HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201828 Ver 1_Averette Rd Correspondence_20210227Michael, Michelle From: Michael, Michelle Sent: Monday, August 05, 2019 1:35 PM To: 'King, Elizabeth C' Cc: Beckman, Hannah S Subject: RE: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance Thank you Beth! I appreciate your time and assistance. Hannah, let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to working with you on Wake Forest stuff. Thanks to you both! Enjoy your day, Michelle TOWN of WAKE FOREST P1ANNING Michelle A. Michael, MHP Senior Planner (Historic Preservation) 301 S. Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587-2901 (919) 435-9516 phone (919) 435-9539 Fax www.wa keforestnc.rtov Please take a moment to complete our CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY From: King, Elizabeth C <Elizabeth. King@ ncdcr.gov> Sent: Monday, August 05, 20191:31 PM To: Michael, Michelle <mmichael@wakeforestnc.gov> Cc: Beckman, Hannah S <hannah.beckman@ncdcr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance Hi, Michelle, Thank you for contacting me re: the Wake Forest Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance, specifically the house and barns at 1916 and [no address] Averette Road. I have reviewed the attached report and agree with its finding, and with your determination, that the houses are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Best, Beth King PS: I have cc'ed Hannah Beckman -Black, as she is your new point -of -contact for Wake County. Hannah, let me know if you have any questions about this email thread. Elizabeth Crawley King Architectural Survey Coordinator, State Historic Preservation Office Division of Historical Resources Office of Archives and History North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources MSC 4617, Raleigh, NC 27699 919 814 6580 office 919 807 6599 fax elizabeth.kingO ncdcr.gov Please note on October 9th my phone number changed to 919-814-6580. no ■■■ ■■��� NC DEPARTMENT OF ■■ an NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES **This message does not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. **E-mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction of public business, is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law "NCGS.Ch.132" and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. From: Michael, Michelle <mmichaeliawakeforestnc.e > Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 11:16 AM To: King, Elizabeth C <Elizabeth. King@ ncdcr. o > Subject: RE: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance External email. Do not click finks or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hi Beth, The development that I contacted you about in March has additional structures that require review. If you will recall, Cynthia completed the previous report on Averette Road in Wake County. In subsequent reviews, I realized that there is a 1956 Ranch -style house on the property and additional barns. We have completed preliminary research and a report. It is attached for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for your time and assistance. Enjoy your day, Michelle TOWN of WAXII FORt:ST Michelle A. Michael, MHP Senior Planner (Historic Preservation) 301 S. Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587-2901 (919) 435-9516 phone (919) 435-9539 Fax www. wa kefo rest n c.a ov Please take a moment to complete our CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY From: Michael, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 4:54 PM To: 'King, Elizabeth C' <Elizabeth.King@ncdcr.ffov> Subject: RE: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance Hi Beth, Email or verbal is fine. I just add a note to the file and then make sure I get you copies of what you need for the survey file. Thank you, Michelle TOWN ol WAKE VORLSF ri i%x1tic: Michelle A. Michael, MHP Senior Planner (Historic Preservation) 301 S. Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587-2901 (919)435-9516 phone (919) 435-9539 Fax www.wakeforestnc. ov Please take a moment to complete our CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY From: King, Elizabeth C <Elizabeth.King Pncdcr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 4:35 PM To: Michael, Michelle < nael@w 2forestnc.pov> Subject: Re: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance Hi, Michelle, I bet you've already told me this, and I don't remember. In what format would you like my response? Letter on letterhead? Email? Verbal? Thanks! Beth Get Outlook for iOS From: Michael, Michelle < iichaeIPwakeforest nc gov> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 9:20 AM To: King, Elizabeth C Subject: [External] Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance Beth, c Thank you for speaking with me on Thursday about the Demolition of Historic Structures Ordinance at Wake Forest. The ordinance requires that we evaluate any structures built before 1958 for eligibility in the National Register prior to approving demolition. I have attached a copy of the legislation as well as our ordinance for your reference. In the past, I have reached out to Claudia on these for concurrence. It is nonbinding but that way if the HPC asks me if I have contacted the SHPO, I can respond yes and give the opinion. Because of time constraints, I have started recommending to developers that they hire an architectural historian to complete these reports. They are simplified versions of DOE reports and have the necessary information to determine if something is eligible. Claudia also would add them to the survey files for our records. Cynthia de Miranda has prepared the most recent one for a farm east of Wake Forest that is slated for development. She has determined that it is ineligible and I agree with her finding. I have attached the report for your use and file. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your time and consideration. Enjoy your day, Michelle TOWN ol WARL FOREST Michelle A. Michael, MHP Senior Planner (Historic Preservation) 301 S. Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587-2901 (919) 435-9516 phone (919) 435-9539 Fax www.wa keforestnc.gov Please take a moment to complete our CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY Correspondence to and from this E-mail address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law (NCGS Chapter 132) and may be disclosed to third parties. Correspondence to and from this E-mail address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law (NCGS Chapter 132) and may be disclosed to third parties.