HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00676_Well Construction - GW1_20210203 11 ELL CONSTRIL (A ION RECORD
Ibnn;.1,lc nad is r"ark -:•Ildue\n:'k
I.Ndl(illllrac(rr I'If.I-IIA l i rin:
Brian Ewing rxll\I 10 0114 xIR11U\
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�unt+.r 15,Of TER CASING(Ier nuh45axsl scll ORi.INFRiONTlKablet
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11('RNpa \I%ITRT51
SAEDACCO Inc 0 Il. 121 ❑, 1.5" fn. NA Steel
16,INNER0SING OR T't SING lyemhamal absad4,.go
WI0300399 70002483
R'dl(nnanm ni n P rmit k n. ❑. m
i f Try il:,+s -v,:. r r A;,n,. l Lryn J✓`.. : h. ft. � m
J Weil 1.ac lrhuk"dl UW1. 17.5('RA.. -
{l Ater Supph Well: ixnM u1 o15Nnnx +un sln nlff k'", Hm Rill
AuaF uluunl M1lunianJ NlhL,
121 h. 20' ft. 1.5s r - NA NA Steel
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CViotlknlcd it li::rtinc Co.+hur�ullphl I IRa.id:uwd lCol:r 41ppli I<inrlCl
ft. 11. r
71dos"61 GtumlcTSnl I IRcsddnuRl ll.Rcr Supph Wo I.-ds IN.GROUT
10_- MNTLRI\I__-____F-\IYI,V FN[\T Hf 111 Olra SMOI NT
Nun-\{aa•r 4upph N'dL ❑. '. n. I ---
Injection{{dl: ft. ft.
i 4guilcr Redlarr'c II Clmtln,hsnmr Ronkdl:xwn 19.SANO:GIbN'EL PACK fit amdAvhkl
FROM I In ' \I%tlxl51_ I Ntrl.Mi M r NT NilT111111
'.;aq+nfcr Smr:a�c.u'd Rmrs Cn Ilti:dlnm H:uncr ft. ''. 0.
Aq I,for I:'i f Klornmolcr Drums
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S-+E znmcnIA lachnoloe, f-Sihsldctice('nlarol
2u.PRII J.INC f OG Ia11acY additional aMVYa R nsccsNnn t
'=:Ckotlamvd l('lu>cJ Ltxlpl plr.¢cr ixn\I i to nl'.r'R1rnoN
Gollkmwl lHeatineC uolu,e kCtLlT111 X00wr(cN lanl mdcT n21 Remarks, 0 it. 201 ft.
a.hale N'clltrl Crnnplctcd: 1/14/21 NriIIOa A18 -
- It. ft.
51.Ndl laleatilnk: _- - - b. ft. -
Remediation Management Service Company Il. A.
Folm. ()llir N:n,ti F}•:11•o Ilr.r,r:ry+Ic:rhk'' IL ft. .
2650 Shenandoah P.ve., Charlotte, NC, 28205
oln•;a 41d1's..I.in..rul Tll+ .
21.RCM.\RAN - - - - -
Mecklenburg 12710204 Temporary injection point. through DPT tooling
(imms Itu:d ld:Inl L..num Nu II'INI
5b.1.atitude mul Unginlde in drgne5lminutevsrennds or decimal&C,eee: -
,I"d:i'la Iwo ho looe n"o h"cm'� -=Ccnilia'ali"n:
35.210533 80.801887 4�. Brian Ewing 1 27 2021
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Nla:uhlc olf<vlsd W-dl t.lnrr,l:r I>,n;
6. 1,larel live"ellisl: 'Permanent ur %•Iengron^ k. ' ' ;gin r.:,,; i -. .: r..;r :a,r+, +.:+.:. ., ,d.r:•
:::. . rNru lr< .., .ci \rn `I I n::. I ..,^.:.• .:..:. .,.: . • ,.e- :.... .
'.I.IhiN a repair to an exiNtir adl: -.1\Lv or 8Nu t :.n.
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.. v_I < rc 23.Sitc Jia:tam or additional"ell details:
Fou nr" ux 11w Lad of tho hra. 1; p+os rdc nJ l't"onl ssdl III,do 1.1,of odl
R. Npmber of"ells nrn.anirted: 1 :ooshmamn deud" You alas alx+all.ldl addmcu:d Isi_e, I Ixcuss:uN
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LIM11ALA�!S LLi110M_
9. rolal udl depth bchnl Lind "dace 20 - -IILI '-Ta. For .All hells: 1nhn:m Ons limn oiihm ;II dass rd cotoPUI nr of ucll
:y 1, 1,:1. :,.,�. .:..,." , 1 a0nsrmcunnm dk h>Iloo ua•
In,Stahc"Ater lesel hcioss top orcasing: 19.t 11kniun ul'Nater Resources.Information Proces,ing 1 nit.
jrtr .+'.,h.- ....::.; iGl'Nlail NnT ice Ccnta•r,Raleigh•N(C:76910-161,
11.1inichok-diameter.1.5• (in.) !Jh. Fnr lnjsrllnn \l ells OC1.1: 'n n;ldmnn nl \rudiue ll'w form h+dr: adAn..us
24AA'01e. :11e1 Inborn a iup1 cf lhl. lunll YIIIIIII �u J:ns of culoplonon 01 u,11
12.Nell omHnKtiun iur'Illodi DRIVEN [o mno.ltun In Ilk follo"m_c
Di\isiun of llatrr Ra•wurccs.t'ndrr>;mmild Injection('unlrol Pnrgram.
FOR N':{TFR SI PPI.\'\\PI.1 S ON'1 l: 1636 Hail 3en ice(tenter,Raleigh.N( 276rP)-]6,Rr
21c.For N atcr clmph X Injrclnm{l elk,
Ila.\-idd Igpntl \Ictluul of test:
\Ix^ subl,ul one e,+ps of Iha Iona "nLn, Jass o(a+urydeti0n of
Jb.Disinfection ape: amount: adl crnnmcunn to Ito: Cans lkahll :1Cp.mmcnl of Ilk :ounn "I;ctc
to",(.N-I Nrnirt..n+Loa LArymn 'a I uur.vul..0 ..l Rl Nancy 1 lia:ln.:+ 0,v.xr:'I Ita.+ud lugusl 5.1'