HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2606B (2) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natura l Resources Division of Water Quality B everly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary 225 Green St., Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301-50 43 Phone: 910-433-3300 \ FAX: 910-486-0707 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer – 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper May 29, 2012 MEMORANDUM To: John Partin, Assistant Resident Engineer, NCDOT Div ision 8 From: Mason Herndon, NCDWQ, Fayetteville Regional Office MH Subject: TIP No. R-2606B Randolph County On May 22, 2012, a site visit was conducted on the R-2606B (US 311) project in Randolph County, following the report of sedimentation and turbidity in tributaries to a private pond downstream of the project owned by Mr. Wyatt Farlow and your report o f sediment and turbidity coming to the project from an adjacent development. Both of these reports wer e received on May 21, 2012. Attendees at this site included you, Kelly Whitaker and Wes Hicks with the Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District Office, Wyatt Farlow (landowner), Barry Ha rrington, Roadside Environmental, and other NCDOT staff. During the site visit, sediment loss was noted at permit sites 23A and 23B of this proje ct. This is fill of a jurisdictional stream without aut horization and is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H .0500. The following is documentation of what was noted du ring this site visit and corrective actions that ne ed to be addressed: Permit Site 23B Station –L-380+10 to 381+00 RT , Structure 307, Drop Inlet Outlet, erosion control BMP’s were in placed and were functioning properly. Some sedimen t deposits were noted at the outlet of the 24” pipe and depositional bars were noted in several locatio ns along the bank of the stream down to where the stream enters the main stem of the system, approxim ately 300 feet. The Division requests that NCDOT remove this material immediately. A film of sedime nt continues to exist in the streambed of this syst em; therefore, this area needs to be monitored after ea ch rain event over 0.5 inches and accumulations removed. Other items that need to be addressed at this site: · No source of sediment was observed; however, the ou tfall pipe was observed to periodically gush clear water for no apparent reason. On a prior vis it, Ms. Whitaker said she had noted turbid water discharging from this pipe in a similar manner. Th e Division request that this pipe be investigated to ensure that it is functioning prope rly and free of defects. · Upon review of the permit drawing a Class B rip rap dissipater pad is proposed on the outlet of this pipe. The Division request that this measure be installed immediately. R-2606B May 29, 2012 Page 2 of 4 · The drop inlet protection measure in the median was in need of maintenance. Sediment accumulations were noted to be within 8 inches of t he top of this measure. The accumulation had been removed prior to the conclusion of this visit; however the Division requests that this area continue to be monitored closely. Permit Site 23A Station 374+00 to 374+40-L , 60” pipe and 24” drop inlet outlet, substantial s ediment deposits were noted upstream and downstream of this culvert. Dep ositions were observed to be up to 4 inches in dept h downstream of the NCDOT project. We visited the pr oject known as Ace Avent that is upstream of the US 311 project. Based our conversations, it is bel ieved that project has been under construction for approximately two weeks. Heavy sedimentation was n oted in the stream and in several other locations beyond the clearing limits and erosion control meas ures. Amy Euliss with the Winston Salem Regional Office (WSRO) was contacted and further investigati on by WSRO was requested. The following observations were noted on the NCDOT project and need to be addressed: · Two springs have developed within the fill slope at this location that have substantial flow and are creating rills in the slope. The Division has concerns that if these springs continue to flow down the fill slope it could result in slope failur e and significant sediment loss into the stream. The Division request that NCDOT investigate this is sue, and provide the Division with a course of action to alleviate this concern. · Upon review of the permit drawing a Class I rip rap dissipater pad is proposed on the outlet of this pipe and toe protection is proposed on the bot h the inlet and outlet ends of this culvert. Per our conversation, the rip rap toe protection and di ssipater pad is not proposed to be installed until the sediment basins are removed. The Division is s atisfied with this proposal at this time. However, based on the sediment observed upstream of the project, the Division recommends that NCDOT place an erosion control measure at the outle t of the pipe to capture sediment before it leaves the project. The Division typically does n ot condone erosion control measures within a jurisdictional stream; however, given the unfortuna te circumstances that exist; we feel that it is warranted in this situation. · Based on a phone conversation with Sue Homewood wit h SWPS in the WSRO, there are sediment deposits within two stream channels on the Ace Avant site, however at the time of her visit, significant sediment accumulations were conf ined to a small portion of stream immediately adjacent to the road on the project, and the remain der of the stream channels consisted of a thin film on the stream banks and stream bed and signifi cant turbidity in the channel. Furthermore there is no evidence that some of this sediment dow nstream of the NCDOT project is not an accumulation of material from prior losses suffered on this project. Therefore the Division request that NCDOT remove all material within the p roject limits and downstream to the 900 foot limit that was cleaned out in 2010. After our review of these NCDOT sites, Kelly Whitak er, Wes Hicks, Barry Harrington, Wyatt Farlow and I, visited three other sites downstream of the proj ect. The first site is approximately one mile down stream of the project at the end of Millikan Road. The se cond site we visited was the lower reach of the str eam on the Farlow property and the last observation was at the Farlow pond which approximately 2 miles downstream of the NCDOT project. My observations d uring this visit and a prior visit with Mr. Farlow on June 28, 2011 are as follows: · Millikan Road site – substantial (approximately 1.5 – 3 inches) sediment deposits on the stream banks and turbidity was noted during my visit on Ju ne 28, 2011. Sediment accumulations and R-2606B May 29, 2012 Page 3 of 4 turbidity was less substantial and more sporadic du ring this visit. During both visits a film of sediment was observed on the streambed. No evidenc e of sediment or turbidity was noted on any tributaries to the main branch of this stream which originates just upstream of the NCDOT project. · Just upstream of the Farlow Pond - during both visi ts, sediment deposits were noted along the stream bank. Although the deposits were more granu lar than observed upstream, the base material appeared to be consistent with the red cla y material found upstream. A sediment film was noted on the streambed during both visits. Tur bidity was less prevalent during this visit than that noted on June 28, 2011. No evidence of turbidi ty or sediment was observed in a tributary that enters the main channel just upstream of a dam reli c on the Farlow property. · Farlow Pond – turbidity was observed on both visits . Based on my records and information provided to me by your office, there have been eight sediment loss events on this project, with the major events occur ring on May 17, 2010 and June 14, 2010 due to a fou r to five inch rain event. According to your records these two events resulted in the loss of 515 cubic yards of material. NCDOT made a valet effort to retrieve the material lost after these and other unforeseea ble events, and based on my observations and review of the NPDES records these losses were not the result of negligence or lack of due diligence. However, it is in my best professional judgment that the impac ts of these losses were far more extensive than originall y evaluated and have had a detrimental effect on th is entire stream system below the project, including t he Farlow Pond. The Division strongly recommends that NCDOT work with Mr. Farlow to rectify this sit uation. After leaving the Farlow property, I conducted an i ndependent follow up review of the sediment loss si tes that we visited on March 15, 2012 including Sites 2 7 and 28 that warranted a Notice of Violation which was issued on March 22, 2012. My observations are as follows: Permit Site 27 Station.-L- 445+80 to 445+90 All sediment has been removed from the stream syste m. Adequate erosion control measures have been installed and disturbed area has been matted. No f urther actions are required at this time. Continue to monitor the area. Permit Site 28 Station.-L- 470+20 to 471+60 All sediment has been removed from the stream and f loodplain. No vegetative buffer was left adjacent to the stream as suggested. The area has been matted with coir fiber matting. The cattail and juncus ro ot matt appears to still be intact. This area needs to be monitored for vegetation reestablishment. Supplemental riparian seeding may be required if na tural vegetation does not reestablish. Permit Site 29 Station –RPC3- 50+40 to 51+40 The two sediment bars have been removed from stream bank and floodplain at outlet of culvert. Floodplain has been matted with coir fiber matting. This area needs to be monitored for vegetation reestablishment. Supplemental riparian seeding may be required if natural vegetation does not reestablish. Station –RPC3- 56+00 Sediment bar noted in the stream channel has been r emoved. No further action is required. R-2606B May 29, 2012 Page 4 of 4 If you have any questions or need any additional in formation on the comments made above, please do not hesitate to me at (910) 308-4021 or mason.herndon@n cdenr.gov. Thank you again for your time and efforts to address these concerns. Ec: Rueben Blakely, Division 8 Resident Engineer John Olinger, Division 8 Construction Engineer Vicki Davis, NCDOT Area Construction Engineer Art King, Division 8 Environmental Officer Ronnie Smith, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmingt on District Office Barry Harrington, NCDOT Roadside Environmental, Di v. 7 & 8 Kelly Whitaker, Randolph County Soil and Water Con servation District Belinda Henson, DWQ FRO Surface Water Protection S ection David Wainwright, DWQ Wetlands/401 Transportation Group Amy Euliss, DWQ WRSO Surface Water Protection Sect ion File Copy