HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081199 Ver 2_Monitoring Report_20120712July 13 2012 Ms Coleen H Sullins NCDENR DWQ 401 Oversight/Express Review Perinitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 girl scouts r Girl Scouts Hornets Nest Council 7007 Idlewild Road Charlotte NC 28212 T 704/731 6500 / 800 868 0528 F 704/567 0598 www hngirlscouts org Re Girl Scout Academy at Oak Springs, Iredell County (DWQ #20081199) Preconstruchon Water Quality Monitoring Report (late winter /early spring and summer 2012 penods) Dear Ms Sullms Attached hereto is the late winter /early spring and summer 2012 preconstruction water quality monitoring summaries associated with the proposed reservoir at the Girl Scouts Hornets Nest Council Oak Springs Academy This information is provided based on the requirements and conditions of the section 401 water quality certification DWQ #20081199 The attached information includes water quality sampling data from the unnamed tributaries of the Yadkin River that will be inundated and will provide the input for the proposed reservoir This information includes both analytical laboratory summary reports (March 2012 and July 2012) and monthly average temperature data from four sampling sites (i a one site downstream of the proposed discharge and three sites within the proposed reservoir middle upstream 1 and upstream 2) If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact me at 704 731 6552 or sdaley@hngirlscouts org 42: Smc ly Sally aley JUL 1 2 2012 Chief Executive Officer Girl Scouts Hornets Nest Council Encl Pre - construction water quality monitoring summary (spring 2012) Average Monthly temperature data summary (winter/spring 2011 2012) Analytical water quality lab results (spring 2012) Pre - construction water quality monitoring summary (summer 2012) Average Monthly temperature data summary (May June 2012) Analytical water quality lab results (summer 2012) cc Bryan Tompkins USFWS Asheville Amanda Jones USACE Asheville Girl Scout Camp at Oak Springs Statesville, NC LATE WINTER /EARLY SPRING 2012 PRE-CONSTRUCTION WATER QUALITY MONITORING DATA d d d 0 I �gpa� „ $ z � � o m Z �s N C r g° �NwGI CL 3 o N N r 3 a CL LL s z 0 C 7 3 3 a a s r 3 3 •C Q �r s Z n n vim L Z v 0 �0,0800�"'�00 loo~ tWgBNGA... E 3 -3 3 w3 >A�1d -3 C 3 I 0 0 0 0 g �,G3N i �rr+rrrrrrr TO c o o C 9 X rm�riui.,�gd It9 8 as d fin. 0 m CL x �i n �gpa� „ $ z � � o m Z �s N C r g° �NwGI CL 3 o N N r 3 a CL LL s z 0 C 7 3 3 a a s r 3 3 •C Q �r s Z n C n �a 3� O a s g A O. oa 7{' N I§ m . 3 cr ar �C S A �N O m 7 22 N d r r O M v 3�°'�m� a 1 > N a o � � s L1 L L 3 i V V {N N~ (a pp I+ N N r w r go 0 0 Ch N W A N Uw1 OD 01 O 0. 3 F l m Co N co N V �► W O C N v 0~D Vf A N w N 000 N A N LO N 0 � O O u 3 C C t~p W V 01 O F+ O a7 V F+ 1+ N N N N N Go O O w 01 A N � M+ V W 1V0 001 IA 1N0 W 3 � O O G i C 'O _ O C b V 0~orj V v 0 p m g00o�iA G V0i O O V 10+ to Lm tND O O N � N O �a 3� O a s g A O. oa 7{' N I§ m . 3 cr ar �C S A �N O m 7 22 N d r r O M v �►- Analytical Laboratory 13338 Hagen Ferry Road H rewtEeMgIO NC 28078.7829 Phone 980.878. " Fw 9WV 9 Order Summary Report Order Number J12030137 Comer Nm "e SCOTT RErc n CUMMMAMmo Lob Content TIGY L Ropat- Troy NRHsenent Dade srt�rlotz Program Commerrbe Pie conttot (Row m AAanow vft tnr quagm Mwd to Ift report Oft gtgt a c1e Sample lWo & DOMWIM odo ww TWO Cab 21"2 00902 oe4am2 2-0 PM SCOW FLETCHER I Tote! Sompbw pop 2 of 16 OAKSPRINGS Technical Validation Review COC and pa rew we anda 0 analyses (O=Oh noe sgva=M With sample totals ®Yes [� No pn�ama and pme&m) AN Resuhs are lase than the lebofabry reM ft Nmb p Yes ®No All laboratory QA= requirements are able ®Yes 0 No AnUlebo<a0ortae have aeerr quapIed by the Yes P9P8of1B er CShftee AdMk6 ratan oere 30012 C®rtifleat® Of Laboratory ArislyWs=i This report shop not 69 reproduced exoW( In AN Order S J12030137 Site OAK SPRINGS Semple 0 2012005582 Collection bola' 064br-12 2.00 PM Matrix OTHER 1 Page 4 of 16 meow Amhpb DdWTIW An*d EPA380.1 194IN 12 11:32 SONOW EPA 988.2 134UP121019 BONIM EPA 9812 0812 11.62 TUNN EPA 3881 14 IN42 10 49 BOHM v_mSm V_PRISM V PRISM It" Un b Cuallflbe RDL OP MMCNIAWANAMMM qamoft Okft*ratft) O;pg1 MWW 002 1 NWft ♦ NWO (Calodere ft) 0.48 M94% 001 1 Tool IQWM NN"m 40.19 mVN& 018 1 cc.) Tdol PhoWhow (CololmeMo) 0.020 m jpPll. 0 000 1 Vendor Pester Cane 1 Vendor Pe>anmW Come 1 1 Page 4 of 16 meow Amhpb DdWTIW An*d EPA380.1 194IN 12 11:32 SONOW EPA 988.2 134UP121019 BONIM EPA 9812 0812 11.62 TUNN EPA 3881 14 IN42 10 49 BOHM v_mSm V_PRISM V PRISM a "cam" I'te`ms CO�alTativ® Fell Service Anaytieat ti No ter 8xt" Environmental Solutions Cmel om Me, igirta ti7f2a 0310@/2012 1r� v�enwFSOrc VAQlNa12a1 Oaks Energy Corpotaft (pq) Jays 13339 Hagem Fen Road Hunterev3e NC 28078 Prole& Oak WW Ge Project Na J1203M37 Lob Bubmrdd Date. 0310612012 Pftant Wo* Order 2030127 This data Package amdalne Mre wmb*W realdfe for ft project "Red above and btdudas a Cass Nwradm Gerno Reams and Chan of Custody tkdm of Wwlse noted al eamPbO wore mmW4ad n and Prmpeand 80= ft to the refs vt=d moftdg, Oft 4udftm narrafft are RPSW bdwfto an each ea qft A key rersrerlae for the data auailliere appears st the and of this case Please Cd If you have any @gone relating to MIS andylkel report y PRMN LABORATORIEB, WM V Date Qualifiers Key Reference 9RL Below Reporting Lim" MDL Method Detection Urn" RPO Reistive Percent Diference Ae krr (;Z- 14!�v 014Z'e RWW ad By • Results reported to the repotting Imft Ali other resufts are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reponng ilm" indicated with a J ttda repod etmmd hill be reproduced eoccept to he so" *Ihm Me W ten amen of Pawn t.e xmbdm Ina 44 BPMW "k Row PA so 2"a Chm scam me 2a224aay Phehe 1008298J00 Toff Frye Kicubw j4MQgMp.GW Fax yoWS254M Pa e 1 Of 6 sr PRISM I Sample Recnmary 03109=12 Prism Wb* Oder 2030127 rood 8e1lrpk ID Lob Semple ID N&tdx Do% Gomm Date it000Wed Oak Sonp 2030127 -01 VNIV ONW12 0.1008!12 Somplo moMwed in good card don at 3 8 degrees C urdess otherwise rated. M mW shoWd rat be mp duoot a=W In pb a lboy w%)mn ft wntmma CMMM tar ftM teb=Wtb k Ian eas awbvbMk PAw PA: OM MOU Olemooe, w tstzr.osa FIM 704FUR- e4 T°D pme Ifmnw 1 bM FM 70YM040e I Rge 27 Il r w3PRISM , aft-o- Sabo %t97,,,teport .V..Mwaam Duke Erte W CaporoWn (04) Pr )W Oak 8prinp GS dknR Sample ID Oak 8prbpe 133 Jay wo to Pin Smrtple ID 2000127-01 Fhrnteravil�, 78 8mrPe 6& J Water Priem VVork Order 2030127 Tktte Cdeded. 03O8M21400 Time 80mi0ed MM121ik28 Pemnwlw Rsmdt Wdle RW AADI AIk160 d &*h O ID FboW Nhsrob(oteAkel Parmnelees FndCo et etrtrnooad e 1 '6 D 3012 18 0 RM PMt4 TMs mW Mould not bo MPM&md In tm ard" wghug ft wd tsn content of Pdam Labomtmraa, Ina die ep ftoraw Road PA on 2r o OAadolm, kC "n6ow PhM 70222"" The Pros Rt MbW 1d:9Qre"WOM ftm 181r62&M Pa e 3 Of 6 �rPRiSM ' pw °'�°"w"cal ° a oar, r.�- wio�oao4m Oldie Energy► CGMWG*o (04) Aftn Jay Pokkls 13339 Ma08rs Feny Road NufdelsvWe NC 28078 Iltrobk e w Parer swm arson► Cotttbol Project Chic "os 08 Project No J12030137 LOW p QC Report Pop 8 of 1s 3012 Pdenc Work Older 20MI27 Time 8ubtnftiect 30=2 4 28 OOPM Rapetd spae 8m m %REC RPD An*W Result Un* ullb LMM Resod %M Updb RPD Una Notes R* MM 44 NO PREP Blank tP2C011441LK1) Prepared 8 Al Vzed 03108112 Pmdcdlo ma BRL 2 CFWtoDRd am* tP200114•BLK2) ftgmmd 8 A� 03/08112 Few Coftnm BRL 2 CFWtOD IN This mpM should rat be topmduM nomept b tb entU* • tdwut the Written foment d PdM Lelarot, in Im 400 8pftgbtook Reed P Q 8M UM Ch Vkft MC 2t12204W Phony 7003204M ToO Pros Nun>ttm 14005214M Pee 1011eIj 0m PSQ94af57j a Emm MEN MEN ..m . .. m ..■m■m. mmom .mm L-1 s ft" ftiffafte Service P R I S M Environmental 0311302012 VACerflVa1�7 0*9 Energy Corporallioll (04) Jay Peft" 13339 Hegere Reny Road Hunts avfgs, NC 28078 ositwWas PrgfeatNo. J12030137 Lab Surbmlllal Deb 03107x2012 Priem Work Order 2030161 This dals pedrage oarta(ns the ansytical reuft for the project Id a Ulled above and Irw hides a Case NerrebM Semple Rm is and Chain of Custody Urges otherwise noted all samples were received In acceptable condition and pfcoeSsed SCoadhhg to the referen=d methods. Date gra>llflers are &Wed !v on each sample A key reference fa the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case nwratve. Plea8e o111I t you have any► quedlare reletbhg to tits a report. PIM LA90RATOMEB,WIL V Data 4uellflere Key Reference ROWWWod By BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detector Limit RPD Relative Percent Dtiterence • Results tWorted to the reporting Ihnk At otter results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit irhdl aced with a J Thb report theidd rot tb repredueed araosp! 6r its emtrsly wltlxnd Ciewhl0en oonsenh ar PAsre latteramAes Ina 40 apUrpthr" Read PA: eoi SW U C♦wJdL% Me MHO U � PAow 10Y61PUN Tea Free Umber 140010190100 Fax. 7044264M page 1 of b PRISM Sample Rec"Mnmay 03M3/G12 Priem WbHt Order 2030181 afteBm4ft ® Lab 8mnpie t0 IAatrltt Date SatgM Ogee ROWnd 201200660210sh 2030161 -01 Water 03/09/12 03107112 Bent W nwekvd in good oorwWon at 19 degrees C urdeas otherwise noted, TNe rvpott ehadd riot be momdueed &wept to ft O"Mty WI{IW the W-MM wrieent of Pdem LabWoofts bra. 4Q 8PNgbMk PAW P.Q am SMp C', w8o, RC aus"M PW'* 7Odr6ls'M 100 FM XMber 140MIMM iec ypvg &M NO 2 of 6 ' � ' ���'prt 4 P ISM I �� so Duke Stelp Col n (04) Rojo& Oak S~ 018 Merit ID 201900mewook Gpdmp Aft Jay Per" Pdam sample &2030101 -01 13339 Megan Ferry Road Pmjod No. J12030137 Pftn Vftk Older 2030101 hwftrav& NC 28078 sample Maw vllete► Tbm Codeded 03/08/121400 Time &bydbd 03107/12 INS Panne m Re" WBe Report MOL Ob don man" Andpb An*d Soft unfit Faetor Dowrm 10 Gerold Chm a" Pam opuftsomkimm to wtdloafan 10 0.17 1 IMMO B Mn2 NO JAB P20e112 1omw 13 N!U GA om 1 0180.1 3XMI an JAB P800{Be Thfe faW dwA not be mprodmoed empt In b ad" wahm fire —AM ooneeM of PAwn LaboreWim Inc 49 GPbgbroeh PAW PA on 210813 awsonk me 2$1840843 ,. PhWW 704%204304 ie0 Pee N Mft 14QMl843B4 FM TONUS44H Page 3 of 5 PRISM U" o 15 Repcft �ro��r eeroaeiro° POBs 19 of 18 91/9n2 OW J Peddn9 m (04) PMj" Oak 8pm p 08 Pd= Work Order 2030181 AWL TbW 8ubmMed 3/7/2012 3 36.�00P8A 13338 Hagen Ferry Road Project Na J12030137 Mwtteravyle NC 29078 Gonnal chow" Pommet" Conbol Thb ropmr WWWd rat be roproeueft stop N boa" wlftd fro wi10°a =Mwd of Pdtm Labms o W bra 440 8pdngb ook Road PA, eat UDW Chad0ft MC 28ffi4.08A Pbono 704MI . M Teo Pro° "wn0a USMMM Few 7098260408 Page TOP 5 ROOF" 19 Sp&e Bowes %REC RPO A"Im ReSM undt URNS LOM RWA %REC Umb No UM llama Wfth P2C0198 No pw etemllP2COt8sSM) PMPRW8Ar^20d 03M M2 TWN* BRL L40 MTU LC8 8'Zi101MM) ?WPMd 8 AnOW d WW12 Ta Wft 410 Betah p2m72 No PREP L40 "TU 4000 104 90.110 _ Blw* 2CO 7*Wi ) PfOPWW&AndMd 03109112 _ sooeBD aaaWUIU me SIL 10 wMoskm Lab 6 AnOWN O91 WI2 speftemloAtends 1430 10 aadimrma 1413 101 08.109 Thb ropmr WWWd rat be roproeueft stop N boa" wlftd fro wi10°a =Mwd of Pdtm Labms o W bra 440 8pdngb ook Road PA, eat UDW Chad0ft MC 28ffi4.08A Pbono 704MI . M Teo Pro° "wn0a USMMM Few 7098260408 Page TOP 5 m Ekumnnmm� c���mnmumu y;� N 0 g 3d 0a afl� r r LL t W; 2 1 t".. Q 1 W�/r IX i I t_A; _ n Uf 1 �. r z� � M a, c". l U' W' I w a e I Oak r � u x �r� 4 Q do s U, a PA PA Ei op } t f E a� I 3- , , 4 IL 1 I e �s e (y� o $ � a � PA PA a� n 1� �I �1 la !I i h 0{ E 1 3 �i nul1 y �i a IN I a Girl Scout Camp at Oak Springs Statesville, NC SUMMER 2012 PRE - CONSTRUCTION WATER QUALITY MONITORING DATA a PV st Q 3 m c � lc4113gim- 8 A to in W 0 3 V o w Gi O p 0 0 0 0 F+ 1+ r r r r r r r r+ r r+ i O O O O ppO o p co p slo 0 0 aaa a�t�+raaaa x x I � M O C O r it r N r a w C � 3 g RI r" T T T T Ifl fl1 aaa N DDaaD� W W W W �, rr�ri�rNr �� 3 3 m lb z via 51 F N luz W •S �s � oQ o� W O f1 to � m 3 3 v g � _ ct v o 7 m N r V �s d S Z Q 3 m 3 Gi O p 0 0 0 0 F+ 1+ r r r r r r r r+ r r+ r O O O O aaa a�t�+raaaa x x r r r it r N r C � 3 g via 51 F N luz W •S �s � oQ o� W O f1 to � m 3 3 v g � _ ct v o 7 m N r V �s d S Z Z 2 A 1 V CL d d as 8� a; `a �o C < d O 7 A Q P,ti A m A Q a c A A sa A A 3 N A d N C A p A A A 13 A a 3 c. 0 S a A z O C .1 d C. V V V W QQpp 1N► p IA a, _d 3 d z a� C jV1, ppV W A O1 Fes+ Q. Q 3 N O 1 m s e ? �aa CL r w d 'a co 3 A Q 46 Z to or d CL M 3 A C 3 A N 0 PJWW Analytical Laboratory 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntereviile NC 2807 8-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex MG03A2 Phone 980. 875 -5245 Fax 980-875-4349 Order Summary Report Order Number J12060295 Pnact Name WA Customer Nam(s$ Scott Fletcher Customer Address. Operations Lab Contact Jason C Perkins phone 980 -US -5348 1 n a Report Authorised e� 702012 Islgrreture) Program Comments Please contact the Program Manager (Jason C Perkins) with any questions regarding this report Date Flags & Calculations Page, of 23 Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier Indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement The qualifier description Is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis (sample results) under the qualifiers heading All results are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted Data Package This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described In this narrative An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report Is available upon request This report shall not be reproduced except In full without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions The order of Individual sections within this report is as follows Job Summary Report Sample /denNgcaBon Technk al Validation of Data Package AnaWal Laboratory CertMcate ofAna"s Analytical Laboratory QC Reports Sub- oontractsd Laboratory Results Customer Specillc Date Sheets Reports 6 Documentation Customer Database Entries Teat Case Narratives Chain of Custody (COC) Certification The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications North Carolina (DENR) Certificate 0248 South Carolina (OHEC) Laboratory ID # 99005 Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods Sample ID's & Descriptions Pon 2 of 23 Sample 10 Collection PlwdMation Date and Time Colieeted By Semple Description 2012013382 Operation 20,Jun -12 1030 AM GENE VAUGHAN DAM SITE 2012013384 Operation 20- Jun-12 11 50 AM GENE VAUGHAN MANS LAND 2 Total Samples Technical Validation Review Checklist COC and pW report are in agreement with sample totals ® Yes U No and analyses (compliance programs and procedures) All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits p Yes g No All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable ® Yes 0 No The Vendor Laboratories have been qualified by the Analytical Laboratory Yes Report Sections Included ® Job summary Report ® Sample Idemiflaetion ® Technhntl Vaildatton of Date Package ® Ane"cal Laboratory CartUie to of NWysls ❑ Analocal Laboratory QC Report Page 3 01 23 ❑ sub-contracted Laboratory Results ❑ Custaner Specific Date Sheets Reports & Documentarlon ❑ Customer Debase Erk W ® Chain of Custody ® Electronic Date Deliverable (EDD) Sent Separaft Reviewed By DataBase Administrator Date 7/3/2012 Page 4 of 23 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced except In full Order # J12060295 Site DAM SITE Sample #' 2012013382 Collection Date 20- Jun-12 10 30 AM Matrbc OTHER Analyse ALKALINITY (FIXED END POINT Result 4.111 Units flualHiere RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Al wW* (mg(L CeCO3) 32 mg/t. 01 1 SM2320B 22-Jun-12 08 37 TJA7067 (Ca=) AMMONIA (COLOMMETRIC) Anlmonle (Cob dnu trlc) 011 mg44L 002 1 EPA 3501 26-Jun-12 12-34 BGN0034 NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETfticl NMrite + NfbIft (Colodmeblo) 0.29 mg-NIL 001 1 EPA 3532 25Jun -12 12.34 BGNWN GA MOSPHATE WAWMIMETWO O- PHOSPHATE (Coladmetrlc) 00106 mg•PIL N1 0 005 1 EPA 3851 21 Jun -12 0939 7uNN Total Jgdd c l Nitrogen 0 n mg-W 015 1 EPA 3512 28%km -12 1313 BGN9034 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (COLORIM Total Phosphans (CaWknotrtc) rC) 0 019 mg-PIL 0 005 1 EPA 385 1 03-Jul-12 *31 SGN9034 FECAL COMFORM Vendor Parameter complete 1 V PACE SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Vendor Parameter PM IN Complete 1 V PACE WATER (NON.G. P IANCn Vendor Parameter TURSIOM ANA yS181 Complete 1 V PACE Vendor Parameter complete 1 V PACE Site MANS LAND Sample # 2012013384 Collection Date 20-Jun-12 1150 AM Matrbc OTHER Analyte MJWJNITY BWQ END PONT 4,111 Result Units Waliflers RDL DF Method Analysis DaWTlme Analyst AlhelinMy (mglL CGW3) 23 mglL 01 1 SM23208 22-Jun-12 08 37 TJA7057 (CeCO3) AMMONIA (COLORIM"RiCi Ammonia (CoWmetrlc) 012 mg-N& 002 1 EPA 3501 26-Jun-12 12:35 BGN3034 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 5 of 23 Th/s report shall not be reproduced except In full Order # J12NO295 Side MANS LAND Sample 0 2012013384 Collection Date 20- Jun-12 11 50 AM Matrix OTHER Ana" Result Units Qualifiers ROL OF Method Analysis DataMme Analyst NffRrrE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRICI NIMte + Nitrate (Colorimetric) 014 mg+ A. 001 1 EPA 353 2 28,1un -12 12:35 SM9034 O-PHOSPHATE (COLORIMETRICI O- PHOSPHATE (C tic) 000870 mg-PA. NI 0 005 u� Nitrogen 0.22 mg-NIL 015 ( TOM PHOSPHORUS MLDMMEMC) Total Phosphorus (Calorknetdc) 00098 Wit. 0 005 FECAL COMFORM Vendor Parameter Complete SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Vendor Parameter Complete PH IN WATER (NONSOMPL!ANCn Vendor Parameter ANALYSIS) Complete IWIMM Vendor Parameter complete 1 EPA 3851 21-Jun-12 0942 TLINN i EPA 3512 28,hm -12 1314 aGNWU 1 EPA 3851 03,tu1 -12 10.32 SON9034 1 V PACE 1 V PACE 1 V PACE 1 % PACE Qualifiers N1 See additional Infonnallon listed below Samples were not filtered within the required time upon collection All results should be considered as estimates (�IceMaocale wewtoom June 29 2012 Program Manager Duke Energy Pena AnWylial Services, Ina 408 Fast Meadow Road suite A Eden NC 27288 RE Project- J12000295 Pace Project No 92121949 (818)438921 Pane Ana*ftW Servim Ina 2228 Riverside Dr AshwAs NC 288114 (828)264.7178 Pans AnWyftW 8ervWM Irm fieff f as suite 100 Hunh svft NC 28078 (704739092 Dear Program Manager Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on June 20 2012 The results relate only to the samples Included in this report Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory s Quality Assurance Manual where applicable unless otherwise noted in the body of the report Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted If you have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me Sincerely Kevin Godwin for Kevin Herring kevin herring@pacelabs com Project Manager Erudowes ca. I& Jay Pokm Duke Energy �fq9' � REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page i of 17 ��) This mW shall not be reproduced mroep in full TN without the wd8en consent of Pace A"yftd SeMma Inc 45 IceAnalftcal"' Poe Analydi l Ber4ft% Ina 208 East Meadow Road Sub A Edon NO 27288 (33SX23-M1 PM AnaVftal SerAm Ina 2226 RW"de Or Aehow0a NO 28604 (828)264 -7178 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Paee Armly W ServkM Ina fftWd*Me Sucre 108 HunWWAe NO 28078 (704)875.9092 Protect. J12M MOS Pepe Project No 92121949 Amdytea Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Rep. Labors" 92121949001 DAM SITE SM 9222D KDF 1 PA EPA 1201 AES 1 PASI,A EPA 1801 SAE 1 PAST -A EPA 9040 AES 1 PASI,A 92121949002 MANS LAND SM 9222D KDF 1 PASIC EPA 12D 1 AES 1 PASHA EPA 1801 SAE 1 PASI -A EPA 9040 AES 1 PASHA REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 3 of 17 Thla report shall not be nwoduoed exoW in fidl wilhoul the wrinen owment of Pepe Analybral Sww a Ine aceAmOcal �omn Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 Fast Meador Road &MA Eden NO 27258 (338)823.8921 HITS ONLY Pace Analytical Services Inc. 2228 Rhmelde Or Adwvffie NO 28804 (828M4 -7178 Pace Analytical SeMees, Inc M91iWM9 Suds 100 HuNasvllle NO 28078 (704)076.9082 Project J12060M Pace Project No 92121949 Lab Semple ID CUM Semple ID Method Parameters Read Units Report Lund Ar aWW QuaUfiers 92121949001 DAN SITE SM 0222D Fecal CoMmis 58 0 CF 9100 ml. 10 OSM1218 28 N2 EPA 1201 Spedflc ConducWm 781 unhoslan 100 08/21112 0950 N2 EPA 1801 Turbidity 55 NTU 10 08/2?112 09 50 EPA 9040 pH 71 Std Units 010 08/2711213 32 H1 HS 92121949002 MANS LAND SM 0222D Fwal Coltfonns 14 0 CF1.11100 ml. 10 08/20/1218 28 N2 u1 EPA 1201 Specific Condudanoe 851 unlhoalan 100 08021/12 09 50 N2 EPA 1801 Tuft* 17 NTU 10 08/22!12 09 50 EPA 9040 PH 8 8 Std Units 010 0=7 /1213 32 H1 H8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 4 of 17 The repel shall not be reproduced, except in ha wdhmd ere wrleen oonsem of Pete Anetyaeal Senolm Inc ceAnalAcal Paso Analytical Services, Irre 205 Fast Meadow Road Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (338)825-8821 Pace Anaytical Services, Ine. 2228 Wverelde Or AstwAls NC 28804 PROJECT NARRATIVE Protect J12000205 Papa Protect No 92121949 Megrod SM 9222D Desorlptlon MBIO O222D Fecal CoHform CHT Clieft Duke Erier99 Date June 29 2012 (SM284.7178 General Information 2 samples were analyzed for SM 92220 All samples were reoelved In acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below Mold Tuna• The samples were anayzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below IMtlai Calibrations (Including MS Tune as applicable) AD criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions now below Continuing Capbradon All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below Internal Standards AD Internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below Surrogates All surrogates were within OC Omb with any exceptions noted below Method BlanL A9 analytes were below the report tindt In the method (dank with any exceptions noted below Laboratory Control Spike All laboratory control spike compounds were within OC limits with any exceptions noted below IWabix Spires All percent recoveries and relative percent dUbrences (RPDs) were within acceptance aiterle with any exceptions noted below Duplicate Sample A I duplicate sample results were within method acceptance alterla with any exceptions noted below Additional Conarherrle Anelyte Comments OC Batch MBCH14214 N2 The lab does not hold TNI aaxeditatlon for this parameter BLANK (Lab ID 783491) Fecal Coliforms DAM SITE (Lob ID 92121949001) Fecal Col forms DUP (Lab ID 783493) Fecal Collforms MANS LAND (Lab ID 92121949002) Fetal Cotifoms REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Tire report shall not be reproduced, axoW in full wtthad tib written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pave ArAWal Services, Ina, 11111"0 tas, suite loo Flutter v$e NC 28078 (7o4)87f►9092 Page 5 of 17 lceftlft, ►rexAaoefabs Project A Pace Project No 92 M tftod SM 8222 Deeelfpow MB10 9222 also,~ Duke Energy Data June 29 Analyte Comments QC Batch MBCHM4214 e Poe Analytical Servlees lna Pave AnalMal Services Inc. Pace An@WU W Bervkee Ina ! 208 Eed Meadow Road SWteA 2225 Rivmdds Dr "Me Suits loo Qom Eden NC 27288 AehevNe NC 28804 HuMusYRe NC 28078 (336)OMI-8821 (828)254.7176 (704)87 &8092 PROJECT NARRATIVE 000205 121949 D D Fecal CoUfmm CHT 2012 u1 Results based upon cc" courts outslde acceptable range MANS LAND (Lab ID 92121949002) Fecal Collforms REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 6 of 17 The repot shall not be reproduced except in hill wtMoul Ore wn ten OVUM of Pace Analytical SerAM Inc I a /�,��'J Pece Anallr" Series Inc. Peon Analytical Services, Inc. Pass Analytical Semless, Inc C @I`U a cQ1 •' 20S East Avow Road &ftA 2226 Rhmmids Dr 11110m4me &ft 100 Eden NC 27268 Asheville NO 28804 Hurb sWle NC 28078 (886)9258921 (OW)284.7176 (704W84M PROJECT NARRATIVE Project, J1208M POW Project No 92121949 Msthod EPA 1201 Description 1201 Specific Conductance Client: Duke Energy Date June 29 2012 General information 2 samples were analyzed for EPA 1201 AD samples were received In ecxeptable condition with any exceptions noted bear Hold Thm The samples were analyzed wlttln the method required hold Ow with any exceptions noted below Method Blank All anslytes were below the report nmlt In the method blank with any exceptions noted below Lr ConM spike AD laboratory control spike carlpounds were waft OC Dndte wkh any exceptlorre noted below Makh spikes All percent recovertes and relative percent dtiferertoes (RPOs) were within aoosptence crtterte with any exceptions noted below Dupik de Semple All dupacete sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below Additional Coeumnts OC Batch WET/21324 N2 The lob does rot hold TNI accreditation for this parameter BLANK (Lab ID 752800) Specific Conductance DAM SITE (Lab ID 02121949001) Specific Conductance DL P (Lob ID 782802) Specific Conductance Specific Conductance LOS (Lab ID 782801) SpedBc Corxbrctance MANS LAND (Lab ID 92121949002) Specific Conductance REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 7 of 17 no report shell not be reproduced except in full wh td the wdtlen eoesont of Pace Ansocal Semen Inc ceAnalytica! awrxpea�6soam Project: J12080298 1`80e Project No 92121949 Illetitod EPA 1801 Description 1801 Turbidity Client: Duke Energy Date• June 29 2012 Pace Arayaoal serAces, Ina 208 Fad Meadow Road sulte A Eden NO 27288 (338)8288921 Paw Aray" SerAmm Its. 2718 Rkwelde Or AeherBle NC 28804 PROJECT NARRATIVE (828)284.7178 General Intormatlon 2 samples wee analyzed for EPA 1801 AO samples was received In acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below Hold Tim The samples were analyzed witidn the meftd retpdred hold tines with any exceptions noted below Mod d Blank All anaytes were below the report Omit In the me#W blank with any exceptions noted below Laboratory Control Spike: AO laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any eicepllons noted below lisldrbt spikes All percent recoverles and relative percent differences (RPDs) were wOtdn acceptance criteria with any exceptions toted below Duplicate sample All duplicate sample results were within me0rod acceptance alma with any exceptions noted below Additional Comments. Pane Anay" 8srrlces, Inc. Moore 8udte 100 HredderavIDe NC 28078 (704)0784092 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 8 Of 17 TW report slap not be reproduced except in full withad the wftn arm" of Pare k ylpcal sew"a, Inc CeAl1�1J�lCal a Pace Analytical Services Ina PaceAnaytloal Services, Inc. Paos Analy" services Ina {�G 208 Eael Meadow Road Suke A 2225 Rhwide Dr Suite too y Edam NC 27288 Ashedle NC 28804 HurdervAs NC 28078 (336)8238821 (e28)264 -7178 (704)875.9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project- J1206MO Pace Project No 92121949 111119111W EPA9040 DescrIp9llon 9040 pH Client DAG Energy Date June 29 2012 GeneralIn10114 on 2 samples were analyzed for EPA 9040 All samples were received In acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below Hold Tlme The samples were andiysed within the method required hold tlmes with any exceptions noted below H1 Analysis conducted oukdde the EPA method holding time DAM SITE (Lab ID 92121949001) MANS LAND (Lab ID 92121949002) H5 Aneysts Initiated outside of the 15 minute EPA nwomncended holding tine. DAM SITE (Lab la 92121949001) MANS LAND (Lab la 92121949002) Wlefhod Blank AN analytes were below the report 11m11 In the method blank with any exceptions noted below Laboratory ConbW Spike AD labonit" 00001 5131118 compotaxle were within OC timtlo with any exceptions noted below MaNx Spikes All Percent mcxwerles and relative percent dktelence5 (RPDs) were **M acceptance k nUft with tiny excepbons noted balm Dupilcatd Sample A11 duplicate sample resuks were w M methM aeoaptanoe a bda with any exceptions noted below Additional Comments This date package has been reviewed for quality and comptetsneas and Is approved for release REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 9 of 17 Tine raPort shall not be reproduced axoept m Nit worm the woen consent of Pecs Analywal Servloae Inc Velll a"ca/ a wwwp bmwm Peas Analytical Sowlce% Inc 208 Eem Meadow Road Sufte A Eden, NC 27288 (3181623-8921 Pane Analytical Services Inc 2225 Riv mft Dr AshevOW NC 28804 (0n)2U -7178 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace And"cel SorvicM Inc. 11MAIIAR& 8ufla 100 Fume, NC 28078 (704 )875.9092 Project. J1206MG Pace Project No 92121949 Semple GAM SITE Lab ID 92121949001 Collected 08/20/1210 30 Reoehred 0111=1215 55 Matrix Water Parameters Results Units Report Lbnfi DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No Qua] 111111310 8?J:2D Fecal Conform CMT Analytical Method SM 92220 Fecal CoMimms SU CFU/100 ml. 10 1 08120/121828 N2 1201 SpeclNa Conductance Analytical Method EPA 1201 Specific Conductance 781 umhoalcm 100 1 08/21/12 0850 N2 1801 Turbidity Analytical Method EPA 1801 Turbidity 55 NTU 10 1 08/22/12 09 50 9040 pH Analytical Method EPA 9040 pH 71 Std Units 010 1 08/27/1213 32 H1 H8 Date 08J2M12 02 25 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 10 of 17 This report shell not be mproduoed except m bull. vr&W the MOM aonseM of Pace Analytical 6ervioss Inc lCeA1720cal"' Pane Analytcal Services tno. 208 East Meadow Road &die A Eden NO 27250 (336)623.8921 Pans Analypeet Gamin% Ina. 2225 Rivmeide Or AdWAID NO 26M (826)254.7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical 8sfvtcea Inc, tGdy?Qm sake 100 FdoaerWWWe NC 28078 (704)0766082 Projecl J12080298 Pepe Project No 92121949 Sample MANS LAND Lab ID 92121949002 Collected 08/20/1211 50 Received 08/20/1215 55 Metrbr Whter Parameters Results Units Repot Lbrdt OF Prepared AnaWW CAS No Qual MBIO 9222D Pecel Coftirm CHT Ane"cel Method SM 9222D Fecal Co6torrrm 14.0 CFU/100 mL 10 1 0INW121&28 N2 ul 1201 Speaft Conduounce Ana"cei Me0rod EPA 1201 Spedft Comae 881 umhoslan 100 1 0821 /12 0850 N2 1801 Turbidity Analytcat Method EPA 1801 Turbidky 17 NTU 10 1 0822/12 0980 9040 pH Analytical Method EPA 9040 pH 8.8 Std Units 010 1 0827/1213 32 H1 Hs Date 08W=12 02 26 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 11 of 17 TMs repot dud not be reproduced, except in M without the wmen cone of Pace Analytical Sam= Inc (� 2eftlytcalo Pace Arraytical Services Irm 208 East Meadow Road Stilts A Eden NO 27288 (338)8238921 Pace Analyeeal Servleee Inc. 2228 RWaralde Or AshaM NO 28804 (828)284.7178 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project J1208MB Pepe Project No 92121949 QC Be" MBCW4214 Analysis Method SM 9222D QC Batch Method SM 9222D Analysts Descr"m 9222D MBIO Fecal Collform CHT Associated Lab Samples 92121949001 92121949002 METHOD BLANK 783491 Malt Water A880deted Let) Samples 92121949001 92121949002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result LImN Analyzed Qualifiers Fecal CclffOrms CFW100 mt. ND 10 0201121828 N2 SAMPLE DUPLICATE 783493 92121981001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Fecal CoUbms CFUf100 ml 100 ND (2 Pave Analyeeal BeMces, Inc liAue Suftsloo Hw to vAle NC 28078 (704)076 -9092 Date 08/M012 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 12 of 17 The mW slid not be reproduced. exoW in fall wdh&A the wMMn consent of Pave And Semmes. Inc COAWW swerpeosiebaaoer Project J12060205 Pace Project No 92121949 Pace AnsyftlServices Inc 208 Easi Usedow Road Suite A Eden, NO 27288 (338)8238921 Pace Analy" Servtoes, Ina. 2225 Riverside Dr Asheville NO 28804 (828)254-7178 QUALITY CONTROL DATA QC Batch WET/21324 Analysis Method EPA 1201 QC Batch Method EPA 1201 Analysis Description 1201 SpedNc Conductance Associated Lab Samples 92121949001 92121949002 METHOD BLANK 782800 Matrbc Water Associated Lab Samples 92121949001 92121040 Blank RepoAktg Parameter units Result Limit AnaWsd Qualifiers Specific Conductance umhosla n NO 10 0 08121112 09 50 N2 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 782801 Pace AnaWas!BeMces Inc. id*W3a sufte 100 HunWrsvlDe NO 28078 (704)8769092 Spike LCS LOS % Rec Parameter Unite Conc. Result % Roo Limits Quawlers Specific Conductance umhoa/an 1410 1420 101 90-110 N2 SAMPLE DUPLICATE 782802 92121598002 Dup Parameter Untie Result Result RPD Quaillkers Spook Conductance tdnhoslam 474 478 1 N2 SAMPLE DUPLICATE 782848 92121949001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Quefiflers Specific Cortdu cw= umhoslan 781 788 1 N2 Date 08n =12 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 13 of 17 This reW ehd not be reproduced swept in fun wkhout sire written consent d Pace Anarytlesi Oavbes, Ina COAna Vmle Project. J12060296 Pepe Project No 92121949 Pow Analytical8eMeM Inc. 208 Feat Meadow Road Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (330MM921 Paw Anaytleal Services Ina 2228 Riverside Dr Ae WAG NC 28804 (828)264.7178 QUALITY CONTROL DATA QC Batch WET/21341 Analysis Method EPA 1801 QC Batch Method EPA 1801 Analysis Description 1801 Turbidity ASSOtiated Lab samples 92121949001 92121940002 METHOD BLANK. 783585 Matrbc Water Assodated Lab samples 92121949001 92121949002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Wnit Anayed Qualfiers Turbidly NTU ND 10 WWI 2 0980 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 783585 Pace Anti" Services Inc, irue subs 100 HurftrGVft NC 28078 M111768092 spice LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Urals Conr_ Result % Rea Limits Qualifiers Turbidity NTU 10 100 100 90.110 SAMPLE DUPUCATE 783587 92121949001 Dup Parameter Urdta Result Resd RPD Qualifiers Turbidly NTU 55 65 1 Data 08/29/2012 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 14 of 17 TMs report"not be reproduced except in I d wf0rout the wften correent of Pace Andy ind Services Inc ceAnaocal www.perem0aoosr Pans AnaVftal SeMoes Inc 205 East Meadow Road Buns A Eden NC 27258 (x1SM4921 Pace Analyttaal Services, Inc 2225 Rhrerelde Or AsteWle NC 28804 (828)254-7178 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project J12050295 Pepe Project No 92121949 QC Batch WET121408 Analysis Method EPA 9040 QC Batch Method EPA 9040 Analysis Desalptlon 9040 pH Associated Lab Samples 92121949001 92121949002 SAMPLE DUPLICATE 785938 92121887001 Dup Parameter Units Result Re" RPD Qualdlers pH Std Units 89 69 0 HI H8 SAMPLE DUPLICATE 788939 92122384003 Dup Parameter Units Resort Result RPD QualHiers pH Std Units 70 70 1 H1 HS Paee AnelyttaN Semites, Inc. SmiSwas suns 100 HwftrWft NC 28078 (704)876.9082 Date 08129/2012 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 15 of 17 Ttds report 00 riot be reproduced except in full wkhotd the written ommenl of ParsAnelybcel 8mvlces Inc ne /� �� a Pace Analyhot 9ervkm Irm Pane Ansly6otl Servlm Ina Pace Ansydeal 8srvkss Ina A a � 205 Eeet Meadow Read SAM 2228 Rivwdde Dr 151100448 Suits 100 Eden NC 27286 Asheville NC 28004 Hwfersvfffe, NC 29018 (339)823-8821 (828)284 -7178 (704)8764092 QUALIFIERS Project: J12060205 Pace Projed No 92121949 DEFINITIONS OF Dilution Factor H reported represents the factor applied to the reported data due to changes In sample preparation dilution of the sample aliquot, or moisture content. NO Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting Omit J Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection ibnft and below the adjusted reporting emit MOL Adjusted Method won Umft PRL Pace Reporting Umft RL Reporting Umft S Surrogate 1 2aownylhydrazlre (8270 listed analyte) decomposes toAzobeozene Consistent with EPA guldellnes, unrounded date are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values LCS(D) Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) OUP Semple Duplicate RPD Relative Percent Dftrence NC Not Calculable 80 Silica Gel Clean -Up U Indicates the compound was aria" for but not detected each eeelyte Ids lWWn9 de concentration cannot be �e�ed Oan DOhenylandne usbO Method 8270 The result reported for Add preservation may not be appropdste fo 2- ChbmetiryMnyl efher Styrene and VI" chloride Pace Ans"01 Is TNI nom edited Corded your Pace PM for the MMOM fist of accredited analytes TNI The NELAC bmft to LABORATOWES PASI -A Pace Analytical Services Asheville PASI-C Pace Analytical Services Charlotte ANALYTE aUALIFIERS H1 Analysis conducted outsde the EFA method hokWV time H8 Analysis initiated outside of the 15 minute EPA recommended holding Irme N2 The lab does not hold TNI accreditation for this paraneter III Results based upon colony counts outside acceptable ramp Date 00/20012 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 18 of 17 This report ehd not be reproduced except In full wtthout the vn Mm co cant of Pace Analylxwl Sendoes Inc. ceft"Cal Pace AnaVWW 9om1c , Inc 208 Eesl Meadow Road SuBe A Eden, NC 27288 (338)8238821 Pace Anslytlal SeMces, Ina 2228 Rhwside Dr Adrevsie NC 28804 (8287178 QUAUTY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pao Ana0dool SorAcm ins Iriliitie sine 100 Ifiaderwft NC 28078 (704)8784092 Protect J12080295 Pace Pf*d No 92121949 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method Analytkal QC Batch Analydeal Method Balch 92121949001 DAM BITE SM 92220 MSCH14214 92121948002 MANS LAND SM 9222D MSCW4214 92121949001 DAM SITE EPA 1201 WET/21324 92121949002 MANS LAND EPA 1201 WET/21324 92121949001 DAM SITE EPA 1801 WET/21341 92121949002 MANS LAND EPA 1801 WET/21341 92121949001 DAM SITE EPA 9040 WET121408 92121949002 MANS LAND EPA 9040 WET21408 Date 0829/2012 02 28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 17 of 17 Thin report shall not be reproduced a mpl in lull. wbhwA are wrl0en ecnwd of Palle Anelyucal SeM M Inc R d S O P , r arE �2 po t ate Y�! a�e� d 1NVinodVJ M i a L16, 1 " W ci Z f Z; a X19 eb quit n euro; f � �f `° 4' b i ro � , of V R W' o r C z ZIICU m ,1\1 t i !!I e� �I t1 +�t + # i i^- SOMMIM:% r I # Em d S O P , r arE �2 po t ate Y�! a�e� d 1NVinodVJ M i SOMMIM:% r I # Em