HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00638_Well Construction - GW1_20210205 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ,,,,,nlarnal(.0 ONt} --
I In,4.rm ran nC ,,,d Ila+mule or.nulup 1.'III I'
1.Well Contractor Information:
Gary Justice IR.NAteRzto
N e u c ont...I.,.N.oa, 65 ft. 66 rt. 1 GPM _
NCWC 2150-A 160 165 4 GPM
\(N ell(onoao...I nilicamm Mich" MOUTER CASING if.,multi-cased.01. OR LINER ifs lieahle
FRog-It. To 54n. 6 1/8 ... SDR 21 DIAMETER nI •I•PVC
Justice well Drilling, INC p
c-on,p.m \amC 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING Igrothi,rmd closed-Iw
SW20 0389 FROM TI)_ DI NIIIF.Ri I fr6\!ti6 NI TERINI.
2 N'rll Construction Permit N n. ft.
I , ll IppL.ehlc dll u¢•nI Conn.rinrr. II' I lair.r..n..n. --
ft. (t, in.
3.Weil Use(check)sell use): —�
}\'ale.tiupph \1'ell: FRosl Tll and sit I IR._L sl_o I SIZL IHK A\Lss If%IERIAI.
ft. In
-Agricultural ❑Municipal PubhC
-6,olhcnnal l llcuting(uulin,,Su, l)) ,idcntiuRN'awl So, IN 1,an, ft. n. in.
L'Inclutmal'Cumincrcial Aliesidenbal XNner Supph l shared) 18.GROUT
LjIrrigalion p R 2 ft. toe p ug 1 Bag Poured I
Non naate.Supple Well:
_�\L lnituriug ❑12¢uccn 2 ft- 22 R. Easy seal 3 Bags Pumped
' _
Injection\Yell: 52 ° 54 fr. Hole Plug 2 Bags poured
r IA(iuitir Recharge ❑Ground,,atcr Rcmediuhon 19.SAND/GRAVEL pACKif• Iieaij!)
LAyuiler Soilage and RccucerN ❑Salinity barrier It. it.
_'.Ayuitei lem -SIom,NNaer Drainage
❑UNpenmenWl Teelulology ❑Sub,idencc CnnDOI
20.DRILLING LOG It rddili.nd sheep if nemun
L1GColh Tn1a11ClnsCd Luop7 -TraCCr F-Rl)NI TO DFtiCRIY110N)door.M1r.Jnr. .oil nrl nnr.enln dm<Ic
❑(Icolhcnnal 0 leating Cuoline Return) -Od,cr ice Erin under 1:21 Remark,) It.
It' 45 A. Clay
a.Dale N'ellod Completed: 1/18/21 Well IDN 45 f1- 54 °' Sand --- ----
54 rt 225 Granite quartz
-a. c Location: (I. ft. - - -
Aston& Catrina Branch - ft. ft. - -.- —
Ilidlln, uwnar"w„e Fade.IU=nlvppl..anlel — —
n. n.
651 Cemetery Rd Nebo NC. 28762 - -,,. -- - -- - - --
I'hsue.J \Adrc,e.Cin.and Gp 21.REMARKS — - —
McDowell 173300401250 -
(oum. I''ar(d Id,n m.il..a No.IP]NI -----
_ i
Latitude Longitude in Jrgrres/minuteshecunds or decimal degrees: 2
In rtirication: w
i"ell Iia LI.one IaI lung i,w171aanu
35.721976 N -81 .916558 }� 4 1/18/21
N.enamm rl(.m NYII(o tnr I>atc
6.Is(are)the wcBls): )(Permanent or LTempnran kI e du•Fun.. 1 h,'IM . ran ,ha,rh, .mlli,, �I�• nl.Iu....urn..m.l...., ..J
h ame
Ill.A(JCW( (11,10.e-1ST 1('.1( .]( WooiI.�II(..nm'eo..m Smn Laid
7.Is this a repair to an existing Hell: Lies or XNo ...pl..r tlu•rr,..nl he..hewn pr.n ldld e.Jn II.JI...ne.:
11,hu I,a rope...fill.ror An.,.vl.rdl..•nnn.ni.In in/brmnrien end Iaplem rlo-nerura•a rh:
Ili,...wet.-I aJ.enwrA.I..,n..n.•...n Ihi he.A.•f,h,,1.nn 23.Site diagram or additional nell details:
%.Number of"ell.,constructed: 1
You mac use the back Lit this page In in n o% de addawal cell site details(itw r well
{� conslluditon dcluil,. }ell neap elm amuh additional pace,iI nner,an.
. L i I 1 1 Y ..........vIr q ph Ir 11,QY2 1'Im m h I& va . mb. a.Ilan.�.I .�rm )
u r vm r.an "" 1,> Sfl'CTIONS
9.Total sell depth heloe land surface: 225 F Mho i/y, For %It Wells: Submit Ih IJ I.mo .,:thin 31) dal l of Ilia, Iemn nl Naell
F.unuJnph 1L.�a✓O Arpdn nJllrr..nneranrpll-Ju._'an on.)_'aln.,'l A'onRl lu tltc lb lo,cu)e. p
10.Static pater leiel helon lop of easing: 50 r='!nCe`Sln Disision of N-ater Resources,Information Processing)'nit.
II�.,u., e Irl o eh..Ir....lire'•. )'V 1�'`�BCjI 9 1*4 Mail Seriice Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617
11.Borehole diameter: 6 (in.) tab. For Injection Wells ON1.1': In addition hI,end fine the Ibm, w the ridden, In
Rotary 4unbucc, alv, sallinnt calpv of till, IFral N11h n 11) daN, oI a.mplown lit o,ll
12.Well construction method: 'J mn,mmuon Io the InHo.cme
nnvry..able.theca pa h.cte
Dkkion of N-later Resources.Cnderground Injection Control Program,
FOR WATER SUPPLi'HELLS ONLY': 1636\fail Seriice Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636
13a.\'field(gpm) 5 Method of test: Air lac.For\1 ater Supply& Infection N ell%:
ALo uhmit line en pN of tin, limn sIoli in 30 d Is of complown ni
I}h.Die n4ction ripe:
Clorine 73 / 8 OZ 'ell Con, uolion Ili thec.nmts heohh department 1 the Count ,chcrC
_ -__ 0 4xmounC u
- — amslnldcd.
Porn Gl1J Nonh(arulina Uapanmun ul tun lnnvnent.md\ou... Re.uu,ec, Ui.ieionof Nalar Re.ou.re,' R,,,ed.Au,,w_'Illy