HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025321_SOC CIP & I&I_202102241 Willmer, Mikal From:Jeff Stines <jstines@waynesvillenc.gov> Sent:Wednesday, February 24, 2021 4:26 PM To:Weaver, Charles; Willmer, Mikal Cc:Rob Hites; Jesse Fowler; 'Keith Webb'; Wayne Bolin; Jeffrey Evans Subject:[External] SOC Submittal Attachments:SOC Update Cover Letter.docx; TenYear CIP 7oct20.docx; Field Smoke Test Report Draft.pdf; Arieal Creek Crossings.pdf; Waynesville CDBG Presentation.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to  Report Spam.    Good Afternoon,  Per our SOC, I have attached the documentation required for the first required submittal of our current CIP and I&I  mitigation efforts. As we move forward with the WWTP upgrades, we will keep an updated list of the steps towards  reducing any I&I into our collection system or any items we may not be able to address due to time constraints, costs or  construction delays.   Sincerely,  Jeff        Jeff Stines | Director of Public Services Town of Waynesville, NC 129 Legion Drive | PO Box 100 | Waynesville, NC 28786 (o) 828.456.3706 | (f) 828.456.2005 jstines@waynesvillenc.gov | www.waynesvillenc.gov      16 South Main Street · P.O. Box 100 · Waynesville, NC 28786 Phone (828) 452-2491 Fax (828)456-2000 Web Address: www.waynesvillenc.gov This institution is an equal opportunity provider Gary Caldwell, Mayor Robert W. Hites, Jr. Town Manager Julia Freeman, Mayor Pro Tem William E. Cannon, Jr., Town Attorney Clarence “Chuck” Dickson, Alderman Jon Feichter, Alderman Anthony Sutton, Alderman January 29, 2021 Re: SOC/CIP Update Cover Letter To whom it may concern, Upon the negotiation of our SOC, the Town of Waynesville was required to meet certain milestones with specific criteria/dates. One of the specific areas was the updated CIP as well as mitigation steps on I&I the Town of Waynesville has taken before and after the SOC was in effect to help reduce/prevent I&I. Listed below will be the mitigation the Town of Waynesville has completed thus far. • Ten Year CIP (see attached) • CDBG Infrastructure Grant • Smoke Study (McGill and Associates) (see attached) • Repair(s)/Replacement of current Infrastructure (listed below) • CCTV (listed below) • Root Treatment Mitigation (listed below) • Visual Inspection(s) of Creek Crossings (see attached) Town of Waynesville Ten Year CIP (attached) The Town of Waynesville has implemented a ten-year CIP to address the issues of I&I into our sanitary sewer system. This will address ongoing problems we have currently or will find in the future. These finding(s) are and will be from areas such as smoke testing, dye testing, visual and CCTV inspections. By addressing these issues, the Town of Waynesville should drastically reduce/eliminate I&I and assist the WWTP with heavy flows during rain events. Town of Waynesville CDBG Infrastructure Grant The Town of Waynesville has some areas that are classified as low to moderate income (LMI). With this, the Town of Waynesville is eligible for CDBG funding which is allocated for sewer improvements for these areas. The specific area involved will assist in the reduction of I&I into our collection system. The CDBG process is a term of three years from submittal to finish which 16 South Main Street · P.O. Box 100 · Waynesville, NC 28786 Phone (828) 452-2491 Fax (828)456-2000 Web Address: www.waynesvillenc.gov This institution is an equal opportunity provider includes a 2M dollar expenditure for two LMI subdivisions. Town of Waynesville Sewer Smoke Study (McGill and Associates - attached) In fall of 2019, the Town of Waynesville contacted McGill and Associates to identify areas of our sanitary sewer system with smoke testing that may be experiencing I&I. Over a period of 3-5 days the Town of Waynesville assisted McGill in testing over 10,000Lf of gravity sewer lines. There were several issues found during this time of which the Town of Waynesville has already begun addressing. Town of Waynesville Repair/Replacement The Town of Waynesville has replaced approximately 1,100Lf of existing sewer infrastructure to include 4”,6”, and 8” pipe. This would include 310Lf of 4” terracotta pipe being replaced with SDR-35 pipe. 740Lf of 6” terracotta pipe being replace with SDR-35 and 50Lf of 8” terracotta pipe replaced SDR-35. Town of Waynesville CCTV Inspection Internally, the Town of Waynesville has inspected approximately 3,000Lf of sewer line(s) via CCTV. This was an effort to help identify those areas that may have I&I into our sewer system. This data will be used to create additional CIP items to address along with the current issues of I&I we are experiencing. Town of Waynesville Root Treatment/Mitigation As we move forward addressing the issue of I&I in the Town of Waynesville sewer system, it has found to be advantageous to address the ongoing issue(s) of roots in the sewer system to increase flow as well as alleviate points of intrusion from roots. Our current inventory does include root dissolving agents to improve flow until such a time that a repair can be made. The Sewer Maintenance Department does administer this product daily to various sections/laterals in our system to prevent the growth of roots in the piping. Town of Waynesville Visual Inspection (Creek Crossings - attached) The Town of Waynesville has several creek crossing(s) in our inventory. These crossings vary in size from 8” to 30” lines. Annually, we inspect these crossings to ensure they are stable and not 16 South Main Street · P.O. Box 100 · Waynesville, NC 28786 Phone (828) 452-2491 Fax (828)456-2000 Web Address: www.waynesvillenc.gov This institution is an equal opportunity provider in any threat of damage or erosion. These mitigations efforts reduce not only I&I but also any SSO from the collection system. SOC CIP Summary As a mandatory part of the ongoing SOC, the documentation requested has either been explained above and/or available as a separate attachment. The Town of Waynesville will continue to address I&I issues as budgetary numbers allow to stay in compliance with the SOC. Additionally, we will continue to make our CIP a top priority to ensure the Town of Waynesville is making every effort moving forward to eliminate excessive amounts of I&I into our sanitary sewer system to assist with the treatment process of the existing WWTP as well as the new upcoming WWTP upgrades. As we move forward to the WWTP upgrades the Town of Waynesville WWTP/Sewer Maintenance Departments will work closely together, addressing these issues to better serve not only the Town of Waynesville but the citizens of Waynesville as well. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Shaping Communities Together FIELD TEST REPORT TO: Project Participants – 19.00313 FROM: Ivan Messina, Engineering Technician DATE: November 22, 2019 RE: Smoke Testing Results – Waynesville Sewer System Overview Smoke testing is one of the most cost-effective ways to locate defects in sewer mains and laterals. In this process, artificially produced non-harmful smoke is injected into the sewer line via a blower placed over a selected manhole. The pressurized smoke travels up and down the sewer line and connections and emerges at openings in the system. This visual aide allows test crews to easily identify, record, and mark locations where defects are present. If the sewer is in good condition, one should only see smoke rising from manhole lids and house roof vents. If the line has defects, such as breaks or illegal connections, the smoke will emerge at these points. Investigation McGill Associates met with town staff, including Water & Sewer Superintendent Jeff Stines on September 10, 2019 to identify areas that would benefit most from smoke testing. A field inspection was conducted on September 19, 2019 with sewer maintenance personnel for preliminary inspection and assessment of the areas to be tested. Sewer lines of concern, particularly in high I & I sewersheds were selected and mapped according to priority. McGill Associates prepared detailed maps of these areas based on the City’s GIS database, noting the locations of houses, schools, and manholes, and the lengths of sewer lines to be tested. This information was conveyed to the town and the Fire Department, with customers along the routes to be tested alerted to the upcoming testing by town staff. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Methodology McGill Associates and Town of Waynesville staff smoke tested over 10,000 linear feet of gravity sewer lines over a period of three days to determine potential locations where I & I may be entering the wastewater collection system. For each line to be tested, a centrally-located manhole on which to place the blower was determined based on the manhole’s accessibility and avoidance of traffic. Each manhole was identified by its GIS number and location, and the configuration and condition were recorded. At each location, the following procedure was executed. 1. Place the blower on the manhole (with the rubber seal, if necessary). 2. Fill smoke pump up to ¾ with liquid smoke. 3. Close all smoke pump valves. 4. Start blower and allow to warm up. 5. Open smoke pump valves. 6. Pressurize smoke pump by pumping the canister manually. 7. Once smoke begins emerging from roof vents, begin surveying for smoke emergences indicating defects or problem areas in the pipeline. 8. For each defect, record the opening type, address, manhole identifier, and notes. 9. Additionally, mark each defect with paint or with marker flag. Smoke testing took place from October 21st to October 23rd by McGill staff assisted by Town of Waynesville maintenance personnel. The crew recorded abnormal smoke emergences, which divided generally into five categories. 1. Broken or uncapped sewer cleanouts: Many cleanout caps were missing or broken. Some cleanout pipes were bent or punctured. The cumulative number of broken cleanouts in the town can contribute significant I & I. 2. Broken lines: Line breaks were most often found in service lines to houses. Suspected line breaks were also found on main sewer lines, which can be confirmed by video testing. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM 3. Unsealed manholes: Some manholes emitted excess smoke indicating cracked concrete or offset rings. Manholes located in ditches or along streams are most likely to contribute I & I. 4. Connected storm drains and culverts: Storm drains and culverts possibly connected to the sanitary sewer systems contribute significant amounts of I & I into the system. These potential cross connections are good candidates for video testing. 5. Unknown: Some smoke occurrences require further investigation to determine the type of problem or break in the system, either through excavation or video testing. Descriptions of observances from testing are noted below. In addition, a complete list of tables with results from each smoke test is attached to this report. Photographs showing some of the problem areas are included. Maps are also attached that correspond to each area tested, marked with the test locations and areas of major problems. General problems with cleanouts are not included on the maps. Summary of Test Results Brown Avenue Area Testing along Brown Ave was performed at three locations, starting at manhole #1905 and working south to manhole #261. The manholes in this area where surcharged overtopping the sewer lines and backing up into the manholes. The lines needed to be cleared by Town staff in order to perform the smoke testing. Large portions of the sewer line and manholes in this area lie within the 100-year floodplain of Farmers Branch. A significant amount of the sewer manholes in this area appear to not have sealed manhole rings and covers or proper vents. The first test location near Hazelview Drive did not indicate any positive evidence of I & I, although several damaged cleanouts where identified. The second test location at the intersection of Brown and Georgia Ave indicated positive evidence of I & I with smoke observed emerging from Farmers Branch where it crosses under Brown Ave, MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Smoke emerging from the sidewalk on Georgia Ave to the west of Brown Ave, and smoke from a storm drain pipe just off Georgia Ave near the railroad tracks to the west of Brown Ave. In addition, several damaged cleanouts were identified. Further investigation should be performed using video testing and should include Georgia Ave west of Brown Ave, and Brown Ave north of Georgia Ave to determine the cause of these positive smoke tests. The third test location along Brown Ave was at the intersection of Carolina Ave. Positive evidence of I & I were noted at multiple areas from this test, which was able to blow smoke south past Hazelwood Ave. Smoke was observed emerging from storm sewers at Brown Ave, Hazelwood Ave, and Carolina Ave. In addition, broken cleanouts were observed throughout the area and a damaged home service line were identified. Video testing should be performed along Brown Ave south past Hazelwood Ave, along Carolina Ave and north and south of Brown Ave on Hazelwood Ave. Hazelwood Area Testing in the Hazelwood area was performed at nine locations, most of which were concentrated in the neighborhood to the southwest of the Waynesville Inn Golf Resort. Portions of this area lie within the 100-year flood zone for Browning Branch. A significant amount of the sewer manholes in this area appear to not have sealed manhole rings and covers or proper vents. Test locations at Norman Street and Swan Street did not produce evidence of I & I, with no visible smoke emerging from anywhere except damaged cleanouts and roof vents. High flow was observed at manhole #94 at Swan Street coming from the sewer line to the east. Video testing of this line is recommended to identify the source of the high flow. The test location at Epsom Street identified manhole #877 with possible seal failure or poor top connection at the corner near Epsom and South Main. This manhole should be inspected and repaired as needed. No other problems were observed from this test location. Manhole #3386 at the test location on Francis Street is eroded at the outlet and shows signs of groundwater intrusion around the outlet pipe. Very high flow was observed coming into the MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM manhole from the sewer line to the north, but high flow was not observed at the next upstream manhole. This section of sewer line should be video tested to identify the source of the high flow. Smoke was observed emerging from a storm drain near manhole #3385 and several broken cleanouts were observed in this area. Testing at manhole #900 at the intersection of Chelsea and Epsom revealed multiple issues. The manholes in this area are old brick construction with very shallow inverts and are in fair to poor condition. Smoke emerged from cross connected gutters at a multi-residential building at 100 Chelsea Rd, and at several storm drains nearby, indicating evidence of I & I. Video testing should be performed to determine if cross connections or poor pipe conditions are present in this area. Manhole #879 at Chelsea Road was produced evidence of I & I from a broken cleanout in a box coming from the Waynesville Golf Resort and smoke from storm drains at the entrance to the Waynesville West condos, the Country Club Spa entrance, and near 84 Chelsea Rd. Video testing should be performed on this section of sewer line to determine to cause of these problems. Testing performed on manhole #96 at Browning Rd found several broken cleanouts and evidence of I & I as smoke emerged from a broken service pipe and the base of a utility pole at 209 Browning Rd. Video testing should be performed near 209 Browning Rd to determine the cause of this problem. Camelot St and Belle Meade Dr were tested at manhole #204. Several broken cleanouts and service lines were observed in this area and a listed on the attached tables. No evidence of I & I was found in this area. Shelton Branch Area Six tests were performed along Shelton Branch, following the waterway from East Street to Maple Street. The majority of the sewer line in this area lies within the 100-year floodplain of Shelton Branch. A significant amount of the sewer manholes in this area appear to not have sealed manhole rings and covers or proper vents. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Testing at East Street at manhole #856 and adjacent manhole #886 indicated positive evidence of I&I as smoke was observed emerging from storm drains at Shelton Branch and near the intersection of Hospital Dr, as well as from an area between sidewalk and a retaining wall at 116 East St. Some broken cleanouts were also identified in this area. Additional investigation of the line along East Street should be performed by video testing in order to positively identify possible cross connections or broken sewer lines to determine a further course of action. Manhole #665 along Shelton Branch at Welch St was tested with no positive indication of I & I. The manhole itself needs repair as it leaked smoke where the lid section is bolted to the top section of the manhole. Several broken cleanouts were observed from the mobile home park across Welch St from the test manhole. Manhole #919 in the parking lot of 407 Welch St was tested and no problems were observed in this area. The manhole has had asphalt debris swept into the invert that is causing flow to be partially obstructed. An effort should be made to remove this obstruction and restore full flow to the manhole. Testing at Maple St manhole #938 and at Boundary St manhole #925 produced several broken cleanouts and possible evidence of I & I from smoke emerging along the bank of Shelton Branch near Vance St. This section of line should be video tested to determine the cause of the problem. Conclusion Smoke testing of the selected areas of the Waynesville sewer system produced positive evidence of I & I at multiple locations. These locations should be video tested to further evaluate them for problems and to pinpoint areas to be repaired. Manholes inspected during testing and found to be in poor condition should be replaced or repaired and brought up to current design standards. Areas where surcharging was observed should be repaired to allow the normal flow of effluent. Immediate improvements in I & I and system performance can be obtained by repairing missing or broken cleanout caps and removing debris from manholes. MCGILL ASSOCIATES 55 BROAD STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / 828.252.0575 / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Recommended Video Testing Locations Manhole Number Location 594 Brown Ave at Georgia Ave 261 Brown Ave at Carolina Ave 1894 Brown Ave at Hazelwood Ave 94 Swan Street 3386 Francis Street 900 Chelsea Rd at Epsom St 879 Chelsea Road 86 Browning Rd 856 East Street at Shelton Branch 943 Vance Street Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 1 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH1905 Location: Brown Ave near Hazelview Drive Construction Material: Brick Condition: Poor, Surcharged, Flowing Slowly Address Description 746 Brown Ave Smoke from side of house, cleanout broken 764 Brown Ave Broken cleanout 805 Brown Ave Broken service connection in water meter box at sidewalk 14 Graybark Court Broken cleanout 842 Brown Ave Broken cleanout Additional Notes: Old brick manhole on Brown Ave in middle of road. Poor condition, partially surcharged, not flowing. Unable to confirm sewer line size or condition of bench/invert due to surcharge. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 2 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH594 Location: Brown Ave at Georgia Ave Construction Material: Brick Condition: Poor, Surcharged, Flowing Slowly Address Description 945 Brown Ave Smoke from side of house, vent or service line broken 975 Brown Ave No cap on cleanout, service line needs replacement Georgia at Brown Ave Smoke from Farmers Branch culvert under road, possible broken sewer line under creek Georgia Ave Smoke from sidewalk across street from Town of Waynesville Hazelwood office building Railroad Tracks at Georgia Ave Smoke from drainage pipe on N.E. side of tracks Additional Notes: Old brick manhole on Brown Ave in middle of road connected to 12” VCP sewer line. Poor condition, partially surcharged, flowing slowly. Recommend video testing to determine condition of sewer line at Farmer’s Branch Recommend video testing of Georgia Ave west of Brown Ave Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 3 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH261 Location: Brown Ave at Carolina Ave Construction Material: Brick Condition: Poor, Surcharged, Flowing Slowly Address Description Brown Ave at Carolina Ave Smoke from storm grate at NW corner of intersection 1063 Brown Ave No cap on cleanout Brown Ave at Hazelwood Ave Smoke from storm grate at SW and SE corners of intersection Hazelwood Ave Smoke from storm grate at Hazelwood Pharmacy Brown Ave Broken Cleanout 1027 Brown Ave Broken Cleanout 378 Brown Ave Broken Service Line 332 Carolina Ave Broken Service Line 1147 Brown Ave Broken Cleanout 396 Hazelwood Ave Broken Cleanout at rear of Building 400 Carolina Ave Smoke from Storm Grate in front of Haywood Secure Storage 409 Carolina Ave Abandoned House. Broken service line from cleanout to house, maybe old orangeburg, leaking along entire length Additional Notes: Recommend Video Inspection of areas where smoke was emerging from storm drains to find cross-connections, including Manhole #261 and #1894 at Hazelwood Ave. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 4 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH3387 Location: Norman Street Construction Material: Brick Condition: Fair condition, no visible flow Address Description 111 Norman St Cleanout lid broken Additional Notes: Only one broken cleanout observed, no other problems found Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH94 Location: Swan Street Construction Material: Brick and concrete Condition: Good, high flow from 10” line upstream Address Description 1659 South Main Street Broken Cleanout Additional Notes: Recommend Video Inspection of 10-inch line to determine if high flow is from I&I etc. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 5 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH732 Location: Epsom at Ninevah Street Construction Material: Brick – very shallow Condition: Fair, low flow, sediment buildup Address Description 1605 South Main Street Manhole #877 adjacent to sidewalk, smoke coming from around sides of manhole at ground Additional Notes: Recommend thorough inspection of manhole and connecting sewer lines. Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH3386 Location: Francis Street Construction Material: Brick, high flow Condition: Very Poor, invert at outflow eroded around pipe connection Address Description 72 Stealth Smoke from Storm drain 72 Stealth Broken cleanout 101 Stealth Cleanout venting from empty lot between #87 and #101 Additional Notes: Manhole #3385 was also smoke tested on Francis Street. It is very close to Manhole #3386 and was used to verify results, with no additional problems found. Recommend Video Inspection of Francis Street to determine cause of high flow. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 6 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH900 Location: Chelsea Road at Epsom Street Construction Material: Brick Condition: Fair, Brick, Shallow, Sediment Buildup Address Description 100 Chelsea Smoke from gutters on apartment building 100 Chelsea Smoke from storm grate between 84 Chelsea & 100 Chelsea Country Club Smoke from storm grate at retaining wall near entrance gate Country Club Smoke from storm grate near utility pole and entrance gate Additional Notes: Recommend video testing to determine cause of cross connection between storm sewer and sanitary sewer and repair to eliminate cross connection. Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH879 Location: Chelsea Road Construction Material: Brick Condition: Poor, very shallow, roots and sediment, visible flow Address Description Waynesville Golf Resort Broken/damaged cleanout near manhole in shoulder Waynesville West Condos Smoke from storm drain County Club Spa Entrance Smoke from storm drain 84 Chelsea Smoke from storm drain Additional Notes: Recommend video testing to determine cause of cross connection between storm sewer and sanitary sewer and repair to eliminate cross connection. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 7 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH96 Location: Browning Rd Construction Material: Concrete Condition: New condition, visible flow Address Description 124 Browning Broken/damaged cleanout near manhole in shoulder 146 Browning Broken cleanout 209 Browning Broken service pipe – smoke from utility pole base 280 Browning Cleanout Cap missing Additional Notes: Recommend video testing of Manhole #86 further up Browning Rd. to find cause of smoke from utility pole base. Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH204 Location: Camelot Street at Belle Meade Drive Construction Material: Concrete Condition: Good, newer Address Description 87 Belle Meade Broken Cleanout 417-425 Belle Meade Broken service line between two lots 425-437 Belle Meade Broken service line – owner indicated there have been overflows at this broken area 29 Belle Meade Broken service line – maybe under residence 84 Belle Meade Broken Cleanout along side of house closest to Camelot Dr 135 Camelot Open Cleanout near Hydrant, needs cap 679 Camelot Open Cleanout in meter box 87 Camelot Open Cleanout Additional Notes: Overall problems are restricted to cleanouts in this area Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 8 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH856 Location: East Street at Shelton Branch Construction Material: Brick Condition: Average, high flow, visible sediment build-up Address Description 164 East Street Smoke from storm drain 164 East Street Broken cleanout service line, smoke from ground 116 East Street Smoke from area around retaining wall at sidewalk Shelton Branch Smoke from storm drain where it enters creek Additional Notes: Recommend determine cause of cross connection between storm sewer and sanitary sewer and repair to eliminate cross connection. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 9 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH886 Location: East Street at Shelton Branch Construction Material: Brick and concrete Condition: Average, high flow, some sediment Address Description Additional Notes: No problems found on this section. Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH665 Location: Welch Street at Shelton Branch Construction Material: Concrete Condition: Average, high flow, visible sediment build-up Address Description 68 Maxima Lane Smoke from cleanout – empty lot Corner of Maxima & Welch Smoke from cleanout – empty lot 337 / 345 Welch Broken cleanout along property line Additional Notes: Exposed upper cone section near creek needs concrete repair. Lid is not sealed to cone section, smoke emerging from around connection between lid and cone. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 10 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH919 Location: 407 Welch St in parking lot of “The Arc” Construction Material: Concrete Condition: Average, high flow, visible sediment build-up Address Description Additional Notes: No problems found in this area, however it appears that asphalt was swept into manhole when parking lot was recently resurfaced. Invert of manhole is filled with asphalt and asphalt is visible on manhole steps. An effort should be made to remove this obstruction. Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH938 Location: Maple Street at Shelton Branch Construction Material: Concrete Condition: Average, high flow, visible sediment build-up Address Description Mountain Credit Union Smoke from cleanout near creek – missing cap 1 Hazel Street Smoke from cleanouts behind houses Vance Street Smoke from ground near creek marked with flags Additional Notes: Smoke from ground near creek should be investigated further by video testing at Manhole #943 in Vance Street. Town of Waynesville, Haywood County November 2019 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Page 11 of 11 Phase 1 Report - Appendix A Date: October 24, 2019 Manhole ID #: MH925 Location: Boundary Street at Shelton Branch Construction Material: Brick, Fair to Poor Condition Condition: Average, average flow Address Description Additional Notes: No problems found in this area. © 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2019) Distribution Airbus DS © 2019 HERE SMOKE TESTING MAP BROWN AVENUE XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 100 0 M.CATHEY M.CHEN I.MESSINA X. XXXXXXX OCTOBER 2019 19.00313 1RCALL811BEFOREY O U DGI SAF E DIGGING P A R TNERPLAN P:\2019\19.00313-WAYNESVILLENC-SEWER SYSTEM I-I STUDY\DRAWINGS\SEWER\19.00313 SEWER BASE MAP.DWG PLOT DATE 11/4/2019 11:35 AM IVAN MESSINANO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING #HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION PHASE I LEGEND 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER LINE © 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2019) Distribution Airbus DS © 2019 HERE M.CATHEY M.CHEN I.MESSINA X. XXXXXXX OCTOBER 2019 19.00313 2RCALL811BEFOREY O U DGI SAF E DIGGING P A R TNERPLAN P:\2019\19.00313-WAYNESVILLENC-SEWER SYSTEM I-I STUDY\DRAWINGS\SEWER\19.00313 SEWER BASE MAP.DWG PLOT DATE 11/4/2019 11:37 AM IVAN MESSINANO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING # SMOKE TESTING MAP HAZELWOOD AREA XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 100 0 HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION PHASE I LEGEND 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER LINE SMOKE TESTING MAP SHELTON BRANCH AREA XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 100 0 M.CATHEY M.CHEN I.MESSINA X. XXXXXXX OCTOBER 2019 19.00313 3RCALL811BEFOREY O U DGI SAF E DIGGING P A R TNERPLAN P:\2019\19.00313-WAYNESVILLENC-SEWER SYSTEM I-I STUDY\DRAWINGS\SEWER\19.00313 SEWER BASE MAP.DWG PLOT DATE 11/4/2019 11:36 AM IVAN MESSINANO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING #HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION PHASE I LEGEND 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER LINE Town of Waynesville Sewer Collection System I/I Reduction CIP 10 Year CIP Adopted October, 2020 This CIP outlines steps and projects for the Town of Waynesville to move forward utilizing the results from a recent sewer collection system I/I study performed by McGill Associates in 2020. This plan outlines and addresses proposed sewer collection system improvements targeted to reduce inflow and infiltration (I/I) into the system. The Town of Waynesville is committed to a program to identify sections of the sewer collection system which may have excessive I/I and to plan and fund for the repair of these sections. These improvements will reduce flow to the wastewater treatment (WWTP) system which is undergoing a major upgrade. This reduction of inflow at the WWTP through the reduction of I/I will extend the life of the WWTP. The recently completed McGill Associates study provided smoke study testing of sections of the sewer collection system, flow monitoring and the Town has followed the smoke testing and flow monitoring up with closed circuit TV (CCTV) inspection of some of the sewer collection system in these areas. The Town will continue to address these and other potential I&I points that have been initially identified the study. With the information gathered the Town of Waynesville is adopting this recommended ten-year (10) CIP plan to address sewer collection system issues. Some of the projects identified in the CIP will be refined by additional future smoke testing, dye testing and CCTV. This may include some additional dye testing of our current infrastructure, specifically those areas that are adjacent to streams/creeks where the sewer collection system is in excess of 50 years old in many cases and there are locations where the sewer collection system crosses over or near stormwater collection system components and the potential for cross connections exist. Future collection system testing will potentially identify/pinpoint those areas of concern that can be repaired as spot repair. Others may require or complete replacements of existing piping/manholes. In addition to failing sewer collection lines some of the current I/I problems are the result of failing manholes, root intrusion or broken pipes. The Town is planning an annual aggressive inspection and maintenance program to continue to identify and eliminate a large amount of I&I by the measures discussed previously. The following ten-year CIP lists projects and measures planned for the reduction of I/I and sewer rehabilitation. The CIP has been developed based upon the following estimated infrastructure costs: Sewer line replacement • 8” - $75.00/Ft • 10” - $95.00/Ft • 12” - $125.00/Ft • 15” - $140.00/Ft • Manhole Rehab – 1) Install Liner/Sealant EA: $1,380.00 2) Install Liner/Sealant >6’ VF: $230.00 FY 2021-2023: Based on our current I&I smoke study testing and specific points found, there are several sections of the collection system in need of possible improvements. Hyatt Creek Subdivision This area is a residential area along Tarheel Street and Hyatt Street adjacent to Richland Creek. The area topography is relatively flat, and the sewer lines in the area are old VCP lines, most in excess of 50 years old. Smoke testing, observation of sewer flows and CCTV inspections have identified excessive I/I in this section of the collection system and improvements are required. Sewer collection system upgrade includes approximately 3,800 LF of new 8” sewer line, 16 manholes and other associated appurtenances. Estimated project cost is $1,267,000. Robinson Subdivision This area is a small residential area adjoining Railroad Avenue on the east and extending westward to Richland Creek. Streets in the project area include Robinson Street and Cochran Street. The area topography is relatively flat sloping toward Richland Creek, and the sewer collection lines in the area are old VCP lines, most in excess of 50 years old. Smoke testing, observation of sewer flows and CCTV inspections have identified excessive I/I in this section of the collection system and improvements are required. Sewer collection system upgrade includes approximately 2,200 LF of new 8” sewer line, 13 manholes and other associated appurtenances. Estimated project cost is $733,000. Additional Sewer Line Replacements/Repairs These issues will need to be addressed based on severity of the I&I (replacement/repair). It also appears, based on the smoke testing, some of these have some actual direct cross-connections to the storm sewer. Line Repair/Replacement: • Brown Avenue - @ 1,150Lf/ 8” VCP - $86,250.00 • Georgia Avenue - @ 600Lf/ 10” VCP - $57,000.00 • Carolina Avenue - @ 275Lf/ 6” VCP - $20,625.00 • Hazelwood Avenue - @ 975Lf/ 8” VCP - $73,125.00 • Swan Street - @ 450Lf/ 15” Concrete - $63,000.00 • Francis Street - @ 800Lf/ 8” VCP - $60,000.00 • Chelsea Road - @ 1,800Lf/ 6” VCP - $135,000.00 • Epsom Street - @ 545Lf/ 6” VCP - $40,875.00 • East Street - @1,100Lf/ 6” VCP - $82,500.00 • East Street - @ 625Lf/ 8” VCP - $46,875.00 • Welch Street - @ 1,200Lf/ 6” VCP - $90,000.00 • Maple Street - @760Lf/ 8” VCP - $57,000.00 • Boundary Street - @1,100Lf/ 8” VCP - $82,500.00 • Manhole Rehab – 50/60 Manholes (Repair/Replace) FY 2021-2023: Total Line Repair/Replacement: $2,894,750.00 Manhole Repair/Replacement: 1) Install Liner/Sealant 0-6’ EA: $1,380.00 2) Install Liner/Sealant > 6’ VF: $230.00 3) Build/Repair Bench or inverts. EA: $550.00 Total Manhole Repair/Replacement - 50 Manholes x $1,930.00 = $96,500.00 (assuming 6’ depth) FY 2024-2026: Based on previous repairs from the last three years, we need to further address I&I with additional smoke testing and dye and CCTV testing within our system as well as to identify those areas of direct cross- connections from storm sewer. This would include a reassessment of previous assignments to include additional line repair/replacements within the next three years. I will list below the areas that are of concern for the next three years as well as estimated costs. Line Repair/Replacement: • Browning Road - @ 1,500Lf/ 8” VCP - $112,500.00 • Playground Street - 1,800Lf/ 6”-8” VCP - $135,000.00 • Oakdale Road/Conley Street - @ 2,200Lf/ 6”-8” VCP - $165,000.00 • Jarvis Street - @ 875Lf/ 6” VCP - $65,625.00 1) Install Liner/Sealant 0-6’ EA: $1,380.00 2) Install Liner/Sealant > 6’ VF: $230.00 3) Build/Repair Bench or inverts. Total Manhole Repair/Replacement – 61 Manholes x $1,930.00 = $117,730.00 (assuming 6’ depth) EA: $550.00 • Auburn Park - @ 2,700Lf / 8” VP - $202,500.00 FY 2024-2026: Line Repair/Replacement: $680,625.00 Total Manhole Repair/Replacement – 40 Manholes x $2,800.00 = $112,000.00 (assuming 6’ depth) Summary: The Town of Waynesville will address I&I into specific areas of the sewer collection system. Cost estimates are for total line replacements including project costs (worst case scenario) for the specific footages listed. FY 2027-2030: In addition to the past repairs and replacements to our sewer system, we will again revisit the I&I situation and move forward with a concentration of specific lines that need attention to reduce/eliminate this from our system. I will list below streets/lines that we intend on addressing for the next four years. As you will notice, this list is much shorter than previous years. These areas are more widespread to include a larger number of customers as well as larger runs of infrastructure/piping. Line Repair/Replacement: • Allen’s Creek Road - @ 1,500Lf/ 8” VCP - $112,500.00 • Lickstone Road - @ 5,000Lf/ 8” VCP - $375,000.00 • Chestnut Walk Drive - @ 2,150Lf/ 8” VCP - $161,250.00 • Apple Tree Court - @ 700Lf/ 8” CP - $52,500.00 FY 2027-2030 Line Repair/Replacement: $710,250.00 Manhole Repair/Replacement: 1) Install Liner/Sealant 0-6’ EA: $1,380.00 2) Install Liner/Sealant > 6’ VF: $230.00 3) Build/Repair Bench or inverts. EA: $550.00 Total Manhole Repair/Replacement – 60 Manholes x $1,930.00 = $115,800.00 (assuming 6’ depth) mcgill Shaping Communities Together Town of Waynesville Board of Alderman NC DEQ DWI Community Development Block Grant — Infrastructure Program Program Overview: Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Legislation and Objectives • The CDBG program, authorized by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, provides annual grants to cities, counties and states to develop strong communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate -income persons. CDBG eligible activities are initiated and developed at the state and local level based upon a community's needs, priorities, and benefits. • The authorizing statute of the CDBG program requires that each activity funded, except for program administration and planning activities, must meet one of three national objectives. The three national objectives are: o Benefit to low- and moderate- income (LMI) persons. o Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and o Meet a need having a particular urgency (referred to as urgent need). • CDBG funds 28 eligible activities that include infrastructure, economic development projects, installation of public facilities, community centers, housing rehabilitation, public services, clearance/acquisition, microenterprise assistance, code enforcement, and homeowner assistance, to name a few. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Community Development Block Grant - Infrastructure (CDBG-I) Program • In 2013, the North Carolina General Assembly allocated Community Development Block Grant funds to the Infrastructure program and transferred funds to the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Infrastructure to administer. • The purpose of these funds is to construct public water and sewer infrastructure to mitigate public and environmental health problems in areas where the percentage of low to moderate income persons is at least 51 percent. • Maximum grant award is $2 million over a 3-year period. O The CDBG-Infrastructure Program has one funding cycle per year, typically in September. In 2020 the Grant Deadline has been moved to November 23, 2020 due to COVID-19 social distancing impact on CDBG Low- to Moderate Income Household Surveying requirements. MCGILL ASSOCIATES INFO@MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM / MCGILLASSOCIATES.COM Page 2 of 2 NC DEQ CDBG-I Application Guidance • Applicants must be a Local Unit of Government (LUG) • Project must construct public water and/or sewer infrastructure • Maximum grant award $2,000,000 per Application (100% grant and no match required) Early Steps 1. One Public Hearing 2. One Board Resolution to Apply — Passed by Local Unit of Government 3. Low- to Moderate -income Survey LMI surveys, data, tabulation sheet — Household Survey of each residence within the Project Area - Data compiled into LMI surveys, data, tabulation sheet Application Score Maximum = 100 Points Project Purpose — narrative and documentation — Maximum Points =15 Project Benefit — narrative and documentation — Maximum Points =20 System Management — narrative and documentation — Maximum Points =15 Financial Situation — Low to Moderate/Poverty/Sewer Rate doc. — Maximum Points =50 Signature Documents Resolution to Apply — Passed by Local Unit of Government Common Application - signed by LUG's Designated Authorized Representative Compliance Documents: • An adopted copy of the public hearing meeting minutes and affidavit or tear sheet from newspaper. • The Local Government Certification of Understanding of the Roles and Responsibilities Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters. • The Conflict of Interest Certification • Federal Performance and Procurement Requirements Certification. • Disclosure of Other Federal Income and Any Financial Interest by Persons Involved with the Project • Infrastructure National Objective Form. • Submit a letter from the Local Government Commission stating that the local government has submitted the last fiscal year audit to the commission. 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Q�T -oO0, ▪ aNC9 i '' "3H Z� J�(p� =IS3UYM5((40 ono..d MSS3N HVN NV 9001 KGUW, 3{V01Old W3 aaVn 1O3ro9at 7510NYW1OC9(,•J9Hp5H31t33H11 tl31VM,6131105.1AV;n,K[CO onam Aerial Creek Crossing Richland Creek 1) 16" Golf Course Road collector at US19 bridge 2) 24" South Lakeshore trunk at US19 3) 12" Raccoon Creek interceptor at Blue Ridge Paper 4) 24" South Lakeshore trunk at Blue Ridge Paper 5) 30" trunk at Blue Ridge Paper 6) 18" trunk at Lea Industries 7) 8" Dayco control manhole Raccoon Creek 8) 10" Industrial Park collector at Blue Ridge paper 9) 10" Raccoon Creek interceptor at Howell Mill Road 10)10" Health Department collector at Junaluska Elementary 11)10" Raccoon Creek interceptor at Francis Farm Road Factory Branch 12)12" Dellwood interceptor at Lake Junaluska entrance 13)12" Dellwood interceptor at US19 Shelton Branch 14)18" Shelton Branch interceptor at US276, Pigeon Street 15)10" Shelton Branch interceptor at Conley Street near Broad Street 16)10" Shelton Branch interceptor at Jarvis Street near Broad Street 17) 6" collector, end of Ross Street (aerial) 18) 6" collector, end of Prevost Street (aerial) 19) 8" collector, between Prevost and Oakdale Road 20)18" Shelton Branch interceptor, Vance Street and Parkview Drive Eagle Nest Creek 21) Corner of Eagle Nest Road/Sulphur Springs Road at BP Station Browning Branch 22) Allens Creek Road at Gas Light Mobile Home Park (ditch crossing) 23) SR 1140, Lickstone Road at Hunters Crossing 24) Riverbend Street behind Cline -Bradley's Chestnut Park 25) Chestnut Park Drive, above rest home, 6" collector from Dolan Road Priority Line/Aerial Creek Crossing • Raccoon Road Line —(Hillside Terrace Junction to US276 at Crymes Cove Road) • Little Blue Ridge —(Howell Mill Road to US 19 bridge at Junaluska Assembly) • Raccoon Creek —(Hillside Terrace past Junaluska School on to Waynesville Industrial Park) • Howell Mill Road —(Little Blue Ridge thru Schulhofers, Recreation Center, Abel's etc. to Russ Avenue) • Richland Creek—(209 area, Junaluska dam thru Fairgrounds to Sewer Plant) • Dellwood Road (us190—((From Junaluska Assembly Junction thru Dayton Drive, Ivey Hill etc., to Queens Far • Fitzgerald field —(Oakdale Road bridge to Country Club Drive) • Richland Creek —(End of Tarheel Street to Hyatt Creek Road) • Chestnut Walk —(Browning Branch Road at Pump House to end) • Will Hyatt Road —(Eagles Nest Road to Will Hyatt Road thru Sand Trap Drive on to Cardinal Drive and Wren Way)