HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089265_public notice_20160619NORTH CAROLINA SURRY COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned;dl<a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared - Sandra Hurley who being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he (she) is Regional Publisher (Publisher or other officer or employee authorized to make affidavit) of ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC, engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as MOUNT AIRY NEWS, published, issued, and entered as periodicals class mail in the city of Mount Airy in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in MOUNT AIRY NEWS on the following dates: and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time -of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes ofNot-thCarolina. This a.0 day of j Signature of person main affidavi , 2019 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 0 day of ,2019 My Commission expires: January 18. 2023 TERMS W. SIMPSON NCCTARY FfI LIC ATRR.Y COUNTY', N. C CLIPPING OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHED HERE Public Notice North Carolina Envi'i'onmenta! Management ComrnlssioniNPDES Unit. 1617 Mali Service Center Raleigh NC 899.161 ' Notice of intent to Issue a hi FOES 'Wastewater Pernik 'The North -Carolina Environ- mental Commis- i-sion.proposesto issue. a NP- fDES wastewater discharge kppeerrnit-to_the persort(s)-listed below. WrittencomMents•re- gard►ng theproposed permit will be accepted until 30days after the• publish date of this notice. The birector of the NVC Division of•'Water Resources (D WR). may hold a public hear--i wig should there: be a signffc- t ant degree, of public interest. tPlease mail comments and/or infomiation requests to DWR at the above address. Inter- ested Petsons itay vrisitihe DpWR ;24alisbury street, Fialegh,,NC to review nformafion on e_ Additional • informationon NFDES per - units and this notice may be ;found on our website: • http://deq. nc.g ov/about/divi- sions/water-resources/water- l.resources-permitS/wastewater branch/npdes-wastewater pub J Hobe es,er by caging (919) 07-3601. Town of Dobson -re !quested to renew NPDS per- amit NC0089265 for Dobson 1M1ITP. Surry County dischar- ging treated backwash and ;rinse wastewater to a:UT to the. Fisher River, Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Wayne Farms, LLC requested renewal of per- irnit NC0006648 for Dobson Plant in Surry Minty; this fa- cility discharge is treated in- !dustriai wastewater to Fisher :River, Yadkin River Basin. Publish: 06/19/2019 70024471