HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00057_NOI2020DV0207_Response_20200514City of Thomasville Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 Lon T. Snider Regional Supervisor WQROS, WSRO, DWQ, NCDEQ 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 RE: Intent to Enforce Letter Response Incident Number 202000021 \)U\M- VOO ` -as\O- r1-. -1 Utilities Department u&l;iarLrliE:iit «? RCB-20210128-Recommend NFA due to Environmental O.uafity ecewed relatively small amount and conditions beyond their control. 8 2020 Winston-Salem Regional 0-M... Lon-NFA 14 May 2020 Dear Mr. Snider, In response to the letter of Intent to Enforce of 07 May 2020 the City of Thomasville asks that the following be taken into consideration: Regarding incident # 202000021: CIPP lining of the Hanks Branch outfall main line had been. mostly completed as part of the Hank's Branch Phase 1 Rehabilitation when this incident occurred. This rehabilitation work has served not only to reduce infiltration, but also to reduce exfiltration from the main Hanks Branch Outfall pipe. Upstream of the CIPP lined outfall pipe rainfall runoff entered the collection system through multiple means such as leaky pipe joints, broken taps and cleanouts, and leaking manholes during an extreme precipitation event. The increased volume of the main outfall for transmitting flow to the pump station (due to the cleaning which removed a large amount of debris) combined with the better sealed system led to reduced exfiltration of the I&I water and overwhelmed the pump station. This event consisted of two smaller events at the same location that were combined, but covered the time span between 16:30 and 20:45. Enclosed are 2 charts reflecting hourly rainfall totals as measured at 2 monitoring points upstream of the event site. Both charts reflect a large amount of precipitation between 13:00 and 19:00 on the date of the event. The total volume of wastewater spilled was nominal, much of the water that spilled was rain water, and there were no known impacts to public health, fish kills, or recreational area closures as a result. There is a second phase of this project planned that has been under reviewed by DWR and DWI staff for quite some time now, delaying its eventual implementation. Phase 2 of the Hank's Branch Outfall Rehabilitation will address several upstream sections of laterals that discharge into the Hanks Branch main outfall that have I&I issues by a combination of pipe replacement and CIPP lining where appropriate. It is anticipated that Hanks Branch Outfall Phase 2 will have the desired effect of reducing I&I and thus reducing the chances of further overflows at the Northside pump station. The City of Thomasville asks that the circumstances surrounding this event, the lack of demonstrable environmental impact, as well as the ongoing efforts to upgrade all aspects of the sanitary sewer collection system be taken into account with any enforcement action considered. Sincerely, CC: Kelly Craver Morgan Huffman Public Services Director City of Thomasville 336-475-4220 Golf Course PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/5/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) 1/3/2020 0:00 0.09 1/3/2020 1:00 0.01 1/3/2020 2:00 0.02 1/3/2020 3:00 0 1/3/2020 4:00 0 1/3/2020 5:00 0.01 1/3/2020 6:00 0 1/3/2020 7:00 0 1/3/2020 8:00 0 1/3/2020 9:00 0 1/3/2020 10:00 0 1/3/2020 11:00 0 1/3/2020 12:00 0.02 1/3/2020 13:00 0.18'; 1/3/2020 14:00 0.481 1/3/2020 15:00 0.07 1/3/2020 16:00 0.09 1/3/2020 17:00. 0.01 1/3/2020 18:00 0.14 1/3/2020 19:00 0.10j 1/3/2020 20:00 0 1/3/2020 21:00 0.01 1/3/2020 22:00 0 1/3/2020 23:00 0 Total:: 1.23 Ivey Creek PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/5/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) 1/3/2020 0:00 0.03 1/3/2020 1:00 0.02 1/3/2020 2:00 0.01 1/3/2020 3:00 0 1/3/2020 4:00 0.01 1/3/2020 5:00 0 1/3/2020 6:00 0 1/3/2020 7:00 0 1/3/2020 8:00 0 1/3/2020 9:00 0 1/3/2020 10:00 0 1/3/2020 11:00 0 1/3/2020 12:00 0.02 1/3/2020 13:00 0.23 1/3/2020 14:00 0.44 1/3/2020 15:00 0.09 1/3/2020 16:00 0.06 1/3/2020 17:00 0.01 1/3/2020 18:00 0.18 1/3/2020 19:00 0.05 1/3/2020 20:00 0 1/3/2020 21:00 0.01 1/3/2020 22:00 0 1/3/2020 23:00 0 Total: 1.16 1cckz00`i - O D City of Thomasville Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 Utilities Department RCB-20210128-Recommend minimal CPA due to relatively large amount but conditions beyond their control. Lon T. Snider Regional Supervisor WQROS, WSRO, DWR, NCDEQ 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 14 May 2020 RE: Notice of Intent Letter Response Incident Number 202000168 Dear Mr. Snider, In response to the letter of Notice of Intent of 07 May 2020 the City of Thomasville asks that the following be taken into consideration: Regarding incident # 202000168: Rainfall on the date of the event was over 1.5" throughout the area as reflected in the attached graph of precipitation throughout January, 2020. We are aware of and have continued to pursue identification and remediation of I&I issues on the collection system leading into the Rains Road pump station. This incident occurred after rain fell for a second period on already saturated ground. As reflected on the enclosed tables of rainfall amounts measured at two locations, one upstream of and one in the vicinity of the Rains Road pump station, there was precipitation earlier in the day on the date of the event that served to pre -saturate the ground reducing the ability of the ground to absorb the large amount of precipitation that fell later in the day. Given the saturation already evident when the additional 1.1+ inches of rain fell between 17:00 and 00:00 inflow entered the already full collection system and caused this overflow. Given the duration of the event it is also probable that infiltration from the by then completely saturated ground continued to enter the collection system and extend the event. First, a recap of information previously submitted, but still relevant: We have been and will continue to pursue identification and remediation of the sources of I&I in a logical manner. There are two main outfalls that lead into this station, Hunts Fork Creek and Hasty Creek. KRG Utilities has completed cleaning and video inspection of -9,030 linear -feet of 18" and 21" RCP pipe on the Hunts Fork Creek Outfall, one of the two main outfalls that lead into this station, at a cost of over $80,000. Overall, the Hunts Fork Creek Outfall pipe appears to be in very good condition for a 60-year-old concrete pipe carrying sewer. The only sources of inflow found thus far are located at the few direct taps into this line. These will be repaired. KRG Utilities has also completed cleaning and video inspection of the main Hasty Creek Outfall line, 15,375 linear feet of 8" to 15" VC and DI line at a cost of $57,821.00. There are 6 segments of this line that will require plugging and re -inspecting to complete inspection due to the high water levels encountered. Several small sources of infiltration were identified and remediation options are being explored. Smoke testing of 108,447 linear -feet of these outfalls and 547 manholes leading into this station was completed by Consulting Engineering firm Alley Williams Carmen and King and resulted in the location and repair of 122 cleanouts. Twenty-three manholes, mostly located on the lower Hasty Creek outfall were identified in the report as possible sources of I&I in need of attention. Manhole rehabilitations will be scheduled pending receipt of results of additional cleaning and video inspection currently taking place on the Hasty Creek Outfall. The entire main Hasty Creek outfall has been cleaned and video inspected by KRG Utilities, but there were several segments of the lower Hasty Creek outfall that could not be video inspected properly due to the volume of water in the pipes and are currently scheduled to be plugged upstream and re -inspected by video. These segments have still not been re- inspected due to the continued high volume of water in the pipes — presumably due to the high amount of precipitation we have experienced and high ground water tables. Pending the results of these inspections the determination will be made as to if any and if so how much of the lower Hasty Creek outfall needs rehabilitation by relining of pipes and manhole rehabilitation. One of the sub -basins that feed into the Hasty Creek outfall has been cleaned and video inspected and only one section of damaged pipe has been found. This pipe section, while damaged, did not appear to be an active source of inflow, but it will be repaired now that we are aware of it. Repair of this section of pipe will require the removal of a concrete driveway and is being scheduled. The entire main line of the Hunt's Fork Creek outfall was cleaned and video inspected previous to investigation of the Hasty Creek outfall due to its age (1969) and material composition (RCP) and was found to be in surprisingly good shape. The only sources of I&I located were three or four break-in service taps that had inflow at the connection. Contractors are currently pricing out the repair of these service taps. Continuing information: Alley Williams Carmen and King is still working on a flow study of the entirety of the drainage areas that discharge into both the Rains Road Pump Station and the next downstream pump station, Northside Pump Station. Preliminary results were expected near the end of February/beginning of March to help us narrow down whether the causative problem is more closely aligned with excessive I&I or undersized pump stations to meet the existing sewershed area demand, but the as of the date of this letter the results have not been finalized. New information: The City of Thomasville has scheduled the installation of flow meters on the discharge force mains at our four largest pump stations, Rains Road being one. The flow meters are scheduled to be installed the week of May 18, 2020 and it is anticipated that having verifiable, live flow data will aid in determining the causative factors in the repeated SSO's at this location. The City of Thomasville has spent, and will continue to spend, millions of dollars to protect the environment by identifying and correcting deficiencies in the collection system. There were no known impacts to public health, fish kills, or recreational area closures as a result of this spill. The City of Thomasville asks that the ongoing efforts and expenditures to identify and remediate the sources of I&I in the sanitary sewer collection system be taken into account with any enforcement actions considered. Sincerely, CC: Kelly Craver Morgan Huffman Utilities Director City of Thomasville 336-475-4220 Ivey Creek PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/27/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) 1/24/2020 0:00 0 1/24/2020 1:00 0 1/24/2020 2:00 0 1/24/2020 3:00 0 1/24/2020 4:00 0 1/24/2020 5:00 0.13 1/24/2020 6:00 0.10 1/24/2020 7:00 0.08 1/24/2020 8:00 0.05 1/24/2020 9:00 0.01 1/24/2020 10:00 0 1/24/2020 11:00 0 1/24/2020 12:00 0 1/24/2020 13:00 0 1/24/2020 14:00 0 1/24/2020 15:00 0 1/24/2020 16:00 0 • 1/24/2020 17:00 0.14'', 1/24/2020 18:00 0.15 1/24/2020 19:00 0.63 1/24/2020 20:00 0.10 1/24/2020 21:00 0.03'. 1/24/2020 22:00 0.06 1/24/2020 23:00 0.061 1/25/2020 0:00 0.01 1/25/2020 1:00 0 1/25/2020 2:00 0 1/25/2020 3:00 0 1/25/2020 4:00 0.01 Total: 1.56 Golf Course PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/25/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) Temperature (°F) 1/24/2020 0:00 1/24/2020 1:00 1/24/2020 2:00 1/24/2020 3:00 1/24/2020 4:00 1/24/2020 5:00 1/24/2020 6:00 1/24/2020 7:00 1/24 20 8:00 1/24/2020 9:00 1/24/2020 10:00 1/24/2020 11:00 1/24/2020 12:00 1/24/2020 13:00 1/24/2020 14:00 1/24/2020 15:00 1/24/2020 16:00 1/24/2020 17:00 1/24/2020 18:00 1/24/2020 19:00 1/24/2020 20:00 1/24/2020 21:00 1/24/2020 22:00 j 1/24/2020 23:00 Total: O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.11 0 0.12 0 0.09 0 0.05! 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0.15', 0 0.20 0 0.52! 0 0.091 0 0.041 0 0.051 0 0.05 0 1.49 t v-asat-w- oa�1 City of Thomasville Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 Utilities Department RCB-20210128-Recommend minimal CPA due to relatively large amount but conditions beyond their control. Lon T. Snider Regional Supervisor WQROS, WSRO, DWQ, NCDEQ 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 14 May 2020 RE: Intent to Enforce Letter Response Incident Number 202000166 Dear Mr. Snider, In response to the letter of Intent to Enforce of 07 May 2020 the City of Thomasville asks that the following be taken into consideration: Regarding incident # 202000166: Precipitation during the morning prior to this event had somewhat saturated the ground, limiting the ground's ability absorb further precipitation, especially at the intensity that it came, later in the day when the event occurred. Attached is a table from the nearby Timber Creek pump station site showing the hourly precipitation the day of the event. In the 4 hours immediately preceding this event 0.13", 0.26", 0.67", and 0.11" of precipitation fell respectively. The hydraulic saturation of the ground and resultant inflow and infiltration into sanitary sewer collection system overwhelmed the downstream pump station. There were no known impacts to public health, fish kills, or recreational area closures as a result of this spill. Rehabilitation of the South Hamby Creek Outfall.that leads into this station is listed in the city's Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by Council. This project should help to reduce l&I and the resultant spills at this pump station. The City of Thomasville has spent and will continue to spend millions of dollars to protect the environment by identifying and correcting deficiencies in the collection system. The City of Thomasville asks that the extremely precipitation that both preceded and occurred during this event as well as the ongoing efforts to upgrade all aspects of the sanitary sewer collection system be taken into account with any enforcement action considered. Sincerely, CC: Kelly Craver Morgan Huffman Public Services Director City of Thomasville 336-475-4220 Timber Creek Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/26/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) 1/24/2020 0:00 0 1/24/2020 1:00 0 1/24/2020 2:00 0 1/24/2020 3:00 0 1/24/2020 4:00 0.01'. 1/24/2020 5:00 0.11 1/24/2020 6:00 0.09. 1/24/2020 7:00 0.09 1 2472020 8:00- 0.03 1/24/2020 9:00 0.01 1/24/2020 10:00 0.01 1/24/2020 11:00 0 1/24/2020 12:00 0 1/24/2020 13:00 0 1/24/2020 14:00 0 1/24/2020 15:00 0 1/24/2020 16:00 0 1/24/2020 17:00 0.131 1/24/2020 18:00 0.261 1/24/2020 19:00 0.67I 1/24/2020 20:00 - 0.111 1/24/2020 21:00 0.02 1/24/2020 22:00 0.07': 1/24/2020 23:00 0.05 1/25/2020 0:00 0.01 Total:: ' 1.67 City of Thomasville Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 Lon T. Snider Regional Supervisor WQROS, WSRO, DWQ, NCDEQ 450 W. Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Utilities Department RCB-20210128-Recommend NFA due to relatively small amount and conditions beyond their control. 14 May 2020 RE: Intent to Enforce Letter Response Incident Number 202000167 Dear Mr. Snider, In response to the letter of Intent to Enforce of 07 May 2020 the City of Thomasville asks that the following be taken into consideration: Regarding incident # 202000167: CIPP lining of the Hanks Branch outfall main line had been largely completed as part of the Hank's Branch Phase 1 Rehabilitation when this incident occurred. This rehabilitation work has served not only to reduce infiltration, but also to reduce exfiltration from the main Hanks Branch Outfall pipe. Upstream of the CIPP lined outfall pipe rainfall runoff entered the collection system through multiple means such as leaky pipe joints, broken taps and cleanouts, and leaking manholes during an extreme precipitation event. The increased volume of the main outfall for transmitting flow to the pump station (due to the cleaning which removed a large amount of debris) combined with the better sealed system led to reduced exfiltration of the l&I water and overwhelmed the pump station. Enclosed are 2 charts reflecting hourly rainfall totals as measured at 2 monitoring points upstream of the event site. Both charts reflect a large amount of precipitation between 17:00 and 23:00 on the date of the event, which occurred between 20:30 and 23:30. Also reflected is significant rainfall between the hours of 05:00 and 08:00 which served to "pre-soak" the soils, leaving the ground without the ability to absorb much of the precipitation later in the day, and leading to a large amount of runoff and inflow. Of the total volume of wastewater spilled much of the water was rain water, and there were no known impacts to public health, fish kills, or recreational area closures as a result. There is a second phase of this project planned that has been under reviewed by DWR and DWI staff for quite some time now, delaying its eventual implementation. Phase 2 of the Hank's Branch Outfall Rehabilitation will address several upstream sections of laterals that discharge into the Hanks Branch main outfall that have I&I issues by a combination of pipe replacement and CIPP lining where appropriate. It is anticipated that Hanks Branch Outfall Phase 2 will have the desired effect of reducing I&I and thus reducing the chances of further overflows at the Northside pump station. The City of Thomasville asks that the circumstances surrounding this event, the lack of demonstrable environmental impact, as well as the ongoing efforts to upgrade all aspects of the sanitary sewer collection system be taken into account with any enforcement action considered. Sincerely, p CC: Kelly raver Morgan Huffman Public Services Director City of Thomasville 336-475-4220 Ivey Creek PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/27/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) 1/24/2020 0:00 0 1/24/2020 1:00 0 1/24/2020 2:00 0 1/24/2020 3:00 0 1/24/2020 4:00 0 1/24/2020 5:00 0.13 1/24/2020 6:00 0.10 1/24/2020 7:00 0.08 1/24/2020 8:00 0.05' 1/24/2020 9:00 0.01 1/24/2020 10:00 0 1/24/2020 11:00 0 1/24/2020 12:00 0 1/24/2020 13:00 0 1/24/2020 14:00 0 1/24/2020 15:00 0 1/24/2020 16:00 0 1/24/2020 17:00 0.14'. 1/24/2020 18:00 0.15 1/24/2020 19:00 0.63! 1/24/2020 20:00 0.10 1/24/2020 21:00 0.03 1/24/2020 22:00 0.06, 1/24/2020 23:00 0.06 1/25/2020 0:00 0.01 1/25/2020 1:00 0 1/25/2020 2:00 0 1/25/2020 3:00 0 1/25/2020 4:00 0.01 Total: 1.56 Golf Course PS Rainfall from 1/1/2020 to 1/25/2020 Device Time Rainfall Amount (inches) Temperature (°F) 1/24/2020 0:00 1/24/2020 1:00 1/24/2020 2:00 1/24/2020 3:00 1/24/2020 4:00 1/24/2020 5:00 1/24/2020 6:00. 1/24/2020 7:00 1/24/2020 8:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.11 0 0.12 0 0.090 0.05 0 1/24/2020 9:00 0.01 0 1/24/2020 10:00 0 0 1/24/2020 11:00 0 0 1/24/2020 12:00 0 0 1/24/2020 13:00 0 0 1/24/2020 14:00 0 0 1/24/2020 15:00 0 0 1/24/2020 16:00 0 0 1/24/2020 17:00 0.15I 0 1/24/2020 18:00 0.20 0 1/24/2020 19:00 0.52 0 1/24/2020 20:00 0.09j 0 1/24/2020 21:00 0.04' 0 1/24/2020 22:00 0.05, 0 1/24/2020 23:00 0.05, 0 Total: 1.49 ROY COOPER Governor M[CHAEL 5. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA £nvifortmeritaf Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018 1130 0000 1612 7666 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 07, 2020 Kelly Craver City of Thomasville PO Box 368 Thomasville, NC 27361-0368 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0207 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - January 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00057 Thomasville Collection System Davidson County Dear Permittee: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by City of Thomasville. The Division's Winston-Salem Regional Office concludes that the City of Thomasville violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00057 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Winston-Salem Regional Office is providing the City of Thomasville an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the City of Thomasville should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202000021 1/3/2020 255 1002 W. Cooksey Drive Inflow and Infiltration 4,500 4,500 Notice of Intent 202000166 1/24/2020 105 810 Old Emmanuel Severe Natural Church Rd Condition 22,544 22,000 Notice of Intent North Ca rams Depa rtrnent of Environmental Quality I division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Reg onal Office 1450 West H nes M 11 Road, Swte 300 I Winston-Salem, North Carotna 27105 336-776-9300 Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202000167 1/24/2020 180 1002 W. Cooksey Dr Severe Natural 9,000 9,000 Notice of Intent Condition 202000168 1/24/2020 1,495 566 Rains Road Inflow and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 44,850 44,850 Notice of Intent This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 60 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ron Boone with the Water Quality Section in the Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-776-9800 or via email at ron.boone@ncdenr.gov. cc: Laserfiche Sincerely, DocuSiiggned by: c.Jn.rjft' " 145B49E225C94EA... Lon T. Snider, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ North Ca rams Department of Environmental Quality I division of Water Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office 1450 West }Eaves he 11 Road, 5 i to 300 I Winston-Salem, North Coatna 27105 336-776-9300