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McHenry, David G
From:Mitchell, Robert K
Sent:Tuesday, January 5, 2021 8:14 AM
To:McHenry, David G; Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Chambers, Marla J
Cc:Barnett, Kevin H; Breedlove, Patrick J
Subject:RE: [External] RE: Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
Okay. That makes sense to me. Thanks for the coordination. I don’t see any other issues other than what you and
Crystal pointed out. No comments on any of the other projects.
Kevin Mitchell
Environmental Specialist II
Division of Water Resources
401 & Buffer Transportation Permitting
NC Department of Environmental Quality
828-296-4650 Office
828-231-1580 Mobile
NC DEQ Asheville Regional Office
2090 U.S. Hwy. 70
Swannanoa, N.C. 28778
From: McHenry, David G <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 8:10 AM
To: Mitchell, Robert K <>; Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)
<>; Chambers, Marla J <>
Cc: Barnett, Kevin H <>; Breedlove, Patrick J <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
It does not look real steep, but I would wildly guess in the 3-5% neighborhood. My gut tells me that resetting it with
outlet lower would not help as much as trying to shore-up the outlet scour hole though.
From: Mitchell, Robert K <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 8:06 AM
To: McHenry, David G <>; Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)
<>; Chambers, Marla J <>
Cc: Barnett, Kevin H <>; Breedlove, Patrick J <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
Thank you for all of the detail and photos. That’s a big help. Do you know what the approximate slope of the culvert is
at Cedar Creek Farm Road?
Kevin Mitchell
Environmental Specialist II
Division of Water Resources
401 & Buffer Transportation Permitting
NC Department of Environmental Quality
828-296-4650 Office
828-231-1580 Mobile
NC DEQ Asheville Regional Office
2090 U.S. Hwy. 70
Swannanoa, N.C. 28778
From: McHenry, David G <>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 4:05 PM
To: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <>; Mitchell, Robert K
<>; Chambers, Marla J <>
Cc: Barnett, Kevin H <>; Breedlove, Patrick J <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
You are correct it is much wider at outlet of Cedar Creek Farm Road culvert. We will try to narrow it up as you mention
to deepen the water in the pipe.
Bridal Veil will likely need FWS coordination (due to tree cutting) and Patrick is going to submit that soon with a couple
other slide repair projects from that storm that do not have stream impacts. After I sent this update I met with the
USFS Ranger and our project engineer out there and it looks like we may be able to do the work all from disturbed
areas. Still evaluating though, but otherwise I will submit this for NCDOT cultural resources to review and then
coordinate with tribes as needed per the protocol. BTW, this pipe outlet will be perched as it was before but it has no
implications for fish passage because of the waterfall immediately upstream, and because it is likely too small for fish
Marla, would you be okay with us proceeding on Bridal Veil work during moratorium? As noted, there should be no
fish in this stream and the slide is continuing to lose dirt, so I think it would probably be better to proceed when we
From: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 2:16 PM
To: McHenry, David G <>; Mitchell, Robert K <>; Chambers, Marla J
Cc: Barnett, Kevin H <>; Breedlove, Patrick J <>
Subject: [External] RE: Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
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Thanks for this email and keeping us in the loop. Below are my comments.
Cedar Creek Farm Road: I’m a little confused looking at the picture. This stream seems much wider at the outlet than
the pipe. I’m assuming this was existing scour at the outlet and the creek is more narrow upstream and downstream? If
that’s the case, then I think adding rock is fine but it would also be helpful to build up the banks to narrow the stream
and increase depth at the outlet, which would hopefully further promote fish passage. Let me know your thoughts on
Bridal Veil Falls: US 64, UT Cullasaja River, Macon. – So if I’m following this one may need coordination with FWS for
Indiana bat (if tree removal required), requires coordination for 106 and needs a trout moratorium waiver correct? Also
sounds like this one is pretty urgent since you indicate it’s still getting worse. Its always best to get the permit in
advance, but if the work needs to be completed before the necessary paperwork can get done to get a permit
verification, I don’t have a problem with the work proceeding and DOT applying for the authorization after-the-fact as
long as coordination with FWS, WRC, SHPO and the tribes (if necessary) is complete prior to any work starting. Since
this is federally funded I assume that FHWA would take the lead on this coordination.
I don’t have comments on any of the other projects.
Crystal C. Amschler
Project Manager
Asheville Regulatory Field Office
151 Patton Avenue, Room 208
Asheville, NC 28403
(828)-271-7980 Ext 4231
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From: McHenry, David G <>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 9:55 PM
To: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <>; Mitchell, Robert K
<>; Chambers, Marla J <>
Cc: Barnett, Kevin H <>; Breedlove, Patrick J <>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Tropical Storm Zeta storm repairs in Division 14
I wanted to give you an update and seek guidance on federally funded storm repairs (with WOUS effects) in Division 14
following the last tropical storm (Oct 28?). The attached word document includes maps and pictures for the major
damage sites that the environmental office has to some extent been involved with. The exception is the Cascade Lake
Road slide repair that Kevin has coordinated with you all on.
Here’s summaries and points where we request your guidance please (in bold):
· All projects except the Bridal Veil falls and Cascade Lake failures are no effect for T&E. We may have tree cutting
on Bridal Veil and Patrick is going to seek Indiana bat concurrence from Holland on that. BTW, we surveyed for
rock gnome due to limited habitat that is present at Bridal Veil - negative. Cascade Lake is MANLAA from elktoe.
· There should be no 106 issues on these (all work is essentially within disturbed roadways or slide zones and
nothing is nearby per HPO data) with possible exception of Bridal Veil project. We anticipate seeking 106 review
due to Bridal Veil being within the Cullasaja River Buffer and due to an eligible powerhouse nearby, though the
powerhouse is not even visible from the work area. We coordinated with SHPO on Cascade Lake and Renee
indicated no effect on the powerhouse that is near that slide.
· No Wild and Scenic River sites.
· Sediment impacts on trout from any of the projects were likely avoided or are not anticipated, aside from
sedimentation that may likely occurred during the actual storm and the wash-outs. We have to do the work at
Bridal Veil and US 64 near the Macon/Jackson line and would like to know if the trout moratorium could be
waived for those due to the urgent nature, particularly at Bridal Veil which is getting progressively worse. It
should be no problem to dewater these construction areas and trout are not present in the streams at or near
the sites. Please advise Marla. Note, we were not initially anticipating impacts to water on a few of the
completed projects, which is why we did not consult regarding trout implications. However, all completed
projects should have had no effect on trout spawning.
· With possible exception of Cedar Creek Farm Road, none of the projects are likely to affect fish passage. On that
one we can probably add some large rock to the outlet to help backwater the culvert and promote fish
passage. I think that would be better than resetting the pipe outlet further below grade because that would
make the pipe steeper and have higher velocities. Please provide thoughts on this.
· All projects did or will replace only existing permanent fills and in terms of scope would meet non-notify
thresholds. Also, I think they would not need written 401s. As noted, bridal veil and Cascade lake need written
permits due to MANLAA calls for T&E. Regarding other projects, please advise if you need additional
permitting action or have any other guidance.
Hope this information is helpful and we appreciate your guidance. Sorry for the delay in coordinating further. We are
still working on efficient ways to review, track and coordinate on storm damage repairs, so any thoughts on this too
would be appreciated.
Dave McHenry
NCDOT Division 14 DEO
828/586-2141 office
828/246-7078 cell
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