HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210481 Ver 1_15-03-0019 Perquimans (NHP)_20210304 Project Tracking No.: • 15-03-0019 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ;•' f E N7iir: PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM s t '• This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not ‘rn..,•.. ... Lk ` valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the t"4 Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-5416 County: Perquimans WBS No: 55046.1.1 Document: Minimum Criteria Sheet F.A. No: BRZ-1621(3) Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: unspecified Project Description: The NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge No. 29 on SR 1200(Bethany Church Road)over a branch of the Perquimans River in Perquimans County. As defined by the NCDOT, the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeology measures approximately 1,400 feet(426.72 m) long(centered on the mid point of the existing bridge). The corridor is approximately 150 feet(45.72 m) wide, extending 75 feet(22.86 m) on each side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: ® There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. n No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ® Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ® All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a)has been completed for this project. ® There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 RECOMMENDATION An archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed replacement of Bridge No.29 on SR 1200 over a tributary of the Perquimans River in Perquimans County was conducted on May 23-24,2015 by Terri Russ and Laura Griesmer of Environmental Services,Inc. (ESI). As a result of the investigations,two archaeological sites(31PQ235** and 31PQ236**)were recorded within the project's APE. Neither site is recommended eligible for listing in the National Register;no further archaeological investigations are needed for this project. One historic cemetery(3 1PQ234**)was also recorded during this investigation; however,the cemetery is located well outside of the APE. The project,as proposed,will have no effect on this cemetery. I concur with this recommendation as the proposed bridge replacement project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE,further archaeological consultations will be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ® Photos ['Correspondence Other: Signed: " eG / 44 ✓011 _ ‘ o / /5 /Date NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Brief description of review activities,results of review, and conclusions: ESI conducted an intensive archaeological survey for the replacement of Bridge No. 29 (built in 1964)on SR 1200 (Bethany Church Road) over a branch of the Perquimans River in Perquimans County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). As defined by the NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE])for archaeology measures approximately 1,400 feet(426.72 m)long(centered on the mid-point of the existing bridge). The corridor is approximately 150 feet(45.72 m)wide, extending 75 feet(22.86 m) on each side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge. Background Summary A search of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database (HPOWEB GIS Service)revealed one previously recorded Study Listed property,the Thomas D. White House(PQ0295), is located within the southwestern quadrant of the APE (Figure 3). According to SHPO records, this c. 1845 Federal two-story frame structure was placed on the Study List in 1982 and was determined eligible for the National Register in 2012. It is possible that subsurface archaeological deposits related to the structure may be located within the APE. Previously recorded structure PQ0751 is located north of(and outside of)the northeastern quadrant of the APE. Previously recorded structure PQ0753 (demolished) is located well outside of the southeastern quadrant of the APE. No other previously recorded historic architectural resources that have the potential to yield intact archaeological deposits are located within the APE. . • A map review and site file search conducted by NCDOT at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on 9 March 2015 revealed that two previously recorded archaeological sites are located in close proximity to the project's APE. According to site forms on file at the OSA, sites 31PQ110 and 31PQ111 were recorded in 1989 during a reconnaissance survey of portions of Perquimans and Pasquotank counties. Site 31PQ110 consisted of a scatter of lithic debitage and a single Late Woodland Cashie ceramic sherd collected from the exposed ground surface adjacent to a small cemetery. Site 31PQ111 yielded several projectile points, a steatite bowl fragment, lithic debitage, three Cashie ceramic sherds, and four unidentified sand tempered sherds. Although both sites were recommended for additional testing, neither site is located within the APE and were not revisited during this investigation. A small cemetery adjacent to 31PQ110 is recorded as PQ0271 (Dempsey White Cemetery) in the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database. Although located well outside of the southwestern quadrant of the APE, the cemetery was recorded during the investigation and is described later in this report. Topographic maps, aerial photography, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey maps, and historic maps were examined for information on natural or cultural factors that might have affected site locations or preservation. The 1905 soil map for Pasquotank and Perquimans counties appears to show the current road alignment and bridge; however, no structures within the APE are depicted (Figure 4). The c. 1910 Rural Delivery Route maps show a similar alignment(Figure 5). This map appears to show the current road alignment and bridge; however, no structures within the APE are depicted. Environmental Setting The APE is located within the Coastal Plain physiographic region and consists of the floodplain and adjacent terraces of an unnamed tributary of the Perquimans River. SR 1200 (Bethany Church Road) crosses the branch of the Perquimans River roughly northeast to southwest. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Map units (soil series) are named for the major soil or soils within the unit, but may have minor inclusions of other soils(NRCS 2014). The floodplain of the APE is mapped as Chowan silt loam, a very poorly drained, frequently flooded soil series (Table 1). The adjacent terrace on the south side of the bridge is mapped as Munden loamy sand, a moderately well drained soil series encountered along marine terraces. The terraces on the north side of the bridge are mapped as Wando fine sand and State loamy fine sand,both well drained soil series encountered along ridges on marine terraces. Table 1:Project Area Soils Soil Name Code Slope Drainage Landform Chowan silt loam CO 0-2% Very Poorly Floodplains Munden loamy fine sand MuA 0-2% Moderately Well Marine terraces State loamy fine sand StB 2-6% Well Ridges on marine terraces Wando fine sand WnB 0-5% Well Ridges on marine terraces The current archaeological investigation included pedestrian(visual) inspection and shovel testing within the APE. Photographs of the project area are shown as Figures 6-18. A systematic visual inspection of the APE was undertaken to search for surface artifacts, above-ground resources, or other signs of cultural activity. A total of 72 shovel tests were excavated during the current investigation (see Figure 2 for shovel test locations). Excavated shovel tests measured 30 centimeters in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil, hydric/saturated soils, the water table, or 75 centimeters below surface (whichever was encountered first). All soils were excavated by natural levels (soil strata) and screened through a 0.25- inch hardware mesh. The APE was divided into four quadrants (e.g., northeast, southeast) based roughly on their locations relative to the bridge. Each quadrant of the APE is described below. Southwestern Quadrant The southwestern quadrant of the APE consisted of an agricultural field and landscaped yard of the c. 1845 Thomas D. White House (see Figures 6-7). The field had been recently plowed and planted in peanuts. Surface visibility in this portion of the project area was excellent, and several historic ceramic sherds were observed on the ground surface. A 7.5-meter interval surface collection grid was established in the field to determine the approximate extents of the surface scatter(see Figure 8). Shovel testing was then conducted within the APE portion of the site,recorded as 31PQ235**. Artifacts were collected from five of the shovel test locations(STs 3, 10, 11, 18,and 20),discussed below. 31PQ235** UTM: 18S 364383 4019576 Site Size: 1,275m2 Topography: Upland Flats Elevation: 2 feet amsl Environmental Setting: Agricultural Field Soil Type: MuA,Munden Loamy Fine Sand, 0-2%slopes Surface Visibility: 100% Field Procedure: Visual Inspection; Shovel testing(n=23) Cultural Affiliation: Historic: 19th-20`h Century Site Function: Historic Artifact Scatter/Domestic Recommendations:Not Eligible;No Further Work "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITESPRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Site Description: A 7.5-meter interval surface collection grid was established in the field(both within and immediately adjacent to the APE boundaries) to determine the approximate horizontal limits of the surface scatter (see Figure 8). Five of the shovel test locations (STs 3, 10, 11, 18, and 20) yielded historic artifacts from the exposed ground surface. Table 2 presents a summary of the materials collected. Table 2: Artifacts Recovered from 31PQ235** Provenience Artifact (Depth) Category Description Size N= ST3 (surf.) Ceramic UID Refined Earthenware,plain 30 1 ST10(surf.) Ceramic UID Refined Earthenware,plain rim 30 1 Pearlware,hand painted blue 30 1 Whiteware,plain 20 1 Glass Clear-Frosted 30 1 ST11 (surf.) Ceramic Pearlware,cabled 30 1 ST18(surf.) Ceramic Porcelain,hand painted blue 30 1 ST20(surf.) Ceramic Pearlware,transfer print black 20 1 UID Refined Earthenware,plain 20 1 Shovel testing was only conducted within the APE; however, a visual inspection of the field adjacent to the APE was undertaken in order to determine the site boundaries. Although the greatest concentration of artifacts appeared to be located outside of the APE, each of these positive surface collection points contained only one artifact, suggesting a generally low artifact density at the site(see Figure 8 for surface collection locations). Soils in the shovel tests consisted of 20 to 25 centimeters of dark grayish brown sandy loam(plowzone)over 20 to 25 centimeters of yellow sand. Subsoil was an olive yellow sandy clay or sandy clay loam, typically encountered between 45 and 50 centimeters below surface. No subsurface artifacts were recovered from any of the shovel tests, and no evidence of buried soil horizons or features was noted. It is possible that this artifact scatter is associated with general refuse from the adjacent Thomas D. White House, scattered by over a century of plowing. Dateable ceramics recovered from site 31PQ235** included black transfer printed pearlware (c. 1765-1815), cabled pearlware (c. 1790-1820), handpainted blue pearlware(c. 1780-1840),and whiteware(c.1830—present). Recommendations: The lack of subsurface artifacts or evidence of features, as well as the overall low density of cultural materials recovered, suggest that this artifact scatter has no potential to yield new or significant information regarding historic occupation of the area. This artifact scatter should be considered Not Eligible for the National Register; no further work in this location is recommended. Dempsey White Cemetery(T.D.White Cemetery) 31PQ234** UTM: 18S 364543 4019493 Site Size: 825m2 Topography: Upland Flats Elevation: 3 feet amsl Environmental Setting: Agricultural Field Surface Visibility: 100% Cultural Affiliation: Historic: 19th-21St Century Site Function: Cemetery Site Condition: Maintained, Recommendations: Not Eligible; Preservation by Avoidance "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 5 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Site Description: Although located well outside of the APE, a small cemetery was recorded during the investigation(see Figures 9-10). The Dempsey White Cemetery(31PQ234**) is located approximately 400 feet southeast of the southwestern quadrant of the APE along the west side of Sandy Cross Road. At least 48 individuals are interred in this family cemetery(Table 3).Interments span the period from 1829 to 2008. The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database identifies this cemetery as PQ0271 (Dempsey White Cemetery); however, a second cemetery identified as the Dempsey White Cemetery is located at 191 Dempsey White Road in nearby Hertford. The cemetery is also referred to locally as the T.D. White Cemetery. Table 3: Dempsey White Cemetery(31PQ234**)Interments Name Dates Comment W.,P. b.unknown d. 1840 Probably Margaret"Peggy"Sanders White, wife of Dempsey White(1791-1840) White,Dempsey b.4/27/1784 d.8/11/1829 child of Benjamin&Milicent White White,Mordecai John b. 12/17/1839 d. 12/9/1843 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White White,Benjamin Alonzo b.8/18/1835 d. 1861 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White White,Mary Abigail Morris b.4/7/1817 d.8/9/1892 wife of T.D.White White,Thomas D. b.2/3/1810 d.4/2/1861 child of Dempsey White;Husband of M.A. White White,Thomas D. b.8/14/1865 d.6/13/1866 child of Dempsey and Rachel White W.,S.J. b.unknown d.6/21/1866 W.,C. b.unknown d. 1873 White,Rachel M.A.R. b. 1/8/1871 d. 10/8/1876 child of Dempsey and Rachel White Lane,Margaret Riddick b.3/6/1847 d.5/14/1916 White,Sweety b.unknown d.8/9/1882 W.,M.D. b.unknown d.9/23/1882 "Our Darling" W.,M.M. b.unknown d.9/26/1882 Wife of W.D.White White,William D. b. 1893 d. 1923 White,Martha E. b.7/7/1854 d. 12/6/1908 White,Cornelius Francis b. 12/29/1847 d. 1/18/1907 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White White,Jethro Thomas b. 10/15/1844 d.5/25/1926 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White White,Mary E. b.5/18/1847 d.3/2/1909 Curlen,C.M. b.6/29/1909 d. 12/1909 White,Tommie D. b.5/28/1913 d.5/30/1913 White,Zebulon Donald b.8/28/1879 d.9/25/1938 child of Dempsey and Rachel White White,Mary Turner b. 1/20/1885 d. 12/16/1952 White,Opal Vandenberge b.5/27/1924 d. Wife of C.T.White White,Cornelius Trafton b.7/4/1911 d.3/5/2001 Johnson,Dawn Renee b.8/10/1996 d.8/19/1996 White,Hugh Henley b. 11/27/1898 d.8/26/1972 White,Mary Peranelia Davis b. 11/20/1877 d. 1/3/1952 White,Benjamin Lett b.3/19/1867 d.5/3/1927 Dail,William A. b.2/28/1841 d.9/2/1897 Dail,Mary Elizabeth White b. 10/17/1841 d.3/27/1900 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Name Dates Comment White,Dempsey Henley b.4/21/1837 d.6/16/1898 child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White White,Rachel Jackson White b.3/19/1843 d.4/19/1912 wife of D.H.White White,Margaret Earl b. 1/7/1869 d.5/15/1898 Jolliff,Ruth Ellen b. 12/28/1911 d. 12/3/1933 • White,Richard Henry b. 1/16/1857 d.8/3/1935 child of Mary A. and Thomas D.White White,Ella C.Layden b. 1870 d. 1949 White,Elihu Anthony b.4/16/1890 d. 12/15/1957 Jolliff,James Marvin b.9/23/1879 d.5/13/1956 Jolliff,Mary A.White b. 12/10/1887 d.5/7/1969 White,Charles Clarkson b. 10/27/1899 d. 11/12/1961 Rountree White,Emma Ainsley b.5/20/1906 d.6/1/1998 May,Joseph McKinster b.7/25/1922 d.2/2/1980 Jolliff,John Adolphus b. 10/27/1877 d. 11/3/1941 Jolliff,Hannah Savage b. 12/2/1891 d.6/19/1977 Jolliff,Willis Savage b.5/16/1915 d. 10/11/1986 White,Charles Clarkson,Jr b. 10/21/1930 d. 11/23/1992 Foreman,Marjorie Francis White b.8/4/1928 d.9/9/2008 White,Henrietta Henly b.7/12/1873 d. 10/14/1876 Unmarked?Should be buried here;child of Dempsey and Rachel White Lane,David W. b.2/12/1838 d.2/21/1917 Unmarked grave,buried here acc.to death certificate. Spouse of Margaret R.Lane. White,Clarkson b.unknown d.4/7/1846 Unmarked?Should be buried here;child of Mary A.and Thomas D.White Recommendations: The Dempsey White Cemetery does not meet the criteria for eligibility established by the National Register nor does it qualify under Criteria Considerations for cemeteries and burial places (Potter and Boland 1992). The cemetery is not located within the APE for the proposed project. Northwestern Quadrant The northwestern quadrant of the APE consisted of a low, wooded area and a recently plowed field (see Figures 11-12). A systematic visual inspection of the portion of the field located within the APE prior to shovel testing revealed no surface artifacts or cultural materials. A total of 10 shovel tests (STs 39-48) were excavated at 15-meter intervals within this portion of the APE. Soils in the shovel tests consisted of 25 centimeters of dark grayish brown sandy loam (plowzone)over 15 to 20 centimeters of yellow loamy sand. Subsoil was an olive yellow sandy clay, typically encountered between 40 and 45 centimeters below surface.No artifacts were recovered during the investigation of this portion of the APE. Southeastern Quadrant The southeastern quadrant of the APE consisted of an overgrown clearcut area(north of the intersection of Bethany Church Road and Sandy Cross Road) and a recently clearcut area south of the intersection. Surface visibility in this quadrant was poor due to ground cover; however, a general surface inspection of this portion of the APE and vicinity was undertaken to look for above-ground signs of cultural occupation (e.g., surface artifacts or structural remains). A total of 10 shovel tests (STs 49-58) were excavated "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 within this portion of the APE. Soils in the shovel test consisted of 20 to 25 centimeters of dark brown or dark grayish brown sandy loam or loamy sand over 35 to 40 centimeters of yellow sand. Subsoil was a yellowish brown sandy clay loam or sandy clay. No artifacts were recovered from this portion of the APE. Northeastern Quadrant The northeastern quadrant of the APE consisted of a recently plowed field to the north and low, wooded area to the south (adjacent to the branch of the Perquimans River). Figures 16-17 show representative views of the project area. A visual inspection of the plowed field revealed a single undecorated refined earthenware sherd on the ground surface within the APE, recorded as site 31PQ236** and discussed below. 31PQ236** UTM: 18S 364586 4019801 Site Size: Isolate Topography: Upland Flats Elevation: 2 feet amsl Environmental Setting: Agricultural Field Soil Type: StB, State Loamy Fine Sand,2-6%slopes Surface Visibility: 100% Field Procedure: Visual Inspection; Shovel testing(n=8) Cultural Affiliation: Historic: 19`h-20th Century Site Function: Historic Isolate Recommendations: Not Eligible;No Further Work Site Description: One historic ceramic sherd(undecorated refined earthenware body sherd)was recovered from the exposed ground surface adjacent to ST 63 (Figure 18). Additional delineation shovel testing at 7.5-meter intervals surrounding the surface artifact yielded no additional cultural materials. Shovel testing was only conducted within the APE; however, a visual inspection of the field adjacent to the APE was undertaken (no additional artifacts were recorded). Soils in the shovel tests were similar to those encountered during shovel testing of the southeastern quadrant and consisted of 15 to 25 centimeters of dark grayish brown sandy loam or loamy sand over 25 to 35 centimeters of yellow sand. Subsoil was a yellowish brown sandy clay loam or sandy clay. No subsurface artifacts were recovered from any of the shovel tests,and no evidence of buried soil horizons or cultural features was noted. Recommendations: The lack of subsurface artifacts, as well as the overall low density of cultural materials recovered (one ceramic sherd), indicate that this isolated artifact find has no potential to yield new or significant information regarding historic occupation of the area. This isolate should be considered Not Eligible for the National Register;no further work in this location is recommended. In summary,the current investigation recorded one historic artifact scatter(31PQ235**)and one historic isolated artifact find(31PQ236**)within the APE for Bridge No. 29 in Perquimans County. Neither site is considered significant or eligible for listing in the National Register. In addition, an historic cemetery (31PQ234**) was recorded; however, this small family cemetery is located well outside of the APE and will not be affected by the proposed project. It is recommended that this project be allowed to proceed without concern for impacts to significant cultural resources. Should the boundary of the proposed APE be expanded or moved, additional "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 archaeological investigations may be necessary, as determined in consultation with the NCDOT and/or SHPO per the Programmatic Agreement. Terri Russ Senior Archaeology Manager Environmental Services, Inc. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 9 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 REFERENCES CITED National Resources Conservation Service(NRCS) 2014 Perquimans County, North Carolina Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey. http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/accessed 18 May 2015. Potter,E.W.,and B.M Boland 1992 Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Cemeteries and Burial Places. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Interagency Resources Division, National Register of Historic Places,Washington D.C. United States Bureau of Soils: North Carolina Department of Agriculture 1905 Soil Map, North Carolina, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties Sheet. On file,North Carolina State Archives,Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/277/rec/2 accessed 20 May 2015. United States Post Office 1910 Rural Delivery Routes, Perquimans County, North Carolina[c.1910]. On file,North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1002/rec/3 accessed 20 May 2015. United States Geological Survey(USGS) 1983 Hobbsville, N.C.,7.5-minute topographic quadrangle map. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 10of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Cem\N -,_ „ \.r'. elt s a. r .,. - - 4 4 \ - a :L • , /I '-`: -...-- -....1/4- '-`7\ ) k , ,,- "/, \__I It n � ` :. )r, _ P..— //\ tlo _ • .• , p---,,. ...._ , _ . 2-- \' "..... .14 ~ i- ,.--A- -+• r <.0 - 1 t.' ° 4.0 1 . - a•. _. er}._+Y_ . —_ _. + , I r— +!-`-M - --... i y� 1 r r -e...r- 1 ( /\,te a. o --_ I s + � i Ckn}f x -) 1- - - // 1 �7 -� / \ /- ' Bethany .I.---..:'.. 1 �I l 'i '•� ...1,\.,\\>, ,,.,.. I ✓i _ ( _ Grpv e . • 12Ce) \ . I Figure 1. Project Location (Hobbsville,NC USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of2l Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 Yr j _'rCl ,fl ' t /$ r , li £'�A r:; R�Mtn r9 } 1 ' Sr' iw I?.r'1i i W^. a' ' it. , t.3i " .'. .c r -4 ,' 2,"t 'r d.A' 'i+• rR �.:g� _'F rf,, 1,, )�6 yl.•,,,.„.”., .•, .., 4414 gr"y' 71`Y 4 . - �1.. t r �;�',�7� c.,.. , _,„ iyc4 5 ,s , ....." ...._ K `9M '•44II `,t - y�' rk., .: , h �i • n. 'y -,„, t t t '" f �t^j: J- �� ,f 4 -�.. , . .,f l41..'t i s O 0 ,`'i , ;7 , c:. k* _ `4:�_','`'� ' *` k.``� �" a 31 PQ236** I $4 r- 'tit-;4 , ,,.,..,, rtSt s lW�(Gf fit. ^ y1 ,L t �C1R �•' �p t4118 51 r i, r ten„ 4ii• N '.'� a 'I ,,a -.L.... 7t .. . Q3'I ' `t' ...•t''-'ory •t -,'`.. ,{ s, a s qg g Yf i f e • • # y..4 I A} i - „4) el • ,k,; to X 7 t Y 4 1- `V'� A.. � 1 0V L jai" 1 £ $11 .✓'•r �`� � �r t' -$‘ :;;;'' ., - OW::sk;eito ''''',4 i 7. 4 64, ,?i,..,-..-9 n e ::::,,.'4,:',.:::0: 3'-'91s 5i' r 1 �.,,,,... ,h ^� g 3 4UIN Jj-9 ,,p :::::''''*.. 41 -n y # 42 I' j s: 4. r `+# ' ,. 43' 36:,� Y ' 7 Fs �� �., ( 46 O : g 48�.• 5 � w�C' { .� „ q Op00p0 00E r cam.,' '%< - 3 000000 r:, F.. h 0 00 00 - ,_ O 0 gu. . 31 PQ235** `` ' 31 PQ234** (Cemetery) t'P,'�'. . • 0 Positive ST(Surface) ' 0 Negative ST r, 0 Positive Surface(outside APE) `..0 0 Negative Surface(outside APE) 0 too 200 1 1- Feet Source:2011 National Geographic Society/ESRI,i•cubed Ft , , seamless USGS quadrangles(,NC);Project Boundary r.; provided by NCOOT,Fieldwork by ESI. 1 Declaimer:The information depicted on this figure is for ,i Amy r� srfmmahonal purposes only and was not prepared for.and is not c., --I ,Ho..;I ==uttv-ff IIIR suitable for legal or engineering purposes. Figure 2. Bridge No.29 APE,Archaeological Site,and Shovel Test Locations. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 12of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 . t g r .9 1 }g fit. v} ,, !. Ittit , t A A. x 4+ s ' a / .,/, ', 1 Y , yam, I 1 1 r:1 1 III '•I( f3 1 f �f4 ` - ., f.,1 r Figure 3.Previously Recorded Historic Structures(HPOWeb GIS Service). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 13 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 ,tM ` '�`i • •, •art Ns $ffi .a 1 y� N� ,` � <!9— Ps / w — .,. ) Ns Ps t ` �< li ..... Ns 1 i7\ liti / Psl NI, \, 1- ,- Approximate:.._ a ` Project Location -1r S ,,j ,, Ps +1 -t , ( Ii Nfa E y Figure 4. 1905 Perquimans County Soil Map i \. .,. . \* N-\\ ,,,..._____...--. .........., bite R„. ii;:kay.A.11'zi ) Aip ximate ;-� oject Locatio L't, q hife 1 1 „ /ton . �;cwh. • ./Hural ,j Inslow \ y • . .r.---\ \ -:_-- Figure 5. c. 1910 Rural Delivery Routes Map of Perquimans County "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 14 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 s r { i ti itif >'- . b rVi, * * -'sir Tz L Y Ifs, - {oats Figure 6. View of the Southwestern Quadrant of the APE,facing Northeast. • • -. , „ " .ls C'' ,. 4y j -fie, _,, Figure 7. View of the Southwestern Quadrant of the APE,facing Southwest. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 15 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 0 0 • . o Q cz 9: t 0 2 31 ? 3 '••..30 17 0 23 8 9 0 ''•., Q 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • ''•., 0 0 32i3 35 34 tt..._...._...14 19 19 22._........_..29..._ • o (> ,? 0 ) r'' 0 • Surface Positive(Negative Subsurface) o Negative Shovel Test Surface Positive(Outside APE) Surface Negative(Outside APE) APE Boundary(approximate) — Ditc •-'- Ditch ............. .. Edge of Field Meters * Magnolia Site Boundary Saurco F.SI Field Da'd.2015 Figure 8. 31PQ235** Site Plan. 3rtz ga iF 't'3 I - a- . - • a. it t . r Wig • e r .. { JU11 i47 tr{i�v! f{ • • �' tf�•k.,� y7�.i "'fA`. ,( ;Ji' 4 • ` ;;4j �xti �� 1 A 7 � l"�yY ) �� vi�2 4¢ ^l�r�t y �•'`�� t ay � 1 kO w.> t� r •x T `VA" ,yam .;t4411Wy�'�'Aiv`t 1 r * ,ni iF '., , ,�):vM�.; : �. 'a r= Figure 9. Dempsey White Cemetery(31PQ234**), facing Southwest. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 16 of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 v • Figure 10. Dempsey White Cemetery(31PQ234**),facing North. • • • 3 , Figure 11. View of the Northwestern Quadrant of the APE,facing Southwest. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 17 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 x'Fe 1; Ur / -"',...,., , - • , -,,--.1.. " " V.14 - ' "" • ,,, •• ''i • _ I. • � � R Yt� r . ipb d, A ,gip '' e; ° �ti .t':.y1 YAS -a,':,Jw7g, {. 7 , .. f° y� � "1r i� y \ 4� frt°, ,f" it�Y j , Fib 4. f '• 7-" .1 i ..,� ! BM1Jt �'J,�� 75 �� 37s us I ,a' F H i , T r � ' .r 4 ',"' l f I d i, , -- . .,. . ...4 . 43 tk '' . ' lit. ��• {` A {..fig.,3 .x 7 S; i} ., R`(r M t. - - 0, sires / t.,. - r .,,,A0 e Figure 12. View of Wooded Portion of the Northwestern Quadrant of the APE,facing Northeast. k • ia ip', {; r°joist ,,-., ' en'. •c^*''' y qfy T 76.E )r Ir •t ` 5kr, • V y 4 f" �j'' i +ems n'4'Sk- �a '. ♦ ` :�tt r^�� ` .�ta-y��l y� '�'•eS"r.F-�'!, ! .t 3K4i ,p•6 ,y'2%�'t �� 'f°. ,y.(, ,�;} .r_yr '• `'. d., a1. E` • ,f ;� I ,� 1 ffi'1, "A'a 4�! ! `1!• . 4 *i ' J,;x I'1 • ., it S•4I. } -+t"r.. -,', -,,4 r. . k'4', .44,1,'- -4' ' :',,,,,': 41,:.'1,44.,1 ' Y.'', '„ nr.t. .,' ''T•riirs '`‘-'4\-4 ‘,-':4:1" �� e * i�p , n4 B 4. e s /0''t oigir,t-.?' • • '4, 1 t* , .. 7,7,, Figure 13. View of the Southeastern Quadrant of the APE, facing South. "NO NATIOBSD HACL S " formNAL for REGISTER Minor TransportationELIGILEOR ProjLIectsTE as QARCuatifted in theEOLOGI 2007A Programmatic Agreement.ORAFFECTED 18of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 v 6. fy y -.fop, a 5. ' 'I'.tt^ ' ,. ' y,... < t 3 rt 145.�. it `.`" �' r - i, rr ,rctrt 4,k.; . • f `, ', ° l .,i ' e � L r r 4 t' 1 r r ;I ,; s� 3 ! ,- s 5 \,, y 4 f ‘ rI is '1 s '', x tf, r chi i* r � 4 ' -4,^. ,� t ,t r t'1 x ' �•i . K ‘ �.�1 Figure 14. View of the Southeastern Quadrant of the APE near Bridge 29,facing Northeast. .1. S N. dv I 'Sic 'X.. :'.; S,Rom. 4.1 '''I't ; • ' 1`•..- "' :' .',11"•:':.‘'2t).A.,,,,,. k 1 , . '4'. gs,t, s , ,,, . J� Figure 15. View of Bridge 29, facing Southwest. • "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 19of21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 a': Figure 16. View of the Northeastern Quadrant of the APE,facing Northwest. • • w Figure 17. View of the Northeastern Quadrant of the APE,facing South. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 20 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 15-03-0019 ) 0 66 .......... • • • 0 0 ( 010 0 69 68 67 65 63 64 62 %••.........••/ 71 0 Surface Positive 0 Negative Shovel Test Surface Negative (Outside APE) APE Boundary(approximate) Road Edge of Field CID Site Boundary Meters Source: ESI Field Data,2015. Disclaimer:The information depicted on this figure Is for informational purposes only and was not prepared for,and is not suitable for legal or engineering purposes. Figure 18. 31PQ236** Site Plan. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 21 of21