nsttio irancb 1 held suction- C pang' A. ayes ;�itstrtin�p°; Frank o ki t° Frank cock s Associates Vein Frank Cockinos . ssociat s The ins ctinn consist ofo firs in Town ii and then going out o inspect ep rate lysections s ion i i p �s ct d i ell c ing the ut end bsery n� ;,; . esThe d �ntrcis si thetines opened and the low f sewage ing station dd obs+ v in operation. The dies cpd s i the first section. Duri , the i s t meted tithe disturbed areas ,had not e ed i`t t a.s dhp eined twoulddo the necessa ° g essfng at s date n d1 �v oa Audit end ceipt f tie l'pssing rrcect i i i be or s en s i led FRANK C. COCKINOS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 3863 600 LEXINGTON AVENUE CHARLOTTE, N. C. 28203 (704) 372-4464 September 21, 1976 Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box, 950 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attention: Mr. D. Rex Gleason Reference: Wingate Wastewater Discharge, Dear Rex: The Town of Wingatesletter to you on September 17, 1976, indicated that construction proceedures required the discharging of large amounts of wastewater from the lagoon. Should. other persons in your department or. EPA office need additional. information to complete notification, please advise immediately. Very truly yours, FRANK C. COCKINOS & ASSOCIATES, INC. lee Frank C. Cockinos, P.E. CC/Town of Wingate FCC/es F. BERNARD HELMS, Mayor JOAN B. MANGUM, Clerk 13 NI ogre ea ill„,e Wastewater 1 "as'n I . fe;e treated the ",. 'eon loves on Septa:. CC; has nos TOWN OF WINGATE Box 387 Phone 704-233-44:11 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 .fit emn' of the cont :r :c opened a greater t harge of the your ` ff, ce e o'? ' sat9,.':m o: tact this off ➢ c,•e TOWN COMM 1SSXONERS GEORGE G. GERDING W'IL'LIAM C. MASON W. R. SELLERS issue ue we . :"' F. BERNARD HELMS, Mayor JOH? IL MANGUM, Clerk N. and Division vi 1119 N. Main. Mooresville, Dear R $ l If c c TOWN OF WINGATE Box 367 Phone 704-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 s1: from m, your offi. Ito i:ng Reports from 4 a' i 19750 in August I of furthor ass Town of 11 July DPI GEORGE G. GERIDING WIL'LIAM G. MASON W, R. SELLERS copi. The ccries „ Hon. F. Bernard Town of Wingate P. O. Box 367 Wingate N. C. d .74 This Funds for sub et p The State Cr repreeen holding. t for Pa Ada in the amount nt total grant pa Prior to the final p. will be conducted by neeeaaary for the Town Breakdown o 3. A. copy of paid on au t pro Audit Report for subject project invoice for job udit a and Rol ad gr#nt ed and approved be eligible to Po be of add C. Cockira & Assoc Iaa.on d of State or County aea 'l Original. Signed by W. E. KNIGHT 1 of the nro- vernmen b, Offie M%bb PLANT OE OPERATOR DESCRIBE SAMPLIIC PROCEDURE 6A1 I) ...Sia m Pie pt/; i,4 P e k ,:0 tI ,rr / , f'1u eiv SA t,PLING NWL CERTIFICATION' NO. AVE,. SELF r TI ORI G CD OF RECORD REV I EWE. NE T - WATER QU I Y SE T10 PECTIC' DATE OF INSPECTION Q4a"I R N'POES PERMIT NO. LPS. REQUIREErCTS EFF. T LOCATION SUED BY STATE 0 EPA F INSPECTOR CO PLI 't (YES OR c e. RESULTS 1 A F. SE S'©AY) * PERIOD OF RECORD 1 �i EFF. ' UPS. 4. ,-A °f ' IZ e? ' ,,,.,, CA' e5 l' /'f/dew s/ 1/12") 4 a cP/ra 7 ,3CY ot6)6'.. f�G -( e il y'e /e/ STAT E EFF. RECIOi uMEA TO 1S RE( UIRENEN T S Ems. 'R E D .� YES GR. F. BERNARD HELMS, Mayas N. Depax tmer and, Economic Res Division of Environment 1119 N. Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 TOWN OF WINGATE Box 367 Phone 704-233-4411 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 July Attention*, tr. t . Rex Gieascrn Re: Sampling Program Gentlemen* TOWN COMMISSIONERS EORGE G. GERDING WILLIAM C. MASON W. IL SELLERS In accordance with the ves0igation onducted by your department at our wastewater lagoon on May 19 20, we make the folowi.n. comments, numbered. in the sare oider your letter of dune 16, 1976, 1. am link program additionald iiformat n,, lease vs nd required forms. eg n on August 1, 1975 Out staff is not only cti.ve in he Uni.,on. County but„ we also visit the lagoon twi kF,, a week, cut clot. greased, and. screen. cle ned. Please advise if further data is equ: rr d. `i,n r ly your, CC; Frank C.Ckin° Assoc. Should you need an , motors are unty River Basin Rp`tOaf To Collector ROD Range Chlorinated Sta. No. Sampling Point Conductivity u MHOS Seed STORET No. Temperature Co Salinity. L Floating Debris Odor-Atmos.. Severity Severity 4 toliform riF Fecal Coliiorm MF Total Co11 form 'Tube Fecal Colif©rtn Tube Total Residue„ Total Volatile Fixed due, Suspended Fixed Acidity to pH 4..5 Acidity to pH 8.3 Alkalinity to p11 T&.3 Alkalinity to 011 4.5 ide D. O. UEPA R"FM DIVFS Sampling Location % Saturation Time Turbidity Hach FTl➢ Stream Stage hydro Elec. Stream Flow Dam Dis, CFS Severity Ft. Detergent Suds Dead Fish Severity Severity h1 A trichrpmd Ch1 a corrected Pheophvtin a Golsen true,) Cr hexava,lent tyantae Fluoride formaldehyde Grease K Coil Hardness, to ondyctance STATE OF N()FTTII CAROLI,1A T OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RES(. RCE:S "v C?F ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Secchi Mete k Sampling Location % from rt. bank 1 ud Cover % M 13 a s N TKN as N NQ ..,1- NO3as..r.N Pti4 as P Total a pH Units W,T Tors Depth Logged by Ck Data Ent. By CK Date Rp't LAB N©. Alkalinity pH Acidity pH 1 Ho Phenol to 8.3 Total to 4.5 Min to 4.5 Total to 8.3 Settleable Sol. _J .. Precipitation Wind Diriction Wind. Force Inches from North Beaufort Stream color Silt or Sediment Susp, Severity Sed. Severity l.dent.ty Turbidity Severity ! Ag - Silver t Al - Aluminum iu d - Cadmium n - Cobalt Total, .._Chromium_ u Copper - Iron lithium - Magnesium - Manganese ybdenu+n J U1l4 cease a Severity 5 Antimtiy Tin tanadium Zinc. Tip Total Organic Carbon 1U05 Mg/L h pk'i Units 8 Arsenic jig/L Phenols ✓ag/L 2 NH3 as N Mg/L 4 Ag )Jg/L 6 8 Mg COD Mg/L Coliform MF Fecal /100 ml Acidity to pH 4.5 pH 8.3 Mg/L Mg/L Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a Trichromatic Corrected. pg/L »g/L Sulfate Resin Aci Soap Mq/ L TKN as N Mg/L Al Jig/L Mn�A� ,Ugl L Mg/ Mo )Jg/L Coliform MF Total /100 ml Coliform Tube Fecal /100 mi Alkalinity to pH 8.3 pH 4.5 Mg/L Mg/L Pheophytin a Mfg/L Sulfide Mg/L PO4 as P Mg/L Jig/L Na Mg/L Color (true) Units Specific Conductance JJMHOS /cm Mg/L Ni Pg/L WATER QUALITY LABORATORY REPORT Col lform Tube Total /100 ml Chloride Mg/L Chromium Hexavalent $Jg/L Cd. 3Jg/L Pb Pg/L Total Mg/L 7 9 Cyanide Mg/L 5 7 9 Co Residue Volatile Mg/L Fluoride Mg/L Fixed Mg/L Suspe FORM NO. Residue Volatile Mg/L Formaldehyde Grease & Oils Hardness MBAS Mg/L Mg/ L Mg/L Mg/L Cr,. Total Cu 1Jg/L j1g/l. Sn V Zn y9/L Pg/L }Jg/L Pg/L Hg Ug/L Li jJg/L IOC Mg/L Rp't Data To Collector BDD Range Chlorinated Sta. No, Sampling Point Seed Temperature C° Floating Debris Ddor-Atmas, Severity Severity 4 orm MF Fecal orm 'F Total `tir^n Tube Fecal orn� Tube Total sidue, Total Volatile Fixed idr(e Suspended w.... Fixed H (Acidity to pH 4.5 (Acidity to pH 8.3 IAlkaiinity to pH 8.3 lAlkalinity to pH 4.5 ride STATE (» NOR'iTE,F CAROI,I A DE FA R"1 tiE; 1`" CIF tiATURA L AND ECCO OMIC RESOURCE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MA. AGEMEtiT Sampling Location_ Stream Stage Hydro Elec. Ft. Dam fJis, CFS Detergent Suds Dead Fish Severity Severity a rlchron4tic_ ected r true) ex soled nde ride aldehyde 4e&Oils Hardnesse 6.u,..,..�r,........... Phenols Time Sampling Location t from rt.. bank Turbidity Secchi Desk Meters d Soep ary sandctance JUN Alkalis Phenol to 6,3 ,,. Depth Cloud Cover % Precipitation Wind Diriction Wind Fore inches From North Beaufort TKN as N ND as N Stream c©lor Aquatic Vegetation Support Medium Se - Tire 4 - Vanadium n - Zinc TOC - Total Organic Carbon Data Rec'd ..... Logged by By Ck Data Ent, Sy CK Date Rp't LAB NO Acidity pH 1 Hour 4.5 Min to 4.5 Total to 8.3 Settleable Sol. I J v Turbidity DiT--Grease Sludge Severity Severity Severity Silt or Sediment Susp. Severity Sed. Severity IdentLty Ag Sflyer Al - Aluminum Metytilum Calcium - Cadmium Cobalt w Iota 1. - Chrami u - Copper - Mercdry. - Lithium Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum - Sodium, Id 8005 Mg/L 6 pH Units Arsenic jJg/L Phenols ;Jg/!,. 2 Mg/L l .x Ag �JgdL 6 Mg Mg/L 8 661,, r^76 COD Mg/L Coliform ME Fecal /100 m1 Acidity to pH 4.5 pH 8.3 Mg/L Mg/L Chlorophyll a Trichromatic Vg/L Chlorophyll a Corrected »g/ L Resin Acid Sulfate Sapr ,Lg/L jtg/L Me jJg/L Coliform MF Total /10O ml Coliform Tube Fecal /100 ml Alkalinity to pH 8.3 pH 4.5 Mg/L Mg/L Pheophytin a Color (true) Units »g/L Jg/L Mg/L ( Pesticides ) Specific Conductance P, Total s P Mg/L ## Ca Cd Mg/L Lig/L Hi Pb )Jg/L jJg/L WATER QUALITY LABORATORY REPORT Coliform Tube Total /1OO ml Chloride Mg/L Chromium Hexavalent ig/L Total Mg/L 9 Cyanide Mj/L 1 5 Co JJg/L 7 Sb jJg/L 9 Residue Volatile Mg/L Fluoride Mlg/L Fixed Mg/L Suspended Mg/L Na Vol a' Mg,/L due Fixed Mg/L Formaldehyde Grease & Oils Hardness MBAS g/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Cr, Total Cu ,fig/L Sn }Jg/ L }Jg/L V Fe Pg/,L Zn jJg/L Hg jDg/L Li pg/L TOC