HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00579_Well Construction - GW1_20210224 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD I... I,a,nul l ,.I1.1 t Ilu,Gnn,.m.If,mcd I;,.avid,n. mulo,le ,,It, 1.Well('ontraclnr Information: Virgil Wilson 14.WATER ZONES FxD\I TO Dlsrxlrnu. tAdlI-annadu.Aan,a U. (I. 4473 ft. ft. �r tc ll t',.naac.rn tbnul.m.nn�u.nl,a IS.OUTER CASING for mRhi-rued"<W OR LINER B• Scoots FNUM TIl 111\\IFTFx TIIICKSf55 MlTFRI11. Parratt-Wolff, Inc. . „......... 16.INNER CASING OR TU 2e6Mermal rimeda FROM To DI\\I FT Of 1 TIII(A[F]5 \1QFRIM. 2.W ell Construction Permit a; 0 fI. 16 n 2 in SCh40 PVC n. n. in. 3.Well I se Check Hell use): 17.SCREEN \Ater Snppls'\\'ell: FROM I to DI IHITIR SL(ll'M/.E TUIc'K\F]G \I U'F.RI.\I. \enCulun.6 -\hm.ckpal PI 16 °' 26.5 b- 2 ' 010 SCh40 pvC (leothmnal II IeaDne.Couhna iupplV -Rcvdenual ACate,iuppl, IsmgIC) fr. R. I m -lndustrnd lbnmtem.al GRzadenaal U]ie, itlPpl, 1hur1d1 19.GROUT R IRI/\I ll) \L\TERL\L EMPL\CEME\l Mf1 HOD.4\NOF\T :-filled(.on p n. 12 n. Portland Cem Tremie Non-Water Supple\Fell: Vlon.tnnng ElRee,,,en Bentonite Chi Tremie nice don Well: fl, n. -.-Ayud2r Recharrvro -timm..d„ater RemcdmUnn 19.SANINGRIVEL PACK if 'able FROM 'Flo %1OFRI\i. FMPI U'FMF\'Fmi MFTIIIID :\yudzr S«nine and Rzco,zn ❑Sohn uc Borneo 14 f' 26.5 ° #1 sand Tree -:1yu der Tcst ❑Shum„mcr Drunagc =1'ypenntenml Technoloe, ❑Suhs.dence Con trol 30.DRILLING LOG I.ttuh aES(Fil 1 aheela if o.h.nau -Gnnhennal t(lused I iwpl CTraCCr FRIIM 1f) DFSCRIPflO\Icalor.M1erdnesc swl.­ko,l o.iii -Geothermal l l lcating Ckill...g Reum l E:0dicrlccpla.nunderh2l Remarks) fl. f. J, hate Well(s)(bmpleteJ: 2-10-21 Well IDa P-31 n. n. 52."ell Location: fI. fl. Granville County ft. f t. l i'do.0„....\Is e I...la.11)-lot apph.ahln 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, NC 27565ft. rl c I'h.,,al >dd,,s (-it,_and 21.REMARKS Granville roa.... rated mcnn hza.,..,yo IPn 5b I.atnude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 (edification:\ f 111H idd. ,u h l l,ku 'litillk.11l 36.371033 N -78.617853 W 5.,...amn, Y-.viW\\ellC nua.1,r _ ._ Dmc 6. Is(are)the wellst; t Permanenl or -Temporan "I ""I'll,look/✓ion. [/m.o ,, ,un kh.k,kb, l„,) .„ -or I........k„old.k o,i... n.,1leaV, Ir o} aluu."li,IAId, k uYvk❑bllr,en.....m,.rk.uelerJ,end 111me 7. Is this a repair to an existing"ell: ❑ol es ar 'rNo ,..p,�a klu,r...ml be,hued pren,kd"l is ..ell,...urr Ii folio o of repo..till nw An,n.n o ell,.,rr,voomn m/mnsvron eud.rplenr ill eekern o/ob. r,..k. ....look 'I runork,,,, ...........I,e, Is,A of da,/...... 23.Site diagram or additional"ell details: 11m mm use the hack lot this page to po,c.de additional dell +ic details of,yell 8.\umber if"ell,constructed: 1 aonsuu:uo,details You was also attach adds Oodl page.dnceessa,c I„...... . eneon.eur u......wrtr•uppl, I,Ill ONJI look the xame omsntiawn. . .,en _ ,.k SI RVIITTAI_INSTI CTIONS 9.Dotal well depth belocs land surface 26.5 fill 24a. For UI Wells: Suhmn this loom wahin $I da,n of Complctl ill of,wll Ill .nuoeplo..ell,Ink oil depd„kl dginrmrcnnnple-3vI]no end Jelmrl nn,Stmclan,to the tollao,n.• III.sta Rc MNlel Ir,'et tight" top of cafing: None oft) Dirisiun of Water Resources,Information Processing I nit, I, I.nerh of.,oi... .,,,on; .... lot-Mail Service Center,Raleigh,AC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 2 Iin.I 24b, For Iniecfiun M'ellx ON IA In addmon to sending the fill,, to the a id'e".n 8 1�4 I LSA '_Jeaho,e also suhnut a op% of this boon unhol 9l dads of completion of„ell 12.Kell construction method: clonsuuct mn to the toll ooum U c :n1Ea.n,um.cubic d.¢u pa,h.cIC. Disisinn of Water Resources.I-nJerground Injection('moral Program, FOR W:fil l St M N W FI.I_S ONI of 1636 Mail Sol(-enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.it IgpnO Method of test: 24c. For T\Ater Supph&Injection W ells: VIan auh.n rt lone cop, lot till, tnnn ,vibe a, Ja,sot corns lfl.on lot 13h.Disinfection tape: Amount: „ell euneVUCLon to the County IoCakh Jcpartment of the Couni, ohac ,00,mmtcd I.,nn,ltA-I Ao.I 1.t au[".a Uq..,unan It 11loon.u.n..old\anu.dKowuca,-Unuen. lf A1aer Ke,oumc, Re,.,.d AaFua'nI�