HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111013 Ver 1_More Info Received_20120918Martin Marietta Materials P O Box 30013 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622 -0013 Telephone (919) 783 -4630 _ 1 0 13 Facsimile (919) 510 -4739 E -Mad steve.whitt@martinmanetta com Steven S. Whitt Director, Environmental Services September 18, 2012 Ms. Cyndi Karoly, Branch Chief NC Division of Water Quality ®��.�J Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center '---- D Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 SI: 2012 Subject: Request for Additional Information MNR . �A�N Martin Marietta Materials Inc. — Vanceboro Quarry �Ve ! --. Dear Ms. Karoly: We received your request for additional information dated March 2, 2012 for the above referenced permit application. By way of this letter and the attachments, we are responding to your items. As requested, we are submitting two sets of copies to your office. The items referenced below follow the sequence contained in your letter. 1. On September 14, 2012,, a meeting was held with Mr. Ian Mcmillan of your staff to review the alternatives analysis provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This review detailed the other sites in the area that were evaluated prior to selecting this site. It was our understanding upon the conclusion of that meeting that this satisfied your request. 2. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012, from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates. This memo addresses several of the issues noted in your request for additional information. As part of their effort, Kimley -Horn and Associates did complete the requested modeling exercise. That work is contained in the attached Technical Memorandum dated September 6, 2012. 3. Attached you find a copy of the Mine Map approved by the Division of Land Resources — Land Quality Section dated September 7, 2011. This drawing, at a scale of 1" = 500', and several of the other drawings included in this package should help clarify some of the items needed by your department. This site is more than 2 miles across and to produce drawings at a scale of 1" = 50' would not be practical. 4. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012, from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates for information related to the isolated or other non -404 jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and other waters of the state. September 18, 2012 Ms. Cyndi Karoly, Branch Chief Page 2 5. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012 from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates for information related to riparian buffers. 6. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012 from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates for a response to the aquatic life passage issue. 7. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012 from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates for a response on wetland impacts including fill slopes. 8. Please see the attached memo dated September 17, 2012 from Mr. Chad Evenhouse from Kimley -Horn and Associates for a qualitative indirect and cumulative impact analysis. We hope this information addresses all the outstanding items from your request. We urge the Wetlands and Stormwater Branch to continue their review of this information. As mentioned to you previously, we continue to desire a joint Public Hearing and urge your department to coordinate with the DWQ Complex NPDES Permits Unit to schedule this hearing as soon as possible. Please get in touch with this office if any additional information is needed on this matter. Sincerely Steve Whitt, P.E. Director, Environmental Services ^i CM Kimley -Horn Mn and Associates, Inc. September 17, 2012 Mr. Steve Whitt Martin Marietta Materials 2710 Wycliff Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Response to North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (NCDWQ) Request for More Information, dated March 2, 2012 Individual Permit Application Martin Marietta Materials — Vanceboro Site Beaufort and Craven Counties DWQ Project #11 -1013 Dear Mr. Whitt: P 0 Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636 -3068 1- SEP DENR . y/ATER QlJAIt eVandc a Q,,.._._ TY In response to NCDWQ's Request for More Information, Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) has prepared the following response, as well as attached technical memorandums providing additional information for your review. KHA's response by additional information items as listed in NCDWQ's letter dated March 2, 2012 are as follows: 1. Please provide DWQ the alternatives analysis you provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, detailing other sites that had been evaluated prior to selecting this site. Response: To be addressed by Martin Marietta Materials (MMM). 2. DWQ recommends a modeling exercise to evaluate the effect of the mining process wastewater discharge on the biochemistry of the receiving waters (an unnamed tributary to Blounts Creek). Because of the proximity of the proposed mine to estuarine waters, dilution of those waters from the proposed mining discharge could be problematic. Additionally, monitoring of Blounts Creek will likely be a condition of any 401 Certification. Finally, it should be notes that the surface water classification of Blounts Creek is SB (salt waters with primary recreation) and NSW (nutrient sensitive waters). ■ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 Response: KHA conducted additional modeling and analysis to evaluate agency comments regarding channel stability, flooding, and water quality (i.e. pH, salinity). A technical memorandum, dated September 6, 2012, is attached that presents the scope of analysis, results, and recommendations. In addition, Coastal Zone Resources is currently conducting additional analysis and review regarding ecosystem effects of the results presented in the KHA memorandum. 3. Please re- submit your site plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than I " =50' with topographic contours shown. Response: To be addressed by MMM. 4. Please locate all isolated or other non -404 jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. Response: Attached are site plan figures amended to include the location of regulated riparian buffers. The site plan shown here, consistent with the plans submitted by MMM per #3 above, show all 404 jurisdictional and non - jurisdictional features within the project area. This includes non - jurisdictional man -made ditches shown in yellow. There are no isolated wetlands, streams, or waters within the project area. 5. Please locate all of the protected riparian buffers as overlays on the site plan clearly showing Zone 1 and Zone 2 Response: See the attached site plan figures discussed above. 6. Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. Response: There are no new culverts proposed to be installed on any jurisdictional streams (either natural or modified natural channels) within the project area. Man -made ditches, both jurisdictional and non - jurisdictional will impacted at some time with the development of the site, including the installation of culverts. However, these areas have conservatively been considered as impacts and accounted for in the individual permit application. i 7. Please indicate all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. Response: There are no wetland impacts proposed to be filled. All the projected wetlands to be impacted (6.69 acres as shown in the individual permit application) are to be excavated and are within the footprint of the built -out pit area. The proposed wetland impact areas are shown in the attached site plan figures. 8. Please provide a qualitative indirect and cumulative impact analysis for the project. Please see DWQ's policy for guidance on our website at http:// Portal.ncdenr.oLvlweblwalswplws /401/ old. Response: KHA prepared a Qualitative Cumulative Impact Analysis which is attached to this letter as a technical memorandum, dated September 17, 2012. Please give me a call at 919- 677 -2121 should you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Chad Evenhouse, PWS Project Manager Attachments: Technical Memorandum — Stability, Flood, and Water Quality Analyses, dated September 6, 2012 Technical Memorandum — Qualitative Cumulative Impact Analysis, dated September 17, 2012 Figures: • Martin Marietta Materials - Vanceboro Mine Plan (Approved by NCDLR on 9/7/2011), dated September 12, 2012, Figure 4a • Figures 4b, and 4c are inset figures shown on 4a to more clearly depict regulated riparian buffers within the project area. Date: September 6, 2012 Project: Vanceboro Site Martin Marietta Materials Craven and Beaufort Counties, North Carolina Subject: Stability, Flood, and Water Quality Analyses Purpose The following Technical Memorandum is prepared to summarize the results of several analyses performed to address the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) comments regarding stream stability, potential flooding, and water quality issues associated with the proposed addition of the quarry dewatering discharge to Blounts Creek from the proposed Vanceboro Site. This memo also will provide CZR with predicted zones of potential impacts so the company can further analyze the potential impacts to essential aquatic habitats for fish, benthic invertebrates, and vegetation. Background The estimated maximum discharge rate from quarry dewatering is approximately 18 cfs (approximately 12 mgd). As part of the application and review process for the Individual 404 Permit, the associated Water Quality Certification, and the NPDES Discharge Permit, regulatory agencies raised several concerns related to stream stability, flooding, and water quality. The dewatering discharge primarily consists of groundwater infiltration from the Castle Hayne aquifer. Groundwater Management Associates (GMA) provided water chemistry analysis from wells placed in the aquifer at the Vanceboro site that were used to perform the pump test /water quality analysis. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) gathered additional existing conditions data to assess water quality, flooding potential, and stability throughout the Blounts Creek system as well. To assess the data, KHA used HEC -HMS, HEC -RAS, and spreadsheet models. The data collection and analytical methods are discussed in detail in the attached documents and summarized below. ■ Flooding— Residents of the Cotton Patch Subdivision have expressed concerns that the additional discharge from the quarry may affect flood elevations near the subdivision. The flood study within this document found that the addition of 18 cfs of discharge will have little effect on flood elevations. Stability —NCDWQ has concerns that the upper reaches of Blounts Creek may experience excessive erosion from an additional 18 cfs of continuous discharge. KHA performed C =/1 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 1 of 21 additional analysis that indicated the effect of splitting the discharge of 18 cfs between the two outfall locations at a maximum 9 cfs ( -6 mgd) at NPDES Outfall 001 and 9 cfs ( -6 mgd) at NPDES Outfall 002 should, at most, result in only small changes to the channel geometry of the upper reaches of Blounts Creek. ■ Water Quality —The two main water quality parameters that the quarry dewatering discharge could affect are pH and salinity. The pH of the existing headwater /swamp streams is very low (4.0 to 5.5). The results of the analysis predict that the pH of these systems would be elevated to 6.5 to 6.9. Such a change would not necessarily be considered a negative change as more numbers and diversity of intolerant species need higher pHs to survive. The effect of the pH would likely be noticeable from the discharge point to the confluence with Herrings Run where the ambient pH level is near 6. Salinity also is a concern for estuarine species of flora and fauna. The beginning of the estuary has been established at the confluence of Herrings Run and Blounts Creek. A volumetric displacement model was developed to estimate the salinity change that would result from the addition of the dewatering discharge. The model predicts no dramatic change in salinity and such changes may be masked by natural variability of the systems from tides and runoff events. It is unlikely that mobile species (such as fish and swimming invertebrates) would be affected by such a change; however, aquatic vegetation —like salt marsh grasses —may be affected because such species can be out - competed by freshwater species. Conclusions ■ Flooding —The results of the modeling indicate that there is no substantial off -site impact to flooding from the addition of 18 cfs (approximately 12 mgd) of discharge. The results of the flooding analysis suggest that no additional study is needed to evaluate impacts. ■ Stability —The results of the stability analysis suggest that only minor changes would be anticipated from the addition of 18 cfs of quarry dewatering discharge if the discharge rates at NPDES Outfalls o01 and 002 were limited to a maximum of 9 cfs each. ■ Water Quality —The results of the pH analysis suggest that CZR focus on evaluating the effects of raising the pH from 4.0 -5.5 up to 6.5 to 6.9 above the confluence of Herrings Run. It is not anticipated that predicted changes to salinity would be enough to affect mobile aquatic species. CZR would likely need to provide a narrative assessment of what kinds of changes could occur (if any). The zone of impact for immobile plants and invertebrates may be larger and should be assessed by CZR from Herrings Run down to the Cotton Patch Subdivision. Changes may not be enough to require more than a narrative discussion of potential changes. GMn Kimley -Horn M and Associates, Inc. 2 of 21 Table of Contents 1.0 Salinity Evaluation ............................................................... ............................... 4 1.1 Background ................................................. ............................... 4 1.2 Methods ....................................................... ............................... 4 Figure 1 -1: Salinity Sampling Points Map ............................................... ..............................6 1.3 Results and Discussion ................................ ............................... 7 Table 1 -1: Measured Salinity of Blounts Creek ....................................... ............................... 7 Table 1 -2: Measured us. Predicted Salinity of Blounts Creek Downstream of Herrings Run............................................................................................................. ..............................9 2.0 pH Evaluation ....................................................................... .............................11 2.1 Background .................................................. .............................11 2.2 Methods ........................................................ .............................11 Table 2 -1: pH of Blounts Creek at Various Quarry Discharge to Stream Water Ratios ..11 Figure 2 -1: Relationship of pH to Percent Quarry Water on Receiving Streams ............ 12 2.3 Results and Discussion ................................. .............................12 3.0 Flooding and Stability Analysis ........................................... .............................13 3.1 Background .................................................. .............................13 3.2 Methods ........................................................ .............................13 Figure 3 -1: Model LayoutMmap ...................................................... .............................14 3.3 Results and Discussion ................................. .............................15 3.3.1 Flooding .............................................. .............................15 Table 3 -1: Flood Analysis WSEL Comparison Table .......... ............................... 15 Table 3 -2: Flood Analysis Velocity Comparison Table ........ .............................16 3.3.2 Stability ............................................... .............................16 Table 3 -3: Permissible Shear Stress and Velocity Table .... ............................... 17 3.4 Conclusion ................................................. ............................... 20 References..................................................................................... ............................... 21 Attached: Salinity Tables GMA Aquifer Water Chemistry Sample Report Model Results Comparison Tables Water Quality Analysis Work Map C =/1 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 3 of 21 1.0 Salinity Evaluation 1.1 Background The NCDWQ requested that Martin Marietta Materials evaluate the effect on salinity in Blounts Creek from the potential maximum quarry dewatering discharge from the proposed quarry near Vanceboro, NC, starting at the point where NCDWQ considers estuarine (i.e., salt) waters begin at the confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run. Per discussions with NCDWQ, it was agreed that a simple mass balance or other appropriate analysis would be suitable for an initial study on the potential impact that the discharge may have on salinity. KHA looked at several ways to approach such an evaluation and concluded that a simple model that evaluates the potential volumetric displacement of more saline water by the less saline quarry discharge may be adequate to conservatively estimate the potential effect of the proposed discharge on the salinity of the creek. 1.2 Methods KHA determined that it would be necessary to collect field data to define salinity profiles along Blounts Creek starting at the confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run and ending approximately one mile downstream of the Cotton Patch Subdivision. A number of parameters were measured including conductivity, which was converted to salinity. These measurements were taken using a YSI 6920 water quality "sonde" meter. Stream velocity was measured at several observation locations to estimate channel discharge. Sampling was performed on three separate days: April 4th, 2012; April 13th, 2012; and May 31St, 2012. Sampling dates were chosen to give a variety of flow and salinity conditions. Sampling on April 4th occurred 3 days after approximately 0.5 -1.0 inches of rain occurred in the watershed. Sampling on April 13th occurred after several dry days, with the most recent rainfall occurring a week earlier on April 6 -7th (about 0.2 -0.3 inches of rain). Sampling on May 31St occurred a day after tropical storm Beryl dropped approximately 3.5 inches of rain on the watershed. These sampling events represent a moderate flow, low /base flow, and high flow conditions in Blounts Creek, respectively. The sampling event on April 4th included only two readings at the Cotton Patch Subdivision and at the confluence with Herrings Run. Sampling on April 13th and May 13th included measurements starting at the water surface and continuing at 2400t intervals down to a depth of 10 feet on Blounts Creek from the confluence with Herrings Run to Blounts Bay at intervals of approximately 1,000 feet. Locations of sampling observations points can be seen in Figure 1 -1. A salinity profile with isohaline lines of the April 13th samples were developed using CADD. The resulting map is represented by the isohaline contours labeled "salinity measured 4/13/2012" in Figure 1 -2: Measured and Predicted Salinity of Blounts Creek. The profile data was then used to generate predicted isohaline lines (labeled "predicted salinity ") that could result from the addition of a maximum of 18 cfs of quarry dewatering discharge. Can Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 4 of 21 To produce the predicted isohaline contours, a number of assumptions were made: ■ Stream discharge (with or without the addition of the dewatering discharge) does not completely mix with the more saline estuarine waters. ■ Quarry water discharge was "instantaneously" added to the stream discharge meaning that the fresh water would simply overrun the more saline water (as it currently does). These assumptions are shown by the actual measurements taken and illustrated in Figure 1 -2. Due to this assumption, the addition of the quarry dewatering discharge can be seen more as a volumetric displacement with some mixing as already occurs naturally. We will be able to further establish this concept by resampling after a rain event, which would increase the stream (freshwater) discharge in a similar manner to the addition of the quarry dewatering discharge. Using a "volume displacement model' provides a way to avoid having to assess the effect of tides and other events. The model only represents a snapshot in time. A simple explanation of the model is that the volume displacement is taken as the ratio of the maximum quarry dewatering discharge to the stream discharge at any given point along the stream. The ratio of quarry dewatering discharge to the stream discharge would decrease as one progresses downstream. The model assumes that the stream discharge is proportional to the drainage area and the stream cross section at any given point along the stream. The presence of the saline water is based on the fact that it is denser than fresh water resulting in a horizontal stratification such that the freshwater overruns the more saline water as evidenced by the actual data. This tendency also can be modeled using the energy equation that takes into account the density of water as well as air pressure. If air pressure is assumed to be constant over the entire system, this allows the less dense water to "float" over the denser water. This fact further supports the assumption that the water will continue to remain stratified by salinity. Assuming a volumetric displacement as a percent increase of the quarry dewatering discharge versus the stream discharge at any given point is a sensible and conservative assumption. To determine the volumetric displacement, the ratio of discharge -based volume displacement was used to interpolate a displaced value of the salinity between every point measured. CMFI Kimley -Horn 1111111110 and Associates, Inc. 5 of 21 Figure 1 -i: Salinity Sampling Points Map Cam„ Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 6 of 21 1.3 Results and Discussion The flow conditions on Blounts Creek were taken during what can be characterized as two base -flow conditions (4/13/2012 base -low, and 4/4/2012 base - moderate) and one post -storm condition (5/31/2012 high -flow). Each flow condition has an effect on the salinity of Blounts Creek. Table i -i shows salinity of Blounts Creek at two locations. Table i -1: Measured Salinity of Blounts Creek 1 Salinity units are PSU (Undiluted sea water = 35 PSU) 2 Sampling conducted after a week of no rain. Approximate estimated flow rate = 25 cfs at Herrings Run and loo cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision 3 Sampling conducted one day after ~0.5 inch rain. Approximate calculated flow rate = 50 cfs at Herrings Run and 200 cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision 4 Sampling conducted one day after ~3.5 inch rain. Approximate calculated flow rate = 800 cfs at Herrings Run and 1,7oo cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision. Note: Flow rates calculated from cross- sectional area and velocity readings at sampling points. Base - Low flow was estimated because velocity readings were too low to record. Although the samples represent only an instant in time, conclusions can be drawn that illustrate the salinity dynamics of Blounts Creek and the correlation of salinity and flow: ■ Salinity increases with depth. ■ Salinity increases downstream as the creek approaches Blounts Bay. ■ As flow increases, salinity decreases. Based on sampling conducted on the 4th and 13th of April, 2012 it can be concluded that salinity in Blounts Creek will be higher after a dry period. This increase in salinity has an upper limit dictated by the salinity of the Pamlico River at Blounts Bay. Sampling conducted on May 31St, 2012 after Tropical Storm Beryl shows that a moderate intensity storm (3.5 inches of rain for a 24 -hour duration storm represents a 1- to 2 -year occurrence interval) has the ability to completely push salinity out of Blounts Creek. These fluctuations of salinity appear to be a natural dynamic of Blounts Creek between C =/i Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 7 of 21 Measured Salinity 1 Sample Location Depth () Base -Low 2 Base - Moderate High -Flow 4 Flow Flow 3 (5/31/2012) (4/13/2012) (4/4/2012) Immediately downstream 3 1.o8 0.07 0.03 of the confluence with Herrings Run 8 3.03 -- 0.03 In front of the Cotton 3 3.11 2.03 0.05 Patch launch area g 5.65 4.40 0.05 1 Salinity units are PSU (Undiluted sea water = 35 PSU) 2 Sampling conducted after a week of no rain. Approximate estimated flow rate = 25 cfs at Herrings Run and loo cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision 3 Sampling conducted one day after ~0.5 inch rain. Approximate calculated flow rate = 50 cfs at Herrings Run and 200 cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision 4 Sampling conducted one day after ~3.5 inch rain. Approximate calculated flow rate = 800 cfs at Herrings Run and 1,7oo cfs at the Cotton Patch Subdivision. Note: Flow rates calculated from cross- sectional area and velocity readings at sampling points. Base - Low flow was estimated because velocity readings were too low to record. Although the samples represent only an instant in time, conclusions can be drawn that illustrate the salinity dynamics of Blounts Creek and the correlation of salinity and flow: ■ Salinity increases with depth. ■ Salinity increases downstream as the creek approaches Blounts Bay. ■ As flow increases, salinity decreases. Based on sampling conducted on the 4th and 13th of April, 2012 it can be concluded that salinity in Blounts Creek will be higher after a dry period. This increase in salinity has an upper limit dictated by the salinity of the Pamlico River at Blounts Bay. Sampling conducted on May 31St, 2012 after Tropical Storm Beryl shows that a moderate intensity storm (3.5 inches of rain for a 24 -hour duration storm represents a 1- to 2 -year occurrence interval) has the ability to completely push salinity out of Blounts Creek. These fluctuations of salinity appear to be a natural dynamic of Blounts Creek between C =/i Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 7 of 21 Herrings Run and the Cotton Patch Subdivision. The maximum proposed quarry discharge of 18 cfs (12 million gallons per day) would be only 1 -2% of the flow rate measured after Tropical Storm Beryl. As such, the effects of the quarry discharge likely would not be noticeable during these kinds of flow conditions and should not have the same effect on the salinity profile as a moderate intensity storm such as Tropical Storm Beryl. Accordingly, it appears more likely that effects from the quarry discharge only would be noticeable at discharges closer to base -flow conditions. The volume displacement model was developed as a tool to predict the effects on salinity from an increase of 18 cfs (approximately 12 mgd) on salinity in Blounts Creek due to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge at base -flow conditions. Table 1 -2 and Figure 1- 2 show how the model predicts that the isohaline lines would be deeper and further downstream when comparing the natural - stream discharge plus quarry discharge versus the actual, measured conditions —Le., the natural- stream discharge alone. The model shows that additional flow essentially "pushes" salinity downstream, but to a much smaller degree than discharge from a 3.5 -inch rainfall would, for instance. In this scenario, comparing the salinity measurements taken during the two base -flow discharges (low and moderate) demonstrate how the addition of the quarry discharge could affect the system. The difference between the discharges from the low -base flow and moderate base flow at Herrings Run would be very similar to the discharge difference between the low -base flow and the low -base flow with the quarry discharge added to it. The difference between the discharges of the low -base flow and moderate - base flow at the Cotton Patch Subdivision are much larger than the difference between the low -base flow and low -base flow plus quarry discharge would be. The volume displacement model over - estimated the predicted salinity (0.07 measured versus 0.7 predicted) at the Herrings Run confluence. The model also underestimated the predicted versus measured salinity at 3 feet (2.0 measured versus 1.6 predicted) and 8 feet (4.4 measured versus 2.8 predicted) at the Cotton Patch Subdivision. In any event, the volume displacement model does appear to provide an indication of the relative predicted changes to salinity from the addition of the quarry discharge that can be expected during low to moderate base flow conditions. C=n Kimley -Horn i and Associates, Inc. 8 of 21 Table 1 -2: Measured vs. Predicted Salinity of Blounts Creek Downstream of Herrings Run Distance Downstream of Herrings Run ft Depth Below Surface ft Measured Salinity' (411312012) Predicted Salinity' Distance Downstream of Herrings Run ft(ft) Depth Below Surface Measured Salinity' (411312012) Predicted Salinity' 200 0 0.88 0.51 6,000 0 2.04 1.51 200 2 1.08 0.96 6,000 2 2.14 2.07 200 4 1.70 1.34 6,000 4 2.55 2.25 200 6 2.72 2.13 6,000 6 3.41 2.78 200 8 3.03 2.85 6,000 8 4.51 3.69 200 10 3.12 3.07 6,000 10 5.33 4.72 1,000 0 1.29 0.75 8,000 0 2.22 1.64 1,000 2 1.33 1.31 8,000 2 2.27 2.23 1,000 4 1.77 1.52 8,000 4 2.49 2.33 1,000 6 2.87 2.23 8,000 6 3.98 2.88 1,000 8 3.46 3.12 8,000 8 4.92 4.22 1,000 9.6 3.56 3.50 8,000 10 5.39 5.05 2,000 0 1.61 0.94 10,000 0 2.47 2.10 2,000 2 1.67 1.64 10,000 2 2.51 2.48 2,000 4 2.02 1.82 10,000 4 3.41 2.65 2,000 6 2.65 2.28 10,000 6 4.27 3.54 2,000 8 3.74 3.11 10,000 8 5.00 4.38 2,000 10 4.02. 3.86 10,000 9.1 5.48 5.08 3,000 0 1.87 1.38 12,000 0 2.64 2.25 3,000 2 1.96 1.89 12,000 2 3.01 2.70 3,000 4 2.07 1.99 12,000 4 3.23 3.04 3,000 6 2.36 2.15 12,000 6 4.05 3.35 3,000 8 3.96 2.78 12,000 8 5.76 4.31 3,000 10 4.51 4.10 12,000 10 6.07 5.80 4,000 0 1.76 1.30 13,000 0 2.84 2.42 4,000 2 1.89 1.80 13,000 2 3.11 2.88 4,000 4 2.20 1.97 13,000 4 3.47 3.16 4,000 6 3.33 2.49 13,000 6 5.01 3.70 4,000 8 4.13 3.54 13,000 8 5.65 5.11 4,000 10 4.64 4.27 13,000 10 6.10 5.72 5,000 0 1.92 1.42 14,000 0 3.24 2.75 5,000 2 1.97 1.93 14,000 2 3.28 3.24 5,000 4 2.44 2.09 14,000 4 3.49 3.31 5,000 6 3.30 2.67 14,000 6 4.87 3.69 5,000 8 4.20 3.53 14,000 8 6.36 5.09 5,000 1 10 1 4.73 4.34 14,000 93 6.45 6.38 1 Salinity units are PSU (Undiluted sea water = 35 PSU) Note: Highlighted cells are approximate location of the Cotton Patch Subdivision = � Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 9 Of 21 N w LL O W K 7 � N NO�O�OUlO �lO �O W ���(VNMMaW�f1 u'i t0 N v D FW- U 0 oinovio�no�novia x W . -�NNMM �'d NJ)10 F a a <� _ z o °m y QU N Q G N 0 Q O d I I t 1 (1333) H1cd30 H w Li LL v z Z) Ir z cr W S S E- W U z w z O U w O w vi z 3 O 0 w U z t- 0 N w O O IA i� ✓jJ 4 E � Y m C 2.0 pH Evaluation 2.1 Background The proposed discharge from the Vanceboro quarry into Blounts Creek will mostly come from the Castle Hayne aquifer. Based on data from aquifer testing conducted by Groundwater Management Associates (GMA), discharge from the Castle Hayne aquifer near the Vanceboro Site had a pH of 6.94, an alkalinity of 321 mg /L, and a total hardness Of 316 mg /L. Based on these numbers, it was assumed that the hardness and alkalinity are primarily from calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which would give this discharge a very strong buffering capacity. Additionally, the pH of the water in Blounts Creek above the confluence with Herrings Run was measured between 4.o and 5.5 by CZR and KHA. Given the available water quality data, a simple water chemistry model was developed to determine what the predicted pH of the Blounts Creek system might be with the introduction of the quarry dewatering discharge. 2.2 Methods It is assumed that the alkalinity of the quarry dewatering discharge is carbonate (CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3), and carbonic acid (H2CO3). Natural acidity in the stream is likely tannic acid and other organic acids; however, for the sake of this study it was assumed that the pH is from hydrogen ions only (H +). This assumption that there will be no buffering from organic acids is conservative because the organic acids likely would provide some buffering at the lower pH. A spreadsheet model was developed to assess the proton condition and to assess various ratios or percentages of quarry water to stream water. Since the pH of the quarry water was 6.94, it was assumed that bicarbonate (HCO3) would be the dominant base form. Table 2 -1 shows the predicted pH of the stream as a volumetric ratio of quarry discharge water to stream water. Table 2 -1: pH of Blounts Creek at Various Quarry Discharge to Stream Water Ratios % Quarry Water % Stream Water' Ratio of Quarry to Stream Water H2CO3 HCO3 H+ P H 10% 90% 1:9 1.54E -04 1.66E -04 4.65E -07 6.33 20% 80% 1:4 2.08E -04 4.33E -04 2.42E -07 6.62 30% 70% 3:7 2.63E -04 6.99E -04 1.89E -07 6.72 40% 60% 2:3 3.17E -04 9.66E -04 1.65E -07 6.78 50% 50% 1:1 3.72E -04 1.23E -03 1.51 E -07 6.82 60% 40% 3:2 4.26E -04 1.50E -03 1.43E -07 6.85 70% 30% 7:3 4.81 E -04 1.77E -03 1.37E -07 6.86 80% 20% 4:1 5.35E -04 2.03E -03 1.32E -07 6.88 90% 10% 9:1 1 5.89E -04 2.30E -03 1.29E -07 6.89 1 Receiving stream waters are assumed to have a pH of 4.0 Cn Kimley -Horn i• and Associates, Inc. 11 of 21 Figure 2 -1: Relationship of pH to Percent Quarry Water on Receiving Streams 7.0 6.5 6.0 a 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 609'0 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Quarry Water 2.3 Results and Discussion The model predicts that as the ratio of quarry water to stream water goes from 1:9 (1o% quarry water) to 9:1 (9o% quarry water), the pH will begin to rise from 6.3 to 6.8. The pH at the Herrings Run confluence was measured at approximately 6.5 on April 13th , 2012. This means that the pH below the confluence of Herrings Run and Blounts Creek will likely remain at current conditions; however, the pH of Blounts Creek upstream of the confluence with Herrings Run is expected to increase from a range of 4.0 -5.5 (as measured on April 13�h, 2012) to 6.3 -6.9 from the addition of the quarry dewatering discharge. Kimley -Horn C �� and Associates, Ina 12 Of 21 now son No ME milk0 NE MEN 11011ir, oil rim 11111 00 Ing ME SESSION 11LIFill"LOON111i INS 4.0 - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 609'0 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Quarry Water 2.3 Results and Discussion The model predicts that as the ratio of quarry water to stream water goes from 1:9 (1o% quarry water) to 9:1 (9o% quarry water), the pH will begin to rise from 6.3 to 6.8. The pH at the Herrings Run confluence was measured at approximately 6.5 on April 13th , 2012. This means that the pH below the confluence of Herrings Run and Blounts Creek will likely remain at current conditions; however, the pH of Blounts Creek upstream of the confluence with Herrings Run is expected to increase from a range of 4.0 -5.5 (as measured on April 13�h, 2012) to 6.3 -6.9 from the addition of the quarry dewatering discharge. Kimley -Horn C �� and Associates, Ina 12 Of 21 3.0 Flooding and Stability Analysis 3.1 Background The NCDWQ requested that Martin Marietta Materials evaluate the effect of the quarry dewatering discharge from the proposed quarry on the stability of Blounts Creek. Local community members near the Cotton Patch subdivision also have expressed concern that increased flow from the quarry dewatering discharge may have an adverse effect on flooding near their property. KHA performed a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to the stability and flooding concerns. To address both of these issues, KHA determined that it would be necessary to develop an unsteady state HEC -RAS model using hydrographs generated from HEC -HMS. Future conditions scenarios analyze a steady discharge of 18 cfs (approximately 12 mgd) at the proposed quarry site. 3.2 Methods ■ Hydrology —The HEC -HMS model used the SCS synthetic unit hydrograph to create flow hydrographs of the 1 -, 5 -, 25 -, and ioo -year 24- hour - duration storms. Hydrograph parameters of loss, transform, and depth were input using the following sources: runoff volume was calculated using composite curve numbers from land use coverage KHA generated using 2010 aerial photography, lag times were calculated using the SCS Lag Time Method, and precipitation depth was taken from NOAA Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates for the station located in Washington, NC. Since there are no tide gauges located on the Pamlico River, daily tides were assumed to be diurnal with a maximum amplitude of 1 foot and mean sea level at o.00 ft NAVD 88. It is possible that there is no observable diurnal tides based on observations from local residents, but the tides were added as an additional conservative analysis. Surge hydrographs were developed using methodology described in HEC -25 Tidal Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Scour at Bridges and data from the effective Flood Insurance Study (FIS) of Beaufort County, NC. ■ Hydraulics —The HEC -RAS model was created using field measurements of cross - sections, ditch widths /heights, pipe inverts, and soundings. Ditch widths /heights and pipe inverts were measured on the proposed mining site, eight stream cross - sections were measured on Weyerhauser property downstream of the proposed NPDES discharge point (two were taken from previous studies), and four soundings of Blounts Creek were taken below the confluence of Blounts Creek and Herrings Run. Cross - section measurements were only taken for the stream section and LIDAR was used to supplement floodplain geometry. Additionally, since field measurements were taken based on temporary benchmarks, elevations were tied into LIDAR as best -fit approximations. To supplement the reach of Blounts Creek from the last Weyerhauser property cross - section to the Herrings Run confluence, the effective FEMA HEC -RAS model of Blounts Creek beginning at NC -33 was included. A layout of the HEC -RAS model centerline and detailed areas of interest for the Flooding and Stability analyses is shown below in Figure 3 -1. Note: only layouts of cross sections referenced in this memo are shown on the figure. ��Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 13 of 21 Figure 3 -1: Model Layout Map C —„ Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 14 of 21 3.3 Results and Discussion 3.3.1 Flooding The hydraulics of the Pamlico River at Blounts Bay play a significant role in the hydraulics of Blounts Creek, especially at the Cotton Patch subdivision. Since information on the elevations of the Pamlico River during storm events is limited and because rainfall can be spatially determinant (meaning rainfall can be localized or systemic across multiple drainage areas) a variety of rainfall and downstream boundary condition scenarios were chosen to cover a wide range of possible hydraulic conditions at Blounts Creek. Those scenarios include 1 -year storm with assumed daily tide, 5 -year storm with assumed steady downstream elevation of 0.5 feet, 25 -year storm with friction slope of o.o1 %, and loo -year storm with a synthetic surge hydrograph downstream boundary condition. Tables 3 -1 and 3 -2 (below) show the output of these four scenarios and the resulting Water Surface Elevations (WSELs) and velocities, respectively. Table 3 -1: Flood Analysis WSEL Comparison Table 1 Feet above Blounts Bay 2 Estimated daily tide with amplitude of i ft at Blounts Bay 3 No change in downstream water surface elevation (set at o.5 ft) 4 Downstream friction slope of o.o1% 5 Theoretical ioo -yr surge stage hydrograph based * Confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run ** The Cotton Patch subdivision Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, d = Difference between future and existing conditions. All elevations are in feet and referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NA VD 88) M�Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 15 of 21 1 -yr 5 -yr �5 -yr loo -yr River (Friction Slope Station 1 Odes 2) (No Ti 3 de ) 4) (Surge 5) Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A 28600* 0.96 0.97 0.01 2.24 2.26 0.02 4.71 4.73 0.02 9.30 9.31 0.01 25000 0.76 o.77 o.o1 1.6o 1.61 0.01 3.84 3.86 0.02 9.13 9.14 0.01 15900 ** 0.57 0.57 0.00 0.82 o.83 0.01 2.68 2.69 o.o1 8.95 8.95 0.00 7000 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.87 1.87 0.00 9.20 9.20 0.00 1 Feet above Blounts Bay 2 Estimated daily tide with amplitude of i ft at Blounts Bay 3 No change in downstream water surface elevation (set at o.5 ft) 4 Downstream friction slope of o.o1% 5 Theoretical ioo -yr surge stage hydrograph based * Confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run ** The Cotton Patch subdivision Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, d = Difference between future and existing conditions. All elevations are in feet and referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NA VD 88) M�Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 15 of 21 Table 3 -2: Flood Analysis Velocity Comparison Table 1 Feet above Blounts Bay 2 Estimated daily tide with amplitude of t ft at Blounts Bay 3 No change in downstream water surface elevation (set at o.,5 ft) 4 Downstream friction slope of 0.01% s Theoretical loo -yr surge stage hydrograph based * Confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run ** The Cotton Patch subdivision Note: Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, A = Difference between future and existing conditions. All values are velocity in feet per second (fps). The modeling results show that there is no significant change in water surface elevation and velocity at the Cotton Patch subdivision due to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge. Variations shown in the model are less than the effects wave action or wind tides would produce. 3.3.2 Stability Naturally stable coastal streams typically have mobile stream beds and deformable banks. This means that during the runoff events from most storms the bed and banks will change their shape. These changes are minor and normally do not result in bank failure, vegetation loss, or excessive erosion. For a stream to be characterized as unstable, these changes would need to be more dramatic and result in excessive erosion, bank collapse, and vegetation loss. DWQ asked MMM to provide some analysis to assess whether adding the dewatering discharge of 18 cfs would cause the existing streams to become more unstable. The following analysis is based on splitting the discharge between NPDES Outfall 001 and NPDES Outfall 002 such that they are receiving 9cfs each. To determine the effects of the proposed quarry dewatering discharge on the stability of Blounts Creek, it is necessary to analyze channel shear stress and CM Kimley -Horn Mn and Associates, Inc. 16 of 21 i -yr 5 -yr �5 -yr 100-yr River (Tides 2) (No Tide 3) (Friction Slope (Surge 5) Station 1 4) Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A 28600* 0.85 0.87 0.02 1.60 1.62 0.02 2.08 2.09 0.01 0.58 0.60 0.02 25000 0.62 0.63 0.01 1.32 1.33 0.01 1.84 1.84 0.00 0.29 0.26 0.03 15900 ** 0.34 0.35 0.01 0.79 0.80 0.01 1.10 1.11 0.01 0.68 0.67 0.01 7000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.57 0.57 0.00 1 Feet above Blounts Bay 2 Estimated daily tide with amplitude of t ft at Blounts Bay 3 No change in downstream water surface elevation (set at o.,5 ft) 4 Downstream friction slope of 0.01% s Theoretical loo -yr surge stage hydrograph based * Confluence of Blounts Creek with Herrings Run ** The Cotton Patch subdivision Note: Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, A = Difference between future and existing conditions. All values are velocity in feet per second (fps). The modeling results show that there is no significant change in water surface elevation and velocity at the Cotton Patch subdivision due to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge. Variations shown in the model are less than the effects wave action or wind tides would produce. 3.3.2 Stability Naturally stable coastal streams typically have mobile stream beds and deformable banks. This means that during the runoff events from most storms the bed and banks will change their shape. These changes are minor and normally do not result in bank failure, vegetation loss, or excessive erosion. For a stream to be characterized as unstable, these changes would need to be more dramatic and result in excessive erosion, bank collapse, and vegetation loss. DWQ asked MMM to provide some analysis to assess whether adding the dewatering discharge of 18 cfs would cause the existing streams to become more unstable. The following analysis is based on splitting the discharge between NPDES Outfall 001 and NPDES Outfall 002 such that they are receiving 9cfs each. To determine the effects of the proposed quarry dewatering discharge on the stability of Blounts Creek, it is necessary to analyze channel shear stress and CM Kimley -Horn Mn and Associates, Inc. 16 of 21 velocity. Bed mobility and bank deformation of the existing channel is likely to occur when shear and /or velocities in the channel rise above threshold levels that have been shown to be the limits of maximum permissible shear and velocity in stable stream channels. Table 3 -3 below summarizes two bed materials from Table 7 -3— Maximum Permissible Velocities Recommended by Fortier and Scobey and the Corresponding Unit - Tractive Force Values Converted by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in Open - Channel Hydraulics (Chow, 1959); it shows an estimate of the maximum nonerodible velocities in old and well- seasoned channels based on channel material. Pebble counts performed in previous studies by KHA estimate bed material to be an organic silty loam. Because there is a significant amount of organic and clay material in the channel substrate, maximum permissible velocity and shear was assumed to be somewhere between non - colloidal silt loam and colloidal alluvial silts. The average value of the two soil types are shown in Table 3 -3 as the estimated maximum value. Table 3 -3: Permissible Shear Stress and Velocity Table Maximum Permissible Values Shear (lbs /LL2) Velocity (fps) Non colloidal Silt Loam 0.05 2.00 Colloidal Alluvial Silts 0.26 3.75 Estimated Maximum 1 0.15 2.5 Estimated maximum permissible shear and velocity for the study area of Blounts Creek Low flow was estimated using the Coastal Plain 30Q2 for Clay Soils in Table 2 of USGS Water - Supply Paper 2403 Low -Flow Characteristics of Stream in North Carolina (USGS, 1993)• The 30Q2 is the annual minimum average 3o -day consecutive low flow that has a 50% chance of occurring in a given year. The 30Q2 flow is equivalent to 0.032 cfs per square mile drainage area or approximately 0.14 cfs at Blounts Creek just downstream of the NPDES discharge point. The future conditions model included a constant flow of 9 cfs at both Blounts Creek and UT2 to simulate splitting the maximum proposed quarry dewatering discharge between the two reaches. For stable coastal plain streams, instability does not necessarily occur when flow overtops the top of bank. The study reach of Blounts Creek has excellent access to the floodplain; therefore, incremental increases to discharge above the maximum channel discharge capacity do not have incrementally large increases in shear and velocity. Erosion occurs at elevations higher than bankfull as velocity and shear increase due to flood stages surcharging above the bankfull stage. To determine CM/1 Kimley -Horn Il• and Associates, Ina 17 of 21 the effects of the dewatering discharge on storm events, the 1 -year 24 -hour storm was modeled in HEC -RAS. Model results are shown in Table 3 -4 for the reach of Blounts Creek from approximately 500 feet downstream of the proposed NPDES discharge point to the last cross - section on Weyerhaeuser property. Table 3 -4: Blounts Creek Model Results Comparison Table River Low Flow 1 -year 24 -hour Storm Station Shear (lb /ft2) Velocity (fps) Shear (lb /ft2) Velocity (fps) Ex Fu 0 Ex Fu A Ex Fu 0 Ex Fu A 55,513 0.07 0.11 0.04 0.71 1.04 0.33 0.31 0.32 0.01 2.11 2.14 0.03 54,46o o.o6 0.14 o.o8 o.66 1.17 0.44 0.43 0.44 0.01 2.42 2.43 0.01 53,848 o.o6 0.12 0.04 o.64 1.03 0.39 0.19 o.19 o.00 1.64 1.66 0.02 o.o6 o.o6 52597 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.47 o.81 0.34 o.00 o.89 0.91 0.02 551,462 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.29 0.57 0.28 0.00 2.10 2.11 0.01 0.28 0.28 50,380 0.05 0.10 0.05 o.62 o.96 0.34 0.53 0.53 0.00 2.86 2.87 0.01 49,174 2 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.52 o.65 0.13 oa8 o.18 o.00 1.63 1.63 0.00 1 Feet above Blounts Bay 2 Last cross - section on Weyerhauser property Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, d = Difference between future and existing conditions. Highlighted cells exceed the estimated permissible values listed in Table 3 -3• The model results show that velocity and shear increases (as compared to the 30Q2 low flow) due to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge, but stay below the estimated maximum permissible shear and velocity. Peak flow conditions of the 1 -year storm produce shear that is higher than the estimated maximum permissible shear stress while velocity was below the estimated maximum permissible velocity except at cross - section 50,380. The additional proposed quarry dewatering discharge had a minimal effect on the 1 -year peak flow hydraulics on Blounts Creek. Model results for the reach of UT2 are shown in Table 3 -5• EM"Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 18 of 21 Table 3 -5: UT -2 Model Results Comparison Table River Low Flow 1 -yr 24 -hr Storm Station Shear (lb /ft2) Velocity (fps) Shear (lb /ft2) Velocity (fps) Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A Ex Fu A 8,o85 0.04 0.14 o.10 o.86 2.39 1.53 0.36 0.39 0.03 4.54 4.81 0.27 7,515 0.01 0.14 0.13 0.43 2.38 1.95 0.33 0.36 0.03 4.37 4.64 0.27 6,020 0.05 0.14 0.09 0.99 2.37 1.38 0.44 0.48 0.04 4.96 5.30 0.34 4,370 o.o1 o.o9 o.o8 0.38 1.82 1.44 o.18 0.20 0.02 3.04 3.25 0.21 3,920 0.12 0.10 0.02 1.40 1.93 0.53 0.14 o.16 0.02 2.71 2.94 0.23 3,820 o.ol o.o8 0.07 0.51 1.72 1.21 0.12 0.14 0.02 2.56 2.8o 0.24 3,750 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.17 1.24 1.07 0.11 0.14 0.03 2.31 2.67 0.36 3,263 0.02 0.11 0.09 0.28 1.00 0.72 0.22 0.23 0.01 1.75 1.8o 0.05 1,420 0.02 o.o8 o.o6 0.29 o.81 0.52 0.49 0.49 0.00 0.01 2.74 2.75 1 Feet above confluence of UT-2 with Blounts Creek Note: Ex = Existing Conditions; Fu = Future Conditions, d = Difference between future and existing conditions. Highlighted cells exceed the estimated permissible values listed in Table 3 -3• The model results for UT -2 show that velocity and shear increases (as compared to the 30Q2 lowflow) due to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge, but stay below the estimated maximum permissible shear and velocity. Peak flow conditions of the 1 -year storm produce shear and velocity that is higher than the estimated maximum permissible shear stress and velocity. The additional proposed quarry dewatering discharge had a minimal effect on the 1 -year peak flow shear but increases velocity in the upper reach ditch UT -2. There are two cross sections where the model predicts that future conditions will exceed the estimated critical velocity or shear stress, and the existing conditions do not exceed the thresholds. These cross sections occur at stations 3,75o and 3,920, which are immediately downstream and upstream, respectively, of an existing culvert under Blounts Creek Road. It is important to observe the predicted increase in shear stress at station 3,920 is similar to the predicted increases at the other stations. The same is true of the predicted change in velocity at station 3,75o. For both cross sections, the change represents an increase of approximately 13% for both shear stress and velocity. It is important to note, that both the existing and future conditions shear stress predicted at 3,920 and existing and future conditions velocity at 3,75o are within 7% of the estimated permissible threshold values. It is KHA's opinion that this change is small enough that it would be masked by natural variability predicted within the rainfall and runoff patterns described in the paragraph below, despite the fact C�I1 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 19 of 21 that the future conditions value exceeds the estimated permissible value and the existing conditions value does not. As such, any changes to the channel geometry are expected to be minimal, and should not result in excessive erosion. It is recommended that MMM visually monitor the channel yearly (using photograph points) as discharge rates increase to assess changes, if any, to channel stability. The 1 -year rainfall depth is 3.19 inches and the peak flow rate for the drainage area at river station 55,513 is 230 cfs. The corresponding rainfall depth for the same drainage area for 221 cfs (1 -year peak flow rate minus proposed quarry dewatering discharge) is approximately 3.14 inches. The go% confidence interval for the 1 -year 24 -hour storm is 2.92 -3.56 inches. Since the future adjusted 1 -year rainfall depth lies well within that confidence interval, the future dewatering discharge is not anticipated to increase the frequency of storm discharges. 3.4 Conclusion It is expected that the increase in discharge from the proposed quarry will result in some adjustments in the base -flow geometry of the stream. The modeling results suggest that such adjustments should not result in excessive erosion of the stream since the estimated maximum permissible shear stresses and velocities should not be exceeded in low flow conditions. Additionally, storm events are assumed to have the most influence on channel geometry since they result in larger velocities and shear stress as the water column surcharges above the channel. Typically, NCDWQ considers the 1 -year 24 -hourr discharge to be related to channel stability for its various stormwater programs. The above results show only minor changes during the peak 1 -year 24 -hour storm event when comparing the existing conditions to the proposed quarry dewatering discharge. Based on this analysis, it is not anticipated that the maximum dewatering discharge would result in major stream channel profile or geometry changes. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Ina 20 Of 21 References Chow, Ven Te (1959)• Open - Channel Hydraulics. Caldwell, NJ: The Blackburn Press. Fry, Brian (2002). Conservative Mixing of Stable Isotopes Across Estuarine Salinity Gradients: A Conceptual Framework for Monitoring Watershed Influences on Downstream Fisheries Production. Estuaries and Coasts, 25, 264 -271. Stenstrom, Petter (2004). Hydraulics and mixing in the Hudson River estuary: A numerical model study of tidal variations during neap tide conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(CO4019), 1 -12. Snoeyink, Vernon L., & Jenkins, David (1980). Water Chemistry. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. UNESCO (1981). Background Papers and Supporting Data on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science 37). Place de Fontenoy, Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. U.S. Geological Survey (1993)• Low -Flow Characteristics of Streams in North Carolina (United States Geological Survey Water - Supply Paper 2403). Denver, CO: US Government Printing Office. G =Fj Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 21 of 21 Attachment 1 Salinity Tables Measured vs. Predicted Salinity Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth below Surface (ft) Salinity measured (4/13/2012) Salinity Predicted 200 0 088 051 200 2 108 096 200 4 170 134 200 6 272 213 200 8 303 285 200 10 312 307 400 0 109 063 400 2 127 117 400 4 168 144 400 6 295 221 400 8 308 300 400 10 314 310 600 0 128 075 600 2 139 133 600 4 182 157 600 5 232 203 600 6 280 252 600 788 307 291 800 0 123 072 , 800 2 131 126 800 4 185 154 800 6 277 224 800 8 339 303 800 876 339 339 1000 0 129 075 1000 2 133 131 1000 4 177 152 1000 6 287 223 1000 8 346 312 1000 96 356 350 1500 0 148 086 1500 2 161 154 1500 4 189 172 1500 6 289 231 1500 8 363 320 1500 10 387 373 2000 0 161 094 2000 2 167 164 2000 4 202 182 2000 6 265 228 2000 8 374 311 2000 30 402 386 1of6 Measured vs. Predicted Salinity Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth below Surface (ft) Salinity measured (4/13/2012) Salinity Predicted 2500 0 189 140 2500 2 192 190 2500 4 203 195 2500 6 208 204 2500 8 376 252 2500 10 435 392 3000 0 187 138 3000 2 196 189 3000 4 207 199 3000 6 236 215 3000 8 396 278 3000 30 451 410 3500 0 167 124 3500 2 189 173 3500 4 207 194 3500 6 293 230 3500 8 394 320 3500 30 451 409 4000 0 176 130 4000 2 189 180 4000 4 220 197 4000 6 333 249 4000 8 413 354 4000 10 464 427 4500 0 182 135 4500 2 184 183 4500 4 219 193 4500 6 327 248 4500 8 408 348 4500 10 467 423 5000 0 192 142 5000 2 197 193 5000 4 244 209 5000 6 330 267 5000 8 420 353 5000 10 473 434 6000 0 204 151 6000 2 214 207 6000 4 255 225 6000 6 341 278 6000 8 451 369 6000 10 533 472 2of6 Measured vs. Predicted Salinity Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth below Surface (ft) Salinity measured (4/13/2012) Salinity Predicted 7000 0 208 154 7000 2 224 213 7000 4 232 226 7000 6 345 262 7000 8 465 376 7000 10 534 483 8000 0 222 164 8000 2 227 223 8000 4 249 233 8000 6 398 288 8000 8 492 422 8000 10 539 505 9000 0 241 205 9000 2 250 242 9000 4 271 253 9000 6 409 291 9000 8 471 418 9000 10 534 481 10000 0 247 210 10000 2 251 248 10000 4 341 265 10000 6 427 354 10000 8 Soo 438 10000 91 548 508 11000 0 250 213 11000 2 255 251 11000 4 268 257 11000 6 395 287 11000 8 539 417 11000 10 586 546 12000 0 264 225 12000 2 301 270 12000 4 323 304 12000 6 405 335 12000 8 576 431 12000 10 607 580 13000 0 284 242 13000 2 311 288 13000 4 347 316 13000 6 501 370 13000 8 565 511 13000 10 610 572 14000 0 324 275 14000 2 328 3.24 14000 4 349 331 14000 6 487 369 14000 8 636 509 14000 93 645 638 3of6 Measured Salinity After Tropical Storm Beryl (5/31/2012) Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth Below Surface (ft) Temperature ( °C) Salinity Measured (PSU) 0 0 20.84 0.03 0 2 20.85 0.03 0 4 20.85 0.03 0 6 20.94 0.03 1,000 0 21.00 0.03 1,000 2 21.00 0.03 1,000 4 21.00 0.03 1,000 6 21.00 0.03 1,000 8 21.00 0.03 2,000 0 21.05 0.03 2,000 2 21.04 0.03 2,000 4 21.05 0.03 2,000 6 21.05 0.03 2,000 8 21.05 0.03 3,000 0 21.13 0.03 3,000 2 21.14 0.03 3,000 4 21.08 0.03 3,000 6 21.08 0.03 3,000 8 21.06 0.03 4,000 0 21.08 0.03 4,000 2 21.12 0.03 4,000 4 21.10 0.03 4,000 6 21.06 0.03 4,000 8 21.07 0.03 5,000 0 21.16 0.03 5,000 2 21.13 0.03 5,000 4 21.14 0.03 5,000 6 21.11 0.03 5,000 8 21.11 0.03 6,000 0 22.07 0.04 6,000 2 21.35 0.04 6,000 4 21.41 0.04 6,000 6 21.35 0.04 6,000 8 21.18 0.04 7,000 0 22.01 0.04 7,000 2 21.23 0.04 7,000 4 21.25 0.04 7,000 6 21.20 0.04 7,000 8 21.22 0.04 8,000 0 21.87 0.04 8,000 2 21.70 0.04 8,000 4 21.47 0.04 8,000 6 21.36 0.04 8,000 8 21.44 0.04 9,000 0 22.17 0.04 9,000 2 21.54 0.04 9,000 4 21.35 0.04 9,000 6 21.20 0.04 9,000 8 21.38 0.04 4of6 Measured Salinity After Tropical Storm Beryl (5/31/2012) Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth Below Surface (ft) Temperature (°C) Salinity Measured (PSU) 10,000 0 21.76 0.04 10,000 2 21.47 0.04 10,000 4 21.34 0.04 10,000 6 21.35 0.04 10,000 8 21.33 0.04 11,000 0 22.55 0.04 11,000 2 21.87 0.04 11,000 4 21.72 0.04 11,000 6 21.38 0.04 11,000 8 21.37 0.04 12,000 0 22.40 0.08 12,000 2 22.92 0.07 12,000 4 21.53 0.04 12,000 6 21.40 0.04 12,000 8 21.42 0.04 13,000 0 22.95 0.05 13,000 2 22.32 0.05 13,000 4 21.67 0.04 13,000 6 21.53 0.04 13,000 8 21.50 0.05 14,000 0 22.70 0.05 14,000 2 22.39 0.04 14,000 4 21.88 0.05 14,000 6 21.42 0.05 14,000 8 21.38 0.05 15,000 0 25.10 0.06 15,000 2 24.47 0.06 15,000 4 22.27 0.05 15,000 6 21.79 0.05 15,000 8 21.50 0.05 16,000 0 25.02 0.08 16,000 2 22.60 0.08 16,000 4 21.67 0.06 16,000 6 21.61 0.05 16,000 8 21.60 0.05 17,000 0 24.30 0.07 17,000 2 21.99 0.06 17,000 4 21.74 0.06 17,000 6 21.65 0.06 17,000 8 21.61 0.06 18,000 0 25.66 0.17 18,000 2 23.65 0.21 18,000 4 21.68 0.09 18,000 6 21.75 0.11 19,000 0 26.17 0.10 19,000 2 22.09 0.10 19,000 4 21.98 1 0.11 19,000 6 22.20 0.11 5 of 6 Measured Salinity After Tropical Storm Beryl (5/31/2012) Distance Downstream of Confluence with Herring Run (ft) Depth Below Surface (ft) Temperature ( °C) Salinity Measured (PSU) 20,000 0 26.58 0.25 20,000 2 24.76 0.16 20,000 4 22.26 0.30 20,000 6 22.30 0.32 21,000 0 26.31 0.28 21,000 2 23.77 0.20 21,000 4 22.82 0.43 21,000 6 23.48 1.00 22,000 0 26.97 0.46 22,000 2 22.80 0.37 22,000 4 23.32 0.90 22,000 6 23.45 1.05 23,000 0 26.23 0.39 23,000 2 23.20 0.43 23,000 4 24.03 1.23 23,000 6 24.11 1.24 24,000 0 26.79 0.48 24,000 2 26.32 0.57 24,000 4 24.30 0.99 24,000 6 24.04 1.19 25,000 0 27.16 0.81 25,000 2 25.68 0.75 25,000 4 24.30 0.91 25,000 6 24.05 1.13 26,000 0 27.77 0.94 26,000 2 26.90 0.87 26,000 4 25.36 0.84 26,000 6 24.43 1.01 26,000 8 24.19 1.20 27,000 0 26.90 1.02 27,000 2 26.55 1.02 27,000 4 24.95 1.00 27,000 6 24.56 1.13 27,000 8 24.38 1.19 28,000 0 27.82 1.03 28,000 2 25.49 1.09 28,000 4 24.90 1.16 28,000 6 24.69 1.18 28,000 8 24.40 1 1.46 6of6 Attachment 2 GMA Aquifer Water Chemistry Sample Report 10/e12/2007 15:28 1- 252 - 758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 05/14 Environmental Chemists. Inc. (1 6602 Windmill Way A Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 392 -0223 Phone a (910) 392.4424 Fax GChc:m Wn:�oLcam Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ Certificate 1194, DLS Certificate #37729 NEW WELL INORGAMC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Page 1 of 10 X'*- All iaffirm ift nacelbe P"Tied for plan tcAcw era& WATER SYSTEM I #: County. Besuiort Name of Water System: 1Vpartia Malrietta AQf>•rc�st>ps Sample Type: X Source for Plan Review Location Where Collected; 1 otv Teotsaanpe oo Al po,at. Location Code. Collection Dnte of e i m Tilmte Collected By: Jay flonvy Mail Results to (water system reprruentative): GMA 2025 — E EN to YD6ve Glreenvr7le. NC 27850 08 /07/07 10:42 AM ) Phone #: („_ Fax #: L_ 1 LABORATORY ID #: 3 7 7 2 9 ❑ SAMPLE UNSATISFACTORY ❑ RESAMPLE REQUIRED FrCONTAM ' CONTAMINANT REPORTING LIMIT Ds R R4j p ! QUANTIFIED ALLOWABLE M1✓TkIOU CODE COMP. (R.R.L.) (7C) RESULTS* LIMIT 0100 Turbidity 001 0.10 Into E3 ! 272. NTU N/A 1005 Arsenic 1 2 5 0.005 mg(L X _' ._mIO 1T. 0.010 s> WL 1010 Barium 169 0.400 mg/L X 2.000 mg/L 1015 Cadmium 169 0.001 mg/L ❑ 0.001 mg/L 0.005 WS/L 1016 Calcium 169 0.001 mg/L i © _ I_ X_1_..__ mtzl NIA 1017 Chloride L7__8 5.0 mg/L ', © 7. melt, 250.0 mg/L 1020 Chromium ! 1 6 9 0.020 mg/L X mgj 0.100 mg/L 1022 Copper 169 0.050 mg/L X mRLT 1.300 mg/L 1024 C y a n i d e 1 5 4 0.040 mg/L X r"a 0.200 tng/L 1025 Fluoride 1 0 7 0.100 mg/L 13 0.4 mail, 4.000 mg/L 1028 iron 169 0.060 mg/L 0.300 mg/L 1030 Lead 125 0.003 mg/L X ma/1. 0.015 Mg/j, 1031 Magnesium Lo. 1.0 mg/L 0 ,• 9.5 > malt. N/A 1032 Manganese l 6 9 0.010 mg/L 0 0.249 tng& 0.050 mg/L 1035 Mercury 103 0.0004 mg/L X mWL 0.002 mg/L *Note: Concentrations for l„ cad and Copper arc action levels. not MCIA. # 16096 7-7579 NEW WELL INORGAMC CHEWgCAL ANAL ySjS NOW. An h0m. .1=11"le-ullod for Plan tmAuw CFML Page 2 of 10 WATER SYSTEM ED --M[fin Marietta ColleebPa Date —Collection Time Location Code: _ _Spit at wele 108/07107— 1 -40 AM (WIDD7Vw) 4"Imnly AM or FM) IABO TORY W 37729 CONTAM METRO REQUIRED '-=DEnrrED i CONTAMNMT CICOIX RMP(TINGLWT I (;,*.<RR I QUANTrFIED ALLOWABLE CObE RL) Do J-) RF-SULTS* LIMIT -- ------- - (it 1036 -- -- -- Nickel 169 0.100 mg/L x M N/A 1040 Nitrate 109 i 1.00 mg/L x Me& 10.00 MSIL 1041 Nitrite i 109 0.10 mg/L 10.0 mg/L me& 1.00 mg/L 1045 selenium 1 25 0.010 mg/L! x MWI 0.050 MA 1050 silver 169 0.05 mg/L I mg&! 0.100 mg/L .1052. Sodium 169 1.0 mg/L: Cl N/A 1055 Sulfate .'. - - - i 137 I -- - - 5.0 - ---. mg/L - I - - WWI 250.0 mg/L 1068 Acidity �cid ' . 144 1.0 Mg/L; 33. mg(—L N/A 1074 Antimony 1 125 0.003 mg/L I x I 0.006 mg/L 1075 i Beryllium 169 0.002 mstL, x nwJL 0.004 mg/L 1095 Thatliuttt 125 0.001 mg/L x Mw- 0.002 mg/l, 1095 Zino 169 1.0 mg/L x owt. 5.0 mg/L_ 1905 Color 129 5 units — 1 $ 0. ulft 15 units 1915 Total Hardness 1 141 1.0 mg/L; 3 16 . N/A 1925 p H N/A N/A 4S..94 units 6.50-8.50units 1927 Alkalinity 142 1.0 mg/L — 13 mg/L N/A 1930 Total Dissolved Solids i 139 10.0 mg/L E3 408 , M&L 500.0 mg/L *Notc-, Conwntmlons for Lead and Copper aft action Icycls. not MCLs, ]DATE: TIME, ANALYSES BEGUN: 98/07/07 04:50 PM ANALYSES COMPLETED: I1 03/15/07 04:30 PM Laboratory Log 16 0 9 6 Certified By, ±kL, k- j(.%. CIL'— ik)li COMMENTS; REPORT# 7-15,79 10/02/2007 15:28 1- 252 - 758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 07/14 exawa.ocern. ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Customer: Gld A 2025 -- E Eastgate Drive Greenville, NC 27850 Attn: Jay Holley E '0E '0 nvironmental Chemists, Inca 6602 WmdmiU Way o Wilnnington, NC 28405 (910) 392 -0223 (Lab) • (910) 392 -4424 (.Fax) 710 Bowsertown Road o Mantco, NC 27954 (252) 473 -5702 NCDENR: DWQ 03RTIFICATE #94, ULS CM7ICATE 037729 1� ORI DF ANALMI Date of Report: September 17, 2007 Purebase Order No.: Report Number: 7 -7579 Bate Collected: 08/07/07 Report To: Jay Holley Sampled By: James Holley Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates L D. IN 16096 Page 3 of 10 TRIHALOMETHANE FORMATION POTENTIAL - 7 IDav Incubation Chlorine Residual after incubation = 3.1 ppm C12 frown a 30 ppm>t Dose jugl �U21ysis Chloroform mg/L — 0.216 Bromo %rem mgAL = < 0.001 Chlorodibromommethane mg/L _ < 0.001 Bro>tmodichlorommthane mg/L — 0.016 TFP mg1L = 0.232 4 hover Chlorine Demand = 17.6 pp m Ch RALOACE TIC ACID FORMATION POTENTIAL. -- 7 IDay InSeation -HAAFP Analysis Monochloroacetic Acid mg/L _ < 0.002 L,Dichloroseetic acid mg/L = 0.051 Trlchloroacetic Acid mg/L 0.058 Monobromoacctic Acid mg/L _ < 0.001 Dihromoacetic Acid mg/L — < 0.001 TFP mg/L, = 0.109 /) r - Reviewed by ,el l ���s , ��1),��, 10/02'/2007 15:28 1-252-758-8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 08/14 Environmental Chemsts, inc. 6602 Windmill Way 9 Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 WN "WIM 4010 (910) 392-0223 Phone • (910) 392-4424 Fax r,("hemW@sjo1.C()"T Analytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWO Certificate #94, DLS Certificate #37729 VOLATILE ORGANIC CHEMICALS ANALYUS (VOCE) Page 4 of 10 WATER SYSTEM ID #. Name of water system, - . -, ... .. M darietta AgimIg aft r Sample Type: E3 19utryPoint X Spedal/Non-vompliance Location Where Collected: --- -- - - - Spiroffitwell Location Code: Collected By: . _JRmes- "I'l Net) Mail Results to (water "an reprwentative): ---om- 2025 —E EagLate Drive . . County: Beanfon SCONUM101A 030 991g-c"o Jlmc Phone M 2MQ Fax #: LABORATORY w #: 3 7 7 2 9 0 SAMPLE UNSATISFACTORY C3 RESAMPLE REQUIRED WNTAM CODE CONTAMINANT MEMOD CODE RMRTMO LRAff QUANTMW (i.e. < R.Rt,) R* ESULTS ALLOWABLE LHW ff (R.R.L.) 2030 217 0.0003 mg/L X mg/l, NIA 2210 ! Chlaromcthmie 217 0.000S m9ft- X NIA 2212 DiibiiK iflu-c; We 211 0.605 mill, mg/L NIA 2214 Brvmomcthane 6.6605 MgAL X mg/L NIA 2i16 chiumd-hpur, 217 0.0005 mg/L X — — — — — -- !WL NIA Fluo6dahloromethane 2' 17 0.0005 0 T]#L X mg/L, WA 2246 I Hawadlof6butodieffe 217 0.0005 mg1l, X mg/L NIA 2248 Naphthalene 217 0.0065 M81L X Me, NIA 2378 IX4.TrirM=bonzmc 217 0.0005 MA X — — — — — — mg/L. 0.07 nt$fIt 2390 Cis-4.2-Did0mabylene 217 0.0005 mg/L X mg4, 0.07 mg/L 2408 Dibmmomthanc 217 0.0003 PWL: k N/A 2440 1,1--Dichia W-- ropene 217 0.0005 MgIL X — — — — — — MP)L N/A. 13-17ichlo'rampne 217 0.0005 mg1l, X mg/L N/A 2413 1.3-vichlompmpoc 21 7 010005 1091 X _— — — — — — — mg/L N/A 2414 1.2.3-Triddompmpene 217 0.0003 mg/L X N/A 2416 2,2,-1)lch1ommnn.e 217 0.0005 Mg/L X --------- Ins/L: N/A 2418 l,2A-Tdmcthylbwzmc 217 0.0005 mg/L X -- — . . . rngn. N/A 2420 I"-Trichlombenzene 217 0,0005 mg/L X — --- — — — — — V1►11, NIA 2422 n-I3utY1bcn=nc- 217- 0.0005 mg(l, X -- - - - - - — MOIL NIA 2424 1,35-Trimthylbeamc 217 0.0005 in,*)L X M&IL NIA 2426 Tcrt-Butylbemenc 217 0.0005 mg/l, -- - - - - - - X -- - - - - - — mg/L N/A 2429 Sec- Buvlbcwnnc 217 0.0005 Mg/l., X mg/L NIA ii 2430 Bromochloromthno 217 0.0005 mg/L X - - - - -- ing/l, N/A 2941 Chloroform 217 0.0005 ME/L X Mg/L NIA *Note: U result exceeds allowable limit, the laboratory must fax analytical results to the State within 48 hours # 16096 7-7579 10/02/2007 15:28 1- 252 - 758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 09/14 14 "XF ol�ment ne 6602 Windmill Way. Wiltninplton, North Cnmlina23405 a $ � (910) 392-0223 Phone a (910) 392 -4424 Pax I"Chernftbaol.com Analytical 8t Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ Cer'tliieate #94. US Certificate #37729 VOLATILE ORGANIC CHEMICALS ANALYSIS (VOC9) Page 5 of 10 Note: A!1 tnfomt*cm must be wMYied ft oontp Mac* otedit eorrthmixi) WATER SYSTEM ID #: ALm"IR Mrietta _ +Collection Date -:F C li lime _ Location Code: _ Wen _ ( 0 8 0 7710 7 10 4 9 AM LABORATORY ED N. 37729 COMAM : i T CODE CO 1'AMINANT Affini D COPE "°`1""`°" ! M.FX- LMLI j REPORTMO LDW ABOVE R.RL. QUANTH9M) REStJLT9 a I ALLOWABLE LUW R L. 2942 ; Bmmoibrm 217 0.0005 mg/L X mg/L N/A 2943 ' i3rommgdichloromethano 217 0.0005 mg/L ; X - --- - J -- -- - _ mgJl, - --- N/A - 2944 ! C lilorodibtomamethame 217 a000s M 1 x ' ,� rlin 2955 xylem (Total) 217 0.0005 mg/1. X - _ r _ ^ _ mg/L 10.00 MQA, 25164 ; llidrloromcil+ane 21 7 0.0005 mg/L X mg/L I 0_._005 mg/L 2965 o C6lorototacnc_ 217 0.0005 14C x _- -- mWL, /A 2966 pChlor000luenc 217 0.0005 mg/L ! X _.N N/A 2967 ' m-0iehlo►obetr>xtro ? 217 0.0005 rn X _ � ,, � -, -- a1gf J. - N/A 2968 - - - - arlichlorobdtzene - 217 0.0005 mg11. X _ _ . -- _ _ mg/L 0.60 mg/L 2969 P 13ictitotvl,cn„enc 217 0.0005 mg/L, X - _ , , mg/L 0.075 KWL. 297b Vinyl Chloride 217 0.0005 mg/L X -- _ tng/L ' 0.002 mg/L 2977 chtonncthylcnc 217 0.0005 mg/L • X -- mg/L 0.007 mg/L 2g7$ 1,1- DiChloroetharte 21 7 0.0005 tnp�L X _ - - -T -- mg,/L N/A 2979 ; Tm,s t�,- Dicl,tarocthylenc 2 17 O.Q005 mgJL X _ " _ T__ -- mp,/L, i 0.10 mg/L 2980 1,2- ldichtomcthene 217 0.0005 mgn X mgtL O.�S mg/I. 2981 1.1!.1 -Tr ichforo e t hnne 217 - 6.6005 mg/L. X _ _ _ -_ mg/lr. 0.20 __mg'L. 2982 Carbon Tc"Aia tide 217 0.0,065 tng/1,. X , -" _ _ - mg/L 1 0.005 mg/L 2983 1,z•Dictrlonoptopanc 217 0.0005 mg& X _ , _- mg/J. ; 0.005 mg/L 2984 Tdchlorocthy1mc 217 0.0005 MWL X -- _ mg/L. , 0.005 mg/L 2985 1.1x2- Trichloncethane 217 0.0005 mg%L. ' 7i T - - - - -- ms/L. 0.005 mg/t, 2986 t,t,l,z- TcrrACblmnethenc 217 0.0005 - mg/1 X r- _ mWL. NIA - 29$7 - T e t r s e h l o r n e t h y l e n c 2 1 7 0.0005 mg/L " X tng4,.: 0.0.05 mg/L 2988 1,1 .2,2 Tetrachlomethtme 217 0.0005 mglL, X - - - -,� -, mg/L N/A 2989 Chloroboazctte 217 0 -0005 mg/L ' X - - - - -. mg/L , 0.10 mg/1, 2990 Benzcm 217 0.0005 mg/1. X _ _ _ - -_- mg/i. ! 0.005 mg/L 2991 Tol,xem 217 0.0005 mg/L . X -- -, _,- m91L 1.00 mg& 2992 Ethylbenme 217 0.0005 tng/L 7C - - - _ _ tug/[. ' 0.70 mg/L 2993 DromobcozMe 217 0.0005 mg/L ' X - - - -,_- mg/L NIA 2994 Isapmpylbenunc 217 0.0005 mg/L ' X " -- -. -_-- -- mg/L N/A 2996 Styrene 217 0 -0005 mg/L X ' -- - - - --- mglL 0.10 mg/L 2998 n- Propylbcnmo 217 0.0005 0191 X _ ingli- N/A _ _ 'Note: If result exceeds attowable limit, the labotatmy must fax unalytical results to tho State within -- -- - - 48 hoin DATE: -TME,: 1. ANALYSES IBEG[JN: 1 08 / 08 7 :00 11 AM t t l�ftlm (�„4 AM Omni 11 1 {II ANALYSES COMPLETED: i, AN O S / 1 3 / 0 7 12:A0o..Pm ' li t ' - .AigQel!SAM,..IhA) .fMMfDp!!;Vl.. - Laboratory um m 16096 �:cr � -- urea nyr jut a .11, t cM kt 1 . , E. ;Ih„na�f �+/3rs * mid COMMUN> , _� %�i2•• / C ��' - - REPORT # 7- 7 5 "% 9 10/02/2007 15:28 1- 252 -758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 10/14 Gh nY>tronmentml _ cxnxsts. Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, Noah Carolina 28405 (910) 392 -0223 Phonc • (910) 392 -4424 Pax s ChcmWla pjLCC-ir,• Analytical dt Consulting Chemists NCUEN1R: DWO Certificate #94. DLS Certificate #37729 PESTICIDES AND SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS ANALYSIS (SOC9) Page 6 of 10 Now. Aluno+maae "whe nNued tbreaeq bwo cmdit. WATER SYSTEM ID #: County: Deatd'oirt )Name of Water System: Martin Marletta Agarnates Sample Type: 0 Entry )Point X SpecisyNon- compliance Location Where Collected: SDlaot at Well Ucation Code: couected lily: Jamles 1lou ems Mail Results to (water system representative): GMA 2(-25 — E Eastgate Drive GreenviRe, NC 27850 LABORATORY TD #: 3 7 7 2 9 Ccol,moo-Date Cotlectlon Time Phone #: Fax #: (_ Cl SAM M UNSATtSiF'ACTORY 0 RCU1V)(pLE REQUIRED CODS CONTAMINANT MMOD ODE ��v Chy�nnCONTAM R FORTh LIMIT (ix- <RR.L) UANTWM * ALL WWAHLE 2005 : Endtytl 2-L0 ! 0.00001 mg/L • X - - - -_ mg/L 0.002 mg/L� 20I0 Lindartc 2 1 0 0.00002 mg1L X — — _ _ , ._ _ mg/L 0.0002 mg& 2015 Methoxychlor 2! 0 010001 mg/L X — _ mg/L ; 0.04 mg/L 2020 T o x a p h e n e 2 ). 0 0.001 mglt X --- — — mgjL 0.003 mg/1, 2021 ; Carbinyl 235 0.004 mg/L, , X _ -- — mg/L N/A 2022 Methomyl A3 5 j 0.004 mg/L ; X _ _ - mgjL ' NIA 2031 Dalapon 2 0 3 0.001 mg/L ' X — - - - -- mg/L ! 0.2 mg/r. 2035 Di(2�•ethylhexyl)adipatc 2 2 5 0.0006 mg/L ' X _ — — — mg/L ' 0.4 mg/l. 2036 Oxamyl(vydate) 2j 5 0.002 mg/L , X — - — - -_ mg/L 0.2 mg/L 2037 Simazine 2 10 0.00007 mg/L ' X — -- mg/L ' 0.004 mg/L, 2040 Picloram 203 0.0001 mp/L • X mg/L ; 0.5 mg/L 2041 Dinoseb 2-6'3 0.0002 mg/L __ X - - -- mg/L 0.007 mg/l.. 2042 wcxschl40mcyd0PtAtWiene 2 1 0 0.0001 tng/L ; X _ , _ - mg/L, 0.05 mg/L 2043 Aldicarb Sulfoxide- 235 0.0005 mg/L : X — —_ Mr A N/A 2044 Aidicarb Su1;fone 235 0.0008 MWL, ' X — —^ — - mp/1, N/A 2045 Metolachlor 210 0.0008 mp/L, X — -- _— mg/L N/A 2046 Carbofuran 235 0.0009 mg/L X — — Ing/L 0.04 ing/L 2047 Aldicarb 235 0.0005 mg/L X _ _ _ _ mg/L N/A 2050 Atrazine 210 0.0001 mg/r, X — • -,•_ — — mg/1, 0.003 mg/L. ! 2051 Alachlor 2 1 0 0 -0002 mg/L X _ - — — - -_ -- tng /L 0.002 mJI. 1 2065 Heptachlor 210 0.00004 mg/L X mgA, 0.0004 mg/L J * Note: if raiuit exceeds allowable limit, the laboratory must fox analytical 1CSIS111 to the State within 48 hours. # 16096 7 ^7579 - 10/02/2007 15:28 1-252-758-8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 11114 4=0 gnv1r0=e-ntq1 Chemists, Inc. 6M Windmill Way • Wilmingwri, North Carolina 28403 (910) 392-0223 Phone* (910) 392-4424 Fax EChurnftilaol.coni Avidytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENRI. DWO Certificate 094. JDLS Certificate 437729 PESTICIDES AND SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS ANALYSIS (SOCs) Page 7 of 10 (continu.. MO. All to MM3tb0vWp6d far "Imar WLWIL WATER SYSTEM 10D #.- _N#d%.NLa 'et A9WW—tft. I Collection Da Qoj Le Whom - I imme Location Code: well U 11 . 4.90.71-0 7 10-.40 A I t -- V V) (5;;-. f-,, *A. FW Lwwmmy it) #. 3 7 7 2 9 CONTAM MDF- CONTAMINANT REQUIRED XQJ DETECTM I METHOD QUAMIFF.0 . lkSMTMLWT ABOVERAL. CODE PESULTS* L I ALWWABU 13 Lmr 2066 3-flydroxycarboftm i "E-poxidc- 23 5 0.004• mWL Ingti, N/A 2067 1 Heptacblar 0.00002 Mg/j, x mg/L 0.0002 mg/L 2070 Dieldrin 2_1 0 0.0002 M811- x — — — mg/L ' N/A 2076 Butadflor 210 0.008 MP)L x --- — — — — — 1"giL N/A 2077 ftx"ddor 210 1 0.006 mg/L x MgIL NIA 1105 2,4-0 2 02 0,0001 M x mg/L 0.07 mg/L 2110 2.4,5 TP (Silvex) 1 203 0.0002 mg/L 7 x tng/L 0.05 ,mom, Ht e 2 I-0 0.0001 mg/L A MSIL 0.001 mg/L 2298 , Di(2-4thylljcx'y'l)phtha1ate 225 i 0.00132 mg/L x — — — — — mg/L 0.006 m&t 230G ; senzo(opyrene 2 2 5 i 0.00002 mg/L x mg/L 0.0002 mg/L 2326 Pentachlorophenol 203 0.00004 mg1L.- x --- — — — — — 0-001 MSIL 2356 Aldtin 210 0.0002 mg/L MOIL NIA ijb TEX x MWL mg/L 2440 b6ntba 203 i 0.001 mg/L i x mg/L NIA 2595 Metribuzin 2 1 0 0.0008 mg/L x MOIL N/A iO3, I' b9cp" 219 0.00002 mg/l, x mg1L 0,0002 mg/i., 2944 EQO= DibrvMW (E DD) 219 0.00001 i4i x mg/L: 0.00005 mgtL 2959 Chlordane 6 0.0 002 mg/L x 0,002 mg/L *Note: If result cxeCCd,,4 allowable limit IM laboratory must &x tmalytical results to the State within 48 hours. DATE; TEM: ANALYSES BEGUN' 08/09/07 07:00 AM ("M-MWM - - FFP�,Amwm ANALYSES COWLETEID: .08/23/07 2.-. _3 0.-.M Laboratory Log 1 6 0-9.6 (Rint and sign name) I ":,? -, COMMENTS: REPORTH 7-7579 10/02/2007 15:28 1- 252 -758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 12/14 t ' Environmental Chemists, Inc. * N A 6602 Windttull Wov a Wilmington. North Carolina 24405 t911►y 3y2 -tt223 Phone * t910) 392 -442• Fax Li(hcutW fool, ctm Analytical & C'onsulting Clumus(s NCDENR: OWQ Certificate #94. DLS Certifiutte II37729 .... � .....��_•_..�....._...,.- .,.,.� �....- •------- ..r.,.,�.... -- - ]BACTI;IIId)Li)G1GCALAj,NAg,ySlg' .._M......._.....-....__ �_ _.��.-- ..._...,_..�.,T_..._..._ Note A1Uppropnate information muxt be supplied fi,r a,mplionce audit. page 8 Of 10 Water Systelml ID #: _ - - W -�� County: Ae, a L4 fey w� d� o Yartte of Water Systerrt: ' M a� K M• pr �'c..��•n 1,���i-e A 4 �� P�' o , ec,�' � �_ ). Sample Typet ❑ Routine distribution C3 Repeat 0 Plan Review EI Special/Non- compliance Location Where iCollected: Sb; 4,07E � � we /./ !`jZA We Location Code: G "ollected J03 y_ 'a ,�r „ O l,M Vail Results to (water system representative). Cretin yol f na.L a -7 91 _N -- - - - Nione No.; I y9'r32 J V "ax No,: r- a S� — '7a �^ �S •�� tesponsible Pe rsoren Ewa& , ,aboratory ID #: 3 7 7 2 9 RiESIf L S ,'ONI'AWNANI' Mr11IOD CODE tIRrsFNTt,' Ansrrrr 'otal Coliform 3 1 2 'cral /Fi.Coli ,&ftCl t to Collectil'Aln o (MMmnNY) (Specify Am or PM) Also - Cotnvlete for RCPF-AT Samples: Previous Positive Location Code: Ptrevious Collection Date: Proximity of I sample to Previous 1Positive; ❑ Same Tap ❑ Nearer to the Source 13 Further from the Source if Chlorinated: Total Chlorine Residual: mg/L Free Chlorine Residual: mg/L. Combined Chlorine Residual: mg/L. (Combined t:hladnc - laralrhlorina mi,tu., RRe /,;hlonnet) Note- Also record lhsae voluas on your water aaage report. 0 Repeat Samples Required from Client ❑ Resample required from Client Ai PS.Mb iNVAL D CODE N i 1) Conlluent Urowth/No Coliform Growth found 2) TIM/No soli form Growth found 3) Turbid Cultuin No colifotm Growth Ilottnd 4) aver Sit flours 0141 - Ietcrotrophic P.C. _ cflthnL S) improper smnple or Analysis number Nolen IfI--otnt ,:.,—Jiro Anctarin is prow. tho laboratory must rax analytical miens lot the Slate within 48 hours. if Rval /l± C oli bacteria jg present, the laboratory must f x aealylic d rosalts to the state cat dlty tact e,tmpleted, tnvalid tuaotples (code N5) should be iwompontod by an explanation in the commcnta below � 1 r 2 _ Analysis Begun: _ l I C , -M Analysis Completed; ;tboratory Lug; �' _..__ i- "' 76 -- -- - Certified Gy t- � .-'� C Oz t 91V114 EN l :S- -,sou ..._... .. - -- -- - - - - -- ----- •- • - - - -- — - -. �.----------- __.— __— ._---- ...___._ _�,.- --- • - - - -- - � _ -.,_ -- - �� {� d� Ne v) 10/02/2007 15:28 1- 252 - 758 -8835 GMA GREENVILLE NC PAGE 13/14 RADIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Note. All odbrmW= uum be mppiiod &r c"qfimw. midst WAITER S1CS'I'EM Ili #: county. Name of Water System: /✓%►r'�-{ - Sample Type-, 0 Distribution Cl Entry Point O Composite eciamon-comp6ance - �ollectio>m ]fate Mail Results to (systems repmentative): ptdad 1 Duty Th m 1m` Sampk Callerted (11tM OUNT) 00 -*AM -Do Code E4K2d4 n BY s;tl(w - �'!�-_.� t =,J ° _M ___ Telephone #' Fax 4: 4 °Qtr -- --Q=drr. �r•r...: =: _.: `- a=- :ra;ur..r- .r+nr- iv-= .:r:.�� =c_ __:.__ _ :_.:_�_ .r.. -a �. .. _ ..._ ._._ LABORATORY AD #: X 2 7 0 9 0 SAll4P1LL UNSATRUFACTORY 0 RESAMPLE BEQU[EIE:D COIvTAM COOF, CONTAMINANT keQU1RFD MFXttOD CODE REPORTING LMT 1 D— RYG Ctisri (i.a't R-RL) = -�. r' __ QVANTIktt~D µ • COUNTING MtROR — - ALLOWdUXX (PLR•1-) (7Q RESULTS* UMIT 4OW 00,9:Z- Gross Alpha 435 3 pCi/L 0 —9�. pCuL _, _1_. _�. 15 pCuL 4004 Radon N/A 100 pCi/L 0 pCi/L ,,,,_ NIA 4006 Uranium 456 2 pCiA. O _ _ _ pCi/L _ _ .. 20.1 pCi1L. 4010 Combined Radium N/A N/A N /A, _ _ _ _ — Will. _ 5 pCi/L 4020 R idium 226 446 1 pC:i/L AL pCi /L — • � 0. — 3 pCi1L 4030 Radium 228 452 1 pCi/L _ -- -- T ^ ^ ^ ^ pCuL �. f 2 pCi/L 4100 Gross Rota 4 3 5 4 pCi/L _. .� Wilt- —�. 50 pCi/L 4102 Tritium NIA 1,000 pCi/L Q — — — �. —peal, — -_ __ __ 20,(X)0 pCiA 4172 Strontium 89 N/A 10 pCi/L O - -- • -- pCi/L ^_ ._ _ N/A 4174 Strontium 90 425 2 pCi/L 13 , -- —� pCi/L — _ -- -- 8 pC1/L 4264 Iodine 131 NIA I pCi/L 13 _._ _ ^ . pCi/L ..._ . _.., NIA 4270 Cesium 134 NIA 10 pc: /1, _ 13 _ — ..- pcVL N/A "Note: If tesult excetmis allowable limit, the laboratory must fax aWytical results to the State within 48 hours. DATE: TIME: ANALYSES [BEGUN: 0 31 ANALYSES COMPLETED' �} � / „�+ 7 / �'� � � : � �-� �h Laboratory Lot; #: w _(� ; '� (; erlifm i By-, lk ,IW U M,4 f iY%L`��,l'� 11 rT Pr'+�y�rnamci REPORT# O I V•J r� ro ' U N l � r Sr Q ZW H a tq V w d1 0 a� U tp A •� cr 0) S M � 0 of ro u w ,a r� a pl, Pa U P4 a a N N A O N Q N W rn d m U owl O r Q -J U ` faG A c 2 ER N 0 H V r l s M M � V f � # old O cp � - 1 o � H V to 41 cn 9 f� m y.J ra v1 Y1i O U w I ro U I U D+ .1 N 01 I 01 PI/PT 39Vd s H 1.) 7 J O Vi W «i O -W 4J W tl (v z z x alma ON 3-MAN33H9 CW9 9688- 89L -ZSZ -I 8Z:9T L00Z /Z0 /01 ro •r{ Jd H •a a) U �i s~ W C, N Sa J ro M W h r-1 ro .,a .,a H w w m ro s4 d) .r, LqJ G S1$l3 ti.OJ, 1 ' ro U q JU C r� la fJ -ri `S i J "j: r 0 .r, � U aJ A U a- h 0 a iP,J i W k � (1• p vJ W � u ' Nrr p CU �h 3 G) N W A V•o .' rte) a aft +1 '124 p p 11 w 4.2 Vu t Qi �f ..•I �r h O O , H n �1+ 41 v O " ru A x N 2 bN •q � W �. v i 9 "a N 4JU ) a n °.� w ° N � urO � o `� 41 ° v to u7 ) v `4 b b v f �.! y 0 1.) 4J H 11 4.) 4J I" rp-I ,, r, 0 0 N 4J 4/ V) Ja N d p ,, E• o �- v v) Jk W a W P' w a W a w a w 4J y ,. V, �-yy JC ON 3-MAN33H9 CW9 9688- 89L -ZSZ -I 8Z:9T L00Z /Z0 /01 ro •r{ Jd H •a a) U �i s~ W C, N Sa J ro M W h r-1 ro .,a .,a H w w m ro s4 d) Attachment 3 Model Results Comparison Tables Vanceboro Future Pit Discharge Flooding Evaluation RIVER MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION (NAVD 88) STATION 1 -YR (TIDES`) 5-YR (NO TIDE) 25 YR (FRICTION SLOPE) 100-YR (SURGE) EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE 71300 3452 3849 3.97 3472 3849 3.77 3472 3849 3.77 3452 38.49 397 69286 3441 3569 1.28 3452 3567 1.15 3452 35.68 1.16 3441 3568 127 69176 34,41 35.67 126 3451 35.65 114 3451 3565 114 3441 3S65 124 66451 3239 3453 2.14 3250 3453 2.03 3250 34.53 203 32.39 3453 214 66402 3233 3451 218 32.44 3451 2.07 3244 34.51 207 3233 34.51 218 66353 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 66304 31.99 3424 225 32.14 3424 210 3214 34.24 210 3199 3424 225 66239 31.97 34.23 226 32.12 3423 2 11 3212 34.23 2.11 31.97 3423 226 63140 3157 3327 1.70 3167 33.27 160 31.67 3327 160 3157 3327 170 60629 30.28 3210 182 30.39 3210 1.71 3039 32.10 171 30.28 3210 1.82 60579 3025 3208 1,83 3036 32.08 172 30.36 3208 1.72 3025 32.08 183 60539 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 605W 3000 31.12 112 3008 3112 104 3008 3112 104 30.00 3114 1.14 60465 2981 3104 1.23 2992 31.04 112 2992 3104 1.12 29.81 3106 125 60067 21354 30.47 1.93 28.75 3047 172 2874 30.47 173 2860 30.53 193 60025 2851 3044 193 28.71 3044 1.73 2871 30.44 173 2859 3051 192 59989 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 59952 28.40 30.01 161 2861 3001 140 2861 3002 1.41 2857 30.12 1.55 59849 2832 29.85 153 28.52 2985 1.33 28.52 29.86 134 2856 3001 1.45 57421 2547 27.03 156 26.25 2703 0.78 27 43 2762 019 2847 28.58 011 57382 2542 2701 159 26.25 2701 0.76 27,43 2761 018 2847 2858 0.11 57351 NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT 57319 25.03 2579 0.76 2625 2646 021 2743 27.52 009 2847 28.52 005 57222 25.03 2560 0.57 2625 26.42 017 2743 27.51 008 2847 28.51 004 56714 25.03 2518 0.15 2625 26.33 008 27.43 27.49 006 28.47 28.51 004 55513 24.01 2410 0.09 25.04 2511 0.07 2614 2618 0.04 2713 27.17 004 54460 2175 2183 0.08 22.81 22.87 006 2403 24.08 0.05 2513 2517 0.04 53848 20.62 2072 0.10 2186 21.92 006 2323 2327 0.04 2444 2448 004 52597 19.81 1989 0.08 2123 2127 0.04 2266 2269 0.03 23.97 1 24.00 003 51462 19.07 1912 0.05 2038 2042 0.04 2168 2171 0.03 22.93 2296 003 50380 17.33 17.38 005 1856 18.60 004 1990 19.93 0.03 21.30 2133 0.03 49174 1556 15.62 006 16 96 17.00 004 1859 1862 0.03 20.25 2028 0.03 44901 1341 13.45 004 1525 15.28 003 1727 17.30 0.03 19.18 1920 002 44851 1326 13.31 005 1498 15.02 004 1690 1693 0.03 18.74 1876 002 44846 RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD 44842 13 18 1322 4 1479 1483 0.04 16.57 1660 003 1832 18.35 003 44742 13.06 1310 1464 14.67 003 1641 1644 0.03 18.19 1822 003 42007 10.40 1045 12.35 1240 005 1436 14.39 0.03 16.39 1641 002 41972 1038 1043 1233 12.37 004 1434 1437 0.03 16.37 16.39 002 41942 TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD 41912 1030 10.35 12.13 12 17 004 1411 1413 002 1594 1596 002 41827 10.21 10.26 1206 12.10 004 1404 1407 003 1588 15 90 002 40111 852 857 10.66 1070 004 1279 1282 003 1469 1471 0.03 36680 6.34 641 7 ]05 879 883 004 1078 1080 002 1253 1255 002 34964 488 494 7.28 7.32 0.04 946 948 002 1159 11.61 002 34939 4.86 4.92 720 724 0.04 9.32 9.35 003 1145 1147 002 34909 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 34879 476 482 6 701 704 0.03 8.93 8.96 003 1087 1089 002 34800 467 4.72 6 93 6 97 0 04 8.89 8.91 0.02 10.86 10 88 0 02 28600* 0 96 0 97 1 2.24 2.26 0.02 4 71 4 73 0 02 9 30 9 31 0 01 25000 0 76 0.77 1 160 161 0 01 3 84 3 86 0 02 9.13 9.14 0 01 15900 ** 0.57 0.57 0.82 0.83 0.01 2.68 2.69 0.01 8.95 8.95 0.00 7000 0.50 0 50 050 050 000 187 187 000 920 9.20 0.00 ' Estimated daily tide with amplitude of Vat Blounts Bay Z No change in downstream water surface elevation S Downstream friction slope of 0.01% ° Theoretical 100-yr surge stage hydrograph based on FEMA FIS elevations and storm data and timed 12 hours after peak precipitation * Confluence of Blount's Creek with Herrings Run ** Approximate location of the Cotton Patch Vanceboro Future Pit Discharge Flooding Evaluation RIVER MAXIMUM WSEL VELOCITY (fps) STATION 1 -YR (TIDES`) 5 -YR (NO TIDE) 25 -YR (FRICTION SLOPE 3) 100 -YR (SURGE°) EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE EXISTING FUTURE CHANGE 71300 032 159 1.27 0.50 159 109 050 159 109 032 159 127 69286 022 349 3.27 038 343 305 0.38 3.45 307 022 342 320 69176 005 085 080 008 083 0.75 008 084 0.76 0.05 083 078 66451 080 191 111 092 1.91 099 092 1.91 099 080 191 111 66402 070 184 114 084 184 100 084 184 1 100 070 184 114 66353 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 66304 0.53 121 068 057 1.21 064 057 121 0.64 053 121 068 66239 0.39 1.16 0.77 048 116 0.68 048 116 0.68 039 116 077 63140 012 154 1.42 021 154 133 0.21 154 133 0.12 154 142 60629 064 167 103 074 1.67 093 074 1.67 093 064 1.67 1.03 60579 051 1.60 1.09 062 160 098 062 160 098 051 160 1.09 60539 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 60500 115 2.64 1.49 124 264 140 124 2.64 140 115 261 1.46 60465 2.58 261 003 1.12 261 149 1.02 260 158 258 2 56 -002 60067 081 168 087 094 1.68 074 0.94 168 074 043 162 119 60025 069 1.61 092 083 1.61 078 084 161 077 0.36 156 120 59989 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 59952 078 2.03 125 093 203 110 0.93 203 110 033 189 156 59849 0.76 2 12 136 091 2 12 121 091 2 11 1.20 029 1.91 162 57421 089 180 0.91 025 1.80 155 011 131 120 003 090 087 57382 076 1.73 097 022 173 151 010 127 1.17 003 089 0.86 57351 NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT 57319 024 252 228 013 151 138 006 084 078 002 0.52 050 57222 013 2.08 195 010 122 1.12 006 073 067 002 048 046 56714 001 033 0.32 001 0.15 014 001 009 008 000 007 007 55513 2.11 217 006 274 277 003 328 330 002 369 371 002 54460 242 245 003 2.68 271 003 288 290 002 302 304 0.02 53848 164 1.68 004 187 190 003 2.14 2 16 0.02 224 2.26 002 52597 089 094 005 0.96 099 0.03 106 108 002 116 1.17 001 51462 210 2.13 003 274 276 002 341 342 001 391 3.92 001 50380 286 289 003 333 334 0.01 354 355 001 360 3.61 001 49174 1.63 164 001 177 177 000 1.82 182 000 185 185 0.00 44901 115 117 002 1.27 128 001 1.40 141 001 1.51 152 001 44851 332 3.37 005 500 503 003 6.41 642 001 7.35 737 0.02 44846 RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD 44842 338 343 005 517 520 003 672 6.74 0.02 776 7.77 001 44742 204 20S 001 238 238 0.00 2.67 268 001 287 287 0.00 42007 224 2.25 001 2.50 2 50 000 280 280 000 300 300 0.00 41972 172 173 001 2 11 211 000 24S 2.45 000 268 2.68 000 41942 TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD 41912 176 177 001 221 221 0.00 255 256 001 2.84 285 001 41827 240 241 0.01 271 272 001 297 298 001 323 324 001 40111 177 178 001 213 214 0.01 256 256 000 294 295 001 36680 1.88 188 000 218 219 001 272 272 0.00 317 317 000 34964 2.33 235 002 297 298 001 310 310 0.00 250 250 000 34939 2 16 219 003 3.23 325 002 418 419 001 434 427 -007 34909 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 34879 2.20 222 002 331 3.34 0.03 443 444 1 001 43S 1 437 0.02 34800 245 2.47 002 311 3.12 001 329 330 0.01 2.68 269 001 28600* 085 0.87 002 160 162 002 208 2.09 0.01 058 060 0.02 25000 062 0.63 001 132 133 001 184 1.84 0.00 -029 -026 0.03 15900 ** 0.34 0.35 0.01 0.79 0.80 0.01 1.10 1.11 0.01 -0.68 -0.67 0.01 7000 000 000 000 000 000 000 090 090 000 -057 -0.57 000 Estimated daily tide with amplitude of 1' at Blounts Bay ' No change in downstream water surface elevation 3 Downstream friction slope of 0 01% "Theoretical 100-yr surge stage hydrograph based on FEMA AS elevations and storm data and timed 12 hours after peak precipitation * Confluence of Blount's Creek with Herrings Run ** Approximate location of the Cotton Patch Vanceboro Future Pit Discharge Stability Analysis Shear (Ib /ftr) Velocity (fps) RIVER STATION 30Q2 1 -yr Max WSEL 30Q2 1 -yr Max WSEL Existing Future Change Existing Future Change Existing Future Change Existing Future Change 71300 000 004 004 000 003 003 004 159 155 003 134 131 69286 000 030 030 001 009 008 002 376 374 046 206 160 69176 000 002 002 000 000 000 000 090 090 009 048 039 66451 001 008 007 003 008 005 047 191 144 080 175 095 66402 001 007 006 002 1 007 0 05 033 184 151 070 1 168 098 66353 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 66304 001 003 002 001 002 001 035 121 086 053 102 049 66239 000 003 003 001 002 001 022 116 094 043 096 053 63140 000 005 005 000 003 003 003 154 151 015 106 091 60629 001 006 005 002 004 002 040 167 127 064 135 071 60579 000 005 005 001 004 003 024 160 136 051 126 075 60539 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 60500 001 017 016 006 014 008 043 264 221 115 216 101 60465 006 017 Oil 017 015 -002 107 261 1S4 258 224 -034 60067 003 006 003 003 006 003 089 168 079 094 145 051 60025 002 006 004 002 005 003 079 161 082 080 138 058 59989 DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT DITCH CULVERT 59952 003 010 007 003 007 004 087 203 116 092 162 070 59849 002 Oil 009 003 008 005 086 212 126 089 169 080 57421 003 007 004 003 006 003 097 180 083 099 147 048 57382 002 007 005 003 005 002 084 173 089 086 137 051 57351 NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT NPDES DISCHARGE POINT 57319 006 022 016 001 010 009 121 284 163 051 185 134 57222 009 017 008 000 005 005 144 258 114 028 134 106 56714 004 017 013 000 000 000 056 134 078 003 018 015 55513 007 010 00031 032 001 071 104 033 211 214 003 54460 006 021 01043 044 001 066 149 083 242 243 001 53848 006 014 001 0 19 0 19 000 064 119 055 164 166 002 52597 003 009 006 006 006 000 047 097 050 089 091 002 51462 001 005 004 028 028 000 029 076 047 210 211 001 50380 005 014 009 053 053 000 062 118 056 2 86 287 001 49174 003 005 002 018 018 000 052 075 023 1 63 163 000 44901 001 006 005 008 008 000 030 083 053 115 116 001 44851 000 001 001 070 071 001 012 038 026 332 334 002 44846 RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD RAILROAD 44842 000 001 001 072 073 001 013 038 025 338 340 002 44742 003 009 006 0 25 025 000 054 096 042 2 04 204 000 42007 001 003 002 0 31 031 000 031 055 024 2 24 224 000 41972 000 001 001 0 18 018 000 009 027 018 1 72 173 001 41942 TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD TRIPP RD 41912 000 001 001 019 019 000 009 027 018 176 176 000 41827 002 004 002 036 036 000 036 058 022 240 240 000 40111 005 010 005 019 019 000 063 095 032 177 177 000 36680 000 003 003 020 020 000 009 054 045 188 188 000 34964 000 000 000 033 033 000 000 021 021 233 234 001 34939 000 000 000 028 028 000 001 017 016 216 217 001 34909 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 NC -33 34879 000 000 000 029 029 000 001 017 016 220 221 001 34800 000 000 000 036 037 001 001 021 020 245 246 001 28600' 000 000 000 004 004 000 -002 001 003 085 086 001 25000 000 000 000 002 002 000 -001 000 001 062 063 001 15900" 000 000 000 001 001 000 -002 -001 001 034 035 001 7000 000 000 000 000 000 000 -003 -002 00, 000 1 000 1 000 Attachment 4 Water Quality Analysis Work Map SALINITY ANALYSIS PLANVIEW - I 0/ L1. 2DOO A f A • \ L N i)/ T U Y i • P R Y� rt L t �1 • l j STABILITY mm6mmw gp,'` ANALYSIS �6 - PLANVIEW I+ VANCEBORO WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS WORK MAP -lA - .� STABILITY ANALYSIS PLANVIEVI \ o/ NMESOelll- // o 1.5w 1 o/ /0 (0Q 900 U M cu CL E - N LO N � Q N U CM }� E y� i F Y i is a o E�iaK w t w g t,y v•ti = s 0 all 9 v .R.. °����.•.v•.•.. •:iii °i °a N n y V O�O 0 w �xc M w n N n M Lf1 e-i M <D z 4 � W $g 1� W ri N N N rH M e Z j ; J `11 p p HOi(r�, pyC COY Iii 1�'1�e f J r`•� : a) re a c� L 1 K Ur ry Q N N Q a n CO 9 � V one M 0 all 9 v .R.. °����.•.v•.•.. •:iii °i °a r n y V O�O W w �xc M w n N n M Lf1 e-i M <D z 4 � W M N N lD W w N r �0 $ wo y. 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