HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00806_Well Construction - GW1_20210215 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Winncl Use ONLY Thu fro can b used for smgk sr h,le wells 1.Well Contractor Information: Il WA D.T. CHALMERS, JR. ni I,r,(RIP1110� Well Contractor Name 4146A " NC Well Contractor Certification Number x on .I du.rdaaw� m� r�CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 0 n 4 n 2 vcCompany Name t[ rrr d' wells ORS.rNOAIL2.Wen Construction Permit 8: NSA n. n List dl applicable wellpeanuts/re County, Jure, Ymiuraa,byedton,etc) 3.W'en l'se(check wen nse): Water Supply Wen: FROM n, ui ua l I-r 1IOTsl� m ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal'Pubhc 40. 140_ 2 SM.010 Sch.40 PVC ❑Geothermal(Heating'Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) r'- ❑InduanalCommercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) Faoht TO saasmu FaonwcErnrrr so:rtrooa AnaluNr O Irrigation Oft. 0.5 o. Concrete Surface Pour Non-Water Supply Well: ®Monitoring ❑Recovery 0"5 n. 2 n. Bent.Pellets Surface Pour Injection Wen: O Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation 19.SAND/GF AVEL PAG7c ra icable O Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Banner Ix°al r" ucnmu ❑Aquifer Tea ❑Stommaler Drainage 2 n. 14 a Medium Sand Torpedo ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control fe es ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer rxonr To opsrwrnoNrai:,, ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks) n. n. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 01/19121 Well ION: MW-01 a' k e- O Sa.Well Location: Night Crossing INC. Offish Property 110 n. w Facility/Owner Name Facility IDN(if applicable) lr�_ n. 361 Gillespie St.,FAYETIEMLLE,NC 29142 Physical Address Ciq',and 71p n n CUMBERLAND County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutesheconds or decimal degrees: 22 Certification: (if troll field,one lot long is sufficient) 35.046338307 N -78.880251311 3qy 1/27/2021 !7`� 1— Sigmoe ofCatitied Well Contractor T Date 6.Is(are)the wen m(s): MPeranent or OTempoloq Br srgnmgrhu�{Turn./hrre(m rerq/svlwr rlu•ec•/l(s/vw(were/romrnareAm accnnkrnre coati 5 20L, 15AMACO2C 0100nr 15A M A('02C 02W We11 C.Ir.11oo.S1.n rls and f/w acnprvf 7.Is this a repairtasnexistmgwell: Oyes or ®NFEB 1 rhre remrelhua heenprm•iJrJ ro rAe xv/l oanr. /(this rs a r"ir,Ill orb kwaon wefi crmsbmtmrm infor ovr rain esplam the arum of �y, the repair under 21 remora sedron or on the buck ofthis�orm = )ii'Mte diagram or additional wen details: (Gil You may,use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wens constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary Far mu1riphc oyevtn.nr ran-urea supply welts ONLY with the same construction,Ynr rim submit one form. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 14 (R.) 24a.For All Wens: Submit this form within 30 days of completion ofwell Fru rmdliple welLc hsl dl depthv m di,fferent(cwmple-3/d OO'a l2��r 1(NI') construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 4.62 (B.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifuuter level rs alxnv roving use " 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 6 (in,) 24b.For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of 12.Wen construction method: HSA completion of well construction to(he following: fie,anger,narap,cnhle,direrr push,etc,) Division o(W'ater Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.It (gpm) Method of test: 24c•For Water SvDDN&Infection Wells: Also submit one cop)of this form within 30 days of completion of well 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of En.inamrem and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL LOG J~ CATLIN Englrxren.n4 Scientists 220222 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 220222 1 STATE: NC I COUNTY: CUMBERLAND Lowm: FAYETTEVILLE PROJECT NAME: Odeh Property LOGGED BY: COREY FUTRAL WELL ID: DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS JR. MW-01 NORTHING: 471815 EAsnNG: 2035840 CREw: TREVOR MIZELLE SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 USft BORING LOCATION: Prop.near Comer of Gil and T.O.C.ELEV.: DRILL MACHINE: CME 45B TRACK METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 4.6 TOTAL DEPTH: 14.0 START DATE: 1/19/21 END DATE: 1/19/21 24 HOUR DTW: 4.6 WELL DEPTH: 14.0 DEPTH BLOW COUNT OVA LAB o L SOIL AND ROCK WELL o.5rt o.srt o.srt o.5rt (PPM) s G DEPTH DESCRIPTION DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 0.0 ISM)-Brown to gray,Silly F.SAND with rocks 0.0 — 0.6 i a S 2.0 5 N 3.0 3.0 & �^ (SP)-U.gray with orange mottling,F.SAND 2 ` 5 4 1.5 M(3) M •'. 40 (CH)-Gray with orange mottling,highly plastic CLAY. Strong HCO 8.0 o woB t 2 1.3 M-oi M 2 y �N 12.0 1 3 3 12.7 M 4 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 BORING TERMINATED AT DEPTH 14.0 itin highly plastic CLAY Portland Cement Bentonite Pellets #2 Medium Sand