HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051986 Ver 5_Individual_20121003N� .w E',= BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone (919) 841 -9977 — Fax (919) 841 -9909 S October 3, 2012 Mr. Monte Matthews US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 RE: Permit Modification Mr. Ian McMillan Wetlands, Buffers, Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit NC Division of Water Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Legend Oaks Subdivision Phase III, Chapel Hill, Chatham County, USACE Action ID #: SAW - 200900106 DWQ Project #: 20051986, Ver.A-S BLC Project #: 7145 Dear Mr. Matthews & Mr. McMillan: OCT - 3 2012 Legend Oaks Subdivision is located north of Lystra Road and east of US Highway 15 1501 south of Chapel Hill in Chatham County. The project has an Individual Permit and corresponding WQC that are valid until December 31, 2019. Please refer to the attached Table 1 for a complete summary of the permits, water quality certifications and subsequent modifications issued for the project including the impact totals and mitigation requirements. HBP Properties, LLC requests modification of the permit to remove compensatory mitigation requirements for rip rap dissipators and separate the compensatory mitigation requirements on an impact basis for the proposed road crossings in Phase III of the project. The riprap dissipators have been designed using natural channel design to restore the dimension, pattern and profile of the stream within the proposed pad as shown on the attached Details of Riprapped Culvert Energy Basin. The attached Insets A through C have been relabeled to reflect changes in the impact amounts due to reclassification. We request the USACE replace the condition of the Individual Permit requiring compensatory mitigation sufficient to perform the restoration of 376 linear feet of warm water stream with the Mr. Matthews & Mr. McMillan October 3, 2012 Page 2 of 4 following revised conditions, which reflect the on -site restoration of the stream channel within the riprap dissipators. In order to compensate for impacts to 69 linear feet of stream in Phase III -1 of the project, the permittee shall secure 69 linear feet of warm water stream credits from Cripple Creek Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank, located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030002. Work in jurisdictional areas authorized by this permit cannot be initiated until the District Engineer (DE) is in receipt of written documentation, signed by an approved representative of the mitigation bank, confirming that the bank Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation in accordance with the approved Mitigation Bank Instrument. This confirmation must include the appropriate number and resource type of credits that have been secured from the Sponsor. It is the Permittee's responsibility to provide this documentation to the DE, and until this documentation has been received, the Permittee retains responsibility for providing all compensatory mitigation associated with this permit. In order to compensate for impacts to 90 linear feet of stream in Phase III -2 of the project, the permittee shall secure 90 linear feet of warm water stream credits from Cripple Creek Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank, located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030002. Work in jurisdictional areas authorized by this permit cannot be initiated until the-District Engineer (DE) is in receipt of written'documentation, signed by an approved representative of the mitigation bank, confirming that the bank Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation in accordance with the approved Mitigation Bank Instrument. This confirmation must include the appropriate number and resource type of credits that have been secured from the Sponsor. It is the Permittee's responsibility to provide this documentation to the DE, and until this documentation has been received, the Permittee retains responsibility for providing all compensatory mitigation associated with this permit. In order to compensate for impacts to 93 linear feet of stream in Phase III -2 of the project, the permittee shall secure 93 linear feet of warm water stream credits from Cripple Creek Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank, located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030002. Work in jurisdictional areas authorized by this permit cannot be initiated until the District Engineer (DE) is in receipt of written documentation, signed by an approved representative of the mitigation bank, confirming that the bank Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation in accordance with the approved Mitigation Bank Instrument. This confirmation must include the appropriate number and resource type of credits that have been secured from the Sponsor. It is the Permittee's responsibility to provide this documentation to the DE, and until this documentation has been received, the Permittee retains responsibility for providing all compensatory mitigation associated with this permit. Mr. Matthews & Mr. McMillan October 3, 2012 Page 3 of 4 We also request NCDWQ revise the Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions to include the same mitigation schedule. Tara Disy Allden of Restoration Systems indicated in the attached Mitigation Credit Reservation Confirmation Letter Statement of Availability dated October 1, 2012 that they are able and willing to accommodate this schedule. Chatham County has approved the attached sub - phasing plan for Phase III of Legend Oaks Subdivision. The applicant proposes to record conservation areas and preserve them in perpetuity based on this revised construction and subdivision recordation phasing. USACE's standard preservation language provided for restrictive covenants will be added to each phase of the subdivision's restrictive covenants without modification. The conservation areas are required as mitigation for the proposed impacts and shown on the attached Legend Oaks Subdivision Phase III - Draft Stream Preservation Map dated and provided to the USACE on September 7, 2010. This map was revised from the preservation plan proposed April 20, 2009 in consultation with Mr. Matthews when the Individual Permit modification was requested to include proposed impacts in Phase I and II. Because the preservation areas on Lots 3, 4 and 5 contained 1,190 linear feet of stream in excess of the mitigation necessary for these impacts, Mr. Matthews recommended simplifying the preservation plan for the entire subdivision by limiting the preservation areas to four nearly contiguous areas. A total of 2,463 linear feet of stream will be preserved with 50 to 100 -foot undisturbed, riparian buffers to mitigate a total 292 linear feet of stream impacts for a project preservation ratio of greater than 9 to 1. Mr. Brantley Powell understands that these areas must remain in their natural, undisturbed state prior to recordation for their use as mitigation in the future. A conservation declaration was recorded in the Chatham County Register of Deeds to preserve the conservation areas on Lots 3, 4 and 5 containing approximately 3.19 acres riparian buffer and 1, 390 linear feet of stream on December 21, 2010 and submitted to the USACE on January 27, 2011. We request the USACE replace the preservation mitigation condition of the Individual Permit with the following revised conditions. Permittee shall execute and cause to be recorded in the Chatham County Register of Deeds restrictive covenants for Legend Oaks Phase III -1 as described in your letter (from Jennifer Burdette, Burdette Land Consulting, authorized agent) dated October 2, 2012, for the purpose of maintaining the restrictive covenants, as shown on the recorded plat(properly recorded and showing preservation areas), in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within Legend Oaks Phase III -1 or by December 31, 2013, whichever comes first. The permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictive covenants and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. The permittee shall Mr. Matthews & Mr. McMillan October 3, 2012 Page 4 of 4 provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants to the Corps of Engineers within 30 days of recording. Permittee shall execute and cause to be recorded in the Chatham County Register of Deeds restrictive covenants for Legend Oaks Phase III -2 as described in your letter (from Jennifer Burdette, Burdette Land Consulting, authorized agent) dated October 2, 2012, for the purpose of maintaining the restrictive covenants, as shown on the recorded plat(properly recorded and showing preservation areas), in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within Legend Oaks Phase III -2 or by December 31, 2015, whichever comes first. The permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictive covenants and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants to the Corps of Engineers within 30 days of recording. Permittee shall execute and cause to be recorded in the Chatham County Register of Deeds restrictive covenants for Legend Oaks Phase III -3 as described in your letter (from Jennifer Burdette, Burdette Land Consulting, authorized agent) dated October 2, 2012, for the purpose of maintaining the restrictive covenants, as shown on the recorded plat(properly recorded and showing preservation areas), in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within Legend Oaks Phase III -3 or by December 31, 2015, whichever comes first. The permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictive covenants and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants to the Corps of Engineers within 30 days of recording. If you have any questions about this modification request, please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 841 -9977. Sincerely, Burdette Land Consulting, Inc. Jenn er A. Burdette Environmental Specialist c: Brantley Powell — HBP Properties, LLC Trenton Stewart — Arcadia Consulting Engineers Table 1: Legend Oaks Subdivision Permit History/Impact Summary Permit & Project Permit/Modificatio Project Mitigation ID Number Date Phase Description' n Impact Totals History Totals Required Nationwide Temporary road Permit (33) March 18 2005 Phase crossing for hydro axe Unknown Unknown NA AID# , I & II access to site for 200520721 evaluation Nationwide November 22, Four road crossings 351 if stream channel 351 if stream channel Permit 29 2005 and two arch culvert -149 if P perennial -1491f P perennial AID # driveways for three lots -202 if P intermittent -202 if P intermittent 200620111 Revised date Phase unknown I & II IR -149 if P perennial 2R -166 if P intermittent 0.006 ac P wetland 0.006 ac P wetland NA WQC February 17, Project #: 2006 3R -36 lfP intermittent 05 -1986 4R- 0.006 ac P wetland Individual Four road crossings 4141f stream channel 765 if stream channel 3761f stream Permit May 21, 2009 -376 if P perennial -525 if P perennial restoration AID # 1R -1491f P & 21 if T -38 if T perennial -202 if P intermittent compensatory 200900106 Phase III perennial 2R -125 if P & 11 if T 0.006 ac P wetland -38 if T perennial mitigation WQC Project #: March 31, 2009 perennial 0.012 ac P wetland 1,8201f 05 -1986 Revised 3R -1021f P & 61f T stream Ver. 2 May 15, 2009 perennial channel 4R -0.006 ac P wetland I preservation P = permanent; T = temporary; if = linear feet; ac = acre; italics = impact/mitigation completed; MR = mitigation not required; D = driveway crossing; U = utility crossing(s); R = road crossing Table 1: Legend Oaks Subdivision Permit History/Impact Summary Permit & Project Permit/Modificatio Project Mitigation ID Number Date Phase Description' n Impact Totals History Totals Required Individual Three driveway Permit crossings (two 1201f stream channel 8851f stream channel 601f stream Modification October 7, 2010 replacing previously impact -5651f P perennial restoration AID # planned arch culverts) -401f P perennial -2221f P intermittent compensatory 200900106 Phase and four utility line crossings -201f P intermittent -21 if T perennial -591f T perennial -391f T intermittent mitigation WQC Project #: I & II 1D -201f P perennial -391f T intermittent 1,390 if 20051986, 2D -201f P perennial 0.012 ac P wetland stream Ver. 3 August 18, 2010 3D -20 if P intermittent 0.009 ac T wetland 0.009 ac T wetland channel Modification 4U -21 if T perennial preservation — 5U -391f T intermittent recorded 6U- 0.009 ac T wetland 12121110 Individual 1 -20 if stream Permit restoration Modification September 27, compensatory Revision 2011 mitigation - AID # Modification requested paid 10/21/11 200900106 Phase to propose revised no change from no change from WQC I & II compensatory previous previous 2 -401f stream Project #: mitigation schedule restoration 2005 986, September 30, com ensato try mitigation Modification 2011 prior to P - Revised impact P = permanent; T = temporary; if = linear feet; ac = acre; italics = impact/mitigation completed; MR = mitigation not required; D = driveway crossing; U = utility crossing(s); R = road crossing Table 1: Legend Oaks Subdivision Permit History/Impact Summary Permit & ID Number Date Project Phase Description Permit/Modificatio n Impact Totals Project History Totals Mitigation Required Compensatory Modification requested Mitigation to revise road crossing impact amounts 1 — 691f requiring mitigation stream and propose revised restoration compensatory 2 — 901f mitigation schedule stream restoration Three previously 3 —93 if permitted road stream Current crossings revised and restoration Request for October 3, 2012 Phase reordered no change from no change from Modification III previous previous Preservation Revision 1 R -61f T, 691f P & 33 If P MNR perennial Phase III -1 — (S3 -Inset C) 5741f stream & riparian 2R -31 if T, 901f P & buffer 591f P MNR perennial (S 1 -Inset A) Phase III -2 — 4991f stream 3R -321f T, 93 If P & & riparian 321f P MNR perennial buffer (S2 -Inset B) Phase III -3 — riparian buffer P = permanent; T = temporary; if = linear feet; ac = acre; italics = impact/mitigation completed; MR = mitigation not required; D = driveway crossing; U = utility crossing(s); R = road crossing CULVERT y r 3d 5op OR 2dMAX T.5 MIN. DISSIPATOR POOL 10% OR 3W„ MIN. TOP OF BERM TOP OF RIPRA Lj DEPTH OF RIP —RAP 2 x d50 or 1.5 x dmax. DEPTH OF RIP —RAP 2 x d50 or 1.5 x dmax. C/L SECTION APRON 5hs or V1b MIN. NOTE A NOTE DEPTH OF RIP —RAP (APRON) 2 x d50 or 1.5 x dmax. I TOP OF NATURAL THICKENED OR SLOPING TOE OPTIONAL — CONSTRUCT IF DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL DEGRADATION IS ANTICIPATED. I HALF PLAN SEC. A -A uQmm N7 nQwulRGU TO SUPPORT RIPRAP Utrin Ur rar —K;W nAU 2d50 OR 1.5 dMAX SFr. R -R NOTE B DIAMETER FOR PIPE CULVERT BARREL WIDTH -OR BOX CULVERT SPAN OF PIPE —ARCH 'ULVERT Z2 STREAM ELEVATION�j•" r i��,��Ii�•y�riIi •���Ii •��•Ii •i�•I�. :7• imil • 7• VOTE A — IF EXIT VELOCITY OF BASIN IS SPECIFIED, EXTEND BASIN AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN SUFFICIENT CROSS— SECTIONAL AREA AT SECTION A —A THAT Qdes /CROSS SECTION AREA AT SEC. A —A) = SPECIFIED EXIT VELOCITY. - VOTE B — WARP BASIN TO CONFORM TO NATURAL STREAM CHANNEL. TOP OF RIPRAP IN FLOOR OF BASIN SHOULD BE 1' -0" LOWER THAN NATURAL CHANNEL BOTTOM AT SEC. A —A Wo 2 2d50 OR 1.5d MAX SFr n -n DIMENSIONS FOR HW1: DEPTH OF POOL (hs) = 2.0' LENGTH OF POOL = 24.0' APRON LENGTH = 10.0' OUTLET WIDTH = 8.0' RIP —RAP DEPTH FOR APRON = 3.7' RIP —RAP DEPTH REST OF BASIN = 2.7' USE CLASS 2 RIP —RAP (d50 = 14 ") OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DETAILS OF RIPRAPPED CULVERT ENERGY BASIN �,� l �' IMPACT # S1 - C I I I I r STRIAM CHAN - (CUB CR 5911E RMANENT 3 SQFT NO MITIGATION REQUIRED x / OPEN -CI SPA6E �l U ( �. )' 49 / �r� �':i���, l '`Sb �o°` KSTREAM- 7 / ?�\`�/ S- x%x`�, �i —(CUB EEK), IM #S1 C B C�REEK)� / "'\-4'9p LF PERMAN - // ` 3,437 /SQFT k GReq / �+ I c 0 % / IN4�ACT # 1)- A 2x0 _ o� STREAM -� I NEL -,p ► ;'�`��- - -� _ — /(CU13 CREEK) r31 LF tEMPORAR'Y S2Xs0 c, 848/SQFT ROAE)-bESIdWAND I OAgf INFO A ON PROVIDEb AF GADI� i�0 SUL,T G 1= SIN f�S,/hL�C/ GRAPHIC SCALE SURFACE WATER & WETLAND IMPACT MAP N I"= 50' LEGEND OAKS SUBDIVISION PHASE III 50' 0 50' HPB PROPERTIES, LLC CHAPEL HILL, CHATHAM COUNTY, NC '••�N'•'• DATE: 10/01/12 SCALE: 1" = 50' 'W e : BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING INC. DRAWN BY: TMB CHWK D BY: JAB 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone (919) 841 - 9977 —Fax (919) 841 -9909 PROJECT #: 7145 INSET: A S 1 -g IMF(ACT it S2 - C / I ! it i 1 I I �� 1) % / ;,2 fREA H#ANNEL -� \ j\ LF RMANENT'\ � 128 � /it I _ NO I I IGgl TION RE/ O UIRE \ D � IT- IMP \ T #S/2 -B 1ST AM C ANNEL;B �I 93 F PERtMANE�- /- 01,M4,,37? SQF , r� y;✓• � 'b.yn.b ,—w Mme^ �M CH�NN LF TE11711RQR AR, Y�\` _44 SUT-\ 1 I I \ A PE IMR�A f IN O�MATION PROVIDE° K� J �� \ I ( 4 APIA CQNSU !TIN�G N ERS,,PCLC ; > GRAPHIC SCALE SURFACE WATER & WETLAND IMPACT MAP N V=50' LEGEND OAKS SUBDIVISION PHASE III 50' 0 50' Lim" HPB PROPERTIES, LLC CHAPEL HILL, CHATHAM COUNTY, NC DATE: 10/01/I2 SCALE: I"= 50' 'W E BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB CHK'D BY: JAB 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone (919) 841 -9977— Fax (919) 841 -9909 PROJECT #: 7145 INSET: B S 4 t� I i I ►�, \ �� -R.QA DESIGN AND IM PACT-IN FORMATION PROVIDE-- BY \i �I I I ► ► \\ \ A"QhSULjNG ENGINEERS; PLLC / \ / I I I I A // �,- � X65, 1RE I I I I S1A�U1� A -C \ / ���� �, �, / ,, I / 2. 51,699 SF 32 �Q.F1T *, \ -� ,' \ I ,� �' °� // 9 AC/ -WIMP x STR HAiG E -C ER NENT 188 SQ Rf�AkI,CHANE `� NkYMITIG ION REQUIRED 6 L� \JFFRMA I T �� J 3 Sd �T 1 cj 4i I REAM/-A OPEPG 1 I C- UB-tREEK GRAPHIC SCALE SURFACE WATER & WETLAND IMPACT MAP N 1" = 50' LEGEND OAKS SUBDIVISION PHASE III 50, 0 50, HPB PROPERTIES, LLC CHAPEL HILL, CHATHAM COUNTY, NC '•••N•••• DATE: 10/01/12 SCALE: V = 50' `W E•3 BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB CHK'D BY: JAB 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone (919) 841 -9977— Fax (919) 841 -9909 PROJECT #: 7145 INSET: C S PO BOX 2077 APEX, NC 27502 TELEPHONE 919 38191422 FACSIMILE 919 389.1477 O V/ Q w nQ 0. 0a v °z�a w a w J SHEETTRLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER OF Mitigation Credit Reservation Confirmation Letter October 1, 2012 NC Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight /Express Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Statement of Availability U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CESAW -RG -R Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Center, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: Reservation of Compensatory Stream Mitigation Credits Project: HBP Properties, LLC — Phase 3: Legend Oaks Subdivision Corps AID #: 200900106 DWQ Proj #: 20051986 This document confirms that HBP Properties, LLC (Applicant) has reserved for purchase 243 stream mitigation credits from the Cripple Creek Stream & Wetland Mitigation Bank. Restoration Systems (RS) attests to the fact that 252 stream mitigation credits are currently available for immediate transfer from its Official Bank Credit Ledger to Applicant and that as of this date RS has placed 252 stream mitigation credits into "no- sale " - reservation status under the name of the project referenced on this document (Project). RS understands that the Applicant will implement the permitted in three phases and will transfer mitigation credits accordingly. It is anticipated that transferred amounts will be 69 credits, 90 credits and 93 credits for a total of 252 credits transferred. These 252 stream credits will remain in reservation status until payment in full is received from the Applicant, resulting in the issuance of a Credit Transfer Certificate(s) (as described above) by RS acknowledging that the applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and RS has HBP Pmpettms, LLC — Legend Oaks Phase 3 — ConVensatory W igatwn — RS— Page 1 accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits. If RS does not receive payment in full for the Mitigation Credits within thirty (30) prior to the initiation of Project construction, RS has the right to terminate this Reservation Letter, in which case RS will have no further obligation to provide mitigation credits to the Applicant. RS will issue the Transfer Certificate within ten (10) days of receipt of the Purchase Price. RS shall provide to Applicant the Transfer Certificate debiting credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger showing the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant, and will send an a copy of the Transfer Certificate with an updated Official Credit Ledger to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. If any questions need to be answered, please contact me at 919 - 334 -9119 Best regards, %aaa Diay rme" Tara Disy Allden Regulatory Manager Restoration Systems, LLC HBP Properties, LLC — Legend Oaks Phase 3 — Congrcasatory Mitigation— RS —Page 2 Reference to the Department of Army Corp of Engineers 33 CFR Parts 332 and Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 230 Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources: the Final Rule. • 332.8 Section (R) Use of Credits: the district engineer will determine the number and type of credits required to compensate for the authorized impacts, the sponsor must provide the permit applicant with at statement of credit availability. (this is the Reservation Letter) • Section (1)(3)If use of a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program is approved by the district engineer to provide part or all of the required mitigation for a DA permit, the Permittee retains the responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation until the appropriate number and resource type of credits have been secured from the sponsor and the district engineer has received documentation that confirms that the sponsor has accepted the responsibility for providing the required compensatory mitigation. This documentation must consist of a letter or form signed by the sponsor, with the permit number and a statement indicating the number and resource type of credits that have been secured from the sponsor. (this is the Transfer Certificate) • 332.3: (K) Permit Conditions: the compensatory mitigation requirements for a DA permit, including the amount and type of compensatory mitigation must be clearly stated in the special conditions of the individual permit or general permit verification. The special conditions must be enforceable. HBP Pmpertm, LLC — Legend Oaks Phase 3 — Compensatory Mitigation — RS —Page 3 •''•N "•• DATE: 09/07/10 SCALE: 1" = 500' :'W a BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB CHK'DBY: JAB 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolma 27615 .1 J Telephone (919) 841 -9977— Fax (919) 841 -9909 PROJECT #: 7145 FIGURE #: 8B S "CONSERVATION AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN THEIR NATURAL STATE IN PERPETUITY AS DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LEGEND aft c.arwaa, ��a e a� OAKS SUBDIVISION TO COMPLY WITH THE MITIGATION CONDITIONS OF TOON)RARY PAVED --° " A CLEAN WATER ACT AUTHORIZATION ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES ®j f OF AMERICA, US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT, ACTION ID SAW 2009 - 00106, AND THEREFORE MAY BE ENFORCED BY THE _ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." STR ET "B" _ t TR EA TEMPORARY • '_�::_ :. - �, ( 1 ' � STREAM -B TURMAR"D ,Rn t1QN- :, _- LF P CS VAT 0 ti __' — _ —_ 1, • TEMPORARY / � p� _ - • • NO � ur wr vivo- UT �Z i �m gym; CONSER ATION AREA �► -r g h =gym I 102 LF PR SERVATI0M I - 111VER � V 'T _x O wi� : ...sF cr - U_ "LAS —y N I I GRAPHIC SCALE DRAFT STREAM PRESERVATION MAP N 1° = 400' LEGEND OAKS SUBDIVISION PHASE III 400' 0 400' HPB PROPERTIES, LLC CHAPEL HILL, CHATHAM COUNTY, NC •''•N "•• DATE: 09/07/10 SCALE: 1" = 500' :'W a BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. DRAWN BY: TMB CHK'DBY: JAB 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolma 27615 .1 J Telephone (919) 841 -9977— Fax (919) 841 -9909 PROJECT #: 7145 FIGURE #: 8B S