HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01324_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ,,,,,,,,,,,I, ,;,,�I v I h,1,;,,,I CA„he 1„,d n,I.I,e_I,F nl,ll,l,:,,en, I.\Nell(Fort,'act."[oformall.,. Kevin White 14.WATER ZONES FROM TD to RIM m\ 65 r` 198 n. wet 2973 \1 `F J1('.,nuawrn('C,nllem,nll cumhc, 15.Col CASING One mold-rand w.1h)OR LINER iIa a FRf1\I TO UI\\IFTER TIII('KVFtiS \I\TERIU. Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. I ft. m q.:,n.camp 16.INNER CASING OR TUBINGfince,lbelmtd clmedaex Most TO h. DIAAIFTFR TunKVFSS N\TFRIV. 2.Fit,ell Construction Permit d: fr. in. .,.el epplee,hl:,,.11 p: ...... ,. "tall Iles hu.un. s, ,r. 3.Weli I se Icbeck Nell use): 17.SCREEN \N Ater Supply AN ell: FROM 10 DI,\IETFR ,FOTSV.11 I'HIf6\ESc \I\I'ERI:\I. D. h. -A[I wulmul -A1 tin,.,pal I'u hl,C -G,other,nal l llem,n_(oolin_u supok) —ResidentialAAatnr Supply lSln_ICI h. r(. -1,lduArlal Cl11Im10tCla1 -i RcsWcnual Paler Suppl, I,hatcdl I&GROUT FRr»I TD \rxn:Rl It I:NRI-u'FNEv\trnt(Rts,NnrNr -.Irnuduon n. H. Non-\Water Supple Well: NLmnun no -Rea.,cn Injection N-elh -:\quite, Rcchurec —riround(aatel Rcn,cdml,o11 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Na FR11N To \rATERI\I. F\IPL\CEN TNT NFTHOD oquller Storage and RCcscn ❑Sul,n,t, Burnu ft ft -:Aywfer Test -1Somn„ucr Dmrmgc 1-cprnmcnttd I'd hnnln", ❑Suhs,dcncc Comn,l 211.DRILLING LOG attach additional cbeem tf.To.a -Geu1112n11aC0.aedlw,)., -�I�mR'r FR FRO" TO DFSIRIPFIOCIcalon Furdos.aoit rvA.b .elel -(rcnthenn:d l l leami(oulme Return, -Other levplain under 9'-1Remarks, 2/27/21 J. Date NN'rll(s)('omplrlyd: NN'rll Illk MW-14D - - ❑. fr. 5T`Aell l ncation: Colonial Pipeline Company 21 F.r.IIIO U..nc,en,ue Faehn11) Ita,plmv6ir) 9. ITT 14511 Huntersville-Concord Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 n rr rh,vanl \aa,cs...(,h.and Ill - tl.REMARKS Mecklenburg Open hole I- II'll. Pu,ed Iden1I11121llu,I 5b.latitude and Lm>;itu Je in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: I u..dl lirld_one Tilt 11 It.rtia,u,u 22. erlifiealinn: 35.412585 -80.805547 s 11111IN a IT(1.1111I M cn Ih,,l,sell., l IT 6. Is(are)the wellls): t_Permanent or ::]Tempora^ in , ..Ib„1.., ,. I bn,e; rm ,/m,FILL „eon, .,n„r,,.Id .I L—J.,n.I ,..obit II 11V( Ir 11" JI/o —141 „ .II 11" ""'I Ill 11, .nnrnne„e„anl.v,l wnlr0el11 '. Is this a repair to an el,isling well: ❑Nes or ?No ..,pl .g ill,r..Ill bu,,seer, 1111ul,•'ill n ell nu Too O di o repine.fin.vu d-ruu v urumu,n :I)c n m n.uJ 11011 rnr.n , upl in Fse em du nl lbe Iti—I„nd.-r J nvu..rl...cu,.0.,r„n me hn.k nl lb„po,n 23.Site diagram or additional well Details: You mac use the hack I)( thi_s page to provide additional well site details or.vell 8.Number of Nell,constructed: 1 eurolma,on delad5 V'OF mac aGo attach addwonal pa_es itnccessan lishl"b ape,"I'll nor„u-,,„,.r",11 IF"I O N IA a nb rh, sum'cunevurHun v.....m „Is I...v„ SI RNIITTAI.INSTF CTIONS 9.Total well depth helow land surface: (T.) 24a. For :UI Wells: Bohol, Iha Ilrtm oohm 3u dins of completion O(well I...nmR,ph I'll,lu„dl a"sh,UJ9M1n",r('.ozple-9:u]ore .usl_I lnn'I consW[t,Ili,In the to IIIIAmv III.Sla a water level bell." tap of rasing: 65 M.I Division of NNater Resource,.Information Processing I nil. if".u.,l.rcl„,rd,,,,.e„na, „. 1617 Afail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Rarehole diameter: (in.) '-Jh. For Infection AN ells ONI.A: In addmon it,sci,dotz the tiam to the address In 8" pvc casing & 4" Air Hammer '_Ja ah,,,e also suhmn a a,p% (,(this Ism, ..ohm 31, Ja%, Ot conlpletll,n I.(„e11 12.IN ell corl Action method: UOli 1,tic 1,on mthe lid l Os,ILL• ucu_ ratan.cable.dlraa pu.h.n� Division of Water Resources 1-n JergmmnJ Injection Control Program, FOR NNAT t l SI PPLN N E1.15 OM 1 1636 Nlait Se ice(enlet.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 13a.N idd Igptn) Method if te,(: 24c. For\\at. S.PpI\toInjection Wells: \he, ,uhnut one cop, O(tha Won ,alhm it, dins of completion of 13h.Disinfection I'll _. NnmunC „CH umetn,ct,on m We count' Ila'altl, dCpunnmm of the Count, ohCrc __— coneuucled Lnm,lAA-I \,,IIh(a-L e,.I )c isl l i1icill Boll„nl Ill l.u,dA:uulaIRc,vmm-U n 1,i en..I AA ale i It Ill wIII Itc.ncJAucu+,'ul: