HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051690 Ver 1_Closeout Request_2012071010 July 2012 Todd Tugwell Special Project Manager Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers 11405 Falls of the Neuse Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 Dear Mr Tugwell, Introduction and Background Carbonton Dam (the Project) was removed in late 2005 and early 2006 to provide stream mitigation for the NCEEP As indicated by the results of the Project monitoring program — from 2006 - 2010 —the removal has provided numerous ecological benefits to the Deep River and its tributaries Among the most remarkable improvements is the re- colonization of the Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mek►stocholas), which has now been observed in numerous places within the Deep River as well as the two largest tributaries within the former impoundment— McClendons and Big Governors creeks Additional benefits within the former impoundment include (but are not limited to) increased dissolved oxygen concentrations and improved habitat for lotic communities As you know, the close out process for this particular project has been somewhat protracted During the initial close out site visit on October 13, 2011, the various participating agencies expressed several concerns about the monitoring program Specifically, there were concerns the Project's monitoring program design focused too much on the main stem of the Deep River and its major tributaries and not enough on the minor tributaries We need to reiterate for the record, although I'm certain you are aware, this monitoring program was designed, with agency input, several years ago (dating back to 2002 when it was proposed as a mitigation bank) While we do not disagree with the agencies concerns regarding minor tributaries, we hope you recognize the monitoring program was implemented as designed and approved One of the major objectives of the October site visit was the agency investigation into the suitability of the Project's major tributary habitat to support rare species (the Cape Fear P 0 Bov 29921 1u tin l X 78755 512 2 113779 www i ivei b inkeLosystenis coin Shiner and various mussel species) The NCWRC and USFWS visited reaches along Big Governors and McClendon creeks during the site visit No rare species were observed, and WRC's conclusions regarding the development of appropriate habitat were summarized in Travis Wilson's email to you (copy enclosed) This email communicates a position that the Cape Fear Shiner is not likely to use McClendons Creek, however, since appropriate habitat was available for rare mussel species, future colonization for rare mussels may occur Regarding Big Governors Creek, Mr Wilson concluded that suitable substrate was not observed during the field visit He suggested that as silt /clay sediments are transported out of the system, habitat would continue to improve, supporting rare species Other concerns were raised regarding tributaries for one, Line Creek is currently impounded by beaver dams and therefore not free - flowing, as it has been for several years, and second, the hydrological statuses of the project's smaller tributaries may have shifted from perennial to intermittent following dam removal, thereby presenting credit implications Setting the tributaries issue aside for a moment, you also raised three other issues I'd like to summarize here 1) a NCWRC boat ramp within the former impoundment was "stranded" following the dam's removal, the loss of which has not yet been offset, 2) the park was supposed to have informational signs, which were not posted as of the October site visit, and you wondered whether work had actually been performed at the park that would qualify the effort for bonus credits, and 3) you were unaware of what was provided and produced as part of the project's academic research bonus criterion Accompanying this letter are various materials documenting the work accomplished relating to the project's bonus criteria and to the stranded NCWRC boat ramp In addition, we propose a close out approach that will eliminate the need to further investigate ALL minor tributaries, the crediting of which was raised as a potential complication during the October site visit Recent Project Developments Since the October 2011 site visit two separate observations of Cape Fear Shiners have been made and documented by Tim Savidge of The Catena Group (02 December 2011 and 23 April 2012, enclosed) The first observation was of a single individual identified by Neil Medlin of NCDOT in McClendons Creek in the vicinity of SR 1006 on 22 November 2011 The Catena Group at the same location on 12 April 2012 later observed eleven Cape Fear Shiner individuals That same day, The Catena Group observed 5 Cape Fear Shiner in Big Governors Creek below the SR 1625/1318 crossing Therefore, since the October 2011 site visit, 17 Cape Fear Shiner observations have been made in McClendon and Big Governors creeks within the former Carbonton Impoundment, indicating these tributaries are providing habitat for at one protected species With the help of Mr Travis Wilson of the NCWRC, Restoration Systems was able to figure out what was expected of it in order to replace the lost recreational benefits of the stranded boat ramp It appears, based on Shannon Deaton's letter (29 November 2011, enclosed), that the issue was left unresolved for several years, but that this was not the fault of 2 CARBONTON DAM REMOVAL CLOSE OUT Restoration Systems Ms Deaton concluded that a contribution of $20,000 to NCWRC would be adequate to offset its expenses to establish an alternative boat launch at a nearby Deep River Park Association park Regarding the second issue you and the agencies raised outside of protected species habitat during the October site visit (park signs and work performed), Restoration Systems has created and installed two informational signs (pictures enclosed) One discusses the dam removal project and the realized ecological benefits, while the second discusses history in the Carbonton area To provide you with some concept of the work performed to construct the park, we've provided you with the park's site plans (enclosed) As you can see extensive work was performed at the park, which required an additional land purchase outside of Restoration System's commitment to the NCEEP We've also enclosed a copy of a letter from the Deep River Park Association (owner and manager of Carbonton Park) to the NCEEP as testament to the recreational benefits the park has thus far provided One final issue to discuss before addressing the outstanding tributary concerns is that of academic research Restoration Systems and the USF'WS provided unrestricted gifts (totaling $170,000) to UNC's Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering While the gifts were unrestricted, it was asked that the funds be used to study the environmental implications of dam removal, studying Carbonton and Lowell dam removals specifically These funds were used, along with other grants, to support the research activities of Dr Riggsbee and Dr Julian as well as numerous undergraduates and high school students seeking field research experience In all, relating to Carbonton, these funds resulted in 2 dissertations and 4 peer - reviewed publications involving the Carbonton reach of the Deep River The peer - reviewed publications have appeared in some of the more prestigious scientific, engineering and water resources journals (Science, Journal Geophysical Research and Water Resources Research) Each of these articles (enclosed) not only expanded the understanding of dam removals, they also provide insight into broader fluvial geomorphic and biogeochemical processes as well national environmental policy In all, we are proud of this public- private partnership and its resulting scientific contributions Now to the tributary concerns while we acknowledge the IRT's concerns on this particular issue are legitimate, we do not believe this needs to occupy any more time and energy We propose here what we believe to be the most practical solution to rapidly close this successful mitigation project out Our proposed approach is fairly simple credit the Deep River, McClendons Creek, Big Governors Creek and Little Governors Creek portions of the project to their maximum potential per the 2004 Dam Removal Guidance (69,301 SMUs), and combine with the maximum bonus criteria credit potential (25,334 SMUs) Collectively, these two sources of credits are adequate to compensate for Restoration Systems' commitment to NCEEP of 90,494 SMUs Meaning, if this solution is accepted by the IRT, nothing more needs to be done regarding the project's smaller tributaries (Line Creek, Lick Creek and Tributaries 1 -11) This approach will result in a surplus of 4,141 SMUs, and RS is willing to forego any rights they may have to sell these credits CARBONTON DAM REMOVAL CLOSE OUT , 3 Conclusion We trust the information contained in this letter and its enclosures will be adequate support for you to close out the Carbonton project with relative expedience As most agency representatives said during the October site visit, this project has been remarkably successful on several levels Therefore, there is no need to further delay the Project's closure The most practical way forward for all parties at this point is to focus the credit accounting efforts on the most successful portions of the project (Deep River, major tributaries and bonus criteria), while removing the minor tributaries from any further credit analysis This approach will allow for a nearly immediate close out of Carbonton, giving the agencies and Restoration Systems much needed time and resources to dedicate to other projects As always, please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any additional information or to answer any questions you may have It has been a pleasure working with you, and I'm hopeful we can come to a swift resolution to the project's outstanding questions and concerns Sincerely, )AII, J Adam Riggsbee Enclosures (11) 4 CARBONTON DAM REMOVAL CLOSE OUT From John Preyer <jpreyer@restorationsystems com> Subject FW Carbonton field review October 13 Date October 14 2011 12 32 49 PM CDT To George Howard <george @restorationsystems com> Randy Turner <randy @restorationsystems com> Worth Creech <worth @restorationsystems com> Adam Riggsbee <adam @riverbankecosystems com> Just got this Original Message From Wilson Travis W [mailto travis wilson @ncwildlife org] Sent Friday October 14 2011 1 26 PM To Tugwell Todd SAW Cc John Preyer Ellison Michael Haupt Mac Pearce Guy Russell Penann Fritz Rohde McCorcle Justin P SAW McLendon Scott C SAW Baumgartner Tim Eaton Larry Mike Wicker @fws gov tsavidge @thecatenagroup com Matt Cusack (Matthew Cusack @atkinsglobal com) (Matthew Cusack @atkinsglobal com) Heise Ryan J Cox David R Subject Carbonton field review October 13 The comments below are in response to WRC observations from the field assessment on October 13 Big Governors Creek We reviewed this site from the crossing of Steel Bridge Road to the confluence with the Deep This area should give an adequate representation of the Big Governors and Little Governors stream reaches It also encompasses the monitoring site referenced in the reports Restoration of appropriate aquatic community (Big /Little Governors Creeks) Data collected during monitoring year 4 identifies multiple species associated with lotic communities Although suitable lotic habitat is sparse nothing was identified during our field visit to indicate further degradation of this area or conditions that may prevent the continued colonization of an appropriate lotic community Restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species (Big/Little Governors Creeks) Presence of T &E species have not been documented in this reach by the Catena Group and it is not expected to be utilized by Cape Fear Shiner therefore the assessment as it pertains to T &E species focused on available habitat for mussel species Existing habitat is very sparse and marginal in this reach due primarily to the lack of suitable substrate There are small patches of gravel and course sand however the reach is characterized by a silt clay substrate As sediment is transported out of this system it is probable that habitat will continue to improve however at this time it is unlikely that sensitive mussel species would recolonize these tributaries with the limited habitat available McLendons Creek We reviewed this site from the crossing of Glendon Carthage Road downstream also encompassing the monitoring site referenced in the reports Restoration of appropriate aquatic community (McLendons Creek) Data collected during monitoring year 4 identifies multiple species associated with lotic communities and suitable habitat was present throughout the reach Restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species (McLendons Creek) Presence of T &E species have not been documented in this reach by the Catena Group and utilization by Cape Fear Shiner would likely be limited to the extreme lower portions of this tributary therefore the assessment as it pertains to T &E species focused on available habitat for mussel species Mussels (Elliptio sp ) were observed during the field visit and suitable habitat was present throughout the reach Therefore habitat is present for future colonization of sensitive mussel species Line Creek We reviewed this site from the confluence with the Deep River to the beaver impoundment This site did not exhibit habitat suitable for the restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species Furthermore due the degraded condition of this reach it is unlikely that an appropriate lotic community will reestablish in this system If you have any questions please let me know Travis Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N C Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The Catena roup Mr John Preyer Restoration Systems, L L C 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211, Pilot Mill Raleigh, NC 27604 410 B Millstone Drive Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 732 1300 December 02, 2011 Subject Recent Discovery of the Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekastocholas) in McLendon's Creek References 1) Carbonton Dam -Deep River Watershed Restoration Site (2010 Annual Monitoring Report -Year 5) 2) October 14, 2011 E -mail correspondence (attached) from Travis Wilson of the NCWRC to Todd Tugwell of the USACOE, regarding appropriate aquatic fauna, and rare and protected aquatic species 3) November 29, 2011 E -mail correspondence (attached) from Neil Medlin of NCDOT Biological Surveys Unit to Tim Savidge of Catena Group, regarding discovery of Cape Fear Shiner in McLendon's Creek in Moore County, North Carolina Dear Mr Preyer, On November 29, 2011, The Catena Group, Inc (Catena) was made aware of a recent discovery of the federally endangered Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekastocholas) in McLendon's Creek within the former Carbonton Dam impoundment A summary of the details of this discovery as well as other post- removal Cape Fear Shiner occurrences within the former impoundment is included below If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 919- 732 -1300 As always, we appreciate the opportunity to assist Restoration Systems Sincerely, The Catena Group, Inc W6��a Michael G Wood, LSS President Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update CAPE FEAR SHINER OCCURRENCES IN FORMER IMPOUNDMENT One of the goals of the Carbonton Dam Removal Project which was1completed on February 03, 2006 was to re- establish the federally endangered Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistochals) within the formerly impounded reaches of the Deep River and its larger tributaries (McLendon's Creek, Big Governor's Creek) As noted in the final monitoring report (Ref 1) lotic habitats were restored shortly following dam removal in the mainstem of the Deep River, however, the transition was much slower in the tributaries A component of the approved five year monitoring plan involved conducting fish surveys targeting the Cape Fear Shiner at various stations and time intervals in the Deep River, McLendon's Creek and Big Governor's Creek The results of these surveys are summarized in the Year -5 monitoring report (Reference 1) Deep River The Cape Fear Shiner was not found at any of the sampling stations in Year -1 post removal, however, it was found at eight stations in the Deep River spaced throughout the former impoundment in Year -2 Further surveys for the Cape Fear Shiner in the Deep River were not conducted during subsequent monitoring years, although numerous individuals were observed throughout the impoundment while conducting other faunal surveys Tributaries The Cape Fear Shiner was not found in McLendon's Creek or Big Governor's Creek during any of years sampled (Year -1 and Year -4), however, increases in species diversity of lotic- adapted fish were evident between Year -1 and Year -4 It was concluded that as nffle habitats and overall habitat complexity continues to develop, the Cape Fear Shiner may utilize these creeks in the future, primarily during higher flow events (Reference 1) It was also concluded that McLendon's Creek was more likely than Big Governor's Creek to support the Cape Fear Shiner As part of the project closeout process, a site evaluation was conducted on October 13, 2011 by personnel with various natural resource agencies (Ref 2) Based on this assessment, it was concluded that the Cape Fear Shiner would likely only utilize the extreme lower portions of McLendon's Creek, and was unlikely to utilize Big Governor's Creek (Ref 2) On November 22, 2011 biologists with the NCDOT were conducting fish surveys in the vicinity of the SR 1006 (Glendon- Carthage Road) crossing of McLendon's Creek and captured a single Cape Fear Shiner Surveys were then halted, and the specimen was kept as a voucher and deposited in the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences (NCSM Catalog # 66730) This information was relayed to Catena on November 29, 2011 (Ref 3) CONCLUSIONS The utilization of tributary habitats by the Cape Fear Shiner is poorly understood It is been hypothesized that the species utilizes the lower portions of tributaries during high flow events However, the recent discovery of this species in McLendon's Creek, which Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update is located one mile from the confluence with the Deep River (Figure 1), indicates that utilization of tributaries may not be limited to the extreme lower portions Furthermore, the habitat where it was discovered is described as having large amounts of silt, leaf deposits and woody debris (Ref 3), which are typically not associated habitats that support this species This would suggest there may be greater potential for this species to utilize Big Governor's Creek and other smaller tributaries than previously concluded (Ref 2) In addition, the species was captured in the Deep River near the mouth of Big Governor's Creek (Figure 1) Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2, 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update N CHATHAM 13 '= L E E J � MOOR \ 12 Ro 1 1.5 DEtY R/S ER \ 2 f 9 JL Catena 2007 CFS Location i NCDOT 2011 CFS Location 1 21 (�rf Site Impoundment — Stream Primary Road —_= Secondary Road _ Chatham County } Lee County Moore County The Cape Fear Shiner Occurrences within Former Catena Carbonton Dam Impoundment Group Chatham. Lee, and Moore Counties, North Carolina Data November 2071 Figure Scale 0 1,125 2,250 Feat I 1 Job No, 3280 Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2, 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update ATTACHMENTS 1 Correspondence From Travis Wilson (NCWRC) to Todd Tugwell (USACOE) From Wilson, Travis W Sent Friday, October 14, 2011 1 26 PM To ' Tugwell, Todd SAW' Cc John Preyer Ellison, Michael Haupt, Mac Pearce, Guy Russell, Periann Fritz Rohde McCorcle, Justin P SAW McLendon, Scott C SAW Baumgartner, Tim Eaton, Larry Mike Wicker @fws gov 'tsavidge @thecatenagroup com Matt Cusack (Matthew Cusack @atkinsglobal com) (Matthew Cusack @atkinsglobal com) ryan heese@ncwildlife org Cox, David R ( david cox @ncwildlife org) Subject Carbonton field review October 13 The comments below are in response to WRC observations from the field assessment on October 13 Big Governors Creek We reviewed this site from the crossing of Steel Bridge Road to the confluence with the Deep This area should give an adequate representation of the Big Governors and Little Governors stream reaches It also encompasses the monitoring site referenced in the reports Restoration of appropriate aquatic community (Big /Little Governors Creeks) Data collected during monitoring year 4 identifies multiple species associated with lotic communities Although suitable lotic habitat is sparse, nothing was identified during our field visit to indicate further degradation of this area or conditions that may prevent the continued colonization of an appropriate lotic community Restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species (Big /Little Governors Creeks) Presence of T &E species have not been documented in this reach by the Catena Group and it is not expected to be utilized by Cape Fear Shiner therefore the assessment as it pertains to T &E species focused on available habitat for mussel species Existing habitat is very sparse and marginal in this reach, due primarily to the lack of suitable substrate There are small patches of gravel and course sand, however the reach is characterized by a silt clay substrate As sediment is transported out of this system it is probable that habitat will continue to improve however at this time it is unlikely that sensitive mussel species would recolonize these tributaries with the limited habitat available McLendons Creek We reviewed this site from the crossing of Glendon - Carthage Road downstream, also encompassing the monitoring site referenced in the reports Restoration of appropriate aquatic collected during monitoring year 4 associated with lotic communities, throughout the reach community (McLendons Creek) Data identifies multiple species and suitable habitat was present Restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species (McLendons Creek) Presence of T &E species have not been documented in this reach by the Catena Group and utilization by Cape Fear Shiner would likely be limited to the extreme lower portions of this tributary therefore the Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update assessment as it pertains to T &E species focused on available habitat for mussel species Mussels (Elliptio sp ) were observed during the field visit, and suitable habitat was present throughout the reach Therefore, habitat is present for future colonization of sensitive mussel species Line Creek We reviewed this site from the confluence with the Deep River to the beaver impoundment This site did not exhibit habitat suitable for the restoration of Rare and Protected Aquatic Species Furthermore due the degraded condition of this reach it is unlikely that an appropriate lotic community will reestablish in this system If you have any questions please let me know, Travis 2 Correspondence From Neil Medlin (NCDOT) to Tim Savidge (Catena) From Medlin, Kenneth N [mailto knmedlm @ncdot gov] Sent Tuesday, November 29, 20114 23 PM To Tim Savidge Cc Gray, Jared S Subject Cape Fear shiner Tim, Here is the information concerning the new Cape Fear shiner (Notropis mekistocholos) record we discussed earlier McLendon's Creek at SR 1006 (Glendon Carthage Road), Moore County, NC, • 1 individual collected — 500 feet downstream of the bridge • Substrate a mix of silt, sand (dominant) clay (subdominant) gravel detritus and muck • Large amount of logs and other woody debris • Large amount of leaves in slow and non flowing areas • Survey reach 5 50 feet • Shocking time 5 100 seconds • Tannin stained water The survey was on November 22, 2011 Let me know if you need any more information Neil Medlin Biological Surveys Group Natural Environment Section NCDOT (919)707 6138 Mailing Address 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Physical Address 1020 Birch Ridge Dr , CCB Raleigh NC 27610 Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project December 2 2011 Cape Fear Shiner Update Via The Catena roup Mr John Preyer Restoration Systems, L L C 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211, Pilot Mill Raleigh, NC 27604 410 B Millstone Drive Hillsborough NC 27278 (919) 732 -1300 April 23, 2012 Subject Recent Discovery of the Cape Fear Shiner (Notropcs mekistocholas) in McLendons Creek and Big Governors Creek References 1) Carbonton Dam -Deep River Watershed Restoration Site (2010 Annual Monitoring Report -Year 5) 2) October 14, 2011 E -mail correspondence from Travis Wilson of the NCWRC to Todd Tugwell of the USACOE, regarding appropriate aquatic fauna, and rare and protected aquatic species 3) December 02, 2011 Memorandum from Tim Savidge of Catena Group to Restoration Systems, regarding discovery of Cape Fear Shiner in McLendon's Creek in Moore County, North Carolina Dear Mr Preyer, On April 12, 2012, The Catena Group, Inc (Catena) was conducting surveys for the federally endangered Cape Fear Shiner (Notropcs mekistocholas) at the SR 1006 (Glendon - Carthage Road) crossing of McLendon's Creek, to gather data for the preparation of a Biological Assessment for the NCDOT replacement of the bridge crossing In addition, Catena conducted surveys at the Steel Bridge Road crossing of Big Governor's Creek The Cape Fear Shiner was captured at both of these locations, which were within the former Carbonton Dam impoundment A summary of the details of these surveys as well as other post - removal Cape Fear Shiner occurrences within the former impoundment is included below If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 919- 732 -1300 As always, we appreciate the opportunity to assist Restoration Systems Sincerely, The Catena Group, Inc �&W G 0a Michael G Wood, LSS President Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update CAPE FEAR SHINER OCCURRENCES IN FORMER IMPOUNDMENT One of the goals of the Carbonton Dam Removal Project which was completed on February 03, 2006 was to re- establish the federally endangered Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistochals) within the formerly impounded reaches of the Deep River and its larger tributaries (McLendon's Creek, Big Governor's Creek) As noted in the final monitoring report (Ref 1), lotic habitats were restored shortly following dam removal in the mainstem of the Deep River, however, the transition was much slower in the tributaries A component of the approved five year monitoring plan involved conducting fish surveys targeting the Cape Fear Shiner at various stations and time intervals in the Deep River, McLendon's Creek and Big Governor's Creek The results of these surveys are summarized in the Year -5 monitoring report (Reference 1) Deep River The Cape Fear Shiner was not found at any of the sampling stations in Year -1 post removal, however, it was found at eight stations in the Deep River spaced throughout the former impoundment in Year -2 Further surveys for the Cape Fear Shiner in the Deep River were not conducted during subsequent monitoring years, although numerous individuals were observed throughout the impoundment while conducting other faunal surveys Tributaries The Cape Fear Shiner was not found in McLendon's Creek or Big Governor's Creek during any of years sampled (Year -1 and Year -4), however, increases in species diversity of lotic- adapted fish were evident between Year -1 and Year -4 It was concluded that as riffle habitats and overall habitat complexity continues to develop, the Cape Fear Shiner may utilize these creeks in the future, primarily during higher flow events (Reference 1) It was also concluded that McLendon's Creek was more likely than Big Governor's Creek to support the Cape Fear Shiner As part of the project closeout process, a site evaluation was conducted on October 13, 2011 by personnel with various natural resource agencies (Ref 2) Based on this assessment, it was concluded that the Cape Fear Shiner would likely only utilize the extreme lower portions of McLendon's Creek, and was unlikely to utilize Big Governor's Creek (Ref 2) On November 22, 2011 biologists with the NCDOT were conducting fish surveys in the vicinity of the SR 1006 (Glendon - Carthage Road) crossing of McLendon's Creek and captured a single Cape Fear Shiner Surveys were then halted, and the specimen was kept as a voucher and deposited in the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences (NCSM Catalog # 66730) This information was relayed to Catena on November 29, 2011, and then summarized in the December 02, 2011 memo from Catena to Restoration systems (Ref 3) On April 12, 2012, Catena conducted additional surveys in McLendons Creek in the vicinity of SR 1006 and captured 11 Cape Fear Shiner in a pool dust below a riffle Big Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update Governors Creek was also sampled that day and five Cape Fear Shiner were captured in similar habitat below the SR 1625/1318 (Steel Bridge Road Crossing) These survey reaches are depicted in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively CONCLUSIONS Since the removal of the Carbonton Dam in 2005, the Cape Fear Shiner has been found at multiple locations, within the former impoundment, including mam -stem river, and tributary locations (Figure 3) The utilization of tributary habitats by the Cape Fear Shiner is poorly understood It has been hypothesized that the species utilizes the lower portions of tributaries during high flow events Given the distances of these two locations from the Deep River (1 0 mile for McLendons Creek and 0 3 mile for Big Governors Creek) and the fact that this species has been found in tributary habitats on separate occasions in relatively large numbers, indicates that utilization of tributaries is not limited to the extreme lower portions Additional studies on habitat conditions and utilization by Cape Fear Shiner in McLendons Creek will be conducted by Catena to gather data for the preparation of a Biological Assessment for the NCDOT replacement of the SR 1006 (Glendon - Carthage Road) crossing of McLendon's Creek This information will further the knowledge of tributary utilization of Cape Fear Shiner However, it can be concluded that the Cape Fear Shiner is actively utilizing the newly restored lotic habitats in McLendons and Big Governors Creek Given these new discoveries, it is also possible that the species is utilizing the lower reaches of smaller tributaries in the former impoundment Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update 2012 Survey Reach The Cape Fear Shiner Surveys Deft: AW 2012 Fiwtr Cotena Catena: April 12, 2012 9-. Mctendons Creek ° '0° 1,000 Net Group ClMtlnm, I.w. and Moon .ne No.. CauMMs, NoM Cuolw 3280 Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update ` *Y 2012 Survey Reach The Coteno Cape Fear Shiner Surveys WI 2012 Catena: April 12, 2012 Figure /1 Big Governors Creek o rao am ft" L Group up Lee. and Moon dm No, Counaee, NOM CaroWd 32W Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update N C A HAM _ 13 LEE MOORE 2 �g 1. Sreer Rtvte 2 a� v C Qa e A Catena 2007 CFS Location +A NCDOT 2011 CFS Location (� Catena 2012 CFS Location Site Impoundment Stream - Pnmary Road Secondary Road + Chatham County Lee County Moore County The Catena Cape Fear Shiner Occurrences within Former Carbonton Dam Impoundment ° "' � 2012 Figure w 3=6 0 x. ♦OOOFN Group Chatham. Lee, and k$oor• Courfta, NOM Caroiirw ,bp No, 32W Restoration Systems Carbonton Dam Removal Project April 23, 2012 Cape Fear Shiner Update ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers, Executive Director November 29, 2011 Restoration Systems LLC Attn George A Howard Member /Mgr 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Subject Loss of public access due to removal of Carbonton Dam Motor Boating Access Dear Mr Howard The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission) is replying to your letter dated August 2, 2005 regarding the loss of public access on Deep River due to the removal of Carbonton Dam As you stated Deep River has been known historically for its important recreational activity and public access was missed once the dam was removed in late 2005 In this 2005 letter, Restoration Systems, Inc (RS) offered to search for restoration of motor boating access in other, nearby reaches of Deep River within 10 miles of the Carbonton Dam including the area around Lockville " Additionally, this letter indicated that 'RS is committed to contributing up to $20 000 pursuant to the goal of offsetting the loss of motorboating access upstream of Carbonton As you recall the search for an appropriate replacement public access site was not successful in 2005 Since 2005, there has been no further resolution to the loss of public access on Deep River with regards to RS and Carbonton Dam The Commission understands that the prerequisite monitoring period and success criteria are about to be closed out and the public access component of the project remains incomplete Please accept this letter as our support for a $20 000 monetary compensation for the loss of public access in lieu of locating an appropriate nearby site Since 2005 the Commission did receive numerous local complaints and we ultimately partnered with Deep River Park Association to construct a public access area in 2009 at Deep River Park near Cumnock called Camelback Bridge Landing This cooperative project cost in excess of $40 000 to develop the site and your funds would be compensation for those costs Thank you for following up with us regarding this loss of public access for North Carolina sportsmen Please contact Erik Christofferson, Engineering Services, regarding methods of payment at (919)707 0153 or me for additional questions at (919)707 0222 Sincerely, S annon Deaton Habitat Conservation Program Manager Cc Erik Christofferson and David Cox NC WRC Todd Tugwell USCOE Eric Kulz NC DWQ Mailing Address Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1721 Telephone (919) 707 -0220 Fax (919) 707 0028 Deep River Project costs Federal and State Expenditures by Cost Center from 07/01/2008 to 11/30/2011 (as of Totals $000 817 5 $22,337 12 11,561 0 $5,808 05 $15,204 39 $43,349 56 11/28/20114 02 45 PM) Cost Fund NonHighway Hours Payroll Mlles Mileage NCAS Total Center 216181015512 2161 817 5 $22,337 12 11,561 0 $5,808 05 $15,204 39 $43,349 56 Show Fund Source Employee (or NCAS acct#) Amount Cost Details 2161 MILEAGE PADGETT, LEX E 3530 $17650 2161 MILEAGE BENTEEN, MICHAEL L 20400 $1,02000 2161 MILEAGE TURNER, ELLIS M 3530 $17650 2161 MILEAGE ROBERTSON, RONALD D 27170 $1,35850 2161 MILEAGE BARBEE, DEAN A 43910 $2,19550 2161 MILEAGE LEATH, WILLIAM E 5470 $27350 2161 MILEAGE PAGE, LARRY K 3330 $16650 2161 MILEAGE YARBORO, PATRICK J 8270 $44105 2161 NCAS 532185 00 $19000 2161 NCAS 532199 00 $31500 2161 NCAS 533240 00 $28389 2161 NCAS 533260 0 0 $11,011 11 2161 NCAS 533280 00 $46550 2161 NCAS 533290 00 $2,63262 2161 NCAS 533900 00 $30627 2161 Hours PADGETT, LEX E 100 $22460 2161 Hours BENTEEN, MICHAEL L 1015 $3,67067 2161 Hours TURNER, ELLIS M 200 $40080 2161 Hours ROBERTSON, RONALD D 2890 $7,51416 2161 Hours BARBEE, DEAN A 2020 $6,45222 2161 Hours LEATH, WILLIAM E 590 $1,27546 2161 Hours PAGE, LARRY K 250 $54746 2161 Hours YARBORO, PATRICK J 540 $1,11406 2161 Hours PARSONS, TRACY L 570 $1,13769 Totals $000 817 5 $22,337 12 11,561 0 $5,808 05 $15,204 39 $43,349 56 I 4 � � I r, 79 i -'1 09 1 1 * YIv on Goode e ev 2891t Jid 200", Eve all 16415 it 44 a! If I 4 � � I r, 79 i -'1 09 1 1 * YIv on Goode e ev 2891t Jid 200", Eve all 16415 it i W� 0 01 9''1 Natural Rmw E, RL- slo';1bon &C onseivatkmt August 2, 2005 David Cox, Technical Guidance Supv. N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 I -85 Service Road Crccdmorc, NC 27522 SUBJECT: Proposed Removal of Carbonton Dam: Motor Boating Access Dear David: Restoration Systems, LLC (RS) recognizes that a historically important recreational activity will no longer be feasible in the portion of the Deep River impounded by the Carbonton Dam when the dam is removed during the fall of 2005. The formerly impounded river reach will return to a natural (lotie) pattern of flow, characterized by riffle and pool areas, but without sufficient water levels to routinely support the operation of motorboats by fisherman and others. To mitigate for this loss, RS will investigate the opportunity for restoration of motor boating access in other, nearby reaches of the Deep River. Reconnaissance of areas with I mpounded waters within 10 miles of the Carbonton Dam will be made, including the area around Lockville. Any area identified by RS as a candidate site must fulfill the overall North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) mission germane to public boating access, however, such an identification will not foreclose on the WRC's right to decide if the potential access would satisfy its requirements for an alternative recreational access facility. RS is committed to contributing up to $20,000 pursuant to the goal of offsetting the loss of motorboating access upstream of Carbonton. Finally, RS wants to reiterate its interest in partnering with the WRC and other relevant agencies throughout the planning, design and implementation phases of work on the Carbonton project. RS makes the commitment to pro - actively engage the WRC in the review of dam demolition and restoration activities, including design and constructability discussions. RS appreciates the WRC's interest and looks forward to productive discussions about the project. Sincerely, George A. I coward, Member /Mgr. Pilnt R /lilt • IInt Nwnrc Ct Giitr 1117 . RA PIA NC �714U . ww vrevtnratinncvctPms rnm • Phone- 919 - 755 -94% *Fay - 919 - 751 -9492 00- you are standing in the exact goographic center of North Carolina, at the site of the former Carbonton Dam. This $8.2 million dam removal project was successfully completed by Restoration Systems of Raleigh for the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program in the Fell of 2005. The first and largest of its kind in North Carolina, this project was undertaken as mitigation for unavoidable development of watercourses elsewhere in the deep River portion of the Cape Fear watershed. iHere, 20 miles of the Deep River has been restored to its natural state and me former site of the dam is now a beautiful green space that still retains Its history. Remnants of the dam remain, lining the bank, and the steep powerhouse still towers over the bank opposite. r, I, Dam removal and careful monitoring The first demolition phase saw the step -by -step lowering of the impoundment behind the spillway during October. By ensuring the gradual release of colder water, this method minimized the impact on the river, wildlife and dissolved oxygen levels. Continuous monitoring showed this was a success, creating far less impact than a typical rainstorm For the next 2 weeks, water was released through the powerhouse's turbine shaft and mud gates under constant evaluation. Huge concrete gates in the spillway were gradually opened to carefully control sediment release. The final step saw 70 -feet of the dam wall removed. For five years, 54 monitoring stations throughout the 1000- square -mile watershed measured water quality and species diversity. Freshwater mussels and fish were regutwly counted. All measures showed improved e koninental health of the river since the dam's removal. Improvement that will continue in the future. River regeneratitm With the removal of the Carbonton Dam the Deep River has returned to a more natural stale, recreating lost habitats and uncovering the river's past First came the discovery of a f mbar, crib dam dating from the 1800s that had been totally submerged. Further upstream. 7 new riffles and a v- shaped Native American fishing weir were revealed for the first time in over 150 years. New shallow cobble bars in the riverbed now provide critical habitat for reestablishing endangered mussels and shallow -water organisms. Biologists have been astonished by the successful repopulation by the federally - listed Threatened and Endangered Fish, the Cape Fear Shiner. This small silver minnow Is found in no other watershed anywhere else in the world. The many dams on the Deep River caused numbers to dwindle for decades and the return of the Shiner represents one of the largest species restoration of its kind in US history e r k i 4 DEEP RIVER LEE & CHATHAM COUNTY CARBONTON NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2006 OP O DEEP RIVER PARK O O QO PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP n acFLq , 1 LIST OF DRAWING& LI SITE PLAN LAYOUT G1 SITE PLAN GRADING SE1 SITE PLAN SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL SD1 SD2 SITE DETAILS i MILONE�� CBROOM® Leadwape AroWteotore And Environmenw Sdenoe 707 B P W Suoe ar—M SC 29601 o�rx7i ss9e .ay.m buomsm N �0 'r _ t �r Y Y H P -r I wM' F � r � I i F 7 l r� s r r I N m °n iar� SIDE Vim NOTES 1 UTILIZE 7DOG COIR FIBER MATTING 2 SECURE AT 1 It INTERVALS (OR AS .a '� RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER BASED ON S.OPE) 8ACKFlLL AND COMPACT SOIL qan N.n X11) BE USED AT TOP OF ALL MATTING INITIAL MATTING ANCHOR TRENCH STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE I 1 AM Sam ERASION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL PROCEED IN THE FOLLOWING GUNNER THESE GUIDELINES SHALL APPLY To ALL WORK CONSISTING OF ANY AND ALL ) 1 PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AS VARIOUS I ey >TJPO dID /OR PERIiWENf YFASLf�.S 1D CONfR0. WATER POLLUTION Me � `- 1 PRIM TO MMMLNCEMEMT QF WON A PRECOHSTRLICTIW YEETD4 SHALL SOIL A3 WT BE IEOUA® OlI16NG 7HE COSTRlIC110N Of THE PROJECT L i GOKdIICION 01 TK WIE AIE SI01 1Ml BE HELD WITH THE EIgNEER AIW REPPESEIITATNES OP TXE CONTRACTOR, UTLRES �_ �.` vti `r ALL CONSTRUCTION ARM SUBJECT TO EROSION W OM FINAL GRADING HAS AND OWNER AT THIS MEETING THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NNE W Nm DIDITD M 1K 1010L q 1a IR U114 tNC 41oL. A01Ue1 d s�Ri TD i ®ti »S�[ 01 WAND vcu �• •' r'�.L '+�� MANNER 50 AS MDT W AN( WETLANDS WATERCOL* E WATERNOY m UN X111 6 Wnt1v e T aFAlot ® �tNU v TNF ryS blDlwo lrt rmNP A6r6 'mom CONDUIT CAWVIWr WATER ETC THE c6NTRACTM SHALL LIMIT INSOFAR AS POSSIBLE THE SURFACE AREA OF FARM MATERIALS EXPOSED BY CONSTRUCTION T \ � M� BE RETAINED NO DISTUIRBANCE IS TO TAKE RACE BEYOND THE LIONS STAKED METHODS AND IMMEDIATELY PROVIDE PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POLLUTION ] CDNIDIILI l0 cOMA01BRiA d t1E YCOM AM �WOrt COkIILL M1JNC'HN MO 0001 CMORNCTM SHALL TAKE SPEOAL PRECAUTD16 TO PROTECT TREES AND �3 �� 1 2 REMOVE (DOSE ILOtx STONE AND CQNSTRIA0710N DEERS FROM AND EHOSiN6 IMPROVEMENTS ro REMAIN 3 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WON SCHEDULE WITH IMPACTED PROPERTY OWNERS NRUM uTm mm4 AREA 3 POTION ALL PLANTING OPERATIONS PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS OF THE • rI01Q RAWm "rt 1aANn1uR cum mmnNwaN DITUI¢ ANP I6fIND AMOK ELM SLOPE. LRCAW ANA FIRM rl C � 14ID1 f10E CROSS SECTION I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 7 1 121;1 M 1214 4 WAKII1111 1 ':• IM\ NOTES 1 UTILIZE 70DG COIR FIBER MATTING 2 SECURE AT 1 H INTERVALS (OR AS RECOMMEINbED BY MANUFACTURER BASED ON SLOPE) BACKF7LL AND COMPACT SOL 3 ANCHOR STAPLE AND OVERLAP IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 4 TO BE USED ON ALL MATTING AREAS AT INTERVALS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER INTERMITTANT MATTING CHECK SLOT CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE / SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL NOTES I SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS VEGETATIVE COVER GENERAL. GENERAL ERASION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL PROCEED IN THE FOLLOWING GUNNER THESE GUIDELINES SHALL APPLY To ALL WORK CONSISTING OF ANY AND ALL ) 1 PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AS VARIOUS I >TJPO dID /OR PERIiWENf YFASLf�.S 1D CONfR0. WATER POLLUTION Me SECTIONS OF PROJECT ME COMPLETED 0) ORDER TL STABILIZE THE 1 PRIM TO MMMLNCEMEMT QF WON A PRECOHSTRLICTIW YEETD4 SHALL SOIL A3 WT BE IEOUA® OlI16NG 7HE COSTRlIC110N Of THE PROJECT SOU. REDUCE DO�/SiRFAW O"CE FROM SEDIMENT AND RUNOFF AND TO ENHANCE THE AE T ETIC NATURE OF THE SITE R WILL BE APPLJED ITo BE HELD WITH THE EIgNEER AIW REPPESEIITATNES OP TXE CONTRACTOR, UTLRES ALL CONSTRUCTION ARM SUBJECT TO EROSION W OM FINAL GRADING HAS AND OWNER AT THIS MEETING THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL N GENERAL, ALL CONSTRUCTIO I ACTMITES SHALL, PROCEED N SUCH A BEEN CUYPILiED AND A PERMANENT COVEIR IS NEEDED PTA" Wu BE DISCUSSED MANNER 50 AS MDT W AN( WETLANDS WATERCOL* E WATERNOY SITE PREPARATION 2 coNTRACTOR To sE KE our uw of DNSI1xmucE AND VEGETATION To CONDUIT CAWVIWr WATER ETC THE c6NTRACTM SHALL LIMIT INSOFAR AS POSSIBLE THE SURFACE AREA OF FARM MATERIALS EXPOSED BY CONSTRUCTION BE RETAINED NO DISTUIRBANCE IS TO TAKE RACE BEYOND THE LIONS STAKED METHODS AND IMMEDIATELY PROVIDE PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POLLUTION 1 INSTALL REOUTED SURFACE RATER CONTROL ME/SRRES CMORNCTM SHALL TAKE SPEOAL PRECAUTD16 TO PROTECT TREES AND C0N(RpL MEASLES TO PREVENT gTI1SMOHATGH OF ADJACENT WETLANDS 1 2 REMOVE (DOSE ILOtx STONE AND CQNSTRIA0710N DEERS FROM AND EHOSiN6 IMPROVEMENTS ro REMAIN 3 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WON SCHEDULE WITH IMPACTED PROPERTY OWNERS IIAYERCOURSE5 WATERDOOES AMC TO PREVENT INSOFAR As POSSIBLE mosoK ON YHE SITE. AREA 3 POTION ALL PLANTING OPERATIONS PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS OF THE TO MAINTAIN SATE VEHICLE AID PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND PARKING. j., LAND GRADING SLOPE. CONTRACTOR To LA wAn DISRUPTION TO THE GRFAYESY EXTENT PRACTcvu GENERAL. 4 APPL TOPSOIL AS INDICATED ELSEWHERE HERDII 4 CONTRACTOR TO (STALL SEDIMENT AND EROSDN COMROLS PRIOR TO 5 APPLY FFFTILIZER ACCORDING 70 SOIL TEST OR CLEARING AND GRUBBING INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PADS AS DEPICTED ON THE PLANS 1 THE FN34APYNG OF TIC GRAND SIIRF/ICE BY EXCAVATION AND FLUNG OR A COMBOA71W OF BOTH TO OBTAIN PLMNEYI GRADES SAIL PROCEED N L��_� � OF 10 10-10 kWWER PER ACRE (23 LBS PER 1 BOO SO FT ) THEN SO( ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITEIM TO MIT WEEKS LATER APPLY ON THE SURFACE AN ADDITIONAL 300 UI MAINTAINED 3 711ROIXi1 ROI'I O RATERCOIXZSE SHALL BE YNIDIDEO WRING CONSTRUCT" 50 AS HALL THE CUT FACE OF EARTH EXCAVATDN $HAUL NOT BE STEEPER THAN TRIO LB& O' 10- 0 10 FERTILIZER PER ACRE. AFTER SEPTEMBER 1 TDANA RY VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE APPLIED ME NOT SUSPEND SEDIMENT FROM HORZONTAL TO ONE VERTICAL (2 1) \ 6 IRRITATE E RTwm 6PERAYGR6 AFTER ALL SLTAMENT AND EROSION a THE PERMANENT E7EAgD FACES O FEU SMALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN In CONTROLS ARE N P LACE' RCI TWO HORIZONTAL TO ONE VFRL (2 1) VEGETATIVE COVER SELECTION &MULCHING 7 AREAS OF ACTIVITY AND MIOSED AREAS ARE TO BE WMWQM STABILIZE NOT BE STEEPER THAN ONE y1 TEMPORARY TEMPORARY VEGETA H IVE OVER ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEIR ESI BI-SMA NT KOOWCZOONTALL TO F" �� 4) 5 ESTABLISH ALL SLOPES TO GRAVE N ARE15 OF DISTURBANCE AS SOON AS 4 PROJSNON 511WLD BE MADE TO CONDUCT suwA`E WATER SAFOLY TO '� 1 APRIL 15 TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH N ACGDIRDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM DAMAGING CUT FACCS = 120 � /AC �NENAMENTS FOR AMDPOARYI SPECIFICATIONS T6 SLOPES B THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAY BE MODIFIED BY TOPSOILING APRIL /5 AUGUST 5 GERMAN MILLET THE SITE ENGINEER AS NECESSITATED BY CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS ADDTIONL LfERWEST 2000LB5/AC WNTROL DEVICES BESIDES WHAT Is SHOWN N PLANS WILL BE ADDED BY THE GENERAL 1 1TIRAL ENGINEER IF NEEDED 10 SkILOEM CONTROL YFASIR6 SHALL BE INSPELTED AT LEAST ONLE 1 70PSOL SHALL BE SPREAD OVER A E7(POSED AREAS N ORDER TO pp�V� A SOIL MEDIUM HAMNG FAVORABLE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE AUGUST ,800 LBSrAD RYE GRIN 30 120 LBS/AC THAN SEVER CALENDAR OF P DAPS Ino AFTER sEANY GREATER THAN DS INCHES OF PRE OUIIRE ANY REPLACE PERIOD DAMAGED E,SMBL9/MQNT txRaWrH AND MANTET4AILE OF VEGETATION COVER INEFFECTIVE DEVICES HALL BE REPASSED OR REDUCED ARf 2 UPON FOAL SLIBCRADES SCARIFY SURFACE ro PROVIDE A 6000 PERMANENT VEGETATIVE AL FEATURES S ALL SEDIMENT COMTRO FEBTAI ES SHALL BE MMNANED IAITL FINAL IL FINAL STABILIZATION 1415 BEEN OBTAINED BONG WITH TOPSOIL_ WITH TO PERMANENT GR/55, "RIPMIAN NO BUFFER SEED Nil( AT DBS /TIRE FROM LELLOW WISH PMML SyER OTT lDtiM GVOLQM M APPROVED EOIYrL 11 INSPECTION OF THE 511E FOR EROSION SHAW. CONTINUE FOR PEA00 OF 3 ROXW ALL LARGE STONES, TUTEE LINES ROOTS AND C01STRUCMN TEMPORARY NiiDuc THIEE MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION WHEN RAINFALLS OF ONE INCH OR STRAY OR HAY 70 RIO IBS /1000 SOFT MORE OCCIIL 4 APPLY LIME ACCORDING M 50L TEST OR AT THE RATE OF TWO (2) TONS PER ACRE. (TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE AREAS) 12 ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL HE PROPERLY MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES MATERIAL WOOD FIBER IN HYDR0M1ALH MMM T.�50 MIT WO SO FT OF CONSTRUCTION UTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL COIISTRIICTDH ACTMIIES AND Al DSRNHD AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED All 7ENPOARY CONTROL DEVICES 1 TOPSOIL SHWLD HAVE PIASICN- CHEMICAL AM &O.OGIGL ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BE REMDAD WIEN COISIRAXIVN IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STAAA7ED CHARACTERISTICS FAVORABLE TO THE GROWTH OF PLANT 13 THE CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE NECESSARY ACTIN TO MINIMIZE THE TRACKING OF MUD ONTO 2 TOPSOIL SHOULD HAVE A SkRDY OR LOW TEXTURE I SMOOTH AND FIRM SEEDBED WITH CULTPACIIER OR OTHER SIMILAR EQUIPMENT PRigR TO SEEDING (EXCEPT WHEN HTOROSEEOING) THE PAVED ROW"Y FROM CONSTRIXTION AREAS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE MUD /SOU. FROM PAYEIENT DAILY AS MAY BE REOUNED 3 TOPSOIL SH BE RpA]IVELY FREE O' SUBSOIL MATERIAL RICA MST EE L SELECT ADAP'TED SEED MIXTURE FOR THE SPECIFIC MOTE TOLD FIFE OF STIES (OVAL 1 fN GIA DE) LUMPS SH SOIL, ROUTS. TREE THE G O T OVEIR SELECTION RATES AND ONE SEEDING DATES (SEE VEGETATIVE HAVER S73ECITON Q 14 THE SITE SHOULD BE KEPT CLEAN OF LOOSE DEEMS AND SURD NO WTERIALS ERE IJ/BS AND TRAASII OR C015TRI1CTDN DEBRIS R SHOULD BE FREE O ROOTS E OR RHIZOMES SUCH AS THISTLE NUTCR SS AND O ACKYRASS MULCHING SPEMICATON BELOW) SLOE THAT NONE O" THE ABOVE ENTER STORMWATER FACILITIES RONDWAYS WATERCOURSES OR WETLANDS 4 AN ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT OF SDL PERCENT (SIT) S REQUIRED AVOID 3 APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY AACCORWIC TO RATE INDICATED BY BROADCASTING &BLIND OR HYMAJLIC APPLICATION 15 A COPY OF ALL PANS AND REVISIONS AND HE SEDIMENT AND EROSION LIGHT COLORED SUBSOIL. MMUML CONTROL PAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON SITE AT ALL TDE3 DURING 5 SOLUBLE SALT CONTENT W OVER SOD PARR PER MOLJON (POM) S LESS 4 COVER Glt SS AND LEGUME SEED WITH MDT MOTE THAN 1/4 NCH OF SOIL CONSTRUCTION SUITABLE VOID TAIL MARSH SOBS BECAUSE OF HIGH SALT CONTEXT WITH SUITABLE EOIAPYENT (EXCEPT WHEN HYDROSEEDND) 16 A COPY OF ALL INSPECTION LOGS SHALL BE RETAINED FOR THE DURATION AND SULFUR ACIDITY 5 MACH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING F REQUIRED ACCORDING TO OF THE PROJECT 6 THE PH SHOULD BE MORE THAN 60 F LESS ADD LAVE 70 INCREASE PH TEMPORARY k MCHINGEG SPECIFICATIONS (SEE ELOW) (ETATNE COVER 17 ALL SEDWNT ANT, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE RONWED ONLY ro AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL. 6 ALL F'O"`S USE FOUR TIES IRON sABRQATION O ALL LJPGRADIEI+r AREAS APPLICATION MOOl41 RATES W1O`URL H,oORRa NN`EDG11ME AVOID SPREADING WHEN TOPSOIL S WET OR FROZEN 7 URSE SOD WHERE THERE S A HFAYY CITNCENTRAIGM O WATER AND N CHBTFAL AREAS WHERE R S BmRRTANT To DIET A OU1O( VEGETATIVE 2 SPREAD TDP90L UNIFORMLY TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST SA INC HR (67 OR TO THE DEPTH SHOWN ON THE LANOSGAPDIG PLANS COVER TO PREVENT EROSION TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER MAINTENANCE I TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE C06M SMLL BE ESTABLAED ON AL 1 TESJ FOR 501E ACUITY EVERY THREE YENS AND LIE AS REORRED UNPROTECTED BCEM THAT CR \ONC COMPLETmPR00PC AREAS wow AREAS � TED PERIOD L ON SITES WHERE OW556 PRIDOIOHATEA BROADCAST ANNUALLY 50) POUNDS OF WIRE SOL DI OSUURE 5 LESS THAN 12 MONTHS TEMPORARY O 10 10 10 fEITITL¢FA PER AME (12 LBS. PER 1 000 SO R) OR AS SEED AND MULCH ALL DISTURBED AREAS ACCORDING TO NCOOT ST WARD NEEDED ACCORDING TO AW41AL SOIL TEST SPECIFICATIONS SITE PREPARATION 3 � MI AS wo��T�m By SOL TEST 3 P OF O-m 20 OR EQUIVALEKT PER ACRE (S LBS PER 1GDO SO FT) 1 INSTALL FW"tED SURFACE WATER CONTROL MEASURES 2 RDOVE LOOSE ROCK STONE AND CONSIRIDIGN DEBRIS FROM AREA 3 APPLY LIME ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST OR T A RATE OF ONE 45 LBS OF GROUND DOOOIC LIMESTONE PER SF 4 APPLY FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST OR AT THE RATE OR 1000 LBS OF 10 10 10 PER ACRE (23 LOS PER 1 BOO SO FT j ANA SECOND KTN APPLICXT OF 200 LOS OF 10 1G-10 PER ICRE(5 LOS PEER 1000 SO FT) WHEN GRASS B FOUR INCHES (4-) TO S X INCHES (6-) HIGH APPLY ONLY WHEN GRASS IS DRY 5 UNLESS HYDROSEEDED WORK N LIME AM FERTILIZER TO A DEPTH OF FOUR (4) INCHES USING A DISK OR ANY SUITABLE EOIPMEKT 6 TILDE SHOULD ACHIEVE A REASONABLY UNIFORM LOOSE S® NON ON CONTOUR F SITE S SLOPING ESTABLISHMENT 1 SELECT APPROPRIATE SPECIES FOR THE SITUATION NOTE RATES AA EM 13AY) (SEE VEGETATIVE COVER SELECTION t "CITING SEED 2. APPLY SEED UEOPORWLY ACCORDING TO THE RATE INDICATED BY BROADCASTING DRILLING OR HYDRAULIC APPLICATION 3 UNLESS HFDROSEEDED GER RYE GRAIN IN WITH NOT MO THAN / INCH OF SOIL USING SIVUTABLE EQUIPMENT 4 MULCH IWEDATELY AFTER SEEDING IF ROARED (SRI VEGETATIVE COVER SELECTW t M1LOHING SPECIFICATION BELOW) APPLY STRAW OR RAY MULCH AND ANCHOR TO SLOPES GREATER THAN JX OR WHERE CONCENTRATED FLAW WILL OCCUR _ d to O 8 u G D a� N �w D J Z Z a0 Z TIN[ D� MAY 25 2006 I¢r n 2681 01 05 s .......In- SD1 J . TT 7 .. I 1` F 1 } I 1 \ In iV d to O 8 u G D a� N �w D J Z Z a0 Z TIN[ D� MAY 25 2006 I¢r n 2681 01 05 s .......In- SD1 J . TT 7 .. t l 3X8 TREATED HARDWOOD LENGTH PER PLAN (r r, -(� I�f Irirl4I I NUT W /WASHER 6 LAG BOLT W /WASHER WOOD STEP 3 EXISTING 4 X8 BRICK 24 RCP MANHOLE PROPOSED �48 RCP 1 2 X3 FRAME AND GRATE SET FLUSH WITH TOP EXISIINC 24 RCP _TF 2345 24 RCP IN INVERT IN 24 RCP IN 232 55 48 RCP OUT 23055 58LF - 48 RCP S- 9% I NVERT IN 237 98 SLOPE CONCRETE BRICK MANHOLE BASE W /FLAT SLAB TOP n 24 DIA 3/4 HOLE 9 FROM END DRIVE i4 REBAR INTO SUBGRADE TO ANCHOR ..8 PRESSURE TREATED WOOD 6 WOOD WHEELSTOP MFER ALL AROUND DIAMETER HOLE PRESSURE TREATED POST WOOD BOLLARD W/WIRE STRAND Ks >1 8 lilt "Irl � pp w q�oDo aU a a � �= N w W UU � J Z PBS wi MAY 25 2006 ��" 2891-01.06 s aas.�spmu.imr SD2 { 1 i iy a r...: t 4 ' f L \ ` 1 I� , ail � r � t r — •ti \ a , + + rl 1 1 , r \ , 1 , 1 O • � 7 / � I I r i � � , \ I I r Ir , I I O I O J I � 1 r r a — a r . l r 1 r I 1 I 1 t , f r 1 C I Z I ti t rn ! ■ PARK LAYOUT REVISIONS DEEP RIVER e � MIIANS & MACBROObt I CARBON DAM RESTORATION SITE $ 4 3078 r u sU Z I s me mim s,sol CARBONTON NORTH CAROLINA tt6�1 71.�F 1 -^ 7�1 X135 7 ' r fill I III Ill�i l �� VIII I II IIII, I �I I� I!I ilil I� f I I6 , I k \\, = 1 —�\ %\, �\ \ -7111 � 1 IIjj1,llllrl 11 l i f I \` \1Ill!lllll / / /j1 / /W)I J.l II M i�1i1►1 ,,.ts�: I' /� Ifll III! 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CARBONTON NORTH CAROLINA j + Y F \ ; ., ✓� .riz � v -. l 6 t r � it f Dear Mr Ellison Deep River Park Association May 23, 2012 I heard your organization's direct role in the Carbonton Dam project is nearing an end As the long -term steward of the six acres that now comprise of Carbonton Park, I am writing to express appreciation for the protect and ajob well done The Deep River is a very special place to us down here and removing the dam has unproved the river immensely New rapids, ancient Indian fishing weirs and a clear passage down the river through our region for the first time in 150 years has made the nyer more popular than ever In fact, it is cause to rejoice — baptisms are a regular use of the new park? The land donation and endowment provided to the Deep River Park Association to create Carbonton Park has made a great river project even better Since the removal in 2006 the park property is used frequently, safely and to the great enjoyment of the community We stage regular community picnics and paddling events at the Park Local craftsman have made the powerhouse safe for the first time in years, with new safety railings and secure closure of the structure from trespassing We are currently in talks with a company that is interested in developing a climbing, zip -lme and water sports facility with the powerhouse at its centerpiece As your contractor Restoration Systems knows, I personally appealed to have the powerhouse remain and I am grateful it was spared It is an important part of our history and our future We appreciate the installation of the interpretive signs in the near future Six years ago I was skeptical that the signs would survive the vandalism But now that the park has become such a local focal point, I think it is tune your organization took a "bow" with the signs and tell the story of the good work done by the Ecosystem Enhancement Program In closing, if there is a way the Deep River Park Association can assist the NCEEP in future projects along our river corridor please do contact us We have a number of projects that could benefit from future collaboration with you We All Live Down River, Dick Hamson Executive Director deepnvemc @gmail corn Deep River Park Association JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH VOL 113 G03019 dot 10 1029/2007JG000654 2008 Hel� Full Article Suspended sediments in river ecosystems Photochemical sources of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, and adsorptive removal of dissolved iron J Adam Riggsbee 12 Cailin H Orr 36 Dina M Leech 4 Martin W Doyle 5 and Robert G Wetzel' Received 19 November 2007 revised 14 March 2008 accepted 31 March 2008 published 8 August 2008 [t] We generated suspended sediment solutions using river sediments and river water at concentrations similar to those observed during 1 5 year floods (QI 5) and a dam removal ( -325 mg L -1) on the Deep River, North Carolina Suspended sediment solutions were exposed to simulated solar radiation equivalent to one clear, summer day at the study site (35 °N) Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total dissolved iron (Fed) were measured before and after exposure Total dissolved carbon (TDC) budgets for each experiment were produced using DOC and DIC data Sediment suspensions in the presence of simulated solar radiation were significant sources of dissolved C (119 f 11 fcmol C L -1 d -1, f values indicate 1 standard error) and DON (1 7± 0 5 µmol N L -1 d- ) but not DIN or SRP Extrapolations through the Deep River water column suggest that suspended sediments in the presence of light represent dissolved organic matter fluxes of 3 92 mmol C m -2 d -1 and 40 µmol N m -2 d -1 Additionally sediment suspensions lowered river water Fed concentrations Immediately ( -24 %) and progressively (-40 -90 %) in both light and dark treatments Our research suggests suspended sediments in river ecosystems are potential sources of dissolved organic C and dissolved organic N while effectively removing Fed from the water column Citation Riggsbee J A C H Orr D M Leech M W Doyle and R G Wetzel (2008) Suspended sediments in river ecosystems Photochemical sources of dissolved organic carbon dissolved organic nitrogen and adsorptive removal of dissolved iron J Geophys Res 113 G03019 dot 10 1029/2007JG000654 1 Introduction [ ,7] On broad spatial and temporal scales rivers owe their origins to erosional processes which create channels that transport htllslope materials to the world s oceans Howev er on finer scales nvers are actually mosaics of aggrading and degrading reaches routing materials through a series of erosional and depositional zones Biogeochemical processes within river ecosystems are governed by these smaller scale hydrogeomorphic conditions making rivers important sites for global biogeochemical transport and transformation Much scientific effort has been invested exploring links 'Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina USA 2Restoration Systems Raleigh North Carolina USA 3Carolina Environmental Program University of North Carolina Chaf,el Hill North Carolina USA Institute of Marine Science University of North Carolina Morehead City North Carolina USA SDepartment of Geography University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina USA 6Now at National Center for Earth Surface Dynamics Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory University of Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota USA Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 0148 0227/08/2007JG000654$09 00 among hydrology geomorphology and biogeochemistry in river ecosystems including the River Continuum Concept [Vannote et al 19801 as well as organic matter and nutnent spiraling [Webster and Patten 1979 Minshall et al 1983 1992 Newbold et al 1982 19921 However the biogeo chemical role of suspended sediments which are also controlled by hydrogeomorphic factors in watersheds is less well understood [3] Materials conveyed by rivers are largely attributed to external or allochthonous sources i e watershed hill slopes For example dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flushing from htllslope soils was elicited to explain DOC hysteresis during snowmelt dnven floods [Hornberger et al 1994 Boyer et al 1997 2000] Watershed subsurface flow paths and near stream sources in particular are repeat edly cited as variable source areas providing DOC enrich ment to channels during floods [Meyer and Tate 1983 Tate and Meyer 1983 McDowell and Likens 1988 Buffam et al 2001] Most recently DOC quality has been used as a hydrological tracer to infer htllslope source areas during various stages of flood hydrographs [Hood et al 2006] Nitrogen flushing from watershed source areas has also been used to explain similar trends in dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) G03019 1 of 12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 flood dynamics [Creed et al 1996 Creed and Band 1998a 1998b Buffam et al 2001] [4] While allochthonous sources of organic and inorganic materials are of obvious importance to river channel bio geochemistry and metabolism autochthonous (i a in chan nel) sources may also provide significant contributions of organic and inorganic materials to the water column during episodic transport events (i e floods and dam removals) Once fine hillslope soils enter channel networks the fre quency and magnitude of movement is dictated by hydro geomorphic controls that produce and maintain erosional and depositional features along the river continuum These fine materials are subjected to multiple cycles of suspension and deposition as they are transported from hillslope to ocean This cycle of suspension and deposition in rivers represents an important link among hydrology geomorphol ogy and biogeochemistry We assert that this cycle driven by flow conditions and channel geomorphology results in the biogeochemical processing of watershed materials during downstream transport and thus represents an in channel or autocthonous influence on water column b►ogeochemistry [5] Deposited fine sediments in aquatic ecosystems serve as benthic substrate with high denrtrif►cation potential [Pmay et al 2000 Wetzel 2001] and also as adsorptive sinks for dissolved organic matter (DOM) [McDowell and Wood 1984 Nelson et al 1993 Aufdenkampe et al 2001 ] NH4 [Triska et al 1994 Schlesinger 1997] and SRP [Meyer 1979 Klotz 1988 Mulholland 1992] During interflood periods in which quiescent conditions dominate benthic sediments may become anoxic producing strong redox gradients which lead to the accumulation of DOM inorganic N P and vanous reduced tenninal electron acceptors such as Fe 2+ in interstitial waters [Wetzel 2001 ] However during periods of high discharge these sediments are subject to resuspension and may become an internal load (i a in channel source areas) of dissolved inorganic and organic forms of C N P and Fe to the water column via two pathways interstitial water release and desorption from sediment mineral surfaces [6] The concept of internal loading from anoxic hypo lemma and pore waters in lake ecosystems is well estab lished and represents an appreciable source of P and N in mictic systems [Wetzel 2001] In rivers however it is unlikely that pore water release could produce a measurable increase in water column biogeochemistry because of dilu tion effects On the other hand sediment desorption may represent an important source of C N P and/or Fe to the water column [7] There is some experimental evidence that suggests suspended sediments could be a considerable source of DOM to aquatic ecosystems Reagent grade clay mineral surfaces sorbed appreciable quantities of DOM from leach ate solutions and simulated solar radiation facilitated the desorption of previously accumulated DOM [Tieyen et al 2005] Additionally recent experimental results involving Mississippi River deltaic suspended solids in distilled water and artificial seawater solutions demonstrated photod►sso lution of POC [Mayer et al 2006] Finally photoproduc tion of DOC in sediment laden estuarine waters was also demonstrated in recently published work [Kieber et al 2006] These studies suggest that suspended materials in the presence of light can provide a measurable supplement of DOM to river ecosystems [8] In rivers the resuspension of fine sediments likely represents a source of DOM to the water column during transport events such as floods or dam removals As previously shown the desorption or dissolution of DOM from sediment surfaces is accelerated in the presence of light Further the photochemical mineralization of desorbed DOM may release inorganic forms of C N P and Fe as has been demonstrated in nvers lakes and estuaries [McKnight et al 1988 White et al 2003 Vahatalo and Wetzel 2004 Vahatalo and Zepp 20051 We propose that photoassisted desorption coupled with photochemical mineralization represents an internal load of dissolved organic and ►nor gan►c matter from sediment surfaces to the water column during floods While it is likely that watershed contributions (► a external loads from watershed flushing) to flood biogeochem►stry are more important from a total load or flux perspective the concept of internal loading from sediment suspensions offers important insight into channel biogeochem►cal processing (transfonnation) of hillslope materials routed to coastal ecosystems [9] Laboratory experiments replicating the resuspension of river sediments were conducted in the presence of simulated solar radiation to determine if photoassisted sediment desorption of DOM could contribute measurable fractions of DOC to the water column during floods Additionally organic and inorganic forms of N P as well as total dissolved iron (Fed) were measured to determine if the photochemical mineralization of desorbed DOM would further enrich the water column Thus we tested whether the resuspension of fine sediments within river ecosystems represents an internal source of dissolved C N P and Fe 2 Methods 2 1 Overview of Approach [►o] In laboratory experiments we replicated total sus pended solids (TSS) concentrations observed during floods with recurrence intervals of 15 years [Qi 5 Simon et al 2004] on the Deep River NC DOC dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) DIN DON soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and Fed concentrations were measured before and after exposure to simulated solar radiation and relative to dark controls to determine whether photoassisted sediment surface desorption and photochem ►cal mineralization of desorbed DOM contributes to water column biogeochem►stry dynamics during sediment suspen sion events (i a floods and dam removals) 22 Site Description [n] The Deep River is a 6th order system draining —2 770 kmz of the Central Piedmont in North Carolina (Figure 1) land uses in the watershed are predominantly forest (72 %) agriculture (25 %) and urban (3 %) Within the Deep River watershed is a Level IV ecoregion (as desig nated by the US Environmental Protection Agency) known as the Triassic Basin characterized by wider valleys with lower relief than other Piedmont areas Soils within this ecoregion are clay rich because of Lower Mezozo►c sed► mentary parent material consisting of unmetamorphosed shale sandstone mudstone siltstone and conglomerates 2of12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 M 800 w 79 4JV w Ts 3jV w »1 Dw IL z z ► o 75 130 M0 Iowmews z z a Ramseur Gage 'Sr ma tore Gag S M � J 7 f-,I 8arbonton,Gam= I R X _ z m m n wrornereis so 010 W 79 400 W rs 309"w 79 in w Figure 1 Deep River watershed map detailing location of USGS stream gages and the former Carbonton Dam (Latitude 35 °31'N Longitude 79021'W) [Horton and Zullo 1991 ] These particular clays exhibit high shrink swell capacities [see Velde 1992] thus they are capable of adsorbing considerable quantities of organic material [12] The sites used for sediment and water collections are located within the Triassic Basin and were impounded by a run of river dam ( Carbonton Dam Figure 1) that was removed following our study We chose these particular sites because of their clay rich geology and the abundance of accumulated fine sediments that were partially mobilized during dam removal In addition this section of the Deep River often exhibits considerable turbidity well after high discharges have subsided This is attributed to the character of fine clay particles in transport which are easily mobilized and remain in suspension regardless of hydraulic condition — a process sometimes referred to as washload [Leopold et al 1964] Washload sediments may therefore be sub jected to solar radiation for several days during and after floods 2 3 Hydrogeomorphic and Environmental Scaling [13] Sediment concentrations used in our experiments were scaled to common transport events using USGS data from two gages that envelope the study reach (Figure 1) The upstream gage (Ramseur NC USGS # 02100500) is located approximately 35 km from the upstream extent of 3of12 G03019 1000 800 600 E N 400 200 J E to 600 500 400 300 200 100 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS TSS vs Q Deep River at Ramseur NC 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Q (MIS') TSS vs Q Deep River at Moncure NC 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Q (m's') Figure 2 TSS versus Q (mean daily values) curves from two gages surrounding sampling sites on the Deep River NC Dashed vertical lines mark Q values representative of flows with a 15 year recurrence interval (Q, 5) the former impoundment The downstream gage (Moncure NC USGS # 02102000) is located approximately 35 km downstream of the former dam Gage data were analyzed using standard recurrence interval (RI) analyses [Knighton 1998] and all available TSS measurements were plotted against discharge (Q mean daily flow) for the TSS collec tion dates (Figure 2) The upstream gage has an 82 year record with 46 TSS measurements the downstream gage has a 74 year record with 126 TSS measurements Plots of TSS versus Q were generated to determine the appropriate TSS concentrations at 15 year recurrence intervals (Q, 5) We determined that the system exhibited TSS concentra tions of 200 -400 mg L -1 during Q, 5 events [14] Solar radiation exposure was delivered to each treatment using an Atlas Suntest XLS+ solar simulator equipped with an arc xenon lamp The lamp was call brated to deliver radiation equivalent to the amount received by the study reach (Latitude 35 °31'N Longitude 79 °21'W Figure 1) during one clear summer day The solar simulator supplies a light intensity of 650 W /m2 which delivered a total light dose of 14 000 kJ /m2 over a course of 6 h A forced air cooling system kept water solutions at 25 f 0 7 °C (n = 9 f represents 1 standard deviation) during the exposure process Quartz tubes (5 cm diameter x 33 cm length oriented in a flat position relative to the light source) were used for all treatments as quartz transmits full spectrum sunlight 2 4 Sediment and Water Collections G03019 [15] Sediment cores and river water were collected on four separate occasions during September and October 2005 from the impounded reach of the Deep River Sample collections occurred before the reach was affected by dam removal (20 October 2005) Significant sediment accumu lations are often associated with run of river impoundments Such sediment accumulations are typically undisturbed for long periods of time allowing for the development of strong redox gradients Particle size distribution of collected sedi ments was determined to be 9% sand 49% silt and 42% clay (using methods from Dane and Topp [2002]) [16] During all sampling trips one core was collected from each of six randomly selected sites within the impound ment Cores were collected by inserting 30 cm by 5 cm diameter polycarbonate sleeves into the soft submerged sediment deposits along channel margins Each sleeve was pushed into the sediments until the top was flush with the sediment surface The top opening was capped and the sleeves were removed from the sediment at which time the bottom of the sleeve was also capped Tape was used to seal the caps to the core sleeves and the cores were placed in a light proof cooler packed with ice and transported to the laboratory Upon arrival cores were stored overnight in a light proof container at 4 °C [17] On each sampling date approximately 15 L of river water was collected in acid washed HDPE containers at a location central to the six coring sites Water samples were packed on ice in dark coolers for transport to the laboratory Collected river water was stored at 4 °C and filtered within 12 h of collection using precombusted 0 7 µm glass fiber filters (Whatman GF/F filters were used in all filtration unless otherwise mentioned) 2 5 Experimental Sediment Preparation [18] In the lab overlying water was poured off each core and the sediment was carefully pushed out of its sleeve and into a plastic bag purged with N2 gas to minimize air exposure When all six cores were added the bag was then further purged with N2 gas and sealed Sediment homoge nization was accomplished with vigorous hand kneading for several minutes A grab sample of the homogenized sedi ments was then collected for addition to each sediment treatment Remaining homogenized sediments were again purged with N2 gas sealed and stored for future expen ments in a light proof container and kept at 4 °C for no more than 48 h Experiments were run for three consecutive days using the same sediment stock [i9] To deliver the appropriate mass of sediment to each treatment reliably and repeatedly we developed a sediment volume to dry mass curve Two modified syringes (BD 20 mL and 3 mL) were used as small conng devices which allowed for reliable volumetric delivery to predned and preweighed crucibles Crucibles were dried at 100 °C for 24 h and reweighed It was determined each 1 mL of wet homogenized sediment was approximately equivalent to 600 mg of dried mass (R2 = 0 99 n = 6) Thus selection of 0 5 mL of wet sediment was determined as the appro pnate volume to add 310 f 0 06 mg of TSS (n = 83 t represents 1 standard deviation) to each treatment 4of12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 Table 1 Experiments Data Collected and Key Calculations Rate of DOC Experimental Constituents Measured, Sampling Frequency Experiment Treatments b Control(s) Calculated Key Calculations Photoassisted I RW w /sediments light Dark and DI treatments DOC COz DIC Two sediment/water (RW and DI) desorption 2 RW w/o sediments light TDN DIN DON solutions were mixed and destructively 3 RW w /sediments dark and SRP sampled to measure initial concentrations 4 RW w/o sediments dark before incubation Following 5 DI w /sediments light incubation all treatments 6 DI w/o sediments light were destructively sampled to measure final 7 DI w /sediments dark 1 RW w /sediments light condition [Desorption] = [Final] — [Initial] 8 DI w/o sediments dark production 2 RW w/o sediments light Rate of DOC 1 RW w /sediments light Dark treatments DOC One quartz tube from each treatment desorption five identical solutions was destructively sampled at each of prepared in quartz tubes the following times during incubation 2 RW w/o sediments dark (hours) 0 0 5 1 2 and 6 five identical solutions prepared 1 in quartz tubes Rate CO2 1 RW w /sediments light dark and w/o COz The headspace of each treatment was sampled production 2 RW w/o sediments light sediments treatments at the following times of incubation 3 RW w /sediments dark (hours) 0 2 4 and 6 Fed removal 1 RW w /sediments light dark treatments Fed [Fed] were determined for RW (no sediments) 2 RW w /sediments dark and a mixture of sediment/RW 3 RW w/o sediments light (destructively sampled) 4 RW w/o sediments dark before incubation Reported as percent removal %Removal = ([Initial] — [Final]) /[imtial] Rate of Fed I RW w /sediments light NA Fed One replicate was destructively sampled at each removal five identical solutions of the following times during incubation prepared in quartz tubes (hours) 0 0 5 1 2 and 6 2 RW w/o sediments dark five identical solutions oreuared in ouartz tubes RW denotes filtered Deep River water bDI denotes deionized water The source of Fed was river water no DI treatments were used 2 6 Experimental Design [2o] A series of experiments were performed under lab oratory conditions (see Table 1 for summary) In all expert ments except those measuring the photoproduction of DIC (discussed below) homogenized sediment subsamples of 0 5 mL were added to acid washed quartz tubes using a modified 3 mL syringe followed by the addition of 950 mL of either river water (RW) or deionized water (DI) The resulting sediment/water solutions were generated at the target concentration of —325 mg L- i that completely filled the volume of the quartz tubes so that no head space remained All tubes were gently mixed at the beginning of the expenments to suspend all sediment and incubated under the appropnate conditions for 6 h Once adequately mixed the majority of the sediments stayed suspended for the duration of the experiments in all treatments (i a light and dark) as fine clay particles remain suspended irrespec tive of hydraulic condition (i a wash load [Leopold et al 1964]) 2 6 1 Photoassisted Desorption of C, N and P [21] To quantify the photoassisted desorption of dissolved C N and P from sediment surfaces a serves of expenmental runs were performed as follows Four quartz tubes contain mg sediment suspensions (in RW and/or DI) were placed directly in the solar simulator (referred to hereafter as Light) In order to account for microbial mediated process es another four suspensions (in RW and /or DI) were wrapped in aluminum foil and incubated on the lab bench directly adjacent to the solar simulator (referred to hereafter as Dark) Before incubation two additional sediment water solutions were destructively sampled to represent the pre exposure (Initial) concentrations of DIN TDN SRP and DOC This approach was chosen over sampling each tube before exposure to maintain controlled volume conditions for mass balance calculations and to avoid possible exper imental error associated with altered diffusive gradients Following a 6h exposure the solutions were sampled for DIN TDN SRP and DOC representing the final condition (Final) Desorption of C N and P in all treatments were quantified by subtracting Final from Initial concentrations Experimental runs were repeated until each treatment was represented by nine samples [22] DOC and TDN samples were filtered into glass TOC vials and acidified to pH 2 with 2 M ultrapure HCl Samples were stored at 4 °C until analyzed using a Shimadzu TOC V CPH total organic carbon analyzer coupled with a TNM 1 total nitrogen measuring unit This particular instrument utilizes the high temperature combustion method when quantifying DOC concentrations TDN is measured using the chemilummesence method Samples were analyzed within 2 d of collection [23] DIN and SRP samples were filtered into acid washed 125 mL amber HDPE bottles Samples were frozen at —20 °C until analyzed for NH4 N NO3 NO, N and SRP by the Analytical Services Laboratory at North Carolina State University in Raleigh NC using an FIA autoanalyzer 5of12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 DIN measurements from each treatment were subtracted from TDN measurements to determine DON content [24] Statistical analyses were conducted using analysis of variance adjusted for multiple observations within days Mayor effects analyzed included light treatment (light versus dark) and water treatment (DI versus RW) All statistical results were analyzed using a significance level of 0 0250 2 6 2 Photoproduchon of DIC [25] CO2 accumulation in the head space of the gas tight quartz tubes was measured at the end of 6h incubations for three experimental runs These experiments were prepared as detailed above with two exceptions (1) sediment and water volumes were reduced and (2) an additional control was used to account for photomineralization of DOC in RW without sediments The volume of sediment was reduced by one half (0 25 mL) as was the water volume (475 mL) This maintained the same concentration of sediment (325 mg L -i) but allowed enough head space for gas sample collection CO2 concentration measurements were used to determine differences in photochemical mineralization rates (i a change in DIC concentrations) among treatments [26] Headspace gas samples were taken from each treat ment using 1 mL plastic syringes and measured within 1 h of sampling for CO2 concentration on a Shimadzu GC 14A gas chromatograph equipped with a Supelco 80/100 parapet Q column (6 ft x 1/8 in) a methanizer (set at 500 °C) and a flame ionization detector Oven temperature was set at 35 °C and the runtime was 7 min Helium was used as the carrier gas [27] Corrections for CO2 concentrations were needed to determine the photochemical mineralization of C from sediment sources only In the case of DI treatments the only source of CO2 was the sediments themselves To account for biological respiration dark control CO2 (PPM) measurements (sediments and water) were subtracted from light treatments For RW treatments sediments are a CO2 source but DOC contained within river water also contrib uted to CO2 production via photomineralization Therefore CO, production from sediments in RW treatments was calculated by subtracting both RW light/without sediment and RW dark (with sediment) treatments from RW light sediment treatments [28] Changes in CO, concentrations within the head space of each treatment were used to calculate changes in DIC concentrations Measurements of CO2 (g) were converted to mmol C using the Ideal Gas Law DIC was then calculated as H2CO3 and HCO3 using an assumed solubility constant (Kc02) of 3 38 x 10 -2 mol L -i atm i [Pankow 1991 Stumm and Morgan 1996] For both RW and DI treatments calculations were based on an assumed pressure of 1 atm a measured temperature of 25 °C and a measured pH of 7 2 6 3 Fed Dynamics [29] Fed dynamics were also quantified during the expo sure process Fed is reported for RW treatments only as river water was the source of Fed in our experiments Fed was determined before and after light exposure in two experimental runs using three treatments light with sedi ments and dark with and without sediments Fed data are presented as percent difference because of considerable variability in Fed concentrations within stock river water between experimental runs (2 -18 µmol L-1) [3o] Fed was determined using the ferrozme colonmetnc method with hydroxylamme hydrochloride as a reducing agent [Stockley 1970] Samples were immediately filtered upon collection using sterile 0 22 µm nylon filters and analyzed within 3 h of collection using a Beckman DU 650 UVNis spectrophotometer [31] Statistical analyses were conducted using analysis of variance adjusted for multiple observations within days Mayor effects analyzed included light treatment (light versus dark) and presence of sediments (with or without) All statistical results were analyzed using a significance level of 0 0250 2 6 4 Rate Experiments [32] Using the appropriate analytical techniques described above we performed additional experiments to characterize the kinetics of photoassisted DOC desorption DIC photo production and Fed removal in RW sediment solutions 2 6 4 1 Rate of DOC Desorption [33] River water and sediments were infixed in five quartz tubes as detailed in the photoassisted desorption section above This rate experiment used a destructive sampling design that permanently removed a quartz tube from expo sure at each sampling interval Sampling consisted of five measurements throughout the 6 h exposure process 0 0 5 1 2 and 6 h Water samples were filtered and analyzed for DOC to establish a relationship between DOC concentration and exposure duration 2 6 4 2 Rate of DIC Photoproduchon [34] Two quartz tubes were filled with a mixture of river water and sediments (light treatment and dark control) as detailed in the photoproduction of DIC section above and a third tube was designated as the RW light control —thus contained no sediments Headspace gas sampling consisted of four measurements throughout the 6 h exposure process 0 2 4 and 6 h CO2 concentration measurements were used to determine differences in photochemical mineralization rates (i a change in DIC concentrations) among treatments 2 6 4 3 Fed Removal [35] A Fed removal rate experiment was performed using the same destructive sampling design of the DOC rate expenment described above The source of Fed in this experiment was filtered Deep River water Data are plotted relative to exposure which includes a negative time repre senting RW Fed concentrations before sediment addition 3 Results [36] Exposing sediment water solutions of concentrations relevant to floods in the Deep River system with recurrence intervals of 1 5 years to simulated solar radiation increased DOC DIC and TDN concentrations while scouring Fed from the water column changes in SRP concentrations were negligible Reported C values were corrected by subtracting dark controls (respiration) and where appropriate light controls without sediments (i e DIC production expen ments) All C N and P values are reported with a range of f 1 standard error (SE) 31 Photoassisted Desorption of C, N and P [37] DOC desorption from suspended sediment surfaces was significantly higher in both DI and RW light treatments compared to dark controls (p < 0 001 n = 56 Figure 3a) 6of12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 There were no statistically significant differences between RW and DI treatments (p = 0 665 n = 56) DOC increased in DI light treatments by 414 t 6 µmol C L -1 d -i while DOC increased in RW light treatments by 37 7 t 4 µmol C L -1 d -1 (Figure 3a) 50 40 J E 30 Z a 20 0 m 10 w c r 0 U 10 120 100 J 6 80 E c 60 U o 40 a N U 20 180 160 'e 140 J c 120 E 100 v 80 S 1& 60 r- 40 20 DI Light DI Dark RW Light RW Dark DI RW DI RW [38] Reported CO, (and DIC) values were corrected by subtracting dark controls (for both DI and RW series) and in the case of RW light sediment treatments an additional correction was made by subtracting CO2 production from a second control (RW without sediments) This final correc tion accounted for CO2 production associated with photo mineralization of DOC within Deep River water not associated with sediment desorption [39] Changes in corrected CO2 concentrations did not show significant differences between water treatments (i e DI versus RW) That is CO2 production associated with DI light sediment treatments were not significantly different than those of RW light sediment treatments (p < 0 03 n = 9 Figure 3b) Both light sediment treatments resulted in significantly higher CO2 production than dark controls (p < 0 001 n = 9) The additional control treatment (RW without sediments) accounted for 54 f 9 µmot C L -1 d -1 of CO2 production while the CO2 production in RW light sediment treatments was 92 f 17 µmol C L -1 d- 1(Figure 3b) Thus sediments in Deep River water increased photoproduc tion of CO2 by 38 ttmol C L -1 d -1 or 41% [4o] Based on our calculations using the corrected CO2 production values reported above suspended sediments in DI and RW treatments increased DIC concentrations by 116 and 81 µmot C L -1 d -1 respectively (Figure 3c) This DIC pool includes both headspace and water column inorganic C DIC and DOC pools were added together to quantify the total dissolved carbon (TDC) contributed from suspended sediment surfaces during exposure to simulated solar radi ation 158 and 119 µmol C L -1 d -1 in DI and RW treat ments respectively (Figure 3c) [41] As was the case with DOC sediments in both RW and DI light treatments were a statistically significant source of TDN enrichment compared to dark controls (p < 0 001 n = 52 Figure 4) Water type (i e RW versus DI) did not generate significant differences in TDN desorp tion from sediment surfaces (p = 0 15 n = 52) Mean water column enrichment of TDN in DI light treatments was 2 7 f 0 6 µmol N L -1 d -1 while mean enrichment in RW light treatments was 1 7± 0 7 µmol N L -1 d -1 In both water treatments nearly all TDN enrichment was identified as DON (99 %) [42] Sediments in both water treatments in the presence of simulated solar radiation resulted in slightly higher concen trations of SRP (0 32 t 0 3 µmot L -1) however these values are at or near instrumentation detection limits of Figure 3 (a) DOC desorption from suspended sediments in light and dark treatments Error bars represent tl SE n = 9 per treatment (b) CO2 production for DI with sediments was corrected by subtracting CO2 production of dark controls River water with sediment CO2 production was corrected by subtracting both river water /no sediments in light and river water /sediment dark controls River water /no sediment light controls are also shown for comparison purposes Error bars represent fl SE n = 3 per treatment (c) Total dissolved carbon (TDC) desorption in the presence of light TDC was calculated as the sum of changes in [DIC] and [DOC] resulting from exposure to simulated solar radiation Error bars represent f1 SE 7of12 G03019 350 v 250 0 E 1 50 z 0 t 5 050 0 tLi 050 1 50 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 DI Light DI Dark RW Light RW Dark Figure 4 TDN desorption from suspended sediments in light and dark treatments DON accounted for the vast majority (99 %) of TDN desorption Error bars represent fl SE n = 9 per treatment 0 3 µmol L-' Thus the increase in SRP concentrations was neglected for further analyses 3 2 Fed Removal [43] Sediments in both light and dark treatments removed Fed from river water (p < 0 005 n = 9 p < 0 0250 n = 9 respectively) relative to dark controls without sediments (Figure 5) There were no significant differences between light and dark sediment treatments (p = 0 21 n = 9) Thus the presence of sediments independent of light controlled Fed dynamics in our experiments 3 3 Rate Experiments 3 3 1 DOC Desorption and Photoproduction of DIC [44] Even though the DOC desorption rate expenment produced considerably greater DOC enrichment than any of the experimental values reported above (150 µmol C L -i compared to 41 µcool C L -1) the kinetics demonstrated by these experiments are still considered representative of the general process of photoassisted desorption As seen in Figure 6a most of the desorption activity (67 %) took place in the first 2 h of exposure which produced a DOC concentration increase of 100 µmol C L -i Sampling during the fourth and sixth hours of exposure showed contributions of an additional 34 and 14 µmol C L -1 respectively [45] Photoproduction of DIC rate experiments show sim ilar results to those of DOC desorption kinetics That is 70% of the COz produced by photochemical processes occurred in the first 2 h of exposure (Figure 6b) 3 3 2 Fed Removal [46] The Fe rate experiments showed that once sediments were suspended in RW there was an immediate 24% removal on Fed in both light and dark treatments (Figure 6c) Following the first 2 It of incubation sediments in light treatments removed 60% of Fed while sediments in dark treatments removed 48% The dark treatment did not remove any more Fed over the course of the remaining incubation However Fed concentrations continued to drop in the light treatment throughout the exposure process eventually removing 86% of Fed (Figure 6c) Fed removal in both treatments was within ±1 SE of the respective mean removal values reported above (section 3 3 and Figure 5) 4 Discussion 41 Experimental Discussion [47] Our experimental results provide insight into the biogeochemical roles of suspended sediments during floods and dam removals When exposed to simulated solar radiation TSS concentrations representative of Q1 5 events contributed dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen to the water column (Figures 3a 3b 3c and 4) while effectively removing Fed (Figures 5 and 6c) TDN and TDC loads in RW treatments equaled 1 7± 0 7 µmol N L- 1 d- 1 and 119 pmol C L -1 d -i (Figures 4 and 3c) In the following section our results were extrapolated to provide context at environmentally relevant scales and compared to other reported values of C and N fluxes in aquatic ecosystems [48] Removal of Fed in sediment treatments (Figure 5) can be explained by sediment surface adsorption as fine sediments have an affinity for Fe 3+ oxides Previous re search has suggested this relationship in an Eastern Shore aquifer in Virginia where extractable Fe from oxic aquifer sediment surfaces was an order of magnitude greater than anoxic sediments from the same system [Knapp et al 2002] Additionally Fe3+ has been demonstrated to alter surface charges on clay particles inducing coagulation and sedimentation of Fe clay complexes [Pierre 1997 Ma and Pierre 1999] 4 2 Extrapolation and Comparison [49] While the photochemical processes described here are not as significant to flood biogeochemistry as has been previously demonstrated for watershed hillslope source areas (i a external loading) they do represent pathways of internal OM loading For similar results to be expected in natural systems there are certain conditions which must be met particularly a combination of adequate solar radiation and elevated concentrations of fine suspended sediments 100% 80% �v 0 60% m 40% m LL 20% 0% Light w /sediments Dark w /sediments Dark no sediments Figure 5 Fed removal efficiency in treatments containing sediments was not significantly different in the presence or absence of light Error bars represent f1 SE n = 3 per treatment 8of12 G03019 200 150 J a 100 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS 603019 Time of exposure (hours) E 2000 —4— River water wiseds W t IL • Rner water notseds 6gM 1600 - River water Wseds dark U X111; m v ° 800 ° 400 • — a - - -�"- J v r Time of exposure (hours) 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 B Tkm of exposure (hours) Figure 6 (a) DOC rate of desorption in river water sediment mixtures light versus dark Note that the total desorption of DOC during this experiment (- 150 µmol L -' ) was higher than mean desorption values reported in the text (38 timol L -' d -') (b) Results from CO2 production rate experiment Photommeralization occurred predominantly during the first 2 h of exposure to simulated solar radiation but continued through the course of the experiment (c) Fe removal rates from sediment and river water mixtures in light and dark conditions Data are plotted relative to exposure which includes a negative time representing RW Fed concentrations before sediment addition Such conditions are often observed during floods as flood waves are routed through reaches for hours to days follow mg precipitation events Dam removals and the actions of natural ecosystem engineers such as carp cow and hippo potamus may create sediment suspensions as well [5o] There are challenges in applying our results directly to natural systems because they simulate processes occur ring within the top 5 cm of the river water column only (depth of quartz tubes used for experimentation) Under the assumption that all DIC pools presented in our results were first desorbed as DOC and based on mean desorption values in RW treatments suspended sediment loads within the upper 5 cm of the water column could contribute 119 mmol DOC m -3 d -' and 1 7 mmol DON m -3 d -' It is important to note that in our experiments most C (65% or 77 mmol C m -3 d -1) was mineralized during the course of exposure and was therefore DIC (Figure 3c) Such photochemical mineralization rates are comparable to pre vious studies in humic lake ecosystems which report C photochemical mineralization rates in the surface layer of the water column to be 19 to 57 mmol C m -3 d -' [ Pahatalo et al 2000 Anesto and Graneh 2003] These systems are located in northern latitudes of Europe and thus photo chemical mineralization was limited by latitudinal controls [51] Since our data represent photochemical reactions with suspended sediment in the top 5 cm of the water column only other data are required to calculate this contribution throughout the water column including extmc tion coefficients and degree of npanan shading Since these data are not currently available for the Deep River similar data from the nearby Neuse River NC were used [from Vahatalo et al 2005] so the following extrapolations are limited in this respect We assumed that UV A (320 -400 nm) was responsible for the reactions seen in our experiments based on previous research which showed that 68% of the photochemical mineralization of DOM in a humic lake was accomplished by UV A [Vahatalo et al 2000] For the purposes of this analysis we used 360 nm to represent the wavelength of light responsible for the photoassisted de sorption and photochemical mineralization of DOM from suspended sediments The extinction coefficient for 360 rim on the Neuse River at Goldsboro NC is 17 6 m -' and npanan shading at this same site reduces light availability to the channel by 58% [Vahatalo et al 2005 personal communication] The average channel width of the Neuse River at this site is 36 in while the average channel width of the Deep River at Carbonton is 40 in Thus we assume that riparian cover effects on light availability are similar Incorporating these variables suspended sediments account for 3 92 mmol C m -2 d -' and 40 µmol N m -2 d -' [52] Values allowing direct comparisons of our DON data were not readily available in the literature because most efforts involving photochemistry are focused on mmerali zation, specifically We were unable to detect N minerah zation in our experiments (i e DIN concentrations did not increase during exposure) However our N ennchment (as DON) is comparable to the photochemical ammonification of DON in the Baltic Sea which was found to generate 53 µmol of NH4 M-2 d -' [Vahatalo and Zepp 2005] [53] Photoassisted desorption of DOC from suspended sediments as reported here is comparable to phytoplankton productivity at the Goldsboro NC site on the Neuse River 9of12 G03019 RIGGSBEE ET AL PHOTOCHEMICAL SOURCE OF CARBON IN RIVERS G03019 5 33 mmol C m -2 d -i [Yahatalo et al 2005] It is not comparable however to the mean daily load of DOC in the Deep River near Carbonton At a mean DOC concentration of 595 µmot L-1 (calculated during these experiments n = 9) and a mean annual Q of 113 m3 s- i (USGS gage # 02100500) the Deep River transports 5 81 x 108 mmol C d-' Once this is normalized to mean channel width (40 m) assuming flow across the channel is evenly distributed this equals 145 x 107 mmol C m -2 d-1 Therefore photo assisted sediment surface desorption of DOC during floods is minimal compared to Deep River mean daily loads of DOC However this mechanism of DOC enrichment may supplement organic C losses caused by reduced phytoplank ton productivity during floods [54] Dams are effective sediment traps within channel networks and therefore likely suppress sediment processing in rivers However their removals may present the proper conditions for photochemically mediated sediment desorp tion of DOM Accumulated sediments behmd Carbonton Dam were composed of predominately silt (49 %) and clay (42 %) fractions Following dam removal fine sediments were observed exiting the impoundment during floods in concentrations greater than 350 mg L -t (J A Riggsbee unpublished data 2005 and 2006) During reservoir dew atenng (20 October 2005) impounded water was released from the structures sluice gates and fine sediments were exported from the reservoir in concentrations greater than 200 mg L -t (J A Riggsbee unpublished data 2005) Our results suggest that dam removal activities are capable of affecting downstream water quality through the photoas sisted desorption of DOM from suspended sediment surfa ces in transport 4 3 Photochemical Processing of Terrestrial C [55] Clay and silt soils are responsible for halting the movement of DOC from soil pools to streams In particular polysacchandes f ilvic and humic materials are associated with clay soil surfaces [Tisdall and Oades 1982 Oades 1988 Tiessen and Stewart 1988] On the basis of these relationships clay and silt minerals exert strong controls on stream biogeochemistry by limiting DOC transport from hillslopes to channels In combination with the photochem ical processes described by our data the movement of clay minerals from hillslopes to river channels represents an appreciable source of DOM to river systems Desorption and mineralization of terrestrial C associated with sediment surfaces is a gradual process driven by hydrogeomorphic features within fluvial systems as sediments are slowly routed through channel networks 4 4 Suspended Sediment Controls on Dissolved Iron Dynamics in River Ecosystems [56] Iron oxides in the presence of light can mediate the oxidation of DOM in natural aquatic ecosystems through metal ligand surface complexation reactions [McKnight et al 1992] In acidic surface waters the photochemical mineralization of DOM is coupled with the photoreduction of Fe 3+ to the more soluble Fe 2+ which can increase Fed [McKnight et al 19881 In less acidic systems photo Fenton reactions oxidize reduced iron [Cooper et al 1988 Zuo and Hoigne 1993] maintaining the availability of metal ligand complexes for continued DOM mineralization [Brinkmann et al 2003] Results from our experiments suggest fine river sediments suspended during and following floods can rapidly scour the water column of Fed (Figures 5 and 6c) Thus sediment suspensions reduce the importance of metal ligand complexation reactions during photochemical miner alization [57] There are interesting implications for Fed removal from the water column during floods beyond that of photo chemical mineralization The ability of clay minerals to adsorb Fed from the water column during suspension events offers a source of Fe 3+ to benthic microbial communities responsible for Fe reduction reactions Knapp et al [2002] suggest that Fe reduction can be fueled by Fe 3+ found on mineral surfaces in aquatic ecosystems This ability of fine sediment to remove dissolved Fe from river water also affects the quality of Fe delivered to coastal ecosystems That is as the world s rivers are subjected to greater sediment budgets resulting from urbanization more Fe will be delivered to the world s oceans in particulate forms Conclusions [58] Hydrogeomorphic controls on the suspension and deposition of fine sediments within river corridors have an often overlooked role in the regulation of OM processing in rivers via two mechanisms (1) photoassisted desorption of DOM which transfers and oxidizes C from suspended sediments and (2) Fed adsorption which diminishes the importance of photo Fenton reactions in photochemical mineralization of DOM delivers Fe 3+ (necessary for Fe reducing bacteria) from the water column to the anoxic benthos following deposition and alters the form of Fe delivered to the world s oceans [59] Altered land use has increased both erosion rates and the frequency and magnitude of events that are capable of suspending fine sediments in rivers [Wolman 19671 Con sequently altered hydrology has increased the flux of C containing materials from watershed to channel It is unclear whether this hydrological control would increase or de crease the efficacy of photochemical reactions on C pro cessmg during suspension events However it is reasonable that with increased frequency of suspension and increased fine sediment loads appreciable quantities of nvenne dis solved Fe may be transformed into particulate Fe This relationship may influence global C cycling because fluxes of particulate Fe are not thought to reach pelagic manne phytoplankton communities which are often considered to be Fe limited [Jtckells et al 2005] [60] Acknowledgments We thank Anssi Vahatalo for his willingness to discuss the project s design some preliminary data and reading an early draft Much gratitude is owed to Emily Stanley for also reviewing an early draft Jason Julian for his help in the field and Barrett Jenkins for his GIS assistance This project was supported financially by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Restoration Systems LLC References Anesio A M and W Gmneli (2003) 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NC 28557 USA C H Orr National Center for Earth Surface Dynamics Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory University of Minnesota 23rd Ave SE Minneapolis MN 55414 USA J A Riggsbee and R G Wetzel Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering University of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC 27599 7431 USA (anggsbee@restorationsystems com) 12 of 12 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH VOL 44 W10411 doi 10 1029/2007WR006457 2008 Hem IVFul Article Optical water quality in rivers J P Julian 12 M W Doyle 1 S M Powers 3 E H Stanley 3 and J A Riggsbee4 Received 20 August 2007 revised l I June 2008 accepted 23 July 2008 published 18 October 2008 [1] Optical water quality (OWQ) governs the quantity and quality of light in aquatic ecosystems, and thus spatiotemporal changes in OWQ affect many biotic and abiotic processes Despite the fundamental role of light in rivers studies on nvenne OWQ have been limited and mostly descriptive Here we provide a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of the controls and spatiotemporal dynamics of nverme OWQ focusing on the inherent optical properties (IOPs), which are those that are only affected by water constituents and not by changes in the solar radiation field First we briefly review the constituents attenuating light in rivers Second we develop a new method for partitioning (light) beam attenuation into its constituent fractions This method distinguishes between absorption and scattering by dissolved and particulate constituents, and further isolates particulates into mineral and organic components Third we compare base flow IOPs between four rivers with vastly different physical characteristics to illustrate intersite variability Fourth, we analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of IOPs for the four rivers Fifth, we quantify a longitudinal water clarity budget for one of the rivers Finally, available data are synthesized to identify general spatial trends robust across broad geographic areas Temporal trends in IOPs were largely dictated by storm frequency while spatial trends were largely dictated by channel network configuration Generally, water clarity decreased with increasing discharge primarily owing to greater scattering by particulates and secondarily to greater absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter Water clarity also generally decreased longitudinally along the river owing to increased particulate inputs from tributaries, however, for pear shaped dendritic basins, water clarity reached a mmiinum at —70% of the channel length and then increased By illustrating the controls and spatiotemporal variability of nvenne OWQ these findings will be of interest to water resource managers and fluvial ecologists and specifically for remote sensing of fluvial environments and river plumes in receiving waters Citation Julian J P M W Doyle S M Powers E H Stanley and J A Riggsbee (2008) Optical water quality in nvers Water Resour Res 44 W10411 doi 10 1029/2007WR006457 1 Introduchon [-)] Optical water quality (OWQ) has been defined as the extent to which the suitability of water for its func tional role in the biosphere or the human environment is determined by its optical properties [Kirk 1988] Accord mgly OWQ governs the behavior of photons in aquatic ecosystems and determines underwater light quantity (num her of photons) and quality (spectral distribution) It there fore influences primary productivity water temperature faunal movements photodegradation of organic matter and numerous other photoassisted biogeochemical reactions [Wetzel 2001] Changes in OWQ can indicate important 'Department of Geography University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina, USA 2Now at Department of Geography University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma USA 3Center for Limnology University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin USA °Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina USA Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 0043 1397/08/2007WR006457$09 00 environmental trends such as eutroph►cat►on sedimentation or general water quality degradation Additionally OWQ is a key component of aesthetics recreation and management of water resources [Davies Colley et al 2003] Thus OWQ reflects prevailing environmental conditions and dictates multiple aspects of ecosystem structure and function [3] The significance of light has long been recognized in oceans estuanes and lakes but has usually been ignored and at most dealt with in a descriptive qualitative fashion in rivers Of the body of work that exists on rivers most address only individual influences such as light attenuation by sediments Further the high vanability and difficulty of characterization of nvenne OWQ [Davies Colley et al 2003] has delayed a comprehensive understanding The lack of information persists despite the central role ascribed to light availability in fluvial ecology models such as the River Continuum Concept (RCC Vannote et al [1980]) Nonetheless the eclectic nature of OWQ and the ease of field measurement has resulted in its adoption as a water quality standard in some countries [Davies Colley et al 2003] [4] The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the spatial and temporal dynamics of nvenne W10411 1 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS OWQ focusing on the inherent optical properties (IOPs) those that are only affected by water constituents and not by changes in the solar radiation field First the constituents influencing IOPs are briefly reviewed Second a new method is developed for partitioning light beam attenuation into its constituent fractions Third we compare base flow IOPs between four rivers with vastly different physical characteristics to illustrate mtersite variability Fourth we analyze the spatial and temporal distributions of IOPs for the four rivers Fifth we quantify a water clanty budget for one of the rivers including tributary inputs Finally avail able data are synthesized to identify general spatial trends robust across broad geographic areas Throughout the paper we place our findings in the context of prevailing fluvial ecosystem theory Components of Optical Water Quality [s] When light enters water it interacts with dissolved and particulate substances by the processes of absorption and scattering Although light is mostly lost through ab sorption scattering can be a mayor influence on the quantity of light because it increases the probability of absorption [Kirk 1994] Absorption influences the quality of light by selectively removing photons with specific wave bands The absolute quantities of scattering and absorption are expressed by an absorption coefficient (a) and a scattering coefficient (b) which respectively are the fraction of radiant flux (light per time) that is absorbed and scattered by an infinitesimally thin layer of aquatic, medium per unit dis tance along the light path Together a and b establish the (light) beam attenuation coefficient (c) the fraction of radiant flux that is lost over the infinitesimally thin layer of aquatic medium in m -i c= a + b (1) This value of c is closely and inversely related to the visual clanty of water [Davies Colley et al 20031 Accordingly c is low for optically clear rivers and high for turbid rivers [6] In rivers the amount of light at depth is ultimately dictated by the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) which depends weakly on features of the light field such as solar zenith angle, the ratio of diffuse to direct solar radiation, and diffuse light within the water column While Kd is more relevant to primary productivity (via light penetration) c is more relevant to human aesthetics and faunal movements (via visibility) Both variables are important to water resources and aquatic ecology but we focus here on the inherent optical properties of a b and c so that we can use additive principles and compare spatiotemporal trends in OWQ not associated with changes in the solar radiation field That is we wanted to focus on the rivers composi tional variability in order to parse out the different controls on beam attenuation within the water column (e g scat tenng by particulates versus absorption by dissolved con stituents) Further Kd and c are strongly correlated [Davies Colley and Nagels 2008] and thus trends in Kd generally follow those of c [7] Any component of the water column can absorb and scatter light but there are only five that significantly attenuate light in rivers water (w) chromophonc dissolved organic matter (CDOM) inorganic suspended sediment W10411 (SS) nonalgal particulate organic matter (POM) and phy toplankton ( PHYTO) [Davies Colley et al 2003] Because beam attenuation is an additive process [Kirk 1994] the sum of beam attenuation by each one of these components sets the clarity of a river such that C = C + CCDOM + CSS + CPOM + CPHYTO (2) c= C, +cd +cP (3) where cd is the beam attenuation coefficient of the dissolved constituents (CDDom) and Cp is the beam attenuation coefficient of the particulate constituents (css + cpom + cptrt^rO) [8] While every river possesses a unique OWQ regime the spatial and temporal trends of the above five com ponents [Davies Colley et al 2003 Golladay 1997 Reynolds 2000 Sedell and Dahm 1990 Syvitski et al 2000 Walling and Webb 1992 Wetzel 20011 allow for a few generalizations Temporally rivers have the greatest clanty during base flow (low Q) and the lowest clanty during and immediately following floods (high Q) Spa tially many headwater streams have high clanty owing to very low CDOM SS POM and PHYTO concentrations As a river increases in size downstream and source areas of SS and POM are accessed the river becomes more turbid and clanty decreases In the lowest reaches of a river the main stem channel becomes more hydrologically connected to its floodplam thereby increasing supply of CDOM to the river The longer residence time of the lower reaches also allows for a greater abundance of PHYTO This trend of decreasing clanty along the river continuum (headwaters to mouth) is an underlying tenet of the RCC [Vannote et al 1980] but to our knowledge has not been empirically verified [9] This brief review provides a basic understanding of nvenne OWQ but also highlights the fact that comprehen sive quantitative studies of OWQ are rare and that much of our current understanding of light driven processes in rivers is based on assumed knowledge about spatial and temporal patterns of water constituents To test some of these pre vailing assumptions we analyze IOPs along the river continuum in two Midwestern rivers (Baraboo River and Wisconsin River Wisconsin USA) and compare published synoptic data sets We also analyze temporal IOPs in a small Midwestern stream (Big Spring Creek Wisconsin USA) and a large Southeastern river (Deep River North Carolina USA) 3 Study Saes [io] Four nontidal freshwater U S rivers were selected for our study (Figure 1) We assessed temporal trends in IOPs on two of the rivers Deep River (DR) and Big Spring Creek (BSC) The dissimilarities between these two rivers allowed us to investigate water clanty over a large range of physical characteristics from a small relatively clear stream whose hydrology is driven by groundwater (BSC) to a large relatively turbid river whose hydrology is predominantly driven by surface runoff (DR) We assessed spatial trends in IOPs on the Wisconsin River (WR) and Baraboo River (BR) The dissimilarity in flow regulation between these two rivers allowed us to investigate water clanty along the 2 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 4648 N 42 57' N 3614 N 35 25 N 8022 W 7863 W W10411 93 30 W 88 93 W Figure 1 Optical water quality study sites Major tnbutanes are depicted for all four basins Gage identifies where Q was measured and water samples were collected Big Spring Creek Basin is adjacent to but not located in the Wisconsin River Basin river continuum for a heavily regulated river (WR) and an unregulated river (BR) [ii] Deep River is a sixth order stream located in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina (Figure 1) The 2770 km2 watershed of the DR gage site is predominantly forest (72 %) followed by agriculture (25 %) and urban (3 %) Its npanan comdor is composed mostly of mixed hardwood forest The basin receives 110 cm/a of precipita tion with no distinct seasonality (NOAA National climate data 2007 available at http / /www noaa gov /climate html) Most of the urbanization in the basin is located in the headwaters which together with its heavily entrenched channels leads to high flashy flood flows dunng stones [12] Big Spnng Creek is a second order stream located in the Central Plain of Wisconsin (Figure 1) Its 21 1 km2 drainage basin is mostly agriculture (46 %) followed by forest (31%) grassland (21%) and wetland (2 %) The npanan corridor of BSC is composed of a mixture of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) and mixed hardwood forest Its basin receives 84 cm/a of precipitation with a seasonal peak in monthly precipitation during the summer (see http / /www noaa gov /climate html) BSC is a spring fed stream with relatively constant discharge [13] Baraboo River is a sixth order stream that begins in the Western Uplands of Wisconsin and meanders through the nonglaciated driftless area of central WI before empty mg into the Wisconsin River (Figure 1) BR drops in elevation from 420 to 235 m AMSL over a length of 187 km The 1690 km2 Baraboo River Basin is mostly agriculture (47 %) followed by forest (31 %) grassland (15 %) wetland (5 %) urban (1%) and barren (1%) Its npanan corridor is composed mostly of mixed hardwood forest and various grasses BR histoncally had nine dams on its main stem (see Wisconsin Department of Natural 3of19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS W10411 Table 1 Temporal Sampling of OWQ at Big Spring Creek and Deep River Automated samples were collected with Teledyne ISCO 6712 autosamplers Manual samples were collected following the protocol in section 4 1 All samples were kept dark and refrigerated at —4 C and analyzed within 72 hours of sample collection with only two exceptions (two flood samples for BSC) Abbreviations are as follows DR Deep River BSC Big Spring Creek bThe two flood samples for BSC were collected at a station —2 km downstream of the study site A paired t test (n = 44) revealed that c was not statistically different between these two sites (t = —1 36 p = 0 18) Resources Dam Database available at http //dnr wi gov/ org /water /wm /dsfm/dams /datacentral html hereinafter re ferred to as WDNR 2006) All nine dams have been removed the last one in 2001 and now its entire 187 km main stem is free flowing [14] Wisconsin River is a seventh order stream that begins at Lac Vieux Desert in the Northern Highlands of Wisconsin and empties into the Mississippi River (Figure 1) It drops in elevation from 515 to 185 m AMSL over a length of 684 km The 31 400 km2 Wisconsin River Basin is mostly forest (41%) followed by agriculture (27 %) wetland (15 %) grassland (11 %) open water (3 %) urban (1%) shrubland (1 %) and barren (1 %) Its npanan comdor is composed of a mosaic of wetlands praine oak savanna and floodplam forest There are currently 26 main stem dams on the Wisconsin River (WDNR 2006) 4 Methods 4 1 Sample Collection [15] We compared short term (3 — 10 d) and long term (April September) changes in OWQ during base flow and flood conditions at DR and BSC to assess temporal trends (Table 1) We assessed longitudinal trends in OWQ by performing synoptic surveys along the continuum of BR and WR Water samples were collected during base flow from 23 main stem locations and 7 tributaries along BR on 13 August 2006 and from 20 main stem locations along WR on 16 September 2006 All samples were collected in acid washed amber polyethylene bottles except DOC samples which were collected in precombusted glass vials treated with 600 fiL of 2M HCl All filtered water samples including DOC were obtained using Whatman GF /F (0 7 µm) glass fiber filters [Wetzel and Likens 2000] Water chemistry and OWQ analyses were performed within 72 h of sample collection All water samples were kept dark and refrigerated at —4 °C until analysis which mini mized any changes in water chemistry during this time 4 2 Hydrology [16] We obtained 15 min discharge records from the USGS gages #05405000 and #05407000 for BR and WR respectively Discharge records for BSC and DR were obtained from stage Q rating curves we developed using 15 min water level readings from stage recorders (Intech WT HR 2000 for BSC and HOBO 9 m for DR) and in situ Q measurements taken with a Marsh McBsrney current meter 4 3 Water Chemistry [v] We measured total suspended solids (TSS) and its fractionated components of SS and POM on all water samples according to APHA Standard Methods procedure 2540D/E [Clesceri et al 1998] using 15 µm glass fiber filters (Pro Weigh Environmental Express) We measured DOC as nonpurgeable organic carbon (NPOC) with a Shimadzu TOC Vcsh Analyzer according to APHA Stan dard Methods procedure 5310B [Clesceri et al 1998] We used chi a concentration as a proxy for PHYTO concentra tion For DR BSC and BR we measured chi a with a Turner Designs TD 700 fluorometer according to APHA Standard Methods procedure 10200H [Clesceri et al 1998] using Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters For WR we measured chi a with a Beckman DU Series 600 UVNIS spectrophotometer according to Hauer and Lamberts [ 1996] 4 4 Optical Measurements 4 4 1 Turbidity (T„) [18] We measured T„ with a Hach 21OOP turbidimeter in nephelometnc turbidity units (NTU) which is a relative measure of b [Kirk 1994] We used the average value of three T, measurements for each sample thoroughly mixing the sample prior to each measurement 442 Inherent Optical Properties [19] We used a Beckman DU Series 600 UVNIS spec trophotometer to determine the 1OPs of water samples The spectrophotometer measured the amount of incident radiant flux (4io) that was received by a light detector ((D) after being transmitted through a water sample path length (r) All water samples were contained in the same quartz cuvette (r = 0 01 m) and analyzed at room temperature (2 IT) Adopting the method of Brscaud et al [1983] we derived the beam attenuation coefficient (c) with a Beckman turbid ity cell holder (TCH) which prevented scattered light from reaching the light detector by reducing the collection angle to 0 94° (collimated light beam) and moving the water sample to 52 mm from the light detector With this config uration the light detector only captured the incident light that was left after absorption and scattenng by the water sample Using the TCH c was calculated as follows c = — In(`D/,Do)Tc,/r (4) We derived the absorption coefficient (a) by using a Beckman standard cell holder (SCH) which placed the 4 of 19 21 -30 May 2006 14-16 June 2006 11-17 July 2006 29 Aug to 11 Sep 2006 24 -26 April 2006 15 -24 June 2006 24 June 2005 to 18 Sep 2006 Location DR DR DR DR BSC BSC BSC Method automated manual automated automated automated automated manual Flow base flow flood base flow flood base flow base flow base flow /floodb Sample interval (hours) 12 —24 6 6 4 6 discrete Sample number 20 3 25 50 12 36 22/2 Automated samples were collected with Teledyne ISCO 6712 autosamplers Manual samples were collected following the protocol in section 4 1 All samples were kept dark and refrigerated at —4 C and analyzed within 72 hours of sample collection with only two exceptions (two flood samples for BSC) Abbreviations are as follows DR Deep River BSC Big Spring Creek bThe two flood samples for BSC were collected at a station —2 km downstream of the study site A paired t test (n = 44) revealed that c was not statistically different between these two sites (t = —1 36 p = 0 18) Resources Dam Database available at http //dnr wi gov/ org /water /wm /dsfm/dams /datacentral html hereinafter re ferred to as WDNR 2006) All nine dams have been removed the last one in 2001 and now its entire 187 km main stem is free flowing [14] Wisconsin River is a seventh order stream that begins at Lac Vieux Desert in the Northern Highlands of Wisconsin and empties into the Mississippi River (Figure 1) It drops in elevation from 515 to 185 m AMSL over a length of 684 km The 31 400 km2 Wisconsin River Basin is mostly forest (41%) followed by agriculture (27 %) wetland (15 %) grassland (11 %) open water (3 %) urban (1%) shrubland (1 %) and barren (1 %) Its npanan comdor is composed of a mosaic of wetlands praine oak savanna and floodplam forest There are currently 26 main stem dams on the Wisconsin River (WDNR 2006) 4 Methods 4 1 Sample Collection [15] We compared short term (3 — 10 d) and long term (April September) changes in OWQ during base flow and flood conditions at DR and BSC to assess temporal trends (Table 1) We assessed longitudinal trends in OWQ by performing synoptic surveys along the continuum of BR and WR Water samples were collected during base flow from 23 main stem locations and 7 tributaries along BR on 13 August 2006 and from 20 main stem locations along WR on 16 September 2006 All samples were collected in acid washed amber polyethylene bottles except DOC samples which were collected in precombusted glass vials treated with 600 fiL of 2M HCl All filtered water samples including DOC were obtained using Whatman GF /F (0 7 µm) glass fiber filters [Wetzel and Likens 2000] Water chemistry and OWQ analyses were performed within 72 h of sample collection All water samples were kept dark and refrigerated at —4 °C until analysis which mini mized any changes in water chemistry during this time 4 2 Hydrology [16] We obtained 15 min discharge records from the USGS gages #05405000 and #05407000 for BR and WR respectively Discharge records for BSC and DR were obtained from stage Q rating curves we developed using 15 min water level readings from stage recorders (Intech WT HR 2000 for BSC and HOBO 9 m for DR) and in situ Q measurements taken with a Marsh McBsrney current meter 4 3 Water Chemistry [v] We measured total suspended solids (TSS) and its fractionated components of SS and POM on all water samples according to APHA Standard Methods procedure 2540D/E [Clesceri et al 1998] using 15 µm glass fiber filters (Pro Weigh Environmental Express) We measured DOC as nonpurgeable organic carbon (NPOC) with a Shimadzu TOC Vcsh Analyzer according to APHA Stan dard Methods procedure 5310B [Clesceri et al 1998] We used chi a concentration as a proxy for PHYTO concentra tion For DR BSC and BR we measured chi a with a Turner Designs TD 700 fluorometer according to APHA Standard Methods procedure 10200H [Clesceri et al 1998] using Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters For WR we measured chi a with a Beckman DU Series 600 UVNIS spectrophotometer according to Hauer and Lamberts [ 1996] 4 4 Optical Measurements 4 4 1 Turbidity (T„) [18] We measured T„ with a Hach 21OOP turbidimeter in nephelometnc turbidity units (NTU) which is a relative measure of b [Kirk 1994] We used the average value of three T, measurements for each sample thoroughly mixing the sample prior to each measurement 442 Inherent Optical Properties [19] We used a Beckman DU Series 600 UVNIS spec trophotometer to determine the 1OPs of water samples The spectrophotometer measured the amount of incident radiant flux (4io) that was received by a light detector ((D) after being transmitted through a water sample path length (r) All water samples were contained in the same quartz cuvette (r = 0 01 m) and analyzed at room temperature (2 IT) Adopting the method of Brscaud et al [1983] we derived the beam attenuation coefficient (c) with a Beckman turbid ity cell holder (TCH) which prevented scattered light from reaching the light detector by reducing the collection angle to 0 94° (collimated light beam) and moving the water sample to 52 mm from the light detector With this config uration the light detector only captured the incident light that was left after absorption and scattenng by the water sample Using the TCH c was calculated as follows c = — In(`D/,Do)Tc,/r (4) We derived the absorption coefficient (a) by using a Beckman standard cell holder (SCH) which placed the 4 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 025- T 0.20 Q � 015 0 a01oS, 005- 0 00 300 OF 440 TCH OF cd + c,, SCH -UF ad + aP TCH F cd SCH F ad C1►1-a 1 absorption peak f(b/a) 1 f(b) (C ;m index) 350 400 450 600 650 800 650 700 750 SW Wavelength, A (nm) W10411 Figure 2 Heuristic diagram of the four configuration spectrophotometer scan The magnitude of absorbance at 740 nm illustrates the degree of scattenng The magnitude of absorbance at 440 nm of filtered water samples illustrates the absorption by CDOM The proportional spacing between the top two absorbance curves illustrates the scattenng to absorption ratio (b /a) The relative height of the peak in the SCH OF absorbance curve at 675 nm indicates the magnitude of light attenuation by phytoplankton water sample 10 mm from the light detector and increased the collection angle to 14° At this close proximity and comparatively large collection angle we expect on the basis of published volume scattenng functions [Petzold 19721 most ( -75 %) of the scattered light to be detected thus absorption can be quantified once a correction for undetected scattered light is applied Residual scattenng not captured by the light detector was corrected for by subtracting out the apparent absorption coefficient at 740 nm (X740) because essentially all measured absorption at 740 nm is due to scattenng [Davies Colley et al 2003] Using the SCH a was calculated as follows X = — ln( 'P/'bo)sCH/r (5) a =X —X740 (6) where X is the apparent absorption coefficient for the measured wavelength Equation (6) assumes that angular distribution of scattenng is spectrally independent and that the spectral trend of scattenng is negligible Using equation (1) we calculated the scattering coefficient (b) by subtracting a from c as recommended by Davies Colley et al [2003] 4 4 3 Spectrophotometer Scans [20] We scanned each water sample in 1 nm intervals between 340 and 740 nm at 1200 nm/min Each scan took approximately 20 s thus we assumed that particulate settling was minimal Each sample was thoroughly mixed prior to each scan In order to denve the variables in equations (4) —(6) and partition c (described below) we performed four configurations of scans on each water sample (Figure 2) TCH OF (turbidity cell holder unfiltered sample) TCH F (turbidity cell holder filtered sample) SCH OF (standard cell holder unfiltered sample) SCH F (standard cell holder filtered sample) We performed 3 scans for each configuration and used mean values for subsequent analyses From the spectrophotometer scans we used readings at 440 rim (index of CDOM) 740 nm (residual scattenng) and the average of 400 -700 nm (PAR) Unless denoted by a subscript identifier (e g a440) all reported attenuation coefficients are average values for PAR [21] We also used the spectrophotometer scans to com pare IOPs between the four study sites and to previous studies The spectrophotometer scans (Figure 2) illustrate the change in absorbance (D) with wavelength (A) where D = logio (41o/`F) (7) The magnitude of absorbance at 740 nm illustrates the degree of scattenng in the water column which indicates the concentration of particulates since scattering by dissolved constituents is negligible The magnitude of absorbance at 440 rim of filtered water samples illustrates the absorption by CDOM The proportional spacing between the top two absorbance curves (TCH OF and SCH UF) illustrates the scattenng to absorption ratio (b /a) which indicates the dominant process of beam attenuation The magnitude of beam attenuation by PHYTO is indicated by the relative height of the peak in the SCH OF absorbance curve at 675 nm [Gallegos and Neale 2002] which is an absorption peak of chl a 4 5 Partitioning Light Beam Attenuation [22] We partitioned the beam attenuation coefficient into its constituent fractions (equation (3)) by using combina tions of TCH versus SCH and OF versus F (Figure 3) Using the TCH on an unfiltered sample quantifies the collective beam attenuation coefficient by the dissolved (cd) and particulate (cp) constituents Because the spectro photometer was blanked with Milli Q water pnor to meas urements we added the beam attenuation coefficient of pure water (cx,) to the TCH OF reading to obtain the total beam attenuation coefficient (c) Values for c„, a,,, and b,, were 5of19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS UnBltei ed Sample Filtei ed Sample M (UF — IF) Pme Ram Turbidity Standard Cell Holdei Cell Holder Figure 3 Partitioning of the beam attenuation coefficient using the four configuration spectro photometer scan obtained from the data of Buiteveld et al [1994] Using the SCH on an unfiltered sample quantifies the collective light absorption coefficient by the dissolved (ad) and particulate (ap) constituents We added the absorption coefficient of pure water (aK,) to the SCH OF reading to obtain the total light absorption coefficient (a) Using the TCH on a filtered sample quantifies cd Using the SCH on a filtered sample quantifies ad We derived particulate attenuation coefficients by subtracting the dissolved and water attenuation coeffi cients from the total attenuation coefficients (equation (3)) For example Cp = C — Cd — c. (TCH OF — TCH F Figure 3) We derived scattering coefficients by subtracting the absorption coefficients from the beam attenuation coef ficients (equation (1)) [23] We partitioned cp into css and cpom by using the ap and by of water samples where TSS was 100% POM When the particulates in a water sample are composed entirely of POM by can be attributed entirely to POM (bp = bpom) Because absorption by SS is usually negligible (Davies Colley et al [2003] exceptions include iron oxides Babin and Stramsla [2004]) ap for any water sample can be attributed entirely to POM (ap = apom) If we define K as bpomlapoM then under this scenario bpou = Kap which allows us to approximate the beam attenuation coefficient of POM cpom = apoM + bpoM = ap + Kap (8) This equation assumes that K is a constant for all POM in the water column It also assumes that cpHyTo is negligible or either incorporated into cp0m 4 6 Water Clarity Budget [24] We quantified the effect of tributaries on spatial OWQ trends by creating a water clarity budget for the W10411 Baraboo River using the mass balance approach of Davies Colley et al [2003] Cd,Qds = C.Qus + Cmb Qmb (9) where c is the beam attenuation coefficient in m -1 Q is discharge in m3 /s and the subscripts ds us and tnb denote downstream upstream and tributary respectively This method assumes that c is volume conservative where constituents do not experience physical or chemical changes (e g sedimentation of SS) between the upstream and downstream sites To obtain c we used equation (4) on water samples collected from seven confluences At each confluence we sampled immediately upstream of the confluence (c„s) at the tributary outlet before it entered the main stem channel (C, b) and below the confluence at a sufficient distance downstream to allow full mixing but upstream of the next downstream confluences (cd,.) Q was derived with the weighted area method [Gordon et al 2004] using the downstream USGS gage at river kilometer (RK) 160 Watershed areas were calculated with the ArcHydro extension in ArcGIS 9 1 (ESRI) We used high resolution (1 24 000) national hydrography data (USGS) to characterize stream link magnitudes (i a stream order via the Strahler method) [Gordon et al 2004] Mayor tributanes (in the sense of Benda et al [2004]) were identified on the basis of a stream order greater than or equal to n — 1 where n is the stream order of the main stem channel before the confluence 4 7 Synoptic Optical Water Quality Data Sets [25] We assessed global longitudinal trends in OWQ by comparing our two longitudinal c profiles from BR and WR with published synoptic data sets that met two conditions (1) OWQ was measured in at least five locations from near 6 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS Table 2 Discharge and Water Chemistry of Gage Sites Deep River at Big Spring Creek at Baraboo River at Wisconsin River at Glendon Big Spnngb La Valleb Muscodad Q(m3 /s) 97±144 0291002 96 ±60 1931±777 DOC (mg/L) 6 8 1 14 (65) 12 t 0 3 (94) 2 7± 0 2 (43) 6 9 1 0 6 (8) SS (mg/L) 20 1 t 55 9 (124) 4 3± 3 0 (64) 60 7 t 24 3 (50) 28 1 t 39 2 (32) POM (mg/L) 5 2 1 8 4 (124) 2 5± 1 0 (64) 8 9± 2 3 (50) 16 6 1 5 1 (32) chl a (µg/L) l 5 t 1 1 (21) 6 3± 10 (10) 28 0 t 11 3 (10) 45 4 t 23 3 (7) Values are mean t standard deviation (number of observations) Q data for all four sites is from water year 2006 bFrom this study Q from USGS gage 05405000 dFrom Popp [2005] and USGS gage 05407000 the headwaters to the river s mouth and (2) the main stem channel was greater than 100 km Three data sets fulfilled these criteria all from New Zealand Motueka River (110 km Davies Colley [1990]) Pomahaka River (147 km Harding et al [1999]) and Waikato River (330 km Davies Colley [1987]) The Waikato River study reported Secchi disk depth (zsD) which we converted to c using the method of Gordon and Wouters [1978] (c = 6 1zso) The Pomahaka and Motueka River studies reported black disk visibility (YBD) which we converted to c using the method of Davies Colley [1988] (c = 4 81yBD) We used these five synoptic OWQ surveys to test the prediction of the RCC [Yannote et al 1980] that water clarity decreases along the river continuum from headwaters to mouth 5 Results 5 1 Optical Water Quality Comparisons [26] Big Spring Creek (BSC) had the highest clarity because of its low SS POM DOC and PHYTO (Table 2) These characteristics caused the water of BSC to be relatively colorless owing to the lack of scattering or absorption of light BSC had the lowest average base flow c at 2 73 t 0 89 m -t (meantstd dev) and the lowest average base flow T, at 4 0 f 13 NTU of the four study sites (Table 3) Deep River (DR) had a yellowish hue owing to preferential blue light absorption by its high DOC concentration The average base flow c and T„ for DR was 5 78 f l 57 m -i and 5 0± 19 NTU respectively Wisconsin River (WR) at Muscoda also had a yellowish hue due its high DOC concentration The c and T for WR at Muscoda were 15 71 m -t and 13 6 NTU Baraboo River (BR) at La Valle had the lowest clarity predominantly because of high SS and POM which imparted a dark brownish hue on the water This site had the highest c Table 3 Base Flow Turbidity and IOPs of Study Sites' Big Spring Wisconsin Deep River at Creek at Baraboo River at River at Glendon Big Spring La Valle Muscoda T (NTU) 5 0± 19 4 0± 13 274 136 C (m ') 5 78 t 1 57 2 73 t 0 89 2926 1571 b/a 125 t 0 29 2 63 t 0 87 660 508 a440 (m -1) 4 10 f 109 0 61 t 0 20 160 236 Study sites are Deep River (n = 74) Big Spring Creek (n = 49) Baraboo River (n = 1) and Wisconsin River (n = 1) Values are mean t standard deviation W10411 and T„ of the four study sites at 29 26 m- i and 27 4 NTU [27] Spectrophotometer scans of base flow samples illus trated the relative differences in IOPs among the four study sites (Figure 4) BR had the highest TCH OF absorbance curve at 740 nm and thus had the highest total scattering coefficient (b) at 25 41 m -i followed by WR at 13 13 DR at 4 39 and BSC at 2 53 We found a strong correlation between TSS (SS + POM Table 2) and b (r2 = 0 98 p = 0 027) which supports the expected increased scattering with increased concentration of particulates DR had the highest SCH F absorbance curve at 340 nm and thus had the highest CDOM absorption coefficient (a440) at 4 44 m -i followed by WR at 2 36 BR at 1 60 and BSC at 0 41 DOC explained 82% of the variation in a440 although the regression was not statistically significant (p = 0 135) likely owing to the small sample size (n = 4) [28] At all four sites scattering was the dominant process of beam attenuation (b /a > 1) with BR having the highest b/a at 6 60 followed by WR at 5 08 BSC at 4 10 and DR at 1 64 The magnitude of beam attenuation by PHYTO was negligible at DR and BSC because of the lack of a peak at 675 nm in the SCH OF absorbance curves (Figure 4) Their low chl a concentrations (Table 2) support this result BR and WR had small peaks at 675 nm owing to higher chl a which still contributed minimally to overall beam attenuation [29] Turbidity was a highly significant (p < 0 001) predictor of c at all four sites (Figure 5) The regression slopes of —I for BR and WR which represent longitudinal changes in c versus T„ throughout the basin agree well with other studies that measured both variables across space [Davies Colley 1987 Davies Colley and Smith 1992] The much lower regression slopes for DR and BSC which represent changes in c versus T„ with varying discharge at a station was likely due to the ratio of 900 scattering to total scattering (T„ /b) being lower for the larger particles sus pended by more energetic flows [Davies Colley and Close 1990] 5 2 Temporal Trends Deep River and Big Spring Creek 5 2 1 Turbidity and Discharge [30] Turbidity generally increased with increasing Q for DR and BSC (Figure 6) Q explained 77% of the variation in T„ at DR (Figure 6b p < 0 001) We attribute this unexplained variation to hysteresis interstorm and seasonal effects For example T. values for the storm on 14 June 2006 were lower despite being a larger flood than the 7of19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS W10411 a5 0.20 Q Q 015 0.10 .c Q Dos A Deep River (DR) —TQWF —Sa+uF TC" sc14-F 025 c =707mi 020 b!a = 1 64 a44o = 4 44 m i 015 0.00 300 360 400 460 600 360 600 960 700 1'80 800 ° C Baraboo River (BR) c= 2926m1 ba o.zo p / = 6 60 C015- a440 = 160 m 010 005 h� °00 300 350 400 460 600 sm 800 850 700 750 800 Wavelength, A (nm) 010 005 B Big Spring Creek (BSC) c =3 15m i b/a =410 a440 =041 m i 000 i iI =r—e i —ri 300 380 400 460 500 s60 800 860 700 760 800 °.n D Wisconsin River (WR) 020 c= 1571m� 015 b/a =508 010 a440 = 2 36 m 000 900 350 400 160 500 560 $00 560 700 750 800 Wavelength, A (nm) Figure 4 Representative spectrophotometer scans of the four study sites during base flow storm on 30 August 2006 (Figure 6a) The two likely causes for this scenano are (1) There was a separate flood on 13 June 2006 that depleted the accumulated source of fine sediment and POM for the 14 June flood and/or (2) More sediment and POM were available for the 30 August storm owing to crop harvesting during this time The relationship between c and Q at DR (r2 = 0 71 c = 1 43Qi 04) was similar to the relationship between T„ and Q [31] Discharge explained only 27% of the vanation in T„ at BSC (Figure 6d p < 0 001) We attribute most of this unexplained variation to seasonal effects The reduced vegetative ground coverage of BSC basin during the winter allowed greater surface sediment runoff especially during the numerous snowmelt runoff events that occurred in central Wisconsin during the 2005 -2006 winter This scenano is the likely cause of the two high T„ measurements in March 2006 (Figure 6c) The other considerable seasonal effect on T„ in BSC was the die off of in channel vegetation dunng late summer BSC had a dense benthic coverage of aquatic macrophytes, which began to senesce in late July [Zahn, 2007] This senescence not only added plant frag ments to the water column but also fine sediment that was previously trapped by the vegetation This scenano is the likely cause of the increasing T„ values starting in August of both years Another contributing factor to increased T„ at BSC was observed bioturbation with the greatest turbidity pulses being caused by cows and geese The extremely high T„ in February 2006 (64 NTU) was most likely caused by one of these two animals The relationship between c and Q at BSC (r2 = 0 43 c = 1370 9Q4 85) was similar to the relationship between T. and Q 5 2 2 Base Flow Beam Attenuation of Big Spring Creek [32] The clanty of Big Spring Creek vaned relatively little during the 10 d base flow period from 15 to 24 June 2006 (Figure 7a) Particulates (c, 81%) accounted for most of the beam attenuation followed by CDOM (cd 13 %) and water (cµ, 6 %) The particulates consisted of 47% POM (2 2 mg/L) and 53% mineral sediment (2 7 mg/L) The concentration of chi a was relatively low and constant over the 10 d (6 3 t 10 pg/L) The base flow period of BSC was characterized by small and brief pulses of SS POM and CDOM Overall CDOM (a440) remained fairly constant at 0 67 m -i and TSS decreased from 5 4 to 3 4 mg/L The decrease in TSS was therefore the cause for the decrease in c over the 10 d period from 3 3 to 2 0 m- i 5 2 3 Base Flow Beam Attenuation of Deep River [33] The clanty of Deep River increased slightly during the 10 d base flow period from 21 -30 May 2006 (Figure 7b) During this base flow period cp accounted for most (64 %) of the beam attenuation, followed by cd (33 %) and cw (3 %) The particulates consisted of 34% POM (2 1 mg/L) and 66% mineral sediment (4 1 mg/L) The concentration of chi a was minimal and relatively constant over the 10 d (1 2 t 0 1 tig/L) The base flow period of DR was characterized by decreases in SS (5 6 to 2 9 mg/L) and CDOM (4 4 to 2 2 m-') resulting in a decrease of c from 6 7 to 3 6 in-' During this time POM % increased at an average rate of 3 0% per day (20 to 50 %) TSS however 8 of 19 W10411 200 E 175 v e 150 a� E 125 V 100 C 2 3 75 m 50 E e 25 0 0 50 E 40 v 1>: 30 i3 v c 0 20 �3 >r 10 E 07 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 5n A Deep River (DR) 00 0 O O O 0 40 30 20 ox y =054x +418 0 r2 =097 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 C Baraboo River (BR) G ® G 0 O C 10 B Big Spring Creek (BSC) y =038x +123 02 =099 W10411 0; , i. 1, i I i i 0 20 40 60 BO 100 30 D Wisconsin River (WR) 2s 20 is 10 G y=1 03x-072 5 =096 (+136 -J90 0 Or 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Turbidity T. (NTU) Turbidity, T. (NM Figure 5 Beam attenuation coefficient (c) versus turbidity (T „) for the four study sites DR and BSC illustrate changes in c versus T„ in response to changes in Q at a station BR and WR illustrate longitudinal changes in c versus T. throughout the basin Note the different x and y axes between the plots remained fairly constant at 6 3 mg /L suggesting that sediment was settling out while additional sources of POM were being added to the water column During the other base flow sampling period (11 -17 July 2006 data not illustrated) POM % increased at an average rate of 4 5% per day (20 to 47 %) while TSS remained fairly constant at 7 6 mg/L 5 2 4 Flood Beam Attenuation of Deep River [34] In contrast to the limited change in clarity during base flow the magnitude and composition of c varied greatly through a flood at DR on 30 August 2006 (Figure 7c Q,,.k = 60 m3 /s recurrence interval of —2 months) This flood occurred following a prolonged (—I month) low flow period (Figure 6a) and thus preflood water column concentrations of TSS (3 0 mg/L) and CDOM (2 7 m -1) were relatively low Before the flood c was 3 5 m- i with c, accounting for most beam attenuation (60 %) followed by cd (35 %) and cW (5 %) Preflood POM averaged 87% of TSS The value of c increased rapidly during the rising limb of the flood due mostly to a pulse of TSS and c reached a maximum of 137 3 m -i at 12 h after Qpeak This tag was most likely caused by either a delayed sediment peak resulting from the flood wave s celerity being faster than the water velocity or an additional TSS pulse from a tributary with a slower travel time As particulates settled out of the water column following Qpeak c decreased exponentially until it reached its average base flow value of 5 8 m -i at 8 d following Q,,ok CDOM also increased in response to the flood and maintained elevated concentrations during the entire sampling period which is characteristic of terrestrial subsurface flow following a dry period [Walling and Webb 1992] Consequently the relative proportion of beam attenuation by CDOM increased fol lowing the flood reaching a maximum of 53% 5 2 5 Components of Beam Attenuation [35] Partitioning the total beam attenuation coefficient (c) by means of equation (3) and Figure 3 revealed that scattering by particulates (bp) was the dominant process of midsummer base flow beam attenuation at DR and BSC (Table 4) Absorption by CDOM (ad) and particulates (a,) were the two other main contributors to base flow beam attenuation at both sites For all combined base flow 9 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS Deep River (DR) 180 ,.150 Ol t y 60 0 30 O 4'M lama A 12M lalm 4/x08 via 8208 Big Spring Creek BSC) to ti Od e� M 04 _A oa 00 Of105 W31M ila= 3MM saves 8f300O 380 ° 900 300 P 240 240 o a. P ° 180 ISD o ay 120 12 120 C 80 OD 0 0 tam 0 100 100 7 W10411 80 8D F 40 40 i� 7 m F M p 0 4- 01 30 OD 80 120 150 100 Discharge, Q (m3 /s) D ° Outlier y P y = 967 22X417 r -027 P 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 015 03 035 OA 045 Discharge Q (m3 /s) Figure 6 Discharge (Q time series) and turbidity (T„ point samples) for (a and b) Deep River and (c and d) Big Spring Creek The four tightly grouped sample intervals in Figure 5a are the four sampling periods for DR The two tightly grouped sample intervals in Figure 5c are the two sampling periods for BSC Circled values in Figure 5c are the two flood samples of BSC The outlier (from bioturbation) was not factored into the regression analysis in Figure 5d Note the different x and y axes between DR and BSC sampling at BSC c averaged 2 73 f 0 89 m-1 of which 82% was from TSS (cp) 12% from CDOM (cd) and 6% from water (c„,) For all combined base flow sampling at DR c averaged 5 78 f 1 57 m-1 of which 60% was from TSS (cp) 37% from CDOM (cd) and 3% from water (c„,) [36] Using water samples where TSS was virtually 100% POM we found that bpomlapom (or K see Section 4 5 ) for DR was —3 (3 06 t 0 65 n = 5) There were no water samples from BSC where TSS was 100% POM and therefore we used K from DR for BSC This assumes that POM composition is similar between DR and BSC which is reasonable on the basis of their riparian zones both being composed of mixed hardwood forest Assuming that K equals 3 the beam attenuation coefficient of POM (ep0m) is approximately 4ap (equation (8)) Using equation (8) and Table 4 we calculated the amount of base flow beam attenuation by water CDOM SS and POM at each site (Figure 8) Beam attenuation by PHYTO was included in POM but given its low concentrations at both sites (Table 2) its contribution to beam attenuation was probably minimal Vahatalo et al [2005] found that aPtiyro for the Neuse River basin which is adjacent to the Deep River basin and had slightly higher chl a concentrations than DR contributed 2 3 f 2 9 % to a During base flow at DR POM (43 %) was the greatest contributor to beam attenuation, followed by CDOM (37 %) SS (17 %) and water (3 %) During base flow at BSC POM and SS both contributed 41% to total beam attenuation followed by CDOM (12 %) and water (6 %) 5 3 Spatial Trends Baraboo River and Wisconsin River 5 3 1 Wisconsin River Continuum [37] Particulate and dissolved concentrations in the water column fluctuated greatly along the 684 km WR for the first 550 km with sporadic increases and decreases in all four components (Figure 9a) The large fluctuations in water chemistry were likely associated with major tributary inputs and impoundments along this section of river (Figure 9b) Downstream of the last main stem dam (RK 538) SS POM and PHYTO steadily increased while CDOM remained fairly constant SS POM and PHYTO all reached their maximum values at the last sampling site (RK 674) The scattering to absorption ratio (b /a) along WR was highly 10 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS E 1 A Big Spring Creek baseflow •f�tlf _� el Cl � B Deep River baseflow m :an.um" no.w i —O e o m r n w m w= m it C Deep River flood n I— e ' i e w = w s m ile Tb- (h-n) W10411 is r b n 9 Y m 0 IN r n r rm w am NO an M NO I "% A 1 e 71 r n 0 M W W W iM M IN s Time (bam) Figure 7 Partitioned beam attenuation at (a) Big Spring Creek during base flow (15 -24 June 2006) (b) Deep River during base flow (21 -30 May 2006) and (c) Deep River during a flood (29 August to 11 September 2006) Note the different y axes between base flow and flood irregular ranging from 1 8 (RK 205) to 5 3 (RK 674) indicating large changes in SS and POM relative to CDOM [38] The beam attenuation coefficient (c) along WR followed a similar trend as SS and POM by fluctuating between 4 1 and 13 8 m-' for the first 548 km and then steadily increasing after the last main stem dam reaching a maximum of 22 8 m -' (Figure 9b) There were two local peaks in c along WR both of which occurred immediately downstream of confluences with turbid mayor tributaries Between RK 250 and 292 (Big Rib River confluence at RK 256) c increased from 8 9 to 13 8 m -' Between RK 488 and 524 (Baraboo River confluence at RK 506) c also increased from 8 9 to 13 8 m- i The c of BR before it entered WR was 25 2 m -' (Figure 10b) 5 3 2 Baraboo River Continuum [39] Water chemistry along the 187 km BR (Figure 10a) fluctuated less than along WR CDOM remained fairly constant along the entire length of BR SS and POM increased slightly over the first 28 km and then rapidly over the next 46 km After RK 74 SS decreased gradually and POM decreased rapidly The increase in SS and POM at RK 28 was immediately downstream of the confluence of a turbid mayor tributary (Cleaver Creek RK 25) PHYTO along BR was not measured directly and therefore we relied on the relative peak height at 675 nm in the SCH OF absorbance curve (Figure 2) to make inferences on its longitudinal distribution PHYTO was minimal in the head waters (i a no peak) increased gradually to RK 40 and then decreased gradually toward the mouth of BR This decrease in PHYTO at RK 40 coincided with a sharp increase in c (Figure 10b) indicating less favorable con ditions for their growth The scattering to absorption ratio (b /a) increased along BR from 0 8 (RK 3) to 7 8 (RK 142) before decreasing to 5 9 at the mouth (RK 18 1) The increase in b/a was associated with increased concentrations X of SS and POM while CDOM remained relatively constant The decrease in b/a over the last 39 km of BR was associated with decreased concentrations of SS and POM (Figure 10a) and lower channel gradient (Figure 10b) which indicates that the particulates were likely settling out of the water column over this reach [40] The trend of c along BR was similar to that of SS and POM (1) increasing gradually over the first 38 km (2) increasing rapidly over the next 34 km (3) increasing gradually over the next 70 km and (4) decreasing rapidly over the last 39 km (Figure l Ob) These trends in c matched the pattern of mayor confluences along BR where c in creased rapidly after three mayor confluences and began to decrease 40 km downstream of the last mayor confluence 5 4 Water Clarity Budget of Baraboo River [41] We used the synoptic c and Q data through the BR watershed to develop a water clarity budget (Figure 11) in which we quantified the relative influence of tnbutary clarity (CM,b) on main stem clarity (cus equation (9)) All but two of the tributaries sampled were mayor tributaries (Kratche Creek and Narrows Creek) and two of the major tributaries from Figure 10b were not sampled (Cleaver Creek at RK 25 and Seymour Creek at RK 34) Generally Crnb and Qo-lb increased in the downstream direction The value of c,,, increased in the downstream direction for the first 73 km but then leveled off or decreased The rate of increase in c,,,. (0 38 m-1/km) over the first 73 km was more than two times the rate of increase in crab (0 17 m -'/km) which resulted in a clarity inversion in which Cr,,b was greater than c,,, in the upper basin but lower than the c.. in lower basin Accordingly the largest increase in c ( +3 22 m -') occurred in the upper basin at the West Branch Baraboo River confluence while the largest decrease in c ( -4 82 m ') occurred in the lower basin at the Narrows Cr confluence 11 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS W10411 O� N h r a � � � O O -H -H N �D O_ O V N — P O O -H -H M S O O O O 3 O O V1 N h r M l� o r -H -H o� M ^' ,= o N-- C13 C -H -H b N 00 O� M a -- � o 0 -H -H O M 00 M —o 00 � o 0 -H -H N O r; M 00 -fi-H V N f� N A U C) O w -H -H ON O o v � N O O C O r 00 U � 00 * O 00 M r- r- e �N d F Qm U on a W U 0] a x 0 3 0 w c 0 ft""M V9 sprmqCroft Figure 8 Component contributions to the total beam attenuation coefficient at Deep River and Big Spring Creek during base flow [42] The predicted product of cd,Qd,.* (via equation (9)) and the actual product of cdsQds (via Figure 11) agreed fairly well (Table 5) All predicted products were within 20% of the actual product except the two uppermost confluences These two exceptions may have been caused by the greater variability in mixing/sedimentation processes in headwater streams and/or the greater uncertainty of Q for small watersheds The other five confluences suggest that clarity in BR is generally volume conservative 6 Discussion 6 1 Water Clarity in Rivers 6 11 Five Components [43] Water clarity in rivers is dictated by the trends of five components pure water suspended sediment particulate organic matter chromophor►c dissolved organic matter and phytoplankton The optical properties of pure water remain constant and therefore its contribution to beam attenuation decreases with increases in any of the other four compo nents Using a wide variety of rivers we found that water clarity is primarily dictated by the particulates in the water column rather than by dissolved constituents Our results are similar to Davies Colley and Close [1990] who analyzed 96 New Zealand rivers during base flow and found that 87% of the total light beam attenuation was attributed to particulates [44] Our study also showed that during floods the dominance of c, increases (Figure 7c) as SS and POM increase The relative dominance of SS versus POM is likely to vary between (Figure 8) and within rivers (Figure 9a) owing to source limitations For example the water clarity of rivers in the Midwest USA such as BR that drain areas with organic rich soils and abundant vegetation is likely to be dominated by POM whereas the water clarity of rivers in the Southwest USA such as the Colorado River that drain areas of organic poor soils and sparse vegetation is likely to be dominated by SS [45] The contribution of CDOM to beam attenuation is also likely to vary between rivers (Figure 8) owing to source limitations However along the river continuum CDOM typically remains fairly constant (Figure 10a) [Smith et al 1997] except in rivers with large water contributions from 12 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 0 1= 30 0 25 0 U �v r. 20 15 O 10 a vi `n 5 0 0 900 800 700 C ..] 600 c/1 d 500 c 0 w 400 a� 300 KIN A Wisconsin River (WR) � ss 0 POM —A- CDOM —e— PHYTO 0 Er Cr Ja ° rr IT a ❑ A- 100 200 300 400 500 800 EMI VIA 250 �o 200 -� O 150 r v 100 50 0 700 40 O � A � 20 n � t0 o 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Distance from headwaters (km) W10411 Figure 9 (a) Water chemistry and (b) longitudinal profile and beam attenuation along Wisconsin River on 16 September 2006 A major confluence is where a tnbutary with a stream order > n -1 enters WR (n = stream order of WR before confluence) wetlands [Gallegos 2005] heavily regulated rivers such as WR (Figure 9a) and heavily disturbed rivers [Davies Colley 1987] The temporal trends in CDOM are mostly influenced by the hydrologic regime of the river (Figure 7) Because most of the CDOM present in rivers is derived from displaced soil moisture [Webster et al 1995 Wetzel 2001] the contribution of CDOM to beam attenuation is usually greater following storms and increases as particulates settle out of the water column (Figure 7c) [46] We did not quantify cPHYTo but other nvenne OWQ studies [Davies Colley and Close 1990 Duarte et al 2000 Yahatalo et al 20051 found that the contribution of PHYTO to light attenuation was either minimal or negligi ble over a wide range of rivers owing to unfavorable conditions for phytoplankton growth While particulates dominate beam attenuation for most rivers there are excep tions most notably in tidal and blackwater rivers [e g Gallegos 2005] In these rivers PHYTO and CDOM have a much greater influence on beam attenuation Future OWQ research opportunities can be directed toward determining if trends observed here hold for diverse types of rivers worldwide 6 12 Optical Water Quality Measurements [47] Rivenne optical water quality has been measured using a variety of instruments including a beam transmis someter [Davies Colley and Smith 1992], Secchi disk 13 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 60 E 50 2 O O 40 U c E 20 CA Cn 10 0 900 800 700 600 Q 0 5m i# W 400 0101 200 A 4 Baraboo River BR) 0 --*--SS -0 POM Q —� CDOM a o � 0 0 0 ao - -�► - -- ---- — At —Ar- — —♦ 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 40 25 50 75 100 125 150 Distance from headwaters (km) 30 CD 20 � m n m 10 0 175 200 Figure 10 (a) Water chemistry and (b) longitudinal profile and beam attenuation along Baraboo River on 13 August 2006 A mayor confluence is where a tributary with a stream order > n -1 enters BR (n = stream order of BR before confluence) There were no dams along BR [Davies Colley 1987] black disk [Davies Colley 1990] and spectrophotometer [Vahatalo et al 2005] While each method has its advantages and disadvantages [see Davies Colley et al 2003] we used a spectrophotometer because of its versatility By using the four configuration spectropho tometer scan we were able to distinguish between absorption and scattering of both particulate and dissolved constituents We were also able to distinguish beam attenuation between SS and POM using an empirical coefficient (bpomlaPom) from one of our study sites This scattering to absorption ratio for POM will need to be further investigated over a wider range of rivers before this new method becomes practical In addition to our compartmental method there are other sophisticated techniques that can be used to distinguish different components of light attenuation and provide highly W10411 accurate nverme OWQ measurements [Davies Colley and Smith 1992 Roesler 1998] [48] Despite the utility and accuracy of these sophisticated methods the time detail and cost involved in such analyses may not make them practical tools for water resource managers to assess nverme OWQ We therefore recommend the use of turbidity (T „) as a relative measure of OWQ Comparisons of T„ and c showed that T„ is a strong predictor of water clarity (Figure 5) and data from studies of New Zealand rivers produced similar relationships [Davies Colley, 1987 Davies Colley and Nagels 2008 Davies Colley and Smith 1992 2001 Smith et al 1997] The use of T„ as a measure of OWQ over light attenuation coefficients is advantageous because (1) there is a longer and more extensive record of T„ in rivers (e g USGS water 14 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS c Q 1 1 1 59 (002) 167 (0 01) Missouri Cr C I 1 17 (003) (RK 4) i 2 49 (0 04 Lydon Valley Cr 0 81 (0 04) (RK 8) 2-91(008 2 91 (0 08) 382 (062) Kratche Cr 10 78 (0 01) (RK 28) 362 (063) W Branch Baraboo R. 14 36 (0 62) ® (RK 40) 748(l 4 90 (0 07). Spring Valley Cr 328 (0 15) (RK 9) Im f� Cr O O M 1 Legend C(W) 0 -099 1 -499 ®5 -1499 — 15— 29 99 — >30 UPStre= tributary o1 tnbutary downstream 01 tntwtary W10411 Figure 11 Water quality budget for Baraboo River All but two of the tributanes are mayor tnbutanes (Kratche Creek and Narrows Creek) The distance of the confluence from the headwaters in km (RK) is given below its name Schematic is not drawn to scale quality monitoring network) (2) T. is easier and less expensive to measure and (3) T„ is increasingly becoming a popular metnc in fluvial ecology studies Disadvantages of using T„ are (1) it does not use fundamental scientific units reducible to mass or length (2) its value is instrument specific owing to different optical designs and (3) it is not sensitive to changes in absorption [Davies Colley and Smith 2001] Methods to overcome these limitations are to use the same instrument for all measurements (e g Hach 2100P) and perform an in situ calibration with a relevant optical property (e g Figure 5) The use of T. as a relative Table 5 Predicted Versus Actual Tnbutary Effects on Beam Attenuation in Baraboo Rivera RK 29 26 (2 19) Little Baraboo R 5 76 (0 67) — (RK 73) 28 59 (2 86) 4 3428 (3 86) Narrows Cr 16 63 (0 64)- (RK 115) 2946 (4 50) 4 90 (0 07). Spring Valley Cr 328 (0 15) (RK 9) Im f� Cr O O M 1 Legend C(W) 0 -099 1 -499 ®5 -1499 — 15— 29 99 — >30 UPStre= tributary o1 tnbutary downstream 01 tntwtary W10411 Figure 11 Water quality budget for Baraboo River All but two of the tributanes are mayor tnbutanes (Kratche Creek and Narrows Creek) The distance of the confluence from the headwaters in km (RK) is given below its name Schematic is not drawn to scale quality monitoring network) (2) T. is easier and less expensive to measure and (3) T„ is increasingly becoming a popular metnc in fluvial ecology studies Disadvantages of using T„ are (1) it does not use fundamental scientific units reducible to mass or length (2) its value is instrument specific owing to different optical designs and (3) it is not sensitive to changes in absorption [Davies Colley and Smith 2001] Methods to overcome these limitations are to use the same instrument for all measurements (e g Hach 2100P) and perform an in situ calibration with a relevant optical property (e g Figure 5) The use of T. as a relative Table 5 Predicted Versus Actual Tnbutary Effects on Beam Attenuation in Baraboo Rivera RK CmbQlnb c-Q- Cd Qd Cd Qd * Cd Qd *lCd Qds 4 001 003 004 005 138 8 003 010 023 0 13 056 9 033 023 049 057 1 16 28 0 15 234 228 250 1 10 40 890 3 87 1143 12 77 1 12 73 386 64 18 8185 6803 083 115 1059 13244 13259 14303 108 Here cd,Qd * is the predicted product according to equation (9) and cd Qd is the actual product according to Figure 10 measure of OWQ is probably only valid for nontidal nonblackwater rivers where scattering is the dominant process of light attenuation [Davies Colley and Smith 2001 ] In tidal and black-water rivers where absorption is likely to be the dominant process of light attenuation other measures such as CDOM or chl a will need to be used 6 2 OWQ Across the Hydrograph [49] Every study that has compared OWQ to Q including this study has found that water clarity decreases (c increases) exponentially with increasing Q (c = aQ °) due primarily to increased TSS [e g Davies Colley 1987 1990 Smith et al 1997] The rating coefficient (a) and exponent (3) are river dependent but in general 0 is highest for rivers with large sources of readily available sediment or organic matter [Davies Colley 1990 Davies Colley et al 1992] The source of readily available sediment is mflu enced by basin geology topography land use and storm frequency [Syvitski et al 2000] Our results suggest that storm frequency is the dominant control on Q For example even though the DR basin has more readily available sediment owing to greater relief and more intensive land use 0 is higher for BSC (4 85) than DR (1 04) which we attribute to BSC s much lower storm frequency (Figure 6) The low storm frequency of its basin allows BSC to remain clear for most of the year owing to infrequent surface 15 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS 100 .-. v V 10 ^y V V J rrp C 0 3 tHu2boo F- Unregulated Mostly Agnculture ca E - -W=oosm R 26 dams Forest and Agncutturc y �-w,*c R. 8 dams, Apadture and Urban m - tr -YomalWn R Unctguleted 'Mostly CirassLul -43 - 11otoeln R Unregulated, Mostly Forst 01 0 20 40 60 80 100 Normalized river length (% of total length) Figure 12 Water clarity along the river continuum Degree of flow regulation and dominant land use is provided next to the name of each case study runoff This infrequent surface runoff also allows more time for sources of SS and POM to accumulate which together results in a high stormflow c to base flow c ratio (crpcbf) The higher stone frequency of the DR basin sustains elevated turbidity at base flow and also prevents large source accumulations of SS and POM which together results in a lower cslcbf hence a lower a Temporal variations in OWQ can also be influenced by seasonal effects such as exposed soil surface in winter crop harvest mg and vegetation senescence (basin wide and in channel) [5o] The change of c with Q is further influenced by the composition of river water Our results from base flow and stone sampling at DR showed that POM remained in the water column longer than SS and thus its relative role in beam attenuation increased with time following floods We attribute this temporal trend to POM having a lower settling velocity than SS Our study also showed that the contnbu tion of CDOM to c increases following floods as partic ulates settle out of suspension and terrestrial subsurface contributions increase (Figure 7) Rivers in which PHYTO significantly influences water clarity will most likely expe nence diurnal and seasonal changes in c with Q owing to the response of PHYTO to sunlight and temperature [Reynolds 2000] In all the combined effects of storm frequency seasonality and water chemistry are likely to produce great temporal variations in OWQ for any given river 6 3 OWQ Along the River Continuum [51] We now address the prediction proposed by Yannote et al [1980] that water clarity decreases (c increases) along the river continuum Of the five case studies (section 4 7) Motueka River had the least developed basin with most of its area being forest and conservation lands [Basher 2003] Accordingly Motueka River had the lowest c along its entire length (Figure 12) The Pomahaka basin was also W10411 relatively undeveloped with most of its land being grass lands [Harding et al 1999] Accordingly Pomahaka River had the second lowest c along its entire length The Waikato River began at the outlet of Lake Taupo and thus was very clear at its headwaters Intensive agriculture along the Waikato River caused it to become progressively more turbid [Davies Colley 1987] [52] The average c values along the river continuum for the two U S rivers were an order of magnitude higher than the NZ rivers (Figure 12) which we attribute to greater availability of organic rich fine sediments more aggressive agricultural practices and poorer water quality manage ment Two of the five rivers had main stem dams Waikato River (8) and Wisconsin River (26) Reservoirs tend to reduce SS POM [Grant et al 2003] and CDOM [Larson et al 2007] and increase PHYTO [Yahatalo et al 2005] and thus are likely to disrupt spatial trends in c (Figure 9) Therefore the three unregulated rivers Baraboo Pomahaka and Motueka provided the best case studies to analyze water clarity along the river continuum [53] The water clarity of the three unregulated rivers followed a similar trend where c increased over the first 70% of the river continuum and then began to decrease (Figure 12) We suggest that this asymptotic trend as well as the longitudinal variability of water clarity is dictated by the channel network configuration (► e density and location of tributaries Benda et al [2004]) Tributaries are point sources for all five light attenuating components and therefore confluences should be sites where changes in OWQ are most likely to occur Baraboo River (Figures 10b and 11) provided an excellent example of confluence effects on water clarity Between RK 20 and 40 three mayor tributaries entered Baraboo River which coincided with the greatest increase in c whereas 40 km after the last mayor tributary c began to decrease For the Pomahaka River Harding et al [1999] attributed the increase in c to 16 of 19 W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS turbid inflows from tnbutanes draining agriculturally dom mated regions Like Baraboo River the decrease in c over the last 30% of Pomahaka and Motueka Rivers coincided with the absence of major tributaries This lack of major tributaries near the outlet of large rivers is consistent with the Network Dynamics Hypothesis [Benda et al 20041 which states that the distance between geomorphically significant tributaries increases with distance downstream owing to the continually reduced drainage area available in dendritic pear shaped basins The decrease in c along the last 30% of the three unregulated rivers was most likely the result of a decreased supply of suspended particulates from large tributaries and we expect a similar asymptotic trend for other dendntic pear shaped basins [54] Wisconsin River provided a counterexample to the above pattern as five major tributaries enter the channel over its last 38% and c increased (Figure 9b) These tributary locations were a consequence of a rectangular shaped basin providing a relatively constant available drainage area along the river s continuum (Figure 1) Major tributaries are point sources of SS and POM which likely caused the increase in c over the last 30% of Wisconsin River (Figure 12) We therefore expect the trend of c along the river continuum to vary for different basin configurations [55] Our hypothesis of channel network configuration dictating OWQ shares some of the principles of the Link Discontinuity Concept (LDC) [Rice et al 2001] The LDC states that tnbutanes are not Just disruptions to the river continuum that temporarily reset downstream changes in physical conditions as proposed by the RCC but rather by defining patterns of water and sediment flux they are entirely responsible for moderate and large scale variations in physical habitat along all river channels [Rice et al 2001 ] Spatial patterns in water clarity are consistent with the LDC that rivers may be more appropriately viewed as a series of links where two separate fluxes of water and sediment meet to form a new channel (equation (9)) In order to apply the LDC to optical water quality we need to include CDOM POM and PHYTO fluxes as well Applying this links concept to OWQ assumes some degree of volume conservation which we found for Baraboo River (Figure 11 and Table 5) Volume conservation will not always apply due mainly to sedimentation especially at headwater links [Gomi et al 2002] but for larger rivers we expect this mass balance approach to predict downstream water clarity within 20% (Table 5) There are also biochemical transformations that could affect volume conservation [e g Moreira Turcq et al 2003] but their effect is probably negligible owing to the dominance of particulates on beam attenuation [56] The major limitation of the links concept for OWQ is that changes in water clarity occur in the absence of tributaries as well Owing to the increasing contribution of particulate free groundwater to total Q [Leopold and Maddock 1953] and the increasing potential of sedimenta tion and hyporheic exchange processes in the downstream direction [Packman et al 2000] the absence of major tributaries typically leads to downstream decreases in c So even though water clarity is strongly influenced by tributary inputs the entire basin configuration must be assessed in order to develop accurate OWQ budgets for rivers Conclusion W10411 [57] While light is recognized as a primary limiting variable in rivers it has received comparatively limited empirical study Water resource managers should be aware of spatial and temporal variability of OWQ as it is an important indicator of water quality change and dictates aesthetics of water resources of interest to the general public Ecologically light availability is likely to become an increasingly important regulator of primary production and species composition in rivers subject to greater human land use and nutrient enrichment [Hilton et al 2006] Anthropogenic land use has also resulted in rivers with higher turbidity [Walling and Fang 2003] reducing visual habitat and predation for sighted animals like fish By knowing the controls and spatiotemporal trends of riverme OWQ fluvial ecologists will be more able to quantify aquatic light regimes and understand consequences of light variability on multiple ecological processes Additionally remote sensing applications will benefit from OWQ studies as the optical characteristics of the water column must be known to derive its depth and composition from radiance measurements [Jensen 2007] [58] Most of the referenced literature in this treatise is derived from studies in New Zealand The reason most riverme OWQ studies have been performed in New Zealand is that they have and regulate OWQ standards [see Davies Colley et al 2003] We advocate broad adoption of similar OWQ standards to foster ecosystem health and protect the recreational (and aesthetic) quality of waters Designating and regulating these standards will require considerable monitoring From a management perspective our study suggests that tributaries should be monitored with greater frequency and extent since they are the point sources for the components that set OWQ Further we suggest that the abovementioned trends and concepts particularly the role of channel network configuration can also be used to under stand the spatiotemporal trends of other water quality variables The OWQ of rivers has greater significance because it affects receiving waters such as lakes estuaries and coastal environments whose biota greatly depend on aquatic light availability including coral [Fabncius 2005] birds [Henkel 2006] and submersed aquatic vegetation [Dennison et al 19931 This study has highlighted the high spatiotemporal variability of riverme OWQ and in doing so has opened up a number of promising research avenues including the need to understand the effects of land use and climate change on OWQ as critical steps toward a broader awareness of the fundamental role of light as a driver of multiple processes in fluvial ecosystems Notation 17 of 19 a total absorption coefficient (in-') ad absorption coefficient of dissolved constituents (in-') a, absorption coefficient of particulates (m -i) a„ absorption coefficient of pure water (in-]) a44o absorption coefficient at 440 nm (in-') b total scattering coefficient (m -i) bd scattering coefficient of dissolved constituents (M-1) b, scattering coefficient of particulates (in-') W10411 JULIAN ET AL OPTICAL WATER QUALITY IN RIVERS bµ, scattering coefficient of pure water (m -1) bpoM scattering coefficient of particulate organic matter (m- 1) c total (light) beam attenuation coefficient (m -1) cd beam attenuation coefficient of dissolved constituents (m -1) cp beam attenuation coefficient of particulates (m -1) c„, beam attenuation coefficient of pure water (m -1) chl a chlorophyll a (µg/L) YBO black disk visibility distance (m) zso Secchi disk visibility depth (m) AMSL above mean sea level BSC Big Spring Creek BR Baraboo River CDOM chromophonc dissolved organic matter (a440 index) D absorbance (loglo %/ (P) DOC dissolved organic carbon (mg/L) DR Deep River F filtered water sample IOP inherent optical property K bpomlapom OWQ optical water quality 4D0 incident radiant flux (molls) (D transmitted radiant flux ( molls) PHYTO phytoplankton (µg/L) POM particulate organic matter (mg/L) Q discharge or volume of water per time (m3 /s) Qpeak maximum discharge during a flood (m3 /s) Qd, discharge of river Just downstream of a tributary (m3 /s) Qtnb discharge of tnbutary�ust before confluence with main stem (m /s) Qis discharge of river dust downstream of a tributary (m3 /s) SCH standard cell holder used to obtain a SS suspended sediment (mg/L) T„ turbidity (NTU) TCH turbidity cell holder used to obtain c TSS total suspended solids (mg/L) OF unfiltered water sample X apparent absorption coefficient (m -1) WR Wisconsin River [59] Acknowledgments This project was supported by the National Research Initiative of the USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES grant 2004 35102 14793) and NSF grant DEB 0321559 Additional support was provided by U S Fish and Wildlife Service and Restoration Systems LLC A portion of laboratory resources were provided by Stephen C Whalen and Robert G Wetzel Special thanks to Bill Gisler and the town of Big Spring Wisconsin for site access Rmchelle Baroudm Zack Feiner Victoria Julian Ryan Kromss Mark Lochner Steve Neary Hollis Rhinelander Matt Smith Leah Vandenbusch Sally Whmsler and Sarah Zahn assisted with field and laboratory work This manuscript benefited greatly 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Doyle,'* Emily H. Stanley,z David G. Havlick? Mark J. Kaiser,' George Steinbach,s William L. Graf,6 Gerald E. Galloway,r J. Adam Riggsbee8 A us a result of recent infrastructure fail- res, particularly the tragic failure of he Interstate -35 bridge in Minnesota, the U.S. Senate passed the National Infra- structure Improvement Act (NIIA), which would create the National Commission on the Infrastructure of the U.S.A. The commission's broad mandate would be to assess the nation's infrastructure and its ability to meet current and future demands. Such policy develop- ment coincides with ongoing efforts to man- age and restore degraded ecosystems. This provocative intersection of aging infrastruc- ture and environmental degradation provides unprecedented and largely unappreciated opportunities for ecosystem restoration. Convergence of Phenomena The United States is at an unusual juncture of three growing phenomena. First is the wide- spread decay of infrastructure. The 20th cen- tury saw rapid growth in population, the econ- omy, and infrastructure (see chart, right). Many structures have been in place for 50 years or more, and an increasing portion of national infrastructure is now approaching or exceeding its originally intended design life and will require over $1.6 trillion to reach acceptable levels of safety and function (1). The second phenomenon is the degrada- tion of the environment and the loss of associ- ated ecosystem services (2). Substantial eco- logical degradation can be attributed, at least in part, to infrastructure expansion. Roads increase sediment erosion, fragment habitat, and facilitate the spread of invasive species (3). Dams and levees restrict fish migration and have drastically altered river flow regimes (4). Offshore platforms discharge waste, release atmospheric pollution, and compete with commercial fishing (5). 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 2University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. 3University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, CO, USA. °Center for Energy Studies, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. sCalifornia Artificial Reef Enhancement Program, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. °University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA. 'University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. gRestoration Systems, LLC, Raleigh, NC, USA. *Author for correspondence. E -mail: mwdoyle @email. unc.edu Third is the burgeoning of ecosystem restoration as both a science and an industry (6). To date, restoration has often been limited in scale, and its effectiveness is frequently unclear (7). Nevertheless, there is growing demand, political will, and funding for restor- ing degraded ecosystems (7, 8). Restoration via Decommissioning Decommissioning can take several forms. including full removal, partial removal of key components, or abandonment. Publicly ver- sus privately owned infrastructure may differ in decommissioning procedures and ability, but all are subject to the National Environ- mental Policy Act and equivalent state laws, although these laws generally do not facilitate ecological restoration. On rivers, dam decommissioning is increas- ingly common, whereas levee decommission- ing is rare. Of the >79,000 dams in the United States, 3500 have been rated as unsafe, collec- tively in need of $30 billion for rehabilitation, repair, or removal (1). Levee inventories are less clear, but estimates exceed 25,000 km (9), many with unknown structural integrity (10). To date, >600 dams have been removed, prima- rily for safety and economic reasons. Dam removal is followed by rapid recovery of inver- tebrate, fish, and riparian vegetation communi- ties (11). Levee decommissioning, often aban- doning breached levees, reduces economic demands of levee reconstruction while improv- ing floodplain habitat and water quality (12). Of the >6 million km of roads in the United States, 885,000 km are on public lands main- tained by federal land agencies, a portion of which are rarely used (13). The U.S. Forest Service (USFS), with >250,000 km of roads over 50 years old, estimated its maintenance backlog at —$10 billion for 26% of system roads (13). The USFS decommissioned 7900 Ian of roads between 2002 and 2005 and has identified almost 300,000 km for possible decommissioning over the next 40 years (14). Decommissioning decreases economic liabui- ties but is also an important tool for restoring forest ecosystems (13). In US. federal waters, there are >3900 off- shore oil and gas platforms, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), about one -third of Targeted decommissioning of deteriorated and obsolete infrastructure can provide opportunities for restoring degraded ecosystems. 300 0 E 200 s 2 100 C t s L ao DAMS 60 40 20 0 600 400 200 900 E SEWER PIPE Y `0 600 0 300 0 6 SURF_ �A {E D ROADS Y 0 4 0 2 0 4 OFFSHORE OIL/ 3 GAS PLATFORMS C 2 L 0 i 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 U.S. infrastructure inventory. For sources, see (21). 286 18 JANUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org Published byAAAS r. "e POLICYFORUM which are idle (15) Fed eral policies require that platforms be removed with in 1 year of lease expira tion and >2700 platforms have been removed Re moved platforms have been pnmanly shallow water platforms and mostly disposed of onshore (15) Costs and environment im pacts of removing deep water platforms are sub stantial Full platform removal has drawbacks including environmental impacts and loss of the potential ecological value of the structure as an artificial reef (16) Research shows that platforms facilitate the expansion of coral populations in the GOM (17) and act as refuges for juvenile fish increasing fish production off the coast of California (18) Rigs to Reefs Programs allow reuse of decommissioned structures as artificial reefs Through 2004 >190 retired platforms were dedicated for fisheries enhancement which reduced decommissioning costs and led to >S20 million in industry donations to state environmental management trust funds (I5) Department of Defense (DOD) facilities pose an unusual challenge and opportunity Of the 257 million ha of federal lands in the United States >10 million ha belong to the DOD (19) Access restrictions have made military bases some of the richest ecological reserves of any of the nation s public lands (19) Through the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAG) pro gram 400 military sites were closed or reclas sified between 1988 and 2002 To date man agement of 21 bases on >445 000 ha has been transferred from the DOD to the U S Fish and Wildlife Service to become National Wildlife Refuges (e g Jefferson Proving Ground be came Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge) Perhaps the largest combination of in frastructure management and ecosystem restoration is the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project (CERP) an effort to restore the 2 3 million —ha watershed and its ecosystem (8) Hydrology in the Everglades is mantpu lated through hundreds of control gates thou sands of kilometers of levees 2900 km of canals and dozens of pump stations which largely continue to function well The CERP is based on infrastructure modification and par tial removal to move the ecosystem to a more natural and sustainable configuration through a 40 year $20 billion project Infrastructure decommissioning and removal Removal of Carbonton Dam resulted in rapid recovery of the federally listed endangered Cape Fear shiner (Notropls mekistocholos) found in the former impoundment after <2 years of removal The dam was removed to generate environmental restora tion credits which were then sold to offset stream impacts elsewhere Policy Directions and Exit Strategies Infrastructure policy should do more than fund projects it should set national pnonties and initiatives The National Commission on Infrastructure would set such strategic pnon ties and consider infrastructure financing reha bilitation and maintenance Rehabilitation under the NRA includes considering removal of infrastructure that is deteriorated or no longer useful When infrastructure has been decommissioned, ecological restoration has been a side benefit Prioritizing decommission ing sites based on a combination of ecological economic and safety concerns can benefit multiple stakeholders possibly reducing over all decommissioning costs (15) Infrastructure decommissioning is likely to occur during discrete windows of opportu nity These may be policy related (e g expim tion of a dam license) natural (e g flooding) or through deliberate legislation (e g CERP) However political will for such expenditures is difficult to maintain particularly during political transitions (20) A less broadly applied funding mechanism is the use of market like principles in which infrastructure decommissioning is used to generate credits to offset environmental impacts elsewhere (see figure above) The greatest lesson from current aging infrastructure is the need for exit strategies which vary greatly among infrastructure types Policies for decommissioning dams are sur pnsmgly rare and vague (11) whereas policies for decommissioning offshore platforms are unambiguous (I)-) Because the costs of decommissioning and cleanup for infrastruc ture can be substantial more explicit policies should require provisions for decommissioning as part of infrastructure license or lease terms perhaps similar to that for offshore facilities where bonding requirements are specified and based on the estimated cost of full removal Any infrastructure policy approach must confront the national conundrum of pressing infrastructure problems and continuing envi ronmental degradation Specifically aNational Commission on Infrastructure should squarely face decommissioning as a viable option and the environmental benefits gained through such decommissioning should be assessed as definable benefits and leveraged when possible and practicable References and Notes 1 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Report Cord for America s Infrastructure (ASCE Newyork 2005) 2 Heinz Center State of the Nation s Ecosystems (Cambridge Univ Press Cambridge 2002) 3 National Research Council (NRC) Assessing and Managing the Ecological Impacts of Paved Roads (National Academies Press Washington DC 2005) 4 C Nilsson et at Science 308 405 (2005) 5 S Patin Environmental Impact of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry (EcoMomtor Publishing East Northport NY 1999) 6 NRC Compensating forWeiland Losses Under the Clean WoterAct (National Academy Press Washington DC 2001) 7 E S Bernhardt et at Science 308 636 (2005) 8 NRC Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades (National Academies Press Washington DC 2006) 9 G Tobin WaterResour Bull 31 359 (1995) 10 Interagency Levee Policy Review Committee The National Levee Challenge (Federal Emergency Management Association Washington DC 2006) 11 M W Doyle et at Geomorphology 71 227 (2005) 12 D Galat et at BioScience 48 721 (1998) 13 D Havlick No Place Distant (Island Press Washington DC 2002) 14 D Ihara et at Reinvesting in jobs Communities and Forests (Center for Environmental Economic Development Arcata CA 2003) 15 M Kaiser A Pulsipher Ocean Dev Int Law 36 125 (2005) 16 D M Schroeder M 5 Love Ocean Coast Monag 47 21 (2004) 17 P W Sammarco et at Mar Ecol Prog Ser 280 129 (2004) 18 M S Love et at Fish Bull 104 383 (2006) 19 M Leslie et at Conserving Biodiversity on Military Lands (U S Department of Defense Washington DC 1996) 20 National Council on Public Works Improvement (NCPW0 Fragile Foundation Final Report to the President and Congress (NCPWI Washington DC 1988) 21 Sources Population (U S Census Bureau 2007) bridges [U S Federal Highway Administration (FHA) 2007] surfaced roads (FHA Annual Highway Statistics surfaced roads include soil surfaced slag gravel or stone asphalt or concrete) dams (ASCE National Inventory of Dams New York 2007) sanitary sewer pipe (U S Environmental Protection Agency The Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Gap Analysis 2002) and offshore platforms (Minerals Management Service U 5 Department of the Interior 2007) (instal lation numbers are only for the U S outer continental shelf) 22 Funding U S Department of Agnculture (2004 35102 14793) and NSF (DDIG 0521728) Views expressed here do not represent the views of any supporting organiza non We thank E 5 Bernhardt L Band M ] Small and D Carr for comments www sciencemag org SCIENCE VOL 319 18 JANUARY 2008 Published byAAAS 10 1126/science 1149852 287 00 0 0 N JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH VOL 113 G03022 doi 10 1029/2007JG000601 2008 Empirical modeling of light availability in rivers J P Julian 12 M W Doyle 1 and E H Stan1ey3 Received 24 September 2007 revised 27 March 2008 accepted 3 April 2008 published 16 August 2008 [i] While the influence of hydrology and geomorphology on ecosystem limiting factors in rivers has been well studied particularly habitat availability and nutrient cycling the more fundamental limitation of light availability has received much less attention Characterizing light regimes in rivers is optically complex and requires consideration of five hydrogeomorphic controls topography, riparian vegetation channel geometry optical water quality, and hydrologic regime To generalize and quantify these hydrogeomorphic controls we developed an empirical model that predicts both spatial and temporal variability of photosynthetically active radiation reaching the riverbed (benthic PAR) We applied this benthic light availability model (BLAM) to two dissimilar systems a large turbid river and a small optically clear river Comparisons between the two systems revealed that the dominant control on temporal light availability for the large river was discharge which accounted for 90% of the variation A dominant temporal control for the small river did not emerge but instead was found to be a function of both above - canopy PAR and discharge Spatially water depth accounted for 99% of the variation in benthic PAR for the large river and riparian shading accounted for 93% of the variation for the small river Channel orientation also had a mayor influence where an E W configuration increased benthic PAR by as much as 108% relative to a N -S configuration BLAM predictions agreed well with measured benthic PAR, within 39% on average over a 9 -d period BLAM is the first model to quantify benthic PAR using all five hydrogeomorphic controls and thus provides a new tool for investigating the role of light in fluvial ecosystem dynamics and for establishing light availability targets in water resource management Citation Julian J P M W Doyle and E H Stanley (2008) Empirical modeling of light availability in rivers J Geophys Res 113 G03022 doi 10 1029/2007JG000601 1 Introduction [2] Many fundamental processes of aquatic ecosystems are driven by light availability including photosynthesis photochemical reactions thermal fluctuations and animal behaviors [Wetzel 2001 ] While the influences of hydrology and geomorphology on other ecosystem limiting factors are increasingly studied (e g nutrient cycling habitat [Doyle and Stanley 2006 Strayer et al 2006]) the more funda mental limitation of light availability has received consid erably less attention Light studies in rivers may have been largely neglected because (1) of greater attention to nutrients in controlling primary production (2) boundary conditions (banks riparian vegetation) make ambient light measurements challenging and (3) nvenne optical water quality is highly variable and difficult to characterize [Davies Colley et al 2003] The little information that is 'Department of Geography University of North Carolina Chapel Hill North Carolina USA 2Now at Department of Geography University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma USA 3Center for Limnology University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin USA Copynght 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 0148 0227/08/2007JG000601 available on nvenne light regimes is derived mostly from New Zealand rivers under predominantly baseflow condi tions limiting current understanding of the temporal and spatial availability of light in rivers [3] Most of our knowledge on aquatic optics is derived from studies in oceans [Jerlov 1976 Mobley 1994] and lakes [Kirk 1994 Wetzel 2001 ] These studies have shown that once light enters water it is attenuated exponentially with depth at a predictable rate depending on the type and quantity of water constituents [Kirk 1994] Light availabil ity in rivers is optically more complex [Davies Colley et al 2003 Westlake 1966] requiring consideration of channel hydrology and geomorphology among other factors [4] Characterizing the light environment in rivers requires information on the surrounding topography riparian vege tation channel geometry optical water quality and hydro logic regime (Figure 1) These components hereafter referred to as hydrogeomorphic controls are primarily shaped by the river basin s climate and geology Topogra phy including mountains canyon walls and riverbanks affects light availability as an opaque bamer between solar irradiance and the river Riparian vegetation also shades the water surface but is not opaque The percentage of light that riparian vegetation attenuates depends on the direction and intensity of above canopy irradiance and the canopy struc G03022 l of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS 603022 �A4 a D04 Ecan Kd = 1n(E01Eb,d) l y Figure 1 Light availability in rivers E,Q„ is the total solar irradiance available to the river before any shading from topography and riparian vegetation ES is the irradiance at the water surface after shading from topography and riparian vegetation where s is the shading coefficient Eo is the irradiance that enters the water column after reflection at the air water interface where r is the reflection coefficient Ebel is the irradiance at the riverbed after attenuation from the water column which is dictated by the optical water quality (via the diffuse attenuation coefficient Kd) and water depth (y) ture including its type height density and spatial distnbution [Song and Band 20041 Channel geometry refers to the three spatial dimensions of planform, width and depth Planform and width augment or mitigate terrestrial shading by influ encing the size of the canopy opening relative to the sunpath [s] Once light enters the water column the amount reaching the riverbed (i e benthic light) is influenced by water depth optical water quality and hydrologic regime Optical water quality is the biogeochemical property that dictates the rate of light attenuation with depth and is set by the relative proportions of pure water chromophoric dis solved organic matter suspended sediment particulate organic matter and phytoplankton [Kirk 1994] Optical water quality can vary widely spatially along a nver [Davies Colley 1987 Julian et al 2008] and temporally with discharge [Smith et al 1997 Julian et al 20081 Hydrologic regime (the frequency magnitude timing duration and variability of streamflow [Poff et al 1997]) directly influences optical water quality and water depth which in turn dictate the irradiance at depth in a river [Smith et al 1997 Julian et al 2008] [6] Most previous riverme light studies have only assessed the control of optical water quality [Davies Colley 1987 Davies Colley and Close 1990 Davies Colley et al 1992 Koch et al 2004 Phlips et al 2000] The aquatic controls of optical water quality and hydrologic regime have been concomitantly addressed by only a few studies [Davies Colley, 1990 Smith et al 1997] The terrestrial controls of topography npanan vegetation and channel geometry have been concomitantly addressed by only a few studies as well [Davies Colley and Payne 1998 Davies Colley and Quinn 1998] The most comprehensive nvenne light studies have assessed topography riparian vegetation channel geometry and optical water quality [DeNicola et al 1992 Taylor et al 2004] with hydrologic regime omitted Further all of the above studies have been site specific A comprehensive explicit and adaptable framework for characterizing light regimes in rivers has yet to be developed [7] The goal of this study was to develop a comprehensive and empirically based benthic light availability model (BLAM) Specific objectives were to quantify the amount of light attenuation by each hydrogeomorphic control derive a comprehensive expression that incorporates both the spatial and temporal variability of these controls and apply this model to rivers with a wide range of physical character istics First we outline the analytical framework of BLAM for predicting photosynthetically active radiation (PAR 400 -700 nm) at the riverbed Second we apply BLAM to two dissimilar systems a large turbid river and a small optically clear river Third we compare model results of these two rivers to assess the dominant controls on both temporal and spatial light availability for nvers in general Fourth we assess the accuracy of BLAM by comparing modeled and measured PAR values at a transect in one of our study reaches Finally we provide examples of applications 2of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL.: LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 A. BSC- closed canopy B. DR- open canopy Figure 2. Hemispherical canopy photos of transects at (A) Big Spring Creek (BSC) and (B) Deep River (DR). The orientation of the BSC transect is West -East (azimuth = 90 °) and the orientation of the DR transect is South -North (azimuth = 0 °). Both transects are forested. The DR transect has an open canopy because of its greater width, 34 in compared to 6 in for the BSC transect. The dotted white line represents the sunpath on 27 June for BSC and 27 August for DR. for BLAM and how readily available or commonly collected data can be used to assess light regimes at other sites. 2. Methods 2.1. Model Development [8] To quantify benthic light availability, we combined previously developed and verified optical and hydrological methods. The first -order control on light availability is above - canopy PAR (E a „) in mol m d -', where one mol equals 6.02 x lo2f photons. E,Q„ is the total PAR (as irradiance) available to the river before any shading from topography or riparian vegetation (Figure 1). E,,Q„ can be obtained directly from a local weather station, measured directly with a PAR sensor, or modeled using solar simu- lation software. [9] Topography and riparian shading decrease the inten- sity of PAR at the water surface, reducing E,Q„ to Es (Figure 1). We refer to the ratio of Es:E,Q„ as the shading coefficient (s), where s decreases with increased shading. The shading coefficient can be derived from numerous methods [see Davies - Colley and Payne, 1998; Davies - Colley and Rutherford, 2005], but we prefer the "canopy photo method,” where a hemispherical canopy photograph is overlaid by the sunpath to calculate how much solar radiation is transmitted through openings in the canopy (Figure 2). After review of all the methods to quantify stream shade and several pilot studies, we found that this method provided the best combination of precision, simplicity, time - efficiency, versatility, and affordability. Most other methods used to quantify stream shade (e.g., clinometer, densiometer, and solar pathfinder) assume an opaque canopy, which can underestimate transmitted PAR by as much as 85% [Chazdon and Pearcy, 1991]. The canopy photo method was designed for forestry applications [Evans and Coombe, 1959], but has been successfully used to quantify stream shade [Taylor et al., 2004]. [io] Reflection at the air -water interface decreases the intensity of PAR that enters the water column, reducing Es to Eo (Figure 1). We refer to the ratio of Eo:Es as the reflection coefficient (r). The value of r can be found in situ by measuring PAR immediately above (Es) and below (Eo) the water surface. Alternatively, r can be estimated using Fresnel's formula [Kirk, 1994; Mobley, 1994]. The product of E,a,,, s, and r is the total PAR that enters the water column. [ii] Once light enters the water column, it is attenuated exponentially with depth due to scattering and absorption by dissolved and particulate constituents. The PAR at depth in the river is thus derived using a simple exponential model [Kirk, 1994]: Ed(y) =Eo•e ly (1) where Ed(y) is downward PAR in µmol m-2 s -' at depth y in m, and Kd is the diffuse attenuation coefficient for downward PAR in m -'. Kd is predominantly set by the optical water quality, and to a lesser degree by the solar zenith angle and the ratio of diffuse to direct light. Kd can be normalized to remove the effects of solar zenith angle and ratio of diffuse to direct light [see Gordon, 1989], but for most waters dependence of Kd on these two variables is minimal [Baker and Smith, 1979; Zheng et al., 2002]. [12] Combining equation (1) with the quantifications of shading and reflection allows calculation of PAR at the streambed (Ebed) in mol m-2 d -' at one location in time: Ebed = (ES". • s • r )e —KaY ( 2 ) Spatial variability of Ebed (i.e., longitudinally along the river) can be derived by adjusting the shading and depth (s and y). The other parameters of E, ,,,,, r, and Kd do not vary appreciably along a river reach, defined here as a length of river with no major confluences and longitudinally consistent optical water quality. 3of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 43 67 N flow Big Spring Creek, 1 WI, USA Sampling station 50M 43 66 N 89 65 W 89 64 W 35 55 N 35 51 N 79 35 W 79 31 W Figure 3 Big Spring Creek and Deep River study reaches Sampling stations are where discharge was measured and temporal benthic light availability was assessed [13] In addition to spatial distributions temporal vanabil ity of Ebed (i a at a station over time) can be quantified We do this by relating y and Kd to water discharge (Q) Y = aQ" (3) Kd = QQ� (4) where a Q v and as are rating parameters for y and Kd We used the power function to relate both variables to Q based on previously developed empincal evidence from Leopold and Maddock [1953] for water depth and Davies Colley [1990] for optical water quality The combination of these two relations modifies equation (2) into a temporally variable form Ebed = (Eton s Y)e —"'Q, (5) Equation (5) therefore predicts the temporal variations in benthic light availability as a function of discharge variability while equation (2) predicts spatial vanations in benthic light availability through a river reach We focus here on light availability at the channel bed (Ebed) because it provides a relatively fixed datum is the minimum value of underwater irradiance and is the relevant quantity for benthic plant growth This approach however can be used to predict light availability at any depth in the water column by simply adjusting y in equation (2) 22 Study Sites [14] We applied BLAM to two river reaches Big Spring Creek (BSC) a small relatively clear river whose hydrol ogy is driven by groundwater and Deep River (DR) a large relatively turbid river whose hydrology is predomi nantly influenced by surface runoff The dissimilanties between these two systems allowed us to (1) investigate light regimes over a large range of physical characteristics and (2) display quantitative outputs for a river influenced more by terrestnal controls (BSC) versus one influenced more by aquatic controls (DR) [15] Big Spnng Creek is a 2nd order spnng fed river located in the Central Plain of Wisconsin near Big Spring WI (Figure 3) The BSC study reach was a 13 km section downstream of Big Spring Dam a small run of river dam Being a run of river dam it did not alter the hydrology of BSC and compansons between upstream (of the dam) and downstream stations revealed that downstream optical water quality was not significantly affected by the dam [Julian et al 2008] There were no major tributaries and optical water quality was longitudinally consistent along the entire study reach (J P Julian unpublished data 2006) Land cover in its 21 1 km2 watershed was mostly agriculture (46 %) followed by forest (31%) grassland (21%) and wetland (2 %) The discontinuous riparian corridor of BSC was composed of a mixture of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) and mixed hardwood forest [i6] Deep River is a 6th order river located in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina near Carbonton NC (Figure 3) The DR study reach was the 5 8 km section downstream of the former Carbonton Dam which was removed in Decem ber 2005 There were no major tnbutanes and optical water quality was longitudinally consistent along the entire study reach (J P Julian unpublished data 2006) The 2770 km2 watershed was dominated by forest (72 %) followed by agriculture (25 %) and urban (3 %) land cover Most of the urbanization in the basin was located in the headwaters which together with its heavily entrenched channels lead to high flashy flood flows during storms The nearly contra uous riparian corridor of DR was composed of mixed hardwood forest 2 3 Data Collection and Model Inputs 2 3 1 Above - Canopy PAR (Eeo„) [n] We modeled Eea„ with Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) software [Frazer et al 1999] using the parameters in 4of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 Appendix A and the respective locations and elevations of BSC and DR From GLA we derived an average daily E,u„ for BSC during 15 May to 15 September and an average daily Ecan for DR during 1 May to 30 September We also obtained actual daily E,u„ values from the UV B Monitoring and Research Program [US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2007] which reported 3 min averages of 20 s readings from a LI COR quantum sensor Sites NCO2 (60 km NE of DR) and WI02 (115 km N of BSC) were used for DR and BSC respectively 2 3 2 Reflection Coefficient (r) and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (Kd) [ia] We measured r and Kd at various locations and discharges along the study reaches using a LI COR LI 192 underwater quantum irradiance (PAR) sensor All measurements were taken at unshaded locations during full sun conditions between 15 May to 15 September 2006 between 0900 -1500 local standard time and using 15 s averages We calculated r (EOIE,) by taking PAR measure ments directly above the water surface (E,) and at 1 cm below the water surface which we extrapolated to zero depth (equation (1)) to obtain Eo A total of 27 and 25 r measurements were taken at BSC and DR respectively In addition to Eo we measured PAR at the riverbed (Ebed) and at 10 cm intervals between these two depths We derived Kd from the linear regression coefficient of In Ed(y) with respect to y (equation (1)) A total of 34 and 21 Kd measurements were taken at BSC and DR respectively 2 3 3 Shading Coefficient (s) and Water Depth (y) [i9] We used synoptic sampling to quantify the within reach variability of s and y We used a Nikon Coolpix 4500 camera with fisheye lens to collect digital hemispherical canopy photos along the study reaches which we processed and analyzed with GLA according to Frazer et al [ 1999] to obtain ES and s We took 39 canopy photos along the channel centerline of BSC on 27 June 2006 with an average distance of 33 in between photos We took 22 canopy photos along the channel centerline of DR on 27 August 2006 with an average distance of 264 in between photos Photo locations were selected based on changes in channel width canopy structure and channel orientation (azimuth) [-)o] We quantified y along the channel centerline of both study reaches using longitudinal profiles surveyed with a total station (Trimble 3350DR) and graded prism rod at baseflow conditions We measured 129 locations along BSC on 15 June 2005 with an average interval of 10 in and 67 DR locations on 12 September 2005 with an average interval of 86 in Survey locations were selected based on changes in channel slope and water depth 2 3 4 Temporal Sampling [ ,) i] At each river we established a fixed sampling station where we quantified depth discharge and turbidity Tern poral trends in these variables were assessed at a station 0 75 km downstream of the dam on BSC and 0 25 km downstream of the former dam on DR (Figure 3) Water depth was measured every 15 min by stage recorders (Intech WT HR 2000 for BSC and HOBO 9 in for DR) We calculated discharge (Q) using stage Q rating curves devel oped with in situ Q measurements taken with a Marsh McBirney current meter We estimated flood discharges at DR with the weighted area method [Gordon et al 2004] using a downstream USGS gage ( #02102000) for a refer ence Q All reported Q and y are daily average values [22] The rating parameters a and v were derived from the regression of y versus Q (equation (3)) and 0 and w were derived from the regression of Kd versus Q (equation (4)) We used turbidity (T „) as an intermediate regressor (i e Kd was first regressed with respect to T„ then T„ was regressed with respect to Q) due to the impracticality of measuring Kd during high flows Because of the dominance of particulates on light attenuation in rivers nverine optical water quality can be characterized fairly accurately using T„ measured in nephelometnc turbidity units (NTU) with a turbidimeter [Kirk 1994 Julian et al 2008 Davies Colley and Nagels 2008] We measured T„ with a HACH 2100P turbidimeter from water samples collected during various flow periods (Appendix B) 2 4 Data Analysis 2 4 1 Statistical Methods [23] To assess the dominant controls on benthic light availability we compared correlations between Ebed and the parameters of BLAM (equations (2) and (5)) One way analysis of variance (ANOVA p < 0 05) was used to test for differences in s among various riparian communities and channel orientations We classified riparian community as forest grass or mixed and channel orientation by the four azimuthal axes 0 -180° 45 -225° 90 -270° and 135- 315° We used JMP IN 5 1 (SAS Institute Cary NC) to perform all statistical tests [14] We also used JMP IN 5 1 to perform Monte Carlo simulations that quantified the frequency of daily Ebed for an independent randomly selected E,Q„ and an independent randomly selected Q which are the two temporally variable parameters in equation (5) We used 10 000 iterations (paired random samples) for each site selecting from measured values of E,Q„ (via the weather station) and Q (via the stage recorder) Distributions were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test statistic (D) where D < 0 05 indicated a normal distribution 2 4 2 Effect of Channel Orientation on the Shading Coefficient [15] While the effects of channel width and canopy structure on s are intuitive (i a increased width increases s increased canopy area and density decreases s) the effect of channel orientation on s is more complicated and has rarely been considered in light availability studies We quantified the variation in s as a function of channel orientation by keeping width and canopy structure constant which we accomplished by rotating the canopy photos in 45° increments and reanalyzing in GLA (eight analyses for each photo) For example by rotating the canopy photo 90° in Figure 2B we changed its orientation from South North to West East without altering its width or canopy structure This technique was performed for four scenarios closed canopy (forested banks narrow channel) open canopy (forested banks wide channel) half canopy (one grassed bank one forested bank) and no canopy (grassed banks) 2 4 3 Model Accuracy Assessment [26] In order to assess the accuracy of BLAM we compared modeled daily Ebed (equation (5)) to actual daily Ebed (via PAR sensor) We measured E,„„ E, Eo and Ebed 5of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL.: LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 70 so s0 �b 40 N .10 20 10 0 511 011 7H OM 911 2006 70 so so 40 30 v 20 10 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 00 M1 W 0.4 Of to 1011 UO 120 too d so r A 00 s 40 20 0 1 0 s/1 011 711 W 911 1011 2006 Figure 4. Temporal distribution of daily above - canopy PAR (E,,,), discharge (Q), and benthic PAR (Ebed) at (A) Big Spring Creek and (B) Deep River. Note the different secondary y axes for Q between the study sites. continuously at BSC with four PAR sensors during 16 -25 June 2006. E,Q„ was monitored in 1 -min intervals with a PAR sensor (HOBO, Onset) placed in a nearby open field. The other three PAR sensors (LI -192, LI -COR) were set in an array in BSC at a transect 175 m downstream of the sampling station. We attached these three sensors to a metal rod driven into the bed of the channel, with one sensor located just above the water surface, one immediately below the water surface, and one on the riverbed to measure E,r, E0, and Ebed, respectively. The three sensors were connected to a LI -COR LI -1400 data logger, which recorded PAR in 15 -min intervals. These measurements were integrated and summed to obtain daily PAR. We leveled all four sensors with a bubble level and placed a mesh barrier upstream of the in- channel array to prevent debris from collecting around the sensors. The Ebed sensor was disturbed on 21 June, leaving 9 daily Ebed values. The Eo sensor malfunctioned 18 -22 June, leaving only 5 daily E0 values. We also monitored daily ES with PAR sensors (HOBO, Onset) placed at two other transects in BSC: one located at the sampling station (14 -23 June 2006) and the other 520 in upstream of the sampling station (25 -26 June 2006). 6of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS Table 1 BLAM Input Parameters for Big Spring Creek (BSC) and Deep River (DR) Temporal Spatial Parameter BSC DR BSC DR Ea mol m -z d -i (504-61 23) (7 10-6021) 3983 3968 S 0 17 078 (0 15 to 0 94) (0 52 to 0 81 ) r 092 093 092 093 Y in aQ aQ (023-1 26) (034-3 55) n l 64 0 15 na na U 049 067 na na Kd m i /3Q' 13V' 060 1 84 0 3240 0 18 na na W 369 1 31 na na Q (030-051) (3 17-7779) na na Temporal parameters apply to the sampling station only Spatial parameters apply to baseflow only Parentheses indicate the parameter is variable inside of which is the range of values for the study period Parameters that are not applicable to the calculation of Ebed are labeled na 2 5 Model Assumptions and Linutations [17] BLAM (i a equations (2) and (5)) is a one dimen sional model that assumes the river is well mixed with no lateral variation in optical water quality This assumption is not valid for river sections with large dead water zones and sections directly below confluences [Kenworthy and Rhoads 1995] BLAM also does not take into account shading by aquatic biota such as aquatic macrophytes While we only assessed daily benthic PAR in the center of the channel our approach can be used to assess light availability at any wavelength depth lateral distance and time step [28] We performed all of our measurements and analyses when Leaf Area Index (LAI) was greater than 90% of annual maximum This period of >90% LAI was conserva lively estimated from previous studies on seasonal leaf dynamics in the study site s region central North Carolina (1 May to 30 September [Ptflmroth et al 2005]) and central Wisconsin (15 May to 15 September [E H Stanley unpublished data 2005]) By confining our model results to these periods of >90% LAI we effectively removed seasonal variations in Ecan and ES and minimized seasonal 6 �b S O G03022 variations in r and Kd BLAM can be used to investigate seasonal variability in Ebed with additional measurements but this analysis was beyond the scope of the present study 3 Results 3 1 Controlling Parameters 3 11 Hydrology and Channel Geometry [29] BSC had a baseflow water surface width of 7 5 t 1 8 m (mean f standard deviation) and depth of 0 6 t 0 2 m over the 13 km study reach Its flow was relatively constant (Figure 4A and Table 1) Average Q was 0 37 t 0 04 m3 /s and only 4 stormflows with peaks greater than 0 40 m3 /s (75th percentile) occurred during the study period Water depth at the BSC sampling station ranged 0 9 -1 2 m and averaged 1 0 f 0 1 m Spatially y was variable along the sand bed channel of BSC fluctuating between 0 2 and 1 3 m during baseflow Channel onentation in BSC changed often as a result of its high sinuosity (Figure 3) [3o] DR had a much larger channel with a baseflow water surface width of 35 0 t 4 7 m and depth of 12 f 0 6 m Discharge at DR was greater and considerably more variable 5 a 0 4 O Id CMp R ° i110 80" Cr —TMOO 2 o Kd = 017T„ � & r2 =088 ° p <001 0 0 S 10 Is 20 as 30 35 Turbtdity, T. MU) Figure 5 Diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) versus turbidity (T„) for Big Spring Creek and Deep River 7of16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 30 er 25 e 20 Q 15 10 s 0 30 �25 e 20 qW� 1s a 10 s oa 0 Big Spring Creek 0 20 40 so BO Above - canopy PAR, E. (mol m 2 d 1) C ee oe� e e °e °' r2=0116 684 ° ee ° AA A dA � a e, —4 4 30 N 25 e �20 w� is 10 3 0 0 01 02 03 04 Os 06 Discharge, Q (m%) Deep River 0 20 40 8o so Above - canopy PAR. E. (mol m 2 d-t) 30 r25 e 20 W� 1s 10 S 0 0 20 40 80 so Discharge, Q (m%) Figure 6 Temporal compansons of benthic PAR (Ebed) with above canopy PAR (E,a„ A C) and discharge (Q B D) for Big Spnng Creek and Deep River respectively On the basis of equation (5) linear regression was used for Figures 6A and 6C and exponential regression was used for Figures 6B and 6D (Figure 4B and Table 1) as average Q was 9 6 f 10 7 m3 /s During the study penod DR experienced 11 stormflows with peaks greater than 8 6 m3 /s (75th percentile) At the DR sampling station y ranged 0 3 -2 9 m and averaged 0 6 t 0 4 m Spatially y was highly variable along the gravel bed channel of DR ranging 0 3 -3 6 m dunng baseflow The low sinuosity of DR resulted in relatively few changes in channel onentation (Figure 3) 3 1 2 Terrestrial Shading [31] Daily above canopy PAR (E,Q „) at both sites fluc tuated considerably in response to varying degrees of cloudiness (Figure 4 and Table 1) Between 15 May and 15 September 2006 E,Q„ at BSC averaged 42 0 f 13 9 mol m -2 d -1 which agreed closely with the GLA prediction of 39 8 mol m -' d -1 Between 1 May and 30 September 2006 E,Q„ at DR averaged 412 f 12 4 mol m -2 d -1 which also agreed closely with the GLA prediction of 39 7 mol m d -1 [32] The proportion of E,a remaining after terrestnal shading vaned widely along the BSC study reach due to changes in the npanan community (Table 1) Spatially averaged s was 0 51 f 0 25 1 e approximately 51 % of the available daily PAR passed through the canopy and reached the water surface over the entire reach s was more consistent along DR due to a continuous and relatively uniform riparian comdor (Table 1) and averaged 0 68 f 0 08 The fixed sampling stations at BSC and DR had an s of 0 17 and 0 78 respectively 3 13 Aquatic Light Attenuation [33] The proportion of E, remaining after reflection at the air water interface (r) was relatively constant at both sates averaging 0 92 t 0 03 at BSC and 0 93 f 0 03 at DR The water at BSC was much clearer than DR where baseflow Kd was 060± 0 09 m -1 and 1 84±039 m -i for BSC and DR respectively The relationship between Kd and T„ for both nvers was Kd = 0 17T„ (r = 0 88 Figure 5) The 8of16 G03022 025 02 0.14 01 0.05 0 015 02 g 0.15 c� 01 0.05 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS 0 s 10 1s 20 25 30 36 Beatfuc PAR. Ebw (mol m 2 di) 0 a 10 is 20 25 30 35 Benduc PAR, Ew (md m-2 di) Figure 7 Magnitude frequency distributions of benthic light availability (Ebed) at (A) Big Spring Creek and (B) Deep River Histograms were constructed from Monte Carlo simulations using 10 000 iterations for each site relationship between T„ and Q was T„ = 190 57Q3 69 (r2 = 0 54) for BSC and T„ = 1 04Q"' (r2 = 0 85) for DR Together these relationships produced the rating parameters between Kd and Q (equation (4) and Table 1) 3 2 Temporal Light Availability 3 2 1 Temporal BLAM Output [34] Modeled benthic PAR (Eb,,d) at the BSC sampling station vaned between 0 1 and 5 9 mot m 2 d -1 dunng 15 May to 15 September 2006 (Figure 4A) and average Ebed dunng this period was 2 8± 1 3 mot m -2 d -1 Generally Ebed at BSC was highest when E,.,„ was high and Q was low (Figures 4A 6A and 613) Benthic PAR at the DR sampling station vaned from 0 0 to 22 3 mot m -2 d -1 dunng 1 May to 30 September 2006 (Figure 4B) The average Ebed dunng this period was 8 2 ± 6 0 mot m -2 d -1 and Ebed was typically highest when Q was low (Figures 4B and 6D) Although the correlation was statistically significant E,u„ could account for only 11 % of the observed variation in Ebed at DR (Figure 6C) 3 2 2 Magnitude- Frequency Distribution of Benthic Light Availabibty [35] The two temporally variable parameters in BLAM assuming only summer conditions are E,,,, and Q (Table 1) G03022 There was no dependence of Q on E a„ (i a no multi collmeanty) for BSC (p = 0 57) or DR (p = 0 15) which validated the use of Monte Carlo simulations at both sites From these simulations and using equation (5) the possible ran4e of Ebed was 0 -7 mot m -` d -1 for BSC and 0 -33 mot m -- d -1 for DR (Figure 7) Ebed for BSC was approxi mately nonmall� distributed (D = 0 04) with a peak at 3- 4 mot m-2 d- (Figure 7A) In contrast Ebed for DR was nonnormally (D = 0 10) broadly distributed with two modes one at 0 -1 and the other at 3 -4 mot m -2 d -1 (Figure 713) Most importantly for DR there were many Ebed values with similar frequencies whereas for BSC frequencies were dissimilar for the relatively few Ebed values 3 3 Spatial Light Availability 3 3 1 Spatial BLAM Output [36] Benthic PAR along the 13 km reach of BSC vaned between 3 2 and 25 1 mot m -2 d -1 during baseflow (Figure 8A) with a reach average of 12 7 f 6 7 mot m -2 d- Generally Ebed was highest in unshaded sections where s was high (Figure 9A) There was not a strong correlation between Ebed and y along BSC (Figure 913) However when divided into riparian groups correlations between Ebed and y at BSC were stronger with r' values of 0 25 0 79 and 0 65 for forest mixed and grass respectively [37] Benthic PAR along the 5 8 km DR study reach vaned between 0 0 and 14 7 mot m -2 d -1 during baseflow (Figure 813) with a mean of 4 4± 3 3 mot m -2 d -1 High Ebed values usually occurred in shallow sections where y was low (Figure 9D) The correlation between Ebed and s at DR was relatively weak (Figure 9C) In sum Ebed along BSC was well predicted by shading but not depth whereas Ebed at DR was well predicted by depth but not shading 3 3 2 Channel Geometry and Canopy Structure [38] The two spatially variable parameters in BLAM are s and y (Table 1) both of which are influenced by channel geometry Channel depth dictates while channel width and orientation along with canopy structure dictates Canopy structure was the major influence on s for BSC because of its wide variation in riparian community forest (s = 0 26 f 0 10 n = 15) grass (s = 0 80 f 0 07 n = 13) and mixed (0 52 f 0 07 n = 11) These three groups were significantly different with respect to s (p < 0 01) Width could only explain 21 % of the variation in s along the entire BSC reach and explained even less variation within riparian groups (r- = 0 01 0 03 and 0 02 for forest grass and mixed respectively) The difference in s among the four axes of channel orientation was only marginally significant (p = 0 06) [39] Although y was the dominant control on Ebed along DR s also affected Ebed because of its control on Eo Compared to BSC DR had a relatively uniform forested riparian corridor The correlation between s and channel width was very weak (rz = 0 03) at DR and there was no significant difference in s among the four axes of orientation (p = 0 79) which suggests that variation in s here probably resulted from the sum of independent variations in all three factors [4o] The effect of channel orientation on s vaned for different canopy structures For a transect at BSC with a closed canopy channel orientation did not change s by more than 0 06 (Figure 10) Similarly for a transect at BSC with no canopy channel orientation did not change s by more than 0 02 For a transect at BSC with a half canopy, channel 9 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 Lf 40 Zr, 8 30 I v 120 a 10 50 A Big Sprmg Creek r • s 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 Distance from dam (]on) B Deep River 40-� ---------------------------- E. % V v 20 a 10 0F —'—' -. 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 Dance from dam (!rm) Figure 8 Longitudinal distribution of above canopy PAR (E,Q„) below canopy PAR (Es) and benthic PAR (Ebed) during baseflow at (A) Big Spring Creek and (B) Deep River Note the different z axes between the study sites onentation changed s by as much as 0 39 For a typical transect at DR with an open canopy channel orientation changed s by as much as 0 20 with peaks at 90° and 270° (Figure 10) In all four canopy scenanos the maximum s occurred at an azimuth of 900 (West East) Thus given the same canopy structure and channel width channel onenta tion has the potential to alter s considerably 3 4 Comparisons Between Modeled and Actual Benthic PAR [41] BLAM (equation (5)) consistently over predicted Ebed but did so within 39% on average for the period of 16 -25 June 2006 (Figure 11 and Appendix C) BLAM predicted Ebed within 20% on four of the 9 d and the greatest error was 92% A considerable portion of the error resulted from the difference in s between the sensor and modeled values GLA calculated an s of 0 67 at this site while the sensors (E IE,,„) measured an s of 0 56 t 0 05 Substituting the actual s into equation (5) reduced the average error of BLAM to 15% A PAR sensor placed at the BSC sampling station showed similar error in s where GLA calculated 0 17 and the sensors measured 0 08 f 0 01 (n = 7) However a PAR sensor placed at another transect showed very little error in s where GLA calculated 0 79 and the sensors measured 0 78 f 0 01 (n = 2) [42] Differences in Kd between sensor and modeled values also added model error Using Q and W from Table 1 BLAM predicted a Kd of 0 58 f 0 05 m- i for the 9 d penod whereas the sensors (In Eo In Ebed y i) measured 0 85 f 0 12 m -i Substituting the actual Kd and s from Appendix C into equation (5) reduced the average error of BLAM to 7% (Figure 11) There were relatively minor differences in the other parameters between modeled and measured values 10 of 16 ' E 2 3 4 S 6 Dance from dam (!rm) Figure 8 Longitudinal distribution of above canopy PAR (E,Q„) below canopy PAR (Es) and benthic PAR (Ebed) during baseflow at (A) Big Spring Creek and (B) Deep River Note the different z axes between the study sites onentation changed s by as much as 0 39 For a typical transect at DR with an open canopy channel orientation changed s by as much as 0 20 with peaks at 90° and 270° (Figure 10) In all four canopy scenanos the maximum s occurred at an azimuth of 900 (West East) Thus given the same canopy structure and channel width channel onenta tion has the potential to alter s considerably 3 4 Comparisons Between Modeled and Actual Benthic PAR [41] BLAM (equation (5)) consistently over predicted Ebed but did so within 39% on average for the period of 16 -25 June 2006 (Figure 11 and Appendix C) BLAM predicted Ebed within 20% on four of the 9 d and the greatest error was 92% A considerable portion of the error resulted from the difference in s between the sensor and modeled values GLA calculated an s of 0 67 at this site while the sensors (E IE,,„) measured an s of 0 56 t 0 05 Substituting the actual s into equation (5) reduced the average error of BLAM to 15% A PAR sensor placed at the BSC sampling station showed similar error in s where GLA calculated 0 17 and the sensors measured 0 08 f 0 01 (n = 7) However a PAR sensor placed at another transect showed very little error in s where GLA calculated 0 79 and the sensors measured 0 78 f 0 01 (n = 2) [42] Differences in Kd between sensor and modeled values also added model error Using Q and W from Table 1 BLAM predicted a Kd of 0 58 f 0 05 m- i for the 9 d penod whereas the sensors (In Eo In Ebed y i) measured 0 85 f 0 12 m -i Substituting the actual Kd and s from Appendix C into equation (5) reduced the average error of BLAM to 7% (Figure 11) There were relatively minor differences in the other parameters between modeled and measured values 10 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 30 E 25 20 W� 15 aa. 10 c 5 0� 0 30 rl 25 a: 20 v W 15 a 4. 10 v 5 0 Big Span C� reek I1 0 0.2 04 06 08 SMdiiig coefficient, s 30 Deep River 0 02 04 06 08 1 Shading coefficient, s 30 25 l: 20 is p 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Water depth, y (in) Figure 9 Spatial comparisons of longitudinal benthic PAR (Ebed) with shading coefficient (s A C) and water depth (y B D) for Big Spring Creek and Deep River respectively Triangles = forest Squares = mixed and Circles = grass On the basis of equation (2) linear regression was used for Figures 9A and 9C and exponential regression was used for Figures 9B and 9D E,Q„ (BLAM 43 0 t 10 6 mol m -2 d- i Sensors 40 7 f 10 9 mol m -` d -1) and r (BLAM 0 92 t 0 03 Sensors 0 88 f 0 04) 4 Discussion 4 1 Controls on Riverme Benthic Light Availability 411 Atmosphere [43] Atmospheric constituents are the first order controls on light availability in rivers Their enormous spatiotempo ral variability and unpredictability [Kirk 1994] prevented us from modeling E,Q„ as a dependent variable We therefore used E,,,,, as the independent variable in BLAM While solar simulation software (GLA) proved to be accurate within 5% of the average daily E,Q„ the weather station data were needed to derive actual frequencies of benthic light availability (Figure 7) The weather station data are also beneficial when correlations between ecological vana bles and E,Q, are sought [e g Mulholland et al 200 11 Daily E,a„ is likely to vary considerably in response to cloud cover (Figure 4) and therefore correlations of this nature require accurate measurements which can only be acquired from a local weather station or user installed PAR sensor 4 1 2 Terrestrial Controls [44] Before solar irradiance enters the water column its intensity is reduced by the terrestrial controls of topography riparian vegetation and channel geometry Topography was not an effective control on light attenua tion at either river due to their limited relief Topography is however capable of being a dominant control on light availability in mountainous streams canyon rivers and heavily incised rivers [Davies Colley and Payne 1998 Yard et al 2005] 11 of 16 B 9* EZa eb � 0 0 o � a 10 ° MD 5 ° °o ° ° r2=005 01 0 0 03 06 09 12 15 Water depth, y (in) Deep River 0 02 04 06 08 1 Shading coefficient, s 30 25 l: 20 is p 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Water depth, y (in) Figure 9 Spatial comparisons of longitudinal benthic PAR (Ebed) with shading coefficient (s A C) and water depth (y B D) for Big Spring Creek and Deep River respectively Triangles = forest Squares = mixed and Circles = grass On the basis of equation (2) linear regression was used for Figures 9A and 9C and exponential regression was used for Figures 9B and 9D E,Q„ (BLAM 43 0 t 10 6 mol m -2 d- i Sensors 40 7 f 10 9 mol m -` d -1) and r (BLAM 0 92 t 0 03 Sensors 0 88 f 0 04) 4 Discussion 4 1 Controls on Riverme Benthic Light Availability 411 Atmosphere [43] Atmospheric constituents are the first order controls on light availability in rivers Their enormous spatiotempo ral variability and unpredictability [Kirk 1994] prevented us from modeling E,Q„ as a dependent variable We therefore used E,,,,, as the independent variable in BLAM While solar simulation software (GLA) proved to be accurate within 5% of the average daily E,Q„ the weather station data were needed to derive actual frequencies of benthic light availability (Figure 7) The weather station data are also beneficial when correlations between ecological vana bles and E,Q, are sought [e g Mulholland et al 200 11 Daily E,a„ is likely to vary considerably in response to cloud cover (Figure 4) and therefore correlations of this nature require accurate measurements which can only be acquired from a local weather station or user installed PAR sensor 4 1 2 Terrestrial Controls [44] Before solar irradiance enters the water column its intensity is reduced by the terrestrial controls of topography riparian vegetation and channel geometry Topography was not an effective control on light attenua tion at either river due to their limited relief Topography is however capable of being a dominant control on light availability in mountainous streams canyon rivers and heavily incised rivers [Davies Colley and Payne 1998 Yard et al 2005] 11 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 No Canopy 0WO oe b $ Open Canopy (DR) 0e 0 Half Canopy O3= 02 Gored Canopy (11= 0 0 as 90 05 180 225 270 31S 380 Azimuth ( &-Vva) Figure 10 Effect of channel orientation (i a compass direction) on shading coefficients (s) which were derived from Gap Light Analyzer software and canopy photos from Big Spring Creek (BSC) and Deep River (DR) Canopy photos were rotated in 45° increments to obtain the entire range of channel orientations No Canopy is a grassed transect at BSC (width = 7 m) Open Canopy is a forested transect at DR (width = 34 m) Half Canopy is a transect at BSC with the east bank grassed and the west bank forested (width = 8 m) Closed Canopy is a forested transect at BSC (width = 6 m) [45] Riparian vegetation was a dominant control on Ebed at BSC because of its relatively narrow channel In forested sections of BSC riparian vegetation shaded as much as 85% of the incoming PAR In contrast riparian vegetation accounted for only a 32% reduction of E,Q„ at the wider DR This trend supports the common expectation that terrestrial shading decreases with increasing channel width [Davies Colley and Quinn 1998 Yannote et al 19801 [46] Channel orientation can also mitigate or exaggerate the effect of terrestrial shading The relative change in s caused by channel orientation was greatest at DR which had an open canopy and in sections of BSC with a half canopy (Figure 10) In river sections with either a closed canopy or no canopy the orientation of the channel does not significantly alter s because of the uniform distribution of canopy gaps relative to the sunpath For river sections with an open canopy riparian shading is the most exag gerated (lowest s) by North South orientations because of the higher opacity of the channel margins and the smaller window for direct solar radiation transmission (see Figure 2B for context) Conversely East West orientations provide a larger window for direct solar radiation trans mission and orient the sunpath over the upper canopy which has more gaps than the lower canopy Our finding that maximum s occurred at an azimuth of 90° for all riparian vegetation scenarios confirmed this relation The relationship between channel orientation and topographic shading follows a similar trend as long as the sun angle is higher than the local topography however when the sun angle is lower than the local topography (e g deep canyons or during winter) an inverse relationship is more likely where maximum s occurs in North South onenta tions [Yard et al 2005] 4 13 Aquatic Controls [47] While the boundary conditions of rivers (terrestrial controls) create spatial variation in light availability within a season the aquatic controls of hydrologic regime and optical water quality create temporal variation In small spring fed rivers such as BSC this temporal variation may not be large due to a relatively constant hydrologic regime and optical water quality Further temporal variation of Ebed in small rivers is likely to be suppressed by the influence of terrestrial shading However for most rivers the variation in benthic light availability is likely to be quite large due to the variability in Q which dictates the temporal variability in y [Leopold and Maddock 1953] and Kd [Davies Colley 1990] While the correlation between y and Q was strong the correlation between Kd and Q was far more variable This greater variation is largely the result of mterstorm and seasonal effects on optical water quality [Julian et al 2008] [48] The use of T„ as an intermediate regressor also added variation to the correlation However we found a strong and similar correlation between Kd and T„ at both study sites (Figure 5), and therefore suggest T„ as a predictor of Kd in nontidal freshwater rivers with low chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) Indeed Davies Colley and Nagels [2008] found that T„ explained 95% of the variation in Kd for a wide range of rivers across New Zealand For rivers with highly colored water or very low turbidity including the effect of CDOM on Kd would likely improve Kd estimates [Davies Colley and Nagels 2008] Additionally their study showed that the relation between Kd and T„ is more likely to follow a power law trend (exponent —0 5) when a wider range of Kd values is considered In all temporal variation of benthic light availability within river 30 T 1 i 25 v N E 20 O Oi 15 O $ O 10 0 wWw tn-m data C6 wan heiw data 5 0 0 S 10 1s 20 25 30 Actual Ebd (mol m'2 d't) Figure 11 Predicted daily benthic PAR (Ebed) versus actual Ebed at BSC for 16 -25 June 2006 Predicted Ebed was modeled using equation (5) Actual Ebed was measured with an underwater PAR sensor In situ data include s and Kd derived from the sensor array (Appendix C) 12 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 E 0 E rx a Stream order 10 Figure 12 Benthic light availability along the river continuum of an idealized 10th order river with a continuous forested npanan corndor Benthtc PAR (Eked) was derived from equation (2) where EW „ is above canopy PAR E, is the intensity of PAR at the water surface after terrestrial shading and e —� is the inverse exponential product of depth (y) and the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) The product of a —K`-v is a dimensionless proportion with a value of —1 in the headwaters and a value of —0 at the outlet The influence of aquatic attenuation thus increases in the downstream direction whereas the influence of terrestrial shading decreases in the downstream direction reaches is likely to be substantially and predominantly driven by variability in nver depth and optical water quality 4 2 Small Versus Large Rivers [49] Overall DR had less spatial variability (Figure 8) but greater temporal variability (Figures 4 and 7) in Ebed than BSC The magnitude frequency distnbution of benthic light availability in rivers is affected by all the parameters in equation (5) but it is mostly governed by the temporal distributions of E,u„ and Q Because of the dominating influence of s on Ebed for small rivers such as BSC their temporal variability in Ebed is likely to follow the trend of E,Q„ In basins with frontal weather patterns this trend is characterized by an approximately normal distribution in which most days have an intermediate E un and few days have very low or very high E,a For large nvers such as DR Q is likely to be the dominant influence on Ebed however E,Q„ also affects the temporal distribution of Ebed because it is the first order control on light availability Therefore the magnitude frequency distribution of benthic light in large rivers is likely to have a broad and more bimodal distribution in which one peak is set by E,,,,, and the other by Q For example the left peak in Figure 7B was caused by the high frequency of floods in DR which lead to elevated turbidity for long periods [Julian et al 2008] This elevated turbidity attenuates most of the underwater light before it reaches the bed The right peak in Figure 8B was caused by the distribution of E,,,, which is similar to that of BSC Overall s sets the maximum potential Ebed while Q sets the potential range and frequency of Ebed [5o] Along the river continuum (from headwaters to mouth) the influence of shading on Ebed decreases due to the mitigating effect of width on s Conversely the effect of y and Kd on Ebed increases with increasing river size due to the increase in depth and turbidity in the downstream direction Using equation (2) and assuming a continuous forested riparian corridor the combined effect of terrestrial shading and aquatic attenuation produces a longitudinal distribution of Ebed where it is low in the headwaters high in the middle reaches and essentially zero in the higher orders (Figure 12) In general s is the dominant control on Ebed in small rivers and y is the dominant control on Ebed in large rivers (Figure 9) The influence of y on Ebed increases with increasing turbidity These above relations were developed from reach scale compar isons and expected longitudinal patterns In order to venfy the trends in Figure 12 basin scale surveys of light availability are needed 4 3 Applications of BLAM 4 3 1 Required Data and Accuracy [51] BLAM incorporates the six mayor controls on light availability in rivers and allows for both temporal and spatial vanation in these controls Using our approach the minimum information needed to charactenze light avail ability at one location in a river is a canopy photo and some measure of optical water quality (e g T,) Applying our method to an entire reach would require measures of depth and additional canopy photos Temporal character ization of light availability would require knowledge of the hydrologic regime and its relationship with y and Kd For any application of BLAM the extent of data collection would be determined by the desired precision [52] Overall BLAM provided fairly accurate estimates of Ebed (Figure 11) Most of the model error was in s and Kd We denved the model value of s from GLA using generalized and average configuration parameters These parameters are highly variable in both space and time 13 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 [Kirk 1994] and are the primary control on canopy light transmission [Song and Band 2004] To better characterize s one would therefore need more spatiotemporally explicit values of the configuration parameters used in GLA [53] We derived the model value of Kd from measure ments taken in unshaded locations during midday and full sun conditions Variations in the ambient light field are expected to only minimally affect Kd in most nvers due to their high scattering to absorption ratios [Zheng et al 2002] however in optically clear rivers such as BSC increased zenith angles (early morning and late afternoon) and reduced direct irradiance (cloudy and shaded) are likely to decrease Kd [Gordon 19891 Our model value was therefore probably more characteristic of the minimum Kd than the daily average Kd Obtaining a daily average Kd for varying levels of cloudiness and streamside shade would involve greater sampling and more sophisticated techniques [e g Davies Colley et al 1984] than we used especially for optically clear rivers 4 3 2 River Ecosystem Dynamics [54] BLAM can be used to characterize spatial and temporal trends in river light regimes however its greater utility is as a tool to investigate river ecosystem dynamics Light is a first order control on both abiotic (via the hydrological cycle temperature and photochemical reac tions) and biotic (via temperature photosynthesis and visual perception) processes in rivers [Wetzel 2001] Fur ther it is the only control that exhibits a strong correlation to gross primary production over a wide range of streams [Mulholland et al 2001] Yet light budgets are rarely developed for river ecosystem studies BLAM provides a fairly simple inexpensive (time and money) and precise tool for creating these budgets [55] If we can quantify the amount of solar radiation entering a river we have a first approximation of one of the mayor components of ecosystem energy which can then be used to assess metabolism [see Brown et al 2004] One of the mayor metabolic processes in rivers is photosynthesis (or primary production) by algae and submersed aquatic macrophytes All aquatic plants have a compensation irradiance which is the amount of PAR required for photosynthesis to exceed respiration [Kirk 1994] and these compensation points can be determined relatively easily for naturally occurring assemblages of macrophytes or algae Thus by knowing how much PAR reaches the benthos we can approximate net photosynthesis For example assuming a compensation irradiance of 3 mol m -z d-1 for a typical macrophyte population [Kirk 1994 p 278] benthic photosynthesis would occur 46% of the days during the summer at BSC and 77% of the days during the summer at DR (Figure 7) Relations such as these calculated with BLAM can be used to investigate spatiotemporal trends in riverme vegetation primary pro ductivity and metabolism Other potential applications of BLAM include riparian zone management [Kiffney et al 2004] nutrient budgets [Doyle and Stanley 2006] envy ronmental maintenance flows [Baron et al 2002] stream restoration [Scarshrook and Halliday 1999] biotic behav ioral adaptations [Kelly et al 2003] and feedbacks be tween geomorphology and ecology [Bott et al 2006] Although the above references establish the ecological importance of light in rivers the role of light in each of these areas has largely been underappreciated and not fully demonstrated 5 Conclusions [56] Compared to other aquatic ecosystems rivers argu ably possess the greatest spatiotemporal vanability and complexity This complexity has up to now prevented the development of a general framework in which to assess light regimes in rivers By combining previously verified optical and hydrological methods we were able to generate the benthic light availability model (BLAM) which calcu lates the intensity of PAR at the riverbed BLAM links river hydrogeomorphology and benthic light availability by in corporating the light attenuation of topography riparian vegetation channel geometry optical water quality and hydrologic regime [57] The accuracy of BLAM is largely dependent on the accuracy of the techniques used to obtain s and Kd We recommend that future studies assess the validity of these techniques especially for varying degrees of cloudiness and shading Further we encourage testing on a wide vanety of rivers thereby improving upon the accuracy and range of empirical coefficients used in BLAM [58] We used BLAM to demonstrate how the spatiotem poral vanations in hydrogeomorphic controls dictate ben thic light availability in a small optically clear river versus a large turbid river In addition to assessing the dominant controls on nvenne light regimes BLAM is a tool that can be used to investigate the role of light in nver ecosystem dynamics and establish light availability targets in water resource management BLAM also provides a framework for future models that characterize spatiotemporal vana tions of ultraviolet radiation and water temperature in rivers Our ultimate objective in developing BLAM is that it will be a catalyst for more investigations and applications of the vital role of light in rivers Appendix A [59] Table Al Appendix B [6o] Table BI Appendix C [61] Table Cl Table Al GLA User Defined Parameters Parameter Value Projection polar Orientation horizontal Time step l min Azimuth regions 36 Zenith regions 9 Solar constant 1367 W/m Cloudiness Index 050 Spectral traction 045 Beam fraction 050 Sky region brightness UOC model Clear sky transmission coefficient 060 14 of 16 G03022 JULIAN ET AL LIGHT IN RIVERS G03022 Table B1 Turbidity Sampling at Big Spring Creek (BSC) and Deep River (DR) 21 -30 May 14— 16 Jun 11 -17 Jul 2006 2006 2006 29 Aug to 11 Sep 2006 24 -26 Apr 2006 15 -24 Jun 2006 24 Jun 2005 to 18 Sep 2006 Location DR DR DR DR BSC BSC BSC Method automated manual automated automated automated automated manual Flow baseflow flood baseflow flood baseflow baseflow baseflow /flood Sample interval h 12 —24 6 6 4 6 discrete Sample number 22 3 23 54 11 33 22/2 Automated samples were collected with a Teledyne ISCO 6712 15 37 033 4774 1757 Table C1 Predicted Versus Actual Benthic PAR in Big Spring Creek WI 6/17/2006 4639 2647 Source PAR Sensor PAR Sensor PAR Sensor PAR Sensor Stage Recorder Weather Station BLAM Date (M/D/Y) E (mol /m2 /d) E (mol /m2 /d) E0 (moUmZ /d) Eb d (moUmZ /d) Q (m' /s) E (moUmZ /d) Ei d (moUmZ /d) Eh d /Ei d 6/16/2006 4332 2543 2247 15 37 033 4774 1757 1 14 6/17/2006 4639 2647 22 16 1444 032 4399 1681 l 16 6/1 8/2006 4004 2121 na 97 033 4163 1524 l 57 6/19/2006 4645 2243 na 1034 033 4723 1706 1 65 6/20/2006 3057 1449 na 644 033 3399 1233 1 92 6/22/2006 4031 25 59 na 10 16 034 4981 1695 1 67 6/23/2006 5931 3541 3051 1945 034 60 18 2049 1 05 6/24/2006 3980 23 13 2209 13 71 034 3952 13 35 097 6/25/2006 20 19 1192 10 30 5 65 035 2245 724 128 Actual values were collected with PAR sensors at a transect 175 in downstream of the sampling station during 16 -25 June 2006 Values for 21 June are not reported because the Eb t sensor was disturbed on that day The shading coefficient (s) for this site as derived by GLA was 0 67 All other temporal parameters used in BLAM are listed in Table Al Data not available due to equipment malfunction are labeled na Ebed is the predicted benthic PAR according to equation (5) and Eb t is the actual benthic PAR measured with a PAR sensor [62] Acknowledgments The project was supported by the National Research Initiative of the USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES grant 2004 35102 14793) Special thanks to Bill Gmsler and the town of Big Spring WI for site access Derek Anderson Richelle Baroudi Zack Feiner Victoria Julian Rebecca Manners Caihn Orr Steve Powers Hollis Rhinelander Adam Riggsbee Daisy Small Matt Smith and Sarah Zahn assisted with field and laboratory work We are grateful to three anonymous reviewers whose comments helped fine mne the manuscript References Baker K S and R C Smith (1979) Quasi inherent characteristics of the diffuse attenuation coefficient for irradiance Soc Photo opt Instrum Eng 208 60 -63 Baron J S et al (2002) Meeting ecological and societal needs for fresh water Ecol Appl 12 1247 -1260 Bott T L et al (2006) Ecosystem metabolism in Piedmont streams Reach geomorphology modulates the influence of riparian vegetation Ecosystems 9 398 -421 Brown J H et al (2004) Toward a metabolic theory of ecology Ecology 85 1771 -1789 Chazdon R 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