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20050949 Ver 2_Modifications_20121031
F. BRYAN BRICE, JR. CATHERINE CRALLE JONES MATTHEW D. QUINN E. WARREN KUHN ROBERT GELBLUM, OF COUNSEL LAW OFFICES OF F. BRYAN BRICE, JR. October 30, 2012 D s - (A 4 q Vv __ 5 W. HARGETT ST., STE. 200 RALEIGH, NC 27601 TEL: 919 - 754 -1600 FAx: 919 -573 -4252 BRYAN@ATTYBRYANBRICE. COM Mr. Thomas Brown U.S. Army Corps of Engineers OCT 3 1 2012 Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 105 LDENR;- Wdd ASR aim 14 Wake Forest, NC 27587' Re: Modification Request, PEG Permit # SAW -2007- 04137; Johnston County Dear Thomas: Thanks for meeting with us last Wednesday and walking the property in Johnston County. We greatly appreciate your time, and Jean and Craig as well. Please let this letter serve as a further formal request to modify the mitigation component of the above - referenced permit. In that regard, given the environmental and related factors we discussed, as well as the shortened timeframe and certain financial constraints given the real estate market conditions, we propose the following options in order of preference: Option 1. Allow the 1.53 acres of wetlands impacts at the site to be mitigated by preserving 46 acres ( "Proposed Preservation Site ") adjacent to the Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site which is located in Johnston Co. in the Upper Neuse River Basin within the USGS HUC 03020201 and the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub -basin 03 -04 -02 (See, Attachment A). The Proposed Preservation Site will be protected by a Conservation Easement in perpetuity and currently contains approximately 40 acres of higher quality headwater and bottomland hardwood forest jurisdictional wetlands within the 48.3 acre functioning preservation area (Attachments). Rather than have this functioning hardwood wetland community at risk for being logged, we believe preserving this acreage retains the environmental and ecological benefits described herein and referenced in part in the attachments. The approximately fifteen acre site to the southwest adjacent to our Proposed Preservation Site was clear cut approximately 5 years ago. • This also preserves the hardwood and related overstory, understory, and vegetative community (see, attachments). This includes important habitat on this swamp and/or riverine system that feeds directly to the Neuse River. October 30, 2012 Page 2 • This prime Proposed Preservation Site is located in Johnston County, approximately 12.4 miles from the location of the 1.53 acres of impact in Smithfield beside Industrial Park Dr. and South Equity Dr., just off I -95. It preserves an important hardwood (and some pine) wetland community that is directly adjacent to a fully functioning, mature Neuse 01 stream buffer and nutrient offset mitigation site (see, Attachment B). Such connectivity is desirable for the added protections and benefits to water quality, timber and vegetative growth, and wildlife habitat such large scale preservation would provide in the Neuse 01 HUC, as well as the nearby, already protected mitigation site. • It is a high quality/higher value type of wetland community than the one being impacted, which is of equal or greater environmental benefit to the overall Neuse HUC and watershed. EBX Neuse I, LLC currently owns the Proposed Preservation Site and EBX reserve the right to develop stream mitigation credits within the Proposed Preservation Site area. EBX also reserves the right to maintain the existing farm paths inside the Proposed Preservation Site area or convert the existing farm paths to Buffer and/or Nutrient Offset Mitigation. The proposed Conservation Easement holder /grantee will be the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, who currently holds many Conservation Easements for mitigation sites. When EBX completes the stream restoration project within the preserved wetlands and protected buffer mitigation area, the Proposed Preservation Site will have an increased wetland value and function. Restoring the stream will help to reestablish natural flood flows, vegetation communities, and wildlife habitat adjacent and within the Proposed Preservation Site. Option 2. Allow the permittee to satisfy its mitigation requirement by purchasing 6.5 credits from an existing, mature wetlands mitigation bank in the adjacent (Neuse 02) HUC. We believe this would be environmentally beneficial for the following reasons: Comports with State law NC Session Law 2009 -337 as amended by section 1.1 of S. L. 2011 -343, passed in 2009 and amended in 2011 by allowing the purchase of mitigation which is already in the ground (mature) and providing established environmental benefits and water quality improvements to the Neuse basin. • The Casey -King and Tull/Wooten Mitigation Sites are only 50 miles from the approximately 1.5 acres of impacts, and drains directly into the Neuse October 30, 2012 Page 3 River and are both part of the EBX Neu Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank. We are proposing 1.5 credits from the Casey -King Site and 5 credits from the Tull/Wooten II Site. • This is four times the amount of the actual impact (1.53 acres) in mitigation; is double what is required by EEP (3.25 credits); and is approximately 1.5 times the 4.5 credits referenced in the permit. • These credits are mature; they are of a type that is the, same or higher quality wetland type compared to the 1.53 acres of actual impact; the credits are providing significant water quality benefits for an area of the Neuse that is impacted environmentally by discharges, etc. from the adjacent 01 HUC. For the remaining reasons as detailed in our previous correspondence, we would incorporate that analysis into this request and given the factors particular to this case /request (small impact, adjacent basin, mature bank, environmental and ecological benefit in excess of actual impacts and in excess of all current permit requirements), we believe that mitigation from the adjacent HUC can be allowed to satisfy the current permit requirement. Option 3. Allow the purchase of .5 credits from the EEP in lieu fee program from the Neuse 01 HUC, combined with 4 credits from the adjacent basin (Meuse 02) from the existing mitigation bank site as described in #2, above. We believe Option 1 is the most environmentally beneficial option. The impacts are to approximately 1.5 acres of wetlands that are no longer directly connected to a water body; are fronted by local /state roads and a major federal highway; is across from the community college; is surrounded by commercial (albeit small commercial) use, and just down from the outlet mall development off I -95. In option 1, the approximately 1.5 acres of impacts would be mitigated by permanently protecting the Proposed Preservation Site by a conservation easement, with direct connectivity to the existing protected Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site within the same County and within the same HUC. Similarly, with option 2, the approximately 1.5 acres of impacts would be mitigated by purchasing 6.5 mature wetlands credits from an existing bank whose function and environmental benefit for water quality and the Neuse river is already well established and meets the state law and its goals of using existing private banks and established, mature credits, as well as stated federal law, guidance and even draft guidance as to the case by case analysis -of use of credits in an adjacent HUCs. The 6.5 credits from the Neuse bank are located approximately 50 miles from the impacts. While we believe the other options are feasible, they require mitigation from an adjacent HUC and we do not think such is as environmentally beneficial as option 1. We reviewed and discussed with you possible enhancement of the approximately 15 acres beside the site listed on option 1, but have determined it is not feasible from an environmental October 30, 2012 Page 4 perspective (access, suitability, ultimate success and cost), and did not locate any feasible sites or opportunities within the direct vicinity of the impact. Also, it was not feasible, particularly due to cost constraints, to attempt to develop a bank site in 01 when there were only 1.53 acres of actual, total impacts. Due to the regulatory change in the EEP in lieu fee structure and the new, tiered system for the Neuse 01 HUC, the changed circumstances from the time of the original permit and the real estate market crash have made purchase from that program of anything more than half a credit not feasible. Similarly, it is not feasible to purchase a half credit from EEP and some smaller portion of preservation from the proposal in Option 1, as the property owner is not willing to sell only a portion of the preservation property. For these reasons, we respectfully request approval of option 1 as our permit, modification request. The parties would be able to close on the land sale contract for the recombined lots 18 and 19 as soon as we obtain your approval for the modification. We believe these options, particularly option 1, are of significant environmental benefit when viewed in total and in comparison to the impact, and comport with federal and state law, regulations and guidance in allowing said modification request. Also, as stated in prior discussions and correspondence, all 401 conditions will be met in short order as well. Lastly, we seek to preserve the onsite wetland area with a minor modification to establish smaller species plantings within the preserved acre, within a year of the permit modification, with the ability to maintain appearance and structural integrity of the building(s). We will be discussing the exact language with Mr. McCorcle and will accept our negotiated language in that regard. Thomas, I express again our thanks for your review and assistance. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns, or if you or any of your colleagues in this process need any further information. Sincerely, F. Bry rice, Jr. cc: Jean Gibby Justin McCorcle Chuck Wakild Eric Kulz ATTACHMENT A - Site Comparison SUMMARY: IMPACT SITE Area: (1.53 ac) HUC: 03020201 Ecoregion: Southeastern floodplains and low terraces Wetland Type (NCWAM): Pine Flat Vegetation: Early succession hardwood regeneration Soils: Rains sandy loam Watershed: Tributary to Polecat Branch and Neuse River The proposed impact site contains 1.53 acres of disturbed Pine Flat wetlands located adjacent to existing development and connected to the development's storm water system. Historically, the wetland served as a headwater flat area for water draining to Polecat Creek and eventually to the Neuse River. With the construction of I -95 and surrounding development, this wetland area is now cut off from the historic hydrology drainage regime. Soils on the site are hydric and are most similar to Rains sandy loam series soil (USDA - Johnston County, 1994). Vegetation on the site has been cleared with the exception of one maturing red maple (Acer rubrum) (20+ ft), and three willow oak (Quercus phellos) trees (30 -50 ft). Regenerating vegetation consists of a mixture of giant cane (Arundinariagigantea), red maple, sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora), sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua), water oak (Quercus nigra), willow oak, red bay (Persea borbonia) , ti ti (Cyrilla racemiflora), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), Juncus sp., Smilax sp., and Andropogon sp., black willow (Salix nigra), and Sphagnum spp moss Overall, the impact site is surrounded by development on all sides and has lost historic hydrologic connectivity. Vegetation is diverse, but in an early successional state. Connectivity for wildlife to adjacent lands has also been lost. Overall, the wetland area remaining is disjunct and does not offer the wetland values and services once present. SUMMARY: MITIGATION SITE Area: (46 ac) HUC: 03020201 Ecoregion: Southeastern floodplains and low terraces Wetland Type (NCWAM): Headwater Wetland and Bottomland Hardwood Forest Vegetation: Mature and mid succession regenerating hardwoods /mixed pine /cypress, gum Soils: Wehadkee- Chastain loam association (frequently flooded), Augusta sandy loam (occasionally flooded), Tomotley sandy loam (rarely flooded) Watershed: Tributary to Moccasin Creek and Neuse River The proposed mitigation site contains approximately 46 acres of a mixture of Headwater Wetland and Bottomland Hardwood Forest wetlands. Water draining from the site courses through existing channelized ditches flowing toward Moccasin Creek and eventually to the Neuse River. The site is directly abutting an existing Neuse River Buffer and Nutrient Offset mitigation site. The proposed mitigation area will form a connection between the existing mitigation site and Moccasin Swamp. Soils on the site are hydric with some areas of better drained soils extending away from Moccasin Swamp. Soils consist of Wehadkee- Chastain loam association (frequently flooded), Augusta sandy loam (occasionally flooded), and Tomotley sandy loam (rarely flooded) along existing channelized drainage networks (USDA - Johnston County, 1994). Vegetation on the site has been cut in some areas and left to mature in the wettest areas near Moccasin Swamp resulting in a diverse forest, forest age classes, and habitats. Vegetation on better drained soils and along drainage ways contain green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), water oak, willow oak, red maple, sweetgum, swamp blackgum, smilax, giant cane, sweet bay, red bay, swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and American holly (Ilex opaca). The vast majority of the site contains jurisdictional wetlands. The wettest areas, or depressions contain regenerating swamp blackgum and bald cypress and have not matured as fast as surrounding swamp chestnut, water, and willow oak stands. Depressions also contain red maple, ti ti, sweetgum, cinnamon fern (Osmuda cinamomea), chain fern (Woodwardia areolata), royal fern (Osmuda regalis), and lizards tail (Saururus cernuus). Flooded open water areas also exist on the site and contain jurisdictional wetlands, connecting with existing drainage networks and eventually other flooded areas adjacent to the Moccasin Creek bottomland hardwood wetland complex. Flooding of the wetlands is caused by overbank flooding from Moccasin Creek as well as by beaver activity. Overall, the site is functioning well as a complex of Headwater Wetland and Bottomland Hardwood Forest jurisdictional wetlands. Most of the property is frequently flooded, mature, bottomland hardwood forest wetlands with minor areas of better and more poorly drained soils. The site supports diverse wildlife habitats, connects a large area of existing wetlands as well as mitigation property, and will maintain existing jurisdictional wetland functions if preserved in perpetuity. RUDOLPH BUFFERNUTRIENT OFFSET SITE JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BANK PARCEL DEVELOPMENT PLAN r • 3 Y_ �C �' ..yam ` tT.... �. ..ti, 1 �t ! � ♦ �� .� a Il L prepared loo Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Prepared h .- WK Dickson & Company. Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, N('27607 (919) 782 -0495 May 2010 May 2010 'FABLE OF CONTENT'S 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................... ..............................1 Location........................................................................................................ ............................... 1 Physiography, Topography, and Drainage ................................................... ............................... I WaterQuality ............................................................................................... ............................... 1 Vegetation.................................................................................................... ............................... 4 SoilMapping ............................................................................................... ............................... 4 CulturalResources ....................................................................................... ............................... 4 Protectedspecies .......................................................................................... ............................... 4 Existing Channel Conditions ........................................................................ ............................... 7 IL MITIGATION PLAN ............................................................................ ............................... 8 PlantingPl an ................................................................................................. ............................... 8 SuccessCriteria .......................................................................................... ............................... 10 MonitoringPlan .......................................................................................... ............................... 10 III. MITIGATION POTENTIAL ............................................................... .............................11 Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Credits ...................................................... ............................... 11 IV. MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE ............................................. .............................12 HUCService Area ...................................................................................... ............................... 12 Monitoring................................................................................................. ............................... 12 CreditRelease ............................................................................................. ............................... 12 Conservation Easement .............................................................................. ............................... 12 FinancialAssurances .................................................................................. ............................... 12 V. REFERENCES .................................................................................... ............................... 13 WK Dickson & Co., Inc. j Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 List of Figures Figure1. Pmject Vicinity Map ......................................................................... ............................... 2 Figure2. USGS Map ........................................................................................ ............................... 3 Figure3. Soils Map .......................................................................................... ............................... 6 Figure4. Conceptual Mitigation Plan .............................................................. ............................... 9 List of Tables Table 1. Soil Mapped across the Rudolph Site ................................................. ............................... 4 Table 2. Protected Species in Johnston County ................................................ ............................... 5 Table 3. Summary of Existing Channel Conditions ......................................... ............................... 7 Table 4. Rudolph Site Tree Planting List ......................................................... ............................... 8 Table S. Rudolph Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Credit ............................... ............................... 11 Appendices Appendix A Photo Log Appendix B Easement Monitoring Data Sheet WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 I. EXISTING CONDITIONS LOCATION The Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site is located in southeast Johnston County, NC on the boundary with Wayne County (Figure 1). It is located approximately eight miles west of Goldsboro, NC. Specifically, the site is located at Latitude 35.3845900, Longitude - 78.151378, and is located on the Princeton, NC USGS Quadrangle (Figure 2). The Rudolph Site is located in the Upper Neuse River Basin within the USGS HUC 03020201 and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub -basin 03- 04 -02. The site drains into Moccasin Creek, a tributary to the Neuse River. The site is comprised of two parcels, the Worley Tract and the Kornegay Tract, totaling 116.9 acres. The proposed easement, including proposed buffer mitigation and nutrient uptake, encompasses 54.3 acres. This site will be included in the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. PHYSIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND DRAINAGE The site is in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, and is underlain by the Cape Fear Formation, which is comprised of sandstone and sandy mudstone. The site is located on the floodplain and has relatively flat topography. Elevations range from 75 to 85 feet above mean sea level (NAD 27) based upon USGS mapping (Figure 2). The site is on an old floodplain terrace between Moccasin Creek and Raccoon Swamp. The site drains into Moccasin Creek before flowing approximately 2.25 miles into the Neuse River. Natural drainage patterns throughout the watershed have been altered by cultivation and dredging of the channels. Martin Richmond (NCDWQ) conducted a site visit in May 2010 and determined there are three Neuse Buffer Rule subject channels present and one not - subject channel. The watersheds of these drainages are bisected by Buckleberry Road (SR 2541). Within the proposed mitigation area, the channels drain surface water and groundwater from the surrounding row crop agriculture. The primary land use in the project vicinity is woodlands and com production. WATER QUALITY Moccasin Creek and Raccoon Swamp are classified as WS -IV; NSW by DWQ. The primary classification "WS -IV" indicates waters as a Water Supply IV - Highly Developed watershed. These waters are used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a less developed watershed classification (WS -1, 11 or 111) is not feasible. WS -IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or Protected Areas. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. Class C waters support aquatic life and secondary recreational uses. The supplemental classification NSW denotes nutrient sensitive waters that may need additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. Moccasin Creek discharges into the Neuse River approximately 2.3 miles downstream of the mitigation site. The Neuse River is listed as Water Supply IV, Nutrient Sensitive Waters at its confluence with Moccasin Creek. Water Supply IV waters are protected as water supplies which are generally upstream and draining to Water Supply IV waters, waters used by industry to supply their employees with drinking water, or as waters formerly used as water supply. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. Waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a WS -I, II or [if classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. WS -IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or Protected Areas. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. I Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site i OAKLAND CHURCH RD w U N JOHNSTON CtJUNT'Y Scale NTS ry rim 1 (P. .i= � rr Viz.. � °•�. ,.� rY�_, y � r'r' i ` - t , .r .�►r �t 70 , '+Rarnnx 'Cos _ y t© i iE � N-1 t ,+P l `1 It ' Worley,' . r ne ay a 1 . x, J x 76 NMI Figure 2 USGS Quad Map Rudolph Buffer /Nutrient Offset Site 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet 1 inch = 2,000 feet JOyNSTON COUNTY Sca;e NTS May 2010 VEGETATION Within the proposed conservation easement the primary land use is agricultural row crops; specifically corn production. There are also several small areas of bottomland hardwood trees and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pine plantation. The bottomland hardwoods abut the downstream end of the drainage channels, but do not extend the full 200 feet from the top of bank. These areas are an assemblage of mature and successional trees. Beaver impoundments are flooding some of these areas. The CRP land is planted in successional pine trees, and will be removed from the CRP program prior to placement of the conservation easement. The maintained channel banks contain typical disturbed herbaceous species. SOIL MAPPING The proposed preservation area soils are mapped as Wehadkee - Bibb- Chewacla association. These soils are poorly and somewhat poorly drained soil with a loamy surface on floodplains along major streams and creeks. Areas having these soils are characterized by low relief and the natural occurrence of hardwoods. The soil mapping units at the site are Altavista fine sandy loam, Augusta sandy loam, Tomotley sandy loam, Tarboro loamy sand,, and Wehadkeee - Chastain association (Table 1 and Figure 3). The Tomotley and Wehadkeee - Chastain association map units are NRCS hydric soils list. The Altavista and Augusta soils are listed as having hydric inclusions, and the Altavista and Tarboro soils are not listed on the NRCS hydric soils list. Table 1. Soil Mapped across the Rudolph Site Mapping Units Flooding " Fregumcy Hydric Status Drainage Class Altavista fine sandy loam occasionally hydric inclusion 9% moderately well Auausta sandy loam occasionally hydric inclusion 7% somewhat poorly Tarboro loamy sand rarely not hydric somewhat excessive) Tomotley sandy loam rarely hydric poorly Wehadkeee - Chastain frequently hydric poorly USDA -Soil Conservation Service 1994 CULTURAL RESOURCES The site is agricultural land, and no buildings or structures were observed. No earth moving is expected; therefore, no cultural resources impacts are anticipated. A review of the files at the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office revealed no historic structures within a one- mile radius of the proposed mitigation site. No structures were observed during site visits. A review of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) database did not reveal any known historic resources in the project vicinity. PROTECTED SPECIES The Natural Heritage Program (NHP) database and US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) county listing were used to identify state and federally protected species that occur in Johnston County. These species are listed in Table 2. No protected species were observed during the field evaluations conducted on the site. No suitable habitat for federally protected was observed within the proposed easement. The Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site will help to maintain water quality in the Neuse River Basin. This could provide benefits to state and federally listed species that utilize the Neuse River and other riverine habitats downstream of the Rudolph Site. The Natural Heritage Program database does not list any element occurrences or significant natural heritage areas within the WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph BufferMutrient Offset Site May 2010 database does not list any element occurrences or significant natural heritage areas within the Rudolph Site. There are no element occurrences within one mile of the site. The Moccasin Swamp significant natural heritage area lies approximately 0.6 miles northwest of the Rudolph Site. Table 2. Protected Species in Johnston County Common Name Sclentific Name State Federal Status Invertebrate Animals: Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masoni E FSC Current Cape Fear Spike Elliptio marsupiobesa SC Current Creeper Strophitus undulatus T Current Dwarf Wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon E E Current Eastern Lampmussel Lampsilis radiata T Current Green Floater Lasmigona subviridis E FSC Current North Carolina Spiny Crayfish Orconectes carolinensis SC Current Notched Rainbow Villosa constricta SC Current Roanoke Slabshell Elliptio roanokensis T Current Tar River Spinymussel Elliptio steinstansana E E Current Triangle Floater Alasmidonta undulata T Current Yellow Lampmussel Lampsilis cariosa E FSC Current Yellow Lance Elliptio lanceolata E FSC Current Vascular Plants: Bog Spicebush Lindera subcoriacea T FSC Current Carolina Bogmint Macbridea carohniana T FSC Current Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii E -SC E Historical Spring- flowering Goldenrod Solidago verna T FSC Current Virginia Least Trillium Trillium pusillum var. vir inianum E FSC Historical Vertebrate Animals: Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus T Current Carolina Madtom Nocurus furiosus T FSC Current Cerulean Warbler Dendroica cerulea SC FSC Current Least Brook Lamprey Lampetra aepyptera T Current Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus SC Current Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi SC Current Red - cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis E E Current Roanoke Bass Ambloplites cavifrons SR FSC Historical WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 5 Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site :.'U a� r r t� "f 'v{ r k.. ��� �K ('f� fie /q1 {'i'` S. ♦ 4. M1 - Wit• 4 1 Y+:3' . "„1 t•` { yk 1 .� - � - ,Kr� I" AsA Augusta sandy loam, occasionally flooded Mapped Soils Roads AaA Altavista fine sandy loam, occasionally flooded --7 Ta Tarboro loamy sand, rarely flooded 4 Channels Property 10 lomotley sandy loam. rarely flooded Boundaiies Soils Boundaries association, ... Y --•1 Figure 3 Soils Map Rudolph Buffer /Nutrient Offset Site ' 0 300 600 1,200 Feet JOHNS 10N CCXINTY Scale NTS 1 inch = 600 feet May 2010 EXISTING CHANNEL CONDITIONS Table 3 summarizes the existing channel conditions on the Rudolph Site. All four of the channels are stable. Channels B, C, and D are non jurisdictional. The only jurisdictional stream on the site is channel A. Typical bank species through the site include soft rush (Juncus effuses), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia), woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus), sedges (Carex sp.), and fescue (Festuca sp.). Table 3. Summary of Existing Channel Conditions Channel Length (ft.) Width (M) Depth (ft.) Stable (YIN) Flow type Bank Vegetation Bed Material A (upper) 168 4 2 Y Ephemeral Herbaceous, mowed Sand/Detritus A (lower) 3171 6 2 Y Intermittent Herbaceous, mowed Sand B 3,154 6 3 Y Ephemeral Herbaceous, mowed Sand with some detritus C 1,760 4 2 Y Ephemeral Herbaceous, mowed Sand with some detritus D 498 4 3 Y Ephemeral Sparsely vegetated, scattered mature trees Sand WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 7 Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 II. MITIGATION PLAN The Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site will be planted with appropriate native species within the protected buffer easement. The species selected consist of native species observed in the surrounding forest and species know to occur in similar environments. The current land use is row crop. The buffer area will be planted in bare root tree seedlings on an 8 by 8 foot spacing to achieve an initial density of 680 trees per acre. The buffered channels will provide water quality and habitat functions within the sensitive Neuse River watershed. Some areas adjacent to the forested areas may require maintenance due to the rapid regeneration of some species. Rapidly regenerating species and invasive species may develop greater individual species density and create a less diverse mix. Minimal maintenance is anticipated due to the past cultivation history. Figure 4 presents the proposed mitigation plan and easement location. PLANTING PLAN Revegetation of the site will include planting bare root trees and controlling invasive species growth. The target communities are Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp (Blackwater Subtype) along the channels, grading to Bottomland Hardwood Forest downstream and Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest on the drier upslope. The communities are as defined by Schafale and Weakely (1990). The planting plan will consist of two planting zones. Zone Ioccupies the wetter, lower landscape areas, and Zone 2 occupies the drier, higher landscape areas. Near channel areas will be in the lower landscape areas. Tree species specified for planting on the Rudolph Site are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Rudolph Site Tree Planting List Common Name Scientific Name Indicator Planting Density Growth Rate Zone 1 wet conditions River Birch Betula ni ra FACW rapid Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW rapid Cottonwood, Swamp Po ulus hetero h lla OBL moderate Oak, Overcup Quercus 1 rata OBL moderate Oak Willow Quercus phellos FACW- rapid Coastal plain willow Salix carolintana OBL rapid Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum OBL rapid Zone 2 mesic conditions American sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW- rapid Oak Laurel Quercus laurf olia FACW rapid Shumard's oak Quercus shumardii FACW- moderate Oak, Swamp Chestnut uercus michauxii FACW- moderate Oak, Water uercus nigra FAC rapid Oak, Cher bark Quercus pagoda FAC+ moderate Oak, Willow Quercus phellos FACW- rapid Green Ash Fraxinus enns lvanica FACW rapid WK Dickson & Co., Inc. Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 Site Preparation The majority of the site slated for buffer restoration has been maintained as cleared agricultural fields. These areas are relatively clear and will require little site preparation other than select herbicide treatments or limited mechanical clearing to remove undesirable underbrush prior to planting. The cultivated field will be ripped to at least 18 inch depth and disked, using standard fanning equipment in an overlapping pattern. This will break up any plow layers and restrictive horizons present, increasing surface storage to promote nutrient uptake on this site. The microtopography will mimic natural conditions found in natural buffers. After the mechanical site preparation, all disturbed areas will be planted using an annual seed mix. The seed mix will hold the soil, reduce weed competition, and create a microclimate conducive to seedling growth. EBX will manage nuisance vegetation growth by mowing in between planted trees as needed during the monitoring period. If necessary, selective application of a pre- emergent herbicide will be used to control weedy competition. This management has show in the past to provide the necessary advantage to planted seedling during their establishment. This release technique temporarily removes competition until the woody buffer vegetation has become well established. SUCCESS CRITERIA Buffer vegetative success criteria are based upon the density and growth of target tree species as shown in Table 5. Vegetative success criteria will be based upon guidelines set forth in the Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration prepared by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program and shall be defined s a success rate equivalent to 320 live stems per acre at the end of the 5 -year monitoring period. If vegetative success criteria are not achieved based on acreage density calculation from combined monitoring plots over the entire restoration area, or if an inspection of the buffer restoration site indicate that portions of the site do not have sufficient stem densities or are otherwise deficient, supplemental planting shall be performed with tree species approved by NCDWQ. Supplemental planting shall be performed as needed until vegetative success criteria are met. No quantitative measurements of herbaceous vegetation performance will be required to meet the vegetative success criteria. The quantity of monitoring plots shall be determined in accordance with the Carolina Vegetation Sampling Protocol (levels I & II), such that no more than 2 percent of the parcel is encompassed in monitoring plots. Size will be standard 1 /10 hectare plots and will be sampled according to the Carolina Vegetative Sampling Protocol (Lee et al., 2006). MONITORING PLAN EBX shall submit to NCDWQ an annual monitoring report, no later than December 31, for each year for five consecutive years after the first full growing season, describing the conditions of the parcel and relating those conditions to the success criteria detailed in the above sections. Each annual report shall contain the following: 1. USGS map; 2. Detailed narrative summarizing the condition of the bank and all regular maintenance activities; 3. Site map showing location of sampling plots; 4. Photo log of each sampling plot; 5. Monitoring data, including specific vegetation counts and photographs; and 6. A copy of the Bank credit ledger. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 1 10 Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 III. MITIGATION POTENTIAL This Bank Parcel Development Package presents 54.3 acres of permanent conservation easement at the Rudolph BufferNutrient Offset Site in Johnston County, North Carolina. There are currently 6.4 acres in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The CRP areas within the proposed easement will be removed from the CRP program prior to planting with appropriate hardwood species and placement under a permanent conservation easement. The purpose of this project is to generate riparian buffer and nutrient mitigation credits for the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The site is consistent with applicable state guidance and the provisions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (RBMBI). The legal limits of the mitigation site will be finalized when the conservation easement is recorded. The parcel boundaries and proposed easement limits displayed in the report are based on Johnston County GIS data and field collected GPS data. The final recorded conservation easement will be consistent with the RBMBI provisions. Nutrient reduction offsets and riparian buffer credits may be used to offset payments authorized by state certifications required for compliance with wastewater discharge requirements, basinwide stormwater requirements, and nutrient offset payments. The Rudolph Site credits will be used in the hydrologic unit code (HUC) 03020201. All activities will be consistent with rules adopted by the Environmental Management Commission and all other applicable authorities. BUFFER AND NUTRIENT MITIGATION CREDITS The Rudolph Site will generate up to 150,865 buffer mitigation units from the restoration of a 50- foot wide buffer along the banks of Channel A. Re- planting of a 200 -foot buffer along Channels A -D will generate up to 88,192.4 nitrogen credits at a rate of 2,273 credits per acre. Buffer mitigation credits generated in the 50 -foot stream buffer may be used for either buffer mitigation or nutrient offset mitigation; not both. The buffer restoration areas could generate up to 7,955.5 additional nitrogen credits, if so used. The Bank ledger will account for all mitigation credits and debits. The legal limits of the mitigation site and final credit generation will be finalized when the conservation easement is recorded. The Rudolph Site will service impacts within the USGS 8- digit HUC 03020201 and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub -basin 03- 04 -02. The anticipated buffer and nutrient mitigation credits that the Rudolph Site will generate are summarized in Table 5. Table 5. Rudolph Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Credit Proposed Land Use Rudolph Parcel Kornegay Parcel Total Buffer Restoration acres 3.5 0.0 3.5 Buffer Restorations .ft. 150,865 0 150,865 Nutrient Uptake acres 30.6 8.2 38.8 Nutrient Up take Ibs 69,553.8 18,638.6 88,192. Additional Easement Area acres 12.0 0.0 12.0 Total Easement Area acres 1 46.1 8.2 54.3 WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 11 Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 IV. MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE RUC SERVICE AREA The Rudolph Site will serve impacts in HUC 03020201. This HUC encompasses the upper Neuse River drainage area and its major and minor tributaries. The use and application of the credits will be consistent with the Mitigation Banking Instrument of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The mitigation credits may also be used in other authorized HUCs on a case -by -case basis, as approved by DWQ. MONITORING Successful restoration of the vegetation on the mitigation site is dependent upon active planting of preferred canopy species and volunteer regeneration of the native plant community. In order to determine if the criteria are achieved, EEP -CVS vegetation monitoring plots will be installed throughout the restoration site. The number of plots required will be based on the EEP -CVS plot area curve method. The cumulative size of installed plots will cover approximately 2% of the restoration site. The individual plots will be 0.01 hectare (100 square meters) in size and follow the Level I and Level II monitoring protocol. Vegetation monitoring will occur in spring after leaf -out has occurred. Individual plot data will be provided and will include diameter, height, and density measurements. Relative values will be calculated and importance values will be determined. Individual seedlings will be marked such that they can be found in succeeding monitoring years. At the end of the first growing season, species composition, density, and survival will be evaluated. For each subsequent year, until the final success criteria are achieved, the restored site will be evaluated between July and November. The monitoring will occur annually for five years. Monitoring reports will be submitted annually following monitoring. Future site visits by the easement holder will be conducted annually unless the easement holder is notified of unauthorized activities. Unauthorized activities will be investigated and reported immediately to DWQ. Remedial action will be taken if required by DWQ. CREDIT RELEASE The release of credits for the site will be as specified in the provisions of Mitigation Banking Instrument of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. CONSERVATION EASEMENT A permanent conservation easement will be placed over the mitigation areas in perpetuity. The easement will be recorded in the chain of title in the land records of Johnston County. The conservation easement will be held by an approved non - profit conservation organization. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES Upon approval of the Rudolph Site Restoration Plan, the buffer sponsor will provide to DWQ financial assurances for the pre - construction release of credits in the form of performance bonds, letters of credit, or casualty insurance. Such financial assurances shall be in the amount of 20 percent of the credits anticipated to be generated multiplied by the current EEP price for riparian buffer mitigation in the Neuse River Basin. Such financial assurances shall be retired upon submittal of the As -Built report. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 12 Bank Parcel Development Plan — Rudolph Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site May 2010 V REFERENCES EBX Neuse I, LLC and NC Division of Water Quality. 2007. Agreement to Establish the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank m Johnston. Wayne. and Jones Counties. North Carolina. 9 pp. Lee, Michael T.. R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts. and T. R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0 ( http: i/cvs .hiu.unc.cd(11methods.hlnt). NCDENR. 2008 *'Water Qualit\ Stream Classifications for Streams in North Carolina." Water Quality Section. ( htU?:/ l�iurtal .nalenr.�+r /�seh /«rlrps!csu�t lassifications). North Carolina Geological Survey. 1991. Generalized Geologic Map of North Carolina. Raleigh. NC. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Ecosystem Enhancement Program. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 2008. Threatened and Endangered species workroom. Radford. A.E., I I.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill. N.C. 1.183 pp. Schafale. Michael P. and Alan S. Weakley. 1990. Clussi ic•ution (?/Me Nalm-al Communities of North Carolina Third .-ipi)r•orinrutiorr. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Division of Parks and Recreation. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. 325 pp. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1994. Soil Survey of Johnston County. North Carolina. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2008. "Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina." North Cur•olinu Ecological Serrives. w .fss-s.><ov /nc- cs /es /countvlr. ht nil) United States Geological Survey. 1974. 7.5 Minute Topographic Map. Princeton. NC. \\,K Dickson & Co., Inc. 13 Bank Parcel Development Plan - Rudolph Buffer /Nutrient Offset Site Restoration Plan — Rudolph Riparian Mitigation Site Appendix A — Photo Log Moccasin Creek Swamp — downstream reference forest community Moccasin Creek Swamp — downstream reference forest community WK Dickson & Co.. Inc. A_5 ro , r � e ' v�+� �•�� rti kjtx �3 OP 0 C Pt Pr+L Ch �' 1. fit' � �• 1w „� ` Worle a. "1 Figure 2 USGS Quad Map Rudolph Buffer /Nutrient Offset Site 0 1.000 2,000 4.000 Feet 1 inch = 2,000 feet att; i t: 0.U7r A Jh L lk tz, Jz . r el 14 m Neuse 01 Wetland Preservation Site