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GW1-2021-01709_Well Construction - GW1_20210322
` RiiritFortri .- WELL CONBMUMON RECORD(GW-il For Internal Use 1.Wen Contractor iofbrmatlox Gary.Thomps6n 14MATICILMOM Wed CarmemrNaoa _ tmaot '°. .. - 4418-A - ZiV R 1iJ R ItIs,NC WdlOammamrCmtl9aadmNiebr I&CRYMCAsmif'.�tl�aMwam ISNEE Aqua Drill, Inc. . Company Nene. a R 9a tL u.1X red S1)ASt �ri✓ra..:<. 3 y 3� 16Hw�GtAleG ago - 2.Well Condroedon Permitik 7 Lotadappdcabbsuol mrracrlrrp"no(ter Inc,Caript Sim tkrtmer,sal h Ih lo. 3.Well Use(ehecRwanma): h e, hL wabersapply Well: I7. AgiiaJtuml ® Pam h h to llWAM"(HoahogFCoaliryl Supply) 'al Wow SW*(single) R R is Ltdtrstrwcommmcd ILG a burr Nan-Water SupplyWYl: R R 3mcnitoring ORammyR h liodectionWall; idferRechap ®(bW4dwshrRemodiedon22. 4uillw anditecovay [}seb*Beeia YELP ufferTaat Osemamamrmamage R R Experimental Technology Osubridmw Control R R Geothermal(Closed Loop) [3Tmar I ter.D G eddWaoi Goal((Ieati oc' Renan) . Otter( underF2l Aemmim r TO C� h .S h .eqc%n 4.Date Wells)Completed: 2-b- z( Wdl III, R 4a R 9a Well Lacatlom !D R Cs R •.,.',(- r f1� I Cclny a.,, Foalny/OwaoNema _ I—*me GERIMthbr) R R - R R IttelulAddraee,C9y.mdTip tt h S �r Kos t Cain• PmeolidwuficstionNa( M) Sb.latitude and loughade In degraWmioma/aeaonds or deelaal degre (ifwea add,aaa h heap is mlrirre) 22.C�y Um' j ,ayy 3E° a�' 35, plszir" N �d� yb , 314y" w 6.G(ara)dre wdl(a) ermacant or E3Tempormy a( eFCadaed all Car,esebr Dar By dFS I s dr faro.l hwcby c-*dr tie uvNM-a 6wrW arooarad Al acordoae 7.Is thin a repair to an eaptlsg wan: ©Yea or ©No rrd 15A NCAC OX.0100 ar IJA A AC'07C.o100 JAN Cxnvwftx Stardrrdr addera lain a migmat.111 m hron wee connection 6glematan adcgor the wave ofde capyofA& aced ha,bampregddedradiwem npoirmrdra2lrerr6armrwwdrback4fdrfG IL She dhW m or addhlooW wall ddags: L For GwpmbdDPl or dosed-Leap GeoWermtl Wens having die same You may use the back of thin pegs to provide additional wall site dermb or wall eam4ttetiayonlyl.GW-lisneadd. IodcamT07'ALNUMBER017wells. consummon dams. You myshosuschaddhtmmt police(faaaamy drilled 9.Total well depth below lead surfacer >'~r lit) 24L For All Walk: Submit tics dam within 30 days of completion of wall For mdr¢rndr bn all dspda i&TJ(hrmr(eaasrpfe-I®ida'aad281M can>Wedon to the Mowing: It Static water lad below tap of using: ti b (ft) Divides of Water Resources,information Prow irq Unit, lJmwr,dr above mmg sae"+- _ 1617 MaR Service Center,RaletQh,NC 2709-1617 1L Borehole diameter. (in.) UL For Inleetlnn Walla: In addition to sending the form to the Mdrms in 24a 12 Well enmanctioa method* roFto.- n � above,also submit one copy of this form ys within 30 dip of compledon of well X _ construction mthe following:Cm sap,mm)t cow smatialk met Division of Water Resources,Undagcomd Injection Central Provers, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raldgh,NC 27699-1636 UL Yield(gpm) C�5 Method oftest <04ib6 P i,•^c 24e.For Water Snook&Injection Wdlr In addition to eerdisg the from to the eddrem(es) sbcva, also submit ors copy of this gmo within 30 days of 13L DbadW(on type: ff- 7,D Amount: 1 completion of vall construadon to the county health depamoent of the county -hue constructed. FOODGW-1 Nonh CaoVmDegemmetofSwlmomaml Qsl6y-Dlviaiaacl`W vRaouer NwM2a2-016