HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01271_Well Construction - GW1_20210209 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 11 For Internal Use Only: 1.11ell Contractor Informs tion: Kyle C. Shaw _ 14,RATER ZONES 11 ell Contractor Same FROM TO DESCRD'TION 4521-A R R R R \C Wee Conaaclin CeniOcation Number Advanced Well Drilling, LLC 15,OUTER CASING far muIn dsyelis OR LINER fife lie ble FRO\\ TO DIAMETER THIC1Tl FSS 1LATEMAL Company Name p7 '1� -7 H' R 6 In' Heavy pVC 2.wellConstivction Permit#:(/�PiI I (7 I �a"LV I / '7 16.INNER CASING OR TURING errant closed-loo FROM TO DLAIIETER THICKNESS MATERLAL Litt aU urplirnble xell cwuma'onn pemnit p.e.LIC,Coanm.Smre, tuliance,etc.i rL ft. In. 3.\Pell Use(check well use): R R in- Water Supply 1Ve11: 17.SCREEN ❑.Agricultural FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SdE THICI.T6SS MATERIAL ❑Grothznnal(Henting Cooling Suppl}) ❑.Municipal Public a. It in, OResidental Water Supplv(single) R R I. ❑hldustrinlConnnzrclnl ❑Rzsidemia]U'ater Supph (shared) ❑hngation 18.GROUT ❑Wells> 100000 GPU FROM TO \IATERLAL E\IPLACEMET METHOD&Al10UM NondVaten Supply q'cHc rL R Bentonite Poured ❑\Ionilorutg ❑Ruovzn R R Irtiectlon Well; ❑.Aquifer Recharge ❑Ground R R water Rzmediation O.Aquifer Storage and Recovaev ❑Salinim,Barrier 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK ifa linable OAquifer Test FROM TO 1LATERLAL E)IPLACE\IL\7\IEFROD ❑$tD(ntwater Drainaoe It. R OEAperimelltal Technology ❑Subsidence Control R R OGeolhermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer "L DRILUNG LOG attechadditlotml sheets tfnecessaev OG011lemal(HeatingvCOOline Return) ❑ iller(esplain under=2l Remarks) FROM To DESCHmT10N(rolor,hardness Wilawskne,yarn size,etc.) 13a IL ) O R 2- WeII IDR' (r \ 4.Date Well(s)Completed: '0-Z- O R )CO IL 5a.11"ell Location: 1SQ R R nl- ('- r,1raCk)y >S5 It ] It. t Factlin.Otrner\ame Facilin'ID=(if applicable; f( rl 1 2- R L�/}fit[y,� ' (' �r f��I � /� vv / -T-�� j N d /cav IN Physical��Addresgqs,Cm.and Zip )�[' IL osr'asJtiZT 211.�.REMARliS J County- Potcel ldenntication So_TIN) V } 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field,one lad sufficient)sucientj '� I �LK 22.Certification: o o Q-S9 6.Is(are)the well(s): CPernwnent or GTempolwn S,an.IWi:.f crnmed Well Comracmr Dale th signing this(ornt I1wrebr ceni/h Hwi the a'III(s)vas(a erel constnrned in acrordanre vith 7.u this a repair 10 an existing well: [Ves Or [!-No /li s recc 01C.0f en or/Sd d to di 0?C0100(Tell Corutn¢don Standards turd that n corm IR/rir is a repair,hit out 6w o ael/ronsr bs,4- irfornradon and explain Nre nature o)Hie of tlpt rerord lazy been prmvded to the ae/f oan¢r. r¢➢mrvmder 921 renwidrs section or me Ure back ojrAisJarm 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Well,hay no the swne You map use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction.only I OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL\I-MBEr Meuse Lj 2�1,add'Su Over in Rzmarl:s Box).You may also attach additional pages if nzcessan-. : Is i drilled 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTION'S9.Total well depth below,land surface:. For nudnple uc/1s list all d'➢rlu iJ dgerenr lexample-3^a_200't nq lOPt - (ft.) Submit this G{V-I within 30 days of well completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top or casing; (rt) 24a. For All NiVeis: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DIVA). Ijnnrer lei el is abov uie cn el.use••.•• latermalion Processing Unit. 1617-MSC,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 6 ��) 24b. For Injection Willis: Copy to MR Underground Injection Control (IL'C) Program. 1636.\ISC,Raleigh.'NC 27699-1636 12.WeR colLstrvctlon rrrethod:�JT ���'eYri (Le auger,rotan',cable,direct push,etc 24c.For Water Sri and O[En-Loop GenthernmI Return Wells•Copc to the ty coun emtronmental health department of the count,where installed =ATERSLTPLYLLS ONLY: 24d. For 1later\Veils roduc' over 1(11000 GPD:Copy to DR•R CCPCUA P�� Mtethod of test: Alt' Prnnrt Tugrant1 1I \I ,RaeCeh,\ 2 -I6 1TH Amount.� I•�. S � �1 _ i \ C 0.G`� `'' ` "' - - Sane Czmlina Deoar..ment of Enmonmentnl Qualls*-Division ol- Pater Resources CATAWBAL tUNTY 0 Public HcalthL;^ cnl Casca WELL-09.2020-138754 Environmental He,Ith Division Subdivision CRESCENT LAND AND TIMBI PO Box 389.25 Government Drive,Newton,NC 28658 PIN# 460603434047 a (828)465-8270 FAX(828)465-8276 TDO(828)465-8200 LOIN 123 she Address: 5054 tNICKF')RD LN, DENVER NC 28037 Name on Permit: 'UNITED CONTRACTING GROUP, INC Property Blm: Acres 0.7 olreetlone: Starting at Old Hwy 16 and Campground Road in Denver, Go.6 miles on Campground Rd, Left onto Catawba Burns Rd, Go about 1-19 miles, Right onto Bankhead Rd, Go about 1.1 miles, Right onto Salle brook Lane, Go about.2 miles, Right onto Wickford Lane 8 property is on the immediate Left. NEW WELL PERMIT REQUIRED WELL SETBACKS: Septic Systems and Repair Areas for Single Family Dwellings Septic Systems and Repair Areas for Businesses and Multi-FamilyResidences 50 ft. Underground Storage Tanks 100 ft. Animal Barns 100 ft. Lakes/Ponds 100 ft. Streams/Brooks/Creeks/Rivers 50 ft. 25 ft. Building Foundations 25 ft. All Other Sources ofGroundwatcr Contamination 100 ft. Saprolite Septic Systems and Repair Areas 100 ft. Septic Systems and Repair Areas to Wells with 2 or more connections 100 ft. PERMIT CONDITIONS 'Do not drill well in drainage pipe. 'Call Catawba County EH before drilling. Wells shall be constructed in accordance with state regulations: Article ISA North Carolina Administrative Code Subchapter2C The well driller most verify all setbacks before drilling the well. If the well driller is unable to maintain any of the above setbacks,contact Catawba County Environmental Health at 828465-8270,before drilling the well. Grouting Depth:20 feet minimum Casing Height: 12 inches minimum above finished grade ar newsy consonimed pnvate drinking vew wells ore required to be sampled in accordance with the North Cmohna Rules R Drinking wow Well Tmng(15A NCAC I BA 380a}The fee for this sam I In is included m the coy or the well ���two P 8 perrniL h is the applicam or prnperry ,oxnm's responablliry to notify Eovnonmmsal HCJth when 18e well is ready for sampling.Wa T= lea will rau unless orherwsc P befrom an ou¢ide spxified For questions or for more infamiotion,please conucl Environmental Hcmth. Autnmraed 5une Agent Permit IssuMa Dam 09t182020 0911&2025 Perms Fapvedao Dam dipcnnn loro�rzozo nss