HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01318_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 "ELL CONSTRICTION RECORD n,C.oal I .p I1vu I I,lbrm wit it,u,,d I..r,lnul<...... „dls I.\\ell Contractor Information: Kevin White 16.WATER ZONES FHII\I TU first RIM ION \1;II C'eov1:IeI\mac fl. a 2973 ft. 0. \t-U III(''111' 01u('annicau,n,\nmbn IS OUTER CASING finTd-e Aed ORUNER if able rt0\I ' IE r0 UI\MFTFH THI('KSFtiS M\TFm N, Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. 16.INNER CASING OR TURD6G raW deed-1 FROM TO DI\METER TOKUNE95 M\TFRI\t. 2.\\ell Construction Permit#: 0 n. 59.5 ft' 2 Sch40 pve ,... dt.,pp0,ehle n ell pnu..!'' : wnnl. Is",. I bnum,.;111 lit,•,..n. n. fl. fl. in. 3.W ell I-se(check well use): 17.SCREEN \\afee Supph'N\'ell: FROM TO 1111MFTER SLAOSIIF 1 ❑mEK\1:4R 1 MATERI\I. \,rcultural :.Munlclpal Puhl, 59.5 h 61.5 ft' 2 in 1 010 1 Sch40 I pvc =(leothennel I Ileatm�G><�hn�Supplv'I -RcsNonuul Nmel Supph fllnl c7 ft. ft. Indua,ah('rmo,ccnal ❑Residential Water Supplk (shared) U.GROUT FROM TO \1 NIT Ft 41, rMPf_\CENIFNTMETHOT& \MOI'ST trngauon 0 D. 54 b. Portland Cem Trelnie Norl ater Supph,Well: ?1lonnun m• �Rcc o,cn 54 b 57 ft Bentonite Chi Trernie Injection\\ell: n. h. - \yuller Recharge DGround,cater Remediauon If.SANDIGRAVEL PACK K e FROM TO MNTERHI. EMPL\CEME\TME7110U -,Ay uller Storage and Recocen ❑Sahnu,Garner 57 D' 61.5 ft- #1 Sand Tremie -Aywtcr Test ❑Slnnm,ater Dminagc ft. ft. =F%penmenml TeclmDlos, -]Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING LOG aWcY UESCRIPf DESCRIFT dohK —(rcnlhcnnn (Closed lnopl CTracer FROM T(1 IfIS lmli avmness.I.Lis,11,Olin.gron ux.etc( -G,othem,el(llcutol{CooIm_R,nal,f CUthcr(ccplamundc,`I Remarissl ft. ft. 12/18/20 AS-14 ft. ft. J.Dale W411(sJ('omplrltJ: Well ID# ,a.NN ell location: O. ft. Colonial Pipeline Company rt ft Ia,Ja.U,wc,AunI Iaa6n ID=u,apph I'leI ft. 14511 Huntersville-Concord Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 I I'h.....I Ndd.... (is_m,d/Ip 21.REMARKS Mecklenburg No cover r,.nnl. pted aennr.-mrI\„ Irlo ,b.I.alitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 Certificalion: 1.1 dl field arc lalaang is wlti.Ienu 35.413007 N -80.804950 .11Cnalare at(r„16ed vau C"1111a� Dale 6. Is(are)the welbs): EL Permanent nr 7Tempor2n „,n,n•Jr„mrru .,.••,,,r„L.J�. . ,nLmn.M , EA N, 11 W, n',IP r ell,brn,nn w•n?mnJarJ,enJ lhel e '.Isthis a repair loan evisdng well: ❑I'es or Z\o ..,o..... Jl Iho vdl,nnn.. Illln.1. repo,r.1,11oulo„ninn,11,ouvnnln...rgonna0on e„d evpl..... nen,re,.I,br rpx,v under '1 ceme It, e,Dun w en me had'of I/.../tiro,. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You mac use the back of this page to pro,ide additional well site details o,well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 aonxmcron details. Younm%also attach additional pages if necessar, l..r.,..duple n,Ie,inn,or mu,...II,r•upph a dl,O N/A'n ub rh,,nine n.nsnudinn. um Len ,ohm.., I•vm Sl-1 ITiV INSTC(-TIONS 9. 1 ofal well depth below land surface: 61.5 Ift.) 24a. For All Wells: SLboaf this ti.rm within 30 dens of completion of,Nell Far....duple ,11,lal ell Jop,h,N J,ll.renr mvmq.I'-3•¢'uu enJ P,i 1`0 1 t],nstinclmn to the Tllowomg Hk Static water Iesrel below top of casing: Ill.) Oi fo cisimn of Water Resources.Inrmalion Processing I nit, 1 1 I„d m r,eh ,..e,ore ..., 1617 Mail Sen'ice Center.Raleigh,N('27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 24b. For Iniection Wells ONIA In addnlon to wndmg the Il,rm to the address or 1/4 HSA '_laaho,e. .dso submit a cop% of this form ,athm 30 dos of completion of,still 12.M ell construction method: amstmclion¢,the following u c :miler,roan.cahIL ifie,push.It, 1 Dicisinn of Wafer Resources.1-ndergrmunJ Injection Control Program, FOR WATER M'PPI.I \NFLLS ON[1 0 1636%fail Senice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Ida.N-field Igpnq Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply& Injection Wells VIro suhma one cop, of this loan within 3U da,s of con,plenon It 136.Disinfection tall .Amount „ell cu,utrucuon to the county health depunlltcnt of the count, whete - constructed - brim,@-I R,n6(tuulou Uqv nna„at I. nnmwnl.nW Vamed RI,ow,,, ),,1 •n of N.lu Rc,aurce, R,,.,,d Auu,.,_'01]