HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210578 Ver 1_Henry Bird Road - District 2 Office - 106 PA Screening_20210317Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement Screening Checklist for Section 106 Project TIP: FA: WBS: Project Name: County: Project Description: Funding Source: Lead Federal Agency: Permits Anticipated: Instructions: NCDOT Project Managers, Project Engineers, or the Division Environmental Staff shall complete the following checklist based upon knowledge of the project site and adjacent parcels. Webservices (https://www.ncdcr.gov/about/history/division-historical-resources/gis-maps-and-data) should be reviewed for NRHP Eligible or Listed Buildings, Districts, Objects, Sites, or Structures. Before checking “Unable to Determine”, efforts should be made to acquire any available information. If the answer to any question is “Yes” or “Unable to Determine”, the undertaking is subject to further historic preservation review by NCDOT Cultural Resources staff. If answers to all the questions are “No”, the undertaking will be considered to have Little Potential to Cause Effects – Exempt Activities and excluded from further historic preservation review, until differing information is discovered. Please reference “Appendix A Exempt Activities Under Section 106” of the Programmatic Agreement for Transportation Program in North Carolina prior to completion. Yes No Unable to Determine A. Would this activity have the potential to cause effects on historic properties, assuming historic properties are present? See list in Appendix A. B. Is this project directly related to other actions with individually insignificant, but cumulatively significant environmental effects? C. Are you aware of any concerns raised by the owner of a historic property or public controversy for this undertaking? D. Locations of cemeteries have been found on the webservices? (https://www.ncdcr.gov/about/history/division-historical-resources/gis- maps-and-data) By my signature, I certify that I have completed a site visit or am familiar with the specifics of the project and to the best of my knowledge answers to the questions above are correct. I also understand that no further environmental analysis is required at this time, as all of the answers are “No”. Name (print) Signature Date X X X X Patrick J. Breedlove 2.22.2021 EXEMPT ACTIVITIES UNDER SECTION 106 The Programmatic Agreement (PA) applies to all FHWA funded and/or authorized transportation undertakings administered directly by NCDOT in North Carolina, excluding locally-administered projects (LAP). The PA applies to NCDOT undertakings that require a Department of Army Permit. The PA does not apply to undertakings where the lead federal agency is the Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, or Federal Transit Administration. Any undertaking involving tribal lands as defined in 36 CFR 800.16(x) shall not be solely governed by this PA, but shall be reviewed by the lead federal agency and NCDOT in accordance with 36 CFR 800 and any applicable government-to-government agreement(s). Per Stipulation IV of the Agreement, Undertakings with Little Potential to Cause Effects – Exempt Activities, NCDOT Project Managers, Project Engineers or Division Environmental Staff shall utilize their best judgment to certify that the undertaking(s) meet all the conditions listed below and document internally by utilizing the 106 PA Checklist (Attachment A). The completion of the 106 PA Checklist will indicate if the undertaking(s) is subject to further Section 106 review or if the undertaking(s) is exempt from further review. The 106 PA Checklist (Attachment A) shall be retained in the project file. Conditions 1. Webservices (https://www.ncdcr.gov/about/history/division-historical-resources/gis- maps-and-data) should be used to determine if the undertaking is within or adjacent to a Historic Property, classified herein as NRHP Eligible or Listed Buildings, Districts, Objects, Sites, or Structures. Please note that webservices only applies to above ground resources and not archaeological resources. 2. No activity can involve the acquisition of additional right-of-way (ROW) or easements (activities must be restricted to existing disturbed ROW and/or permanent easements). Right of Entry is exempt as long as clearing, grubbing, or ground disturbance does not occur. 3. If an activity is not listed below or there are questions regarding the activities, the Project Manager, Project Engineer or Division Environmental Staff may contact the Cultural Resources Group within the Environmental Analysis Unit, or contact the lead federal agency prior to submitting the project for further historic preservation review. 4. No activity can be a subset of a larger activity. 5. No new earthwork activity on federal property or federally granted easement. Section A: Bridge Repairs/Bridge Maintenance* on Interstates, US Highways, and NC State Maintained Routes *Activities permissible on historic/non-historic bridges unless noted in the Exceptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Steel bridge painting Reapplication of paint for steel bridge structures H-piling, metal shell piling, and steel sway bracing Historic bridges 2 Pile encasement for steel bridges Reinforcement of piles with concrete sheaths including: • Addition of concrete encasement approximately 6 in in diameter • Placement of temporary fill for dewatering activities. 3 Hydro-demolition of concrete bridge decks 4 Full deck replacement 5 Replacement of edge beams Concrete stiffening member placed transversely at the end of a span Historic bridges 6 Installation of chain link safety fencing Addition of brackets and fence posts attached to the bridge with the fencing stretched atop the bridge railing Historic bridges Within or adjacent to Historic Properties 7 Repair/replace portions of approach slabs & bridge deck Includes the following activities: • Overlay with permanent asphalt • Fill voids with flowable fill No. Activity Description Exceptions 8 Post tension duct repair/internal post- tensioning Steel strands passed through ducts formed in the concrete then grouted in place 9 Repair/replace co- polymer overlay on deck Replaced with conductive polymer overlay system to protect concrete bridge deck and improve friction 10 Reset bearings Strengthening bearings by jacking bridge less than 1inch and replacing or repairing 11 Clean drainage scuppers/drain pipes 12 Vegetation Removal at Bridges Includes the following: • Hand cutting vegetation around bridge, including the substructure to allow access by bridge inspection team • Typically cut 10-20ft from either side of bridge structure 13 Epoxy injection repair of all concrete members (i.e. decks, beams, caps, columns, etc.) 14 Replacement of existing bridge fender structures by driving piles Involves cutting the existing fenders to 2ft below the mud line for removal and installing new fenders in close proximity to the original location 15 Use of temporary load transfer system (“jumper bridge”) Facilitates equipment access, typically over culverts, and is restricted to the existing roadway 16 Installation of sway braces Braces used for H-pile bents where the unbraced length of piles exceeds 10 feet 17 Installation of carbon fiber reinforcement or post-tensioning design for the substructure/caps Bridge Strengthening technique Historic bridges 18 Heat straightening and/or in-kind replacement of damaged steel beams No. Activity Description Exceptions 19 Repair/replace existing box girder drainage system Drainage system found on larger bridges. Includes repair of internal PVC drainage system within the bridge structure 20 Bridge Jacking Includes the following activities: • Increases vertical clearance by elevating the bridge through use of bearings • Approaches are modified, as needed, within existing roadway Historic bridges Activities restricted to existing roadway and bridge embankment, with no shifts in alignment of the approaches 21 Scour Repair: Repair undermined abutment caps Fills voids with flowable fill 22 Scour Repair: Replacement of floor beams Includes the following activities: • Removal of concrete and rebar and the subsequent setting of Pre-stressed concrete or steel beams • Placing of framework, rebar, and concrete Historic bridges 23 Scour Repair: Replacement of rip rap or fill Includes the following activities: • In-kind replacement over existing materials at bridge bents and/or abutments as a result of wash out • If existing rip-rap is fully washed away, filter fabric is applied to existing grade before addition of replacement rip-rap or fill 24 Repair/replace bridge headers, voids, end & back walls, concrete bent caps, bridge/pot bearings Activities confined to the bridge structure itself 25 Repair/replace bridge expansion joints 26 Abutment Slope Repair Repair and repave existing concrete abutments in-kind abutment extension or footprint increases 27 Installation of Crutch or Helper Bents Historic bridges Section B: Pavement Resurfacing/Shoulder Rehabilitation and Guardrail/Cable/Median Barriers on Interstates, US Highways, and NC State Maintained Routes Activities allowed in or adjacent to historic properties unless listed in the exce ptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Roadway resurfacing and/or rehabilitation Includes the following activities for asphalt roadways: • Overlay • Milling • Crack Repair • Chip Seal (AST/BST) • Patching • Resurfacing, including full depth replacement Includes the following activities for concrete roadways: • Grinding • Grooving • Pavement rehabilitation • Spall repair 2 Shoulder/Median work Includes the following activities: • Shoulder building through the addition of pavement to existing shoulder, within toe- of-slope • Typically associated with resurfacing or construction of turn lanes, bikes lanes, medians, etc. • May also include repair of roadway edge line • Equipment confined to existing roadway and shoulder • All activities in existing median including median barrier • Shoulder clipping/pulling 3 Guardrail Installation Installation of new, or rehabilitation of existing, guardrail and guardrail anchors within existing disturbed right of way Historic bridges 4 Median Crossovers Includes the following activities: • Installation of, or upgrade to, median crossovers on divided highways, to include the addition of turn lanes 4 (cont’d) Median Crossovers • Includes grading and/or fill within median and addition of paved surface and associated striping 5 Cable Barriers Includes the following activities: • Installation of new, or rehabilitation of existing, cable barriers within existing roadway toe-of-slope. • Includes concrete foundation, breakaway post, and cable. Section C: Utilities/Signage/Traffic Signals on Interstates, US Highways, and NC State Maintained Routes Activities allowed in or adjacent to historic properties unless listed in the exceptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Installation and in-kind replacement/relocation of existing utility poles and underground utilities Utility markers cannot be within 20 feet of significant element of or access to a historic property. 2 New Signage Includes NC DOT Sign Types A, B, D, E and F 3 Installation of Dynamic Message Signs Includes the following activities: • Installation of concrete footer to support sign pole or truss structure • Installation of pull boxes, cabinets, and conduit Within or adjacent to historic properties 4 Pavement markings Includes installation of the following: • Rumble strips, chevrons, stop bars, and other pavement markings (raised, reflective, or otherwise) • Additional or replacement roadway striping 5 New advance warning signs Installation of flashing lights as you approach an intersection No. Activity Description Exceptions 6 Directional underground boring 7 Installation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) equipment to existing poles • Addition of ITS components (cameras, wireless devices, signs, cabinets, etc.) to an existing pole. • Connected to existing pull box and conduit. • Applicable to all NCDOT maintained routes Installation of new stand-alone cabinets within or adjacent to historic properties 8 Upgrade existing traffic signals and city signal systems Involves the installation or replacement of traffic signals, poles, and/or signals cabinets Installation of new stand-alone cabinets within or adjacent to historic properties 9 Installation of new traffic signals Within or adjacent to historic properties 10 Installation and replacement of Pedestrian Poles and Pedestrian Signals Involves the installation or replacement of signal heads and/or push button stations Installation within or adjacent to historic properties Section D: Specific Maintenance/Upgrade Activities Activities allowed in or adjacent to historic properties unless listed in the exceptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Landscaping Includes the following activities: • Shallow grading, tilling, and planting. Grading and tilling, if needed, are used to smooth surface and/or bring in soil prior to planting • Mowing • Seeding Landscaping within or adjacent to historic properties 2 Right-of-way Reclamation Includes the following activities: • Removal of vegetation which has grown since original construction or reconstruction • Consists of cutting back existing vegetation within the clear zone • May include chemical treatment or grinding of stump to prevent regrowth Within or adjacent to historic properties No. Activity Description Exceptions 3 Replacement of existing lighting In-kind replacement of existing lighting within right-of-way or at underpasses. In-kind lighting is defined as being of similar height, material, and location. 4 Replacement of existing fencing In-kind replacement of existing fencing within right of way. In kind is defined as being of similar height, material and location 5 Ramp and intersection improvements Consists of in-place replacement or upgrading of ramps and the addition of ramp turn lanes Installation of ramp meters Section E: Other Maintenance/Upgrade Activities Activities allowed in or adjacent to historic properties unle ss listed in the exceptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Minor Drainage Improvements Includes, but not limited to the following: • Installation, replacement or removal of culverts and headwalls • Installation, replacement and extensions of pipes • Addition of pipe end sections Installation and replacement of headwalls on USFS property 2 Routine cleaning, maintenance, and repair of existing drainage stormwater management, and water quality facilities and devices 3 Construction or repair of erosion control and protection measures Includes, but not limited to the following: • Slope stabilization • Slide repair • Rip Rap • Retaining walls • Streambank Stabilization 4 Correcting substandard roadway geometrics and intersections Within or adjacent to historic properties No. Activity Description Exceptions 5 Modernization of an existing transportation facility by widening equal to or less than a travel lane Includes, but not limited to the following: • Shoulder additions • Bridge approaches • Turn lanes 6 Construction or repair of existing sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and multi-use paths Within or adjacent to historic properties 7 Disposal of excess properties Structures more than 45 years of age Within or adjacent to historic properties 8 Preliminary Engineering Activities Activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction (program activities), such as planning and research activities; engineering to define the elements of a proposed action or alternatives so that social, economic, and environmental effects can be assessed; and Federal-aid system revisions which establish classes of highways on the Federal-aid highway system [23CFR 771.117(c)(1)] 9 Railroad crossing rehabilitation Includes installation of the following: • Bells, lights, gates • Pavement marking • LED upgrades • Paving of unpaved approaches Does not include modifications to the railroad alignment or grade Modifications to the railroad alignment or grade 10 Stormwater Retrofits Construction of Stormwater BMP’s into existing roadways and facilities Within or adjacent to historic properties Section F: ADA Upgrades Activities allowed in or adjacent to historic properties unless listed in the exceptions. Activities limited to existing disturbed right of way (See Figure) No. Activity Description Exceptions 1 Installation of ADA curbcuts on existing sidewalks Granite curbs within or adjacent to historic properties 2 Installation of ADA ramps to existing facilities Within or adjacent to historic properties