HomeMy WebLinkAbout1395_PERMIT ISSUANCE_19680416STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES MOOR% J. VIVIAN WHITFIE OVERNOR CHAIRM S. VERNON STEVE D, DAVIS = VICE -CH GRADY FARTHING ALTER M. FRANKLIN J. AARON - PR HV08T NELSON GIBBON. JR. DR. ROBERT A. ROSS M. JARRETT W. GRADY STEVENS ORERR JOHNSON GLENN M. TUCKER AYNE MABRY GEORGE 6. PICKM, DIRECTOR E. C. HUBBARD. AssT. DIRNCTOR P. O. BOX 0302 RALEIGH. N. C. 27603 TRLEPHONE 829.3003 W DAN K. LD C AN NO. JR. P AIRMAN H A,gr11 i6. 1963 W. D. It. liplay, Chief ta&1nea r Hoot las tu,terP*x& 9110 Market West Lit 1mLn taxr. 3* lasarea 19 399 �51alrj+ret: pawelt No, 1395 Hevculas Incorporated U11mi st+au, North Uzoliva bear Mr. Ripley$ 'i In *,zat► ca with yOUT a"11caU.ca 4*tW 11Pr#bvu4r1 5, 19609 vo ava famaerdisS Lberetrttb Po resit We. 1395, dated April 16, .1063, to H"cules Ueorpor&UA# tills Ugt=0 tb C4=11ua, for tha c=str,#ctiun =4 operation of a OJO NA.D. loduottUt mast* dispo weL facility consist - in& of a eutraUsiatitn, filtration, desaraUcIa. ebse votiou wo ioJ ecti= vellst amd the iaajactim of ft pastes into the "Lime ground Mars in the Gaps Pear liver sasim. ThIs Vomit Wall be effect&" ff= the date of its lam mCs. mtil Jet a 30t 1973, +mad aball be awbj"t to the 4*bftt1=s aad 11ottaticas " speattled tberaria; Also a clesad is a aopy of 033C Paza go. 50, "Cost of WastA Treat* seat VoYtts". 'tots foam is to be cowleted and retmod to this offlas Iri,thia thirty (30) days after the project is caWleted. One (l) set of the approved plows to bum returlaard to you, sMmmly your+ , 4*F C, tirirba�ra faclosure As*tstamt Director cc$ grr. no ", took Mr. be V. alekoraw Its. L. P. 9"tor. Jr. It, A. C. `ilt s� Jr. m?. C" U. utter -J NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES RAIMGH PERMIT For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Hercules Incorporstid Witwlogton. Bovtb Caroline FOR THE cmstrimtion and operstion of a 0,30 H.0.0. industrial waste disposal facility cmaistins of neutralLast:io g filtration, de"ratioree observation and S ajection Mslli j sad the in tenon of tho wastes into the "Line ,mooed water* in the Cape Fear River $$sin, in accordance with the application dated -------- Vobrt13a>y___. _, 1and in conformity with the plans, specifications, and other supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Water and Air Resources and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance, until _-�90-p1_1973 -------- and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This peMit shall New" void uU1646 the lscilitiea 4V4 C046treucted in accordance rith the approvers plans@ s000Mcat1axts 40d Otb4r'sUppartins Meta: and are cowlsted ad placed Lit operation on of before June lA._1&8j or ar this date rimy be wed. 1$. This permit is affective only With respect to the nature and volume of, wastes doe. crtibed is the application and other snppertiug data. 3. Th* waste dlspo"lG facility shall be properly saluticined and opt retell at all times id such manner as to effectively dispose of the process, wastewater through the iaf ec* tioa Well Into the "line ground water$ lying balm a depth of. 853 feet under the surface. 4* TA the eve et that oporatL% or esceOttoring data indicates any advar se'effects on the surface or ground raters of the ar"# the disposal system will no Moser be considered feeeslbl* seed the cc VOY shell issvediatewly cog" kMder8tr0=d dtoposai of waste and pro - Vide warm* treaty t facilities of such de*tgn Aud capacity as is necessary to ptrottat the recrlViVA st;rrMe. The CoVany StAli ptovidre obarerrvatton Wells' ands may be ftqUind for effettive m+ s- torus. ti. Reports an the operratims of the facilities shall be submitted to the rt:aff of the 0"Ortamt of Waters ad Aire Resources at regular Intervals and In such fam sto detail as aw bye'; **wired by 04 Board or its adminlsttativo OWL 7. ft6 'C ,1W*, at least: sin months pricer to the evtratton of this peftito shall To - quest its 1►rcts.WioQ. Ups receipt of the request, the Board will review the adequacy of the ft►as.li<tr "' daescribsd herein ando it indicated. wL11 ' extend the Permit fot such period of tift " under such conditions tad 1101tattoue as deemed propter. April 8 B Permit issued this the _-____-_-___ day of ---__..___________-, it, ,. , --- _--_-- . l�p� Assistant Directer Permit No. ____-_-___ o Department of Water and Air Resources