HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0041696_wasteload allocation_19760622ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY EVALUATION Areawide (208) Planning Area: Non - designated Facilities (201) Planning Area: Burke County Source of Pollution: Proposed Valdese Wastewater Treatment Facility 200 190 80 M 70 t 60 50 O 40 30 144 20 10 0 1130 .1 1123 1001 SMITH - !W• 2000 CLASS " 10 20 Design Flow Imgd1 30 A proposed 25 mgd WWTP which will serve the Town of Valdese is located in the adjoining diagram. This facility will discharge to Island Creek, a class "C" stream with a 7/10 low flow of 2.1 cfs. The maximum allowable ultimate BOD which may be discharged and the degree of treatment required is evaluated below. The 1970 estimated population for the entire Burke County Facility Planning Area indicates a population of 35,000. The 1980 projected population for this area is 41,000. Level "B" Analysis This proposed treatment facility must provide secondary type treatment followed by nitrification and discharge and effluent BODult of less than 20 mg/1. CTB31 -VI I I-15 Assimilative Capacity Calculations a) Slope on Island Creek From USGS topographical maps the stream surface slope was estimated to be 40 ft/mile. b) Velocity Mean velocity and depth under 7/10 low flow conditions are estimated to be 1.6 feet per second and 1.0 feet respectively. These estimates are obtained from USGS stream gauging data. c) Reaeration Coefficient K2 The value of K2 was estimated by the method developed by E.C. Tsivoglov and is given by the following equation: K2(29°C) = 0.96 dh/dx v where dh/dx = water surface slope (ft/mile) v = mean river velocity (fps) K2 = (0.96)(40)(1.6) K2 = 61 per day, base e @ 29°C d) Deoxygenation Coefficient Ki In the absence of adequate stream BOD data, Ki is assumed to be 0.35 per day at 200C. This value is corrected for temperature and bed activity by the following equation: K1(29°C) = 1.51 (Ki + dv n) where K1 = assumed bottle deoxygenation rate, (per day) v = mean stream velocity (fps) d = mean stream depth (feet) n = coefficient of bed activity Ki = 1.51 (0.35 + 1.6(0.52)) 1.0 Ki = 1.18 per day, base e @ 29°C e) Groundwater runoff was estimated to be 0.25 cfs/mile under 7/10 low flow conditions. The following dissolved oxygen values were obtained using the above hydrologic conditions and the following effluent parameters as initial conditions to a computer model simulating on the affected reach. Miles Below Outfall 0.5 1.0 1.5 Discharge (Qw) = 25 mgd Effluent BODult = 20 mg/1 Effluent DO = 5 mg/1 DO(mg/1) 6.7 7.2 7.4 CTB31-VIII-16 BODu1t(mg/1) 18.6 18.1 17.7