HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01619_Well Construction - GW1_20210323 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECO (GW-I) For iaiwat use onh �-
L Well Coattaclor Idorma6oe
L , S. RA,� yG . 14.WAMRZD?M
Wen Coat®rI U _ M TO
3535 O s 6na s
NCWeACmmrar CwdfiemmN®ber aoLffiCAsm(tw'»oobm'edweS ORL1N�
'.'11R man Rrat awls za aleat>� urea®
hers;ar- � R s in.
768 Hµ'y 268 W j6>ta�
ba 1'� casnvcoax�vc ra:�la.ar _ > -^
7 well Censtrac FamRN: in )yr Sao-.._ yRt� m mdatata mmaaa LL
rl+taaap tre,rellmwaammtlevate(a�wC ! '7 R IL 57rh
m �.
3.Well Use(tbaak well me): R R m
Water Supply Wen: 17.SCBEHl;.
OAgrimhmal par;:�.wtn�au' R fL in
oGm6 cummI(HestaWrbohng Supply) -A&.d=al Water Supply(mgle) R R ®-
Omdustr-aVC�a�I OResidmtal Water Supply(sbmM) ,18.(azovt' -
9fragstma 11Wdls>IOO,000 CRD raox 70
xecwaeer SRppiy Wen: R R r
OMmitamg ORecoycy R R r
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R R '
CAqu&Raehazpf OCuotmduatter Remediatim
0AgttiBa Storage and Recovery OSalinhy Bauaa F SANB/GRAVSLPA -' ^Y,:: �•••-. _ .,. I�
DAgni5aTe4 DSmm%mnrD=nW R s
011apamnactial Tabmbgy ❑Snbsmeuz Comm R R
OGmthummal(Closed loop) OT1mta -2a-D8.11*s LOU iedSmdakies8
OGeotlessuat 9kMWCoplmg Rearm) OOtba(edam under#21 Remadm) moat TO Aa>tan»N ait�rt _ e.W
it - R 4.Date wen(s)completed: 3—1 L-24 Well ID# R '... tt d W �'+? .4
Sa.Wen Location 1 �1A� R
Coh�r..yti,i, 1 d-str,.l,J (�sA� R s
+ethq,'0wmw Name Pavan.lD®(ffapp$CaNm) 8 R
r i Is fZ A R R
Physsal Addm>a Cayt✓ ATzp . . R g' .
W I ZI R631A8Es
Cody Pacd kkvrmsc No(PAS
SD.Lahtm&and loggitede fa depw/miaofemi a uds or deennal degeeea:
(ifwen field om BV3=a n m»meat) 27-Certi uom y.- , .�
6.ls(sre)the wd4*. OPermaaem or OTemporary, U(e)p ' 'Wu`ur` r 1j ortersa Dam
Sympurg d-jbrm./ r-,*d-row- 9&),rm leery mmv.ebdAeaoriane
7-19tidsarep.drm&n..i gwe&1 11Yes or M a ISAArCCO2C.0100m13AATACOZC.0100WcUCpunam Swr#w3rmddmamp
gawbaeepalifdle.dWraxQtamreamifwaedm andemlobetk nmoe aide �drisrmadkabmrpveid la drz rePowv. -
mpo a..dw 921>mst,is i t wane9&6aFoftlusfma
23.Sm diagram or addrboW wen demob: .
S.For Gmpmbe/DPf or Clamed-Loop Geothermal Wens barmgthe smme You may use the bwk of this page to provide additimm %eh6 a info
comtoGim,only l GW-lis needed. mdicite TOTAL NUMBER of wens (add'Sm Ovdm Rona&Ba4 You may also aMm:h mmmmal�ullct ifttsrmey
9.Totalwen depth below land surface: 160 0 (R) Submit this GW-1 whMm 30 s
FormAaple we!<r&o aII dydagd (amg:e-3®200'mu'2�/00� days of wen mtlo per tkeSaBowog:
10.Static water level below mp of rases: �i (ft) Form
An Wells Onp ml dbffi to Dmism d Water Rmac. tm (DWR;
q,+ Indtsobow®,y..(. Ptocessiog Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-161'17
IL Borehole diameter: La l8 (m.) 24b.For Iaieetio®Welts Copy to DWR,Umlegmmd Jn)e-m Cmhd(Ric
Pia 1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
12.Welt emtrxtkamebod —ehd.., _T Geal�mlRe�a'iYeHeCOPYIDth the000rdqvam
CLe�.1p�'•C"(rod pock m) wFWm ma FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS CONLY: /( 24d.For Water Wells o�r_IW,0406 Copy tp DWR CCPCUr
Lis.Yield(gp* LMaw of test� Petmrt Ptq�tmm,1011 At::K-t�l,r.0 i0» 1011
13e Db�n type�� Amount
Faro GW-1 North CmDba Depammt MMmanaomGl Qoalhy-Dirisim of WaterResamom Ravmd 66201