HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00312_Well Construction - GW1_20210312 �1.~" CATLIN WELL LOG Engineers and Scientists zzo,sa SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 220188 STATE: NC COUNTY: CRAVEN LOCATION: New Bern PROJECT: NCDOT New Bern Phase 11 Parcel#234 LOGGED BY: COREY FUTRAL WELL ID: DRILLER: PATRICK McCAIN 234DPT-04 NORTHING: 491207 1 FASTING: 2588931 CREW: TREVORE MIZELLE SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 USft BORING LOCATION: Near Possible UST T.O.C.ELEV.: DRILL MACHINE: POWER PROBE METHOD: DPT 10 HOUR DTW: 4.5 TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 START DATE: 3/4/21 END DATE: 3/4/21 124 HOUR DTW: NM I WELL DEPTH: 11.0 DEPTH BLOW COUNT OVA LAB o o SOIL AND ROCK WELL 0.5ft 0.stt 0.sn 0.sn (PPM) s G DEPTH DESCRIPTION DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0.0 (SM)-Gray to brown grading to tan,Silty F.SAND 0.0 Direct 1 M ! Push 2.0 Direct Soil r 3.0 Push 1'7 204 D(3) W (SC)-Tan,Clayey F.SAND 4.0 PAC, 1—7 a.s Direct (SVV)-Tan to gray,F.SAND Push a ' o 6.0 fV _ Direct Push ;�:•jr 8.0 Direct Push 10.0 :;r = Water :, ;,f oa Direct 234DPT- 11.Oo c 11.0 Push "'" 04 p'yr Nt (V In 12.0 12.0 BORING TERMINATED AT DEPTH 12.0 ft in F.SAND 1"Temp well sampled and abandoned on 3/4/21 Native Backfill 't CLL CONSTRUMON RECORD F ln6crnultlsc411•ll". Tds farm can beatsed far si,%Ic of nn fi*was 1.�Wtdl CRUti'RCiRY.IntRrDtatlOn: \� Ati.WA11M N John Eisenman FROM b t tT li;eltCottcsCwNamr 4439A ft NC Wen Corm MrCottlGcati"Numbs Spa R : ht• -h. _ . ;� FROM I 70 DFAfitETHR TH(C'F+'SF.59 AiA7ERJAl. SASDACCO Inc 0 (a. 15- IL 2° lip. SCE-40 PVC CA1tKKit1}•Nam FROA I TO DTAAIFTBR TtitCtcA'► MAt4.WAL Z.WA O"nstru*n PeYmit#s fit. f4. 1n Lid 011opptimm'.wrotpe In is oc.Cmfnty.Sapm lfarianss,14Lceart of-.) IL 3.WO se(ehesit.wcllusc): WAttr$n[tidV WCiI: FR 7O D1AMK9 F R $1 Y tMr tTOC t� • fMATAXI i, i ,�griettttutal t3Mm9 paVP*fiC 15 r ft. 401 A. 2° in .Olt) _ SCH-40 Pvc CJ('rentl l(Heath 0alin8'SuPFt3) ORecideetial Water Supply{tangle) M ft; OlttdttstrialTGommerciai P3Rcs1d4t4itial Water Suppl}'(slmred) :1OU' FROM. TO kiATHN 20}t➢t.A MttlirOD fi AN t9W Ohligglin 0 ft. 10, IL Portland Pour Nov-WAt+er 9ngp7y 1Vetl: 1>monitori t]Rccoi in ect rt�Vcit: tL fiL, OAq*ferRccr is 00mund ater.Rertteditittiiott OA41u*rSturagesixtTt vM Malfn*Barzicr 131 fit, 40' M SAND #2 0Agtitfcr Test 13SIO RvatO Drainage O7,VetimcntalTeelmolo OSttbsidrncsConttrol 3li',:3tRJ1 Ail'C fs�isltlefiii34�fe1.g'}aeC��f" OCieothenmtl(Closed Loop) Mom FROfir I TO aMcRr sewn o -a tac. ❑Creotllennal 6 oli Rem) Mdw jg2ainunder#21'Rerna 0 ft- 361 ft. silt sand clay 36 r ft. 401 ft ROCK _ 4.Date Well(s)Ctsmpletcd: 2-26-21 WdI IiD#MN-8 it. fL. Sc Well L4tcttkm fL tt, Circle K Store fit. ft. FacililR7+xncr3�tati�e Fkft MR(ifmplimblo M ft. 8036 Moncure Pittsboro Rd., Moncure, NC, 27559 ft. FL i�CC4't?8 n i Si119 i'igsicd A tdteM Qy.and zip y R Alit ..%i Chatham bentonite seal from 10-13, 04"My PawdifteorOMIJ011MO.,(PIN) 5b.I AfWdcand Uingitude in degreeshRIMOWSe6nds or decimal Aegreem; 2L Certification: 0(aivii field,oft taulargis Sift-kM) 3/1/2021 N, ` ..�_ sl8natere o�� :5 i:9�":.:hraa—'- Daft 6.b(mt)the t4•til(s): MPermanent or OTemporary BY.}�bJlilif tA$3,�f».rc, .r ,�.v,,tt'v.+n�:„+r��.:sC'��t�'h�f�FWM24111tt1Fl�t![AIt�I�lt;!` -*A!3A dC..4200 RIM C'muftman smadar fs vid theca 7.h this a renalrfo an;trd`.."J*Wen OVOS or 9M) -P.T op do$mroni hnc bens p—Fr"w OM 1wil rntmsr. ff th4s�r rt trxxiir.�At atetw ur?i�mtttuctlan tkJbtrttotttin:arxt r_tp�oi�t tkn+vsrort r�`he relsatrander6-1 n wWr";tPet"dwrxt tit bark of fur farm. 23.$It!dhWvm or additional well detalts: You m use tits back of this per.to pmi*aQdi Onalnell ske•.detailsarueil 8.Numberof wells ronstrttctrd: 1 conaffle ion details. You ffMy stlso attach additional pales If mcesmty. For ftNPld JftkC kM f nr 4j*WMr,V#y Mirka OXjty ItItA fu mare sansuvrc*ir, ast rM sae ,t+teu JErma MNffffAL1NSTUCnQ1qS 9.Toth trell depth below land saYPaM 40 (ft.) UL IPnr All 1yVdW 'Submit arts farm LAidin 36 dm}S of cnittpletioa of tt-ell Fora+raWot,weliti;.ttrrll artAt i/d5 tre,r(txerm tr 317f1'mnt? lf1fP9 constntdicm to ft,folloniq; .10.Static Water level below toll of easinw. INVIsIOn of V 2ftr Rt s uRre'm latorvnatiou f"teming Unit, 1/nnwxr ttve tv aerev fin ose"+� 1617 MxU Soviet C+htter,RAt*_:h,NC 2 690-1611 It Harthole diameter-12° (in.} 2Ib.�i ,}}'g o .Y: ftt 8tltl2Ei0t1 t0 Setldailg tit@ torn]tR tht:dd7 ;n 24a abmv,also suEbtuit a capy of;this form ctitWn 3p dal-.of conVetian of MVIi t 2 ,%,dI cRylstmc"I»l obcd:HSA/Air constaUdion t0 rite fbHowhV: 4i.e.augerttary,=Mc1 -dbwVwAek.j Dh'L410n of Water Resoarrcs�Uttdertr+oDtM Injceilttn Control PrOgrttt FOR WATER SUPPLY AM IS ONLY: 1636 Mall Stnice Crattr.Raleigh.NC 376"4636 I3a:l'it#d(ppm) Method of rats 2Ss.For`Water SoRWI a njogmn`Weita : .Also su9mh ottz cogof this fonn n tltin>M dinatcompletionor tivsll constntction to the county health depmmsd of the co ,whevc 1.31a.1)IslnfRn fvptW Am4nrat: ko,%constructed. FaMIOV-1 Noith Camlim Dq=b=1 ofEm=immrvaandMnuslRmwms-DhisionoMlstcfitewt s Rc%1wdAt 2013