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20120680 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20120711
i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ` Division of Water Quality James B Hunt, Jr Governor Bill Holman Secretary D E N R Kerr T Stevens, Director September 25 2000 Jimmy Chisholm Carolina Power and Light Company 179 Tillery Dam Road Mt. Gilead, NC, 27306 And Joe Hall Duke Power and Lake Management P O Box 1006 Charlotte NC, 28201 -1006 Re General 401 Water Qualit3 Certification for Lake and Reservoir Activities Dear Messrs Chisholm and Hall The purpose of this correspondence is to clarify the provisions and process relative to NC Division of Water Quality s General 401 Water Quality Certification Number 3280 which correspond to the U S Army Corps of Engineers General Permit 198200030 We understand that you receive numerous requests from lakefront property owners inquiring about the permit requirements for activities they propose to conduct on the waterfront After you have determined the property owner needs to obtain a permit for dredging or shoreline stabilization from you we understand they are then instructed to obtain the necessary 404/401 Permits These property owners should pursue the following sequence of events to determine their 404/401 permit needs We have coordinated this letter with the U S Army Corps of Engineers so that it relates equally to both permitting programs The U S Army Corps of Engineers is the lead agency and accordingly determines 404 requirements for all projects Applicants should first contact the appropriate Corps field office representative for their county To identify which counties are handled by a particular Corps regulatory field office or to find the appropriate individual in the regulatory staff, the public can access the Wilmington District Regulatory Homepage at www saw usace arni} mil /wetlands/regtour him or read from the list on Appendix A The Corps staff will determine if a 404 Permit is required and if so which particular one It is important that the applicant learn specifically which Nationwide or Regional General Permit applies to their work ror lake and reservoir activities General Permit 198200030 (also called General Permit 30 or GP 30) is often the appropriate permit The matching General Certification for GP 30 is the subject of this correspondence 2 Application for GP 30 involves submittal of detailed plans location maps and other supplemental information explaining the nature and scope of the work to the Corps If the work is determined to comply with all conditions of GP 30 the Corps will then issue a tear sheet to the applicant either on -site or by mail that qualifies as the Corps written confirmation that the proposed work complies with this regional general permit It is important for applicants to note that GP 30 always requires written concurrence from (lie Corps Non Discharge Brandt 2321 Crabtree Blvd Parkview Raleigh North Carohna 27604-.,- Telephone 919 733 1786 Bldg FAX p 733 9959 An CquA OpporMNMy At(aniatme Att.on CmtwoM W% ecrckwV 10% r+og conuintm papc4 L� The Basics of the 401 Water Quality Certification Process 401 Water Quality Certification Program — The Basics Section 401 of the Clean Water Act delegates authority to the states to issue a 401 Water Quality Certification for all projects that require a Federal Permit (such as a Section 404 Permit) The "401" is essentially a verification by the state ihame given ollov�nngi project basic outline of the Waters 401 �e review process in otherwise violate water Quality standards North Carolina When do you need to request a 401 Water Quality Certification? If the U S Army Corps of Engineers determines that a 404 Permit is required because your proposed project involves impacts to wetlands or waters then a 401 Water Quality Certification is also required The Corps also determines which type of permit is applicable to your work a Nationwide Regional Generalor Individual Permit. For each of the Nationwide, Regional or General Permit, a matching General Certification must be issued by DWQ to order for the Permit to be valid An Individual 401 Water Quality Certification is necessary if an Individual 404 Permit is required Once the Corps has determined which type of permit you should request you can read the matching General Certifications on the DWQ web page Please read the applicable Certifications ns very carefully e concurrence/notification note whether or of written concurrenceinotification is required by DWQ if and your project meets all of the conditions of the General Certification you do not need to submit a formal application or receive a signed 401 Water Quality Certification � 1 for se note the foil �nnng steps General Certification states that written concurrence necessary to obtain your 401 Certification Fill out a Pre - Construction Notification In North Carolina you use a single form to request this f�rmhwit�be Permit revised later On 1999 Certification the PCN Form can be downloaded directly Please note final versions of the new Nationwide Permits are issued .lust follow the instructions on the form You should also include a cover letter explaining your project are also encouraged to provide any supporting s (to scale) depicting all the proposed impact areas You documentation available such as correspondence received from the Corps of Engineers or photographs Remember the more clearly you describe your project the more quickly we can review your application You will need to submit this application to the Corps and provide seven copies of the entire application to DWQ If you do not provide seven copies your application will be returned as incomplete DWQ will distribute the copies to five other state agencies as well as the appropriate DWt regional office which saves you time and expense UATEF QJPLpY PLJFtVING fax 919 - 715-5637 49 'My 1, ua- ati w r w. %P4 Impacts to an3 stream length in the Neese and Tar Pamlico Ri,cr Basins requires and wntien concurrence 2B 0259 N" �developmnent ctivtues located to 2B 0233 and l5A the protected 50-foo ,.vide riparian areas (whether junsdicuonal wetlands or not) vathtn the heuse and Tar Pamlico River Basins all lim 2B to uses identified witbin and constructed m aocordance and 15A NCA.0 211 OZ�9ea al have development shall be located disturbance t Pr tect� ter � constructed. and main quality to the maximum extent practicable through the use of best management practices That appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined tit the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion ControllPlanning and Design -manual" iate available roCarolina he Dit on Surface Vfintng Manual whiche�cr is more appropriate t of Land Resources (DLR) in the DE1hR Regional or Central Offices) shall be in full coiTipliance with all specifications go%erning the p -open design installation and bperauon and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in ordor to a,sure compliance with the appropri,te turbidity a ater quality standard 7 Rip rap shall be nstalled adjacent to bulkheads in fieshwater tales to ensure protection of aq�Xtjaabrta et Construction Ova and floating structures � d sh�ilinotl re .-.L ed at least three feet above pcnodicall) on the bottom 8 All sediment an eroswn control restored after the Division of Land en shill measures placed in be temoved andte natural grade Resourc..-, has relea-,ed the project 9 If an erntronniental documcncis required this Cr rtiflcation is not -ilid until a Finding of No Slgnficant Impact (FO s.1) or r Record of Died cond`iRtoOnD is the issut d b) the State Clearinghouse FONSI or ROD Shall become conditions of this Certification 10 Pier and boat houses shall Uc con`t t aNte of oth r selvage to be disposed o` zl of sc" age rmher than allow ing r4 din -dN into surfat-e «aters 11 Additional stt Cie f;c� conditions may be added pliance ��itl rill applicaUlc fill under this atcr qu 1 i y ., 4 C-0 ruc a . tdn i"d- US Army Cotes Of Eugloeers Field (HUM and County Coverage Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alexander Cherokee Clay heeled Jackson Mitchell Umon Polk Watauga US Army Corps of Engine= Avery &meonbe Clevdand I.Ancoht Rowan Yancey 151 Patton Avenue Burke Gaston Macon Rothuford Roan 208 Graham Madison Stanley Asheville, NC 28801 5006 Cabaaus Caldwell Haywood McDowell Swam Telephone.- (828) 2714854 Catawba Henderson Mecklenburg Trans7dvaara Fax. (828) 271 -4858 Ralergb Regulatory Field Office Alazuance Dry Alleghany Edgecatubc, Johnston Lee Rockingham Wilson Stokes Yadkin US Anny Corps Of Engineers Franklin Falls of the Nenrse Road Caswell N Vie Suite 120 suit Chatham Granville Orange Wake Raleigh, NC 27615 Telephone (919) 87&8441 Davidson Guilford Person Randolph Warren Wilkes Fax. (919) 876 -5283 Havre Halifax ge Fidel Office CtmWicic Pit _ US Anigton Of Err US Amts Carps tee B flare Cam c� Maim Washmgtaa Post Office Box loco PamLoo Wayne w NC 27ss9 -loo0 Chowan � �k Tekpbonc (252) 975 -1616 Craven Hyde Peeq� K.rcat� National Forest Only Fax. (252) 975 -1399 Wilmington Regulatory Field lice A� O nslow Pender US Army Carps Of Engineers Brunswick Hoke Rrdmtond Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 1890 Carteret Mou"rocry Robeson Tdcphoaa (910) 2514511 Columbus Moore Cumberland New Hanover Sampson Scotland Fax. (910) 2514025 US Fish and Wildlife Service / National Marine Fbhertes Service US Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division Raleigh Field Office Asheville Field Office Ptvers island Post Office Box 33726 160 Zdhcoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 Beaufort, NC 28516 Raleigh, NC 27636 -3726 Telephoner (919) 856-4520 Telephone (828) 665 -1195 Tetephota (252) 728 5090 North Carolina State Agencies Division of Water Quality Di rsron of Water Quality State Historic Preservation Office Dcparunent OCCultural Resources 401 Wetlands Unit Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Matt Service Center 4617 Marl Service Center 1650 Mad Service Center Raleigh, NC NC 27699 1619 Raleigh, NC 27699 -4617 Telephone (919) 7334763 elepphom (9 9�3 -1786 Telephone. (919) 733 5208 Fax. (919) 733 -5321 Fax (919) 715 2671 Fax. (919) 733893 CAMA and NC Coastal Counties Division of Coastal Managanai Beaufort Chowan Craven Hertford Pasquotank Hyde Pcoder 1638 Matz Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1638 Bertre Brunswick Cumtuck New P—q Telephone: (919) 733 -2293 Carrnde n Carteret bate Gates Onslow Tyrrell Pamlico Washungton Fax. (919) 7334495 NCWRC and NC Trout Counties Western Piedmont Region Coordinator Allcghany Caldwell W tauga Wilkes 3855 ldlewild Road Ashc Mitchell Kanasvdle, NC 27284 -9180 Avery Burke Stokes Surry Telephone (336) 769 -9453 Mountain Region Coordinator Buncombe Cherokee Henderserr Jackson Polk Rutherford 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Swain W ynesvrlle, NC 28786 Clay Graham Macon Madison Trwuyl ama Telephone~ (828) 452 2546 Fax. (828) 506 -1754 Haywood McDowell Yancey 20120680 The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30 This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts Please provide five (5) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $240 00 for unpacts to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $570 00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. Applications should be sent to Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Applicant Information Owner /Applicant Information Name C c rr)el (i 9 Mailing Address i km%iew ?air V- 'bre , �6ftr I�, P_- , - -- c 892A Telephone Number 7 04 °� AZ — 5W3C7 Fax Number -Ei� E mail Address C- 'w L - LIP (�? _ Yom® . C® lA 2 Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner /applicant ) P� Company Affiliation - Mailing Address 1 Telephone Number Fax Number E mail Address a '� II Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns rivers and roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project Also see the example below for guidance Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow The footprints of all buildings impervious surfaces or other facilities must be included 09 I Location County (210 z of Nearest Town i n z0 we Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number) --- Directions to site please include road numbers landmarks etc (This is not necessary if an adequate _ vicinity map is included) 2-75 -EII n v► t c O �-- ���- -> ©�' 410 QVI RL3 %C --kkk Exit-2 f: it_ ` e� L `�"�„� _ - ci) Eif► W ct-o Wit vtt 2 Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application per so 11111 3 Property size (acres) 0 748 A c-ce s 4 Nearest body of water (stream/nver /sound/ocean/lake) CAL)'A C � I Q VW I ctt l- %Q Y lie 5 Describe the purpose { of the proposed work j `Dkio ehly_ bt¢b I, JA %18 1 wi h) V re � VVIII in{flCy-S uNn re .pt 1'�6_ � 4 C�C� fmA UCl�Ll� 4Ult- -yi 6 List the type of equipment to be used to construct the protect `b K i s ee y-, 7 Amount of impact (including all excavation backfill np rap retaining walls etc) below the normal pool lake level in square feet or acres 20 `YS Q_AV% 8a Amount of impact (including all clearing back fill excavation np rap retammg walls etc) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land ward in square feet or acres Alo, g 8 b Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees for instance) N 6 _trePe � i V"4-L-2eC 1— t' (5k�Ae.,,' Applicant/Agent s Signature Date (Agent s signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided ) ',V will L'e Please approximately sketch the foaovwng wwormatson on Ous plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 fL x 100 ft) 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Fug Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Fun Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation 6) Location of construction access corridors. d b, Wcie� 9i WO--il Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (please provide dinmensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft) 1) All proposed vegetation Bearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or f1i to be placed above the Full Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be planed below the Full Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks. etc S) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation g, Location of construction access corridors _ -- - - - - _ - _ _ _ - - - ~ - - --- — _ �- - -- _ - - -- - - - _ - Igo gob V-V P 0 Box 1597 * Comelius, NC38031 °^704.953.28,91 Fax 7K4-9874270 _ SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION 71115 IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THE M DAY OF JUNE 2007 AN ACTUAL SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE 80UNDARY LINES AND Of�LySS ��ii THE IMPROVEMENTS IF ANY ARE AS SHOWN HEREON THIS PLAT MEETS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE QQ- FOR LAND SURVEYING W NORTH CAROLINA. BOARD RULE 1600 (21 NCAC 56) AND• THE RATIO OF PRECISION DOES NOT EXCEED AN ERROR OF CIDWRE OF ONE (1) FOOT PER 10000 FEET OF PERIMETER SURVEYED L-4316 NOR 20 SECONDS TIMES THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE NUMBER OF ANGLES TURNED SIGNED VE�� v -� N LEE _ -4 LAKE WYLIE OR it OR + PHYLLISJ OMMN l .; D8 4267 -1175 h PROPERTY INFORMATION y % ,p REFERENCE DO 2109 -908 TAX PARCEL 193306 I d' %%. LEGEND j �z7z5"�r EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE I T 8j 0S EIR - EXISTING IRON ROD 1 o R/W - RIGHT -OF -WAY DO - DEED BOOK SO FT - SQUARE FEET I w CARROT I PB - PLAT BOOK OHP - OVERHEAD POWER LINE I I D EIR NOTE. SUBJECT PROPERTY PARTIALLY LIES i TUTa- AREA. i I WITHIN A SPECIAL -LAQD HAZARD AREA 31 287 SO FT a GRAVEL I I PER FEMA MAP 37071C 0316 E. DATED I OR 0 718 ACRI.; i of I MARCH 3 2003 I t � NOTE AS PER OB 1314 -549 EWNGTON ROAD IS A 30 PRIVATE R/W NO M ETES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR THIS R/W COULD BE FOUND EIP PROPERTY LINE F011AW5�+ F - i ► I ELEVATION 0B 2 978.0 AS PER �_�� ---""� r t W �� rt Z ' I �y O�I�.,, n z - " °'u 1'iQp I,lu c GRAVEL ® I cn pep, i O -. p M I ® I 1 A%E WME !� Z ¢ "� 1r n v ' h i OHP S11fp '" I VICINITY MAP - NTS ! r" g -�- - -- _ Se EIR I ' WUSE SITE y n I ► ICI. Ta I' 041, 1 APPROXIMATE tACAT10N 041, 173 33 I Z N� OF 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE �X I p (ELEVATION 571 O) 'o MMI DAVl.6i' POWELL $ I I; 4 v 0 f/S/SDAND fl?"KR POWELL 0 1 v, il3 DO 4164 -173 F 1 � o O N °z aIN SURVEY PREPARED FOR ( FROM THE OFFICE OF g STONEY CREEK FARMS, LLC JASON LEE VVVI" SOUTH GOIf fi TOWNSHIP GASTON COUNTY N C NC & SC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 2417 FAY JONES ROAD I B CH = 40 FEET DENVER N C 28037 OR PHONE. 704 - 763 -5926 FAX 704 -489 -2057 40 0 40 80 aumm ROAD