HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00204_Well Construction - GW1_20210125 Print frorm i.T CON TRU TION RECORD(GR' 1) For Intamel Use Only: 1.Well Contractor latormton: •� David L. Hardy, Jr. I&WATM ZONES Wall Comedy Name saw TO DrC6nrt 'N 2906-A c '�r ' NC Well Comacror Carifi<arim,lumber IS OUTER CASING M Aqua Drill, Inc. IeOM 7D nudata TNIO= cry Namm ft IL is,7 [ 1 I NER CASING 01t wunmu L 2.Wen Cunstruct /—Construction - ) � 1/ laoM o atA7llatAi. Lot at,applicable ,ell mrMwoon permin as U1C,Coamy.Ssole.Parana,«a) R R iG 3.Well Use(check well use): IL R id Water Supply Well: 17.SCRM MA Agricultural QMunicipuVPublic O R R oe. Geothetmd(Heding/Cooling Supply) GResidetttiei Water Supply(single) R R in ktdustriaVCommercielEIResidential Water Supply(shared) IS. east To Noo-Water Soppiy We0: R RYA J LGeadmmalfflepungCoolurgRearra) Recovery R R QOro r dwataRemediationnd Raevary ©Selinily I1aQi? page TO 1sA'11®uL atplA�r►licrom 13Storom ater Droamp R Rnology ©Subsidmm Conttd R - Rd Loop) ❑Tracer 2L DRILLnVG LOG attar► dsrlBammmyl in ool' Rtmun 011 er(exulam undo all Remarks) I ELM R 7 R 4,Deft WeU(s)Completed: a--Well m3 R .,R s d c- Sg.WenLocation: 7���� [�n�/) .�w It rfA'l'll-f f/�LLL_!.� R R Famliry/Ow Name Facility mefdsppNu6�e) R R R. R. Physid City`mdzip R - R ' 21.RRMARRS Cowry Parcel idmefiotiou Nm(PIN) 5b.Lattode and longitude in degreea/Wnteslsecoads or dedml degrm: (tfwe0 Noll aye INlooa is aul6ciam) W cl � _ T G Ln ` — — `h(ore)the wdl(s)�Permuent or [tTemporuy sittmuaa of beat WeN Cdsa p„��7.Is this arc 0y so t�date fmm,1 hereby dr rise wdlfs)wa ryarrJ mrmreaed or aaowdm iprrmen e>vetq walk OYM or ©No wNh led ACACO2C.0100m ISd NCACO2C.0200 WeJlCmanxmmj =&rd,aaddaa lldn*tro vPdr.)01aa1 kws, WWI ftcffm I*mrllm a adarpdala Wa Hoorn oflhe cq;yoJdb reoo,dhorh mprmldedm Ae we!lowrv, nparunder 921 nmmrbsmMon am dwbad gfddsfawn 23.Site diagram or oddkioed well data&: &For Ceoprobe/DPT or,Closed-Loop Geothermal Welk having the same You may use the back of this pogo at provide ailditmml well aft details a Well construction,only I GW-1 is needed, Mum TOTAL NUMBER of wells cotwtruction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. ar;gea: QS` SLMMrrrAL EMFL UCT1ONS Tot9. madae wd4 lMo0depda(fdlfmw(ma well depth below en w krLee: Fa mddpl .0 I V if 2N,Far AR Welk: SUIRM this 6 w rm within 30 days of mpletion of well e`3®200'and2®1003 �+ earuOntcton to the followirhg: 1&9hlie carat krd below by of eadeg: Divkko of Water Ramwcen,Iahrmtin Ua% 1Jtmwhae!b ataw aorbrg,un"+^ c� :J 1617 Mai Service Cents,Raldgh,NC 276»-1617 11.Borehole dhmeter. _( ,) 24A For iwieedna Well In addition to sending 0se form to the address in 24a 12.Well tosstraeton melded: above,also submit one copy of this fam within 30 days of canpleum of well atear,may,cable.d'ae<t posh,am.) COMMIMacton to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: DMeloa of Water Remoter,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Rdkigb,NC 276994636 13s.Yield m r (gP ) Method oftest. / 21c.For Water SwnaW d1 Chester W tw to addition to sendkrg the form to 13b,Dldafeetloa typo /' Amoauh / tldrese(ee) above' also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of anpkton of well construction to the county health department of the county where amstruded. Farm OW-1 North Carol®DryammtofFnvimammtal Qmlity-Division oFWaaRammus Merited 2-21-2016