HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000448_Weaverville Draft SWMP v1_20210316 Draft Stormwater Management Plan Town of Weaverville NPDES MS4 Permit No. NCS000448 March 16, 2021 Table of Contents PART 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 PART 2: CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 2 PART 3: MS4 INFORMATION .................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Permitted MS4 Area ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 MS4 Mapping ............................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Receiving Waters .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.4 MS4 Interconnection ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) ....................................................................................... 5 3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat ............................................................ 6 3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges ....................................................................................................... 6 3.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges ......................................................................................................... 7 3.9 Target Pollutants and Sources ....................................................................................................... 7 PART 4: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 9 4.1 Organizational Structure ............................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Program Funding and Budget ..................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Shared Responsibility ................................................................................................................. 11 4.4 Co-Permittees .............................................................................................................................. 12 4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration .......................................................................... 12 PART 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM ......................................................... 15 PART 6: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM ........................................... 19 PART 7: ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM .............................. 21 PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM ................................................... 26 PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM ........................................ 29 PART 10: POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMS ................ 35 List of Tables Table 1: Summary of MS4 Mapping Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs Table 4: Summary of Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties Table 9: Shared Responsibilities Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information Table 11: Program Administration BMPs Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants & Audiences Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 1 PART 1: INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to establish and define the means by which the Town of Weaverville will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff to the maximum extent practicable. This SWMP identifies the specific elements and minimum measures that the Town of Weaverville will develop, implement, enforce, evaluate and report to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR) in order to comply with the MS4 Permit Number NCS000448 as issued by NCDEQ. This permit covers activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the MS4 as owned and operated by the Town of Weaverville and located within the corporate limits of the Town of Weaverville. In preparing this SWMP, the Town of Weaverville has evaluated its MS4 and the permit requirements to develop a comprehensive 5-year SWMP that will meet the community’s needs, address local water quality issues and provide the minimum measures necessary to comply with the permit. The SWMP will be evaluated and updated annually to ensure that the elements and minimum measures it contains continue to adequately provide for permit compliance and the community’s needs. Once the SWMP is approved by NCDEQ, all provisions contained and referenced in this SWMP, along with any approved modifications of the SWMP, are incorporated by reference into the permit and become enforceable parts of the permit. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 2 PART 2: CERTIFICATION By my signature below I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an enforceable part of the NPDES MS4 Permit, and that both the Division and the Environmental Protection Agency have NPDES MS4 Permit compliance and enforcement authority. ☐I am a ranking elected official. ☒I am a principal executive officer for the permitted MS4. ☐I am a duly authorized representative for the permitted MS4 and have attached the authorization made in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official which specifies me as (check one): ☐A specific individual having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. ☐A specific position having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. Signature: Print Name: Selena D. Coffey Title: Town Manager Signed this 16th day of March, 2021 . DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 3 PART 3: MS4 INFORMATION 3.1 Permitted MS4 Area This SWMP applies throughout the corporate limits of the Town of Weaverville, including all regulated activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the MS4. The map below shows the corporate limits of Town of Weaverville as of the date of this document. The Town of Weaverville currently has no legal authority to exercise an extraterritorial jurisdiction. Town of Weaverville - Municipal Limits DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 4 3.2 MS4 Mapping The Town of Weaverville has not mapped its MS4 system and proposes to do so as set out in BMP No. 20. Table 1: Summary of Current MS4 Mapping Percent of MS4 Area Mapped 0.0 % No. of Major Outfalls* Mapped 0 total As it develops its MS4 map, the Town will include all pipes, flow direction, inverts, ditches, inlets, catch basins, manholes, major outfalls, sizes, condition, etc., in order to conform with permit item 3.4.1 for specific requirements. It is understood that an outfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance (e.g. a ditch) directly into surface waters. Major outfalls are required to be mapped to meet permit requirements. A major outfall is a 36-inch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area > 50-acres; and for industrial zoned areas a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area > 2-acres. 3.3 Receiving Waters The Town of Weaverville MS4 is located within the French Broad River Basin and discharges directly into receiving waters as listed in Table 2 below. Applicable water quality standards listed below are compiled from the following NCDEQ sources: o Waterbody Classification Map o Impaired Waters and TMDL Map o Most recent NCDEQ Final 303(d) List Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters Receiving Water Name Stream Index / AU Number Water Quality Classification 303(d) Listed Parameter(s) of Interest Reems Creek 6-87-(10) C N/A Gill Branch 6-87-12 C N/A Lake Louise 6-87-11 C N/A Reynolds Branch - Tributary to the headwaters of Reems Creek Pickens Branch - Tributary from Kyfields Lake to Lake Louise Lyda Branch - Tributary to the headwaters of Lake Louise C – Class C (fishable/swimmable waters) DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 5 3.4 MS4 Interconnection The Town of Weaverville MS4 is not interconnected with another regulated MS4 and directly discharges to the receiving waters as listed in Table 2 above. 3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) The TMDL(s) listed in Table 3 below have been approved within the MS4 area, as determined by the map and list provided on the NCDEQ Modeling & Assessment Unit web page. The table also indicates whether the approved TMDL has a specific stormwater Waste Load Allocation (WLA) for any watershed directly receiving discharges from the permitted MS4, and whether a Water Quality Recovery Program has been implemented to address the WLA. Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs Water Body Name TMDL Pollutant(s) of Concern Stormwater Waste Load Allocation (Y/N) Water Quality Recovery Program (Y/N) Statewide Mercury N N The Statewide TMDL for mercury does not require any actions by the NPDES stormwater permittees because most mercury in stormwater comes from atmospheric deposition. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 6 3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat Significant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat are identified within the regulated MS4 urbanized area, as determined by a review of the Endangered and Threatened Species and Species of Concern by County for North Carolina Map and Listed species believe to or known to occur in North Carolina map as provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Of those species listed, Table 4 summarizes the species that may be significantly impacted by the quality of surface waters within their habitat. Table 4: Summary of Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality Scientific Name Common name Species Group Federal Listing Status Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle Vertebrate BGPA Glyptemys muhlenbergii Bog turtle Vertebrate T(S/A) Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Hellbender Vertebrate ARS Desmognathus wrighti Pygmy salamander Vertebrate FSC Sorex palustris punctulatus Southern water shrew Vertebrate FSC Alasmidonta raveneliana Appalachian elktoe Invertebrate E Cambarus reburrus French Broad crayfish Invertebrate FSC Hexastylis rhombiformis French Broad heartleaf Vascular plant FSC Hexastylis naniflora Dwarf flowered heartleaf Vascular plant T Lilium grayi Gray’s lily Vascular plant FCS Sarracenia rubra ssp. Jonesii Mountain sweet pitcherplant Vascular plant E Sarracenia oreophila Green pitcherplant Vascular plant E Plagiochila sharpii Liverwort Nonvascular plant ARS Plagiochila virginica var. caroliniana Liverwort Nonvascular plant FSC BGPA = Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act T(S/A) = Threatened due to similiarty of appearance ARS = At risk species FSC = Federal Species of Concern E = Endangered 3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges The Town of Weaverville’s MS4 jurisdictional area includes the following industrial facilities which hold NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits, as determined from the NCDEQ Active NPDES Stormwater Permit List and/or Active Stormwater Permits Map. Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities Permit Number Facility Name NCG030070 ABB Motors and Mechanical NCGNE0333 Shorewood Packaging Corporation DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 7 3.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges The water quality impacts of non-stormwater discharges have been evaluated by the Town of Weaverville as summarized in Table 6 below. The unpermitted non-stormwater flows listed as incidental do not significantly impact water quality. The Town of Weaverville has evaluated residential and charity car washing and street washing for possible significant water quality impacts. The Town performs limited street washing so street washing discharges are possible and are therefore relevant to the MS4. The Division has not required that other non-stormwater flows be specifically controlled by the Town of Weaverville. Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directly into the MS4 is considered incidental. However, these types of non-stormwater discharges that do contain detergents have been evaluated by the Town of Weaverville to determine whether they may significantly impact water quality. They were determined to be a possible cause of water quality impacts and will be addressed through public education efforts. Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts Water line and fire hydrant flushing Incidental Landscape irrigation Incidental Diverted stream flows Incidental Rising groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration Incidental Uncontaminated pumped groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated potable water sources Incidental Foundation drains Incidental Air conditioning condensate Incidental Irrigation waters Incidental Springs Incidental Water from crawl space pumps Incidental Footing drains Incidental Lawn watering Incidental Residential and charity car washing Possible Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Incidental Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Incidental Street wash water Possible Flows from firefighting activities Incidental 3.9 Target Pollutants and Sources In addition to those target pollutants identified above, the Town of Weaverville is not aware of other significant water quality issues within the permitted MS4 area. Table 7 below summarizes the water quality pollutants identified throughout Part 3 of this SWMP, the likely activities/sources/targeted audiences attributed to each pollutant, and identifies the associated DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 8 SWMP programs that address the target pollutants. In addition, the Town of Weaverville has evaluated schools, homeowners and businesses as target audiences that are likely to have significant stormwater impacts. The schools were selected as a target audience due to the opportunity to affect positive change through education and involvement opportunities. Homeowners and businesses were identified as target audiences because they were likely sources of non-point pollution through uninformed management practices. Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Target Pollutants Likely Sources/Target Audiences SWMP Program Addressing Target Pollutants/Audiences Litter Residential, commercial, schools Public Education & Outreach, Public Involvement & Participation Yard Waste (leaves and grass clippings) Residential, commercial Public Education & Outreach, Public Involvement & Participation Sediment Construction Construction Site Runoff Control Nutrients Sewer overflows, failing septic systems, urbanization, schools Public Education & Outreach, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post-Construction Site Runoff Control, Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Fecal coliform Sewer overflows, failing septic systems, wildlife, illicit discharges Public Education & Outreach, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Mercury/statewide TMDL Atmospheric deposition Public Education & Outreach (fish consumption advisory) Illicit Discharges Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff Public Education & Outreach, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Illegal Dumping Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff Public Education & Outreach, Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Improper Disposal of Waste Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff Public Education & Outreach, Public Involvement & Participation, Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping General Non-Point Source Pollution Residential, commercial, schools, Town staff Public Education & Outreach DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 9 PART 4: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Organizational Structure The Town’s stormwater program is implemented in partnership between the Planning Department and the Public Works Department. The Planning Department is responsible for the public outreach and involvement components and serves as the liaison to Buncombe County which shares responsibility for administration and implementation of the Construction Site Runoff Control and Post-Construction Site Runoff Control. The Public Works Department is responsible for good housekeeping and municipal pollution prevention activities, stormwater sewer system maintenance, and IDDE. The Public Works Director is designated as the Stormwater Program Administrator. Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties SWMP Component Responsible Position Staff Name Department Stormwater Program Administration Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works SWMP Management Planning Director James Eller Planning CITIZENS OF WEAVERVILLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL TOWN MANAGER Selena Coffey PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Dale Pennell FIREPOLICEADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING FINANCE DIRECTOR Tonya Dozier PLANNING DIRECTOR James Eller TOWN ATTORNEY Jennifer Jackson INDEPENDENT AUDITORS DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 10 Public Education & Outreach Planning Director James Eller Planning Public Involvement & Participation Planning Director James Eller Planning Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Construction Site Runoff Control Planning Director James Eller Planning Post-Construction Stormwater Management Planning Director James Eller Planning Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Municipal Facilities Operation & Maintenance Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Spill Response Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works MS4 Operation & Maintenance Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Municipal SCM Operation & Maintenance Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Pesticide, Herbicide & Fertilizer Management Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works Pavement Management Program Public Works Director Dale Pennell Public Works TMDL Requirements N/A N/A N/A DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 11 4.2 Program Funding and Budget In accordance with the issued permit, the Town of Weaverville shall maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the SWMP and comply with the requirements of the NPDES MS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administering and compliance fee, which is billed by the Division annually. The stormwater activities of the Town are currently included within the general budgets of both the Public Works Department and Administration and have not been tracked. The Town recognizes that its stormwater program is currently underfunded to conduct all of the proactive elements of the permit. As the Town of Weaverville fully develops and implements its stormwater program, further fiscal analysis and investigation of funding options (such as additional general fund allocation or a stormwater fee) will be conducted as indicated in BMP No. 1 in order to fully fund the program by permit year 5. 4.3 Shared Responsibility The Town of Weaverville will share the responsibility to implement the following minimum control measures, which are at least as stringent as the corresponding NPDES MS4 Permit requirement. The Town of Weaverville remains responsible for compliance if the other entity fails to perform the permit obligation, and may be subject to enforcement action if neither the Town of Weaverville nor the other entity fully performs the permit obligation. Table 9 below summarizes who will be implementing the component, what the component program is called, the specific SWMP BMP or permit requirement that is being met by the shared responsibility, and whether or not a legal agreement to share responsibility is in place. Table 9: Shared Responsibilities SWMP BMP or Permit Requirement Implementing Entity & Program Name Legal Agreement (Y/N) Permit Section 3.5.1 through 3.5.4 Buncombe County – Buncombe County Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program N Permit Section 3.6.1 through 3.6.5 Buncombe County – Buncombe County Stormwater Management Program Y Permit Section 3.2 Land of Sky Regional Council – WNC Stormwater Partnership N Permit Section 3.3 Land of Sky Regional Council – WNC Stormwater Partnership N The Town of Weaverville has relied on Buncombe County to perform both the Construction Site Runoff and Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls for decades. Documentation of the legal agreements for these shared responsibilities has not been well maintained or updated in many years and are in need of update or replacement in order to ensure proper documentation of shared responsibilities and to address any program deficiencies noted in the self-audits of the Construction Site Runoff Controls and Post- Construction Site Runoff Controls components (see BMP Nos. 7, 32 and 39). Land of Sky Regional Council (LOSRC), the North Carolina Council of Government representing the Town of Weaverville and other surrounding jurisdictions, has recently announced its WNC Stormwater Partnership Program (see attached flyer). The Town of Weaverville is in the process of contracting with DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 12 LOSRC for the shared responsibilities indicated above and in the BMPs as indicated in this plan, with an effective date of July 1, 2021 (see BMP Nos. 7, 8, and 19). 4.4 Co-Permittees The are no other entities applying for co-permittee status under the NPDES MS4 permit number NCS000448 for the Town of Weaverville. Table 10 summarizes contact information for each co- permittee. Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information Co-Permittee MS4 Name Contact Person Phone & E-Mail Interlocal Agreement (Y/N) N/A 4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration The Town of Weaverville will manage and report the following Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the administration of the Stormwater Management Program. Table 11: Program Administration BMPs Permit Ref. 2.1 Program Implementation The Permittee shall implement, manage, and oversee all provisions of its approved SWMP to control, to the maximum extent practical, the discharge of pollutants associated with stormwater runoff and illicit discharges, including spills and illegal dumping, from its MS4 BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 1. Adequate Funding Perform a fiscal analysis and explore options to obtain adequate program funding to fully fund the stormwater program and meet all requirements of the permit. Select and implement a funding strategy for the Phase II Stormwater Program 1. Complete a fiscal gap analysis 1. Permit year 1 1. Report monetary value of gap 2. Determine available funding mechanisms and evaluate options 2. Permit year 1 2. Completed? yes/no/status 3. Select a funding mechanism 3. Permit years 1-2 3. Report funding mechanism selected 4. Implement funding mechanism 4. Permit year 2-5 4. Implemented? Yes/no/status DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 13 2. Annual Self-Assessment Perform an annual evaluation of SWMP implementation, suitability of SWMP commitments and any proposed changes to the SWMP utilizing the NCDEQ Annual Self- Assessment Template. The self- assessment reporting period will be the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). 1.Prepare, certify and submit the Annual Self- Assessment to NCDEQ prior to August 31 each year. 1. Annually, beginning at the end of permit year 1 (8/2022) 1. Annual Self- Assessment received by NCDEQ no later than August 31 each year. 3. Evaluate SWMP and Control Measures to Address Discharges If discharges are determined to cause or control to non-attainment of an applicable water quality standards, the Town will review its SWMP to determine which BMPs need to be expanded or revised to address the discharges 1.As needed 1. As needed 1. Yes/no/status; date control measures expanded or revised 4. Availability of NPDES Permit and SWMP for Review Maintain an up-to-date version of the Town’s permit and SWMP on the Town’s website (see BMP No. 13) and make available to NC DEMLR 1.Post the Town’s NPDES Permit and SWMP to the Stormwater web page of the Town’s website 1.Permit year 1 after BMP No. 13.1 is completed; see BMP No. 13.2 1.Yes/no/status 2.Provide copy of SWMP to DEMLR upon request 2. As requested 2.Date requested by DEMLR, date provided 5. Modify Stormwater Program as Required by DEMLR Modify the program as required by DEMLR 1.Revise SWMP as required 1. As required 1. Date required revisions implement 2.Notice DEMLR of revisions to SWMP 2. As required 2. Date DEMLR notified 6. Permit Renewal Application Audit stormwater program implementation for compliance with the permit and approved SWMP, and utilize the results to prepare and submit a permit renewal application package. 1. Participate in an NPDES MS4 Permit Compliance Audit, as scheduled and performed by EPA or NCDEQ. 1. TBD – Typically Permit year 4 1. N/A 2. Self-audit and document any stormwater program components not audited by EPA or NCDEQ utilizing the DEQ Audit Template. 2. Permit year 5 2. Submit Self-Audit to DEMLR (required component of permit renewal application package). 3. Certify and submit the stormwater permit renewal application (NOI, Self-Audit, and Draft SWMP for the next 5- year permit cycle). 3. Permit year 5 3. Permit renewal application package received by DEQ at least 180 days prior to permit expiration. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 14 7. Legal Agreements for Shared Responsibility Develop and maintain legal agreements with Buncombe County and Land of Sky Regional Council (LOSRC) for proper delegation and shared responsibilities as indicated in Section 4.3 of this SWMP and monitor for compliance. 1.Establish a legal agreement with Buncombe County 1.Permit year 1 1. Report date established and terms legal agreement 2.Establish a legal agreement with LOSRC 2.Permit year 1 2. Report date established and terms legal agreement 3. Assess Buncombe County and LOSRC actions to ensure responsibilities are being carried out 3.Annually with SWMP self-assessment, after legal agreements established 3. Yes/no/status DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 15 PART 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM The Town of Weaverville will implement a Public Education and Outreach Program to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. The target audiences and identified pollutants listed in Part 3.9 of this SWMP, which will be addressed by the Public Education and Outreach Program, are summarized in Table 12 below. In addition, the Town of Weaverville is required to inform businesses and the general public of the hazards associated with illicit discharges, illegal dumping and improper disposal of waste. Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants & Audiences Target Pollutants/Sources Target Audience(s) Litter Residential, commercial, schools Yard Waste Residential, commercial, Town staff Sedimentation Construction Nutrients Residential, commercial, schools Fecal coliform Residential, commercial, schools Mercury/statewide TMDL Residential, commercial Illicit Discharges Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff Illegal Dumping Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff Improper Disposal of Waste Residential, commercial, industrial, Town staff General non-point source pollution Residential, commercial, schools, Town staff The Town of Weaverville will use its eFocus newsletter, Citizens Academy, and other Town events as a platform for stormwater outreach and education. The Town will develop a stormwater web page and use social media to reach the community and place signage on Town owned SCMs to reach stakeholders at those sites. Additionally, the Town of Weaverville plans to partner with Land of Sky Regional Council (LOSRC) and participate in its WNC Stormwater Partnership Program to more efficiently implement education and outreach activities. The Town of Weaverville will manage, implement and report the following public education and outreach BMPs. Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit Ref. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4: Outreach to Targeted Audiences Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The permittee shall provide educational information to identified target audiences on pollutants/sources identified in table 12 above, and shall document the extent of exposure of each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 16 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 8. Partnership with LOSRC The Town will engage with LOSRC to develop education and outreach initiatives that will be administered by LOSRC. Initiatives will focus on residential, commercial, and school audiences within the MS4 area. 1. Establish legal agreement with LOSRC (see BMP No. 7) 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 2.Submit a partnership plan detailing specific commitments of the LOSRC partnership to NCDEQ for approval 2. Permit year 1 2. Report date plan is approved and include as enforceable amendment to SWMP 3.Monitor LOSRC activities to ensure partnership commitments are met (see BMP No. 7.3) 3.See BMP No. 7.3 3. See BMP No. 7.3 9. Town Sponsored Event The Town will distribute information on stormwater during at least one Town sponsored event each year (such as but not limited to Earth Day, Arbor Day, Second Saturday Summer Music Series, Fourth of July). LOSRC may be contributing materials and promoting events. 1. Develop or identify one informational handout for distribution at the event that covers litter, nutrients, and non- point source pollution (including car washing) 1. Permit year 2 1. Is handout developed or identified? Yes/no/status 2. Train Town staff to man a stormwater booth during the event and distribute the handouts as well as information about leaky septic systems, illicit discharges, improper disposal of waste 2. Permit year 2 2. Report the number of staff members trained 3.Man a booth at the one event chosen and document the number of handouts distributed 3. Permit year 2 and annually thereafter 3.Report the chosen event and number of handouts distributed at event 10. Weaverville Citizens’ Academy Information on the Town’s stormwater program will be shared during its Citizens’ Academy, a program that tours all Town departments and is held annually. LOSRC may be contributing materials for this event. 1.Develop stormwater program material to be included during the Citizens’ Academy 1.Permit year 3 1.Is material developed? Yes/no/status 2.Train Town staff to present stormwater information during Citizens’ Academy 2.Permit year 3 2.Report on number of staff members trained 3.Present on stormwater program during Citizens’ Academy 3.Permit year 3, and annually thereafter 3. Report the number of participants DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 17 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 11. Social Media Campaign The Town’s existing FaceBook account will be used to reach the residential target audience and share information related to stormwater issues, with a minimum of one post per year. LOSRC may be contributing materials and information. 1. Submit a FaceBook post at least annually with the following rotating topics: keeping yard waste and litter out of storm drains, reducing fertilizer runoff, car washing, illicit discharge/illegal dumping, vehicle leaks 1. Annually beginning in permit year 1 1.Report the date of the post 12. Add Signage to Town-owned SCMs Educational signage will be added to Town-owned SCMs that are accessible by the public 1. Locate Town-owned SCMs and add them to the inventory (see BMP No. 48.2) 1. See BMP No. 48.2. 1. See BMP No. 48.2 2.Develop educational signage that describes the use and function of SCMs, notes the stormwater hotline and website 2.Permit year 2 2.Report the number of signs developed 3.Add signage to accessible SCMs 3.Permit year 3 3.Report the number of signs installed Permit Ref. 2.1.7, 3.2.3 and 3.6.5(c): Web Site Measures to provide a web site designed to convey the program’s message and provide online materials including ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, or a list identifying the ordinances or other regulatory mechanisms, providing the legal authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit and SWMP. The web page shall also provide links to Buncombe County resources that provide all relevant post-construction requirements, design standards, checklists and/or other materials. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 13. Stormwater Page on Town Website The web page will provide information on the Town’s stormwater program, including the permit, SWMP, applicable ordinances, and annual reports. The web page will also include a stormwater issue reporting mechanism, educational materials developed by the Town, and links to additional educational resources. The 1. Establish the stormwater web page 1. Permit year 1 1. Report the date the web page goes live, link to webpage 2.Maintain the web page, including updating any broken links, upload new educational materials, upload most recent SWMP and annual reports 2. Annually, once established 2.Report the date the web page is reviewed and updated as well as what updates are made DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 18 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs web page will also serve to advertise the stormwater hotline and compliance email and opportunities for involvement. LOSRC may be contributing materials and information for the Town’s website. 3.Set a hit counter to monitor engagement 3.Annually, once web page is established 3.Report the number of hits Permit Ref. 3.2.5: Stormwater Hotline Measures for a stormwater hotline/helpline for the purpose of public education and outreach. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 14. Stormwater Hotline and Compliance Email A hotline and compliance email will be maintained for citizens to ask stormwater questions or report stormwater issues 1. Establish and maintain a hotline phone number and responsible party 1. Permit year 1-5 1. Report the date the hotline and compliance email is established in year, and if hotline number/email address is maintained; yes/no/status for years 2-5) 2.Establish and train a responsible party to answer stormwater questions and comments 2. Permit year 1 and as needed thereafter 2.Report the date of training and the dates of any additional staff trained 3.Train responsible parties in general stormwater knowledge, appropriate contacts for stormwater questions, and citizen opportunities within the stormwater program 3. Permit year 1 and as needed thereafter 3.Report the date of training and the date any additional staff are trained 4. Publicize hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and posting on stormwater web page 4.Permit year 1-5 4.Yes/no/status 5.Establish a tracking mechanism to document the number and type of calls received 5.Permit year 1-5 5. Report the number and types of calls DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 19 PART 6: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM This SWMP identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement and Participation Program that complies with applicable State, Tribal and local public notice requirements. The Planning Board will function as the Town’s stormwater advisory board. A stormwater hotline and a stormwater issue reporting mechanism on the web page will be used to collect public input. The Town of Weaverville will manage, implement and report the following public involvement and participation BMPs. Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit Ref. 3.3.1: Public Input Mechanisms for public involvement that provide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 15. Planning Board Town planning staff will inform the Planning Board on the stormwater program and receive input and factor stormwater into development decisions. 1. Include an annual agenda item which reports on the stormwater program and receive input from the Planning Board 1. Annually, beginning with Permit year 2 1. Date of meetings and stormwater topics discussed 16. Stormwater Hotline and Compliance Email A hotline and compliance email will be maintained for citizens to ask stormwater questions and report stormwater issues (see BMP No. 14) 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 17. Stormwater Page on Town Website The web page will provide information on the Town’s stormwater program, including the permit, SWMP, applicable ordinances, and annual reports. The web page will also include a stormwater issue reporting mechanism, educational materials developed by the Town, and links to additional educational resources. The web page will also serve to advertise the stormwater hotline and compliance email and opportunities for involvement (see BMP No. 13) 1. See BMP No. 13 1. See BMP No. 13 1. See BMP No. 13 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 20 Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit Ref. 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities Measures to provide volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 18. Cleanup Event Organize volunteers to participate in a cleanup event by picking up trash or cleaning litter from public areas with potential to pollute stormwater. LOSRC may be promoting events. 1. Identify public areas that could be cleaned by volunteers 1. Permit year 1 1. Potential areas identified? Yes/no/status 2.Coordinate cleanup of identified public areas 2.Annually, beginning in permit year 2 2.Report the number of participants and number of trash bags filled 19. Partnership with LOSRC The Town will engage with the LOSRC to develop volunteer opportunities that will be administered by LOSRC. Opportunities will focus on residential, commercial, and school audiences within the MS4 area 1. Establish legal agreement with LOSRC (see BMP No. 7) 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 2.Submit a partnership plan detailing specific commitments of the LOSRC partnership to NCDEQ for approval 2. Permit year 1 2. Report date plan is approved and include as enforceable amendment to SWMP 3.Monitor LOSRC activities to ensure partnership commitments are met (see BMP No. 7.3) 3. See BMP No. 7.3 3. See BMP No. 7.3 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 21 PART 7: ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM The Town of Weaverville will develop, manage, implement, document, report and enforce an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program which shall, at a minimum, include the following illicit discharge detection and elimination BMPs. The IDDE Program will be established, revised, and expanded in order to implement a complete program by permit year 5. The complete MS4 map will include all known pipes and structures, outfalls (with major outfalls identified), flow directions, and receiving waters. Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Permit Ref. 3.4.1: MS4 Map Measures to develop, update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including stormwater conveyances, flow direction, major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 20. Development of Complete MS4 Map The MS4 map will be completed through the implementation of a GIS system and entry or import of data to locate Town pipes and structures, major outfalls, NPDES permitted industrial facility locations, flow directions and receiving waters. 1. Implement a GIS system 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status? 2. Identify location of pipes and structures in MS4 system 2. Permit years 1 and 2 2. Number of pipes and structures identified? 3. Prepare MS4 map layer showing pipes and structures in system 3. Permit year 2 3. Map layer completed? Yes/no/status 4. Add major outfalls and NPDES permitted industrial facilities to map 4. Permit year 3 4.Report number of major outfalls and indus. facilities identified and added 5.Add flow directions to the map 5. Permit year 4 5. Report when map is completed 6.Add receiving waters to the map 6. Permit year 5 6.Report when map completed 21. Updates to MS4 Map The MS4 Map will be updated when new conveyances and major outfalls are located or constructed in order to maintain a complete and up-to-date MS4 map 1. When new conveyances and outfalls are located or constructed, add them to the map 1. Annually, once BMP No. 20 is completed 1. Report whether or not new outfalls were identified and, if so, how many were identified during the permit year and how many have been identified over the permit term 2. Obtain as-builts from Buncombe County on all projects with major outfalls in Town 2. Beginning in permit year 1 3. Y/N/Status? DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 22 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Permit Ref. 3.4.2: Regulatory Mechanism Measures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority to prohibit, detect, and eliminate illicit connections and discharges, illegal dumping and spills into the MS4, including enforcement procedures and actions. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 22. Legal Authority Develop and implement an ordinance in order to establish legal authority to prohibit, detect, and eliminate illicit connections and discharges, illegal dumping and spills into the MS4, including enforcement procedures and actions. Update ordinances if required. 1. Develop and adopt ordinance 1. Permit year 2 1. Report date of adoption 2.Review ordinance and update if revision is required to maintain legal authority 2.Annually, after adoption 2.Report if revision is required and if a revision is made Permit Ref. 3.4.3: IDDE Plan Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4. The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to: a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges, b) Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections, c) Identify illicit discharges and trace sources, d) Eliminate the source(s) of an illicit discharge, and e) Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 23. Outfall Inspections Perform regular dry weather (no rain in previous 72 hours) outfall inspections to proactively identify illicit discharges and illicit connections 1. Train staff to perform dry weather outfall inspections and illicit discharge investigations (see BMP No. 27) 1. See BMP No. 27 1. See BMP No. 27 2.Establish schedule for major outfall inspections so that all major outfalls will be inspected over a 5 year period 2.Permit year 3, in conjunction with MS4 map update (BMP No. 21) 2. Yes/no/status DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 23 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs 3.Perform scheduled inspections of outfalls in dry weather conditions and document any potential violations using the forms and procedure developed in BMP No. 26 3. Annually, beginning in permit year 4 3.Number of outfalls inspected and number of potential illicit discharges identified 24. Illicit Discharge Identification Procedure Develop and maintain a standard operating procedure (SOP) for investigation of potential illicit discharges, illicit connections, and illegal dumping 1. Develop a SOP for investigating potential illicit discharges and connections 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status 2.Maintain a written IDDE program 2.Continuously 2.Yes/no/status 25. IDDE Program Evaluation Annual evaluation of IDDE program to promote continuance of effective components and improvements in areas that are lacking, as well as identification of potential “hot spot” areas. 1.Hold evaluation meeting with IDDE program stakeholders, including at least Stormwater Administrator, Public Works Director, and Planning Director 1.Annually beginning in permit year 2, in conjunction with annual self-assessment 1. Report any proposed changes 2.Review of IDDE reports and identify of any chronic violators, issues, and/or “hot spot” areas 2. Annually beginning in permit year 2, in conjunction with annual self-assessment 2. Report the number of potential illicit discharges found, the number of illicit discharges verified, the number of illicit discharges resolved/removed, and enforcement actions taken Permit Ref. 3.4.4: IDDE Tracking Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s) an illicit discharge, illicit connection or illegal dumping was observed, the results of the investigation, any follow-up of the investigation, the date the investigation was closed, the issuance of enforcement actions, and the ability to identify chronic violators. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 26. Tracking System DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 24 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs A tracking system for observed IDDE violations and follow-up actions will be developed and implemented in order to identify “hot spot” areas, chronic violators, and recurring issues. (To be used during BMP No. 23.3) 1. Develop a “Potential Illicit Discharge Report” form to include observed illicit discharge indicators, date, location, and contacts made 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status 2.Develop a tracking spreadsheet to collect data from “Potential Illicit Discharge Report” as well as the results of the investigation, any follow-up, date of closure, and enforcement action taken 2. Permit year 1 2.Yes/no/status Permit Ref. 3.4.5: Staff IDDE Training Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may observe an illicit discharge, illicit connection, illegal dumping or spills. Training shall include how to identify and report illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills. Each staff training event shall be documented, including the agenda/materials, date, and number of staff participating. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 27. Staff Training Implement a program to educate Town staff about the indicators of potential illicit discharges, illicit connections, and illegal dumping and the appropriate avenues through which to report suspected illicit discharge (see BMP No. 24 for SOPs on which to train staff). 1. Identify or develop a staff training program for staff with IDDE responsibilities or the potential to discover discharge during routine work activities 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2.Train existing and new staff with IDDE responsibilities or the potential to discover discharge during routine work activities 2.Permit year 2, and annually or as needed thereafter 2.Report training date, topics, and number of attendees 28. Fact Sheets Hang fact sheet posters in employee common areas to serve as a reminder of the basics on identifying and reporting illicit discharges, connections, and dumping 1. Identify or develop illicit discharge fact sheet poster to display 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2.Display poster in employee common areas 2. Permit year 2 2.Report number of posters hung Permit Ref. 3.4.6: IDDE Reporting Measures for the public and staff to report illicit discharges, illegal dumping and spills. The mechanism shall be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by appropriately trained personnel. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 25 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs No. BMP A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 29. Stormwater Hotline and Compliance Email A hotline and compliance email will be maintained for citizens to ask stormwater questions and report stormwater issues (see BMP No. 14) 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 30. Stormwater Page on Town Website The web page will provide information on the Town’s stormwater program, including the permit, SWMP, applicable ordinances, and annual reports. The web page will also include a stormwater issue reporting mechanism, educational materials developed by the Town, and links to additional educational resources. The web page will also serve to advertise the stormwater hotline and compliance email and opportunities for involvement (see BMP No. 13) 1. See BMP No. 13 1. See BMP No. 13 1. See BMP No. 13 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 26 PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM The Town of Weaverville will enter into a new legal agreement with Buncombe County for the administration and enforcement of the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 for construction activities in order to meet the NPDES MS4 Permit requirements for all construction site runoff control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities that result in land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre and any construction activity that is part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program Permit Reference State or Local Program Name Legal Authority Implementing Entity Meets Whole or Part of Requirement 3.5.1 - 3.5.4 Buncombe County Delegated SPCA Program 15A NCAC Chapter 04, Buncombe County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Buncombe County Whole 2 The local designated SPCA program ordinance can be found at: https://www.buncombecounty.org/common/planning/ordinance-erosion-control.pdf or https://library.municode.com/nc/buncombe_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH26EN _ARTVSOERSECO Documentation concerning the legal agreement between the Town of Weaverville and Buncombe County for construction site runoff controls has not been well maintained over the years. A new legal agreement will be established in order to ensure proper documentation of shared responsibilities and to address any program deficiencies noted in the self-audits of the Construction Site Runoff Controls (see BMP No. 7). In addition the Town of Weaverville provides opportunities for public input through the stormwater hotline and compliance email and additional waste management requirements for construction site operators are also components of the construction site runoff control program. The Town of Weaverville also implements the following BMPs to meet NPDES MS4 Permit requirements. Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit Ref. 3.5.1 – 3.5.4: Legal Authority and NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (SPCA) Program The Permittee may rely upon a North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (SPCA) program as defined in 15A NCAC Chapter 04 to meet the requirements of 3.5.1 through 3.5.4 BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 31. Legal Agreement with Buncombe County DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 27 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs The Town will develop and maintain a legal agreement with Buncombe County for the proper delegation of all construction site runoff control management through the administration and enforcement of a sedimentation pollution and erosion control program 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 32. Buncombe County SPCA Program Compliance The Town will work with Buncombe County in order to evaluate the current SPCA ordinance and practices to determine if they are not in full compliance and to require that any necessary revisions to such regulations or practices be adopted in a timely manner and maintained for full compliance with construction site runoff control requirements. 1. Communicate results of self-audit and non- compliant provisions to County 1. As needed 1. Yes/no/status 2. Assist County with identification of necessary revisions to the County Code 2. As needed 2. Dates of communication with County; Necessary revisions identified? Yes/no/status 3. Assess Buncombe County actions to ensure responsibilities being carried out; see BMP No. 7.3 3 See BMP No. 7.3 3.See BMP No. 7.3 Permit Ref. 3.5.6: Public Input Measures to provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 33. Municipal Staff Training Train municipal staff who receive calls from the public on the protocols for referral and tracking of construction site runoff control complaints. 1. Train existing and new municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints. 1. Annually beginning in permit year 1 1. Document and report number of staff trained, training dates and topics covered. 34. Stormwater Hotline and Compliance Email A hotline and compliance email will be maintained for citizens to ask stormwater questions and report stormwater issues (see BMP No. 14) 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 1. See BMP No. 14 Permit Ref. 3.5.5: Waste Management Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to water quality. A B C D DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 28 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 35. Maintain Legal Authority Review existing ordinance (Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Section 22- 48) in order to determine adequacy of current regulation on required construction site operators to control waste, and update ordinance if required 1. Review existing ordinance and update if revision is required to maintain legal authority 1. Permit year 1, and annually thereafter 1. Yes, no, status; report if a revision is required and if a revision is made 36. Contractor Education Communicate new waste management requirements to construction site operators 1.Identify or develop fact sheet to share with construction site operators when Town zoning permits issued 1. Permit year 2, after ordinance is adopted 1. Yes/no/status 2.Add fact sheet to website 2. Permit year 2, after ordinance is adopted 2. Yes/no/status 3.Distribute fact sheets when zoning permits issued 3. Permit year 2, after ordinance is adopted 3. Number of fact sheets distributed DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 29 PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM This SWMP identifies the minimum elements to develop, implement and enforce a program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, that are located within the Town of Weaverville and discharge into the MS4. These elements are designed to minimize water quality impacts utilizing a combination of structural Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for the community, and ensure adequate long- term operation and maintenance of SCMs. Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program State QAP Name State Requirements Local Ordinance / Regulatory Mechanism Reference N/A N/A N/A 2 Buncombe County’s regulations are codified in local ordinance, and implementation is further defined in guidance, manuals and/or standard operating procedure(s) as summarized in Table 19 below. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 30 Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements Permit Requirements for Plan Review and Approval Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) and/or Document Title(s) Date Adopted 3.6.2(a) Authority Buncombe County Code of Ordinances – Article VII of Chapter 26; MOU between Buncombe County and the Town of Weaverville 6/24/2008; 7/2007 3.6.3(a) & 15A NCAC 02H.0153(c) Federal, State & Local Projects See BMP No. 39 N/A 3.6.3(b) Plan Review Buncombe County Code §§ 26-322, 26-341; Buncombe County Stormwater Permit Plan Review Checklist and Permit Closeout Checklist 6/24/2008; 12/29/2020; 12/16/2021 3.6.3(c) O&M Agreement Buncombe County Code § 26-385; Buncombe County Stormwater Permit Plan Review Checklist and Permit Closeout Checklist 6/24/2008; 12/29/2020; 12/16/2021 3.6.3(d) O&M Plan Buncombe County Code § 26-385; Buncombe County Stormwater Permit Plan Review Checklist and Permit Closeout Checklist 6/24/2008; 12/29/2020; 12/16/2021 3.6.3(e) Deed Restrictions/Covenants Buncombe County Code § 26-385 6/24/2008; 3.6.3(f) Access Easements Buncombe County Code § 26-385; Buncombe County Stormwater Permit Plan Review Checklist and Permit Closeout Checklist 6/24/2008; 12/29/2020; 12/16/2021 Permit Requirements for Inspections and Enforcement Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) and/or Document Title(s) Date Adopted 3.6.2(b) Documentation Buncombe County SCM Inventory; See BMP Nos. 39/41 N/A 3.6.2(c) Right of Entry Buncombe County Code § 26-385 6/24/2008 3.6.4(a) Pre-CO Inspections See BMP No. 39 N/A 3.6.4(b) Compliance with Plans Buncombe County Code § 26-385; Buncombe County Stormwater Permit Closeout Checklist 6/24/2008; 12/16/2021 3.6.4(c) Annual SCM Inspections See BMP Nos. 39 and 41 N/A 3.6.4(d) Low Density Inspections See BMP No. 39 N/A 3.6.4(e) Qualified Professional Buncombe County Code § 26-363 6/24/2008 Permit Requirements for Fecal Coliform Reduction Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) and/or Document Title(s) Date Adopted 3.6.6(a) Pet Waste See BMP No. 44 N/A 3.6.6(b) On-Site Domestic Wastewater Treatment Buncombe County Environmental Health Application, Evaluation, and Permitting Procedures for Septic Systems and Well Construction N/A DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 31 The program ordinance can be found at: https://library.municode.com/nc/buncombe_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH26EN _ARTVIISTMA The Town of Weaverville has entered into an agreement with Buncombe County for shared responsibility for post-construction site runoff requirements, including inspection, enforcement, and documentation of the full post construction program. While a legal agreement between the Town of Weaverville and Buncombe County is in place for post-construction site runoff controls, it is in need of being evaluated and updated to ensure proper documentation of shared responsibilities and to address any program deficiencies noted in the self-audits of the Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls (see BMP Nos. 7, 39) The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs below. Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit Ref. 3.6.5(a), 3.6.5(b), and 4.1.3: Minimum Post-Construction Reporting Requirements Measures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) including appropriate information to accurately describe progress, status, and results. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 37. Standard Reporting Implement standardized tracking, documentation, inspections and reporting mechanisms to compile appropriate data for the annual self- assessment process. Data shall be provided for each Post-Construction/ Qualifying Alternative Program being implemented as listed in Table 19. 1. Track number of low density and high density plan reviews performed. 1. Continuously 1. Number of plan reviews performed for low density and high density. 2. Track number of low density and high density plans approved. 2. Continuously 2. Number of plan approvals issued for low density and high density. 3. Maintain a current inventory of low density projects and constructed SCMs including SCM type or low density acreage, location and last inspection date. 3. Continuously 3. Summary of number and type of SCMs added to the inventory; and number and acreage of low density projects constructed. 4. Track number of SCM inspections performed. 4. Continuously 4. Number of SCM inspections. 5. Track number of low density inspections performed. 5. Continuously 5. Number of low density inspections. 6. Track number and type of enforcement actions taken. 6. Continuously 6. Number and type of enforcement actions taken. DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 32 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit Ref. 3.6.2: Legal Authority Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented, and maintained, (b) request information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports, monitoring results, and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program, and (c) enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations related to stormwater discharges to determine whether there is compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 38. Legal Agreement with Buncombe County The Town will develop and maintain a legal agreement with Buncombe County for the proper delegation of all post-construction site runoff control management 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 1. See BMP No. 7 39. Buncombe County Stormwater Regulation Compliance The Town will work with Buncombe County in order to evaluate the current stormwater ordinance and practices to determine whether they are in full compliance and to require that any necessary revisions to such regulations or practices be adopted in a timely manner and maintained for full compliance with post- construction site runoff control requirements. 1. Communicate results of self-audit and non- compliant provisions to County 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status 2. Assist County with identification of necessary revisions to the County Code 2. Permit year 1 2. Dates of communication with County; Necessary revisions identified? Yes/no/status 3. Assess Buncombe County actions to ensure responsibilities being carried out; see BMP No. 7.3 3 See BMP No. 7.3 3.See BMP No. 7.3 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 33 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit Ref. 3.6.3: Plan Review and Approval Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Require Federal, State, and local government projects to comply with Post-Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted area, unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or a qualifying alternative program, (b) Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H .1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your jurisdiction, (c) Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement that complies with 15A NCAC 02H .1050(12), (d) Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Plan that complies with 15A NCAC 02H .1050(13), (e) Ensure that each project has recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants, that require the project to be maintained consistent with approved plans, and (f) Ensure that each SCM and associated maintenance accesses be protected in a permanent recorded easement per 15A NCAC 02H 1050 (9) and (10). BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 40. Mechanism to Require Long-term Operation and Maintenance The Town will work with Buncombe County on the necessary revisions to County regulations to provide that the O&M plan required by the owner of each SCM includes annual inspections of each SCM by a qualified professional and documentation of such annual inspections is to be maintained 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 Permit Ref. 3.6.4: Inspections and Enforcement Measures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Conduct post- construction inspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Alternatively, the project owner may provide a surety bond to guarantee compliance with the approved plan(s), (b) Ensure that the project has been constructed in accordance with the approved plan(s), (c) Ensure annual inspection of each permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement, (d) Ensure inspection of low density projects at least once during the permit term, and (e) Require that inspections be conducted by a qualified professional. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 41. Inspections of Structural Stormwater Control Measures The Town will work with Buncombe County on the necessary revisions to County regulations to require annual inspections of each SCM by a qualified professional and documentation of annual inspections 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 34 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs 42. Inspections and Maintenance of Town SCMs Perform and document annual inspections and maintenance of existing and new Town-owned structural SCMs 1. See BMP No. 54 1. See BMP No. 54 1. See BMP No. 54 43. Tracking of Notices of Violations and Enforcement Actions The Town will assist Buncombe County with the development of or migration to a mechanism of tracking post-construction site runoff violators that includes tracking by location and owner, and the ability to identify chronic violators 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 1. See BMP No. 39 Permit Ref. 3.6.6: Fecal Coliform Reduction Measures to control, to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 02H .1017(7). At a minimum, the program shall include: (a) A pet waste management component, which may be achieved by revising an existing litter ordinance, and (b) An on-site domestic wastewater treatment system component, if applicable, which may be coordinated with local county health department, to ensure proper operation and maintenance of such systems. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 44. Pet Waste Management Review current ordinances (Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4 and 22) in order to determine adequacy of current regulation on pet waste management and update ordinance if required 1. Review existing ordinances and update if revision is required to provide for pet waste management 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status; report if a revision is required and if a revision is made 45. Pet Waste Receptacles Install and maintain pet waste receptacles on Town-owned streets, parks and properties as deemed appropriate to encourage proper disposal of pet waste 1.Inventory the pet waste disposal receptacles maintained by Town 1.Permit year 1 1.Number of pet waste receptacles maintained 2.Determine if additional pet waste disposal receptacles are needed 2. Permit year 2 2.Additional receptacles needed? Yes/no/status; number and location 3.Install and maintain additional pet waste disposal receptacles as required 3. As needed, beginning in permit year 3 3.Number and location of receptacles installed DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 35 PART 10: POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMS This SWMP provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for the Town of Weaverville municipal facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping is accomplished through the implementation of seven required programs, which collectively address the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations such as parks and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and municipal storm sewer system maintenance. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations includes the following programs: 1. Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program 2. Spill Response Program 3. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program 4. Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program 5. Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program 6. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program 7. Pavement Management Program Spill response procedures are currently handled by the Public Works Department. All other components of the pollution prevention and good housekeeping measures are implemented by the Public Works Department. The Town already provides limited street cleaning and seasonal leaf collection services to residents but will begin to quantify and monitor for assessment. The Town of Weaverville will manage, implement and report the pollution prevention and good housekeeping BMPs as specified in Table 21 below for each required program. Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Permit Ref. 3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal facilities; perform facility inspections and routine maintenance; establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation; provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 46. Inventory of Municipal Facilities Develop and maintain an up-to-date inventory of municipal facilities with potential to generate polluted runoff. 1. Compile and maintain a list of existing Town- owned facilities with potential for stormwater pollution or requiring spill response procedures 1. Permit year 1 1. Number of facilities inventoried; date list completed DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 36 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 2. Perform initial inspection of facilities for potential to general polluted runoff or requiring spill response procedures (see BMP No. 49) and classify facilities as having high or low potential for stormwater pollution 2.Permit year 2 2.Number of inspections performed and number of facilities classified as high potential and low potential 3.Determine which facilities required a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) 3.Permit year 2 3.Number of SPCC plans required 4.Determine which facilities require a NPDES Industrial permit (see BMP No. 56) 4. See BMP No. 56 4.See BMP No. 56 5.Update inventory as needed when facilities are added or closed 5. As required 5. Number of facilities added/revisions made 47. Facility Inspections Inspection of Town facilities to confirm good housekeeping practices are being followed, including vehicle and equipment cleaning (see BMP No. 57) 1. Establish a SOP for Town facility inspections, including an inspection schedule, inspection report documentation, and tracking system 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2. Implement annual facility inspections for high stormwater pollution potential facilities and once per permit term for low potential facilities, following SOP established in BMP No. 47.1 2.Annually, beginning in permit year 3 2. Number of inspections of high potential and low potential facilities performed 48. Staff Training Develop or identify a staff training program for general stormwater pollution prevention and provide to all Public Works Department employees (see BMP No. 51); LOSRC may be providing this training. 1. See BMP No. 51 1. See BMP No. 51 1. See BMP No. 51 DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 37 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Permit Ref. 3.7.2: Spill Response Program Measures for facilities and operations that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff if spilled. The permittee shall maintain written spill response procedures and train staff on spill response procedures. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 49. Inventory of Facilities with Spill Potential Develop and maintain a list of Town facilities and operations storing materials that would be a pollutant if spilled and introduced into the stormwater system and classify by hazard and quantity (see BMP No. 46.2) 1. Compile list of Town facilities and operations with spill potential 1. Permit year 1 1. Number of facilities or operations identified; date list is completed 2. Update list as facilities or operations are changed 2. When necessitated by changes in facilities or operations 2. Number of additions or revisions made 50. Spill Response Procedures Develop and maintain spill response procedures, and train appropriate staff 1. Develop SOP for spill response procedures 1. Permit year 1 1. Date SOP implemented 2. Train existing and new Town staff with spill responsibilities in spill response procedures 2. Permit year 1, and as required 2. Number of staff trained 3. Review and update specific spill response procedures for Town facilities and operation with potential to produce high hazard spills 3. Permit year 2, following completion of BMP No. 49.1 3. Number of additions or revisions made 4. Train staff at facilities with potential for high hazard spills in first response actions and reporting procedures 4. Annually once BMP No. 49.1 and No. 50.1 are completed 4. Number of staff trained 5. Review and update SOP as facilities and operations are changed 5. As required 5. Number of additions or revisions made Permit Ref. 3.7.3: MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater collection system. The permittee shall provide operation and maintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, perform MS4 inspections, maintain the collection system including catch basins and conveyances; and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 51. Staff Training DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 38 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Develop or identify a staff training program for general stormwater pollution prevention and provide to Public Works Department and other appropriate staff. LOSRC may be providing this training. 1. Develop or identify an appropriate training program 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2. Provide training for all existing and new Public Works employees 2. Annually, beginning in permit year 3 2. Number of staff trained and topics from training 52. MS4 System Inspections and Maintenance Develop a proactive plan for MS4 system maintenance which requires regular inspections and maintenance 1. Develop a SOP that includes proactive inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2. Develop an inspection and maintenance tracking system to be used in accordance with the SOP and to identify “hot spot” locations for system maintenance 2. Permit year 2 2. Yes/no/status 3. Perform regular inspections in accordance with the SOP 3. Following schedule established in SOP, once SOP and tracking system (see BMP No. 52.1 and No. 52.2) are established 3.Number of inspections documented 4. Verify, document, and prioritize maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports 4. Continuously, as potential maintenance activities are identified 4. Number of maintenance activities performed Permit Ref. 3.7.4: Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program Measures to manage municipally-owned, operated, and/or maintained structural SCMs that are installed for compliance with the permittee’s post-construction program. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of SCMs, perform SCM inspections and maintenance, and shall establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 53. Inventory and Mapping of Municipal Structural SCMs Develop and maintain a current inventory of Town-owned structural SCMs and reflect those structures on the Town’s MS4 map; develop and maintain an operation and 1. Create an inventory of existing Town-owned SCMs with information including type, year built, date last inspected, and maintenance actions 1. Permit year 1 1. Number of Town structural SCMs DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 39 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs maintenance program for the Town- owned structural SCMs 2. Locate and add Town- owned SCMs to the MS4 map with type of SCM indicated 2. Permit year 2 2. Yes/no/status 3. Develop O&M Plans for all Town-owned SCMs 3. Permit year 2 3. Yes/no/status 4.Update the MS4 map as new Town-owned SCMs are constructed 4. Annually, once BMP No. 49.1 (see also BMP No. 49.2) is completed 4. Note annually whether new Town-owned SCMs were added; if any are added, note number and type added as well as number and type of SCMs mapped 5.Update O&M plans as needed for new Town development 5. As required 5. Date of updates 54. Inspections and Maintenance of Town SCMs Perform and document annual inspections and maintenance of existing and new Town-owned structural SCMs 1. Maintain NC SCM Inspections and Certification for appropriate personnel 1. Continuously, beginning in permit year 2 1. Number of staff members with active certifications 2. Develop SCM inspection form 2. Permit year 2 2. Yes/no/status 3. Develop an SCM inspection tracking document (see BMP No. 53) 3. Permit year 2 3. Yes/no/status 4. Inspect each SCM device using SCM inspection form 5. Annually, beginning year 3 4. Number of SCMs inspected, number passing inspection, number requiring maintenance 5. Perform maintenance tasks identified in inspections 5. As required 5. Number of SCMs maintained Permit Ref. 3.7.5: Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of landscape chemicals. The permittee shall provide routine pollution prevention and chemical use, storage and handling training, and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 55. Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Application Training DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 40 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Develop or identify a training program for employees that apply landscape chemicals in order to minimize water quality impacts from pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. 1. Maintain Right-of- Way Pest Control, Public Health Control, and Ornamental & Turf Pest Control applicator certifications for appropriate personnel 1. Continuously 1. Yes/no/status 2.Develop or identify pollution prevention, and chemical use, storage, and handling training program 2. Permit year 2 2. Yes/no/status 3. Provide existing and new staff training in pollution prevention, and chemical use, storage, and handling 3. Annually, beginning in permit year 3 3. Number of staff trained and topics covered Permit Ref. 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Measures to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for municipal vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal industrial facilities subject to NPDES industrial permitting comply with those permit requirements, provide routine pollution prevention training to staff, perform routine inspections, and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 56. NPDES Industrial Permit Compliance Ensure that NPDES industrial permit compliance occurs at all applicable Town-owned sites 1. Review Town facilities inventory to determine if any facilities requires a NPDES Industrial Permit 1. Permit year 2 1. Number of facilities determined to require a NPDES Industrial Permit 2.Apply for or renew all NPDES industrial permits that are necessary for compliance 2. Permit year 3 if necessary following review of facilities, continuously thereafter 2. Report number of active, renewed, or new permits received 3.Develop a Town industrial facility inspection form 3. As required 3. Yes/no/status 4. Perform facility inspections for compliance with NPDES industrial permit 4. As required 4. Number of inspections performed DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 41 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 5. Establish NPDES Industrial Permit tracking mechanism to document Town facilities with permit, permit expiration dates, and inspections 5. As required 5. Yes/no/status 57. Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Facility Inspection Perform routine inspections as part of general facility inspections (see BMP No. 47) to ensure that vehicle and equipment facilities are following proper procedures to minimize water quality impacts from vehicle and equipment cleaning and maintenance 1. Develop an inspection checklist 1. Permit year 2 1. Yes/no/status 2.Perform inspections using inspection checklist and notify facility manager of any corrective actions required 2. Bi-annually, beginning in permit year 3 2. Number of inspections, number of facilities requiring corrective actions 3. Perform re-inspections of any facility that required corrective action 3. As required based on corrective actions issued 3. Number of facilities requiring corrective action, number of resolutions 58. Staff Training Develop or identify a staff training program for general stormwater pollution prevention and provide to employees working in vehicle maintenance and cleaning areas. LOSRC may provide this training. 1. See BMP No. 51 See BMP No. 51 See BMP No. 51 Permit Ref. 3.7.7: Pavement Management Program Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets, roads, and parking lots within the permittee’s corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter, leaves, debris, particulate and fluid pollutants associated with vehicles, and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation. BMP No. A B C D Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 59. Street Cleaning Perform periodic street cleaning activities in order to reduce pollutants from Town-owned and maintained streets 1. Develop a SOP including a schedule and plan to document street cleaning activities 1. Permit year 3 1. Yes/no/status 2.Implement SOP and document activities 2. Permit year 3 2.Total number of culverts, storm drain intakes, street miles cleaned 60. Leaf Collection DRAFT NCS000448 SWMP Town of Weaverville March 16, 2021 Page 42 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Perform periodic collection of leaves from residential and public areas to reduce pollutants and obstruction of stormwater drainage system inlets 1. Develop a SOP including a schedule and plan to document leaf collection activities 1. Permit year 1 1. Yes/no/status 2.Implement SOP and document activities 2. Regularly, beginning in permit year 1 2. Volume of leaves collected (cubic yards) 61. Vehicle Spill/Leak Cleanup Develop and implement an organized vehicle spill cleanup response to prevent pollutants from vehicular accidents from entering the stormwater drainage system 1.Develop and maintain spill response procedures (see BMP No. 50) 1.See BMP No. 50 1.See BMP No. 50 2.Provide public education about stopping vehicle leaks (see BMP No. 11) 2.See BMP No. 11 2. See BMP No. 11