October 1, 2006
Version 4
Applicant Name: Dorn ood Pro erties LLC A~~v~ ~ ~+ r . ~~ V ~ r'1 '~ r v'1 ~
Applicant Address: 1038 Eastern Avenue Nashville NC 27856
ashville. NC 27856
Applicant's phone number: 252 462-0299 Fax number: 252 459-7764
Applicant's email address: seci earthlink.net
Consultant Name (if applicable): Appian Consulting_Engineers, PA
Consultant address (if applicable): P.O. Box 7966
Rock Mount NC 27804
Consultant's phone number: 252 972-7703 Fax number: (252 972-7638
Consultant's email address: sokalski a ianen ineers.com
Type of action requested under the Express Review Program (check all that apply):
^ 401 Water Quality Certification
^ Isolated Wetland Permit
X Stream Origin Determination
1 # of Determinations Requested
^ Riparian Buffer Approval
^ Riparian Buffer Minor Variance
^ Coastal General "Major" Variance
^ Intermittent/Perennial Determination
# of Determinations Requested
^ Isolated Wetland Determination
linear feet or acres
^ Stormwater Management Plan (this fee is not additive when approval is combined with 401 Cert.)
# of Drainage Areas/Project Site
Name of Project: Performance Small En ing e Repair Center County: Nash
Total project acreage: 3.10 (acres) Total built out impervious area: 0.96 (acres)
Nearest Named stream + River Basin (from USGS topo map): Stone Creek
Please provide a brief description of this project (attach site plan if available):
The site is currently vacant and has already been investigated for a stream call. A stream was determined to start at
the far left project property line (at the existing 24" RCP) and extend throu hg the property to the existing 36" RCP on
the right property line (abuts SR 1667 -Freight Road). The site will be developed to include a two buildi~ totaling
9600 square feet with associated parking lot and driveways.
Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1:24,000 map and county soil survey.
Location of project site -please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number:
Project is located at the intersection of SR 1770 (Sunset Avenue) and SR 1667 (Frei ht Road) within Cit~f
Roc Mount ETJ Nash Coun
Proposed impacts:
Acres of 404/401 wetlands
Acres of isolated wetlands
Linear feet of streams
Linear feet of isolated streams
Square feet of protected stream buffers
Has consultant or applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? If so, please list
which ones. No
Has any DWQ staff visited the site?_X , if yes, please provide DWQ staff name, Mike Horan
and date of visit: 12/20/06
Which other environmental permits from other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits and
issuing agencies below:
Erosion Control Permit -Land Quality Section
Does this project require approval under the State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental Policy Act?
Is this project an After-the-fact application or has this project received a previous Notice of Violation from DWQ?
Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission? No
Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this project? If so, please describe the controversy and any
measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement.
This form must be submitted via email (c/o 401express(a),ncmail.net), faxed (919-733-6893) or hand-delivered to the
Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604. Applicants who are selected to participate in
the Express Review Program will be notified via fax within 2 days. Successful applicants will then be instructed
regarding detailed procedures for full application (Note: Submittals of the review packages on Friday after 12:00 pm
will be stamped as received on the next business day).
Please contact Cynthia Van Der Wiele at 919-715-3473 if you have any questions regarding this form.
MapQuest: Maps
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[100-121] Freight Rd
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All rights reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright
This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all
risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.
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http://www.mapquest.com/maps/print.adp?mapdata=IgGhLx%252bMihBgagOYJhntXwKs9NRNRhidpD... 5/23/2007
Driving Directions from [108-199] Club Dr, Nashville, NC to [100-121] Freight Rd, Rocky Mount, NC
Start: [108-199] Club Dr
Nashville, NC 27856, US
End: [100-121] Freight Rd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804, US
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Directions Distance
Total Est. Time: 7 minutes Total Est. Distance: 4.20 miles
1: Start out going NORTHEAST on S CLUB DR toward FAIRFIELD RD. 0.1 miles
,/,~ 2: Turn LEFT onto E WASHINGTON ST. 0.2 miles
3: Turn RIGHT onto EASTERN AVE / US-64 BR E. Continue to follow 3.1 miles
4: EASTERN AVE becomes SUNSET AVE / NC-1770. 0.6 miles
,~, 5: Turn LEFT onto FREIGHT RD. <0.1 miles
~,~~~~~^ 6: End at [100-121] Freight Rd
^~r^ Rocky Mount, NC 27804, US
Total Est. Time: 7 minutes Total Est. Distance: 4.20 miles
Page 1 of 2
http://www.mapyuest.com/directions/main.adp?do=prt&mo=ma&2si=tana&un=m&go=1 &dtype=s& 1 a=... 5/23/2007
Driving Directions from [108-199] Club Dr, Nashville, NC to [100-121] Freight Rd, Rocky Mount, NC Page 2 of 2
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All rights reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright
These directions are informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to their content, road
conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no
responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.
http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?do=prt&mo=ma&2si=tana&un=m&go=1 &dtype=s& 1 a=... 5/23/2007