HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050639 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20110105A MP Al ­20 4az IN 44 4r A�r MW pz 909 Capability Dnve Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 . J �I I r- TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Background I Project Location II Mitigation Goals and Objectives III Project Description and Restoration Approach IV Project History and Background V Project Monitormg Plan VEGETATION MONITORING I Soil Data II Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol III Vegetation Success Criteria IV Results of Vegetative Momtonng V Vegetation Observations VI Vegetation Conclusions VII Vegetation Photos STREAM MONITORING I Description of Stream Monitoring II Stream Restoration Success Criteria III Bankfull Discharge Monitoring Results IV Stream Monitoring Data and Photos V Stream Stability Assessment i VI Cross section Longitudinal Profile and Bed Material Analysis Monitoring Results HYDROLOGY MONITORING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS WILDLIFE OBSERVATIONS REFERENCES South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006A EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 1 1 1 1 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 17 20 20 21 u APPENDICES Table 1 Project Mitigation Approach r APPENDIX A — Photo Logs APPENDIX B — Stream Monitoring Data APPENDIX C — As -built Plan Sheets APPENDIX D — Baseline Stream Summary for Restoration Reaches APPENDIX E — Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary — Year 5 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Project Mitigation Approach Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Background Table 5 Soil Data for Project Table 6 Tree Species Planted Table 7 Year 5 Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot Table 8 Volunteers within Wetland Restoration Area Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 10 Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Table 11 Comparison of Historic Rainfall to Observed Rainfall Table 12 Comparison of Hydrologic Monitoring Results for Years 1 - 5 Table 13 Pre - restoration vs Post - restoration Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Data LIST OF Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 FIGURES Vicinity Map Topographic Map — Restoration Summary Map Wetlands Summary Map Historic Average vs Observed Rainfall South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC u December 2010 Monrtonng Year 5 F� I' F_ ) L' SUMMARY This Annual Report details the monitoring activities during the 2010 growing season on the South Fork Hoppers Creek Wetland and Stream Restoration Site ('Site") Construction of the Site, including planting of trees, was completed in April 2006 In order to document project success, 10 vegetation monitoring plots, 16 permanent cross - sections 3,5491mear feet (LF) of longitudinal profile, a ram gauge, a crest gauge, and 8 hydrologic monitoring gauges (5 automated and 3 manual) were installed and fi assessed across the Site The 2010 data represents results from the fifth and final year of vegetation, geomorphic, and hydrologic monitoring for both wetlands and streams Prior to restoration, wetland, stream, and buffer functions on the Site were impaired as a result of agricultural conversion Streams flowing through the Site had been channelized to reduce flooding and ' - provide drainage for adjacent farm fields After construction it was determined that 5 6 acres of riverme wetlands and 7,229 LF of stream were restored, and 14 acres of riverme wetlands were enhanced Weather station data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) National Climate and -� Water Center (Mahon WETS Station in McDowell County — NC 5340) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) Water Data for North Carolina (USGS 03451500 French Broad River at Asheville, NC) were used in conjunction with a manual rain gauge located on the Site to document precipitation amounts L Though rainfall for the 2010 growing season was below average, the monitoring well data documented that all 8 of the hydrologic monitoring gauges recorded hydropenods of at least 12 percent before the end C of the growing season A total of 10 monitoring plots that were 10 meters by 10 meters or 0 025 of an acre in size were used to assess survivability of the woody vegetation planted on site These plots were randomly located to Fill represent the different zones within the project The vegetation monitoring documented a survivability range of 440 stems per acre to 600 stems per acre with an overall average of 548 stems per acre The site had earlier met the initial vegetation survival criteria of 320 stems per acre surviving after the third growing season and has now met the final vegetation survival criteria of 260 stems per acre surviving after the fifth growing season II Over the five -year monitoring period, both cross - section and profile data shows a dynamic system that is - able to adjust its dimension, pattern, and profile while maintaining stability by accommodating for ' fluctuations in inputs from the contributing drainage area In 2010, two additional bankfull events were observed and documented during the months of Marchand September of 2010 In general, dimension, pattern, profile and in stream structures continue to maintain stability and function as a stable "C" type channel In summary, the Site has successfully met all hydraulic, vegetative, and stream success criteria specified in the Site's Restoration Plan South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC m December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 PROJECT BACKGROUND The South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site "Site" is located in McDowell County North Carolina (Figure 1) The Site lies in the Catawba River Basin within North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) sub basin 03 08 -30 and US Geologic Survey (USGS) hydrologic unit 03050101040020 The Site has a recent history of pasture and general agricultural usage The streams of the Site were channelized and riparian vegetation was cleared in most locations Stream and riparian functions on the Site had been severely impacted as a result of agricultural conversion The project involved the restoration of 5 6 acres of rivenne wetlands, enhancement of 14 acres of nverme wetlands, and restoration of 7,229 Imear feet (LF) of stream along South Fork Hoppers Creek (the mainstem) and an unnamed tributary (UT 1) A total of 33 8 acres of stream, wetland, and riparian buffer are protected on -site through a permanent conservation easement I Project Location The Site is located approximately 30 miles northwest of the town of Shelby in McDowell County, North Carolina (Figures 1 & 2) From Shelby take NC Highway 226 north towards Dysartsville Approximately 3 miles past the Rutherford/McDowell County line, turn left onto Walker Road Take the next right onto Pierce Road The Site is divided into two separate sections by Pierce Road Access for the downstream section is northeast of the culvert crossing The conservation easement gate for the upstream section is southwest of the culvert crossing ) / II Nhtigahon Goals and Objectives r The specific goals for the South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Project were as follows • Restoration of 7,229 LF of stream channel • Restoration of 5 6 acres of nverme wetlands • Enhancement of 14 acres of existing riverme wetlands • Removal of cattle access to the stream channel, wetland and riparian buffer areas • Improvement of floodplain functionality by matching floodplam elevations with the bankfull stage • Establishment of native wetland and floodplain vegetation within the conservation easement • Improvement of wildlife habitat functions of the Site III Project Description and Restoration Approach For assessment and analysis purposes, the on -site streams were divided into five reaches four along the mamstem, and one on UT 1 that flows into the mainstem downstream of Pierce Road (Figure 3) The following paragraphs describe the Site's pre - construction conditions and the selected restoration approach The mainstem entered the Site from the southwest and flowed east through a 48 -inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert Reach 1 continued east through a pasture for approximately 1,500 LF and then entered a second 48 inch CMP culvert Reach 2 began 1,000 LF downstream of the second 48 -inch culvert, at the confluence of a small tributary, and continued east and north for 578 LF to twin, 72 -inch CMP culverts under Pierce Road Reach 3 began downstream of the twin culverts and continued approximately 1,200 LF north through an abandoned pasture Reach 4 extended the final 900 LF to the north project boundary and was characterized by a flatter slope, finer bed material, and a lower bank height ratio than the other 3 reaches UT 1 entered the Site through a 36 -inch culvert under Pierce Road, then flowed east to west, parallel to South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 0 � 0 i U L Pierce Road, and entered Reach 3 approximately 80 LF downstream of the twin 72 -inch culverts UT 1 had a reach length of 306 LF on the project Site For design purposes the mainstem was divided into two reaches From the assessment, Reach 1 correlates to Design Reach 1, while Reaches 2, 3, and 4 were combined for Design Reach 2 L It is likely that much of the project area once existed as a wetland ecosystem, as evidenced by hydnc soil areas across the bottomland fields of the Site, as well as landowner accounts of wet areas of the Site prior (� to drainage activities Wetland areas that once existed on the Site were drained and manipulated to Lpromote agricultural uses The stream was channelized within the project site to improve surface and subsurface drainage and to decrease flooding Subsurface drain tiles were also installed in floodplain areas of the project Site, particularly the field downstream of Pierce Road As a result, wetland functions L' were impacted within the project area The channelization of the stream impaired its ability to function L j naturally, resulting in areas of active bank erosion and an overall poor habitat condition —� Design for the restored stream involved the construction of a new channel meandering through the L I agricultural fields The restored mainstem was a Rosgen "C' stream type channel with a low width/depth cross - sectional area approaching typical Rosgen `E' type dimensions ( Rosgen, 1994) A Rosgen B" stream type was used for the restored UT 1 channel The design dimensions of each stream were based on n nearby reference reaches Wetland restoration of the agricultural fields on the Site involved raising the LJ local water table to restore a natural flooding regime The stream through the Site was restored to a stable dimension, pattern, and profile, such that riverme wetland functions were restored to the adjacent hydnc soil areas Drainage ditches within the restoration areas were filled to decrease surface and subsurface (_ drainage and raise the local water table Total stream length across the Site was increased from approximately 5,579 LF to 7,229 LF Total wetland acreage was increased from 2 17 acres to 5 6 acres Assessment of the restored site determined that 7,229 stream mitigation units (SMU) were provided for D the stream restoration and a total of 6 3 wetlands mitigation units (WMU) were achieved for wetland restoration and enhancement The design allows stream flows larger than the bankfull to spread onto the floodplain, dissipating flow energies and reducing stress on stream banks In stream structures were used to control streambed grade, reduce stress on stream banks, and promote bedform sequences and habitat diversity The in-stream structures consisted of root -wads, cover logs and log vanes, which promote a diversity of habitat features O in the restored channel Where grade control was a consideration, constructed riffles or rock cross vanes were installed to provide long -term stability Stream banks were stabilized using a combination of erosion control matting, live stakes, bare root planting, and transplants Transplants provide living root r� mass to increase stream bank stability and create holding areas for fish and aquatic biota Native vegetation was planted across the Site, and the entire restoration site is protected through a permanent conservation easement i South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 Table I Protect NVILthgathon Approach South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D04006 -4 7 229 Total acres of wetlands restored 56 Total acres of wetland enhanced � o � Ell = Enhancement II Existing °- Segment or Reach ID k °o - - Stationing Comment Restoration of dimension UTl 306 LF R P1 203 LF 1 203 200+00 202+03 pattern and profile to a B stream type Restoration to a 'C South Fork approaching E Hoppers Reach 2 595 R P1 &P2 3 528 LF 1 3528 110+85 146 +17 stream type and I LF P2 used to tie into the Pierce Road culvert Restoration to a C approaching' E" South Fork 2 678 stream type and Hoppers Reach LF R P1 &P2 3 498 LF 1 3498 146 +17 181 +70 P2 used to tie 2 channel into the Pierce Road culvert 164 +50 166 + 90 (R) Planting and Wetland E 14 Ac 05 07 171+05 176 +79 (R) raising water Enhancement 175 +91 179 +52 (L) table 178 +31 179 +52(R) 2 53 Ac 135 +79 139 +00 (L) Grading soil 154 +53 167 +80 (L) roughing Wetland R 5 6 Ac 1 56 166 +89 174 +25 (R) planting and Restoration 175 +50 177 +67 (R) raising water 175 +70 180 +43 L table Total linear feet of channel restored 7 229 Total acres of wetlands restored 56 Total acres of wetland enhanced 14 * R = Restoration E = Enhancement S = Stabilization Total Stream Mitigation 7 229 Units Total Wetland Mitigation 63 Units ** PI = Priority I P2 = Priority II P3 = Priority III El = Enhancement I Ell = Enhancement II South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 3 s IV Protect History and Background The chronology of the South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Project is presented in Table 2 The contact information for all designers, contractors, and relevant suppliers is presented in Table 3 Relevant project background information is presented in Table 4 Table 2 Protect Activity and Reporting History South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D040064 Activity or Report Data Collection Com lete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Prepared N/A Mar 05 Restoration Plan Amended N/A Apr-05 Restoration Plan Appr oved N/A Final Design — at least 90% complete) N/A Aug-05 Construction Begins N/A Jun -05 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area N/A N/A Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area N/A Apr-06 Planting of live stakes N/A Apr 06 Planting of bare root trees N/A Apr-06 End of Construction N/A May-06 Survey of As -built conditions Year 0 Momtonn - baseline Jun -06 Jul -06 Repair work Oct -06 Oct 06 Year 1 Momtorin Oct -06 Nov -06 Year 2 Monitoring Oct -07 Nov -07 Year 3 Monitoring Oct -08 Nov -08 Year 4 Momtonn Oct -09 Dec -09 Year 5 Monitoring Sept 10 Nov -10 L South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 4 Table 3 Protect Contact Table South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D040064 Full Service Delivery Contractor EBX Neuse I, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Contact Norton Webster, Tel 919 - 829 -9909 Designer Michael Baker Engineering, Inc 1447 S Tryon Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203 Contact Eng Chris Yow, Tel 704- 334-4454 Construction Contractor River Works, Inc 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Contact Will Pedersen, Tel 919 -459 -9001 Planting Contractor River Works, Inc 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Contact Will Pedersen, Tel 919 -459 -9001 Seeding Contractor River Works, Inc 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Contact Will Pedersen, Tel 919 -459 9001 Seed Mix Sources Mellow Marsh Farm, 919 - 742 -1200 Nursery Stock Suppliers International Paper, 1- 888 - 888 -7159 Monitoring Performers Michael Baker Engineering, Inc 1447 S Tryon Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203 Stream Monitoring Point of Contact Ian Eckardt, Tel 704 334 -4454 Wetland Monitoring Point of Contact Ian Eckardt, Tel 704 334-4454 Vegetation Monitoring Firm 3674 Pine Swamp Road Wetland and Natural Resource Sparta, NC 28675 Consultants Chris H sman, Tel 336406 -0906 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 5 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 F1 I J Fi 11 ri r- Table 4 Project Background South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D04006 -4 Project County McDowell County, NC Drainage Area South Fork Hoppers Reach 1 0 93 mil South Fork Hoppers Reach 2 138 mil UT 1 007 miz Estimated Drainage % Impervious Cover Reach South Fork Hoppers Reach 1 < 5% Reach South Fork Hoppers Reach 2 < 5% Reach UT < 5% Stream Order South Fork Hoppers Reach 1 2 South Fork Hoppers Reach 2 2 UT 1 1 Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Northern Inner Piedmont Rosgen Classification of As -built South Fork Hoppers Reach 1 C South Fork Hoppers Reach 2 C UT -1 B Rivenne, Upper Perennial, Cowardm Classification Unconsolidated Bottom, Cobble- Gravel Dominant Soil Types South Fork Hoppers Reach 1 IoA, EwE, HeD, HcC 1 South Fork Hoppers Reach 2 IoA, EwE, HeD, HcC2 UT 1 IoA Spencer Creek, Craig Creek, Big Reference Site ID Branch, Sals Branch USGS HUC for Project and Reference Sites 03050101040020 NCDW Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -08 -30 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor? N/A Percent of project easement fenced 50% V Project Monitoring Plan Plans depicting the as -built conditions of the major project elements, location of permanent monitoring cross - sections, locations of hydrologic monitoring stations, and locations of permanent vegetation monitoring plots are presented in Appendix C of this Report l South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 6 J December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 LI J r VEGETATION MONITORING I Soil Data The soil data for the Site are presented in Table 5 Table S you uata for Yro_lect South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D04006 -4 Max Depth % Clay on Series in Surface K T OM % (IaA) - Iotla Sandy Loam, 0 to 3 60 12 -18 02 5 2 -5 percent slopes (EwE) - Evard -Cowee Complex, 65 5 -20 024 5 1 -5 2 to 95 percent slopes (HcC2) - Hayesville Clay Loam, 62 10 -25 024 4 1 -3 2 to 60 percent slopes (HeD) - Hayesville -Evard 62 5 -25 024 5 1 -5 Complex, 2 to 60 percent slopes USDA NRCS 2006 Official Soil Series Descriptions (http / /soils usda gov/ soils /techmcaUclassittcahon/osd/mdex html) General taxonomy of Site soils Iotla The Iotla series (IaA) consists of very deep, somewhat poorly- drained soils with moderately rapid permeability on floodplams They formed 'm loamy, recent alluvium Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent (NRCS, 2006) Evard -Cowee The Evard -Cowee complex (EwE) is composed of very deep, well- drained, moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes They formed in residuum affected by soil creep in the upper part and weathered from felsic to mafic, igneous and high -grade metamorphic rocks Slopes range from 2 to 95 percent (NRCS 2006) Hawesville The Hayesville Series (HcC2 and HeD) consists of very deep well- drained soils on gently sloping to very steep ridges They most commonly formed in residuum weathered from igneous and high -grade metamorphic rocks such as granite, granodionte, mica gneiss and schist, but in some places formed from thickly -bedded metagraywacke and metasandstone On steeper slopes the upper part of some pedons may have some colluvial influence Slopes range from 2 to 60 percent (NRCS, 2006) II Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol The Site was planted in bottomland hardwood forest species in March and April 2006 The following tree species were planted in the restoration area C South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 7 F J I) �J Table 6 Tree Species Planted South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Project No D040064 ID Scientiflc Name Common Name FAC Status 1 Betula nzgra River Birch FACW 2 Fraxznus pennsylvanzca Green Ash FACW 3 Platanus occzdentahs Sycamore FACW- 4 J Querrcus phellos Willow Oak FACW- 5 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak FACU 6 Quercus mzchauxu Swamp Chestnut Oak FACW- 7 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar FAC 8 Celhs laevzgata Sugarbeiry FACW 9 Diospyros vcrgcnzana Persimmon FAC 10 Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum FAC The following monitoring protocol was designed to predict vegetative survivability Ten plots were established on the South Fork Hoppers Site, to monitor approximately 15 percent of the Site All plots were 0 025 acre in size, or 10 meters by 10 meters Six plots were established in areas that included both the wetlands and stream buffer The remaining four plots were located adjacent to the newly constructed streambed to monitor the vegetation in the stream restoration buffer The plots were randomly located within each zone and randomly oriented within the wetland restoration area Plot construction involved using metal fence posts at each of the four corners to clearly and permanently establish the area that was to be sampled Then ropes were hung connecting all four corners to help in determining if trees close to the plot boundary were inside or outside of the plot Trees on the boundary and trees dust outside of the boundary that appear to have greater than 50 percent of their canopy inside the boundary were counted inside the plot A piece of white PVC pipe ten feet tall was placed over the metal post on one corner to facilitate visual location of plot throughout the five -year monitoring period r All of the planted stems insideAhe plot were flagged with orange flagging and marked with a three foot tall piece of half -inch PVC to identify them as the planted stems (vs any colonizers) and to help in locating them in the future Each stem was then tagged with a permanent, numbered aluminum tag III Vegetation Success Criteria r The interim measure of vegetative success for the South Fork Hoppers Mitigation Plan was the survival U of at least 320 3 -year old planted trees per acre at the end of year three of the monitoring period which was met The final vegetative success criteria in the Mitigation Plan was the survival of 260, 5 -year old planted trees per acre at the end of Year Five of the monitoring period Up to 20 percent of the site species composition may be comprised of invaders Remedial action may be required should these (i e loblolly pine, red maple, sweetgum, etc ) present a problem and exceed 20 r percent composition IV Results of Vegetative Monitoring The following tables present stem counts for each of the monitoring plots Each planted tree species is identified down the left column, and each plot is identified across the top row Trees are flagged in the field on an as- needed basis before the flags degrade Flags are utilized as opposed to an alternative South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 8 December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Fj identification method because they will not interfere with the growth of the tree Volunteer species are also flagged during this process Year 5 documented an additional Quercus michauxii in Plot 10 The species may have been from regrowth or from reseed, however, the stem count for Year 5 was higher for Quercus rmchauxrr than in Year 4 Vegetation monitoring efforts have documented the average number of stems per acre on site to be 548, which is a survival rate of greater than 82 percent based on the initial planting count of 664 stems per acre The Site has achieved the vegetative success criteria of at least 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006A EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 1 Table 7 Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot for Years 1- 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D04006 -4 Imtial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 % Totals I Totals I Totals I Totals I Totals I Totals I Survival Betula nigra 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 50 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 7 1 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 24 25 23 24 21 21 88 Platanus occidentahs 2 0 8 4 3 8 0 0 3 0 30 31 32 29 28 28 93 uercus phellos 4 0 3 6 4 1 0 0 5 4 25 32 32 29 30 27 108 uercus rubra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 2 2 2 2 100 uercus michauxii 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 7 7 10 11 11 10 11 157 Linodendron tuli i ena 0 7 0 0 0 2 5 5 4 0 23 27 24 24 23 23 100 Celtis laevi ata 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 18 4 3 3 2 2 11 Diospyros virginiana 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 16 5 5 5 1 4 2 13 N ssa s lvatica 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 4 10 0 0 10 22 21 20 21 20 200 uercus spp 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stems/ lot Year 5 14 1 14 14 14 13 13 11 15 14 15 165 161 155 148 139 137 83 Stems /acre Year 5 560 560 560 560 520 520 440 600 560 600 548 Stems /acre Year 4 600 560 600 600 640 360 600 600 560 560 568 Stems /acre Year 3 640 560 600 600 640 520 640 560 560 600 592 Average Stems /acre Year 2 680 560 640 600 640 600 640 600 640 600 620 Stems /acre Year 1 680 560 640 640 720 600 680 640 640 640 644 Average Stems per Acre for Year 5 548 Range of Stems per Acre for Year 5 440 -600 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 10 December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 l Volunteer species were also monitored throughout the five -year monitoring period Table 8 depicts the most commonly found woody volunteer species Table 8 Volunteers within Wetland Restoration Area r South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Protect No D040064 ID Scientific Name Common Name FAC Status A Liquidambarstyraciflua Sweet m FAC+ B Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC Few volunteer woody species were observed in any of the vegetation plots, and were deemed too small to tally Red maple (Acer rubrum) is the most common volunteer, though sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciva) was also observed V Vegetation Observations After construction of the mitigation site, a permanent ground cover seed mixture of Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), switch grass (Panicum virgatum), and fox sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) was broadcast on the site at a rate of 10 pounds per acre These species are present on the site Hydrophytic herbaceous vegetation, including rush (Juncus effusus), spike rush (Eleochans obtusa), boxseed (Ludwigia spp ), and sedge (Carex spp ), are observed across the site, particularly in areas of periodic inundation The presence of these herbaceous wetland plants helps to confirm the presence of wetland hydrology on the site The vegetation of both woody and herbaceous species has proliferated throughout the site No additional plantings were needed throughout the five -year monitoring period The average range in height for woody species ranges from 8 to 15 feet Willows, sycamore, and tag Alders are well established along the channel and are providing bank stabilization as designed Herbaceous species are also, well established along the channel and within the floodplain area Wetland species such as tear thumb, sedge species, and rush species are flourishing within the designated wetland areas as well as in ephemeral pools within the floodplain Invasive species occurring on site consisted of kudzu lespedeza and bamboo These species have been monitored and treated throughout the five -year monitoring period to allow the desirable vegetation time to become established VI Vegetation Conclusions The site was planted in bottomland hardwood forest species in April and May 2006 There were ten vegetation - monitoring plots established throughout the planting areas The data reflect that the overall site had earlier met the minimum success interim criteria of 320 trees per acre by the end of Year 3 and has now met the final success criteria of 260 trees per acre by the end of Year 5 as specified in the Mitigation Plan VII Vegetation Photos Photos of the project showing the on -site vegetation are included in Appendix A of this report South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Moratonng Year 5 r-� J STREAM MONITORING I Description of Stream Monitoring i To document the success criteria as per the Mitigation Plan, the following monitoring program was J instituted following construction completion on the Site Bankfull Events The occurrence of bankfull events within the monitoring period was documented by the l�I use of a crest gauge and photographs One crest gauge was installed on the floodplain within 10 feet of ! the restored channel, near As -built Station 176+00 The crest gauge recorded the highest watermark between site visits and was checked at each site visit to determine if a bankfull event had occurred Photographs were taken to document the occurrence of these bankfull events and are included in I Appendix A Cross - sections Two permanent cross - sections were installed per 1,000 LF of stream restoration work, with one located at a riffle cross - section and one located at a pool cross - section A total of 16 cross- sections were established Each cross- section was marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transect used A common benchmark was used for cross- sections and consistently referenced to facilitate comparison of year -to -year data The annual cross - sectional survey included points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, water surface, and thalweg, lJ U if the features are present Riffle cross - sections were classified using the Rosgen stream classification system ( Rosgen, 1994) Permanent cross sections for 2010 (Year 5) were surveyed in September 2010 O and are included in Appendix B Longitudinal Profiles A partial longitudinal profile was surveyed for 2010 (Year 5) The profile was conducted for approximately 3,549 LF of South Fork Hoppers Creek, beginning upstream of the bridge at As -built Station 125 +09 and continuing down to As -built Station 160+58 Measurements included O thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of low bank Each of these measurements was taken at the head of each feature (e g, riffle, pool, glide) In addition, maximum pool depth was recorded All survey was n tied to a single permanent benchmark These data are included in Appendix B of this report ILJJ Bed Material Analysis Pebble counts were conducted for the permanent cross sections (100 counts per cross - section) on the Site Pebble count data were plotted on a semi -log graph and are included in n Appendix B ' Photo Reference Stations Photographs were used to visually document restoration success As total of 70 reference stations were established to document conditions at the constructed grade control structures (� across the Site These photos are provided in Appendix A Additional photo stations were established at } each of the 16 permanent cross - sections and hydrologic monitoring stations Each streambank was photographed at each permanent cross - section photo station For each streambank photo, the photo view line followed a survey tape placed across the channel perpendicular to flow (representing the cross- section line) The photograph was framed so that the survey tape is centered in the photo (appears as a vertical line at the center of the photograph), keeping the channel water surface line horizontal and near the lower edge of the frame These photos are presented along with the cross section monitoring data in Appendix B I� l -� The GPS coordinates of each photo station were noted as additional reference to ensure the same photo location was used throughout the monitoring period These stations are included in the As -built Plan CSheets in Appendix C Reference photos were taken once per year II Stream Restoration Success Criteria J The approved Mitigation Plan requires the following criteria be met to achieve stream restoration success L • Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the five year monitoring South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 12 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 �I period The two bankfull events must occur in separate years • Cross - sections There should be little change in as -built cross sections If changes to channel cross - section take place, they should be minor changes representing an increase in stability (e g , settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio) • Longitudinal Profiles The longitudinal profiles should show that the bedform features are remaining stable (not aggrading or degrading) The pools should remain deep with flat water surface slopes and the riffles should remain steeper and shallower than the pools • Bed Material Analysis Pebble counts should indicate maintenance of bed material • Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures Photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel, no excessive bank erosion or increase in channel depth over time, and maturation of riparian vegetation These stations are included in the As -built Plan Sheets in Appendix C III Bankfull Discharge Monitoring Results The on -site crest gauge documented the occurrence of two bankfull flow events during the fifth year (2009 - 2010) of the post - construction monitoring period Table 9 shows, banldull flows that were documented during each of the five years of monitoring) Inspection of site conditions following these events revealed visual evidence of out -of -bank flow, confirming the crest gauge reading The largest stream flow documented by the crest gauge during Year 5 of monitoring was approximately 2 12 feet (25 44 inches) above the bankfull stage A photo of the crest gauge reading for March 2010 is not available, however, a photo of the crest gauge reading for September of 2010 is located in Appendix A Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events South Fork Ho ppers Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 -4 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence of Bankfull Event Method of Data Collection Gage Height feet 5/11/2006 Unknown Crest Gage 023 7/17/2006 Unknown Crest Gage 016 8/18/2006 Unknown Crest Gage 109 11/29/2006 Unknown Crest Gage 028 1/16/2007 Unknown Crest Gage 073 3/13/2007 Unknown Crest Gage 1 13 5/22/2007 Unknown Crest Gage 01 7/17/2007 Unknown Crest Gage 008 9/17/2007 Unknown Crest Gage 163 1/16/2008 Unknown Crest Gage 016 4/1/2008 Unknown Crest Gage 017 7/25/2008 Unknown Crest Gage 022 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC l 13 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 I it Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events South Fork Ho ppers Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 -4 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence of Bankfull Event Method of Data Collection Gage Height feet 3/31/2009 Unknown Crest Gage 063 7/23/2009 Unknown Crest Gage 097 3/31/2010 Unknown Crest Gage 212 9/30/2010 Unknown Crest Gage 069 IV Stream Monitoring Data and Photos A photo log of the project showing each of the 70 permanent photo locations is included in Appendix A of this report Survey data and photos from each permanent cross - section are included in Appendix B of this report V Stream Stability Assessment Table 10 presents a summary of the results obtained from the visual inspection of in- stream structures 0 performed during Year 5 of post - construction monitoring The percentages noted are a general overall field evaluation of the how the features were performing at the time of the last photo point survey on October 29, 2010 These percentages are solely based on the visual assessment of the field evaluator at O the tune of the site visit Visual observations of the various structures throughout the Year 5 growing season indicated that structures were functioning as designed and holding their elevation grade Cover logs placed in meander a pool areas allowed scour to keep pools deep and provide cover for fish Root wads placed on the outside of meander bends provided bank stability and in stream cover for fish and other aquatic organisms Issues discovered during Year 2 monitoring were closely observed during Year 3 and Year 4 ^� investigations During Year 2 monitoring a few isolated pockets of scour were observed along the !� upstream end of rootwads located at stations 124 +50, 126 +75, and 133 +50 The scour appeared to have taken place before vegetation established along the streambanks These areas of minor scour were only partially visible during Year 5 monitoring, and have stabilized with the maturation of the riparian vegetation Three minor areas of scour were observed at stations 131 +25, 141 +85, and 173 +40, in Year 5, however they should not affect channel stability Beaver activity downstream of the site and within the downstream extents of the project, were documented in Monitoring Years 2 and 3, respectively, and were removed in the subsequent year No J beaver activity was documented in Year 4, however, beaver activity has returned to the site with beaver _ impoundments located at stations 178 +40 and 181 +60 Table 10 Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment } South Fork Hop rs Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 -4 Performance Percentage Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Imo' South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 14 t - December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 Table 10 Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Fork Hop rs Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 -4 Performance Percentage Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY-03 MY -04 MY -05 Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Vanes / J Hooks etc 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1'00% Wads and Boulders 100% 100% 95% 1 95% 1 95% 1 95% VI Cross - section, Longitudinal Profile, and Bed Material Analysis Monitoring Results Cross - sections Year 5 cross - section monitoring data for stream stability were collected during September 2010 and compared to as-built conditions, Year 1 (collected October 2006), Year 2 (collected October - November 2007), Year 3 data (collected October 2008), Year 4 data (collected September 2009) The 16 permanent cross - sections along the restored channels (8 located across riffles and 8 located across pools) were re- surveyed to document stream dimension at the end of monitoring Year 5 Cross sections are provided in Appendix B, and data from the cross - sections are summarized in Appendix E Previous monitoring years have noted slight variations among the monitored cross - sections The changes in dimension observed are positive changes, mostly from pools decreasing in depth and riffles narrowing from vegetative growth The channel continues to successfully move sediment through the system and maintain stability Throughout the monitoring period, point bars continue to develop and become more defined along the inside of meander bends showing that flow velocity vectors are functioning as designed The cross- section data, over the five -year monitoring period, continue to show a dynamic system that is able to adjust its dimension and maintain stability while accommodating for fluctuations in external environment inputs Longitudinal Profiles The Year 5 longitudinal profile was conducted during September 2010 A representative 3,549 LF section of the channel was surveyed beginning at As built Station 125 +09 and ending at As -built Station 160+58 The representative longitudinal profile along the restored channel was resurveyed to document stream profile at the end of monitoring Year 5 Placement of the rock cross -vanes upstream of the bridge at Pierce Rd, as well as, natural migration of the thalweg accounts for the 50 LF discrepancy between the post- construction survey length and the as-built conditions Monitoring data show that pool spacing on Reach 1 has slightly increased and that nffle slopes and sinuosity have continued to slightly increase and decrease, respectively, for Reach 2 throughout the monitoring period Though present these changes seem to be minor and are not adversely affecting the stability of the channel All other profile data on both Reach 1 and Reach 2 have maintained consistent throughout the monitoring period The longitudinal profile is included in Appendix B A summary of parameters measured are provided in Appendix E Please note that this summary represents only the portion of the project that was surveyed Bed Material Analysis Year 5 bed material samples were collected at each permanent cross- section during September 2010 Both pools and riffles along the main channel have shown the ability to effectively move fine sediments through the system while maintaining coarser bed material in the nffles and finer sediments in the pools Riffles within the mamstem continue to be dominated by very coarse gravel and small cobbles, while South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 15 December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 pools are dominated by a mix of coarse sand and fine gravels A UT 1 continues to receive influxes of fines to the system from it contributing drainage area Cross section 8 (nffle) has continued to coarsen throughout the momtonng period exhibiting its ability to effectively �1 move finer sediments, from the contributing drainage area, through the system Cross - section 7 did contain more silts and clays in Year 5 than previous years, however, the cross- section s mean and max pool depths are deeper and resemble those of as built conditions Therefore, this accumulation of fines is likely to be a temporary influx of silts and clays from the contributing drainage area dust prior to sampling All pebble count data are provided in Appendix B J C r—. South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 16 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 HYDROLOGY MONITORING Weather station data from the NRCS National Climate and Water Center (Marton WETS Station in McDowell County — NC 5340) and the USGS Water Data for North Carolina (USGS 03451500 French Broad River at Asheville, NC) were used in conjunction with a manual rain gauge located on the Site to document precipitation amounts Rainfall was below average for the majority of the growing season Precipitation fluctuated greatly from October 2009 to February 2010 Though precipitation seemed to stabilize in amounts recorded from March through September of 2010, rainfall was still significantly below average When on -site rainfall data was unavailable, total monthly rainfall data was calculated using the ram gauge data from the aforementioned USGS gauge site The Restoration Plan for the Site specifies that eight monitoring gauges (five automated and three manual) would be established across the restored site These eight monitoring gauges were installed during early -March 2006 to document water table hydrology in all required monitoring locations The wells were located across the site to document the variability in site hydrology, and the locations of monitoring gauges are shown on the as-built plan sheets As stated in the Restoration Plan, the well monitoring data should show that the Site has been saturated within 12 inches of the soil surface for at least 5 percent of the growing season, and that the site has exhibited an increased frequency of flooding Hydrologic monitoring results are shown in Tables I 1 and 12 Figure 5 compares historic rainfall events to rainfall observed during this monitoring year Table 11 Comparison of Historic Rainfall to Observed Rainfall (Inches) South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site EEP Contract No D040064 Year Month AverageA 30 %A 70 %A Observed 2010 Precipitation 2009 October 3 95 2 17 543 9 51** 2009 November 443 296 529 0 02 ** 2009 December 396 220 500 5 67 * ** 2010 January 4 23 3 10 535 006 2010 February 1546 209 536 2 92* 2010 March 543 345 652 410 2010 April 441 254 600 002 2010 May 540 388 641 2 88 2010 June 470 291 5 98 057 2010 July 428 287 r 553 062 2010 August 424 288 544 277 2010 September 448 222 545 2 74* (MRCS National Climate and Water Center 2000 and USGS 2009 & 2010) AData in these columns presented exactly as reported by the NRCS National Climate and Water Center (Marion WETS Station in McDowell County — NC5340) *Monthly on site rainfall data unavailable so total monthly rainfall data was calculated using the nearest USGS rain gauge data (USGS 03451500 FRENCH BROAD RIVER AT ASHEVILLE NC) to the project site (USGS 2009 & 2010) * *Rainfall recorded on site from 2009 ** *2009 data from USGS 03451500 rain gauge South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 17 December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Figure 5. Historic Avera¢e vs. Observed Rainfall Comparison of Historic Rainfall to Observed Rainfall is 16 --�— Observed 14 Precipitation R 1 —W—Average C 10 - 300i T 6 fx 4 0 - -- -- ww6 w JQ6 Month To meet reporting deadlines, results for the Year 5 monitoring period were collected from the first 186 days of the growing season (3/28/2010 - 9/30/2010). However, the percentage of days in which water as present within 12 inches of the soil surface for each well is still based on a 222 -day growing season. Though the growing season data collection was shortened by 36 days, all eight wells had already met the hydroperiod success criteria with a minimum of 26 consecutive days (7 percent) with water present within 12 inches of the soil surface (VWRP, 2005). Hydrologic data collected from the existing wetland reference sites indicate that the reference sites experienced hydroperiods considerably less than the hydroperiods recorded by all eight wells at the restoration site. South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC 18 December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Table 12 Comnarison of Hvdrolouic Monitnrinu Recnits for Year 5_ Year d_ VPar t VPar 2 and VPar 1 i Indicates the most consecutive number of days within the monitored growing season with a water table less than 12 inches from the soil surface 2 Indicates the cumulative number of days within the monitored growing season with a water table less than 12 inches from the soil surface 3 Indicates the number of instances within the monitored growmg season when the water table rose to less than 12 inches from the soil surface 4 Groundwater gauges MW I and MW3 are manual gauges Hydrologic parameters are estimated based on observations and correlation with automated gauge AW I 5 Groundwater gauge MW2 is a manual gauge Hydrologic parameters are estimated based on observations and correlation with automated gauge AW2 6 Reference ground water gauges are located on an Unnamed Tributary to Little Silver Creek in Morganton NC 7 Growing season for the Year 5 monitoring period was shortened to meet reporting deadline Monitoring data is based on a 186 day growing season (3/28/2010 9/30/2010) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 19 December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site EEP Contract No D04006 -4 Monitoring Most Consecutive Days' M ting Critenal Cumulative Days Meetm Criteria Station Year 5 Monitonn 7 Year 4 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 3 Monitonn Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring AW1 186(100%) 222 100% 222 100% 222 100% 222(100%) 186(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 222 (100%), 222 100% AW2 26(14%) 89(40%) 80(36%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 34(18%) 93(42%) 173(78%) 222(100 222(100%) AW3 94(51%) 113(51%) 76(35%) 133(60%) 75(34%) 139(75%) 210(95%) 131(59%) 218 98% 178 77% AW4 33(18%) 27(12%) 13(6%) 33(15%) 16(7%) 68(37%) 80 36% 43 20% 58(26%) 58 26% AW5 186(100%) 222(100%) 166(75%) 222(100%) 175(79%) 186(100 222(100%) 166(75%) 222(100 190(86%) MW14 186(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 186(100%) 222 100 222(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) MW25 26(14%) 89(40%) 80(36%) 222(100%) 222(100% 34(18%) 91(41%) 173 78% 222(100%), 222 100% MW34 186(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 222(100%) 186 100% 222(100%) 222 (100%)_, 222(100 222(100%) REFI6 10(5%) 8(4%) 7(4%) 5(2%) 5(2%) 13(7%) 52(25%) 10(5%) 26(12%) 39(18%) REF26 3(2%) 6(3%) 5(3%) 4(2%) 4(2%) 3(2%) 25(12%) 10(5%) 13(6%) 17(8%) i Indicates the most consecutive number of days within the monitored growing season with a water table less than 12 inches from the soil surface 2 Indicates the cumulative number of days within the monitored growing season with a water table less than 12 inches from the soil surface 3 Indicates the number of instances within the monitored growmg season when the water table rose to less than 12 inches from the soil surface 4 Groundwater gauges MW I and MW3 are manual gauges Hydrologic parameters are estimated based on observations and correlation with automated gauge AW I 5 Groundwater gauge MW2 is a manual gauge Hydrologic parameters are estimated based on observations and correlation with automated gauge AW2 6 Reference ground water gauges are located on an Unnamed Tributary to Little Silver Creek in Morganton NC 7 Growing season for the Year 5 monitoring period was shortened to meet reporting deadline Monitoring data is based on a 186 day growing season (3/28/2010 9/30/2010) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC 19 December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS , Vegetation Monitoring Vegetation monitoring have documented that the average number of stems per acre on site to be 548, which is a survival rate of greater than 82 percent based on the initial planting count of 664 stems per acre Kudzu, bamboo, and lespedeza have been treated throughout the monitoring period and do not seem to currently pose potential problems The Site has achieved the final vegetative success criteria of at least 260 stems per acre at Year 5 Stream Monitoring The total length of stream channel restored on the Site was 7 229 LF This entire length was inspected during Year 5 of the monitoring period (2010) to assess stream performance Based on the data collected and a visual assessment, riffles, pools, and other constructed features along the restored channel are stable and functioning as designed Remnant isolated scour, noted in Years 2 through 4, along the outer bank of a few pools upstream of Pierce Road have not shown any further signs of degradation and are becoming more stable due to maturation of the riparian vegetation Additional minor areas of scour were observed at Station 131 +25, 141 +85, and 173 +40 and should stabilize on their own over tune Beaver impoundments located at Stations 178 +40 and 181 +60 should be removed Overall, the lack of problem areas along the length of the restored channel through five years of post - construction monitoring supports the functionality of the design It is expected that stability and in- stream habitat of the system will continue to improve in the coming years as permanent vegetation matures The Site has achieved the stream stability success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan Hydrologic Monitoring Data collected during the 2010 growing season by the eight monitoring gauges showed that hydrology vaned across the Site The hydrology of these areas is expected to be more variable throughout the growing season, with the wettest penods during the early spring and late fall Groundwater levels at all eight gauges recorded hydropenods above the specified success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan throughout the five year monitoring period, except for one gauge to one year The groundwater inventory data documents that all wetland areas within the site met the hydrologic success criteria specified in the Restoration Plan WILDLIFE OBSERVATIONS Throughout the year, frogs, turtles, snakes, aquatic insects, and three- to four -inch long fish have been observed at the Site Deer and raccoon tracks were commonly observed Two dams at Stations 178 +40 and 181 +60 indicate the presence of beavers Blue herons have also been documented during monitoring activities South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 20 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 i _J REFERENCES NRCS National Climate and Water Center Marion WETS Station at McDowell County — NC 5340 (1971 -2000) FIPS /County (FIPS) 37111 2002 ftp //ftp wcc nres usda og v /s=ordclimate /wetlands /nc /37111 txt Real -Time Data for North Carolina_ Precipitation USGS Water -Data Site Information for North Carolina USGS 03451500 French Broad River at Asheville, NC Retrieved on 2010 -06 through 2010 -09 http / /waterdata usgs gov /nc /nwis /current/9type-- precip &group key = county cd Rosgen, D L 1994 A classification of natural rivers Catena 22 169 -199 U S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Technical Report Y -87 -1 U S Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Soil Series Descriptions, November 2006 http / /soils usda gov /soils /techmcal/classification/osd/mdex html I South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC 21 December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 r" I l J fl i �J J 1 CI -' APPENDIX A PHOTO LOG [1 J L r 1 CREST GAUGE PHOTOS A CREST GAUGE PHOTOS OF BANKFULL Crest Gauge — 9/30/10 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 �f ,f 0 PHOTO ID LOG W S. Fork Hoppers — PID 67 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 69 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 68 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 70 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -1, LLC 13 December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID I S. Fork Hoppers — PID 2 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 3 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 4 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 5 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 6 • �` , L y• I� .. ♦. �. �� ?, t�.:•� ..h it r` Al- VIN t � y WIN i 6 Vii` Ti^l / yy t� z , r 4a 1 1 1 I� 11 1 1 1 1 11 •.. `rte 1 .....rs '- +- �..�. -�^ r may. 1 111• ' 1 1 111• ' 1 1 �" '� ' •fiXd'� of �. .'J'. � 1 S r _ S. Fork Hoppers — PID 19 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 21 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 23 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 20 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 22 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 24 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 25 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 27 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 26 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 28 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 29 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 30 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC 6 December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 31 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 33 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 35 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 32 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 34 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 36 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 37 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 39 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 41 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -1, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 38 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 40 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 42 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 43 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 45 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 47 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 44 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 46 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 48 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 49 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 51 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 53 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 50 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 52 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 54 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC 10 December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 55 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 57 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 59 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 56 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 58 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 60 oo a 4 ♦ 4 r � y 1 w Y/i Apt l ` NZ e � , i c ^� �y � �� r � °• tL � -- S 2 �A jam. oe S. Fork Hoppers — PID 67 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 69 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 68 S. Fork Hoppers — PID 70 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC 13 December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 VEG PLOT PHOTOS Veg Plot #1 Veg Plot #3 Veg Plot #5 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -1, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Veg Plot #2 Veg Plot #4 Veg Plot #6 Veg Plot #7 Veg Plot #9 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -1, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Veg Plot #8 Veg Plot #10 APPENDIX B STREAM MONITORING DATA Permanent Cross Section X1 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 20.4 19.88 1.03 2.24 1 19.37 1 3.5 1186.29 1186.29 X1 Riffle 1189 G------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- -o 1188 1187 0 1186 �y( ----- -- --- - -- --- -- - - - - - -- Ei 1185 1184 1183 - -4- Bankfull -- 9- -Floodprone —* —As Built - - Year 1 4 Year 2 ---- Year 3 —*— Year 4 ——Year 5 1182 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X2 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth I WtD BH Ratio ER I BKF Elev I TOB Elev Pool 16 12.88 1.24 1 2.01 1 10.39 1 5.4 1 1185.88 1 1185.88 X2 Pool 1189 - -- - - -- 1188 o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------- - - - - -o 1187 1186 ----------------- 1185 1184 to 1183 1182 -- o- -- Bankfull -- - -- Floodprone As Built *— Year 1 1181 +Year2 — + —Year3 Year4 - -*—Year 5 1180 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X3 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream ` BKF Max BKF I Feature Type BKF Area I BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev I TOB Elev Riffle E 20.6 14.39 1.43 2.56 1 10.06 1 4.9 1190.54 1190.54 X3 Riffle 1194 - 1193 o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- --------------- -- - -- - -o 1192 1191 ------------- - - - - -- �11R io` / 1190 m w 1189 1188 1187 --�-- Bankfull Floodprone IN As Built mac-- Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 --i —Year 4 -- ■—Year 1186 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X4 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type IBKFArea BKF Width I Depth I Depth W/D I BH Ratio ER I BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 19.8 15.29 1.3 2.68 1 11.78 1 4.6 1190.21 1190.21 X4 Pool - -- - - -- 1194 -- 1193 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------- -- - - - - - -- 1192 1191 c 0 1190 -------------------- w 1189 1188 1187 1186 - --e--- Bankfull - --e--- Floodprone --*—As Built – Year 1 Year 2 --+— Year 3 —i-- Year 4 t Year 5 1185 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X5 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W(D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 21.9 16.38 1.33 2.38 1 12.28 1 4.3 1193.27 1193.27 X5 Riffle 1196 o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 1195 1194 ��ryr 0 1193 ------------------------ w 1192 1191 1190 F�__ Bankfull - -9 -- Floodprone --mac— As Built --x----Year 1 — 0 Year 2 — +— Year 3 Year 4 t Year 1189 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X6 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected October 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Tye BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 43.1 26.78 1.61 3.61 1 16.64 1 2.6 1193.81 1193.81 X6 Pool 1199 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 1197 1195 c� ----------------------------------------- 1193 d w 1191 1189 - -� -- Bankfull - -$ -- Floodprone --*--As Built —x Year 1 —�— Year 2 --+— Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1187 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X7 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D040064, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type IBKFArea BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio I ER I BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 8.6 8.01 1.08 2.21 1 7.43 1 8.5 1196.48 1 1196.48 X7 Pool 1200 1199 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1198 1197 --- -- - - - - -- 1196 d w 1195 1194 1193 __$__ Bankfull Floodprone As Built —) Year 1 4 Year 2 —i Year 3 —1 —Year 4 — w—Year 5 1192 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D040064, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X8 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Tye BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 7.2 13.01 0.56 1.97 1 23.36 1 4.8 1198.01 1198.02 X8 Riffle -- 1201 - 1200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199 g 1198 ------------------ w 1197 1196 - -$ -- Bankfull Floodprone —N As Built —x— Year 1 1195 0 Year 2 —i°- Year 3 – f— Year 4 Year 5 1194 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X9 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Tye - BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D - BH Ratio ER BKF -Elev TOB Elev Pool 82.2 30.57 2.69 4.04 11.36 1 2.3 1200.53 1200.53 X9 Pool - - 1206 - -- -- — o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 1204 1202 NO----------------------------------------------- 1200 CD w 1198 1196 -9-__ Bankfull - --e--- Floodprone --*—As Built — x Year 1 0 Year — +- - Year 3 Year --t —Year 1194 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X10 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D 3HrRatio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 23.5 16.89 1.39 2.55 1 12.13 1 4.2 1203.27 1203.27 X10 Riffle 1207 - 1206 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- ---- ----------- - -- - -o 1205 1204 b+ 1203 --- ---- --- ----- --- - - - - -- m w 1202 1201 1200 - -� -- Bankfull - -� -- Floodprone —* —As Built —x— Year 1 0 Year2 -- +� —Year3 — �Year4 tYear5 1199 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X11 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth ,: H Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 31.7 29.77 1.06 2.89 27.98 1 2.3 1214.25 1214.25 X11 Pool 1218 1217 o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------ -- ---- --- - - - - -o 1216 1215 0 1214 i� ----------- ----- --------- --------- - - - - -� > 1213 m w 1212 1211 1210 1209 - -9 -- Bankfull - -A -- Floodprone 19 As Built - Year 1 t Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1208 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X12 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature, ,;;Type BKF Area I BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER I BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 18.7 17.41 1.07 1.82 16.26 1 4 1214.51 1214.51 X12 Riffle - -- 1217 - -- o----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 1216 1215 c p"--°------°------°"- 1214 m w 1213 1212 - -� - Bankfull Floodprone —0 As Built - Year 1 6 Year 2 t Year 3 —� Year 4 f Year 1211 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X13 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 25.4 12.48 2.04 2.71 6.13 1 5.6 1216.95 1216.95 X13 Pool 1221 - 1220 o----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - --o 1219 1218 r. c 1217 -------- - - - - -- R w 1216 1215 1214 --�-- Bankfull - -9 -- Floodprone --*—As Built Year 1 1213 +Year2 Year —A Year fYear 1212 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X14 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF' Feature Type IBKFArea I BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio I ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 19.8 20.26 0.98 1.97 20.77 1 1 3.5 1218.17 1218.17 X14 Riffle -- 1221 1220 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 1219 o 1218 -------------------------- w i Ei 1217 1216 -- e - Bankfull Floodprone —0 As Built - -- * -- Year 1 0 Year 2 ---+--Year 3 — A Year 4 —f —Year 1215 1214 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X15 (Year 5 Monitroing Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth W!D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 16.2 17.58 0.92 1.89 1 19.08 1 4 1222.7 1222.7 X15 Riffle 1225 - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 1224 1223 0 Y 1222 m w 1221 1220 __,Q, -- Bankfull - -$ -- Floodprone 0 As Built — — Year 1 6 Year 2 —Year 3 --A Year 4 --11--- Year 5 1219 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Permanent Cross Section X16 (Year 5 Monitoring Data - collected September 2010) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W!D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 10.2 8.8 1.16 2.09 1 7.55 1 8 1223.98 1223.98 X16 Pool 1227 1226 o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- -- -- --- --------- --- -- -- -o 1225 1224 - ----- - - - --- 0 1223 w 1222 1221 1220 Bankfull - --e--- Floodprone - As Built - x - Year 1 —4 Year 2 — *— Year 3 Year 4 —F Year 1219 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek - Year 5 (2010) Monitoring Profile 1215 LTB RTB 1210 -+-WSF -N-As -Built —Year 2 -4--Year 3 1205 — -4--year 4 —-Year 5 0 1200 — — A w ;r. 1195 1190 1185 14700 14900 15100 15300 15500 15700 15900 16100 Station South Fork Hoppers, EEP Contract No. D04006 -4, EBX NEUSE -I, LLC December 2010, Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) rl j I South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 I) BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek - Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X1 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/8/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT IDATA ENTRY BY KS Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) rl j I South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 I) PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 4 I 4% 4% Very Fine 063 125 4 I 4% 8% Fine 125 25 6 6% 14% Medium 25 50d 2 2% 16% Coarse 50 1 0 2 w u 2% 18% Very Coarse 1 0 20 14 14% 32% R O V E O C C 0n o o �oc1 Very Fine 20 28 � 32% Very Fine 28 40 = 32% Fine 40 56 32% Fine 5 6 8 0 2 2% 34% Medium 80 110 " 4 - 4% 38% Medium 11 0 160 n 8 "' 8% 46% Coarse 160 226 4 4% 50% Coarse 226 32 6 6% 56% Very Coarse 32 45 12 ° 12% 680 Very Coarse 45 64 16 16% 84% Small 64 90 12 r 12% 96% Small 90 128 2 ` 2% 98% < noo Large 128 180 2 2% 100% Large 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024, , 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% cmBedrock > 2048 1, yid �� 100% 1 Total 1 100 100% Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) rl j I South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 I) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% m c LL c 50% m m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% South Fork Hoppers Creek X1 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution — 0 Pebble Data 001 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% C m V L IL 50% rn to R V 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X1 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution I ■ Pebble Data I 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 f� i�t n F j �I 0 9L �I �I PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X2 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/812010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT DATA ENTRY BY KS Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT t Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % %Cum Sett /Clay < 063 33 33% 33% Very Fine 063 125`1 L 33% S Fine 125 25 10 10% 43% A Medium 25 50 14 14% 57% D D Coarse 50 1 0 8 8% 65% Very Coarse 1 0 20 2 r 2% 67% Very Fine 20 28 67% O Very Fine 28 40 3 a 3% 70% Fine 40 56 5 �' 5% 75% R Fine 56 80 14 14% 89% V Medium 80 110 9 �r "' 9% 98% Medium 110 160 2 2% 100% E n� O0 L `C - ( ,� , Q Coarse 160 226 s 100% Coarse 226 32 , a 100% (o) 0 0 C Very Coarse 32 45 #; 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% Small 64 90� ° 100% Small 90 128 100% < Large 128 180 100% rno Large 180 256 ° �' ; 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% 6iii Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% 90% --*—Pebble Data 80% 70% 60% d c LL c 50% m v m a- 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X2 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% +, 60% c m L 50% w is V 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% s Pebble Data South Fork Hoppers Creek X2 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 (I PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT I I J 0 Pi 0 PI Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC `— December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 �I J Distnbution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X3 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/8/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT IDATA ENTRY BY KS Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC `— December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 �I J Distnbution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Sett /Clay < 063 0% Very Fine 063 125 , 0% Fine 125 25 0% S A Medium 25 50 „ 4 0% N D Coarse 50 10 4 4% 4% Very Coarse 1 0 20 2' � Fa4 2% 6% Very Fine 20 28 r � �, ; 6% OHO f Very Fine 28 40 6% Fine 40 56 _ 6% G Fine 5 6 8 0 - 6% R V Medium 80 110 6" r 6% 12% Medium 11 0 160 6t 6% 18% E �0 L Q�c Coarse 160 226 , ' ti 18% O C Coarse 226 32 8 8% 26% 9 �� ��n Very Coarse 32 45 42 n L 42% 68% Very Coarse 45 64 24.E 24% 92% 0 C Small 64 90 4-, 4% 96% Small 90 128 , P 96% < Large 128 180 4 4% 100% Large 180 256 - 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 t 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 10000 Total 100 100% Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC `— December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 �I J Distnbution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% d c LL c 50% m m a 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -1- 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X3 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution —s Pebble Data 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c m v L 50% H y V 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% South Fork Hoppers Creek X3 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution ■Pebble Data �- 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 I C L PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 N Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X4 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/10/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT IDATA ENTRY BY KS Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 N Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class -gilt / Clay < 063 18 18% 18% Very Fine 063 125 4 4% 22% S Fine 125 25 16- 16% 38% A Medium 25 50 12 12% 50% N D Coarse 50 10 _18 18% 68% Very Coarse 1 0 20 14 14% 82% O � G0 R 0 A V 0o L O �O ooh C Very Fine 20 28 82% Very Fine 28 40 4 4% 86% Fine 40 56 4 4% 90% Fine 56 80 1 90% Medium 80 110 4 4% 94% Medium 110 160 4 4% 98% Coarse 160 226 2 2% 100% Coarse 226 32 t 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% O< Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 ' 100% < Large 128 180 100% Large 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 w 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 ' 100% Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 N Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 O a) 000 �O (00 LO 't r JOUTA;uao,1ad 0 -.-0 N \ \ \ O O O O 0 P a) LL n t E 7 U o a) U) 0 1;7 L C L — Q O O 0— 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 O a) 000 �O (00 LO 't r JOUTA;uao,1ad 0 -.-0 N \ \ \ O O O O 0 P a) LL n t E 7 U o a) U) 0 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c a� M 50% U) fA t0 U 40% 30% 20% 10% I III Pebble Data I South Fork Hoppers Creek X4 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution i 0% ITT; � t� 1� i� j 1� iT i i i i j i i i c i i i 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT U Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) r South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X5 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/8/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT IDATA ENTRY BY KS U Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) r South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 �` 0% �y LL Very Fine 063 125 0% s w�zi Y� A '�L'iL YY N t D '�1it Fine 125 25 0% Medium 25 50 '! 0% Coarse Very Coarse 50 10 1 0 20 2 2% 2% 2% O RFine V YO L O C 00� Very Fine 20 28 2% Very Fine 28 40 v 2% Fine 40 56 ' 5 5% 7% 56 80 2 2% 9% Medium t 80 110 2 2% 11% Medium 110 160 10 10% 21% Coarse 160 226 6 6% 27% Coarse 226 32 10 10% 37% Very Coarse 32 45 23 23% 60% Very Coarse 45 64 30 30% 90% O< Small 64 90 8 8% 98% Small 90 128 98% OLarge Large 128 180 2 2% 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% RQUIL Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% U Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) r South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% 90% t Pebble Data 80% 70% 60% a� c LL c 50% m v m a 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X5 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 r 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c m L L 50% Ul H t0 V 40% 30% 20% 10% 1 ■ Pebble Data I South Fork Hoppers Creek X5 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 0% i i-r I-i � l I =-F = I I I 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles (pool) � South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH/LOCATION X6 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/8/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY KS /CT IDATA ENTRY BY KS Largest particles (pool) � South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 + 12 12% 12% 'SLY '�t'ti'Yt L 'LYtttt'L�t �y�y 1yyy�yyy� Very Fine 063 125 ; 7 7% 19% Fine 125 25 7 7% 26% Medium 25 50 „14. 14% 40% Coarse Very Coarse 50 10 1 0 20 11 4 11% j 4% 51% j 55% O R 0 A V E L O C n OO6c)C Very Fine 20 28 n 55% Very Fine 28 40 8 8% 63% Fine 40 56 16 16% 79% Fine 5 6 8 0 3 3% 82% Medium 80 110 15 15% 97% Medium 110 160 n 3 3% 100% Coarse 160 226 t 100% Coarse 226 32 ' 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% OSmall 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% Large 128 180 100% QLarge 180 256 } , 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 1000D Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) � South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% 90% 80% 70% L 60% m c LL c 50% m v L m a 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 ti South Fork Hoppers Creek X6 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution t Pebble Data 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) l South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 1000 10000 aq 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c d v L a 50% fn fn cc V 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X6 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution ■ Pebble Data I hi 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 t f ) l � 0 0 0 0 I� �I J r l J L� f � .I PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT J BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH/LOCATION X7 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL IDATA ENTRY BY IE J Largest particles (pool) l South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % /o Cum Silt / Clay < 063 90 90% 90% i'ttL'titL L 6U i t 8 t'L ♦L 1 A 't i t N ti L 1 D Y t i Very Fine 063 125 r 10 10% 100% Fine 125 25 100% Medium 25 50 100% Coarse Very Coarse 50 1 0 10 20 100% 100% O� G R V E c�O L O C C n 00�rCS Very Fine 20 28 100% Very Fine 28 40 a �� 100% Fine 40 56 100% Fine 56 80 r - y 100% J Medium 80 110 100% Medium 110 160 100% Coarse 160 226 ~� 100% Coarse 226 32 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% 0 Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% < 0 Large 128 180 100% Large 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) l South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% +Pebble Data 98% 96% 5 LL c 94% d v L m a 92% 90% 88% 4- 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X7 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 0 01 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c 4) L IL 50% N N v 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X7 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution IIII Pebble Data 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 19 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X8 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL IDATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles 19 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 30 30% 30% 'LY 11'1't`111 `L'1 LY'1'i '►'�1 S Y --1111 Y'1 A 'L'i'1 i'1 N '11'1 p tiiw Very Fine 063 125 30% Fine 125 25 25„ 25% 55% Medium 25 50 25 25% 80% coarse Very Coarse 50 10 1 0 20 3 3% 83% 83% O RFine Very Fine 20 28 83% Very Fine 28 40 83% Fine 40 56 83% 56 80 4 4% 87% V E L O ���OCIC Medium 80 110 87% Medium 110 160 6 6% 93% Coarse 160 226 ` 7 7% 100% Coarse 226 32 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% 00 C Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% < QLarge Large 128 180 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% RQUII Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles 19 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 Distribution Plot Size (mm) 0 063 0 125 025 050 10 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 100% 90% 80% 70% L 60% m c LL c 50% m L m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X8 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution —4 Pebble Data 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 a 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c p� 50% N N f0 v 40% 30% 20% 10% 1 ■ Pebble Data I South Fork Hoppers Creek X8 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 0% A 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006-4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X9 POOI DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % % cum Silt / Clay < 063 0% i yy yy'i'L 'i i �i wL 4 Very Fine Fine Medium 063 125 125 25 25 50 / t 21 21% 0% 0% 21% Coarse 50 10 32 4 32% 53% Very Coarse 1 0 20 31 ' } 31% 84% O^ R O V E L O (7 OOcx�C Very Fine 20 28 ' 84% Very Fine 28 40 84% Fine 40 56 84% Fine 56 80 15 5% 89% Medium 80 110 4 4% 93% Medium 110 160 93% Coarse 160 226 4 4% 97% Coarse 226 32 3 3% 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% OC Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% Large 128 180 100% OLarge 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% O Bedrock > 2048 w 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% t Pebble Data 80% 70% 60% m c LL c 50% m m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X9 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% +, 60% c m L L 50% ql v 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X9 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 1 ■ Pebble Data I 0 0630 1250 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 160 226 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 180 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek - Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X10 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles 180 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 ' 0% 'yfi i'tiL'yL'yL't ww �w ti w� 'ALL Y'1 tiff Yeti Very Fine Fine Medium 063 125 125 25 25 50 1 f 8 n 8% 00 0% 8% Coarse 50 10 8% Very Coarse 1 0 20 r 5 i 5% 13% O- R 0 R V E L O C (7 OOcx�cCY Very Fine 20 28 13% Very Fine 28 40 13% Fine 40 56 13% Fine 56 80 13% Medium 80 110 13% Medium 110 160 13% Coarse 160 226 5 5% 18% Coarse 226 32 18% Very Coarse 32 45 15 15% 33% Very Coarse 45 64 12 12% 45% OSmall 64 90 8 8% 53% Small 90 128 27 27% 80% < OLarge Large 128 180 20- - --'20% 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 ' 100% ROC Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles 180 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D040064 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 100% 90% 4 Pebble Data 80% 70% 60% d c ILL c 50% a� L a 40% South Fork Hoppers Creek X10 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 0 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 01 1 10 100 - Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% }, 60% c d v L CL 50% H fq 10 V 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X10 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution I ■ Pebble Data I 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles IF-1 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X11 POOI DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles IF-1 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 " 15 15% 15% yy 'tLti'�t�ti Very Fine 063 125 15 15% / 30% ti t.� L�ti L `F t 'L't•'L'1 'YLL Y�L'1 Fine Medium 125 25 25 50 25 20 25% 20% 55% 75% Coarse 50 1 0 5 5% 80% Very Coarse 1 0 20 5 --F5'/, 0 85% O� G 0 R V E L O C n OQ�C Very Fine 20 28 r 85% Very Fine 28 40 85% Fine 40 56 1 85% Fine F 5 6 8 0 , 3 3% 88% Medium 80 110 7 7% 95% Medium 110 160 5 5% 100% Coarse 160 226 ,� 100% Coarse 226 32 - 100% Very Coarse 32 45 w 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% 0 < OLarge Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 r ° 100% Large 128 180 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 1100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 ; . 100% Total 1,00 100% Largest particles IF-1 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% d c LL c 50% d m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% t Pebble Data South Fork Hoppers Creek X11 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 001 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% C G1 V a 50% N N U 40% 30% 20% 10% 1 ■ Pebble Data I r— South Fork Hoppers Creek X11 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 1 � 1 � i � � O o �0 TT I � +TIC —i I�� iTi a —T 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 130 mm (riffle) ^I J South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC l December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 F 1 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X12 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY 1E/PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles 130 mm (riffle) ^I J South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC l December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 F 1 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 0% S A 'Yt N Y D �y'�i'�1 Very Fine Fine Medium 063 125 125 25 25 50 7 7% 0% 0% 7% Coarse 50 1 0 5 5% 12% Very Coarse 1 0 20 12% O G R A V E �O L i O n 0 C Very Fine 20 28 12% Very Fine 28 40 12% Fine 40 56 12% Fine 56 80 12% Medium 80 110 12% Medium 110 160 a 5 5% 17% Coarse 160 226 17% Coarse 226 32 15 15% 32% Very Coarse 32 45 36 1 36% 68% Very Coarse 45 64 -17 17% 85% 0 < Small 64 90 5 5% 90% Small 90 128 10 10% 100% < OLarge Large 128 180 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Rim Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles 130 mm (riffle) ^I J South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC l December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 F 1 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% m c LL c 50% a� m a- 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers Creek X12 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c m L a 50% N N U 40% 30% 20% 10% South Fork Hoppers Creek X12 - Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution I i Pebble Data I 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles tNvvi/ South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek - Year 5 Monitoring REACH/LOCATION X13 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE/PL IDATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles tNvvi/ South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Pool Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 15 15% 15 % ti�t'1��LM i L L'Li�'L LM wLLy �KLy ti'�t l'L�'LM Very Fine Fine Medium 063 125 125 25 25 50 " 10 35 24 _ 10% 35% 24% 25% 60% 84% Coarse Very Coarse 50 10 1 0 20 84% 84% O� G R V E Very Fine 20 28 84% Very Fine 28 40 84% Fine 40 56 w 84% Fine 5 6 8 0 - 84% Medium 80 110 84% Medium 110 160 11 11% 95% L O C (7 C Coarse 160 226 95% Coarse 226 32 95% Very Coarse 32 45 5 5% 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% OC Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% QLarge Large 128 180 100% 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 a 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles tNvvi/ South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% m c LL c 50% m m a 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X13 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 0 Pebble Data 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c a� L 50% N y _R V 40% 30% 20% 10% I ® Pebble Data South Fork Hoppers Creek X13 - Pool Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 I ni �I l� PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH /LOCATION X14 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 f 0% Very Fine 063 125 F , 0% 'L'L t`►'L'L'L'L'1 S A �L'�' D �9 Fine Medium 125 25 25 50 5 5% 0% 5% Coarse 50 10 5% Very Coarse 1 0 20 j 5% O c0 R V E L O C C On o Ocx�c 1 Very Fine 20 28 5% Very Fine 28 40 5% Fine 40 56 5% Fine 56 80 r 5% Medium 80 110 3 3% 8% Medium 110 160 8% Coarse 160 226 3 3% 11 Coarse 226 32 11% Very Coarse 32 45 - 45 45% ' 56% Very Coarse 45 64 27 27% 83% 0 C Small 64 90 16 16% 99% Small 90 128 99% do Large 128 180 1 1 % 100% Large 180 256 100% r Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Sam Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles 150 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek X14 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% Pebble Data 80% 70% 60% m c LL c 50% m v m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 I 01 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c d v IL 50% N N tC V 40% 30% 20% 10% 1 ! Pebble Data I South Fork Hoppers Creek X14 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 0% i i i I -; TIC T i i i 00630 125025 050 1 0 20 28 40 56 80 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 f I J i� L, PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET RIFFLE 100 -COUNT Largest particles 220 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek - Year 5 Monitoring REACH/LOCATION X15 Riffle DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY 1E/PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles 220 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 0% yLy�.ti��.ti Very Fine 063 125 0% 'L '4'L'Lti �'t tiw Fine Medium 125 25 25 50 _ 5 5% 0% 5% Coarse 50 10 5% Very Coarse 1 0 20 5% O G 0 R V E L O C C O Query Very Fine 20 28 5% Very Fine 28 40 5% Fine 40 56 10 10% 15% Fine 56 80 15% Medium 80 110 2 2% 17% Medium 110 160 17% Coarse 160 226 17% Coarse 226 32 5 5% 22% Very Coarse 32 45 24 24% 46% Very Coarse 45 64 35 35% 81% OO Small 64 90 5 5% 86% Small 90 128 12 12% 98% < Q Large 128 180 ' 98% Large 180 256 2- 2% 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles 220 mm (riffle) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitonng Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% d c LL c 50% d v m d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% * Pebble Data South Fork Hoppers Creek X15 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 001 01 1 10 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c m a 50% U) N 10 V 40% 30% 20% 10% ■ Pebble Data I South Fork Hoppers Creek X15 - Riffle Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution O / - i- - i- �- �- -1- -- � i-T -I IT 1 T'i -r i-i- 0 0630 125 0 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX NEUSE -1 LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET POOL 100 -COUNT Largest particles (pool) + ^� South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 BAKER PROJECT NO 108410 SITE OR PROJECT South Fork Hoppers Creek Year 5 Monitoring REACH/LOCATION X16 Pool DATE COLLECTED 9/22/2010 FIELD COLLECTION BY IE /PL DATA ENTRY BY IE Largest particles (pool) + ^� South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class % % Cum Silt / Clay < 063 10 10% 10% '►'L'L'L'L'L'L'L's wti way Very Fine Fine Medium 063 125 125 25 25 50 10 1 45 10% 45% 10% 20% 65% Coarse 50 1 0 16 16% 81% Very Coarse 1 0 20 d'6 6% 87% O R V E L O Very Fine 20 28 y 87% Very Fine 28 40 87% Fine 40 56 87% Fine 56 80 v5 5% 92% Medium 80 110 8 8% 100% Medium 110 160 100% Coarse 160 226 100% C nO��ry Coarse 226 32 100% Very Coarse 32 45 100% Very Coarse 45 64 100% 0 Small 64 90 100% Small 90 128 100% � Large 128 180 100% 0 ((�� Large 180 256 100% Small 256 362 100% Small 362 512 100% Medium 512 1024 100% Large Very Large 1024 2048 100% C Bedrock > 2048 100% Total 100 100% Largest particles (pool) + ^� South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% CD c LL c 50% m v m °- 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 001 South Fork Hoppers Creek X16 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution —�— Pebble Data 01 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 1000 10000 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% c m L L 50% N N V 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -_j ■Pebble Data South Fork Hoppers Creek X16 - Pool Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 0 0630 1250 25 0 50 1 0 2 0 2 8 4 0 5 6 8 0 11 3 16 0 22 6 32 45 64 90 128 `180 256 362 512 1024 2048 5000 Particle Size Class (mm) South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 -4 EBX NEUSE -I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 I APPENDIX C AS -BUILT PLAN SHEETS 1 e J Mp -70 ROAD SR 6 1776 JBUC R/M) 'NDEX OF SHEETS T1 - S1 - P1 -P9 - TITLE SHEET SYMBOL SHEET PLAN SHEETS PROJECT ENGINEER EGR DATE 06/30 2006 NOTE 1 PHOTO ID POINTS AND VEGETATION PLOTS LOCATED USING GPS 2 THESE PLANS WERE ORGINIIALLY SEALED ON 06/30/06 AND ARE PROVIDED WITH THIS MONITORING REPORT FOR REFERENCE ONLY SOUTH FORK HOPPERS AS -BUILT TITLE SHEET m arA LEGEND { 110 +00 AS -BUILT THALWEG (STA 100 +85 TO 181 +70) i ROOTWAD 10+00 DESIGN THALWEG ALIGNMENT (STA 10 +85 TO 82 +00) CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE • PHOTO ID POINT - - - - - -900- - - - - - - MAJOR (INDEX) CONTOUR ° SURVEY CONTROL POINT --------- - - - - -- MINOR CONTOUR CROSS VANE 2 CONSERVATION EASEMENT i ® LOG VANE CONSERVATION EASEMENT FENCE 0 0 0 oc VEGETATION TRANSPLANT BAMBOO BARRIER ° COVER LOG X12 CROSS SECTION CROSS SECTION BAMBOO TREATMENT AREA VEGETATION PLOT FORD STREAM CROSSING WETLAND RESTORATION WETLAND ENHANCEMENT v PROJECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO 0224C P1 PROJECT ENGINEER CLY APPROVED BY EGR DATE 06/30/2006 /X/ �/ \ - - - - -- PHOTO w PHOroa- POINT 067 Ln 110 + /// / _ _ \ \ \�� 1 \ /// -- W \ \ \\ s \\ \ PHOTO tD \ / / ' C6 L PHOMOD \ \ — X15 CRpg� SECTI 8\ COVER sac co�R LOG I / \ \ CL \ \ POINT 070 \ PQT 065 \ BE UN C5R5TRH6TI0t!_ \ ` \ \ \ / �j / / \ i \ \ I I 1 LLJ i i`ry1Ib^ \ \, lb \ I LoC pWN>T \ PROTOM 7j 31600 \� 11. 13.9iJ- \ _ i \ \ v \ A SOUTH FORK HOPPERS AS —BUILT 20._y 20 40 �IIIIIII — SCALE (FT) PROJECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO I 0224C P2 PROJECT ENGINEER CLY I APPROVED BY EGR I — — — — DATE _ 06/30/2006 01 CONSERVATION EASEMENT FENCE roPC1NT/6\ PWA \\ __ __�� / \ w( O COVER LAC PHOTO 6) LLB -- /� / I 1 /v�tT A9" ( / / f57 / \ 'v / JI } \ Y I I POINT � \ ' / z PHOTO 6) T U Q j52 COVER LOG \ I g OVER LOG / \ Q /r - 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+ + +4 + + + + + NOTO ID PHOTO ID W I I POT ►44 POINT N2 i usa+EaoacAL -- —_ NON- DISTURBANCE AREA / WETLAND RESTORATION AREA ^ / / / — NT D _ ^1 / VEG PLOT 07 POINT / ` J / OG VANE COVER LOG / I at S'REAV COS 5 a Ld 00 PHOTO 0 POINT 147 \ Q PHOTO ID P094T 041 \ \ COVER LOC BAMBOO BARRIER — — — A� \ LOG VANE PONT LOG VANE / I I/ I �I SOUTH FORK HOPPERS AS —BUILT \ ° 20 9 20 40 I SCALE (FT) L pct 02240 Iqn 0224 ASBUIL Cvp SHEETS.E q N 12 2007 ! I 0 00 apt X I PHOTO ID POINT 132 CE z \ \ \ zz X1205 / — — _ — Ltl \ pA\ppoO� 1d�\ \ ='— _ _ -. \ \\ \\ \ ` — / = = == \O zzx L 11970 i i i i' i �i i i yY i i i/ i i i + Of DO \ I K Nn U d I I I I1 I I +\ \ / / WETLAND RESTORATION AREA \ \ I W O 1194,L I I \ \ I \ PNOT � ro � \ 'NOTO X19 \ I I \ POINT J23 \ \ \ \\ I VEO PLOT a \ \ \ \ r I I P PHOTO ED' I ' rty 1 P�OU01 u0 1 PONT j24 PHOTO ID 0 1 POINT In 1 1 F� S r 4q 2 / to° / I li USA 9 N 12 2007 II 10, Iosszw, \ \ \ \ \ \ I\ c M" -MB ss +B2 �x \ 37 OD \ / / — / \ \ a� END OF TWO 202 +02 79 \ \ \ \LOGS VANE y \ \ \ PHOTO 0 T 125 PO RAM I Z N 67617731 \ I= 11493161 \ \ O \ � H POINT /31 \ \ \ \ RAW GAUGE PROJECT REFERENCE NO PROJECT ENGINEER CLY APPROVED BY EGR DATE 06/30/200 SOUTH FORK HOPPERS AS -BUILT 20 4 20 40 SCALE (FT) N1 O) L / i I � �— \ 1 apt\\ _i wl Ci\ \ \\ \\ I ONTO/ro Po 1 — -93 2 /i � N 6nOCAP N 7BBa0.]J \ i i i i t / t i i i i i i i \\ i i i i \ i i •a i 11LiW n 0 12 WETLAND RESTORATION AREA I \v—xm ^ COVER L O Aur— _ \ \ / ` \" \Vn �4 I N1 O) L / I � \ 1 wl Ci\ \ \\ \\ I ONTO/ro Po 1 — Ul / c'w / ILo / / I / 0^ LL / / I LLJ z \ J IU Q ✓L I r. 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TOMATIO WELL 02 Z T 07 .l� .I, _ v w w w U 41 �L W W EWIANCEMNT AREe y 4, — � I a I 1 I WETLAND RESTORAOON AREA ENHANPEMENT $REA W / / ,--. 178+ / w W 1I TO Z T 07 .l� .I, _ v w w w U 41 W W EWIANCEMNT AREe y -' '-- — MOXIT0ILNO NELL /1 w' — — — — — — WETLAND RESTORATION AREA - — I 1 � WETLAND RESTORATION AREA / / w .o` w t r a W w w w W W W Iw w w W w w w w w w w w W/ W w W w w w w w w w w w w w 4, w w / I Q / —1185— (1 w w w W w w w w w w 4PIiOTO ID* WETLAND ENHANCEMENT AREA 4t TT N w w J w w w w W w W w —1185 — PHOTO ID 1 / w w w W w t w w w eel w kJ w AUTOMATIC WELL 01 } 00 _` w w w w w _ w w we a w w w PHOTO ID/ PANT /3 I z ENHANCEMENT AREA '✓ \ / U w w i w r y \ \\ \J$ PHOTO _ = = - -- - ID / DINT /5 WETLAND RESTORATION AREA / I / i L p END CONSTRUCTION 101 70 NO 1 SHEET NO P9 PROJECT ENGINEER tut( DAIS 06/30 2006 SOUTH FORK HOPPERS AS -BUILT 20 4 20 40 IIIII SCALE (FT) IFj r� i 'J -1 1 II �J t 1 i APPENDIX E MORPHOLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MONITORING SUMMARY - YEAR 5 J r i 0 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 4 Cross Section 7 Cross Section 8 I Cross Section Parameters Pool Riffle MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Dimension BF Width (ft) 114 113 111 138 80 134 122 119 133 130 Floodprone Width (ft) 65 5 669 596 61 1 678 479 430 43 3 47 8 63 1 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 ) 101 112 82 99 86 9 1 7 1 57 69 73 BF Mean Depth (ft) 09 10 07 07 11 07 06 05 05 06 BF Max Depth (ft) 19 20 15 13 22 14 13 14 15 20 Width/Depth Ratio 130 113 149 192 -174 196 209 249 258 234 Entrenchment Ratio 57 60 54 44 8 5 36 3 5 36 36 49 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 132 132 126 152 102 147 134 129 143 141 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 08 08 07 07 08 06 05 04 05 05 Substrate d50 (mm) 025 0 16 0 26 <0 063 0 19 026 043 023 d84 (nun) 09 033 048 <0 063 08 08 54 62 H Reachwide Parameters MY 1 2006 MY 2 2007 MY 3 2008 MY 4 2009 MY 5 20010 Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Meander Wavelength (ft) Meander Width Ratio Profile Riffle length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) Pool Length (ft) 8 15 12 Pool Spacing (ft) 10 20 15 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) 1793 Channel Length (ft) 203 Sinuosity 1 13 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 00314 BF Slope (ft/ft) 003 Ros en Classification B 0 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse 1 LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 South Fork Hoppers Creek Restoration Site Project No D040064 �" �'i�` �rRe`ifeh �Stft"it�`Fut•I�H '°" h 2 �' � , � k =�`- t �' � � � s� Cross Section I Cross Section 2 Cross Section 3 Cross Section 4 1 Cross-Section Parameters Riffle Pool Riffle Pool MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Dimension BF Width (11) 237 21 2176 2235 1988 1338 153 1576 161 1288 1443 1556 1501 1398 1439 1505 1602 1463 1652 1529 Floodprone Width (ft 7042 7042 7041 7037 7042 6995 70 6969 7001 7003 6983 699 6977 6988 6977 6988 699 6992 699 6994 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 ) 242 2146 21 19 205 2041 17 17 1868 1934 165 1598 1841 199 1898 191 2057 1907 212 1927 232 1983 BF Mean Depth (ft) 10 102 097 092 103 128 122 123 103 124 128 128 126 137 143 127 132 132 141 13 BF Max Depth (11) 24 224 228 225 224 294 223 237 223 201 225 237 233 251 256 255 283 258 3 17 268 WiddvDepth Ratio 23 1 2055 2235 2434 1937 1042 1252 1284 1567 1039 1 l 31 12 16 1188 1021 1006 1187 12 1 11 11 1175 11 78 Entrenchment Ratio 30 335 324 3 1 354 523 458 442 435 544 484 449 465 5 485 464 436 478 423 458 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 2571 2304 237 24 19 2194 1594 1774 1822 18 16 1536 1699 18 12 1753 1672 17 25' 1759 1866 1727 1934 1789 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 094 093 089 085 093 108 105 106 091 104 108 110 108 1 14 1 19 108 1 14 1 12 120 1 11 Substrate d50 (mm 016 30 40 225 0 095 02 05 035 07 36 38 38 019 024 055 04 d84 mm 035 54 57 65 035 075 49 7 34 55 58 57 15 11 14 36 MY 2006 MY 2 2007 MY 3 2008 MY4 2009 MY 5 2010 11 Reachwrde Parameters Mm Max Mean Mm Max Mean Min Max Mean Mm Max Mean Mm Max Mean Pattern Channel Beltwrdth (ft 63 108 Radius of Curvature (ft 36 612 Meander Wavelength (ft ) 126 198 Meander Width Ratio 3 5 6 Profile Riffle length (ft Riffle Slope (fVftl 0 005 0 009 0 007 0 003 002 0 011 0 006 001 0 008 0 003 0 021 0 012 0 006 0 032 0 017 Pool Length (ft) Pool Spacing (ft) 72 126 90 58 128 93 63 128 96 71 125 100 76 121 101 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 2447 1150 1150 1150 1251 Channel Length (ft 3301 1432 1396 1410 1339 SmuOsIt3 135 125 12 123 107 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft 00047 00067 0 004 00045 0 006 BF Slope (ft/ft 00035 00073 0 008 00077 0 006 Rosgen Classificatior C C C C C zI � wk � 1 Cross Section 5 Cross Section 6 Cross Section 9 1 Cross - Section Parameters Riffle Pool Pool MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Dimension BF Width (ft) 15 14 2009 1999 19 19 1638 2276 3133 2801 2611 2678 296 3033 299 2967 3057 Floodprone Width (ft ) 6977 698 6973 6971 6978 7052 705 7051 7056 707 6971 6976 6978 6972 6986 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 26 I 252 2528 239 2185 502 5122 4636 416 4309 7407 7557 7407 686 8224 BF Mean Depth (ft) 137 125 126 124 133 179 163 166 159 161 242 249 248 231 269 BF Max Depth (ft ) 2 17 25 248 242 238 402 392 347 308 361 321 351 338 307 404 Width/Depth Ratio 1 103 1601 1581 1543 1228 1272 19 16 1692 1639 1664 1225 12 18 1207 1283 1136 _ Entrenchment Ratio 461 348 349 36 426 3 1 225 252 27 264 235 23 233 235 229 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1788 2259 2251 2167 1904 2634 3459 3133 2929 30 3444 3531 3486 3429 3595 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 14597 1 11554 1 123 1 103 1 148 191 1 481 148 142 1 436 2 15 2 1402 2 12 200 2 288 Substrate d50 (mm 75 27 36 39 0 15 02 049 093 032 038 068 093 d84 mm 30 53 57 60 2 08 22 8 3 12 3 48 57 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse 1 LLC December 2010 Momtonng Year 5 = -_1 = C-7 L= = O O = O O ED O = O CLJ L-i = L-, South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 South Fork Hoppe Creek Restoration Site Project No D040064 a Cross Section 10 Cross Section l l Cross Section 12 Cross Section 13 1 Cross Section Parameters Riffle Pool Riffle Pool MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Dimension BF Width (ft 1893 1801 1732 1775 1689 258 2989 306 3108 2977 181 18 15 1763 18 18 1741 1998 2293 2278 1755 1248 Floodprone Width (ft 7024 7022 7017 7021 70 15 6981 6985 6983 6989 6983 7029 7026 7026 7021 7027 702 7022 703 70 11 70 18 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 2768 2627 2525 248 23 51 388 3529 342 33 5 3168 2271 2175 2084 205 1865 3069 3155 2905 237 2543 BF Mean Depth (ft) 146 146 146 139 139 129 1 18 1 12 108 106 125 120 1 18 1 13 107 1 54 138 127 135 204 BF Max Depth (ft 269 257 258 264 255 284 274 272 288 289 195 189 19 189 182 3 19 287 252 23 271 Width/Depth Rau 1294 1234 1188 1272 12 13 2006 2524 2738 2882 2798 1443 15 14 1492 16 11 1626 13 1667 1787 1301 6 13 Entrenchment Ran 371 39 405 4 4 15 271 234 228 225 235 388 387 398 39 404 3 51 306 309 399 562 Wetted Perimeter (ft ) 2185 2093 2024 2053 1967 2838 3225 3284 3324 3189 206 2055 1999 2044 1955 2306 2569 2532 2025 1656 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 127 126 125 121 1 195 137 109 104 101 0 993 1 10 106 104 100 0 954 133 123 1 15 1 17 1 536 Substrate d50 (mm ) 34 44 55 80 027 007 027 022 36 27 45 38 03 017 08 021 d84 mum 80 125 150 148 09 07 49 18 55 44 65 52 052 065 74 13 Il Reachwide Parameters MY l 2006 MY 2 2007 MY 3 2008 MY 4 2009 MY 5 2010 Mm Max Mean Mm Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft 56 96 Radius of Curvature (ft) 32 544 Meander Wavelength (ft) 112 176 Meander Width Ratio 35 6 Profile Riffle length (ft Riffle Slope (ftlff, 001 002 0 015 001 003 002 001 003 002 0 011 003 0 022 0 012 0 035 0 024 Pool Length (ft Pool Spacing (ft 64 112 88 60 122 91 52 135 94 85 158 114 83 169 116 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 2527 1508 1508 1508 1565 Channel Length (ft 3725 2130 2164 2139 2220 Sinuosit3 147 14 14 1 42 142 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft 0 0068 00076 00076 00074 0 008 BF Slope (ft/ft 0 005 00078 0 008 00077 0 007 Ros en Classificatiot C C C C C South Fork Ho ers Creek Restoration Site Project No D04006 -4 fff� sEk Fork XIRA t( Cott Cross Section 14 Cross Section 15 Cross Section 16 I Cross - Section Parameters Riffle Riffle Pool MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Dimension BF Width (ft ) 1592 1671 1844 1644 2026 1633 1629 1646 1778 1758 1368 1401 1378 1338 88 Floodprone Width (ft) 7008 7007 70 11 7001 7012 6986 6988 6988 6991 6993 6901 7003 7001 6998 7012 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 18 18 1891 1894 192 1977 1774 17 13 1667 164 162 12 16 1135 1143 9 7 1025 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1 14 1 13 103 1 17 098 109 105 101 092 092 089 081 083 073 1 16 BD Max Depth (ft) 176 193 199 198 197 185 1 82 179 1 89 189 153 1 8 179 161 209 Width/Depth Ratio 1394 1477 1795 1408 2077 1503 1549 1626 1928 1908 1539 1729 166 1845 755 Entrenchment Ratic 44 419 3 8 43 346 428 429 424 39 398 504 5 508 523 797 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 182 1897 205 1878 2222 1851 1839 1848 1962 1942 1546 1563 1544 1484 11 12 Hydraulic Radius (ft ) 100 100 092 102 089 096 093 090 084 083 079 073 074 065 092 Substrate d50 (mum 35 33 40 43 40 09 43 47 052 0 18 017 04 d84 mm 54 54 56 68 60 52 61 70 75 085 035 16 South Fork Hoppers EEP Contract No D04006 4 EBX Neuse I LLC December 2010 Monitoring Year 5 FIGURES �I r I li FIGURES Targeted Local Watershed 03050101040020 11 •31 Catawba 03-08-30 V 221 r Project Site 64 Catawba 03 -08-04 13 EEP Contract No.: D04006-4 Map Vicinity Legend Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Restoration Project Interstate NC Primary Roads South Fork Hoppers Creek d6" - US Route 8 Digit HUC EBX Neusc-1, LLC Eymemll 0 0�5 1 2 909 Capability Drive I allucill-elil Suite 3 100 PROGRAM Raleigh, NC 27606 1 McDowell County, NC December 2010 The site is located north of NC Highway 226 from Shelby towards •, r' ! '` Cj� ' ' r Dysartsville. Approximately 3 miles past the Rutherford/McDowell County line, take a left onto Walker Road. Take the next right onto Pierce Road. The site is divided into two separate sections by Pierce Road. The construction entrance for the downstream section is on the right before the culvert crossing. The construction entrance for the upstream section is on the left immediately after the I ood ontr'N `Q';� ,� s culvert crossing. '��"'• ,�i�,� L?8m o •2 ( �, - • -• � + . '� '� cry i I. • i.::� `` `.� •� Jf L 1.... '� ( _� •• -fir ��l-4, [ J Qrt k IN, ^� , t►�' ,%� �' ,f r_ ` , \ � Lam, •\ �,,� 'y.� 1, � ; :�J: - •, � , •.,fir 1 - �'C�' -�'` �-� 'v —`� i� �� .1 .�_.- � � pop . %; - �� f . I .,'. - - •, ' 1 1,1 \: �.- �_ ►J F5 .1 ,rte I % ^���, },. -� .''�• v \ • }..! �'� �J vn. i r' J + • � � • f `, rte.., I � `''` � Mr i r / l t ; - ,, ` •''\�; `• Nk /`• � `� - ,-�-.7'' f' /` '`�./''`r'-.` f 1` 11�• `•� 1 ; �"rc -`- 1, 1'j Ir • i y% /, I +_� -`�, J'•'t ,� / f: -� � �1�� I it •A -•.y / J�—( -'� Ci /J— _1 �. II ,�t�� _ _ �.;. \..} � . Aaa vicinr(y Legend r g EEP Contract No.: D04006 -4 Figure 2. Site Topographic Map Restoration Project Watershed Boundary South Fork Hoppers Creek L _ Project Boundary % // EBX Neuse -1, LLC tem 4( �' Project Reaches 909 Capability Drive 1d1K'e111e11t U s«, 1.o Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 December 2010 ///irrrr