HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011680 Ver 1_Report_20000113OA TTITANT ,d?n& &20 Engineering, Surveying, Consbvction & Consuffing January 13, 2000 ' Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 219 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Attention: Mr. William W. Dreitzler, P.E. Subject: Site Hydrogeologic Report 01-1680 Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill ' Columbus County, North Carolina Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 Dear Mr. Dreitzler: Titan Atlantic Group, Inc. (Titan) is pleased to present this Site Hydrogeologic Report for the proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill in Columbus County, North Carolina. Our services were ' provided in accordance with Titan Proposal No. P-9011-20 dated February 5, 1999. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations given in this report are subject to the limitations presented in Appendix C. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this report. We are available to discuss our recommendations with you and to provide additional services as necessary during the design and construction phases of this project. We have enjoyed assisting you and look forward to serving as your consultant on the remainder of this project and future projects. ' Sincerely, ??tN•?ery?, TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, H CAROL "N ' SSI•' % 1 14, ''•1 N?? - Thomas M. Schipporeit, P.E. '.. obert H. Neel, Jr., G. SEAL .: ' Vice President & Principal Engi At SCO Vice President & Operatics lalanaaT Registered, North Carolina 19331 " Licensed, North Carolina 59Op,.CFptaG FR N. N??;••• TMS:RHN '''?,r 4410$ torso It %to ' I:\20\Projects\1998\20-8382-01\Site Hydrogeologic ReporMeport Cover Letter.doc Attachments 5240 GREEN'S DAIRY ROAD 9 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27616 • (919) 873-2211 • FAX (919) 873-9555 - --------------- - --------- ----4 1 1 ?I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 J 1 I? TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE OF SrM HYDROGEOLOGICAL STUDY ................................................... I 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION .............................................................................................. I 3.0 FIELD EXPLORAT104AIAD MEASUREMENTS ......................................................1 3.1 Soil Test Borings ........................................................................................................1 31 Temporary Piezometers .............................................................................................. 2 3.3 Groundwater Measurements ....................................................................................... 3 3.4 Slug Tests ................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING ............................................................................................. 3 5.0 SITE GEOGRAPHY AND HYDROLOGY ...................................................................... 3 5.1 Regional .....................................................................................................................3 5.2 Landfill Site ................................................................................................................4 6.0 GEOLOGY & HYRDOGEOLOGY .................................................................................. 4 6.1 Regional Conditions ................................................................................................... 4 6.2 Site Soil Survey .......................................................................................................... 5 6.3 Encountered Subsurface Conditions ........................................................................... 6 6.3.1 Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 6 6.3.2 Subsurface Profiles ........................................................................................... 6 6.4 Seasonal Potentiometric Elevations ............................................................................. 6 6.5 Groundwater Flow ...................................................................................................... 7 6.6 Man-Made Influences to Groundwater Flow .............................................................. 8 6.7 Groundwater Flow Parameters ................................................................................... 8 6.7.1 Hydraulic Conductivity .................................................................................... 8 6.7.2 Lateral Hydraulic Gradient .............................................................................. 9 6.7.3 Effective Porosity 6.7.4 Lateral Groundwater Flow Velocity ................................................................. 9 6.7.5 Vertical Groundwater Flow ............................................................................. 9 7.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS .........................................................................10 7.1 Fault Areas and Seismic Impact Zones .....................................................................10 7.2 Unstable Areas ..........................................................................................................10 7.3 Predicted Settlements .......................................:........................................................10 7.4 Grades ......................................................................................................................11 7.5 Borrow Soil Suitability .............................................................................................11 7.6 Excavations ..............................................................................................................11 8.0 CONCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................11 9.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................13 t APPENDIX A - TABLES APPENDIX B - DRAWINGS APPENDIX C - LIMITATIONS APPENDIX D - BORING LOGS & PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION RECORDS ' APPENDIX E - SLUG TEST DATA & CALCULATIONS APPENDIX F - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS & PROCEDURES 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 ' 1.0 PURPOSE OF SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDY The purpose of the site hydrogeologic study was to assess the geologic and hydrogeologic 1 characteristics of the proposed site to determine the following: 1 1 • Suitability of the site for solid waste management activities; • Which areas of the site are most suitable for municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) units; • General groundwater flow paths and rates for the uppermost aquifer. Our scope of services included drilling soil test borings, obtaining disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, installing temporary piezometers, measuring stabilized groundwater levels, slug testing of some of the piezometers, performing geologic literature review and field geologic mapping, performing laboratory tests, and preparing this report of our findings and recommendations. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Mr. William Dreitzler of Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates provided project information to Titan. We understand that Riegel Ridge, LLC, is planning to design, permit, and construct a lined municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in Columbus County, North Carolina. The site is at the approximate location shown on Drawing No. 1 in Appendix B. The total project site will be approximately 600 to 700 acres in area. The proposed waste- disposal footprint will be approximately 150 acres in size. The project site is mostly wooded with pines and occasional hardwoods. Dirt roads provide access to and around the project site. Titan prepared a preliminary geotechnical report for the site dated August 18, 1998. The preliminary study was limited to hand auger borings to determine soil types and groundwater depths within the upper 4 to 7 feet below the ground surface. In August 1998, the site's groundwater in the surficial aquifer was measured at depths of 2 to 7+ feet below the ground surface. Titan's preliminary geotechnical report is attached for review in Appendix G. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS 3.1 Soil Test Borings Titan selected the number of borings (based on a 600 acre site) and their approximate locations, after consulting with Mr. Dreitzler. Titan personnel located the boring locations in the field by measuring distances and estimating right angles relative to existing site features. Distances were measured by taping, rolling with a measuring wheel, and pacing. C] t 11 II?J r. 1 7 u Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 In order to explore the general subsurface conditions at the subject site, Carolina Drilling, Mid-Atlantic Drilling, and Bore & Core advanced 60 soil test borings (A-1 through A-60) to depths of 48 to 50 feet each below existing grades in February and March of 1999. The borings were advanced at the locations shown on Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix B. The soil test borings were advanced by two power drilling rigs mounted on all-terrain vehicles and by a power drilling rig mounted on a tracked vehicle. The borings were advanced utilizing mud rotary drilling procedures. Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the soil test borings at 2.5 to 5.0 feet intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. An undisturbed Shelby tube sample of the in-situ soils was obtained from Boring A-34. Titan personnel visually classified the split-spoon soil samples in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System in the field during the drilling operations. After reaching the boring termination depth, all of the soil test borings (except those converted ' to temporary piezometers) were backfilled by cement-bentonite grout placed from the bottom up using the hollow drilling rods. 1 i 1 3.2 Temporary Piezometers After offsetting 5 to 10 feet horizontally at each of the soil test boring locations, a boring was advanced to a depth of about 9 feet for installation of shallow, temporary piezometers (i.e:, monitoring wells). These shallow piezometers are designated with the adjacent boring location number followed by (SP). Drill rigs using either mud rotary or hollow stem auger drilling procedures performed most of these offset borings. However, Titan personnel used hand auger drilling procedures to install six of these shallow piezometers: MW-A-1(SP) through MW-A-6(SP). PVC temporary piezometers of either 1- or 2-inch-diameter were then installed in the offset boreholes. Filter sand was used to backfill the annulus between the borehole sidewalls and the 2-inch-diameter PVC pipe. A bentonite seal was placed on top of the filter sand, and the upper portions of the piezometer holes were backfilled with soil cuttings. The bottom 5 feet of the PVC pipe was slotted for these shallow piezometers. Four nested pairs of shallow and deep piezometers were constructed. Relatively deep piezometers, designated by boring location and (DP), were installed in Borings A-10, A-21, A-36, and A-40 to depths below existing grades of 19.1, 39.6, 49.7, and 29.1 feet, respectively. After reaching the termination depths in these borings, cement-bentonite grout was pumped into the boreholes through the hollow drilling rods until the desired bottom-of- piezometer depth was reached. After grout placement, a 2-inch-diameter PVC pipe was placed, and filter sand was used to backfill the annulus between the borehole sidewalls and the pipe. A bentonite seal was then placed on top of the filter sand, and the upper portions of the piezometer holes were backfilled with soil cuttings. The bottom 10 feet of the PVC pipe was slotted in the deeper piezometers. 2 1 1 1 11 r? ] f Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 ' The project surveyor measured the locations and elevations of the temporary piezometers after installation. Piezometer installation records and individual boring logs are included in Appendix D of this report.' 3.3 Groundwater Measurements r Titan personnel measured the groundwater elevations in the temporary piezometers at the time of installation, approximately 24 hours after installation and approximately 7 days after installation. Additionally, complete rounds of groundwater elevations were measured about every 1 to 11/2 months. Refer to Table 1 in Appendix A for a summary of measured groundwater elevations within the piezometers. 3.4 Slug Tests ' After stabilized groundwater elevations were measured in the shallow and deep piezometers in March 1999, slug tests were performed in the deep piezometers and in selected shallow piezometers to determine hydraulic conductivity. Slug test data and calculations for ' determining hydraulic conductivity over the screened length using the Bouwer and Rice method are included in Appendix E. 1 4.0. LABORATORY TESTING Titan performed moisture content and soil classification tests on selected samples obtained from Borings A-4, A-5, A-34, and A-58. These tests were performed to confirm visual soil classifications. The saturated hydraulic conductivity and porosity of the relatively undisturbed Shelby tube sample taken from Boring A-34 was also determined. The total porosity of this permeability sample was calculated from its saturated moisture content, dry unit weight, and unit weight of water. ' All testing was done in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. A summary table of the laboratory test results, the individual Titan laboratory test results, and descriptions of the test procedures are included in Appendix E. 5.0 SITE GEOGRAPHY AND HYDROLOGY ' 5.1 Regional ' The project site is located approximately 6 miles southeast of Bolton, North Carolina in a low-lying region called Green Swamp (USGS Quadrangle Maps of Juniper Creek and Honey Island, 1990). The majority of the region around the site is wooded. Paper companies commonly timber their properties in this part of Columbus County. Access to the site is provided by NC Highway 211. Access to timber properties, hunting properties, and scattered farms is usually provided by unpaved roads. The USGS Quadrangle Maps indicate ground surface elevations ranging from elevation 45 1 1 11 Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 feet to 65 feet within 2 miles of the subject site. In general, the ground surface in the region slopes downward from the northeast towards the southwest. Honey Island Swamp Creek, which is the boundary between Columbus and Brunswick Counties, is located 300 to 500 feet southeast of a dirt road which corresponds to the southeastern boundary of the project site. The USGS Maps indicate that the swampy areas around Honey Island Swamp Creek are approximately 2000 to 3000 feet wide to the southeast of the subject site. The swampy areas around Honey Island Swamp Creek widen to about 5000 to 9000 feet to the south of the site. Honey Island Swamp Creek flows from the northeast towards the southwest. It feeds into Juniper Creek, which is located 3 to 4 miles southwest of the proposed landfill property. Juniper. Creek generally flows from east to the west-northwest. 5.2 Landfill Site ' The majority of the site is moderately to thickly wooded with sparse to thick undergrowth. The trees in the western portion of the site are. generally aligned in rows. Unpaved dirt roads provide access along the northwestern boundary and to the interior of the subject site. A cleared area consisting of agricultural fields is located in the northern section of the site. A hunting lodge is also located in the cleared area. 1 1 Elevations at the site range from 46 to 61 feet above mean sea level. The topographic information for the site is also shown Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix B. The ground surface is generally uneven with localized high and low areas; overall, much of the site tends to slope from centralized high areas towards the property boundaries. A creek is located along the northeastern boundary of the site. It flows from the northwest toward- the southeast. Several intermittent, relatively shallow drainage ditches are located across the site. Some of these ditches are located along the dirt access roads. Others cross the wooded, undeveloped portions of the site. The eastern portion of the site is generally quite low, wet, and swampy 6.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 6.1 Regional Conditions The project site is located in the lower Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The Coastal Plain deposits consist mainly of marine and deltaic sediments, which were deposited during successive periods of fluctuating sea level and moving shoreline. The soils in this province are typical of those laid down in a shallow sloping sea bottom. They include sands, silts, and clays with irregular deposits of shells. Alluvial sands, silts, and clays are typically present near rivers and creeks. The 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina indicates that the site is underlain by the Wacamaw Formation. This formation consists of gray and white calcareous sands, silty sands, and shelly sands. 1 u 1 Ij 11 Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 The hYdrogeolo8is framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain aquifer system in Columbus County in the vicinity of the project site consists of 5 aquifers separated by 4 confining units ' (Winter and Coble, 1996). From top to bottom, the aquifers are the surficial aquifer, the Peedee aquifer, the Black Creek aquifer, the Upper Cape Fear aquifer, and the Lower Cape Fear aquifer. ' The bottom of the system is underlain by crystalline, pre-Mesozoic bedrock. The. bedrock at the site lies approximately 900 feet below mean sea level. The surficial aquifer is generally a water-table (i.e., unconfined) aquifer. The other aquifers are confined by overlying corresponding units of generally clayey soils. For example, the Peedee confining unit (generally clayey soils) overlies the Peedee aquifer (generally sandy soils). . Drawing No. 6 in Appendix B provides an estimated representation of the geologic formations underlying the site based on Winter and Coble (1996) and the Geologic Map of North . Carolina ' (1985). Based on available geologic information (Winner and Coble, 1996) and the soil test borings, we estimate the surficial aquifer at the proposed landfill site to be approximately 50 feet thick. It includes the Wacamaw Formation, which consists of gray and white calcareous sands, silty sands, and shelly sands. The confining unit below the surficial aquifer is the upper portion of the Peedee Formation, which consists of greenish-gray to olive black clayey sand and sandy clay. The U.S. Geological Survey publishes groundwater data from approximately 100 wells in North Carolina (Howe and Breton, 1998). The closest U.S.G.S. well to the project site that is screened in the surficial aquifer is located in Brunswick County-, approximately 30 miles southeast of the site. The daily mean groundwater depths for the last 10 years are plotted on Drawing No. 7 in Appendix B. These plots indicate that the seasonal high groundwater for the last hydrologic year (October 1996 through September 1997) occurred in October of 1996. The 10-year plot shows that October ' .1996 is also the high for the last 10 years. Hurricane Fran hit southeastern North Carolina in September of 1996, bringing relatively intense rainfall. The 10-year-historical-high groundwater ' levels for the subject U.S.G.S. well in October of 1996 were due to Hurricane Fran. Seasonal peaks have occurred in January, March, May, July, and November. Seasonal fluctuations in the water table depth were on the order of 3 feet. 6.2 Site Soil Survey The Soil Survey of Columbus County, prepared by the Soil Conservation Service (July 1990), was reviewed to obtain additional information on the surficial soils. The information from the Soil Survey, in addition to the preliminary hand auger borings, was summarized in Titan Atlantic's preliminary report dated August 18, 1998, given in Appendix G. iJ 1 Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 1/13/00 Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 The Soil Survey indicates that seasonal high groundwater depths occur between November and April for the different soil types at the site. The depths to the estimated seasonal high water table range from about 1 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface across the majority of the site. ' (Refer to Drawing No. 5 in Appendix G.) 6.3 Encountered Subsurface Conditions 6.3.1 Descriptions The subsurface geology within the upper 50 feet of the project site is basically comprised of five sedimentary soil layers. We have designated these soil strata as Layers A through E from the ground surface down. The upper layer (Layer A) generally consists of very soft to very stiff clayey and sandy silt (ML) and silty clay (CL, CH). Layer B is made up of very loose to medium dense silty sand (SM) and clean sand (SP). The piezometers and groundwater data indicate that Layers A and B comprise the uppermost aquifer at the site. Layer C is comprised of very soft to stiff clayey silt (ML) and sandy silty clay (CL, CI ). It was encountered in all. of the borings and is therefore assumed to be a continuous aquitard across the entire site. Layer D is a lower water-bearing unit in the surficial aquifer. Very loose to very dense sands (SC, SP, SP-SC, SW-SM), often with shell fragments, comprise Layer D. The Peedee confining unit (Layer E) consists of very stiff to very hard clayey silt (ML). Although the soil strata are all present in a significant majority of the soil test borings, as seen on the subsurface profiles (Drawing Nos. 8 through 16) in Appendix B, the depth ranges of. the various strata are somewhat variable across the site. Irregular stratum thicknesses are typical in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. For example, several borings (A-6, A-24, A-27, A-28, A-46, A-49, and A-52) did not terminate within the Peedee confining unit (Layer E) at about the 50 feet depth. Also, the near-surface layer (Layer A) was not encountered at some of the borings (A-5, A-16, A-31, A-36, and A-52) across the northern portion of the project site, confirming that this layer should not be considered as a surficial aquitard, but rather as uifer ermost a art of the u . q pp p 6.3.2 Subsurface Profiles Subsurface profiles showing the 60 soil test borings are given as Figure Nos. 8 to 16 in 1 Appendix B. These profiles show the approximate ground surface and water table elevations at the time of boring and/or after a stabilization period of up to 7 days. 6.4 Seasonal Potentiometric Elevations By making measurements of the potentiometric surface in the temporary piezometers from ' February 1999 to November 1999, the variabilities in groundwater levels of the uppermost aquifer at the site were evaluated. The collected groundwater data are attached as Table 1 in Appendix A. t F1 u fl Ll i r 1 L7 1 1 Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 The maximum groundwater elevations given at the end of Table 1 do not take into account the groundwater measurements made on September 29 and 30, 1999. We believe that these levels represent historical, rather than seasonal, high water table elevations for the project site due to the historically high intensity rainfall and flooding caused by Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd in late August and early September. The data in Table 1 indicate that almost all of the maximum groundwater elevations were measured in February 1999, March 1999, and November 1999. The differences between the March 1999 and February 1999 or November 1999 were typically very small (less than about 0.10 feet). Also, the Soil Survey Report and U. S. Geological Survey reports indicate seasonal high groundwater elevations generally occur between November and April. The Soil Survey Report states that between 1951 and 1981, Whiteville, North Carolina averaged 49.83 inches of precipitation annually. The months of average highest rainfall intensity were June and July. However, rainfall events between May and October are typically high intensity, short duration, and less frequent. The rainfall events between November and April are typically low intensity, long duration, and more frequent. Less evapotranspiration from plants occurs from November to April due to-the cooler temperatures and less plant growth, if any. Seasonal groundwater levels tend to be higher between November and April due to less surface water runoff, less evapotranspiration, and more infiltration. Therefore, based on the available data, the March 1999 groundwater elevations are most representative of the seasonal high potentiometric elevations for the project site for the uppermost aquifer. The potentiometric spot elevation and contour lines for the uppermost aquifer (Layers-A, and B) are shown on Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix B. The minimum measured groundwater elevations are also given at the end of Table 1. These r indicate that the groundwater levels in the uppermost aquifer at the site (Layers A and B) fluctuate seasonally on the order of 1 to 3 feet. t The groundwater levels in the deep piezometers were within about 1 foot of the levels measured in the shallow piezometers at three of the nested pair locations (A-10, A-21, and A-40), as shown in Table 1. At the fourth location (A-36), the groundwater elevations in the deeper piezometer (Screened in Layer D) were generally 6 to 7 feet below the elevations in the shallow piezometer (Screen in Layer B of the uppermost aquifer). 6.5 Groundwater Flow Lateral groundwater flow directions are determined by the direction of lines drawn perpendicular to the groundwater contour lines. The flow direction lines point in the direction of decreasing elevation. The lateral groundwater flow directions and gradients for the uppermost aquifer (Layers A and B) measured on March 19, 1999 and March 20, 1999 are given on Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix 1 t 1 F t 1 t Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 B. The data indicate that most of the site's groundwater generally flows downward towards the southwest. However, several localized potentiometric highs in the northern and eastern portions of the site result in ground flow toward the creek along the northeastern property boundary and toward the swampy areas around Honey Island Swamp along the southeastern side and southern end of the site. Much of the groundwater contours follow the general topography of the ground surface. Based on this information, we believe that creek along the northeastern site boundary and the swampy areas in the southeastern and southern portions of the site are groundwater discharge features. The "upland" areas of the site are generally recharge areas, even though the near-surface soils (Layer A) are generally of low permeability. Lateral groundwater flow within the lower portion of the surficial aquifer (Layer D) could not be determined because only two piezometers (A-21 and A-36) were screened in this layer. (At least three points are needed to determine potentiometric contours and lateral flow directions in any aquifer.) 6.6 Man-Made Influences to Groundwater Levels Drainage ditches along the road on the northwest side of the project site could influence the surficial uppermost aquifer's groundwater level. Other widely spaced drainage ditches and shallow road ditches are present at the site. There may be a drinking water well near the hunting cabin located in the northern portion of the site. The drainage ditches and possible hunting lodge water well may act as minor localized groundwater discharge features. Any other man-made features present at the site would apparently have little impact on groundwater levels. 6.7 Groundwater Flow Parameters 6.7.1 Hydraulic Conductivity Nineteen slug tests were performed in March 1999 to measure the in situ hydraulic conductivity of the various strata within the surficial aquifer. The slug test results are given in Table 2 in Appendix A. The results indicate the following: 1 Layer A - Uppermost Aquifer: Layer B - Uppermost Aquifer: Layer C - Aquitard: Layer D - Bottom of Surficial Aquifer: K = 2.5 x 10-6 to 2.7 x 10-4cm/sec K = 3.5 x 1075 to 7.3 x 10-4 cm/sec K = 3.7 x 10-6 cm/sec K = 1.8 x 10-6 to 7.3 x 10 cm/sec l The laboratory tests on an undisturbed sample of clay obtained from Layer A in Boring A- 34 indicates a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 6.5 x IU7 for the material tested. 1 I 1 1 1 1 ' Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 t 6.7.2 Lateral Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic gradients-were determined at the slug test locations by dividing the difference in potentiometric head elevations at two locations by the horizontal distance between those two locations along the direction of groundwater flow. In some cases, such as for piezometers ' near creeks, an estimated surface water elevation based on the site survey was used to estimate the gradient. Hydraulic gradients for lateral flow in the uppermost aquifer (Layers A and B) are given in Table 2 and range from 0.001 to 0.011. ' 6.7.3 Effective Porosity The total porosity of soil is defined as the volume of void space between the soil particles divided by the total volume of soil. It can be measured on undisturbed samples of cohesive soil. It can also be estimated from grain-size laboratory test results of disturbed soil samples. Estimated total porosity for various soil types are given in Table 2 in Appendix A. The laboratory tests on the undisturbed sample of silty clay (CL) obtained from Boring A-34 from Layer A indicated a total porosity value of 40 percent. The effective porosity is the volume of void spaces through which water of other fluids can travel in soil divided by the total volume. It is typically estimated from published values derived from actual field pumping tests. The effective porosity values for silts and clays are much lower than the total porosity values due to the extremely small size and platelet shape of the soil particles, in addition to the bonding of water to the soil particles due to their minerology and chemistry. 6.7.4 Lateral Groundwater Flow Velocity The groundwater flow velocity (v) is a function of saturated hydraulic conductivity (k), gradient (i), and effective porosity (n). [The equation is v = (k x i)/n.] Lateral groundwater flow velocities for the March 1999 gradients are given in Table 2 in Appendix. A. The flow velocities range from 0.001 to 0.168 feet per day. 6.7.5 Vertical Groundwater Flow The nested pair of piezometers at A-21 indicates that vertical groundwater flow is not occurring through the Layer C aquitard at this location. However, the nested pair of piezometers at A-36 indicates significant downward groundwater flow through the Layer C aquitard into the lower. portion of the surftcial aquifer. (Layer D). The vertical flow hydraulic gradient at the nested pair location A-36 was determined by ' dividing the difference in potentiometric head elevations between the shallow and deep piezometers by the vertical thickness of the aquitard (Layer Q. Based on the March 1999 piezometric elevations, we estimate the downward vertical hydraulic gradient at the location 1 it i l Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 1/13/00 1 Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 of A-36 to be (57.06-50.59)/15 = 0.431. We also estimate the downward vertical groundwater flow rate across the aquitard (Layer C) at the location of A-36 to be [(1.1E-2 ft/day) x (0.431))/0:01 = 0.474 feet per day. 7.0 GEOTECIINICAL CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 Fault Areas and Seismic Impact Zones No Holocene faults are located within 200 feet of the Riegel Ridge project site (Horton and Zullo, 1991). Based on the North Carolina Building Code (Revised Edition, 1998), the site is not located within a high impact seismic zone. 7.2 Unstable Areas An unstable area can include poor foundation conditions, areas susceptible to mass movements, and/or karst terrain. The project site foundation conditions were preliminarily evaluated to predict a range of total settlements for waste piled to varying heights. This evaluation of soil settlement is included in Section 7.3 of this report. Based on the encountered soil conditions, site topography and our experience with similar projects, mass movements are not considered likely if conventional structural fill slopes do not exceed slopes of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). Finally, this site is not subject to sinkhole formation. Based on these criteria, it is our opinion that the site does not contain restrictive unstable areas. 1 7.3 Predicted Settlements The magnitude of long-term settlement of the waste will be mostly due to consolidation of zones of soft cohesive soils within Layers A and C. Short-term, elastic settlement of less cohesive, sandy soils in Layers A, B, C, and D will also contribute to total settlements. Layer E, the Peedee confining unit, is sufficiently stiff to be considered relatively incompressible. Based on our experience with deeper soil test borings in the lower Coastal Plain, soft to firm clays and silts and loose sands which could result in landfill settlement are very unlikely to be present in the geologic formations below the Peedee confining unit. The magnitude of landfill settlement will depend upon total height and unit weight of debris to be placed at the site. For debris heights of 100 to 200 feet, based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings, we estimate that total settlements (both elastic and consolidation) under the center of the waste cells will range between 3 to 5 feet and 4 to 7 feet, respectively. Settlements beneath the toe of the waste containment berms will be on the order of 15 to 25 percent of the total settlement beneath the center of the landfill waste. These settlements are within the typical range for other landfills with similar subsurface conditions. Liner and leachate collection I systems need to be designed to account for settlements of these magnitudes. 10 11 1 Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 1/13/00 Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 ' 7.4 Grades The seasonal-high groundwater table contours (dashed, bold lines) shown on Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 in Appendix B should be used to develop a preliminary base grading plan for the landfill disposal cells and any leachate lagoons. ' Site grades should be raised, as necessary, to achieve the required 4 feet of separation between the waste and the seasonal high groundwater table. It appears that 1 to 3 feet of fill material will be required to sufficiently raise site grades across the majority of the site. Soils from the site's potential borrow areas could be used as general structural fill to raise site grades. Undercutting or other stabilization of localized, soft near-surface soils may be necessary prior to structural fill placement. 7.5 Borrow Soil Suitabili Potential borrow areas appear to be available across the project site. However, most areas will allow only a few feet of excavation prior to groundwater impact. Borrow soils (including Layers A and B) will likely require some spreading, discing, and/or drying prior to compaction. Layer C soils may be suitable for use as compacted soil liner with excessive drying or mixing with soils from above the water table. The permeability of recompacted on-site soils needs to be evaluated further to determine if they meet the minimum requirements for a MSW landfill liner. More specifically, excavated soils of Layer A, which consist primarily of sandy silts (ML) and sandy silty clays (CL), may meet liner permeability requirements with careful compaction and moisture control. The more sandy soils of Layer B could be useful as daily cover material. 7.6 Excavations Excavation of Layer A soils (and some Layer B soils) may be accomplished through tractor- scrapers above the current water table. However, due to the shallow groundwater across the site, track mounted excavators will be required to efficiently remove submerged soils. In order to reach the deeper Layer A soils (and significant amounts of Layer B soils), we anticipate the need for lowering the groundwater levels by way of excavating relatively deep ditches and sump pumping. This would likely be most effective near the localized topographic peaks in the east-central portion of the project site. Excavations to obtain Layer C soils would be relatively deep and would require extensive dewatering, most likely with dewatering wells or well points. 1 8.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the Site Hydrogeologic Study, the following conclusions are provided: 1. It is our opinion that the site is suitable for MSW landfill development. 11 r a I F, Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 1/13/00 Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 2. Waste disposal and leachate storage areas facilities should be located in the northern, western, and central portions of the site to minimize the amount grading to achieve the required 4 feet separation between the seasonal high groundwater level and the bottom of the waste. The low, wet, swampy areas along the southeastern and southern sides of the side are much less suitable r for development due to the very shallow groundwater and very soft, compressible foundation soils in these areas . 3. The subsurface geology and hydrogeology at the site are typical of the lower North Carolina Coastal Plain . 4. General groundwater flow paths for the uppermost aquifer are toward the southwest in the northern, western, and central portions of the site. They are toward the northeast in the vicinity of the creek along the northeastern site boundary and to the east, southeast, and south toward low, wet, swampy areas on these sides of the site. Groundwater contours and flow paths generally correlate to the topography and flow paths of the ground surface. 5. The general groundwater flow rates for the uppermost aquifer are typical for the generally level lower Coastal Plain, but considerably less than those found in rolling and hilly topographies. 6. Test borings drilled to a depth of approximately 50 feet below existing grades, in addition to testing and measurement of piezometers set to various depths, provide an adequate understanding of the subsurface conditions and groundwater flow regime of the uppermost aquifer at the site (Layers A and B). They also provide an adequate understanding of rest of the surficial aquifer (Layers C and D) and the underlying Peedee Confining Unit (Layer E). 7. The site is suitable for a typical detection monitoring well system for the uppermost aquifer. (Layers A and B). The system should also include limited monitoring of the lower portion of the surficial. aquifer (Layer D) due to the potential for downward contaminant transport through the aquitard (Layer C). This will allow for an ongoing evaluation of the groundwater quality during the life of the landfill and ensure early detection of any release of hazardous constituents to the uppermost aquifer. 8. If this site is selected and determined to be suitable for a lined MSW landfill, a Design Hydrogeologic study of the planned waste disposal and leachate storage areas is required by the North Carolina Solid Waste Regulations. Additional borings, with temporary piezometers, are required within the waste disposal footprint and leachate lagoon areas at a frequency of at least one per acre. A Water Quality Monitoring Plan is also required by the regulations. 9. Additional sampling and testing of potential on-site (or off-.site) borrow soils would be needed to confirm the suitability of the locally available soils (Layers A and C) for use as compacted 12 1 1J LJ 1 rl 1 I ' Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates Proposed Riegel Ridge Landfill 1/13/00 Titan Project No. 20-8382-01 soil liner material and to develop an acceptance zone for compaction-moisture-penneability- shear strength-stiffness. 9.0 REFERENCES Horton, J.W., Jr. and Zullo, V.A. (1991), The Geology of the Carolinas, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. Howe, S.S. and Breton, P.L. (1998), "Water Resources Data, North Carolina, Water Year 1997, Volume 2. Ground-water Records", U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report NC-97-2, U.S. North Carolina State Building Code (Revised 1998). North Carolina Geologic Survey (1985), "Geologic Map of North Carolina". Titan Atlantic Group (1998), "Preliminary Geotechnical Results, Proposed MSW Landfill, Columbus Co.", dated August 18, 1998. Winner, M.D., Jr. and Coble, R.W. (1996), "Hydrogeologic Framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain", U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-1, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1 13 11 1 1 Fj 11 r 1 11 TABLE 1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS - REIGEL RIDGE LANDFILL COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8382-01 TOP OF PIEZOMETER CASING ELEV. DEPTH-T.O.C. ELEVATION DEPTH-T.O.C. ELEVATION DEPTH-T.O.C. ELEVATION NUMBER (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) A-1(SP) 51.52 Not Yet I nstalled 3.89 47.63 4.46 47.07 A-2(SP) 52.12 4.17 47.95 4.13 47.99 5.32 46.80 A-3(SP) 51.64 Not Yet I nstalled 2.99 48.65 4.05 47.59 A-4(SP) 52.22 Not Yet I nstalled 3.11 49.11 4.05 48.17 A-5(SP) 53.77 Not Yet I nstalled 4.15 4.87 48.90 A-6(SP) 53.61 Not Yet I nstalled 2.39 4.19 49.42 A-7(SP) 57.95 3.74 54.21 3.63 4.99 52.96 A-8(SP) 51.40 4.72 46.68 4.89 N 6.23 45.17 A-9(SP) 52.25 3.58 48.67 3.90 4.72 47.53 A-10(SP) 53.06 4.00 49.06 3.66 44 5.11 47.95 A-10(DP 53.26 NM NM 3.35 4.82 48.44 A-11(SM 53.15 3.35 49.80 3.22 49.93 4.42 48.73 A-12(SP) 54.02 3.91 50.11 3.92 50.10 5.32 48.70 A-131SP) 53.89 2.88 51.01 3.10 50.79 4.82 49.07 A-14(SP) 57.56 4.55 53.01 4.88 52.68 6.41 51.15 A-15(SP) 59.66 1.60 58.06 2.54 57.12 4.10 55.56 A-16(SP) 59.48 2.30 57.18 2.31 57917 3.87 55.61 A-17(SP) 50.35 2.51 47.84 3.74 46.61 4.71 45.64 A-18(SP) 51.17 4.42 46.75 1.66 49.51 3.21 47.96 A-19(SP) 53.42 3.51 49.91 3.61 49.81 4.68 48.74 A-201SP) 53629 2.00 51.29 1.84 51.45 3.37 49.92 A-211(SP) 54.24 2.11 52.13 2.71 51.53 4.49 49.75 A-21 (DP) .53.38 NM NM 3.05 _ 50.33 4.79 48.59 A-22(SP) 55.39 2.90 52.49 3.20 52.19 4.76 50.63 A-23(SP) 58.86 3.19 55.67 3.73 55.13 5.19 53.67 A-24(SP) 57.92 1.13 58.79 1.30 56.62 2966 55.26 A-25(SP) 52.36 4.87 47A9 5.57 46.79 6.78 45.58 A-26(SP) 51.84 2.34 49.50 2.89 48.95 3.75 48.09 A-27(SP) 53.11 3.55 49.56 3.64 49.47 4.64 48.47 8 A-28(SP) 51.98 2.52 49.46 2.62 49.36 48.3 A-291SP) 56.02 3.97 52.05 3.76 52.26 50.88 A-30(SP) 57.42 1.86 55.56 2.10 55.32 54.08 A-31(SP) 59.18 2.45 56.73 2.58 56.60 54.47 A32(SP) 53.10 3.89 49.21 3.60 49.50 48.12 A-33(SP! 51.98 2.98 49.00 2.76 49.22 ff 47.96 A-34(SP) 52.43 2.92 49.51 3.24 49.19 3.8 48.61 A-35(SP) 57.43 2.92 54.51 3.01 54.42 53.28 A•36lSPi 58.83 1.31 57.52 57.46 56.78 A-36(DP) 58.95 NM NM 7.78 51.17 50.03 A-37(SP) 59.75 2.23 57.52 2.67 57.08 55.48 A-38(SP) 52.59 49.27 3.23 49.36 48.16 A-39(SP) 55.53 2.97 52.56 4.25 51.28 5.72 49.81 A40(SP) 58.10 2.76 55.34 2.68 55.42 3.96 54.14 A40 (DP) 58.01 NM NM 2.76 55.25 4.08 53.93 A41(SP) 59.60 81 2. 56.79 2.73 56.87 3.69 55.91 57 03 A42(SP) 62.47 3 92 . 58.55 4.39 58.08 5.44 5 03 . 54 46 A431SP) 59.49 3.00 55.49 3.27 56.22 54 51 . 71 5 . 52.86 A4413P1 58.57 4.26 54.31 51 83 4.06 45 5 . 51.71 . 6.94 50.22 A45(SP) 57.16 5.33 81 3 . 56 83 . 3.80 58.84 4.82 55.82 A46(SP) A471SP) 60.64 58.13 . 1.74 . 56.39 2.05 56.08 3.22 54.91 A481SP) 57.30 1.83 55.47 1.84 55.46 3.20 54.10 55 53 A491SP) 58.20 3.30 54.90 3.00 55.20 02 49 4.65 5 55 . 47.82 A-50(SP) 53.37 4.36 49.01 51 35 4.35 44 4 . 51.50 . 5.77 50.17 A-51(SP) 55.94 61 37 4.69 4 94 . 56.43 . 5.11 56.26 6.07 55.30 A-52(SP) A-531SP) . 59.94 . 3.94 56.00 3.88 56.06 4.98 54.96 A-54(SP) 56.74 5.59 51.15 4.52 52.22 5.56 51.18 91 45 A-551SP) 48.82 2.49 46.33 2.60 46.22 05 46 2.91 75 2 . 45.78 A-56(SP) 48.53 2.39 46.14 07 60 2.48 24 2 . 50.27 . 3.77 48.74 A•57(SP) 52.51 49 43 2.44 45 3 . 45.98 . 3.39 46.04 3.65 1 45.78 A-58(SP) A-59(SP) . 50.01 . 3.98 46.03 4.03 45.98 4.27 45.74 A 601SP) 51.05 3.34 47.71 3.02 48.03 3.77 1 47.28 12/9/99 10:14 AM Paget 1 w i w i TABLE 1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS-- REIGEL RIDGE LANDFILL COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TITAN PROJECT NO 204382-01 TOP OF PIEZOMETER CA$ING ELEV. DEPTH-T.O.C. ' ELEVATION ` DEPTH-T.O.C. ELEVATION : DEPTH.T.O.C.., ELEVATION NUMBER ` 1FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) A''-14SP) " 61.52 4.28 47.26. 4.28 47.24' 1.47 60:06 .. ` A-=P) 52.12 4.63 47.49 4.68 47:44. 3.98 '48.1.4 A-31SP) 51.64 `3.75 47:139 3.79 47.85 2.48 49.16. A-4(SP) 52.22 3.72 48.50` : 3.67 48:55 2.67 49.65 A-5(SP) 53.77 4.61 49.16 4.49 49.28 2.3 61.46 A-6(SP)* 53.81 3.75 49.86 3:49 50.12 2.47. 51.14 A-7( P) 57.95 4.52 53.43 4.46. 53.50 5.12 52.83 A-8(SP) 51.40 5.44 45.98. ' 6.34 45.06; - 6.54 44.86 A-90P) 52.25 :'3.97 48.28 4.39 47.86 " 4.79 47.46 A-10(SP) 53.06 4.49 -48.57 4:65 48.41 4.11 48.95 . A-10(DPI 53.26 ' 4.20 49.06 4.38 48.88 3.75 49.51 A-11(SP) .:. 53.15: 3.87• 49.28 3.84 ' 4$1.31 5663 47.52 A-12 SP)' 54.02 4.16 49.86 4.60 49.42 6.23 47.79 A-73 SP) 53:89 4.15 49.74 3.93 49.96 5:35 48.54 A44 SP 57.56 5:60 51.96 5.42 52.14 .6.47 51.09 A-15(SP) 59.66 3.42 '58:24 3..21 . ' 56.45 3.97 55.69 A-16(SP) 59.48 3.39 56.09 3.37 66.11 5.37 54:11 A-171SP) 50.35 4.20 46.15 4.58 45.77 5:09 45.26 A-18(SP) 51.17: 2.63 48.54 .3.03 48:14 3.82 47.35 N49(SP1'. .53.42 4.24 :49.18 4:45: .48.97 3.79 49.63 : A 53.29 .3.98 49.31: 2.93 50.36 3.28 1 50.0 54.24 4.07 _ 50.17 3.91 50.33 ` 3.16 .5 .08 ) 53.38 4 21% 49.17 4.35 49.63 5.70 47.68 55.39 4.33 5,1.06 4.76 51.23 5.15 :50.24 56.86 4.37 54.49 4.56, 54.30 6.09 52.77 5'7:92 2.50 55.42 2.27 55.65 2.95 54.97 52.36 6.08 46.28 6.89 45.47 7.54 4482 A-26(SP) 51.84. 3.30 48.54 3:81 .: 48.03 4.27 47.57 A-27(SP) 53.11 4.32 48.79 :. 4.57 48.54 3.56 49.55 A-28(SP) ' 51.98 3.29 48.69 3.43. 48.55. 3.54. 48.44 A-29(SP) 58.02 4:64 51.38 4.80 51.22 5.72 50.30 A-30(SP) 57.42 2.89. 54.53 2.94 54:48 - 4:11 53.31: A-3110 59.18 4.18 .54.90 4.29 54:9 5.48 53.70 A-32(SPI 53.10 4.47 48.63 5.08 48.02 5.30 47.80 A-33(SP) 51.98 - 77 3 76 48.23 4.26.' .47.72 5.03 46.95 . A 34(SP 52.43 3.57 48.86 3.55 48.88 ' 3.56. 48.88 < A-38(SP? 57.43 3:83 53.60 3.75 53.68 3.60 53.83 A-36(SP) ' 58.83 1.77 57.06 1.82 57.01 2.17 56.66 A-36(DP) 58.95 8.36 50.59 8.61 50.34 " 9.85 49.10 A-37(SP) 59.75 3.79 ' 56.96. 3.31 56.44 4.60 55.15. A-38(SP) 52.59 4.12 48.47 4.62 47.97 5.34 47.25 A-39(SP) 55.53 -6.20. 50.33 5.28 50.25 7.00 48.53 . A-401SP) 58.10 3.65 54.45 3:82 54.28 3.45 54.65 A-40 WP) 58.01 . = 3.75 54.26. 3.63 54.38 .4.19 53.82 , A-01(SP) 59.60 3..31 .56.29' - 3.56 56.04 4.23 55.37 A42(SP) 62.47 • 4:81 .57.66 - 5.18: 57 29' 7.12 C 55.35 A"(SP h 59.49 4.87 54.62 4;63: 54.86 4.84 .. 54.65 A-44(SP) '58.57 5.17 53.40 5.39 53.18 6.19 52.38 ' A-46(SP) 57.16 5.98 ` . 51.18 6.44 50.72 8.09 49.07 A-46(SP) 60.64 3.58 57.06 .4.52 56.12 5.70 54.94 A-07(SP) 58.13 8.81 •55.32 2.92 55.21 3.14 54.99 A48 $PI 57.30 2.93 54.37 2.80 54.60 2.72 ' 54.58 A-49(SP) 58.20 4:23 53.97 4.38 5.98 52.22 A-60(SP) 53.37 4.91 48:46 5.45 5.39 BL S 47.98 33 50 A-611SP) 55.94 4.60 51.34 5.48 W . . A-521 ) 61.37 4.18 57.19 5.60 7.63 53.74 A-531 J 59.94 4.62 55:32 4.76 54.32 A-64(SP) 56.74 5;3L 51.43:' 5.08 51.68 A-55(SPl ' 48.82: 2.71 46.11 , 2.91 45.91' 2.68 ' 46.14 A-56lSP) 48.53 ' 2 50 ' .' 46.03 2.74 45:79" 2:42 48.tt A-57(SP) 52.51: 3.42: ' - 49.09 3.53' 4899 2.74 49.77 A-58 SP) 49:43 340 46.03. 3.60 4613 3.38 46.07 . A-69lSPI 50.01 - 4.04.. ... 45.97 4.25 45:76 , 4.12. . 46.89 A.60 (SP) 51.05: 3.57.: 47.48. 3.67 47.38 3.46. 47.60 TABLE 1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS - REIGEL RIDGE LANDFILL COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAN PROJECT NO. 20-8382-01 PIEZOMETER NUMBER TOP OF CASING ELEV. (FEET) DEPTH-T.O.C. (FEET) ELEVATION (FEET) DEPTH-T.O.C. (FEET) ELEVATION (FEET) DEPTH-T.O.C. (FEET) ELEVATION (FEET) A-1(SP) 51.52 2.79 48.73 4.00 47.52 A-2(SP) 52.12 ..1.64 50.48 4.19 47.93 A-3(SP) 51.64 2.42 49.22 3.55 48.09 A-4(SP) 52.22 2.02 50.20 3.40 48.82 A-51SP) 53.77 2.89 50.88 4.22 49.55 A-6(SP) 53.61 1.93 51.68 2.94 50.67 A-7(SP) 57.96 1.87 56.08 3.85 54.10 A-B(SP) 51.40 4.23 47.17 5.24 46.16 A-9(SP) 52.25 Flooded - Coul d Not Measure 3.37. 48.88 A-10(SP) 53.06 1.92 51.14 4.31 48.75 A-10(DP? 53.26 1.65 51.61 3.98 49.28 A-11(SP) 53.15 2.59 50.56 3.21 49.94 A-121SP) 54.02 Flooded - Coul d Not Measure 4.03 49.99 A-13(SP) 53.89 1.24 52.65 3.34 50.55 A-14(SP) 57.56 2.04 55.52 5.01 52.55 A-15(SP) 59.66 0.48 59.18 2.80 56.86 59.48 0.88 58.60 2.72 56.76 50.35 2.24 48.11 4.00 46.35 51.17 Flooded - Coul -- d Not Measure 1.62 49.55 k 9 53.42 1.76 51.66 F 3.88 49.54 53.29 Flooded - Coul d Not Measure 1.66 51.63 54.24 1.89 52.35 2.82 51.42 53.38 2.20 51.18 3.51 49.87 A-22(SP) 55.39 1.72 53.67 3.40 51.99 A-23(SP) 58.86 0.74 58.12 2.70 56.16 A-241SP) 57.92 0.49 57.43 1.38 56.54 A-25(SP) 52.36 4.42 47.94 5.79 46.57 A-26(SP) 51.84 1.42 50.42 2.57 49.27 A-27(SP) 53.11 2.65 50.46 3.20 49.91 A-28(SP) 51.98 1.56 50.42 2.59 49.39 A-29(SP) 56.02 1.41 54.61 3.61 52.41 A-30(SP) 57.42 0.53 56.89 1.67 55.75 A-311SP) 59.18 Flooded - Coul d Not Measure 2.96 56.22 A-32(SP) 53.10 1.62 51.48 3.70 49.40 A-33(SP) 51.98 2.18 49.80 2.78 49.20 A-34(SP) 52.43 1.84 50.59 2.92 49.51 A-35(SP) 57.43 1.24 56.19 2.70 54.73 A-36(SP) 58.83 Flooded - Could Not Measure 1.20 57.63 A-36(DP) 58.95 Flooded - Could Not Measure 7.75 51.20 A-37(SP) 59.75 Flooded - Coul d Not Measure 2.42 57.33 A-38(SP) 52.59 1.81 50.78 2.98 49.61 A-39(SP) 55.53 1.76 53.77 3.93 51.60 A-40(SP) 58.10 0.83 57.27 2.70 55.40 A-40 ()P) 58.01 1.29 56.72 2.92 55.09 A41(SP) 59.60 1.36 58.24 2.43 57.17 A42(SP) 62.47 1.76 60.71 4.12 58.35 A-03(SP) 59.49 1.82 57.67 3.51 55.98 A44(SP) 58.57 2.18 56.39 4.17 54.40 A45(SP) A-46(SP) 57.16 60.64 2.57 1.35 54.59 59.29 5.12 3.16 62.04 57.48 A47(SP) 58.13 0.47 57.66 1.86 56.27 A48(SP) 57.30 0.25 57.05 1.68 55.62 A49(SP) 58.20 0.61 57.59 3.09 55.11 A-50(SPl 53.37 2.30 51.07 4.11 49.26 A-51(SP) 55.94 3.05 52.89 4.11 51.83 A-52(SP) 61.37 1.63 59.74 4.02 57.35 A-53(SP) 59.94 2.56 57.38 3.91 56.03 A-54(SP) 56.74 3.22 53.52 4.64 52.10 A-55(SP) 48.82 1.46 47.36 2.58 46.24 A-56(SP) 48.53 1.19 47.34 2.51 46.02 A-671SP) 52.51 1.92 50.59 2.27 50.24 A-58(SP) 49.43 1.52 47.91 3.35 46.08 8 -59(SP) 50.01 2.13 47.88 3.96 46.05 A-60(SP) 51.05 1.85 49.20 3.27 47.78 1219/99 10:14 AM Page3 w t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE '1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS - REIGEL RIDGE LANDFILL - COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8382.01 TOP OF " PIEZOMETER CASING ELEV. DEPTH-T.O.C. ELEVATION ELEVATION DATE ELEVATION iFEE7) " NUMBER (FEET) (FEET (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) A-1(SP) 51.52 50.06 Aug-99 47.07 2.98" " A-2(SP) . 52.12 48.14 Aug-99 46.80 1.34. A-3(SP) 51.64.': 49.16 Au 99 47:59 1_.57 A-4(SP) 52.22"" -_" 49:55 Au -99 " 48.17 1.38 A-5(SP) 53.77 " 51.46 Aug-99 ' 48.90 2.56. A-6(SP) 53.61 51.22 Mar-99 49.42 1.80 A-7(SP). .57-96 54.32 Mar-99 52.83 1.49 A-B(SP) 51.4Q 46.68 Feb-99 44:86 1.82 A-91SP) 52.26 -' 48:88 .: Mar-99. 47.46 " 1.42 A-10(SP) 53.06: 49.40 Mar-99 47.95 . 1.45 A?10(DP 5316 49:91 Mar-99 48.44 7- 1.47 A• 11SP) 53.15 49.94 Nov-99 7i7 2.42 - A-12(SP) 54.02 50.11 : ". Feb-99 47.79 2.32 A-13(SP) 53.89 51.01 Feb-99 48.54 2.47 A-14(SP) 57.56 53.01 Feb-99 51.09 1.92 A-15(SP) 59.66 58.06 Feb-99 55.56. 2.50 A-16(SP) ' 59.48 57.18. Feb-99 54.1.1 3.07 A -17(SP) 47.84: Feb-99 45.26 2.58- A-18(SP)' 51.17 49.55 Nov-99 47.35 2.20 A-19(SP)- 53.42 49.91 Feb-99 48.74 1.17 A-20(SP) 53.29. " 51.63 Nov-99 '. 49.92 1.11 :A-21(SPF 5424 52.13 Feb-99 49.75 2:38 A-21 (DP) 53.38 50.33 - Mar-99. 47.68 2.65 A-22(SP) 55.39 52.49 Feb-99 50.24 2.25 A-23(SP) - 58.85 56.16 - Nov-99 52.77 3.39 A-24(SP) 57:92 56.79 Feb-99 54.97 1.82 A-25(SP) 52.36 47.49 Feb-99 -44.82. 2.67 A-26(SP) 51.84. 49.50: Feb-99 47:57 1.93 A-27(SP) 53.11 49.91 Nov-99 48.47 1.44 A48(SP) 51.98 49.46 Feb-99 48.38 1.08 A-29(SP) 56.02. 52.41 Nov-99. 50.30 2.11 A-30(SP) 57.42 ":. 55.75 Nov-99 • 53.31 2.44 A-31(SP) 59.18 56.73 Feb-99 53.70 3.03 A-32(SP) 53.10 " 49:50 Mar-99 47:80 1.70 " A-33(SP) 511.98 49.22 Mar-99. 46.95 2.27 A-341SP) 52.43. 4951 Nov-99 - 48.61 0.90 A36(SP) 57.43 , 54.73 Nov-99 53.28 1.45 A-36(SP) 58.83 57.63 Nov-99 56.66 0.97 A-36(DP) 58.95: 51.20 Nov-99 4910 2.10 A-37(SP) 59.75. 57.52 Feb-99 55.15 2.37 A38(SP) 52.59" " 49.61 Nov-99 47.25 2.36 - A-39(SP) 55.53. - .52.56 Feb-99 48.53 4.03 . A-40(SP) 58.10 55.42 Feb-99.- 54.14 1.28 `A40 (DP) 58.01 55.25 Mar-99 53.82 1.43. A41(SP) 59.60: 57.17 Nov=99 55.37 A-42(SP) 2_47" 58.55 Feb-99 55.35 3.20 A-43(SP) 59.49 56.49 Feb-99 54.46 2.03 . A44(SP) 58.57 54.51 Mar-99. 52.38 2.13 " A45(SP) 57.16. 52.04" Nov-99 49.07 2.97 A46(SP) 60.64 57.48 Nov-99 . 54.94 2.64 A47(SP) 58:13 56.39 - Feb-99 54.91 1.48 A1t8(SP) 57.30 '. 55.62 Nov-99 " 54.10 1.52 A49($P) 58.20 55.20 Mar-99 52.22 2.98 A-50(SP) 53.37. 49.26 Nov-99 47.82 . 1.44 A-51(SP) 55.94 51.83 Nov-99 50.17 1.66 A-52(8 1 61.37 57.35 Nov-99 53.74 3:61- - A-53( ) ' 59.94 56.06 Nov-99 54.32 1 1.74 A-541SP) 56.74: 52.22 Mar-99 51.18 1.04 ' `A-55(SP) --::4:8.82' 46.33 Feb-99" 45.91 0.42 . A-56(SP) 48453' 46.14 Feb-99 ____±5.78 0.36 A-57(SP ..52.51 50.27 Mar-99 48.74 1.53" ) A 58(SP 49.43 46..08 Nov-99 4538 0.30 , - A-59(SP) 50:01 46.05 Nov-99 46.74 03 1 .. :: A-66(SP) " 51.05. 48 .03 Mar-99 47.28 0.75 00 ??~?W-v $o O O $` O $ O cS?2'S O O O o O $ O b'' O 25 O ? O 3 O 0 O ? O 25??? O w? taF-_ q1?U 00 o '' ? 0 ?ppo 0 0 pp o 0 " C 0 C 0 NC O pp ?R VO G C C C w Z O C O C G d Cd G d C G O ( dC J W W g?- ea s e s SS ? ? ? ? C < s ?s O V C ? a <s Z F- GO C G C 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CC W W J W - p 25 a S ci a o o d 25 p O ? GC dd G C ci O G G O C C O O O O G O w= u w w u w wu w w u u u t w w w w w ww OU wJ ? Y ? ? i CD M N !p S f+1 : ? ? i r- ? C4 C7 of f? m ?O 1' CD N In c- -N 0 fV0 O a v - Y ??? w= ?+ ? YY v 4 R q 44 - -9 2 - 9 Q 4 Y Y, ? v ?w fD w f` w O www ? CDC R w O 10 't W N 0 w C?1 w O W N w N 1 < w u?w??u? fr d A CI D r r O N h W 1 Ci s ' 0m W 0 Q w V q ??? pp (D 1 nN ? pO 0 Y W ? A ? ? ' < ?p R ?p O Q fO V9 tv N "9 9 v? i v in ? v i n ? n N 3 ? Z J O W Z m H W a O p _$z na b s ? ? ? ? ? ? a g? f'O W (? d log (..77 l7 P S"i 0 "i M6 N N I? Pf .= Ci C1 N N C4 vi l. . H c a m a 0 LL Z V a ?COi V OC Oi tO N aD ? ? n ? ? ? O l+f? d a ~p ? 0 0 0 0 ?? s o WJ > ? } ?? y (n w ?? ZQ 4j ZQ W ? ? ? O ZQ W ZQ VI ? Q 5 y? c `+V ? O ? V E J z a n J g N t J 5 Q QQ Q Q m mm co co m m m m m m v 0 0 2 .-. CD GG Q W CD CD t0 CD 0 O Oi 0 ?Q W O C71 CA CC C7 W M O ao m N Oi ln CD r tppO?? Oi N P1 0 0 w p.. V 4?,r (!)o 0 v 00 do f? ri N e- v a N O ?ii a O v 0 c 0 v W o < v e- v l'7 N 1? I voi ?ic n °? a (n tn co y a (n q OtQ W a W tn A t tA (n a p W O 3:z I a p 0 3 t 3 3 ffi 3 3 3 m 3 m 3 m 3 3 3 m 2 0 } z <a w s O U. U. o Q q z 0 Oa' cf7j?U? m ??mLL HW ?gm $$ 3 3 U. 8 wzd -?U i ? z o r- 111-1H Qi IC; N??, ?CDQJ ?? c?, u?w 8:"> QUO W g o ' 28450 ?. Lake *Goose Hollow 0 *Honey 0 28423 ,Big Curve SITE 20-8382-01 evAS w` OMyrtla Hea tON Freeland M © Little Pron 28420 Ra Flowe Comer Old Cumbee Place 0°`"°' ""`"' '• 0 Clements C a r AS ,:. ughill 01 r OReev 284 ey Gro Q. ; Middle Riv. Half Mill Bran Prospect 17 .. Ao .. Pir y apply?Priej ©Anti 1321 28422 • :., ? ..• ' ...:.: OSubu ' Lennon Crossroads rov YO 0 Old Shailotte oSivey Town *Sandy Hill rme. Street Atlas USA 17 8 allltte, Mag 11.00 Tue Nov 0913:521999 Primary State Route Locale Scale 1:250,000 (at center) 0 US Highway - - State Boundary riv TUAN lla?elic c?,,o 5 Miles li= Interstate/Limited Access Land ' cWWVU`0W WA C-'%"rQ Major Connector Water SITE LOCATION PLAN 510A RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL r State Route River/Canal COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC Exit 10 Zipcode Boundary 20-8382-01 County Seat DRAWING NO.1 Small Town 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fI a , w o E ? N L C N .zo 0 Z(OD ? ? N co cm U ` O 0 a aL Q0) v O co o N vN LL r - U') J n N01133S z N H O w w ' LL J w w J Q w N 0 CD 40 CD CD 0 a O N M f ' . t T ? •r y-tr!`6?' IVY: f f ' 1 II ! I I 7 1 L , cc L LL ] ; m a CD i' LL cc c :.. ? U c U (D 3O L cU N J C C j zq . M a i o 0 Cj) o 0 a S? O ? ? r 0 O CD Q L ca O LL m CL ca U a? 3 J O O 00 U O a? E N A m 0 O m t0 c z ?V r 1c Z _ C V 4 c O c N m M ` Ul) 0 i-- o U o O - ms ) ? II Z c O N e - r J 7 r J IjJ Q 0 ?c a cn ? c w 0 U J J Z U co d Z 0 Z 3 0 E- w ? a o i o > W W ?A VJ N V Z 0 Z -j J } m Q LL 0 Z 0 • ? J D 0 LL ? Q U 0 m Z I o w J W J ( 7 0 j 0 W V ui 1 ? U Z W m w LL W w 0 CD I l As i, wK -- ; -' 7 U m ' w a L ? m U _; Y (D 75 c Q ca U O d m O N N +`t CU y ~ Ci a LL CD n i• L C' ' ,. C LO f ? i ' 64 . ? t / o C ) l v + N . N J n - ., n 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 �l - ^OCT. 1996 Q 3 V.4•• l', m GROUNDWATER DEPTHS eT- TITAN Engineering, Constriction and Consulting U.S.G.S. WELL PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 DATE: 11115199 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC DRAWN BY: JLV SCALE: NTS DRAWING NO. 7 REFERENCE: HOWE AND BRETON (1998) ELEVATIONNEFET 2 W ' U LU s u z co z ? ao a? 0 CL b N w r N N N r P • N V O 7 aim ..y? 00 z e? N r ? o ? Z z H • W (C3.?1 -------------- fr I r : Pip S K h v ? ?•+ r ? ? RT1?tV. • : f I ?• f r r w;\ H • r Q W $ U Z: co: _J: co V a ' 1 \ . m , A "? a I? I,?' Y w • oq ?a C q r • ? ?• I ? • NR P4 W i ! • / ?•! N r r ' T r M • w . v 4 O v c M q ... r . O G q T t T q 3. T A S o ?9 O ?V O (?! N S i1 J O C? ,avi MIAtlILYA3I1 __ ELEYAflQN IN FEET - LC tg ? ? 3 m U u?r a Z Q1 0-. J 0-4 Q LL O C7 ¦ e II "+ ¦ N 1 O cc - L ~ LL ' a m b w.... ?. _.r .? ?l - A: :?. 1M:K1Mk1EKK1M ... ?~aj x:!.?hj^' a _J LU 3 C) C4 a v 00 , ?• :w ? ` I? e w ? :^ • ', ^ •w ' ?' "- -` f a / , N ?-i J Z c? O N pip ORR MI , . . R cc :t 0 A - J J :: •• < 'OOF C4 a 1-4 • mom .? U60 N ......_ w e / A w '•. to w s N e A N O\ nt„ n l e ' N n /'.j ? •"• r e O e / '- W J LLJ I ?• I o W V v _TV o W:f /• . r l L_ 44c O * *I PW W-4 - I.r I / O r on w m i • ' I ' O - O O a e C `e rp , m < „c °'° 3 vLi° a3 " / ? 1 x V C 00 w C w ? = $ o a : ; m o. o o $ $ R R O R iA j v V U f 0 0 133!N!.WUVAM IR+ EUVA770Y IN FUr 2 W LLJ Z O Z F Q t- W cwr R. I•ti G •'•' .... LL. Oa m b us -4 UCO E'y? cc Q cV 00 ui N ; m b a M h 0 .» (~ J N Uffilshq t NO `' ILI U 0 ! / iV , b O OEM ' a J J ? / `\? 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Q J 1 111 Q N 1 1 W Q U '. p 1 \ ' CO CL 0 4m 4 m r (p .? l0 N C/? e = V W d; \t0®®M= v c 0 O 72 aO < g a o n 3q ' w $ $ S A $ o h°- ? v df 'vZ U LED,. 0 m 0010 Ift+ 11+ 11+ EIEi:470K IN FEET I ? ? I 3 m W Z W N z? o h ? _ ao Oa n j O > ,.? (-)r (A 0 N zN m o Lu z ¢W H? L• .• r ?•,• • •' ? •? Apr/. ?i a• ?\ O 4 MGM. Q , ............ ...... . e, Vv 4L K • ?\ 6 \ d 5 ? ? a Y 16 ; rY ........... ............ ..... . :.:.:.. .. ... - ::...: ' ;. C ...... 1 • ? I A / O ' A • y O Y ? N -? ?e • N O ' ' V • v v W N A OI ' ? ? Q n ?;? cn 1 ! w , ..? O a •? «? I r , ? a s N V q .: ....... .. ..::.. .. .. .. O ? C T ? 0 ; . = A 0 ? J U ry C t? N L33JK!.VOUVA3U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eteti?nowrn tr?r Z W W N Z U1 a < t- cc ....... .. a o - _ • J •• •• O a m -a ? ? LL t • .? .r'. .• / a J W u in I ILL to •v H O a 00 cn I R N cc 00 -? Z J UJ ?-7 J Z N F- ca Lu ¢ c x O z a- ¢ w z E-. 8 °° cn o W Llj w a C ? I W W a / J g ` ; d ro A § n r A OPP ........ ............... h 117 .... ..... ... ........... ..... ... ........ ........ .. NOR -- ...... G .... .. .. ........... ........ ..... ................. r e ?: A of - - .;7?ti:Ll a a I I \ I 0 / L ? I f ? f' y , I \ ^ ( r r ? • {I V ra : e tl ? W= n a Rip RIP C/ U a A C o O, - H f0 N G CL CL 1 H y 1 c b $ ry c F -10 =o N u 133! N/ NOLLYA373_ 14 h? 1f 14 O -}• ?v?nawrrs?r S g R R ° a UJ Z J ?-iLL O Z ~ w cck 7 z? w O °- J fY m b i _ o O _ 4 P. by . co M Z w oo N Z c? O N Q ? p LLJ /W V U H b' ti a: - CL. I; ; • .p : ,,, ........ pop RIP * OlO Cx S? a d3 a S`o Olq Zia C4 1 ?7 ., f A e r e e a f0. O O: W LLI ? L ? a 4-4 v a i ' n M , I f Q y/ ? ? r ?` e . e iv n n? v ?OSV i ^ e O N N ?? N e h ? s R o O •? c 4 ? M a e p M T „T T C. O O q C f? J v fA V F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C - LIMITATIONS LEMnATIONS ' Subsurface Eaploration and Conditions The boring or test pit locations and ground surface elevations given in this report should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to determine them. The boring logs or test pit logs represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions based on the field logs, and visual examinations of samples by an engineer, geologist, or technician, in addition to tests of the field samples. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata may be gradual. The generalized subsurface strata and profiles described in this report are intended to convey trends in , subsurface conditions. The boundaries between strata are approximate and idealized. They have been , developed by interpretations 'of widely-spaced borings; therefore, actual subsurface conditions may vary from those given between boring locations. Groundwater levels have been measured or inferred in the boreholes at the times and under the conditions stated on the boring logs. Changes in the groundwater conditions may occur due to variations in rainfall, evaporation, construction activity, surface water runoff, and other site specific factors. Our geotechnical services include storing the samples collected and making than available for inspection , for 90 days. The samples are then discarded unless our client requests otherwise. The assessment of site environmental conditions or the presence of contaminants in the soil, rock, surface water or groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this geotechmcal study. Recommendations ' The recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding of project information given in this report and on our interpretation of the surface and subsurface data collected. We have made our recommendations based on our experience with similar subsurface conditions and similar projects. The recommendations apply to the specific project discussed in this report; therefore, any changes in the project ' information should be provided to us so we may review our conclusions and recommendations and make any appropriate modifications. Titan Atlantic Group should be retained for a general review of the design drawings and specifications to ' verify that geotechnical recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical study, there is always a possibility that subsurface , conditions will be different from those at the boring or test pit locations, that conditions will not be as anticipated by the designers or contractors, or that the construction process will alter soil conditions. Therefore, the geotechnical engineer's representative should observe the site preparation,. earthwork, ' foundation construction, floor slab construction, below-grade wall construction, and pavement construction to confirm that the conditions indicated by the geotechnical exploration actually exist. We recommend the owner or contractor retain Titan for this service since we are already familiar with the ' project, the subsurface conditions, and the intent of the recommendations and design. The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are subject to Titan personnel observing the construction procedures and subsurface conditions encountered at the site. APPENDIX D - BORING LOGS & PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION RECORDS DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 I3.-` 18.' 23.: 28. DESCRIPTION Stiff, moist, dark brown, clayey SILT (ML) Medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine SAND (SM) ---------------------------------------------------- Loose, wet, dark brown, silty fine SAND (SM) :. .. . Firm, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CH) 00 Firm, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very stiff, saturated, dark gray, coarse sandy CLAY (CL) Medium dense to dense, saturated, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT Off.) 50.72 47.22 44.72 42.22 37.22 32.22 -27.22 -22.22 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-1 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRMLED 3-10-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABIWZATIONTIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 12 11 5 5 6 3 18 13 37 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEPTH (FT.) 43.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense to dense, saturated, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, saturated, dark gray, fine sandy clayey SELT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 7.22 -0.72 20/0" 63 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-1 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (F'•) 0.0 3.5 6.0 7.2 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (r_l Stiff, moist, dark brown, clayey SILT (ML) Medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine SAND (SM) ------------------------------•- ---• Loose. wet, dark brown, silty fine SAND ?S Boring terminated at 7.2 feet Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: E. Norgiel/J. Vinson Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Hand Auger G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.19-99 3.10 24 M SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS N MONITOR WELL 50.72 Soil cuttings 0.0 to 0.6 feet. Filter sand: 0.6 to 7.2 feet. 47.22 ,• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 7.2 feet. 44.72 43.52 Peizometer terminated at 7.2 feet. r MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-1 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-18-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP l 1 DEPTH 0.0 0.3 3.3 r 6.0 1 i ' 13.5 r 18.5 r 23.5 r r 28.5 r r r i r 1- 1 DESCRIPTION To oil ?. Firm, moist, dark brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) Firm, moist, orange-brown and gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, wet, light gray; - silty fna SAND (SM) Stiff, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) -------------------------------------------------------- Firm, wet, gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, coarse SAND (SP) with shell fragments Loose to medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with cemented shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller:, Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) - 51.12 50.82 -47.62 -45.12 -37.62 -32.62 -27.62 -22.62 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • 7 6 5 I1 11 6 23 8 22 23 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-2 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (yr.) 43.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) Medium dense, saturated, gray clayey coarse SAND (SC) with cemented shell fragments. Hard to very hard, saturated, dark gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. 7.62 1.12 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-2 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 59/6" I 34 1 l DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.3 3.5 6.0 i 9.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) To oil J JJ J Firm, moist, dark brown, fine sandy SII.T (ML) Firm, moist, orange-brown and gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, wet, light gray: silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary . G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.11-99 3.11 24 hr 3-19.99 3.07 9 dry SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - 51.12 50.82 -47.62 -45.12 -42.12 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-2 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. Filter Sand: 3.0 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 9.0 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PE NETRATI ON - BLO WS /F O OT (Fr.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 0.0 Soft to stiff, saturated, dark gray, fine 50.79 • • • 8.5 42.29 • 13.5 37.29 • • • 28.5 Stiff, saturated, gray, fine, sandy clayey 22.29 • 33.5 17.29 • 37.0 Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey 13.79 F-i 4 12 15 12 5 5 9 25 50/4" Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-3 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABnIZATIONTIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS sandy silty CLAY (CH) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm to stiff, wet to saturated, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) SII,T (MI.) , coarse Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey SAND (SC) with shell fragments . SII.T (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) ? DEPTH R. ? ,oo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole baclrfrlled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READWGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -0.79 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 62 55 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-3 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 7.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N MONITOR WELL 50.79 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.8 feet. Filter sand: 2.8 to 7.1 feet. Slotted 1 " PVC Screen: 4.1 to 7.1 feet. 43.69 Piezometer terminated at 7.1 feet. Soft to stiff, saturated, dark gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CH) terminated at 7.1 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: E. NorgieUJ. Vinson Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Hand Auger G ROUNDW ATER READ@I(w S DATE TIME DEPM ELEVATION sTABR.IZATION TIME 119-99 2.01 24 M SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-3 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-18-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF I TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 PbSrZo psoil 1.0 ff to very stiff, moist to saturated, dark wn, fi ne sandy clayey SE.T (ML) 6.0 ------------------------------------------------- Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy SELT. (ML) 8.5 Medium dense, wet, light gray, fine SAND (SP) 13.5 Very sofwe gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) 18.5 Stiff, moist, gray, silty medium sandy CLAY (CL) 23.5 Dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 28.5 Dense saturated, ray slightly-silty fine to coarse SAND (SW-SM) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STAIIII.IZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 51.47 -50.47 45.47 42.97 - 7-1 37.97 32.97 27.97 22.97 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT iv A U JU 4V 60 8 0 • • • • 22 11 10 15 WOH 13 38 38 39 36 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-4 DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 43.: 49.! Dense, saturated, gray, slightly silty fine to coarse SAND (SW-SM) with shell fragments i:15:I:I: :15:15 Very hard, moist, gray. fine sandy clayey SI (MI-) LT (PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 49.8 feet. Borehole bacidilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -7.97 -1.67 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 50/3" 50/4" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-4 DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH t 0.0 ? ,o 6.0 7.3 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) Topsoil ++++ Stiff to very stiff, moist to saturated, dark brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - , fine sandy SfLT (ML) Stiff, [Hoist, light-gray- Boring terminated at 7.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: E. Norgiel/J. Vinson Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Hand Auger G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 319.99 2.41 u hr SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil cuttings: 0.0 to 1.7 feet. Filter Sand: 1.7 to 3.3 feet. Slotted 1" PVC Screen: 3.3 to 7.3 feet. Piezometer terminated at 7.3 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-4 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-18-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 51.47 -50-47 -45.47 -44.17 DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) (JET.) 10 20 30 40, 60 80 0•0 Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light brown 52.47 • • 6•0 46.47 8•5 43.97 • 13.5 38,97 • 18.5 33.97 • 23.5 28,97 • TIT : : 1:133: 3. • 37.0 15.47 • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-5 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT . Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS and light gray, silty- fine SANS (SM) Firm to stiff, moist to wet, light brown and light gray flue sandy SILT (ML) Loose, light gray, fine SAND (SP) Very soft, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, wet, gray, clayey medium SAND (SC) Deuce, wet, gray, slightly silty fine to coarse SAND (SW-SM) with shell figments : ii? i??i: r : r rr :1 :1 :1:1: :i:i:i:i: a::la aaa:l: ii ?i?i?i. :rrrl :i'i'i'i :l:1:1:l. :1'1'1'1' :1:1:1'1. :1:1'1'1" Dense, saturated. light gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments • 22 9 14 7 2 12 43 38 35 z? u DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 43 50. Dense, saturated, light gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 5 T bard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SIL [PEEDEE FORMATION) 1 Boring terminated at 49.3 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATIONTIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. -8.97 -2.47 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 60 8 0 5015- 50/4" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-5 DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (F'•) 0.0 6.0 6.5 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FTA 52.47 Loose to medium dense, moist to wet, light brown and light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm to stiff, moist to wet, light brown and light gray fine sand SILT L Boring terminated at 6.5 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: E. Norgiel/J. Vinson Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Hand Auger G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-19.99 2.65 24 hr SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS -46.47 45.97 MONITOR WELL Soil cuttings: 0.0 to 0.5 feet. Filter Sand: 0.5 to 6.5 feet. Slotted 1" PVC Screen: 2.5 to 6.5 feet Piezometer terminated at 6.5 feet. II MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION gi WELL NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 A-5 (SP) 3-18-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEFM 1 "` f 1 1 i 8. 1 18.5 1 1 1 1 ? »A 1 1 DESCRIPTION 0 Soft to stiff, saturated, brown and gray, silty C Y (CH) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SU T (ML) Stiff, moist, gray, silty, CLAY (CL) Very dense saturated gray clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 5 5 ELEV. 52.86 -44.36 -39.36 -34.36 19.86 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-6 Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READ24M DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER 3-11-99 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5 3 15 18 5 12 14 9 5010" 1 71 1 DEPTH (FT.) 50.0 DESCRIPTION Medium dense to dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC} with shell. fragments Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill. Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPPH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) • PENETRATION BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 -2.86 25 32 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-6 DATE DRILLED 3-11-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP i 1 1 i i 1 DEPTH (FT") 0.0 7.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. Soft to stiff, saturated, brown and gray, silty CLAY (CH) Boring terminated at 7.1 feet. 52.86 45.76 N MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 0.6 feet. Filter Sand: 0.6 to 7.1 feet. Slotted I" PVC Screen: 3.1 to 7.1 feet. Piezometer terminated at 7.1 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: E. Norgiel/J. Vinson Drill Rig: None Boring Type: 3" Hand Auger SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 119.99 1.49 24 M MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-6 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-18-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (]FT.) 0.0 6.0 8.5 13.5 28.5 37.0 DESCRIPTION Very soft to stiff, moist, orange-brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, saturated, light gray, clayey SILT (ML) -------------------------------------------------------- Very soft, saturated, Bray, fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) Firm, saturated, gray, silty, CLAY (CI) Loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments ELEV. (FT.) 56.95 -50.95 -48.45 -43.45 -28.45 -19.95 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT P 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-7 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEFM ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 10 2 9 .13 2 2 2 5 7 8 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION Wr-) 43.: 50.( Loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments. Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (bII..) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet., Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEM ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -13.45 -6.95 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • 16 21 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-7 DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 6.0 8.5 9.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Fr.) N MONITOR WELL 56.95 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. 50.95 48.45 47.95 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. Very soft to stiff. moist, orange-brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, saturated, light gray. cla a SILT Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 110-99 2.91 24 hr 119.99 2.80 today SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-7 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION 0.0 Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey 3 5 . Firm to stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy CLAY (CL) 8.5 Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy claye SILT (ML) 13.5 Medium dense, saturated, light orange, SAND (SM) 18.5 Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey S R 23.5 Very soft, saturated, gray, medium sand CLAY (CL) 28.5 Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey SAND (SC) with shell fragments 32.0 Stiff to very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments. SILT (ML) silty y silty fine .T (ML) silty y coarse 1:1 :T Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILMATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 50.45 -46.95 -41.95 -36.95 - 31.95 -26.95 -21.95 -18.45 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 80 8 7 12 13 30 7 2 12 13 27 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-8 DATE DRH LED 3-12-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (F'•) 40.0 42.0 48.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) Stiff to very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) Hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. - 10.45 -8.45 -1.95 -0.45 0 0 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CUM-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-8 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-12-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEFrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 1 34 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i DEPTH (F'•) 0.0 3.5 8.5 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Firm to stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy clayey SILT L Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. 'Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-12-99 3.74 TOB 3.19-99 3.91 7 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 50.45 -46.95 -41.95 - 41.55 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-8 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-12-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.8 6.0 18.5 23.5 27.0 32.0 DESCRIPTION Topsoil Soft to firm, moist, brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense to loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Loose, saturated, light gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) - ON Loose, saturated, dark gray, coarse SAND (SP) Firm, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 4 6 11 8 6 9 6 8 16 14 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig BORING NUMBER A-9 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. • PENETRATION BLOWS/FOOT _ 10 20 30 40 60 80 50.95 -50.15 -44.95 • -32.45 • -27.45 • -23.95 • -18.95 • • t 1 1 1 1 1 1 i DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 47.1 48.1 Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments I T hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey L SE LT [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 48.9 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: ' E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (Fr.) -3.95 -2.05 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 20 50/5" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-9 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) . 0.0 0.8 6.0 8.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. ti'I•.) N MONITOR WELL 50.95 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 50.15 1.9 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.9 to 2.9 feet. ,• Filter Sand: 2.9 to 8.7 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: . 3.9 to 8.7 feet. 44.95 42.25 Piezometer terminated at 8.7 feet. Topsoil JJYJ ++++ Soft to firm, moist, brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense to loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 8.7 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring'Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 111-99 2.44 241r 119-99 2.76 7 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-9 (SP) DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 6.0 13.5 18.5 22.0 27.0 DESCRIPTION Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense. moist, light gray; clayey fine SAND (SC) Loose, wet, gray, clayey, silty fine SAND (SM) Soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEFrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-18-99 260 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 52.51 27 ] MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 7.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 7.2 F to 8.2 feet. • Filter Sand: 8.2 to 19.1 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 9.2 to 19.1 feet. Piezometer terminated at 19.1 feet. Cement-bentonite grout from 19.1 to 50.0 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-10(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP -46.51 N 11 10 6 13 -39.01 7 -34.01 4 -30.51 11 -25.51 14 28 DEPTH (FT.) 43.5 48.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N MONITOR WELL (FCJ Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Medium dense, moist, dark gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very stiff, wet, dark gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) EEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement bentonite grout from 19.1 to 50.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPfH ELEVATION STABUMATION TIME 3-18-99 2.60 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 9.01 -4.01 -2.51 11 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION .11 WELL NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROTECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 A-10(DP) 3-1-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEFM ' so 1 ` ao ' ,o i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, moist, light gray, clayey ';me SAND (SC) Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.11-99 3.10 10 day 3-18.99 7-76 18 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-10(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 51.97 MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. Filter Sand: 3.1 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 9.0 feet. -45.97 -42.97 DEPTH Wr-) 0.0 0.8 3.5 6.0 8.5 13.5 18.5 23.5 27A 37.( DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOO'T' (FT.) Topsoil "' JJJ Soft, moist, brown; silty CLAY (CH) Very soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) with organics Firm, saturated, brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Z/A Loose to loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SK Very loose, wet, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY CL) Very soft, saturated, dark gray, silty, CLAY (CH) -----------------rd---------------------------------•----- Very soft to ha, saturated, gray, CLAY (CH) with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 52.15 51.35 48.65 46.15 43.65 -38.65 -33.65 -28.65 -25.15 -15.15 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • 3 2 5 7 3 6 WOH I., 2 I 37 1 22 111 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-11 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP i 1 1 r w i DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 43.5 50.0 Medium dense, saturtaed, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backffiled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -8.65 -2.15 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 51 53 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-11 DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.8 3.5 6.0 8.5 9.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. OT.) Topsoil JJJJ J J J J Soft, moist, brown, silty CLAY (CH) ry gray, soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) with organics Firm, saturated, brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READBJG S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 111-99 251 24 M 119.99 239 9 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 52.15 51.35 48.65 46.15 43.65 43.15 N MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to r ?t r ?t 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. Filter Sand: 3.2 to 4.2 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. I Piemmeter terminated at 9.0 feet. 1 i r w MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION 11 WELL NUMBER A-11(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP_ DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.5 27.0 DESCRIPTION Topsoil +++ Stiff, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Soft, moist, dark gray, silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, moist, gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff to very soft, moist, gray, medium sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff to very stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 53.12 -52.12 -49.62 -47.12 -44.62 -34.62 -26.12 0 PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • 9 6 3 3 3 9 1/18" 10 11 18 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-12 DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIP'T'ION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) (FT') 10 20 30 40 60 80 43.5 50.0 Stiff to very stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments . Very stiff to hard, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) (PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. 30 1 40 1 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-12 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEM ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 9.62 3.12 DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 f ,o 8.5 t t ELEV. N (Fr.) 53.12 -52.12 -49.62 -47.12 -44.62 -44.02 Topsoil ++++ Stiff, moist, gray, silly. CLAY (CL) Loose, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Soft, moist, dark grey, silty CLAY (CL) clayey silty fine moist gray Very loose , , , SAND S Boring terminated at 9.1 feet. ,,.Classified By: E. Norgiel `r Driller: Carolina Drilling -N. Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Bor#t; Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-11-99 3.17 2 day 3-19.99 3.18 10 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.3 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.3 to 3.3 feet. Filter Sand: 3.3 to 9.1 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.3 to 9.1 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.1 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-12(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-9-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.' 23.; 28. 33 34.19 29.19 -24.19 -19.19 6 6 7 2 2 8 2 7 14 38.5 14.19 20/0" Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-13 Mud R DATE DRILLED .2-23-99 Boring Type. otary II GROUNDWATER READWGS [PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-O1 DATE TIME DEM STABumATION TIME JECT Riegel Ridge Landfill E 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 52.69 51.69 49.19 46.69 44.19 Topsoil Firm. moist, brown and gray, silty CLAY (CH) Loose, moist, light gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Loose, saturated, light gray, fine SAND (SW) Very soft, saturated, fight gray, fine sandy clayey SELT (ML) Firm, moist. light gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) i Very soft, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CH) 9 Firm, saturated. gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) S Stiff, saturated, silty CLAY (CL) with gran. shell fragments Very dense. saturated. gray. sl. cemented silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) w/shell fragments 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • DEPTH ? 40.0 43*1 ? 50.0 1 1 1 1 1 r r DESCRIPTION Very dense, saturated, gray, slightly cemented silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with shell fragments Dense to medium dense, moist, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 12.69 -9.19 -2.69 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 45 24 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-13 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.a 8.1 81 DESCRIPTION ELEV. Wr.) N MONITOR WELL 52.69 Sold Cuttings: 0.0 to 51.69 1.8 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.8 to 2.8 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.8 to 8.6 49.19 feet. ' Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.8 to 8.6 feet. 46.69 44.19 Piezometer terminated at 44.09 8.6 feet. Topsoil • • ?' Firm, moist, brown and gray. silty CLAY (Cl) Loose, moist, light gray. clayey silty fine SAND (SK Loose, saturated, light gray, tine SAND (SW) Very soft. saturated, light gray, fine sandy clayey SILT ML) Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABmizATim-n tE 2.21-99 1.66 24 M 119-9 1.88 24 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-13(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 Topsoil 0.7 Finn to stiff, moist, brown, fine'sandy CLAY (CL) 8.5 Loose wet, light orange, silty fine SA --- - ----- --°--------- ------ - 13.5 - fine Very loose, saturated, gray, silty 18.5 Stiff to very soft, moist, gray, silty fin CLAY (CL) 28.5 - ------------------------------------ ry soft, Wet, gray. fine sandy silty Ve ? 33.5 Very stiff, wet, gray, fine sandy clay with shell fragments 38.5 Stiff, saturated gray, silty CLAY (C ?++ silty ND (SM) - - - - - ---- - - - •- - SAND (SM) e sandy ------------------ CLAY (CL) SILT (MI ) ey L) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READRiGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION ' OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (F'1'•) 56.01 55.31 47.51 42.51 -37.51 -27.51 -22.51 -17.51 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • 7 7 11 10 4 13 2 1 17 14 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-14 DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 43.5 50.U DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BL0Wb/kUUv (Fr.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Stiff, satur ated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Stiff to hard, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilledwith cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READW DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION sTAsnJZAT10NTIME 12.51 6.01 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-14 2-24-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 10 45 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEFM 0.0 ? o, 8.3 1 1 i l 1 1 Y 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) Topsoil JJ Firm to stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Boring terminated at 8.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-23-99 2.96 24 n. 11499 3.29 23 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.4 feet. Betonite Pellets: 1.4 to 2.4 feet. . Filter Sand: 2.4 to 8.3 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.4 to 8.3 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.3 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-14(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 56.01 -55.31 -47.71 DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.5 6.0 8.5 23.: 38. DESCRIPTION 'Topsoil Firm to stiff, moist, light brown and orange-brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) P/z Stiff, moist, light brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SU) Soft to stiff, moist to wet, dark gray, silty CLAY (CH) 5 Very dense, saturated, gray, cemented, silty SAND (SM) and shell fragments ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 58.86 58.36 52.86 50.36 35.36 -20.36 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • T- 1 I I I I Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CUE-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-15 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 GROllNDWATER READnaGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 9 11 3 3 3 11 3 5 5010" DEPTH 41.3 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Tricone refusal encountered at 41.3 feet. Boring terminated. Borehole backfilled widen cement-bemonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPM ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME . SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 17.56 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-15 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.5 6.0 8.5 9.4 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 58.86 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 58.36 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 to 3.5 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.4 feet. ,• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4. 5 to 9.4 feet. 52.86 50.36 49.46 Piezometer terminated at 9.4 feet. 'Topsoil Finn to stiff, [Hoist, light brown and orange- brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, light brown, fine sandy clayey. SILT (ML) Very loose, saturated. gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 9.4 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABRIZATION TIME 2-24-99 MCI 24 hr 119-99 2.04 24 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-15(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 Z Z TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ' DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.9 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.5 1 23.5 28.5 33.5 ' 38.5 DESCRIPTION Topsoil Medium dense, moist, light gray, fine SAND (SP) Medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine SAND (SK Dense, wet, light gray, slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) c i 7 a. t taa?l t'tjy+. ------------------------ ---------------------------- Loose to very loose, saturated, light gray, 3.1 4 XI slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) ?'r) ;i; t i3 XI :f1 a i, rt7?:r' ' r'ii9 ti a?r Ct}i4. rc?ar ;ti•l:r e Lt1.1T ' tj.1A. t N :r'} Lt?y:l' .t!:r: I l'CJyJ. Very loose, saturated, gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) - Me -, Stiff, moist, fine sandy CLAY (CL) Soft, wet, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Very dense, saturated, gray, cemented silty SAND (SK and shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPM ELEVATION SfAZJLIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT,) 58.18 57.28 54.68 52.18 49.68 -39.68 -34.68 -29.68 -24.68 -19.68 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 30 4 0 6 0 80 • • • • • • • 18 25 49 5 4 2 10 4 23 5011 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-16 DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 43.5 50.( ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (yr.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very dense, saturated, gray, cemented silty SAND (SM) and shell fragments Medium dense to dense, saturated, gray and white, ' ss slightly clayey coarse SAND (SP-SC) .z:l. y:i. %r:z. Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfiilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bon and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATtoN sTABtLIZATtoN TIME 14.68 8.18 • 0 27 34 t BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-16 2-25-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ' DEPTH (T•) 0.0 ' 0.9 3.5 6.0 8.5 8.6 DESCRIMON ELEV. N (FT.) Topsoil Medium dense, moisG.light gray, fine SAND (SP) Medium dense, hoist, brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Dense, wet, light gray, slightly silty fine 4;W;-; SAND (SP-SM) 7:C t t 1 I *;; t ------------------------------------------------------- -------- Loose to very loose, saturated, light gray, .slightly silty fine SAND SP-S Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. ' Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV ' Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-27-99 1.03 2 day 3.18-99 1.01 21 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - 58.18 -57.28 -54.68 -52.18 = 49.68 49.58 MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.7 feet. _ Bemonite Pellets: 1.7 to 2.7 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.7 to 8.6 feet. • Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3. 7 to 8.6 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.6 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-16(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (yr.) DESCRIP'T'ION ( E FT.) 10 LEV 20 30 40 60 . 80 0.0 Firm to very soft, moist to saturated, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) 49.3 8 WOH 43 3 6.0 Soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) . 3 8.5 ------------------------------ ------------- ------------ Stiff, saturated, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) with organics 0 / 40.8 0 // / 35.8 13.5 Soft, saturated, light brown, slightly fine sandy ? 3 ey SILT (ML) cla y 30.8 18.5 Soft, moist, light gray,' fine sandy silty 4 CLAY (CL) 25.8 23.5 Loose, saturated, black, clayey silty medium SAND (SM) 4 ' 20.8 28.5 Stiff, saturated, gray, coarse sandy CLAY (CL) 9 with shell fragments 33.5 - ------------ Very soft tu hard. saturated gray sandy silty - 32 with shell fragments CLAY (CL) , 2 Classified By: E. Norgiel BOFAN G LUU Driller. Mid Atlantic Drilling MBER A-17 Drill Rig: Track Rig E ED r 3-11-99 Boring Type: Mud Rotary UMBER PROJECT 20-8382-01 GROUNDWATERREAD INGS DATE TIME DEr'rH ELEVATION sTABnAzATIONTIME Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP FOR EXPLANATION SEE KEY SHEET OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS i i DEPTH (Fr.) 43.5 50.a DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very soft, saturated, gray, sandy silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Very hard to hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPti ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 5.8 -0.7 50/5" 1 38 I[- BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-17 DATE DRILLED 3-11-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 11 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (yr.) 0.0 6.0 8.5 8.8 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N MONITOR WELL Firm to very soft, moist to saturated, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stiff, saturated, gay. fine sandy silty CLAY CL with organics Boring terminated at 8.8 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.12-99 1.49 24 M 3.19-99 2.72 8 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 49.3 43.3 -40.8 40.5 M: 11 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION .11 WELL NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.8 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4. 0 go 8.8 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.8 feet. A-17(SP) 3-11-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill DEPTH 0.0 , ? a ? .o 1 1 i 1 i 1 a i 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Topsoil Firm to soft, moist, orange-brown, silty CLAY (CH) Loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft to soft, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) , 5 Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey medium to Zj coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 5 classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 50.12 49.42 44.12 31.62 21.62 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • 6 4 6 10 6 4 WOR 17 18 21 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 2 A-18 3-10-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 40.0 48.5 50.a DESCRIPTION Dense saturated gray clayey fine to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very, stiff, moist, gray. fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) EEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller. Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 10.12 ? Y?1VL?"11(A l lvi? - yi.v rr ?i r w a 10 20 30 40 60 80 49 -1.62 -0.12 • 24 an 1 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-18 3-10-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0.0 ? o, ' .o ' ,a t 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) To it JJ J Firm to soft, moist, orange-brown, silty CLAY (CH) Loose, saturated, light gray, spry fine SAND (SM). Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEITH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 111-99 3.52 24 hr 119-99 0.76 9 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.1 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 9.0 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-18(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-10-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP - 50.12 -49.42 -44.12 -41.12 DEPTH (f'•) 0.0 0.4 3.5 6.0 13.' 18.: 23 33 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) Topsoil JJ J - Firm, moist, gray and brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) li t Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, wet, light giay,'silty fine SAND (SM) -------------------------------------- ---------- ry loose, wet, gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Z-10 Very loose to loose, wet, dark gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) 5 -------------------------------------------------------- Medium dense to dense, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with cemented shell fragments 52.62 52.22 49.12 46.62 39.12 34.12 29.12 -19.12 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-19 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 cROtINDwATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DErm ELEVATION sTA9n izATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 9 8 I1 3 6 2 7 39 22 DEPTH ? eo ? ?o i i i 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Medium dense, saturated, light-gray clayey coarse SAND (SC) with cemented shell fragments Hard, moist, dark brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] " Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE 71ME DEPPH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (F'•) 12.62 -4.12 -2.62 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 27 31 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-19 DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.4 3.5 6.0 9.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. mr_1 N MONITOR WELL 52.62 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 52.22 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. 49.12 ,• Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 feet. ' Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4. 2 to 9.0 feet. 46.62 43.62 Piezometer terminated. at 9.0 feet. Topsoil " + J Firm, moist. gray and brown, fine sandy SII.T (ML) Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, wet, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Borehole terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.3.99 2.69 24 M 3.19-99 2.79 17 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 1 1 1 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-19(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEPTH 0.0 0.9 6.0 8.5 13.5 23.5 33.5 38.5 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Topsoil Very soft to soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Medium dense, moist, light gray, silty fine' SAND (SM) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, fine to medium SAND (SW) Very loose to loose, saturated, light gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Very loose, saturated, gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DWH ELEVATION sTARILIZATIONT1ME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 51.59 50.69 -45.59 -43.09 • • • -38.09 • • -28.09 • -18.09 -13.09 3 1 16 16 5 2 1 2 WOR WOR 5015" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-20 DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.). 40.0 49.9 ELEV. YL?:PItU1KFl[lVi?-DLVn?irw>t (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very hard, gist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 49.2 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not treasured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEvrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 11.59 50/4" 1 2.39 50/3" 1 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-20 3-2-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 11 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS i DEPTII 0.0 ? o, 6.0 8.3 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 51.59 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to -50.69 1.4 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.4 to 2.4 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.4 to 8.3 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.4 to 8.3 feet. -45.59 -43.29 Piezometer terminated at 8.3 feet. Topsoil Very soft to soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Medium dense, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 8.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-5.99 0.43 3 day 3-1999 0.27 17 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-20(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.8 6.0 8.5 13.! 23.. 28.. 38. DESCRIPTION Topsoil Soft, moist. light brown and orange, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, wet, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ .. Very loose to loose, saturated, gray, clayey silty .... fine SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, gray, clayey SILT (MH) Loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments S Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-18-99 265 7 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. cF"r•) 52.98 52.18 46.98 44.48 N 5 3 19 5 39.48 1 10 -29.48 WOH -24.48 10 17 14.48 504" MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 27.7 feet. Bentonite Pellet: 27.7 to 28.7 feet. Filter Sand: 28.7 to 39.6 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 29.7 to 39.6 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-21(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH ? no ? n, 1 1 i 1 1 t 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.) -12.98 SILT EEDEE FORMATION] Verryy hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SEL (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 49.2 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READR40 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 118-99 267 7 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS -3.78 FI 50/5" 1 50/3" 1 MONITOR WELL Piezometer terminated at 39.6 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout from 39.6 to 49.2 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-21(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 . TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT•) 0.0 0.8 6.0 8.5 9.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT-1 53.09 '52.29 Topsoil _- _ JJJJ JJJJ Soft, moist, light brown and orange, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, wet light gray, silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER "ADQJG S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 34-99 1.21 24 M 3-18-99 1.81 15 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS • 47.09 -44.59 '44.09 MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellet: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.1 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 9.0 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. IF MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION 11 WELL NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 A-21(SP) 3-3-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (T•) 0.0 0.7 r r 8.5 r r r r 23.5 r 28.5 r 33.5 r 38.5 r r r DESCRIPTION Topsoil J Firm to stiff, moist, brown, slightly fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose to loose, moist to saturated, gray, fine SAND (SP) Soft, moist, gray, fine to medium sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very soft, saturated. gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Dense, moist, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILITATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 54.04 53.34 -45.54 -30.54 -25.54 -20.54 -15.54 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • 7 10 10 6 5 4 3 WOR 13 34 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-22 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEV. rrrt>r?ttxt?iivrt - ?wn?irwi •) (Fr') 10 20 30 40 60 80 43.3 50.C Dense. moist. gray, silty fine SAND (SM) with shell fragments Very stiff to hard, moist, gray. fine sandy SII.T (M) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet: Borehole baclfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CUM-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TimE DEPTH ELEVATION sTABaczAT10NTmE SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 10.54 4.04 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-22 DATE DRMLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 21 41 DEPTH ? a, 0*0 1 1 8.5 8.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FTA Topsoil ++ Firm to stiff, moist, brown, slightly fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to very loose, moist to saturated, gray, fine SAND SP Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-24-99 1.67 24 hr 3-19-99 1.97 24 dry SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.8 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.8 to 2.8 feet. Filter Sand: 2.8 to 8.6 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.8 to 8.6 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.6 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-22(SP) DATE DRELLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 54.04 -53.34 = 45.54 45.44 DEPTH (1717.) 0.0 0.7 6.0 18.: 23.. 28.. 38. DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) . Topsoil Stiff, moist, brown, silly CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, saturated, yellow-brown, slightly clayey fine SAND (SC) Very soft, saturated. gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (Ml.) ' Soft, moist, gray. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very soft, saturated, gray, slightly fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) S Stiff to hard, saturated, light gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments 57.91 57.21 51.91 39.41 -34.41 -29.41 -19.41 10 ZO 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-23 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DErra ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 13 12 13 7 10 2 3 2 1/12" 10 t DEPTII 1 1 ? ?4 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FIr•) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Stiff to bard, saturated, light gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Very hard, saturated, dark brown, clayey fine sandy SELT (ML) EEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borebole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STARILI7ATIONTIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS -9.41 -7.91 32 58 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-23 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH CIT.) 0.0 0.7 6.0 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 57.91 Soil cuttings: 0.0 to 57.21 2.9 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.9 to 3.9 feet. '. Filter Sand: 3.9 to 8.9 feet ;• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 51.91 .• 4.9 to 8.9 feet. 49.01 Topsoil JJJJ Stiff, moist, brown, silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, saturated, yellow brown, slightly clayey fine SAND (SC) Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-25-99 2.28 2 day 3.19.99 2.82 24 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-23(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 17 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.7 8.5 13.5 23.5 28.5 33.5 38. DESCRIPTION To soil J?J Medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, silty, CLAY (CH) Loose, saturated, gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) - -- ------------ ---------------- -- - - Stiff, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CL) Loose, saturated, gray, medium SAND (SP) 5 Medium dense to dense, moist, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. 0T.) 57.35 56.65 48.85 43.85 -33.85 -28.85 -23.85 -18.85 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • 11 25 30 7 5 4 5 9 10 33 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-24 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) DESCRIPTION E ( LEV. FT.) • PE 10 NETRATI 20 ON - 30 BLO 40 WS /F 60 OO T 80 Medium dense to dense, moist gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 48.5 ----:--------- -------------------------- --•--...---- Medmm dense, sawtated, gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with some fine gravel 8.85 50.0 Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. 7.35 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-24 DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 19 22 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ? o? 0.0 ? o, 8.5 ? ,o 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 57:35 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to -56.65 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.9 to 3.2 feet. ,• Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 feet. ' Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. -48.85 -48.35 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet Topsoil .??. Medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) z Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-24-99 0.50 24 hr 3-18-99 0.67 23 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-24(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-23-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 8.5 13.5 18.' 23.. 33 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Fr.) Firm to stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy silty 51.36 CLAY (CL) i 42.86 Medium dense, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) -- ------------------------------ ---------------------- Very loose, moist, orange, silty fine SAND (SM) 37.8! 32.81 Firm, moist, light gray, fine sandy CLAY (CL) --- - ----- --------- ----- -------------- -- --- -- -- Very soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy silty 27.8 CLAY (CL) 17 1 S . Dense to medium dense, saturated. gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • r 6 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig BORING NUMBER A-25 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-11-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILITATIONTIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 10 5 9 11 4 5 1 WOH 34 12 DEPTH ? o e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60. 80 Dense to medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2.86 1.36 0 50/0 35 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-25 DATE DRILLED 3-11-99 PROTECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 8.3 9.4 DESCRIPTION Firm to stiff, moist, brown, fm sandy silty CLAY (CL) V/z Medium dense, moist, lit gray, silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.4 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-12-99 3.72 24 M 3-19.99 4.42 a day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.)s%tpm owocw 51.36 42.86 41.96 N MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 ro 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 to 3.5 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.4 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Sceen: 4.5 to 9.4 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.4 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-25(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-11-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP t DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 Firm to very soft, dry to wet, brown, f 6.0 V 8.5 13.5 18.5 23. 28. 33. with gravel ine sandy Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS clayey SILT (ML) Art- eryloo se, satu rated, light gray, silty SAND (SM) Il a Very soft, saturated, light gray, silty CLAY (CH) fine Very loose, saturated, light gray, silty SAND (SM) Soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Very soft, wet, gray, fine to medium sandy silty CLAY (CL) with some small gravel sandy Loose, saturated, clayey fine to coarse GRAVEL(GC) 5 Loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) 5 5 ELEV. (FT.) 51.34 45.34 42.84 37.84 32.84 -27.84 -22.84 -17.84 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-26 DATE DRELLED 2-26-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 5 2 4 2 3 4 WOH 9 7 9 DEPTH (FT.) 40.0 43.5 48.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT in 20 30 40 60 80 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEPTH ? 0.0 .o 8.5 9.3 t 1 1 1 i DESCRIPTION ELEV. (ff.) N MONITOR WELL - 51.34 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.6 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.6 to 3.6 feet. Filter Sand: 3.6 to 9.3 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.6 to 9.3 feet. -45.34 -42.84 -42.04 Piezometer terminated at 9.3 feet. Firm to very soft, dry to wet, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Very loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine.- . SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, light gray, silty CLAY (CH) Boring terminated at 9.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-27-99 1.79 24 hr 119-99 2.34 21 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-26(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-26-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FTJ 0.0 0.3 3.5 13.! 18.: 23. DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) Topsoil 52.56 52.26 lrum, moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) 4 Loose to very loose, moist to wet, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Soft, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CH) 5 Loose to medium dense, saturated, dark gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) 9.06 9.06 34.06 29.06 1 1 • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • 6 • 8 • 2 • 2 • 4 • 3 • 6 19 • 24 • 14 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-27 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION SrABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS t DEPTH (1?'TJ 43.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense, saturated, dark gray. clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) Medium dense, moist to saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) with some gravel Boring terminated at 50 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 9.06 2.56 • 24 19 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-27 DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 0.3 3.5 9.3 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FTA N MONITOR WELL 5256 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 52.26 2.4 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.4 to 3.4 feet. 49.06 • Filter Sand: 3.4 to 9.3 feet. .• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.4 to 9.3 feet. 43.26 Piezometer terminated at 9.3 feet. t To il Firm, moist, orange-brown and gray. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to very loose, moist to wet, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 9.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-2699 2.99 24 M 3-19.99 3.08 22 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-27(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.2 6.0 8.5 9.2 t 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Fr.) N MONITOR WELL 51,38 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 51.18 2.3 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.3 to 3.3 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.3 to 9.2 feet. Slotted 2"PVC Screen: 4.3 to 9.2 feet. 45.38 42.88 42.18 Piezometer terminated at 9.2 feet. To il Firm to soft, moist, dar k brown, silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, moist, white, medium SAND.(SP) Medium dense, wet, white, fine to medium SAND S Boring terminated at 9.2 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary GROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-2699 I.93 24 M 119.99 1.93 22 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-28(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROTECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.7 6.0 18.' 23.: 28.. 33. DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) Topsoil Stiff, moist. orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to very loose. Wet, orangb-graY silty f= SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) Soft, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH) Very stiff, saturated, gray CLAY (CL) with shell fragments S -------------------------------------------------------- Hard to very hard, saturated, gray silty CLAY (CL) - With shell fragments [PEEDEE FORMATION) 54.92 54.22 48.92 36.42 -31.42 -26.42 -21.42 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • 11 11 8 3 2 I 5 I 4 17 38 76 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-29 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEPTH ? eo N, 1 ? Ao 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Hard to very hard, saturated, gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments [PEEDEE FORMATION] Very hard, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 14.92 -11.42 -4.92 • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 55 75 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-29 DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.7 6.0 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 5492 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 54.22 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. ,• Filter Sand: 3.1 to 8.9 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 8.9 feet. 48.92 46.02 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. Topsoil Stiff. moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to very loose, wet, orange-gray sifty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3•II-99 3.05 15 days 3-19.99. 2.84 23 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-29(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF I TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0.0 0.2 3.5 6.0 13.5 18.5 23.: 28.. l 33.' 38.: DESCRIPTION To il Stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Loose, moist, light gray, silty clayey fine SAND (SC) Loose saturated, white, slightly silty fine.- SAND (SP-SM) t 9114 VOF4 r qun i4. CI0?7. t•t77+ rtl?7 Ct33J' Ct)at. Very loose, saturated, gray, silty clayey fine SAND (SC) Very loose, saturated, gray, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) T T Firm, moist, gray, silty CLAY (CH)) Firm, wet, dark gray, clayey SILT (MH) Very stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) with cemented shells and gravel Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 56.72 56.52 53.22 50.72 -43.22 -38.22 -33.22 -28.22 -23.22 -1 .22 • PENETRATION - BLUW,/r'UU"I' 1 0 20 30 4 0 6 0 80 • • • • • • • 10 10 8 5 3 2 7 5 16 50/3" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-30 DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 43.5 50.0 DESCRIP'T'ION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 [PEEDEE FORMATION) -------------------------------------------------------- Hard to very hard, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backflled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP Classified By: E. Norgiel BONG LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-30 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED .2-24-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DE'rH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 13.22 • 6.72 1 p1 34 1 82 1 t DEPTH (FT 0.0 0.2 3.5 6.0 9.3 1 t DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL = 56.72 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 56.52 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 22 -53 to 3.5 feet. . Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.3 feet. Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 4.5 to 9.3 feet. -50.72 -47.42 Piezometer terminated at 9.3 feet. To it Stiff, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Loose, moist, light gray, silty clayey fine SAND (SC) Loose saturated, white, slightly silty fine- :i> Ct SAND SAND (SP-SM) :•a:?.'rr aacrs •i i;i i•i ' 3 k t t 1 Boring terminated at 9.3 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 111-99 1.31 15 days 119-99 1.55 23 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-30(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-24-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 1.0 6.0 8.5 13.. 23. 28. 33 57.98 56.98 51.98 49.48 44.48 34.48 -29.48 -24.48 3 22 14 15 3 4 13 11 24 29 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-31 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-26-99 G ROUNDW ATER READING S PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION sTABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) Topsoil loose to medium dense, moist, light gray, Very silty AND (SM) fine S Medium dense, moist, light gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, 4i:r r slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) :I i.4 caa:l tr J:l' 'h? • l') Very loose, gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Stiff, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) i Medium dense, wet, gray, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC) 5 Very stiff, saturated, gray CLAY (CL) with shell fragments 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION 40.0 Very stiff, saturated, gray silty CLAY shell fragments 43.5 Medium dense, saturated, gray, slightl medium to coarse SAND (SC) with she I 50.0 goring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole with cement-bentonite grout. Groundw measured. f (CL) with y clayey ll fragments . backfilled ater not Fox - F-0 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT-) 17.98 -14.48 -7.98 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-31 DATE DRILLED 2-26-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 24 30 DEPTH (F••) 0.0 1.0 6.0 8.5 8.6 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FTJ N MONITOR WELL 5798 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 56.98 1.7 feet. 3 Bentonite Pellets: 1.7 to 2.7 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.7 to 8.6 feet. 22 Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.7 to 8.6 feet. • 51.98 14 49.48 Piezometer terminated at 49.38 15 8.6 feet. 1 1 1 1 Topsoil , • • , Very loose to medium dense, moist, light gray. silty fine SAND (SM) Medium dense, moist, light gray, clayey... . fine SAND (SC) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, slightly silty fine SAND SP-S Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-1-99 1.17 3 days 3-18-99 1.30 20 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-31(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-26-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP f DEPTH (F'.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 18.5 23.5 28.5 33.5 L 38.5 DESCRIPTION Topsoil +++ Firm, dry, brown, clayey SILT (ML) Very soft, saturated, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) = - - ---•------------------------------•---------------- Firm to very soft, saturated, light gray, fide sandy CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, dark gray, medium sandy CLAY (CL) Firm saturated gray silty CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Loose to medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 52.05 51.05 48.55 46.05 -33.55 -28.55 -23.55 -18.55 5• PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT -13 5 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 6 2 5 8 WOH 3 WOH 7 10 13 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-32 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 48.5 48.8 Stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Cemented SHELL FRAGMENTS EEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 48.8 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 3.55 3.25 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-32 3-8-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 15 50/4" TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.9 r DESCRIPTION ELEV. (yr.) N MONITOR WELL 52.05 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to -51.05 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. -48 55 Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 . feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. -46.05 -43.15 Topsoil Firm, dry, brown, clayey SILT (ML) Very soft, saturated, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fvm to very soft, saturated, light gray,- fine. . sandy CLAY (CL) Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.9.99 292 24 M 3-I9A9 2.43 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-32(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (yr.) 0.0 Topsoil 1.0 Soft to stiff, moist, Stay. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) 8.5 Loose to medium dense, saturated, light Stay, silty fuze SAND (SM) 18.5 Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) 23.5 Loose, moist, gray, clayey medium coarse SAND (SC) 28.5 Very stiff, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 - 50.93 -49.93 • 4 • 4 • 9 42.43 6 • • 17 32.43 - • 9 i 27.43 • 6 22.43 • 17 29 38.5 12.43 rz .1 Medium dense to dense, saturated, BmY, clayey • 12 coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-33 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRMLED 3-5-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DmTH ELEYATwN STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 f 1 11 DEPTH 41*5 4.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (F'•) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense to dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Hard, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments [PEEDEE FORMATION] Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) EEDEE FORMATION Boring terminated at 48.9 feet. Borehole backfrlled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 7.43 -2.43 . 2.03 40 63/5" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-33 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROTECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FF.) 0.0 1.0 8.5 9.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FrA N MONITOR WELL 50.93 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 49.93 2.3 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.3 to 3.3 fat. Filter Sand: 3.3 to 9.1 fat. Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 4.3 to 9.1 fat. - 42.43 41.83 Piezometer terminated at 9.1 feet. Topsoil Soft to stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) light gray saturated Loose to medium dense . , , silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.1 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEVrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1699 2.23 24 hr 3-M99 2.76 14 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-33(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 4. 1 C DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 ' 0.3 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.5 ' 22.0 ' 33.5 37.0 1 DESCRIPTION To oil Firm, moist, black, clayey SILT (ML) Soft, moist, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, fine- SAND (SP) Medium dense to very loose, saturated, light gray, slightly clayey fine SAND (SP-SC) rt:? v:r:x .1:t. l:t:l Loose moist gray silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Firm to stiff, saturated gray silty CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray clayey fine to medium SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary . GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (Fr.) 51.68 51.38 -48.18 -45.68 -43.18 -33.18 -29.68 -18.18 -14.68 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 7 4 19 16 1/18" 6 10 5 17 21 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-34 DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FTJ 40.0 43.5 48.1 50A DESCRIPTION ELEV. 0 PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL), with sehU fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC) Hard, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater riot measured. 11.68 8.18 3.18 1.68 26 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 49 • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-34 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEPTH 0.0 0.3 3.5 ? ,a 8.5 ? .o 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL :51.68 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 51.38 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. -48.18 •• Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 PUSH feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. -45.68 -43.18 -42.68 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. To ii Firm, moist, black, clayey SILT (ML) Soft, moist, brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, fine . SAND (SP) Medium dense to very loose, saturated, light gray, slightly clayey fire SAND SP-S Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-2699 2.10 24 hr 319.99 2.42 22 day: SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-34(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-25-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 13.: 18.: 23. 28. 38 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 56.33 52.83 50.33 47.83 Finn, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SELT (ML) Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, orange-brown, clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) Medium dense, saturated, brown and gray, fine SAND (SP) - ---- ---- - - --------------- ------------------ --- Medium dense, saturated, light gray, ----- fine SAND (SP) Soft, moist, gray, slightly sandy CLAY (CH) I Medium dense, saturated, light gray, medium SAND (SP-SC) with clayey sand seams 5 Very soft, wet, gray, silty CLAY (CH) 00 '5 Medium dense, saturated, light gray, slightly cemented clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) 42.83 37.83 32.83 -27.83 -17.83 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-35 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILITaTIONTIME pgOJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 7 14 11 22 24 4 'v 25 WOR WOH 25 DEPTH 43.5 48 9 1 1 1 DESCRIPPION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 with shell fragments Very hard, saturated, dark gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) IPEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 48.9 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 12.83 7.43 50/1" 50/5" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-35 DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT,) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.S 8.E DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 56:33 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.8 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.8 to 2.8 feet. Filter Sand: 2.8 to 8.6 52.83 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.8 to 8.6 feet. 50.33 47.83 Piezometer terminated at 47.73 8.6 feet. Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SII,T (ML) Stiff, moist, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, orange-brown, clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) Medium dense, saturated, brown and gray, fine SAND SP Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 12-9 1.67 241r 119.99 1.76 19 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL'NUMBER A-35(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 a? TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0.0 ? o, ? .o 28.5 1 1 38.5 1 1 t 1 DESCRIPTION 'Topsoil Loose, moist, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) - -- -------- -- ----- -----------------•--- -- -- ----------- - Medium dense to very loose, moist to saturated, light gray and orange, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff to very soft, moist to saturated, gray fine sandy CLAY (CL) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary GROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 118-99 7.29 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (F'•) 58.45 57.95 -52.45 N MONITOR WELL Sod Cuttings: 0.0 to 37.5 feet. 9 8 12 9 5 F1 4 6 -29.95 9 2 -19.95 Bentonite Pellets: ] r1- 37.5 to 38.5 feet. Filter Sand: 38.5 to 14 • 49.7 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-36(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-7-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 43.5 48.5 49.7 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N (FT.1 shell fragments Very dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) EEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 49.7 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 118-99 7.28 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 14.95 9.95 8.75 MONrrOR WELL Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 39.5 to 49.4 feet. Piezometer terminated at 49.7 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-36(DP) DATE DRELLED 3-7-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ' DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 0.5 6.0 1 9.3 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Fr.) N MONITOR WELL . 5828 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 57.78 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 to 3.5 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.3 feet. ' Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.5 to 9.3 feet. -52.28 -48.98 To it Loose, moist, light gray. silty fine SAND (SM) ------------------- -------- -------------------------------------- Medium dense, moist to saturated: light gray and orange, clayey silty fine SAND (SM) . .. .. . Boring terminated at 9.3 feet. ' Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring-Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-11-99 0.75 4 days 3-19-99 0.77 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-36(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-7-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.7 8.5 50.45 185 40.45 23.5 35.45 28.5 30.45 38. 5 20.45 Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-37 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 G ROUNDW ATER READ RiG S PROTECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION srAanjzATIONTmE PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (Fr.) Topsoil Firm to stiff. moist, orange and light brown. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to very loose, moist to saturated, orange, silty fine SAND (SM) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty clayey fine SAND (SC) Stiff, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) Very loose to loose. saturated, gray, slightly. r clayey fine to medium SAND (SP-SC) ! .4. 1 .z:t. I:T «r YIt:/. tau Very hard, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with fragments shell cemented 58.95 E. Classified By: Norgiel BORING LOG 58.25 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • 8 11 13 7 4 1 3 1 14 7 4 50/4" -12 DEPTH 42.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i DESCRIPTION [PEEDEE FORMATION) Tricone refusal encountered at 42.7 feet. Boring terminated. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -16.25 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-37 DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT-) 0.0 0.7 8.5 8.8 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (F F.) N MONITOR WELL 58.95 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 58.25 2.9 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.9 to 3.9 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.9 to 8.8 feet Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.9 to 8.8 feet. 50.45 50.15 Piezometer terminated at 8.8 feet. Topsoil J JJ Firm to stiff, moist, orange and light brown. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL). Loose to very loose. moist to saturated, orange, silty fine SAND SM Boring terminated at 8.8 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 11.99 1.16 2 days 119-99 1.60 20 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-37(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 ]L TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.5 23.5 28.5 33.5 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOO'L' (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Topsoil Soft, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) with organics fine sandy clayey Very soft. moist, gray, . SILT (ML) with organics ------------------------------------- ---------- , ---------- Firm, wet, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML with - organics Loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray and light orange, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, wet, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) Stiff, saturated, gray, silty fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL) --------------------------------------------------------- Very stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 51.89 50.89 48.39 45.89 43.39 -33.39 -28.39 -23.39 -18.39 4 WOH 8 7 Classified By: E. Norgiel -Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS • • • • • 19 1 9 I 9 I 24 27 18 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-38 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER . 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 40.0 43.5 50.U DESCRIPTION Medium dense, saturated, gray clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfdled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring-Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 11.89 8.39 1.89 • rhN&°1'KA71vr4 - DbvW01jvtAll 10 20 30 40 60 80 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-38 3-5-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 50/4" I 48 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ' DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 9.4 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FTA N MONITOR WELL - 51.89 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to -50.89 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 -48 39 to 3.5 feet. . • Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.4 fat. ,• Slotted 2- PVC Screen: 4.5 to 9.4 feet. -45.89 -43.39 -42.49 Piezometer terminated at 9.4 feet. Topsoil ++++ Soft. moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) with organics Very soft, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) with organics ------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Firm, wet, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) with organics Loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray and light orange, silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.4 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1699 2.84 24 hr 119.99 2.75 14 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION . WELL NUMBER A-38(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 0.7 3.5 13.' 23 28 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) Topsoil Stiff, dry, dark brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) Stiff to firm, moist to saturated, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff to firm, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SUIT (ML) Stiff, moist, gray, silty fine sandy CLAY (CL) S -------------------------------------------------------- Stiff to hard, saturated, gray silty CLAY (CL), with cemented shell fragments 54.28 53.58 50.78 40.78 30.78 -25.78 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-39 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABR IZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC, GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 11 12 5 7 15 1 8 I 9 15 26 43 w DEPTH ? no 43.5 ? ?o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Stiff to hard, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments F/z Very hard to very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. 14.28 10.78 4.28 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • 53 I8 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-39 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.7 3.5 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N MONITOR WELL MT.) Topsoil Stiff, dry, dark brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) Stiff to firm, moist to saturated, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3• Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-&99 2.01 24 M 319.99 3.29 14 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 54.28 '53.58 50.78 • 45.38 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 feet. ,• Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. 4. II MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION L WELL NUMBER DATE DRELLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 A-39(SP) 3-5-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 0.5 I 8.5 18.5 23.5 28.5 38.5 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FP.) N MONITOR WELL 57.36 n Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 56.86 17.0 feet. 7 'Topsoil Finn to very stiff, moist, light brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL). Medium dense to loose, saturated, light brown-gray, fine SAND (SP) Firm, wet, gray fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, gray, CLAY (CH) -------sa;turatet-- --d--gray--------CLAY-------(CH)----with------cemented------------------------- Firm shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, slightly Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-19.99 2.11 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 25 22 -48.86 15 5 Bentonite Pellets: 17.0 to 18.0 feet. -38.86 Filter Sand: 18.0 to 19.2 7 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 19.2 to 29.1 feet. -33.86 12 -28.86 7 Piezometer terminated at 29.1 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout from 29.1 to 50.0 feet. 5 -18.86 30 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-40(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 48.5 50.0 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N MONUOR WELL fi•T.1 cemenemed clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, moist, dark gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) (PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEVrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.18.99 2.11 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8.86 • 7.36 MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-40(DP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP C II ? o? 0.0 0.5 i 1 8.5 9.2 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.1 N MONITOR WELL .57-45 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 56.95 2.4 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.4 to 3.4 feet. ,• Filter Sand: 3.4 to 9.2 feet. ' Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.4 to 9.2 feet. -48.95 -48.25 Piezometer terminated at 9.2 feet. 'Topsoil Firm to very stiff, moist, light brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL). Medium dense to loose, saturated, light brown- gray, fine SAND SP Boring terminated at 9.2 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-3-99 2.14 2 days 3.18-99 206 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-40(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-1-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.8 3.5 6.0 13.! 18.' 23.: 28. 45.25 40.25 35.25 -30.25 33.5 25.25 38.5 20.25 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-41 Boring Type: 3-1/4' ID HSA DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - m6vws/ruui- (FTJ 58.75 57.95 55.25 52.75 Topsoil +++ +++ Loose, moist, orange-brown, clayey fine SAND (SC) Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, saturated, white, clayey SILT (WO Medium dense, saturated, white, silty fine SAND (SM) Very stiff, wet, orange, fine sandy SILT (ML) i Loose, moist, gray, clayey medium SAND (SC) fine Very loose, wet, dark gray, silty SAND (SM) Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • 7 15 6 22 12 I 18 I 16 9 WOH 15 43.5 48.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (F'•) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments. Very hard, moist, clayey medium sandy SILT (ML) with shell fragments. [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 48.8 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 15.25 -9.95 50/1' 50/3" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-41 DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (T•) 0.0 0.8 3.5 6.0 9.0 DESCRUMON ELEV. ("A N MONITOR WELL 58.75 Sod Cuttings: 0.0 to 57.95 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. 25 55 '• Filter Sand: 3.0 to 9.0 . feet. • Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 9.0 feet. 52.75 • 49.75 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. Topsoil ./+++ ++++ Loose, moist, orange-brown, clayey fine SAND (SC) Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense. saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-7-99 2.01 24 M 3-19-99 1.93 13 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-41(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH ? o, 0*0 r ? .o i 18.5 , ? a5 ? u. r DESCRIP'T'ION 'Topsoil Stiff, moist, brown and* red, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose to dense, moist to saturated, orange c)X and brown, slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) 1 t??a :?7Y1 r 01 '.Gl:L 1 ?tf ?:1: i t?a?l rt? :ln' rty?ti' CI3:0 'l1i;l L I x:1:1: 47XI Very loose to loose, saturated, light brown and gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Firm, wet, light brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very soft, wet, gray CLAY (CH) 00, 5 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT,) 61.42 60.92 55.42 42.92 -32.92 -27.92 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • BORING LOG 10 14 36 14 3 7 3 5 WOH WOR BORING NUMBER A-42 DATE DRILLED 2-28-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 43.5 48.5 50.d DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very soft, wet, gray CLAY (CH) ----- - ------------------------------------------------- Stiff. saturated, gray, CLAY (CI) with shell fragments Very hard, wet. dark brown. fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) 1PEEDEE FORMATION Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backflled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. 84 1 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-42 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRMLED 2-28-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS r 17.92 • 13 1 12.92 11.42 DEPTH 0.0 ? o, 1 1 '? 8.8 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 DESCRIP'T'ION ELEV. (Fr.) To il Sdff, moist, brown and red, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose to dense, moist to saturated, orange X=rf ii•F ii and brown, slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) )xt rr Boring terminated at 8.8 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel _,. Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 2-28-99 2.90 0 hr 3.19-99 3.37 19 day SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 61.42 60.92 -55.42 -52.62 N MONITOR WELL FZM Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.8 feet. RUA Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.8 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.8 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-42(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-28-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.5 6.0 18.5 23.5 28.5 33.! DESCRIPTION SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 11 10 23 5 6 1 7 I 5 1 13 1 3 7 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION SCABIUTATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 x TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLUWS/tUOT (FT.) 58.59 58.09 -52.59 -40.09 -35.09 -30.09 -25.09 38.5 Loose, wet, gray, medium to coarse SAND (SW) 20.09 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME=45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-43 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 ,Topsoil Stiff, moist, brown, gray and orange, fien sandy silty CLAY (CL). Medium dense to loose, moist, light gray; - t7s? slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) ; i is d:1 . M U t 7:1y I t?t i ?±, t t t7:1:1' • •YJ:Y 1 t?:l•1 rt7an' L l 7:1:1' f3:a:l . ct?7i. f t}ail' :ct:rl L 17:1:1: t) t t't79t. Loose, saturated, gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Firm, wet, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, light gray, CLAY (CH) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 80 • • • • • • • • • DEPTH 43.5 ? o t i DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Loose, wet, gray, medium to coarse SAND (SW) °------------------------------------------------------ Medium dense, mod-ark gray, medium to coarse SAND (SW) Very hard, moist, dark brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) {PEEDEE FORMATION] . . Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 15.09 -10.09 -8.59 • 15 71 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-43 DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT,) 0.0 0.5 6.0 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. mr-1 N MONITOR WELL . 58.59 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 58.09 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. ,• Filter Sand: 3.1 to 8.9 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 8.9 feet. -52.59 -49.69 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. To it Stiff, moist, brown, gray and orange, file sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense to loose, moist, li 8ht STaY,• x c r t •ri;?i-F slightly silty fine SAND (SP-SM) •k t t l 4:091 t • ' - ri i3: s axcrt Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3.1-99 2.18 2 days 3-19.99 2.35 20 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-43(SP) DATE DRILLED 2-27-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP fl DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.5 3.5 8.5 18.5 28.5 38. DESCRIPTION 'Topsoil Stiff, moist, orange, silty CLAY (CL) ----- ----°-- orange and -------IW----------------°-------------- Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, wet to saturated, orange and gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff to firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) --------------------------------------------------------- Very stiff to stiff, saturated, gray, fine to medium sandy CLAY (CL), with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 5 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILrL1TION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 57.47 56.97 -53.97 -48.97 -38.97 -28.97 7 -1 .9 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • • 11 12 13 5 26 9 8 28 15 25 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-44 DATE DRILLED 34-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION - (FT.) 43.5 48.5 50.G ELEV. • FENLTKAIIVN - DLVWb1VLKf (Fr.) Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Hard gray silty CLAY (CL), with cemented shell fragments [PEEDEE FORMATION] Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-44 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-4-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 13.97 8.97 • 7.47 40 I 22 1 I 1 1 1 DEPTH 0.0 ? o, 3*1 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL :57,47 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 56.97 2.0 feet. Bemomte Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. -53 97 Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 . feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. -48.97 48.57 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. 'Topsoil Stiff, moist, orange, silty CLAY (CL) ---------- -- -------- -------------------------------------•----- Stiff CLAY . mo (CL ist, orange and gray, fine sandy silty ) Loose to medium dense, wet to saturated, orange rand gray, silty fine SAND SM Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-5-99 3.29 24 hr 3.19-99 3.09 14 drys SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-44(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-4-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE I OF I TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 1.0 8.5 18.1 33. DESCRIPTION ELEV. . rl/1?1ia1?tf lavt. uLV ?? V/1"VV 1 (FT.) Topsoil Firm to stiff. moist, orange, light brown and gray, silty CLAY (CLY . Medium dense to loose, saturated. light orange and light gray, silty SAND (SM) ITL LL Soft to very stiff , moist to wet, light gray, CLAY (CH) 5 Loose to medium dense, saturated. clayey gray. coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments I -!o 55.76 54.76 47.26 37.26 -22.26 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-45 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-4-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 9 13 14 9 10 4 I 24 9 18 1 1 1 1 DEPTH 1 1 48.5 ? ba 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard. moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled . with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -7.26 -5.76 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 20 51 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-45 DATE DRILLED 3-4-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 1.0 8.5 8.6 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT-1 Topsoil Firm to stiff, moist, orange, light brown and gray, silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense to loose, saturated, light orange and light gray, silty SAND S Boring terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEVrH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3699 4.05 2 days 318-99 4.17 14 days 5536 54.76 47.26 47.16 N MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.7 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.7 to 2.7 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.7 to 8.6 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.7 to 8.6 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.6 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A45(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-4-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.3 8.5 13.5 18.5 23.5 28.5 38.5 DESCRIPTION To oil Loose to medium dense, moist, light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, moist, light gray, silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, orange and light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) H I T T T: Very soft, saturated, gray, CLAY (CH) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty SAND (SM) I I T: Soft to very soft, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense to very loose, saturated, gray, = clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (F'•) 59.44 59.14 -50.94 -45.94 - 40.94 -35.94 -30.94 94 -20. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 12 6 12 10 3 WOH 4 3 WOH 18 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A46 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 50.4 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense to very loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not treasured. 0 9.44 17 1 2 1 1• Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-46 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1DEPTH 0.0 ? o, 1 r 8-5 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL :59.44 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 59.14 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: . 4.0 to 8.9 feet. -50.94 - 50.54 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. To oil Loose to medium dense, moist, light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) % Stiff, moist, light gray, silty CLAY CL -Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-9.99 2.81 24 hm 3-19-99 2.80 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-46(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROTECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (F'•) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.! 23.: 28.: 33.. 38. DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT Topsoil +++ Firm, [twist, brown-gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) Very stiff, moist. Bray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, moist to saturated, light gray silty fine SAND (SM) Loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray and light brown fine SAND (SP) Loose, saturated, light orange, silty fine SAND (SM) - ------ ----------- ---------------------------------- Medium dense. wet. li ght orange, silty .. .. . fine SAND (SM) Medium dense, wet, light gray. clayey SAND (SC) Firm, saturated, dark gray, fine sandy, SILT (ML) S Medium dense, saturated, gray, slightly cemented clayey fine to coarse SAND (SC) w/shell fragments 57.33 56.33 53.83 51.33 48.83 -38.83 -33.83 -28.83 -23.83 -18.83 10 20 30 40 60 8 0 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-47 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILrZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 . TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 19 22 6 21 9 12 15 5 25 DEPTH (FT.) 48.5 49.9 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Medium dense, saturated, gray, slightly cemented clayey fine to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very hard, wet, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 49.9 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) . -8.83 -7.43 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 19 50/5' BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-47 DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT,) 0.0 1.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (F F.) Topsoil Firm, moist. brown-gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose to medium dense, moist to saturated: light gray silty fine SAND (SM) Loose saturated light-gray fine SAND (SP) j Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-4.99 O.aD 24 hs 349-99 1.11 16 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5733 56.33 53.83 51.33 48.83 48.43 N MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. Filter Sand: 3.1 to 8.9 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 8.9 feet. Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-47(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 r TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0.0 3.5 6.0 9.5 13.5 23.5 33.5 38.5 DESCRI MON Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) --------------------------------------------------------- Stiff, moist, gray. fine sandy clayey SILT ML) Medium dense, moist, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, saturated, light gray, clayey SILT (ML) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft to stiff, moist, gray. CLAY (CH) Soft, wet, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) - ------------------------------------------------------- Very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: -Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 56.45 -52.95 -50.45 -47.95 -42.95 -32.95 -22.95 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 13 9 15 6 4 WOH 13 WOH 3 29 -17.95 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A48 DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 43.5 49.4 Very stiff, saturated. gray. silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Very hard. moist, gray. fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 49.4 feet. Borehole backflled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 12.95 7.05 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-48 3-3-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 50/6" 1 5015" 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 1 1 1 DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 9.0 A 1 1 DESCRIP'T'ION ELEV. ( r-1 N MONITOR WELL - 56.45 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. -52.95 ,• Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. -50.45 -47.95 1- M -47.45 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) ------- ------------------------------------------------------- stiff, moist, gray, file sandy clayey SILT ML) Medium dense, moist, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, saturated, light gray, clayey SILT ML Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-499 LOD 24 hrs 119-99 1.01 16 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-48(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-3-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill. PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 8.5 13.5 23.' 28.: 33.. DESCRIPTION ELEV. •. PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 57.1 53.6 Firm, moist, light brown. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff to very stiff, moist, light brown and gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Soft, wet, orange-brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, dark gray silty medium to coarse, SAND (SM) Stiff to very stiff, saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments r ? TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 48.6 43.6 -33.6 -28.6 -23.6 5 23 11 3 3 1 2 1 11 I 2 15 20 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV BORING NUMBER A-49 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 DEPTH 41,1 ? bo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIP'T'ION Stiff to very stiff, saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fagments Medium dense to dense, saturated, gray. clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments FR. Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller' Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -13.6 -7.1 0 PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 0 22 40 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A49 DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) . 0.0 3.5 8.5 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 57A Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.0 feet. Bcntonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. 6 53 Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 . feet. ,• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. 48.6 48.2 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. Firm. moist, light brown, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Stiff to very stiff, moist. light brown and gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Soft, wet, orange-brown, fine sandy silty CLAY CL Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV .Boring Type: 3-1/4" ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 37-99 2.33 24 Ms 3-M99 2.03 13 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-49(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 ' 1.0 8.5 t 13.5 ' 18.5 23.5 28.5 38.5 ELEV. • PENETRATION BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 52.82 51.82 Topsoil +++ Firm, moist, orange-brown, fine sandy CLAY (CL) Soft, moist, light gray, CLAY (C1) Medium dense, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, saturated, dark gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Stiff to very stiff, saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, light t clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell ragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: -- Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME r SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION ' OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS -44.32 -39.32 -34.32 -29.32 -24-32 -14.32 • • • • • • • • • 5 8 5 4 11 I 7 1 5 1 11 1 16 1 12 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-50 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 48.1 50.C DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense, saturated, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Hard, moist, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 0 4.32 2.82 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-50 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 14 42 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1D 0.0 1.0 1 1 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. N !FT_1 Topsoil Firm, moist, orange-brown, fine sandy CLAY (CL) Soft, moist, light gray, CLAY (CH) Boring terminated at 9.4 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-9-99 3.91 24 hrs 3-19.99 3.90 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.6 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.6 to 3.6 feet. Filter Sand: 3.6 to 9.4 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.6 to 9.4 feet. Piezometer terminated at 9.4 feet. MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-50(SP) DATE DRELLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 52.82 -51.82 -44.32 -43.42 DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 3.5 13.! 18.. 28.: 34.5 38. DESCRIPTION. SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 4 15 6 14 10 6 1 4 31 9 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPrN ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE I OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 54.94 51.44 • • • • -41.44 • -36.44 1 • -26.44 20.44 16.44 1 • 1 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig BORING NUMBER A-51 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED .3-6-99 Firm, moist, light brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) Soft to stiff, moist, light brown, light orange and light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, saturated, pink-gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm to stiff, saturated, orange-brown, fine sandy clayey SII,T (ML) Very loose, moist, light gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) Dense, saturated, orange slightly-clayey coarse SAND (SP-SC) rt: r Yti:i 'r:.r•1 l:x: Stiff saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments ? o? 43.5 1 ? ?o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -11.44 -6.44 -4.94 • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 19 20 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-51 DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 9.U DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 54.94 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. 51.44 Filter Sand: 3.1 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 9.0 feet. 45.94 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. Firm, moist. light brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) Soft to stiff, moist. light brown, light orange and light gray. fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Boning terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-7-99 3.69 24 hrs 3-19-9 3.54 13 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-51(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF I TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION 1 (FT,) 0.0 Topsoil 0.6 1 r 1 1 r r 18.5 1 23.5 r 28.5 1 r 33 5 - . 1 ' 38. Classified By: E. Norgiel ' Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME i SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION r OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Very loose to medium dense, moist to saturated, ND (SM) orange-brown and gray;silty fine SA Very soft, saturated, gray, CLAY (CH) Very loose, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Soft, moist, gray, fine sandy, silty CLAY (CL) ------------------- --- ---------------------------------- Very soft, moist, dark gray, fine sartdy silty CLAY (CL) Medium dense, moist, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments 5 oz, ELEV. (Fr.) 59.87 59.27 -41.37 -36.37 -31.37 -26.37 - 21.37 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 3 4 9 13 12 WOH 4 3 WOH 22 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-52 DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 48.5 50A DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Medium dense, moist, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments ---••------••-•--------•------------------ ----- - --- Loose saturated gray clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. • 11.37 9.87 15 1 9 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig LPRONCT G NUMBER A-52 Boring Type: Mud Rotary RILLED 3-6-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DMH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME CRiegel Ridge Landfill OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS DEPTH 0.0 ? o. 8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIP'T'ION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL _ 59.87 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 59.27 2.1 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.1 to 3.1 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.1 to 8.5 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.1 to 8.5 feet. -51.37 Piezometer terminated at 8.5 feet. -Topsoil Very loose to medium dense. moist to saturated, orange-brown and gray: silty fine SAND (SM) 1 IL L Boring terminated at 8.5 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 17-99 3.62 24 hrs 118-99 3.79 12 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-52(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.9 8.5 13.5 18.5 23.: 28.: ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 59.19 58.29 50.69 45.69 -40.69 -35.69 -30.69 5 10 9 10 WOH 2 17 2 9 38.5 20.69 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig BORING NUMBER A-53 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS , DESCRIPTION Topsoil Firm to stiff, moist, brown, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Loose. saturated. light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, dark gray, medium sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very soft, saturated, gray, CLAY (CH) Medium dense, saturated, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Very loose to loose, saturated, gray clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) 10 10 20 30 40 60 84 • • • • • • DEPTH 43.5 i 50.0 i i DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (F'") 10 20 30 40 60 80 Stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) -------------------------------------------------------- Very hard moist gray fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS -15.69 -9.19 50/4" 61 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-53 DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 0.9 8.5 9.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Fr.) N MONITOR WELL _59.49 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 58.29 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. • Filter Sand: 3.0 to 9.1 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 9.1 feet. • 50.69 50.09 Piezometer terminated at 9.1 feet. Topsoil Firm to stiff, moist, brown, orange-brown and gray, fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) silty fine SAND S light saturated Loose , , , Boring terminated at 9.1 feet. Classified By. E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3999 3.23 2 days 31999 3.17 13 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-53(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-6-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) DESCRIPTION 0.0 r , r r 6.0 8.5 r r r 18.5 1 23.5 r r r 33. 1 ' ' 38.5 Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Firm, moist, lipp?ttt brown and gray. fi>ic sandy silty CLAY (C).,) Loose, moist. orange-red, silty clayey fine - SAND (SC) rated, orange Medium dense to loose, moist to saw and light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, gray, CLAY (CH) Loose, saturated, gray, clayey, silty fine SAND (SM) Very soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, saturated, dark gray, silty fine SAND (SM) 5 ELEV. (FT.) 55.64 -49.64 -47.14 -37.14 -32.14 -22.14 - 17.14 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 30 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 7 7 10 16 6 2 6 9 WOH WOR BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-54 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FTJ 43.5 49.3 ery loose, saturated, dark gray, silty fine V SAND (SM) Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 49.3 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. 0 PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT-) 10 20 30 40 60 80 12.14 6.34 BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 BORING LOG A-54 .3-8-99 20-8382-01 Riegel Ridge Landfill 80 50/4' TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP ? o? ? oa 6.0 8.5 8.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL ' ss.64 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.9 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.9 to 2.9 feet. • Filter Sand: 2.9 feet to 8.8 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.9 to 8.8 feet. -49.64 - 47.14 47 Piezometer terminated at 8.8 feet. Firm, moist, light brown and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Loose, moist, orange-red, silty clayey fine- . SAND (SC) - vmz Medium dense to loose, moist to saturated, orange and light brown, silty fine SAND: S Boring terminated at 8.8 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-9-99 4.51 24 M 3-19.99 3.44 11 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-54(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 18.` 38. DESCRIPTION Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy SII.T (ML) -------------------------------------------------------- Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Very soft, saturated. brown, silty CLAY (CL) with organics Medium dense, moist, gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Firm to very stiff, saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, light agclayey, l l fragments coarse SAND (SC) with she ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 47.92 44.42 • 41.92 • 39.42 -29.42 -9.42 1 0 2 0 30 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME 550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-55 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5 5 2 28 26 8 20 17 23 22 1 DEPTH 41*5 ? ? a t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 DESCRIPTION Medium dense, saturated. light gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments --------------------------------------------------------- Very dens aturatedyight gray layey coarse SAND (S ith shell fragmefts Hard, saturated, gray, clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfrlled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME 550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -4.42 --0.58 --2.08 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 • 58 35 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-55 DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 9.1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (Ff.) N MONITOR WELL 47.92 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.3 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.3 to 3.3 feet. • 44.42 ; Filter Sand: 3.3 to 9.1 feet. Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 4.3 to 9.1 feet. -41.92 - 39.42 -38.82 Piezometer terminated at 9.1 feet. Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy SILT (ML) --- ------•-----------------------•-----------•------------------- Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) Very soft, saturated, brown, silty CLAY(CL) with organics silty fine SAND (SM) moist Medium dense gray 101 , , , Boring terminated at 9.1 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME 550 ATV Boring Type: 3' Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1599 1.75 3 days 118-99 1.86 16 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-55(SP) DATE DRQ.LED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 DEPTH (FT,) 0.0 6.0 18.5 23.5 28.5 33.5 38.5 DESCRIPTION Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) with organics Very soft, saturated, brown, silty CLAY (CL) with organics Loose to medium dense, light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) Loose, saturated, light gray, clayey fine SAND (SC) Loose, wet, dark gray, clayey fine to medium SAND (SC) Firm saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey medium to coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Very stiff, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) 48.08 -44.58 -42.08 -29.58 -24.58 -19.58 -14.58 - 9.58 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • • • • 5 2 7 11 7 7 6 8 17 26 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-56 DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 43.5 50.( ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (Fr.) Very stiff, saturated. gray, silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Hard to stiff, saturated, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 4.58 -1.92 • 38 16 1 1 Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-56 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED, 3-2-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 20F2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 6.0 9.4 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.1 N MONITOR WELL 48,08 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.5 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.5 -44 58 to 3.5 feet. . • Filter Sand: 3.5 to 9.4 feet. • Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.5 to 9.4 feet. -42.08 -3 8.68 Piezometer terminated at 9.4 feet. Firm, moist, brown, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) with organics Very soft, saturated, brown, silty CLAY (CL) with organics Loose to medium dense, light brown, silty fine SAND (SM) .Boring terminated at 9.4 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1199 1.92 24 hrs 119.99 2.01 17 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-56(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-2-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH 0T.) 0.0 0.5 3.5 6.0 13.! 18.: 23.: 28. DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/r'OOT (FT.) ,Topsoil Loose, dry, dark brown, silty fine SAND (SM) - --------------------------------------------------- Loose. moist, dark brown, silty fine .. .. . SAND (SM) Very soft, moist, light gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very loose, moist, orange, silty fine SAND (SK Soft, wet, gray, fine sandy, SILT (ML) Very soft, moist, dark gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) i -Sti----ff--s---------d,---gray---,----sandy------silty--CLAY----°--(CL)--------------- , aturate with cemented shell fragments 51.21 50.71 47.71 45.21 37.71 32.71 -27.71 -22.71 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • Classified By: E. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig BORING NUMBER A-57 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 7 10 2 2 4 I t 4 1 15 14 13 DEPTH 43.5 ? no i i DESCRIPTION Stiff, saturated, gray, sandy silty CLAY (CL) with cemented shell fragments Very stiff to very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (F'•) -7.71 -1.21 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 29 58 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-57 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.5 3.5 6.0 8.9 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 51.21 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 50.71 2.0 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.0 to 3.0 feet. 47 71 • Filter Sand: 3.0 to 8.9 . feet. ,• Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.0 to 8.9 feet. 45.21 42.31 Piezometer terminated at 8.9 feet. To it Loose, dry, dark brown, silty fine SAND (SM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Loose, moist. dark brown, silty fine SAND (SM) .. .. Very sok moist, light gray, fine sandy.silty. . CLAY (CL) Boring terminated at 8.9 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-7-99 1.39 2 drys 3.19.99 1.19 14 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-57(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CL 3.5 Very soft, saturated, dark brown, fine ORGANIC SILT (OL) with organic fra 13.5 Medium dense, moist, light gray, fine 23.5 Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy, silty CL 28.5 - - -------------- ------------------ Firm saturated gray silty CLAY (CL) fragments 33.5 Loose, saturated, gray, gravelly slight! fine to coarse SAND (SP-SM) with sh 38.5 38.5 Hard to very hard, saturated, gray, fin AY (CL) sandy gments SAND (SP) AY (CL) ------ -- ---------- silty : ell fragments 1 i e sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) ills V/z with shelf ta;l rll:l?' Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary G ROUNDW ATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. WT.) 48.18 -44.68 -34.68 -24.68 -19.68 -14.68 -9.68 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 7 2 1 WOR 18 11 7 5 10 42 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-58 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 49.7 DESCRIPTION ELEV. W rr tNZ I ICA 1 ivi14 - uJU%i TV w r w i (FT.) - 10 20 30 40 60 80 Hard to very hard, saturated. gray, fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 49.7 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS • -1.52 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-58 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 36 50/2" t I DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELE` (F••) 0.0 3.5 r? 8.6 Firm, moist, gray, fine sandy silty CLAY (CL) Very soft, saturated, dark brown fine sandy ORGANIC SILT (OL) with organic fragments terminated at 8.6 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Mid Atlantic Drilling Drill Rig: Track Rig Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3499 2.16 241os 3-16-99 2.10 13 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS N MONITOR WELL 48:18 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 1.7 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 1.7 to 2.7 feet. Filter sand: 2.7 to 8.6 44.68 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 3.7 to 8.6 feet. 39.58 Piezometer terminated at 8.6 feet. *I MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-58(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 3.5 8.5 23.: 28.: 33. DESCRIPTION SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 4 1 2 3 i 1 26 t' 18 20 4 16 5012" DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME PROJECT Riegel Rldge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP -Ak ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 49.41 45.91 40.91 25.91 -20.91 -15.91 38 wry dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND 10.91 Classified By: q. Norgiel BORING LOG Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV BORING NUMBER A-59 Boring Type: Mud Rotary DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 GROUNDWATER READINGS PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 Soft moist gray fine sandy SILT (ML) Very soft to soft, moist, dark brown, fine sandy ORGANIC SILT (OL) Very loose to medium dense, saturated,light gray, silty fine SAND (SM) Medium dense, wet, light gray, fine to medium SAND (SP) Soft, saturated, gray, silty CLAY (CL) with shell fragments Medium dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments (SC) with shell fragments 10 20 30 40 60 80 • • • • • • • • 1DEPTH 1 41,5 1 49*1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Very dense, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments Hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 49.1 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: q. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS - DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ELEV. (FT.) -5.91 -0.31 • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 42 50/2" BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-59 DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 . TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP DEPTH (F'•) 0.0 3.5 8.5 9.3 DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FTA N MONITOR WELL 49.41 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to 2.4 feet Bentonite Pellets: 2.4 to 3.4 feet. 45.91 • Filter Sand: 3.4 to 9.3 feet. Slotted 2" PVC Screen: 4.4 to 9.3 feet. 40.91 40.11 Piezometer terminated at 9.3 feet. Soft moist gray fine sandy SILT (ML) Very soft to soft. moist, dark brown, fine sandy IRGANIC SILT (OL) Very loose to medium dense, saturated, light gray, silty fine SAND S Boring terminated at 9.3 ffet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Carolina Drilling Drill Rig: CME-550 ATV Boring Type: 3" Wash Rotary G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 3-5-99 3.42 TOO 3-19.99 3.47 14 days SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-59(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-5-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 s TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP r, DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 0.9 3.5 6.0 8.5 13.5 18.5 23.5 28.5 33.5 r 38.5 DESCRIPTION ELEV. • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) Topsoil Soft, moist, black, fine- sandy SILT (ML) Firm. moist, brown, silty CLAY (CL) Stiff. moist, gray, clayey fine sandy SILT'(ML) Firm, saturated, light gray, CLAY (CH) Very stiff, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Firm, moist, light gray, fine sandy SILT (ML) Stiff, moist, light gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) Loose, saturated, gray, clayey coarse SAND (SC) with shell fragments ------------------------------------------------ Very dense, saturated, gray, clayey SAND (SC) with cemented shell fragments Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SILT (ML) [PEEDEE FORMATION] Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 50.15 49.25 46.65 44.15 -41.6 5 -36.65 -31.65 -26.65 -21.65 -16.65 - 11.65 10 20 30 4 0 6 0 8 0 • • • • • • • 4 7 10 5 17 8 9 8 50/3" 76 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-60 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP Mrrin (Fr.) 50.0 ? . ? .......:... ? ? ?..... ?? _ .. _. _ ? .? _ iJL' Al.iCir l llJl\ (FT.) 10 20 30 40 60 80 Very hard, moist, gray, fine sandy clayey SII.T (ML) (PEEDEE FORMATION) Boring terminated at 50 feet. Borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Groundwater not measured. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: Mud Rotary GROUNDWATER READINGS DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 0.15 BORING LOG BORING NUMBER A-60 DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 2 OF 2 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 58 58 1DEPTH 0.0 ? o, 1 3.5 ? .o 8.5 ,o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r DESCRIPTION ELEV. (FT.) N MONITOR WELL 50.15 Soil Cuttings: 0.0 to -49.25 2.2 feet. Bentonite Pellets: 2.2 to 3.2 feet. -46.65 ,• Filter Sand: 3.2 to 9.0 feet. Slotted 2' PVC Screen: 4.2 to 9.0 feet. -44.15 -41.65 ' 4I.15 Piezometer terminated at 9.0 feet. Topsoil Soft, moist, black, fine. sandy SILT (ML) Firm, moist, brown, silty CLAY (CL) Stiff, moist, gray, clayey fine sandy SILT (ML) Firm, saturated, light gray, CLAY CH Boring terminated at 9.0 feet. Classified By: E. Norgiel Driller: Bore and Core Drill Rig: CME-45B ATV Boring Type: 3-1/4' ID HSA G ROUNDWATER READING S DATE TIME DEPTH ELEVATION STABILIZATION TIME 1999 2.44 241vs SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION WELL NUMBER A-60(SP) DATE DRILLED 3-8-99 PROJECT NUMBER 20-8382-01 PROJECT Riegel Ridge Landfill PAGE 1 OF 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP 1 1 11 1 1 1. 1 1 APPENDIX E -SLUG TEST DATA & I ' CALCULATIONS 1 1 1 Ll 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-10 (DP) SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-10 (DP) METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 19.9 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.80 DATE OF TEST: 3/18/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.35 BEGIN TIME: 10:50:00 WATER LEVEL at t= (FT). Ho 5.50 END TIME: 11:49:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 8.2 PVC RADIUS (IN): i BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 9.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 19.1 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ho" T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H - h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 10:50:00 5.50 2.15 2.15 0 1.00 2 10:50:30 4.00 0.65 0.50 0.30 3 10:51:30 3.50 0.15 1.50 0.07 4 10:52:30 3.45 0.10 2.50 0.05 5 10:53:30 3.40 0.05 3.50 0.02 6 10:54:30 3.40 0.05 4.50 0.02 7 10:55:30 3.39 0.04 5.50 0.02 8 10:56:30 3.39 0.04 6.50 0.02 9 10:57:30 3.39 0.04 7.50 0.02 10 10:58:30 3.39 0.04 8.50 0.02 11 10:59:30 3.39 0.04 9.50 0.02 12 11:00:30 3.39 0.04 10.50 0.02 13 11:20:30 3.38 0.03 30.50 0.01 14 11:30:30 3.38 0.03 40.50 0.01 1.5 11:38:30 3.37 0.02 48.50 0.01 16 11:49:00 3.36 0.01 59.00 0.00 17 12:51:30 3.33 -0.02 121.50 -0.01 1 1 it- I M 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Weti: MWa410 (DP) Tat Dale: 3/18/99 Tat Type. Slug Out WELL DATA SWL= 3.35 (flBTOC) WD = 19.90 (fl STOC) WD = 19.10 (fl BGS) DTSP s 8.20 (fl am) rc= 0.08 (it) n = 0.60 rw= 0.13 (it) rc (adjusted) = 0.11 (fl) Le • 9.90 (6) Lw. = 16.55 (fl) Le/rw = 79.20 H a 50.00 (it) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL: WH17EVM.LEJ NC TITAN PROJECT NO.204DS2-01 Field Test By. VinsorAN-914111 Data Entry W. Virum - Data Entry Date: 5/11/99 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K = Orc'2 trh(R0hw)Y2L9r0A*6uY0 In(yo)= 4.5 from plot ln(yt)= -5 from plot t = 10 (minutaa) from plot y¦ = 0.22 (fl) from plot - yl a 0.01 (8) tom plot h(ReAw)= 3.11 K = 9.4E-01 (Nday) K = 3.3E-04 aNsec Cakulallon of ln(R«tw) Where Lw < H: In(ReBw) = I(1.l4h(Lw/ w))) • (A - B)ln((H4 w)AwYQ@#W)r-1 : 3.11 Where Lw = H: In(RMrw) = j(t.t/(In(LWrw))) • (C/(Lehw))P?t : 3.67 Calculation of Coetlkials Value range fa L+Bw tom Table of Coeftents L A .6 70 70 3.70 0.60 3.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 M opted values of A B and C for Lehw 79.20 4.OZ 0.65 3.72 NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casing BGS = Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water Level WD = Wed Depth OTSP = Depth to Top of Sand Pads rc = PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radius Le = Sao" Length LW = Bogorn of Well Saes to SWL o. time rin WL fl STOC y fl Iny 0.00 5.50 2.15 0.77 0.50 4.00 0.65 -0.43 1.50 3.50 0.15 -1.90 2.50 3.45 0.10 -2.30 3.50 3.40 0.05 -3.00 4.50 3.40 0.05 -3.00 5.50 3.39 0.04 -3.22 6.50 3.39 0.04 -3.22 7.50 3.39 0.04 -3.22 8.50 3.39 0.04 -3.22 9.50 3.39 0.04 -3.22 1050 139 0.04 -322 30050 138 0003 -351 4030 138 0.03 -3.51 46.50 3.37 0.02 -3.91 59.00 3.36 0.01 -4.61 CoelRefaht Table LNnw LNnw B Lehnv C 4 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 F 7 0.25 7 1.00 0 0 0.25 8 1.10 9 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 to 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 SO 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.65 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 820 Soo 2.20 500 10.60 600 6.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 800 2.70 800 11.60 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 • 3 00 - . ••••¦ • -4.00 -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-21 (DP) SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Rigel Ridge PROJECT NO.: 20-8382.01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-21 (DP) METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 41.6 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 2.0 DATE OF TEST: 3118199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.05 BEGIN TIME: 1:22:00 WATER LEVEL at t=0 (FT), Ho 12.50 END TIME: 5:00:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 28.7 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 9.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 39.6 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) HO/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 13:22:00 12.50 9.45 9.45 0 1.00 2 13:23:00 11.50 8.45 1.00 0.89 3 13:24-00 10.28 7.23 2.00 0.77 4 13:25:00 9.24 6.19 3.00 0.66 5 13:26:00 8.57 5.52 4.00 0.58 6 13:27:00 7.90 4.85 5.00 0.51 7 13:28:00 7.38 4.33 6.00 0.46 8 13:29.00 6.92 3.87 7.00 0.41 9 13:30:00 6.56 3.51 8.00 0.37 10 13:311:00 6.22 3.17 9.00 0.34 11 13:32:00 5.94 2.89 10.00 0.31 12 13:420 4.55 1.50 20.00 0.16 13 13:52:00 4.20 1.15 30.00 0.12 14 14:02-00 4.07 1.02 40.00 0.11 15 14:12:00 4.03 0.98 50.00 0.10 16 14:22:00 4.03 0.98 60.00 0.10 17 17:00.00 3.81 0.76 218.00 0.08 D 1 1 11 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 WN: MW-A-21 (DP) Test Dap: 3116199 Test Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL= 3.05 (tSTOC) WD= 41.60 (tSTOC) WD= 39.60 (OBGS) OTSP = 26.70 (t BGS) re= 0.06 (t) n = 0.60 rw= 0.13 (t) m (all-ted) = 0.11 VQ Le. 9.90 (e) Lw= 38.55 (t) Lehw= 79.20 H = 50.00 rt El. Wne (min) WL R STOC IF t In y 0.00 12.50 9AS 2.25 1.00 11050 8.45 2.13 2.00 10.28 7.23 1.98 100 9.24 6.19 1.62 4.00 8.57 5.52 1.71 5.00 7.90 4.85 1.50 6.00 7.36 4.33 1.47 7.00 6.92 3.87 .1.35 8.00 6.56. 3.51 116 9.00 6.22 3.17 1.15 10.00 5.94 2.89 1.06 20.00 4.55 1.50 0.41 30600 4.20 1.15 0.14 40.00 4.07 1.02 0.02 50.00 - 4.03 0.98 -0.02 60.00 4.03 0.96 -0.02 218.00 0 3.81 0.76 427 HYDRAl1UC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL; WH"EVILLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-M2-01 Fleld Test By. VYronMomel Data Entry W. Vinson Data Entry Date: 511199 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K = KFW In(yo)= 0 tan plot n(yt) s -0.27 from plol t = 165 (rriwtes) tan plot yo = 1.00 (0:) from plot A. 0.76 (t) tam plot WRetw) = 3.58 K = 5.0E-03 (Nday) K = 1.8E46 alJsec CabWallon of In(Rehw) Wlwe Lw<H: In(ReMw) _ ({1.1/(tr(Lw1w)))' (A • Bxtn((H4.w)frw)i(Wrw)r-I s 3.58 WDwe Lw = H: in(Reftw)= 1.1/(lo4w/w))) • (C/(Lehw))ri s 4.19 CakWallon o(CoelRdents Valve ran a for Lesw tom Table of Coelliclents Lehw A - C 70 3.70 3.40 A. so 3.00 0.50 2.70 n Baled wdues of A B and C T Lehw 79.20 1.02. 0.65 3.72 NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casng BGS = Below Growd Surface SWL = Stale Water I" WO = WON DepD DTSP = Depth to Top of Sand Pack re : PVC Rmkm rw = Swallole Radhs Le = Screen LengD LW = Bolan of WN Small 10 sVVL CoN6denl Table Ls(nw A L&%w a L"w C 4 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 7 0.25 7 1.00 a F a 0.25 a 1.10 9 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 /s 0.27 15 1.50 20 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 s0 0.50 s0 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 310 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90. 0.70 90 3.85 too 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 ISO 5.45 ISO 0.98 /S0 5.70 200 6.10 .200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 6.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 810 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 6.50 Goo 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 boo 8.90 800 2.70 000 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 15W 12.90 Slug Test Data 300 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 2.00 Z 1.00 • • 0.00 • 1.00 - TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-36 (DP) SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-36 (DP) METHOD USED: Rising Heed TITAN PERSONNEL: En'k Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 50.2 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.50 DATE OF TEST: 3/18199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 7.78 BEGIN TIME: 3:09:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT). Ho 16.20 END TIME: 6:14:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 38.5 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 11.2 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 49.7 HEAD. CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) HoJHi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 15.09:00 16.20 8.42 8.42 0 1.00 2 15:09:30 16.08 8.30 0.50 0.99 3 15:10:00 15.99 8.21 1.00 0.98 4 15:11:00 15.80 8.02 2.00 0.95 5 15:12:00 15.61 7.83 3.00 0.93 6 15:13:00 15.42 7.64 4.00 0.91 7 1514:00 15.22 7.44 5.00 0.88 8 15:15:00 15.04 7.26 6.00 0.86 9 15:16.00 14.89 7.11 7.00 0.84 10 1517:00 14.72 6.94 8.00 0.82 11 15:18,00 14.55 6.77 9.00 0.80 12 15:19.00 14.39 6.61 10.00 0.79 13 15:29:00 12.99 5.21 20.00 0.62 14 15:39:00 11.87 4.09 30.00 OA9 15 17:16.00 8.16 0.38 127.00 0.05 16 18:14:00 7.92 0.14 185.00 0.02 i t 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet: MW-A-W (DP) Teel Date: 3/1899 Test Type. Slug Out WELL DATA SWL• 7.78 (nBTOC) WD= 50.20 (nBTOC) WD- 49.70 (R BGS) DTSP • 36.50 (R BGS) ... rc• 0.05 (R) n • 0.60 rw. 0.13 (4) rc Muslim • 0.11 (R) Le- 11.20 (f) Lw • 42.42 (11) LsAw• 69.60 H = 50.00 (N HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL: WHITEVILLE. NO TITAN PRO.IECT NO.20.8382-01 Field Test By. V{ns"morgiel Data En" By: Vinson Data Entry Date: 541199 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K = Krc' wyo)= 1.5 kom plot In(yt). 4.25 from plot 1 • 125 (minutes) from plot yo . 4.47 (k) tom plot A. 0.29 (it) torn plot ln(RsAw)• 3.74 K = 6.3E-02 (fVday) K. 2.2E-05 anisee CalaYalon of In(R?nw) More Lw<H: lo(RsAw). K1.1/(In(Lw/w))) • (A • Bxln((H-Lwyrw)/lWrw)r-1: 3.74 Where Lw•H: In(RsAw) • ((1.1/(ki(LwAw))) • (C/(LMrw))r-I = 4.31 Calculation of Coefficients Value ran • tar Lehw tan Table of Coeffidents Lasw A B C 80 3.90 0.65 3.60 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 In elated wlues of A B and C for Le" 89.60 1.79 0.70 3.69 NOTES: BTOC . Below Top of Casing SGS • Below Ground Surface SWL = State Water Lwd WD = Well Depti DTSP . Depth to Tap of Sand Pads re z PVC Radius rw. Borehole Radius Le • Screen Lengtr Lw • Bottom of Wes Steen to SWL El. true min WL fl BTOC y A In y 0.00 16.20 8.42 2.13 0.50 16.06 8.30 2.12 1.00 15.99 6.21 2.11 2.00 15.60 8.02 2.06 3.00 15.61 7.83 2.06 4.00 15.42 7.64 2.03 5.00 15.22 7.44 2.01 6.00 15.04 7.26 1.96 7.00 14.89 7.11 1.96 6.00 14.72 6.94 1.94 9400 14.55 6.77 1.91 10.00 14.39 6.61 1.89 20.00 12.99 5.21 1.65 30.00 11.87 4.09 1.41 127.00 8.16 0.38 -0.97 185.00 7.92 0.14 •1.97 Coeftent Tabte LaMw A LaMw B Lehnv C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 F 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3470 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 8o 0.65 erg 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600. 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 Tao 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 800 2.70 800 11.60 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.16 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 3.00 2.00 • 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-40 (DP) SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Rigel Ridge PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-40 (DP) METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 30.85 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.75 DATE OF TEST. 3/18199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.76 BEGIN TIME: 12:05:30 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 17.15 END TIME: 6:09:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 18.0 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 9.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 29.1 HEAD. CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H - Ho Ho=H-h (it) (ft) (ft) h 1 12:05:30 17.15 14.39 14.39 0 1.00 2 12:06:45 16.76 14.00 1.25 0.97 3 12:07:45 15.02 12.26 225 0.85 4 12:09:00 14.79 12.03 3.50 0.84 5 12:10:00 14.60 11.84 4.50 0.82 6 12:11:00 14.39 11.63 5.50 0.81 7 12:12:00 14.25 11.49 6.50 0.80 8 12:13:30 14.00 11.24 8.00 0.78 9 12:14:30 13.89 11.13 9.00 0.77 10 12:15.30 13.79 11.03 10.00 0.77 11 12:25:30 12.78 10.02 20.00 0.70 12 12:35.30 12.06 9.30 30.00 0.65 13 12:45:30 11.51 8.75 40.00 0.61 14 12:57:30 10.93 8.17 52.00 0.57 15 14:44:00 8.06 5.30 158.50 0.37 16 16:54:00 6.04 3.28 288.50 0.23 17 18:09.00 5.35 2.59 363.50 0.18 r 1 51 H-1 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 WN: MW-A-40 (DIP) Taal Dab:3%699 Teat Type. Slug Out WELL DATA SWL= 2.76 (A8TOC) WD= 30.85 (R STOC) WD= 29.10 (R BGS) DTSP - 3.10 (R am) rc = 0.08 (R) A = 0.60 rw= 0.13 (R) rc (aqusted) - 0.11 (R) Ls= 9.90 (R) Lw= 26.09 (R) Lertw a 79.20 H=_ 50.00 trij__-.--- HYDRAULIC CONDUCTMTY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEC$ RIDGE LANDFILL; WHITEVILLE, NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-113112-011 Field Taal By. VknauNor01N Data Entry By. Vlnsal Data Entry Dab: 5/1199 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K - ((rc"2In(R9hw)Y2Ler(1A)1r*V/y1) In(yo)= 1.9 tom plot In(yl)= 1 tan plot t= 250 (minutes) tom plot yo = 6.67 (R) tom plot y1 s, 2.71 (R) from plot In(R@Aw) a 3.38 K- 1.1E-02 (IVday) K - 3.7E-06 aNser: Calculation of In(Rehw) Where Lw<H: in(RNw) _ ((1.1/0n(Lw/rw))) • (A - Baln((H-LwYrw)1Q4 w)Y'-1 s 3.35 Where Lw - H: In(Rehw) _ ((1.1AIn(Lw/w))) • (C/(Lehw)))''-i : 4.00 El. lime mIn WL R STOC y (it) Ny 0.00 17.15 14.39 2.67 1.25 16.76 14.00 2.64 2.25 15.02 12.26 2.51 3.50 14.79 12.03 2.49 4.50 14.60 11.64 2.47 5050 14.39 11.63 2.45 6050 14.25 11.49 2.44 6.00 14.00 11.24 2.42 9.00 13.89 11.13 2.41 10.00 13.79 11.03 2.40 20.00 12.78 10.02 2.30 30.00 12.06 9.30 2.23 40.00 11.51 6.75 2.17 52.00 10.93 8.17 2.10 156.50 8.06 5.30 1.67 286.50 6.04 3.28 1.19 363.50 5.35 2.59 0.95 Coelticienl Table Calculation of Coefficients value range fa Lehw from Table of Coeffdenls Lenw A 8 C 70 3.70 0.60 3.40 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Inl dated valves of A. 8 and C fa L*11 79.20 4.02 0.65 3572 NOTES: STOC = Below Top of Casing BGS = Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water level WD - Well Deph DTSP - Depth to Top of Sand Pads re - PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radius Le = Saeon Length Lw - Bottom of Wed Screen to SWL LNnw A L"w B Ldnw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 223 20 029 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 230 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 K.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 610 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 Soo 10.60 600 830 600 . 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 3.90 am 2.70 800 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900. 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.33 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 3.00 a 200 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-10 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge LandBq PROJECT NO.: 20.8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-10 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.09 DATE OF TEST: 3/18199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.66 BEGIN TIME: 11:06:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 6.00 END TIME: 12:52:30 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.1 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.0 HEAD. CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) . h 1 11:06:00 6.00 2.34 2.34 0 1.00 2 11:06:30 5.63 1.97 0.50 0.84 3 11:07:00 5.32 1.66 1.00 0.71 4 11:08:30 5.11 1.45 2.50 0.62 5 11:09:00 4.54 0.88 3.00 0.38 6 11:10:00 4.35 0.69 4.00 0.29 7 11:11:00 4.15 0.49 5.00 0.21 8 11:12:00 4.09 0.43 6.00 0.18 9 11:13:00 4.04 0.38 7.00 0.16 10 11:14.00 3.97 0.31 8.00 0.13 11 1115:00 3.92 0.26 9.00 0.11 12 11.16:00 3.87 0.21 10.00 0.09 13 11:26:00 3.72 0.06 20.00 0.03 14 11:36:00 3.69 0.03 30.00 0.01 15 11:46:00 3.66 0.00 40.00 0.00 16 12:52:30 3.66 0.00 106.50 0.00 1 1 1 1 L [1 1 1 1 1 WN: MW-A-10 Test Dab: 3/M99 Tat Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL• 3.66 (QBTOC) WD- 10.00 (it BTOC) WD • -9.00 (it am) OTSP. 3.10 (it am) re. 0.06. (A) n . 0.60 rw. • 0.13 (n) re (adjusted) • 0.11 (8) Le. 4.90 (8) Lw. 6.34 (it) Lehw . 39.20 H . 50.00 A HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGM RODE LA DFLL. WHITEVLLE. NC TITAN PRO.ECT NO. 20-1141112-011 Field Test By. VWavNagN Data Entry By. Vinson Data Entry Data: 4/899 K . ((n:"2I1(R•hw)Y2L4, (tAWnWM) tra(ys)' -0.75 tan 11101 n(yQ. -2.61 tam plot I. 15 (mYwMs) from plot yo . 0.47 (A) tan Plot A. 0.06 (a) oram plot In(ReAW) • 2.42 K • 5.8E-0t (Nday) K- 2.1E-04 oNaeo Calculation of In(R*Nw) Where Lw<H: In(Rehw) • ((1.1/(in(LwAw))1' (A • BxM((H-LWYKV /(IMw))"-1 • 2.42 Where Lw.H: In(Rehw) • 1.14N(Lwhw))) • (CI(I.elrw wt : 2.93 Calculation of Coebkients Valve ran • for Lehw tom Table of Coe6fdents Lahw A B C 30 2.50 0.35 210 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 in led values of A B and C for Latrw 39.20 2.77 0.42 2.38 1 NOTES: BTOC . Below Top of Casing SOS . Below Ground Surface SWL• Static Water Level WD - WN Depth DTSP . Depth to Top of Sand Peck rc - PVC Radius rw. Bor"o Radius Le . Screen Length Lw . Bottom of WN Screen to SY1L El. time min WL ftBTOC y rt th y 0.00 6.00 2.34 0.65 0.50 5.63 1.97 0.66 1.00 5.32 1.86 0.51 2.50 5.11 1.45 0.37 100 4.54 0.68 -0.13 4.00 4.35 0.69 -0.37 S.00 4.15 0.49 -0.71 6.00 4.09 0.43 -0.64 7.00 4.04 0.38 -0.97 6.00 3.97 0.31 -1.17 9.00 3.92 0.26 -1.35 10.00 3.87 0.21 -1.56 20.00 3.72 0.05 -2.81 30.00 3.69 0.03 -3.51 Coefadenl Table L"w A Lahrw B LNrw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0675 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 8 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 240 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.10 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.50 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 5.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300. 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 820 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 250 700 11.50 $00 8.90 800 2.70 Moo 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 2.00 1.00 • 0.00 • -1.00 • • -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-15 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfil PROJECT NO: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-15 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson , DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.8 DATE OF TEST: 3119/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.54 BEGIN TIME: 9:20:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 7.42 END TIME: 12:30:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.5 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.4 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ha/Hl T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h 00 (ft) (ft) h 1 9,20:00 7.42 4.88 4.88 0 1.00 2 9:20:30 7.02 4.48 0.50 0.92 3 9:21:00 6.63 4.09 1.00 0.84 4 9:22:00 6.07 3.53 2.00 0.72 5 923:00 5.53 2.99 3.00 0.61 6 9:24:00 5.08 2.54 4.00 0.52 7 925:00 4.78 2.24 5.00 0.46 8 926:00 4.45 1.91 6.00 0.39 9 927:00 4.23 1.69 7.00 0.35 10 928:00 4.00 1.46 8.00 0.30 11 9:29:00 3.85 1.31 9.00 0.27 12 9:30:00 3.70 1.16 10.00 0.24 13 9:36:00 3.09 0.55 16.00 0.11 14 9:45:00 2.76 0.22 25.00 0.05 15 10:12.00 2.61 0.07 52.00 0.01 16 10:27:00 2.59 0.05 67.00 0.01 17 12:30:00 2,54 0.00 190.00 0.00 1 1 t 1 f e 1 i 1 i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 R 1 1 1 1 WON; MW-A-15 Test Dab: 3119999 Test Type: Slug OW WELL DATA SWL = 2.54 (A BTOC) WD= 10.00 (it BTOC) WD= 9.40 (it BGS) DTSP = 3.50 (R am) rc= 0.08: (A) n . 0.60 rw. 0.25 (A) re (ad)lsled) . 0.20 (R) Le. 4.90 (8) Lw• 7.46 (a) LaAw= 19.60 H • 50.00 (it) HYDRAULIC COMuCTMTY (K) CALCULATION SFREAD94MT REGEL RIDGE LANDFILL; VyHnEVLLF- NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-40112-01 Flaw Test By: VWon44orglel Data Entry By. Virsoo Data Entry Oats: 4/1199 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K - ((m-2In(ReAw)Y2Le)'(tA)N(Vffi) In(yo). -0.75 Ram plot In(yt)= -1.7 Ran plot t: 30 (minutes) from plot yo • 0. (47 8) Ran plot yt= 0.18 (6)Ramplol h(ReAw) = 1.94 K= 3.6E-01 (Nday) K- 1.3E-04 rnNsac CaktA&kn of In(Rahw) Where Lw<H. In[Rahw) . [(1. I4MgLw/rw))) • (A • 8sin((HLwyrwM1eAw))1-1 • 194 Where Lw = H: InReAw) = 1. V(trr(Lw/rw))) • CxLeAwny?t : 245 Calculation of Coefficients ran • for LeBw from Table of Coefficients L Lehw A B C 15 2.10 0.27 1.50 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Mller vaaled valise of B 1 0 fa La/rw 19.60 I 2.22 0.30 1.66 NOTES. STOC • Below Top of Casing BGS• Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water I" WD = Well Deph DTSP • Dph I* Tap of Sand Pacts re . PVC Radius rw . Borehole Radus Le s Screen Length Lw . Bolton of WN Screen to SWL El. kne min WL (it) STOC y 6 In y 0.00 7.42 4.88 1.59 0.50 7.02 4.46 1.50 1.00 6.63 4.09 1.41 2.00 6.07 3.53 1.26 3.00 5.53 2.99 1.10 4.00 5.08 254 0.93 5.00 4.76 2.24 0.81 6.00 4.45 1.91 0.65 7.00 4.23 1.69 0.52 e.oo 4.00 1.46 0.38 9.00 3.85 1.31 0.27 10.00 3.70 1.16 0.15 16.00 3.09 0.55 -0.60 25.00 2.76 0.22 -1.51 52.00 2.61 0.07 -2.66 67.00 2.59 0.05 -3.00 Coefldent Table Lwbw A LeMw B Wnw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 8 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 223 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 230 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 60 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 9o 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.96 150 S.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 6.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 800 2.70 am 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slue Test Data 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 I -2.50. t -3.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 Elapsed Time, (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-17 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20.8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-17 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.05 DATE OF TEST: 3/19/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.74 BEGIN TIME: 7:15:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 6.86 END TIME: 12:21:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.0 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.8 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.8 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H - h h 1 7:15:00 6.86 3.12 3.12 0 1.00 2 7:16:00 6.76 3.02 1.00 0.97 3 7:17:00 6.70 2.96 2.00 0.95 4 7:18:00 6.62 2.88 3.00 0.92 5 719:00 6,59 2.85 4.00 0.91 6 7:20:00 6.55 2.81 5.00 0.90 7 7:21:00 6.51 2.77 6.00 0.89 8 722:00 6.47 2.73 7.00 0.88 9 7:23:00 6.44 2.70 8.00 0.87 10 724:00 6.43 2.69 9.00 0.86 725:00 6.40 2.66 10.00 0.85 12 7:46:00 6.17 2.43 31.00 0.78 L 8:00:00 6.07 2.33 45.00 0.75 8:25:00 6.01 2.27 70.00 0.73 15 8:37:00 5.96 2.22 82.00 0.71 16 9:08:00 5.94 2.20 113.00 0.71 .17 9:57:00 5.89 2.15 162.00 0.69 18 12:21:00 5.77 2.03 306.00 0.65 1 11 i 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 Well: MW-A-17 Test Data: Y1999 Test Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL= 3.74 (it BTOC) WD- 10.00 (it STOC) WD= 6.60 (ABGS) - DTSP = 3.00 (0 BGS) rc. 0.06.. (6) n . 0.60 rw. 0.13 (10 rc (ad(usted) a 0.11 (0) Le• 4.60 (n) Lw. 6.26 (6) Lertw a 36.40 H • 50.00 0 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LMIDFLL; WHIIEVII.E. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8392-01 Field Test By. vl sormorgiel By'. Viroon Data Entry Data Entry Date: 5/11/99 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K = ((rc"21n(Re1rw)y2Ley(tA**V/A) tn(YoI' 0.65 tan plot kgyQ. 0.68 "M plot t • 105 (n*wtes) tom plot yo = 234 (11) tan plot A. 1.97 (t) from plot ln(ReAw) = 2.41 K • 7.0E-03 (Nday) K = 2.5E46 eMsee Cakvlallon of ln(Rebw) ... Where Lw<H: tn(Rehw) . ((1.1/(In(Lw/rw))) • (A • Bdn((H{wyrw)Msftw))1-1 • 2.41 Where Lw. H: Re/rw). ((1.1/(In(Lw/rw)))- (G(LeRw)) 1 : 2.92 Calculation of Coefficients Value ran a to Ldrw tom Table of Coefficients Lehw A B C 30 2.50 0.75 2.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 hl alerted waloes of A 8 and C for Lertw 36.10 2.71 0.41 2.75 NOTES: STOC = Below Top of Casing BGS . below Ground Surfaee SWL • Steve Water Level WD. Wait Depth DTSP . Depth to Tap of Sand Pads rc = PVC Radius rw • Borehole Radius Le • Screen Longlh Lw = Bottom of Well Screen to SWL El. am min VOL it STOC If a In y 0000 6.66 3.12 1.14 1.00 6.76 3.02 1.11 2.00 6.70 2.96 1.09 3.00 6.62 2.66 1.06 4.00 6.59 2.65 1.05 5.00 6.55 2.61 1.03 6.00 6.51 2.77 1.02 7.00 6.47 2.73 1.00 6.00 6.44 2.70 0.99 9.00 6.43 2.69 0.99 Moil 6.40 2.66 0.96 . 31.00 617 2.13 0.89 45.00 6.07 2.33 0.85 70.00 6.01 2.27 0.82. 82400 5.96 222 0.60 113.00 5.94 2.20 0.79 162.00 5.69 2.15 0.77 306.00 5.77 2.03 0.71 CoN6dent Table Lernw A L?nw a Lernw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.65 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.60 7 0.25 7 1.00 6 1.63 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 1S 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 210 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 60 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.96 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 6.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 6.80 400 7.75 400 .1.90 400 9.90 500 6.20 500 2.20 $00 10.60 600 8.50 600 11.10 700 6.70 :00 2. 50 700 11.50 am 8.90 . 800 11.60 900 9.00 = . 900 1200 1000 9.20 . 000 12.40 Ism 9.50 . 1500 12A0 Slug Test Data 1.20 c' 0.60 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 Elapsed Time (min) I TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-21 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO: 20.8382-01. MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-21 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.2 DATE OF TEST: 3118!99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.71 BEGIN TIME: 13:22:30 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT). Ho 5.30 END TIME: 14:22:30 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.1 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.0 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) _ Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 13:22:30 5.30 2.59 2.59 0 1.00 2 13:23:30 4.67 1.96 1.00 0.76 3 13:24:30 4.07 1.36 2.00 0.53 4 13:25:30 3.67 0.96 3.00 0.37 5 13:26:30 3.43 0.72 4.00 0.28 6 13:27:30 3.25 0.54 5.00 0.21 7 13:28:30 3.12 0.41 6.00 0.16 8 13:29:30 2.99 0.28 7.00 0.11 9 13:30:30 2.93 0.22 8.00 0.08 10 13:3130 2.89 0.18 9.00 0,07 11 13:3230 2.86 0.15 10.00 0.06 12 13:42:30 2.75 0.04 20.00 0.02 13 13:52:30 2.73 0.02 30.00 0.01 14 14:02:30 2.72 0.01 40.00 0.00 15 14:12:30 2.72 0.01 50.00 0.00 16 14:22:30 2.72 0.01 60.00 0.00 11 s A 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTMTY (K) CALCULATION SPREAD94M REM RIDGE LANDFILL. WHITEVILLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO.20-SM-01 Wed.* MW-A-21 Field Test By: VYnonNorow Tat Dab: 3rta99 Data Entry By: Vinson Test Type. Slug Out Data Entry Dab: 41899 WHl DATA - - - CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA SWL. 2.71 (RBTOC) WD. 10.00 (RBTOC) WD. 9.00 (n BGS) DTSP• 3.10 (R Bin) rc . 0.08 (n) n . 0.60 rw= 0.13 (R) rc (a*ated)= 0.11 (8) Le- 4.90 (R) Lw• 7.29 (R) Le/rw- 39.20 H - 50.00 (it) K = arc IMP)- 0.6 tom plot th(yl)s -0.89 from plot t • 6 (minutes) tam plot yo . 2.22 (8) tarn plot yt • 0.41 (R) from plot In(Reaw) - 2.48 K = 1.2E-00 (IVday) K . 4.3E-04 crNsec Calculation of kKR&Nw) "we Lw < H: In(RaAw) _ ((1.1/(In(Lwhw))) - (A - Bxin((H-Lw)rw?/QsNw)j•-1 s 2.48 . Where Lw=H: In(Rahw) _ ((1.1/(In(Lw/tw )) - (G(Ld'w))Y`t = 3.02 Calcraaaon of Coer6desls Values ran • fa Lehw tom Table of Coefficients Lehw A % C 30 2.50 0 2.10 s0 3.00 0.50 2.70 Inl Baled value of A B and C la Le/rw 39.20 2.73 0.42 2.38 NOTES: BTOC - Below Top of Casing BGS - Below Ground Surface SWL - Sblic Water Level WD - Well Depth DTSP = Depth to Tap of Sand Pads rc = PVC Radrs rw = Borehole Radius Le = Screen Length Lw = Bohan of Well Screen to SWL El. Ilme min WL MBTOC y M y 0.00 5.30 2.59 0.95 1.00 4.67 1.96 0.67 2.00 4.07 1.36 0.31 3.00 3.67 0.96 -0.04 4.00 3.43 0.72 -0.33 5.00 3.25 0.54 -0.62 6.00 3.12 0.41 -0.89 7.00 2.99 0.28 -1.27 6.00 2.93 0.22 -1.51 9.oo 2.89 0.16 -1.71 10.00 2.86 0.15 -1.90 CoN9cienl Table LOMW A Lsmw B LeAnw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 117 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.60 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.63 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 - 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 210 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3A 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.a5 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 420 150 5.45 ISO 0.98 ISO 5.70 200 SAO 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 110 400 9.90 S00 8.20 500 2.20 Soo 10.60 600 6.50 600 L L: 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.so Tao 11.50 am .90 a00 2.70 800 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 A12.OO 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 1500 9.50 1500 3.1a 1500 L TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-23 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20.8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-23 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.95 DATE OF TEST: 3119/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.73 BEGIN TIME: 8:50:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT). Ho 6.70 END TIME: 9:47:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.9 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 5.0 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.9 HEAD. READING NO. CLOCK TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) WATER LEVEL BELOW T.O.C. INITIAL HEAD CHANGE Hi=H-Ho HEAD CHANGE Ho=H-h ELAPSED TIME (min) Ho/Hi (it) (it) (ft) h 1 8:50:00 6.70 2.97 2.97 0 1.00 2 8:51:30 6.22 2.49 1.50 0.84 3 8:52:00 5.74 2.01 2.00 0.68 4 8:53:00 5.14 1.41 3.00 0.47 5 8:54:00 4.66 0.93 4.00 0.31 6 8:55:00 4.40 0.67 5.00 0.23 7 8:56:00 4.22 0.49 6.00 0.16 8 8:57:00 4.10 0.37 7.00 0.12 9 8:58:00 4.01 0.28 8.00 0.09 10 8:59:00 3.96 0.23 9.00 0.08 11 9:00:00 3.92 0.19 10.00 0.06 12 9:14:00 3.78 0.05 24.00 0.02 13 931:00 3.77 0.04 41.00 0.01 14 9.47:00 3.76 0.03 57.00 0.01 15 10:07:00 3.76 0.03 77.00 0.01 1 1 t D n Was: MW-A-23 Test Data: 37999 Test Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL . 3.73 (R STOC) WD= 10.00 (R STOC) WD= 6.90 (R BGS) DTSP - 3.90 (R BGS) rc a 0.06 (R) n 0.60 rw= 0.13 (R) rc (adl sted) . 0.11 (R) Le - 5.00 (R) Lw. 6.27 (R) Lahw. 40.00 H . $0.00 (it) HYDRAULIC CONDl1CTMTy (K) cALcuLATM SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL: W HITE1AlE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 204M-01 Field Taal W. vinsavNa91N Data Entry Sr. Vinson Data Entry Dar: 4/699 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K a RM121n(Rakw)Y2L*r(IA*0W) N(yo) • 1.2 tan plot in(r0. -0.65 tan plot t s 6 (minutes) tom plot yo. 3.31 (R) tan plot A. 0.52 (R) from plot kXReAw) • 241 K • 1.3E-00 (Nday) K . 4.SE4N erNsae Calcuatian of In(Rahw) Where Lw < H: .. In(R*R*) - I(/.1/0n(Lw/rw))) - (A - Bdn((HLw)twy p*'rw)r.1 = 241 Where Lw. H: In(RMw) _ ((7.1/(In(Lwhw))) - (C1(L%'rw))1 ?I : 2.92 Calculation of CoaBdents for Lahw from Table of CoaRidents Value m 9 LOOM p A 8 C 40 2.75 0.45 2.45 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Int dated values of A B and C lw L@AW 40.00 2.75 0.45 2.45 NOTES: BTOC a Below Top of Casing BGS - Below Ground Surface SWL - Stalk Water I" WD a Wed Depth DTSP . Depth to Top of Sand Pads rc = PVC Redus rw = Borehole Radlus Le = Screen Length Lw = Bottom of Wait Screen to SWWL a. time min WL R STOC y R In y 0.00 6.70 2.97 1.09 1.50 6.22 2.49 0.91 2.00 5.74 201 0.70 3.00 5.14 1.41 0.34 4.00 4.66 0.93 -0.07 5000 4.40 0.67 -0.40 6.00 4.22 0.49 -0.71 7400 4.10 0.37 -0.99 a.oo 4.01 0.26 -1.27 9.00 3.96 0.23 -1.47 10.00 3.92 0.19 -1.66 Cmilcianl Table LNnw A L"w 8 Lahw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.65 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 1.60 7 0.25 7 1.00 0 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 210 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 270 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 , 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.95 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 610 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 a.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 Soo 11.10 700 6.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 am 6.90 800 270 800 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data t.so t.oo 0.50 c 0.00 C -o.so -1.00 1.50 2 00 . . 0.00 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 Elapsed Time (min) 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-27 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-27 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.55 DATE OF TEST: 3/19/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.64 BEGIN TIME: 8:09:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT). Ho 6.17 END TIME: 9:51:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.4 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): _ 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.3 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H - Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 8:09:00 6.17 2.53 2.53 0 1.00 2 8:09:30 6.13 2.49 0.50 0.98 3 8:10:00 6.10 2.46 1.00 0.97 4 8:11:00 6.04 2.40 2.00 0.95 5 8:12:00 5.97 2.33 3.00 0.92 6 8:13:00 5.58 1.94 4.00 0.77 7 8:14:00 5.26 1.62 5.00 0.64 a- 8:15:00 4.98 1.34 6.00 0.53 9 8:16:00 4.70 1.06 7.00 0.42 10 8:17:00 4.52 0.88 8.00 0.35 11 8:18:00 4.32 0.68 9.00 0.27 12 8:19:00 4.16 0.52 10.00 0.21 13 8:31:00 3.74 0.10 22.00 0.04 14 8:43:00 3.71 0.07 34.00 0.03 15 9:03:00 3.68 0.04 54.00 0.02 16 9:51:00 3.66 0.02 102.00 0.01 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet: MW-A-27 Test Data: 3/1999 Teat Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWLr 3.64 (L BTOC) WV- 10.00 (nBTOC) WOa 9.30 (a am) DTSP r 3.40 (6 BGS) rc r 0.06 (6) n : 0.60 rw • 0.13 (d) rc (aqusted) a 0.11 (6) Le r 4.90 (6) Lw r 6.36 (d) Lehw - 39.20 H r 50.00 a HYDRAULIC CONDUCTMTY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET REGEL RIDGE LANDFILL; WHI7EVLLE. NC MAN PROJECT NO. 204M-01 Field Teal W. vino mdrgid Data Entry Sr. Vinson Data Entry Data: 4699 CALCULATION OF K TEST DATA K- ((tie' th(yo)' •1.8 tom plot W")' -4 tom plot to 95 (mtrotas) from plot yo r 0.17 (L) from plot A 0.02 (L) from plot In(Re4w) * 2.43 K r 9.8E-02 (fyday) K' 3.5E-05 vNSee Cakulallon otin(RaAw) III More Lw < H: KRsAw) r (I1.tl(In(Lwfrw)))' (A' &dn((H4.w)AwYQsAw)r-1 r 2.43 Where Lw - H: - In(Renw r (1. V(1n(Lwhw) • (CALehw 1 r 2.94 Cakhlaten of Coellelents VaWe an • for Lenw Table ot Coalition lehw V" A B C 30 2.50 0.35 2.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Inuttp aaled value of A B and C Ier L?rw ( 39.20 I 2.73 0.42 2.36 I NOTES: STOC r Below Top of Casing BGS r Below Around Surface SWL - Stalk Water Lwel WD a Weft Depth DTSP r Depth to Top of Sand Pact rc r PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radius Le r Screen Length Lw r Bottom of Wed Screen to SWL B. time min y L Iny 0.00 2.51 0.93 0.50 3 2.49 0.91 1.00 M 2.46 OAO 2.00 2.40 0.68 3.00 2.33 0.85 4.00 1.94 0.66 5.00 52 6 1.62 0.48 6.00 1.96 1.34 0.29 7600 4.70 1.06 0.06 6.00 4.52 0.88 -0.13 9400 4.32 0.60 -0.39 10.00 4.16 0.52 -0.65 22.00 3.74 0.10 -2.30 34.00 3.71 0.07 -2.66 54.00 3.68 0.04 3.22 102.00 3.66 0.02 3.91 Coefficient Table L"w A LeMw B La hw C 1 1.75 1 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 117 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 8 1.83 8 0.25 8 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 is 0.27 is 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 so 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 6.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.60 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 a00 6.90 so 2.70 800 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 15M 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 1.00 .. • • 0.00 • -1.00 r A -2.00 • -3.00 • -4.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 Elapsed Tim. (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-32 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO: 20-0382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-32 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.05 DATE OF TEST: 3119/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.60 BEGIN TIME: 7:33:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 7.60 END TIME: 12:10:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.0 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.9 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW T.O.C. HEAD CHANGE Hi=H-Ho HEAD CHANGE Ho=H - h TIME (min) Ho/Hi (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 7:33:00 7.60 4 4.00 0 1.00 2 7:33:30 7.51 3.91 0.50 0.98 3 7:34:00 7.43 3.83 1.00 0.96 4 7:35:00 7.28 3.68 2.00 0.92 5 7:36:00 7.12 3.52 3.00 0.88 6 7:37:00 7.01 3.41 4.00 0.85 7 7:38:00 6.89 3.29 5.00 0.82 8 7:39:00 6.79 3.19 6.00 0.80 9 7:40:00 6.72 3.12 7.00 0.78 10 7:41:00 6.57 2.97 8.00 0.74 11 7:42:00 6.47 2.87 9.00 0.72 12 7:50:00 5.69 2.09 17.00 0.52 13 8:03:00 4.95 1.35 30.00 0.34 14 8:21:00 4.37 0.77 48.00 0.19 15 8:30:00 422 0.62 57.00 0.16 16 8:41:00 4.07 0.47 68.00 0.12 17 9:05:00 3.86 0.26 92.00 0.07 18 9:53:00 3.71 0.11 140.00 0.03 19 12:10:00 3.62 0.02 27.00 0.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Well: MW-A-32 Test Date: 3/19199 Test Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL . 3.60 (n STOC) M. 10.00 (nBTOC) WD = 8.90 (n BGS) DTSP * 3.00 (n am) M a 0.06 IN n • 0.60 rw = 0.13 (n) rc (adlusted) a 0.11 (n) Le- 4.90 (6) Lw a 6.40 00 Lahw • 39.20 --- H : 50.00 (n) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFLL: VWUTEVRLE. NC MAN PROJECT NO. 20-1141112-01 CALCULATION OF K Field Tad By. Vtronmorglel Data Entry By. Vlnsoll Data Entry Date: AIAM TEST DATA K s (11^2 ln(RMw)y2LW0AW6vM) Yr(yo) • -0.25 from plot In(yl) a -2.5 tan plot 1 e 100 (mtrlutes) from plot Y. 0.78 (n) ran plot A. 0.08 (n) from plot In(RaAw) a 2.43 K e 9.6E-02 (Wday) K e 3.4E-05 ansee Calculation of ln(RSAW) More Lw<H: kARMw) _ ((I AA1 r(Lw/w))) • (A • Bxdn((Htw)hwY eAw)r-1 : 2.43 More Lw s H: In(ReAw) a ((1. V(In(LwAw))) • (CALaAw)) 1 • 2.94 CaledaMan of CoefBdents Valve range for LeAw from Table of Coedlciente L LWrw A B C 30 210 o.u 2.10.- 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 In dale0 voice of A 6 and C for LeAw 419.20 2.73 0.42 2.418 NOTES: STOC • Below Top of Casing SGS - Below Ground Surface SVVL - Static Water Level WD - Wad Depth DTSP - Depth to Top of Sand Pads re - PVC Radus rw 2 Borehole Radius Ls a Screen Length Lw a Bottom of Wed Screen to Sell 61.11100 (min) Wt. n STOC Y (it) InY 0.00 7.60 4.00 1.39 0.50 7.51 3.91 1.36 1.00 7.43 3.83 1.34 2.00 7.26 3.66 1.30 3.00 7.12 3.52 126 4.00 7.01 3.41 1.23 5.00 6.89 3.29 1.19 6600 6.79 3.19 1.16 7.00 6.72 3.12 1.14 8.00 6.57 2.97 1.09 9.00 6.47 2.87 1.05 17.00 5.69 2.09 0.74 30.00 495 1.35 0.30 48.00 4.37 0.77 -0.25 57.00 4.22 0.62 -0.49 68.00 4.07 0.47 -0.76 9200 3.86 0.26 •1.35 140.00 3.71 0.11 -221 277.00 3.62 0.02 -&91 Coelldenl Table Lelnw A LNnw B Lefiw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 117 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 2.45 SO 3.00 50 0.50 270 60 3.45 60 0.52 K 41.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 4.20 150 5.45 ISO 0.96 ISO 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 - 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 - 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 coo 900 6.70 8.90 9.00 700 800 900 250 2.70 275 700 600 900 11.50 11.80 1200 1000 9.20 1000 283 1000 1240 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 2.00 1.00 • • 0.00 • • -1.00 -200 • -3.DO 4.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 Elapsed Time (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-36 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-36 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.6 DATE OF TEST: 3118/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 133 BEGIN TIME: 14:58:00 WATER LEVEL at t= (FT), 'Ho 3.30 END TIME: 15:28:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.5 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.8 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.3 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H - Ho Ho=H-h (ft) 00 (ft) h 1 14:58:00 3.30 1.97 1.97 0 1.00 2 14:58:30 2.33 1.00 0.50 0.51 3 14:59.00 1.90 0.57 1.00 0.29 4 15:00.00 1.57 024 2.00 0.12 5 15:01:00 1.46 0.13 3.00 0.07 6 15:02:00 1.43 0.10 4.00 0.05 7 15:03:00 1.41 0.08 5.00 0.04 a 15:04:00 1.40 0.07 6.00 0.04 9 15:05:00 1.38 0.05 7.00 0.03 10 15:06:00 1.38 0.05 8.00 0.03 11 15.07:00 1.38 0.05 9.00 0.03 12 15:08:00 1.37 0.04 10.00 0.02 13 15:18:30 1.36 0.03 20.50 0.02 14 15:28:00 1.35 0.02 30.00 0.01 15 15:38:00 1.35 0.02 40.00 0.01 1 F, L t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Wert: MW-A-36 Test Date: MOM Test Type: Sktg Out WELL DATA sm. 1.33 (4STOC) WD- 10.00 (a STOC) WD= 9.30 (it SM) DTSP - 3.50 (a am) rc e 0.06 (a) n = 0.60 rw. = 0.25 (a) rc (s*Ated) = 0.20 (a) Le - 4.80 (it) Lw. = 8.67 (a) L&Iw- 19.20 H - 50.00 (a) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION 94WAD94ffT RE E: RDGE LANDFLL; V"TEVLLE. NC MAN PROJECT NO.20. M-M Field Tact By. Vknorv "61 Data Envy By. Vhseh Data Entry Date: 4/699 TEST DATA CALCULATION OF K El. time min WL a BTOC y a In y 0.00 3.30 1.97 0.66 030 2.33 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.90 0.57 -0.56 2.00 1.57 024 -1.43 100 1.46 013 -2.04 4.00 1.43 0.10 -2.30 5.00 1.41 0.06 -2.53 6.00 1.40 0.07 -2.66 7.00 1.38 0.05 -3.00 8000 1.35 0.05 -3.00 9000 1.38 0.05 -3.00 10000 167 0.04 -3.22 20.50 1.36 0.03 -3.51 K - 0-^2 h(R9Aw)Y2L6r(tA)In(yW) In(yo) _ -2.3 torn plot WOO- -3 torn plot 1= 4 (mtraites) from plot yo 0.10 (a) tam plot A. 0.05 (a) tam plot h(Rabw) - 1.98 K - 2.1E-00 (Nday) K = 7.3E-04 crNsee Calculation of ln(Rekw) Where Lw<H: In(RMw) _ ((1.14h(LwArw))) - (A - B)dn((H-Lw)hwy/(IaRw)l"-1 = 1.98 Where Lw=H: h(Rahw) _ ((1. V(h(Lw/(w))) - (CALaew))r`t = 2.53 Calculation of C09111clenis Value range tar Lahw tom Table o(Co ill ants LeAw A B C 15 2.10 0.27 1.50 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 h elated valves of A B and C for Lahw 19.20 2.21 0.30 1.61 NOTES: BTOC = Below Top of Casing BGS - Below Ground Surface SWL - Static Water Level WD - Well Depth OTSP - Deph to Top of Sand Pads rc - PVC Radius , rw - Borehole Radius Le - Screen Length Lw - Bottom of Wed Screen to SWL Coeladant Table Lwbw A LOAnv B LaMa, C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1680 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 025 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 10 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 170 70 0.60 70 140 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 420 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.9a 150 5.70 2m 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 S00 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.80 600 5.50 sm 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 600 2.70 800 77.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.16 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 1.00 0.00 -1.00 >A c -2.00 e -3.00 4.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Elapsed Time (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-37 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfil PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A.37 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.07 DATE OF TEST: 3/19/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.67 BEGIN TIME: 11:16-00 WATER LEVEL att=O (FT). Ho 4.87 END TIME: 11:45:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.9 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): '3.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.8 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 11:16:00 4.87 2.2 2.20 0 1.00 2 11:16:30 4.15 1.48 0.50 0.67 3 11:17:00 3.71 1.04 1.00 0.47 4 11:18:00 3.29 0.62 2.00 0.28 5 11:19:00 3,10 0.43 3.00 0.20 6 11:20:00 3.02 0.35 4.00 0.16 7 11:29:00 2.81 0.14 13.00 0.06 8 11:36:00 2.78 0.11 20.00 0.05 9 11:45-00 2.77 0.10 29.00 0.05 1 t 1 ?7 i 77 I 1 1 Well: MW-A37 Test Data: 3/1999 Test Type: Shp out WELL DATA SWL- 2.67 (it BTOC) W3• 10.00 (tSTOC) WD, 6.80 (R BGS) DTSP • 3.90 (a acs) re. 0.06 (it) n a 0.60 rvr• 0.25: (10 rc (ad)ustad) • 0.20 (r) Le, 3.90 (r) Lw. 7.33 (II) LsAw• 15.80 H . 50.00 (it) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTMTY (K) CALCULATION SPREADM EST RIEGE. RIDGE LJN10FLL: YMITEVILLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-M2-01 CALCULATION OF K VNeauNaplM Field Test By. Date Entry W. Vinson Data Entry Data: 48I99 TEST DATA K - ((rc'2 h(Reaw)Y1Le)'(1Ay *W) In(yo), •IA from plot Wirt), -2.21 ran plot t. 15 (mhutss) from plot yo , 0.25 (it) from plot yl. 0.11 (rt) rom plot In(ReAw) - 1.81 K . 7.2E-01 (0/day) K- 2.6E-04 crNsec Calculation oWR@Aw) WMre Lw < H: ln(ReAw). ((1.71(h(Lwhw))) • (A. Bxh((H-Lw)1rwY0eAw)r-1' 1.81 Where Lw. H: h(ReAw , 1.1 b*w/rw))) • ehw)) 1 2.36 Calculation of Coettidents Value ran0e for LeAw from Table of Coei6denis Lehw 1 15 1 2.10 0.27 1.50 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 hl dated values of A B and C f La1W 15.60 2.12 0.27 1.52 NOTES: STOC - Below Top of Casing BGS , Below Ground Surface SWL • Static Water Level WD , Wall Depth DTSP . Depth to Top of Sand Pad: rc . PVC Radius rw . Borehole Radius Le • Screen Lmglh Lw. Bottom of Weti Screen to SWL a. Mr (min) WL t STOC y (it) In y 0.00 4.87 2.20 0.79 030 4.15 1.46 0.39 1.00 3.71 1.04 0.04 2.00 3.29 0.62 -0.48 3.00 3.10 0.43 -0.84 4.00 102 0.35 -1.05 13.00 2.81 0.14 -1.97 20.00 2.78 0.11 -2.21 29.00 2.77 0.10 -2.30 Coel6dent Table LNnw A LU1w a Lefiw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a t.10 9 1490 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3A5 60 0.52 W 3.00 70 310 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 so 0.65 so 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 750 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.96 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8080 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8050 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 6070 7001 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 aoo 2.70 800 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 1.00 0.00 -1.00 • -2.00 -3.00- -4.00. 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 Elapsed Time (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-40 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-10 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.65 DATE OF TEST: 3118/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.68 BEGIN TIME: 12:05:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 4.95 END TIME: 14:43:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.4 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.8 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.2 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) HotHi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H - h (ft) lft) (ft) h 1 12:05:00 4.95 2.27 2.27 0 1.00 2 12:06:00 3.84 1.16 1.00 0.51 3 12:07:30 3.40 0.72 2.50 0.32 4 12:06:30 322 0.54 3.50 0.24 5 12:09:30 3.10 0.42 4.50 0.19 6 12:10:30 3.01 0.33 5.50 0.15 7 12:11:30 2.99 0.31 6.50 0.14 8 12:13:00 2.99 0.31 8.00 0.14 9 12:14.00 2.92 0.24 9.00 0.11 10 12:15:00 2.88 0.20 10.00 0.09 11 12:25:00 2.76 0.08 20.00 0.04 12 12:35.00 2.73 0.05 30.00 0.02 13 12:45:00 2.70 0.02 40.00 0.01 14 12:58:30 2.69 0.01 53.50 0.00 15 14:43:00 2.67 -0.01 158.00 0.00 -4 i 11 1 1 i Well: MW-A-40 Teat Date: 3H 699 Teat Type. Slug Out WELL DATA SWL= 2.66 (ASTOC) WD= 10.00 (RSTOC) WD= 9.20 "(6 BGS) DTSP a 3.40 . (6 8W) rc a 0.08 "(a) n e 0.60 . rw a 0.25 (it) re (aqusted) = 0.20 00 Ls a 4.80 (6) Lw. 7.32 (6) LMw= 19.20 H = 50.00 (n) HYORMILIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIE EI RCGELMDFLLNMftEVLLE.NC TITAN PROJECT N0.202362-01 CALCULATION OF K Field Test W. Mnem Ma91el Data Entry By. canon Data Entry Data: 44699 TEST DATA K- ((re" 2 b(RMw)Y2Ler(1A)Irl -VQ Kyo) a -1.17 from plot kgyt)= -3.91 tanpla t = 33.5 (niwtes) from pia yo. 0.31 (6) from plot yt= 0.02 (ft) torn plot lh(Rahw) = 1.92 K = 9.4E41 (RIdey) K = 3.3E44 after Calculallm of kXR9AW) Where Lw<H: In(Raft) _ ((1.14ln(Lw/rw))) • (A • BxW(H-Lw)1 w)M*Arw))"-1 a 1.92 Where Lw=H: 3 In(Rehw)= 1.V(In(Lw/w)))-( ehw)) 1= 2.4. Calculation of Coeficionts Value ranee for LeAw from Table of Coefkients Lahw I A _ 1_ B I C u 2.10 0.27 1so 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 In dated values of A B and C fa LMw 19.20 2.21 0.30 1.64 NOTES BTOC = Below Top of Casino BGS - Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water Level WD - Well Depth OTSP x Depth to Top of Sand Pads rc = PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radus Le = Sawn Length Lw = Bottom 0f Wee Screen to SWL El. Ime min WL (it) STOC y A My 0.00 1.95 2.27 0.62 1.00 3.84 1.16 0.15 2.50 3.40 0.72 -0.33 3.50 322 0.54 -0.62 4.50 3.10 0.42 -0.67 5.50 3.01 0.33 -1.11 6.50 2.99 0.31 -1.17 8.00 2.99 0.31 -1.17 9.00 2.92 0.24 -1.43 10.00 2.68 0.20 -1.61 20.00 2.76 0.08 -2.53 30.00 2.73 0.05 -3.00 40.00 2.70 0.02 -3.91 53.50 2.69 0.01 2.61 Coefficient Table LeMw A Lehlw B Leduw C 4 1.75 1 0.25 4 0.75 5 116 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 010 7 1.30 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 is 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 oat 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.15 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 30 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.35 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 1.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.16 300 1.50 300 6.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 1150 800 8.90 800 x.70 a00 11.80 900 9.00 goo 2.11 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.1b 15W 12.90 Slug Test Data 1.50 0.50 e e -0.50 e -1.50 c -2.50 -3.50 -4.50 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 Elapsed Time (min) 1 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-49 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-49 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiei TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson , DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.10 DATE OF TEST: 3/19/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.00 BEGIN TIME: 10:36:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 6.13 END TIME: 11:50:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.0 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): - 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.9 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 10:36:00 6.13 3.13 3.13 0 1.00 2 10:36:30 5.78 2.78 0.50 0.89 3 10:37:00 5.52 2.52 1.00 0.81 4 10:38:00 4.93 1.93 2.00 0.62 5 10:39:00 4.26 1.26 3.00 0.40 6 10:40:00 3.89 0.89 4.00 0.28 7 10:41:00 3.66 0.66 5.00 0121 8 10:42:00 3.52 0.52 6.00 0.17 9 10:43:00 3.41 0.41 7.00 0.13 10 10:44:00 3.35 0.35 8.00 0.11 11 10:50:00 323 0.23 14.00 0.07 12 10:55:00 3.14 0.14 19.00 0.04 13 11:07:00 3.07 0.07 31.00 0.02 14 11:50:00 3.00 0.00 74.00 0.00 IJ 1 1? 1 F1 t t Wet: MW-A49 Tat Date: W19M Tagil Type: SWg OW WELL DATA SWL = 3.00 (n STOC) WO- 10.00 _(nBTOC) WD s 6.90 (n BGS) DTSP a 3.00 (n BGS) rc e 0.08 (it) n a 0.60 rw a 0.25 (n) rc (aqusted) a 0.20 (n) Le a 4.90 (n) Lw. = 7.00 (n) Lehw - 19.60 H • 50.00 (it) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET REGEL RIDGE LANDFILL; WHITEVLLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 204382-011 Field Test By:. Vk*WMorgld Data Entry BY. Vtrrsort Data Entry Dab: 4/&99 TEST DATA CALCULATION OF K a. Ime (min WL n STOC IF (it) my 0.00 6.13 3.13 1.14 5.76 2.76 1.02 5.52 2.52 0.92 4.93 1.93 0.66 4.26 1.26 0.75 K 3.69 0.89 -0.12 366 0.66 -0.41 3.52 0.52 -0.65 ,000 3.41 0.41 -0.69 6.00 3.35 0.35 -1.05 14.00 3.23 0.23 -1.47 19.00 3.14 0.14 -1.97 31.00 3.07 0.07 -2.66 K e Om^2 Yi(RWrw)Y2LW(+AJMK W) k9yo) a -1.25 ran plot ln6N . .2.28 from plot I s 15 (minutes) ran plot yo a 0.29 (n) ran plot A. 0.10 (a) tom plot trr(Re4w) : 1.92 K , 7.7E-01 (ft/day) K : 2.7E-04 CnVove CakWalon of l n(Rehw) Mere Lw < H: In(ReAw) a IS1 A/(rt(LwBw))) • (A • B In((H4.wytw)/(#1rw)N-1 : 1.92 Mere Lw - H: In(Rehw) a (1.1 th(Lwhw )) • (G(Lerw) 1 • 2.41 CakNalon of CoeHdents Value ranee for LeAw tom Table of CooWents Le Mr A B C 15 2.10 0.27_ 1.50 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 In dated values of A B and C la LeAw 19.60 2.2T 0.. 1.66 NOTES STOC - Below Top of Casing BGS - Below Ground wises SWL a Stage Wales I" WD a Well Depth DTSP - Depth to Top of Sand Pack re, - PVC Rados rw s Borehole Rados Le a Screen Length Lw a Bolton of Well Screen to SWL Coefficient Table Lobw A Le/nw B LabW C 4 1.75 1 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 8 1.83 8 0.25 8 110 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2175 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 60 3.90 60 0.65 80 3.60 90 120 90 0.70 90 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 200 250 300 400 500 Soo 700 S00 900 1000 SAS 6.10 6.70 7.10 7.75 8.20 8.50 8.70 8.90 9.00 9.20 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 Soo 900 1000 0.96 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.90 2.20 2.50 2.70 2.75 2.83 150 200 250 300 400 500 700 boo 900 1000 j +1.50 1+.60 12.00 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 J. 1S 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 1.00 • • 0.00 • C .1.00 c -2.00 • -3.00 -4.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 Elapsed Tlme (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-52 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-52 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.50 DATE OF TEST: 3/18/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 5.11 BEGIN TIME: 17:32.00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 8.29 END TIME: 18:19:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.1 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.4 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.5 HEAD, CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H - h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 17:32:00 8.29 3.18 3.18 0 1.00 2 17:32:30 8.13 3.02 0.50 0.95 3 17:330 7.98 2.87 1.00 0.90 4 17:34:00 7.62 2.51 2.00 0.79 5 17:36:30 7.04 1.93 4.50 0.61 6 17:37.00 6.89 1.78 5.00 0.56 7 17:38:00 6.71 1.60 6.00 0.50 8 17:39.00 6.54 1.43 7.00 0.45 9 17.40-.00 6.40 1.29 8.00 0.41 10 17:41:00 6.26 1.15 9.00 0.36 11 17:42.00 6.14 1.03 10.00 0.32 12 17:52.00 5.43 0.32 20.00 0.10 13 18:06:00 5.20 0.09 34.00 0.03 14 18:19.00 5.16 0.05 47.00 0.02 1 1 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Weti: MW-A-52 Teel Data: 111199 Taal Type: Slug Out WELL DATA SW 5.11 (RBTOC) W0 = 10.00 (R STOC) WD = 8.50 (n BGS) DTSP = 3.10 (R BGS) rot= 0.06 (8) n = 0.60 rw = 0.13 (R) re (ad)usted) = 0.11 (R) La= 4.40 (11) Lw= 4.89 (R) Left = 35.20 H = 50.00 (R) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIE68 RIDGE LANDFILL; 10MITEVILLIE, NO TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-M-01 FIND Tut By. VinnaN4agIN Data Entry By. Vnson Data Entry Date: 4499 TEST DATA . CALCULATION OF K EL time mice WL R BTOC y (it) n y 0.00 6.29 3.16 1.16 0.50 6.13 3.02 1.11 1.00 7.98 2.67 1.05 2.00 7.62 2.51 0.92 4.50 7.04 1.93 0.66 5.00 6.89 1.78 0.58 6.00 6.71 1.60 0.47 7.00 6.54 1.43 0.36 8.00 6.40 129 025 9.00 626 1.15 0.14 10.00 6.14 1.03 0.03 20.00 5.43 0.32 -1.14 34.00 5.20 0.09 -2641 47.00 5.16 0.05 -3.00 K = grc"2 n(RMrw)Y2Le)'(tAW4yW) k0o)= -1.5 from plot n(yt)= -3 from plot t = 27 (mnut") ram plot ya = 0.22 (R) ran plot A 0.05 (it) Iron plot n(Rahw) = 2.27 K = 2.5E41 (Nday) K = 81E-05 crdsea Calculation of ln(ReAw) WMn Let < H: ln(Rehw) _ ((1.104whw))) • (A • B)drn((HLwyrw)/Q*NW)j"-1 = 227 WbweLw=H: bgReAw) = 1.1/( wAw))) • CALeAw)) 1 = 2.75 Calculation o(Coefficients Valve ranoe for LMrw from Table of Coefficients L! - A B C % 30 2.50 0.3$._ 2.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 In B and C I Lehw mated veluea of 35.20 2.63 0.39 l 2.26 NOTES STOC = Below Tap of Casing BGS = Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water I" WD = Web Depth DTSP = Depth to Top of Sand Pack rc = PVC Radio rw = Borwole Radius Le = Screen Length Lw= Bottom of Weti Screen to SWL Cohlfiele nt Table LMnw A LMmv B LMnw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.65 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 1.50 7 0.25 7 1.00 1.83 8 0.25 8 1.10 R 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.u 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 810 700 2.50 700 11.50 .800 8.90 ago 2.70 60o 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 1200 1000 8.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 J.18 1500 12.90 " Slug Test Data 1.00 ' 0.00 • -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4 .00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 Elapsed Time (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-55 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20.8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-55 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: ' James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.90 DATE OF TEST: 3/18199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 2.60 BEGIN TIME: 15:57-00 WATER LEVEL at t= (FT). Ho 8.25 END TIME: 17:58:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.3 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.8 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.1 HEAD. CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING TIME LEVEL HEAD HEAD TIME NO. (HR:MIN:SEC) BELOW CHANGE CHANGE (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H-Ho Ho=H-h (it) (It) (it) h 1 15:57:00 8.25 5.65 5.65 0 1.00 2 15:57:30 8.09 5.49 0.50 0.97 3 15:58:00 7.93 5.33 1.00 0.94 4 15:59:00 7.67 5.07 2.00 0.90 5 16:00.00 7.39 4.79 3.00 0.85 6 16:01:00 7.09 4.49 4.00 0.79 7 16:02:00 6.84 4.24 5.00 0.75 8 16:03:00 6.61 4.01 6.00 0.71 9 16:04:00 6.34 3.74 7.00 0.66 10 16:05.00 6.15 3.55 8.00 0.63 11 16:06:00 6.01 3.41 9.00 0.60 12 16:07.00 5.84 324 10.00 0.57 13 16:17.00 4.50 1.90 20.00 0.34 14 16:29.00 3.54 0.94 32.00 0.17 15 16:49:00 2.97 0.37 52.00 0.07 16 17:08:00 2.80 0.20 71.00 0.04 17 17:26:00 2.72 0.12 89.00 0.02 18 17:58:00 2.67 0.07 121.00 0.01 1 u n L? 1 i t 1 1 r s WON: MW-A-65 Tea) Dab: 3/1699 Test Typr. Shp Out WELL DATA SWL = 2.60 (n STOC) WD= 10.00 (a STOC) WO • 9.10 (t am) DTSP • 3.30 (n BGS) rc = 0.08 (n) n = 0.60 rw= 0.13 (n) rc (aqusted) = 0.11 (n) Le. 4.80 (n) Lw= 7.40 (n) Le4w • 38.40 H = 50.00 (n) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LA DFLL; WHITEVILLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 2043112-01 CALCULATION OF K Field Test By: Vfrsorm" lei Data Entry By. Vinson Data Entry Dab: 4/8/99 TEST DATA K, Urc"21n(Ratw)y2Le)y0AJlo6ayt) In(yo)= -0.99 from plot N(yl), .2 torn plot t = 28 (minutes) from plot YO • 0.37 (n) tam plot )A = 0.14 (n) from plot ln(ReAw) = 2.48 K = 1.6E-01 (Nday) K- 5.6E-05 CM050c Calculation of In(ReAw) Where Lw<H: lo(Rakw) _ )(1.1/(In(Lw/w))) • (A • B:dn((H4.wyrwy(Iehw)r-1 : 2.48 Where Lw = it ReAw = [(1-1K wkw))) • ( ehw))7-7 : 3.02 Calculation of Coefficients Value ranoe for Lahw tom Table of CoeRdents le8w A B C 30 2.50 0.35 2.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Isd values of A B and C for Lehw Inter j 38.40 2.71 0.41 2.35 NOTES BTOC = Below Top of Casing BGS = Below Ground Surface SYN. = Static Water Level WD • Well Depth OTSP = Depth to Top of Sand Pads re = PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radius U • Screen Lengn Lw = Bottom of Well Screen to SWL O. time min WL R STOC y n In y 0.00 6.25 5.65 1.73 0.50 619 5.49 1.70 1.00 7.93 5.33 1.67 2.00 7667 5.07 1.62 3000 7.39 4.79 1.57 4.00 7.09 4.49 1.50 6.6• 4.24 1.44 6.61 4.01 1.39 6.34 3.74 1.32 6.15 3.55 1.27 K 6.01 3.41 1.23 5.84 3.24 1.18 4.50 1.90 0.64 3.54 0.94 -0.06 52.00 2.97 0.37 -0.99 71.00 2.80 0.20 -1.61 89.00 2.72 0.12 -2.12 121400 2.67 0.07 -2.66 Coefficient Table L"w A Lehhw B Le+hw c 4 1.75 • 0.25 4 0.75 5 1.76 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.83 0.25 8 1.10 9 1.90 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 K 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 0.27 15 1.50 20 2.23 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 3O 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2A3 50 3.00 50 0.50 50 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 -0.60 70 3.40 W 3.90 so 0.65 so 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.65 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.96 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 .75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 3.20 Soo 2.20 500 10.60 .50 600 2.33 600 11.10 .70 700 2.50 700 11.50 f .90 2.70 000 11. .00 900 2.75 900 12.00 .20 1000 283 12.40 ' .50 1500 3.18 15W 12.90 0 Slug Test Data 2.00 1.00 0.00 C .. r -1.00 e 200 -3.00 .4.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 Elapsed Time (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-58 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20-0382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-58 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 1.25 DATE OF TEST: 3/18199 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.39 BEGIN TIME: 16:36:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 6.72 END TIME: 18:01.00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 2.7 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 1.5 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.9 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 8.6 HEAD. READING NO. CLOCK TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) WATER LEVEL BELOW T.O.C. INITIAL HEAD CHANGE Hi=H-Ho HEAD CHANGE Ho=H - h ELAPSED TIME (min) Ha/Hi (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 16:36:00 6.72 3.33 3.33 0 1.00 2 16:36:30 6.61 3.22 0.50 0.97 3 16:37:00 6.46 3.07 1.00 0.92 4 16:38:00 6.21 2.82 2.00 0.85 5 16:39:00 5.94 2.55 3.00 0.77 6 16:40:00 5.66 2.27 4.00 0.68 7 16:41:00 5.43 2.04 5.00 0.61 8 16:42:00 5.19 1.80 6.00 0.54 9 16:43:00 4.98 1.59 7.00 0.48 0 16:44:00 4.83 1.44 8.00 0.43 1 F 16:45.00 4.65 1.26 9.00 0.38 2 16:46:00 4.52 1.13 10.00 0.34 13 17:09:00 3.53 0.14 33.00 0.04 14 17:24:00 3.45 0.06 48.00 0.02 15 18:01:00 3.39 0.00 85.00 0.00 u J t 1 1 t 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet. MW-A-68 Tat Dab: 3/1899 Teat Typo: Slug Out WELL DATA SWL = 3.39 (8 STOC) WD= 10.00 (8t3TOC) WD = 8.60 (tt BGS) DTSP = 2.70 (tt BGS) rc = 0.08 (N n = 0.60 '. rw= 0.13 (11) rc ( .tod) = 0.11 (4) Los 4.90 (A) Lw= 6.61 (it) Lenw = 39.20 H = 50.00 (ft) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGE. RIDGE LANDFILL; WHrTEVLLF, NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20.8382-01 CALCULATION OF K Field Test W. visor VorgiN Data Entry 6y. Vino Data Entry Dab. Vd99 TEST DATA K = gfe2ln(Rehw)Y2Lep(1Ayr6oryt) kgyo)' 0.25 tom plot ln(yt)= .3 wn plot t= 50(mtrwlea) ram plot yo = 1.28 (8) ram plot yt = 0.05 (8) torn plot In(Rohw) = 2.44 K = 2.8E-01 (Nday) K- 9.6E-0S oNaee Calculation of IMRenw) Mom Lw < H: In(ReAW) =1(1.1/(In(Lw/rw))) • (A • Bxln((H4 wYrw)AQehw))"-i : 2.44 Where Lw = H: 6n(RMw) _ ((1.1 ln(Lwhw))) • C(Lwt w))r-i - 2.96 Calol-k, of CoMlaents Value ranoo for LNmw from Table of Coefficients Leew I _ A - - - ! B C r 30 50 _ r 2. 0.35 2.10 50 3.00 0.50 2.70 Int dated waluea of A. B and C Icr Le/rw 39.20 2.73 0.42 2.36 NOTES: STOC = Below Top of Casing BGS = BNow Ground Surface SWL = Static Water Level WD = Wed Depth DTSP s Depth to Top of Sand Pack rc = PVC Radius rw = Borehole Radius Le = Screen Length Lw a Bottom o(We8 Screen to SWL El. time min WL 8 STOC IF tt In y 0400 6.72 3.33 1.20 0.50 6.61 3422 1.17 1.00 6.46 3.07 1.12 2.00 6.21 2.62 1.04 3.00 5.94 2.55 0.94 4.00 5.66 2.27 0.82 5.00 5.43 2.04 0.71 6.00 5.19 1.80 0.59 7.00 4.98 1.59 0.46 6.00 4.83 1.44 0.36 9.00 4.65 1.26 0.23 10.00 4.52 1.13 0.12 33.00 3.53 0.14 -1.97 48.00 3.45 0.06 -2.81 Coofident Table Lodlw A LMIw a L"w C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 S 1.76 S 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 6 1.83 8 0.25 8 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 is 2.10 is 0.27 is 1.50 20 2.23 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0631 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 so 3.00 50 0.50 so 2.70 60 3.45 60 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 4.20 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 150 0.98 1S0 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 500 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 8.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 800 2.70 800 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 930 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 2.00 1.00 • • • 0.00 C _ aw -1.00 e -2.00 • -3.00 -4.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 Eh"od Tina (min) TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. MW-A-60 SLUG TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME: Riegel Ridge Landfill PROJECT NO.: 20.8382-01 MON. WELL NO.: MW-A-60 METHOD USED: Rising Head TITAN PERSONNEL: Erik Norgiel TITAN PERSONNEL: James Vinson DEPTH OF WELL (FT): 10.0 STICK UP (FT) (FROM T.O.C.) (FROM G.S.) 0.90 DATE OF TEST: 3/19/99 WATER DEPTH (FT) BEFORE TEST (T.O.C) 3.05 BEGIN TIME: . 11:58:00 WATER LEVEL at t=O (FT), Ho 8.43 END TIME: 13:28:00 DEPTH TO TOP OF FILTER SAND (FT): 3.2 PVC RADIUS (IN): 1 BOREHOLE RADIUS (IN): 3 SCREEN LENGTH (FT): 4.8 DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF SCREEN FROM GROUND SURFACE (FT): 9.0 HEAD. CLOCK WATER INITIAL ELAPSED READING NO. TIME (HR:MIN:SEC) LEVEL BELOW HEAD CHANGE HEAD CHANGE TIME (min) Ho/Hi T.O.C. Hi=H - Ho Ho=H-h (ft) (ft) (ft) h 1 11:58:00 8:43 5.38 5.38 0 1.00 2 11:58:30 8.40. 5.35 0.50 0.99 3 11:59:00 8,38 5.33 1.00 0.99 4 12:00:00 8.34 5.29 2.00 0.98 5 12:01:00 8.31 5.26 3.00 0.98 6 12:02:00 8.28 5.23 4.00 0.97 7 12:03:00 8.25 5.20 5.00 0.97 8 12:04:00 8.22 5.17 6.00 0.96 9 12:0500 8.19 5.14 7.00 0.96 10 12:06.00 8.17 5.12 8.00 0.95 11 12:07:00 8.15 5.10 9.00 0.95 12 12:08:00 8.12 5.07 10.00 0.94 13 12:16:00 7.89 4.84 18.00 0.90 14 12:26:00 7.68 4.63 28.00 0.86 15 12:36:00 7.50 4.45 38.00 0.83 16 12:46:00 7.32. 4.27 48.00 0.79 17 12:56:00 7.15 4.10 58.00 0.76 18 13:10.00 6.70 3.65 72.00 0.68 19 13:17:00 6.45 3.40 79.00 0.63 20 13:28:00 6.01 2.96. 90.00 0.55 1 LI 1 t 1 Ll t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wall: MW-A 6W Tat Dab: 3%9199 Test Type. Slog Out WELL DATA SWL• 3.05 (fI STOC) WD • 10.00 (A STOC) WD = 9.00 (A SM) DTSP • 3.20 (Q SGS) re = 0.06 (n) IN = 0.60 rw • 0.25 (n) re (agheted) = 0.20 (8) Lo- 4.60 (It) Lw• 6.95 (n) Lokw= 19.20 H = 50.00 (n) HVDRAl1LIC CONDUCTIVITY (K) CALCULATION SPREADSHEET RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL: NMITEVILLE. NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-0382-01 CALaA ATKIN OF 'K Field Test Etr. Vinsormorgial Data Entry Or. Vinton Data Enty.Date: 41M TEST DATA 8.tme min WL a STOC y (it) Iny 0.00 8.43 5.36 1.66 0.50 8.40 5.35 1.68 1.00 8.36 5.33 1.67 2.00 8.34 5.29 1.67 3.00 8.31 5.26 1.66 4.00 8.28 5.23 1.65 5.00 8.25 5.20 1.65 6.00 8.22 5.17 1.64 7.00 6.19 5.14 1.64 6.00 6.17 5.12 1.63 9.00 6.15 5.10 1.63 10.00 6.12 5.07 1.62 16.00 7.89 4.84 1.58 26.00 7.68 4.63 1.53 36000 7.50 4.45 1.49 ' 48.00 7.32 4.27 1.45 Sa.00 7.15 4.10 1.41 72.00 6.70 3.65 1.29 79.00 6.45 3.40 1.22 90.00 6.01 2.96 1.09 K = ((R"2 In(Rakw)Y2L0Y(tA)In(yo/yl) In(yo). 1.4 tom plot INN * 1.22 tom plot t. 19 (mnuta) tom plot yo = 4.05 (n) from plot yt. 3.36 (a)tom plot ln(RMw)• 1.90 K. 1.1E-01 (ft/day) K- 3.8E45 crNSec Calculation of ln(Reftw) Where Lw<H: ln(Rakw) • ((1.1/(h(Lwhw))) • (A' B)dn((HLwyrwW*ftw)P-1 = 1.90 Where Lw = H: In(RoAw) . ((1. V(b(Lwtrw))) • (C/(Lakw)) / : 2.40 Calculation of Cooffidents Vats range for Lakw from Table of Coefficients Lehw A B C 15 2.10 0.27 1.50 s0 3.00 0.50 2.10 Int oaad values of A B and C for Lakes 19.20 2.21 0.30 1.61 NOTES BTOC = Below Top of Casing BGS. Below Ground Surface SWL = Static Water I" WD = Well Depth OTSP = Depth to Top of Sand Pads rc = PVC Radus rw = Borehole Radius Le = Screen Length Lw = Bottom of Wet Screen to SAL Codlldent Tatra L#1nw A Laktw S LUnw C 4 1.75 4 0.25 4 0.75 5 116 5 0.25 5 0.85 6 1.77 6 0.25 6 0.90 7 1.80 7 0.25 7 1.00 a 1.63 a 0.25 a 1.10 9 1.90 9 0.25 9 1.20 10 1.95 10 0.25 10 1.30 15 2.10 15 0.27 15 1.50 20 2423 20 0.29 20 1.75 25 2.40 25 0.31 25 1.90 30 2.50 30 0.35 30 2.10 40 2.75 40 0.45 40 2.45 s0 3.00 s0 0.50 so 2.70 60 3.45 W 0.52 60 3.00 70 3.70 70 0.60 70 3.40 80 3.90 80 0.65 80 3.60 90 420 90 0.70 90 3.85 100 4.50 100 0.75 100 4.20 150 5.45 /S0 0.98 150 5.70 200 6.10 200 1.20 200 7.00 250 6.70 250 1.30 250 8.00 300 7.10 300 1.50 300 8.80 400 7.75 400 1.90 400 9.90 500 8.20 Soo 2.20 500 10.60 600 8.50 600 2.33 600 11.10 700 6.70 700 2.50 700 11.50 800 8.90 800 2.70 600 11.80 900 9.00 900 2.75 900 12.00 1000 9.20 1000 2.83 1000 12.40 1500 9.50 1500 3.18 1500 12.90 Slug Test Data 2.00- saas C - ? >, c s s 1.00. 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 Elapsed Time (min) I 1 t 0 1 J 1 G APPENDIX F -LABORATORY TEST RESULTS & PROCEDURES i r 1 r :?ti O N ? y. ? t? m O u : r :ij?: •: C ? Q :,•>:: a a 5 m axr •• F:i• S Z p V 7 m D • m v;;.r:;.;yv O E r m m p O m W } Lm _W to 3 •'''''•"{' O n« 0 7 a Z Z 2 2 z z H 7 V Z O Q ::•; ?:r •:.. LJ J w I V a ? Z : '':=>:':: a a M d n I"" = W N #,k Q O O Z Vii:%>:: z aC m an n rn 7 E 'A CL Q J a ?! r>>:= W N N N M o M E J _ .''•:::•. Z co V Q g 0:;:::::::::.•'. a; r. 1 E m c J p 7 m . t*:?... .- N O 06 to 6 o m oo r, E ? o'? m E E 0 w - ? eT. O ? m .0.. i :':: c: ?'?.;: to La co to L W w L O •, ?y?; G y .? J g V N .2 E C V m > O ; aC p U :s?3 ? t? tn m o, U) EQaE mt • .:.:: m p v?c?a m {zY. to t%1 O t0 N Of N p q 2 2 n q II Q O V O Z Z M :: ' <:}••• •Y • r O O O tp . .• .: v • cif : O N M :+`••{ M r- W qW M to ;•%•:. 10 : O O t0 10 ? m ;:;•: C^ ;_ N 40 OD V M W m +•.'< 0 0. 2 O v M OD In LL u 1 t t't 1 1 i r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT . N ..I ..C..Cr C C C C On .ew? 100 90 80 70 Z 60 LL. F- 50 a w t3 °? 40 0- 30 20 10 21 C4 - .-- -? 1w 9L'4 CD 1w -I CD C C4 I D CD r 10 :w CD C4 ft 30 10 0 10. 0 1.0 0. 1 0.0 1 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm 10 est % +3' % GRAVEL V. SAND % SILT % CLAY USCS LL PI 1 0.0 0.0 90.1 3.5 6.4 SW-SM 23 NP 3I EVE PERCENT FINER nr es size O GRAIN SIZE B60 Did 1.07 .0826 COEFFICIENTS Cc C.. 2.33 12.91 1 SI%VE PERCENT F INER UM 0 10 80.8 20 51.8 40 28.3 60 19.1 100 12.4 200 9.9 Sample information: OA-49 SS-8 Depth:'28.5-30.0 Natural Moisture: 27.1'%. Remarks: Project No.: 20-8382-01 TITAN ATLANTIC Project: Riegel Ridge Landfill GROUP, INC. Date: 3-31-99 Fig. No.: 3 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT C! ? (y c c c? . c ? m -+ -' -+ ; N O •- CD CD w C ? N 100 90 80 70 60 u_ i- 50 a W U W 40 CL 30 20 10 0 2 NO M N r+ . r M r+ M yt W W W 30 10 0 10. 0 1. 0 0. 1 0.0 1 0.00 GRAIN SIZE - mm ?1 % SAND % SILT /.. CLAY USCS LL PT 49.7 37.0 13.3 ML 13 NP ?st % +3"' % GRA4 3 0.0 0.0 S I ?VE PERCENT F INER inc es size 4 GRAIN SIZE D60 Did .0995 .0029 COEFFICIENTS Cc cu 5.29 5 29 LJ SIEVE PERCENT F INER um er size 4 10 100.0 20 96.5 40 95.2 60 93.1 100 74.3 200 50.3 Sample information: OA-5p SS-3 Depth: 6.0-7.5 Natural Moisture: 23.2X Remarks: Project No.: 20-8382-01 TITAN ATLANTIC Project: Riegel Ridge Landfill GROUP, INC. Date: 3-31-99 Fig. No.: 1 i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 90 80 70 w H 60 t1 z 50 w U w 40 d 30 20 10 0 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT a C c O O tp h N ? - h ? M \ i ? ? •r it i? ll::1111:: la": 1 200 100 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.0011 GRAIN SIZE - mm 1• Test % +3" % GRAVEL' % SAND % SILT % CLAY 12 0.0 0.0 36.3 32.7 31.0 LL PI D85 D60 D50 D30 28 13 0.153 0.0184 0.0044 D15 I D10 I Cc I Cu MATERIAL DESCRIPTION USCS AASHTO • GRAY C6A*S* S16TY FINE SANDI( !514-7-1 e-Z-,*Y CL A-6 7'15 3-z1-9? Project No.: 20-8382-01 Remarks: Project: RIEGEL RIDGE LANDFILL; COLUMBUS COUNTY NATURAL SOIL MOISTURE • Location: BORING A-34; UD-1 FROM 3 TO 5 FEET CONTENT: 18.8 PERCENT Dote: MARCH 8, 1999 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. Fig. No.: 38-1 PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 10.07 Sample Identification: BORING A-34 UD-1 Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.29 UNDISTURBED SAMPLE FROM 3 TO 5 FEET " Dry Unit Weight. (pcf): 103.3 63111Y FINE Visual Description: GRAY C'""E: Moisture Before Test (%): 18.8 SANDY swrv GGAY (GL) 7.1, 3-2/-9y Moisture After Test (%): 24.4 Remarks: ASTM D-5084 Run Number: 1 • 2 Cell Pressure (psi): •66:0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 63.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Back Pressure(psi): 60.0 Diff. Head (psi): 3.0 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):6.33 x 10--4 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec): 6.51 x 10--7 Sample type: UNDISTURBED 1-1 U U v > W J 0 3 O J LL U N N E U v Y } H H J H m Q W W a O 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 x 10--6 8 x 10^-7 6 x 10--7 4 x 10^-7 2 x 10--7 1 x 10"-7 TIME - t (sec) 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 10 20 ' 30 40 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT - dH/L (cm/cm) Project: REIGEL RIDGE LANDFILL Project No.: 20-8382-01 Locat.ion: COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA File No.: Date: 3-7-99 Lab No.: PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. Tested by: MTS Checked by: CFB Test: CH - Constant head t. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT 100 90 Be 70 CC b0 ?- 50 z w w 40 30 20 10 0 t 111 200 inn est % +3u X GRAVEL % SAND X SILT X CLAY USCS LL PI 1 0.0 0.0 65.0 15.6 14.4 SM 28 1 0 LS I E;VE PERCENT F f` nC es 4 size GRAIN SIZE Db0 0.388 D10 .0019 COEFFICIENTS Cc 0.35 C.. 209.2 SIF VE PERCENT F INER ? um er size 4 10 99.0 20 79.9 40 62.3 60 49.5 100 40.2 200 35.0 TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC. Sample information: OA-34, SS-6 Depth: 18.5-20.0 Natural Moisture: 20. Remarks: Project No.: 20-8382-01 Project: Riegel Ridge Landfill Date: 3-31-99 Fig. No.: 2 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORT 100 90 80 70 i 60 U- 510 a W V w 40 0- 30 20 10 0 2 .ti .CiC..?-a 'C+ d N 00 m N CD 4 M1 N ?+ -4 10 dV* f :0 N W x J . 11 210 100 10.0 1. 0 0.1 0.01 0.00 GRAIN SIZE - mm est X +3' X GRAVEL V. SAND 7.. S I LT X. CLAY USCS LL PI 1 0.0 0.0 66.5 13.8 19.7 SC 33 14 0 $IVE % PERCENT FI NER nc es size 0 GR AIN SIZE Db0 B30 D10 0.192 COE FFICIENTS Cc Cu SIE VE PERCENT FI NER 6 um er size 0 10 100.0 20 93.5 40 80.0 60 70.3 100 49.7 200 33.5 Sample information: OA-34s, SS-11 43.5-45.0 Depth: 7-M5 Natural Moisture: 23.OX ?o-lS-1l Remarks: Project . No.: 20-8382-01 TITAN ATLANTIC Project: Riegel Ridge Landfill GROUP, INC. Date: 3-31-99 Fig. No.: 5 1 1 1 J 1 7 r t PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS REFERENCES: ASTM D-4318-84, "Standard Test Method for- Liquid Limit Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils". Soil Testing for Engineers by T.W. Lambe, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962, Chapter 3, "Atterberg Limits and Indices", pages 22-28. to determined the soil PURPOSE: Atterberg Limits or Plasticity tests are performed classification and plasticity properties of a soil specimen. These properties can be correlated with other soil properties such as strength, compressibility, shrink- swell potential, and permeability. EQUIPMENT: The equipment includes a liquid limit device, grooving tools, spatula, balances, evaporating dish, ovens, and other apparatus as described by the references. PROCEDURE: The liquid limit of a soil is the water content, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven dry soil, at the boundary between the liquid and plastic states. The plastic limit is the water content expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven dry soil, at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states. The difference between these two values is the Plasticity Index (PI). The liquid limit is determined by obtaining the water content at which the soil will ' flow under a specified dynamic force. The soil is wetted, placed in a special liquid limit device and grooved into two halves. The device is then dropped a specified distance 25 times. The liquid limit is defined as the water content at which the two halves will flow together over a specified distance. The plastic limit is determined by obtaining the water content at which the soil can be rolled into thin threads by hand, on a ground-glass or non absorbent paper. The plastic limit is defined as the moisture content at which the soil cannot be rolled into threads smaller than 1 /8 inch in diameter. REPORT: The Atterberg Limits, including the sample number, liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index are given on either the attached GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORTS OR SOIL DATA SUMMARY TABLE. 1 t t 1 MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION McEFERENCES: ASTM D-2216-90, "Standard Test.Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock". ASTM D-4643-87, "Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by the Microwave Oven Method." PURPOSE: The moisture content test is performed to determine the phase relationships of ' air, water, and solids in a given volume of material. The consistency of a fine- grained cohesive soil depends on its moisture content relative to its liquid and plastic limits. EQUIPMENT: The equipment used includes drying ovens, balances, specimen containers, and miscellaneous items noted in the various references. 1 PROCEDURE: Field samples are placed in sealable glass jars or plastic bags. In the laboratory, the wet and dry weights of a sample are determined before and after drying. The test specimen is dried in an oven to a constant weight. The standard oven is set at 110+50C. Microwave oven temperatures may be higher. The loss of weight due to drying is considered to be water (moisture). The moisture content is I calculated.as the weight of water divided by the weight of dry soil or rock. °EPORT: The test result is reported as a percentage and is given on the attached GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORTS or SOIL DATA SUMMARY TABLE. 1 t 1 1 1 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS REFERENCES: ASTM D-421-85, "Standard Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants". ASTM D-2217-85, "Standard practice for Wet Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants". ASTM D-422-63, "Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils". ASTM D-2487-90, "Standard Test Method for Classification of Soils for , Engineering Purposes". ASTM D-1140-54, "Standard Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer ' than the No. 200 (751im) Sieve." PURPOSE: The grain distribution test or No. 200 sieve test is performed to determine the classification of a soil sample. The grain size data are often used to estimate other soil properties such as permeability, compressibility and strength. EQUIPMENT: The equipment used includes sieves, balances, hydrometers, mixers, thermometers and assorted laboratory equipment and agents as noted in the various references. PROCEDURE: The test samples can be prepared using either the dry method or wet method as ? described in the various references. After preparation, the test can be divided j into two parts: the determination of the size and distribution of the coarse fraction and the determination of the size and distribution of the fines. The division between the two tests is the No. 200 sieve. The coarse fraction is tested using the sieve method whereas the fines are tested using the hydrometer method. If both tests are performed, the test is referred to as a combined analysis. In the sieve analysis of the coarse fraction, the soil is passed through a series of sieves, and the weight retained on each sieve is determined. The distribution of weights is then computed and the percent passing is plotted versus grain size in millimeters. In the hydrometer method, the particle size is determined by Stoke's equation. The soil is mixed in a heavy slurry and the rate of sedimentation is measured with a hydrometer. This data can then be reduced to a distribution of particle size and percent fines as in the sieve analysis. REPORT: The data reported on the attached GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST REPORTS or SOIL DATA SUMMARY TABLE. t PERMEABILITY OF COHESIVE SOILS REFERENCES: ASTM D-5084-90, "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter." PURPOSE: The hydraulic conductivity (also referred to as coefficient of permeability) test is performed to determine the relative rate at which water will flow through a soil under a unit hydraulic gradient at standard temperature. Cohesive soils (clays and silts) generally have much lower permeabilities than cohesion less soils (sands and gravels). Low permeability soils act as barriers to groundwater flow and surface water infiltration. Recompacted cohesive soils are utilized as barrier liners, caps, and cores for landfills, lagoons, and dams. EQUIPMENT: The equipment used includes the hydraulic system back pressure system, flow measurement system, cell pressure system, permeameter cell, top cap and. base, flexible membranes, porous end pieces, filter paper, compaction equipment, extruder, trimming equipment and sample measuring devices. PROCEDURE: Undisturbed samples are extruded from the Shelby tube and placed in the permeameter. Remolded samples are first compacted to the specified density and moisture content, then extruded from the compaction mold and set-up in the permeameter. The sample, sealed in the membrane, is subjected to an external cell pressure and an internal back pressure to achieve saturation (B value >_ 0.95). The cell pressure minus the back pressure equals the confining pressure or effective stress. This value should correspond with the anticipated field effective stress. (Testing for landfill and lagoon liners and caps is normally performed using an effective stress of 5 psi). Once saturation is achieved, an initial head is applied a the top of the specimen, causing flow out of the bottom of the specimen. The initial hydraulic gradient utilized (head difference divided by sample height) depends on the anticipated permeability order of magnitude. In a constant head test, the applied head does not change and the flow rate of water through the specimen is measured. In a falling head test, the head is allowed to decrease or fall and the flow rate and change in head are measured. The permeability is expressed in units of length divided by time. REPORT: The data are reported on the attached LABORATORY PERMEABILITY TEST REPORTS and/or SOIL DATA SUMMARY TABLE. t t MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONS OF SOILS .USING 5.5 RAMMER AND 12 INCH DROP REFERENCES: ASTM D-698-91, "Test Method for Laboratory Compaction of Soil Using Standard Effort". AASHTO T-99-81 PURPOSE: The purpose of this test is to determine the relation between moisture content and density of soils compacted in a specified mold with a specified dynamic energy. The test value obtained is used in the field to compare moisture contents and densities for soils compacted with earth moving equipment. The method is often referred to as the Standard Proctor Method. Four alternate procedures are provided as follows: METHOD A - 4 Inch Mold: MEHTOD B - 6 Inch Mold: METHOD C - 4 Inch Mold: METHOD D - 6 Inch Mold: Soil Passing No. 4 Sieve Soil Passing No. 4 Sieve Soil Passing s/ Inch Sieve Soil Passing $/ Inch Sieve If no method is specified, the test is performed according to Method A. EQUIPMENT: Molds, rammers, balances, scales, ovens straight edge, sieves, mixing tools, containers and apparatus as specified by the references. PROCEDURE: A portion of the total sample is mixed with water and placed in the mold in three separate layers. Each layer is compacted either 25 times (Methods A and C) or 56 times (Methods B and D) with the 5.5 pound rammer falling 12 inches. After compaction, the wet unit weight is determined and a sample dried for moisture content determination. Next, the unit dry weight is determined. The procedure is continued for other portions of the total sample until the wet unit weight of a compacted specimen fails to increase. The moisture samples are dried and the dry unit weights of each compacted specimen determined. REPORT: The results for each compacted specimen are plotted as moisture content versus dry unit weight on the attached STANDARD PROCTOR REPORT. A best-fit curve is plotted through the points and the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are selected as the peak of the curve. I P APPENDIX G - PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION REPORT DATED 8/18/98 t 1 1 1 1 TITAN Engineering, Surveying, Co wWction & Consulting August 18, 1998 Mr. William W. Dreitzler, P.E. Marlowe, Dreitzler & Associates 219 N. Boylan Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Results Proposed MSW Landfill Columbus County, North Carolina Titan Project No. 20-8382 FILE 1 Dear Mr. Dreitzler: I This brief letter report pro\ides preliminary subsurface data for the above-referenced project. We met with you on August 13'" at the project site which is under consideration for use as a municipal solid waste (MI SW) landfill. The site is at the approximate location shown on Drawing No. 1. We advanced 20 hand auger borings on August 13`h and 14th across the proposed site within the proposed waste disposal area. The primary purpose of the hand auger borings was to compare the subsurface conditions with those indicated by the Soil Survey Report for Columbus County. Another major purpose was to determine the depth to groundwater below the existing ground surface. The North Carolina Solid Waste Regulations require a 4-foot separation between the post-settlement bottom elevation of the base liner system and the seasonal high groundwater table. The hand auger borings were advanced at the approximate locations shown on Drawing No. 2. The results of the hand auger borings are summarized in the attached table. In general, the hand auger borings encountered a surface layer of topsoil with rootmat 3 to 18 inches thick. The topsoil and rootmat are underlain by interbedded clays, silts, and sands. The clays and silts are generally firm to stiff and the sands are generally medium dense to dense. Groundwater was encountered at depths of 1.3 to over 7.0 feet below the existing ground surrface in the hand auger borings. The groundwater depths measured in the hand auger borings are depicted on Drawing No. 3. The groundwater is generally deeper near the western and eastern ends of the proposed waste disposal area. The general soil types encountered in the hand auger borings are shown on Drawing No. 4. In. general, more clayey soils were encountered in the western and south-central portions of the waste disposal area. The sandy clays (CL, CIS and possibly clayey sands (SC) encountered in these areas may potentially meet the recompacted permeability requirements for a clay liner. As part of our scope of services, we also reviewed the Soil Survey Report for Columbus County published by the Soil Conservation Service dated July 1990. The depths to the high water table 2725 E. MILLBROOK RD., SUITE 121 * RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 • (919) 873.2211 9 FAX (919) 873-9555 1 Marlowe, Dreitzler and Associates 8/18/98 1 5 1 t Potential MSW Landfill - Columbus County Titan Project No. 20-8382 given in this report are shown on Drawing No. 5. In general, these water table depths are not as deep as the groundwater levels encountered in the hand auger borings. This may be because the depths given in the Soil Survey Report are estimated seasonal high groundwater levels, which typically occur between November and April. The hand auger borings were advanced in August, when groundwater levels .are typically lower than the seasonal high groundwater tab'e. Fluctuations of groundwater levels on the order of 1 to 3 feet are common in the Coastal Plain. The general soil types given in the Soil Survey Report are shown on Drawing No. 6. In general, the Goldsboro, Lynchburg, Grifton, and Norfolk soils are sandy clays and clayey sands. The Dorovan soil series is primarily muck (i.e., soft organics). The other soil types are generally silty sands and sands. The Soil Survey Reports indicates that the sandy clays/clayey sands are generally located in the western half of the site, and the sandy soils are generally located on the eastern half of the site. The soft organic soils are located near the creek along the southeastern site boundary. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. We are available to discuss our recommendations with you and to provide additional services as necessary. We have enjoyed assisting you and look forward to serving as your consultant on the remainder of this project as well as future projects. Very truly yours, TITAN ATLANTIC GROUP, INC 1 1 1 I Thomas M. Schipporeit, P.E Principal Geotechnical Engineer Registered, North Carolina 19331 Matthew S. Fogleman, E.I.T. Staff Engineer TMS:MSF \\T011\C:\My Doc:ments\Titan\20\projects.98\20-8382\Cover Letter - Prelim Geotech.doc Attachments C a1y Port 'Ile ©W Dads ? . "`?'o R osindale more 87 + until ++ _ •87 70+ Buckhead ©East is 28450 74 ©Goose Hollow © r ille Rre E ©PI mith ng® 1a HallsbOro 74 O 7a B rdville 11 87 Freeman 74 Wh eville OR bug Lake ccamaw 72 ter: .... n 28442 Bruns ick Honey H I +so 28423 701 ®arr nville rossroads c „ Pros r ,,,Antioch Pleasan ins a? Whites Cr ing Hone Field o ig Curve SITE 20-8382 Mark in 905 1 so o ewis N more o Cypress r 0 ole Bridg Crossing Juniper reek ,Mollie Old 1 o yrtle Hea Nakina immon Bay o ? oB Ward mer M katoka ++ hel .Pine Lev 28 1 Freeland r" o Little Pron 28420 A Gui a ler Crossroa eCreeks c ku*ghilive As y h `dye,, ®eeves ? . a? Prospect Middle R' n Dothan *Mill Brant Pi y uPP1Y 1321 SU?W m 1997 Adas US 130 Ma9 11.00 Mon Aug 1714:241998 Primary State Route Locale Scale 1:250,000 (at center) o US Highway . _' . _ . _ State Boundary TITAN 0&&9t& &oco 5 Miles O Interstate/Limited Access Water Erom•nw cow 5 IWI - Major Connector River/Canal SITE LOCATION PLAN POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL State Route arrur zipcode Boundary ?- Sta COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC E)dt 20 County Seat -8382 DRAWING NO. 1 Small Town . w Hoy . a n n a 154 r APPROXIMATE HA- I WASTE BOUNDARY • B ss INA-6 HA-7 9 ' HA-e 53 H APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY BORING LOCATION PLAN POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA or ifA, ,4A-)O B _ - - A-73 - xAA- !1 -IZ lll4-IS ? A H =18 ? - - 1 HA- Hh-zo _ -=4- _?•- ? c - - - '` - i - emu.` PROJECT NO.: 20-8382 DATE: 8/17/97 DRAWN BY: MSF SCALE: 1" = 1000' DRAWING NO. 2 HAND AUGER RESULTS POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL SITE COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8283 HAND AUGER BORING NO. TOP DEPTH (Inches) BOTTOM DEPTH (Inches) DESCRIPTION 0 7 TOPSOIL: Moist dark brown fine sand sift ML with roots HA -1 7 22 Moist brown clayey SILT ML 22 36 Moist to wet gray and brown silty CLAY CL 36 44 Wet gray-brown and dark gray silty CLAY CL 44 54 Wet light gray and yellow-brown fine sand CLAY CH 54 61 Wet light gray clayey fine SAND SC 61 85 Wet light gray fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater not encountered at time of boring. Cave-in at 79 inches (6.6 feet) 0 8 TOPSOIL: Moist dark brown to black sand sift ML with roots HA-2 8 26 Moist brown fine sand clayey SILT ML 26 36 Moist to wet brown and gray silty CLAY CL 36 45 Wet mottled gray, brown, & dark gray fine sand CLAY CH 45 58 Saturated light gray and light brown clayey fine SAND SC 58 70 Saturated light gray and tan fine SAND SP Groundwater at 38 inches (3.2 feet) at time of boring. 0 12 TOPSOIL: Moist gray fine sand silt ML with roots HA - 3 12 36 Moist gray and brown silt CLAY CL with roots 36 48 D to moist gray and light brown fine sand clayey SILT MH . 48 57 Moist gray and tan silt CLAY CL 57 66 Moist orange and gray sand sifty CLAY CL 66 84 Moist to wet light gray and orange fine sand CLAY CH with white sand lenses Groundwater not encountered at time of boring. 0 15 TOPSOIL: Moist black silt ML HA-4 . 15 25 dark gray silty CLAY CL 25 60 Moist to wet gray and light brown CLAY CH with trace roots N 60 63 Wet gray sand CLAY CL et Groundwater at 35 inches 2.9 feet) at time of boring. 0 3 TOPSOIL: Moist gray silty fine sand SM , with roots HA-5 3 20 Moist brown silty fine SAND SM 20 30 Moist brown and orange-brown clayey fine SAND SC 30 48 Moist orange-brown and red-brown fine sand clayey SILT ML 48 62 Moist of wet oran e-brown and light-gray clayey SILT MH 62 72 Wet light-gray fine sandy CLAY (CH), with lenses of orange-brown silty sand. 72 76 Wet light gray fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater at 45 inches (3.8 feet) at time of boring. 0 5 TOPSOIL: Wet dark-gray fine sand silt (ML), with roots HA-6 5 27 Moist gray silty fine SAND SM 27 33 Moist gray fine sand SILT ML 33 45 D to moist light-gray silty fine SAND SM 45 48 Saturated gray fine sand CLAY CH Bonin terminated on hard clay a t 48 inches. Groundwater at 45 inches (3.8 feet) at time of boring. I h A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 r i it 1 1 1 1 1 1 HAND AUGER RESULTS POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL SITE COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8283 0 5 TOPSOIL: Moist dark-gray silty sand SM , with roots HA-7 5 14 Moist brown sifty fine SAND SM 14 28 Moist light-brown fine sand SILT ML 28 43 Moist light-brown, orange-brown, and gray fine sand silty CLAY CL 43 52 Moist light-brown, orange-brown, and gray fine sand SILT ML 52 64 Moist orange-brown and gray sifty fine SAND ISM) 64 84 Moist to wet light-gray and yellow-brown fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater at 72 inches (6.0 feet) at time of boring. 0 3 TOPSOIL: Moist gray silt ML with roots HA-8 3 '15 Moist gray clayey SILT ML 15 24 Wet dark-gray clayey SILT ML 24 36 Saturated gray and brown fine sand silty CLAY CL 36 46 Saturated gray and brown fine sand CLAY CH 46 60 Saturated gray and brown fine sand silty CLAY CL .60 67 Saturated gray silty fine to medium SAND ISM) Groundwater at 24 inches (2.0 feet) at time of boring. 0 7 TOPSOIL: Wet black fine sand silt (ML), with roots HA-9 7 20 Moist to wet light-brown and gray silty fine SAND SM 20 29 Wet gray and brown silty fine SAND SM 29 50 Saturated gray clayey fine SAND SC Groundwater at 30 inches (2.5 feet) at time of boring. 0 3 TOPSOIL: Dark- ra sand silt ML with roots HA-10 3 11 Moist dark-gray silty fine SAND SM 11 36 Wet dark-gray silty fine SAND SM 36 61 Saturated dark-gray clayey fine SAND SC 61 66 Moist of wet brown sifty SAND SM Groundwater at 29 inches (2.4 feet) at time of boring. 0 6 TOPSOIL: Moist black sand silt (ML), with roots HA-11 6 13 Moist gray fine sand SILT ML 13 40 Moist to wet gray and orange-brown fine sand silty CLAY CL 40 60 Saturated light-gray and gray sifty fine to medium SAND SM , with roots 60 62 Saturated white fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater at 23-inches (1.9 feet) at time of boring. 0 4 TOPSOIL: Dark-gray silty sand SM with roots HA-12 4 20 Moist gray and tan silty fine SAND ISM) 20 27 Moist gray and tan clayey fine SAND SC 27 50 Wei gray and brown fine sand CLAY CH 50 57 Saturated light-gray fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater at 27 inches (2.3 feet) at time of boring. 0 6 TOPSOIL: Moist dark-brown sifty fine sand SM , with roots HA-13 6 27 Moist light-brown sifty fine SAND SM 27 41 Moist light-brown silty fine SAND SM 41 54 Moist light-brown, gray, and red clayey fine to medium SAND SC 54 56 Saturated gray fine sand silty CLAY CL 56 76 Saturated light-brown and gray clayey fine to medium SAND SC 76 83 Saturated light-brown and gray fine to medium SAND SP Groundwater at 60 inches (5.0feet) at time of boring. 1 HAND AUGER RESULTS POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL SITE COLUMBUS COUNTY, NC TITAN PROJECT NO. 20-8283 i N 0 18 TOPSOIL: Wet black clayey fine sand (SC), with organics HA-14 18 38 Very loose saturated dark-gray to black clayey fine to medium SAND (SC). Boring caved at 38 inches Groundwater at 15 inches (1.3 feet) at time of boring. 0 8 TOPSOIL: Moist black organic sift OL , with organic fibers and roots HA-15 8 22 Moist gray fine SAND SP 22 37 Moist gray silty fine SAND SM 37 50 Moist light-gray silty fine SAND SM 50 70 Saturated light-gray silty fine SAND SM 70 78 Saturated light-gray to white fine SAND SP Groundwater at 33 inches (2.8 feet) at time of boring. 0 18 TOPSOIL: Moist dark-gray to black fine sand silt (ML), with roots HA-16 18 24 Moist dark-gray clayey SILT ML 24 35 Wet dark-gray clayey SILT ML 35 44 Saturated dark ra fine sand silty CLAY CL 44 60 Saturated gray fine to medium sand CLAY CH 60 62 Saturated gray sand silty CLAY CL Groundwater at 35 inches (2.9 feet) at time of boring. 0 4 TOPSOIL: Moist gray silty fine sand SM with roots HA-17 4 6 Moist gray silty fine SAND SM 6 29 Moist light-brown silty fine SAND SM 29 42 Wet light-brown clayey fine SAND SC 6 49 Saturated gray and brown fine sand SILT ML 49 55 Saturated gray and brown fine sand silty CLAY CL 55 66 Saturated gray fine sand clayey SILT ML 66 76 Saturated gray silty fine SAND SM Groundwater at 40 inches (3.3 feet) at time of boring. 0 7 TOPSOIL Moist gray silty fine sand SM with roots HA-18 7 26 Moist brown silty fine SAND SM 26 38 Moist brown silty fine SAND SM 38 46 Moist brown clayey fine to medium SAND SC 26 .68 Wet brown and gray fine sand CLAY CL 68 82 Moist brown and gray silty fine SAND SM - Very dense Borehole dry at time of boring. G roundwater not encountered. 0 8 TOPSOIL Moist dark-brown fine sand sift ML with organics and roots HA-19 8 30 Moist brown silty fine SANG SM 30 42 Moist to wet brown and gray silty fine SAND SM 42 62 Moist to wet brown and gray clayey fine SAND SC 30 69 Moist to wet light-brown silty fine to medium SAND SM 69 78 Wet of saturated light-brown silty fine to medium SAND SM Borehole caved in at 78 inches (6 .5 feet) at time of boring. 0 6 TOPSOIL Moist dark-brown fine sand sift ML with roots HA-20 6 12 Moist brown silty fine SAND SM 12 36 Moist light brown fine sand clayey SILT ML 36 66 Wet brown and gray sand clayey SILT (ML), with sand lenses Groundwater at 36 inches (3.0 feet) at time of boring. Hoy a n n a 541- 211 APPROXIMATE WASTE BOUNDARY H ft) if, . - HA-S - 6) - -4 A- (DHA-- 3 ?? (3 a 2 ( ft) )7014) A?.g ft) (4-0 ft) A_ - - if xA 9 fF KA1.13 f+) H Z.0 © Hh 17 - 3.3 - 53 APPROXIMATE Z-3 tt (zA 8 -Ft) -18 ) SITE BOUNDARY Z-3 F) _ ?2q) HA- GRou?k/ATE2 DEPTf-f Azo - - 0/13 8/14198 3. o t>t) _? - - is Corner - - ? A' -?- .off -_- GROUNDWATER DEPTHS 'TITAN - ?PZZ Engineering, Construction and Consulting POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL PROJECT NO.: 20-8382 DATE: 8117/97 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: MSF SCALE: 1" =1000' DRAWING NO. 3 w Hoy a n n a 111- . _ APPROXIMATE iTE BOUNDARY HA- t . ? ss HA-G iIfA?- 4 - i HA- 3 O © HA-1o - _q HA-1 q_g HA-A 9 Z & ?.% 53 O ? lZ -ts s APPROXIMATE 18 H - SITE BOUNDARY HA- A-7. © So?rt?i Sif{- No _ orner O s. ! -y 5an? -_- - - • -? .L? _ sir _ =` Au- GERNERAL SOIL TYPES TITAN - Engineering. Constructlon and Consulting g POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL PROJECT NO.: 20-8382 DATE: 8117197 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: MSF SCALE: 1" =1000' DRAWING NO. 4 Hoy . anna Q 211 . 2 . APPROXIMATE 1 j /ASTE BOUNDARY I - ' 2 - 4A- 2- - - HA- 3 i A-" Q H? -" - Ha _ A-h 53 APPROXIMATE HA H =1s _ SITE BOUNDARY DCPT4 TO -/G = - - khj,14 WATEP TASLe O HR' - - Corner - -" - 0-0 0 z.o 3-:5 1.5 SOIL SURVEY - HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTHS .I.AN ?y2ou Engineering. Construction and Consulting POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL PROJECT NO.: 20-8382 DATE: 8/17/97 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: MSF SCALE: 1" =1000' DRAWING NO.5 HA-7 A- JI /fA-IZ l!l4'1S ? APPROXIMATE O H -10 'ITE BOUNDARY HA- 0z 1\N _ . = I NA-7 _ © '5AAI DY G i-AY, _ CLAYEY -"AND. r - -=?- 00, O 511" SAND) Ju_ SOIL SURVEY - GENERAL SOIL TYPES TITAN Engineering. Construction and Consulting POTENTIAL MSW LANDFILL PROJECT NO.: 20-8382 i DATE: 8/17/97 COLUMBUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY: MSF SCALE: 1" =1000' DRAWING NO. 6 Hoy anna . 211; )XIMATE HA- i - - IUNDARY HA- Z ` _ - - i