HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210048 Ver 1_More Info Received_20210309Strickland, Bev From: TAMARA HAGER <hager@lakepermit.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 9:04 AM To: Perez, Douglas J Subject: [External] Prestige Corp headquarters bear creek LLC Attachments: 2021-03-09_090235.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Tamara Hager 704-575-2227 Lake Permit LLC hager@lakepermit.com ID#* 20210048 Version * 1 Regional Office* Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 Reviewer List* Alan ,Johnson Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 1/612021 Contact Name * Contact Email Address* Project Name * Project Owner* Project County* Owner Address: TAMARA HAGE*R HAGER@LAKEPERMIT. CO M PRESTIGE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS BEAR CREEK LLC TODD YOUNG Erede€I Street Address 135 BEAR CREEK RD Address Line 2 City MOORESVILLE Fbstal I Zip (ode 28117 Is this a transportation project?* it Yes G No State 1 Frovime 1 Region NC Country United States Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - F 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express F individual Permit r Modification W Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* r Yes +: No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? NONE NEEDED Please give a brief project description below.* RIP RAP BARE ERODED AREAS FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. PrQe :lumpy Owner: Cd F't Ef Gcn, is COUAVVYBA RIPARIAN BLI FFE NMO FICA-47 P CI N FOIRI� i VC The approval is Far the purpose and design described in your application- Impacts not indicated in the 2ppllCatiOn is a violation of E BAY Rule. Site srpec is ovoricPoWd be provided in the application. I 5A NCAC 02H _0506 and'! 5A NCAC 02 B .0243(8)j Trees are not 2liowed to be removed frdrn fdn2 i of the BUTT er (vjithin3o t of he Full pond ale -nation), uniess approved_ exception, those reasthatare severefyunderni ned along the Irrmecliateshoreiina can berarnavee- INliniMaI sllapirlb and sloping along the immediate shoreline is allowed. i =7r NCAC 02B-0243(6)) Benching, grading fin the bufFer is not allowed_ Excess«Jc disturbance or grroL-nd coder. [ SSA NCAC 02B .02^—.3 (6)j -32ches, impervious Patfos, impervious wallpw2ys, eCC_ 2re not allowed in the; buffer unless speAcaily 2ppr oved by he +Ob sion. Thee are limitation on si-efor darks_ [ 5A 1tc CO23 _02.3(4E.) and (6); %Nfor k to be conducted from land. ,iiust indicate an access and EndlCat4 2nv trees thGt are to be removed. I hs work corridor should be described. i € e approved access Corr ldor shall be r e5tore,_. `:c2i i=, spoil, CQnc_ruetio : is material must ust be outside the busier_ i� �`. NCB C 0?+ 11 _050 and 1ST, jtiCAC 02B -D2 3 i4? (6), :Gis Stormwater c2nnoi he piped or channeled for Clr2ct dischagge to the lake- Ali cor st-ructed s_oi-ran- viltz_' discharges must be ?tthe natural afevetion and disch-arged prior io enierin he buzzer directed as diffuse or she=t � load at nrin �rosivia ve[flci�ies ti�'lle fare. f=';F� lEC�IC 1723 _rJ2!!3 (S); {6i; Ackriotw]edp;em;'!Tta [votjlCo+for,• =; i' Cyr �. �� rat icuLl5icLe LnaL I have been inforimedz� of theCa`Latllb2 ?iP-ar12 Buii?i RP7,Ui . �.;1f! sldQri: Cs�nGll�C<=C' irl l: slii-:'. not specMically sated in the application grid approved dlr -he D(vision of Water 3e-co[lrces (DWP,), is a violation and =_uhlect to enforcement Due diligence wM he taken 5UC:h thatthe COns4rucHon YdH he built v4thin substantial compliance and Wmnt of the 401 Met= Qu2lity Ce rtiflcction and i3uiicr Rules, die approved plans) and SpeciiicaLiMN, -nd oMersUpportir3y materials. r � ' �1gnaLuE $ (Cililr3c.- - Date:1 i a �=o � ,•' � � '4�0� F.���� 1 � � PRE�EHiEo a Ww � a X ,poi iJ islf(� WWj I `pr e r -'Z � 5 SFP 11 PA 3CO ��••++ t4 aWa .n xE w a "'L:t GF GEEGS N io A77LF£EJRG (O.N.C. e m¢ 0,0 x s- .we Tir 3 w i �� lxF 0O oXZ OV g W OT �zm �`�uFy vLcJ�z S V y i {. a 9 F i d GC N (\F J Y Do S N uj S n Kr CQ cn S 4 W ��536.5 r r -x8 m-� 16T.62J z, / Z a <r s ! i ei NI.rr ez ess I _ o rQr N Pez.ops NFO'i w Wu \� 0 F �n / �¢ 9� Da'37J i ! yb'i•O: -r an O h �M1 'oa�o �O. 2 G ! b' LLI N I_ ` �' rtly Fr. �� n•nM A" yl ,ey •ee.fl 0�1 brz M i Y� � ,� c aE � �p Nr�DN M ., - m 4 n I� G r9 �?� M Of� Q�.¢ �4?• O��F � `� S� �Vi �, W *r�1 ;� O � � o �t� g9'r11 a�, �f� p. .� {6, Os Z i ¢ �• _j Sf �� � ;9fYr,y i�4 de"o�� �"�+d n r � f $^: M� sb,z � o•g� o F'a az )"� o �' �� di= mrP�9Jflb,7 s- o� S fir• ��` /�� ' ��, �o fed n u ♦��Q �; �.' 1 Nryl � � b`aDs � �` d �� � ,y s r. yZ, "' e'P`D p r. 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U. 9UZ ahu . N1 c ti � Jm .O. -� - 0.Wa xn: •-w fcN 2' U g "= p:Ndr�<r,ss� k 'li� aft�`gs ^ 1\))Q r6�@ f� ter` �•rpo eq'o �ji WlI I '�a Z d m w ,"' F\� NQ \�. •9"yo- III\ 13 2 \ri Z n n w e \\�� . yQ! OZ\46��i w oO Cy z W '•\ Y' �N \P\r O 07, --F1. qQ 01 lull Pond/ armaMWater MW am Shoreline Lake (A-L Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) ,I_ / J.�'V�j UN� am•M� lti`L11� l iut/L i___ jj fSl�L-7rP Lm 6? U—IAe f Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (pra�,;de dimensions fo�e���, item, such as 10 ft x 1Oo ft-j x: 1 • All proposed vegetation clearing Z. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/'Normal Water Level elevation I Location of rip rap or fill to be placed belowthe Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4• Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5• Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 0. Location of construction access corridors C41k Rom, FORM: 55CP 1D-2013 A f.b"S i Ltt N V y �V "� Page 3 of 3 From: TAMARA HAGER hager@lakepermit.com Subject: Prestige LLC shoreline pies Date: Jan 10, 2021 at 9:45:46 AM To: TAMARA HAGER hager@lakepermit.com �q SHOD'( t4 E, 4�91 C-S, P�3? )GC Cam• L� uro�� 6 �� �2���� `.�'` , , . z.. .. 2211/2 I Marshall Steam Station to 135 Bear Creek Rd, Mooresville, NC - GoogIe Maps Marshall Steam Station to 135 Bear Creek Rd, Drive 14.6 miles, 25 min 7a'` �?S Mooresville, NC Marshall Steam Station 8320 NG150.. 5herrills Ford, NC 28673 t 1. Head northwest +t 2. Turn left onto NC-150 E * 3. Turn right onto Morrison Plantation Pkwy f+ 4. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto NC- 1100/Brawley School Rd 0.5 mr 5.4 mi IA mi PI eLZL7' 1 S 48mi 5. At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit onto NC-1100 2.0 mi r► 6. Turn right onto Tuskarora Trail 0.7 mi 4, 7. Turn left onto Bear Creek Rd 0.1 mi 135 Bear Creek Rd Mooresville, NC 28117 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route. httpsIlyw w.googIe.00mlmapsldiriMarshalI+Steam+Station,+North+Carolina+150,+Sherri Its+Ford,+NC/135+ Bear +Creek+Rd,+MooresAIIe,+NC/@35.5564518,.. 1/1