HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050408 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20120117 403UT to Sandy Creek 1Zandolhh County, North Carolina 2011 Year 4 Monitoring Report -Final EEP Project Number: 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 EcoEngineering Project Number: EEP -08030 Prepared for: NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2728 Capital Blvd., Suite 1 H 103 Raleigh, NC 27604 irq f r Nw' � �Y EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK P. 0. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919- 287 -4262 FAX 919- 361 -2269 www.ecoengr.com UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) Table of Contents l 0 Executive Summary/Project Abstract 1 1 Project Goals and Objectives 1 2 Vegetation Condition and Comparison l 3 Stream Stability /Condition and Comparison 1 4 Wetland Conditions and Performance 1 5 Monitoring Plan View 2 0 Methodology 3 0 References Project Conditions and Monitoring Data Appendices Appendix A — General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix B — General Project Tables Table 1 Project Restoration Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table Appendix C — Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 6 Vegetation Metadata Table Table 6A Vegetation Condition Assessment Table 7 Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos (see Appendix F — Project Photo Stations) — Vegetation Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Vegetation Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) Appendix D — Stream Assessment Data Table 8 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events — Stream Station Photos (see Appendix F — Project Photo Stations) — Cross Sections with Annual Overlays — Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays — Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays — BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Table (omitted, not applicable) — Baseline Stream Data Summary Table [Exhibit Table VIII] (submitted electronically) — Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary [Exhibit Table IX] (Cross Section and Reach Parameters submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) 1 2 2 2 4 Faa-]EcoEngineering A dmvon of Th John R McAdams Company Inc UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) Appendix E — Wetland Assessment Table 10 Wetland Criteria Attainment (omitted, not applicable) — Precipitation and Water Level Plots (omitted, not applicable) Appendix F — Protect Photo Stations ii FFI]EcoEngineering Ad vision ofThc John R McAdann Company Inc UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) 10 Executive Summary/Proiect Abstract I I Project Goals and Objectives The goal of the restoration project is to improve the water quality and biological habitat of the site's streams, wetlands, and riparian buffers through the following - Restoration (pattern, dimension, and profile) of unstable streams using natural channel design techniques -Re- establishment of riparian buffers (Kimley -Horn, 2008) - Enhancement of aquatic and terrestrial habitats - Reduction in nutrient and sediment loading into stream 12 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 were abandoned for MY -04 Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling during MY -04 outside of the planned low - height planting zone Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 were established by EEP and sampled by EEP during the 2011 Monitoring Year 4 period EcoEngineering survey located Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 during the 2011 Monitoring Year 4 field investigations The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View Appendix A For Vegetation Plots 4, 5, and 6, original baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is also considered a drought year The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for Therefore, any additional species observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species The 2011 Monitoring Year 4 data was provided by Carolina Vegetation Survey and was not manipulated for presentation within Table 7 - Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Appendix C Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring As for Monitoring Year 4, UT to Sandy Creek had 6 vegetation plots encompassing 0 15 acres, containing a total of 88 planted stems excluding live stakes When examining total stems within all 6 vegetation plots, there were 106 planted stems including volunteer stems In total, the 6 vegetation plots yielded a density of 593 planted trees per acre excluding live stakes When examining the density total of all trees within all 6 vegetation plots, there was a density of 715 planted trees including volunteer trees These density totals exceed the requirements by 10% for both planted trees per acre excluding live stakes and planted trees including volunteer trees With regard to each individual vegetation plot, all of the vegetation plots exceeded the requirements by 10% when examining planted stems excluding live stakes and when examining planted stems including volunteer stems Exotic /invasive species were observed at the site The following invasive species were observed at the site Chinese privet (Ligustrum smense) and cattail (Typha latifolia) There �EcoEngineering A di ism of The John R. McAdams Company Inc UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) are sixteen areas in which exotic/invasive species were observed totaling approximately 0 47 acres in size and are approximately 4 61% of the easement acreage The extent of exotic /invasive species is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A During the previous monitoring period there were 11 areas, totaling approximately 2 26 acres in size, which were determined to be low stem density areas EEP prescribed supplemental plantings for these 11 low stem density areas and conducted planting operations on March 8, 2011 The areas which received supplemental plantings are depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A There were a total of 355 containerized stems planted and consisted of the following species black cherry (Prunus serotina, 22 stems), cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda, 25 stems), ironwood (Carpinus carohniana, 70 stems), red maple (Acer rubrum, 8 stems), red oak (Quercus rubra, 66 stems), river birch (Betula nigra, 7 stems), water oak (Quercus mgra, 50 stems), willow oak (Quercus phellos, 62 stems), arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum, 25 stems), red chokeberry (Aronta arbuttfolta, 20 stems) 13 Stream Stabthty/Condition and Comparison Overall, the stream system appears stable and is not migrating toward lateral or vertical instability Based on the prior year comparison using longitudinal profile data, it appears that minor systemic aggradat>on has occurred throughout the reach, although this condition does not appear to pose an imminent threat to the overall stability of the system The primary concern at UT to Sandy Creek is the sporadic flow conditions observed in the channel in past momtor>ng years although flow was observed during the 2011 Monitoring Year 4 field investigation The stream was dry during previous site visits during the month of August Flowing water in the stream channel has been observed approximately half of the time the site has been monitored To document bankfull events a crest gage is located approximately 50 feet upstream of cross - section 4 and is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A Evidence of a bankfull event was observed this monitoring year 14 Wetland Conditions and Performance No wetlands are being monitored for mitigation credits at this project site 15 Monitoring Plan View Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on the EEP website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request 2 [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company Inc UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) 2 0 Methodolozy All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006, EEP, 2009) Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5 0 megapixel digital camera GPS location information was collected using a Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping grade GPS unit Stream and vegetation problem areas were noted in the field on As -Built Plan Sheets The methods used to generate the data In this report are standard fluvial geomorphology techniques as described In Applied River Morphology (Rosgen, 1996) and related publications from US Forest Service and the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE, 2003) Vegetation monitoring methods followed the 2008, Version 4 2 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al , 2008) Vegetation plot photographs were collected for each vegetation plot Vegetation monitoring plots were re- marked in the field by replacing all old flagging with new orange flagging Monitoring taxonomy follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Weakley, 2007) Stem height was measured with a folding one -meter rule Diameter at breast height and decimeter height were measured with calipers 3 [JEcoEngineenng A d %isum of The John R McAdmns Company Irc UT to Sandy Creek EEP Project Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina November 2011 (Updated January 2012) 3 0 References Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2006 Monitoring Report Guidelines, November 16, 2006 Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2009 Monitoring Report Guidelines, June 1, 2009 Klmley -Horn and Associates, Inc, 2008 UT to Sandy Creek Stream Mitigation Report Submitted to NCDENR -EEP, March 2008 Lee, Michael T, R K Peet, S D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4 2 (http //cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) Rosgen, D L 1996 Applied Morphology Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003 April 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2005 Information Regarding Stream Restoration In The Outer Coastal Plain of North Carolina US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Regulatory Division and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, December 1, 2005 Weakley, A S , 2008 Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, Northern Florida, and surroundm2 areas University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, working Draft as of April 7, 2008 4 FI]EcoEngineenng A do ism of The John R McAdams Compaw 1W APPENDIX A General Figures and Plan View �••'�' "'i ; -- � - �`� !� try � � �. � 'r �i r t jk A / 8 ? .i qP r 5 <3 .— tee. f� E+.. � 1 • USGS, 7.5 MINUTE, TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE; GRAYS CHAPEL, N.C.; 1974; LAT: 35.8380510' N LON: 79.6601200' W c PROJECT N0. EEP -08030 E7Le "AME: EEP -08030 UT TO SANDY CREEK AEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. d SCALE: 1 "= 1, 000 S tent VICINITY 71 n Y 1 1 1 lVltir ENGINE M • PLANNERS • SURMORS • ENVMNMENTAL RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. CHARLOTPS l RANDOLPH COUNTY NORTH CAROLIN f 246 Ker d �n iml-d Durham NC 27 N 800.733 -568 • www.jahmmradm.c®. license No.: C -02Y3 U m L ° I U rl Pl O Q z a lr O O O O �� IMO MM�� M^ V~ � Q 1r t W V ■ � � - - T^ j-r -� I - 1 1 ll J 1 I 0 � O Z O U x ,W � � a ►Q 'Z rWQ J oJ - - KKF °N 4�n �$♦ -p0 j \ i > <FrmN N m�~ p vmm N pp0 m i�r2� m8(n i1 NN � Q � nn ♦ 0 NuKN P m�l oNW f n� H ¢v`m O t yV< Z :� p Yh A °iSO� I yV< N �n� m N 3� S � I yI< $Vm � �~ mA �f y4<Z mmmN � W + on� 1 . �Z3ttNYQ m N �`pp O m �� n P��y�fI � �^m� � °�g�� � I �nh �bp O � m� gU 8 l O � O Z �rmN a��i��U b� p 'I l KS n � �P N �ww Yl O W ��p W x a Zw KNa op p � iii , �h W���� °�Yn Upp� Z wa✓� °Pono p oF3 wwA�A-1 o .yJZ �� m O �monW W , � o 3 uado FAAN ;2 Z Z iaP Z VNJo.eO r%0�W W p 11 f i \ Z 148PP J8 ppVm N � � p 1 � an $ Z Z - p n I� °io2 yJRh 7W W 2 �4Bm N ppO _pNpO2 �. N �� �N m SrOZ 2 z x I I Vw yNBn$m 0 _ / Si , b. / � v � a A ,� 7 y d" d - 77� 5 - r .Z7. ,F b Q pp� c g �. r r � �0 X X X w 0z GW ■ W OEn� QrC hJ M Ml O N h 0 P N N , % � °N�� SS���SSSS�� S�P S 3 �SSS 0 1 1 8 2$i 2 n �r 0 6 J z O n nn 00nEll 008 °V V_mmO JZ IL OLfi zLC) w N M J o 0000 o H ITT zZ o� o > z w� U) w C) LLJ 000 zzz zowww m 000 o c � zoA ,� .' . o •'� d 0 3: �o z a ° o � N cq U O Lr-) W O + oa0 a- uj Nvnm an3wv IWO sv4vm 0 t D . EASEMENT MARKER FOUND ROCK OR STONE IRON MARKER FOUND ROOT WAD OVERHEAD WIRE Ow ROCK VANE EXISTING FENCE LINE x x CONSERVATION EASEMENT THALWEG OF CREEK 50 FOOT BUFFER INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR ----- - - - - -- INVASIVE /EXOTIC VEGETATION INDEX CONTOUR — — — — — — TOB OF BANK -- TB -- PHOTO POINT BOTTOM OF BANK - -BB -- CREST GAGE LOG VANE 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING ® STREAM PROBLEM AREA AREAS /LOW STEM DENSITY AREAS ** NOTE: SURVEY DATES OF THALWEG AND TOP -OF -BANK - 04/19/11 TO 04/21/11. LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT r / 50 FOOT BUFFER/ / VEG. PLOT #2* F CROSS SECTION 2 / 4 ' / i i _6 i i i ►s��� / / II VEG. PLOT #7 *. 1 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS i' TB-- --- Tg----- TB - - - -' , ', i i L I J I I till' / �0 00 VEG. 003 �QROSS SECTION 1 5002 LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT F I' C3 \�4- . I _ 0 \ / f U / I / x `2011 SUPPLEMENTAL 1 PLANTING AREAS xr1l50 FOOT BUFFER NOTES: \ \ * VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 ARE LOCATED IN A PLANNED LOW— HEIGHT PLANTING ZONE. VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 WERE NOT SAMPLED DURING MY -04. VEGETATION PLOTS 7, 8, AND 9 WERE ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED / BY EEP DURING MY -04. ECOENGINEERING SURVEY LOCATED VEGETATION PLOTS , 8 7 , AND 9 DURING MY -04. ** ON MARCH 8, 2011, EEP PRESCRIBED SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTINGS WITHIN AREAS J °� DEEMED TO BE OF LOW STEM DENSITIES DURING PREVIOUS MONITORING YEAR. GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. SHEET 1 OF 4 W 4 0. 0 0 v .S a W< a W W U Q z 0 z O cC Iz ip iz E- O I U i= a. 1 � Q I � 0 x o o n o 00 0 0 00 m 0 0l II N w 0- w w o w 0 z F h z McADAMS r D T2 �M. IN V. X57 72 578.7 A INV. Z) VEG. PLOT #2* F CROSS SECTION 2 / 4 ' / i i _6 i i i ►s��� / / II VEG. PLOT #7 *. 1 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS i' TB-- --- Tg----- TB - - - -' , ', i i L I J I I till' / �0 00 VEG. 003 �QROSS SECTION 1 5002 LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT F I' C3 \�4- . I _ 0 \ / f U / I / x `2011 SUPPLEMENTAL 1 PLANTING AREAS xr1l50 FOOT BUFFER NOTES: \ \ * VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 ARE LOCATED IN A PLANNED LOW— HEIGHT PLANTING ZONE. VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 WERE NOT SAMPLED DURING MY -04. VEGETATION PLOTS 7, 8, AND 9 WERE ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED / BY EEP DURING MY -04. ECOENGINEERING SURVEY LOCATED VEGETATION PLOTS , 8 7 , AND 9 DURING MY -04. ** ON MARCH 8, 2011, EEP PRESCRIBED SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTINGS WITHIN AREAS J °� DEEMED TO BE OF LOW STEM DENSITIES DURING PREVIOUS MONITORING YEAR. GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. SHEET 1 OF 4 W 4 0. 0 0 v .S a W< a W W U Q z 0 z O cC Iz ip iz E- O I U i= a. 1 � Q I � 0 x o o n o 00 0 0 00 m 0 0l II N w 0- w w o w 0 z F h z McADAMS STREAM CROSSING ,lob. TB- - - -IIs / -2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS - - - N-1 X9903 LIGUSTRUM SINENSE Te - - -- LIGUSTRUM SINENSE _re - - - -, / / 3 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 2 OF 4 z� v � 0) e e W 4 3 0 0 Ell V g� W< a ? r Q-3^ W W U Q z 0 z ¢ U F- CC O z z O U 2 a. O z n o ao o n o oS o 00 0) a N II N W w o w 0 z m F � McADAMS TB re � F 2011 SUPPLEMENTALJi / PLANTING AREAS // n / i i / / �50 FOOT BUFFER If / I 1 / � r I P \I STREAM CROSSING TYPHA LATIFOLIA /'ENCROACHMENT I TYPHA LATIFOLIA ENCROACHMENT i 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS 7(119 CI In01 C\ICAITAI JItt' I,KUJJ -V /ANL STRUCTURE; LOOSE BOULDER 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT _c,r_Y— Y�Yy�— YY —�EYY Y� �.0 O GRAPHIC SCALE y 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 3 OF 4 .L I` VU •� O W� /O g V W< I 5 e Fa HI W W U Q z 0 I ¢ iz IoI u Iz ip iz I 'O I U Z r p„ I Q I ¢ I O x n O � 0 ao o co o O d O �� N W d � W W p W 0 Z z o Me ADAMS 9 % 2011 SUPPLEMENTALJi / PLANTING AREAS // n / i i / / �50 FOOT BUFFER If / I 1 / � r I P \I STREAM CROSSING TYPHA LATIFOLIA /'ENCROACHMENT I TYPHA LATIFOLIA ENCROACHMENT i 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS 7(119 CI In01 C\ICAITAI JItt' I,KUJJ -V /ANL STRUCTURE; LOOSE BOULDER 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT _c,r_Y— Y�Yy�— YY —�EYY Y� �.0 O GRAPHIC SCALE y 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. SHEET 3 OF 4 .L I` VU •� O W� /O g V W< I 5 e Fa HI W W U Q z 0 I ¢ iz IoI u Iz ip iz I 'O I U Z r p„ I Q I ¢ I O x n O � 0 ao o co o O d O �� N W d � W W p W 0 Z z o Me ADAMS 9924A Of e b age LVI I .)urrLr-Mt.IN IHL PLANTING AREAS LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING AREAS ENCROACHMENT,J� re s re LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT x e GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 NEW- 1 inch = 40 ft. SHEET 4 OF 4 U � U p • � .d�q?i � a � "LUG V W t° O a �; W< O n O O I d w w 0 z F U O C Q z �J x O r) 0 a) O II N � c d- Lw O vi t` to O McADAMS APPENDIX B General Prod ect Tables Exhibit Table 1 Protect Restoration Components UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number 403 Project Segment or Reach ID � j 1�6 �' Q 110 Q = Stationing Comment Mitigation Units exclude 2 ford structures which total 50 Reach 1 1 000 R P1 1 400 1 1 350 100 +00 114 +00 feet Reach II 870 R P1 900 1 900 114 +00 123 +00 Reach III 290 R P1 384 1 384 200 +00 203 +84 Pond Tnbutary Mitigation Unit Summations Riparian Nonnparian Stream Wetland Wetland Total Wetland Buffer Comment 2,634 0 0 0 179 903 R= Restoration EII= Enhancement II P1= Priority I P3= Priority III EI= Enhancement S= Stabilization P2= Prionty 11 SS= Stream Bank Stabilization Exhibit Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number 403 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Winter 04 Jan 05 Final Design — 90% Summer 06 Winter 06 Construction Summer 07 Fall 07 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area Summer 07 Fall 07 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments 1 & 2 Fall 07 Fall 07 Contamenzed and B &B plantings for reach/segments 1 & 2 Fall 07 Winter 07 Mitigation Plan / As -built Year 0 Monitoring — baseline Winter 07 Mar 08 Year 1 Monitoring Oct 08 Nov 08 Year 2 Monitoring Sep 09 Nov 09 Year 3 Monitoring Jun 10 Oct 10 Year 4 Monitoring Apr 11 Jun 11 Note Timeframe estimated from information provided by EEP C Exhibit Table 3 Project Contacts Table UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Prolect/EEP Protect Number 403 Designer Kimley Horn and Associates Inc P O Box 33068, Raleigh North Carolma 27636 Primary project design POC POC name and phone 919 677 2050 Construction Contractor Shamrock Environmental PO Box 14987 Construction contractor POC Greensboro NC 27415 Planting Contractor Contact Appalachian Environmental Services PO Box 52 Webster NC 28788 Planting contractor POC phone 828 586 1973 Seeding Contractor Contact Appalachian Environmental Services PO Box 52, Webster NC 28788 Planting contractor POC phone 828 586 1973 Seed Mix Sources Contact Appalachian Environmental Services phone 828 586 1973 Nursery Stock Suppliers Contact Appalachian Environmental Services phone 828 586 1973 Monitoring Performers EcoEngmeermg A Division of The John R McAdams Co 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham NC 27713 Stream Monitoring POC Jim Halley 919 287 4262 Vegetation Monitoring POC Jun Halley 919 2874262 Wetland Monitoring POC NA INA Note lntormatlon obtamed trom ELF documents and bid tabulation results Use contacts in table for additional information or to verify data Exhibit Table 4 Protect Background Table UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Pro ect/EEP Project Number 403 Project County Randolph County Drainage Area 4 2 square miles Drainage impervious cover estimate ( %) For example Estimated at 1% Stream Order 1 st for UT to Sandy Creek Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Carolina Slate Belt Rosgen Classification of As -built C Cowardin Classification R3UBH Dominant soil types Chewacla loam, Vance Reference site ID Reference Reach Tributary to Sandy Creek USGS 14UC for Project and Reference 3030003020010 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -06 -09 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference WSIII Any portion of any project segment 303d listed9 No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment9 No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor NA of project easement fenced 100% APPENDIX C Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Prolect/EEP Protect ID 403 Planted Excludin g Live Stakes Summary Tract Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met9 Tract Mean UT to Sandy Creek VP4 Y VP5 Y 100% VP6 Y VP8 Y VP9 Y Total Planted and Volunteer Stem Summary Tract Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met9 Tract Mean UT to Sandy Creek VP4 Y VP5 Y 100% VP6 Y VP8 Y VP9 Y Table 6 Vegetation Metadata UT to Sand Creek Restoration Pro ect/EEP Project ID 403 Report Prepared By George Buchholz Date Prepared 5/16/2011 14 45 PM database name EcoEngmeermg 2010 C mdb database location X \Projects\EEP\EEP 08030 (UT to Sandy Creek) \Storm \CVS Vegetation Data\2011 Ve eation Data computer name BUCHHOLES file size 49008640 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metadata Description of database file the report worksheets and a summary of project(s) and proiect data Pro j, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre for each year This excludes live stakes Pro j, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre for each year This includes live stakes all planted stems and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems dead stems missing etc Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by e for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by e for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined ) for each plot dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code 403 project Name UT to Sandy Creek Williams Tract Description UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project River Basin Cape Fear len h ft 2 680 stream-to-edge width ft 25 area (sq m 0 02 sq miles 10 2 Required Plots calculated 6 Sampled Plots 6 Table 6A Vegetation Condition Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Prolect/EEP Protect ID 403 Planted Acreage 7 11 Easement Acreage 1018 Number Vegetation CCPV of Combined Easement Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Area Very limited cover of -Mapping 4 Invasive Areas both woody and 0 1 acres diagonal red 0 0 1 Bare Areas herbaceous material Woody stem densities clearly below target 2 Low Stem levels based on MY3 0 1 acres 0 0 00% Density Areas 4 or 5 stem count Encroachment polygons at map none T at 1 o ® ®� 00% Areas Areas with woody stems of a size class 3 Areas of Poor that are obviously 0 25 acres 0 0 00% Growth Rates or small given the i or monitoring year Cumaltiv"e Total ®� ! ! � owl Easement Acreage 1018 Number o Of egetation CCPV of Combined Easement Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Areas or points (if too -Mapping 4 Invasive Areas small to render as polygons at map 1000 SF diagonal red 16 047 4 61 % of Concern scale Areas or points (if too 5 Easement small to render as Encroachment polygons at map none 0 0 00% Areas scale) Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project /EEP Project ID: 403 Pape I Notes: a) Data presented in table was prorided to EcoEngincering from the Carolina Vegetation Sum n Data was not manipulated by EcoEngincering. Fonmalting of table was performed M EcoEng.=nng. b) Vegetation Plots 1. 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots 1. 2, ar d 3 —m abandoned for MY4n4. Three new Vegetation Plots (7. g. and 9) were added to the project for sampling durng MY414 outside of the planned low - height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7. g. and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) For Vegetation Plots 4. 5, and 6, original baseline regelation monitoring data was not prim ded prior to the 200g Monitoring Year I and 2008 is considered a drought Scar. The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two pears of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot here been summed and accounted for Themfom. am additional species observed in proceeding monitoring cars are considered rolunte r species. d) An Acer rubmm was summed during 21HI8 monitoring season men though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer mbmm is a volunteer s(em. it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring Nears . c) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Lire Stakes: P -all = All Planted Stems, T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems Current Plot Data (MY4 201 1) Scientific Name Common Name Species T e 403- alien -VP7 403 - alien -%'P8 403 - alien -N'P9 E403- 01 -VP4 6403- 01 -VP5 PnoLS P -all T PnoI.S 111-all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Acer rubru n red maple Tree 1 1 3 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub I I I Baccharis halimifolia eastem baccharis Shrub Tree Betula ni ra river birch Tree 1 1 11 11 4 4 4 Carpinus carohniana American hornbeam Shrub Tree I I I 1 2 ? 2 Carya hickory Tree 11 131 13 13 Cehis laevi rata sugarberry Shrub Tree Comus dogwood Shrub Tree I I rrmm Comusaou silk dogwood Shrub to 10 12 Corpus florida flowering dogwood Shrub Tree I I I Corpus sericea ss . sericea redosier dogwood I 1 I Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 5 5 5 6 6 8 1 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Shnib Tree I I 1 1 41 4 9 i 5 5 Ju glans nigra black walnut Tree Juni etas uni er 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin northern s icebush Shrub free Li uidambar sweet rum I Mimosa sensitive plant Vine Shrub N ssa s Ivatica black nun Tree Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree I Prunus serotina black cherry Shrub Tree I 11 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 uercus oak Shrub Tree 1 1 1 uercus nigra water oak Tree I I I I I uercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 I I Rhus co allinum flameleaf sumac Shrub Tree Unknown unknown I Viburnum dentatum southem arrowwood Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 151 151 18 191 19 26 17 17 17 20 201 24 R 8 Il 1 I I I I 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 51 51 7 9 9 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 607.03 607.03 768.9 768.9 687.97 687.97 809.37 809.37 323.75 323.75 5 Notes: a) Data presented in table was prorided to EcoEngincering from the Carolina Vegetation Sum n Data was not manipulated by EcoEngincering. Fonmalting of table was performed M EcoEng.=nng. b) Vegetation Plots 1. 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots 1. 2, ar d 3 —m abandoned for MY4n4. Three new Vegetation Plots (7. g. and 9) were added to the project for sampling durng MY414 outside of the planned low - height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7. g. and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) For Vegetation Plots 4. 5, and 6, original baseline regelation monitoring data was not prim ded prior to the 200g Monitoring Year I and 2008 is considered a drought Scar. The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two pears of monitoring it is assumed all planted stems within a vegetation monitoring plot here been summed and accounted for Themfom. am additional species observed in proceeding monitoring cars are considered rolunte r species. d) An Acer rubmm was summed during 21HI8 monitoring season men though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer mbmm is a volunteer s(em. it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring Nears . c) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Lire Stakes: P -all = All Planted Stems, T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project /EEP Project ID: 403 Page 2 Notes: a) Data pmem[cd in [able was provided to E- Enginecring from the Carolina Vegetation Surwy Data was not manipulated by EcoEngineer og. Formatting of table was performed by EcoEnginccnng. h) Vegetation Plots 1, 2, end 3 are located in a planned low - height planting zone. Vegctaticm Plots 1, 2, and 3 were abandoned for MY -04. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling during MY-04 outside of [he planned low - height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Curren[ Condition Plan View. c) For Vcge[aim Plots 4, 5, and 6, original baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is considered a drought year The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted sterna within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for. Thmefum, any additional speces observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species. in An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 2008 monitoring season even though it is no[ a species listed as being planted. Although acer ruhrnun is a volunteer stem, it was detemnined that this specific atom would continued to be monitored in the proceeding matitonng Veers. 0 Pnol.S = Planted Excluding Live Stakes. P -all = All Plsntxl ti_,, I = I rnal Planted and Volunteer Stems Current Plot Data MY4 2011 Annual b1eans Scientific Name Common Name Species Type E403- 01 -VP6 M14 (2011) M13 (2010) MY2 (2009) 1111 (2008) PnoI.S P -all T PnoI.S P -all T PnoI.S P -all T PnoI.S P -all "1' Pool's P -all 'I Acer rubrum red ma le Tree 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokebeny Shrub I I I I Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub Tree I Betula ni rra river birch Tree 4 4 5 19 19 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Ca inns caroliniana American hornbeam Shrub Tree 3 3 Ca rya hickory Tree 1 131 131 14 Celtis laevi rata sugarberry Shrub Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Comas dogwood Shrub Tree I I Comus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 10 10 12 18 18 24 19 19 25 14 1.41 14 Comus florida flowering, dogwood Shrub Tree 1 Comus sericea ss . sericea redosier dogwood 1 Fraxinus enns lvanica green ash Tree II II 14 17 17 25 11 II 11 14 14 14 Hamamelis vir iniana American witchhazel Shrub Tree 10 10 15, 7 7 7 7 71 7 3 3 3 Ju lans ni rra black walnut Tree I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juni erus juniper I I I Lindera benzoin northern s icebush Shrub -Free I I 1 I I Li uidambar sweetgunt I Mimosa sensitive plant Vine Shrub 35 N ssa s Ivatica black nun Tree I I I Pines taeda lobiolly pine Tree I Prunus serotina black cherry Shrub Tree 5 5 6 I I uercus oak Shrub Tree I I I uercus ni rra water oak Tree 2 2 ? uercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 31 3 3 1 1 Rhos co allinum flameleaf sumac Shrub Tree 2 I Unknown unknown I Viburnum dentatum southern arrowwood Shrub Tree 4 4 4 5 51 5 10 101 10 9 9 9 71 7 7 Stem count size (arcs) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 91 91 10 881 8 106 651 6511 83 59 59 104 481 481 48 1 6 6 6 6 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 3 3 3 18 18 21 ll 11 12 ll 11 14 II II Il 364.22 364.22 593.54 593.54 438.41 438.41 397.94 397.94 323.75 Notes: a) Data pmem[cd in [able was provided to E- Enginecring from the Carolina Vegetation Surwy Data was not manipulated by EcoEngineer og. Formatting of table was performed by EcoEnginccnng. h) Vegetation Plots 1, 2, end 3 are located in a planned low - height planting zone. Vegctaticm Plots 1, 2, and 3 were abandoned for MY -04. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling during MY-04 outside of [he planned low - height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Curren[ Condition Plan View. c) For Vcge[aim Plots 4, 5, and 6, original baseline vegetation monitoring data was not provided prior to the 2008 Monitoring Year 1 and 2008 is considered a drought year The 2009 Monitoring Year 2 is considered the baseline datum because after two years of monitoring it is assumed all planted sterna within a vegetation monitoring plot have been surveyed and accounted for. Thmefum, any additional speces observed in proceeding monitoring years are considered volunteer species. in An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 2008 monitoring season even though it is no[ a species listed as being planted. Although acer ruhrnun is a volunteer stem, it was detemnined that this specific atom would continued to be monitored in the proceeding matitonng Veers. 0 Pnol.S = Planted Excluding Live Stakes. P -all = All Plsntxl ti_,, I = I rnal Planted and Volunteer Stems APPENDIX D Stream Assessment Data Table 8a Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Prolect/EEP Protect Number 403 Reach 1 1,410 Linear Feet Feature Category Metnc (per As built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present 9 12 12 NA 100 2 Armor stable e g n o dis lacement 9 12 12 NA 100 3 Facet grade appears stables slo e 5 design range) 1 12 NA 12 4 Minimal evidence of embeddin finin 9 12 12 NA 100 5 Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 78 B Pools 1 Present9 (e g not subject to severe aggrad or migrat ?) 15 15 NA 100 2 Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D Mean Bkf>l 69) Max Pool / 12 > 1 6 12 of 15 Design = 3 5/1 2 = 29 15 NA 77 3 Length appropriate9 (p p spacing) NA NA NA NA 89 C Thalwe 1 Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? 10 10 NA 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centermg9 9 10 NA 100 100 D Meander 1 Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion9 10 10 NA 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation 10 10 NA 100 3 Apparent Re within spec? 8 10 NA 85 4 Sufficient flood lam access and relief? 10 10 NA 100 95 E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 5/25 99 2 Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down cutting or head cuttm 9 NA NA NA 100 100 F Bank 1 Activclycroding wasting or slum in bank NA 1 /18 NA 99 99 G Vanes 1 Free of bank or arm scour9 10 10 NA 100 2 Height appropriate9 10 10 NA 100 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate9 10 10 NA 100 4 Free of piping or other structural fadures9 10 10 NA 100 100 H Wads/ Boulders 1 Free of scour? NA NA NA 100 2 Footing stable? NA NA NA 100 100 Table 8b Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number 403 Reach II 886 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles I Present 9 13 13 NA 100 2 Armor stable e g n o dis lacement v 13 13 NA 100 3 Facet grade appears stables slo e 5 design range) 2 13 NA 12 4 Minimal evidence of embeddm fimn 9 13 13 NA 100 5 Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 78 B Pools 1 Present? (e g not subject to severe aggrad or migrat ?) 16 16 NA 100 2 Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D Mean Bkf>l 6 ?) Max Pool / 12 > 1 6 12 of 16 Design = 3 5112 = 29 16 NA 77 3 Length appropriate? (p p spacing) NA NA NA NA 89 C Thalwe 1 Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? 10 10 NA 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 10 10 NA 100 100 D Meander 1 Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 10 10 NA 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation 10 10 NA 100 3 Apparent Rc within spec? 9 10 NA 85 4 Sufficient flood lam access and rehef? 10 10 NA 100 95 E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 5/25 99 2 Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down cutting or head cutting? NA NA NA 100 100 F Bank 1 Activelyeroding wasting or slum m bank NA 1/18 NA 99 99 G Vanes 1 Free of bank or arm scour? 11 11 NA 100 2 Height appropriate? 11 11 NA 100 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 11 11 NA 100 4 Free of piping or other structural fadures9 8 11 NA 73 93 H Wads/ Boulders I Free of scour? NA NA NA 100 2 Footing stable? NA NA NA 100 100 Table 8c Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Prolect/EEP Project Number 403 Reach III 384 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present 7 7 7 NA 100 2 Armor stable e g n o displacement)? 7 7 NA 100 3 Facet grade appears stables (slope 5 design range) 5 7 NA 71 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 7 7 NA 100 5 Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 93 B Pools 1 Present? (e g not subject to severe aggrad or migrat 9) 5 5 NA 100 2 Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D Mean Bkf>l 6 ?) Max Pool / 0 5 > 1 6 4 of 5 Design= 1 9/05= 3 8 5 NA 80 3 Length appropriate? spacing) NA NA NA NA 90 C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? 7 8 NA 100 C Thalwe 2 Downstream of meander (glide /inflection) centering? 8 8 NA 100 100 D Meander I Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 8 8 NA 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation 8 8 NA 100 3 Apparent Re within spec? 8 8 NA 100 4 Sufficient flood lam access and relief? 8 8 NA 100 100 E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 1/200 48 2 Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down cutting or head cutting? NA NA NA 100 74 F Bank 1 Actively roding wasting or slum m bank NA NA NA 100 100 G Vanes 1 Free of bank or arm scour? 5 5 NA 100 2 Height appropriate? 5 5 NA 100 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 5 5 NA 100 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? 5 5 NA 100 100 H Wads/ Boulders 1 Free of scour? NA NA NA 100 2 Footing stable? NA NA NA 100 100 Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Protect Number 403 Method Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Photo # (if available) On Site Crest Gage located at Between 09/09/09 and Station 115 +32 Observed 06/29/10 Not Available 06/29/10 elevation on gage at elevation 56663 On Site Crest Gage located at Between 06/29/10 and Station 115 +32 Observed 04/21/11 Not Available 04/21/11 elevation on gage at elevation 56751 Note A crest gage was installed during the 2009 Monitoring Year 2 field investigations so that bankfull events can be documented during subsequent monitoring years Monitoring Year 3 is the first monitoring year in which bankfull events were documented The crest gage is located at Station 115 +32 and is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View located in Appendix A UT to Sandy Creek EEP PrQlect Number 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report Randolph County North Carolina June 2011 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS SECTION I Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Station ft Elev ft Station Elev Station ft Elev ft Station ft Elev ft Station ft Elev ft Station ft Elev ft Station ft Elev ft 000 58265 000 58268 021 58267 008 58263 009 58267 014 58265 1300 58105 700 581 64 1444 58077 1544 58067 1049 581 20 3200 58035 2026 58075 3437 58021 338 58031 1742 58072 � 43 00 580 10 2973 58039 4419 57990 4252 580 1 4354 57995 4620 57965 3896 580 19 4963 57947 4333 58007 4860 57896 4900 57927 4359 58005 5082 578 80 4454 57983 5060 578 81 5000 57891 4781 57948 5404 57870 45 88 57973 53 53 57863 51 10 57869 5108 57896 5734 578 79 47 15 57963 5521 57871 5200 57880 5225 57882 6002 579 19 4857 5793 5730 57881 5270 57869 5364 57878 6801 58045 4924 57941 5888 57922 53 10 57856 5489 57871 9349 58039 4959 57943 6087 579 14 5360 57867 5599 57867 11782 581 37 5003 57923 6491 57993 5400 578 57 5768 57876 5035 579 12 6693 58020 5450 57852 6081 57907 5054 5789 6969 58036 5490 57856 6469 57989 5057 578 84 10436 58042 5520 57867 6808 58030 51 16 57873 11802 58143 55 80 57875 7326 58043 51 67 578 85 118 10 58143 5660 578 80 8364 58045 5233 57885 5700 57901 9912 58040 5303 57881 5980 579 19 11873 581 37 536 57871 6260 57952 5451 57866 6750 58035 5539 5787 6920 58049 5608 578 78 8700 58039 5674 57882 10420 58047 57 18 57893 11800 58140 5724 578 88 5751 57902 5993 57923 64 1 57993 775 58045 101 58037 11789 581 38 r� L�COSstem k n I lI ulunl Fa-l]EcoEngineering Ad in J h R M Ad—C mp. y l 583 582 �R 581 e 0 580 a� W 579 578 577 — UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 1 - Riffle --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Bankfull �— Year -0, 8/22/07 — Year -1, 9/16/08 Year-2, 9/11/09 9 Year -3, 6/30/10 — I(Year-4, 04/21/11 UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-4,2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 1 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Riffle TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 17.80 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 26.00 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 0.70 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 1.40 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 38.00 Entrenchment Ratio 3.90 Classification C Bankfull Elevation: 580.10 ft. rl� tem 1�I1 'CIIic]I CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM [Ja]EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. UT to SANDY CREEK Year -3 EEP PROJECT # 403 Elev. ft Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Station Elev. (R) Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft 0.00 582.59 0.00 582.55 0.36 582.58 0.09 582.59 8.00 581.44 5.18 582.05 3.22 582.21 16.30 580.54 10.34 581.13 11.17 581.00 19.60 580.36 16.37 580.57 19.11 580.47 21.10 579.95 19.88 580.32 23.93 578.88 21.70 579.70 22.34 579.57 24.00 578.71 22.50 579.40 23.74 577.17 26.75 577.62 23.20 578.01 24.07 577.05 28.41 576.54 23.20 576.90 24.73 576.90 29.38 576.37 24.70 576.82 25.37 577.15 3039 576.40 25.80 575.04 26.60 577.48 32.48 576.65 26.80 575.02 27.69 577.36 34.08 577.32 27.40 575.06 29.11 577.33 35.39 577.60 28.50 575.11 30.15 577.37 38.60 577.99 29.60 575.20 31.58 577.55 42.65 578.71 30.80 575.45 32.96 577.64 62.56 579.23 32.30 575.85 33.99 577.75 80.54 579.51 33.60 577.00 34.58 578.39 84.82 579.31 33.70 577.56 37.02 578.27 84.91 579.31 34.90 577.74 41.11 578.54 36.60 577.84 43.99 578.82 38.40 577.94 58.87 579.26 40.80 578.38 69.36 579.33 43.20 578.74 86.12 579.38 45.60 578.90 48.30 579.07 61.30 579.18 67.60 579.23 85.30 579.22 r� ,,�cos�!s�tem I_n IiII ruu�n CROSS - SECTION: Year -3 Station ft Elev. ft 0.17 582.56 10.14 581.21 21.00 579.74 24.01 576.25 24.39 575.17 26.62 575.22 29.11 576.15 30.42 577.25 30.77 577.78 37.03 579.17 46.30 579.06 69.44 579.32 84.81 579.25 UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 2 Year -4 Station ft Elev. ft 0.15 582.59 8.64 581.44 12.99 580.91 17.09 580.48 19.03 580.47 20.01 580.12 20.69 580.00 21.16 579.69 21.55 579.48 21.86 578.30 21.98 577.03 22.49 576.19 23.05 575.81 23.47 575.57 24.21 575.43 25.11 575.20 25.40 575.09 26.90 575.22 28.18 575.64 29.27 576.02 30.12 576.75 31.22 577.29 31.74 577.88 32.40 577.83 32.89 577.85 32.91 578.30 33.10 578.36 33.99 578.31 34.48 578.73 36.05 578.88 38.33 579.20 40.92 578.81 43.66 579.13 53.65 579.18 65.14 579.45 84.72 579.25 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft [JEcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company. Inc. 584 583 582 —581 ,680 579 0 578 577 576 575 574 UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 2 - Pool — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — t — Bankfull Year -0, 8122/07 --- Year -1, 9/16/08 ---N--Year -2, 9/11/09 9 Year -3, 6/30/10 ---It— Year -4, 04/21/11 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 8! Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR4, 2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 2 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Pool TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 64.6 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 63.6 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 1.0 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 4.6 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 62.5 Entrenchment Ratio 0.0 Classification n/a Bankfull Elevation: 579.69 ft. r� tern I�,n 1a1 rnx�n CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM AEcoEngineering A division W1'M J.M R. McAdams Company, Inc. UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS- SECTION: 3 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -11 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. (ft) Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft 0.00 568.02 0.00 568.03 -0.62 568.02 0.37 568.11 0.01 568.13 0.09 568.02 17.00 567.86 10.62 568.12 17.28 567.99 5.09 568.22 9.21 568.14 22.50 567.60 18.89 567.71 24.28 567.38 12.2 568.1 23.76 567.49 25.00 567.04 23.48 567.43 26.91 566.64 16.87 567.92 25.00 566.95 28.00 565.96 25.40 566.76 28.95 566.13 19.15 567.76 29.60 565.22 28.70 565.55 26.42 566.41 29.31 565.12 20.91 567.79 31.28 564.86 29.00 565.15 28.69 565.81 29.73 564.94 22.66 567.67 32.56 564.86 29.50 564.95 29.16 565.08 29.82 564.80 23.63 567.47 35.05 564.85 30.40 564.70 29.81 564.72 31.04 564.63 25.08 567.14 35.31 565.18 31.30 564.61 30.68 564.58 31.97 564.58 27.06 566.49 39.92 566.95 32.40 564.54 31.84 564.51 32.45 564.58 28.47 566.35 43.70 567.12 33.10 564.65 32.82 564.57 33.32 564.54 29.13 566.02 52.54 566.95 34.00 564.65 33.59 564.58 34.18 564.62 29.52 565 61.36 566.85 34.70 564.74 34.21 564.64 34.99 564.71 29.53 565.07 61.50 566.85 35.20 565.27 34.76 564.68 35.44 565.14 29.75 564.88 36.40 565.83 35.46 565.55 35.92 565.81 30.21 564.72 40.00 566.82 37.39 566.14 39.81 566.94 30.93 564.57 41.00 56693 40.15 566.86 49.89 567.09 31.75 564.49 48.00 566.93 48.11 566.90 61.37 566.93 32.45 564.45 61.50 566.86 61.47 566.88 33.1 564.44 33.75 564.51 34.5 564.55 34.98 564.62 35.32 564.99 35.56 565.52 36.31 565.88 37.43 566.18 38.57 566.55 39.88 566.94 41.94 567.09 45.43 567.08 52.62 567.03 61.33 566.87 r� [JEcoEngineering A diviaiun,f Me John R. McAdams Company, Ine. UT to Sandy Creek a EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 3 - Riffle 569 568 X567------------------------- c t6 566 d _ — •Bankfull ua 565 —s— Year -0, 8/22107 - -o— Year -1, 9/16/08 —M— Year -2, 9/11/09 564 — g— Year -3, 6/30/10 - -)K--Year-4, 04/21/11 563 -2 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-4,2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 3 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Riffle TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 19.0 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 14.2 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 1.3 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 2.5 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 10.6 Entrenchment Ratio 7.0 Classification C Bankfull Elevation: 566.99 ft. r� 1{�Yn 'VSteI1I t II D;II, i!li�'il CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM [AEcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS - SECTION: 4 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft 0.00 567.19 0.00 567.20 0.03 567.23 0.00 567.30 0.16 567.17 0.07 567.19 12.00 567.31 8.62 567.22 17.27 567.51 8.2 567.21 17.84 567.46 20.00 567.31 17.85 567.48 24.76 566.99 16.15 567.51 24.27 567.17 22.60 567.24 23.91 567.20 29.31 566.19 20.07 567.38 27.39 566.55 22.90 567.22 24.58 567.12 31.10 565.54 24.3 567.24 28.73 566.10 25.00 566.91 29.38 566.26 32.37 564.53 26.83 566.63 29.60 565.97 29.70 565.87 31.79 565.27 32.40 563.89 28.45 566.45 32.11 564.78 31.80 564.94 32.50 564.59 32.51 564.14 30.05 566.15 34.04 563.41 32.30 564.61 33.79 563.92 33.93 562.86 30.9 565.82 34.88 563.22 33.20 564.19 34.15 563.41 35.92 562.92 31.35 565.58 36.03 563.17 34.00 563.29 34.24 563.23 36.79 563.14 31.81 565.15 39.56 564.32 35.00 563.10 35.00 562.96 37.79 563.54 32.12 564.59 42.14 564.77 35.70 563.33 35.73 562.95 38.49 564.38 32.23 564.34 45.37 565.44 36.90 563.50 36.43 562.97 38.75 564.01 32.52 563.98 47.50 565.97 37.90 563.80 37.00 563.19 40.05 565.41 33.07 563.65 47.74 566.10 39.00 564.30 37.93 563.33 43.69 565.49 33.86 563.18 53.16 567.13 39.50 564.63 38.59 563.60 53.25 567.36 34.55 562.98 66.62 567.03 41.60 564.98 39.29 563.93 61.84 567.03 35.31 562.94 85.71 567.08 47.40 566.05 39.78 564.27 85.78 567.27 36.39 563.05 86.21 567.18 53.70 567.12 40.61 564.91 37.36 563.39 86.29 567.18 66.00 567.09 45.05 565.52 38.67 564.04 86.30 567.25 51.46 566.48 38.95 564.57 63.23 566.92 39.27 564.35 87.29 567.32 39.48 565.13 40.58 565.55 43.6 565.4 50.38 566.45 56.17 567.28 86.11 567.28 co( _\'A'11i FE2JEcoEngineering A division fThe Jnhn R. McAdams Cnm{wny, 1-. 569 568 .. 567 4~ c 566 565 w 564 563 562 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 4 - Pool ------------------ - — — - Bankfull -­&--- Year -0, 8/22/07 • Year -1, 9/16/08 —M— Year -2, 9/11/09 9 Year -3, 6/30/10 —)IE— Year -4, 04/21/11 UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina - June, 2011 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR4, 2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 4 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Pool TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 31.4 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 21.9 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 1.4 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 3.5 ft. Width /Depth Ratio 15.3 ft. Entrenchment Ratio 0.0 ft. Classification n/a Bankfull Elevation: 566.45 ft. c� t� �' d l 1,11 'CI11t'11 CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM [AEcoEngineering A division of The Jahn R. McAdams Company, tnc. UT to Sandy Creek a EEP Project Number: 403 a USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report a Randolph County, North Carolina a June, 2011 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS- SECTION: 5 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft 0.00 568.53 0.00 568.57 -0.49 568.61 0.20 568.64 0.22 568.58 0.09 568.53 15.00 568.53 13.72 568.67 17.05 568.40 8.26 568.52 13.42 568.56 25.00 568.17 18.08 568.44 26.23 568.14 16.73 568.46 28.15 567.90 25.80 568.14 21.40 568.50 29.84 567.40 23.46 568.29 29.56 567.39 28.30 567.81 26.64 568.07 30.89 567.26 24.28 568.19 31.60 567.39 29.50 567.41 29.10 567.68 32.76 567.57 25.74 568.2 32.47 567.20 30.40 567.23 29.70 567.51 34.34 567.78 27.28 568.04 33.55 567.42 30.70 567.22 30.75 567.35 37.47 568.41 28.39 567.95 35.00 567.90 31.10 567.27 31.43 567.45 48.74 569.39 28.9 567.81 36.06 568.37 32.50 567.25 32.17 567.40 54.10 569.50 29.4 567.71 45.50 569.05 33.80 567.41 32.75 567.44 29.88 567.64 53.56 569.52 34.30 567.70 33.44 567.51 30.22 567.47 53.69 569.52 36.60 568.37 34.12 567.74 30.32 567.59 38.00 568.40 35.07 567.99 30.73 567.5 46.00 569.08 35.86 568.27 31.1 567.44 53.90 569.51 36.94 568.42 31.4 567.27 40.46 568.72 31.81 567.34 43.26 568.97 32.16 567.43 49.66 569.42 32.58 567.45 53.98 569.58 33 567.47 33.02 567.59 333 567.62 33.81 567.6 34.42 567.88 35.99 568.37 43 568.99 53.73 569.54 ::1 [JEcoEngineering A di, won of 7M John R. McAdams Company, Inc. UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 5 - Riffle 570 569 ------------------------- 0 0567- — — — • Bankfull --�— Year -0, 8/22/07 —� — Year -1, 9/16/08 566 —Year -2, 9/11/09 —A— Year -3, 6/30/10 -- 31E— Year4, 04/21/11 565 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-4,2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 5 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Riffle TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 4.2 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 9.6 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 0.4 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 0.9 ft. Width /Depth Ratio 22.0 ft. Entrenchment Ratio 10.4 ft. Classification C Bankfull Elevation: 568.19 ft. r� Will I' 11 1�I1 C11K'll CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM [AEcoEngineering A dm m- of The Jnhn R. McAdams rompvny. Inc. UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 a USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS - SECTION: 6 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station ft Flev. ft 0.50 568.58 0.00 568.57 -0.37 568.62 0.08 568.64 0.21 568.56 0.68 568.58 17.00 568.35 10.17 568.63 13.95 568.53 9.36 568.54 12.89 568.59 31.20 568.16 17.91 568.36 33.81 567.84 18.09 568.44 28.12 568.41 34.10 567.65 25.12 568.46 35.85 567.29 25.18 568.35 31.34 568.24 35.70 567.24 29.87 568.33 37.13 566.63 28.87 568.39 36.54 567.12 36.40 567.04 32.73 567.90 38.34 566.39 31.46 568.18 37.49 566.46 37.70 566.39 33.48 567.84 40.59 566.46 33.34 567.85 38.98 566.10 38.90 566.19 34.07 567.68 42.27 567.50 34.33 567.71 39.82 566.29 40.10 566.33 34.77 567.54 43.07 567.86 35.16 567.59 41.29 567.15 41.00 566.80 35.55 567.34 49.14 568.57 35.5 567.49 43.08 567.92 41.70 567.21 36.26 567.06 57.65 569.62 35.72 567.32 43.76 568.13 42.70 567.60 36.73 566.81 35.83 567.45 44.00 568.24 45.60 568.39 37.18 566.56 36.11 567.12 44.80 568.50 50.00 568.59 37.97 566.54 36.55 566.97 51.46 568.90 57.90 569.57 38.61 566.45 36.97 566.8 58.25 569.65 39.50 566.48 37.5 566.59 58.30 569.65 40.41 566.52 38.17 566.49 40.79 566.91 39.04 566.19 41.52 567.38 39.86 566.32 42.29 567.68 40.45 566.39 43.52 568.15 40.99 566.7 45.41 568.54 41.4 567.39 51.85 568.86 42.23 567.42 57.89 569.65 43.37 568.07 57.79 569.61 r� Ii lal �cteu'1 [4EcoEngineering A di m.. fnTh Jahn R. McAdams Company, Im 571 570 569 x c 568 567 w 566 565 564 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 6 - Pool — — — • Bankfull A Year -0, 8/22/07 — • Year -1, 9/16/08 —N— Year -2, 9/11/09 —6— Year -3, 6/30/10 ---I—Year -4, 04/21/11 UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fourth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • June, 2011 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-4,2011 SURVEY DATA CROSS - SECTION: 6 PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Pool TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH/PICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 8.0 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 9.6 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 0.8 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 1.7 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 11.7 Entrenchment Ratio 0.0 Classification n/a Bankfull Elevation: 567.85 ft. r-'I hicosWill 11111 t'lIR'I1 CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM IaEcoEngineering A dwism ofThe John R. MCAd— Company, Inc. 580 579 578 577 576 Z 0 F Q 575 W W 574 573 572 571 UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reaches I & II Reach 1 1 — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures — —YR -4 WS 570 ' 10000 10100 10200 10300 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 10400 10500 ®EcoEngineering A Aivil. If MAn R. McAdvna Cw y. lis. 577 576 575 574 a� 573 Z 0 F 572 W R.7 W 571 570 569 568 567 — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures — —YR -4 WS UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reaches I & 11 r - --`\ 1 1 1 1 � I / 1 1 / A � r ll I 10500 10600 10700 10800 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 10900 11000 ®EcoEngineering d--ofi I.A.R. WAd ('omp. 1rc 572 571 570 569 568 Z 0 Q 567 W a W 566 565 564 563 562 1 1 1 1 —t r / 1 ►- / ^ 1 J — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures — —YR -4 WS UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reaches I & II 1 f— Reach I I Reach II 0 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 11500 ®EcoEngineering A divisi -orT j— R. WAd Cuvpny,I- 567 565 563 Z 0 F Q 561 W W 559 557 f — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures AYR -4 WS UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reaches I & II 555 ' 11500 11600 11700 11800 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. ti miFmC%ill 11900 12000 ®EcoEngineering A Jir-of The l.hn R. hh Advrn('.m ,Inc. 563 562 561 w 560 Z 0 Q 559 w a w 558 557 556 555 UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reaches I & II T \---- .wow`R. —� -- - - -- i / 1 1 I 11 I — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures Reach II YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 )IC YR -4 Structures — —YR -4 WS 12000 12100 12200 STATION (feet) 12300 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. 12400 12500 ®EcoEngineering AJimisi— FTheJ —R. MCAd <'wny I- 578 576 574 572 w Z 0 F 570 W W 568 566 564 M Reach II110 UT to Sandy Creek - Tributary Longitudinal Profile 2011 (Year -4) Monitoring Reach III 1 \ — — — YR -0 TW YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 0 YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures — —YR -4 WS L I Reach III 562 1 1 1 1 1 1 20000 20050 20100 20150 20200 20250 20300 20350 20400 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally on average 10 feet. Structures were used as a guide. Year -3 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. ®EcoEngineering A-11— .'1 3-1R McAdams ('mmpmYlnc. 4 YEAR, 2011 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAME UT TO SANDY CREEK TASK LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FEATURE/FACET SLOPE REACHES UT to Sandy Creek and Minor Tributary LENGTH, AND SPACING AND DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE DATA CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Sandy Creek 4 Year Monitoring Data Sheet 1 of 3 UT to Sandy Creek Reach I Overall water surface slope = 10% DESIGN AVG Riffle 04% WS sta start = 10005 27 ft Run WS sta end= 11405 34 ft p p spacing 62 ELEV Start= 579 53 ft msl ELEV End= 566 03 ft msl Results Results n = MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 16 034% 290% 441% 2227% Run slopes measured = 14 008% 820% 916% 2870% Pools measured = 23 14 56 59 109 All data reported in units of feet unless otherwise specified UT to Sandy Creek Reach II Feature Station Overall water surface slope = 1% DESIGN AVG UT to Sandy Creek I Riffle 04% WS sta start= 11427 87 ft 16 Run RIFFLE 261 WS sta end = 12349 06 ft 034% p p spacing 62 ELEV Start= 566 01 ft msl 290% RIFFLE 342 ELEV End= 560 59 ft msl 441% RIFFLE 403 11 332% MAX = Results RIFFLE 462 14 498% n= MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 8 065% 220% 306% 752% Run slopes measured = 9 011% 6 09% 8 31 % 2053% Pools measured = 14 17 48 63 168 Sandy Creek 4 Year Monitoring Data Sheet 1 of 3 UT to Sandy Creek Reach III Overall water surface slope = 2% DESIGN AVG Riffle 17% WS sta start= 20008 47 ft Run WS sta end= 20390 92 ft p p spacing 46 ELEV Start = 573 98 ft msl ELEV End= 565 40 ft msl Results n = MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 3 206% 864% 703% 1039% Run slopes measured = 4 177% 588% 894% 2222% Pools measured = 6 30 54 60 122 All data reported in units of feet unless otherwise specified Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek I RIFFLE 136 23 176% n = 16 RIFFLE 261 15 614% MIN = 034% RIFFLE 303 7 776% MEDIAN = 290% RIFFLE 342 18 3 15% AVG = 441% RIFFLE 403 11 332% MAX = 2227% RIFFLE 462 14 498% RIFFLE 571 20 218% RIFFLE 706 2 2227% Sandy Creek 4 Year Monitoring Data Sheet 1 of 3 RIFFLE 751 16 245% RIFFLE 904 24 034% RIFFLE 1005 25 462% RIFFLE 1099 15 368% RIFFLE 1158 15 235% ' RIFFLE 1191 17 265% RIFFLE 1270 31 192% RIFFLE 1405 21 091% Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek II RIFFLE 1759 37 156% n = 8 RIFFLE 1873 17 202% MIN = 065% RIFFLE 1939 10 532% MEDIAN = 220% RIFFLE 2028 21 238% AVG = 306% RIFFLE 2100 13 752% MAX = 752% RIFFLE 2124 5 065% RIFFLE 2178 7 202% RIFFLE 2230 12 304% Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek Ill RIFFLE 20114 8 206% n = 3 RIFFLE 20234 9 1039% MIN = 206% RIFFLE 20325 2 864% MEDIAN = 864% AVG = 703% MAX = 1039% Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek I RUN 159 2 1129% n = 14 RUN 276 8 4 51 % MIN = 008% RUN 310 1 986% MEDIAN = 820% RUN 360 8 262% AVG = 916% RUN 414 25 3 11% MAX = 2870% RUN 476 1 2870% RUN 591 3 160% RUN 767 16 088% RUN 928 9 1936% RUN 1030 15 1024% RUN 1114 11 1960% RUN 1174 6 903% RUN 1207 2 737% RUN 1300 13 008% Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek II RUN 1426 2 2053% n = 9 RUN 1797 6 662% MIN = 011% RUN 1890 2 1515% MEDIAN = 609% RUN 1949 19 552% AVG = 831% RUN 2049 18 011% MAX = 2053% RUN 2113 5 210% RUN 2128 8 1683% RUN 2185 10 181% RUN 2242 2 609% Sandy Creek 4 Year Momtonng Data Sheet 2 of 3 Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek III RUN -20001 61 294% n = 4 RUN 20122 1 177% MIN = 177% RUN 20243 4 2222% MEDIAN = 588% RUN 20327 8 882% AVG = 894% MAX = 2222% Feature Station Length p -p spacing UT to Sandy Creek I POOL 39 21 n = 23 POOL 102 25 63 MIN = 14 (p p spacing) POOL 186 34 83 MEDIAN = 56 POOL 229 43 43 AVG = 59 POOL 285 24 56 MAX = 109 POOL 324 24 40 POOL 375 34 51 POOL 439 37 63 POOL 484 27 45 POOL 527 37 43 POOL 604 38 77 POOL 699 12 95 POOL 713 36 14 POOL 794 36 80 POOL 850 32 57 POOL 937 18 87 POOL 954 10 17 POOL 978 25 24 POOL 1045 27 66 POOL 1074 31 29 POOL 1124 38 51 POOL 1218 57 94 POOL 1327 28 109 Feature Station Length p -p spacing UT to Sandy Creek II POOL 1431 9 n = 14 POOL 1449 22 17 MIN = 17 (p p spacing) POOL 1564 51 115 MEDIAN = 48 POOL 1674 10 110 AVG = 63 POOL 1696 34 22 MAX = 168 POOL 1807 12 111 POOL 1831 25 24 POOL 1894 12 63 POOL 1914 15 19 POOL 2082 44 168 POOL 2118 8 36 POOL 2137 32 19 POOL 2207 40 71 POOL 2255 21 48 Feature Station Length p -p spacing UT to Sandy Creek III POOL 20071 12 ' n = 6 POOL 20126 7 54 MIN = 30 (p p spacing) POOL 20247 8 122 MEDIAN = 54 POOL 20277 25 30 AVG = 60 POOL 20336 24 59 MAX = 122 POOL 20372 7 36 Sandy Creek 4 Year Monitoring Data Sheet 3 of 3 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Histogram I I, Year 4 i INS 11 1111 7M 1 r ��111 (�K Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 403 CROSS - SECTION: 1 FEATURE: RIFFLE 'N. 111 TV F V �m'l lt PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ /PARRISH Material Size Ran a mm Count UT Sandy silt/clay 0 0.062 - -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Nnte: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy very coarse sand 1 2 100 °!° - -- 90 °!° very fine gravel 2 4 80 °!° fine gravel 4 6 fine gravel 6 B medium gravel 8 11 70% ~ 60% medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel 11 16 16 22 r 22 32 ii 50% very coarse gravel very coarse gravel 32 45 45 64 40% ' small cobble medium cobble large cobble 64 90 90 128 128 180 a 30% 20% 10% t 4. °!° very large cobble 180 256 small boulder 256 362 0 small boulder 362 512 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder large boulder 512 1024 1024 2048 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item very lar a boulder 2048 4096 Size pet-cent less than mm Percent by substrate type bedrock D16 D35 D50 1)84 D95 —silt/clay sand I gravel I cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count 100 0 195 0.47 133 27 38 0% 1 46% 1 54% r 6% 1 0% i 0°!° 30 25 c 20 15 10 0 5 0 O� O Histogram ■Year 1 ■Year 2 OYear 3 ■Year 4 Opp Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 403 CROSS - SECTION: 3 FEATURE: RIFFLE �111a11 '('.11�1C11t PROGRAM PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ /PARRISH Material Size Range mm Count UT Sandy silt/clay 0 0.062 - -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 - -- fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand very coarse sand 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy 100% -- 90% very fine gravel 80% fine gravel 4 6 fine gravel 6 8 medium gravel 8 11 70% ' L ~ 60 °!° r_■ medium gravel 11 16 °' � 50% coarse gravel 16 22 coarse gravel 22 32 very coarse gravel 32 45 a 40 °!0 very coarse gravel 45 64 small cobble 64 90 a 30% medium cobble large cobble 90 128 128 180 20% 10% + very large cobble 180 256 small boulder 256 362 0% small boulder 362 512 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder large boulder 512 1024 1024 2048 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item very large oulderl 2048 4096 Size percent less than mm Percent by substrate type bedrock D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/clay sand I gravel I cobble I boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 100 1 11 0 120 1 0.34 0 7 6 64 0% 60% r 35% r 5% 1 0% 1 0% Histogram 50 m 40 t31 30 r 20 10 0 ■Year 1 ■Year 2 DYear 3 ■Year 4 O'Zrp 'p '� O ��O 01. ODD ��O O Particle Size (mm) EP PROJECT ID: 403 ROSS - SECTION: 5 FEATURE: RIFFLE E lai me nt �eaa+rwr PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 04/19/2011 to 04/21/2011 CREW BUCHHOLZ/PARRISH Material Size Ran 0 a mm Count 0.062 UT Sandy silt/clay - -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 fine sand 0.13 0.25 Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 100% Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy very coarse sand 1 2 90% very fine gravel 2 4 fine gravel 4 6 fine gravel 6 8 80% medium gravel 8 11 t 70% medium gravel 11 16 ~ 60% coarse gravel 16 22 coarse gravel 22 32 iL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 40 °r6 very coarse gravel 45 64 64 90 a 30% small cobble medium cobble 90 128 20% large cobble 128 160 10% very large cobble 180 256 0% small boulder 256 362 small boulder 362 512 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder 512 1024 Particle Size (mm) — F— cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 Size percent less than rnm Percent b substrate type very lar a boulder 2048 4096 bedrock D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/clay sand ravel I cobble I boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 100 0.089 0.13 0.2 0 60 0% 1 91% r 5% r 4% 1 0% 1 0% APPENDIX E Wetland Assessment (Omitted, Not Applicable) APPENDIX F Project Photo Stations PHOTOGRAPH I: RIP -RAP. HEAD OF UT -I. PHOTOGRAPH 2: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 100+12. PHOT06RAPH 3: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 100 +-73. PHOTOGRAPH 4: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. 5TA: IOI +Oq. Peo,ecr �o. EEP -08030 ` UT to SANDY CREEK T �/�/'�T �.(.E` ' ■ , �.( 110N 1` j AftoEngineering A division of T'6e John R McAdam Company, Inc. � FTLENAYE: EEP08030X.DWG t� 9 SCALE: NTS { StI \,J �,/1�(, MONM11MG PHO'POGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: Q4 -26 —jj I �� ��x ,t.��I`'�'� 1 ,�.` �DOLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 361 -5000 PHOT06RAP14 5: GROSS VANE. 5TA: 101 +40. PHOTOGRAPH b: GON5TRUGTED RIFFLE. 5TA: 102 +25. PROJECT NO. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK E�jEcoEngineering > eiLeraArE: EEP0 1 0X.DWG Dom, ` MR pnn0N ljri►7 j <Jj�� 1� A division of TLe John R McAdams Compny, Inc. a scAi E: N TS Steffi MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS }� 1 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARR, NC 04 -26 -11 l� a�ll`C_]ll1�l (91 BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 RANDOIPFi COUNTY, NC (919) BOX PHOT06RAPH -1: CRO55 VANE. 5TA: 102 +85. PHOT06 ZAPH 8: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE. 5TA: 103 +15. eRalecr No. EEP -08030 In �� UT to SANDY CREEK �� /��O�T 1`[� l� ® A division of The John R McAdams �y,�. F"E ""E: EEP08030X.DWG 9 a SCALE: NTS �m MONMR ING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC ATEi 04 -26 -11 E ' ' �E_ Il RANDOUgi COUMY, NC P.0. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (91a) aal -soon PHOTOGRAPH q: RIP -RAP FOR WETLAND AREA. PHOTOGRAPH 10: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. 5TA: 103 +88. PROJECT NO. EEP -08030 r4i OJT to SANDY CREEK 1 <Jj\C1 STO PnON RlEcoEngineering A division of TLe Jo}m R McAduma ComVany, Inc. FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG 9 tv SCALE: N } s+sleni MONTPORIIVG PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TTtIANGIE PARK, NC S ! P.O. BOX 14005 UP 27709 -4005 [n DATE: 04 -ZG —� � f 1 i 1 +� - +�� 1 /���/�� �L7 7�T DO PH COUNTY, 1�C (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 11: GROSSING. STA: 104+23. PHOTOGRAPH 12: GRO% VANE. 5TA: 104 +75. PROJECT !vo. EEP -08030 ` UT to SANDY CREEK ®F°F"A"E EEP08030X.DWG RE D TIOl\ n i`(, A diviaon of'I3e Joim R M9 SCALE: N TS ( MONMRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARR, -4 NC (/? OATE: V%-stem ,1 P.O. BOX 14005 2B: 27709 -400 04 -26 -11 1.��� l� RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 13: CROE75 VANE. 5TA: 105 +b2. PHOTOGRAPH 14: "A" VANE. 5TA: 106 +60. A Peoiecr No. EEP -08030 r � UT to SANDY CREEK l�`���Oj�T lv ElEcoEngineering A divirion of The John R McAdams Canny, Inc. FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG [4 a SCALE: N TS "-stem MONI'T'ORING PHOrPOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRUNDLE PARK, NC �, .A. 04 -26 —�� I r'j1 1 i'l �l�'ll TT1��1 RANDOI�%i CO ^` , NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4D05 (919) 381 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 15: RIP -RAP. PHOTOGRAPH lb: CRO55 VANE. 5TA: 107 +4q. CT NO. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK R &MR /ApON j� E�jEcoEngineBring A division of T e John R. McAdams Company, Inc. AME: EEP08030X.DWG IF : N TS '1 �� MONTPURING PHO"POGRAPHS RsseARC6 TaIANCIE PARI{, xC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 04 -26 -�� ,�Ltem� RANDOLPH COUNTY. NC (919) 961 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 17: GROSS VANE. STA: 108 +11. PHOTOGRAPH 18: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. STA: 108 +77. P -08030 �� UT to SANDY CREEK it �RA�ON ®EcoEngineering A divirioo of T'he Joha R McAd�e Coapmy, Inc. 8030X.DWG ED �'M�. N TS tem 4 MONMIUNG PHOTOGRAPHS BOXH1400 GZIP — ZF) —�� Ill ,Cll i�L11 \LV1dH l.�lJl \lls l�li P.O. 270 9-4005 (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 19: "A" VANE. STA: I0G +14. PHOTOGRAPH 20: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. 5TA:109 +58. (!IDATE: PROJECT No' EEP -08030 �� to SANDY CREEK ®EcoEngineering FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG RC/17 MR TION i�j A division of 1Le John R McAdms Conq my, Inc. SCALE: N TS 5te[ll Mob=RING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04 -26 -11 Ill RANDOIPH C.OU1�TlY. NC (919)H38115000 ZIP 27709 -4005 PHOTOGRAPH 21: GRO55 VANE. STA: 110 +26. PHOTOGRAPH 22: 60N5TRUGTED RIPPLE. 5TA: 110 +58. PROJECT No. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK E�jftoEngineering > e�'eN""E: EEP08030X.DWG DEMR TION c�s'.�. 1` i�(111 A division of The John R McAdams v SCALE: N TS liff tL'lC/Il_I MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC ATE: 04 -26 -11 .�l`'�l P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 29909 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 381 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 23: GROSSING. STA: III +32. PHOTOGRAPH 24: GROSS VANE. STA: III +66. Peaecr No. EEP -08030 �y to SANDY CREEK 1 <,JI`[i ���E��,.C���D /��ON ©EcoEng iring A division of The Joh m}my, Inc. �"�"A1`E EEP08030X.DWG � scale: N TS j�(j�� SteM /w./ MONTIPURING PHONOGRAPHS REsEARCB TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: 04 -26 —�� I2ANWLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -400 (919) 961 -5000 PHOT06RAPH 25: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. STA: 112 +15. PHOTOE�RAPH 26: GR055 VANE. STA: 112 +70. IN VDATE: . EEP -08030 ��- UT to SANDY CREEK AEcoEngineering FILENAME: EP08030X.DWG PEAMI� HON ►J 1 <Jl\L ] A divmm of TLe John R McAdm Campmy, Inc. N TS �} E j �j[IIl_I MONTPORIlVG PHOTOGRAPHS RMEARCH MANGLE PARK. NC 04 -26 —�� p it i(Il�,�ll'll P.O . BOX 14005 ZIP 27708 -4005 RiiNDOIBH COLTNIY, NC (919) 381 -5000 PHOT06RAP14 27: "A" VANE. 5TA: 113 +60. PHOT06RAPH 28: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 115 +15. EDATE: EP -08030 ��- UT to SANDD�Y /CREEK [aEcoEngineering 08030X.DWG ��1�L'�C�/jYll�l lON }p 1 N 1 V A division of Tbc John R. McAdams Cerny, Inc. N TS S ll [ ll MONTPORING PHOTOGRAPHS 1l t]� ((jl RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 4 —Z6 —� ill ' �1� ll1 �! 1 If P.O. BOX 14005 UP 27709 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 2G: "A" VANE. STA: 116 +2G. PHOTOGRAPH 30: "A" VANE. STA: II-7 +58. ff ECT NO. EEP -08030 � UT to SANDY CREEK ©EcoEngineenng AME: EEP08030X.DWG �1`�� /►/�O�►T x('111 lr A division of The John R McAdams (omp�y, Inc. : N TS ' ISGStITI MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS t yy II rr PP..O. BOX 1 005 G P 27 09 -4005 04-26-11 ! �.�� P.�.. � r�. l RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 .a. PHOTOGRAPH 31: "A" VANE. STA: 10 +46. PHOTOGRAPH 32: GROSS VANE. STA: IIq +O-1. ff4FILENAME: CT No. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK ©EcoEnginearing EEP08030X.DWG R(,�`�M F flO T ['�7i `, J jam, lv A division of The John R McAdams Comp®y, Inc. : N TS SteCil mowmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04 -26 -1 l� -��y P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 P� RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 33: GONSTRUGTED RIFFLE. STA: 120 +25. PHOTOGRAPH 34: RIP -RAP. WETLAND DRAINAGE. PROJECT N0. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK I EcoEngineering 4 FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG REM Rt / nnON 1.71 <Jj�('1 it A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. CSCALE: N TS �C(ISV!+teljl MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: O4 —Z6 —� it l�. P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 35: RIP -RAP. WELTAND DRAINA67E. PH0T06RAPH 36: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 122 +00. P -08030 ��- UT to SANDY CREEK RT,�`�rj R PnON GJ 1 <JItCi lr ®EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 8030X.DWG E.A d N TS , i{tem MONrmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC —26 -11 I Ill lal ,ll��L�ll RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14000 ZIP 27709 -4005 PHOTOGRAPH 37: RIP -RAP. HEAD OF UT -2. PHOTOGRAPH 38: GRO55 VANE. STA: 200 +5-7. PROJECT N0. EEP -08030 �� OJT to SANDY CREEK ©EcoEngineering FILENAME EEP08030X.DWG �� /��ON 1\L i lr A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. tC SCALE: N TS 1SVste[ll1 MONnx)RING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PAR-, - S ��'d11C'C111Ci1 P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 DATE: 04 -26 -11 1 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 3G: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 201 +I6. PHOTOGRAPH 40: GRO55 VANE. 5TA: 202 +64. ® PROJECT NO. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK ® eILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG REC/j�nR TION 0 REM RATION V 1�C� 1 j 1 r A division of The John k McAdams Company, Inc. dSCALE: N TS L, svti{tem MONPTORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARR, NC '1L1L��il P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 DATE: 04 -26 -11 i l �DOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 41: GROSS VANE. STA: 203 +15. PHOTOGRAPH 42: GROSS VANE. STA. 203 +58. PROJECT N0. EEP- 08030 L7 to SANDY CREEK ©EcoEngineering E "NAME: EEP08030X.DWG I�`�� /��ON 4 �('j A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. a , t7 SCALE: N TS ' )SYSte[ll . mowmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC S 1 - UA1�T 7 n *T P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNIY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 43: GROSS SECTION I LOOKING UPSTREAM. PHOTOGRAPH 44: GROSS SECTION I LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. PROJECT EEP -08030 �~ UT to SANDY CREEK �EcoEngineering P08030X.DWG I<( REMD / nON A division of The John R McAdams Company , Inc. N TS titCM : MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04-26 -11 ��: :���.`�.'i11. L I RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 45: GROSS SECTION I LOOKING AT THE LEFT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 46: GROSS SECTION I LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 41: GR055 5EGTION I LOOKING AT THE 5UB5TRATE GOMP051TION. PHOTOGRAPH 48: GRO55 SEGETION 2 LOOKING UPSTREAM. ® PROJECT No. EEP -08030 r.y UT to CREEK AEcoEngineering FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG NSMDY RE 1 RATION A division of The John R_ McAdam Company, Inc. 9 SCALE: N TS , ti{{ t3�[Lj] MONITORING PHONOGRAPHS RES EARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC DATE: 04-26-11 77 ,I i RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC: 919)H36115000 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) BOX PHOTOGRAPH 4G: GROSS 5EGTION 2 LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. PHOTOGRAPH 50: GRO55 5EGTION 2 LOOKING AT THE LEFT BANK. OJECT No. EEP -08030 r� to SANDY CREEK AftoEngineering ENAME: EEP08030X.DWG ����� /� 'nON jam, A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. SCALE: N TS Stefla MONMIUNG PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC O4- 26 —��� 1'lv' llll,�l' P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 [ 1 LOL�H COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 51. GROSS SECTION 2 LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 52: GROSS SECTION 2 LOOKING AT THE SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION. IS PROJECT N0. EEP -08030 �y UT to SANDY CREEK �1`�� /�/j�Ojr\T 1�('i 11 lv E�jftoEngineering A division of 1 he )o}m R McAdams Company, Inc. FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG 4 a SCALE: N TS ' r 'VStelll MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: 04 -26 —� 1 1d110E111� sDQ�H COUNTY. N('. P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 381 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 53: GROSS SEEGTION 3 LOOKING UPSTREAM. PHOTOGRAPH 54: GROSS SECTION 3 LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. PR OJECT "O. EEP -08030 tT to SANDY CREEK ®EcoEngineering FILE "AME: EEP08030X.DWG ����D /tIPnON �'j A 8ivision of 13e John R McAdams Coa�any, Inc. SCALE: N TS , t 1 jy`(tr1I1_I MONTPORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PAR%. NC (L!� DATE: 04 -26-1 1 .1l l"llll ]]](1111 RANDOLPH COUNTY. NC BOX ZIP 27709 -4005 PHOTOGRAPH 55: GROSS SEGTION 3 LOOKING AT THE BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 56: GROSS SECTION 3 LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PROJECT N0. EEP-08030 4 UT to SANDY CREEK ®EcoEngineering F11eNa1sE: EEP08030X.DWG �� ?lE�� e/�Oj�T N 1 V 11 1 \ A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. 9 SCALE: N TS , `J i �[ SVStr[ll , MONTTORING PHO'T'OGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC GATE: 04 -26 -11 �`' RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 981 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 57: GROSS SECTION 3 LOOKING AT THE SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION. PHOTOGRAPH 58: GROSS SECTION 4 LOOKING UPSTREAM. Is PROJECT N0. EEP -08030 r'" UT to SANDY CREEK E�IftoEngineering FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG ]�,�{�C/jY>� /�/�ON 9 j� 1 <,Jjt(111 A division of The John R McAdams Company, Ire. a SCALE: N TS j 71S4ti(t�Injl- MONrmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC 04 -26 —� it il�_ �Uw lT���111 T �7�� 1�T P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (/] DATE: 1�„ 1 �DOLCH COVI� 11 , 1�C (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 5G: GROSS SEGTION 4 LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. PHOTOGRAPH 60: GROSS SEGTION 4 LOOKING AT THE LEFT BANK. FFFILENAME: ECT N0. EEP -08030 �~ UT to SANDY CREEK MEcoEngineering EEP08030X.DWG ���E`� /��ON (�!g nJ 1 <Jl�('� A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. : N TS , system MONTI'ORIlVG PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04 -26 -11 k , iall) llld P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (ale) 981 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 61: GRO55 SECTION 4 LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 62: GROSS SECTION 4 LOOKING AT THE SUBSTRATE GOMPOSITION. ® PROJECT "o. EEP- 08030 UT to SANDY CREEK AlEcoEngineering r. FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG j ` J j� j REC�MR /��oN A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. t7 a SCALE: NTS 1SYSteM MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC 04 -26 -11 1811W) Wil RANDOLPH COUNTY. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 3e1-5000 PHOTOGRAPH 63: GROSS SECTION 5 LOOKING UPSTREAM. PHOTOGRAPH 64: GROSS SECTION 5 LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. KDATE EEP -08030 to SANDY CREEK lEcoEngineering P08030X.DWG REj MROTIOj�T iJ1J 1 \ 11�C� 1 \ A division of The John R McAdam Company, I=. tW NTS WSW MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS l P O. BOXH 14 05NG P 27 09-4005 0 4-26-1 1 I�r,. RA7�7DO PH CO7T1� lY, NC 919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 65: GROSS SECTION 5 LOOKING AT THE LEFT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH bb: GROSS SECTION 5 LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 67: GROSS SECTION 5 LOOKING AT THE SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION. PHOTOGRAPH 68. GR055 SEGTION 6 LOOKING UPSTREAM. a PROJECT No. EEP -08030 �� UT to SANDY CREEK AEcoEngineering 4 FILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG T ]��� K e�ON A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc. C7 sCALE: NTS 1�L i ' St�[il MONI PORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE P,�, NC S p �� P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 m DATE: 04 -26 -11 M a� �1�k�1 RANDOLPH COUNM NC (919) 301 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH bG: GROSS SECTION b LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. PHOT06RAPH -70: GROSS SECTION b LOOKING AT THE LEFT BANK. PROJECT No. EEP -08030 to SANDY CREEK �EcoEngin eILENAME: EEP08030X.DWG �y`�� /r►�ON n i`(1 A division of TLe John R Mcc S�A>�: stem MONITORING PHOTOGRAPHS � N TS RESEARCR TRIANGLE PARR, NC / DATE: 04 -Z6 —� 1111d11CLIl�RANDOLPH �.DUNTY, NC. P.O. ZIP 27709 -400 PHOTOGRAPH 71: GROSS SEGTION b LOOKING AT THE RIGHT BANK. PHOTOGRAPH 72: GROSS SEGTION b LOOKING AT THE SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION. PROJECT EEP -08030 r UT to SANDY CREEK ���E`� /��Oj�T %1.711,J11('1 lr ®EcoEngine"C=Vwy, �Inc. A division of The John R McAdams P08030 X.DWG V.A N TS ►SYtite(/Il MONI'T'ORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEAR CH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04 —•zs —� 11 �-i l }l'� .l ll l �. RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919> 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH -73: VEGETATION PLOT 4 PHOTOGRAPH -74: VEGETATION PLOT 5. EDATE: EP-08030 ` OJT to SANDY CREEK ®EcoEngin�er g 0803OX.DWG ]E�;�R Q 'nON A division of TLe Joho R McA, Inc. N TS 1 �L , j7 stem MONTPORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC �Il IaIICJ llll'll P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 4 -26 -11 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361-5000 PHOTOGRAPH -75: VE6ETATION PLOT 6. PHOTOGRAPH -76: VIEW OF FLOODPLAIN LOOKING DOWNSTREAM. OJECT N0. EEP -08030 UT to SANDY CREEK �1�� /��i�iol►T ®EcoEngineering A divvion of The John R McAdams Comp�ay, Inc. ENAME: EEP08030X.DWG !f.CATE: LE: N TS SYtit�[ll 1\[i 11 lr MONUORING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 04 -26 -11 - �� aIXL l }CIS' RANDOLPH COUNTY. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 361 -5000 PHOTOGRAPH 77: VEGETATION PLOT q LOOKING INTO MONITORING PLOT FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER. VEGETATION PLOT G HAS ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED BY EEP DURING MY -04. ECOENGINEERING SURVEY LOCATED AND PHOTOGRAPHED MONITORING PLOT. PHOTOGRAPH 78: VEGETATION PLOT 8 LOOKING INTO MONITORING PLOT FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER. VEGETATION PLOT 8 WAS ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED BY EEP DURING MY -04. EGOENGINEERING SURVEY LOCATED AND PHOTOGRAPHED MONITORING PLOT. J PROJECT "o. EEP -08030 �y UT to SANDY CREEK AffiEcoEngineering E "e "AxE: EEP0803OX.DWG ���� /��ON j`[, lv A division of The John K McAdams Company, Inc. a SCALE: N TS , 1SVsteni mowmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: 04 -26 -11 jj 1 }}�( II lll j I il� ,.��ll,l_1 E�'LI �QLPH COUNT , 1�C COUNTY, P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 (919) 361-5000 PHOTOGRAPH 7a: VEGETATION PLOT 7 LOOKING INTO MONITORING PLOT FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER. VEGETATION PLOT 7 WAS ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED BY EEP DURING MY -04. EGOENOINEERINO SURVEY LOCATED AND PHOTOGRAPHED MONITORING PLOT. EDATE JECT No. EEP -08030 �~ OJT to SANDY CREEK ®EcoEngineering FILENAME: EEP0803OX.DWG �1�� /��O�T j�Ci lr A division of T he John R McAdams Cody, Inc. E: N TS MowmRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC : 04 —ZB —�� ! �" la��'`���� P.O. BOX ZIP 27709 -4005 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC (919) 361 -5000