HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020820 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20120618I -a�ONU Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 RaNcn Rtdl,(. Ro id R tict,h Noi th C arohna 27614 Phone (919) 846 )(X)O I ax (919) 946 9467 www Sandi C coin 1 Transmit to you Herewith Drawings Specifications Brochures or photos Correspondence As per your request Transmittal Protect # (69q% E3 Date to I16 1 go(.:)- ProjectName 1JOmsVllle Commw,l�v Pa-K- File For your information and files ❑ For comment or approval ❑ Returned for correal,on, resubmit ❑ Approved as noted Under Separate Cover ❑ By mail (] By couner ❑ By express Remarks If enclosures are not as listed as above kindly notify us at once By O�d cc Document-No Description WAWA NW K I WW " , M") 0 Remarks If enclosures are not as listed as above kindly notify us at once By O�d cc Environmental Consultants, PA Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 www SandEC com June 15, 2012 S &EC Project No 6798 E3 USACE ID Nos 200221471 and 200221472 DWQ Nos 02 -1297 and 02 -0820 Ms Jean Gibby Mr Eric Kulz U S Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 401 Wetlands Unit 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 1650 Mail Service Center Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650 Re Year Two Qualitative Monitoring Report Morrisville Community Park Stream and Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration Protect Wake County, North Carolina Dear Ms Gibby and Mr Kulz - - Enclosed please find a copy of the Year Two Qualitative-Momtoring Report for the above — - — referenced project This report includes the results of vegetative monitoring counts, and photographic documentation As previously requested by Mr Kulz, qualitative monitoring for an additional period of two years will be performed in order to monitor any areas potentially lacking in woody vegetation This is the second report of the required two -year qualitative monitoring period If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at (919) 846 5900 Sincerely, SOIL & ENVMONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA T&J�!�V David Gainey Project Manager Enclosures Year Two Qualitative Monitoring Report Cc Mr Blake Mills, Town of Morrisville Pr S& EC Table of Contents 10 INTRODUCTION 11 Introduction 12 Protect History 2 0 SITE MONITORING METHODS 2 1 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring 2 2 Stream Channel Monitoring 2 3 Beaver Activity Monitoring 3 0 SITE MONITORING RESULTS 3 1 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Results 3 2 Stream Channel Monitoring Results 3 3 Beaver Activity Monitoring Results 3 4 Qualitative Monitoring Summary - 2011 Appendix A — Site Maps Figure 1— Qualitative Monitoring Layout Figure 2 — Post - Replanting Credit Assessment Update Appendix B — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix C — Stream Channel Monitoring Photos H 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 10 INTRODUCTION 11 Introduction This monitoring report has been prepared by Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S &EC) in order to present qualitative site monitoring data collected during the period January 2011 through December 2011 for the Morrisville Community Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Project in Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina This data represents Year Two of the required two year qualitative monitoring 12 Protect History The Town of Morrisville proposed the restoration of approximately 3,200 linear feet of stream channel and approximately 6 5 acres riparian buffer for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation for unavoidable stream and Neuse riparian buffer impacts associated with its development projects The mitigation credits generated within the Morrisville Community Park were used to compensate for impacts specifically related to the Crabtree Crossing Parkway — Town of Morrisville (DWQ project # 01 -1380) The remaining stream and buffer restoration credit yields will be utilized to offset future impacts proposed and funded by the Town of Morrisville The stream and riparian buffer credits proposed in the Mitigation Plan are as follows Stream Restoration 3,252 linear feet Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 1 4 52 acres (196,8912 sq ft ) Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration— Zone 2 2 44 acres (106,286 4 sq ft ) The mitigation project was completed within the confines of the approximately 32 -acre Morrisville Community Park located east of Davis Drive (SR 1613), accessible from Morrisville Parkway (SR 3060) This site is located within the Neuse River Basin, USGS Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201 and subbasin 030402 (USGS 1974 and NCDENR 1999) Quantitative site monitoring of the restoration site was performed by S &EC for a period of five (5) years During Monitoring Year 4 (2008), S &EC coordinated with North State Environmental, Inc (the original construction contractor) to repair areas of erosion, bed scour, and collapsed structures as described in our letter dated August 13, 2008 These repairs were performed in accordance with the approved Stream Repair and Stabilization Plan dated October 18, 2007 During an on -site meeting on January 21, 2009 with Mr Eric Kulz of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), portions of the stream buffer were identified as lacking the necessary woody vegetation to receive stream or riparian buffer mitigation credit As described by Mr Kulz, in order to receive stream credit, wooded riparian buffers a mimmum of 30 feet in width are required on both sides of the restored stream In order to receive riparian buffer credit, wooded riparian buffers are required to be a minimum of 50 feet in width Buffer credit is assessed separately on each side of the stream An on -site evaluation of buffer width including the identification of buffer areas lacking in woody vegetation was performed by S &EC on December 22, 2009 Based on S &EC's observations of areas lacking woody vegetation, portions of the site were re- planted in 2010 A follow -up on -site evaluation of buffer width and assessment of vegetation success was performed by S &EC between May and July of 2010 The Year One Qualitative Monitoring report was submitted in April of 2011 Evaluation of buffer widths and monitoring of replanted areas continued through 2011 Following discussion with the Town of Morrisville, S &EC recalculated the apparent stream and buffer credits based on observations made in 2011 These observations and calculations are presented in this Year Two Qualitative Monitoring report 2 0 SITE MONITORING METHODS As described in the approved Mitigation Plan, the restoration site was to be quantitatively monitored for five consecutive years or until the required success criteria has been met as determined by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), NC -DWQ, and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) As required by DWQ, following the five -year quantitative monitoring, qualitative monitoring was initiated for a period of two years following the 2010 replanting of areas lacking woody vegetation 2 1 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring In May 2010, three (3) new vegetation monitoring plots were installed within recently planted areas of the riparian buffer The locations of these plots are shown on the Monitoring Layout in Appendix A Each plot consists of 100 square meters, or approximately 1075 square feet) cornered by four PVC stakes and located by GPS Vegetation data gathered annually within each plot includes species and number of each species present As described in the Mitigation Plan, an overall site stem density of 320 stems per acre is required in order to meet the vegetation success criteria A corner of each vegetation monitoring plot also serves as a permanent photo point, with photos taken during each monitoring visit 2 2 Stream Channel Monitoring A total of eighteen (18) selected photo points was established to document stream channel conditions, with photos taken during each monitoring visit Photo points were established at areas of potential channel or bank erosion in order to assess the stability of these areas and to determine whether further channel repairs are needed 2 3 Beaver Activity Monitoring During each monitoring visit, beaver activity was noted Please refer to section 3 3 for an account of beaver activity observed during the 2011 monitoring year 3 0 SITE MONITORING RESULTS 3 1 Buffer Vegetation Monitoring Results During the 2011 vegetation monitoring, both recently planted and existing volunteer or planted woody stems were counted within each vegetation monitoring plot The average number of (recently planted and volunteer) stems per sample plot is 16 33 stems, which corresponds to a site stem density estimate of approximately 661 stems per acre The following table lists the total number of live stems and shows species diversity within each vegetation monitoring plot for the 2011 monitoring year Planted Species VP1 VP2 VP3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 River Birch 1 1 9 3 0 0 Betula nr ra Tulip Poplar 1 1 0 0 1 1 Lrnodendron tuli r era American Sycamore (Platanus 1 1 0 0 6 4 occrdentahs Willow Oak 4 4 1 1 1 1 uercus hellos Northern Red Oak (Quercus 1 1 0 0 0 0 rubra Volunteer Woody Species VP1 VP2 VP3 Silver Maple 0 0 2 3 0 0 Acer saccharrnum Green Ash 10+ 10+ 2 6 0 0 Fraxrnus enns lvanica Sweet Gum 0 3 0 0 2 2 Lr uidambai s racy ua Wax Myrtle 1 1 0 0 0 0 Morella ceri era Black Willow 2 3 0 0 1 1 Salrc m ra Elderberry 0 0 1 1 1 1 Sanibucus canadensrs American Elm 0 0 0 0 1 1 Ulmus americanus Silky Dogwood 0 0 0 4 0 0 Coinus amomum Red Maple 0 0 0 4 0 0 (Acer i ubr urn) 21+ 25+ 15 22 13 11 (8 planted (8 planted (10 planted (4 planted 18 (8 planted 5 (6 planted 5 Total 13+ vol 17+ vol 5 vol Vol ) vol Vol In summary, the vegetative component of the mitigation effort meets total stem density criteria for the 2011 monitoring year Vegetation monitoring plot photos are presented in Appendix B Potential Riparian Buffer Credit Loss As noted in the Year One Qualitative Monitoring Report, several areas within 50 feet of the top of bank of the restored stream were lacking in woody vegetation These areas were observed closely during 2011 monitoring to determine if the required woody vegetation success criteria has been met In its current condition the lack of the full 50 -foot wooded riparian buffer (in both Zones 1 and 2) in the areas shown on the attached figure would result in a loss of approximately 10,640 square feet (0 24 acre) of Zone 1 buffer credit and 10,247 square feet (0 24 acre) of Zone 2 buffer credit Based on these observations, the expected buffer credit totals are as follows Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 1 186,2512 square feet (4 27 acres) Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 2 96,039 4 square feet (2 20 acres) 3 2 Stream Channel Monitoring Results During the 2011 monitoring, the stream channel appeared generally stable along the restoration reach Comparative photographs of the stream at established photo points show an increase in bank vegetation and little evidence of continued or worsening bank erosion Stream channel monitoring photos are presented in Appendix C Potential Stream Restoration Credit Loss The on -site assessment found that the majority of the restored stream on -site currently has a wooded riparian buffer at least 30 feet in width on both sides One area of sparse vegetation was found within Zone 1 of the stream buffer Based on the on -site data collection, the area within Zone 1 that is lacking in woody vegetation is approximately 83 square feet (0 002 acre) Please refer to the attached figure for the location of this area Based on the on -site assessment, the lack of vegetation in Zone 1 of the riparian buffer resulted in the loss of approximately 18 linear feet of stream credit NOTE The length of potential loss of stream credit was calculated from the outer edges of the area lacking Zone 1 vegetation perpendicular to the As -built channel Based on these observations, the expected stream restoration credits total 3,234 linear feet 3 3 Beaver Activity Monitoring Results The removal of beavers and their dams from the site during 2010 appears to have improved the stream's natural channel function and its ability to convey higher flows without degradation If beaver activity is curtailed at the site, we expect the stream to continue functioning as per the design intent Following beaver trapping and dam removal in the early part of 2010, beaver activity lessened at the site, however, some smaller dams were left in place and some recent beaver activity was still noted during early monitoring visits By the December 2010 monitoring visit, beaver activity had again increased at the site Larger dams had been constructed and an increase in beaver damage to buffer vegetation was observed Beaver trapping and dam removal continued throughout 2011 Beaver activity has continued through the year despite efforts by the Town of Morrisville to slow the activity in the area The Town of Cary is also trapping beavers and removing dams on sites upstream and downstream of the Morrisville Park site Small areas of buffer vegetation were affected by beaver activity but appear to be resproutmg in these areas S &EC recommends continued beaver trapping and dam removal at the site in order to reduce the potential for damage to the stream and buffer vegetation 3 4 Qualitative Monitoring Summary — 2011 Based on the 2011 monitoring of the stream channel and riparian buffer vegetation, the majority of the site has been successful as set forth in the Mitigation Banking Instrument Some areas of the site currently do not meet the buffer width requirement to receive buffer credit for these areas The Town of Morrisville has determined that the amount of restoration credits needed for future anticipated impacts is well below the amount proposed in the original restoration plan Therefore, we request that the amount of stream and buffer restoration credit awarded to the Town of Morrisville is equal to the amount of the current successful restoration areas as opposed to the amount previously requested The change in the amount of proposed restoration credits is listed below Stream and Buffer Restoration Credits Proposed in the Mitigation Plan Stream Restoration 3,252 linear feet Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 1 4 52 acres (196,891 2 sq ft ) Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 2 2 44 acres (106,286 4 sq ft ) Stream and Buffer Restoration Credits Proposed Based on Current Site Totals Stream Restoration 3,234 linear feet Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 1 4 27 acres (186,2512 sq ft ) Neuse Riparian Buffer Restoration — Zone 2 2 20 acres (96,039 4 sq ft ) Based on these final totals of successful restoration areas and the lack of future anticipated impacts, we request that credits based upon the current site total are awarded to the Town of Morrisville and that no future monitoring is required Appendix A Site Maps VEGETATION PHOTO 12 VEGETATION PHOTO 9 PHOTO 8 _ SCALE 1 " = 1 50' w 'L' MONITORING MONITORING I . PHOTO 14 PLOT 3 PLOT 2— 150 75 O 150 w PHOTO 7 j --7-- 100' CAROU J �- E O J - -- -- — — - PHOTO 5 rp PHOTOS 3 t 4 -- z (L o PHOTO 2 I 1 ►- ►_' ° o - - - - -- oC z o 600 _ O D 0 O \ 1 12 1- ° p -- PHOTO I - > w o r EXI5TIN BALL FIELD Vl z W w i PHOTO 15 t o C. ° PHOTO I I > > Q) Q <� / — I (s) CD LL, PHOTO I G ° ° °° ° PHOTO 13 �`'\ l 0 Q °° ° a PHOTO 10 �/' 1 D ° ° ow t ° ° PHOTO 6 PHOTO 17 °° ° di VEGETATION MONITORING P LOT I • I PHOTO 18 °° (D I c� NOTES: I ) ORIGINAL BOUNDARY t - OPOGRAPHIC 5LIRVEY'ERFORMED BY: WIThiER5 t RAVENEL, CARY, NC IN 2002. 2) AS -31I_T TOPOGRAPHIC & CONTOUR DATA MODIFIED 4 INCORPORATED'N -O 51TE PLAT U51NG ORIGINAL SURVEY DATA d LIMI-ED ENGINEERING SURVEY BY TOTAL STATION IN JANUARY FEBRUARY OF 2004. 3) LOCATION OF PARKING, BALLFIE_D5. AND ANY OTHER PARK FEATURES TAKEN FROM WITHERS € RAVENEL PPOP05ED 517E PLAN. 4) ALL ELEVATION5 ARE RELATIVE TO DATUM DEFINED BY WITHERS $ KAVENEL. 5) VEGE -ATION MONITORING PLOTS GP5- LOCATED BY 5t-EC ON MAY 15, 2010. of Nu N i 0201 1 Soil 4 Environmental Con5ultant5, PA. All nght5 reserved. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOTS ® A5 -BUILT PAVED GREENWAY NEU5E RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE I NEU5E RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 QUALITATIVE MONITORING LAYOUT F � • o U I �C73 F 1�1 � a N�1 � I � 0 0 N N A w \r / 0 \� 0 0 °0 0 ° va 0 D VEGETATION PLOT 2 '' o PI ° O 1 I ° ° D 13 0000 ° ^ O 1 VEGETATION PLOT I O C o ° t ° i0 0 i NOTE5: ) ORIGINAL BOUNDARY # TO °OGKAPMIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY: WIT -IER5 & RAVENEL. CARY, NC IN 2002. 2) A5 -(3UILT - OPOGRAPMIC b CONTOUR DATA MODIFIED t- INCORPORATED INTO 51TE PLAT U51NG ORIGINAL SURVEY DATA t LIMITED ENGINEERING 5URVEY BY TOTAL STATION IN JANUARY t FEBRUARY OF 2004. 3) _IMIT OF SURVEY DATA COLLECTED 15 BETWEEN GREENWAY TRAIL AND MOPR15VILLE PARK ONLY. LOCATION OF PARKING. BALLFIELD5. AND ANY OTHER PARK FEATURE5 TAKEN FROM WITHERS t RAVENEL PROPOSED SITE P-AN AND WERE NOT INC_UDED IN hATCMET'5 GROVE 5-REAM 5URVEY. l) ALL ELEVATIONS ARE RELATIVE TO DATUM DEFINED BY WITMER5 € RAVENEL. 5) BUFFER DE! INEATION PERFORMED BY 54EC ON DECEMBER 22, 2009 U51NG GP5 G) I) VEGETATION A55E55MENT OF RECENTLY PLANTED RIPARIAN BUFFER5 PERFORMED BY 54EC ON JULY 12, 2010 U51NG GP5 O ° 9 0 \0 0 POTENTIAL L055 -� OF STREAM CREDIT EXISTING BALL FIELD POTENTIAL LOSS OF STREAM CREDIT DUE TO LACK OF ZONE I VEGETATION: 18 LF ®LOSS OF ZONE I BUFFER CREDIT: 10,G40 5F (0.24 AC) ®LOSS OF ZONE 2 BUFFER CREDIT: 10,247 SF (0.24 AC) ® AS -BUILT PAVED GREENWAY NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE I NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 9-1 1 1 b ®2009 Environmental Consultants, PA. All rlgNt5 reserved. c VEGETATION PLOT` \3 5CALE 1 " = 150' � O - LL 150 75 0 150 � w L _J 1W CAROLINA F LL- EASEb CD 0-/ Q - - -e - - - - -- 17— D w - -- - - -- w O V J WI^ ( / I �O z U �Lu O z Lu U E_ J ' z Q g 3 Lu W/ F— •�•�� ( O lo 1 � aQ �I a Ia od I Vo e� I � U N � U 3 z I o teo 'v I D � a v I c Oo I �/J Appendix B Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville April 2012 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos — Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 — 9/9/2010 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1— 10/25/2011 • -'41Wr+� ; �- �• � 1 L tom, jy 4�,y �.I�� / ` + Nx i 4% ki Y '.r T~ T A41 G j 1 t Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville April 2012 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 — 9/9/2010 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 — 10/25/2011 Appendix C Stream Channel Monitoring Photos Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Stream Monitoring Photos — Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site Photo Point 1— 3/2/2011 Photo Point 1 — 10/25/11 y.. AW r Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.133 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 3 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 3 — 10/25/11 I I Ift IN ol .1 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 5 - 3/2/2011 Photo Point 5 - 10/25/11 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 6 - 3/2/2011 Photo Point 6 - 10/25/11 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S&EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 7 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 7 — 10/25/11 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 8 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 8 — 10/25/11 mil. Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S&EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 10 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 10 — 10/25/11 10 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S&EC Project No. 6798.133 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 11— 3/2/2011 Photo Point 11 — 10/25/11 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 12 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 12 — 10/25/11 12 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S&EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 13 - 3/212011 Photo Point 13 - 10/25/11 13 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 14 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 14 — 10/25/11 14 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 15 - 3/2/2011 Photo Point 15 - 10/25/11 15 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 16 - 3/2/2011 Photo Point 16 - 10/25/11 16 Morrisville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 Town of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 17 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 17 — 10/25/11 17 sville Park Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration Site S &EC Project No. 6798.E3 of Morrisville March 2012 Photo Point 18 — 3/2/2011 Photo Point 18 — 10/25/11 18