HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021407_authorization to construct_19790517DIVISION OF ERVIRo M T'AI. NAUAGEMENI hon. Larry P.. Wright, Mayor Torn of liighlan«s F . 0. box 460 }tigalandsa. North Carolina L5741 :tear Mayor Wright: l i,ay 17, 197 S, SUBJECT: Permit No. NC 0021407 Authorisation to Construct Town of Lid hlanri s kaetea :ter Trtu twent Plant Improvements sees Project Lu. C3733,17 +actin Count) The final trans and specifications for the subject project have been reviewed and fouad to be satisfactory. Authorization isa hereby granted for the construc- tion of manual bar scrum, division: box, 300 lineal `set of z2-inch influent sewer Lose supporter: on concrete piers, 0.I73 tiZD extended aeration packege treatment plant consistin,s of dur.1 prcacrctior. tanks, dual aeration basins, dual final clari- fiers with sludge return, aerobic sludge digester, duet disinfection facilities, dechlorinatian facilities, flow osasurIng device and recorder, cascade aeration, 1,08e square feet of Mudge dryinL beds, supernatant returns pump station with. dual. 100 gps,: punps and high-water slam system, a control buildsss„;, standby power teearxera- tor and associated piping aaud appurtenances, as additions to t';e Town of lagalands exisstin^; wastewater treatment facility, to iucrtaase the'total wastewater treatment capacity to 3.248 MD. This is a Class II itastewatmr Treatment Plant and the, person in responsible charge is required to hold a valid Czsde II Certificate. This Authorization to Construct shall be subject to revocation unless the wastewater treatment. facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions and limitations specified in Permit tao. MC 0 21407. Eon. Marry R. Wriyht Town of Highlands 'age 2 May 17, 1979 One(I) set of approved plans and specifications is tcias, returned to you under separate cover. Sincerely years, Signed by JR. A. F. MoRoris Director Cc: Environmental Protection Agency Rarwood-Deebe. Company Macon. County Rea,lth Department Mr. Roy Davie ✓ ? . A. C. Turnags, Jr. Information Services LES/in