HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070838 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070525. • ,,, ti~ ~ ;~ ~ .l ','~ ~ Dato . ~ t ^ ~Tho Reviewed: -~ ~ _:,.. 1 r Play ~Datail7ucompiet~ - ~ . ^ Please provido a Location map for tho project. ' ' [~ please show all stream impacts inaluding a1i SII slopes, dissipaters, and bank•stabilization on the sits-plan. •. ^, Flaase show all wetland impacts including SII slopes on the sitaplan. ^ Please indiaata all buffer impacts on the site plan. . [~Plaaso indicate proposed lot Layout as overlays on the site plan, ^ . Please indicate the Ioeatign of the protested buffara as a~verl'ays on the site plan. . Please Locate a1I isolated cr non-isolated wotlanda, •stroarns and other watare of the State as overlays on the sito plan• ^ Flease provide Dross sectiaa details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage . ^ Please locate say planaod•searar linos on the life plan. • . . ^ Please provide the Location of any proposed stormwatiar• managenunt practices as required bS' f}C . .. ^ Please provide detail for the stormwatea management practtoes as required by CiC _._ .. ' ~ ~ •Please speci$! the poroent of pre~eot iinperviausnaes area based on the esdmstad buil0~aut oondittons: ~Pleasaindicate aIl stormwator„~o~.tfalls on the site gtar}.. ~ ' ' ^ Ploase'indioateth~ dii~se Sow provision measures do the site plan. • . ^ Please iadicate,whotb~oc'•ar not the proposed impacts already been oonductod. ~ .. • Avoidauce•anr7/or 14fiaimizatian iwdt Provit•Zmd ~ ' • • . • . ~ • • .. ^ • Zhd labeled as oa tiro plans dome not appear to bo necCseary. Please •elimin.ete the . or prbvido sdditioasl ~ . • information•as to ' t is n~noos$~y for this~project ; . . . ' ~ • : ^ This Office beliei~'s that the ~ labeled on tl~e plane as_,_ can be moved, or recon$gured to avoid the itnpeots in the ~ . . Ploaae revise ~o plans to avoid thq impacts... • . , • , .. ^, • This'Offioe boliaves• that the . •Ialieled on the plans as•^_ oea be moved or rooonSgured to-xninitnize the impacts tp'tho .' Please rdviae the plaice to rainimizo the impa.ots. . [] Tho stormwatxr discharges .at the location on the plans labeled __ will.not provide di~s4 flow through the builbr because ' . ' ' . Please tevisa the plans sad provldp oaloulations to show drat difiuse'Sow will ba sahievod .through the oatirebuflnr. If it • - is not~ossible in achievadi8irse flo~* through.the etiUIre but~ee'theri it nary bs nooessary'to provide stormwater mansgan~t ' • practices that ranovo nutrients :beforo rho stormwaixr can be disahargod through• the. buffs: ' . , • ~^•. Thd application fee was iiisuf6sient~becauso ovar 1S0 Poet of stream ~d/or.ovcr 1 sore of wetlaad'impaots wage rogaestad. Please .. . provide ~ ~ .' 'Ibis additiamal fee mvaf be raxive¢ befiora your applicatipn caa be rovlmwed.. . • .. ~ ~ ., . ~ ^ Plea'so complAte Section(s) on the appiication. - ~; .. ' ' . ^ PleaseprovIde a sued Dopy of the application.' ^ : Plaeseprovido~__, copies of rho application, . copies of•the sitaplsas and other supporting iriforrnation: - { _ ^ ~ Pleasasubrnit eleoiroir}c CAD Sloe showing :.vie; email to iau.marniilan(i,~ncnaail;net and CDr ' • • ~ Mitigation ' ~ .. ^ ~ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this piojdot. ~ Pleaseprovide'a cpmponsatory mitigation plan, The . plan must oonform•to tharequireanents in 15 A NCAC 213 :OSOO~and must be alpprolnlate ~ the ~°of impacts proposed. ' ^ Please indioato ~whioh~404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this proje#, ' . ~ '