HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061855 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070516,. r ~~ i c Dato ~. ~~ fa % ~EY1 ~ r ~'" _ . D~V'~~ Zc~G, ~~~~ V Z ~ ,~~_ Who Reviowed: _ - i . Plan Detail7ncomplet® - . i ^ Plbasaprovide a location map~for tho project. ' • ^ Phase show all stream impacts including ell fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on tho site plan. ^. Please show atl wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. • • ^ Pleasa indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. • ^ Please indicate proposed lot layout as overlays qn the site plea. ^ .Please indicate the locatign of the pi otected buffers ae mvorl'ays oa the site plan. ^ Please locate aII isolated or aoa-isolated wetlands, •strearrns and othar waters of thb State as overlays on the sits plan. ^ Please protrldo cross section deta3le showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ^ Please locate say planned•sewer lines on the site plea. • ^ Please provide fhe location of any proposed stortawatar management praetieoa as required by QC . j$`~ Please provide detail for the stonnwazor manageanaat gracticos ea required by C3C ~ . • 7- •Please specify silo percmit of project iinparviausness area. based on the estima#ed builtr•out conditions: ~t(Jl.~~ `~~ .. ~ ~ ,-0152-d ou- ~;vL -~'Ir~ ~t~-1-I~lecrs ~... ^ Please indicate all stormwatca~,o~tCalla on the site pta~. ~ ~ ^ Plea'se'indieato the diflbse flow pmviaion measurbs do the site plan. ^ Please indicate whether' Qr not the progoAoii impacts already been conducted. ' • Avoidanca,and/or Minimization 1~TOt Provided ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' [] • 'ihe labeled as _T„_ on the plane door not appear m bo necessary. Pleaseeliminate the . or provide additional information~as to ~ahy it ie necessary for this project. ; ~ . .. ..'^ This Office belieues that the labeled on the plans ea can be moved. or reoonf~gurod to avoid the impacts to the . ' . Please revise the plena to avoid thq impacts. .. . .• ^ This Office beliav6a•th{at the . .labeled on the plans as• can be moved or rocan$gured to;minimize the impacts tq'tho ' . Please revise the pleas to minimize the impaats. . ^ The stormwat~ discharges at the location on the plans labeled will.not provide dii~se flow through the buffmr because ' , ' ~ • . Please revise the plans sad provkip oelculations to •show that dii~iase~i~ow w1I1 be .achieved through the entlrebuil'nr. If it • - is not possible to acbiave•diflbse floes thmugh.the entire buffrr'tbe~ it may be naxsesry'to' provide atormwater managatncat • ~ practices that move ntitrlea~ts :before the atormwatar caa be discharged through the, buffer. ' . ^•. The application fee was insuf6oient•becauaecver 150 feet of stream and/or.over 1 sore of wetland'impacts wero rognestod. Please ~ ' . prnvido $ .' This additional foe must bo receivoc~ before your application caa be reviewed. ' . • ~ ^ Please compkto Section(s) on the application. - . ~' ~ .. ' ~ ^ P]eese provide a signed copy of the applieatioa.' • ^ Ploaeo provide ~ copies of the application, . copies ofthe site plans aad other supportgig information: . { _ ^ • Pleasasubmit electronic CAD files ahowiug ~ :.via: eiaeid to ian.momillan(~nonufil.net and CIS ' • •• . . Mitt sties ~- u'`~'"F' . (~-e~xYUk ~C}e.c.' i•~1~. Yl~.'~1 , r'.~c~ c~-r 1 rvu~i c~#i o n, bu+ -~ . g ~ c~-c.~.~ 1;:--~- cf.e-l-culs t=~~~cvuc~.r1 ~ru~; c~c~ibn. ~(~a.~ c~u . ' _ ect» ~ Please vide•a epm ensatory autlgation plan. The ~ ^ of compensatory uutigatton is required for this prof pro P plan must conform•to tharequiraments in 15 A NCAC 2H :0500 and mush be appropriate to the type•oi'impacts proposed. ~~~~Q~~ ^ Please indicatewhich 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' .