HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001492_Residual Annual Report 2020_20210226Initial Review Reviewer Thornburg, Nathaniel Is this submittal an application? (Excluding additional information.)* r Yes r No If not an application what is the submittal type?* Annual Report Year* Permit Number (IR)* Applicant/Permittee Email Notifications .......................................................... ............. Does this need review by the hydrogeologist?* Regional Office CO Reviewer Admin Reviewer * Annual Report * Residual Annual Report r Additional Information r Other 2020 W00001492 Occidental Chemical Corporation O Yes t: No Wilmington Submittal Form Project Contact Information Rease provide information on the person to be contacted by N B Staff regarding electibnittal, confirmation of receipt, other .......................................................... electronic surece, aner correspondence. _ - Name * Sean Coury Email Address* sean.coury@couryse.com Project Information ........ ..................................................................................................................................................... Application/Document Type* r New (Fee Req ui red) r Modification - Major (Fee Required) r Renewal with Major Modification (Fee Required) r Annual Report r Additional Information r Other Phone Number* 9106853662 O Modification - Minor C Renewal C GW-59, NDMR, NDMLR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2 IT Residual Annual Report r Change of Ownership We no longer accept these monitoring reports through this portal. Please click on the link below and it will take you to the correct form. https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NonDischarge_Monitoring_Report Permit Type:* r Wastewater Irrigation r High -Rate Infiltration r Other Wastewater r Reclaimed Water r Closed -Loop Recycle r Residuals r Single -Family Residence Wastewater r Other Irrigation Permit Number:* WQ0001492 Has Current Existing perm nurber Applicant/Permittee Address* 5 Greenway Plaza, Suite 110, Houston, Texas 77046 Facility Name * Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Manufacturing Facility Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Annual Report At this time, paper copies are no longer required. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at nathaniel.thornburg@ncdenr.gov. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here.* (Application Form Engineering Rans, Specifications, Calculations, Rc.) Elementis 2020 Annual Report Final.pdf 7.14MB Upload only 1 PCFdocurrent (less than 250 NB). Miltiple documents rust be combined into one FDFfile unless file is larger than upload limit. * V By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand the application will not be accepted for pre -review until the fee (if required) has been received by the Non - Discharge Branch. Application fees must be submitted by check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). I also confirm that the uploaded document is a single PDF with all parts of the application in correct order (as specified by the application). Mail payment to: NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources Attn: Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Signature Submission Date 2/26/2021 CHROMIUM Electronically Submitted https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/NonDischarge-Branch-Submittal-Form-Ver2. February 26, 2021 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 2020 Annual Report Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Manufacturing Facility Surface Disposal of Industrial Byproducts Residuals Permit No. WQ0001492 Castle Hayne, New Hanover County, North Carolina Dear Sir or Madam: Occidental Chemical Corporation and Elementis Chromium have prepared this 2020 Annual Report in accordance with the requirements of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) Instructions for Residuals Application Annual Reporting Forms and the permit specific conditions of Surface Disposal of Industrial Byproducts Residuals (SDIBR) Permit No. WQ0001492. The SDIBR Permit holder is Occidental Chemical Corporation, located at 5 Greenway Plaza, Suite 110, Houston, Texas 77046. The residuals generator/preparer is Elementis Chromium, Inc., located at 5408 Holly Shelter Road, Castle Hayne, North Carolina 28429. The following items are included in this submittal: • Form DMSDF: Class A Annual Distribution and Marketing/Surface Disposal Certification and Summary Form; • Form RSSF: Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form; • Form RSSF — B: Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form — B; • Monthly Total Metals Laboratory Analytical Reports; • Weekly Chromium TCLP Laboratory Analytical Reports; • Laboratory Analytical Report for Demonstration that Residuals are Non -Hazardous (i.e., TCLP, Ignitability, Reactivity, and Corrosivity); and, • Summary of Affected Wells and Facility Map. ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone:910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CHROMIUM Residuals were not deposited in Quarry 1 Section I (QS 1) during 2020. It is estimated that 85,322 dry tons of residuals were deposited in Quarry 1 Section II (QS2) during 2020. Collectively, QS 1 and QS2 are permitted for a maximum of 17 1, 000 dry tons per year. Based on the previous residual loading into QS 1, the estimated volume of residuals contained in QS1 is 3,747,306 cubic yards. The estimated remaining capacity of QS1 is 625,000 cubic yards, which equates to approximately 3.4 years at the maximum loading rate. The estimated capacity of QS 1 was adjusted based on a hydrographic survey conducted in December 2020. The total estimated weight of residuals deposited into QS2 during 2020 was 85,322 dry tons. As of December 31, 2020, the estimated cumulative residual volume contained in QS2 was 2,943,066 cubic yards. The estimated remaining capacity on this date was approximately 725,000 cubic yards. Based on these estimates, the estimated remaining useful life of QS2 is 4.0 years at the maximum loading rate. The estimated capacity of QS2 was adjusted based on a hydrographic survey conducted in May 2019. In addition, Martin Marietta, Inc. did not dispose of any residuals or limestone tailings from their adjacent mining operation into either section of the surface disposal unit during 2020. While chromium ceiling concentrations presented in Condition H.8 of the permit were exceeded for the entire reporting period, residuals were determined to be non -hazardous. As noted in Condition 11.8, "Residuals that exceed the ceiling concentration for chromium may be disposed of in the surface disposal unit as long as they are determined to be non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability as stipulated in Condition IV.2 and as long as the groundwater monitoring program as stipulated in Attachment C of this permit demonstrates that the surface disposal unit is not causing the assigned groundwater quality standards to be violated." Residuals generated were analyzed with respect to chromium leachability on the following sampling schedule: a. Grab sample — once per week b. Composite sample — once per week Based upon Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) chromium analytical results for residuals samples, residuals disposed during the reporting period were determined to be non- hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability as stipulated in permit Condition IV.2. TCLP sample analytical reports are attached to this report. Under the terms of the SDIBR permit, groundwater within an established Compliance Boundary is monitored for compliance with the 2L standards on a semi-annual basis (in July and November). Groundwater samples are analyzed for chloride, total chromium, total iron, total nickel, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS) and results of each compliance monitoring event are ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone:910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CHROMIUM submitted to DWR on Forms GW-59 and GW-59a in accordance with the requirements of the SDIBR permit. On the attached Form DMSDF, the facility is noted as being out of compliance due to detections of total iron, total nickel, and TDS above North Carolina 2L standards, and pH outside of the 2L standard range in groundwater samples collected during 2020 from one or more compliance monitoring wells which are sampled in accordance with the SDIBR permit. With the exception of detections of total nickel above the 2L standard in one monitoring well, the 2020 ground water quality standard contraventions noted above are being addressed by processes of natural attenuation in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan dated May 28, 1999 (CAP) which was approved by the NC Department of Environmental Quality on July 28, 1999. The 2020 Annual Quarry Natural Attenuation Ground Water Monitoring Report dated February 26, 2021 was submitted to DWR to document the methods and results of groundwater monitoring completed during 2020 to satisfy CAP monitoring. Total nickel was detected in the July and November 2020 samples collected from MW-17/CPW- 7S at 228 and 723 micrograms per liter (µg/1), respectively, versus the 2L standard of 100 µg/l. MW-17/CPW-7S is located along the eastern perimeter of Quarry Section 1 between the Plant Process Area (PPA) of the site and the Quarry. Note that compliance monitoring samples have been analyzed for nickel during only those monitoring events completed after issuance of the SDIBR permit in November 2016, and nickel was detected in only one sample collected prior to 2020 (below the 2L standard at a concentration of 81 µg/l in the November 2018 sample from Upper Aquifer well MW-3/CPW-15S). Non-compliance reports were submitted to DWR in accordance with requirements of the SDIBR permit for the 2020 nickel detections in MW- 17/CPW-7S, and additional evaluation of nickel concentrations in CPW-7S will be completed during 2021 (as approved by DWR). Total chromium was detected above the 2L standard of 10 µg/l in samples collected from MW- 24/CPW-4D during 2020. Elevated chromium in MW-24/CPW-4D is attributable to the PPA of the site and is already known to the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Chromium impacts associated with the PPA are being managed under an Administrative Agreement (AA) for Voluntary Assessment and Remedial Action under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Program, DEQ ID NCD057454670. Results of analysis of groundwater samples collected from SDIBR permit compliance monitoring wells in the period between July 2018 and November 2020 are summarized in the Summary of Affected Wells attached to this report and well locations are depicted in the attached Facility Map. ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone:910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CHROMIUM If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at (910) 675-7224. Sincerely, Matt Hamburg Plant Manager Elementis Chromium Inc ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone: 910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM WQ PERMIT #: WQ0001492 FACILITY NAME: Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Manufacturing Facility PHONE: 910-675-7229 COUNTY: New Hanover OPERATOR: Elementis Chromium FACILITY TYPE (please check one): ® Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) ❑ Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operation during the past calendar year? Yes ❑ No 0 —0- If No skip parts A, B, C and certify form below Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources(s) (include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Namc(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) January Elementis Chromium NIA 6262.E N/A February NPDES # NCO003875 N/A 5587.2 NIA March N/A 7941 N/A April N/A 7903.6 NIA May N/A 6130.2 NIA June N/A 6736.2 N/A July N/A 6718.5 N/A August N/A 8110.7 N/A September N/A 6787.2 N/A October N/A 6888.1 N/A November N/A 7688 N/A December N/A 8668.9 N/A Total from FORM DMSDF (sup) Totals: I Annual (dry tons):1 0 1 85322.2 0 0 Amendments used: 1 1 Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): Total Number of Form DMSDF (Supp) Part C: Facility was compliant during the past calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit ❑ Yes (including but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources: 0 No 0 If No, Explain in Narritive 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. 3. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "I ce ify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant Pena ies for submitting false i rmation, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Z�O)Rl of Permittee Date Signature of Prepe (if different frottee) "Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) 2-x-)O�j Date DENR FORM DMSDF (1212006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Mfg Facility 2) Residual Source WQ # or NCO003875 3) NPDES #: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium S) Residual Analysis Data Environmental Chemists, Inc. Parameter (mg/kg) Colic. Limit (mg/kg)"' Sample or Composite Date 112120 215120 314120 411120 5/6/20 613120 7/1/20 815120 912120 1017120 1113120 Dec Avg Percent Solids ( ) NA 32.5 31.8 24.3 30.5 33.4 26.3 7.2 13.5 15.7 28.4 22.6 23.9 Arsenic 75 3.70 3.57 3.69 3.46 3.85 3.39 0.356 4.26 3.60 3.64 3.87 7.13 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Chromium NA 9150 8180 6550 4680 8530 10500 7070 8430 7370 15700 16500 15175 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 222 235 170 74.5 223 134 165 118 151 119 220 228 Selenium 100 inc 7,500 Total Phosphorus NA TKN NA Ammonia -Nitrogen NA Nitrate and Nitrite NA For surface disposal facilities the ceiling concentration limits listed in this form are not applicable. Reference the individual permit for metals limits. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 1� 26-- 2��, Si nature df reparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (1212006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use additional forms as needed. WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Mfg Facility 2) Residual Source NCO003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) Residual Analysis Data Environmental Chemists, Inc. Parameter , ®®®®®®®®®®®® 9 certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Z am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." -126 -2v2 l Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) Monthly Total Metals Laboratory Analytical Reports ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wflmin.-,Lon, NC 28405 * 910.392,0223 Lab a 910.392,4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27/954 0 252,473,5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, INC 28540 e 910,347,5843 Lab/ Fax infc,,r ieiivironmentalchemists,com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Jan 24, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Layne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-00009 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-00019 Site: Liquid 1/2/2020 9:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Arsenic EPA 200.7 Chromium EPA 2007 Nickel EPA 200,7 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time 20-00019A Site: Cake 1/2/2020 9:30 AM Nuginsw <0.01 mg/L 01/07/2020 <0,01 mg/L 01/07/2020 Matrix Sampled by Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2007 <3.70 mg/kg 01/07/2020 Chromium EPA 2007 9150 ma/kg 01/07/2020 Nickel EPA 2007 222 mg/kg 01/07/2020 Total Solids SM 2540 B 67A % 01/06/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-00019AA Site: Entire Sample 1/2/2020 9:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Ca1c) Calculation 32.5% 01/07/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 7.69 units 01/20/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: Report #:: 2020-00009 Page 1 of 1 Sample Identification ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28406 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY --PROJECT NAME:—NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY —REPORT NO: CONTACT NAME:----- —PO NO: REPORT TO:—.—WALT CREEK— PHONE/FAX: COPY E-MAIL:---------- TYPE: I a Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST tream, SO = Seil, Collection 2 -,,6 ,,, PRESERVATION C C Ln E 0 C. — ANALYSIS REQUD ESTE Temp E U- 0 a - = E 0 0 0 0 Date Time 0 001 Comp Effluent 1 QT, C F, x BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WIC;) 002 EffiLlent 1 QT. G P x BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK)- 002 Effluent 1 QT. G P 2ml Ammonia Nitrogen, (2/10rith) 001 Effluent SB1 G P x Fecal Coliform # 1 (lj'wk) 003 Comp Effluent 1 QT. C P x BOD, 5 Day ( l/WK)­ Slurry/Quarry Residual G P x Total Arsenicjotal Njotal Cr. G P % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P G P G P NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Arnmonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria MUSt be dechlorinated (0.2 Oran or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: --'—,Date1Tirne­ Received By: Date/Time 2, Temperature whenec ived- Accepted: Rejected: Resample Re4qu sted:- Delivered By: Received By Date: Time:-ILLI. Comments: OUI TrUTRNA, OUND: Cnv ANALYMAL & CONSULTING CHEMSTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmifll VxJxy, Wilmington, NC 28405 * 910,392,0223 L ab * 910,392.4424 Fax 710 Bov,-sertox,,,,n Road, Nlanteo, NC 279514 s 252.471:1,5702 Lab"Fax 255-AIM11mington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28-40 a 910,347.5843 Labl"Fax in "o(, environ men tafchetnist s, con -I Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Feb 20, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-01968 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-04827 Site: Liquid 2/5/2020 9:45 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method--------- - Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2003 <0.01 mg/L 02/12/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 02/12/2020 Nickel EPA 2007 <0.01 mg/L 02/12/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-04828 Site: Cake 2/5/2020 9:45 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <3,57 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 8180 mg/kg 02/17/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 235 mg/kg 02/1712020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 66.7% 02/11/2020 Lab ID Sample ID.- Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-04834 Site. Entire Sample 2/5/2020 9:45 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method _-Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 31.8 % 02/12/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 8.45 units 02/13/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: CA-,4 V"_1 Report #:: 9-020-01968 Page 1 of I Environmental Chemist, Inc,, Wilmington, NC Lab #94 6602 Windmill WaV Wilmington, NC 2840S 9103910223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client: 44 Date: Report Number: R■ eceipt Of sample. ■J11JJ1'I Del�veredV_ U ok IqI AQ 14; Loam 2--1 Cy—lue received at a chlorine r ual of <O,s m/L? TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time Of an3lYsis and recorded on the bench heet, S Bacteria samples are checked for Chlor ine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet 15ample Preservation: Must be complete for any -sam ------- I Ple(s) incorrec ISamole(s) t Y Preserved -or 'Alit dspace) r�i�h �hea were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly 1by adding (circle one): H,50, H NO3 HCJ NaOH lime of Preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Sa S pled y _)", - SAMPLE TYPE: 1 - Influent, E Effluent,lAP - well, ST = Stream, SO foil, L = Sludge, tier: n Collectiopi RVATION � � Sample Identification E 0. 8 2 ;2 8 � �e �' w E 0 � c 0 o ? ANALYSIS QU "rE n E RE0 s nv z ¢ � Date Time Temp � � � z a_ � 00.1 Come Effluent-1cagy ;/W ._ 002 Effluent 1 QT�� � � , G = X _ BOO, 5 Day ( I/WK) f;at Effluent 1 tT G P ?rrrl Ammonia Nitrogen, int 001 Effluent SB1 G P 14 x Fecal Cofiform # .1 (1/w ) 03 Comp effluent .t .f. _ . t:a _,. BODL5 _ , lurrMyt'urry Residual G F' x Tc?ta? Arser,icjotai &Vi;Tuii Cr. ------------- ! 0710E - ROE Fdt i)f2INAIL( N: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria roust he dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By; _ ate/Time � �. _ Received By: Date/Time 2. eii e e S ° ive —.Accepted �._..._ _ ejecte l:_M.___ ....�...____.__Re mpi e u tent .__.�. errs crta�re �nrl�e ece fecelvecl_ _ Cate__ f lrrtie4 Comments: r merit :___..._.. TURNAROUND: ANALYTICAL O LTICHEMSTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. € 6,')2 `J''j ndntl.li Wi,,', W'1:`21ingtt`:?., "C t84(-I.F * 1.0,392,012. 1..,a'➢ - 9'10,392.4424 Fa r 1€ Bt)t `erto$ � `-� R,,)a 1 ai €€{ 95 * 2 9.4 570 fit#,, Fax 25`;-r' Wil in-6€.sTl tiic,i %a(Cks€ n✓1l'E, NC'28-540 a 910,3475841 Labl"Fax iitc�,t;e31;•t e3ZI2i€`..Silt'{.�«C?"izSC`.C:i}?Yi. Test Method Results Data Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 050.E < 0.2 mg/L 03/13/2020 SEED sM 5210 E <2 mg/L 03/04/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-08946 Site. 001 -- Effluent SB1 3/4/2020 10:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Fecal Conform idexx Goiitert-ia Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time 20-08947 Site: Cakle 3/4/2020 9:15 AM Test Method Results Date Analyzed <2 MPN/100mi 03/04/2020 Matrix Sampled by Solid/Mudge Dean Riggs Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <3.69 mg/kg 03/12/2020 Chromium EPA200.7 6550mg/kg 03/12/2020 Nickel EPA200.7 170mg/kg 03/12/2020 Total Solids sM 2540 B 67.2 % 03/09/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-08947A Site: Liquid 3/4/2020 9:15 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200 7 <0.01 mg/L 03/16/2020 Chromium EPA2M7 0,391 mg/L 03/16/2020 Nickel EPA2M7 <0.01 mg/L 03/16/2020 ReIDOrt :: 2020-03678 Page 1 of 2 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 1.0 B wserto t f Road, Mc`le teo, NC 71954 e 2152,473.5702 Lab Fa.? 2,9 A Wilmington 1 digt , ay, f sckso € it � , N " 28"540 0 910,347,15843 Lab Fax i + ! # 9:15 AN 'test Method Total Solids(Calc) Calculation PH SW 846 Method 9045D Comment: Cake results reported on a dry Weight basis. fi Reviewed by: Results Date Analyz(a 24.3 % 03/05/2020 3.41 units 04/02/2020 Report :: 2020-0678 Page 2 of 2 Environrinentall Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Samplecif Checklist Client; _ .; Date: 0 1 Report Number: 66021 Windmill Way 'Wilmington, NJC 28405 ,3.3 .1JIi 5 Receipt of sample: Delivered, UPS F.'Were custody seals present cooler? Original temperature upon receipt _L6 Corrected *temperature upon receipt How temperature taken: Temperature Blank 77 Against Bottles I D: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Corr tion Factor *C: 0,0 ! • listedon a ll Were samplesWere listed ♦y 8, Were tests to be Performed listed on *the COC? d a moles arrive in proper containers a!# YES '40 10, moles arrive in good condition for each test? 111, Was adequate sample volume available?' 10 NO 111. 'W�7ere acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ere sulfide samples received at a pH >9? i C3 YES 10 NO 117, Were S I ulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? HOC/Voiatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benctsheet. Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet Sampi reservation: Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with hea space) Sarnole(s) vere received ;ncorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding )circle one). H2SO4 i NO3 HO NaOH 7me of preservation: f more than one presentative is needed, notate in comments below "4cte: onfyy custorner service immed=.ateiy'or ncorrectly preserved sarrmpies Obtain anew sarriie or notify th~e state ab if directed to analyzed by the custorner. Who was notified, date and time: latiles ample(s) were received with hedspace 0 6602 WindrnM Way Wilmington, NC 2r405 ANVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 5 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 r)�)�y2n�r �jk t'�n rr)1ir)ct t_1�e�nn tr, NCDENR1 DWQ CE.Rv7"ERICATION # 94 NCf➢HHSt DCS CEETIRCATION # 37729 COLLECTION C'>TIO AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY C L 11 t : t.:1v.L L TIS CHROMIUM _ PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY _ REPORT NO1 tAl: ttt EES: CONTACT NAME PO NO: :-MAIL: Satit le t._ By SAMPLE TYPE I InflUent, E Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO Soo, SE -- Sludge, Other: collection PRESERVATION S arnpt c Identification r u C 2 t era r x ANALYSIS EBt REOiJE I Cl➢ F (� =,� .c Date Time Temp u � Z "D ter . �, ?s { r)trlf)._' filuemf 1 t C ":a to , x Btu D, 5 Davy { 1/WK) ct f"(atl°.nt 1 C_.r3 C=' A, C-aOD, 5 Day, i 11V\IK) i)) t ) ;latent � y { � t� � �. � � I ;, 2r,rl .,..y� y Amimorria Caltmcten i2t`lVgltt"a1 ()t) I I fflrlt nt SB 1 G, ?' rr°° " ax Fecal C: oliforni 4 1 i1/wk ,ul i )zratr tt +rlltr,rit 10F C p ,rC BOD, 5 Day � IWl<)..__.__,. _. _ `;lt rly/Ou iltci Ctt.sid 21 C� Total A :i'enic, I total NiJt tal (i� G is ;-), ';o ids,Pii pet 3050 D firer E, utals 40TICE DECHL.ORINATICft ` area ks s for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide„ Phoriol and Bacteria rxrrrst be dec wnrinateri (0,2 pimn cm loess) in the fi(,Id at the timr, of collection. :;erg rcrverse for instrtictions _ Transfer Relincluishecl �y;_ 9c�tetTls�ae f�eceivecl y: C�atelTtrlmr^ 1. 1 emperature when cerved'. Requested--_ lfrli terect Et_,Dat.e ? _ 'ir e _.._ ..._ _' rt7f� e2tt TURNA i)l,.1 13: Environmental Chemists, Inc. �602 Windmill:`jay. Wilmington'. N 284-0 0 9-1(' 392,032- Lc, a 910.192,442i' t 0 iBov"Qertcl—wn Road, ; antE o, N 'fi3; * 25117 .97i)? 235-A Wflm>ngton fii(,:, ayjackson Rle, NC 28540 0 10,347.5843 i bl Fah ANALYTICAL CONSULTING CHEMISTS Test Method BOD SM 5210 B in z(),i f--n it tt,n1=entalchet= ists.co-,ii Lab ID Sample ID; Collect ate/Time 20-13271 Site; 002 ® Effluent; Grab 4/1/2020 10:01 A Test Method Results Date Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 < 0,2 mg/L 04/10/2020 BOD SM 5210 B <2 m /L 04/01 /2020 Lab ID Sample ID; Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-1 273 Site: 001 - Effluent SI31 4/1/2020 9:50 AM dater Dean Riggs EM Results Date Analyzffl Fecal Coli orm Idexx Gofifert-18 <2 PN/100rnl 04/01/2020 Lab ID Sample ID. Liquid Collect Date/Tie Matrix Sampled by 20-13274 Site: Murry to quarry 4/1/2020 :45 AM Water Dean Riggs HM Lam - Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 04/08/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 04/08/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 04/08/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Cake Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-13274A Site: Slurry to Quarry 4/1/2020 9:45 AID Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2007 <3.46 rig/kg 04/15/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 4680 mg/kg 04/15/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 74.5 mg/kg 04/15/2020 Total Solids tole SM 2540 B 7.3 % 04106/2020 Respert #:: 2020-05354 Page 1 at 2 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTNG CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 66102 Winidmill Wa , Wlminc, (-'-n, NC 2840E 0 910292.1122? Lab 0 910.392,44? Fax 7 Foxvse tovvi-� Road, Nla. teo, NC f 9 8 "52 42:s..g7 )2 La , E a afyr;€a 20-1 3274AA Site: Slurry to Quarry 4/1/2020 9:45 AM Water Test Method Results Total olids(Calc) Calculation pH SM 4500 H B Comment, Cake results reported can a dry weight basis. Reviewed y: Dean Riggs Date Analyzed 04/16/2020 Report :: 2020-05354 Daae 2 of 2 Sample Receipt Checklist Receipt910,392,0223 Sample. m ^ ... _ t f a Y M.,� • � � *�Wl + w . a e ... a Y - residual of <0,5 m/L? 'OC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. r at tinne Of aflalYsis and recorded on the benchsheet, ... .. plie Preservation: / nalyi is V t,urjs,uI tic; { heffIIsIs CHROMIUM ADDRESS, Sample IslentIfication l:fill I« raft 1 () T 1(l<' f ffltlt3nt '1 r)f f: flilt rl( ` I) 1 �1Q.' r t,rrrf> 1 tflir�r3t ItfZ�. ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTS, INC 6602 Wur dmili Way Wilmington, N(,,' 840 NC;DCNR; DWC1 CERTERIC"AT3Of1 # 94 f1t;t7I-VD1S: L°)I_S CERTIFICATION t;" 37729 COLLECTION IO AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME;...._... .__ PDES NCB 000387WEEKLY REPORT NO, C 0NTA T NA11d1 ; _._ _._ .._ ._ _._. _ .__.._ _..__. PO NO' -- REPORT T T:_.. __._._ AI_T GREEN__... SAMPLE 'TYPE: l _ lnf1U erat,, E '' Effluent, W = Well, ST = 'cream, SO = ;call, SL = Sludge, Other, Collection a' 1. �i PRESERVATION t a � E n, s `W -, _ C7 r�� i..t rr rti r.. E�=� _ _,.. _.....v ...,. w c, 0 s c, I tJ w C7 «. 5: N ANALYSIS REQUESTED Tate Time Teen{� rr� z � _ z Qc,. -� .�.. .➢ BO 5 Dav 1 1!HIVK) 4 2 1 Arnrrrr nia Nitrogen, (VIV;rtthoc} _ p pp. C" F ecs ,.'fl Conform 4 1 (° /wk) C I k ROD, 5 DaV ( 1/WK) V q i otal Cr `rl, ,Sohds,PH Per 31050 D for Metal G I P NO ICE OFCHL ORINA TK)N: ^'a nfp8es for Ammonia, IKN, Cyanide, Pherr0B 111d Bac.ter9a rrrcrst Fora c8rrt^IrB,ar'ir9at'er1 (0,2 4irrn or iess) in th)e 6icir! at the Nrne of collection. See raver e for instrrretiofis irrYrr ftelil�cluls►7eci 13y; Eb�ateJTlrt1c Received By-, Date/Time Temperature er<f re when Rec6ved'�._ _Accepted._____,___ -- Delivered By,__._.' Received By-, c"', c", C:.onunent Resample Reqtae Date -' Time: _/12 .a__aV_- "TtRNA C.ND- — Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Win imill Way, Willm.ngton, NC84105 e 910,392.:1.L23 Lab a 9 t.0,392 4°24 J'ax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTINGE DI TS "hest Method BOD SM 521E B Lab ID Sample ; 20-18363 Site: Effluent - Composite 002 Test Method Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform IdexxCosilert-18 <2M i100mi 05/06/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 0-18366 Site: Liquid 51612020 0.30 ACC eater Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2007 <0.01 mg/ 05/14/2020 Chromium ?A 200.7 <°�. 1 mg/L 015t14I2020 Mickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 05r 1 o2020 Lab ID Sample 6 Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 20- 3 8366A Site: Cake 516i"2020 0.30 AM Solid/SludgeSolid/Sludge Dean Boggs `hest Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic 2 .7 < . 5mg/kg 05/13/2020 Chromium EPA 2007 8530 mg/kg 05/1 /2020 dicks! EPA 200,7 223mg/kg 0513/2020 Total Solids SM 2540 B60.1 % 05!1212 i 0 Repoin #_ 2020-074 7 2 age I of 2 m ANALYTICAL CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 {hind SIf Wa i Wilmington, NC 28405 s 9t t 392,022 > Lab - 910.392A 2 Pax 7'10 s s rto n Road, l a to o NC 27/954 2521 73 570/ L�,bj"F [x Mum Total ofid ( 4c) Calculation pH SW 846 Method 9045D C—omment-1 Cake results reported on a dry Alt basis, Reviewed o _ o o t : 2020-0747 Environmental Chemist. Inc_ WHMingtorl, NC Lab #94 6 0 2 'A nj rn a ENVIRONMENTAL INC 6602 WirtaTm dl Way Wilmington, NC. 18405 it IC i : 3 i C; 3 Q�23 r-AX 10- 92-4424 t, arasut#prat# C,ia+;rtris„s NCDEN : D WO C RTERIGATIO ## 94 NCDHHS: P7t_.S CE;RTIHCATION at 37729 COLLECTION AND GRAIN OF CUSTODY C,UENT: LLEL T]S GBIROMIUM PROJECT NAND NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY REPORT NO, ADDRESSCONTACT NAME: _ ------ _._.__ ._._ i ORT ` O: WALT ._._ .._ _.._ _._.._.._. __..._ PFi0 I d : COPY rs «r r r- -- _ _ Sludge, Other �_._..._.. taAlV11�F Ttrt , B lttf9�aeort, - E,ftltaertt„ htV = Well, = trearn, 4 = ratd 51 ...�.... ..... .._. � ' , � Li � � i, t mm � cCl � .a'. PRESERVATION _ . _ .... ..� Sai'r8pk) Identification E � u ANALYSIS REQUESTED pa i_ Date Time Terri.) r . ?L r! BOD, 5 j'ay a e"*.. DOD, J �lny/ i �I%VVK) a — _ — _ — tf113t�{7t _.. _JAmmonia G %rnlPJ9tr t i1l;��i , {?ii t ` 7) E_Pfr{lr Ott �,(t1 � "� � � f r F ecai C:r lltt:�rrm 4t i 0,wl;, Tut{rC r li tlr Residual � �� � ir~tt l Arsenic,'Fatai t�1.,� utal C r C t' Solid s,P1-1 per 3050 D for fslletaIs 3'__.__. NOITICF I>t CH RIN IO S at7alalc s 1(.r dldr7r ona a, TKN Cyanide, Phenol and rtac.deariaa witast he elecla winatwi 0.1 :s jna or less in flip fielal at tlae ieaae: o c(41j >r� ,t s , s f t t i ! f . c .lots . .ice revErt,r_ dr�r oeastrtacTeort-, Transfer ansfer Relinquished #3 r __....., . . __.. _ Dateffime Received Ely: Date/Time 2, _ _._ __.__ __ ._.___. _._.,__ _,_._ ,77- ______,__. errr re=ratr.rre when � rvec�. s srµ.Accepted: Rejeuecfr�r I �2 c� s t Defiv reed 1� — Received rv£ Ci j# __._._..._.. „`, s `_...._.._..__.,i ca :e' f .,._. _....... irneE rf...._. Cot) `ImeTits: TUt W� ' UND, ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Wind m_ill Wav, Wilmington, NC 2840; " 9-10,392.0223 Lab 0 910,39?A 24 Fax 0 BoNvs nteo,NC27954 0 25-2,473.5702Lab/Fax ertown Road, Ma 255-A Wilmington Highwav, jacksonvillie, NC 28540 0 910,347.5843 IL-lb/Fax i n fo 6�- - , /envir(,�i-�ii-.entaic!ieiists.co,-ii Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2007 <0.01 mg/L 06/08/2020 Chromium EPA 2007 <0.01 mg/L 06/08/2020 Nickel EPA 2007 <0,01 mg/L 06/08/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-22416 Site: Cake 6/3/2020 9:40 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 2007 <3.39 mg/kg 06/08/2020 Chromium EPA 2007 10500 mg/kg 06/08/2020 Nickel EPA 2007 134 mg/kg 06/08/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 64.6 % 06/05/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-22417 Site: Entire Sample 6/3/2020 9:40 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Report #:: 2020-09071 Page 1 of 1 ,Receipt of sample: O eliveedl, 10 N '—Against Bottles------- NRI 9UM ere cyanide sa im red samples received at a pH of <2? TATMEeMe a a >11�"2?� Dies receil"eld'? t a'p' H >9? Isis TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with he—ads-p—ace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SOI HNO3 HCl NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: f��IM17Tnly-TFM7=73-77 es, Obtain a —new sample or n - otify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer, Who was notified, date and time: HIM iMII Ml!iiliii!j EMEEMMMMISERM 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical & CmIstilting GhelmsN NCDENR: DVVQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT"11--­ ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM --------.PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY REPORT NO: ADDRESS" - ----- CONTACT NAME: P0 INJO: --- - ------ ---- REP0RT'ro:____._WAL'I_ COPY Sampled By: SAMPLE TYPE, I Influent, E Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO Soil, SL Sludge, Other -- ---- ----- - Collection PRESERVATION Uj Saniple Identification E U3 W ANALYSIS REQUESTED E 3 0 T T,i -0 0 Q� :E E 0 Date Tirne Temp z y M tfj C" 0 F'ffh I I- G p x �)021 "c" f_fflu�)'nt 1 01- ----------- G� \\X— (�ofnp 'Effhw10 10T C P x .`�IHUY/UUM1Y Residuai - - ------- -- -- G F, x G —P G P G P G P BOD, 5 Day ( VWK) BOD, 5 Day ( I/VVK) An-irnonia Nrtroa('-,,,n, (2/Mrith Fecal Colifonn #1 (,11/,,vk BOD� 5 Day ( I /WK) Total Arsenic.1-otal M."Votal Cr per 3050 D for Metals r,K)TICE DFCHI_0R1NAT1Cft Sam pips for Ammonia, TKN, Cy�tjjdp, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0,2 pprn or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instroctions r e r Relh-iquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Tirne Temperature wh e ecekecd:--Q Accepted: Dellivered E Time: TURNAROUND, F0000--- 41 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ■ 910.392.0223 Lab ■ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ■ 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax i n foGenvironmentalchemi sts. com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Aug 06, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-10779 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-27086 Site: Liquid 7/1/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 07/09/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 0.137 mg/L 07/09/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 07/09/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-27086A Site: Cake 7/1/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.356 mg/kg 07/14/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 7070 mg/kg 07/14/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 165 mg/kg 07/14/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 66.2 % 07/07/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-27086B Site: Entire Sample 7/1/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Sollds(Calc) Calculation 7.2 % 07/08/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 8.16 units 07/28/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: �-')/ aA�'a� Report #:: 2020-10779 Page 1 of 1 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client: E L emc�n S Date? 0 Report Number: �y ^ Receipt of sample: Deliveredt UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES 10 NO N/A 1 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 113 NO - N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt . S 'C Corr ted temperature upon receipt How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor'C: 0.0 ❑ YES ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6'C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES ❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO S. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2?' ❑ YES ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES ❑ NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? `• ❑ YES ❑ NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ YES 10 NO 118. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? • TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. •' Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 'C ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTS, INC 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical 8 Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM _ PROJECT NAME:_ - NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY —REPORT NO: l ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-IVIAIL: Sampled By: SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection v A in 0 E o 12 o _ c C7 n o U a c t E v O W a Z PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time W _ N _ o = 0 z ° ' = o 001 (;(mp Effluent I OT a �]Temp ` .I X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P 1102 Effluerl 1 OT 1 � OC X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) G P 1102 Effluer•.t 1 OT I �7 2ml Ammonia Nitrogen, (2/Mnth) G P 001 Effluent SB1 I Ilk -�Iv C X Fecal Coliform 1 (1/wk) G P 00,t (:ump Effluent 10T X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P Slurry/Quarry Residual �w,I G %Cy�P X Total Arsenic,Total Ni,Total Cr G P % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P G P G P G P VOTICE - DECHLORINATION, Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlonnated (0 2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when celved: Accepted: 17 / jected: Resample quested: Delivered By: G9a- Received By: Date Time: '. vZU Comments: TURNAROUND: r- Environmental Chemists, Inc. •1 1 77 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab ■ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sr� 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Sep 01, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-12979 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-32767 Site: Liquid 8/5/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 08/18/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 0.368mg/L 08/18/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 08/18/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-32767A Site: Cake 8/5/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <4.26mg/kg 08/19/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 8430 mg/kg 08/19/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 118 mg/kg 08/19/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 s 59.2 % 08/13/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-32767AA Site: Entire Sample 8/5/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 13.5 % 08/07/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 8.14 units 08/31/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. r Reviewed by: Report #:: 2020-12979 Page 1 of 1 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, INC Lab #94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 CC Sample ecei t Checklist Client: GL�-AA &I-nS DateVL4210-- Report Number:ZO l �� Receipt of sample: Delivered UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES O NO N/A 11. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 113 NO N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt Corrected temperature upon receipt. How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank V Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 ❑ YES ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./CtA notified? YES ❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO S. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES ❑ NO 110. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ❑ YES ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO -a 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES ❑ NCI 116. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** ❑ YES ❑ NO 117. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2504 HNO3 HCl NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: Analytical & Consulting Chemists CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ADDRESS: Sampled By: Sample Identification 001 Comp Effluent 1 QT. 002 Effluent 1 QT. 002 Effluent 1 QT 001 Effluent SB1 003 Comp Effluent 1 QT Slurry/Quarry Residual ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, I N C 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY —REPORT NO: _� O —gC -7 Q CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: Collection a a E > 0AINIVl-t N O a `o ` I YNt: c a I = Influent, c E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: o PRESERVATION W Date Time Temp �~ a 0 a E z o = y z a = = ANALYSIS REQUESTED Z Z o '9j �$ C P — '—' �—' X X X 2ml X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) Ammonia Ni trogen, (2/Mnth) Fecal Coliform # 1 (1/wk) BOD, 5 Day (1/WK) Total Arsenic,Total N jotal Cr. % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P O G P 0 P C P n G P G P FF G P OTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated 0.2 ( ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse For Instructions Transfer Relinquished By D 1. -- — I va�C� i ime I Received t3 2. Temperature when Delivered By: Comments: ved: Accepted: 0 ved By: Date/Time Resample„�/equ7c- sted: _Date: ! L� Time: I'. l TURNAROUND: Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirocheim 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax SM, 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ` 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Sep 17, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-14887 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-37836 Site: Liquid 9/2/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/03/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/03/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/03/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-37836A Site: Cake 9/2/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <3.60 mg/kg 09/09/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 7370mg/kg 09/09/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 151 mg/kg 09/09/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 a 68.1 % 09/03/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-37837 Site: Entire Sample 9/2/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 15.7 % 09/02/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 7.96 units 09/09/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: _`u '�Z' ell Report #:: 2020-14887 Page 1 of 1 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Client: t✓ l-tMM/1��lT�S 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist _ Date-CJo_ Report Number. Qd _ 7 8 of7 Receipt of sample: Delivered UPS O FeclEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES I ❑ NO N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES I0 NO N/A 12. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon eceipt °C Corrected temperature upon receipt_ How temperature taken: El Temperature Blank Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correc ion Factor °C: 0.0 ❑ YES 10 NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES ❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? ❑ NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? V ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume availableT ❑ NO 12Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ YESWNO ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? . Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES. ❑ YES ❑ YES ❑ NO 118, Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** . Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Ladding ervation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly rcle one): H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH ervation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 'C ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ADDRESS COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY —REPORT NO: Z)0 — ! '[ S 2 7I CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: Sampled By: ' SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent. E = Effluent- W = Well AT = Stream Sn = -Anil ci = ci••a„e n*i,e�. Sample Identification Collection E a ccr U' 0_ g E c� 0 U w o ° a J o m t E U � W m m ¢ 2 z PRESERVATION v v� v .. y�, v�• y ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp W z ° Z _j = O N == o z _ O a Z o = _ W r o 001 Comp Effluent 1 QT. 7.3 o X BOD, 5 Day (1/WK) C P 002 Effluent 1 QT. 002 Effluent 1 QT. D Q� C X 2ml I BOD, 5 Day (1/WK) Ammonia Nitrogen, (2/Mnth) G P jal'y G P 001 Effluent SB1 DA{ 3y,�� X Fecal Coliform # 1 (1/wk) G P 003 Comp Effluent 1QT. X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P Slurry/Quarry Residual �C d` I 3�P X Total Arsenic,Total N jotal Cr. G P % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P G P G P G P NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. i ernperature wne ecely � Accepted: � ReIe d: Resampl q ested: Delivered By: _� Received By: Date: Time: Comments: IN TURN ROUND: Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ■ 910.392.0223 Lab ■ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Oct 17, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2020-17091 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43691 Site: 001 - Effluent, Composite 10/7/2020 7:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed BOD SM 5210 B <2 mg/L 10/08/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43692 Site: 002 - Effluent, Grab 10/7/2020 9:15 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 0.4 mg/L 10/08/2020 BOD SM 5210 B <2 mg/L 10/07/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43693 Site: 001 - Effluent S131 10/7/2020 10:10 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform Idexx Colilert-18 2 MPN/100ml 10/07/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Entire Sample Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43694 Site: Slurry to Quarry 10/7/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 28.4 % 10/07/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 7.70 units 10/12/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Liquid Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43694A Site: Slurry to Quarry 10/7/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/08/2020 Chromium EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/08/2020 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/08/2020 Report #:: 2020-17091 Page 1 of 2 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 . 910.392.0223 Lab . 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 a 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 . 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Oct 17, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2020-17091 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Cake Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-43694AA Site: Slurry to Quarry 10/7/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <3.64 mg/kg 10/12/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 15700mg/kg 10/12/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 119 mg/kg 10/12/2020 Total Solids (%% SM 2540 B 66.8 % 10/07/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: _L Q- Report #:: 2020-17091 Page 2 of 2 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Sample Receipt Checklist 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Client: D e.lfaznh S Dat • w Report Number: 74 0 Cll n/ a 10A Receipt of sample: ECHEM Picku Client Delive UPS ❑ FeclEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ N/A 11. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 10 NO 10 N/A 12. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt ? • y[ °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 ❑ YES ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES ❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ❑ YES ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? YES ❑ NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** ❑ YES ❑ NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ YES ❑ NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 6602WindmillWayWilmington,NC28405 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY —REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: n COPY TO: E-MAIL: Sampled Bv: aA 1 CAM01 F TVDG• t — L.Ft.. ,. C — Cul.. -♦ %.I — IAIcar — Sample Identification p Collection E ° N °a m E ° cD ° ? ° ° ° a c ` ° Q1 U E m m n Z PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp z ° Z i 'o N = o z = = °a Z _o = W r o 001 Comp Effluent 1 QT. '1' _ 7. C X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P 002 Effluent 1 QT. 002 Effluent 1 QT. 001 Effluent SB1 1s aa U3•7 c ' G X 2ml ` I X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) Ammonia Nitrogen, (2/Mnth) Fecal Coliform # 1 (1/wk) G P G P G P 003 Comp Effluent 1QT. X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P Slurry/Quarry Residual a�. I �• X Total Arsenic,Total N jotal Cr. G P % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P G P G P T_ G P I NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. r -•--• ••••�•• `` . �. — raa.a.c�racu. r[e)eciea: Kesample Kequested: Delivered By: t rr�„ Received By. Date: w Time: 'SC`7 Comments: TURNAROUND: FWW'W--- "I Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax sM 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ■ 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Nov 18, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-18609 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47390 Site: 001 - Effluent, Composite 11/3/2020 7:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed BOD SM 5210 B 3 mg/L 11/03/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47391 Site: 002 - Effluent, Grab 11/3/2020 9:40 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 0.6 mg/L 11 /05/2020 BOD SM 5210 B <2 mg/L 11/03/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47392 Site: 001 - Effluent S61 11/3/2020 10:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform Idexx Colilert- 18 <1 MPN/100ml 11/03/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47393 Site: Liquid 11/3/2020 9:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 11/11/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 0.409 mg/L 11/11/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 11/11/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47393A Site: Cake 11/3/2020 9:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <3.87 mg/kg 11/11/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 16500mg/kg 11/11/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 220mg/kg 11/11/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 65.1 % 11/10/2020 Report #:: 2020-18609 Page 1 of 2 Environmental Chemists, Inc. enviroehem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ■ 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Nov 18, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-18609 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-47393AA Site: Entire Sample 11/3/2020 9:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 22.6% 11/09/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 7.69 units 11/17/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: r Report #:: 2020-18609 Page 2 of 2 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client: E- .JEry CCV Date: 11 3 Report Number: 2 — �S 60� Receipt of sample: ECHEM Pickup ❑ Client Delivery ❑ JUPS ❑ FeclEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES ❑ NO 10 N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? IfYES 10 NO I tV N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt 6 °C Corrected temperature upon receipt y . 4o °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank 1W Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 ❑ YES I0 NO 13. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES U NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? IR YES ❑ NO S. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? EX YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? [ YES ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? YES ❑ NO 114. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? YES ❑ NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** EYES El 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ ❑ NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 _ ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 • - --'� OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: NPDES NC 0003875 WEEKLY REPORT NO: O ADDRESS CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: -)a111iCu my: I X114)SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, �_ m a WM C C7 C J E `o2 2o `o rn 0 o v E E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: PRESERVATION 0 W m Z `o o xo 0 w ANALYSIS REQUESTED o = H z a x x z z = Z 0 Sample Identification Collection Date Time Temp 001 Comp Effluent 1 QT. 1`1 5 3� D X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P 002 Effluent 1 QT. G y739� X BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) G P 002 Effluent 1 QT. 1 ` i I C <' N X 2ml Ammonia Nitrogen, (2/Mnth) G P 001 Effluent S61 aa.3 G �� X Fecal Coliform # 1 (1/wk) G P 003 Comp Effluent 1QT. X I BOD, 5 Day ( 1/WK) C P Slurry/Quarry Residual RI C X Total Arsenic,Total Ni,Total Cr. G P % Solids,PH per 3050 D for Metals G P G P G P G P NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. , Temperature when R Ived.. V Accepted: Resam I? eq sted: Delivered By: t(1 Received By: Di 1: Time: Comments: TURNAROUND: F -77 00'"71 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab ■ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ■ 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax srn 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 18, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-20400 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51950 Site: 002 - Effluent, Grab 12/2/2020 10:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA350.1 0.3mg/L 12/04/2020 BOD SM 5210 B <2 mg/L 12/02/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51951 Site: 001 - Effluent S61 12/2/2020 10:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Fecal Coliform Idexx Colilert-18 <1 MPN/100ml 12/02/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Slury to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51952 Site: Cake 12/2/2020 9:50 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <7.23mg/kg 12/08/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 12300 mg/kg 12/10/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 363 mg/kg 12/08/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 69.1 % 12/04/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Slury to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51952A Site: Liquid 12/2/2020 9:50 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 12/08/2020 Chromium EPA 200 7 <0.010 mg/L 12/08/2020 Nickel EPA 200 7 <0.010 mg/L 12/08/2020 Report # 2020-20400 Page 1 of 2 _7441 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 e 910.392.0223 Lab o 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ■ 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax CM. 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ■ 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 18, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2020-20400 Project ID: NPDES NC 0003875 Weekly Lab ID Sample ID: Slury to Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51952AA Site: Entire Sample 12/2/2020 9:50 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 24.2 % 12/04/2020 pH SM 4500 H B 9.1 units 12/08/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-51974 Site: 001 - Effluent 12/2/2020 10:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed BOD SM 5210 B-2011 3 mg/L 12/02/2020 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: AQU Vf) (AD A9, Report #. 2020-20400 Page 2 of 2 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 Sample Receipt Checklist 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Client: Date: ReportNumber: e-7 C) r 2`)40(0 Receipt of sample: E�HEM Pickup ,�12 Client Delivery UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES ❑ NO JA N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 10 NO IX N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank A Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 YES ❑ NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES ID NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ❑ NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES ❑ NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ❑ NO 11. Was adequate sample volume availableT YES ❑ NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ❑ YES ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES ❑ NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? YES ❑ NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** YES ❑ NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ YES ❑ NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. mple Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) by adding (circle one): H2SO4 Time of preservation: were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly HNO3 HCI NaOH If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below INote: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: lVolatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace I COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 III C A r W N 1, Z 0 () cn 0 m m 0 0 0 0 0 03 m ? p o Iv N -a 0 3 M m o M O M c:(D (D ti CD A Z (D CD D CD (D _ s Nq 3 v p O 0 N N d n z M M 0 f3D d o' � 3 Q C W N �"'• (' lC� —� V �'I M s fD �� —C _ L OQ (D c W d c Sample m ID d Type 3 Composite cn G) O G) D G) n G) G) G) 0 or M Grab a chi o Container d -0 -u T "0 -0 -0-0 (P or G) va M g Chlorine N mg/L _•I v 3 +r / LAB ID NUMBER m X X X X NONE a HCL ! — H2SO4 M 3 HNO3 m W ID M0 D NAOH - " f(D _ O LL 5 X THIO Z v• � OTHER I f r'n ° o c 0 v m D 3 v' CL D W 0 3 Co co z �' -0 �S O O O D N CDCD \ o n' (J1 z (J1 QI C ov1< m0 A c on —A :3c ri n Z _ 'i cn f3D O rn Q � � NCD C7 � N 0 0 0 v � v m c N M r M 9 M z ,-i,^ ^/ V X 0 9 c 9 m 0 O � 0 O Dz M FI D r D ;u M M M M M i: _ D 0 r m 0 z 0 X 0 L. M n Z D M z .D v rn (D 0 0 O w co V fA M im x r m a 0 X I Z 0 0 0 r M 0 z D z v 0 2 D Z 0 ^ I c v V w _ v N Z to 0 O fn n N m n m= a o 3. w CD N y O � N C N < W n 3 x' O O o m Z N Ci N A 00 N A A M nr ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ■ 910.392.0223 Lab ■ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ■ 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ■ 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 23, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO M Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Report #: 2020-21530 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54646 Site: Liquid 12/9/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 0.694 mg/L 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54646A Site: Cake 12/9/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <7.16 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 13900 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 127mg/kg 12/22/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 65.9 % 12/21 /2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54646AA Site: Entire Sample 12/9/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 19.4% 12/21/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 8.36 units 12/21 /2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54647 Site: Liquid 12/16/2020 9:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Report #:: 2020-21530 Pagel of 3 roollw--- -1 ""7 5 R ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ■ 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 23, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO M Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Report #: 2020-21530 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54647A Site: Cake 12/16/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <7.35 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 19800 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 268 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 63.0 % 12/21/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54647AA Site: Entire Sample 12/16/2020 9:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation 21.9 % 12/21/2020 pH SW 846 Method 9045D 8.37 units 12/21/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54648 Site: Liquid 12/18/2020 11:50 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200 7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/22/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-54648A Site: Cake 12/18/2020 11:50 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <6.78 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 14700mg/kg 12/22/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 154 mg/kg 12/22/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 68.3 % 12/21/2020 Report #:: 2020-21530 Page 2 of 3 71 sKA ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Elementis Chromium 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne NC Attention: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab 0 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Date of Report: Dec 23, 2020 Customer PO #: 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Report M 2020-21530 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: 20-54648AA Site: Entire Sample Test Total Solids(Calc) pH Collect Date/Time Matrix 12/18/2020 11:50 AM Solid/Sludge Method Results calculation SW 846 Method 9045D Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: P'�-L1� o� o OLI a/p— Sampled by Dean Riggs Date Analyzed 30.1 % 12/21 /2020 8.34 units 12/21/2020 Report #:: 2020-21530 Page 3 of 3 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Ii Sample Receipt Checklist Client: Q em e 45 Date: 14 15 20 Report Number: 2Di5 �? V Receipt of sample: CHEM Pickup ❑ Client DeliveryA UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ ❑ YES ❑ NO D4 N/A 11. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES ID NO N/A 12. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor °C: 0.0 YES 10 NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES 10 NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES ❑ NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES 10 NO 1 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES ID NO 1 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ID NO 1 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES 10 NO 1 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES 10 NO 110. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES ID NO 111. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES ID NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? ❑ YES 10 NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? ❑ YES I ❑ NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES 10 NO 115. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? ❑ YES ❑ NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ** ❑ YES ❑ NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? ❑ YES I ❑ NO 118. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: Sample(s) by adding (circle one): Time of preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note: Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer. Who was notified, date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 D t N 71 Z (n cn (n (n m 3 0 D fJ lJ c� C O C O C NCD 7 U 0 M 'O► 9 CD CD CD O U) fn ty c c c O d 00 v 3 v N O � � D 3 (D 0 CD n (D 3 a O J3 a O C m N � M c� M c CL a Sample d Type Composite G) G) G) or m Grab CL s Container (P or G) d v a c Chlorine iv mg/L v H sI = ---I LAB ID NUMBER X X NONE a HCL H2SO4 m cn =r 3 m X I HNO3 C �. NAOH <D "�, O CL S THIO z 00 • OTHER N o � o 0q $ O 01 O y (� O O (� O O � O N 2 Q D o D Q D D "» In cnto cn En D -D _D O C O w m 0 m 0 0 N o o W o cn m o W.D �. M Z Z Z m 3 0 0 0 0 0�'i 0 m m v m m m m C) Wv n m n w ( c w S cn ty a_ �D CL C a 0 vc r IT!z N M r m ic m z --I rn 0 O C ic O m O < o -4 O 0 I• O z d 3 n O c h m = o y Z Z r- m O X O M n -i z m z a v m N z n 0 0 O W O V cn m M X m O X z O 0 N C m zZ 0 v / m \ z �TT v N O id m ; Z 0mg ;u m O Z =! Z D z Z as D A ` D ° rr Z N 0 O N 2 00rn cn ; q --i ♦♦��A 0 Z!V+ n J "< =! i O /A z \/� 4t V V� V Z N to n Orn m O n N m CL o 3. w � N y O � N C N < W -n 3 X m 0 o Wz (Do N N A A N O A N Weekly Chromium TCLP Laboratory Analytical Reports Analysis Date: 1 ` 'ems' Method 1311 Page 91 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page _ TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name L, �yylt";! �,( 11'l• i'��-' ] E' t L 1r,(7 iI''3�r�i' �t. �..:'i.w, �' L�`l. Ij�.Jtf.� Iii. :t.. Initial Sample Volume (m1)- r Initial Sample Weight (grams) !}{ % 4`: �.:{ i C ! ` Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) �.� ` ;ti . L i� • l t�C Liquid Weight grams) �[ Solid Volume 1. ' ; :4 Solid Weight i "> ` - -L\ Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) �( ]� l,✓ ](� ,a t' Weight of Solids Used (grams) I Theoretical Extract *B ZN /,._ (-j 7 C# Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount#2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer ;' t'� 4� ' j t r " ? (' ? ' 1 "l, { Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer �! , , C L Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) 3 �` - : r ( f ; ti *8 Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Standardization i `t_ i.LL ; i -Ii '- f g = i 4.00 Bu#er Li /1-C' C 50 g = �� 7.00 Buffer" '100 g = 1 t 10.00 Bufferii.�, Efficiencyc-D 4 Slope L 7.00 Buffer after sample pH Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery ~' Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH` Final pH�-- Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by Date4of Completion Continued on page Reviewed by Date knalysis Date: ( / I / Method 1311 Page 92 of 100 dotebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ate and Sample Name ZO itial Sample Volume (m1) n[7neD itial Sample Weight (grams) [Q 52 ang-Up in Graduate (grams) d b • A .45 orrected Sample Volume (m1) orrected Sample Weight (grams)rj quid Volume Extract "A" (m1) �� CjX) (B . quid Weight grams) i olid Volume 5-9 olid Weight olid Density ` < 5- oiids on filter (grams) ITS /eight of Solids Used (grams) b �, ,14 heoretical Extract *B LQ�J, otal Volume Calculated (*A+*B) I of AD Z' alculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) A92N, I ate & Time On Rotating Mixer 11 IV b l7 111317()l j a ate & Time Off Rotating Mixer l-T tru0 nal pH 1< 4 t Concentration (mg1L) p, [).p . C)t) Z-U'4 G 3 Concentration (mg/L) V- p D Lb . 6110 L- Q eported mg/L Total Chrome p bLk0 , KO Ktraction Pressure (psi) 5 O Balance Standardization pH Stand rdization D 1 g Co 4.00 Buffer q ud 50 g = ��Off 7.00 Buffer—)- Lo Co 100 g 10.00 Buffer�6•uo l' u bD Efficiency /C01 I WIZ Z Slope 69. Z7- (r'o•46 7.00 Buffer after sample p14-7• 01 -7' 01 Sample Relative % Differences % Spike Recovery I Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH 16,4 c) Final pH 1 I lathematical .forrmula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Voi. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome :alcu cations: Continued on page, bat AofcoReviewed by Date Analysis Date: I /�� �� Method 1311 Page 93 of 100 Notebook No, 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample lVamc .-11 V I- I f,, , _,-;, I-) _ � r Initial Sample Volume (m1) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (mf) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*94-*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date &Time On Rotating Mixer Date &Time Off Rotating Mixer Finai pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) -1� ZD �c- U�' (_'l-b T o 7 E t b CD .(Q`6 1S. 1 Q L7� • UD b Il-j ��fl✓ (fib 1q i� 119 Trp } (D fib. 04t) "U EAU r�-D Balance Standardization pH Stgd� iz��atig g rY�. ' 4.00 Buffer 50 g = )) 7.00 Buffer- W 100 g = It✓i�. 10.00 Buffe Efficiency I n - I bz Slope 6PO f ., 7.00 Buffer after sample pH- -0 l . 2U Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: U Sample Relative % Difference~ % Spike Recovery2 , Lab Relative % Difference-- , r 7 Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH� Final pH (--c, j(Voi. A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. 'A' + Vol, 'B' theo.) = rng/L Total Chrome Calculations: y Sign]Kby Date t' Col74k}ietion Continued on page Reviewed by Date lysis Dater/-2A 1—lu Method 1311 Page 94 of 100 book No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) and Sample Name t7i C ( tC C-• + , I Sample Volume (ml) Sample Weight (grams) 5el 'f1(j 3 Sq 1-Up in Graduate (grams) 5 -b. t - acted Sample Volume (ml) -/,C 1 a 1�elA Q acted Sample Weight (grams) d , f f- W _Q d Volume Extract "A" (ml) o ) 4AQcc) Lb . ] JWeight grams) C�. •eflI Volum e jq 11 V-_. Weight kD i:-�3- Z Density t i I? s on filter (grams). Wq ht of Solids Used (grams) retical Extract *BL Volume Calculated (*A+*B) elated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) & Time On Rotating Mixer ! 1, 42 (2 �.. 420 & Time Off Rotating Mixer JX 030 `'] ,16 7,'730 0 035 pH mcentration (mg/L) Z C. tz-40 l L . r4 u D )ncentration (mg/L) L ' tom! 0 2-L) • pZ} 0 CA , zj (D ,rted mg/L Total Chrome 10 - C)q U Gp • C,40 C4 Q z , A 0 ction Pressure (psi) 0 tJ O U .lance Standa�.dization pH Stand retiz�ti�� 1 g = "(.j 4.00 Buffjer 50 g - • � 7.00 Buffer -7- (D -7' W 00 g = UU T, 10.00 Buffers 0-1c I D. ED Efficiencyla-4 16?>• Slope (p(�.�P' 7.00 Buffer after sample pH�' ) . Sample Relative % Difference .�---- % Spike Recovery_ Lab Relative % Difference -� _ Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH , ( f 8 0 _ Final pH iematical formula for Combined Extracts: 'ol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]I(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo_) = mg/L Total Chrome ulations: 1d - � SigneDate' of Completion Continued on page Reviewed by Date � ! J CID Method 1311 Page 9: Analysis Date: Continued from page Notebook No. 109 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ]ate and Sample Name nitial Sample Volume (mil Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (MI) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg1L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pr be nuarUJZdLw1e 1 g = � 4.00 BWTOD 50 g = Go .00 7.00 Buffers D 10.00 Buffers c i� `tom Efficiency�V�J��-1t� Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-) _O l Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference" Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference d [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Continued on page Analysis Date:?- 1 to I-91P Notebook No, 109 Method 1311 Page 96 of 100 Continued from TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING page PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name -rco&,"R O J17-�°i 2p 2 p Enitial Sample Volume (ml) {��5 ZQ Initial Sample Weight (grams) 2 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) . ZS Corrected Sample Volume (mi) �� Corrected Sample Weight (grams} 3 ! Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) i � Liquid Weight grams) a Solid Volume ' Solid Weight Z r Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Z Weight of Solids Used (grams) ' Theoretical Extract *B Zo ` p Total Volume Calculated ('A+*B) UC t Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (MI) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer rb D1 o ZO 0 4 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer b fib' Final pH *A . 2 Concentration (mg/L) *B D CA D 0Au li Concentration (mg/L)., b• �'D Reported mg/L Total Chrome b 0 Lb 64 k x; Extraction Pressure (psi) D o ,. Balance Standardization pH S nda dizatio 1 g W i (DO4.00 B uffe ? C3 50 g 7.00 Buffer_ 7 P 100 g = _ DE)a 10.00 BufferWt0 /t.0 Efficiency • I l 1�. Z Slope lei• � &1 - UP 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-7- 0D 7. DD Sample Relative % Difference CC rL % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid phase Composite Grab Initial pH S {bi O'9 Z Final V I a- Mathematica! formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol, 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo,) x (Cone. 'B,)]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signe Datelof Co pletion Continued on page Reviewed by Date ;- . Analysis Date: G- /' 1 ` Method 1311 Page 97 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name — Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) ca w-; L,)(; Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) r r, Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) Liquid Weight grams) ire Solid Volume -- ,-f ^L 1 Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams). Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretics! Extract *B � '-) �1- r4 ; :,�• --• �' Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) ���� • f t.:�"��.,.�J, �- - Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 1 Date &Time Off Rotating Mixer '?,(l.!- '�' �:.3j t'C [E� C Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L , '_ i f, *B Concentration (mg/L) I i �1 C, / f 1� L L [A Reported mglL Total Chrome `.-; _ . t :'),-- ,; i - � ,. , ,•.t: ,. `: _ � � �:] t� Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Standardization _ Sample 1 g = ' �f 4.00 Buffer Gl Relative %Difference 50 9 = "{ 7.00 Buffer "- %Spike Recovery r >. 100 9 = i -- `{' 10.00 Buffer,'v . t C - Lab Relative % Difference •j Efficiency' "i� t. :� Solid Phase Slope = ` L. '� Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample to ' Y Initial pH r Final pH ?:`' C F-i Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. `B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]I(Vol. 'A' + Vol. `B' theo.) = mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: j Signed by �- Dato,'of Corn0letiorn Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: , i I'l - ` ` Method 1311 Page 98 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name ' Initial Sample Volume (m1) C.-C Initial Sample Weight (grams) ? � ). '7 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (m1) q- : C Corrected Sample Weight (grams} ^ (,, Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m1) � si. l_ 7 i LC Liquid Weight grams} f� �,�•; Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams)� SL -. Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*Af*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml),w Date & Time On Rotating Mixer J —x/ .:'(�. '/ �( '< ;;;c1':> • fi€((� '� r f ,jl. r Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH I ;, *A Concentration (mg/L) G , 04 *B Concentration (mg/L) CA u 0 . Reported mg/L Total Chrome Zx 0 Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Standardization 1 g = ? �- 4.00 Buffer `-' --k- LSLt 50 g = � I_t 7.00 Buffer i 1 100 g -- 1 r,J « 10.00 Buffer; � .0 Efficiency,tip Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH .' u i Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery I C7� • C, Lab Relative % Difference Z). Sb Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH�' �} 3 Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: 5 2 z5 Signed by Date f Com letion Continued on page Reviewed by Date IN alysis Date: a I a-�I P"D Method 1311 Page 99 of I60 tebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) r 5 ana Z:iampie Namej t� Ulric t ' Z� Z ' ZD of Sample Volume (ml) d Sample Weight (grams) f (�• % Cj ]� g-Up in Graduate (grams) 'ected Sample Volume (MI) 'ected Sample Weight (grams) id Volume Extract "A" (MI) C f O , id Weight grams) Z� ' I Density Is on filter (grams) iht of Solids Used (grams) IRO 2 ire#ical Extrac# *8 � �� I Volume Calculated (*A+*B) .dated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) & Time On Rotating Mixer CO-) 0 & Time Off Rotating Mixer 3 ' b 3 2 {� pH 3ncentration (mg/L) 6, D4 p b 4o - 6, C40 )ncentration (mglL) /_I) , o4 0 ZD . Tted mg/L Total Chrome L_p , 040 z-6 D. 04 0 1 0-0 ction Pressure (psi) � � � � � lance Standardization pH �55�)and r iza ' g = r s ^� 01) 4.00 Buffe�I� N'o 7.00 Buffer-L. 60 7-CD )0 g = 10.00 Bufferum lb.B EfficiencyS -s- q Slope 57 F 5(a- 7q 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-7- y -7- 01 ematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery lL� , Lab Relative % Difference I - R 1 Solid Phase rcomposite Grab Initial pH FS 4S `j-/ Final pH 7 %) % vs )l. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. 'A' } Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome nations: Signed byU U Date df C plet€on Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: 1 it) I Z10 Notebook No. 109 TOXICITY CF Date and Sample Name initial Sample Volume {o Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -alp in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids lased (grams) Theoretical Extract *8 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome ,Extraction Pressure (psi) Method 1311 Page 100 of 10 Continued from page ERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) 71 0 Balance Standardization pH SY- nd Va OT 1 g = 4.00 Suffer&? 50 g = 7.00 Butler (T- 7. M 1009 = 10.00 Buffer-i Efficiency Slope W� I 7.00 Buffer after sample pH - --j - 0 1 4 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: b Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Z02 Lab Relative % Difference C) Solid Phase Com oste Grab Initial pH g ,�CIN Final pH [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Dab20 pion Continued on page Reviewed by Date 0 Analysis Date:/ + (10 / Method 1311 Notebook No. 109 page 1 of 104 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name ..t4 I , I i _ Initial' Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Ha7EIe Graduate (grams) Coample Volume (ml) Comple Weight (grams) Liqe Extract "A" (ml) Liqt grams)SolSol Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Cafcufatad (%A+-B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Notating KIixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L 'Total Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH St da tzati 4.00 Bu er 3 �r 50 g = �5b • 7.00 Buf#er� "7- i00 g = 10.00 Buffei0 laub Efficfency'�(,,•(e Cj�.2. Slope c� � 1 7.00 Buffer after sample pH':-0I --1, 0 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: 3 Sample Relative % D€fference % Spike Recovery . S7 8 Lab Relative % Difference 6). S Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH( [(Vol.'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B'))'(Vof. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations. Continued on page Signed by uate`of Co pletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: � // Z Notebook No. l®g � Method 1371 C Page 2 of 100 T®X1CITY CHARACTERISTIC LEOnLinued from pap, ACHING Pge ROCEDURE T Date and Sample )Name (CLP� icy - initial Sample Volume ) 2 -ZZ"Z� Z3 Zc� Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang-Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml b, Corrected Sam le Weight ) p 9 (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m)) Liquid Weight grams) a1. Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of solids Used (grams)(141 - Theoretical Extract *B �11 1-7 / a7 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*E3 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid Date ml) &Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer b 3 ZO Final pH � � �i� 6� {� D b%� *A Concentration O ' *B Concentration (mg/L)� U Reported mg/L Total Chrome -CA ' ..D ' U LU_ Q� U Extraction Pressure (psi) _ )------------- Balance Standardization }� pH jjtan�Zrdiza�t�Zr�.12� Sample 1 g^ ��- 4.OQ B f 2 U y 50 g = 66, (1) - Relative % Difference ---�. 7.OQ Buffer �-� r'-],� ----�� 100 g = --- % Spike Recovery _-- 10.00 Buffel)LE 10,C0 �-- 7 Lab Relative %DifferenceD Efficiency co. Solid Phase Slope51. 1 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-7- 01 ') 00 Composite Grab Initial pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Final pH (p. ](-3) [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] Calculations: l(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo,) = mg/L Total Chrome 14_� 4 Signed by Date f co p tion 1. Reviewed by Continued on page_. Date Analysis Date: J I Method 1311 Page 3 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 1?3 - �9Zb _` €hP�3 3 ZP Initial Sample Volume (m1) C�7 �p O Initial Sample Weight (grams) t 0`1, b Fang -Up in Graduate (grams) Ip Corrected Sample Volume (ml) c) (D 8 , Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) (D D Liquid Weight grams) 01 `3 Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density 1-9-7 Solids on filter (grams) jc5.4 , Z Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B D Z� Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (m)) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer rJ l74brD b Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH3 C 2- *A Concentration (mg/L) _�~ �� D� C) }� *B Concentration (mg/L) L-C7 • b41-G, Z u L�j- O Reported mg/L Total Chrome L .L _ i;�]U G [�- ; z , (J Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH,51 ffl arsliza�i I Za 1 9 = I pb 4.00 Bof€flea LLffiJ� ��55 509 = Sb co 7.00 Buffer�T 100 g = 1-•--0= 10.00 Buffer)O- Efficiency 1�3.,q� Slope I� 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �• ��-�� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference J?• (G-1 Solid Phase Composite c Grab Initial pH u Vj J 2, Final pH L 2 [(Vol. `A') x (Cone. `A') + (Val. 'B' theo.) x (Cone. 'B')]/(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) ' mg/L Total Chrome Calculations, . Continued on page, Signed by,� Datd of Conipletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: I / �-_ / 2c' Method 1311 Notebook No. 109 Conued f�orn page Page 4 of 100 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE TC Date and Sample Blame D I _ - � L �� Initial Sample Volume (mf) Initiaf Sample Weight (grams) G, Hang-up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) r Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weigh# Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams} ' Theoretical Extract *B r]� Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date &Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH -,A Concentration (mg/L) B Concentration (mg/L) id7 , Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) L-- I Z.0 5 ►-� lu G` 2u "1 . Q • b ,�l C- D �c�, UZ'I Balance Standardization 1 9 - ')G' pH S��ndardiza#io 50 -` 9 4.00 Buffe�1��� 7.00 Buffer-7.LU ] CO, 100 g W (, � 10.00 Buffer EtP D,t" 2 Efficiency ` bL:7 lL-n.� Slopet.%� 7.00 Buffer after sample pHj•n(��]{�, Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase�� Composite Grab Initial pH l a� ; ^ Final pH 2- [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Cone. 'B')I/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo,) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by ( �� Date dF Ca pletion Continued on page__.. Re0e,ved by (p v \ fD C) ( o p O Cn ° C (A p 0 CDCD (� ID C C m U� ` . 6 m�o X( D -n o v p per) p Q) -i O: —I :E O w O CA d 0 0 0 0 S] -0 0 0 n= 0 W E 5 0 Ww Cu �? O �== n C7 (D 90 (U Sp n v C O m (n Q. 0 C L 0*< 0- C a a 0 0 [O C fU Cl) N Cn CD 0' CD _-� 7 3 3 C].. o m o �ry cn CO ° rn o (. ¢ a :3 v a Cl) co r-= m CD o O > m m X o a rn m 3 ro Co w 3 G) m rn �' �o -i o == 7t ° � m m X - -0 Co -° m a m m C p rn CD v 0 w Q o 0, m mon 'n C CD a D -3 iD p CD X CD X M D co co _ o CD "'+ cfl (Q i— CO r W fA ill to (A i� > Tj M�L � 1 O� O�n'Wc t �C7 G o it J o � Cll o o ch m D N o � ---I O �_ n o IN 2 C7 D 4 9 m h {n a. n w r mQ n j. 2 = s� Z� 0 Fa O >041 m 0 0 �-n 0 CD 4 Analysis Date/2 0 1 Method 1 31 1 Page 6 of 100 Notebook No. 09 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCL.P) Date and Sample Name initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (m1) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams, Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount##2 Fluid (mI) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date &Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (m91L) Reported mg/L Iota{ Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) 4, 1012 roc .b? 21 � r7 'Mm�_ w s,. Balance Standardization pH Sadr�_izafi 1 g f l�D 4.00 Buffer. CC' - 7.00 Buffer-7--co 50 g �Lo 10.00 Buffe}Q g 100 g Efficiency Cam- l0 Slope ! h--. 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �' bi I. W-� Sample Relative % Difference Spike Recovery i Lab Relative % Differences Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH ,� S Mathematical: formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Coat. 'B')jl(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'S' theo.) - mglL Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by Date of C pletion Continued on page_. Reviewed by Date X� �! 0= o o o o SZ Q o o 0) , r. 1 00 o n C� �? m m o o CQ O C) - rt a 0 rD , 0� <C a m a CD Q n n 0 cD p3o �ao (DD a cn cc cn CD 3 3 a m c = cn ca cn' U7 cn n u u n co w cD cv D m m o cD L rt (D 0 w G) m cD 3 (D T oo3 6-�, o' o' C O 0 N cn X 6 CL o O_ m _ n C r. cD N C Co— c Z -e C1 4 J t _ Al w ID C o r (p r (p N cn c r7 y a. D 3 Qi IN.. O (fa cc _ _ C � r to to W {D _ � _ p} ill Q w m - A o CDfp 5 c n o o o is IT! m c c � V CD m CL o CL 4 P A?5 ET C:7 r o x 0 a -0 cr 0 CD CD ado too °TT Y CD 0 1 V N n 3 C1 C_ ID co U� V o D CD N CD cr 1< o W o � o o � oo� 56 �� l� 2 \J C) l � O n. 2 Z o 70 a O m 0' m r.. ca u CD 0 0 a R Analysis Date: - ) I ` I �Method 1311 Page 3 0 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING ,PROCEDURE (TCLPi, Date and Sample Name 77C77,lean L I<� '-� or�? - CD �a Initial Sample Volume (m1) f L Initial Sample Weight (gram stb; G _ _ j �� Z ' Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) d5 V4 L b, Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) ZI Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml)- Liquid Weight grams) Cj b L Solid Volume Solid Weight -� Solid Density J Solids on filter (grams} Weight of Solids Used (grams)4. Theoretical Extract *B —? ' Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B)V V C Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) j i✓ C� L ��, Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer O me, j p S t(xy Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) O Zo, 64 0 Z0, C q- *B Concentration (mg/L) c) �a . C _ 0 16, A- D 46 Reported mgIL Total Chrome Zp: 040 Z& _ CkU Z& d,q , 04 Extraction Pressure (psi) [� Balance Standardization 1g=_-0b 50g =�' 100 g = 0A) pH 4.00 Butrerj7&- 7.00 Buffers,( CD 10.00 Buffef u to IO V Efficiency t q-- 2 Slope q� 1. I"? Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Zbl Lab Relative % Difference 6- 7.00 Buffer after sample pHj JEt) 01 Initial pH Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Solid Phase Composite Grab l .' ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Val. `B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol, 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: K Sigr3ed�i Datb of Cofnpletion Continued on page Reviewed by ualF Analysis Date: I 1 +1 Method 1311 Page 9 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP). Date and Sample Name -12ZL) -1 C) t Zo Initial Sample Volume (ml) 1 C[] c7 Initial Sample Weight (grams) 111.4 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) V Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) (] Liquid Weight grams) - Solid Volume CD . Solid Weight `] . Solid Density 7u Solids on filter (grams) -U Weight of Solids Used (grams , e �2 j-'Z ' .� Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer b 1113 26 11 0 0 A Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer C7, p CCj C, I` Final pH *A Concentration (mglL) C 4u, _D Zi Q *B Concentration (mglL) GD • ' . 4-0. Reported mglL Total Chrome (), p 0 /—_ 04 L-{] Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization ii 1 = l pH Sta ar zation �( � 4.00 Buffer-[, g 50 g = 7.00 BufferILU -7- W 100 g = 10.00 Buffedoco lu'z� Efficiency SlopeZ�� 7.00 Buffer after sample pH'I- D1 -700 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference "yam % Spike Recovery I Uco Lab Relative % Difference, Solid Phase {Composite Grab Initial pH 1 'L� 3- 2� Final pH L�3c> (P. S� [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] f (Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mglL Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by Dat of Co pletion Continued on page, Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: 5 /)y /D Method 1311 Page 10 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued fxom page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 5 11-t'2 2n9�J, -l't ?AInitial � Sample Volume (m1) / pp0C C� Initial Sample Weight (grams) , 0 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) f • p z Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Cam, Corrected Sample Weight (grams)! Liquid Volume Extract "A" Liquid Weight grams) .� . Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density y, Solids on filter (grams Q `lj Weight of Solids Used (gra 1j�l . Cp Theoretical Extract *B p Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) O Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 5 j 30 17D 1330 -5 70 1?D Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 0-1- t a0 Final pH (,�j . 3 r . *A Concentration (mg/L) D , D (' 0 *B Concentration (mglL) Reported mg1L Total Chrome 04 Q Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Sta dlhlgti n ICA-4 � 1 g = P- () 4.00 Buffer ,f • m 50 g = x�0 . � 7.00 Buffer 7.0t 100 g = 10A 10.00 Buffer)9•to Efficiency Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference 3 Solid Phase SlopeL. I i L9 Composite 7.00 Buffer after sample pHW_ -TO Initial pH �• 221 Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Grab 4 e•19 [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) - mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page Signed y Date f Com letion Reviewed by Date � r - Analysis Date: ✓ 1 / so Method 1311 Page 11 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) .tom n ►_ Date and Sample Naha 6A ^NP r-71 .20 V Initial Sample Volume (ml) t Initial Sample Weight (grams) b?— ) 1b• 2D.4 Nang -Up in Graduate (grams) 5 . Z ,C) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) ,C� L .� Corrected Sample Weight (grams) �2- dcq.4 f Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) PIT. 0 , b Liquid Weight grams) Cam. Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density 2 Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B pr' Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) r b Date & Time On Rotating Mixer lie�� ` I Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer O O -151 qDCWa Final pH 'Z -top XjAA1 *A Concentration (mg/L) l77 67 p *B Concentration (mg/L) D b p D Reported mg/L Total Chrome 4p . 0 d Extraction Pressure (psi) D Balance Standardization pH Sta daA76tlon Sample 1 g = 4.00 Buffer_ C Relative % Difference `"---� I3y 50 g = �' - 7.00 13uffer'�f7 � /Q Spike Recovery 100 g = I Ob. 10.00 Buffe40•10(:) l U--00 Lab Relative % Difference -- Efficiency > 1073 solid Phase Slope too, 6W SZ, 42. Campo ite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �7• C)D Initial PH -- Final pHV 1 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed byU Dat of Co letion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date:. t�� l�-I c7 0 Method 1311 Page 12 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 1 C L, 1 �m u �;1 fCt to Initial Sample Volume (ml){� Initial Sample Weight (grams • ,�, 1,a", r Hang -Up in Graduate (grams)P- Corrected Sample Volume (m1) , Corrected Sample Weight (grams) a a 9 Liquid Volume Extract"A" (ml) CWmL 0 -1 Liquid Weight grams) 17�Q ► -7 j 6' Slid Volume Ct. `d Solid Weight Solid Density i-2> Solids on filter (grams) " �r Weight of Solids Used (grams) �, t 931 Theoretical Extract *B V -1 -1 ?, Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) o "A-) Calculated Amount ##2 Fluid (ml) (0 \`) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 1(oki,91 [aI 'i°aU l 6,140 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer ,� �-�,� (��, C5718c"v Final pH .. Sy *A Concentration (mg/L) _ ., i ID �I *B Concentration (mg/L) 0t1 . Reported mg/L Total Chrome 041 Extraction Pressure (psi) 10- Balance Standardization ply St�nd rdizat3a�n Sample 1 g = k , L 4.00 Buffer '"i % 00 Relative % Difference //__ = 50 g = -B 7.00 Buffer 7 '�. % Spike Recovery cp 100 g =OrJr1 ci 10.00 Buffer L� i �i Lab Relative % Difference �^ Efficiency , Solid Phase Slope(g�Ci j_,a Composite Grab 9.1 7.00 Suffer after sample pH�tC0 Initial pH-1 G Final pH �T� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. `B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: /(Q-77Ce) O�- I (D) (2 Signed by { Date &f C mpletion Continued on page. Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: !�e 1 1 Method 1311 NotebookNo. � d9 Continued from page Page 13 of 1(30 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample dame C-0 st Initial Sample Volume (ml) M1 Initial SarrJple Weight (grams) 0-7 . Q 11 in Graduate (grams Hang-U'p corrected'Sample Volume (MI) , �v•� , � Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract A" (MI) Liquid Weight grams} �� a� 0J Solid Volume Solid Weight � °� � Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) a1� J'c� F Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B -1 V Total Volume Calculated (*A+*Bf,�� 9� 1� Calculated.Amount ##2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 0.0 �'•I � a����`''� -71 c Final pH (mg/Q I b• *A Concentration , pc C *B Concentration (mg1L) Reported mg/L Total ChromekoL'M rJD Extraction Pressure (psi) 5 c\-.p- Balance Standardization pH Standardization Sample 4.00 Buffer qii Relative %Difference ' r 1 g = s� �' "1 C 7.00 Buffer -7' ,00 % Spike Recovery 50 9 = �--_ 100 g 10.00 Buffer � � Lab Relative %Difference D�— Efficiency R��S Solid Phase Slope ` 1 Composite Grrab�-7 � 7.00 Buffer after sample pH'1.QJ 1 `00 Initial pH u-=' — �=_�- Final pH ( --(00 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: = mg/ Total Chrome ((Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (VOI. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')}/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. B theo.) Calculations: Continued on page_. �� Reviewed by Da at Signed y Date of Completion Analysis Date:I I5I La✓ Method 1311 Page 14 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued frnrn page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang- pin Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m1) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (* +*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B. Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg1L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) 0 _ C Jam. JCS zo . c �v Balance Standardization pH St8gj_? atig��rgZC) i0 1 g = I • 4.00 Buff``errA-W— � 50 9 J�--�Q -� 7.00 Buffer�� �-� loo g CO 10.00 Buffer] b� b <o Efficiency L- .1 !W- 2' Slope Cj'- ZZ- �-Ctti24 7.00 Buffer after sample pH,100 . OD Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: M Ulm, M� Sample Relative % Difference"--- % Spike Recovery—Lb1. —2 Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab 7� Initial pH ,At Final pH v 3 ( j [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed �� Qat+:4ion Continued on page Reviewed by ACLU Analysis Date:-LaZ20 Method 1311 Page 15 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (mi) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Nang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume { I Corrected Sample Weight (gram Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m1) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams, Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated {*A+B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Cate & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg1L) sported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization Qf pH 19 Lgf2� ;L- C. Kai 1 g = U:)S 4.00 Buffer �•�� � 50 g = 7.00 Buffer 100 g = 10.00 BUffer�_Or�7 ,00 Y.60, `3� C �i S, Efficiency l 'L L V avD 00 1 Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Slope 6� ( 0 �i Composite Grab �� Initial pH �? _ e' 2 7.00 Buffer after sample pN �^� Final pH �• � � _ � �0 '� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: �� I [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A')-+ (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. B')]'(Vol. A' +Val. `B' theo.) = mg1L Total�Zj)� rr P, ,IT � Calculations: !j CiCV (0-r—q, LC, n Reviewed by J 1 Analysis Dater / 2 12� Method 1311 Page 16 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name -'FCL Initial Sample Volume (ml) j 3 Initial Sample Weight (grams) ,(� j j 1 a5,a Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) 9 Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 1 1-75 Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) 7K50 77 -A, 0 Liquid Weight grams) 7 �. Solid Volume aa a \19 04A Solid Weight � Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) , Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) 9015 -0 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 71 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer � :�- . 605 3b o I - 30,6 l Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer '-TK-FZD 0110 JAIV n6Q llnaj�RW Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) 5 Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) PV Balance Standardization pH Stand�a ,dK 1 g = 1-0 _ 4.001 uffer �- 50 g = 56 % 7.00 Buffer-1-CO 100 g = Mo 10.00 Buffer l 1-03 � Efficiency m,:] Slope 9&%S—D 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-j-0D Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery) (_1f�. C) Lab Relative % Difference . a: Solid Phase Composite Grab! Initial pH �-J� Al Final pH 0� (0, Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Z45Z& ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] Vol. 'A' + Val. 'B' theo. = mg/L Total Chr me 1,0 Calculations: --rc `'� ' ���-� ©. �� � d� > �2 b•tN� I�z2(2S' V CA-P uv-� ((j00-,7b):- 6,414'745S69 Signed by U Dati of C mpietion Continued on page Reviewed by [late Analysis Date: —11 (0- 12,0 Method 1311 Page 17 of too Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name l-- 7 "6r-5�9 Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) j pa. - . D Hang -Up in Graduate (grams)j. Corrected Sample Volume (ml) a9. Corrected Sample Weight (grams) D� - "�] ] ��. _0 Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) ci 1 •0 Liquid Weight grams) b. o� Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density r a• a Solids on filter (grams) i Weight of Solids Used (grams) . Theoretical Extract *B - 2 Total Volume Calculated ('A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) C) LA 2 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer a 1 Date & Time .Off Rotating Mixer D bQ19 Final pH - aj - . 7 *A Concentration (mglL) L� i;] t� D *B Concentration (mglL) Z- D , ' LD. ©.04 d Reported mg1L Total Chrome ILD. 040 Z-D _ O 0 LD - d- 64 Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Standardization g__ `7�2�'11?� 06 4.00 Buffer 00 g = 7.00 Buffer .00 - 100 g = 10.00 Bufferjb.60 rQ-- Efficiencyt_Q��Z Slope 59•35 7,00 Buffer after sample pH -]�_ Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery 3 S Lab Relative % Difference i- bal Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH (6 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')j'(Vol 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) mglL Total Chrome Calculations: i Continued on page Signe Date of C mpletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: �I �l Method 1311 Page 18 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name C- I Zb � C� z Zb - 7 Z u Initial Sample Volume (MI) b�:) Initial Sample Weight (grams) b Hang -Up in Graduate (grams), Corrected Sample Volume (ml) 40 S� +� Corrected Sample Weight (grams), Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) �_ Qb 3 CYD Liquid Weight grams) - (P IJ, Solid Volume Z Z Solid Weight 00 �C Solid Density 2,1 .4-0 Solids on filter (grams) ,M I 3 b S� Weight of Solids Used (grams) 0 ,Z.(01 C) Theoretical Extract *B -2-70 GO loln Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) 1.244, : (rll Calculated Amount ##2 Fluid (ml) Z. - 013 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer `7 ' —7`2D 17KI-7 3 - Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer b 0 Final pH --2 _ S ` j *A Concentration *BConcentration (mg/L)CAe Lj G0. rAo Reported mg/L Total Chrome ZD L-0. 04�0 Z-b r Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH an �dizat?j)q)Z,0 ? ff Sample 1 g = 1 • 4A0 Buffer . �_ Relative % Difference 50 g = 7.00 Buffer] • � �}. % Spike Recoveryr 100 g = /-M 10.00 Buffer 7b-OD Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency 3 Ito] Solid Phase Slope f.F;, Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH� �1 �•W 7, Initial pH ?. �b J Final pH �D� (0,-Z, 6 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page, Signe b Date Com'fetion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date. / o Z Method'83'i'l Continued a0m page Notebook No. 09 Page 19 of too TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE Date and Sample Name •� , , (TCLP} lnitial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight! (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *e Total Volume Calculated (*A+*ET) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date &Time On Rotating Mixer Date &Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) 0 Balance Standardization 7 g W PH � a �iiza 4.00 Buffer "� 50 g 100 7.00 Buffer�.� 10.00 Buffer)(). � 70 Efficiency ✓�j VLSI l Slope G a 1p 7.00 Buffer after sample pH I01 —7 L Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: M CD Sample Relative % Difference �"—'�---- % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Differences Solid Phase~ Composite Grab Initial pH—?2 Final pH [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `q') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. `B')j /(Vol. `A' +Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: t S 9 2� .Signed by Oat of co ptetion Continued on page_. Reviewed by ~` � F Analysis Date: L , ze Method 1311 Notebook No. 109 Page 20 of 100 Continued from pale T®XICiTY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name rC.C�'t�' (Rot ; , 15� .•.,,+" r..,_-•, ,_. . __ �.� �/Xt.'-0 I '--7i� tom, v� Initial Sample Volume (m1) Initial Sample Weight (grams) HangKp in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*Bp Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (m9/L) -tJ Concentration (m9/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) V.. - v �.L Lehi- ill Balance Standardization 1 C' PH Sta d d"zati �I g = 4.00 Bufferz� • Llo 50 g = 7.00 Buffers' ~� 100 g = f-f `�' I Q.00 Buffe� EV j a Efficiency/cu Cn. "j Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH'7.. Lj Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: G'. D I io (AC I / U, CG C'4� Lis. L.- ( �' Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery --1 g Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase composite Grab_ Initial pH L .' Finaf pH Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc, 'B')j '(Vof. 'A' + Vol. `B' theo,) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: f c Continued on page Signe y Date o—� f Coknpletion Reviewed by Date U Page 31 of E04 Analysis Date:-�`'1'-/ I�L Method 1311 NotebooL No. 109 Continued from pace TOXICITY CHARArTEMSTiC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) _ 4t f> Date and Sample Name L -` ` "t C cC •" i� L Initial Sample Volume (m]) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Fang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (m]) 99 1 Corrected Sample Weight (grams) l} Liquid Volume Extract "A" (mLj CCU Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density , `Z GC) I Solids on filter (grams) �, U ' Weight of Solids Used (grams) � �' � � • 4 Theoretical Extract *B ,� "j '� �, I U0C—' Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) ZIr Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Cyr �'� f L ', ti 71 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer V' �1��Ce }• �; f Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 6 `LQa1411D.OTO Final pH ty - *A Concentration (mg/L) ©. 0 40 Ga,CAC) *B Concentration (mg/L) 4u co .0�: Reported mg/L Total Chrome O L b . d 0- Extraction Pressure (psi) �1 - G Balance Standardization pH $ta it t. izatioon� 1 g �-'� 4.00 Buffer 33 50� 9 = 7.00 Buffer �' �,UD 100 g = / o to 10.00 Buffe1 '1DD Efficiencp to) 97 Slope 7,00 Buffer after sample pig..t�� �- Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery L 9.0 Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase omposite Grab Initial pH Final pH [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Cont—'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) ` mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: lk- r W-)Mc) Sign d y Date f o pletion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: 6 I #c I7u Method 1311 Page ?? of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name U_JInitial Sample Volume (ml)Initial E,21� Sample Weight (grams)Hang-Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (m1)G Corrected Sample Weight (grams) D _ Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) 0 Solid Volume Solid Weight �. Solid Density _ 0 Solids on filter (grams) , -0 i Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B `2 10 1 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer } Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) - *B Concentration (rn— V . Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) i jj Balance Standardization �. pH S,M� ar at"on `�C� Em 1i11 0 1 g = 4.00 Buffers}'" 50 g 7.00 Buffer 5 =� 100 g = ]t 10.00 BufferJp i Efficiency co• q Slope •ZZ �.jf �E� 7,00 Buffer after sample pH -- Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference "7 Solid Phase amposite Grab Initial pH as) Final pH le, /70-^ (0,0 [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) ' mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page. Signed by Da of ompi Lion Reviewed by Date I 0 I Analysis Date / I 2'�) Method 1311 Page 23 of too Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHIWR®CE®URE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name LAD 610,V)\L -n Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (m1) CI Corrected Sample Weight (grams) _ Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) (� Liquid Weight grams) b. Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 1 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) L v Reported mg/L Total Chrome Lzt Extraction Pressure (psi) IL Balance Stan ddizatian pHlan�rdia ' r Sample _ `Lr'(�") 4.00 Buufffef r� lW, o � Relative /° Difference 50 g =�u�' 7.00 Buffer- O�) %Spike Recovery 1 00 g = 1L�) �•'�J 10.00 Buffe��rrkt �� Lab Relative % Difference Efficienc:i519' C7 1 Q.2,t Solid Phase Slope • 19os Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH0 -7 - (A Initial pH &�j-9. ice` Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Final pH -7 —7, 33 [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: z� 7 Signed b Date V Com Ietion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: R , ?-A ZO Method 1311 Page 24 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCL.P) Date and Sample Name rn-Z3 Sl bk Initial Sample Volume (ml) initial Sample Weight (grams) e) Z Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) --7 1 3 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) •) I C(D• Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) C) _ 0 Liquid Weight grams) Ca Solid Volume212 Solid Weight Solid Density S .OFj Solids on filter (grams) , Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Z Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) c� 2 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 1AR0 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 121,4 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 51n2V V910 l s 2D tbRb -031 Final pH G.S t d 3 *A Concentration (mg/L) ()p4t7Iv-CAU D.04 p *B Concentration (mg/L) Lb • tA iJ 2JD• 040 LSD Reported mg/L Total Chrome Ltj • CA {) 4-1D. CYf i7 Extraction Pressure (psi) iS, 0 Balance Standardization 1g = 50 g =' 100 g = MS p" s ag6I�Q �4.00 Buz 7.00 Buffer-UlD -1.00 10.00 Buffetv-w ]o.T- Efficiency07 3 q�75� Slope 61s�-- cz?-vk 7.00 Buffer after sample pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference LAU Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH ZA O ry /_ Final pH �� V. 3(2 [(Vol - `A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. `B')]l(Val 'A' + Vol. `B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: wl , Signed by Dat of C pletion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: , 120 Method 1311 Page 25 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (MI) Initial Sample Weight (grams) } ► �j v��•-�t �' %. Z d , �b . t7. , Olt 0 v ��-�, 4 �t''2.D ff ri D`I r � � u - (� ��I" V -� LC� U � Lf Hang -Up in Graduate (grams)✓ Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B ------------------- Total Volume Calculated (`A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization PH a&a] I n1 = 4.00 Buffe1 50 g = � 7.00 Buffer .� 100 g - 10.00 Buffel �� Efficiency [ Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �l Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery 0 • 0 Lab Relative % Difference i • Of Solid Phase Compo ite Grab { . Initial pH �`, �U Final pH [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') t (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]'(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) - mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by Gate f Completion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date; Meethod 1311 Notebook No. 109 Page 26 of 100 Coninued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEAtCHING Date PROCEDURE T CLP� and Sample Name � a Initial Sample Volume (mI) q p � 0 '9t 2_0 Initiai Sample Weight (grams) 0 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 2 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) _ Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight v 7 b j grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight C) Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Z - Weight of Solids Used (grarhs) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*g) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 'ID 4to2D v Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer (7 1() Finai pH "A qc) 1�ip 6-7/ U d Concentration cmg/l—) *B Concentration tj . Q Gam_ �q. � • � �0 u l (mg/L) Reported mglL Total Chrome D b4 b Z• bq 0 • ri7 Extraction Pressure (psi) ' � 0 Z-C • 0A d 4 -C) Balance Standardization 1 r pH 5 a��I� zatiolt r �s �j—(—j-- `i � V Sample g 4.00 Buffer ig - SO g = �• Relative % Difference -- 7.00 Buffer. P �J_ t C' % Spike Recovery 100 g = � 10.00 Buffer(D,UD 1 f ff --- ��� Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency Solid Phase Slope < ������ 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 1-d U { Cr-o�mp°site Grab --_ Initial pH �-� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Final PH---L= �—` RVol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B') Calculations: ] I(Vol- 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Signed E � �� date f C pletion Reviewed by Continued on page_ Date Analysis Date: Notebook No, 109 Method 1311 Continued From page Page 27 of 100 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PRCC-ED (TCLP Date and Sample Name initial Sample Volume ) �1 Z initial Sample Weight (grams) -� Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Vofume Corrected Sample Weight (MI) C Liquid Volume Extract `A" (grams) (ml) C)E5 Liquid Weight Solid Volume grams} Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) . Theoretical Extract *g Total Volume Calculated } Calculated Amount #2 Fluid m l) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) L% *B Concentration g/L) G( V _ A u Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) � Balance Standardization j � pH Standardization g — ;---- 4.00 Buffe r 50 g = �.� 7.00 Buffer'-19P_ 7- (P 100 g = 10.00 Buffer 0 . (C-91 Efficiency Slope . 7.00 Buffer after sample pHIu1 Mathematical formula for Combined Extr t C� Sample Relative % Difference ��— % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference , Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH a. ) 1& G. ac s. Final pH ,,cyto _In_-] [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] Calculations: I(Voi. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome -�"­Signed by '- (S D4"f Comp tian Continued on page_ Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: 9 4,2 � I Method 1311 Page 28 of I00 Notebook No. 109 Continued from Pape TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLPYY--Z Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (m]) d� 60 U Initial Sample Weight (grams) '� 1 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) p,� 0- 2 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams)l� 7- Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) 7C7— Liquid Weight grams) -- Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density V Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (gr8'ms) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) b s -� Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 'L (D Z Date & Time on Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating MixerjD Final pH . Z 1 o- *A Concentration (mglL) V0 *B Concentration (mg/L) _aC)4 U CD Zp Reported mg/L Total Chrome � _� - 1-0 Extraction Pressure (psi) U U Balance Standardization = da pH StaTjjrgg 1� , ) 9 L"" _ 50 g = �n� 4.00 Buff`e1r1jVV W 7.00 Buffer-1-Co`},D) 100 g = � 10.00 BuffedD. Efficiency Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 0) Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference ''----- 7� % Spike Recovery � 15. 0 Lab Relative % Difference b . u Solid Phase Composite Grab j Initial pH Final pH +o [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. '8')]'(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'S' theo.) = mglL Total Chrome Calculations: ( Llj�) Signed by Date -If Gam letion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: I ljl� MeOC 1139 Notebook No. 109 Coninued &om page Page 29 of I00 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEAtCHING PROCEDURE T Date and Sample Name 77, c�.,,, _ t CLP . Initial Sample Volume r� Initial Sample Weight (grams) ) U2. Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 6_ Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 0. Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+"B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH A Concentration (mg/L ) *B Concentration (mg/L) t4 Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (Psi) T UIsWRIMIFIM RA If ©� Balance Standardization pHSA �r �z Z Sample ` 4.00 50 g (t Relative % Difference '�---� 100 g = 7.00 Buffer? % Spike Recovery a 10.00 Buffer (D- Lab Relative %Difference I C.Z Efficiency 1 �� i'p j tj�_'p jj Solid Phase Slope ------ Com osite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 'I bl �Q10 —� Initial pH 0` V Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Final pH (r, -(G [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')j -� I(Val. 'A' +Vol. `B' thea.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: s e{� t Continued on page �C) Signed by Date o Co leharr Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: (� / ZD Method 1311 Page 30 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from pace TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (m1) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) r (42 Corrected Sample Volume (m1) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) d 2 T Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m1) �. Liquid Weight grams) • _7 Solid Volume ) Solid Weight �2_ Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) � Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated ("A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) G Date & Time On Rotating Mixer4 ' Date &Time Off Rotating Mixer t (b Zv (;� ,' f t✓ B t✓' Final pH "A Concentration (mg/L) . -4 U- *B Concentration (mg/L) &D - 0ti () C4 0 L �� Reported mg/L Total Chrome [� b Extraction Pressure (psi) C) D l Balance Standardization 1 = 1, co pH St anar�ijz��l�i�x -D _Q% g 4.00 Buffer . 50 g = 100 g = 7.00 Buffer' 10.00 Buffer1�•(,' CC Efficiency f ct •Zb �.Z Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH�,� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: k. Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery / 01 - Lab Relative % Difference ' Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH�sl `C'. 6Z Final pH � I • /; Ci, [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')I/(Vol, 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signeda�$ Date bf Com letion Continued on page, Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: Ib/( Z/ 20 Method 1311 Page 31 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from pace TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Q ' e—jd Zu I' 4 ZD Initial Sample Volume (m1) (D(f:> Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) �,") . �� 2 Corrected Sample Volume (m1) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) S Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) AD Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 19;2p Date & Time Off Rotating Mixerl04d CG Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) 11 '*8 Concentration (mg/L) ' -- , Q Reported mg/L Total Chrome 1� _CilrY Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH SMInAa�(gs�,,�p 9 = U 4.00 Buffe(rJ 1�� �l`�'IIt)_l�P� 50 g — = / 7.00 Buffer 7 '100 g 10.00 Buffjp,U) IEIZ) Efficiency 100,3 Ip.1 Slope i5ct,, C2 c;qdu 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 7 0) -uO Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference -- % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH 6�71 — ig�9 Final p H [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]! (Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' then.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page, Date of Cor ipletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date. 101 y t I LO Method 1311 Page 32 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) i l Date and Sample Name Lr" TcOW 710112-1�� 1 Initial Sample Volume (ml) J C00(� Initial Sample Weight Hang -lip in Graduate (grams) (, Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) J PZ Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) a Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight 1 Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical, Extract *B 41Z, Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount f#2 Fluid (ml) ( G Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixe D d If 6 ` W V Final pH _ *A Concentration (mgll *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome - 04-0 f 1)• - Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Sta za 1 g = �' 4.00 BufferATkjTQ 10, �.15� 50 g 7.00 Buffer 7•L-0 100 g = 10.00 Buffers 10 Efficient U2 ^I01_gi Slope �,� 61- 3( 7.00 Buffer after sample pM� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery q 7 Lab Relative % Difference ' Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH (P-�, (01 2�, `Ocy Final pH�,_ ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')l1(Vol. `A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: Sig" Da# of Com letion J Continued on page Reviewed by hate Analysis Date: r - 1 / Lu Method 1311 Page 33 of 100 - Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name f�' 10 101 -53LZ E Initial Sample Volume (MI) 10 57 0 } C• P initial Sample Weight (grams) j U)9 . o " Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) G� Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 1 z L Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) . 0 , Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume tD ' l Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams)' Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract'`B 0b Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) U Calculated Amount #f2 Fluid (MI) ' pate &Time On Rotating Mixer 10.1� Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer cc � � � Jb 5 0 � Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) t �✓" �,' Total Chrome Reported mg/L Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH andar t Q I�7b-7 )2C g = 4.00 Buffer �LL�� 5a g 7.00 Buffer '1 CD �'Co 100 Cl = t ) 10,00 Bufferio-t 'L� Efficiency )CV • 1 CO .-7 Slope 19-12Z `i.lt7 7.00 Buffer after sample pH bt Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery ! �ia --7 Lab Relative % Difference 0' 2-"2— Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final nH tIi'�� Ci C_ Notebook No. 109 Method 1311 � ontinued from page Page 34� of I00 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC L Date and Sample Name ACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) `� r Initial Sample Volume Initial (ml) Sample Weight (gramtoo Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) }]� a. Corrected Sample Volume Corrected Sample Weight (gram a Liquid Volume Extract "A" i7 Liquid Weight grams � �• Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density -7 Solids on filter "fig Z� (grams) Weight of Solids Used 2 Theoretical Extract *B (grams-� Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (MI) Date & Time On Rotating 'Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer � v ] Final pH 1,91' i 1 *A Concentration f *B Concentration (mg/L.) Reported mg/L Total Chrome g/L) 64o �b Extraction Pressure �� D (psi) Z-6 . 61.E Balance Standardization } pH sr1in 19 = / _ 00 �� Sample ----- 4.00 Buffer 50 g = � Q- Relative % Difference n----�-�- 7.00 Buffer-% 100 g % Spike Recovery 10. DO 8ufferDtbH�2- ��3- ,j j ..L �`-- — Lab Relative % Difference` Efficiency f l o Slope Solid Phase 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �Z Composite �7 Grab `�----� Initial pH a -3 ` 7` ----__ Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Final pH � . �7 (> f(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A` '~`— {Vol. `B' thea.) x {Gone. `B'}] . Caiculations: ,(Vol. `A' +� Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome 1�-- 4t�— Continued on page Signed byDo pietion Reviewed by Da stet Analysis Date: i ( 19 ! Method 1311 ;cage 35 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name ICL-Frlo'4 tU�b Initial Sample Volume (m1) G, Initial Sample Weight (grams) � Hang-Up in Graduate (gra �. Corrected Sample Volume (ml) 19 Corrected Sample Weight (grams) � Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m1) Liquid Weight grams) 2 Solid Volume Solid Weight r Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) _ Weight of Solids Used (grams) , 1 Theoretical Extract *B 7 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) r7TZ, (o'er f _ `�ciies.0119 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Ito Z-E) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 111112,b.1 (l )7 p I I l t j' Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer VvFD Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) �C). �a - 0 *B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome G 4 Z-0 , , j) 21-0-no Lb. Extraction Pressure (psi) bo Balance Standardization pH StantLad]tloymGD 1 g = 4.00 Buffe4 50 g =cif 7.00 Buffer'j-01� 1.09 100 g = lot). 10.00 Buffei-LQ-W I OLD Efficiency Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH "-a1 � -b-D Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference ---------- - % Spine Recovery Lab Relative % DifferenceY f Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH (o .(_Q [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Sjgnedbyu Date I Co �wejtion Continued on page Reviewed by Date W Analysis Cate: i II & " v Method 1311 Page 36 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name t"Lm-� fflc�- ) p -rci-p 19—o j 2v ilt -n t Z� Initial Sample Volume (m1) /00 Initial Sample Weight (grams) C? IZ Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) (7 y Corrected Sample Volume (m1) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml)"g Liquid Weight grams) L 6 Solid Volume Solid Weight 2 Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) 7 1,_ -77-Q, L /I Weight of Solids Used {grams) (�, a M Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount ##2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Wb 101 01?0 ) Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer ill 9o, Final pH *A Concentration (mg1L) 0 640 L" *B Concentration (mg1L) L , �g0 L _ Q e-) 5) e 6, MD Reported mg/L Total Chrome Gp ,C) q b 2--n.L4 o 2-b _n 0 Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization f pH Stan,tionr,iZ / I ` g 509 = 4.00 Buffers 7.00 Buffer _7'd3 i C�o 100 g = �C0 `1 10.00 Buffert-0-7-0-5 IVU Efficiency 1 .7�,1I 'Zn,? Slope tsq. ZZ j .10 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-�,Ob Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference � Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH el:-s0. g 9 Final pH (32-eT �Q ,& Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]1(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = m911- Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page Reviewed by Date Q Analysis Date:/a4l 9-0 Method 1311 Page 37 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name f p ] } i Ii( Initial Sample Volume (MI) Initial Sample Weight (grams) cIJ� Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) p d Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 4 Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) C) 3 S Liquid Weight grams) , Solid Volume _ Z19.0 29- Solid Weight �- Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) z Sb Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) . �d 1 13S. 10 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Zo 1130 N `jj0 7u I Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer ` r Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) *B Concentration (mg/L) Q Reported mg/L Total Chrome LWjD Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance StanMization = ` pH St; t r atio 4.00 Buffer�� ll g 50 g =66 7.00 Buffer-TW 100 g = 10.00 Bufferp'W Efiiciencytto•) Cn,7 Slope ��(� 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-1 �1 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference �. Solid Phase Composite Grab f Initial pH O �9 Final pH =-,� , [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] J(Voi 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Dater/;;()l Z/, Method 1311 Page 38 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Game ' Initial Sample Volume (ml) 1 (2 initial Sample Weight (grams) 16B.IB I CA. .O Nang -Up in Graduate (grams) 0.b , Corrected Sample Volume (m]) /I a �} Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 01, "• } f� Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) t;0 M _G Liquid Weight grams) (p. . Solid Volume I\. Solid Weight t. IrDZ " , Solid Density lJ Solids on filter (grams) bAD Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B A GO . 20 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) ' Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer WNW 1131)'o 1.1p 1190 01WqDVW (lN) M ( I.? Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer t 11,0 Z(Q 4 dalQ I 11-1-17P Final pH 1 *A Concentration (mg/L) 0 *B Concentration (mg/L) Q, Reported mg/L Total Chrome : Extraction Pressure (psi) �b- U Balance Standardization pH S1a10 d�lizj"L0 1 g = b 4.00 Buffer • L �u' 50 g = >j� . 7.00 Buffer 100 g = 10.00 Bufferto VD ID Efficiency]Ml CL,)- Slope Gqlz 5(�.ID 00 7.00 Buffer after sample pH �• b �- Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference l �__ Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pN �a [ [(Val. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] J(Vol. 'A' + Vol. B' theo.) = mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page Signed by D to 6f Coripletion Reviewed by Date j i i Analysis Date: ) 4 f I Method 1311 Page 39 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from; page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 4.11 Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) 1Z .2 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) I D 7- Corrected Sample Volume (m1) ' Zj Corrected Sample Weight (grams) ?j Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) r'] ( � Liquid Weight grams) A2 Solid Volume ~� Solid Weight �5_ Solid Density: k1;11 (1.9(0 Solids on filter (grams) 2Q ZQ Weight of Solids used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B DO (, 0. E)0 DD Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (m€) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 2 D) I Z 113p Date & Time Off Rotating Mixerj Final pH *A Concentration (mg1L) Z-_.� — *B Concentration (mg/L)©_ Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization f 1 = ` _ OD pH Standar izatio I2rl lI 1 N�'�10 g 4.00 Bufferq 4 • a 50 g = 7.00 Buffer-7' 00. Co 100 g = 10.00 Buffers L' bl)) Efficiency /b .Z1!2�, Z-2 Slope Ev, Z4 5-7, F,! 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 7,01 �- QD Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery GO •E Lab Relative % Differencei7 Solid Phase Composite Grab7 Initial pH 6,(0?_ ff� Final pH tom, �J I 6 4 - L [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Cone. 'B')]J(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations; oldp Signe Date of om letion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: a Method 1311 Page 40 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Dame Initial Sample Volume (MI) 10-0 Initial Sample Weight (grams) D- j 1 S-5 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) . >TA Corrected Sample Volume (ml) a.? Corrected Sample Weight (grams) t U Jbq, Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) B(a p 9 `,Cj VZ, Liquid Weight grams) ,-7 Solid Volume Solid Weight �. Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) 19k, ", ,9. Weight of Solids Used (grams) , Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) c�D Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 4k2ll Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 1,7,1 W 1IRS120 II b QW12,D I 17D. Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 1-16UMtkto Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L) ivD ID *13 Concentration (m 1. 0 O Reported mg/L Total Chrome G = (� L .� Extraction Pressure (psi) v Balance Standardization pH Standardizoaliop���V 1 g = 4.00 Buffer 0 t�'tttt? 50 g = cfo- 7.00 Buffer I ,V-) , 100 g = � �J 10.00 Buffer l.0- bb IDI�D Efficie;�, i� Slop La`M` 7.00 Buffer after sample pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Differences" % Spike Recovery b Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH Co •� �� [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' then.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page z Mlu Date of tompletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: El1 i ISO Method 1311 Page 41 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name r Initial Sample Volume (ml) C) Initial Sample Weight (grams) . Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) �, Z Corrected Sample Volume (ml) , Corrected Sample Weight (grams) CV9 , Liquid Volume Extract "A" (m]) D Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grarrls) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) Calculated Amount#2 Fluid (ml) b Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 1 ZI t1 I V 1 2,171 O i� 1 ?, Z iAla I 2 o (k Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Final pH -� S *A Concentration (mglL) Z!�b�� t7 -D U40 *B Concentration (mglL) ` - D U _ D Q' D4 b Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH Stan qr a i g = ' tD 4.00 Buffjr-•'� 50 g = 1�so ,CO 7.00 Buffer l-cp --j_ W 100 g = IM,Cb� 10.00 Buffers 100 Efficiency jm !2 Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH�•d� Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery C? 6 7 -- -- Lab Relative % Difference Solid Prase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')J J(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) - mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: Sig Continued on page 12 23 Z 0 Date o Comp etion Reviewed by Date R Analysis Date. ZO Method 1311 Rage 42 of 100 Notebook No. 169 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Z4 Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight . (grams) I Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) ( 2, Corrected Sample Volume (m1) C'j Corrected Sample Weight (grams) - Liquid Volume Extract "A" {ml) b Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume 2 O-) Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) a C�— Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B 1) 4 4 D 0 1, 13 Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) o• Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 2- 2 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer I M I Zt7 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 11 iAN 2 Za iU 3 Final pH *A Concentration (mg/L)-j G_ *B Concentration (mg1L) b [:tom (]: b Reported mg/L Total Chrome (� Extraction Pressure (psi)j Balance Standardization pHdar�latl, . �Ivo 4.00 Buffer f. f� 50 g = �60 �0? 1 a0 � 7.00 Bufferl�. g = 10.00 Buffer LP (1),(D Efficiency I()ZIP Slope UAP- 7.00 Huffer after sample pH 7,t -71D Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference 4 "� Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH K ?"18' Z8 Final pH b- SO, �t • _� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A`) x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'Ey theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page Date of Cb tplelion Reviewed by Date Laboratory Analytical Report for Demonstration that Residuals are Non -Hazardous (i.e., TCLP, Ignitability, Reactivity, and Corrosivity) [en7virrochem:] ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne NC 28429 Attention: Sean Coury Date of Report: Sep 29, 2020 Customer PO M Customer ID: 08110009 Report #: 2020-13989 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-35521 Site: Slurry to Quarry 8/19/2020 9:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Chlordane (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.02 mg/L 08/25/2020 Endrin (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 08/25/2020 Heptachlor (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 08/25/2020 Heptachlor epoxide (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 08/25/2020 Lindane (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 08/25/2020 Methoxychlor (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 08/25/2020 Toxaphene (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B/3510 <0.05 mg/L 08/25/2020 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Hexachlorobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Hexachloroethane (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 m + p-Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Nitrobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 o-Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 Pentachlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.250 mg/L 08/26/2020 Pyridine (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 08/26/2020 2,4,5-TP (TCLP) SW846 Method 8151A <0.003 mg/L 08/25/2020 2,4-D (TCLP) SW846 Method 8151A <0.003 mg/L 08/25/2020 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 1,2-Dichloroethane (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Benzene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Carbon Tetrachloride (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Report #:: 2020-13989 Page 1 of 3 envirochem SM ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ■ 910.392.0223 Lab - 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 - 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 - 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Sep 29, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2020-13989 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Chlorobenzene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Chloroform (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Methyl ethyl ketone (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.05 mg/L 08/27/2020 Tetrachloroethylene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Trichloroethylene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 Vinyl Chloride (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 08/27/2020 RCI Cyanide EPA 335.4 <0.05 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Reporting limit elevated due to matrix interference. Sulfide SM 4500 S o <0.5 mg/kg 08/26/2020 Reporting limit elevated due to matrix interference. Ignitability SW 846 method 1010 >190 °F 09/02/2020 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 254000mg/kg 08/25/2020 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <48.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <48.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Calcium EPA 200.7 289000 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 37900 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Copper EPA 200.7 138 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Lead EPA 200.7 <48.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Magnesium EPA 200.7 41200mg/kg 08/27/2020 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <48.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 480 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Potassium EPA 200.7 <2421 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Selenium EPA 200.7 <48.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Sodium EPA 200.7 12700 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Zinc EPA 200.7 5300 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA3532 7.07mg/kg 08/25/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 5.74 % 08/20/2020 pH SM 4500 H B 9.20 units 08/27/2020 Report # 2020 13989 Page 2 of 3 enviroehem) ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Sep 29, 2020 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2020-13989 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C <1.74 mg/kg 08/20/2020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 880 mg/kg 08/20/2020 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 27.4 mg/kg 08/27/2020 Mercury Sw8467471B <0.291 mg/kg 08/24/2020 TCLP Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 08/26/2020 Mercury EPA 245.1 <0.0002 mg/L 08/28/2020 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis. Reviewed by: Report #:: 2020-13989 Page 3 of 3 - ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: Sampled Bv: , SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: - Sample Identification Collection ECL N E o e O 1 o V a o m U E LLI m J 2 PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp z z = o _ 0 i 0 i o ~ W ~O Annual Slurry to Quarry residual 2Qts '6 IND cffi a G SL G P X Corrosivity, Ignitability, Reactivity and Full TCLP Analyses See Attached Sheet C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when ceive Accepted: ec ed: Resample Req este :_ Delivered By: Received By:Date: Comments: TUR A OUND: Time: 12.' 24 Summary of Affected Wells and Facility Map Summary of Affected Wells (Pagel of 2) Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Manufacturing Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY-004 Well ID Sample Date pH (s.u.) TDS (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Chromium (pg/L) Iron (pg/L) Nickel (pg/L) NC 21. Standard' 6.5-8.5 500 250 10 300 100 Site -Specific Standard NE NE NE NE 3,300 / 7,300 / 10,500 100 07/02/18 6.31 935 8.3 10 U 21,300 40 U 11/05/18 6.40 948 7.1 11 20,000 40 U 12/20/18 6.45 10 U MW-1 07/16/19 6.43 952 6.5 10 U 22,500 40 U (CPW-13S) 11/11/19* 6.31 5.0U/5.0U 26,000 24,000 FF 11/11/19 6.31 978 8.3 10 U / 10 U 25,900 / 26,200 FF 40 U 07/13/20 6.57 904 6.8 10 U / 10 U 26,800 / 24,400 FF 40 U 11/13/20 6.83 859 6.3 10 U 25,200 40 U 07/03/18 7.18 656 147 10 U 3,700 40 U 11/06/18 7.00 644 141 10 U 3,560 40 U 07/15/19 7.00 686 150 37 3,660 40 U 08/15/19 7.18 694* 12 / 10 U FF 3,790 / 3,770 FF 09/02/19 5.35 679* 276 / 10 U FF 3,800 / 3,600 FF MW-2 (CPW-14S) 09/16/19* 7.54 758* 1 U / 1.5 U FF 3,590 / 3,220 FF 09/16/19 7.54 758* 2 U / 2 U FF 3,920 / 3,750 FF 11/15/19* 7.03 5.0 U / 5.0 U 3,480 / 3,360 FF 11/15/19 7.03 706 165 10 U / 10 U 3,650 / 3,590 FF 40 U 07/15/20 7.02 708 165 10 U / 10 U 4,110 / 3,870 FF 40 U 11/11/20 7.48 728 171 10 U 3,960 40 U 07/04/18 7.88 471 196 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/06/18 7.31 132 21.2 10 U 1,660 81 MW-3 07/20/19 7.79 425 95.1 10 U 670 40 U (CPW-15S) 11/15/19 7.87 442 107 10 U 1,530 40 U 07/15/20 8.70 443 141 10 U 510 40 U 11/11/20 7.89 447 137 10 U 180 40 U 07/04/18 7.42 755 223 10 U 560 40 U 11/07/18 7.54 782 184 10 U 0.90 40 U 05/07/19 7.99 808* 10 U / 10 U FF 1,490 / 1,010 FF MW-8 (CPW-8DR) 07/18/19 7.38 768 209 10 U 1,140 40 U 11/14/19 7.30 780 220 10 U 780 40 U 07/16/20 7.48 832 181 10 U 670 40 U 11/12/20 7.80 803 182 10 U 540 40 U 07/04/18 7.54 1,800 206 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/07/18 7.88 1,890 202 19 380 40 U 12/20/18 7.21 1960* 16 01/28/19 8.21 2 070* 15 100 U 03/19/19 7.07 1 730* 17 100 U 05/07/19 7.72 1 750* 11 / 10 U FF 560 / 100 U FF MW-9 (CPW-9D) 07/18/19 7.14 2,010 178 19 / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 40 U 08/15/19 7.09 1 750* 15 / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 09/02/19 7.48 1 100* 10 U / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 11/14/19* 7.16 7.3/6.6U FF 50U/50.0U FF 11/14/19 7.16 1880 216 10U/10U FF 100U/100U FF 40U 07/16/20 7.43 1,620 227 10 U / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 40 U 11/12/20 8.04 1,590 222 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/04/18 10.26 1,200 116 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/07/18 10.71 1,180 111 18 100 40 U 12/20/18 10.21 31 01/28/19 10.41 1 670* 18 100 U 03/19/19 10.17 1270* 42 220 MW-10 (CPW-10D) 05/07/19 9.10 1 340* 13 / 10 U FF 130 / 100 U FF 07/15/19 8.30 1,400 196 10 U / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 40 U 11/14/19* 10.00 9.5/5.0U FF 50.0/50.0U FF 11/14/19 10.00 1250 127 10U/10U FF 100U/100U FF 40U 07/16/20 10.44 1,240 122 10 U / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U FF 40 U 11/12/20 10.33 1,200 122 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/02/18 6.85 333 41.4 10 U 9,040 40 U 11/05/18 7.22 362 4.3 10 U 7,780 40 U MW-11 S) 07/17/19 6.77 382 4.7 10 U 10,800 40 U (CPW-1 11/11/19 6.72 376 5.2 10 U 9,060 40 U 07/13/20 6.53 360 4.6 10 U 10,900 40 U 11 /09/20 6.98 360 4.3 10 U 8,830 40 U 07/03/18 7.12 913 6.2 10 U 10,100 40 U 11/05/18 7.36 899 5.9 10 U 8,160 40 U MW-12 07/17/19 7.39 900 5.1 10 U 100 U 40 U (CPW-12D) 11/13/19 7.44 907 5.7 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/15/20 7.53 857 5.9 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/11/20 7.63 848 5.5 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/02/18 6.78 1,060 167 10 U 1,220 40 U 11/05/18 6.91 1,070 155 10 U 1,090 40 U MW-13 07/16/19 6.87 1,130 148 10 U 1,220 40 U (CPW-131)) 11/11/19 6.78 1,190 159 10 U 1,270 40 U 07/13/20 6.53 1,190 159 10 U 1,260 40 U 11/09/20 7.19 1,150 159 10 U 1,120 40 U 07/03/18 6.91 1 250 160 10 U 3,460 40 U 11/06/18 8.10 176 10.2 10 U 1 110 40 U MW-14 07/15/19 6.90 1,350 170 10 U 3,180 40 U (CPW-141)) 11/15/19 6.90 1,390 180 10 U 3,340 40 U 07/15/20 7.04 1,400 177 10 U 3,650 40 U 11/11/20 7.35 1,430 179 10 U 3,290 40 U 07/04/18 7.33 745 128 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/06/18 7.98 364 56.8 10 U 550 40 U 05/07/19 7.40 781* 10 U / 10 U FF 640 / 360 FF 07/15/19 7.03 737 111 232 390 40 U MW-15 08/15/19 7.19 723* -- 10 U / 10 U FF 170 / 160 FF -- (CPW-151)) 09/02/19 7.51 647* 10 U / 10 U FF 100 U / 100 U (FF) 11/15/19* 7.51 5.0U/5.0U FF 50.0U/50.0U FF 11/15/19 7.14 716 122 10U/10U FF 100U/100U FF 40U 07/15/20 7.31 660 114 10 U / 10 U FF 250 / 250 FF 40 U 11/11/20 7.51 661 117 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/03/18 7.47 1,950 485 10 U 4,950 40 U 11/08/18 8.26 1,790 422 10 U 4,270 40 U MW-16 07/19/19 6.69 1 070 106 10 U 630 40 U (CPW-6S) 11/15/19 6.77 1 130 207 10 U 1 020 40 U OR16/20 6.95 1,140 129 10 U 210 1 40 U 11/11/20 7.76 1 981 1 103 1 10 U 100 U 1 40 U Attachment A (Page 1 of 2) Hart & Hickman, PC Summary of Affected Wells (Page 2 of 2) Elementis Chromium Castle Hayne Manufacturing Facility Castle Hayne, NC H&H Job No. OXY-004 Well ID Sample Date pH (S.u.) TDS (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Chromium (pg/L) Iron (pg/L) Nickel (pg/L) NC 2L Standard' 6.5-8.5 500 250 10 300 100 Site -Specific Standard NE NE NE NE 3,300 / 7,300 / 10,500 100 07/03/18 7.11 656 3.8 10 U 620 40 U 11/08/18 7.57 668 4.1 10 U 540 40 U MW-17 07/17/19 6.99 501 3.6 10 U 2,390 40 U (CPW-7S) 11/13/19 7.19 461 4.3 10 U 6,730 40 U 07/14/20 7.02 750 4.9 10 U 2,340 228 11/12/20 7.35 692 4.4 10 U 6,110 723 07/04/18 7.69 319 74.4 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/07/18 7.62 351 88.0 10 U 100 U 40 U MW-18 07/18/19 7.47 293 40.4 10 U 100 U 40 U (CPW-8S) 11/14/19 7.34 304 31.7 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/16/20 7.81 400 55.0 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/12/20 7.97 373 61.4 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/04/18 8.20 402 87.5 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/07/18 7.81 414 84.2 10 U 210 40 U MW-19 07/18/19 6.91 631 21.7 10 U 1,090 40 U (CPW-9S) 11/15/19 7.11 507 27.9 10 U 810 40 U 07/16/20 7.60 381 50.2 10 U 300 40 U 11/12/20 7.82 404 53.3 10 U 190 40 U 07/04/18 7.21 461 81.4 10 U 730 40 U 11/07/18 6.86 427 78.9 10 U 980 40 U MW-20 07/15/19 6.94 446 76.6 10 U 100 U 40 U (CPW-1OS) 11/14/19 7.00 421 72.5 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/16/20 7.04 427 63.5 1D O 100 U 40 U 11/12/20 7.75 450 60.2 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/03/18 7.21 2,500 915 10 U 10,400 40 U 11/05/18 7.04 3,430 1,380 10 U 16,800 40 U MW-21 07/18/19 7.39 1,080 146 10 U 1,000 40 U (CPW-5S) 11/14/19 7.36 1,050 149 10 U 2,440 40 U 07/14/20 7.36 981 133 10 U 2,180 40 U 11/10/20 7.41 2,600 1,070 10 U 1 12,700 40 U 07/02/18 7.10 414 10.5 10 U 4,860 40 U 11/06/18 7.30 767 13.5 10 U 5,120 40 U MW-22 07/16/19 6.99 472 10.6 10 U 5,000 40 U (CPW-2D) 11/11/19 7.01 474 11.8 10 U 4,870 40 U 07/13/20 6.78 585 13.2 10 U 5,390 40 U 11/09/20 7.20 446 10.7 10 U 5,070 40 U 07/02/18 7.28 603 29.3 10 U 820 40 U 11/05/18 7.54 595 26.3 10 U 2,480 40 U MW-23 07/16/19 7.13 616 28.3 10 U 3,590 40 U (CPW-3D) 11/1 1/1 9 7.13 611 35.5 10 U 2,970 40 U 07/14/20 7.11 579 33.0 1 DO 3,210 40 U 11/09/20 7.45 601 33.3 10 U 3,240 40 U 07/02/18 7.12 408 19.5 4 320 100 U 40 U 11/05/18 7.40 408 20.0 3,880 Too U 40 U MW-24 07/17/19 7.49 404 22.4 3,160 100 U 40 U (CPW-4D) 11/11/19 7.32 423 27.1 3,430 Too U 40 U 07/14/20 7.03 452 36.1 3,320 100 U 40 U 11/10/20 7.36 462 42.1 2,312 100 U 40 U 07/03/18 7.23 2,240 908 10 U 700 40 U 11/08/18 7.45 1,440 532 1D O 690 40 U MW-25 07/18/19 7.55 1,510 568 10 U 100 U 40 U (CPW-5D) 11/14/19 7.43 1,510 631 10 U Too U 40 U 07/14/20 7.79 1,470 599 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/10/20 7.87 1,500 624 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/03/18 11.45 615 185 10 U 100 U 40 U 11/08/18 11.99 648 189 10 U 100 U 40 U MW-26 07/19/19 11.36 513 140 TOO Too U 40 U (CPW-6D) 11,18119 11.37 526 163 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/16/20 12.12 511 114 TOO Too U 40 U 11/10/20 12.39 524 135 10 U 100 U 40 U 07/03/18 7.12 832 24.8 TOO 4,350 40 U 11/08/18 7.46 1,180 8.4 10 U 1,960 40 U MW-27 07/17/19 6.92 1,040 10.6 TOO 7,890 40 U (CPW-7D) 11/13/19 6.88 1,070 12.2 10 U 12,100 40 U 07/14/20 7.06 1,020 18.0 TOO 7,300 40 U 11/12/20 7.35 1,010 19.6 10 U 8,820 40 U 07/03/18 7.05 1 590 6.1 10 U 18 800 40 U 11/05/18 7.26 1 580 5.8 10 U 25 900 40 U MW-28 07/17/19 11 800 4 U (CPW-12S) 11/13/19 69 940 3. 1 1 1480000 400 U 07/15/20 7.02 1 590 3.9 IOU 14,700 40 U 11/11/20 7.85 1 530 4.2 10 U 15 900 1 40 U Notes 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Ground Water Quality Standard `Site -specific target cleanup concentrations for iron are included in the DWR-approved May 28, 1999 I -CAP for remediation of compounds of concern above standards by processes of natural attenuation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(I). The target cleanup concentrations for iron are background levels established under a now -expired Special Order by Consent (SOC) agreement. The site -specific target iron levels in the I -CAP are: 3.3 mg/L for Lower Aquifer Wells, 7.3 mg/L for Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells, and 10.4 mg/L for Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells. CPW-13, CPW-75, and CPW-123 wells are classified as Upper Aquifer non -Fluvial Deposits Wells. The remaining Upper Aquifer wells are classified as Upper Aquifer Fluvial Deposits Wells. mg/L = milligrams per liter; pg/L = micrograms per liter; U = not detected at the associated reporting limit --" indicates not analyzed; FF = field -filtered sample; NE = not established Bold concentration exceeds the groundwater standard (site -specific standard for iron) Data for samples collected during the last three years included in table Only those analytes detected above a groundwater standard (site -specific standard for iron) in at least one sample are included in table 'split sample analyzed by Pace Analytical Services (all other samples analyzed by ALS Environmental) Attachment A (Page 2 of 2) Hart & Hickman, PC NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER - - 7- STURGEON ,CREEK RIVE \ t `� MW-20/CPW-- 10S RSwAMP / \ MW-9/CI MW-10/CPW-10D I MW-3/CPW-15Se MARTIN-MARIETTA W-15/CPW-15D' I 1 /: � � AGGREGATES PROPERTY /Q 1 I�MW-14/CPW-14D / /./ MW-2/CPW-14S / fr j � L ( / / �- QUARRY SECTION #2 /r APPROXIMATE 0 600 1,200 SCALE IN FEET BMW-19/cPW-9s-:: \\ \ 11 — \ STCgPFF� ,. MW-18/CPW _8S Z'\ MW-8/CPW-8DR _ QUARRY SECTION #1 APPROXIMATELY 97 ACRES o j Z APPROXIMATELY 70 ACRES Kil MW-27/CPW-7D rMw-17/cPwasn � s 0 I M CLOSeD FORMER /LAGOON / a7 II RE-ROUTED J / MW-28ICPW-12S Qs "'" STURGEON CREEK \\\_ - _ \ / r i IoMW-12CPW-12D 'MW-13/CPW-13D PLANT PROCESS AREA - CANAL �II - ` \ _'BbMW-1/CPW-13S C_.- _ - — � pR� 5 �✓ ,.. F "`-- - _ MARTIN- IETTA / w...... -...- - :.�--a::._\ J, ✓F AGGREGAT PROPERTY MARTIN-MARIETTA AGGREGATES PROPERTY LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SURFACE WATER FEATURE - - - - - - - QUARRY LIMITS (RESIDUALS SURFACE DISPOSAL UNITS) — — — — COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY — — — REVIEW BOUNDARY ^^^^^^^^^^^^* RAILROAD TRACKS UPPER AQUIFER (SHALLOW) MONITOR WELL o LOWER AQUIFER (DEEP) MONITOR WELL Ee� WELL IDENTIFICATION LIST SDR PERMIT ID FACILITY ID MW-1 CPW-13S MW-2 CPW-14S MW-3 CPW-15S MW-8 CPW-8DR MW-9 CPW-9D MW-10 CPW-1OD MW-11 CPW-15 MW-12 CPW-12D MW-13 CPW-13D MW-14 CPW-14D MW-15 CPW-15D MW-16 CPW-6S MW-17 CPW-7S MW-18 CPW-8S MW-19 CPW-9s MW-20 CPW-10S MW-21 CPW-5S MW-22 CPW-2D MW-23 CPW-3D MW-24 CPW-4D MW-25 CPW-5D MW-26 CPW-6D MW-27 CPW-7D MW-28 CPW-125 16/CPW-6D RIVFR'svv / f R SWAMP PPMW-21/CPW-5S" / O MW-24/C R. R. RIW W-11/CPW-1S o 7� J4���1❑Jl LCW-lS LCW-1 D \ - - - MW-22/CPW-2D - MW.... CPW-3D— - do NOTES 1. OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION IS THE CURRENT SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (SDRS) PERMIT HOLDER AND SITE PROPERTY OWNER. ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM OWNS AND OPERATES THE CHROMIUM MANUFACTURING FACILITY VWVTP WHICH GENERATES RESIDUAL SOLIDS PLACED IN THE QUARRY. 2. THERE ARE NO APPLICABLE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES, OR FEATURES LOCATED WITHIN THE MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES ESTABLISHED IN 15A NCAC 02T.1108(c) OF THE RESIDUALS SOURCE GENERATION AREA OR RESIDUALS SURFACE DISPOSAL UNITS. 3. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR QUARRY SECTION 1 (PERMITTED PRIOR TO 12/31/1983) IS ESTABLISHED AT 500 FT FROM THE SURFACE DISPOSAL UNIT OR AT THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY, WHICHEVER IS CLOSEST TO THE DISPOSAL UNIT. 4. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR QUARRY SECTION 2 (PERMITTED AFTER 12/31/1983) IS ESTABLISHED AT 250 FT FROM THE SURFACE DISPOSAL UNIT OR 50 FT WITHIN THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY, WHICHEVER IS CLOSEST TO THE DISPOSAL UNIT.