HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00338_Well Construction - GW1_20210127 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 7,Ica^ con be:x-d'or si::eie nr muhiF!:u'rlis :.\V'el!Cuctractor Information: It WATER ZONES C! Iy) s tV41r Cr V a e�f FRDM TO DESCR!MON <:-tyd:Cn:::rac:a Certificm:an r.:mocr 15,OUTER CASING for mote-en+ed wells OR LLRER ifa hle) FROM TO DIAMETER THICR.hESS MATERIAL .Q � F' Wel I `I�rt 111 rya o R. i :'o-.Fan+:.;cc � 16 LN7\ER CASIF'COR 7i;BDh"Ghaetberaml clozd-laaol 2. ft�rDIAMECE�INM 1 .v.ATERGL Well Construction Permit 9: J a I it ,, n:!^pra.mhl..:Jl omu:rueano:y,nnrs/:.e.:bo�n:5'rorr, Pmvant+ rrrl 4. � in. 3.W el I:se Ichrck well use): r7 SCREEN ' FRO{! TC DW!E.'ER SLOT512E THICKNESS MATERIAL Water Suppl)Well' II L•. fL . ie. I /!�L EI/P3LL: is �Cto z . al(Hea!i�g/Cw4.ro S-Pply) 9Ite me..ral Wet=Sac)'(single) fc h. . I .n. 1n.dus;va!iComme:<1zi CResldenl:ai Walr Sapply(shared) J1 1&GROUT FROM TO^TT MATI:RLLL L{:fLaCEME\T METXDD6 Ut Ol]T ' :cs¢arun ':� f:, i O•U ft. m1x ,�jsYQ Sou-\Water SuPPIs' ;'ADnaonng CRecoven' � injection WeL: i s ft. i Rcohargc CGro,mch.atr R"Mcc:ah.o. +S SANWGRAVEL PACtifamlicsble` FRO.Y. I TO N.aTERIAL £?tYl_aCLN E]T VEI XOD _Ac...ter S:oraee OIL Recover ^Sahnin'Harrier "fes: �-Slcnr vzter Ott:rage fr Ccz?er::tea:z:':chno',ugy =''Subidz.^a C'ece�: 26 DRILLING LOG( ttrth add'd 1 sheea if neaasarv) .. (fused Loop) MT2cer li FaDM TO DESCRIP'I:0\froter.ha:d+�sod,nxk n-e,•nv,sae.act =C=i!c-r•a'(FcatlryCco!:n2 Rea:-) Other(esplmn_nder d21 Remerks) fr. a.Date VV'ell(s)Completed: IQ, Qoa I fr tc !— >.Wei;Lacat•.on: '�. to R. I for fr. nae ZIP 21.REMAPW - _ 3523 - `16- (ow St. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 Certificati:m: —06 ��// S+muwre of Cznificd\Veil C'omracm _ 6. Is 13re)the well(sh @Permioent or ❑Temporary BiI',ui -Ill n.I hrahr ...Nb/h.,r e Ill/+n.. // ,ua roA s.'�. OR 0101 J54MA(' no r:a< , 7.is this a repair to an eaistingwell: .^ryes or V o <„A+q7 rn,.rcrr,Mha..hrr„I....,rl:d 11,rn;.rrr,:+n,n. ,rlNltt ,'I fill ,F .elle w/nrmouwn m,d..rry n,. ,re,rznna<,l rh ,;M„ -,,;, ;•„r h x u7rru,fr:.0 23 Sift dugram or addmpnal well de ails „ce ` ' oar n, ) use re back o h s a e :o P r e aJ:i:t Dna lei _ _.. ter:'. S. SLmDer of wells constructed I,ors:--ticrde:ails Yo_may a,soatmc add:..s:.Pages ,.essah urn„n-1 24.Submittal Instructions: / '1 S to C L^!s °,. : :r'.hut 30 cays m ;: u.: :a:,e'.I 9.Total well depth below land surface: �J ft.) 2ia. For An For,-oh.,gc,„Alundldrp,h.✓,fifes faa,aph- 321of. ,... lUrh Co^str..^.,to tuefol!OWuiz ID.Static water level below mp of casing: 3/ (ft.) Division of Water Quality,Information Processing Loit, 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1:.3crehcle diameter: lY iIg (Ir.) 235. For Iniection Wells: in add!ion to sending the('ono to a:address:n 2:1 van a'so suomla copy or:-.:a :0. n a ,h:r 3U din S L _map :2.M 11 cons:ructiOn method: Vln T Qr V v..,tr•.:c.:on to !I.fellow's able.,;::C::p'dh.c:; -' -• Division of K'a ter Qaality.Gnderground Injection Control Pragrn m, 13,FOR\WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 .Mail Service Center,Raleigh,SC 27699.1636 : Igor yield m) ::\fethad of test: /y� ls- tF'1��(Vy� I lac. Far K'•re Sap Iv&C,eatberar al'A ell :11 add:Han to sead:ng:nc c;-;t•. (gP ++'-'�—1 Jte aFaressate above, also subm:j one copy of th:s form w:Ialn 3' dzys oC compietion of Weil construcQcn tD the county rcallh depanment of me coLntp 13b.Disinfection type: I�tIC f'lY1P_ Amount:_�5 rye�_! :vhere constructed. Farm Gw'-I ].nh Cara!Ina Depanm<n of E,:vlr... a,,—M Nmoi kezmtax-Division of W::c:Q:csl::y 10!3