HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080118 Ver 1_Buffer Determination_20080115Jatwar_ 15.2008 Jamnle Midgette Malpass and Associates 1645 East Arlington Boulevard, Suite 1.) G, reeij.,Nj [j,c, 'INC", 27 k9A 8 'Vt � .a- 1, Ialo I F. i as I C.% � Cy ov C r I I -.;� I -1k,'i I I i � inl G Rciss Jr , Sec-rawir.% N,u,n I I Cal,o I i I I a D crmria I ell I I"' r, k i ronrocm, aad 1,, a w ral Resol rco Subject Property: Irish Creek s/d, C'annon's Crossroads, Winterville, N(' 1. 11"I'to Hardee Branch, Tar-Pamlico River Basin Collzun Suffin�, Direclor Di'vi�iwt of Waac',r Q111fity D%VQ Project ®r' 2008-0118 Pitv.,County On.-Site Dfatertnination. for Applicabifily, to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B AM) Dear k1r. Midgette, On S ep te rnber 11, `006= � 1 conducted an on -,s site deter- itt at i.on t o re v i i . ew drainagc 1--eatures located on the subject property l'or applicability, 1(-,,) the Neuse BLIffer R,Wes (15.r NCAC 2.B .0-233. The property Is located on the east 7 yide, of 3.700 (Ta Road), approximately 0.1 rniles south of the rse intection f SR. 'I 100 and Eat s Ftretom,'er Road tSR 1709), wuth of Greenville. Thefeaturc is labeled as, ­20,09-0118" on the at"ached inapirntialed. by me cn-i Janu,ar,, 15. 2008 1 The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined that the portion of the feature that is highlighted in blue on the astached nnial) is Subject to the ,ease Buffer Rules. 'rhe -portion. of the feature highlighted in in on the attached nilap ]is I from the euse BuffO- Rules. This feature sholt1d be identified on, any- future plans for this property, 1-he owner (or Cuture owners) should m tif r the DWQ (and other relevant agencies) of this decisi I on in any future cori-t-,spondences eonQerning this property- "T'his dewrminatlon 'pertains to the su 1 1 ect prop,err y on ly,,, This on-s i te aye %erm,inat ion detail e xp i �re fit ve ( 5 I years fto in the date o f t hi s letter, Landowners oraffeeted parties ffivt dispute a deterlidination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Altithority that a surface water exi-sts and that. it issubj eet to the bull'er rule may request a determiniation. 'by the Director, A request for a detern-nnation by the, Director shall be ref'�rred it) the, 6irector in wvrinng c/(,) ('yndi Karoly, DWQ Welflands/401 Un'fta 2321 Crabtree Bhd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260, Individuals that dispate a determinwion by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface wvatler tram the bulRn. rule may ask Jfo,ran a4judicatory hcarin.g, You niList act within 60 days) of the date that %`011 FeCCIVe this letter- Appivicants are a, - I the aff-ecte d p arty (ine I udi hereby not' fied that the 60-lday statutory appeal time does not start U1111 I ing downstream. and ad - jacent iand owriers) is notified ofthis decision. DWQ recornr.,nend, that the applicant conduct t.his notificati,otr in. order to be ccrialn that third party appeals are made In. a timety martner- NOMh C6RA_;Uk2 DiViSi,U.ft Ul­YVnWr.QU2Ji-,-.)' )ntr-_rrI)_K h2o.enrstam.rrz. us !414.3 Weshiliguln Square Mall Phone 252-�)46-6481 One 6V&Slling-lon, N( ?'7M FAX 252-()t69? No hCrolina ft An F quaB Ommminti)Affirmatroe Acton Elrp,aa jer - a u'% RecydeaA0% Pos-,. --ansump-,T Paper 111dtlzrally To ask for a hearing, send a va'itlen petifilon, 'wliilch conforms to Chapter 150B ofthe orth ('arolina. Gencral. Statutes to the Offlce of Administrative Hemirigs, 6714 Mail, Seivice Center., Raleigh.. NX" 27699-6714, 1 1 his detenrunatlon is final and bin.din- Nyou ask fo,r a ]tearing within 60 da,vs This letter only addressQs the applicability if) the bttft'�r rude sand does not approve any actIvity vvithin the butTb'rs. Nor does thi,, letter approve any activily IVIAllin Waters of the Linited Stalu4 or WatL',rs of the State. If 2) 948 yo-u have aiiy additional qUe,-Mions orrequire additional infol"Mation plea,,�,e call rrie, at (25'Ll -3920. Sincerely. Chris Pulling rl-A vi.rotimental Speciali.s.t DWQ/WaRC) Wetlands/ 401 Unli J. Enclosures: copy of 1:1414,000 scale U! S(.3 topogr.aphic it Greenville SW quadnangle copy ofpage 49, 1974 version. of-the 1"itt Counly Soil Survey cc DWQ WaRO 111c 01. Central 0 ffi cc file: Central F"Hes Jonas 11.111, Pin County Planning Departmew C� Fikname- X008-01 18 m