HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110682 Ver 2_Restoration Information_20120727Partners for � iii � ii for and ' .s Wildlife July 13, 2012 To: Roberto Scheller, Senior Environmental Specialist, Division of Water Quality, NC DENR bi From: David Byrd, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Subject: Wetland Management Plan for South Martha Washington Hydrology Restoration Project, DWQ Permit #11 -0682 Dear Mr. Scheller, Enclosed is the wetland manageme_Case number 21reference site, for the South Martha Washington Ditch hydrology restoration project in Dismal Swamp State Park in Camden County, North Carolina, as well as a portions of the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife refuge in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia. Included in the plan is a discussion of the hydrology and plant stress monitoring integral to the plan. Due to the lack of accurate elevation data within the affected ditches and forested blocks proposed for restoration, the plan is designed as an adaptive management plan. Data provided on groundwater hydrology and plant response to changes in groundwater elevation will be assessed and provide the basis for modifications in water control at these structures, if necessary. These assessments will also provide the park and refuge managers with the groundwater hydrology data necessary to assess the need for further water control within the study area. Due to ongoing issues with our office phone system, please contact me on my cell phone at (757) 472 -2473 or via e-mail at david—byrd@fws.gov if you have questions. RECEIVED JUL 16 2012 DWQ-WARO Introduction This wetland management plan is submitted in accordance with special conditions 8 and 9 of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resoueces, Division of Water Quality permit number 11 -0682, issued to the Dvision of Parks and Recreation on September 6, 2011 for the South Martha Washington Ditch Hydrology Restoration Project. Background The project is located in northeastern North Carolina and southern Virginia (Figure 1). The project area (Figure 2) encompassed by this wetland management plan is located within a portion of the historic Dismal Swamp, which once covered as much as 1,000,000 acres of land in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Since the 1600's, the swamp has been altered through clearing, ditching and draining for agricultural, commercial and residential purposes. It is estimated that only 210,000 acres of the original Dismal Swamp remains, most of which is contained within Dismal Swamp State Park (DSSP) and the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (GDSNWR), and is altered through a network of ditches (Figure 3). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) acquired approximately 49,000 acres from Union Camp Corporation and an additional 26,000 acres from Weyerhauser Corporation through The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to form the core of the GDSNWR, containing land in the cities of Chesapeake and Suffolk and portions of Camden and Pasquotank counties in North Carolina. The refuge currently comprises 111,000 acres. DSSP, located immediately south and east of r__ --- rrwrry '-- GDSNWR, contains 14,432 acres ac- -��-- 1974. GDSNWR staff has managed Case number 23. water levels in the refuge since its fVniiauun in 7 4 and since 1990, has managed their network of drainage ditches and water controls structures under the Marsh and Water Management Plan (USFWS 1990). GDSNWR staff also manages several water control structures in the northern section of DSSP, under an existing agreement. The GDSNWR staff is currently working on a hydrology management plans, due out in 2013. DSSP intends to develop a hydrology management plan, though the time frame for its development is currently undetermined. The project area within DSSP and GDSNWR is composed of several natural communities. These can all be broadly classified under organic flat wetlands, characterized by relative low topographic relief with organic soils 16 or more inches thick at or near the surface and hydrology characterized by runoff horizontally in all directions. These natural communities include Non - Riverine Swamp Forest, Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forest dominated by Atlantic white cedar (Chaemacyparis thyioides), and Pine Flats /Pond Pine Woodland, dominated by pond pine (Pinus serotina), which comprises the majority of the area. The hydrology of Non - Riverine Swamp Forest is characterized by seasonally or frequently saturated or shallowly flooded by a high water table. Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forests are characterized by intermittently or seasonally saturated hydrologic conditions. Pine Flats /Pond Pine Woodlands are characterized by a temporarily flooded or saturated hydrologic regime. The water table drops to underlying mineral sediment during the dry season (Schafale and Weakely 1990). Natural Resource Heritage Areas also occur within the project area. The Dismal Swamp Pocosin Resource Heritage Area is located in the southwest section and the Dismal Swamp White Cedar Resource Heritage Area is located in the northwest section of the project area (Figure 4). Page 3 The wetlands within the project area have been classified by other methods, including the Service's National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), North Carolina Department of Water Quality, and North Carolina Department of Coastal Management. Within the project area, the areas within the GDSNWR have been classified under NWI (Figure 5) as palustrine scrub shrub (PSS) or palustrine forested (PFO) wetlands, with further designations based on dominant vegetation type such as broad - leaved deciduous (01) or needle - leaved evergreen (04). The hydrologic modifier for all of the wetland types in the GDSNWR section of the project area is seasonally flooded (C). The definition for this modifier is surface water is present for extended periods especially early in the growing season, but is absent by the end of the growing season in most years (Cowardin, et. al. 1979).. No NWI mapping is available for DSSP, though the state of North Carolina has developed a wetland mapping system that has categorized wetlands within the project area. The majority of wetlands within the DSSP portion of the project area are defined as Pine Flat (wetland type 10). This wetland type contains the community classified by North Carolina Natural Heritage Program as Pond Pine Woodland (LeGrand, 1994).. Areas along the western and eastern boundaries of the project area, as well as an area contained with the block bounded by Laurel and Myrtle ditches, are defined as Drained Depressional Swamp Forest (wetland type 27). This wetland type, in addition to Pond Pine Woodland contained the community classified by North Carolina Natural Heritage Program as High Pocosin (LeGrand, 1994). Small areas of Depressional Swamp Forest (wetland type 7) are found in the southwest quadrant of the project area (Figure 6). The Dismal Swamp White Cedar and Dismal Swamp Pocosin Heritage Areas and the Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forest habitat are primarily located in the Depressional Swamp Forest (Figure 4). These communities have been signif­.antiv alrPrPd hv rapt human activities, including logging, ditching (LeGrand 1994). These disCase_number 241itching, have resulted in the loss of up to three feet of organic soil through subsidence and oxidation. Two recent large wildfires burned up to four feet of drained organic soil, resulting in the loss of significant stands of Atlantic white cedar and other forested areas in GDSNWR. The drained condition of the soils, in conjunction with past logging practices have led to the encroachment of opportunistic species such as red maple (Ater rubrum), which has become a dominant species in all of these natural communities, resulting in shifts in community type (LeGrand 1994, Laing 2011). Discussions with Dr. Rob Atkinson from Christopher Newport University (CNU) and Gary Speiran from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) indicated that the prevalence of red maple, a broad- leaved deciduous species, may also contribute to an enhanced transpiration rate and more rapid water table decline .in the spring, as compared to the needle - leaved evergreens Atlantic white cedar and pond and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and the needle - leaved deciduous bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) that historically dominated these natural communities (R. Atkinson, CNU, pers. comm. 2011, G. Speiran, USGS, pers. comm. 2011). LeGrand (2000) also indicated that DSSP is a significant site because of its large acreage of wetland forests. Without active management such as raising water levels in the swamp and initiating controlled burning, the cedar and pine dominated natural areas will be replaced by red maple, sweetgum and tuliptree. A brief explanation of the past and present water management activities within GDSNWR and DSSP would provide some background for this plan. Page 4 Water Management Historic Within the historic Dismal Swamp, water management has historically consisted of the construction of ditches with the intent of draining land for forestry and agricultural purposes, as well as to provide water for navigation in the Dismal Swamp Canal. This effort extends back to the eighteenth century, when George Washington and a group of investors attempted to drain and clear portions of the swamp for agriculture and the construction of the Dismal, Swamp Canal and extended up until the early 1970's, when the land was purchased for protection by the Nature Conservancy and subsequently transferred to the Service and the North Carolina Department of Parks and Recreation (NCDENR). Water control structures, typically stoplog controlled half moon risers, were also used by timber companies, prior to acquisition by the state and Federal governments. Many of these structures have either been repaired or replaced, though some have been abandoned, including one located adjacent to the proposed southern water control structure on South Martha Washington Ditch. Existing Water control structures, providing management of water levels within the historic Great Dismal Swamp, have been primarily limited to that portion within the current boundaries of the GDSNWR. A total of 43 structures are located within the GDSNWR and DSSP, 31 of which have been repaired, replaced or installed since CTT)RNWR /DSSP establishment. These structures are currently functioning to manage Case number 25sma1 Swamp (Figure 7). Several are located on DSSP property and are managed by the GDSNWR staff through an agreement with DSSP. These include water control structures at Corapeake and Western Boundary and Corapeake and Laurel ditches, located near the northwestern edge of the park. Other water control structures that the GDSNWR staff currently manages that are on the border between GDSNWR and DSSP lands are the located at Cross Canal and Forest Line Ditch at the southwest corner of DSSP property and three structures along Bull Boulevard Ditch at the southern edge of park property. GDSNWR staff has managed this network of water controls structures under the Marsh and Water Management Plan since 1990 (Service 1990). The goals of this plan are, in brief, reduce water channelized from swamp by installing and rehabilitating water control structures to replicate natural flow regimes by installing cross -flow culverts under roads, maintain water levels to enhance hydrologic conditions for specific habitat types, and to support off - refuge water management activities, where possible. GDSNWR staff is currently working on an updated hydrology management plans, tentatively due out in 2013. Water management within the DSSP and GDSNWR has consisted of releasing water during the high outflow period of winter to spring and retaining it during the summer through fall. Due to land use changes outside of the GDSNWR, such as housing development, clearing, ditching and drain tiling for agricultural production, the volume and rate of surface water inflow into the GDSNWR has increased significantly. Without releasing this excess surface water, it would overtop water control structures and the existing road network, resulting in damage to both. After leaf emergence in early spring, transpiration rates increase significantly and coupled with Page 5 the increasing evaporation rates, resulting in decreasing outflows to the ditches. Additional stoplogs or boards are then placed in the structures to maintain water levels in the ditches and groundwater elevation in the blocks much as possible during the summer through fall. Water level monitoring with the GDSNWR and the northern section of DSSP has until recently consisted of recording water elevations at staff gauges located at selected water control structures and maintaining datalogging water level monitors in targeted locations. The GDSNWR and DSSP also benefits from a USFWS hydrologist now working at GDSNWR, who has collaborated with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to conduct more intensive groundwater monitoring in the southeastern GDSNWR and northernmost DSSP. There are no water control structures with Kim Saunders Ditch, the eastern end of Corapeake Ditch or the sections of Cross Canal and South Martha Washington Ditch that cross through DSSP. Consequently, the ability to manage water levels within the interior of DSSP does not exist. These ditches drain a significant portion of DSSP and prevent or restrict the ability of the DSSP staff to undertake successful protection and restoration of the natural heritage communities, including maintaining natural hydrologic regimes and minimizing the threat of wildfires that have irreparably damaged portions of the Peatland Atlantic White Cedar, Pond Pine Woodland and Non - Riverine Swamp Forest communities in the GDSNWR in the South One Fire in 2008 and Lateral West Fire in 2011 northwest of DSSP. Proposed/Future The GDSNWR is currently working on a water management plan that is anticipated to be completed in 2013. A habitat manage„ nP„ t nlan iq PXnented to be completed in 2012. DSSP currently has no formal water managCase number__26anticipated that the monitoring and assessment information derived through this wetland management plan will provide a basis for the development of hydrology and wetland management plans. This current plan incorporates the installation of two water control structures (the second or southernmost structure contingent upon securing adequate funding) and 36 monitoring wells in order to assess pre and post control effects on the groundwater level within the state park. The wells will consist of both automatic datalogging wells (15) and tapedown or manually recorded wells (21). All of the proposed automated wells and 18 of these the manually recorded wells are located in DSSP. These wells will complement the existing well monitoring network presently established north of DSSP in the GDSNWR. Due to the lack of existing accurate elevation data for the ditches and forested areas proposed for restoration/enhancement, the water control structures will initially be installed without placing any stoplogs within the structures, allowing for unrestricted flow within the ditches. Water flow will continue unregulated through the water control structure(s) for one year post construction to provide pre - hydrology restoration monitoring of existing groundwater conditions. One year post construction or after one complete growing season, stoplogs will be installed in the structures to the design elevations, as indicated in the permit application and plans. Hydrology will be continue to be monitored within each of the ditches and along transects within the forested between blocks where hydrology is expected to be restored and enhanced for a minimum of five years. As additional funding becomes available, additional wells may be installed to supplement Page 6 those previously installed, affording a more complete view of existing groundwater hydrology. Water and wetland management is proposed to be adaptive. strategy, based on the monitored groundwater levels, as has been the case with the existing water control structures and habitat management in the GDSNWR. The goals of this wetland management plan, as indicated below, are to restore hydrology to restore pre - disturbance hydrologic conditions as much as is practicable thus reducing or eliminating organic soil loss and wildfire threat, creating the conditions to restore the natural communities that are present within the project area to determine where additional water control may be necessary to achieve these overall goals Goals Develop water control within South Martha Washington Ditch and to the maximum extent, those ditches which drain into South Martha Washington Ditch. 2. Reduce or eliminate artificial drainage from the forested areas directly adjacent to South Martha Washington Ditch and adjacent ditches. I Utilize the water control structures to adjust water levels to mimic the hydroperiods of the natural communities in the DSSP and GDSNWR to the extent possible, including Pond Pine Woodland, Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forest and Non - Riverine Swamp Forest. 4. Assess existing and future well mnnitnri„Q Ants tn determine the need and placement of future water control structurc(;ase n 2 umber _ )re hydrology to those areas not exhibiting ground water level and durations sufficient to maintain and restore natural communities. 5. Monitor targeted natural community types within restoration area, using adaptive management to provide contingencies related to extraordinary precipitation events, potential adverse effects on road substrates, or other issues that may affect DSSP /GDSNWR management. Proposed Monitoring Hydrology Monitoring The GDSNWR staff, in conjunction with USGS staff, has been instituting a well monitoring as funding is available for areas of the GDSNWR. These locations are focused on the southeast area of the GDSNWR, north of the boundary with the DSSP. These wells are comprised of satellite accessed, direct (personnel) accessed datalogging and manually read (tapedown) wells. These are shown on the map indicating existing and proposed. monitoring well locations (Figure . 8). Page 7 Additional hydrology monitoring wells will be installed within the project area in conjunction with this plan, which will allow the DSSP and GDSNWR staff to monitor the restoration of hydrology within the proposed restoration area (Figure 9). The monitoring wells will be installed in the configuration indicated in Figure 10. CNU students and staff, under the supervision of Dr. Robert Atkinson Director of the Center for Wetland Conservation, will be conducting the hydrology monitoring on a subset of the wells on a monthly basis. North Carolina State University students, under the supervision of Kris Bass, P.E., will monitor the remaining wells within DSSP. USFWS, USGS, and NCDENR staff will assist with installation and monitoring. Wells will be installed in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Regulatory Assistance Program Technical Note Installing Monitoring Wells /Piezometers in Wetlands (Sprecher 2000). Two data loggers (2 meter) will be located within South Martha Washington Ditch upgradient (above) each of the structures to monitor water level within the ditch. Additional 1 meter wells will be installed at varying intervals (100, 200, 300 feet and center of wooded block) from South Martha Washington and other ditches to monitor groundwater levels within 1 meter of the surface. Wells will consist of Remote Data System, In -Situ and Campbell Scientific data loggers, placed 100 feet from the ditch and the center of the "blocks" and visually read wells, which will be placed between the datalogging wells at 200 and 300 feet from the ditches. The Remote Data System wells are Ecotone WM water level instruments (2 meter, 80 inch wells for South Martha Washington Ditch and 1 meter 40 inch wells for all other locations. Wells utilizing Campbell Scientific and In -Situ datalogging equipment can be individually sized using data cable to fit the depth of the specif t- ­­11 V;c„n»hr monitored wells will be calibrated to datalogging wells. Wells will be re Case number µ28J once a month and reports will be prepared on an annual basis for submission to the Federal and state regulatory agencies. Five years of monitoring are anticipated, including a minimum of 1 year where precipitation considered normal, based on a 30 year average. A reduction in monitoring may occur, upon approval by the regulatory agencies, if well monitoring indicates hydrology requirements have been achieved during one or more years exhibiting normal precipitation and plant stress /tree mortality is indicated to be below threshold in the sampling plots. Plant Stress Monitoring In order to determine the effect of hydrology restoration on the plant community in the affected blocks, the Service and DSSP staff will coordinate with CNU Center for Wetlands Study to monitor plant health at selected sites within the study area. Plant plots will be located within the reference site and the affected blocks between Corapeake, Kim Saunders, Western Boundary and South Martha Washington. ditches at the mid -point of each block and 100 feet from the ditches. Sampling prior to the installation of boards in the water control structures will provide a baseline for vegetative health, prior to water control. Plant stress monitoring at the plots will occur once each year for a period of five years, typically July through September. Monitoring will focus on tree stress and mortality, which is a concern for both the park and refuge staff and regulatory agencies. Tree stress within one year can be evidenced by color changes, and multiyear. stress responses can be assessed through Importance Values and Prevalence Indices (Atkinson 2012) Page 8 Importance values (IV) provide a standard means of characterizing a plant community (Mueller - Dombois and Ellenberg 1974). Prevalence index values (PIV), a form of weighted averages, are useful for assessing wetland status of some vegetation types along a moisture gradient and for wetland delineation under natural conditions (Atkinson et al. 1993, Atkinson et al. 2005, Scott et al. 1989). Trees, shrubs, and herbs show various levels of hydrologic stress in response to excess moisture, and the structure and function of species in wetland habitats indicate flooding, . groundwater level, soil moisture, and drainage characteristics, as reported for the Great Dismal Swamp by Day (1979) and Rodgers et al. (2003). Details of the plant stress monitoring protocol are located in Appendix A. Timeline Well Installation – July to September 2012 Construction of Weir 1 (intersection of South Martha Washington and Corapeake Ditches) – July - September 2012 Construction of Weir 2 (south of Circle/Keyhole Ditch on South Martha Washington Ditch) – August through December 2012 (contingent upon additional funding) Installation of boards on Weir 1 – July 2013 Installation of boards on Weir 2 – July 2013 Completion of collection of the first year of well and plant monitoring - September 2013 Submission of first year monitoring report – December 2013 Continued hydrology /plant monitoring 2014 – 2017 *+ Water level adjustments to support rat,,ral rnmm„n;fxr restoration goals 2013 -2017 Cas e number 29 Completion of final monitoring reps_ . Y _ — *Monitoring may continue after the five year monitoring time period as funding and staffing allows. +Adjustments to water control may be required during this monitoring period to ensure success criteria are met. Reference Site The hydrology within the DSSP and GDSNWR has been significantly altered through a system of drainage ditches and suitable undrained sites are unavailable for reference purposes.. However, a previously drained site which has water control re- established, is proposed as the reference site for this project. The site, known as block C1, is bisected by the North Carolina/Virginia state line and is located between Corapeake and Sycamore ditches and Western Boundary and Myrtle ditches and (Figure 8). Block C -1 contains Pond Pine Woodland and High Pocosin communities. Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forest is also present in the reference site, though primarily limited to a fringe adjacent to the ditch margins. The reference site contains areas mapped as Pine Flat and Drained Depressional Swamp Forest under the Division of Coastal Management (Figure 6). Wells were installed within C -1 by USGS and GDSNWR staff in 2009. The Sycamore Ditch to Corapeake Ditch (north to south) transect has been monitored. since 2009 and will provide reference data for the project (Figure 11). The hydrology monitoring arrays at this site consist of both piezometers and wells (Figure 12), Page 9 though for the purposes of this study, though only the well data will be used to maintain consistency with the monitoring wells installed in the project study area. Monitoring at this site has already yielded valuable data that has a direct bearing on the project study area. This monitoring has indicated that there is a relatively rapid response in the water table aquifer after the placement of boards in water control structures adjacent to the site. The data has also shown that there is a rapid rise in recharge by precipitation in the water table aquifer at 100 feet from the ditch, though the water level begins declining almost'immediately at the end of precipitation (Figure 13). Levels in the water table aquifer and the ditches respond rapidly to precipitation. The increase in ditch water surface elevation continues for approximately 24 hours after a precipitation event due to flow from the swamp (Figure 14). There are diurnal cycles in groundwater levels due to evapotranspiration (ET). At the center of C -1 there are large declines during the day from high ET rates and "plateaus" with smaller declines at night from lower ET rates (Figure 15). Water levels in the ditches show a more uniform decline as water discharges into and from the ditch. (Speiran 2011) Based on this data collected at the reference site, it is anticipated that when stoplogs are placed in the two South Martha Washington Ditch water control structures, the ground water aquifer in the project area, particularly within 100 feet of the ditches, is expected to respond relatively quickly. The ground water aquifer will also respond during precipitation events, rising quickly, though begin dropping after cessation of the precipitation event, particularly during the growing season, when transpiration and evaporation increase significantly. Success Criteria Case number 30 The DSSP and GDSNWR staffs consider this a research project in addition to a wetland restoration project, due to the lack of a complete assessment of hydrology within their boundaries. The focus of the project is to utilize the existing and future monitoring data to develop management recommendations related to hydrologic and plant community restoration. Wetland and natural community management will require an adaptive approach, involving monitoring, analysis, comparison to goals, objectives and success criteria, and refinement of water level and vegetation management strategies. While it is the long term goal of both DSSP and GDSNWR to restore the specific community types to historic conditions as much as practicable, it is likely that for the short term, the increase in duration and/or frequency of elevated groundwater to provide /sustain wetland hydrology will be the target for this project, as indicated by the success criteria listed below. 1. Forested areas directly adjacent to South Martha Washington and Corapeake Ditches will exhibit an increase in ground water elevation of sufficient duration to meet the minimum regulatory requirement for wetland hydrology restoration during a year exhibiting normal precipitation. This distance is currently unknown, but is estimated to be a minimum of 100 feet from the ditches. 2. Forested areas outside the zone of direct hydrologic influence from the effects of water control on South Martha Washington and Corapeake Ditches will exhibit an increased duration in ground water aquifer elevation over what may currently be sufficient to meet Page 10 the minimum regulatory requirement for wetland hydrology restoration during a year exhibiting normal precipitation. This area of influence is also undetermined at this time but presumed to be from 100 feet to center of ditched "blocks ". 3. No significant mortality of woody vegetation within the plant stress monitoring plots as compared to mortality within the reference plot *. Significant is defined as 5% or more difference between restoration and reference plots. Mortality does not include that caused by fire, windstorm or other natural disasters. * If plant stress is noted in conjunction with surface inundation during the monitoring period, DSSP and Service staff will notify the regulatory agencies to determine whether modifications to water levels at the either structure should be modified to decrease surface water surface elevation within the ditches and the associated groundwater in the affected forested areas. One of the goals of this restoration effort is to utilize the water control structures to adjust water levels to mimic the hydroperiods of the natural communities in the DSSP and GDSNWR to the extent possible. Therefore, discussion with the regulatory agencies may include allowing certain species such as red maple, a species recognized as an opportunistic species which has become dominant in these communities as a result of the alteration of historic hydrologic conditions, to remain stressed or exhibit increased mortality over the threshold. Additional treatments within the areas proposed for hydrologic restoration, including prescribed fire, thinning, and targeted spraying or species removal may also be undertaken during the monitoring period, subject to regulatory agency coordination and approval. Future Management Goals Case number 31 1. Develop long term hydrologic monitoring program within DSSP. 2. Develop stratigraphic mapping of the DSSP assist in assessing subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. 3. Ensure close coordination with GDSNWR regarding hydrologic and habitat management. 4. Assess long term vegetative response to hydrologic restoration for each wetland community type present. 5. Develop long range plan for habitat restoration that evaluates the potential for various treatment scenarios, including natural regeneration, planting /seeding, selective cutting, selective herbicide treatment and prescribed fire. 6. Measure groundwater and surface water quality parameters, including mercury, carbon and nitrogen. 7. Assess current soil carbon emission and the potential for carbon, nitrogen and methane emission at varying soil hydration levels. Page 11 Priority Natural Community Management Objectives: Maintain/restore wetland hydrology to Peatland Atlantic White Cedar. Forest (PAW) natural community. 2. Maintain/restore wetland hydrology to Pine Pond Woodland natural community to decrease current invasion of red maples /other `drier' woody vegetation. 3. Conduct low intensity burns adjacent to Corapeake Ditch between Western Boundary & Laurel ditches, the area of potential red-cockaded woodpecker habitat. Case number 321.'-NED JU 16 as b Wa Wp D Literature Cited Atkinson, R.B., J.E. Perry, E.P. Smith, and J. Cairns, Jr. 1993. Use of constructed wetland delineation and weighted averages as a component of assessment. Wetlands 13(2):185- 193. Atkinson, R.B., J.E. Perry, and J. Cairns, Jr. 2005. Vegetative communities of 20 -year old created depressional wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13(4):469 -478. Atkinson, R.B. Personal communication. 2011. Group discussion. December 12, 2011. Christopher Newport University, Center for Wetland Studies, Newport News, Virginia. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetland and deepwater habitats of the United States. Washington D.C. FWS /OBS- 79/31. Day, F.P. 1979. Litter accumulation in four plant communities in the Dismal Swamp, Virginia. American Midland Naturalist, 102(2):281 -289. Laing, J.M., T.H. Shear, and F.A. Blazich. 2011. How management strategies have affected Atlantic White -cedar forest recovery after massive wind damage in the Great Dismal Swamp. Forest Ecology and Management. 262:1337 -1344. LeGrand, H.E. 2000. Natural features of Dismal Swamp State Natural Area, North Carolina. Department of Environment, Case number 33esources, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. LeGrand, H.E., J.O. Fussell, III and W.D. Webster. 2000. Biological inventory of Dismal Swamp State Park. Pages 41 -50 in R.K. Rose, ed. The natural history of the Great Dismal Swamp. Proceedings of the third Dismal Swamp symposium, Norfolk, Virginia. Rodgers, H.L., F.P. Day, and R.B. Atkinson. 2003. Fine root dynamics in two Atlantic white cedar wetlands with contrasting hydroperiods. Wetlands 23(4):941 -949. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. 320 pp. Scott, M.L., W.L. Slauson, C.A. Segalquist, and G. T. Auble. 1989. Correspondence between vegetation and soils in wetlands and nearby uplands. Wetlands 9(1):41 -60. Speiran, G.K. Great Dismal Swamp hydrology overview I. Powerpoint presentation to the Dismal Swamp hydrology workgroup, December 12, 2011 Speiran, G.K. Personal communication. R.B. 2011. Group discussion. December 12, 2011. U.S. Geological Survey, Richmond, Virginia. Sprecher, S.W. 2000. Installing monitoring wells /piezometers in wetlands. WRAP Technical Notes Collection. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDCTN - WRAP- 00 -02. Sutter, L. 1999. DCM wetland mapping in coastal North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990. Marsh and Water Management Plan. Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Newton Corner, Massachusetts. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006. Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge and Nansemond National Wildlife Refuge Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Hadley, Massachusetts. 258 pages Wentworth, T.R., G.P. Johnson, and R.L. Kologiski. 1988. Designation of wetlands by weighted averages of vegetation data: a preliminary evaluation. Water Resources Bulletin 24(2):389 -396. Wurster, F. and G.K. Speiran. Great Dismal Swamp hydrology overview II. Powerpoint presentation to the Dismal Swamp hydrology workgroup, December 12, 2011. Case number 34 'I M I, - .-- % , P /I /to Hovay ~ 84" HOVW Mddk a M ffil dand is NNWR 'o C mks, Mad NWYR Virginia Case number 35 ..-NarthCarolina ••••Chnlrl�wr111� Carl wr 1,1M �30D OCAT=110=N MAP Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge and Dismal Swamn State Park Figure 1. Location Map (Service 2006, modified). /I /to Hovay ~ 84" HOVW Figure 2. Project Area for South Martha Washington Ditch Restoration. —:�— 4 , — — --x,4-_ '- �. ter- _'" "�' -,�„- �+` •dr -� •+�`.�:. D!Y ~'°M'� _ _ .a>e- .,� �` •,s• �- -� .Y ._-_- _... '�` �- — •,nip -� -'�`- IN- -4__ •w - ,W `� —�" Weir 1 _ V t-`">i -;� "� - -- _ - Weir 2 . - .Case number 36 v ^:�. � -{�` . .1115•- � �(IIdE� `� y@.- .yam.. .,yb. _�- �• '�h� _ �� �� ,;�• -�_ _ �"' -�-' _. y �. -+�- •'1et��- LUu -_. "jY^ '"�0. !�'� �` ^11'� -...- e.` -••_ w � -A{P^ � -¢SU' .icy^ _._ ..�yY� —. -... ._..- -3it -- _. �.. -A, -�-. .AIM_ �� Y - �"'- --+�M= - w. -�ti -� -� — srx•- -'"-- -� -aYr� -err '»� �''�'_ '-� �"- _,s,w..xsM. -�•_ - '�1•'` _' � „�-- 1` . AL— -0. cur rdir -- a11t '-�- -�-'_ _ �... •• - : -- ->bM- .. - -- -A- 46- .,._ .yN` ; -eYM -� _�'.� � ,mow• ;�,.. - _ -� t� � _ _ DISMAL� aSi�11+4NnyT 7DISMAL „g �/� ��I F � � a � ,�•,� kr- ILDL.IF Figure 2. Project Area for South Martha Washington Ditch Restoration. X41 ii, t } �jti/tlliarTl� !7, t?rior!1 I am eeder Ditc/r Late "" Lm Case number 37l7t�7t 77 South 2 Figure 3. Ditch network within Dismal Swamp State Park and the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (Service/USGS, 2011) corapca a v� c� ? w —_ Kfrtt at7r�d rs v, v H � � � y Canal Cross Canal �y Cr. w mot` o' fS. Figure 3. Ditch network within Dismal Swamp State Park and the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (Service/USGS, 2011) N O N O a cd O N N 0 U on a� x bb x 0 U z a Cd Q bh w N O N N U N N bA N O z Q 0 0 0 :. w '� C f0 a=+ 3 0 U c 0 L U t O Z a� bn .� w Figure 7. Existing Water Control Structure Location Map (Service 2011) r A Nan" y of Suffolk �1. g City of Chesapeake ' 1)r.11'l,i.iry e � o D 82dge Mlddh S U WPV,,, r. �9 fp)l �` RdrJrgid �. Lake .111. _ Drainage Uitc ws Drummond r,.rdp; Drrch f."W or ; tom-- A Existing Water Control Case number ''R rr° 8tructwes State, Bound" l.irerdf NO � --- ------ _ —_____ 0.5 1 2 Mies golrlh "Carnfj . fCmr £aurdo s r 6 ` f L � k n v ss (;any Cross �::ini/ r r �o u. Figure 7. Existing Water Control Structure Location Map (Service 2011) Great Dismal Swamp NWR: ,}� T` ' . Water Control Structures North m i-;'.;_ >,. c a Z 3h Willi 50n roak W' Z aiy forty H�dnell °J .. F h `a�Pp Rosemary .rrrr�er No,neast -t a 0 P ° c�0 C Camp Fivemi /o 8 aPye middle c wash n9roo oryF.. �yc�� \_ _. Q a ailroad +^ d Interiors -�= Feeder Desch Case number 42 1 Block C -1 umber One Y rs' no Lateral Ditch N b « 0 0 'outh - - - -- - mor ([� 0 O, Krn Saunder 3 `y ph 4 N � 9 C1 ss Canal Cross Canal p cOO o °e e4jleOc 0 r3-' PyJ� ,P�a o• P ` O p O``cr oP94ord h�Rh e �a�\acao Water control structures Us 158 0 Service/LTSGS wells 0 0.450.9 1.8 Miles O Christopher Newport wells 111111111 Figure 8. Location of Existing Monitoring Wells In Relation to Block C -1 (Service /USGS, 2011) Figure 9. Proposed Monitoring Well Locations (NCDENR, 2012) ■ 1 Automated well Center of block Mucky peat Tapedown wells 200 and-300 feet from ditch Automated well 110 feet from ditch Figure 10. Cross section through typical restoration block indicating relative location and depth of monitoring wells Case number 44 � °� � � �� \ / � \)� � �: cn CD C4 ZD PA, cg A0, ) % � / ƒ � � \)� � �: cn CD C4 ZD PA, a� a� U N 3-a N ai cd N �N G O N N a w N N bA w W A T E R 17.5 L E 17 V E 16.5 L 16 I N 15.5 F E E 15 T A 14.5 - B 0 V 14 E S 13.5 E A 13' L E 12.5 V 7 E May J L 2 59A 54 (WATER TABLE AT MYRTLE DITC ) - - -- CUMNJLATIVE PRECIPITATION 59A 56 (SAND AQUIFER AT MYRTLE DIT,' - 59A 57 (WATER TABLE, 100 FEET FROM MYRTLE DITCH --- SYCAMORE DITCH I P �p R Sand Aquifer E C 17.5 P Recharge T ,. Response 15 A T J I • 1 .6 0 N Precipitation Myrtle Ditch & 10 I Nearby Groundwater " 5 T 0 r arm A L Sycamore Ditch N 2.5 C H E 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 July August w A T E R 16 L E V 15.9 E L 15.8 N E 157RECHARGE T RISE 15.6 A s 0 V 15.5 E S E 15.4 A L E 15.3 V 12H 18H OH E 21 L .1 i 1 r 1 t 1 II 1 1 1 6H i P 19h R E 119.2 0 119 a - .- ----- %_ v 18.8 T 77 A .�� T 1'8 6 1 0 1'8.4 H DITCH AND TOTAL 18.2 WATER -TABLE ISE FROM FLOW FROM THE ;WAMP AS THE QUIFER DRAINS 12H 18H OH 6H 22 August, 2010 59A 59 (WATER TABLE AT - CUMMULATIVE PRECIPITA i - - - 59A 57 (WATER TABLE, 1 0 FEET FRUM MYRTLE DITCH) - -- MYRTLE DITCH � 4d:46 DRAINS 1'I N 117,8 T 0 17.6 T A 174 L 12H 18H 23 17.2 H C 17 H E 1.6 8 S 12H 18H 23 w W A A (Tf �i -f i 14.9 T R14 E R :YCAMORE DITCH L L - `9A 39 (CENTER) V 13.9 - .' 9A 30 (100 FEES FROM DITCH) V E E ilk 39,430 13.8 14. , N J J� N F F E E E 13.7 - 14.6 E A 9A 3 9 - B CJ 13.6 -14.5 14.6 U V V E E S S E E A 13.5 - n r }/ yl 14.4 A E Ditch i.�l. / � E V V E 13.4 i i i i i i i 14.3 E L OH GH 12H 18H 0 GH ien ian OH 6H yen iun L 17 =mum / = . 19 Appendix A. Plant Stress Monitoring Protocol Vegetation Assessments by Atkinson: Evaluating Plant Response to Weir Installation Rationale Tree stress within one year can be evidenced by color changes, and multiyear stress responses can be assessed through Importance Values and Prevalence Indices. Importance values (IV) provide a standard means of characterizing a plant community (Mueller - Dombois and Ellenberg 1974). Prevalence index values (PIV), a form of weighted averages, are useful for assessing wetland status of some vegetation types, along a moisture gradient and for wetland delineation under natural conditions (Atkinson et al. 1993, Atkinson et al. 2005, Scott et al. 1989). Trees, shrubs, and herbs show various levels of hydrologic stress in response to excess moisture, and the structure and function of species in wetland habitats indicate flooding, groundwater level, soil moisture, and drainage characteristics, as reported for the Great Dismal Swamp by Day (1979) and Rodgers et al. (2003). Plot Design. Case number 50 Adjacent to continuous recording wens, I v -m x I v -m piots will be established. Diameter at breast height will be measured for all tree species (defined as vegetation greater than 3.0 m tall and greater or equal to 2.54 cm dbh). The sapling /shrub stratum (all vegetation less than 3.0 m tall, as well as plants that were greater than 0.3 m tall and less than 2.54 cm dbh) will be measured in one 4 -m x 4 -m nested quadrat. Percent cover of the herbaceous stratum (all vegetation less than 0.3 m tall or less than 2.54 cm dbh) will be measured in three 1 -m2 nested quadrats per plot. Within -year assessment To quantify stand stress response, visual observation of color change indicators of plant stress will be assessed for trees at each plot. Results will be reported as percent of trees exhibiting color change. Multi -year assessment Prevalence index values will be calculated using the following formula (Atkinson et al. 1993): PIV= (YIUI +y2u2 +... +ymUm) /100 where yl,y2,...,ym are the relative cover estimates for each species in the plot, and u1,u2,um is the indicator status of each species, as found at the USDA Plants Database website (Table 1). Table 1. Wetland indicator categories of plant species under natural conditions. Wetland Indicator Estimated Probability of Assigned Indicator Category Occurrence in Wetlands Status Obligate Wetland (OBL) Greater than 99% 1 Facultative Wetland (FACW) 67 to 99% 2 Facultative (FAC) 34 to 66% 3 Facultative Upland (FACU) 1 to 33% 4 Obligate Upland (UPL) Less than 1% 5 To quantify stand composition shifts via multi -year trend assessment, MIV will be calculated for all strata including herbs, shrubs and trees in the four forested stands. Modified importance values will be calculated as the sum of relative dominance and relative density. MIV will be converted to relative importance value (RIV), which sums to 100. MIV= Relative Dominance + Relative Frequency RIV = MIV 200 Case number 51 Data will be summarized in text and presented in tables. Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Installing Monitoring Wells/ Piezometers in Wetlands PURPOSE: Wetland scientists frequently need quantitative information about shallow ground- water regimes near wetland boundaries and in adjacent uplands. Monitoring wells and piezometers are some of the easiest means of determining depth and movement of water tables within and immediately below the soil profile. Most of the literature on monitoring wells and piezometers, however, deals with installation to depths greater than needed for wetland regulatory purposes. This revision of the original 1993 technical note reflects increased experience gained. over several monitoring years from around the nation in the USDA -NRCS Wet Soils Monitoring project ( http: / /Www.statlab.iastate.edul soils lnssclglobhome.html#project9) and other wetland research ef- forts.' Significant changes from the original version include: • Recommending that 15 -in. wells be used to test whether the hydrologic regime meets the criteria for wetland hydrology. • Listing documentation needs. • Eliminating well points except with commercially manufactured, automatic recording wells. • Recommending that a Benton, +A hA ,ioaA raAar Aa" grout in the annular space around the riser and at the ground surfac,Case number 52 • Using filter fabric when installation under water prevents use of a sand pack. • . Stating explicitly that these procedures are not applicable to soils with low bulk strength and lateral water flow, such as mucks or peats. If the bentonite seal and sand pack might interfere with monitoring objectives, procedures described by Cherry et al. (1983) should be considered. BACKGROUND: Monitoring wells and piezometers are perforated pipes set vertically in the ground to intercept the groundwater passively (Figure 1). Monitoring wells have perforations extending from just below the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe. Water levels inside the pipe result from the integrated water pressures along the entire length of perforations. Piezometers are perforated only at the bottom of the pipe. They are usually installed with an impermeable bentonite seal above the perforated zone so water cannot flow down the outside of the pipe. Water levels inside the pipe result from the water pressure over the narrow zone of perforation at the bottom of the pipe. The methods described herein do not apply to water - sampling studies. Researchers needing to sample water from wells should refer to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1990); American Society for Testing and Materials (1990); and Cherry et al. (1983). ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of installed monitoring well and piezometer. A. Shallow monitoring well. B. Piezometer Case number 53 Water levels in slotted pipes do not necessarily equate with the actual water table in the undisturbed soil. Instead, water levels in slotted pipes result from water pressures at the instrument:soil interface. Consequently, slotted pipes of different lengths can have differing water levels, despite the fact that they intercept the same body of groundwater. This distinction can be significant if the body of groundwater is moving upward or downward. If the body of water is moving upward, as in artesian flow, water pressures are greater at depth and decrease closer to the groundwater surface. Consequently, water levels will be higher in deep pipes than in shallow ones (Figure 2A). Conversely, in systems where water moves downward, water levels are lower in deep pipes and higher in shallow ones (Figure 213). Recent work in :Illinois has shown that differences between water levels in 12- and 30 -in. -long wells are on the order of centimeters rather than decimeters or millimeters, t and that these differences are more pronounced in soils that have been disturbed. Such differences can be significant for wetland delineation studies at the wetland boundary. See Table 1 for an example of water levels in 15- and 30 -in. wells near the wetland boundary where water is flowing downwards. Personal Communication, July 2000, James J. Miner, Geologist, Illinois State Geological Stavey, Champaign, IL. Vented Cap IA. Monitoring Well IB. Piezorneter Mixture 74- . Riser s :. Soil Backfill 12 Bentonite Seal Well Screen 1 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of installed monitoring well and piezometer. A. Shallow monitoring well. B. Piezometer Case number 53 Water levels in slotted pipes do not necessarily equate with the actual water table in the undisturbed soil. Instead, water levels in slotted pipes result from water pressures at the instrument:soil interface. Consequently, slotted pipes of different lengths can have differing water levels, despite the fact that they intercept the same body of groundwater. This distinction can be significant if the body of groundwater is moving upward or downward. If the body of water is moving upward, as in artesian flow, water pressures are greater at depth and decrease closer to the groundwater surface. Consequently, water levels will be higher in deep pipes than in shallow ones (Figure 2A). Conversely, in systems where water moves downward, water levels are lower in deep pipes and higher in shallow ones (Figure 213). Recent work in :Illinois has shown that differences between water levels in 12- and 30 -in. -long wells are on the order of centimeters rather than decimeters or millimeters, t and that these differences are more pronounced in soils that have been disturbed. Such differences can be significant for wetland delineation studies at the wetland boundary. See Table 1 for an example of water levels in 15- and 30 -in. wells near the wetland boundary where water is flowing downwards. Personal Communication, July 2000, James J. Miner, Geologist, Illinois State Geological Stavey, Champaign, IL. ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Figure 2. Example of water levels in piezometers. A. Water tables rising from below (artesian or discharge system). B. Water tables dropping from above (recharge system) Table 1 Example of Water Well Readings in Shallow and Deep Wells with Downward Water Flow Depth of Slotted Screen -- Water Lev ' ' " "3ove Critical Depth for Wetland Hydrology? Case number 54 15 -in. well 11 in. Yes 30 -in. well 13 in. No These two wells are probably measuring hydrostatic pressures in the same body of groundwater. The net flow is downward. Assume that the data from either of these two wells were used alone to assess whether wetland hydrology criteria were met. Using the deep well, the evaluator would have to tally the data as being below the 12 -in. threshold for wetland hydrology; using the shallow well, however, the evaluator would have to tally the data as being above the 12 -in. threshold. The 2 -in. (5 -cm) difference is within the range of actual differences found in the field. In borderline situations such as this, 15 -in. wells should be included in the study design unless differences between readings in shallow and deep wells are smaller than the precision of data interpretation. In Table 1, the shallow wells are redundant to the deep wells if water levels are interpreted with a precision of± 2 in. However, if water levels are interpreted with greater precision, the shallow wells provide important additional information. SELECTING INSTRUMENTATION: It is vital to define study objectives before buying and installing instruments in order to avoid gathering unnecessary or meaningless data. Common study purposes are wetland determination, wetland delineation, determination of whether a wetland is a recharge or discharge system, and determination of water flow paths in the landscape. ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Wetland Determination. When determining whether criteria for wetland hydrology or hydric soils are met at a point on the landscape, there are usually three objectives. Table 2 summarizes the instruments required for three different scenarios. Table 2 Water Table Monitoring Objectives and Instrumentation for Three Scenarios of Perching I- Instrument Scenario 2: Shallow Scenario 1: Degree of Water Table Perched Perching Uncertain; within Depth of Scenario 3: Shallow, Discharge or Recharge Monitoring Static Water Table or Systems (e.g., soils w /clay Water now is Lateral (e.g., most wetland textures throughout or (e.g., tidal marsh or Objective fringes) clay -rich horizons) flow- through wetland) Objective 1: Determine 15 -in. well 15 -in. well Well to greatest depth of timing, duration, and interest, usually less than frequency that water 48 in. tables are shallower than threshold depths for wetland criteria Objective 2: Determine Well to greatest depth of Well to top of perching Well to greatest depth of timing, duration, and interest; install well to top zone interest, usually less than frequency that water of perching layer if 48 in. tables are near threshold perching is proven depths for wetland criteria Objective 3: Determine Well to greatPs;t dPnth of PiP7nmPtPrs within and Well to greatest depth of timing, duration, and interest, usuCase number 55:rmeable layer interest, usually less than frequency that water 48 in.; per Scenario 2 if 48 in. tables are considerably perching is proven deeper than critical depths Summary of Instruments 15-in. well and deep well 15 -in. well and One deep well; if soil is piezometers in and below unconsolidated, consider perching zone methods of Cherry et al. — — — (1983) - - For Scenario I (Table 2), both 15 -in. and deep wells should be installed unless local experience indicates that the shallow ones provide no additional information. The financial stakes of most regulatory investigations will usually be much greater than the very small additional investment of time and money needed to install, read, and maintain the shorter wells. If it is documented that a single deep instrument will meet all three objectives (Table 2), the shallower instruments can be dispensed with. It may not be necessary to install both shallow and deep wells at every monitoring station around a wetland. The number and depths of deep and shallow wells should be determined beforehand by all parties involved in the project to avoid later contention. When installing very shallow monitoring wells, be aware of their physical instability. Shallow wells may need to be reinstalled more frequently than deeper ones. 4 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Wetland Delineation. To identify the location of the boundary between wetlands and non -wet- lands, install sets'of instruments along transects perpendicular to the expected wetland boundary. The same combinations of instruments that were recommended for wetland determination should be installed at each point along the transect. Shallow wells can be dispensed with in obvious wetlands and in obvious non - wetlands, but usually they are necessary close to the wetland boundary. Recharge Versus Discharge Determination. Sets of piezometers at different depths are needed to determine direction of water flow (upward or downward) at any point in a wetland (Fig- ure 2). The exact depths of piezometers will vary from site to site, depending on stratigraphy and topographic position. In soils with large differences in permeability, piezometers should be placed on top of, within, and below suspected perching layers. to test whether the suspect layers actually impede water flow. Unusually permeable layers, such as sand lenses, should always be instru- mented. Determine Water Flow Paths in a Landscape. Sets of piezometers are located both up- and down - gradient along suspected water flow paths (Warne and Smith 1995). CONSTRUCTION OF PIEZOMETERS AND SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS Well Stock. Shallow monitoring instruments should be made from commercially manufactured well stock. Schedule 40, 1 -in.-diam PVC pipe is recommended. This diameterpipe allows sufficient room for sampling while minimizing sampling volume and size of bentonite seal in the bore hole. Larger diameter pipes can be substituted when needed, as with automated samplers. Case number 56 Well Screen. Use 0.010 -in. -wide (see section on sand pack below). For ����� _X_ �., -�., �u.�.. shallow wells, the slotted screen should extend from approximately half a foot below the ground surface down to the bottom of the well (Figure IA). For piezometers, the well screen is usually the bottom 6 in. of the pipe (Figure 1 B). One problem with use of commercial well screen for very shallow monitoring wells and piezometers is that there often is a length. of unslotted pipe and joint or threads below the screen. In shallow monitoring situations this extra length often must be extended into an underlying soil horizon that should be left undisturbed. In combination with a commercial well point, this extra length also provides a reservoir where water can remain trapped after the outside groundwater has dropped, making readings difficult to interpret during water table drawdown. To avoid these problems, cut commercial well screen to the desired length within the slotted portion of the pipe (Miner and Simon 1997). Glue a PVC cap at the bottom of the screen and drill a small vent hole in the bottom cap (Figure 3). Riser. The riser is the unslotted PVC pipe that extends from the top of the well screen to above the ground surface (Figure 1). The riser should extend far enough above ground to allow easy access but not so high that the leverage of normal handling will break below- ground seals. Nine to twelve inches is usually sufficient. A greater length of riser above the ground may be needed on sites that are inundated regularly or where automatic recording devices are used. ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 A B Internals Threads "' -�--- Screen Vent Hole Case number 57 Figure 3. Modified commercial well screen. A. Commercial well screen with threads at both top and bottom. B. Screen after sawing lower threaded portion of pipe off and closing with vented PVC plug Well Cap. Well caps protect wells from contamination and rainfall. Caps need to be attached loosely enough that they can be removed without jostling the riser. Well caps can be constructed from PVC pipe as shown in Figure 4. The homemade cap can be attached to the riser by drilling a hole through both the cap and the riser and connecting the two with a wire lock pin. Well caps should be made of materials that will not deteriorate in sunlight or frost. A common problem with commercially made well caps (threaded or unthreaded) is that the cap may seize to the riser and require rough handling to remove. This is likely to break the seal between the riser and the ground, especially in shallow wells. If commercially made well caps are used, they should be modified to prevent such snug fits. All caps should be vented to allow equilibration of air pressure inside and outside of the riser. Glue Together WlPVC Glue Figure 4. Homemade cap made from oversize PVC piping Case number 58 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 •- 2 " PCV Cap - 2 " PVC Pipe Well Point. Commercial PVC well points are not needed if the bottom of the screen is capped. A PVC cap glued on the bottom of the slotted portion of the screen keeps out sand and has the advantage of being shorter than most commercial well points (Figure 3). Sand Pack. Sand is placed around the slotted interval to filter out silts and clays (Figure 1). Silica sand is available from water -well supply houses in uniformly graded sizes. Sand that passes a 20 -mesh screen and is retained by a 40 -mesh screen (20 -40 sand) is recommended with 0.010 -in. well screen; finer sized 40 -60 grade sand is appropriate for use with 0.006 -in. screen. The finer sand and screen should be used to pack instruments in dispersive soils with silt and fine silt loam textures. The sand pack may need to be dispensed with in permanently saturated soils that have little strength, such as peats or mucks. The methods of Cherry et al. (1983) should be used in such situations. Sand packs and bentonite simply slough down the sides of the pipe and into the surrounding snuck in such soils.t Bentonite Sealant. Bentonite is a clay that absorbs large quantities of water and swells when wetted. It is used in well installation to form a tight seal around the riser to prevent water from running down the pipe to the well screen. With this protective plug, only groundwater enters the slotted well screen. Personnal Colmnunication, 2000, D. L. Siegel, Syracuse University. ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Four inches of bentonite are placed around the riser immediately below the ground surface when installing either monitoring wells or piezometers (Figures I and 1B). This 4 -in. ring of bentonite rests directly on top of the sand pack around the well screen for monitoring wells, and rests on top of the backfill of soil tamped into the annular space of the auger hole for piezometers. The top of the bentonite plug should be shaped to slope away from the riser so that water will run away from the pipe rather than pond around it at the ground surface. A minimum of 12 in. of bentonite clay is placed around piezometers above the sand filter as a sealant (Figure 1B). This prevents water flow along the sides of the pipe from the ground surface and through channels leading to the pipe. It is critical that piezometers have an effective bentonite seal above the sand pack in layered or structured soils. Bentonite is available from well - drilling supply companies in either powder, chip, or pellet form. Chips or pellets are easier to use in the field than powder. They can be dropped directly down the annular space above the sand filter and gently tamped into place. If this zone is already saturated with water, the chips will absorb water in place, swell tight, and seal off the sand filter from the annular space above. If the bentonite chips are dropped into a dry annular space, they should be packed dry and water should be added down the annular space so the clay can swell shut. Cracks are inevitable in clayey soils with high shrink -swell activity. In these soils three piezometers should be installed as replicates for each depth of instrumentation. If readings are questionable, move some yards away from the instrument site, auger to the depth in question, and evaluate whether free water is present at the depth of the well screen. Filter Socks. Filter socks are tubeCase number 59ic that can be slipped over the screened end of a well to filter out silt and clay particles. They are not necessary if a sand pack is used and the pipe is capped at the bottom. Filter socks are recommended only when it is unpractical to install a sand pack, such as in permanently saturated organic soils. Filter socks are available from engineering and water -well supply houses. INSTALLATION OF SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS Soil Profile Description. The soil profile must be described and evaluated before installation of an instrument in order to identify strata that can alter vertical and horizontal water flows. Profile descriptions should include horizon depths and information about texture, induration, bulk density, redoximorphic features, and roots, so that significant differences in permeability can be inferred (Figure 5). Once potential aquitard horizons have been identified in the soil, appropriate lengths and depths of well screen can be determined. The importance of onsite soil characterization to determine the appropriate well depths cannot be overemphasized. Several soil characteristics may indicate that vertical water flow is impeded and that perched water tables exist. Features to watch for include the following: Sudden change from many roots to few or no roots. Sudden change in sand or clay content. Sudden change in ease of excavation. E-3 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Soil Features' Used to Ide tify Horizons with Different Permeabilities Horizon Depths Matrix Color Texture Redoximorphic Features Structure Consistence Induration none, weak, strop Roots Soil Survey Division Staff (1993). Figure 5. Sample soil characterization form • Sudden change in water content, such as presence of saturated soil horizons immediately above soil horizons that are dry or barely moist. • Redoximorphic features at any of the distinct boundaries listed above. Installation of Shallow Monitoring Wells (Figure 1A). 1. Auger a hole in the ground with a 3 -in. bucket auger to a depth approximately 2 in. deeper than the bottom of the well. Be sure the auger hole is vertical. 2. Scarify the sides of the auger hole if it was smeared during augering. 3. Place 2 in. of silica sand in the bottom of the hole. 4. Insert the well into the rnla Nia not tlhrnnah thP, sand Case number 60 Pour and gently tamp more of the same sand in the annular space around the screen and 2 in. above the screen. 6. Pour and gently tamp bentonite above the sand to the ground surface. Shape the surface of this plug so that water will not pond around the riser. 7. Form a mound of a soil /bentonite mixture at the top of the ground around the base of the riser to direct surface water flow away from the pipe. Piezometers. Installation of a piezometer entails the same steps as above, with the modifications that 12 in. of bentonite are placed above the sand pack and water is added to expand the clay and form a seal (Figure 1B). Backfill and tamp soil into the auger hole from the top of the bentonite plug to within 4 in. of the soil surface. Place a second plug of bentonite at the ground surface per Instruction 6 immediately above. Equipment. Equipment needs vary with depth and diameter of instruments to be installed. This list of equipment is sufficient to install monitoring wells and standard piezometers to 10 ft or shallower. Bucket auger 2 in. wider than the OD of the pipe being installed Auger extensions M ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Pipe wrenches for auger extensions Color book and soil description forms Piezorneter or well Water level reading device (see below) Tamping tool (0.5 -in. -thick lath works well to 4 ft; 0.5- in. -diam metal pipe for greater depths) Bentonite chips Commercial grade silica sand Steel tape long enough to measure deepest hole Paint marker to label pipes Hand pump to pump water from well and check for clogging Survey equipment of sufficient accuracy to measure elevations required for study purposes Checking for Clogged Pipes. After the pipe has been installed, either pump the well dry and monitor how quickly water levels return to the pre - pumped level; or if the pipe is dry, fill it with water and monitor rate of outflow. Water levels in wells should return at approximately the same rate as they would in freshly dug holes without any pipe. If water levels do not return to pre - pumped levels, pull the instrument out and determine why it is plugged. This test should be performed every few months throughout the study, because wells can plug due to bacterial growth as well as slumping of dispersive soil. Elevations. Most methods of determining water levels in pipes entail measurement from the top of the riser to the water surface in the pipe. Therefore, a correction must be made for the difference between riser elevation and ground r' °- TV.,t. A. „1,.° -,tives require comparing water levels in different pipes, then relative elevatiuCdSe number y 61�o be surveyed in. Record the height of the riser above the ground surface at the time of installation and every few months thereafter. Pipes tend to move upward during cycles of wetting and drying. If marking the side of the pipe for fiiture reference, use a paint marker; paint lasts longer than permanent marking ink. Foot Traffic from Study Personnel. Microtopography and shallow soil properties can be altered in wetlands when foot paths are worn into the ground during the wet season. This can even puddle the soil around a shallow well if it is visited numerous times when saturated. It may be necessary to install boardwalks between instruments at long -term study sites. Concrete Pads. Some localities require that monitoring wells be installed with concrete pads to protect drinking water sources from surface runoff. Local regulations should be observed at all sites. Concrete pads should not be used with shallow monitoring wells because pads of the required size probably interfere with water infiltration into the soil immediately around the shallow well. Vandalism. Vandalism often cannot be avoided. Three approaches to the problem are (1) to hide the wells, (2) to armor them, or (3) to post them with identifying signs. All three approaches have worked in different conununities. Pipes cannot be protected in all situations. Extra wells, installation. equipment, and accessories should be brought along on monitoring trips so that vandalized instruments can be replaced. 10 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 READING WATER LEVELS: Water levels can be read with a steel measuring tape marked with a water - soluble marker. The only equipment needed is the tape, marker, and a rag to wipe the tape dry after each reading. Height of riser above the ground surface should be noted every time the instrument is read because pipes may move as much as 3 in. in a season. One commonly used device (pair of wires, battery, open electric junction, and light or meter) is an open electric circuit that is completed when the junction makes contact with water. If using such a device, be aware that flexible wire will give a less accurate measurement than a rigid tape. Do not read water levels with a dowel stick because of the large displacement of the volume of the dowel. Frequency of reading will depend on study purposes and rate of water table _fluctuation. Water levels should be checked weekly or more often during the season of high water tables. More frequent readings may be needed in flashy systems, such as sandy floodplains of small streams or tidal areas. For long -term studies it usually suffices to collect data every other week during most of the year and every week to every day during water table rise or drawdown. Automatic recording devices record water levels with down -well transducers or capacitance -based sensors. These cost much more than manually read instruments but may be necessary for some studies. Because automatic devices may be reused for several projects, cost estimates should be prorated over their expected life rather than assigned only to one study. Automatic recorders may be less expensive than travel costs and salaries if study objectives require frequent readings at remote sites. The credibility of monitoring results is enhanced by the high frequency of readings allowed by automatic wells. Automatic water -level recorders should be checked every few months and recalibrated as necessary. Case number 62 Documentation. The form in Figure 6 solicits information necessary to document study design in most wetland regulatory situations. Figure 7 can be used when reading water levels manually. Figure 8 provides one possible format for reporting water levels, soil profile, growing season dates, and precipitation data in one graph. An effort should be made to acquire precipitation data from nearby weather stations and interpret the data with respect to long -terin ranges of normal (Sprecher and Warne 2000). POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact Steven W. Sprecher, USACE Detroit District, South Bend Field Office, 2422 Viridian Drive, Suite 101, South Bend, IN 46628 (219- 232 -1952) or the Manager of the Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program, Dr. Russell F. Theriot (601- 634 -2733, therior a wes.army.mil). This technical note should be cited as follows: Sprecher, S. W. (2000). "Installing monitoring wells /piezometers in wetlands," WRAP Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN- WRAP- 00 -02), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil /el /wrap M ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Installation Data Sheet Project Name Alpha Project Date of Installation 919199 Project Location Beta Place Personnel J Doe Well Identification Code A -15 JB1oe Attach map of project, showing well locations and significant topographic and hydrologic features. As appropriate, attach map of well site, showing locations and ground elevations of all instruments and microtopographic features of significance, with respect to reference datum. Type of Instrument Source of instrument / well stock Acme Well Company Material of well stock Schedule 40 PVC Diameter of pipe 1 inch Slot size 0.010 inch Slot spacing 0.5 inch Kind of well cap homemade PVC w /vent Kind of end plug I" plug. vented Nature of Installation Materials Nature of packing sand 20 -40 silica Kind of bentonite chips Nature of backfill bentonite /soil mix Depth of backfill 6 in to ground surface Was bentonite installed below groundwater depth at installation? NA Was water added to bentonite for expansion? NA Method of measuring water levels in instrument steel tape and soluble marker How was instrument checked for clogging after installation? Water poured down well and drainage monitored. No water standing in well after 20 minutes. tnstrumant Diaoram Soil Characteristics riser + 9 Texture Structure Roots Consis- Redox Features tense o° silt loam strong many very none bentonite soil a „ granular medium friable backfill 6., Case number 63 slotted - silt weak common friable 2.5Y511 matrix screen sub- angular common Fe- blocky concentrations sand —15 pack " 177 16 silty clay moderate few Ane very 10YR 411 —3 � � loam blocky Arm matrix many Fe- concentrations & depletions 36 " silty clay weak very 10YR 511 loam sub- angular Arm matrix blocky common Fe- concentrations & depletions Show depths (heights) of soil horizons, riser, screen, sand pack, bentonite, backfill, mound, etc. A. Example filled out Figure 6. Sample installation data form (Continued) 12 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 Installation Data Sheet Project Name Date of Installation Project Location Personnel Well Identification Code Attach map of project, showing well locations and significant topographic and hydrologic features. Attach map of well site, showing locations and ground elevations of all instruments and microtopographic features of significance, with respect to reference datum. Type of Instrument Source of instrument / well stock Material of well stock Diameter of pipe _ Slot size Slot spacing Kind of well cap Kind of well point / end plug Nature of Installation Materials Nature of packing sand Kind of bentonite Nature of backfill Depth of backfill Was bentonite installed below groundwater depth at installation? Was water added to bentonite for expansion? Method of measuring water levels in instrument How was instrument checked for clogging after installation? Instrument Diagram Soil Characteristics Case Texture Structure Roots Consis- Tence Redox Features number 64 Show depths (heights) of soil horizons, riser, screen, sand pack, bentonite, backfill, etc. B. Blank master Figure 6. (Concluded) 13 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 14 a L 0 a� N L Q a b x v A- u C � o � U U d .a 3 " E c E '� o � U > 'n Case number 65 y 0 a� a V CJ P: m ro i O �O V V .a � O Q w` c o o C7 CL � O x¢ H Q b 0 14 a L 0 a� N L Q a b x v A- u C � o � U U d .a 3 " E c E '� o � U > 'n Case number 65 y V CJ P: i O �O � O Q w` c o o C7 � O x¢ H Q 14 a L 0 a� N L Q ERDC TN-WRAP-00-02 July 2000 15 0 7Z-D 0) a) 0 Cl. W CL E w (0 c6 U- ... ........ . . ...... I q 0 z . .. .. ..... ............ 0 1 M, . U) .. .. ....... ............... ............ . .. . .. . ..... . . ..... 1 U7 0 (D . .... ..... .. . ... ...... .. . . . .......... M U) . . ...... .. cu E Case number 66 E O t r= 9 t -2 co ---------- z U- ........... .6 CL I 0 . ......... ............... ... . . ... ... ...... ............... . t co CO It N cr) (So4oul) uojjqjd1n8Jd (109}) 41doa IDA81 J4010M Goepint/punoig :3 0 Q Cc i'� E 0 w _R 3: — c (D 2 Ej E, 1E : E E E C1. E r M �2 'Ho X 2 05 01, Lij E tr as fj 0 > LL 15 0 7Z-D 0) a) 0 Cl. W CL E w (0 c6 U- ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 16 U C U 06 t.. 7 CA 0 I 'r O ' Q m - rn c I i ; i � I , i ! CL Q Case number 67_y__ Q a Q a � U- o CD I CD �Y N r O (sayou;) uone7ld;osM N M P (1ae3) 4�deQ OW )eea-) je3eM eoejang/punojE) 'd N a o � m a y c E o o T CC C a O 0. C 0 _ @ F � S' > Z 1i m 019 y OS2 D m 16 U C U 06 t.. 7 CA 0 ERDC TN- WRAP -00 -02 July 2000 REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials. (1990). "Standard practice for design and installation of ground water monitoring wells in aquifers," Designation: D5092 -90, Philadelphia, PA. Cherry, J. A., Gillham, R. W., Anderson, E. G., and Johnson, P. E. (1983). "Migration of contaminants in groundwater at a landfill: A case study: 2. Groundwater monitoring devises," J. Qf'Hydrology 63, 31 -49. Miner, J. J., and Simon, S. D. (1997). "A simplified soil -zone monitoring well," Restoration and Manageinenl Notes 15(2), 156 -160. Sprecher, S. W., and Warne, A. G. (2000). "Accessing and using meteorological data to evaluate wetland hydrology,'' ERDC /EL TR- WRAP -00 -1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Warne, A. G., and Smith, L. H. (1995). "Framework for wetland systems management. Earth resources perspective, " WRP Technical Report WRP- SM -12, U.S. Anny Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1990). "Monitor well installation at hazardous and toxic waste sites," Engineer Circular 1110- 7- 1(FR), Washington, DC, BIBLIOGRAPHY Allcr, L., Bennett, T. W., Hackett, G., Petty, R. J., Lehr, J. H., Sedoris, H., and Nielsen, D. M. (1990). Handbook o/' suggested practices for the design and installation of ground - water monitoring n,ells. National Water Well Association, Dublin, OR Driscoll, F. (1986). Grom7d crater and wells. Johnson Division, St. Paul, MN. Gamble, E. E., and Calhoun, T. E. (1979). "Methods of installing piezometers for soil moisture investigations," U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, unpublished technical note. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 11975) "Manual of water well construction practices," Office of Water Supply, EPA - 570/9 -75 -001. Case number 68 NOTE: The contents of this technical note are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorse- ment or approval of the use of such products. fV