HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00599_Well Construction - GW1_20210205 - �•• AIMIN RECORD GW- 2.Well Contractor information: For Internal Use Only. Chris Morgan 'an Contractor Name 14.IVATERy0NR5 3572 rR°°1 oFscmPTtov wo ft• IL NC Well Conttactm Cenificanan Number Morgan Well& PUMP Inc. � R. t1OAI CASING Far maltl-cveed'lob OR Company Name FROG( TO DUM1r�ER LNiaR to Oevbre) +t R. TFUCIOlEss hrA'fERUL 2,Well'Construction Permit#: U R. s ifa ;n• salt List all a -00 74 7 16.IIVNER CASING ORTUMG Psc PPIlca6le ual(conrrmrfionpen I FR0111 TO ( eothetTnal closad_loo I U/C,L'alrrr9.&oft Yannn-.M-) R DWIEI'ER THICKNESS AIATERIAL 3•Wall Use(check well use): ff• ;n. Water SupP1Y Weg: h' rt• io. Agricultural Imo, 17.S CREEN Geothermal(Heats LYMumcipaVPublie hi TO DW1IE ea - g/Cooling supply) rt sL s12n Txrctm-Ess hIA7ER PP Y) �lResidential Water supply R. 1p'Industrial/Commercial PPY(single) ]IResidential Water Su 1 R. M n- eiton Supply(shared) I&GROUT Non-Water SuPP1Y Well: FROM To Monitoring o rt R. atATER1AL EhiPL\CFbtEM h1ETHOD@Ah10Utir Injection Well: Recovery Oenuonae poured Aquifer Recharge fL R. Aquifer Storage and Recovery fD-1�Groundwater Remediation ft. ft. Aquifer Test LPSalinity Barrier 19-8d1VD/GRAVEL PACK I irapelicat, QlSmrmwater Dminage FRohr TO nrATEarwL ExperitnentalTechnology ft. ft. taxPt-\ irart•hiErxoo Geothermal(Closed Loop) DSubsidence Control R. R. Geothcmlat(Heating/Coolin Return QlTracer 20.DRII.I,ING LOG(attach a_scm al shcels H neeeat A J)I Other(explain under 21Remarks) FROM To ) 4.Date WEII(s)Completed: -ri - L� DE SC Nreotnr,na.aae<''r°1D`°`xt ="mrtra emel Well RY,:fl/=_ t<. d .r 59.Well Location: ft. PO4n �; "(� 2 M� U R ft. n/a Faciiiry/Ovmcr Nnmc rt• R. Foci- ..lDk(ifaligble) R. R. Physval Address City and ft. �t 1 Cr0 p ft. R. Caumy '*A(* /00 710 2L REMARKS 5b.Latitude and longitude In de reel/ Pmccl Identification CO.(PIN) Orwell field,Inc lat/long is suilicient)g mrDutes/seconds or decimal degrees: �S 5,YS Z1 I N — X 1. 1_7 / C,' 22•Certification: 6.Is(are)the u'oD s OPe W() rmaacnt or QlTempornry �.�� S Lmatum ofCcmfj d lVcll Contractor 7.Is this a repair to an esistin w G Dam g elk Dyes or ®No B1'sf6ning rb[r faun,!hereby cerlfi•rlmt the wu(!(s/"as(were/cDMnu9ed in accmNatcr Iflhis iv a repair,f!(l ran knau'n,ccdl rnnslrnerion infarnrotiun and esplain the emote oftbe rarer/•oI biro rnrardA-btmn arpnirurrder m2f renrarkr.rcc'fion ar conafm t ion JJs 'GICO_C.0100 ar/S.4 NCAC lLiC.0200 fpe!l Cvmlmerim,Smndards end that a f ,(arnt. Pntvidrl/ru the uefl rater. 0.For Geoprobr(DPT or Closed-Loop 23.Site diagram ot•additional well details: construction. y P Geothermal TOT [yells having due some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or)veil otil 1 GW-t i�needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may nlso attach additional pages if necessary. driued: ' 9.Total well depth below land surface: �(� SUBIYLITTai INSTRUCT Por tmddple uY/(s Bar all depdn ffJderem(emmple-3Q200'and 2($/001 INSTRUCTIONS 1V1\S (fL) 24a. For 'Ul [Veils: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 20.Static water meta a o - g: ^ENEDonstruction to the following: IJnnfer mere!is abate casing,use"+" V (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 11.Borehole diameter:=_5n) f ttJ X 5 NZI 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 12.Well construction method: rOtar)/ T�a�,For IDieetion W n r SSif1(,)abbEl'r--- In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a O.e.Roger.mtmy cable,direct peak etc) rIOc@ e,also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: F OR[VATER SSUPPLY WELLS ONL'_'y DW Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, Yield(gpm) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 }Iethod oftest: air pressure 24r;For;pater So IV E infection Wclis: Tn adtii6on to sending the form to Disinfection t pet granular -- ,L the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this foci within 30 days of -----� Amount: completion of well construction to the cowry health department whero rnnstructed. eP rtment of the county Farm GW-I Nueh Camiina Depaament ofEnwronmenml Quati,,-Divtt,on of Water Resources Recised 2-22-2016