HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050591 Ver 1_Restoration Information_20050407ROCKY BRANCH RESTORATION STREAM PLAN 05059Il. NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Ecosystem H- PROGRAMARCH 2005 6*dI ?@ ? 1pp5 PPR ,.u YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Plan Yadkin County, North Carolina March 2005 Prepared For: Ecosystem Enhancement Program 4P 9L. E\d' E N G i f 1 F: t is C U I- IA P-1 i' :, Report Prepared by Mulkey, Inc.: Thomas Barrett, RF Project Manager - Mitigation Services Jenny S. Fleming, PE Miti ation Group Manager - Senior Engineer 0 k Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...............................................................................................................1 1.1 Project Description ..............................................................................................................1 2.0 Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................1 3.0 General Watershed Information ................................................................................1 3.1 Current Property Ownership ..............................................................................................3 4.0 Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................3 4.1 Existing Topography ........................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Existing Natural Features .................................................................................................... 3 4.2.1 Geology ............................................................................................................................. 3 4.2.2 Soils .................................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Existing Hydrologic Features ............................................................................................. 4 4.3.1 Jurisdictional Streams ...................................................................................................... 4 Rocky Branch .......................................................................................................... 5 Tributary 1 ............................................................................................................... 6 Li Tributary 2 ............................................................................................................... 7 4.3.2 Jurisdictional Wetlands .................................................................................................... 7 4.4 Existing Plant Communities ............................................................................................... 7 4.4.1 Pastureland ........................................................................................................................ 8 4.4.2 Piedmont Bottomland Forest ........................................................................................ 8 4.4.3 Dry Oak-Hickory Forest ............................................................................................. 8 4.5 Invasive Plant Species .......................................................................................................... 9 4.6 Threatened and Endangered Species ................................................................................. 9 4.7 Environmental Issues .......................................................................................................... 9 4.8 Cultural Resources ................................................................................................................ 10 5.0 Natural Channel Design ............................................................................................10 5.1 Reference Reach Analyses ...................................................................................................10 5.2 Sediment Transport Analyses .............................................................................................10 5.2.1 Sediment Competency Analysis .....................................................................................11 5.2.2 Sediment Transport Capacity .........................................................................................11 5.2.3 Aggradation/Degradation Analysis ...............................................................................12 5.2.4 Sediment Transport Summary .......................................................................................12 5.3 Proposed Design ..................................................................................................................12 5.3.1 Rocky Branch ...................................................................................................................13 5.3.2 Tributary 1 .........................................................................................................................14 5.3.3 Tributary 2 .........................................................................................................................14 5.4 Proposed Construction Sequence .....................................................................................14 6.0 Flood Analyses ...........................................................................................................16 I r ? 7.0 Typical Drawings .......................................................................................................17 7.1 Single-Arm Rock Vane ........................................................................................................17 P` FL 7.2 J-Hook Rock Vanes ............................................................................................................. 17 7.3 Cross Vanes ........................................................................................................................... 18 7.4 Root Wads ............................................................................................................................. 18 8.0 Stream Riparian Planting Plan ..................................................................................18 9.0 Stream Monitoring Plan .............................................................................................20 9.1 Stream Channel Assessment ...............................................................................................20 9.2 Vegetation Success ...............................................................................................................20 9.3 Monitoring Data ...................................................................................................................21 9.4 Reporting ...............................................................................................................................21 9.5 Exotic/Invasive Species ......................................................................................................21 10.0 Stream Success Criteria ........................................................................................21 11.0 Wetland Performance Criteria ............................................................................. 22 11.1 Wedand Creation .................................................................................................................. 23 11.2 Wedand Enhancement ........................................................................................................ 23 11.2 Wedand Preservation ........................................................................................................... 23 r 11.2 Wedand Restoration ............................................................................................................. 23 12.0 Farm Management ...............................................................................................24 12.1 Livestock ................................................................................................................................24 12.2 Waste Storage Pond .............................................................................................................24 13.0 References ............................................................................................................ 26 List of Tables Table 1. Summary of Existing Cross Sections - Rocky Branch and Tributary 1...........6 Table 2. Federally Listed Species ...........................................................................................9 Table 3. Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Summary .......................................................13 Table 4. Flood Analyses for the 50-Year and 100-Year Storm Events ............................17 Table 5. Recommended Plant Species and Planting Zones ...............................................19 Table 6. Rocky Branch Wetland Restoration Summary .....................................................22 List of Figures Figure 1. Vicinity N1ap Figure 2. Watershed Map Figure 3. Soils N1ap Figure 4. Existing Hydrologic Features Figure 5. Cross Section Locations Figure 6. Plant Communities Figure 7. Reference Reach Vicinity Map Figure 8. FENIA Flood Nlap Figure 9. Farm Management V Appendices Appendix A. Photographs Appendix B. Existing Profiles and Cross Sections Appendix C. Morphological Tables Appendix D. Particle Size Distribution - Rocky Branch and Tributary 1 Appendix E. Pfankuch Stability and Bank Erosion Hazard Index Forms Appendix F. Wetland Determination Forms Appendix G. Entrainment Calculations - Existing and Proposed Appendix H. Velocity Calculations - Existing and Proposed. Appendix L Proposed Profiles and Typical Cross Sections Appendix J. Details Attachments Map Insert. Conceptual Design U-1-L, J e 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Description The Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Site (RBSRS) is situated in the southwest corner of Yadkin County, North Carolina. Specifically, it is located on the cast side of I-77 between SR 1120 and SR 1122, approximately three miles east of Hamptonville and two miles south of the US 421/I-77 interchange (Figure 1). This segment of Rocky Branch was selected for the excellent opportunity it presented to restore natural stream functions, to establish effective riparian buffers and to restore healthy floodplain stability. Much of the land within RBSRS is dominated by open pasture without fencing. Since cattle have had relatively unrestricted access to the creek channel for watering, the channels at the RBSRS have been severely impacted. Stream restoration will be implemented on the Rocky Branch channel and one of its two unnamed tributaries (Tributary 1). These efforts will primarily utilize Priority I, II, and IV stream restoration principles to reestablish approximately 4,363 linear feet of the streams' channels within their historical floodplain. A pond will be created in place of the other unnamed tributary (Tributary 2), which is fed by a natural sprung. Approximately 24 acres of conservation easement will provide large riparian and upland buffers to protect the restored stream channels. The project will also provide a shade house and watering structures for approximately 75 beef cattle, which are anticipated to use the remaining pasturelands following the completion of the project. In addition, the project will provide assistance in decommissioning a dairy waste storage pond. The entire conservation easement will be fenced to restrict access to the restored areas and the I-77 right-of-way. A permanent crossing will be established within the conservation casement. Access to the site will be limited to gated entry points. 2.0 Goals and Objectives The goals and objectives of this stream restoration plan will result in: 0 Providing a stable system of stream channels that neither aggrades nor degrades while maintaining their dimension, pattern, and profile with the capacity to transport the watershed's water and sediment load 0 Improving the overall water quality and aquatic habitat by reducing sediment and waste inputs into the stream caused by bank erosion, mass-wasting, and livestock influences. 0 Providing protection for the restored stream channels and associated riparian and upland buffers through a fenced conservation casement 0 Providing watering structures and a shade house for livestock that will facilitate approximately seventy-five beef cattle 0 Extracting waste from the dairy waste storage pond through a decommissioning process, whereby eliminating future risks to the Rocky Branch channel 3.0 General Watershed Information Rocky Branch and its two unnamed tributaries are situated within the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. The site is specifically within the US Geological Survey (USGS) hydrological unit code (HUC) 03040102 and the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) sub-basin 03-07-06. This sub-basin is known as the South Yadkin River Watershed and covers 907 square miles (580,480 acres). Forests and agricultural operations account for approximately 95% of the land use ® within the sub-basin. Rocky Branch arises near the Town of Marler, north of US 421, and flows east, crossing portions of the US 421/1-77 interchange, before turning south. The stream passes through the project area en route to its ultimate confluence with Hunting Creek, located approximately 1,600 feet south of the RBSRS. The stream flows predominately southward once it exits the US 421/1-77 right of way except for a 3,000+-foot section within the RBSRS, which flows east before turning south toward its terminus at Hunting Creek. The drainage area associated with the Rocky Branch watershed is approximately 3.1 square miles (1,984 acres) (Figure 2). Rocky Branch collects its surface hydrology from four unnamed tributaries prior to entering the RBSRS. Within die site, Rocky Branch receives hydrologic inputs from Tributary 1, which contains a drainage area of approximately 0.2 square miles (128 acres) and Tributary 2 (natural spring), originating immediately outside of the project area. Hydrological inputs to Rocky Branch, south of Deacon's Hill Road (SR 1120) arc limited to flows from drainage ditches, small seeps and sheet flows across the landscape. The dominant land use within the Rocky Branch watershed is primarily agriculture, which occupies approximately 75 percent of all land area within the watershed. Rural residences and their yardscapes are included within the agricultural land use category, where they comprise a small subset of the agricultural land use. Agriculture in this area is primarily field crops and livestock production. Corn and small grains are the chief agricultural crops grown in the area. Other agricultural land areas are used as pastures for dairy and beef cattle. Forest lands within the watershed are limited to small, narrow areas that account for approximately 20 percent of the land use. Impervious surfaces and intensely maintained areas lying adjacent to these areas account for the remaining 5 percent of the land area. This large area of impervious surface can be attributed to the close proximity of two major multi-lane highways (US 421 and I-77), as well as the presence of three secondary roadways in the immediate watershed area. It is reasonable to predict that future land use trends in the watershed area may gradually shift from pure agriculture to rural homesites and small businesses. Agricultural demands in the area will remain high; however, the secondary effects of the growth and expansion of nearby urban areas will ultimately result in shifts in land-use patterns. According to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), no water quality sampling sites are located along the Rocky Branch stream channel (NCDENR, 2002). Rocky Branch is currently cklssified as WS-III (Water Supply - Moderately Developed) waters according to a 1992 assessment (NCDENR, 2004). Rocky Branch is not currently listed as a 303(d) impaired stream within the 03-07-06 sub-basin according to the latest report issued by the NCDENR (2004x). Currently, there are 29 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) dischargers within the 03-07-06 sub-basin, which includes all of Iredell and portions of five other counties. During 2001, the NCDOT 1-77 Rest Area received a permit violation for excessive chlorination 0 2 J of effluent, which ultimately was discharged into Rocky Branch. As a result of this violation, the NCDOT is in the process of installing a new chlorination system. The closest sampling location for water quality was North Little Hunting Creek. This sampling area is located approximately six miles south of the project in Iredell County at SR 1829. North Little Hunting Creek exhibited a North Carolina Index of Biotic Integrity (NCIBI) rating of "Good" in 2001. The NCIBI is a method use for determining the biological integrity of streams by examining the structure and health of its fish community (NCDENR, 2002). A rating of "Good" indicates that the waterbody is fully supporting aquatic life and its intended use. 3.1 Current Property Ownership The Rocky Branch project site will be held in perpetuity under the strictures of a conservation easement. The entire 24.095 acre tract of land will not be subject to development and traditional uses are substantially curtailed, or limited. Three individual landowners currently make up the land contained within this conservation easement. The acreage within the easement is divided amongst Mr. Bill Allen (13.469 acres), Mr. Joe Allen (6.985 acres), and Mrs. Texie Owens (3.641 acres). The NCDOT conservation easement plat is currently being recorded at the Yadkin County Register of Deeds office in Yadkinville, NC. 4.0 Existing Conditions 4.1 Existing Topography The project site is characterized by a medium sized floodplain of variable widths. Rocky Branch is bordered by moderate slopes of 15 to 20 percent along the northern and southern portions of the project. These slopes are mainly used for pastures and contain a variety of grasses with a few scattered trees. Slopes along the western portion of the project, which form the I-77 roadway corridor, are steeper with slopes that range from 30 to 40 percent. Large trees and shrubs arc found along these slopes, which are contained almost entirely within the NCDOT right-of-way. This vegetation serves to stabilize the roadway fill slopes, and filter out some of the pollutants that flow across the roadway during rainfall events. Elevations within the project area range from a high of 975 feet above mean sea level at the northwestern site boundary to approximately 900 feet above mean sea level at the end of the conservation easement boundary downstream of Deacon's Hill Road (SR 1120). 4.2 Existing Natural Features 4.2.1 Geology The Rocky Branch Site is within the Piedmont physiographic province; specifically, the Northern Inner Piedmont Ecoregion (Griffith et al., 2002). It is underlain by the Inner Piedmont Belt, a region consisting of intrusive, metamorphosed granitic rock, which formed during the Cambrian and Ordovician Periods (455 to 540 million years ago) (NCDLR, 1985). a 3 J 4.2.2 Soils Soils found at the Rocky Branch project site he within the Felsic Crystalline System of the western Piedmont (Daniels et al., 1999). According to the Yadkin County Soil Survey, Chewacla soils are the most common soils underlying the project and are mapped within the Madison Association (Figure 3). Soil borings associated with wetland determinations conducted at the site are also shown on soils figure. The Chewacla soils are deep, somewhat poorly drained soils which have formed from recent alluvium on nearly level floodplains along streams that drain from the Mountains and Piedmont physiographic provinces. The upland areas surrounding the project are mapped as the Cecil-tippling association. This association is characterized by its deep, well-drained soils that have formed in residuum from weathered granite, gneiss, and schist (Curle, 1962). These soils cover broad, gently rolling ridges within S Yadkin County. Based on the Soil Survey of Yadkin County, Chewacla soils comprise the floodplain portion of the site, while the adjacent uplands consist mainly of Cecil, Appling, and Wilkes soils. Chewacla soils arc classified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) as fine-loamy, mixed, active, thernhic Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts. Chewacla soils are classified as Hydric B soils because their map unit is not entirely hydric, but retain a Hydric status due to inclusions of Hydric A soils. Wehadkee soils are the most common Hydric A inclusions found within the Chhewacla map unit in Yadkin County. 4.3 Existing Hydrologic Features Mulkey surveyed the existing conditions at the project site by using total station survey equipment with GPS survey grade receivers. Topographic data from the NCDOT were merged with the survey data collected by Mulkey. Existing condition surveys included longitudinal profiles, cross sections, pebble counts, and bar samples to determine the current state of the stream channels. Existing longitudinal profiles were conducted by identifying each stream feature (riffle, run, pool, or glide) and surveying specific points at those features (Figure 4). These specific locations included top of bank, bankfull, waters edge or surface, and tialweg). In addition, 14 cross sections were identified at representative stream features throughout the project to fully characterize the dimension of the existing channels associated with Rocky Branch and Tributary 1 (Figure 5 and Appendix A). Following the completion of the existing channel surveys, pebble counts were conducted at specific cross section locations as well as a bar sample analysis. Data pertaining to each stream channel are discussed in the following ® sections. 4.3.1 Jurisdictional Streams According to the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rocky Branch, Tributary 1, and Tributary 2 meet the jurisdictional definitions for perennial streams. Perennial streams have water flowing in a well-defined channel for a majority of the year (greater than 90 percent of the time) (NCAC, 1999). Tributary 2 is best described as a natural spring which contains a significant flow throughout the entire year (Allen, 2004), but does not have defined stream channel due to degradation from livestock. L.? 4 s e S Rocky Branch The current location of the Rocky Branch stream channel (along the cast toe of the I-77 roadway fill) is a product of the I-77 roadway construction completed in 1967. Prior to the construction of 1-77 a segment of the stream channel, which presently flows through the RBSRS, originally flowed southwesterly at the present location of the 1-77 corridor, before looping back into the present RBSRS. This channel reach was relocated to the base of the I-77 fill slope to avoid the need for two culverts. Over the last three decades, this realignment of the Rocky Branch channel has given rise to areas of erosion along the base of the fill slope, which, if ignored, may eventually compromise the integrity of the roadway. Rocky Branch is currently being impacted by cattle grazing. This damage includes stream bank erosion, mass wasting of banks, and reduction in the riparian vegetation. Grazing of cattle widiout adequate fencing has resulted in significant damage to the Rocky Branch channel and its water quality. The lack of vegetation and the steep topography surrounding Rocky Branch has also caused additional degradation due to the increased overland flow. The existing Rocky Branch channel totals approximately 5,000 linear feet within the limits of the RBSRS area. The existing channel slope ranges from 0.0155 ft/ft in its upper reaches and maintains an average slope of 0.0044 ft/ft throughout the remainder of the project area Existing profile information for Rocky Branch can be found in Appendix B. Rocky Branch is classified as a B4/1c channel in the upper portions of the project according to the Rosgen stream classification system (Rosgen, 1994). As the slope of the channel changes, die channel morphs initially into a degraded C4 channel and then to a degraded E4 channel before reaching the bridge at SR 1120. Below the SR 1120 bridge the channel slope begins to increase, resulting in a B4/1c channel again. A summary of the cross section data used to determine these classifications can be found in Table 1 and existing cross section views are presented in Appendix B. Additional information including existing pattern data for Rocky Branch can be found with all the morphological data in Appendix C. The composition of the stream bed and banks is an important facet of stream character, influencing channel form and hydraulics, erosion rates and sediment supply. The stream bed along Rocky Branch was characterized using two protocols, the modified Wolman Pebble Count (Rosgen, 1993) and die bar sample analysis. The bar sample analysis provides data for both comparison purposes and sediment transport validations. According to the modified Wolman Pebble Count procedure, the average d50 (50% of the sampled population is equal to or finer than the representative particle diameter) is approximately 11.0 mm for Roc Branch which falls into the medium gravel size category. ?' Pebble counts were taken at 8 locations along Rocky Branch. The locations included 7 riffles and 1 pool cross section. To obtain a more detailed picture of the pebble counts, counts were taken within specific areas within the stream channel. Samples taken between bankfull elevations were categorized as "Classification" samples and those taken below the water surface were used as the "Wetted Perimeter" samples. The classification samples determine the stream's material size as it relates to bankfull events and its overall stream material classification. The wetted perimeter samples are used to describe the movement of sediment within the active bed. The particle size distribution data which includes the classification, wetted perimeter, and bar sample are presented in Appendix D. 5 a L I W d 3 1 The stability rating of the existing Rocky Branch channel was determined by using the Pfankuch Channel Stability and Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) Forms. The Rocky Branch channel was surveyed on sections which predominantly classify as a C4 Rosgen stream type for these two evaluations. The Pfankuch rating for the Rocky Branch channel was estimated to be 115, which ranks as "Poor" according to the rating system established for a C4 Rosgen stream type. The BEHI rating ranged from "Very High" for the upper and middle reaches to "High" for the lower reach. These stream channel stability evaluations can be found in Appendix E. Table 1. Summary of Existing Cross Sections - RocIW Branch and Tributarv 1 U CJ [I Cross Section T tation No. Morph. Feature Bankfull Area (ftz) Ent. Ratio * W/D Ratio* Netted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Stream Class.* 1 2+33 Pool 35.7 1.9 10.9 23.4 1.5 - 2 4+45 Riffle 27.5 1.5 13.2 21.9 1.3 B4/lc 3 6+00 Run 34.4 1.6 11.8 23.5 1.5 -- 4 7+43 Pool 37.4 4.4 7.43 21.0 1.8 -- 5 8+83 Glide 34.6 1.5 17.3 27.3 1.3 -- 6 11+37 Riffle 35.7 2.3 17.7 27.9 1.3 C4 7 16+97 Riffle 35.0 3.7 18.9 28.5 1.2 C4 8 23+12 Run 40.5 1.8 11.8 25.6 1.6 -- 9 26+30 Pool 45.1 >5 13.1 28.0 1.6 - 10 26+43 Glide 35.1 1.7 12.2 24.1 1.5 -- 11`` 28+09 Riffle 45.2 >5 11.1 23.9 1.9 E4 12 35+39 Riffle 43.5 >5 11.8 26.5 1.6 E4 13 44+30 Riffle 27.3 1.8 25.6 28.6 0.9 B4/lc Trib.1 3+84 Riffle 3.1 1.6 33.6 10.8 0.3 C5 *Notes: Ent. Ratio is "Entrenchment Ratio" W/D Ratio is "Width/Depth Ratio" Stream classification is only -.fable along riffle sections. A Bar Sample Location Tributary 1 Tributary 1 contains approximately 595 linear feet of existing channel within the project area and is classified as a degraded C5 stream. The average slope of this channel is 0.0135 ft/ft. The ® stream channel and banks associated with this tributary have been principally altered through channelization, which is evident from its linear characteristics shown on Figure 4. Tributary 1 was likely channelized to increase the size of the pasture areas. ® According to the modified Wolman Pebble Count procedure, the average d5l for the stream classification was approximately 1.3 mm, which falls into the very coarse sand size category ® (Appendix D). The ds, for the wetted perimeter was approximately 1.5 mm. The wetted perimeter data were utilized for entrainment and velocity calculations, since no bar sample was taken for Tributary 1. The Pfankuch Channel Stability rating for Tributary 1 was estimated to ® be 59, which is considered "Good" for a C5 Rosgen stream type. The BEHI evaluation conducted on Tributary 1 determined that the channel has "Moderate" bank erosion potential. 6 The vegetative communities found within the project area can be characterized by three major groupings. These groupings include Pastureland, Piedmont Bottomland Forest, and Dry Oak-Hickory Forest (Figure G). Each plant community with its distinct assemblage of plants arose in response to diverse topography and the influences of changing land uses over time. Scientific names are presented along with the common names the first time the species is cited, but subsequent textual references to the same species will be limited only to its common name. 4.4.1 Pastureland The pastureland is the most dominant vegetative community, where it accounts for approximately 80% of die total land area within the RBSRS. The pasture areas consist mainly of grasses such as fescue (Festrtca spp.). A large number of weed species were identified including white clover (Trifolirmv trpens), dog fennel (Eupatoiirrm capillifoliran), horsenettle (Solanran camlinense), bittercress (Canlaarine birsuta), roundleaf plantain (Plantago n(elir), pokeweed (1'1:?y7olacca anreticana), chickweed (Stellatia media), henbit (Lanmalt pure arrivi), and broadleaf dock (R tzlie, oblurfoliur). Most of the pasture is located within the Rocky Branch floodplain, with small portions located along the side slopes of the project area. Intensive browsing by cattle and the constant exposure of disturbed soil by cattle hooves, particularly during wet weather, has resulted in a dynamic influx of weedy species, where seeds of varied species are indiscriminately dispersed to the disturbed soils in the pasture. Tlus results iii a constantly changing pattern of succession in the pasture. 4.4.2 Piedmont Bottomland Forest Vegetation found in this community is consistent with the Schafale and Weakley's (1990) Piedmont Bottomland Forest classification. This vegetative community exists along the wooded portion of the project site currently owned by Mrs. Texie Owens. Dominant species found within this vegetative community include red maple (flcer mbnar), river birch (Betula nigra), sycamore (Platanus oct dentalis), tulip poplar (Iiiiodendnon hrlipifera), American holly (Ilea opaca) and Chinese privet (Lrgastnan srnense). Piedmont Bottomland Forests are generally situated on floodplain ridges and terraces other than active levees adjacent to the stream channel. They are underlain by various alluvial soils, including die Chcwacla and Congaree series. These communities are flooded; however, they are seldom disturbed by flowing water. Bottomland forests are believed to form a stable climax forest, having an un-even aged canopy with primarily gap phase regeneration, although the possibility of unusually deep and prolonged flooding may make widespread mortality more likely than in uplands (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). 4.4.3 Dry Oak-Hickory Forest This vegetative community contains species and characteristics commonly associated with the Dry Oak-Hickory Forest described by Schafale and Wcakley (1990). The community occupies an upland area of the project site where the highest elevations arc found. The dominant species found at the site include red maple, mockernut hickory (Car3a tomentosa), white oak (Quercus alba), scarlet oak (Quercus coctinea), tulip poplar, American holly, post oak (Querrits stellata), Southern red oak (Quercrts falcata), black cherry (Prwws sewina), and American beech (Fagts grandifolia). Other less dominant species found within this vegetative community were Virginia pine (Pines virginiana), Eastern red cedar Uunipents titginiana), sourwood (0%3,dendnart 8 r s L n F r Li u u n u I.i arGorrunr), black walnut (juglans ni,gra), and white pine (Pirrrrs strnbus). Species found on the fringe of this communlt?, include mountain laurel (Kalmia lalifolia), blackberry (IZrtbus spp.), and Chinese privet. 4.5 Invasive Plant Species Invasive, or non-native species, were most prevalent in the Piedmont Bottomland. Extensive quantities of Chinese privet, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and multiflora rose (Rosa mulliora) were observed along the stream banks, floodplain, and along the fringe of the pasture areas. 4.6 Threatened and Endangered Species According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), neither threatened nor endangered species are known to occur in Yadkin County. However, two federal species of concern, the Robust redhorse (a fish) and the Brook floater (a mussel) have been documented for Yadkin County. Due to the severely deteriorated conditions of the stream channels at die RBSRS, it is reasonable to conclude that suitable habitat is not available for mussel species. Information regarding these federally listed species of concern can be found in Table 2. Table 2. Federally Listed Species Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status State Status Habitat Requirements Suitable Habitat Biological Conclusion Brook Al<umidonia Piedmont systems and along the floater i PSC G Blue Ridge escarpment of the None Not Applicable rar cosa Catawba River system Robust 11IOXOrtoma itcdhorsc robustum FSC Slt(PG) I Pee Dce River None Not Applicable SK (1'L) ')1gmticantly Rare and Is Proposed for EndanScred Status 4.7 Environmental Issues During preliminary site assessments, the EcoScience Corporation obtained data from Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) regarding the potential for on-site or nearby sources of contamination. EDR maintains an updated database of current and historical sources of contamination. This database identifies all storage tanks, whether above-ground or underground, as well as superfund sites, landfills, hazardous waste sites, and other potential hazards. No sites exist on their database widiin a one-mile radius of the site. This report is on file. The hlullcey team conducted a visual reconnaissance for any Recognized Environmental Concerns (RECs) throughout the site. The REC is the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property (ASTM E1527-00). None were observed. No buildings, sheds, or other structures were noted within the Rocky Branch project area. The only IZEC exists outside of the stream restoration project area as an inactive dairy waste storage pond. The waste storage 9 a pond is located approximately 250 feet upslope from the Rocky Branch channel and will be decommissioned as part of this project. 4.8 Cultural Resources Currently, an investigation is underway to document a stone dam located within the Rocky Branch stream channel below the SR 1120 bridge. The stone dam is currently located behind Mr. Joe Allen's home, where it is causing heavy sedimentation and debris jams. The status of the dam is currently "Unresolved" pending an eligibility determination for the National Register of Historic Places and consultations with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (NCSHPO). 5.0 Natural Channel Design 5.1 Reference Reach Analyses Due to the existing unstable nature of many second, third and fourth order streams in the Piedmont physiogtaphic province; only one reference reach (Spencer Creek) has been identified to date. Spencer Creek is situated in Montgomery County, approximately 8 miles from Troy and on the west side of SR 1134 (Figure 7). Spencer Creek is characterized as a second order stream and it is classified as a rural E4/C4 stream type. Specific morphological data for this reference reach arc given within the morphological table found in Appendix C. Its watershed is approximately 0.54 square mile (348 acres) and encompasses large tracts of undeveloped woodland within the Uwharrie National Forest. The riparian corridor associated with this stream consists of native, woody vegetation. Dominant species include American holly, red maple , swectgum, mountain laurel, flowering dogwood (Contus florida), water oak (Quercus nigra), willow oak (Quercus pbellos), sourvood (Ott-dendnan arbozruu), and giant cane (Arundillaria gigarlea). This stream was chosen due to its stable nature and relatively low bank-height ratios. 5.2 Sediment Transport Analyses Sediment plays a major role in the influence of channel stability and morphology (Rosgen, 1996). A stable stream has the capacity to move its sediment load without aggrading or degrading. Sediment analyses are generally divided into measurements of bedload and suspended sediment (washload), changes in sediment storage, size distributions and source areas. Washload is normally composed of fine sands, silts and clay transported in suspension at a rate that is determined by availability and not hydraulically controlled. Bedload is transported by rolling, sliding, or hopping (saltating) along the bed. At higher discharges, some portion of the bedload can be suspended, especially if there is a sand component in the bedload. Bed material transport rates arc essentially controlled by the size and nature of the bed material and hydraulic conditions (Hey and Rosgen, 1997). Two measures are used to calculate sediment loads for natural channel design projects: (1) sediment transport competency and (2) sediment transport capacity. Competency is a stream's ability to move particles of a given size. It is expressed as a measure of force (lbs/ft'). Capacity is a stream's ability to move a quantity of sediment and is a measurement of stream power, expressed in units of lbs/ft•sec. These analyses are conducted to ensure that the designed stream beds including Rocky Branch and its tributary do not aggrade or degrade during bankfull 10 n conditions. Brief descriptions of these two analyses are presented in the following sub-sections. Entrainment and velocity calculation sheets used for these analyses are presented in Appendix G and H, respectively. 5.2.1 Sediment Competency Analysis The critical dimensionless shear stress (T* c) is the measure of force required to initiate general movement of particles in a bed of a given composition. This calculation is part of several calculations used to determine aggradation/degradation along the stream channel. For shear stresses exceeding this critical value, essentially all grain sizes are transported at rates in proportion to their presence in the bed (Wohl, 2000). For gravel-bed streams, the critical dimensionless shear stress is generally calculated using surface and subsurface particle samples from representative riffle sections. The critical dimensionless shear stress calculation is presented below. T*C; = 0.0834 (d,/ds) -0872 where, T*C; = critical dimensionless shear stress (lbs/ft2) d; = median particle size of riffle bed surface (mm) d;,, = median particle size of subsurface sample (mm) Note that d; and d;, values were empirically determined by in situ measurements. Based on the d; of 48 mm and the d,, of 6.3 mm, the critical dimensionless shear stress was calculated to be approximately 0.0141 lbs/ft2 utilizing the calculation above. This critical dimensionless shear stress is used as part of the aggradation analysis presented in die following section. The shear stress placed on the sediment particles is the force that entrains and moves the particles. The critical shear for the proposed channel has to be sufficient to move the D84 of the bed material. The critical shear stress was calculated and plotted on die Modified Shield's curve to determine the approximate size of particles that will be moved (Rosgen, 2001). Based on the Modified Shield's curve, particles ranging from 50 mm to 140 mm could be moved within the Rocky Branch channel, with an average moveable size of 95 mm. The largest particle found on depositional bars was 63 mm. The D8a and D,00 of Rocky Branch are 85 mm and 130 mm, respectively. Therefore, die proposed design has sufficient shear stress to move the bedload associated with both streams. Based on Shield's curve, the unnamed tributary can move particles ranging from 5 mm to 15 mm. The D84 and D10, of the first unnamed tributary are 4.0 and 12 mm, respectively. 5.2.2 Sediment Transport Capacity Stream power was calculated for both the existing and design channel conditions to determine the effect of the restoration on sediment transport capacity. A stream's capacity is defined as the maximum load a stream can transport at a given time. The capacity of a stream to move sediment is directly related to velocity and stream power. The existing channel exhibited an excess of stream power as noted by the mass wasting of banks and excessive bank height ratios. By adjusting width-to-depth ratios and providing a floodplain at the bankfull stage, the 11 e proposed design reduces both stream power and velocity; thereby, reducing capacity to only that needed to move the sediment supplied by the watershed. 5.2.3 Aggradation/Degradation Analysis New channel construction associated with natural channel design projects generally includes the design and layout of a channel with increased length and sinuosity and reduced slope as compared with the existing channel. However, there are some situations where the existing channel exhibits excessive and unstable patterns. The new channel design in these cases will result in an increase in slope and a decrease in channel length. The data associated with these channels must prove that the adjusted channel slope will not cause the stream to aggrade or degrade. The proposed design for the upper portion of Rocky Branch will result in a new and longer channel with more meanders and with slightly less slope (0.0109 ft/ft) than the existing channel (0.0155 ft/ft). The middle portion of Rocky Branch follows the second model; consequently the new channel will have a greater slope, but will be somewhat shorter. The proposed design for this segment of stream will result in an increase in slope (0.0069 ft/ft) versus the existing (0.0053 ft/ft). The lower portion of Rocky Branch maintains a relatively stable profile; therefore the proposed design will not alter the channel's slope (0.0036 ft/ft), only its dimension and pattern. The proposed width/depth ratios were adjusted in conjunction with the slope to ensure that the proposed stream will transport its sediment over time without aggrading or degrading. Calculations of critical depth are required. These calculations represent the need to transport large sediment particles, usually defined as the largest particle of the riffle sub-pavement sample. As a result, critical depth can be compared with the design mean riffle depth in order to verify that the design stream has sufficient competency to move large particles without causing the thalweg to aggrade or degrade. The calculation for critical water depth is shown below. dr = .05 t* D? where, S dT = critical water depth (ft) T*?; = critical dimensionless shear stress (lbs/ftZ) D; = largest particle of bar or sub- pavement sample (ft) S = average channel slope (ft/ft) 5.2.4 Sediment Transport Summary Based on the calculations for competency, aggradation, degradation and capacity, bankfull conditions in the design channel will entrain particles ranging from 50 to 140 mm. The D„00 of Rocky Branch is 130 mm. The design channel is predicted to remain stable over time based on the establishment of proper dimension, pattern and profile and an active floodplain. The addition of riparian vegetation will further enhance the long term stability of the entire system. 5.3 Proposed Design Design methodologies are based on natural channel design concepts outlined by Rosgen (1994, 1996, 1998). These methodologies include existing and reference reach channel surveys, data 12 U. interpretations and geomorphological comparisons of all channel features. Based on field observations and preliminary ideas, the project will attempt to implement Priority I and II Restoration and Priority IV Stabilization. The restoration of Rocky Branch will follow Priority Level 1, 11, and IV protocols. The Priority Level I Restoration will result in a new stream channel adjacent to the existing channel that exhibits a bank height ratio (ratio of the top of bank elevation divided by the bankfull elevation) of 1.0 to 1.3. The Priority Level 11 Restoration involves construction of a new channel with a floodplain bench at the bankfull elevation. The Priority Level IV Stabilization will involve the placement of structures to alter the dimension of the channel, without constructing a new channel. A summary of the existing and proposed streams at RBSRS is outlined in Table 3. A Conceptual Design for Rocky Branch can be found in the Attachments section. Table 3. Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Summary L LL 0 L Strcatyr: Stream Priority Level Type Existing Length of Channel 1 Proposed Length of Channel 1 I Restoration 3,444 Rocky Branch II Restoration 4,171 320 IV Enhancement 407 Tributary #1 1 Restoration 593 192 Tributary #2 N/A Pond 280 0 Total 5,044 4,363 5.3.1 Roclcy Branch It is anticipated that Priority Level II Restoration design measures will be applied to approximately 320 linear feet of Rocky Branch (Station 0+00 to 3+20) (Appendix I). This upper reach area will serve as a transition from the existing channel to the newly constructed channel. The slope in the upper reach averages 0.0109 ft/ft, which is the steepest portion of the entire project. Cross vanes will be the primary structures used in this section in order to provide stability and grade control for this area of transition. Bankfull cross sectional areas found in this portion of the project average 30.0 square feet for riffles and 38.5 square feet for pools and are also found in Appendix I). The upper reach stream channel will contain floodplain benches, which will help reduce stream velocities and provide a transitional tool to link the Priority I stream restoration area starting at Station 3+20. The middle reach of the proposed channel is the beginning of Priority I restoration activities. The middle reach which contains a slope of 0.0069 ft/ft, will provide a gradual transition between the upper and the lower reaches. Bankfull cross sectional areas associated with the middle reach average 35.0 square feet for riffles to 46.0 square feet for pools. Bankfull associated with the middle reach will lie at or very close to the top of bank. By positioning the bankfull elevation at the top of bank, the stream channel with be able to fully utilize its floodplain. This utilization of the floodplain should significantly reduce bank erosion. Structures used in this section will include cross vanes, j-hook vanes, and single arm rock vanes. w 13 CIS Root-,vads will be installed at specific areas to relieve stress from outside bends and to provide natural habitat for aquatic life. The lower reach of Rocky Branch begins at Station 11+80, where it continues to follow Priority I stream restoration methods. This section contains slopes averaging 0.0034 ft/ft, wlucli are the lowest throughout the project. Bankfull cross sectional areas associated with the lower reach average 45.0 square feet for riffles and 52.5 square feet for pools. This reach will also utilize cross vanes, j-hooks, single arm vanes, and root-,vads structures. Any existing drainage tiles within the conservation casement will be removed or destroyed during the channel construction. A 25 foot-wide permanent ford crossing will be established within proposed Rocky Branch channel between Stations 14+99 and 15+24. Beginning at Station 37+10, where the new channel connects back to the existing channel, stream restoration methods will follow Priority IV stabilization methods. This section will use a minimal number of cross vane structures to achieve the appropriate channel dimensions. Stream banks will be sloped and tapered into the floodplain, which will reduce the current bank erosion induced by cattle grazing. Following the removal of the boulder dam, areas previously impacted should return to a bedrock controlled stream bed. 5.3.2 Tributary 1 Stream restoration associated with Tributary 1 will be exclusively Priority Level I Restoration. The proposed restoration will reduce the linear footage of the stream channel, but provide a more natural configuration and alignment with the Rocky Branch channel. Bankfull cross sectional areas proposed for this stream channel are 4.5 square feet for riffles and 5.25 square feet for pools. Cross vanes will be installed to provide grade control within this newly constructed channel. Spoil material removed from the newly excavated channel will be placed in the abandoned channel of Tributary 1 following the placement of clay plug at the new connection point. 5.3.3 Tributary 2 As a result of conservation casement agreements, no stream restoration activities will take place on the Tributary 2 stream channel. The current stream channel, which arises from a natural spring, will be converted to a small pond. The construction of this pond will significantly reduce sediment inputs and should improve the quality of the water flowing into Rocky Branch. The outflow of the pond will eventually drain back into the Rocky Branch channel. 5.4 Proposed Construction Sequence Construction of the project will be carried out in three phases to ensure adequate implementation of sedimentation controls, channel stability, and maximum vegetation survival. During the first phase, primary construction access roads, spoil areas, and staging areas will be established. Following die completion of these construction zones, the boulder dam will be removed. During the second phase, the Rocky Branch stream channels, the pond, and the secondary access roads will be constructed. Filling of the abandoned channels will also be completed during the second phase. The final phase will involve minor grading, site 14 0 preparation (sub-soiling), removal of temporary access roads and staging areas, and the creation of depressions (vernal pools). Initially, the primary construction access roads, spoil areas, and the staging areas will be established throughout the entire RBSRS. Once these areas have been established, the boulder dam will be removed and the boulders stockpiled. Removal of the dam at this stage of construction will allow the on-site engineer to monitor this area, while continuing to proceed with other phases of the project. Removal of the dam should allow accumulated sediments to exit the impounded area, returning the channel to its original bed material, which is comprised of bedrock. Since the conservation easement does not include any area downstream of the SR 1120 bridge, boulders removed from the darn will be stored and used for in-stream structures on Mr. Joe Allen's portion of the conservation casement. The second phase of the project will involve construction of new channels and placement of structures for Rocky Branch and Tributary 1. The proposed pond will be constructed at the current location of Tributary 2. These structures will provide stability and habitat for the stream channel and will include cross vanes, j-hook vanes, single-arm rock vanes, and rootwads. Construction of the new channel must be staged to ensure the most economical use of equipment and materials, and to ensure that sedimentation controls and channel stability efforts are maximized. The new Rocky Branch channel will be constructed from Station 0+50 (50 feet downstream of project's northern limit) to Station 20+00. Dewatering structures will be built near Stations 7+00 and 12+00 to filter out residual sediment. These dewatering structures will drain into the depression area on the east side of the field to further filter the water. A third structure will be installed at Station 20+00, and it will drain into the existing channel. This phase of construction will be built in segments that will cease at stations where the dewatering structures are planned. This will further ensure superior sediment control since groundwater difficulties are anticipated. A small portion of the channel between Stations 19+80 to 20+00 will remain in place to prevent movement of groundwater past the dewatering structures. This will be excavated and vegetated prior turning the water into the new channel. Spoil generated from excavation of the new channel will eventually be used to fill the existing stream channel. Consequently, the majority of the excavation spoil from upstream of Station 20+00 will be stockpiled on the west side of the newly constructed channel as detailed on the erosion control plans, to reduce material-handling time and to minimize compaction of the substrate. Between Stations 20+00 and 30+00, the distance between the existing and proposed channel locations prevent spoil stockpiling. In order to continue construction of the new channel, two 24-inch corrugated plastic pipes will be placed in the stream and serve as a conveyance for the water near Station 20+00. An impervious rock dyke (rock silt screen) will be installed around the pipe inlet to concentrate water into the pipes and not disturb the flow of the stream. Fill will then be placed over the pipes in the existing channel. Silt fence should be installed as shown on the erosion control plan on either side of die pipe outlet to protect against any erosion upstream. Pipes will be laid in 20 to 50-foot segments, as needed on a day by day basis. At least 2 rock silt screens will be installed downstream of the pipe inlets to prevent the pipes from floating or moving, and a fourth will be established at the pipe outlets. A rip-rap energy dissipater will be constructed at Station 30+00. A rock check will be installed just upstream of the pipe inlet to trap heavy sediment and fines, protecting the pipe from clogging. The use of 15 s corrugated plastic pipes and the proximity of the existing and proposed channel locations will permit concurrent filling of the existing channel during construction of the new channel. This system should significantly reduce material handling and equipment movement which in turn minimizes impacts to the soil substrate. Dewatering structures will be established near Station 30+00 to handle groundwater seepage between Stations 20+00 and 30+00. The final leg of main channel construction is between Stations 30+00 and 37+00. Dewatering structures will be installed at Station 37+00 to account for filtration of groundwater. Stockpile areas will be located on either side of the new channel as outlined in the erosion control plans. When construction is complete on the main channel, the new channel work on Tributary 1 can be then be started. The new Tributary 1 channel will be constructed from Station 0+20 to the new Rocky Branch channel and allowed to vegetate prior to any diversion of water. Prior to diverting water into the new Rocky Branch channel, a secondary access road will be built to allow the contractor access to the area between Stations 0+00 to 0+50. Following die construction of the secondary access road, the Rocky Branch channel will be connected with its new channel by excavating an opening between Stations 0+00 to 0+50 and installing a clay plug in the old channel. In the interim, backfilling of the abandoned Rocky Branch channel will begin, which should allow adequate time for the newly constructed Tributary 1 channel to vegetate. Once the new Tributary 1 channel is considered adequately vegetated, water can then be diverted into the channel by excavating between Stations 0+00 to 0+20 and placing a clay plug in its old channel. Following the completion of the new Tributary 1 channel, the construction of the pond will begin. The final phase of the construction process will involve minor grading and sub-soiling of the site, removal and amelioration of temporary access roads, and the creation of depressions commonly known as vernal pools. The sub-soiling will be done to mitigate soil compaction of by heavy equipment and cattle and to create micro-topographic features adjacent to the stream channel. Removal of temporary access roads and staging areas will start at the beginning of the project and proceed downstream. This will allow the removal of all temporary materials and the renovation of areas as well as constructing vernal pools. The vernal pools were strategically located near or in staging and stockpile areas to eliminate compaction areas on the site and to reduce the construction costs. Following the final grading activities, native trees and shrubs will be planted at the site during the dormant season. 6.0 Flood Analyses Portions of the Rocky Branch Site, including the channel of Rocky Branch and its immediate floodplain are located within the Federal Emergency Management Association's (FENIA) approximate 100-year flood boundary, as depicted on Figure 8 (FENIA, 1991). These areas are inundated by the 100-year flood where Base Flood Elevations (BFE) have not been determined. Currently Yadkin County does not participate in the National Flood Insurance Program; therefore, no formal study is required according to FEIAIA's 44 CFR 60.3(b). Approximate limits of flooding for the existing and proposed channels were determined using HEC-RAS software from the US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center. Water surface profiles for the 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, and 100-year storm 16 II II events were computed. Data from die 50-year and 100-year storm events are included in Table 4. Table 4. Flood Analyses for the 50-Year and 100-Year Storm Events. Rocky Branch Profile. 50 r G u n I: Station Q Water Surface Elevation (proposed) "Total Existing Proposed Difference (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 19.60 1200 882.91 882.91 0.00 240.51 1201 889.49 889.49 0.(x) 642.82 1200 897.39 897.39 0.00 947.94 1200 902.43 902.43 0.00 1284.23 1200 908.77 911.68 2.91 1533.40 1200 911.07 913.59 252 1597.98 12110 911.93 913.45 152 1620 Bridge 1635.83 1200 914.33 914.98 0.65 1689.69 1200 914.71 915.78 1.07 1771.63 1200 914.78 915.80 .02 2046.16 1100 915.21 916.10 0.89 2457.83 1100 917.37 917.17 -0.20 3074.68 1100 919.37 919.20 -0.27 3572.24 1100 920.70 920.21 -0.49 4327.59 1100 923.12 923.01 -0.11 4903.23 1100 925.34 926.29 0.95 5593.52 1100 929.01 931.06 2.05 6339.76 1100 941.99 931.99 0.00 7.0 Typical Drawings Rocky Branch Profile: 100 yr Station Q Water Surface Elevation (proposed) Total Existing Proposed Difference (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 19.60 1500 883.40 883.40 0.00 240.51 1500 889.92 889.92 0.00 642.82 1500 897.83 897.83 0.00 947.93 1500 903.04 903.03 -0.01 1284.23 1500 909.33 91215 2.82 1544.40 1500 911.56 914.16 2.60 1597.98 1500 912.58 913.91 1.33 1620 Bride 1635.84 1500 915.42 916.01 0.59 1689.69 1500 915.85 916.90 1.05 1771.64 1500 915.93 916.92 0.93 2046.16 1400 916.07 917.09 1.02 2357.83 1400 917.69 617.94 0.25 3047.68 141x1 919.97 919.70 -0.27 3572.24 1400 921.26 920.70 -0.56 4327.59 1400 823.25 823.57 0.32 4903.24 1400 925.94 926.74 0.80 5593.52 1400 929.71 931.74 2.03 6339.76 1400 942.50 942.50 0.00 Four different structure types made of natural materials will be installed in the stream channels. These structures include single-arm rock vanes, j-hook rock vanes, cross vanes and rootwads. These will be composed of natural materials from the boulder dam and off-site sources. Details for these structures can be found in Appendix J. 7.1 Single-Arm Rock Vane These structures are designed to dissipate die secondary circulation cells which cause stress in the near bank region. They also force the thahveg away from the bank and towards the middle of the channel. These structures are placed on die outsides of meander bends. Footer rocks are placed on one side of die channel bottom for stability. More rocks are Bien placed at an angle to the stream bank, gradually inclining in elevation until they are located at the proposed bankfull elevation. At die point at which the structure reaches the bankfull elevation, rocks are placed perpendicular to the rock vane arm and embedded into the bank. These additional rocks provide a linkage to the etisting stream bank as well as providing added protection during heavy flows. 7.2 J-Hook Rock Vanes These structures are also designed to dissipate the secondary circulation cells which cause stress in the near bank region. They also force the dialweg away from the bank and towards the 17 n middle of the channel. Similar in design to single-arm rock vanes, these structures arc placed on the outsides of meander bends. Footer rocks are placed on one side of the channel bottom for stability. 'More rocks arc then placed at an angle to the stream bank, gradually inclining in elevation until they are located above the bankfull surface directly adjacent to the stream bank. Additional rocks are placed in the channel to give the structure a "J" shape. These extra rocks are added to maintain the pool and provide additional fish habitat. 7.3 Cross Vanes These structures serve to maintain the integrity and composition of the riffle while promoting scour along the center of the channel, away from the adjacent banks. The design shape is roughly that of the letter "U" with the apex situated on the upstream side in the riffle section. Footer rocks are placed in the channel bottom for stability. Rocks are then placed on the top of these footer rocks in the middle of the channel at approximately the same elevation as the designed stream bed. Rocks are then placed at an angle to the stream bank on either side of the channel. These rocks gradually incline to the bankfull elevation. Water flowing downstream is forced over these rocks towards the middle of the channel on either side of the structure, effectively scouring a pool immediately downstream. Cross vanes are used primarily for stabilization and grade control, but the structures also provide habitat. 7.4 Root Wads The objectives of these structures arc to: provide ii-stream and overhead cover for aquatic organisms, including fish; provide shade, detritus and terrestrial insect habitat; and provide minimal protection of the stream bank from erosion. Generally, a footer log and boulder are placed on the channel bottom and abut the stream bank along the outside of the meander bend. This provides support for the root-wad and stability (minimal) to the stream bank. A large tree rootwad (or root-ball) is then placed on the stream bank with additional boulders and rocks on either side for stability. Flowing water is deflected away from the bank. and towards the center of the channel. 8.0 Stream Riparian Planting Plan The planting plan for the riparian and upland buffers of the Rocky Branch site will provide post-construction erosion control and riparian habitat enhancement. The planting plan will also attempt to blend existing vegetative communities into recently restored areas. Plantings in the buffer areas will include native species appropriate for the Piedmont physiographic province and the RBSRS. Plants within the floodplain will be flood tolerant species, which can accommodate periodic flooding events throughout the year. A variety of trees and shrubs will be planted to provide cover and habitat for wildlife as well as soil stabilization. Tree and shrub species will be planted in specific planting zones. These planting zones will accommodate plant species which have specific requirements for growth. Hydrology and topography are main factors that dictate a plant's ability to survive and to thrive following planting. These planting zones will be created around these requirements and will include the following zones: Zone 1 (Stream Banks), Zone 2 (Riparian Buffer), Zone 3 (Wetlands), Zone 4 (Vernal Pools), and Zone 5 (Upland Buffers. A list of species in each Zone can be found in Table 5. 18 L n L n L u n u I- L 1 1 Table 5. Recommended Plant Species and Planting Zones. Planting Zone Recommended Plant Species A Zone Description Scientific Name Common Name Alnus sem+lala Tag alder Belula riSra River birch Cepbalanthus oazdelaalis Buttonbush Stream Banks Conuu araaniun Silky dogwood M Hibisc a mosbeutos Marsh mallow Lindera bentioin Spicebush Salix nisra Black willow Salix se&ca Silky willow Sarnbuciu canade+uis Elderberry Betrrla rrlSra River birch Fraxinuspennghraniai Green ash Riparian Lirrdera bcni Zoin Spicebush 2 Buffer Plantanus oaidentalis Sycamore Quercus nisra Water oak ,Quenuspbellor Willow oak SRrrbucus caradoifis Elderberry Anus serrulata Tag alder Cepbalanlhur oaideiaalis Buttonbush Conius wavvurn Silky dogwood 3 Wetlands Frax nuupenngk-anica Green ash Hibiscus rnosbeulos 'Marsh mallow Salix riSra Black willow Salix scricea Silky willow Boehmeria 9•lindrica False nettle Carex h+rida Lurid sedge Carex intunfesceru Bladder sedge C}penis rtrisosus Umbrella sedge 4 Vernal Pools Eleocbaris obtrua Blunt spike-rush Eupatoriurn fstulosurn Joe-pye weed juncus coriaceus Leathery rush juncus cures Soft rush Saun+n+s cerlwus Lizard's tail Car}•a tonrentosa 'Mockcrnut hickory Coniruflorida Flowering dogwood Dio.rprq'o.r sigh ana Persimmon Hex opaca American holly juniperur tirsiniara Eastern red cedar 5 Upland Buffer Pinus ecbinata Shordcaf pine Piruu strobru \Miite pine Pinar rirginiana Virginia pine Prunus serotina Black cherry .Quercus alba White oak ,Q+ercus falcala Southern red oak A List is alphabetized by scientific name within each planting zone. Shrubs and trees with extensive, deep rooting systems will assist in stabilizing the banks in the long term. Native grasses, transplants, and live stakes will be utilized at the site for immediate stabilization as well as erosion control matting along the newly created stream banks. Vegetation will be planted in a random fashion in an effort to mimic natural plant communities. Colonization of local herbaceous vegetation will inevitably occur, which will provide additional 19 `H u soil stability. Tree species will be planted as bare root stock on random eight-foot centers at a frequency of 680 stems per acre. Shrub species will be dispersed among these tree species also on random eight-foot centers. Larger plant stock will be established in areas immediately adjacent to channel structures. These areas will also receive much denser plantings in order to expedite the stabilization of the soil through greater rooting mass. Planting stock will be culled to remove inferior specimens, so only healthy, viable stock will be planted at the RBSRS. Planting of species will utilize dormant plant stock and will be performed to the extent practicable between December 1" and March 15`h. 9.0 Stream Monitoring Plan Monitoring will determine the degree of success the mitigation project has achieved in meeting the objectives of providing proper channel functions and increased habitat quality. This monitoring data will provide the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and resource agencies with evidence that the goals of the Rocky Branch project have been met. Monitoring of the site will include an assessment of geomorphology and riparian vegetation at least once each year for a total of five years. Monitoring reports will be submitted annually to the EEP by December of each year. The monitoring reports will include detailed analysis of the new stream and floodplain, plant survivability, photos, and photo location points as well as a description of any problems and recommendations for remedial measures. Photo point locations are shown on Figure 5 and pre-construction photos of these areas can be found in Appendix A. In the event that success criteria are not met, remedial measures will be installed to achieve success, as directed by the EEP. Upon completion of the project, an as-built channel survey will be conducted. The survey will document the dimension, pattern, and profile of the restored channel. Permanent cross sections will be established at an approximate frequency determined by the EEP. The locations will be selected to represent approximately 50% riffle and 50% pool areas. The as-built survey will include photo documentation at all cross sections, a plan view diagram, a longitudinal profile, vegetation information and pebble counts. The as-built plan will serve as a reference for demonstrating and quantifying the magnitude and frequency of problem events. 9.1 Stream Channel Assessment During the first-year Mulkey will evaluate the restored portion of Rocky Branch and Tributary 1 in regard to overall channel stability. Since streams are considered as "active" or "dynamic" systems, restoration is achieved by allowing the channel to develop a stable dimension, pattern, and profile such that, over time, the stream features (riffle, run, pool, and glide) are maintained and the channel does not aggrade or degrade. Minor morphologic adjustments from the design stream are anticipated based on the correlation of reference reach data, excessive sediment deposition from upstream sources, and on-going changes in land use within the watershed in addition to the effects of extraordinary meteorological events. 9.2 Vegetation Success Vegetation requirements state that 260 stems/acre must be viable for success after the five year monitoring period. Should the performance criteria outlined above not be met during the monitoring period, Mulkey will provide the EEP with a remediation proposal, detailing 20 i UL corrective actions and/or maintenance actions proposed, and an implementation schedule. Upon review and approval/modification of proposed corrective measures by the EEP and the regulatory agencies, Aiulkey will implement the necessary corrective measures. 9.3 Monitoring Data Monitoring data for each monitoring year will consist of the following: 1. Stream Channel Assessment Channel stability 2. Vegetation Data Number of stems/acre of woody species Percent of survival of planted woody species Species composition, including non-dominants Quantitative measure of noxious species Overall condition of the planted species Photo reference locations of each plot 9.4 Reporting The first-year monitoring reports will be submitted to the EEP's designated representative for coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies on an annual basis. The first-year of monitoring will have two submittals, one being the As-Built drawings and the second being the First Year Annual Monitoring Report. It is understood that the EEP will coordinate any necessary monitoring report submittals with the regulatory agencies. If monitoring reports indicate any deficiencies in achieving the success criteria on schedule, a remedial action plan will be included in the annual monitoring reports. Nfullcey will be available to coordinate any agency site visits, both before and after restoration activities have been completed. Vegetative monitoring will be conducted during the summer months of each monitoring year. 9.5 Exotic/Invasive Species Invasive species will be identified and controlled so that none become dominant species or alter the desired community structure of the site. Specific areas have already been identified to contain invasive plants. Invasive species within these areas will be controlled using the most appropriate means that is suitable to EEP. All vegetation removal from the site shall be done by mechanical means only unless the EEP has first authorized the use of herbicides or algaecides for the control of plants in or immediately adjacent to the site. 10.0 Stream Performance Criteria Based on the Classification Key for Natural Rivers (Rosgen, 1996), restoration activities will ultimately result in the classification of a C-stream type for Rocky Branch and Tributary 1. These stream types arc slightly entrenched, meandering, gravel dominated, riffle-pool channels with well developed floodplains. Pool to pool spacing for this stream type averages five-to- 21 L seven bankfull channel widths in length. The stream banks are generally composed of sand and gravel material, with stream beds exhibiting little difference in pavement and sub-pavement material composition. Rates of lateral migration are influenced by the presence and condition of riparian vegetation. The C-stream type, is best characterized by the presence of point bars and other depositional features, it is very susceptible to shifts in bode lateral and vertical stability caused by direct channel disturbance and changes in the flow and sediment regimes of the contributing watershed. As a result, stream success criteria will be based on overall stability. It is expected that channel adjustment will occur throughout the restored reaches; however, excessive adjustment and potential stream instability will be judged to be occurring if the width/depth ratio is measured to be greater than 18, the bank height ratio is greater dean 1.4; radius of curvature ratio is less than 1.5, or the development of head cuts occur. 11.0 Wetland Performance Criteria e Baseline wetlands determinations were performed to quantify the existing wetlands at the RBSRS. Currently, a total of 1.44 acres of wetlands arc located within the conservation easement. Wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement activities presented in the following sections only represent approximate wetland acreages, which are anticipated at the end of monitoring year-five (Table 6). An actual acreage of these wetlands will be determined during the fifth-year of monitoring by a new jurisdictional determination. Each wetland category (creation, restoration, enhancement, and preservation) will be determined at the time of die jurisdictional determinations. Wetlands derived as a result of the project will be determined by subtracting the existing wetland acreage from die total wetland acreage found at the site at the end of monitoring year five. Table 6. Rocky Branch Wetland Restoration Summary VIC ,11,111 Name Type Existing (Acres) A Proposed (Acres) A Creation _ Non-Riparian Restoration n Enhancement 0.35 Preservation _ Total 0.35 c 0.00 Creation 1.50 Ri arian Restoration 0.72 p Enhancement 1.09 0.24 Preservation 1.09 Total 1.09 3.55 Grand Total 1.44 3.55 Represents acreage completely contained uitlun the conservation easement. ° Wetland acreage represents "Wetland A". C Existing non-riparian wetland acreage reverts to riparian enhancement acreage follov6rig channel relocation. 22 s 11.1 Wetland Creation Wetlands created as a result of the stream restoration activities will be located within the abandoned stream channel of Rocky Branch and throughout the floodplain as vernal pools (Attachments). Soil material removed from new channel excavations will be used to partially fill the abandoned stream channel. The specific location of each created wetland was purposely selected to provide water storage for overland flow due to the steep topography surrounding the project and stormwater drainage from the I-77 roadway. These created wetlands will be planted with wetland species native to this region. Creation of these wetlands will provide habitat for amphibians, waterfowl, and other plant and animal species in the area. Approximately 1.50 acres of wetland creation is anticipated within the conservation easement. 11.2 Wetland Enhancement Wetland enhancement activities will be focused on reestablishing vegetation within Wetland A. Due to the relocation of the Rocky Branch channel, some portions of the original wetland may be altered or eliminated. As a result of these activities, the remaining portions of Wctand A (0.24 acres) will be enhanced through riparian plantings. The vegetation currently found within the wetland is comprised herbaceous species that have been significantly impacted due to cattle grazing. Very few woody species arc present except for several American hollies and a black willow. Planting appropriate native, wetland vegetation within this area should significantly improve the quality of dis wetland area. 11.3 Wetland Preservation The preservation of existing wetlands will include the portions of Wetland B and Wetland C (1.09 acres) found within the established conservation easement. Wetland B is characterized as a Piedmont Bottomland Forest and Wetland C is an emergent wetland. The elimination of cattle within these areas through fencing, should only improve die quality of these wetlands. The relocation of the Rocky Branch channel and the removal of drainage tiles in adjacent fields will also help enhance the value of these areas. 11.4 Wetland Restoration Wedand restoration is anticipated in areas adjacent to die Piedmont Bottomland Forest and die abandoned channel of Tributary 1 (Attachments). Soils found in these areas arc conducive to wedand restoration because of their existing redoximorphic features, their proximity to existing wetlands, and the presence of drainage mechanisms within these areas. Vegetation in these areas has been maintained through mowing and livestock grazing. Following die relocation of die stream channel and the installation of fencing around the project, more typical successional patterns should result in the return of wedand vegetation and hydrology to these areas. The current conceptual design proposes the restoration of 0.72 acres of wetlands. The current base mapping will serve as baseline for determining die actual quantities of wetland creation or restoration following the completion of the project. 23 12.0 Farm Management This section includes the management of activities that fall outside of the stream restoration tasks, but are directly linked to the overall quality of the project. The tasks are a direct result of the stream restoration project or a part of the conservation easement agreement agreed upon by the current property owners. EEP and Mulkey will provide administrative assistance during the planning and implementation phases of these farm management tasks. These tasks will include installation of watering structures and piping, the drilling of wells, the construction a shade house for cattle, and the decommissioning of a waste storage pond. Contractors will be selected to implement these tasks through an informal bid process. 12.1 Livestock As a result of stream restoration activities, which includes a provision for fencing out cattle, livestock currently utilizing the Rocky Branch channels for water will no longer have access to shade or watering areas along the stream and immediate riparian and non-riparian buffer areas. Therefore, as a condition of the future conservation easement five drinking stations, two wells, one shade house, and fencing will be installed at designated locations outside of die conservation easement (Figure 9). EEP and Mulkey will only provide administrative assistance with these farm management tasks. In order to provide water for approximately seventy-five head of beef cattle, four drinking stations and a well will be installed on Mr. Joe Allen's property with iii the conservation casement An existing well will be connected to two of the drinking stations, while the remaining two stations will be connected via the newly drilled well. All water connections and pumps will be installed to provide the most effective watering stations. Due to the lack of vegetation in the remaining pastures, a shade house will also be installed on Mr. Joe Allen's property to provide artificial shade for the livestock. According to Weaver (2004), each cow requires approximately 64 square feet of floor space to adequately coexist within the shade house. A structure should be built to provide a minimum 5,000 square feet of floor space for 75 head of beef cattle. It is recommended that horizontal structural beams be used to reduce the number of internal supports and that the floor of the structure be made of concrete. The use of structural beams and concrete flooring will expedite daily maintenance processes and provide a higher level of sanitation within the shade house. In addition, one well and one drinker will be established on Mr. Bill Allen's property as part of the conservation easement agreement. 12.2 Waste Storage Pond An inactive dairy waste storage pond currently occupies approximately 0.5 acre of land found on Mr. Bill Allen's property, which is upslope of proposed stream restoration activities (Figure 9 and Appendix A). To reduce future risks to stream water quality in the Rocky Branch channel, elimination of the waste storage pond through a decommissioning process, is an integral part of this stream restoration project. The State of North Carolina requires a waste storage pond closure plan to be written by the local NRCS before any waste can be removed or land applied. As a part of the waste storage closure plan, sludge and liquid waste samples were taken to determine their current nutrient 24 e content. Soil samples from adjacent farmland were also taken to determine their current nutrient levels and respective soil properties. These samples were taken to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) laboratory in Raleigh, NC for analyses. 1 Following the completion of a waste storage pond closure plan, a contractor will be hired to follow the specifications contained within the plan. Solid and liquid waste will be removed and land applied to Mr. Bill Allen's farmland directly across SR 1120, currently being leased by Myers Farms, Inc. The land application fields recommended by the NRCS are shown on Figure 9. Each year a waste management plan is prepared for their farming operation and the decommissioning of the dairy waste storage pond will be incorporated into their 2005 waste management plan. All land application activities will be coordinated with INlyers Farms to ensure that an active crop will be growing or will be planted within 30 days of application of the waste. Once the waste has been completely removed from the storage pond and the excavated site passes a required inspection, the pit will be filled with suitable earthen material. Copies of the Waste Storage Pond Closure Plan are on file with the Ecosystem Enhancement Program and the Yadkin County NRCS office. v 25 e c References Allen, J. 2004. Personal communication on September 2"d at his personal residence. Curle, L.D. 1962. Soil Survey of Yadkin County, North Carolina. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, in Cooperation with the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Daniels, R.B., S.W. Buol, H j. Iileiss, and C.A. Ditzler. 1999. Soil Systems of North Carolina. North Carolina State University, Soil Science Department, Raleigh, NC. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual; Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, NIS. Federal Emergency Management Association (FEhIA). 2004. http: //w,,«v.fema.nrr . Griffith, G.E., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Comstock, M.P. Schafale, W.H. McNab, D.R. Lenant, T.F. MacPherson, J.B. Glover, and V.B. Shelburne. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs). Reston, VA, US Geological Survey (map scale 1:1,500,000). Hey, Richard and Dave Rosgen. 1997. Fluvial Geomorphology for Engineers. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC). 1999. Subchapter lI - Forest Practice Guidelines Related to Water Quality, Section.0100. 15A NCAC 11.0102. Raleigh, NC. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2004. Basinwide Information Management System. Available: http://h2?.enr.state.nc.us/bim?/reports/b??in??ndw?tcrbodics/03-07 O6 pdE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2004x. North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2004 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report). Prepared by the North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, `Mater Quality Section. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2002. Basinwide Assessment Report - Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Prepared by the North Carolina 26 t Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. North Carolina Division of Land Resources (I\TCDLR). 1985. Geologic map of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2004. Protected Species listed for Yadkin County, NC. http://?c??w.ncnhp.orl;/ Rosgen, D.L. 1998. The Reference Reach - A Blueprint for Natural Channel Design. From Proceedings of the Wetlands and Restoration Conference, March 1998, Denver CO. Wi1dland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena, 22:169-199. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2004. Protected Species listed for Yadkin County, NC. littl2://tic-cs.Rvs.gov/es/cotintNfr.litnil Weaver, S. 2004. Personal Communication on September 15`h at North Carolina State School of Veterinary Medicine. i G ICI 27 1 1 !?:'Jt :7.1 1.:_ "/11 6 1Z? 1r?lfe VICINITY MAP Figure r? 7 ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION ? , , stem_,_ 1 ;? ?cmc PROGRAM YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ROCKY BRANCH ' t DRAINAGE AREA (3.1 SQUARE MILES) j e j a TRIBUTARY 1 1 s ;, 1 DRAINAGE AREA (0.2 SQUARE MILES) +� # 10 Yle Feet N 1:24,000 ` 0 500 1,0001,5002,000 Yadkin County Land Records y, ti 2002 Color Aerial Photographs WATERSHED MAP Figure ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION 't 4l5 'S�t'.11l • , 11,01i YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 47 Legend Soils Appling fine sandy loam, 14 to 25 % slopes - Cecil fine sandy loam, 7 to 10 /o slopes, eroded rAlba! Cecil fine sandy loam, 10 to 14 % slopes y Cecil fine sandy loam, 10 to 14 % slopes, eroded - Cecil fine sandy loam, 14 to 25 /o slopes, eroded Chewacla silt loam { Wilkes sandy loam, 14 to 25 % slopes Soil Borings • Upland Data Points ® Wetland Data Points Existing Wetlands Conservation Easement 4 u? 4 5i. \ ?• ?,' pig ?` .. ?' R' "^ ?r . ?. ? ''s<..? ?t*?,•• ""y H,4; ?, ter It ??.r'?-,?? + _?4 ? ? 1?? {`•".4 • I y rpm s? 17- ??? ? ? ? ? • .,? ?i ,' ,tom ,> 4 R r ? ? ,? r • M ? ' u r ti l N R V?? r: J 9 w r r IF "- Feet SOILS Figure 1:3,60 0 150 300 450 600 ourcet Yadkin County Land Records ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION 3 Ecosystem x'002 Color Aerial Pho?!. ,j phy YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Ada-Aed Irom the Soil Survey w Yadkin County, NC .;CKYE, _ k tP, t r 3 i , W WETLAND A 4 e ?. i try "'? p ? ? ? ? • F , ",'.. r?•Y,'ir r ` '- t, 1 f ' yr y + $ SMALL DITCH 96 '? r'ti" 'd ''^ , r r ., 4^ ? 4. ax ?,• 4-•--.. #+k ? #t Yl ?_ * +f. • .,p f q ?? i • a t.a 3:1L to. . i< y • "R; Ir. c,-.,,ILT TRIBUTARY2 d NATURAL SPRING Ya . r t Wy? ?; e r ml -.? rh .1' d .ti T? p Y ??, 4 ? ? _ w ru i I ? # •f r1.4 Y { LL ? •L ? ? •`S? + f - ' •??, ''??5. i } ? ? ?' ? ? ?r??, ' ? ? ? ? iy' Per ,.. r 4fWr-w c. 'r z;. di AV All" TPA- t N 1:8,600 0 150 aoo 450 600eet EXISTING HYDROLOGIC FEATURES Figure t Ecosystem ? Source: Yadkin County Land Records ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION 4 1 111e1 2002 Color Aerial Photography YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Legend ' Existing Channels %1"NOP4 ?9% Cross Sections i a r. - Easement Bar Sample Location 0 Photo Point Locations . ,. F. s' • 9 ! Y *w ?a 01 ", 10 + 1.J",`' f. I,. 3 '"CAS, . fi . it ` Pte. - y +? _ n ,..,'C. ,?9Fvf IL ;g,ir _ . i.. pit , # T '.$ P w' ''A Y ii F.. . k .'! ! t1 q3 ! •..iAb.. # k 4,w iL i6` j f :.y1• #.- :•,, -=?F: t "4 7 Y'"'.. ,} 4, fTY y r.F :i. r'M _?,. a ' J' .}/ 'a .,? 1" •sk 4•x'::'WL l??.k`. ."l.?a4 .d,R' r' .??' i?? d'. C ?r ;.-.?, 7 ','} 1, ?,,.: r _.s n. ?`???.'sl° ?+ ? *i .?w?(5`.•?:, ,y ? t ''. ,?{ ,} j? i_ $'i7` ? ,? ;r-?. F ? ? s:.:. 1. ? r ? ?l ?1; .' _ . ?' '4 •'?, .e 1,' i d'Y4 t ? ? Y ? ?. 4i , ?.'.'?1,.R°"' sp,' at. ,.M • r t'f 4 .uf. i'1s *.?'.C,:, I . ?•: 0 " ... • '?... A 8 - 1 • hll ?7i .:.,. ro?; •g )??;' :'t. ' ? ! ? '• 5. Y?" ?i vy,'n ?.. '??.;, "11 h7W 4, NtV y M s fir, , r n , I # 7, ROCKY BRANCH } tl JM a a 464 tl ^' eel '- Nor • v 7,:j r • , a k 1 P WTI" • r °r N 1:3,600 Feet CROSS SECTION LOCATIONS Figure 0 150 300 450 600 ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION OSStem Source: Yadkin County Land Records 5 Y PkOGknM 2002 Color Aerial Photography YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1 e ` N 1:3,600 Feet 0 150 300 450 600 PLANT COMMUNITIES Figure item , llit Pa?? Source: Yadkin County Land Records 2002 Color Aerial Photography ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 6 I- 1 M, J r 1 _ SF ENCH i C{ iFE:.IS f. l?( ? C f l REFERENCE. a ?. r -A NILli Jf Kl? :/ Y,, I I ?? ? ( 1•/ I 1 fl ?' i ?? ??? S ? I i ?I'??li!, ? •,/ ??\?\- {C??! \! ? \ t ?? ? ?1 1 ?rrt? ?l??t'/ ` / r?,? ,`. AlU 1. J t<, f f ? ? ? ? 1 ? r 1I {+/ ? r 1 w . f ?? r'•.f j r ? ?" 1 ?. f /J.7 rig, ? + ( ?r 1'?,` ? rrJ ) `? 1. 1??_ `t y?? ? ??1 ?? ?`?; ? `' ??? ,- ? i `' J ?f?.?_`'ti'.." \,/ (' ?. ?»y??t ???' >' ??Q s,..: IF ldhr YM %? r f ?{ 1 _ yi ? 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E] k l FARM MANAGEMENT Figure ROCKY BRANCH STREAM RESTORATION 9 YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Branch Channel. RBSRS RBSRS Cross Section 3 1 Branch Channel. Cross Section 4 (Pool). Located at Station 7 Branch Channel. RBSRS f. Cross Section 5 (Glide). Located at Station 8+83 of Branch Channel. 1 l .4 A? r ... "'TTT ?'_ f q Existing Profile of tl? '+ s a "' L ? r iC yc i /P ???lg Xr! AZ.SI::?I:- +r Cross Section 6 (Riffle). Located at Station 11+37 of the Existing Profile c Branch Channel. Y Cross Section 7 ( Branch Channel. Cross Section 8 (Run). Located at Station 23+ Branch Channel. RBSRS RBSRS Branch Channel. RBSRS I Branch Channel. , 14 Cross Section 12 ??• III ? Wit.-., 41 AZ???{; •c »V :r Ste' ? *?i Cross Section 13 Branch Channel. Bar Sample Location (Riffle). Located at Si Rocky Branch Channel. Flag in foreground RBSRS Cross Tributary 2 (Natural Spring). Viev toward the spring's point of origin. RBSRS J, RBSRS {P i - ,'.f .. l . , ;f Wetland A. Narrow, linear depression dominated by herbaceous species hydrology supplied by a groundwater seep. RBSRS RBSRS II RBSRS ? ?:, i RBSRS Photo Point Bottomland Forest. RBSRS h-- -? IN?..q.' M Photo Point 4. View looking south toward SR 1120. i i i _ i i RBSRS Photo Point 5. i? . ?• rt j I i. "?+ 1 v I i r•'u 1y " A!lt-;?-. y? III r Sq" ra ??u If?F??.}yY?AY::?Yl .- ° M ;.?, Y-l •--qly N•.: •'V"'G Photo Point 5. View looking northeast toward existing Tributary I. RBSRS Tributary 1. j i RBSRS .. -- ....,.-&.b ....- ..v...vv....ab -v"Au Lan, a.aat llulll ually laUlllty. - u 0 F." F]" 4, r 0 v e 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 BO 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 L011 0 1 m 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. .0 ROCKY BRANCH X-2 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 u in t 8 0 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11 I I1', ROCKY BRANCH X-3 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 fsa L a e s '.. 0 10 PROI. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 1 1 4 1 1 POCKY BRANCH X-5 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 I i I I r r 0 !JX 1 1 1 1 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 1996) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch USGS Gage Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 1212/2004 Weather: (Upper Reach) Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach 1. Stream Type B1/4c C4 E4-C4 2. Drainage Area (sq. mi 2.52 2.52 0.544 3. Bankfull Width (Wbkq ft Mean: Minimum: 19.02 19.02 Mean: Minimum: 23 Mean: Minimum: 13.31 13.05 Maximum: 19.02 Maximum: Maximum: 13.54 4. Bankfull Mean Depth (dbkf) ft Mean: 1.44 Mean: 11 Mean: 1.62 Minimum: 1.44 Minimum: Minimum: 1.49 Maximum: 1.44 Maximum: Maximum: 1.70 5. Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkftdbkf) Mean: 13.21 Mean: 17.7 Mean: 8.25 Minimum: 13.21 Minimum: Minimum: 7.96 Maximum: 13.21 Maximum: Maximum: 8.76 6. Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq it Mean: 27.50 Mean: 30 Mean: 21.50 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 19.43 Maximum: xlmum: Maximum: 23.01 7. Bankfull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) fps Mean: 5.8 Mean: 4.7 Mean: 5.14 Minimum: 4.5 Minimum: 3.8 Minimum: 3.86 Maximum: 7.2 Maximum: 6.1 Maximum: 6.91 8. Bankfull Discharge (Obkf) cis Mean: 160 Mean: 140 Mean: 80.00 Minimum: 125 Minimum: 115 Minimum: Maximum: 200 Maximum: 183 Maximum: 9. Maximum Bankfull Depth (dmax) fl Mean: 1.79 Mean: 1.80 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 10. Ratio of Low Bank Height to Maximum Mean: 1.54 Mean: 1.00 Mean: 1.00 Bankfull Depth (Ibh/dmax) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.00 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.00 11. Width of Flood Prone Area (Wipe) h Mean: 29.40 Mean: 60 Mean: 169.40 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 12. Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) Mean: 1.54 Mean: 2.61 Mean: 12.73 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13. Meander Length (Lm) ft Mean: 145.9 Mean: 122.8 Mean: 75.0 Minimum: 84.4 Minimum: 95.8 Minimum: 64.3 Maximum: 194.7 Maximum: 148.7 Maximum: 96.6 14. Ratio of Meander Length to Bankfull Width Mean: 7.67 Mean: 5.3 Mean: 5.64 (Lm/Wbkf) Minimum: 4.44 Minimum: 4.2 Minimum: 4.83 Maximum: 10.24 Maximum: 6.5 Maximum: 7.26 15. Radius of Curvature (Rc) it Mean: 27.3 Mean: 50.1 Mean: 16.21 Minimum: 12.4 Minimum: 41.0 Minimum: 11.73 Maximum: 47.8 Maximum: 58.0 Maximum: 19.60 16. Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Mean: 1.43 Mean: 2.2 Mean: 1.22 Width (Rc/Wbkf) Minimum: 0.65 Minimum: 1.8 Minimum: 0.88 Maximum: 2.51 Maximum: 2.5 Maximum: 1.47 17. Belt Width (Wblt) it Mean: 42.5 Mean: 52.9 Mean: 27.11 Minimum: 16.3 Minimum: 47.4 Minimum: 12.54 Maximum: 65.6 Maximum: 58.1 Maximum: 54.25 18. Meander Width Ratio (Wblt/Wbkf) Mean: 2.23 Mean: 2.3 Mean: 2.04 Minimum: 0.86 Minimum: 2.1 Minimum: 0.94 Maximum: 3.45 Maximum: 2.5 Maximum: 4.08 22. Sinuosity (Stream IengtfVvalley distance) Mean: 1.22 Mean: 1.16 Mean: 1.40 (K) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 23. Valley Slope (ft/ft) Mean: 0.0043 Mean: 0.0127 Mean: 0.012300 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 24. Average Water Surface Slope Mean: 0.01549 Mean: 0.01094 Mean: 0.008750 for Reach (Savg) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 25. Pool Slope (Spool) fl/ft Mean: 0.0009 Mean: 0.0011 Mean: 0.001023 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.000475 Maximum: 0.0054 Maximum: 0.0022 Maximum: 0.001572 26. Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.057 Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.12 (Spool/Savg) Minimum: 0.000 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.05 Maximum: 0.347 Maximum: 0.20 Maximum: 0.18 27. Maximum Pool Depth (dpool) ft Mean: 3.50 Mean: 3 Mean: 3.33 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3.23 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 3.45 28. Ratio of Maximum Pool Depth to Bankfull Mean: 2.43 Mean: 2.31 Mean: 2.06 Mean Depth (dpooVdbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.00 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.13 29. Pool Width (Wpool) ft Mean: 21.50 Mean: 30 Mean: 13.27 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 12.42 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13.84 30. Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width Mean: 1.13 Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.00 (WpooVWbkq Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 0.93 Maximum: Maximum: Max mum: 1.04 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 1996) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch USGS Gage Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 12/2/2004 Weather (Upper Reach) Variables Existing nna a erence 31. Bankfull Cross-sectional Area at Pool Mean: 47.30 Mean: 38.5 Mean: 24.11 (Apool) sq ft Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 22.40 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 26.92 32. Ratio of Pool Area to Banklull Area Mean: 1.72 Mean: 1.28 Mean: 1.12 (ApooVAbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.04 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.25 33. Pool to Pool Spacing (p-p) it Mean: 297.8 Mean: 138.00 Mean: 70.17 Minimum: 41.3 Minimum: 115.00 Minimum: Maximum: 1258.1 Maximum: 161.00 Maximum: 34. Ratio of Pool-to-Pool Spacing to Bankfull Mean: 14.1 Mean: 6.00 Mean: 5.27 Width (p-p/Wbkf) Minimum: 1.9 Minimum: 5.00 Minimum: Maximum: 59.5 Maximum: 7.00 Maximum: 35. Pool Length (Lp) it Mean: 39.1 Mean: 34.50 Mean: 19.79 Minimum: 8.6 Minimum: 27.60 Minimum: 15.40 Maximum: 56.7 Maximum: 39.10 Maximum: 24.17 36. Ratio of Pool Length to Bankfull Width Mean: 2.06 Mean: 1.50 Mean: 1.49 (Lp/Wbkf) Minimum: 0.45 Minimum: 1.20 Minimum: 1.16 Maximum: 2.98 Maximum: 1.70 Maximum: 1.82 37. Riffle Slope (SriH) ft/ft Mean: 0.014046 Mean: 0.0273 Mean: 0.021512 Minimum: 0.000138 Minimum: 0.0164 Minimum: 0.011624 Maximum: 0.069251 Maximum: 0.0328 Maximum: 0.027107 38. Ratio of Riffle Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.907 Mean: 2.50 Mean: 2.46 (Sriff/Savg) Minimum: 0.009 Minimum: 1.50 Minimum: 1.33 Maximum: 4.471 Maximum: 3.00 Maximum: 3.10 39. Maximum Riffle Depth (drift) It Mean: 1.96 Mean: 1.80 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: 1.79 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: 2.13 Maximum: 0.00 Maximum: 2.66 40. Ratio of Maximum Riffle Depth to Bankfull Mean: 1.36 Mean: 1.38 Mean: 1.47 Mean Depth (drill/dbkf) Minimum: 1.24 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 1.26 Maximum: 1.48 Maximum: 0.00 Maximum: 1.65 41. Run Slope (Srun) ft /ft Mean: 0.002865 Mean: 0.0055 Mean: 0.004518 Minimum: 0.000079 Minimum: 0.0027 Minimum: 0.001700 Maximum: 0.033774 Maximum: 0.0082 Maximum: 0.008800 42. Ratio of Run Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.185 Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.52 (Srun/Savg) Minimum: 0.005 Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.19 Maximum: 2.180 Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 1.01 43. Maximum Run Depth (drun) It Mean: 3.10 Mean: 2.00 Mean: 2.9 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.8 44. Ratio of Run Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: 2.15 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.79 (drun/dbkf) Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: Minimum: 1.86 Maximum: 0.00 Maximum: Maximum: 1.73 45. Slope of Glide (Sglide) Wit Mean: 0.003473 Mean: 0.0055 Mean: 0.004320 Minimum: 0.000000 Minimum: 0.0027 Minimum: 0.002290 Maximum: 0.013987 Maximum: 0.0082 Maximum: 0.006349 46. Ratio of Glide Slope to Average Water Mean: 0.224 Mean: 0.5000 Mean: 0.49 Slope (Sglide/Savg) Minimum: 0.000 Minimum: 0.2500 Minimum: 0.26 Maximum: 0.903 Maximum: 0.7500 Maximum: 0.73 47. Maximum Glide Depth (dglide) h Mean: 1.90 Mean: 2.00 Mean: 2.56 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 48. Ratio of Glide Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: 1.32 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.58 (dglide/dbkf) Minimum: Maximum: Minimum: Maximum: Minimum: Maximum: it MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 1996) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch USGS Gags Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creak Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date. 12/2/2004 Weather: (Middle Reach) Variables 1. Stream Type Exiall n Degraded C4 Proposed Reach C4 Reference Reach E4-C4 2. Drains Area (sq. mi 2.52 2.52 0.544 3. Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft Mean: 25.50 Mean: 23 Mean: 13.31 Minimum: 25.10 Minimum: Minimum: 13.05 Maximum: 25.80 Maximum: Maximum: 13.54 4. Bankfull Mean Depth (dbkQ ft Mean: 1.39 Mean: 1.52 Mean: 1.62 Minimum: 1.36 Minimum: Minimum: 1.49 Maximum: 1.42 Maximum: Maximum: 1.70 5. Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkt/dbld) Mean: 18.34 Mean: 15.13 Mean: 8.25 Minimum: 18.16 Minimum: Minimum: 7.96 Maximum: 18.45 Maximum: Maximum: 8.76 6. Sankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq ft Mean: 35.3 Mean: 35 Mean: 21.50 Minimum: 35.0 Minimum: Minimum: 19.43 Maximum: 35.7 Maximum: Maximum: 23.01 7. Bankfull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) fps Mean: 4.4 Mean: 4.3 Mean: 5.14 Minimum: 3.4 Minimum: 3.5 Minimum: 3.86 Maximum: 5.7 Maximum: 5.4 Maximum: 6.91 8. Bankfull Discharge (qbk) cis Mean: 160 Mean: 150 Mean: 80.00 Minimum: 120 Minimum: 122 Minimum: Maximum: 200 Maximum: 190 w4pilmum: 9. Maximum Bankfull Depth (dmax) it Mean: 1.72 Mean: 2.00 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: 1.42 Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: 2.02 Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 10. Ratio of Low Bank Height to Maximum Mean: 1.92 Mean: 1.00 Mean: 1.00 Bankfull Depth (Ibh/dmax) Minimum: 1.52 Minimum: Minimum: 1.00 Maximum: 2.32 Maximum: Maximum: 1.00 11. Width of Flood Prone Area (Wipe) it Mean: 77.62 Mean: x120 Mean: 169.40 Minimum: 57.51 Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: 97.74 Maximum: Maximum: 12. Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) Mean: 3.04 Mean: >5.2 Mean: 12.73 Minimum: 2.29 Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: 3.67 Maximum: Maximum: 13. Meander Length (Lm) It Mean: 145.9 Mean: 171.3 Mean: 75.0 Minimum: 84.4 Minimum: 117.3 Minimum: 64.3 Maximum: 194.7 Maximum: 199.8 Maximum: 96.6 14. Ratio of Meander Length to 8ankfull Width Mean: 5.72 Mean: 7.45 Moan: 5.64 (Lm/V11bkf) Minimum: 3.31 Minimum: 5.10 Minimum: 4.83 Maximum: 7.64 Maximum: 8.69 Maximum: 7.26 15. Radius of Curvature (Rc) ft Mean: 27.3 Mean: 48.0 Mean: 16.21 Minimum: 12.4 Minimum: 39.8 Minimum: 11.73 Maximum: 47.6 Maximum: 64.0 Maximum: 19.60 16. Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Mean: 1.07 Mean: 2.09 Mean: 1.22 Width (Rc/Wbkf) Minimum: 0.49 Minimum: 1.73 Minimum: 0.88 Maximum: 1.88 Maximum: 2.78 Maximum: 1.47 17. Belt Width (Wblt) it Mean: 42.5 Mean: 80.30 Mean: 27.11 Minimum: 16.3 Minimum: 69.30 Minimum: 12.54 Maximum: 65.6 Maximum: 96.40 Maximum: 54.25 18. Meander Width Ratio (Wblt/Wbkf) Mean: 1.67 Mean: 3.49 Mean: 2.04 Minimum: 0.64 Minimum: 3.01 Minimum: 0.94 Maximum: 2.57 Maximum: 4.19 Maximum: 4.08 22. Sinuosity (Stream length/valley distance) Mean: 1.22 Mean: 1.23 Mean: 1.40 (K) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 23. Valley Slope (ft/ft) Mean: 0.004331 Mean: 0.0085 Mean: 0.012300 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 24. Average Water Surface Slope Mean: 0.00525 Mean: 0.00698 Mean: 0.008750 for Reach (Savg) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 25. Pool Slope (Spool) ftttt Mean: 0.0009 Mean: 0.0012 Mean: 0.001023 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.000475 Maximum: 0.0054 Maximum: 0.0072 Maximum: 0.001572 26. Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.170 Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.12 (Spool/Savg) Minimum: 0.000 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.05 Maximum: 1.025 Maximum: 0.20 Maximum: 0.18 27. Maximum Pool Depth (dpool) it Mean: 3.70 Mean: 3.5 Mean: 3.33 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3.23 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 3.45 28. Ratio of Maximum Pool Depth to Bankfull Mean: 2.66 Mean: 2.30 Mean: 2.06 Mean Depth (dpooVdbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.00 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.13 29. Pool Width (Wpool) K Mean: 30.30 Mean: 30 Mean: 13.27 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 12.42 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13.84 30. Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width Mean: 1.19 Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.00 (W pooVW bkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 0.93 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.04 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen. 1996) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch USGS Gage Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 1212/2004 Weather: (Middle Reach) Variables Existing Channel Reach arena Reach 31. Bankfull Cross-sectional Area at Pool Mean: 46.00 Mean: 46 Mean: 24.11 (Apool) aq it Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 22.40 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 26.92 32. Ratio of Pool Area to Bankfull Area Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.31 Mean: 1.12 (ApooVAbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.04 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.25 33. Pool to Pool Spacing (p-p) ft Mean: 297.8 Mean: 138.00 Mean: 70.17 Minimum: 41.3 Minimum: 115 Minimum: Maximum: 1258.1 Maximum: 161 Maximum: 34. Ratio of Pool-to-Pool Spacing to Bankfull Mean: 14.1 Mean: 6.00 Mean: 5.27 Width (p-p/Wbkf) Minimum: 1.9 Minimum: 5.00 Minimum: Maximum: 59.5 Maximum: 7.00 Maximum: 35. Pool Length (Lp) it Mean: 39.1 Mean: 34.50 Mean: 19.79 Minimum: 8.6 Minimum: 27.60 Minimum: 15.40 Maximum: 56.7 Maximum: 39.10 Maximum: 24.17 36. Ratio of Pool Length to Bankfull Width Mean: 1.53 Mean: 1.50 Mean: 1.49 (Lp/Wbko Minimum: 0.34 Minimum: 1.20 Minimum: 1.16 Maximum: 2.22 Maximum: 1.70 Maximum: 1.82 37. Riffle Slope (Srif) ftM Mean: 0.0140 Mean: 0.0174 Mean: 0.021512 Minimum: 0.0001 Minimum: 0.0105 Minimum: 0.011624 Maximum: 0.0693 Maximum: 0.0209 Maximum: 0.027107 38. Ratio of Riffle Slope to Average Slope Mean: 2.675 Mean: 2.50 Mean: 2.46 (Sriff/Savg) Minimum: 0.026 Minimum: 1.50 Minimum: 1.33 Maximum: 13.191 Maximum: 3.00 Maximum: 3.10 39. Maximum Riffle Depth (drift) It Mean: 1.96 Mean: 2.00 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: 1.79 Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: 2.13 Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 40. Ratio of Maximum Riffle Depth to Bankfull Mean: 1.41 Mean: 1.32 Mean: 1.47 Mean Depth (drill/dbkf) Minimum: 1.29 Minimum: Minimum: 1.26 Maximum: 1.53 Maximum: Maximum: 1.65 41. Run Slope (Srun) ft/it Mean: 0.0029 Mean: 0.0035 Mean: 0.004518 Minimum: 0.0001 Minimum: 0.0017 Minimum: 0.001700 Maximum: 0.0338 Maximum: 0.0052 Maximum: 0.008800 42. Ratio of Run Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.546 Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.52 (Srun/Savg) Minimum: 0.015 Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.19 Maximum: 6.433 Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 1.01 43. Maximum Run Depth (drun) it Mean: 3.10 Mean: 2.28 Mean: 2.9 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.8 44. Ratio of Run Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: 2.23 Mean: 1.5 Moan: 1.79 (drurJdbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.86 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.73 45. Slope of Glide (Sglide) fUft Mean: 0.0035 Mean: 0.0035 Mean: 0.004320 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.0017 Minimum: 0.002290 Maximum: 0.0140 Maximum: 0.0052 Maximum: 0.006349 46. Ratio of Glide Slope to Average Water Mean: 0.662 Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.49 Slope (Sgllde/Savg) Minimum: 0.000 Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.26 Maximum: 2.664 Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 0.73 47. Maximum Glide Depth (dgllde) ft Mean: 1.90 Mean: 2.28 Mean: 2.56 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 48. Ratio of Glide Depth to Sankfull Mean Depth Mean: 1.37 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.58 (dglide/dbkf) Minimum: Minimurrn Mrnirnurn Maximum: Maxlnwrn. Maximum: MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 1996) Restoratlon Sib: Rocky Branch USGS Gags Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Enginsers and Consultants Date: 12/2/2094 Weather: (Lower Reach) Va abbe Existing Channel PMPDOW Meech Reference Reach 1. Stream Type Degraded E4 C4 E4-C4 2. Drains Area (sq. mi 3.09 3.09 0.544 3. Bankfull Width (Wbkf) it Mean: 21.64 Mean: 23 Mean: 13.31 Minimum: 20.62 Minimum: Minimum: 13.05 Maximum: 22.65 Maximum: Maximum: 13.54 4. Bankfull Mean Depth (dbM) It Mean: 2.06 Mean: 1.96 Mean: 1.62 Minimum: 1.92 Minimum: Minimum: 1.49 Maximum: 2.19 Maximum: Maximum: 1.70 5. Width/Depth Ratio (Wbk1/dbkf) Mean: 10.50 Mean: 11.7 Mean: 8.25 Minimum: 9.41 Minimum: Minimum: 7.96 Ma)imum: 11.80 Maximum: mum: 8.76 6. Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq it Mean: 44.35 Mean: 45 Mean: 21.50 Minimum: 43.46 Minimum: Minimum: 19.43 Maximum: 45.23 Maximum: Maximum: 23.01 7. Bankfull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) fps Mean: 3.85 Mean: 3.8 Mean: 5.14 Minimum: 3.19 Minimum: 3.04 Minimum: 3.86 Maximum: 4.82 Maximum: 4.7 Maximum: 6.91 8. Bankfull Discharge (Obkf) cis Mean: 170 Mean: 172 Mean: 80.00 Minimum: 140 Minimum: 137 Minimum: Maximum: 215 Maximum: 210 Maximum: 9. Maximum Bankfull Depth (dmax) it Mean: 2.93 Mean: 3.00 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: 2.82 Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: 3.04 Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 10. Ratio of Low Bank Height to Maximum Mean: 1.65 Mean: 1.00 Mean: 1.00 Bankfull Depth (Ibhtdmax) Minimum: 1.48 Minimum: Minimum: 1.00 Maximum: 1.82 Maximum: Maximum: 1.00 11. Width of Flood Prone Area (Wfpa) ft Mean: >120 Mean: >120 Mean: 169.40 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 12. Entrenchment Ratio (W#mMbkf) Mean: >5.8 Mean: >5.2 Mean: 12.73 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13. Meander Length (Lm) It Mean: 145.9 Mean: 144.60 Mean: 75.0 Minimum: 84.4 Minimum: 115.30 Minimum: 64.3 Maximum: 194.7 Maximum: 1118.20 Maximum: 96.6 14. Ratio of Meander Length to Bankfull Width Mean: 6.74 Mean: 6.29 Mean: 5.64 (Lm/Wbkf) Minimum: 3.90 Minimum: 5.01 Minimum: 4.83 Maximum: 9.00 Ma)imum: 8.16 Maximum: 7.26 15. Radius of Curvature (Rc) it Mean: 27.3 Mean: 46.90 Mean: 16.21 Minimum: 12.4 Minimum: 37.80 Minimum: 11.73 Maximum: 47.8 Maximum: 67.50 Maximum: 19.60 16. Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Mean: 1.26 Mean: 2.04 Mean: 1.22 Width (RctWbkf) Minimum: 0.57 Minimum: 1.64 Minimum: 0.88 Maximum: 2.21 Maximum: 2.93 Maximum: 1.47 17. Belt Width (Wblt) it Mean: 42.5 Mean: 61.40 Mean: 27.11 Minimum: 16.3 Minimum: 42.90 Minimum: 12.54 Maximum: 65.6 Maximum: 88.30 Maximum: 54.25 18. Meander Width Ratio (WbIVWbkf) Mean: Minimum: 1.96 0.75 Mean: Minimum: 2.67 1.87 Mean: Minimum: 2.04 0.94 Maximum: 3.03 Maximum: 3.84 Maximum: 4.08 22. Sinuosity (Stream langtNvalley distance) Mean: 1.22 Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.40 (IQ Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 23. Valley Slope (ft/ft) Mean: 0.0043 Mean: 0.0043 Mean: 0.012300 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 24. Average Water Surface Slope Mean: 0.00356 Mean: 0.00364 Mean: 0.008750 for Reach (Savg) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 25. Pool Slope (Spool) Wit Mean: 0.0009 Mean: 0.0004 Mean: 0.001023 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.000475 Maximum: 0.0054 Maximum: 0.0007 Maximum: 0.001572 26. Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.25 Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.12 (SpooVSavg) Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.05 Maximum: 1.51 Maximum: 0.20 Maximum: 0.18 27. Maximum Pool Depth (dpool) It Mean: 3.20 Mean: 4.00 Mean: 3.33 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3.23 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 3.45 28. Ratio of Maximum Pool Depth to Bankfull Mean: 1.55 Mean: 2.04 Mean: 2.06 Mean Depth (dpooVdbko Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.00 Maximum: Ma)imum: Maximum: 2.13 29. Pool Width (Wpool) h Mean: 27.70 Mean: 30.00 Mean: 13.27 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 12.42 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13.84 30. Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width Mean: 1.28 Mean: 1.30 Mean: 1.00 (W pooVW bkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 0.93 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.04 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 19%) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch USGS Gags Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 12/2/2004 Weather: (Lower Reach) Vorlables Eft" Channel Proposed c Reference RowW 31. Bankfull Cross-sectional Area at Pool Mean: 63.10 Mean: 52.50 Mean: 24.11 (Apool) sq it Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 22.40 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 26.92 32. Ratio of Pool Area to Bankfull Area Mean: 1.42 Mean: 1.17 Mean: 1.12 (ApooVAbko Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.04 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.25 33. Pool to Pool Spacing (p-p) h Mean: 297.8 Mean: 138.00 Mean: 70.17 Minimum: 41.3 Minimum: 115.00 Minimum: Maximum: 1258.1 Maximum: 161.00 Maximum: 34. Ratio of Pool-to-Pool Spacing to Bankfuli Mean: 14.1 Mean: 6.00 Mean: 5.27 Width (p-p/Wbkf) Minimum: 1.9 Minimum: 5.00 Minimum: Maximum: 59.5 Maximum: 7.00 Maximum: 35. Pool Length (Lp) it Mean: 39.1 Mean: 34.50 Mean: 19.79 Minimum: 8.6 Minimum: 27.60 Minimum: 15.40 Maximum: 56.7 Maximum: 39.10 Maximum: 24.17 36. Ratio of Pool Length to Bankfult Width Mean: 1.81 Mean: 1.50 Mean: 1.49 (Lp/Wbkf) Minimum: 0.40 Minimum: 1.20 Minimum: 1.16 Maximum: 2.62 Maximum: 1.70 Maximum: 1.82 37. Riffle Slope (Stiff) ftM Mean: 0.0140 Mean: 0.0091 Mean: 0.021512 Minimum: 0.0001 Minimum: 0.0055 Minimum: 0.011624 Maximum: 0.0693 Maximum: 0.0109 Maximum: 0.027107 38. Ratio of Rife Slope to Average Slope Mean: 3.95 Mean: 2.50 Mean: 2.46 (Srif /Savg) Minimum: 0.04 Minimum: 1.50 Minimum: 1.33 Maximum: 19.46 Maximum: 3.00 Maximum: 3.10 39. Maximum Riffle Depth (drift) it Mean: 1.86 Mean: 3.00 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: 1.47 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: 2.33 Maximum: 0.00 Maximum: 2.66 40. Ratio of Maximum Riffle Depth to Bankfull Mean: 0.90 Mean: 1.53 Mean: 1.47 Mean Depth (drill/dbkf) Minimum: 0.71 Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 1.26 Maximum: 1.13 Maximum: 0.00 Maximum: 1.65 41. Run Slope (Srun) f /ft Mean: 0.00287 Mean: 0.00182 Mean: 0.004518 Minimum: 0.00008 Minimum: 0.00091 Minimum: 0.001700 Maximum: 0.03377 Maximum: 0.00273 Maximum: 0.008800 42. Ratio of Run Slope to Average Slope Mean: 0.81 Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.52 (Srun/Savg) Minimum: 0.02 Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.19 Maximum: 9.49 Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 1.01 43. Maximum Run Depth (drun) it Mean: 2.70 Mean: 2.94 Mean: 2.9 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.8 44. Ratio of Run Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: 1.31 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.79 (drunIdbkf) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.86 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.73 45. Slope of Glide (Sglide) Wit Mean: 0.0035 Mean: 0.0018 Mean: 0.004320 Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.0009 Minimum: 0.002290 Maximum: 0.0140 Maximum: 0.0027 Maximum: 0.006349 46. Ratio of Glide Slope to Average Water Mean: 0.98 Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.49 Slope (Sglide/Savg) Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.26 Maximum: 3.93 Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 0.73 47. Maximum Glide Depth (dglide) it Mean: 2.30 Mean: 2.94 Mean: 2.56 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 48. Ratio of Glide Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: 1.12 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.58 (dglide/dbkf) l Minimum: maxfmum; Minimum: Maximum: Minimum Maximum; MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 19%) Restoration Site: Rocky Branch Tributary 1 USGS wage Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creak Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 1212/2004 Weather: Variables Fxisting Channel nos 1. Stream Type Degraded C5 E4 E4-C4 2. Drains Area (sq. ml 0.2 0.2 0.544 3. Bankfull Width (WbkQ it Mean: 10.20 Mean: 6 Mean: 13.31 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 13.05 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13.54 4. Bankfull Mean Depth (dbkf) it Mean: 0.30 Mean: 0.75 Mean: 1.62 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.49 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.70 5. Wki /Depth Ratio (WbkNdb" Mean: 33.56 Mean: 8.0 Mean: 8.25 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 7.96 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 8.76 6. Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq ft Mean: 3.10 Mean: 4.50 Mean: 21.50 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 19.43 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 23.01 7. Bankiull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) fps Mean: 3.3 Mean: 3.1 Mean: 5.14 Minimum: 2.7 Minimum: 2.6 Minimum: 3.86 Maximum: 4.7 Maximum: 4.1 Maximum: 6.91 6. Bankfull Discharge (aWd) cis Mean: 10 Mean: 14 Mean: 80.00 Minimum: 8 Minimum: 12 Minimum: Maximum: 15 Maximum: 18 Maximum: 9. Maximum Bankfull Depth (dmax) it Mean: 0.72 Mean: 1.20 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 10. Ratio of Low Bank Height to Maximum Mean: 1.9 Mean: 1.00 Mean: 1.00 Bankfull Depth (lbh/dmax) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.00 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.00 11. Width of Flood Prone Area (Wipe) it Mean: 16.32 Mean; 35 Mean: 169.40 Minimum: Minimum: 20.4 Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: >50 Maximum: 12. Entrenchment Ratio (Wtpa/Wbkf) Mean: 1.60 Mean: 5.83 Mean: 12.73 Minimum: Minimum: 3.40 Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: >8.3 Maximum: 13. Meander Length (Lm) it Mean: WA Mean: 55.3 Mean: 75.0 Minimum: Minimum: 53.0 Minimum: 64.3 Maximum: Maximum: 58.0 Maximum: 96.6 14. Ratio of Meander Length to Bankfull Width Mean: WA Mean: 9.2 Mean: 5.64 (LrNWbkQ Minimum: Minimum: 8.8 Minimum: 4.83 Maximum: Maximum: 9.7 Maximum: 7.26 15. Radius of Curvature (Rc) it Mean: WA Mean: 16.6 Mean: 16.21 Minimum: Minimum: 15.0 Minimum: 11.73 Maximum: Maximum: 18.0 Maximum: 19.80 16. Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Mean: NIA Mean: 2.8 Mean: 1.22 Width (Rc/WbkQ Minimum: Minimum: 2.5 Minimum: 0.88 Maximum: Maximum: 3.0 Maximum: 1.47 17. Bell Width (Wblt) it Mean: WA Mean: 23.0 Mean: 27.11 Minimum: Minimum: 21.0 Minlmum: 12.54 Maximum: Maximum: 24.0 Maximum: 54.25 18. Meander Width Ratio (WbIUWbkf) Mean: WA Mean: 3.8 Mean: 2.04 Minimum: Minimum: 3.5 Minimum: 0.94 Maximum: Maximum: 4.0 Maximum: 4.08 19. Sinuosity (Stream length/valley distance) Mean: 1.1 Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.40 (K) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 20. Valley Slope (tVfl) Mean: 0.0144 Mean: 0.00462 Mean: 0.012300 Minimum. Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 21. Average Water Surface Slope Mean: 0.0135 Mean: 0.00385 Mean: 0.008750 for Reach (Savg) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 22. Pool Slope (Spool) ttNt Mean: WA Mean: 0.0004 Mean: 0.001023 Minimum: Minimum: 0.0000 Minimum: 0.000475 Maximum: Maximum: 0.0008 Maximum: 0.00157 23. Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Slope Mean: WA Mean: 0.10 Mean: 0.12 (Spool/Savg) Minimum: Minimum: 0.00 Minimum: 0.05 Maximum: Maximum: 0.20 Maximum: 0.18 24. Maximum Pool Depth (dpool) it Mean: WA Mean: 1.75 Mean: 3.33 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3.23 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 3.45 25. Ratio of Maximum Pool Depth to Bankfull Mean: NIA Mean: 2.33 Mean: 2.06 Mean Depth (dpool/dbkQ Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.00 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.13 26. Pool Width (Wpool) it Mean: N/A Mean: 6.00 Mean: 13.27 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 12.42 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 13.84 27. Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width Mean: WA Mean: 1.00 Mean: 1.00 (Wpoot/WbkQ Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 0.93 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.04 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL WITH GAGE STATION AND REFERENCE REACH DATA (Adapted from Rosgen, 1996) Restoration She: Rocky Branch Tributary 1 USGS Gage Station: Reference Reach: Spencer Creek Surveyors: Mulkey Engineers and Consultants Date: 17/2/2004 Weather: Variables Existing Channel erence Reach 28. Bankfull Cross-sectlonal Area at Pool Mean: N/A Mean: 5.25 Mean: 24.11 (Apool) aq ft Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 22.40 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 26.92 29. Ratio of Pool Area to Bankfull Area Mean: N/A Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.12, (Apool/Abkq Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.04 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.25 30. Pool to Pool Spacing (p•p) ft Mean: WA Mean: 36.00 Mean: 70.17 Minimum: Minimum: 30.00 Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: 42.00 Maximum: 31. Ratio of Pool-to-Pool Spacing to Bankfull Mean: WA Mean: 6.00 Mean: 5.27 Width (p•p/Wbkf) Minimum: Minimum: 5.00 Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: 7.00 Maximum: 32. Pool Length (Lp) ft Mean: WA Mean: 9.00 Mean: 19.79 Minimum: Minimum: 7.20 Minimum: 15.40 Maximum: Maximum: 10.20 Maximum: 24.171 33. Ratio of Pool Length to Bankfull Width Mean: WA Mean: 1.50 Mean: 1.49 (Lp/Wbkf) Minimum: Minimum: 1.20 Minimum: 1.16' Maximum: Maximum: 1.70 Maximum: 1.82 34. Riffle Slope (Srlff) ftM Mean: 0.0174 Mean: 0.0096 Mean: 0.021512 Minimum: 0.0046 Minimum: 0.0058 Minimum: 0.011624 Maximum: 0.0372 Maximum: 0.0116 Maximum: 0.027107 35. Ratio of Riffle Slope to Average Slope Mean: 1.3 Mean: 2.50 Mean: 2.46 (Sriff/Savg) Minimum: 0.3 Minimum: 1.50 Minimum: 1.33 Maximum: 2.8 Maximum: 3.00 Maximum: 3.10 36. Maximum Riffle Depth (drill) It Mean: 0.72 Mean: 1.20 Mean: 2.37 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 2.03 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.66 37. Ratio of Maximum Riffle Depth to Bankfull Mean: 2.4 Mean: 1.60 Mean: 1.47 Mean Depth (drill/dbkt) Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.26 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.65 38. Run Slope (Srun) Nit Mean: WA Mean: 0.0019 Mean: 0.004518 Minimum: Minimum: 0.0010 Minimum: 0.001700 Maximum: Maximum: 0.0029 Maximum: 0.008800 39. Ratio of Run Slope to Average Slope Mean: WA Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.52 (Srun/Savg) Minimum: Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.19 Maximum: Maximum: 0.75 Maximum 1.01 40. Maximum Run Depth (drun) it Mean: WA Mean: 1.50 Mean: 2.9 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 3 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 2.8 41. Ratio of Run Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: WA Mean: 2.00 Mean: 1.79 (druNdtlkQ Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: 1.86 Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 1.73 42. Slope of Glide (Sglide) Nh Mean: WA Mean: 0.0019 Mean: 0.004320 Minimum: Minimum: 0.0010 Minimum: 0.002290 Maximum: Maximum: 0.0029 Maximum: 0.006349 43. Ratio of Glide Slope to Average Water Mean: WA Mean: 0.50 Mean: 0.49 Slope (Sglide/Savg) Minimum: Minimum: 0.25 Minimum: 0.26 Maximum: Maximum: 0.75 Maximum: 0.73 44. Maximum Glide Depth (dglide) ft Mean: N/A Mean: 1.50 Mean: 2.56 Minimum: Minimum: Minimum: Maximum: Maximum: Maximum: 45. Ratio of Glide Depth to Bankfull Mean Depth Mean: WA Mean: 2.00 Mean: 1.58 (dglide/dbko Minimum: Maximum: Minimum: Maximum: Minimum: Maximum: m m Particle Size Distribution - Tributary 1 CHANNEL STABILITY (PFANKUCH) EVALUATION AND STREAM CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY Reach Location Rocky Branch, Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Site (Yadkin County, NC) Date 3/2/2005 Observers T. Barrett CATEGORY EXCELLENT UPPER 1 Landform Slope Bank Slope Gradient <30% 2 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting No evidence of past or future mass wasting. 3 3 Debris Jam Potential Essentially absent from immediate channel area. 2 4 Vegetative Bank Protection 90"0+ plant density. Vigor and vatic suggest a deep dense soil binding root mass. 3 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Ample for present plus some increases. Peak flows contained. W/D ratio <7. 1 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 65%+ with large angular boulders. 12"+ common. 2 7 Obstructions to flow Rocks and logs firmly imbedded. Flow pattern without cutting or deposition. Stable bed. 2 8 Cutting Little or none. Infreq. raw banks less than 6". 4 9 Deposition Little or no encla ent of channel or In. bars. 4 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Sharp edges and comers. Plane surfaces rough. 1 11 Brightness Surfaces dull, dark or stained. Gen. not bright. 1 12 Consolidation of Particles Assorted sizes tightly packed or overlapping. 2 13 Bottom Size Distribution No size change evident. Stable mater. 80-10011/o 4 14 Scouring and Deposition <5% of bottom affected by scour or deposition. 6 15 Aquatic Vegetation Abundant Growth moss-like, dark green perennial. In swift water too. 1 TOTAL 0 CATEGORY GOOD UPPER 1 Land form Slope Bank Slope Gradient 30-400/6 4 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Infrequent. Mostly healed over. Low future potential. 6 3 Debris Jam Potential Present, but mostly small twigs and limbs. 4 4 Vegetative Bank Protection 70-90% density. Fewer species or Icss vi r su st less dense or deep root mass. 6 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Adequate. Bank overflows rare. W/D ratio 8 15 2 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 40-65%. Mostly small boulders to cobbles 6-12" 4 7 Obstructions to now Some present causing erosive cross currents and minor pool filling. Obstructions newer and less Grin. 4 8 Cutting Some, intermittently at outcurves and constructions. Raw banks may be up to 12". 6 9 Deposition Some new bar increase, mostly from coarse gravel. 8 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Rounded comers and edges, surfaces smooth, flat. 2 11 Brightness Mostly dull, but may have <35% bright surfaces. 2 12 Consolidation of Particles Moderately packed with some overlapping. 4 13 Bottom Size Distribution Distribution shift light. Stable material 50-800 u. 8 14 Scouring and Deposition 5-301/6 affected. Scour at constrictions and where grades steepen. Some deposition in pools. 12 15 Aquatic Vegetation Common. Algae forms in low velocity and pool areas. Moss here too. 2 TOTAL 6 CATEGORY FAIR UPPER 1 Landform Slope Bank slope gradient 40-60;'0 6 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Frequent or large, causing sediment nearly year long. 9 3 Debris Jam Potential Moderate to heavy amounts, mostly larger sizes. 6 4 Vegetative Bank Protection <50-700,o density. Lower vigor and fewer species from a shallow, discontinuous root mass. 9 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Barely contains present peaks. Occasional overbank floods. W/D ratio 15 to 25. 3 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 20.40% with most in the 3-6" diameter class. 6 7 Obstructions to Flow Moder. Frequent, unstable obstructions move with high flows causing bank cutting and pool filling. 6 8 Cutting Significant. Cuts 12-24" high. Root mat overhangs and sloughing evident. 12 9 Deposition Moderate deposition of new gravel and course sand on old and some new bars. 12 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Comers and edges well rounded in two dimensions. 3 11 Brightness Mixture dull and bright, i.e. 35-65% mixture range. 3 12 Consolidation of Particles Mostly loose assortment with no apparent overlap. 6 13 Bottom Sire Distribution Moderate change in sizes. Stable materials 20-50% 12 14 Scouring and Deposition 30-50% affected. Deposits & scour at obstructions, constructions, and bends. Some filling of pools. 18 15 Aquatic Vegetation Present butspotty, mostly in backwater. Seasonal algae growth makes rocks suck. 3 TOTAL 72 CATEGORY POOR UPPER I Landform Slope Bank slope gradient 60"/o+ 8 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Frequent or large, causing sediment nearly year long or imminent danger of same. 12 3 Debris Jam Potential Moderate to heavy amounts, predom. larger sizes. 8 4 Vegetative Bank Protection <50% density. Fewer species and less vigor indicate oor, discontinuous and shallow root mass. 9 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Inadequate. Overbank flows common. W/D ratio >25 4 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content <20% rock fragments of gravel sizes, 1-3" or Icss. 8 7 Obstructions to Ilow Frequent obstructions cause erosion year-long. Sediment trips full, channel migration occurring. 8 8 Cutting Almost continuous cuts, some over 24" high. Failure of overhangs frequent. 16 9 Deposition Extensive deposits of redominatel fin articles. Accelerated bar development. 16 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Well rounded in all dimensions, surfaces smooth. 4 11 Brightness Predominately bright, 65%+ exposed or scoured surfaces. 4 12 Consolidation of Particles No packing evident. Loose assortment easily moved. 8 13 Bottom Size Distribution Marked distribution change. Stable materials 0-20%. 16 14 Scouring and Deposition More than 50% of the bottom is a state of flux or change nearly year-long. 24 15 Aquatic Vegetation perennial types scarce or absent. Yellow-green, short term bloom may be resent. 4 TOTAL 37 Stream Type C4 Reach Condition Tab le for C4 Strcam T e GOOD 70 - 90 FAIR 91 -110 POOR III + Sum of Totals for Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor Ratings Reach Condition 115 Poor Remarks: Reach Location Date CATEGORY EXCELLENT UPPER 1 Landform Slope Bank Slope Gradient <30% 2 BANKS 2 Macs Wasting No evidence of past or future mass wasting. 3 3 Debris Jam Potential Essentially absent from immediate channel area 2 4 Vegetative Bank Protection 90%+ plant density. Vigor and vane suggest a deep dense soil bindin root mass. 3 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Ample for present plus some increases. Peak flows contained. W/D ratio <7. 1 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 65%+ with large angular boulders. 12"+ common. 2 7 Obstructions to Flow Rocks and logs firmly imbedded. Flow pattern without cutting or deposition. Stable bed. 2 8 Cutting Little or none. Inli raw banks less than 6". 4 9 Deposition Little or no ens ent of channel or t. ban. 4 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Sharp edges and comers. Plane surfaces rough. 1 11 Brightness Surfaces duU, dark or stained- Gen. not bright. 1 12 Consolidation of Particles Assorted sizes tightly packed or overlapping. 2 13 Bottom Size Distribution No size change evident. Stable mater. 80-100 % 4 14 Scouring and Deposition <5° o of bottom affected by scour or deposition. 6 15 Aquatic Vegetation Abundant Growth moss-like, dark green perennial. In swift water too. 1 TOTAL 22 CATEGORY GOOD UPPER 1 Landform Slope Bank Slope Gradient 30-401% 4 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Infrequent. Mostly healed over. Low future potential. 6 3 Debris Jam Potential Present, but mostly small twigs and limbs. 4 4 Vegetative Bank Protection 70-901/6 density. Fewer species or less vigor suggest less dense or deep root mass. 6 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Adequate. Bank overflows rare. W/D ratio 8-15 2 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 40-65%. Mostly small boulders to cobbles 6-12" 4 7 Obstructions to Flow Some present causing erosive cross currents and minor pool filling. Obstructions newer and less firm. 4 8 Cutting Some, intermittently at outcur es and constructions. Raw banks may be up to 12". 6 9 Deposition Some new bar increase, mostly from coarse gravel. 8 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Rounded comers and edges, surfaces smooth, flat. 2 11 Brightness Mostly dull, but may have <35% bright surfaces. 2 12 Consolidation of Particles Moderately packed with some overlapping 4 13 Bottom Size Distribution Distribution shift light. Stable material 50-80%. 8 14 Scouring and Deposition 5-30% affected. Scour at constrictions and where grades steepen. Some deposition in pools. 12 15 Aquatic Vegetation Common. Algae forms in low velocity and pool areas. Moss here too. 2 TOTAL 26 CATEGORY FAIR UPPER 1 Landform Slope Bank slope gradient 40-60% 6 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Frequent or large, causing sediment nearly year long. 9 3 Debris Jam Potential Moderate to heavy amounts, mostly larger sizes. 6 4 Vegetative Bank Protection <50-700/ density. Lower vigor and fewer species from a shallow, discontinuous root mass. 9 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Barely contains present peaks. Occasional overbank floods. W/D ratio 15 to 25. 3 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content 20-401/o with most in the 3-6" diameter class. 6 7 Obstructions to Flow Moder. Frequent, unstable obstructions move with high flows causing bank cutting and pool idling. 6 8 Cutting Significant. Cuts 12-24" high. Root mat overhangs and sloughing evident. 12 9 Deposition Moderatedeposition of new gravel and course sand on old and some new ban. 12 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Comers and edges well rounded in two dimensions. 3 11 Brightness Mixture dull and bright, Le. 35-650.0 mixture range. 3 12 Consolidation of Particles Mostly loose assortment with no apparent overlap. 6 13 Bottom Size Distribution Moderate change in sizes. Stable materials 20-500/a 12 14 Scouring and Deposition 30-50% affected. Deposits & scour at obstructions, constructions, and bends. Some filling of pools. 18 15 Aquatic Vegetation Present butspotty, mostly in backwater. Seasonal algae growth makes rocks slick. 3 TOTAL 3 CATEGORY POOR UPPER I Landform Slope Bank slope gradient 600/6+ 8 BANKS 2 Mass Wasting Frequent or large, causing sediment nearly year long or imminent danger of same. 12 3 Debris Jam Potential Moderate to heavy amounts, prcdom. larger sizes. 8 4 Vegetative Bank Protection <5fr16 density. Fewer species and less vigor indicate poor, discontinuous and shallow root mass, 9 LOWER 5 Channel Capacity Inadequate. Ovcrbank flows common. W/D ratio >25 4 BANKS 6 Bank Rock Content <200/16 rock fragments ofgravel sizes, 1-3" or less. 8 7 Obstructions to Flow Frequent obstructions cause erosion year-long Sediment traps full, channel migration occurring. 8 8 Cutting Almost continuous cuts, some over 24" high. Failure of overhangs frequent. 16 9 Deposition Extensive de sits of redominatcl fin articles. Accelerated bar development. 16 BOTTOM 10 Rock Angularity Well rounded in all dimensions, surfaces smooth. 4 11 Brightness Predominately bright, 65%+ exposed or scoured surfaces. 4 12 Consolidation of Particles No packing evident. Loose assortment easily moved. 8 13 Bottom Size Distribution Marker) distribution change. Stable materials 0-20%. 16 14 Scouring and Deposition More than 50% of the bottom is a state of flux or change nearly year-long 24 15 Aquatic Vegetation Perennial types scarce or absent. Yellow-green, short term bloom may be resent. 4 TOTAL 8 Stream Type C5 Sum of Totals for Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor Ratings 59 Reach Condition Table for C5 Stream T I-pc Reach Condition Good GOOD 70 - 90 FAIR 91-110 Remarks: POOR I l 1 + ? I I Fm Very Low Stream: Rockv Branch Reach/Station: Upper Cross Section: Date: 3/2/2005 Crew: T. Barrett Erodibility Variable/Value Index Bank Erosion Potential Bank Height/BankfmII Height Bank Height Bankfull A/B (ft) A Height (ft) B 2.3 8.5 4.5 2.0 2.3 Root Depth Bank Heigbi 3 m Root Depth C/A (%) C 0.2 6.5 .o 1.0 0.2 0 W Root Density D*(C/A) (%) D 11.1 8.5 50.0 11.1 Bank Angle (degrees) 90.0 7.9 90.0 Snrfare Protection Surface Protection 1/0) 15.0 3.9 60.0 Materia/r.• Upper-sandy loam. Lower- 0.0 gravel with sand matrix Stratificalion. Boundary between sandy loam and gravel 0.0 L TOTAL SCORE: ; 35.3 High Bank Height/ Value 1.0-1.1 Bankfull Height Index 1.0 -1.9 Root Depth/ Value 1.0-0.9 Bank Height index 1.0-1.9 Weighted Value 100 - 80 Root Density Index 1.0-1.9 Bank Angle Value 0-20 Index 1.0-1.9 Value 100 - 80 Surface Protection Index 1.0-1.9 M Bank Erosion Potential Low Moderate High Very High Extreme 1.11-1.19 1.2-1.5 1.6-20 21-28 >2.8 20 - 3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 0.89-0.5 0.49-0.3 0.29-0.15 0.14-0.05 <0.05 10-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 79-55 54-30 29-15 14-5.0 <5.0 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 21-60 61-80 81-90 91-119 >119 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 79 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 15 14 - 10 <10 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 Bank Materials 1. Bedrock (Bedrock banks have very low bank erosion potential) Boulders (Banks composed of boulders have low bank erosion potential) Cobble (Subtract 10 points. If sand/gravel matrix greater than 50% of bank material, then do not adjust) Gravel (Add 5-10 points depending on percentage of bank material that is composed of sand) Sand (Add 10 points if sand is exposed to erosional processes) Silt/Clay (+ 0: no adjustment) Stratification Add 5-10 points depending on position of unstable layers in relation to bankfull stage. Total Score Very Lnm Low Malerute High Very High E.xtrcax 5-9.5 10-19.5 20-29.5 30-39.5 40-45 46-50 Stream: Rocky Branch Reach/Station: Middle Reach Cross Section: Date: 3/2/2005 Crew T Barrett Erodibility Variable/Value Index Bank Erosion Potential Bank Heipbt/Bank(u/1 Heirbt Bank I Ieight Bankfull A/B (ft) A Height (ft) B 2 7.9 4 2 2 1SOOl Ueprht Bank Height Root Depth C/`, (%) C t. 0.25 7 1 0.25 c W Root C1.) 1 Density 6.25 8.8 25 6.25 Bank Angle (degrees) 100 8.5 100 Surface Protection Surface Protection 1/0) 10 9 10 Materials: Upper-sandy loam. Lower- 0 gravel with sand matrix Stratification: Boundary bet-ween sandy 0 loam and gravel TOTAL SCORE: i 41.2 i Very High Bank Erosion Potential Very Low Low Moderate High Very I Iigh Extreme Bank Height/ Value 1.0-1.1 1.11-1.19 1.2-1.5 1.6-2.0 21 - 28 >28 Bankfull Height Index 1.0-1.9 20 - 3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 Root Depth/ Value 1.0-0.9 0.89-0.5 0.49-0.3 0.29-0.15 0.14-0.05 <0.05 Bank Height Index 1.0-1.9 20 - 3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 Weighted Value 100 - 80 79 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 15 14 - 5.0 <5.0 Root Density Index 1.0-1.9 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 Bank Angle Value 0-20 21 - 60 61 - 80 81 - 90 91-119 >119 Index 1.0-1.9 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 Value Surface Protection 100 - 80 79 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 15 14 - 10 <10 Index 1.0-1.9 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 ck (Bedrock banks have very low bank erosion potential) lers (Banks composed of boulders have low bank erosion potential) le (Subtract 10 points. If sand/gravel matrix greater than 501/6 of bank material, then do not adjust) el (Add 5-10 points depending on percentage of bank material that is composed of sand) (Add 10 points if sand is exposed to erosional processes) .lav (+ 0: no adiustment) Stratification Add 5-10 points depending on position of unstable layers in relation to bankfull stage. Vag Low Lnm Moderau Higb Very High Extreme 5-9.5 10-19.5 20-29.5 30-39.5 40-45 46-50 Stream: Rockv Branch Reach/Station: Upper Cross Section: Date: 3/2/2005 Crew: '1 Barrett Erodibility Variable/Value Index Bank Erosion Potential Bark Height/Bank/all Heivbt Bank I Icight Bankfull \/B (ft) A Ileight (ft) B 2.5 8.5 5 2 2.5 Very I,OW Bank I Icight/ Value LO - 1.1 Bankfull I Icight Index 1.0-1.9 a Root Depth/ Value Lu - 0.9 Bank I Icight Index to - 19 Weighted Value 1(i) - 80 .n Root Density Index 1.0-1.9 o Bank Anl;lc Value 0 - 20 1:d Index L0 -19 Surface Protection Value 100 - 80 Index 1.0-1.9 Bank Erosion Potential Low Moderate I Iigh Very I Iigh fixtrcme 1.11-1.19 12-1.5 1.6-20 21-28 >28 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-79 8.0-9.0 10 0.89-0.5 0.49-0.3 0.29-0.15 0.14-0.05 <0.05 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-20 10 79 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 15 14 - 5.0 <5.0 20-39 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 21-60 61-80 81-90 91-119 >119 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 79-55 54-30 29-15 14-10 <10 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 80-9.0 10 u1 -IV"/ U(///A: I IC/Y/J{ Root Depth C/`\ (%) C 1 0.2 lvuydtea tcoot Uen.ttt? Root Density D*(C/I\) (%) D 30 6 0.2 7 G 8.8 natu rln,le Bank Anglc (degrees) 95 8.2 95 Surface Protection Surface Protection 1/0) 15 7.9 15 Materials. Upper-sandy loam. Lower- 0 gravel kith sand matrLx Stratification: Boundary between sandy 0 loam and gravel TOTAL. SCORE: i 40.4 i Very High Bank biaterial> Bedrock (Bedrock banks have very low bank erosion potential) Boulders (Banks composed of boulders have low bank erosion potential) Cobble (Subtract 10 points. If sand/gravel matrix greater than 504 of bank material, then do not adjust) Gravel (Add 5-10 points depending on percentage of bank material that is composed of sand) Sand (Add 10 points if sand is exposed to erosional processes) Silt/Clay (+ 0: no adjustment) Stratification Add 5-10 points depending on position of unstable lavers in relation to bankfull stage. Total Score Veg Lxz, LX:r Alrtilerrle I1{fib L'eg II{,b `.virmve 5-9.5 10-19.5 20-29.5 30-39.5 40-45 46-50 t M Stream: 1'ributarv 1 Reach/Station: Cross Section: #1 Date: 3/2/2005 Crew: T. Barrett Erodibility Variable/Value Index Bank Erosion Potential Bank Heizht/Bankfull Heiebl Bank I Icight 13ankfull `\/B (ft) A [ Ici} ht (ft) B 1.3 4.5 2.5 2.0 1.3 rwar rlepujlalaoh ne(Qiv Root Depth C/A (1/a) C 2.0 0.8 Wet,/.'led t{aat Uensrly toot Density (%) D 1)"(C/,\) 80.0 I3ank Anglc (degrees) 55.0 Surface Prolec7ion 70.0 M 0.8 3.0 ;o 0 0 L•a 64.0 3.0 55.0 3.8 15.0 1 3.0 60.0 Afaleiials. Uppcr-sandy loam. Lower- 5.0 gravel N6th sand matrix Dratificatian: Boundary between sandy 5.0 loam and gravel TOTAL SCORE: ; 27.3 i 'Moderate Vcry Lou Bank I Icight/ Value 1.0 -1.1 Bankfull I lcight Index 1.0-1.9 Root Dcpdt/ Value 1.0-0.9 Bank 1 Icight Index 1.0-1.9 Wcighted Value tat - 80 Root Density Index 1.0-1.9 Bank Angle Value 0 - 20 Index 1.0-1.9 Surface Protection Value 1 U0 - 80 Index 1.0-1.9 Bank Erosion Potential Low Moderate I Iigh Vcry 1 filth lixtrcTnc 1.11-1.19 1.2-1.5 1.6-2A 2.1-28 >z8 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 0.89-0.5 0.49-0.3 0.29-0.15 0.14-0.05 <0.05 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 79-55 54-30 29-15 14-5.0 <5.0 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6A-7.9 8.0-20 l0 21-60 61-80 81-90 91-119 >119 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.0 10 79-55 54-30 29-t5 14-10 <10 20-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-20 10 Bank M-itcrials - _- Bedrock (Bedrock banks have very low bank erosion potential) Boulders (Banks composed of boulders have low bank erosion potential) Cobble (Subtract 10 points. If sand/gravel matrix I,Tcatcr than 50",. of bank material, then do not adjust) Gravel (Add 5-10 points depending on percentage of bank mucrial that is composed of sand) Sand (Add 10 points if sand is exposed to erosional processes) Silt/Clay (+ 0: no adjustment) Stratification Add 5-10 points de ending; on osi6on of unstable lavers in relation to bankfull stai?c. Total Score I/eg Lox Lain Makr le II L Ve9 11r;15 E im;ve 5-9.5 10-19.5 20-29.5 30-39.5 40-45 46-50 DATA FORt1I ROUTINE WETLAND DETERINIINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Date: 9/14/2004 Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program County: Yadkin Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett State: NC ? Yes Communit ID: Wetland: Spring fed y Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No TransectlD: WA Yes No Plot ID: Wet -- Middle of Wetland Is this area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Peltandra virginica Herb OBL 9. 2. Polygonum saeittatum Herb OBL 10. 3. Juncus effusus Rush FACW 11. 4. Salix ni a Tree _ OBL 12. 5. Solidago gigantea Herb FACW 13. 6. Cvperus esculentus Sedge _ FAC 14. 15. 7. 16. 8. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-). 100% Remarks: 111 Ll\VLV v i X Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: 2 (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit: 0 (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: 0 (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _Inundated X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): X Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches _ Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data _FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Is this area a potential Problem Area? Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse) Date: 9/14/2004 County: Yadkin State: NC Community ID: Pasture TransectID: WA Plot ID: Upland Pt. vL' VTi lt111v11 Dominant Plant SneciPS Stratum Indicator 1. Festuca spp. Grass NI 9. 2. Trifolium repens Herb FACU 10. 3. Anthemis spp. Herb NI 11. 4. Phytolacca amcricana Herb FACU+ 12. 13. 5. 14. 6. 15, 7. 16 8 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 i 0% Lll lJ1?VLV V a _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit: 20 (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: 17 (in_) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated _Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Water Marks _ Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits _Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches _ Water-Stained Leaves _Local Soil Survey Data _FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Date: 9/14/2004 Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program County: Yadkin State: NC Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett i ? Yes No Communit ID: y Wetland te Do Normal Circumstances exist on the s is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: WB Yes No Plot ID: WB - 46 Is this area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator I. Betula nicra Tree FACW 9. Impatiens capensis Herb FACW 2. Acer rubrum Tree OBL 10. 3. Liriodendron tulipifera Tree FAC 11. 4. Ilex opaca Tree FAC 12. 5. Platanus occidentalis Tree FACW- 13. 6. Lvcopus virginicus Herb OBL 14. 7. Microsteeium virmineum Grass FAC+ 15. 8. Boehmeria cylindrica Herb FACW 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FA C-). >75% Remarks HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Lake, or tide Gauge Stream Primary Indicators: , Aerial Photographs Inundated X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Other X No Recorded Data Available X Water Marks - X Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): X Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth of Surface Water: 0 (in.) X Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: 6 (in.) -Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: 6 (in.) _ -Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Is this area a potential Problem Area? Yes No (If needed explain on reverse) Date: 9/14/2004 County: Yadkin State: NC Community ID: Upland data point Transect ID: WB Plot ID: B/W stream + WB46 TT.'?. r, m A TilIAT . a.va,...???.. Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 Acer rubrum Tree FAC 9• . 2 Lieustrum sinense Shrub FAC 10. . 3 Betula nigra Tree FACW 11. . 4 Liriodendron tulipifera Tree FAC 12. . 5 Faeus grandifolia Tree FACU 13. . 6 14. 15. 16. 8. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: <50% I YYXT llT 1-%1- 1L 1 LL?v a+v v + Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: 0 (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit: 18 (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: 16 (in.) Dominant Plant Snccies Stratum Indicator Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches _ Water-Stained Leaves _ Local Soil Survey Data _FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks DATA FORA'1 ROUTINE WETLAND DETERn'IINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Date: 9/14/2004 Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program County: Yadkin Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: Wetland is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transect ID: WC Yes No Plot ID: WC - 10 Is this area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) V'Lk7L' 1E111V1l Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Cyperus stieosus Sedge FACW 9. 2. Polveonum persicaria Herb FACW 10. 3. Arthraxon hispidus Grass FACU+ 11. 4. Juncus effusus Rush FACW 12. 5. Eleocharisobtusa Sedge OBL 13. 6. Alnus serrulata Shrub FACW 14. 7. Salix nigra Tree OBL 15. 16. 8 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-). >75% Remarks: n 11i1?v1.vv i _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated X Saturated in Upper 12 Inches -Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) -Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: 12 (in.) _ -Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: 12 (in.) _ -Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: e e e 8 D D D e a a a e a DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Applicant/Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program Investigator(s): Thomas Barrett Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Is this area a potential Problem Area? Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse) Date: 9/14/2004 County: Yadkin State: NC Community ID: Upland data point TransectID: WC Plot ID: Upland N r- ! TT 1 TT rNXT ? a iva. acaa?..... Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 Festuca spp Grass NI 9. . . 2 Rumex verticillatus Herb FACW+ 10. . 3 tolacca americana Ph Herb FACU+ 11. . y 4 Trifolium repens Herb FACU+ 12. . 5 13. . 6 14. . 7 15. . 8 16 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or F AC (excluding FAC-). Remarks Dominant Plant Species Stratum <25% Indicator 111 Ll\VLV V 1 _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: -Inundated _Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks -Drift Lines -Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: _ Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: N/A (in.) _Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: 40 (in.) _ -Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: 28 (in.) _ -Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: C Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Yadkin County, NC Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Upper - Existing Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Mulkey Note: Dimension data extracted from XS1-Rifflp R Mntarial nntn frnm Xt;1-VVnttnrf Pnrimntor s Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(di/d50)^-0.072 Value Variable Definition 75.0 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 6.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Sample or Sub Pavement' One 0.0096 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0155 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.21 dr ft Bankfull Mean Depth Required 1.49 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) de/dr= 7.08 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'l.65'Di)lde 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 1.49 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0022 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 7.08 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu It Densit of water 1.25 R=A/W 27.5 A sq ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 22 Wp Wetted parameter 0.0155 S it/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 1.20822 Tc Ib/s r ft Tc = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 100-200 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (Ib/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 rvivwiicu oiucFUS l,u[vc uaLa iivin nvsyen evv i Entrainment Calculation Form Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Location: Yadkin County, NC Stream: Main Channel Reach: Upper - Proposed Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Mulkey Station 0+00 to 3+20 Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(di/d50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 48 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement* "Choose 6.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Sample or Sub Pavement' One 0.0142 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0109 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.44 dr ft Bankfulll Mean Depth Required 1.30 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Riffflo Cross Section) de/dr= 2.94 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/de 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 1.30 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0037 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 2.94 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc=yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu it Density of water 1.17 R=A/Wp 30 A s it Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 25.6 Wp Wetted perimeter 0.0109 S ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.799841 To Ib/sqr ft To = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size mm at Bankfull Shear Stress 60-100 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 Entrainment Calculation Form Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Main Channel Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Yadkin County, NC Middle - Existing Mulkey Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(dl/d50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 48.0 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 6.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Sample or Sub Pavement One 0.0141 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di it Largest Bar Sample Particle in it 0.0053 Se Wit Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.92 dr it Bankfull Mean Depth Required 1.39 de it Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) de/dr= 1.52 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/do 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di it Largest Bar Sample Particle 1.39 de it Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0035 Sr Wit Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 1.52 if= 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress To = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu it Density of water 1.39 R=A/Wp 35.34 A sq it Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 25.5 Wp Wetted parameter 0.0053 S Wit Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.454015 To Ib/s r it To = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 40-100 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 muunw;u oiuCws %.iuivri uaia 11uM nusyun euu i Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Station 3+20 to 11+80 Yadkin County, NC Middle - Proposed Mulkey Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(dild50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 48.0 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 6.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Sample or Sub Pavement' One 0.0141 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0070 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.69 dr ft Bankfull Mean Depth Required 1.52 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) de/dr= 2.21 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/de 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 1.52 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0032 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 2.21 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc=yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu ft Density of water 1.34 R=A/Wp 35 A sq ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 26.04 Wp Wetted parameter 0.0070 S ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.585168 Tc Ib/sqr ft To = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 65 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 rv U UU OUicFUa lJuivC uaia iiuiii nusyun cuu 1 a t e t s t t s e s e s s Entrainment Calculation Form Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Yadkin County, NC Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Lower - Existing Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Mulkey Station 11+80 to End of Proinct Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(dVd50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 48.0 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 6.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Samp"O or Sub Pavement' Ono 0.0141 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mtean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di ft Lar est Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0036 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 1.35 dr ft Bankfull Mean Depth Required 2.05 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Riffflo Cross Section) de/dr= 1.51 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Diyde 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 2.05 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0023 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 1.51 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one., Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu ft Density of water 1.79 R=A/W 44.35 A sq ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 24.721 W Wetted parameter 0.0036 S ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.397412 Tc Ib/sqr ft Tc = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 50-100 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Redfield book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2- Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (Ib/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Redfield book: p.190; Blue: p.238 ?. n,.ni?a? u l u 0 vuIvc uaia nuns nuayan cvv i u L Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream: Rocky Branch Date: 12/1 /2004 I E F - LI L I.I 0 u U- Location: Yadkin County, NC Reach: Lower - Proposed Observers: Mulkey Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(di/d50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 48.0 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Chooso 6.3 d50 mm D50 from BarSamplo or Sub Pavement' One 0.0141 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'l.65'Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 63 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0036 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 1.33 dr It Bankfulll Mean Depth Required 1.96 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) de/dr= 1.48 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/do 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.21 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 1.96 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0025 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 1.48 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu ft Density of water 1.67 R=A/Wp 45 A s ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 26.9 W Wetted parameter dmax = 2.2 0.0036 S ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.378209 To Ib/s r ft To = RS 63 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 50-100 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.2-0.5 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 rviU I Uu of ucws %lurvu uaia uurn nusyun euu i n Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: LIT #1 Reach: Date: 12/2/2004 Observers Yadkin County, NC ITT #1 - Existing Mulkey Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(di/d50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 1.5 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 1.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Samplo or Sub Pavement' One 0.0711 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull f.lean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65`Di)/Se 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 11.3 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.04 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0135 Se ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.32 dr ft Bankfull Mean Depth Required 0.30 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) de/dr= 0.93 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Eankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65`Di)/do 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.04 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 0.30 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Riffflo Cross Section) 0.0145 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 0.93 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu ft Density of water 0.30 R=A/Wp 3.2 A sq ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 10.81 W Wetted perimeter 0.0135 S ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.249369 Tc Ib/sqr ft Tc = RS 11.3 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 15 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.14 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Redfield book: p.190; Blue: p.238 MUUMUU 0111ew5 Uurve oaEa from nosgen euu i k-I L- 1. r? 0 n 0 L F E I ?I L], Entrainment Calculation Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream: UT #1 Date: 12/2/2004 Location: Yadkin County, NC Reach: UT #1 - Proposed Observers: TBB Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress: Tci = 0.0834(di/d50)^-0.872 Value Variable Definition 1.5 di mm D50 from Riffle or Pavement' 'Choose 1.3 d50 mm D50 from Bar Sample or Sub Pavement' One 0.0736 Tci Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: dr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/So 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 11.3 mm Largest Bar Sample Particle in mm 0.04 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle in ft 0.0039 Se Wit Bankfull Water Surface Slope 1.17 drft Bankfulll Mean Depth Required 0.75 de ft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.64 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of largest particle in Bar Sample: Sr = (Tci'1.65'Di)/de 1.65 = submerged specific weight of sediment 0.04 Di ft Largest Bar Sample Particle 0.75 deft Bankfull Mean Depth (From Rifffle Cross Section) 0.0060 Sr ft/ft Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required Se/Sr= 0.64 if = 1 <1 >1 Choose one: Stable aggrading Degrading Sediment Transport Validation - Bankfull Shear Stress Tc = yRS 62.4 Ibs/cu It Density of water 0.60 R=A/Wp 4.5 A sq ft Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area 7.5 Wp Wetted perimeter 0.0039 S Wit Bankfull Water Surface Slope 0.144144 Tc Ib/sqr ft Tc = RS 11.3 Di mm Largest Bar Sample Particle (mm) Moveable Particle size (mm) at Bankfull Shear Stress 11.3 mm' predicted b the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 0.14 Ib/ft2' Predicted Shear Stress Required to move Di (lb/ft2) predicted by the Sheilds diagram, Red field book: p.190; Blue: p.238 rvwumeu onieius L urve rata from mosgen zuui 6 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: _Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Note: Material data obtained from XS1-Riffle (Wetted Perimeter) Yadkin County, NC Upper - Existing Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 27.5 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 1.49 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 19.02 it Wetted Parameter WP 22 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 120 min D84 mm/304.8 0.39 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.0155 it/ft Hydraulic Radius R 1.25 it Gravitational Accleration 32.2 fUs sec Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft) 3.78 ft/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 1.79 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 3.18 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, u/u', Mannin s n u/u' (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 6.2 fUs/fUs hlannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.037 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 ' ^ 3 ^1 2 n 5.80 fUs Q= 160 u/u'=2.83+5.7lo R/D84 U* u' _ (gRS)^.5 0.79 fUs Velocity: u = u'(2.83+5.7 og 84 4.49 fUs Q= 124 Mannin s n b StreamT e Stream type B3c hlannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.04 Velocity (From Mann mgs equation: u=1.4865' ^ 3 1 2 n 5.37 fUs Q = 148 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 7.27 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)"-0.314 12.42479084 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.095263008 Velocity (From Arcy eis ac equation: u= 8'g' /)^1/2 7.24 fUs Q = 199 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 72-/1/2004 Observers: Station 0+00 to 3+20 Yadkin County, NC Upper - Proposed Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 30 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 1.3 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 23 ft Wetted Perimeter WP 25.6 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 100 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.33 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.0109 ft/ft Hydraulic Radius R 1.17 ft Gravitational Accleration 32.2 fUs sec Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft 3.98 ft/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 1.8 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 3.57 ft/it DbkVD84, u/u', f4annin s n u/u• (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 6.2 ft/s/ft/s Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.037 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865' ^ 3 ^1 2 n 4.67 ft/s Q 140.08 u/u'=2.83+5.71o R/D84 U* u' _ (gRS)^.5 0.64 ft/s Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.84 fUs Q 115.25 Mannin s n b StreamT e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From annmgs equation: u=1.4865 ' ^ 3 ^1 2 n 9.60 ft/s Q 287.94 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 6.67 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax),'0.314 12.70 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.09 Velocity (From D'Arcy eis ac equation: u= 8'g / ^1 2 6.11 fUs Q 183.3 u is u is is Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Yadkin County, NC Middle - Existing Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 35.34 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 1.39 ft Bankfull Width Wbki 25.5 ft Wetted Parameter WP 28.28 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 100 mm b84 mm/304.8 0.33 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.0053 ft/ft Hydraulic Radius R 1.25 ft Gravitational Accleration I 32.2 fUs sec I Dbkf/D84 (use D84 in ft) 4.24 ft/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 1.72 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 3.81 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, u/u', Mannin s n u/u* (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 6.3 ft/s/fUs hlannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.037 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 " ^ 3 ^1/2 n 3.38 fUs Q 119 u/u'=2.83+5.7lo R/D84 u* u' _ (gRS)^.5 0.46 fUs Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 2.82 fUs Q 100 Mannin s n b Stream T e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From ammngs equation: u=1.4865 ' ^ 3 ^1 2 n 6.94 ft/s Q 245 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 5.66 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)ti0.314 12.27122019 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.087043493 Velocity (From D'ArcyWeisbacheq-uation:u=(8*g*RS/t)AJ/2) 4.41 fUs 0 156 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Station 3+20 to 11+80 Yadkin County, NC .Middle - Proposed Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 35 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 1.52 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 23 ft Wetted Parameter WP 26.04 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 100 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.33 it Bankfull Sloe S 0.0070 ft/ft Hydraulic Radius R 1.34 it Gravitational Accleration 32.2 fUs sec I Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft) 4.64 ft/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 2.00 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 4.10 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, u/u*, Mannin s n u/u* (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 6.7 ft/s/ft/s Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.035 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 ` ^ 3 ^1/2 n 4.32 fUs Q 151 u/u*=2.83+5.71o R/D84 u' u* _ (gRS)^.5 0.55 ft/s Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.47 ft/s Q 122 Mannin s n b Stream T e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From annmgs equation: u=1.4865 * ^ 3 ^1 2 n 8.40 it/s Q 294 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 5.71 fUs Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)^ 0.314 12.58 Friction Factor- f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) - 0.08 Velocity (From D'Arcy e E ac equation: u= 8*g` ^1 2 5.40 ft/s Q 189 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Station 11+80 to End of Project Yadkin County, NC Lower - Existing Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 44.35 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 2.05 it Bankfull Width Wbkf 20.62 ft Wetted Parameter WP 24.72 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 100 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.33 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.0036 it/ft H raulic Radius R 1.79 ft Gravitational Accleration 32.2 fUs sec f/D84 use D84 in ft 6.25 fUft Bankfull Maximum Depth 2.98 ft. (use D84 in ft) 5.47 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, Wu`, Mannin. s n u/u• (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 7.4 ft/s/ft/s Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.034 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 ` ^2/3 ^1 /2)/n) 3.85 ft/s Q 171 u/u'=2.83+5.71o R/D84 U* u` _ (gRS)^.5 0.45 ft/s Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.19 fUs Q 141 Mannin s n b Stream T e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 ' ^2/3 1 2 n 7.27 ft/s Q 322 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= A or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 4.51 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)ti0.314 13.0 Friction Factor- f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.1 e ocity (From 'Arcy eis ac equation: u= 8'g' / ^t 2 4.82 ft/s 0 214 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: Rocky Branch Reach: Date: 12/1/2004 Observers: Station 11+80 to End of Restoration Yadkin County, NC Lower - Proposed Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 45 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 1.96 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 23 ft Wetted Parameter WP 26.91 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 100 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.33 it Bankfull Sloe S 0.00364 it/ft Hydraulic Radius R 1.67 ft Gravitational Accleration 1 32.2 fUs sec I Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft 5.96 ft/ft 13ankfull Maximum Depth 3 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 5.10 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, Wu`, Mannin s n u/u* (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 7.3 fUs/f Us Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.033 Velocity (From Mann ings equation: u=1.4865 ` ^ 3 ^1 /2)/n) 3.83 fUs Q 172 u/u*=2.83+5.7lo R/D84 u* u* _ (gRS)^.5 0.44 ft/s Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.04 fUs Q 137 Mannin s n b StreamT e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Bluo :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From annmgs equation: u=1.4865 " ^ 3 ^1 2 n 7.02 fUs Q 316 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream age hydraulic geometry 200 cfs Velocity u= or rom stream gage hydraulic geometry 4.44 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)^-0.314 13.33640104 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.072279176 Velocity (From D'Arcy eis ac equation: u= 8`g" ^1 2 4.66 ft/s Q 210 Velocity Comparison Form Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Stream: UT #1 Reach: Date: 12/2/2004 Observers: Yadkin County, NC UT #1 - Existing Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 3.1 s it Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 0.30 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 10.2 ft Wetted Perimeter WP 10.81 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 6 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.02 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.0135 ft/ft Hydraulic Radius R 0.29 ft Gravitational Accleration 32.2 fUs sec Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft 15.44 ft/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 0.72 It. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 14.57 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, u/u', Mannin s n Wu' (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 9.5 fUs/ft/s Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.028 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 ' ^ 3 ( ^1 2 n 2.68 ft/s Q 8 u/u'=2.83+5.7lo R/D84 U* u' _ (gRS)^.5 0.35 ft/s Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.34 ft/s Q 10 Mannin s n b StreamT e Stream type C4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.018 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865' ^ 3 ^1 2 n 4.17 ft/s Q 13 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 15 cfs Velocity u= or from stream gage hydraulic geometry 4.84 ft/s Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)ti0.314 14.8 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.0 Velocity (From D'Arcy eis ac equation: u=(8'g' f ^1 2 4.73 fUs Q 15 Velocity Comparison Form i Project: Rocky Branch Stream Restoration Location: Yadkin County, NC Stream: UT #1 Reach: UT #1 - Proposed Date: 12/2/2004 Observers: Mulkey Input Variables Output Var iables Bankfull X-Sec Area Abkf 4.5 s ft Bankfull Mean Depth Dbkf 0.75 ft Bankfull Width Wbkf 6 ft Wetted Perimeter WP 7.50 ft D84 (Riffle or pavement) 6 mm D84 mm/304.8 0.02 ft Bankfull Sloe S 0.00385 fUft H draulic Radius R 0.60 ft Gravitational Accleration I 32.2 ft/s sec Dbkf/D84 use D84 in ft 38.10 It/ft Bankfull Maximum Depth 1.20 ft. R/D84 (use D84 in ft) 30.48 ft/ft Dbkf/D84, u/u", Mannin s n u/u" (Using Dbkf/D84 Red Book: p188; Blue p233) 11.8 fUs/fUs Mannings n (Red Book: p189; Blue :p236) 0.025 Velocity (From annings equation: u=1.4865 " ^ 3 ^1 /2)/n) 2.62 fUs Q 12 u/u"=2.83+5.7lo R/D84 U* u" _ (gRS)^.5 0.27 fUs Velocity: u = u' 2.83+5.7 og 84 3.08 fUs Q 14 Mannin s n b StreamT e Stream type E4 Mannings n (Red Book: p187; Blue :p237) 0.03 Velocity rom annings equation: u=1.4865 " ^ 3 ^1 2 n 2.19 fUs Q 10 Continuity Equation Qbkf (cfs) original curve or stream gage hydraulic geometry 15 cis Velocity u= or from stream gage y rau is geometry 3.33 fUs Dr. Richard He Method Coefficient a a = 11(R/dmax)^ 0.314 13.80 Friction Factor - f 1/f^1/2 = 2.03 log (aR/D84) 0.04 Velocity (From D'Arcy eis ac equation: u= 8 g ^i 2 4.11 fUs Q 18 C r k ;{ 0 0 u B B D D D 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 a 0 0 B 0 TYPICALS NOT TO SCALE ROCKY BRANCH - UPPER REACH (0+00 to 3+20) NG I.0'?- 23.DD' NG 0:1 2:1 M- 2.30' 2:1 10:1 3:1 B.07' 3.1 1.80' 16:1 6: TYPICAL RIFFLE BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 30.0 SO.FT. NG 6.00' 30.00' 0:1 2.5T 3,00' 2:1 3:1 10:1 2:1 3.00' TYPICAL POOL BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 38.5 SQ.FT. ROCKY BRANCH - LOWER REACH (II+80 to 41+70) . c 23 00' ur. 10:1 2:1 NG C I0:1 4.00' -4.83 3:1 4.67' - 3:1 2:1 12:1 TYPICAL RIFFLE BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 45.0 SQ.FT. 8.00'x{ 30.00' 4.50'-H i;l 2:1 J:I TYPICAL POOL BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 52.5 SO.FT. ROCKY BRANCH - MIDDLE REACH (3+20 to 11+80) 23.00' !G LD'? NC 10:1 3.50' 10:1 2:1 21 3:1 7.00'--y 2.25' J:I 12:1 , TYPICAL RIFFLE BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 35.0 SQ.FT. 10:1 3.50' 7.00' 3.00' I B:I 3:1 TYPICAL POOL BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 46.0 SO.FT. 30.00' NG ROCKY BRANCH - TRIBUTARY I 10:1 2;1 ?-2.29' 0.30' ?IL2010:1 3:1 3:1 12:1 12:1 TYPICAL RIFFLE BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 4.5 SO.FT. NC 3 00' OD' NG OD' 10:1 10:1 1.7:1 Ll:l I' ?5? NG 10:1 TYPICAL POOL BANKFULL CROSS SECTIONAL AREA = 5.25 SO.FT. v e A 8 8 D 1 1 A B e 8 1 1 1 DETAILS NOT TO SCALE ROCK VANE DETAILS ,s -1 3yL/ p 1 rSHWU9 PLANTINGS SHRUB RANiNCSI GE'gT?[XTAE ° J ` R.C APMOX.2T ----------.._..;,..._. _r 7 0.9 Emax y BOULDERS ?,.--FOOTER ROCKS I i " SECTION B-B L 1 sru •'N 'N SHRUB PLANTINGS SHRUB PLANTINGS FLOW-? - -------------------- 0.9 G - - 2%-7" H .1.' NOTE: BOULDERS SHOULD BE NATIVE QUARRIED ROCK OR LOCALLY SHOT ROCK, ANGULAR AND OBLONG WITH THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION: AVERAGE SIZE IS 4'K3'X2'(APPROX. 3600 LB) ROCKS SHOULD FIT TIGHTLY WITH MINIMAL SPACES. FOOTER ROCKS SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 3 TIMES 'H'19 GRAVEL BED STREAMS. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE PLACED ON UPSTREAM DE OF BOULDERS FA RI HOULD 6E OVERLAIN ON PEE BOULDERS AN IJlEp TO A N''AUM EPTH OF 2 FT.OR AS DIP'4CTED BY ON SITE ENGINEER. FABRIC SHOULD EXTEEND UPSTREAM A M'N?MUM LENGTH OF OF 6 FT.OR AS Di,ECTED BY ON SITE ENGINEER. FABRIC SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH 3' STONE. H = MIN. OF 0.3' SECTION A-A FLOW EESKMALFAI WITH 2' Mill a?a i STREAM BED GEOTEATILE FABRIC DETAIL OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC n-317 TYR. OED-TEXTILE FABRIC CROSS VANE ROCK WEIR DETAILS PLAN VIEW A POOL FOOTER ROCKS ae ?? J??NB^ - HATNE PLANTINGS SECTION B-B 1/3 BANKFUL 113 BANKFULL IXJ BANKFULL - WIDTH T WIDTH T WIDTH \ '•?\/ ?RS 9 USED T? E S USED TO KEY INTO STRAY BANK y SECTION A-A ?Tt?'' E PLANTINGS -`PRLECTEO TOP OF VANE WING H `SLOPE- 2 - T-Z BOULDERS t ? ------------- N. O Q i \ p` .12 GEO-TEXTIIE FAB.RK FOJTER HOCKS p NOTCH - ,•?' ' BANKFUIL DEPTH STREAM CHANNEL OOTER ROCKS NOTE: BOULDERS SHOULD BE NATIVE OUARR;EO ROCK OR LOCALLY SHOT ROCK, ANGULAR AND OBLONG WITH THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION: AVERAGE SIZE IS 4'K3'M2'(APPROX. 3600 LB) ROCKS SHOULD FIT TIGHTLY WITH MINIMAL SPACES. FOOTER ROCKS SHOULD BE A M'A'MUM OF 3 TIMES 'H' IN GRAVEL BED STREAMS. CSIDE OFTIBOUL`DDDERSICDSULLLDCBEp 0 RLAINRONM QEPTHEOF 2UfTT.E0S . SAASDBRDIRECTHEEOEDTBYA N S OIiE M ENGINEER. SEREIRIC SHOULD EXTEND UPSTREEAM A MINIMUM ENGTH OF OF 6 FT OR AS DIRECTED BY ON SITE NGINEER. FABRIC SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH 3' STONE. H = MIN. OF 0.3' ROOTWAD DETAILS ANGLE ROOT WADS SO UPSTREAM TOWARDS THE PL ALq ROOT FAN A ROOT FANS SHALL LAP OVER A MINIMUM OF 2 ft. X12 ft FOOTER LOG (1.0 ft DIAJ FOOTER LOG (IO WL6A) BOULDERS - y ROOT WAD LOGS (1.0 ft - 1.5 ft DIA.) WHEN BACKFILLING OVER AND AROUND BOTTOM FOOTER LOGS, ROOT WAD LOGS AND ANCHOR LOGS IN BETWEEN ALL WADS TO FIRMLY SECURE ALL COMPONENTS INCLUDING JOINTS, CONNECTIONS AND CAPS. ROOTWADS - PLAN VIEW NATURAL FIBER LIVE STAKES RANKFULL ELEVATION I VARIES I INVERT ELEV. FOOTER LOG (PLACE 2/J LVABELOW INERT ELEV.) SEE PLANTING PLAN FOR STABILIZATION MEASURES YIN.'YUY BORDER 6x Ix 7 ROOT WAD HORIZONTAL TO INERT -ANCHOR FOOTER LOS ROCKS TO BE PLACED ON THE DOWNSTREAM ENO OF EACH FOOTER LOG SO THAT R 15 LEANING AGAINST THE LOG ON THE SIDE ANDY FROM THE CHANNEL ROOTWADS - CROSS SECTION ( CUT ) 2. THE PRFFERRM METHOD FOR INSTALLATION OF A ROOTWAD IS TO DRIVE THE METHOD TRUNK OF THE ROOTCGWAD INTO C THEISIt- ITSISKDEE ED NTT YPOSSIBLE TONDRIVENTH TRUUKUINFO THE BANK.A TAANCH SHALL ?E DUG IN THE BANK AN? THE TRUNK SHALL 6- PLACED IN HT TRENCH. THE TRENCH SHALL BE 9ACKFILL D ANDCC CCI PLLACTEEED.EE TTLL pp EE II?? 9 3 MATERALNUNLESSMOTAHEArISEtAPPPDVEDJBY THEUENIGPEE. 4. ALE MATERIALS FOR THIS STRUCTERE SHALL BE APPROVED BY TH ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLA ION. 5. STATIONING OF AOOTWA SHA L?E,? A ESHQwy 0.Y THE SN5UUBER OF?ROOTwADE?NECOSaRY WILL DEPEND ON THE SI?O AT pTIIDSSTIMELL OFFFgECONSTRUCTION?UAL CONDITION OF THE 6. SPPEAINCSROOiUSDYSTEMS NO TAPROOTSTAEES WITH e B 9 9 0 D D 0 1 1 a (}I DETAILS NOT TO SCALE J-HOOK VANE DETAILS II M OFF SILL _.._.._.._ .._.._---- -F --- - - rurcR Rxx SECTION A-A CROSS SECTION VIEW SHRUB PUNIM,'S SHRUB PLMTINCS-\ r Y 0.9 d- SECTION B-B CROSS SECTION VIEW SECTION C-C PROFILE VIEW E FLAY -a c °a BED MATERIAL \CYIN STREAM BEO GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DETAIL OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHRUB PLANTINGS FLOW H A FOR COBBLE1cRvEL FOTfR ROCK- ?I -77G SxUR HxE VANE LENGTH (MX OEPH I ? AT 0-9 OF VANE LEN,THL SECTION D-D PROFILE VIEW NOTE: BOULDERS SHOULD BE NATIVE OUARRED ROCK OR LOCALLY SHOT ROCK. ANGULAR AND OBLONG WITH THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION: AVERAGE SIZE IS 4'X3'X2' (APPROX. 3600 LE) ROCKS SHOULD FIT TIGHTLY WITH MIMMAL SPACES. FOOTER ROCKS SHOULD BE A MIN4NM OF 3 TIMES 'H'IN GRAVEL BED STREAMS. G E OTgF?OOULD?RS BABRICp SHOU DCBE OV ERLAINRON SS BRIC M R D SOUL FOR ASDDIHECBB0 BYAON APENGINEER. EPTH OF F N TED SHOUI 2 _D EXTEND UPSTR AM A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 0 6 FT.DR AS DI ECTEO BY ON SITE ENGINEER. FABRIC SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH 3' STONE. H = MIN. OF 0.3' MATERIALS C GELOTEXTILE FABRIC T E 0 EXCEEORTHE LFOLLOh,NGFSPAECCIFICAT0Y5r THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH AMOCO BRAND STYLE 4551 A POLYPROPYLENE NONWOVEN NE LE- PUNCHED FAEEBRIC. SS LL ENRINUSSE WITNOYANEOSTAUCTURppES. ORED FABRIC PROPERTY MIN'MUM AVERAGE ROLL VALUE GRAB TENSILE 160 LBS. GRAB ELONGATION 50% MULLEN BURST 315 PSI PUNCTURE 90 LBS. TRAPEZOIDAL TEAR 65 LDS. UV RESISTANCE 707. AT 500 HOURS AOS 70 SIEVE PERMITTIVITY 1.5 SEC. FLOW RATE 110 CAL./MIN./FT.CLAY PLUG UNCOUPACTEO BYNFILL s FINISH GRADE 1.? (O ? I I I 5MIrt NEW STREAMBANN SHALL TREATED ? AS SPECIFIED IN PANS F W LKUPACTEO 1 11 SACK LL .1 /r i IMPERVIOUS SELECT --/ MATERIAL (CLAS?SEIIA S I ESMEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF RASSH OS.1I4SL FOR SOITLECILASSIFFII?pCASTION CLAYEY 501 OR ,I, MATERIALS WHICH MEET TH A ALAS LCITYANLEXHI II OF IESOHTHANt7A OASGREATER TIHAN 20?I Cod UMIiSILLIGPEATER2fHAN SOd A-7 N CLAY PLUG MATERIAL MAY BE OBTAINED ON-SITE WITH APPROVAL OF ON-SITE ENGINEER NOTES: CHANNEL PLBCS TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND AT OTHER LOCATIONS AS NOTED Y THE ENGINEER. SIDE SLOPE THAT IS ADJACENT TO NEW CHANNEL NEEDS TO MATCH PROPOSED CROSS- SECTION IN THAT LOCATION. THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE PLACED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. KEY THE CHANNEL PLUG INTO THE BED AND BANK A MINIMUM OF IFOOT. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATION i W TLAND CR ATION r.i ~ ithin Exis ing Channel) ~ t f' ; ~ "ri ~ _ r r t r- ) r f It J , 1 a r WETLAND RESTORATION ( 1~ /fir ~ i6,1 .a • 'v ~ r / r 7r~ i t _ .1 ~ . I + ; i 1 { I s . 7 l WETLAND ENHANCEMENT fi' : rr r 1 ~ . . 1 + _ t , r ~,F r. i~ - i - •~1.- .R f ( r r 'r , 's,f Y s B a ; ,n \ f WETLAND PRESERVATION r / .x` TOT OF I TING C ANNEL 1 ~ f ~ . F F F LL AREA utside Existing Channel) 8r I 1 - ` 1 + 1 ' VERNAL POOLS a I ~ + ~ ! ' yi 1 + _ PROPOSED CHANNEL 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ! ~ i 4~ _ ~ POND i~ ~ t l ~ r ~ 1 \ ( I b \ y - - - ROAD r d 1 f + \ ~ 1 ~ \ 11 7 ~ ~ I z } t< ' ' 7 i ~ k, t ~ II i r _ s tk -W~B- WETLAND BOUNDARY V 1; u ~ ~ , V r 4+ E ~ ~ n ~ - TREELINE ~ ~ .1 ~~I I , - - a' r I \ EXISTING WATERS EDGE / ' ~ f ~~.A~ A - rl , z ~ ~ is \ ; ~ EXISTING THALWEG ~ ' PI'kv~ ~ ('.j, i 1 f ' I ~ 1 . ,t`:. , ~ \ \ ~ ~ v-,! ',.2~' fit '~}c r y : 1. is }II-I t~. , r \ ~ , '1 \ , \ \ \ ;~r - _ + ~ ~ „ ~FC, - . ~ _ 1 \ -.t it -TOP OF BERM _ . .11 t? - _ _ I i - - - 7~,a~ f I ~ , j _ - i,s: ~+r. TOE OF SLOPE h:~, r! i ; , _ . fit;!!;, ~ ~ _ ( , + ~ PROPOSED EASEMENT _ fir' i ~ \ ~ + c - _ ~ _ ODD CONTOURS ; . _ _ - - ,zr ~ r• - ~ r ~ _ -aw__ mss!>' ~ _ ~ - i, 4 --~.-a~~...._. v%ia,. ,ter„{ ~i . rw.. -s:'"' ~ ~ ; t ~ ~ _ _ ~ - - - - - _ ;y EVEN CONTOURS „;,r - _ , . ' - , r. tiff. ~r. _ ~ ' . ~ ROCK VANE . \ _ I Vii. t ~:1 ~ ~i i , ~ J- HOOK - - • \ • • 1 ~ • • 1 ~ . _ __-r__ _ r. 1 _ b I 44 .'J 4 t y _.o ~ , . • , • . . r ~ . . . . . . • . . ~ . .`yam i~-,_ ~ ~i i'r~_t. . . . ` . . . . . y f i ~ - ~ ~ :'f .3- - _ ~ ~ ~ ~t, _ CROSS VANE • _ F - 1`~ ` ~ ~ • ~ - -1 ROOT WAD/ BOUDLER COMPLEX t\ ~ • a vv . t _ . „ ~~ti • ~ { • • a _ , ~ e- - _ j" , _ , ~ PHOTO POINT . ~ ~ ? 'w + . - _ _ zv ' ! ~ , ,rti. - ~ a , _ % ~zy~ ® PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING ` r ti~ _ , _ _ \ by ~ ~fi, ~ , y _ . 1 r .k;.. ; . , , , ~ x ' ~i , . 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