HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01556_Well Construction - GW1_20210309 1•Well COntractorInfO ForIntemal Use Only:rmation: -_ ._.....�_.. .... Chris Morgan 1'reli Contractor Name 14:1irATF,R2pg 3572 R 0 RECEIVED rRo To DESCRIPTION NC Weli Contractor Certification Number SC rt. 1 ft. Morgan wen& Pump, inc. MAN X 9 2021 n' l rt. Company IR�IOtt�R CAST IG(for multi-cased mils)QR L P Y Name TO DIAaIETER INER Rfn lirrbley In¢.1111 ; �n r ° +, rt. Tr�ctavEss 14ATERIAL 2,-WCII'Construction Per ff s tls ;n. mit 7; DW R Section lG.iRNER CASING OR TUBING( eothermni c osed-loo Pvc List all applicable ur!lcorrstrucdarr permits(f.e.UlC,County:State,Narinnce,etc) FR011t TO 3.Well Use(chech'veli use): DIA51ETER THICKNESS n. ft atATERI,u• Water Su in. PP1Y Well: ft. n• in. Agricultural �- 17.S CREEN }-rGeothermal(Heating/Co olin Su 1 DMunicipal/Public rROnt TO DIAMETER g Supply) DlResidentiai Water Su j 16 SLOT SIZE THmImESS a.LITERIAL ilndustrial/Commercial ft. in. PP Y�(singlc) DlResidential Water Supply ft. ft. Irrigationpp y{shared) in. NOR-ihrater Supply Weil: 18.GROUT FR062 TO MATERIAL 1�lOnjtOl'Ing i—i' 0 ft. EhIPLACERtL•N•r11L•TiiODSA�t011\T I''u✓ell: DlRecovcry 20 ft. bentonite ft, poured 'Aquifer Recharge rt. CIAquifer Storage and Recovery Groundwater Remediation ft• ft. Aquifer Test oSaliniry Barrier 19.SAiVDIG pACI{(if ann ifcabta PR All ro ntATERiAL Experimental Technology [�iStorm'vater Drainage rai►LACrRIEn-ralrTHOD Geothermal(Closed Loop) 01Subsidence Control DITtacer ft' ft. Gcothetntal(Heating/Cooling turn 20.DRrLLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) Other(explain under r21 Remarks) FRc I To DESCRIPTtON Dute Well(s)Completed: (color,hardness soiVroch t c eta;n s;�etc.) 4. 2_g Z� ft. ft. ---�_. well IDr Na e 5a.Well Location: S ft• v ft. t� I CJ t-le_ V ft. n/a ft. �v o Facility/OwncrName n-Facility r'G r4 n� I q7 6 /`i e41.4 b � ft. � 6� ft. 1 � physical Ad ress>Ciq%and Zip r G-^���T�ar( ft. ft. - !ift. I ft. County n/a 21-REi4iARICS .111ifi, lion No. Sb-Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal de(p�I (ifwell field,one lat/long is sufficient) d grees: 22.Certification: G.Ware)the neii(s)„Permanent or DI_em-r ,,, pora,Y Signature of Ccnr 0: 1 Nclt C no uactor 6 `-�Z' 7.N this a repair to anexistingknown BI signing this rmt,I Irereb� mrtrn drat t/re uell(s)iros(u:errJ constnrcted in accordance well: Dives or 1,1 If this is a repair,fell art bnowm'veil constnrction infantradnn and etplain the nature of cafe ojdlis record Gas bee»provide rto die well ounce repair under�'�/ranrarls section ar at the bark oftlris(ornr, tvr[h hA hrC.dC 0?C,O100 or IS_9 NCAC 03 C.0200 Fell Cons[rnctia+Standards and that a F•For Geoprobe/DDT or Closed-Lermal 23.Site diagram or additional well details: construction only 1 G6Lr I I needed•Indicate TOTAL I\'[J1vigER oWells having f wells You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site derails or'veil drilled: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9.Total'veil depth below land surface: SLB�T'--A RS'STRUC T IONS For rrrtrltiple[sells list all depdrs jdgere,it C le-3eram ��p @-00'and3@!00') (`'} 24a• For All Li'ells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 10.Static Water level belocv bop of casing: L/�j construction to the folloning: ter level is above casing,use"=" (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing§Jnit, 11.Borehole diameter: 6 ,1617 IWait Service Center,Raleigh,(in.) g ,INC t 2- G99-lGi7 12.Well construction method: rOfBry 24b.For injection b.Veils: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a (..a.auger,rota above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of%veil rotary,cable,direct push,e[c.) construction to the following: FOR°�'ATL2 S�'p!-1'�'TI.LS OPz qr; Division of Water Resources Undergro und wound Injection Control Program, I3a.Field(spat) Y 1636 iVlaiI Service'-enter,l2aleiah - 'Method of test: air pressure b .NC 27699-1636 24c for Water SuDDiv�Injection Wells. In addition to sendio,the form to 13b.Disinfection ape; granular �7 the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: G-s QZ completion of well construction to the county health department of the county Porn OW-1 where constructed. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division or Water Resour•cs Revised 2-22-2016