HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0030970_NPDES Permit App_20101209AirA • NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 9, 2010 THE HONORABLE ETHEL T CLARK MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF SPRING LAKE PO.BOX 617 SPRING LAKE NC 28390 DENR-FRO DEC 10 2010 Subject: Receipt of permit renewal application NPDES Permit NC0.030970 Spring Lake WWTP Cumberland County Dear Mayor Clark: The NPDES Unit received your permit renewal application on December 2, 2010. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. They will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. You should expect to receive a draft permit approximately 30-45 days before your existing permit expires. •If you have any additional questions concerning renewal of the subject permit, please contact Tom Belnick at (919) 807-6390. Sincerely, Dina Sprinkle Point Source Branch cc: CENTRAL FILES Faeti eviller ' 'eg o o°� ©:ffice/Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 \ FAX: 919-807-6492 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org • An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina Naturally TOWN OF SPRING LAKE, -NORTH CAROLINA Wastewater Treatment Plant NC0030970 Renewal Application November 2010 Town of Spring Lake permit renewal application NPDES NC0030970 Operational Narrative Town of Spring Lake Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant The Town Spring Lake Regional WWTP was constructed in 1976 and designed by Rose and Purcell, Inc. of Fayetteville, North Carolina. The facility was originally designed with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funding to meet the Clean Water Act and was intended to function as a regional plant to serve the Town and surrounding areas. The plant utilizes a modification of the activated sludge process known as extended aeration. It is a dual train facility with a capacity of 0.75 million gallons per day (MGD), per train, for a total average daily flow (ADF) of 1.5 MGD. This design flow was determined based on an anticipated population of the Town of Spring Lake of 15,000 in the year 2000, and a wastewater flow of 100 GPD/capita. The treatment process currently includes the following unit processes and equipment: • Influent Screw Pumps Grit Removal • Influent Screen/Screenings Press Fixed Bar Screen • Influent Flow Measurement (Parshall Flume) • Activated Sludge Biological Treatment (Extended Aeration) • Final Clarifiers • Return Waste Activated Sludge Pumps • Post Aeration • Chlorination/Dechlorination • Effluent Flow Measurement (Parshall Flume) • Sludge Stabilization/Disposal • Emergency Generator Two parallel screw pumps lift the raw sewage 23.8 feet in elevation to the influent channel which was designed to feed the "Pista Grit" vortex grit removal unit. The flow then passes through a mechanical helical screen and screenings press compactor. A fixed bar screen handles excess flow and serves as.a backup to the mechanical screen. Flow is measured by a Parshall flume before it enters the activated sludge process train. Flow may be split or directed to one of the two activated sludge process trains which operate in parallel. Air is introduced into the aeration basins by eight floating surface aerators. The effluent from the two activated sludge process trains is combined before it is split to three final or secondary clarifiers. The overflow or effluent from the clarifiers flows by gravity to the post aeration basins and then to the chlorine contact chamber where it is disinfected. The effluent is then dechlorinated with sulfur dioxide and measured in the effluent Parshall flume before it flows (by gravity) to the Lower Little River. The.underflow from the clarifier (sludge) flows by gravity to the sludge wet well in the sludge pumping building. The collected activated sludge is either re -circulated to the activated sludge process at the head of the aeration basins as return activated sludge, or fed to the sludge holding tank (the old aerobic digester) as waste activated sludge (WAS). In the sludge holding tank some of the volatile solids are reduced by aeration (oxidation) and this prevents the sludge from going septic or anaerobic. This reduces the potential for odors and sustains good handling characteristics. For pathogen and vector attraction reduction, the sludge is lime stabilized to Class B standards and held in a biosolids storage tank prior to application. Biosolids are presently land applied to 64.14 acres of permitted land of which 15.84 acres are on the WWTP site and the remainder of the land is on nearby farms. Coastal Bermuda and Fescue Grasses are grown on these properties. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT COMPONENTS Influent Screw Pumps The influent screw pumps were last upgraded and replaced in August of 2001. These pumps are designed to lift a maximum of 2,500 gpm or 3.6 MGD each. Together they can pump a total of 5,000 gpm or 7.2 MGD. During the 2001 upgrade the new screws were designed to accommodate projected increased flows. The sheaves of the motors can be changed to bring the capacity of a single pump to 5.77 MGD, with a combined total of 11.54 MGD. The motors for these pumps were also upgraded in 2001, so they would not need to be changed in the future. The upgraded motors would not need to work as hard and will require less maintenance and last longer. The design criteria for the screw pumps are as follows: • Pump Type Screw Pumps • Manufacturer Lakeside Equipment Company • Number 2 • Motor Horsepower 40 • Diameter 48 Inches • Pump Rate 2,500GPM 5,000 GPM (2 pumps operating) • Pump Rate 3.6MGD 7.2 MGD (2 pumps operating) • Peak Factor 2.4 (1 pump operating) 4.8 (2 pumps operating) Notes: Pumps were replaced in 2001. The new pumps were fitted with an extra flight. Pumps may be upgraded by changing a sheave with a different diameter to pump at a rate of 4,010 GPM or 5.77 MGD with one pump operating or 8,020 GPM or 11.54 MGD with two pumps operating. Grit Removal The "Pista-Grit" chamber which is a proprietary piece of equipment by Smith and Loveless Inc. This unit is a vortex grit removal unit complete with a mixer and blower system, decanter, screw conveyer and hopper. • Type Pista Grit Chamber • Manufacturer Smith & Loveless • Number 1 • Motor 14 Horsepower • Diameter 8 Feet • Blower Motor 3 Horsepower • Blower Output 50 CFM @4.0 PSI • Peak Rate 4.0MGD Note: Grit and water separator, and grit screw are sized for the Pista Grit Chamber per manufacturer's requirements. Influent Screen / Screenings Press The influent screw screenings press, which has a peak flow capacity of 3.0 MGD, was installed in March of 1998. The existing equipment replaced an older "Barminutor" which is a type of comminutor. A comminutor is designed to grind up large solids and not remove them. A screening device is preferred, as ground up plastics in sludge or biosolids make land application less desirable due to the potential trash and litter in the field. The screw screen functions well under normal flows. However, at higher flows the upstream water level increases and it is then diverted to the manual bar screen in the bypass channel. Type Helisieve - Cylindrical Screen with Screw Conveyor and Compactor Press • Manufacturer Hycor Corporation (Currently PilTkson Corporation) • Number 1 • Motor 1 Horsepower • Channel Width 24 Inches •' Basket Diameter 15.55 Inches • Average Flow 1.0+ MGD • Peak'Flow 3.0MGD Note: During peak flows an adjacent channel is opened which has a static or manual bar screen. Activated Sludge The Town of Spring,Lake Regional WWTP uses extended aeration as its activated sludge process. The two activated sludge basins have a combined volume of 1,853,544. This provides a hydraulic detention time of approximately 30 hours at design flow. The basins were designed to have a minimum oxygen content of 2 mg/I. To meet this, four aerators have been installed within each basin, with one as a standby. Type • Number of Trains • Basin Size • Total Volume Extended Aeration 2 926,800 Gallons Each 1,854,000 Gallons • Retention Time 29.65 Hours at Design ADF 18 - 36 Hours • Aeration Type • Aerators Per Train • Aerators Operating • Aerator Motor • Energy Input • Volumetric Loading • Oxygen Applied 2.59 Final Clarification Floating Mechanical 4 3 per Train 25 Horsepower 0.605 Horsepower/1,000 CF 10.1 Ib BOD5/day/1,000 CF BOD5 Ib 02/Ib BOD5 (Applied) Assumes 1.8 Ib 02/hph) The plant was originally designed with two final or secondary clarifiers. In 2005 a larger clarifier was added. This was required because the plant was not meeting design specifications during periods of high flow due to inflow/infiltration and under designed clarifiers. The clarifiers for the original plant were under -designed in overflow rates, weir loading and depth. Currently the plant is designed for all three clarifiers to be in operation. The flow is split with one quarter of the flow going to each of the original clarifiers and one half to the new larger clarifier. The two original clarifiers were manufactured by Suburbia Systems, Inc. These clarifiers are each 135,255 gallons in volume with a detention time of 4.33 hours per tank, as originally designed. The average surface overflow rate was originally designed at 414 gpd/ft2. Each clarifier is 48 feet in diameter and has a side water depth of 10 feet. These 30-year-old clarifiers perform well during normal flow and they are in reasonable condition. In 2003 a new clarifier was added to the plant to improve the plant's performance and to handle high peak flows in excess of 3.0 MGD. At these flows, the original clarifiers did not perform sufficiently. They are relatively shallow and did not provide adequate weir loading volume and overflow. The new clarifier was built in 2005 and manufactured by Walker Process Equipment This"clarifier is 431,765 gallons in volume with a detention time of 6.9 hours at its design flow rate of 1.5 MGD, when all three clarifiers are in operation. The average surface overflow rate is 390 gpd/ft2. The clarifier is 70 feet in diameter and has a side water depth of 15 feet. The clarifier performs well and is in good condition. The stationary bridge is a good upgrade from the older clarifiers, which reduces replacement and maintenance costs of the skimmer arm motor. • Type Circular • Number of Trains 2 • Drive Motor 1 Horsepower • Diameter 48 Feet • Depth 10 Feet • Hydraulic Load 414 Gal/Day/SF • Hydraulic Load 828 Gal/Day/SF • Type Circular • Number of Trains 2 • Drive Motor .75 Horsepower • Diameter 70 Feet • Depth 15 Feet • Hydraulic Load ADF 265 GaI/Day/SF • Hydraulic Load Peak 530 Gal/Day/SF Return Waste / Activation Sludge Pumps Sludge from the clarifiers flows by gravity to the return/waste sludge wet well. Sludgermay be pumped to the head of the aeration basins as return activated sludge (RAS) or wasted to the old aerobic digester which serves as sludge storage. The four return/waste activated sludge pumps are 5 horsepower centrifugal pumps that pump at 521 gpm or .75 MGD. Type Centrifugal • Number of Pumps 4 • Pump Motor 5 Horsepower • Pump Rate 500 GPM at 21 Feet • Recycle Ratio 0.96+/- with 2 pumps Note: The recycle rate can vary with frequency and duration of wasting/returning sludge. Disinfection Water from the post aeration basins flows into the chlorine contact chambers. The combined volume of the two chlorine contact chambers is 14,960 gallons. The basins were designed to have a minimum detention time of 23 minutes at a peak flow and consist of a flash mixing basin and concrete baffles to ensure proper mixing of chlorine and wastewater effluent. Chlorine gas is dissolved into potable water before it is injected into the flash mixing basin. The one ton cylinder system originally designed for the WWTP was replaced with a dual 250-pound vertical cylinder system similar to the dechiorination system in 1995. This was done for safety concerns and to eliminate the extra regulatory requirements associated with the one ton cylinders. The other components of the chlorination systems are functioning properly. After the water is chlorinated, sulfur dioxide is introduced into the effluent channel in order to de - chlorinate the water by reducing chlorine to chloride through instantaneous reaction. • Trains 2 • Basin Size 24,000+/- Gallons • Chlorination Chlorine Gas • Contact Time 46± Minutes ADF - • Peak Contact Time 23±-Minutes Peak • Dechlorination Sulfur Dioxide Gas Note: Chlorination and dechiorination are adequate. Feed rates are adjustable and within the desired ranges. Sludge (Biosolids) Stabilization/Disposal The WWTP was originally designed to use aerobic digestion for sludge biosolids stabilization. However the digester was significantly under designed to meet the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements, which were established by tile EPA in the 40 CFR 503 sludge regulations. These regulations became effective in the early 1990's. The sludge stabilization/disposal facility was constructed in September of 1995. The sludge stabilization process has functioned -well and there have been essentially no problems with the equipment, except for routine maintenance. In the current sludge stabilization process the biosolids are thickened or concentrated in the sludge storage tank (old digester) by turning off the aerator and draining supernatant (liquid phase). Thickened sludge is pumped by the progressive cavity sludge transfer pump to one of the two sludge mixing/stabilization tanks. A lime slurry solution is pumped into the sludge transfer line at a concentration which raised the pH to above 12. The Time/sludge mixture is re -circulated by one of the sludge transfer pumps for 12 hours before being pumped to the stabilized biosolids holding tank. Stabilized biosolids may be pumped to sludge hauling trucks for land application on -site or off -site. The lime stabilization tanks have functioned well, since their installation in 1998. These lime stabilization tanks were required to address the 40 CFR 503 sludge regulation. As the plant increases its capacity, additional sludge tanks and sludge storage should be considered. • Type Lime - Class B - • Raw Sludge Tank 142,100.Gallons • Days Storage 4± days without decant or 13± days with decant. • Type of Lime Hydrated Lime • Silo Capacity 3,000 Cubic Feet • Operation Batch feed with lime slurry, EPA Class B operation. • Stabilization Tanks 2 • Volume 10,000 Gallons Each • Transfer Pumps 3 • Pump Type Double Disc Positive Displacement • Pump Rate 200 GPM at 25 Feet • Sludge Storage Tank 350,000 Gallons • Stabilized Sludge Storage 31+ Days • Sludge Disposal Land Application • Permitted Area 64+ Acres FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear FORM 2A NPDES APPLICATION OVERVIEW Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a "Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information" packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 MGD must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.1 through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. B. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow 0.1 MGD. All treatment works that have design flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.1 through B.6. C. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C (Certification). SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 MGD, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. E. Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part E (Toxicity Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 MGD, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. F. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users (SIUs) or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). SIUs are defined as: 1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N (see instructions); and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works (with certain exclusions); or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant; or c. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. G. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G (Combined Sewer Systems). LL_AP,P,LI:CANTS MUST COMPLETE PART CAC_ERTIFICATIOI NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: _. Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal Cape Fear BASIC' APPLICATION -INFORMATION ' - '• , 'PART.A.BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION; FOR: ALL APPLICANTS: • : " All treatment works must complete questions A.1 through A.8 of this Basic Application Information Packet. A.1. Facility Information. Facility Name Town of Spring Lake Waste Water Treatment Plant Mailing Address PO Box 617 ' Spring Lake, NC 28390 Contact Person Ethel T. Clark Title Mayor, Town of Spring Lake Telephone Number (910) 436-0241 Facility Address 350 Harps Street (not P.O. Box) Spring Lake, Cumberland County North Carolina 28390 A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above, provide the following: Applicant Name Mailing Address Contact Person - Title Telephone Number ( ) Is the applicant the owner or operator (or both) of the treatment works? ® owner 0 operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. 0 facility ® applicant A.3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any existing environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state -issued permits). NPDES NC0030970 PSD UIC Other RCRA Other A.4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and, if known; provide information on the type of collection system (combined vs. separate) and its ownership (municipal, private, etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership Town of Spring Lake 8,227 Separate Gravity Sewer Municipal • Total population served 8,227 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear A.5. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from (and eventually flows through) Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No A.6. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant (i.e., the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and maximum daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each year's data must be based on a 12-month time period with the 12th month of "this year" occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. a. Design flow rate 1.5 MGD b. Annual average daily flow rate Two Years Ago .868 c. Maximum daily flow rate 1.875 Last Year This Year .866 .910 3.074 2.016 A.7. Collection System. Indicate the type(s) of collection system(s) used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution (by miles) of each. ® Separate sanitary sewer 100 ❑ Combined storm and sanitary sewer A.8. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? ® Yes 0 No If yes, list how many of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent iii. Combined sewer overflow points One None None iv. Constructed emergency overflows (prior to the headworks) None v. Other None b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins, ponds, or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? 0 Yes If yes, provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) Is discharge ® No 0 continuous or 0 intermittent? c. Does the treatment works land -apply treated wastewater? If yes, provide the following for each land application site: Location: Number of acres: MGD ❑ Yes ® No Annual average daily volume applied to site: MGD Is land application 0 continuous or ❑ intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? ❑ Yes ® No NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: ' Cape Fear e. If yes, describe the mean(s) by which the wastewater from the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works (e.g., tank truck, pipe). If transport is by a party other than the applicant, provide: Transporter Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number ( 1 For each treatment works that receives this discharge provide the following: Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number ( ) If known, provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in A.8. through A.8.d above (e.g., underground percolation, well If yes, provide the following for each disposal method: that receives this discharge the receiving facility. MGD in a manner not included injection): ❑ Yes ® No Description of method (including location and size of site(s) if applicable): Annual daily volume disposed by this method: Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or 0 intermittent? . NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information • FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered "Yes" to question A.8.a, complete questions A.9 through A.12 once for each outfall (including bypass points). through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered "No" to question A.8.a, go•to Part B, "Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or,Equal to 0.1 MGD." NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information A.9. Description of Outfall. a. Outfall number 001 b. Location ' Town of Spring Lake 28390 (City or town, if applicable) (Zip Code) Cumberland North Carolina (County) (State) 35.2 degrees North 78.9 degrees West (Latitude) (Longitude) c. Distance from shore (if applicable) 10 ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) N/A ft. e. Average daily flow rate 0.8, MGD (permitted for 1.5 MGD) f. 'Does this outfall have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? 0 Yes ® No (go to A.9.g.) If yes, provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: Average duration of each discharge: Average flow per discharge: MGD Months in which discharge occurs: g.' Is outfall equipped with a diffuser? ® Yes 0 No A.10. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water Lower Little River b. Name of watershed (if known) United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code (if known): c. Name of State Management/River Basin (if known): Cape Fear United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code (if known): d. Critical low flow of receiving stream (if applicable) acute N/A cfs chronic N/A cfs e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow (if applicable): N/A mg/I of CaCO3 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, 'NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear A.11. Description of Treatment a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. ❑ Primary ® Secondary ❑ Advanced El Other. Describe: Screening and Grit removal • b. Indicate the following removal rates (as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design CBOD5 removal 90 — 95% Design SS removal 90 — 95% Design P removal N/A (not designed for Phosphorous removal) % Design N removal N/A (not designed for nitrogen removal) % Other ok c. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season, please describe: If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? El Yes 0 No Does the treatment plant have post aeration? ® Yes 0 No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. Outfall number: 001 • _ _ MMAXMMUM DAILY: VAL' UE; <� ii • i.'r c � AVERAGE'DAILY VALUE. .Value,", lJriits' - =�•�-� alue:-:. • V Uri'its��� •IVumber`of�Sam �les - pH (Minimum) 6.14 s,u. pH (Maximum) • 7.02 s,u. ���///�////�j Flow Rate 2.016 MGD .910 MGD 273 Temperature (Winter) 15.2 Deg C 12.5 Deg C 123 Temperature (Summer) 27.9 Deg C 26.3 Deg C 122 * For pH please report a minimum and a maximum daily value ,(': �=•f�� "'.,a'. OLLUTANT' "r.. :f . MAXIMUM DAILY' DISCHARGE^e�`-�=. �AVE GE DAILY DISCHARGE�_, =',' . __..- .... : - -METHOD = -r. ML/MDL 'Con` Obi- U nits:'�r' „ _; Conc: �lJriits�• Number of'_ E CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (Report one) BOD5 mg/I mg/I Field Testing CBOD5 FECAL COLIFORM #/100mL #/100mL Field Testing TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) mg/I mg/I Field Testing :. sp ; cSy • 'i � am = PREFER.TOrT'HE�APPLICATION,OVERVIEW'� PAGE 1 TO, -DETERMINE WHICH OTHER. PARTS :.` i.,t,; .",g'.;.:4<.'.�'F;7.. - c,? �' _ - ,�,. 7?`�' _�' - `'7'$-:s'.'�::i '�.,..�t�=•... _ _ .:k.i.... ' .�LEl`EJ �A,YOUc'MUST'CO�MP OFFORM2 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear BASIC' APPLICATION.INFORMATION PART B. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS, WITH A DESIGN FLOW GREATER THAN OR EQUAL,TO'0.1, MGD (100,000gallons per day):;, r All applicants with a design flow rate z 0.1 MGD must answer questions B.1 through B.6. All others go to Part C (Certification). B.1. Inflow and Infiltration. Estimate the average number of gallons per day 225,000 GPD that flow into the treatment works from inflow and/or infiltration. as budget allows Briefly explain any steps underway or planned to minimize inflow and infiltration. Continuing I&I study with plans to slip line more sewer lines B.2. Topographic Map. Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending at least one mile beyond facility property boundaries. This map must show the outline of the facility and the following information. (You may submit more than one map if one map does not show the entire area.) a. The area surrounding the treatment plant, including all unit processes. b. The major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment works and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant. Include outfalis from bypass piping, if applicable. c. Each well where wastewater from the treatment plant is injected underground. d. Wells, springs, other surface water bodies, and drinking water wells that are: 1) within'/4 mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works, and 2) listed in public record or otherwise known to the applicant. e. Any areas where the sewage sludge produced by the treatment works is stored, treated, or disposed. f. If the treatment works receives waste that is classified as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by truck, rail, or special pipe, show on the map where the hazardous waste enters the treatment works and where it is treated, stored, and/or disposed. B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic. Provide a diagram showing the processes of the treatment plant, including all bypass piping and all backup power sources or redunancy in the system. Also provide a water balance showing all treatment units, including disinfection (e.g., chlorination and dechlorination). The water balance must show daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units. Include a brief narrative description of the diagram. B.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s). Are any operational or maintenance aspects (related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality) of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? 0 Yes ® No If yes, list the name, address, telephone number, and status of each contractor and describe the contractor's responsibilities (attach additional pages if necessary). Name: Mailing Address: J Telephone Number: ( ) Responsibilities of Contractor: B.5. Scheduled improvements and Schedules of Implementation. Provide information on any uncompleted implementation schedule or uncompleted plans for improvements that will affect the wastewater treatment, effluent quality, or design capacity of the treatment works. If the treatment works has several different implementation schedules or is planning several improvements, submit separate responses to question B.5 for each. (If none, go to question B.6.) a. List the outfall number (assigned in question A.9) for each outfaII that is covered by this implementation schedule. None b. Indicate whether the planned improvements or implementation schedule are required by local, State, or Federal agencies. ❑ Yes ❑ No NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal . RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear c. If the answer to B.5.b is "Yes," briefly describe, including new maximum daily inflow rate (if applicable). d. Provide dates imposed by any compliance schedule or any actual dates of completion for the implementation steps listed below, as applicable. For improvements planned independently of local, State, or Federal agencies, indicateplanned or actual completion dates, as applicable. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. Schedule Actual Completion Implementation Stage MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY - Begin Construction / / / / - End Construction / / / / - Begin Discharge / / / / - Attain Operational Level / / / / e. Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other Federal/State requirements been obtained? 0 Yes 0 No Describe briefly: • B.6. EFFLUENT TESTING DATA (GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD ONLY). Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combine sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and on -half years old. Outfall Number: 001 s =`} :.' :` POLLUTANT `' i,' 7, MAXIMUM DAILY - DISCHARGE , '..• • AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE - ANALYTICAL METHOD -. „ ., '} ML Cone - Units , Conc: Units, Number of ...Samples'." CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS - AMMONIA (as N) 0.10 mg/L <0.10 mg/L 3 EPA 350.1 CHLORINE (TOTAL•28 RESIDUAL, TRC) ug/L 25.33 uglL 3 EPA 4500-CLG DISSOLVED OXYGEN 9.86 mg/L 8.66 mg/L 3 EPA 4500-G TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (TKN) 1.01 mg/L 0.67 mg/L 3 EPA 351.1 NITRATE PLUS NITRITE NITROGEN 8.70 mg/L 6.00 mg/L 3 EPA 353.2 OIL and GREASE <5.0 mglL <5.0 mglL 3 EPA 1664A PHOSPHORUS (Total) 1.47 mg/L 1.04 mglL 3 EPA 200.7 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) 233 mg/L 173.67 mg/L 3 SM 2540C OTHER -END.OF PART'B: r'`REFER'T:O THE,APPLICATION''OVERVIEW (PAGE 1)'TO. DETERMINE WHICH.: OTHER- PARTS=':. ". 1 . ,'i: " �- :, •.OF, FORM'.2A.YOU.MUST COMPLETE: . . NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear BASIC APPLICATION.. INFORMATION ; ... , PART G. CERTIFICATION All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to instructions to determine who is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A, as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement, applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: IE Basic Application Information packet Supplemental Application Information packet: ® Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data) ® Part E (Toxicity Testing: Biomonitoring Data) ❑ Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes) ❑ Part G (Combined Sewer Systems) • ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION. . I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title Ethel T Clark Signature eijd . 9 , eioiAL, Telephone number (910) 436-0241 Date signed l i l T•c( ` 2 0' U Upon request of the permitting authority, you must submit any other information necessary to assure wastewater treatment practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENR/ DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: ,. Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION. . • ',.,..:,,, - -.., , ...., - , ,,, PART D. EXPANDED EFF4yENTTEStING DATak .' i :-....., _ .,, - . ,..., ; , %',,,+'. : • , : ,,,•,, ',. ,;,*, '',,, ,..: ;., ' ,--:„.;', e, . '-s; ,' - : ''.4:- '," Refer to the directions on the cover page to determine whether this section applies to the -treatment works. Effluent Testing: 1.0 MGD and Pretreatment Works. If the treatment works has a design flow greater than or equal to 1.0 MGD or it has (or is required to have) a pretreatment program, or is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the data, then provide effluent testing data for the following pollutants. Provide the indicated effluent testing information and any other information required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analyses conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, these data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. Indicate in the blank rows provided below any data you may have on pollutants not specifically listed in this form. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and one-half years old. ** Based on average flow rate for past three years of .881 (section A-6) Outfall number: b01 (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) • • POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD , ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass ' , Units ' Conc. 'Units Mass - ..Units Number of Samples METALS (TOTAL RECOVERABLE), CYANIDE, PHENOLS, AND HARDNESS. ANTIMONY <0.025 mg/L <0.018 #/day <0.025 mg/L <0.18 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 ARSENIC <0.01 mg/L <0.07 #/day <0.01 mg/L <0.07 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 BERYLLIUM <.005 mg/L <0.036 #/day <.005 mg/L <036 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 CADMIUM <.002 mg/L <.0147 #/day <.002 mg/L <.0147 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 CHROMIUM <.005 mg/L <.036 #/day <.005 mg/L <.036 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 COPPER .003 mg/L .022 #/day <.002 mg/L <.0147 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 LEAD <.010 mg/L <.073 #/day <.010 mg/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 200.7. MERCURY <.0002 mg/L <.0014 #/day <.0002 mg/L <.0014 #/day 3 EPA 245.1 NICKEL <.010 mg/L <.073 #/day <.010 mg/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 - SELENIUM 0.010 mg/L 0.073 #/day <.010 mg/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 SILVER <.005 mg/L <.0367 #/day <.005 mg/L ,.0367 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 THALLIUM <.020 mg/L <0.147 #/day <.020 mg/L <0.147 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 ZINC 0.148 mg/L 1.087 #/day 0.133 . mglL 0.978 #/day ' 3 EPA 200.7 CYANIDE <.005 mg/L <0.036 #/day <.005 mg/L <0.036 #/day 3 EPA 335.4 TOTAL PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS 0.027 mg/L 0.198 #/day 0.021 mg/L 0.153 #/day 3 EPA 420.1 HARDNESS (as CaCO3) 42.1 mcgggcna 309 #/day 38.2 mcgoegne 280.77 #/day 3 EPA 200.7 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other metals requested by the permit writer NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Outfall number: (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ACROLEIN <50.0 ug/L <.367 #/day <50.0 uglL <.367 #/day 3 EPA 624 ACRYLONITRILE <10.0 ugh. <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 BENZENE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 BROMOFORM <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 CHLOROBENZENE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 CHLORODIBROMO- METHANE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 CHLOROETHANE <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day <5.00 uglL <.036 #/day 3 EPA 624 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day 3 EPA 624 CHLOROFORM <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 DICHLOROBROMO- METHANE E <1.0 u /L 9 <.007 #/da y <1.0 u /L 9#/da <.007 y 3 EPA 624 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 TRANS-1,2-DICHLORO- ETHYLENE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,1-DICHLORO- ETHYLENE <1.0 ug!L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,3-DICHLORO- PROPYLENE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 ETHYLBENZENE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 METHYL BROMIDE <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day <5.00 uglL <.036 #/day 3 EPA 624 METHYL CHLORIDE <5.00 ug!L <.036 #/day <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day 3 EPA 624 METHYLENE CHLORIDE <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,1,2,2-TETRA- CHLOROETHANETETRAC. <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 HLORO- ETHYLENE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 TOLUENE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Outfall number: (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE' ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units Conc. Units Mass''. Units Number of Samples 1,1,1- -TRICHLOROETHANE <1.0 ' ug/L <.007 #lday <1.0 uglL <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 1,1,2- . TRICHLOROETHANE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 624 TRICHLOROETHYLENE <1.0 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.0 ug/L <.007 #lday 3 EPA 624 VINYL CHLORIDE <5.00 ug!L <.036 #/day <5.00 ug/L <.036 #/day 3 EPA 624 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other volatile organic compounds requested by the permit writer ACID -EXTRACTABLE COMPOUNDS P-CHLORO-M-CRESOL <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L. <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 2-CHLOROPHENOL • <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL <10.0 ug/L <.073 #lday <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 4,6-DINITRO-O-CRESOL <50.0 uglL <.365 #/day <50.0 uglL <.365 #/day 3 EPA 624 2,4-DINITROPHENOL <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day <50.0 uglL <.365 #/day . 3 EPA 624 2-NITROPHENOL <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #lday 3 EPA 624 4-NITROPHENOL <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day 3 EPA 624 PENTACHLOROPHENOL <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day 3 EPA 624 PHENOL <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 2,4,6- TRICHLOROPHENOL <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 624 Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other acid -extractable compounds reques ed by the permit writer BASE -NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS ACENAPHTHENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #lday <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 ACENAPHTHYLENE <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 .. ug!L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 ANTHRACENE <10.0 uglL <.073 #lday <10.0 ug!L <.073' #/day 3 EPA 625 BENZIDINE <50.0 uglL <.365 #/day <50.0 ug/L <.365 #/day 3 EPA 625 BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BENZO(A)PYRENE <10.0 -ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL .<.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 - NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Outfall number: (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units' Mass Units Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples 3,4 BENZO- FLUORANTHENE <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BENZO(K) FLUORANTHENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BIS (2-CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BIS (2-CHLOROETHYL)- ETHER <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BIS (2-CHLOROISO- PROPYL)ETHER <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BIS (2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug1L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 2-CHLORO- NA NAPHTHALENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 4-CHLORPHENYL PHENYL ETHER <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 CHRYSENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 DI-N-OCTYL PHTHALATE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 DIBENZO(A,H) ANTHRACENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE <1.00 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.00 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 625 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE <1.00 • ug/L <.007 #/day <1.00 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 625 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE <1.00 ug/L <.007 #/day <1.00 ug/L <.007 #/day 3 EPA 625 3,3-DICHLORO- BENZIDINE <10.0 ug/L <.073 , #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 DIETHYL PHTHALATE <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 DIMETHYL PHTHALATE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 1,2-DIPHNYL- HYDRAZINE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Outfall number: (Complete once for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States.) POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTICAL METHOD ML/MDL Conc. Units Mass Units / "Conc. Units Mass Units Number of Samples FLUORANTHENE <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 FLUORENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 HEXACHLOROBENZENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 HEXACHLORO- BUTADIENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 HEXACHLOROCYCLO- PENTADIENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #Iday <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 HEXACHLOROETHANE <10.0 ug/L . <-073 #Iday <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 INDEN0(1,2,3-CD) PYRENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #Iday <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 . EPA 625 ISOPHORONE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 NAPHTHALENE <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 NITROBENZENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 N-NITROSODI-N- PROPYLAMINE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 N-NITROSODI- METHYLAMINE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 • N-NITROSODI- PHENYLAMINE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day . <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 PHENANTHRENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 PYRENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 uglL <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 1,2,4 TRICHLOROBENZENE <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day <10.0 ug/L <.073 #/day 3 EPA 625 _ Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other base -neutral compounds requested by the permit writer Use this space (or a separate sheet) to provide information on other pollutants (e.g , pesticides) requested by the permit writer "k t. END.O_F =PART.D°:: REFER TO`-_THE{APPLIC ATION' OVERVIEW (PAGE I) TO DETERMINE WHICH'_O THERPARTS' F:FO.RM:2A YO.U; MUST: COMPLETE= NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear • SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION; INFORMATION ; _ PART E. TOXICITY TESTING DATA ; POTWs meeting one or more of the following criteria must provide the results of whole effluent toxicity tests for acute or chronic toxicity for each of the facility's oufalls: 1) POTWs with a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1.0 MGD; 2) POTWs with a pretreatment program (or those that are required to have one under 40 CFR Part 403); or 3) POTWs required by the permitting authority to submit data for these parameters. • At a minimum, these results must include quarterly testing for a 12-month period within the past 1 year using multiple species (minimum of two species), or the results from four tests performed at least annually in the four and one-half years prior to the application, provided the results show no appreciable toxicity, and testing for acute and/or chronic toxicity, depending on the range of receiving water dilution. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. • In addition, submit the results of any other whole effluent toxicity tests from the past four and one-half years. If a whole effluent toxicity test conducted during the past four and one-half years revealed toxicity, provide any information on the cause of the toxicity or any results of a toxicity reduction evaluation, if one was conducted. • If you have already submitted any of the information requested in Part E, you need not submit it again. Rather, provide the information requested in question E.4 for previously submitted information. If EPA methods were not used, report the reasons for using alternate methods. If test summaries are available that contain all of the information requested below, they may be submitted in place of Part E. If no biomonitoring data is required, do not complete Part E. Refer to the Application Overview for directions on which other sections of the form to - complete. E.1. Required Tests. Indicate the number of whole effluent ® chronic (18) ❑ acute E.2. Individual Test Data. Complete the column per test (where each species toxicity tests conducted in the past four and one-half years. (0) following chart for each whole effluent toxicity test conducted in the last four and one-half years. Allow one constitutes a test). Copy this page Test number: 001 if more than three tests are being reported. Test number: 002 • Test number: 003 a. Test information. Chronic Ceriodaphnia Dubia Test Species & test method number Ceriodaphnia dubia / North Carolina P/F Ceriodaphnia dubia / North Carolina P/F Ceriodaphnia dubia / North Carolina P/F Age at initiation of test 6.25 hours 10.75 22.5 hours Outfall number 001 001 001 Dates sample collected 2/12-15/07 2/11-14/08 • 2/2-5/09 Date test started 2/14/07 2/12/08 2/4/09 Duration 7 days 7 Days 7 days b. Give toxicity test methods followed. Manual title North Carolina methodology Pass / Fail North Carolina methodology Pass / Fail North Carolina methodology Pass/Fail Edition number and year of publication N/A . N/A N/A Page number(s) N/A N/A N/A c. Give the sample collection method(s) used. For multiple grab samples, indicate the number of grab samples used. 24-Hour composite • _ ' X X XXX Grab d. Indicate where the sample was taken in relation to disinfection. (Check all that apply for each. Before disinfection After disinfection After dechlorination X X X NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Test number: 001 Test number: 002 Test number: 003 e. Describe the point in the treatment process at which the sample was collected. Sample was collected: WWTP Effluent WWTP Effluent - - WWTP Effluent f. For each test, include whether the test was intended to assess chronic toxicity, acute toxicity, or both Chronic toxicity X X X Acute toxicity g. Provide the type of test performed. Static Static -renewal X X X Flow -through h. Source of dilution water. If laboratory water, specify type; if receiving water, specify source. Laboratory water Lake Reidsville • Lake Reidsville Lake Reidsville Receiving water i. Type of dilution water. If salt water, specify "natural" or type of artificial sea salts or brine used. Fresh water __ X X X Salt water j. Give the percentage effluent used for all concentrations in the test series. Pass/Fail @ 5.5% Pass/Fail @.5.5% Pass/Fail @ 5.5% k. Parameters measured during the test. (State whether parameter meets test method specifications) pH Yes Yes Yes Salinity Temperature Yes Yes Yes Ammonia Dissolved oxygen Yes Yes Yes I. Test Results. Acute: • Percent survival in 100% effluent % % • % LC50 . 95% C.I. % % Control percent survival % % % -Other (describe) NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Chronic: NOEC 5.5 % 5.5 % 5.5 % IC25" % % % Control percent survival % % 0/0 Other (describe) Pass/Fail @5.5% Pass Pass Pass m. Quality Control/Quality Assurance. Is reference toxicant data available? Yes Yes Yes Was reference toxicant test within acceptable bounds? Yes Yes Yes What date was reference toxicant test run (MM/DD/YYYY)? 03/21/2007 02/13/2008 02/18/2009 Other (describe) E.3. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. ❑ Yes ® No / Is the treatment works involved in a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation? If yes, describe: • E.4. Summary of Submitted Biomonitoring Test Information. If you have cause of toxicity, within the past four and one-half years, provide the dates of the results. Date submitted: N/A (MM/DD/YYYY) submitted biomonitoring test information, or information regarding the the information was submitted to the permitting authority and a summary • Summary of results: (see instructions) N/A • END.OF',PART L, REFER.TO'THEAPPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE1),TO_.DETERMINE WHICH OTHER'_ PARTS.;, OF FORM 2A,YOU' MUST COMPLETE: NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear SUPPLEMENTAAPPLIC L'ATION INFORMATION:. _ PART E TOXICITY TESTING DATA _ . POTWs meeting one or more of the following criteria must provide the results of whole effluent toxicity tests for acute or chronic toxicityfor'each of the facility's oufalls: 1) POTWs with a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1.0 MGD; 2) POTWs with a pretreatment program (or those that are required to have one under 40 CFR Part 403); or 3) POTWs required by the permitting authority to submit data for these parameters. -- • At a minimum, these results must include quarterly testing for a 12-month period within the past 1 year using multiple species (minimum of two species), or the results from four tests performed at least annually in the four and one-half years prior to the application, provided the results show no appreciable toxicity, and testing for acute and/or chronic toxicity, depending on the range of receiving water dilution. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. • In addition, submit the results of any other whole effluent toxicity tests from the past four and one-half years. If a whole effluent toxicity test conducted during the past four arid one-half years revealed toxicity, provide any information on the cause of the toxicity of any results of a toxicity reduction evaluation, if one was conducted. • If you have already submitted any of the information requested in Part E, you need not submit it again. Rather, provide the information requested in question E.4 for previously submitted information. If EPA methods were not used, Teport the reasons for using alternate methods. If test summaries are available that contain all of the information requested below, they may be submitted in place of Part E. If no biomonitoring data is required, do not complete Part E. Refer to the Application Overview for directions on which other sections of the form to complete. E.1. Required Tests. Indicate the number of whole effluent ® chronic (18) 0 acute E.2. Individual Test Data. Complete the column per test (where each species toxicity tests conducted in the past four and one-half years. (0) Data on file at following chart for each whole effluent toxicity test conducted in the last four and one-half years. Allow one constitutes a test). Copy this page Test number: 004 if more than three tests are being reported. Test number: 005 Test number: a. Test information. Chronic Ceriodaphnia Dubia Test Species & test method number Ceriodaphnia dubia / North Carolina P/F Ceriodaphnia dubia / North Carolina P/F Age at initiation of test 23.83 hours 21.6 hours Ouffall number 001 001 Dates sample collected 2/1-4/10 • • ' 11/08-10/10 Date test started 2/3/10 11/10/10 Duration 7 days 7 days b. Give toxicity test methods followed. Manual title North Carolina methodology Pass I Fail North Carolina methodology Pass / Fail Edition number and year of publication N/A N/A Page number(s) N/A N/A c. Give the sample collection method(s) used. For multiple grab samples, indicate the number of grab samples used. 24-Hour composite X X Grab d. Indicate where the sample was taken in relation to disinfection. (Check all that apply for each. Before disinfection After disinfection After dechlorination • X X FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Test number: 004 Test number: 005 Test number: e. Describe the point in the treatment process at which the sample was collected. Sample was collected: WWTP Effluent WWTP Effluent f. For each test, include whether the test was intended to assess chronic toxicity, acute toxicity, or both , Chronic toxicity X X Acute toxicity g. Provide the type of test performed. Static Static -renewal X X Flow -through h. Source of dilution water. If laboratory water, specify type; if receiving water, specify source. - Laboratory water Lake Reidsville Lake Reidsville Receiving water i. Type of dilution water. If salt water, specify "natural" or type of artificial sea salts or brine used. Fresh water X X Salt water j. Give the percentage effluent used for all concentrations in the test series. Pass/Fail @ 5.5% Pass/Fail @ 5.5% k.. Parameters measured during the test. (State whether parameter meets test method specifications) pH Yes Yes Salinity Temperature Yes Yes Ammonia Dissolved oxygen Yes Yes i. - Test Results. Acute: Percent survival in 100% effluent % % % LCso . 95% C.I. Control percent survival % • % 0/0 Other (describe) FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Chronic: NOEC 5.5 % 5.5 % IC25 Control percent survival Other (describe)) Pass/Fail @5.5% Pass Pass m. Quality Control/Quality Assurance. Is reference toxicant data available? Yes Yes Was reference toxicant test within acceptable bounds? Yes Yes What date was reference toxicant test run (MM/DD/YYYY)? 02/17/2010 11/10/10 / / Other (describe) . E.3. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. ❑ Yes ® No Is the treatment works involved in a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation? If yes, describe: E.4. Summary of Submitted Biomonitoring Test Information. If you have submitted biomonitoring test information, or information regarding the cause of toxicity; within the past four and one-half years, provide the dates the information was submitted to the permitting authority and a summary of the results. Date submitted: N/A (MM/DD/YYYY) Summary of results: (see instructions) N/A ,END Of. PART-E•.: c: 'REFER TOzTHE APPLICATION' OVERVIEW (PAGE.1).TO DETERMINE: WHICH OTHER.PARTS:_.';• '' OF FORM 2A•YMUSOU'T COMPLETE: FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: - .'` PART E. TOXICITY_ TESTING DATA ,. ;,: ; . . , ; _ , POTWs meeting one or more of the following criteria must provide the results of whole effluent toxicity tests for acute or chronic toxicityfor each of the facility's oufalls: 1) POTWs with a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1.0 MGD; 2) POTWs with a pretreatment program (or those that are required to have one under 40 CFR Part 403); or 3) POTWs required by the permitting authority to submit data for these parameters. • At a minimum, these results must include quarterly testing for a 12-month period within the past 1 year using multiple species (minimum of two species), or the results from four tests performed at least annually in the four and one-half years prior to the application, provided the results show no appreciable toxicity, and testing for acute andlor chronic toxicity, depending on the range of receiving water dilution. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. • In addition, submit the results of any other whole effluent toxicity tests from the past four and one-half years. If a whole effluent toxicity test conducted during the past four and one-half years revealed toxicity, provide any information on the cause of the toxicity or any results of a toxicity reduction evaluation, if one was conducted. • If you have already submitted any of the information requested in Part E, you need not submit it again. Rather, provide the information requested in question E.4 for previously submitted information. If EPA methods were not used, report the reasons for using alternate methods. If test summaries are available that contain all of the information requested below, they may be submitted in place of Part E. If no biomonitoring data is required, do not complete Part E. Refer to the Application Overview for directions on which other sections of the form to complete. E.1. Required Tests. Indicate the number of whole effluent ® chronic (18) ❑ acute E.2. Individual Test Data. Complete the column per test (where each species toxicity tests conducted in the past four and one-half years. (0) following chart for each whole effluent toxicity test conducted in the last four and one-half years. Allow one constitutes a test). Copy this page Test number: 001 if more than three tests are being reported. Test number Test number: a. Test information. Chronic Ce iodaphnia Dubia Test Species & test method number Pimephales promelas / EPA 1000.0 Age at initiation of test < 24 Outfall number 001 - - Dates sample collected 11/8-9 2010, 11/9-10 2010, 11/11-12 ... 2010 . • Date test started 11/09/2010 Duration 7 days b. Give toxicity test methods followed. Manual title Short term Methods for estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Fresh Water Organisms Edition number and year of publication 4th Oct 2002 Page number(s) 58 1108 c. Give the sample collection method(s) used. For multiple grab samples, indicate the number of grab samples used. 24; Hour composite X • Grab d. Indicate where the sample was taken in relation to disinfection. (Check all that apply for each. Before disinfection After disinfection After dechlorination X - FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: . Cape Fear Test number: 001 Test number: 002 • Test number: 003 e. Describe the point in the treatment process at which the sample was collected. Sample was collected; WWTP Effluent f. For each test, include whether the test was intended to assess chronic toxicity, acute toxicity, or both Chronic toxicity X Acute toxicity g. Provide the type of test performed. Static Static -renewal X Flow -through h. Source of dilution water. If laboratory water, specify type; if receiving water, specify source. Laboratory water Synthetic Receiving water i. Type of dilution water. If salt water, specify "natural" or type of artificial sea salts or brine used. Fresh water X Salt Water j. Give the percentage effluent used for all concentrations in the test series. . 0, 1.38, 2.75, 5.5, 11, 22 k. Parameters measured during the test. (State whether parameter meets test method specifications) pH Yes Salinity Temperature Yes Ammonia ' Dissolved oxygen Yes I. Test Results. Acute: Percent survival in 100%-effluent % % % LC50 95% C.I. % ' % % Control percent survival % % % Other (describe) FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: - Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear Chronic: NOEC 22 % I C 2 5 % Control percent survival 100 % Other (describe) >22 • m. Quality Control/Quality Assurance. Is reference toxicant data available? Yes Was reference toxicant test within acceptable bounds? Yes What date was reference toxicant test run (MM/DD/YYYY)? . 11/09/2010 Other (describe) E.3. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. ❑ Yes ® No Is the treatment works involved in a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation? If yes, describe: E.4. Summary of Submitted Biomonitoring Test Information. If you have cause of toxicity, within the past four and one-half years, provide the dates of the results. Date submitted: N/A (MM/DD/YYYY) submitted biomonitoring test information, or information regarding the the information was submitted to the permitting authority and a summary Summary of results: (see instructions) N/A END OF°PART E. . . REFER', TO; THE APPLICATION -:OVERVIEW (PAGE :1). TO°DETERMINEIWHICH OTHER PARTS, OF FORM,.2A-YOIJ MUST COMPLETE. 1 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal / RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear LE E L°APPLICATION INFORMATION SUPP M NTA �,�,> FL'•' c '� •=,, ;PART E:INDUSTRIAL' USER DISCHARGES AND RCRA/CERCLA WASTES};;``t,''„ - ' ,-It :w 'le All treatment works receiving discharges from significant industrial users complete part F. GENERAL INFORMATION: or which receive RCRA,CERCLA, ot, an approved pretreatment program? • Users (Gills). Provide the number or other remedial wastes must , of each of the following types of questions F.3 through F.8 and F.1. Pretreatment program. Does the treatment works have, or is subject ❑ Yes ® No F.2. Number of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) and Categorical Industrial industrial users that discharge to the treatment works. a. Number of non -categorical SIUs. 0 b. Number of CIUs. 0 - SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INFORMATION: to the treatment works, copy Supply the following information for each SIU. If more than one SIU discharges provide the information requested for each SIU. F.3. Significant Industrial User Information. Provide the name and address of each SIU discharging to the treatment works. Submit additional pages as necessary. - - Name: N/A • Mailing Address:` , F.4. Industrial Processes. Describe all the industrial processes that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. . N/A • F.5. Principal Product(s) and Raw Material(s). Describe all of the principal processes and raw materials that affect or contribute to the SIU's discharge. - Principal product(s)r N/A Raw material(s):- N/A - - F.6. Flow Rate. - a. Process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of process wastewater discharge into day (GPD) and whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent. - N/A GPD ( continuous or intermittent) the collection system in gallons per discharged into the collection system , - b. Non -process wastewater flow rate. Indicate the average daily volume of non -process wastewater flow in gallons per day (GPD) and whether the dischar'ge is continuous or intermittent. N/A GPD ( continuous or intermittent) .F.7.. Pretreatment Standards. Indicate whether the SIU is subject to the following: N/A - a. Local limits ❑ Yes. ❑ No b. Categorical pretreatment standards 0 Yes 0 No If subject to categorical pretreatment standards, which category and subcategory? NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear F.8. Problems at the Treatment Works Attributed to Waste Discharge by the SIU. Has the SIU caused or contributed to any problems (e.g., upsets, interference) at the treatment works in the past three years? ❑ Yes 0 No If yes, describe each episode. N/A RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE RECEIVED BY TRUCK, RAIL, OR DEDICATED PIPELINE: F.9. RCRA Waste. Does the treatment works receive or has it in the past three years received RCRA hazardous waste by truck, rail or dedicated pipe? ❑ Yes El No (go to F.12) F.10. Waste transport. Method by which RCRA waste is received (check all that apply): 0 Truck 0 Rail 0 Dedicated Pipe F.11. Waste Description. Give EPA hazardous waste number and amount (volume or mass, specify units). . EPA Hazardous Waste Number Amount Units CERCLA (SUPERFUND) WASTEWATER, RCRA REMEDIATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION WASTEWATER, AND OTHER REMEDIAL ACTIVITY WASTEWATER: F.12. Remediation Waste. Does the treatment works currently (or has it been notified that it will) receive waste from remedial activities? ❑ Yes (complete F.13 through F.15.) ® No F.13. Waste Origin. Describe the site and type of facility at which the CERCLA/RCRA/or other remedial waste originates (or is excepted to origniate in the next five years). N/A F.14. Pollutants. List the hazardous constituents that are received (or are expected to be received). Include data on volume and concentration, if known. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) N/A ' F.15. Waste Treatment. a. Is this waste treated (or will. be treated) prior to entering the treatment works? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, describe the treatment (provide information about the removal efficiency): N/A b. Is the discharge (or will the discharge be) continuous or intermittent? intermittent, describe discharge schedule. ❑ Continuous • Intermittent If N/A - :• = E CATEND°OF`'PAR E :WHICH' OTHER PARTS REFER T.O:THE°APPLLI:ON OVERVIEW .PAGE;'1 V:TO DETERMINE OF`FORM=..2AyY0U'.MUS_T COMPLETE. ._ .. -,.�, .,- .-. _.- ;'r`.... _.- - tee. -_.. .. .. ._. .s �- ... .. ,. ..-.. n.... ... .... ... y .. ..__.. .. ..... .... _ i ..w:,-. e.. _. NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 . PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal - RIVER BASIN: Cape FearV ���Ft S'' .'SUPPLEMENTL=APPLLCATIONr.INFORMATION:��,'�.' �'� '. Sr."� .,Y� %.'?.. '' tin , P..ART�,G: = COMBINED'. SEINERSYSTEMS-�{ - ����';.et ::�;-� r�`;` - - - -i.- ore-, f}:'. 443t.'�� +'S...,.. .. r .. ., ., ,T>. i .•..{J-+,: . Jc':: ~ r. .�u., .�F _..... �..,.. _v� .., _ 1. �. i. .`���..."�.A,. .�, {' ... .lM.. If the treatment works has a combined sewer system, complete Part G. G.1. , System Map. Provide a map indicating the following: (may be included a. All CSO discharge points. b. Sensitive use areas potentially affected by CSOs (e.g., beaches, outstanding natural resource waters). c. Waters that support threatened and endangered species potentially G.2. System Diagram. Provide a diagram, either in the map provided in G.1 includes the following information. a. Location of major sewer trunk lines, both combined and separate b. Locations of points where separate sanitary sewers feed into the c. Locations of in -line and off-line storage structures. . d. Locations of flow -regulating devices. e. Locations of pump stations. CSO OUTFALLS: with Basic Application Information)' drinking water supplies, shellfish beds, sensitive aquatic ecosystems, and affected by CSOs. or on a separate drawing, of the combined sewer collection system that sanitary. combined sewer system. Complete questions G.3 through G.6 once for each CSO discharge point., G.3. Description of Outfall. • a.' Outfall number N/A • , b. Location N/A (City or town, if applicable) (Zip Code) (County) (State) • (Latitude) (Longitude) c. Distance from shore (if applicable) N/A ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) N/A . ft. e. Which of the following were monitored during the last year for this CSO? 0 CSO frequency - N/A • Rainfall 0 CSO pollutant concentrations 0 CSO flow volume 0 Receiving water quality f. How many storm events were monitored during the last year? G.4. CSO Events. . a. Give the number of CSO events in the last year. N/A events (0 actual or 0 approx.) • b. Give the average duration per CSO event. N/A hours (0 actual or 0 approx.) NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Spring Lake WWTP, NC0030970 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear c. Give the average volume per CSO event. N/A million gallons (0 actual or 0 approx.) d. Give the minimum rainfall that caused a CSO event in the last year N/A Inches of rainfall G.5. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water: N/A b. Name of watershed/river/stream system: N/A United State Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code c. Name of State Management/River Basin: N/A (if known): N/A United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit G.6. CSO Operations. - Describe any known water quality impacts on the receiving water caused intermittent shell fish bed closings, fish kills, fish advisories, other recreational N/A code (if known): N/A by this CSO (e.g., permanent or intermittent beach closings, permanent or loss, or violation of any applicable State water quality standard). • i s =• E D' OF4PARTeG. ; , lV ,-REFER TOTHE, APPLICATION :OVERVIEW:(PAOE 11: TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHE_.PA RRTS .: :OF F.ORM':2A,YOU.-MUST-COMPLETE. -- Additional information, if provided, will appear on the following pages. NPDES FORM 2A Additional Information MyTopo Map Print Page 1 of 1 ''fl ,,-, ` \ \--7 \\ { ,,„-__-_..1 , 1 i' L'';?'' r/ ..: ,:•,/.I .//.'/ '-` `� .....:1-- il • 0._:1:.,...1 4 , ..... }�N= yo --- (i" . :ir ',. \ .� 1; 51% ' ' Mobil Horne Park /•. • te`- • ^ �\:. J/,� aI ) ; — `. a' •/.� = l• .\ v:::` , •�1 .•. �' ; -.--_- I "il -... A� j%�. �� •-.; J a I. ,i�/— • 11r r 11 \\ ;;1• \\ �� „ (1451) 4021 :t .fir}• ; // •. ; • . • • • • 'A �- ( r1-_ ,Mob ti ,/�=JL/jiHorr :.'f'.. •��• xlfi4 ..--- • 'it aneA� este 1 BM _ U MIL RESi`': `` ^ Y...� j SewagetDi sale Plan ,z p' -lam f ;: . , ;_: . :z - :•• �oSS orira. 1 Isi • .1 ip` �\., L ciArCA--------- v, . c _ • of •� i t - = fitrik- , 1-5---= , lti„,. ` , \.�; �<, % e• .rtil i� � l "_' • 'o �1c 0 0 0.5 Mi 2000 Ft Map provided by MyTopo.com http://map-pass.mytopo.com/maps/print mytopo.asp?print=20&scale=5&layer=DRG&la... 11/24/2010 I vati 1777 �+ -\ i'�{L' '•fi�a aj1. '�7f'c-ft Grit Chamber Influent Town of Spring Lake WasteWater Plant Clarifier 3 Aeration Basin 2 Aeration Basin 1 Clarifier 2. (.---- Aerobic \ Digester ...../i Clarifier 1 Sludge Pumping and Maint Shop Stabilized Biosolids Storage Lime Stablization Tanks 1&2 Post , Aerator 2 Contact 2 Effluent Post Aerator 1 Basin 1