HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130223_stream call letter for jd u2524c_20121015Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor d� � � � Nar#h Caralina Department of Environment and Natural Reso�rces Division of Water Quality Charles Wakiid, P,E birector October 15, 2012 Greg Price NCDOT �'DEA-Natural E�avironrnent Section �598 Mai1 Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Subject: NC�70T, U-2524C, Guilford County Horsepen Creek and unn�am�d tribu�a�ries [Cape �`ear River Basin, Subbasin 03-OG-0�; WSIQ; NSW and WSIII;NSW; CA] On-Site Determination for Appiicability to the Mitigation Rules (15ANCAC 2H A506(h} Dear Mr. Price: pee Freeman 5ecretary On �u1y 25, 2012, at your request and in your attendance, Amy Euiiss, NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) staff, canducted an on-site determination �o re�v:iew drainage feaiures locatad in the projec� study area �ar U=2524C [Greensboxo Western Loop Nortk�. o£ SR 217b (Bxyan Boulevard) to US 22p(Battleground Avenue)] �ar applicability to the zniiigation rules (� SA NCAC 2H .0506(h)). 'The , drainage features a�'e approximated on the aitached map initialed and dated October 1S, 2012. Please note that the Jordan Buffer Rules or It�termittent Stream �iitigation are not applicabie, because the project. � is grandfaihered due to tYie projectreaching 4A prior to the Jordan Buffer Rules and Interrriittent S4ream Policy �oing into effect. . . � Transporlation and Permi�ing Unit 165Q Mail 5ervice Center, Fialeigh, North Carolina 27659-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury 5t, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phane: 919-8D7-63�D 1 FAX: 949-847-6492 Internei: www,ncwateraualiEv.orq An Equsl Opportunity 1 A�rmefive Actian Employsr ����1��.i(�1��l�. �%�Ll�"���`� WA Wetlan:d A No Ri arian WB Weiland B No Riparian WC Wetland C Yes Rz arzan WU Wetland D Yes Ri arian WE Wetland E Yes Riparian WF Wetland F No Ri arian WG Wetland G No Ri arian WH Wetlaz�d H Yes Riparian WI Weiland I No Ri arian WJ Wetland J Yes Ri arian WK Wetland K No Ri ariaz� WL Wetland L No Ri arian WM Wetland M Yes Riparian WN Wetland N No Ri arian WO Wetlaxzd O No Ripax�ian WP We�land P No Rz arian WQ Wetland Q No Ri arian ��r n�t a�urzsa�c�onai stream tnxougn tne v�retiana. Plea�e note that other sites iden�ified in ihe jurisdiction verification final packet dated �epte�bex 4, 2�12 but not revievs�ed on site by NCDWQ will be considered accu.raie as presen�ed. Also, this ietter only addresses applicability to the Neuse Bu�£ez' Rules ai the site s�ecifcally rnarked on �ze attached map and d.oes not apply to reaches of the channel [or drain.age featwre] further downstream from th� NCDOT project area, or to any other drainage f�atures in tJae v.ici.n�.ty. This letter only addresses the applicability to t.�.e :mitigatian rules and �he buffer rules a�d does not. approve anq activity witP�In t1�e buffer, 'UV�aters of the Uzaited S�tes, or Waters of the. State. Any impacts to we�lands a�xd stxeams must compl.y with the 404/441 reguTations, water supply regula�ions. (3.SA NCAC 2B .0216), and any atl3.er required federal, siate azzd IocaI regulations. The owner (ar fuiure owners} or permittee s�.ould no�iiy NCDWQ {and other relevaxzt agencies} of thi.s determina�.on in any fuiuz�e correspondences concezx�ing �.is properiy and/or project. T'his on-site determinai7ion shaI1 expire five {S) years from the date of this le�#er. Landowner.s or affected parties tb.at d�spute a determination �nade by NCDWQ or Dciegated Local Authority that a surface water exists azzd that it is subject to the mitxgation rules �a.y request a �detex�nn7ina�ion by the Director. A request for a determinaf�ozz by ihebirector sha11 be referred to t�ie Director in writiz�.g c/o Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit, 1650 Mail Se�-v7ice Ce�ter, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650. Individuals tlaat dispute a deterinination by NCDWQ or Delegated LocaI Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the rnitigatian rules may ask for an adjudicatory heaz-i�g. You rnay obtain the peti�ion form from the office of Adminisiraiive hearings. You zx�.ust �le ihe p�tition with ihe offce of Adininistrat�ve Hearings within sixty {50) days of receipt of this notice an:d t.�.e date the affected party (including downstream az�.d adj acent lanclawners) is noizfied of this decision. A peiition is considered fi�ed when it :is received in ihe of�ice of Adrnir�istrative Hearings during noz-�aal office ho�ars, The Oifice of Adrninistratiue Hearings accep�s #i�ings 1VLonday through. Friday between the hours of B:OOam and 5:OOpm, except for official state holi.days. The ariginal and one (1} copy of ihe peiition. znust be filed with fhe Ofiice of Administrat�ve Hearings. The petition rnay be faxed-provided the origznal azid one copy of the documenf is received by the Office of Adzxz:�nistrative Hearings w�ithin five (5} business days following tiae faxed transrnissinn. The mailing address for the Office of Ad�niz�istra�.ve Hearings is: Office of Adminisirative Hearings b714 Mai1 �ervice Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919}-431-3000, Facsimile: (919)-431-3104 A copy of i�e petition mu�t also be served on DENR as follows: Mr. William Cary, General Counsel Depa�nent of Environment and Natura� Resources 1601 Mail Service Cen�er This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a heaz-ing within 60 days. �f you have any addii3onal questions ar require additional informa,tion please call rne at 336-771-4959 ox amy.euliss@nedenr.gov. Sincerely, q �� � � . � Amy Euliss Attachments: signed location maps cc:' ,A,ndy Wil].ia�nns, US Arz�ny Corps of Engi�ieers — Raleigh Re�ulatory �ield Of�ce (electronic copy only) NCDWQ Wetlands 401 Transportatzon permitting Unit (electronic copy only} � � File Copy � U-2524C Guilford GoUnty: J�uistlic[lonal Features Greensbo:o Westem Loop from North of SR 2176 (Bryan BOWevartl) to US 220 (Ba�tlegrou�id Avenue) Sheel 5 0/ 5 Feel 237.5 475 950 1,425 1,900 — Pro�ed Bounclary Parcels — Slreams � Wellentls - Pontls