HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2597_PrelimWatersMap_Quad_RevisedonlyFS 20d 64 0 wow--It McDowell Count] Fort Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina LEGEND Jurisdictional Streams Perennial - Inlermiltenl ® Jurisdictional Wetlands; W57b; W46R M Jurisdictional Other Wafers Slruclures (culverts) =GPS Vedfed (bolh inverts localed) = = GPS Vedfed (one invert localed) QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer I: jHUC BoundRry�8 Digit) —+— Railroads 1 /I N �\6 Ion 1 0 N �f v I o S22 r� Fe"044 M Ir � (pS,221) � x:5.221 u ' .� f S22b S22 (Perennial) W22b r Nip .11111 jF M r 1 jr -.=� This cedks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56,16081; that the horizontal jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Me. Uts there is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %wery 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was published regulations, this determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected Sedion404jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; that the dates ofsurveywerefrom August 22nd- 31st,Septem be[ 27th a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and This determination was made dking the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Manual. Regulalory0ffcial_ Witness my original signature ,regristrationnumber and seal this __ __ day of A.D., Tille Dale — MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 USACEklonID SCALE Feet de Mj Sheet 7 of 35* Beginn ng from Ruth ion] ton to Mmon (south to north NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS � 1 PROJE I)MOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS am) 1 �1� S30 Fe"044 M W2 AhL6 �r a' c u North Carolina USACEAction ID 1 Ok I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56,16081; that the horizontal accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately as follows, 83,3 %wev lm, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected data; that the dates of survey were from August 22nd - 31st, September 27th and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Witness myoriginalsignature, regristration number and seal this __day of A.D., MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE Feet s Sheet 10 of 35* min¢ from Ruthiolton to Marion (S06 to NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT 011ANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS � 1 PI'MENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH 01 SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS 01 THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS LEGEND This cedks that Phis copy of Phis plat Jumisdiclional Shams accurately depicts the boundary of the jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer h�' — Perennial Actasdeterminedby the undersigned onthis McDowell - Inlemmiltenl date. UnI (here is a change in the law or our CODUtj °a ��� ® JurisdiclionalWellands ;W51b;W46a published regulations, Phis determinaton of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for M Jumisdiclional Nei Wafers a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. F. Structures (culverts) This determination was made dking the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Rutherford =GPS Vedfed (both inverts located) Manual. Lake County LuYe 72r = = GPS Vedfed (one invert loafed) Regulatory Official Rut r I on S in dale QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer Title 4 a I: IHUC Boundary �8 Digit) —+— Railroads Date North Carolina USACEAction ID 1 Ok I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56,16081; that the horizontal accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately as follows, 83,3 %wev lm, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected data; that the dates of survey were from August 22nd - 31st, September 27th and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Witness myoriginalsignature, regristration number and seal this __day of A.D., MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE Feet s Sheet 10 of 35* min¢ from Ruthiolton to Marion (S06 to NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT 011ANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS � 1 PI'MENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH 01 SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS 01 THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS ra McDowell Count] F.ft Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina LEGEND Jurisdictional Streams Perennial - Inlermiffenl ® Jurisdictional Wetlands; W57b; W46R E Jurlsdlcllonal Other Wafers Structures (culverts) =GPS Vedfed (bolh inverts localed) = = GPS Vedfed (one invert localed) QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer 1: jHUC Boundary �8 Digit) —+— Railroads S46aa k\ �21 'a F � u d ' i.�- i 1 1 0 61� —N I Y - - 1 Illork b S46a S41 This ceriks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Sheet 16 of 35* jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Water accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Beginning&om Ruth iol ton to Mmon (south to north) Act as determined by the undersigned on this Me. Uts there is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was FUe 7ANDINVIRONMINTAIANA1.95 NaDEPaRTMENT published regulations, this determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected (TION GHWVS Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; thatthedatesofsurveywerefromAugust22nd- 31st,September27th ORMfNT a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. ENTAIANA1.95 UNIT and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and This determination was made dking the 1987 are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation US 221 ROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN Manual. RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 Regulalory0ffcial_ _ _ Witnessmyoriginalsignature ,regristrationnumberandsealthis day of A.D., IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS Title R -2597 AND R -204 D &E Dale — MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. USACE Mon ID __ SCALE Feet INCLUDINGWETLANDS 71 rt j!I Elm 53 or B ti SR #17891 S55 0 r L LEGEND This cedks Thal Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision Jurisdictional Streams accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56,16081; that the horizontal Sheet 20 of 35* Perennial jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Beginning from Ruth ioltonto Mmon (south to north) Act as determined by the undersigned on Phis McDowell hz, - "'� Intemmi8ent date. Un�ss there is a change in the law orour as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was Fol� NORTH fRROUNRO ERRRTMENT published regulations, Phis delerminalron of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected OfTRRN Of HI(TION County a Oil ®JumisdictionalWetlands W51b;W46R oivisiONOfHIGHWA Sedion404jurisdic lionmayberelieduponfor data; thatthedatesofsurveywerefromAugust22nd- 31st,September27th RROIE I)MORMENT M Jurisdictional Other Waters a perrod no!!o exceed five years from !his date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT This determination was made rRil¢inglhe 1981 Structures (culverts) are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delinea!ion US 221 ROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN Rutherford � =GPS Vedfed (both inverts located) Manual. Lake 72, RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 County zuYe = = GPS Vedfed (one invert IOCated) Regulatory Off cial _ Witness my original signature, regristration number and seal this R,ut rd ton day of R.D., IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS S in dale QSlope Stake Limits with 25ff Buffer Title _ R -2597 AND R -204 D &E 4 a 1: jHUC Boundary�8 Digit) Railroads Date — Marshall Wight, `6 X1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. North Carol ina USACE Mon ID SCALE Feet INCLUDING WETLANDS _— I X TS .1 McDowell Count] N Fort Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina F/ Era %W 50 S53b 0� hI N SeCpnd 3 �q S55 LEGEND Jurisdictional Shams Perennial - Inlemmiffenl ® Jurisdictional Wetlands; W57b; W46R EJunsdicilonal NemWafers Structures (culverls) =GPS Vedfed (bolh inverts localed) = = GPS Vedfed (one invert localed) QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer 1: jHUC Boundary �8 Digit) —+— Railroads I 0 1 L ti This ceriks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Act as determined by the undersigned on Phis Me. Uts (here is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %wev 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was published regulations, Phis MermiM6n of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected Section 404 jurisdidion may be relied upon for data; that the dates ofsurvey were from August 22nd- 31st,September27th a perrod not fo exceed five years from Phis date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and This determination was made dking the 1987 are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. RegulaloryOffcial_ __ Witness my original signature, regristration number and seal this __day of A.D., lk r tJgf 6fo 0d Seoo Y 1 Tille Dale — MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 USACE Mon ID SCALE Feet F."."! M Sheet 21 of 35* Beginn ng from Ruth iolton to Mmon (south to north NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS � 1 PROJE I)MOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS IS59 I I 0 u a � S59 �— McDowell Count] Fort Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina S57b t or- W?m 1S59 W61b R IF, S60 a a S57b S51 �eti�R ►ve, N ALA ._ L LEGEND This cedks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision Jurisdictional Streams accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal — Perennial jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer Act as determined by the undersigned on Phis accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately - Intermittent date. Uts (here is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %wev 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was ®Jurisdictional Wetlands; W51b; W46a published regulations, Phis determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; that the dates of survey were from August 22nd - 31st, September 27th M Jurisdictional Other Waters a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and Structures (culverts) This determination was made dking the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, =GPS Vedfed (both inverts located) Manual. = = GPS Vedfed (one invert located) Regulatory Off cial Witness my original signature, regristration number and seal this QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer _ __ day of A.D., Title 1: jHUC BoundRry�8 Digil) _ ___ Railroads Date — MarshallWigM, `6S 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 USACE Mon ID SCALE Feet 0 a MV I Sheet 23 of 35* Beginn ng from Ruth iolton to Mmon (south to north o01µ NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS 1 PROJE I)MOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS ■ I i "= mom AM 6 0 ! S62a ti momlSR`1331�� _ 1 h N Ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 I N ' 7 1 I cl� mlm s, s ilr �I of L2a '� S62 f R� S62a ti Fe"O"! M / L I, S63c 3 � � 24" cMP S62a S63 ti S62b h. 1 66 j , 0 L LEGEND This cedks Thal Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision Jurisdictional Streams accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Sheet 24 of 35* — Perennial jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer Act as determined by the undersigned on Phis accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Beginning&om Ruth iol ton to Mmon (south to north) McDowell hz, - Intermittent date. Uts (here is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was ��ow NORTH CODUt� °a ��� ®JurisdictionalWetlands W51b;W46a published regulations, Phis delerminalron of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected i" " POPTNROERRRTMENT OfTRRN Of HIGTION oivisioNOFHi�HwA Sedion 404 jurisdicUon may be relied upon for data; that the dates ofsurveywerefrom August 22nd- 31st,Septem be[ 27th PROLE I)MORMENT F M Jurisdictional Other Waters a perrod no!!o exceed five years from !his date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and 'q, AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT Structures (culverts) This delerminalion was made rRil¢inglhe 1981 Corps of Engineers Wellands Delinealion are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Rutherford =GPS Vedfed (both inverts located) Manual. US 221 ROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN Lake CODUty zuYe X21' = -GPS Vedfed (one invert located) Regulatory Off cial Witness my original signature, regristration number and seal this RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 Put rdton S indale QSlope Stake Limits with 25ff Buffer _ day of A.D., IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS Title R -2597 AND R -204 D &E 4 S 1 jHUC BoundRry�8 Digit) _ Railroads Date — Marshall Wight, `6 X1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. Nord) Carolina USACE Action ID _— SCALE Feet INCLUDING WETLANDS 124" cMP 7 G �y yea W5 J� S63b S63a McDowell Count] F.rr Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina rve ;M1 LEGEND Jurisdictional Streams —Perennial - Inlermiffenl ® Jurisdictional Wetlands; W57b; W46R E Junsdicilonal Other Wafers Structures (culverts) =GPS Vedfed (bolh inverts localed) = = GPS Vedfed (one invert localed) QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer 1: jHUC Boundary �8 Digit) —+— Railroads OW65a S65a S65a (Intermittent) mmomrr 0 GO! MM i o00) off 0%til s6sl' — "I M1016 This cedks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Sheet 25 of 35* jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Beginning&om Ruth iol ton to Mmon (south to north) Me. Uts there is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was NaDEPaRTMENT published regulations, this determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected FUe (TION GHWVS 7ANDINVIRONMINTAI. Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; thatthedatesofsurveywerefromAugust22nd- 31st,September27th ORMfNT a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and ENTAI. ANA1.95 UNIT This determination was made dking the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, US 221 ROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN Manual. Regulalory0ffcial_ Witnessmyoriginalsignature ,regristrationnumberandsealthis RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 __ day of A.D., IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS Title R -2597 AND R -204 D &E Dale — MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 USACE Mon ID SCALE Feet PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS Branch S72a S72aa H I S7 1 I qL. %L Fe"044 M This ceriks that Phis copy of Phis plat f 1 LEGEND from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Jurisdictional Streams jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this — Perennial McDowell h21� -� nlermiffenl County a o11 ® JunsdlcllonalWellandS;W57b;W46R as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was E Jurisdictional Other Waters Fart NoRTH fRROUNRDfPRRTMfNT published regulations, this determinaton of Structures (culverts) Rutherford =GPS Vedfed (bolh inverts localed) Lake 721' County Lure = = GPS Vedfed (one loved localed) Rut r I on S in dale QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer 4 a 1: jHUC Boundary �8 Digit) a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. Railroads North Carolina 1 I qL. %L Fe"044 M This ceriks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certify Oat this plat was drawn under my supervision accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Sheet 30 of 35* jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately 'Beginning from Ru1hio11on10 Mmon (south tonodh) Me. Uts there is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %were � 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was ��ow NoRTH fRROUNRDfPRRTMfNT published regulations, this determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected k Of TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWAYS Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; that the dates ofsurvey were from August 22nd- 31st,September27th 'q, PROif I)MOPMfNT a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT This determination was made dking the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, US 221 ROM NORTH Of SR 1366 IN Manual. Regulalory0ffcial_ Witnessmyoriginalsignature ,regristrationnumberandsealthis RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 day of A.D., IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS Title R -2597 AND R -204 D &E Dale — MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 USACE Mon ID SCALE Feet PRELIMINARY WATERS Of THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS MW i� 1�� McDowell Count] L Fort Rutherford La4:e County Lure I North Carolina hh}r PIN EL — S7 S76a it (Intermittent) S76 Po LEGEND This cedks that Phis copy of Phis plat I, Marshall Wight, certifythat this plat was drawn under my supervision Jurisdictional Streams accurately depicts the boundary of the from an actual Class B 1161Z survey [21 NCAC 56.16081; that the horizontal Perennial jursidifin of Section 404 of the Clean Wafer accuracy distribution in meters �m� of field collected GPS data was approximately Act as determined by the undersigned on Phis - Intermittent date. Uts (here is a change in the law or our as follows, 83,3 %wev 1m, '12%<2m, "4.7 %> 2m; that the accurary was published regulations, Phis determinaton of evaluated via statistical methods for both post - processed and WAAS corrected ®Jurisdictional Wetlands; W51b; W46a Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for data; that the dates of survey were from August 22nd - 31st, September 27th M Jurisdictional Other Waters a perrod not to exceed five years from this date. and October 1st of 2012; that all wetland boundary lines were surveyed and Structures (culverts) This determination was made dking the 1987 are clearly indicated; that the horizontal datum for this survey is NAD83 ANA 2011, Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation =GPS Vedfed (both inverts located) Manual. = = GPS Vedfed (one invert located) Regulatory Off cial _ __ Witness my original signature, regristration number and seal this QSlope Slake Limits with 25ff Buffer Title 1: jHUC BoundRry�8 Digil) —+— Railroads Date USACEAction ID MarshallWigM, `6 1.5034 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE Feet S78b Li S78b f T #I M �I I�I ii S78 Sheet 34 of 35* Beginn ng from Ruth iolton to Mmon (south to north o01µ NORTHCAPOUNADEPARTMENT 011ANSPORTATION DIVISION Of HIGHWVS � 1 PROJE I)MOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAIANA1.95 UNIT US 221 FROM NORTH 01 SR 1366 IN RUTHERfORD COUNTY TO US 221 -NC 226 IN MCDOWELL COUNTY TIP PROJECTS R -2597 AND R -204 D &E PRELIMINARY WATERS 01 THE U.S. INCLUDINGWIRANDS 011